Abstracts Statements Story

Green Arctic. Planet Ocean

Purpose of the competition environmental and technological projects - development and implementation of the creative, scientific and educational potential of children and youth. The objectives of the competition are to attract the attention of schoolchildren to science and technology and help them make an informed choice. future profession, to involve in an active process of direct participation in the scientific, technological and environmentally friendly development of Russia in various fields life activity.

The participants of the competition today are dreamers, visionaries, but tomorrow they will become the direct implementers, executors of the Strategy and programs
scientific, technological and environmentally friendly development of Russia.

The winners of the Competition will be awarded free trips to the Artek International Children's Center to participate in a specialized environmental and technological session dedicated to discussing the scientific, technological and environmentally friendly development of Russia, the role of the aquatic environment and land in the Arctic region of Russia and on our planet in general, and the development of marine spaces and adjacent mainland and island Arctic territories by a Person (11th shift, from September 25-26 to October 15-16, 2017, Lesnoy camp, travel to the child’s place of rest is paid from the funds of the sending party).

Composition of participants: children and youth from 12 to 16 years old (grades 5 - 11 as of September 2017) from regions of Russia are invited to participate. Participation by representatives of foreign countries is possible, subject to submission of materials in Russian. The main thing for a participant is the desire to explore the unknown, initiative, faith in himself and his teammates with the support of older comrades.

The competition is held with the assistance of the scientific community of Russia and foreign countries, competent employees of federal, regional and municipal authorities and management, interested representatives of business structures, political parties and public organizations, and the media.

Participants are offered the following nominations:

  • analytical review of literature on the topic of the Competition;
  • choosing the type of environmental programs and projects on water, under water in the Arctic and in adjacent continental and island Arctic territories;
  • justification for the environmental friendliness, natural conformity and safety of using a specific type of technology on water, under water in the Arctic and in adjacent continental and island Arctic territories;
  • description of life of all kinds biological objects(including humans) on water, under water in the Arctic and on adjacent continental and island Arctic territories, taking into account the northern specifics of the functioning of organisms, emerging problems and possible ways to solve them;
  • analysis and justification of technical, technological and design solutions for a specific type of environmental technologies on water, under water in the Arctic and in adjacent continental and island Arctic territories, as well as support and operation systems;
  • fantastic projects of cities in the Arctic on water and on land;
  • analysis of international legal problems in various spheres of life that will arise with the emergence of cities in Arkika, and proposals for possible ways to resolve them;
  • analysis of possible environmental, ethical, social and biomedical problems in cities beyond the Arctic Circle, including drifting stations and settlements on the Arctic ice, also on offshore drilling platforms.

Special prizes are awarded (the list may be expanded):

  • for originality and courage
  • for unconventional thinking
  • for your diligence
  • for project visualization

Participation in the GREEN ARCTIC competition is free.

Applications for participation in the GREEN ARCTIC competition and project annotations are accepted by e-mail [email protected] (with a mandatory copy to the postal address: 123298, Russia, Moscow, Berzarina St., 16,) until July 1, 2017.

Simultaneously with submitting an application, applicants independently register in the automated information system“Trip” on the artek.deti website.

All materials of the “GREEN ARCTIC” competition will be published on various websites, in particular, on the website of the Assistance Fund “IBC Artek”, websites of INION RAS www.rkpr.inion.ru, www.rim.inion.ru, etc. Information materials about the most interesting projects, their authors and leaders will be published in the journals “Ecology of the Hydrosphere”, “Planet Ocean”, “Hydrobiologist”, “Issues of Modern Algology”, as well as in the yearbook “Russia: Trends and Development Prospects” and on the information and analytical sites “Russia: key problems and solutions" www.rkpr.inion.ru, "Russia and the modern world" www.rim.inion.ru, on the website of the Club of Subjects of Innovative and Technological Development http://innclub.info. Selected materials will be published in the magazines “Innovations”, “Russia and the Modern World”, etc.

More detailed information about the “GREEN ARCTIC” competition is contained in Regulations on the international competition of environmental and technological projects "GREEN ARCTIC""(see Regulations).

In order to interact and collaborate with interested organizations and business structures, participants of the Competition and heads of creative teams can additionally send additional information to the organizing committee - email address, briefly outline their professional interests and priorities thematic areas your organization.

Please send proposals for cooperation with the organizers of the “GREEN ARCTIC” competition to the following mailing addresses:

Assistance Fund "IBC Artek" - 107031, Russia, Moscow, Petrovka, 19, building 1,

International non-profit foundation development of the industry of children's and youth recreation, health improvement and leisure "Roads of Discovery" - Russia, 123298 g. Moscow,

st. Berzarina, 16

Opening hours: 10.00-18.00.


Chairman of the organizing committee- Hero Russian Federation, Chevalier of the Legion of Honor (France), Ph.D., candidate master of sports in athletics, ex-world champion in total time spent in space (747 days) - pilot-cosmonaut - Sergey Vasilievich Avdeev

Ph.D., co-founder of the Artek IBC Support Fund, member of the Artek IBC Public Council - Alexander Ivanovich Ryabinin

Deputy chairman of the organizing committee a - full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and APSN, Doctor of Biological Sciences, professor, leading researcher at the Faculty of Biology of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov - Alexander Nikolaevich Kamnev

Deputy chairman of the organizing committee- Ph.D., Deputy. Chairman of the Artek International Children's Center Support Fund, Gen. Director of JSC "BIOGRANT", senior researcher Research Institute of SP named after. N.V. Sklifosovsky, (Moscow), ICP RAS. N.N. Semenova - Alexander Sergeevich Botin

Executive secretary of the organizing committee- Advisor to the Board of the International Non-Profit Fund for the Development of the Children's and Youth Recreation, Health and Leisure Industry " Roads of discovery", Ph.D. - Vladimir Vladimirovich Fadeev.


about the competition for participation in the educational thematic program at the Artek International Children's Center

"Planet Ocean: Green Arctic"

  1. General provisions

1.1. The founders of the open international competition environmental and technological projects "GREEN ARCTIC" (hereinafter referred to as the Competition) are the Support Fund "IDC Artek" and the International Non-Profit Fund for the Development of the Children's and Youth Recreation, Health and Leisure Industry "Roads of Discovery" (hereinafter referred to as the Fund), with the participation and support of the FSBEI IDC "Artek"

1.2. The organization, conduct and methodological support of the Competition is carried out by Farvater LLC.

1.3. The purpose of the Competition is to develop in children a responsible and caring attitude towards their planet Earth and, in particular, towards the Arctic region of the planet, introducing children to joint creative and research activities regardless of place of residence, race, language and nationality.

1.4. The competition is open, international and is held in several stages for all children, regardless of their place of residence.

1.5. Participation in the competition is free.

1.6. The general management of the Competition is carried out by the international organizing committee (hereinafter referred to as the Organizing Committee), the composition of which is approved by a resolution of the Chairman of the Board of the Foundation.

1.7. The Organizing Committee carries out:

  • determining the dates for the final defenses of projects and the dates for the final of each stage of the Competition;
  • informing participants about the timing, procedure and results of the Competition through information letters and the official website of Fairvater LLC;
  • interaction with interested institutions and organizations;
  • searching for and attracting supporting (maybe interested) organizations to organize the Competition;
  • acceptance and approval of applications for participation in the Competition, coordination of the stages of the Competition, consulting support for participants;
  • development of programs and regulations for the Competition;
  • approval of the composition of the Main International Jury of the Competition and the jury in sections;
  • approval of the composition of expert groups in sections;
  • coordination and adjustment, if necessary, of cost estimates for the Competition;
  • organizing awards for the winning participants and their leaders.
  1. Participants of the Competition at the first stage

2.1. A participant in the Competition can be one person (aged 12 to 16 years) or a group of children who may have a leader or consultant (or project leaders or consultants).

2.2. To participate in the competition, you must submit an application of the established form (Appendix 1).

2.3. Simultaneously with submitting the application, the participant independently registers in the automated information system on the artek.deti website.

2.4. Participants may present any educational institutions or participate individually.

2.5. The composition of the group must correspond to one of the following age categories:

  • 12-14 years old;
  • 15-16 years old;

2.6. The number of projects submitted by one participant at each stage cannot exceed two. However, exceptions are possible by decision of the Main International Jury of the Competition.

2.8. The dates for the next stages are announced additionally by the Organizing Committee.

  1. Competition nominations and project evaluation criteria

3.1. The competition at the 1st stage is held in the following nominations and areas (Appendix No. 2):

Analytical review of literature on the topic of the Competition; (it is recommended to involve scientific and popular science literature in various languages ​​of the world);

Selecting the type of environmental programs and projects on water, under water in the Arctic and in adjacent continental and island Arctic territories;

Justification of the environmental friendliness, natural conformity and safety of using a specific type of technology on water, under water in the Arctic and in adjacent continental and island Arctic territories;

Description of the life of all types of biological objects (including humans) on water, under water in the Arctic and on adjacent continental and island Arctic territories, taking into account the northern specifics of the functioning of organisms, emerging problems and possible ways to solve them (it is recommended to involve not only scientific, but also fiction in various languages ​​of the world, popular science films and TV programs);

Analysis and justification of technical, technological and design solutions for a specific type of environmental technologies on water, under water in the Arctic and in adjacent continental and island Arctic territories, as well as support and operation systems;

Fantastic projects of cities in the Arctic on water and on land;

Analysis of international legal problems in various spheres of life that will arise with the emergence of cities in the Arctic, and proposals for possible ways to resolve them;

Analysis of possible environmental, ethical, social and biomedical problems in cities beyond the Arctic Circle, including drifting stations and settlements on the Arctic ice, also on offshore drilling platforms.

3.2. At subsequent stages of the Competition, the list of nominations may be changed or supplemented by decision of the Organizing Committee in agreement with the Main International Jury of the Competition.

3.3. The quality of the project is assessed by three independent experts. The overall score is the average of the sum of points. It is possible that the expert has a special opinion and appeals to the Main International Jury of the Competition to encourage the author of a certain project. Experts are attracted, as a rule, free of charge from various scientific societies, both in Russia and abroad (for example, MOIP - Moscow Society of Natural Scientists).

3.4. Project evaluation criteria:

  • complexity of the chosen topic - up to 30 points;
  • assessment of the validity of the chosen approach to solving the problem - up to 30 points;
  • assessment of the level of elaboration of the topic - up to 30 points;
  • assessment of the level of presentation of the material - up to 10 points.

Total - up to 100 points

  • additional merits of the work - up to 10 points.

Maximum - 110 points.

All materials are posted on the website (with a gradual increase in working languages).

3.5. All participants are awarded participant diplomas, and their names and project names are posted on the Competition website.

  • For originality and courage
  • For unconventional thinking
  • For diligence
  • For visualization
  • For the youngest participant

3.7. Additionally, personal prizes and gifts from the co-founders of the competition are possible.

  1. Presented materials.

4.1. To participate in the Competition, the head or author of the project provides
to the Organizing Committee next package of documents for correspondence examination:

1) application for participation in the competition (Appendix 1) in printed or electronic versions;

2) project summary - text reflecting the main idea, theme, goals, objectives, progress and results of the project. It is advisable that the text volume does not exceed 1 printed A4 page (font Times New Roman, font size 12, with margins: left - 30 mm, right - 15 mm, top and bottom - 20 mm each, line spacing - 1, paragraph indent - 15 mm, electronic version in Microsoft Office Word format);

3) project presentation (if available, but no more than 20 slides made in Microsoft Office Power Point format).

It is permitted to attach video materials reflecting the progress, depth and specificity of the work being presented, with a duration of no more than
20 minutes (video material is provided on electronic media).

Current information about projects received and accepted for consideration is reflected on the Competition website.

4.2. Accepted projects are transferred to experts.

4.3. The project will be defended by the children participating (you can jointly
with the leader). Time to defend the project is at least 10 minutes, but no more
25 minutes. The defense must include fragments of the research project (or creative project) and accompanied by the necessary information
about the project (topic, goals, objectives, results of the project).

4.4. The order of performance of the contestants in the full-time defense is determined by the Organizing Committee of the Competition.

  1. Judging the Competition

5.1. Judging of the Competition is carried out by the Competition jury (one or two compositions - according to the number of actual nominations), the composition of which is approved by the Organizing Committee of the Competition.

5.2. The jury acts on the basis of these Regulations.

5.3. The chairman(s) of the jury is appointed by the Organizing Committee of the Competition from among the jury of the Competition.

5.4. The composition of the jury remains unchanged throughout a certain stage of the Competition.

5.5. The maximum number of Competition jury members is 5 people in each nomination.

5.6. A meeting of the Competition jury is considered valid if at least half of its members are present. Participation in the jury meeting via Skype or video conference is allowed.

5.7. The evaluation system for the Competition is five-point for each criterion (maximum 5.0).

5.8. After defending the project, each jury member individually evaluates the participant for each evaluation criterion and determines the total number of points.

5.9. The final score of each participant is determined as the sum of the final points assigned by each member of the jury, divided by the number of jury members who took part in the assessment of the participant.

5.10. In connection with the participation of children of different age categories in the Competition, the jury sums up the results, highlighting three age groups within each nomination:

  • 12-14 years old;
  • 15-16 years old.
  • 12-16, mixed age category.

5.11. The decision of the jury is considered final and is not subject to appeal unless it contradicts these Regulations on the Competition.

  1. Results of the Competition

6.1. The results of the Competition are announced to all participants at the awards ceremony.

6.2. The participant who dialed greatest number points in his nomination and age category, is declared the winner in this nomination and age category. If the participants of the Competition score the same number of points in the final assessment, then the jury must discuss and identify only one winner by voting, with the decision being made by a simple majority of votes.

6.3. If only one participant takes part in a nomination for this category in the Competition, then he is declared the winner provided that, based on the results of defending the project, he receives at least 2/3 of the maximum possible number of points.

6.4. All participants of the Competition (including the correspondence stage) who did not become winners are awarded with certificates of participants in the Competition, and the winners of the full-time stage are awarded diplomas of participants and laureates, as well as memorable gifts from the funds provided by Fairvater LLC for holding the Competition.

6.5. Winners aged 12 to 17 years (grades 5 - 11 as of September 2017) are awarded vouchers to the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution IDC "Artek".

6.6. Public organizations, individuals and legal entities who took part in the organization and conduct of the Competition have the right to establish special prizes and gifts for participants of the Competition.

6.7. Project managers are awarded certificates of preparation for participants or winners of the Competition.

6.8. The Organizing Committee of the Competition has the right to decide on awarding Gratitude to individual individuals and legal entities.

6.9. Photos and videos may be taken during the Competition.

6.10. The results of the Competition, photographic materials and annotations of projects are posted
on the Fairvater LLC website.

6.11. Participation in the Competition requires the consent of the project manager to the publication of materials submitted to the competition, his full name, place of work (study) and the results of participation in the media.

6.12. All materials submitted to the Competition are not reviewed and
do not return.

Annex 1




Date of application “___” _____________ 20__

□ 12-14 years old;

□ 15-16 years old

Number of children participating in the project_______________________________________

FULL NAME. project manager(s)________________________________________________________________


Mailing address___________________________________________________

Email address_________________________________________________

Other methods of electronic communication__________________________________________

Contact number_______________________________________________

Selected project nominations (mark with ✔):

□ informational and analytical review of literature on the topic of the Competition

□ selection of the type of environmental programs and projects on water, under water in the Arctic and in adjacent continental and island Arctic territories;

□ environmental friendliness, natural conformity and safety of using a specific type of technology on water, under water in the Arctic and in adjacent continental and island Arctic territories;

□ description of the life of all types of biological objects (including humans) on water, under water in the Arctic and on adjacent continental and island Arctic territories, taking into account the northern specifics of the functioning of organisms, emerging problems and possible ways to solve them;

□ analysis and justification of technical, technological and design solutions for a specific type of environmental technologies on water, under water in the Arctic and in adjacent continental and island Arctic territories, as well as support and operation systems;

□ fantastic projects of cities in the Arctic on water and on land;

□ international legal problems in various spheres of life that will arise with the emergence of cities in the Arctic, and proposals for possible ways to resolve them;

□ analysis of possible environmental, ethical, social and medical-biological problems in cities beyond the Arctic Circle, including drifting stations and settlements on the Arctic ice, also on offshore drilling platforms;

□ reflections on free topic about the relationship between Man and the Arctic.


(specify topic)

Signature _____________/___________________/

Appendix 2

Approximate list of directions and topics of the Competition projects

"GREEN ARCTIC" (first stage)

*Information and analytical review of literature on the topic of the Competition(it is recommended to use scientific and popular science literature in various languages ​​of the world)

Topic Examples:

The international community on the development of the Arctic expanses of the planet;

Review of programs of various countries of the world for the environmentally friendly use of hydrobiological, geological and other types of Arctic resources and methods of their development;

Proposals, business projects, StartUps for the practical implementation of the Concept of environmentally friendly development of the Russian Arctic.

*Selecting the type of city (settlement) on and under water in the Arctic and in the adjacent continental and island Arctic territories.

Topic Examples:

Floating (drifting) city-island in the Arctic.

A domed city with climate control.

Underwater Arctic City.

Underground Arctic City.

Workers' Settlement on a giant drilling platform.

*Environmental friendliness, environmental friendliness and safety specific type of city in the Arctic.

Topic Examples:

“Clean” technologies for cities on and under water in the Arctic and adjacent continental and island Arctic territories.

Security food security of cities on water, under water and on land in the Arctic (options - biological, in the field of health etc., according to the spheres of life of a group of people and each resident of the city of various age groups)

*Fantasies about life in cities (settlements) on the water, under water in the Arctic and on the adjacent continental and island Arctic territories - “The City Where There Is No Sun", its functioning, problems and possible ways to solve them (participants are recommended to involve not only scientific, but also fiction in various languages ​​of the world, feature and popular science films, TV programs)

Topic Examples:

Concept / Strategy / Programs / Approximate Plan for the socio-economic development of the city on and under water for 5-10-20 or more years)

Reflections on the system of upbringing and education, the development of science and culture in cities on and under water

*Analysis and justification of technical, technological and design solutions for a specific type of city on water and under water in the Arctic and on adjacent continental and island Arctic territories and systems for ensuring its full functioning.

Topic Examples:

On methods for modeling the conditions of autonomous living in cities on and under water in the Arctic and in the adjacent continental and island Arctic territories (based on the permanent stationary Arctic station at the International Multifunctional Research Center for the Training of Specialists in the Field of Arctic Development).

About the impact environmental pollution, aggressive substances on technical structures of a specific type of polar city (settlement) on and under water in the Arctic and on adjacent continental and island Arctic territories and on systems to ensure its functioning.

On the uninterrupted power supply of the city on water and under water in the Arctic and in the adjacent continental and island Arctic territories.

The use of biofuel elements and other resources of the seas and oceans for uninterrupted energy supply to cities on and under water in the Arctic and in adjacent continental and island Arctic territories.

Technologies for ensuring the environmentally friendly physical and chemical composition of the air and water environment for residents of cities under water, on the water in the Arctic and in adjacent continental and island Arctic territories.

Problems of waste disposal in cities on and under water in the Arctic and in adjacent continental and island Arctic territories.

Proposals for transport support for cities on water and under water in the Arctic and on adjacent continental and island Arctic territories with the outside world: universal transport “space - atmosphere - land - above and on water - under water” (development of the developments of engineer R.E. Alekseev )

Proposals for transport support for cities on water in the Arctic and in adjacent continental and island Arctic territories with the outside world: from an elevated transport system (“Sky Road”) to an overwater transport system (development of the developments of engineer A.E. Yunitsky)

*City project in the ocean - on and under water in the Arctic and adjacent continental and island Arctic territories.

*International legal problems in various spheres of life that will arise with the emergence of cities on and under water in the Arctic and in the adjacent continental and island Arctic territories and possible ways to resolve them.

Topic Examples:

On the legal status of the city on water and under water in the Arctic and in the adjacent continental and island Arctic territories.

On the right of residents of cities on and under water in the Arctic and adjacent continental and island Arctic territories to sea biological resources, minerals at the bottom and underground.

*Analysis of possible ethical, social and medical-biological problems in cities on and under water in the Arctic and adjacent continental and island Arctic territories

Topic Examples:

On methods for modeling social and other types of relationships in cities
on and under water in the Arctic and adjacent continental and island Arctic territories.

Biological effects on terrestrial organisms and plants extreme conditions(limited space, composition of air, water, food, other microflora, lack of natural sunlight, disruption of biorhythms, etc.) in cities under water in the Arctic and in adjacent continental and island Arctic territories;

New science " Arctic medicine» on creating conditions that ensure the safety of residents in cities on the water, under water in the Arctic and in adjacent continental and island Arctic territories and when working under water (it is recommended to use domestic and foreign specialized literature on medical, biological and physiological studies of long-term stay of people on the ISS, modeling the presence of people on the Moon and Mars on a permanent basis)

About the program of physical / full-scale / modeling of conditions for ultra-long-term autonomous residence of people in settlements in the Arctic and on adjacent continental and island Arctic territories

New science "Arctic Hydrobiospheres"- a complex discipline that includes knowledge from various fields, including biogeochemical cycle substances and energy, research in the field of physiology, biology and hydrobiology, biophysics, genetics, medicine, systemology, mathematical modeling, technical and technological design, etc.

*Reflections on the relationship between Man and the Arctic, on understanding one’s planet in the regions of the northern and south poles and the use of this knowledge for space exploration.

Topic Examples:

From the project “Arctic Biosphere on Earth” to the project “Biosphere on Mars”

On approaches to creating a global network of publicly accessible international multilingual scientific and educational information resource"World Encyclopedia of Knowledge: Earth - Water - Atmosphere - Space" (under the patronage of UNESCO)

When analyzing projects, experts are recommended to pay attention to the authors of the projects, who can be recruited to work in the development and practical implementation of the projects submitted for consideration as designers, creatives, translators, calculators of virtual design bureaus and workshops, as well as other specialists at certain stages of the Competition.

Security (in the context of this project) is ensuring vital interests and needs in various spheres of life of a resident personally and city residents in general.

The sun's rays do not penetrate into the polar night and provide little warmth on the polar day.

By analogy with the emergence of a new branch of knowledge - space medicine, after the beginning of human exploration of space.

The authors of the scientific terms “Arctic Medicine”, “Arctic Biospherics” - Doctor of Biological Sciences. Kamnev Alexander Nikolaevich and Ph.D. Fadeev Vladimir Vladimirovich. The terms are proposed for inclusion in scientific circulation.

Agriculture Nordland Oil industry Tourism Troms Fisheries and Marine Economy Finnmark Sami Spitsbergen

The green country stretches from the center of Norway to the north. From green fields to green ice. Green is a symbol of abundance in culture, industry and nature. The color green also signifies purity, authenticity, resilience and enterprise. This is probably generated geographical location: Large areas of the region are located between the Arctic Circle and the North Pole. There should have been tundra here, but thanks to the Gulf Stream and the people who inhabit these places, the region is an area of ​​Norway full of life and activity. Welcome to the Green Arctic.

Before we talk about the area known as the Green Arctic, we will take you on a journey around the globe. Let's head west along latitude 65, first through the icy expanses of Iceland and Greenland. Then on to Canada, where we'll pass north of Hudson Bay before seeing the real tundra. The journey takes us through Alaska, through the pack ice of the Bering Strait and into the endless expanses of permafrost in Northern Siberia. Having passed Russia, Northern Finland and Northern Sweden, we return to our starting point - to the Green Arctic. Once again we are in the southern part of the region, which includes the following areas: North Trondelag, Nordland, Troms, Finnmark and the northernmost regions of Norway, including Svalbard.

There should be a tundra here! Instead, you suddenly discover vast agricultural areas. It seems almost contrary to nature. But everything is explained simply: the mild climate is generated by the Gulf Stream, life-giving ocean current, carrying warm waters from southern latitudes. Like a friendly breath, the Gulf Stream flows north along the coast and makes the environment suitable for habitation. True, the weather changes quickly and dramatically, and the ocean winds are wet and some of the strongest. Yet this part of Norway has the kind of climate you'd expect to find much further south. Archaeological excavations show that people have lived here for 10,000 years. When at the end of the last ice age the ice retreated, people settled on the first plots of freed land. First - on the islands, and then, as the ice receded, settlements moved further into the mainland. The country was rich. The sea abounded in fish, and the land in wild animals.

Later, minerals and water power laid the foundations for industry. Great demands were placed on people and their ability to develop new industries. The complexity of the tasks reflected on human character. One of his features is a somewhat defiant position, which can be expressed something like this: “We can handle it ourselves.”

Much has changed since our ancestors settled on this land. But traces of distant dramatic events have survived to this day.

Let's go together on a journey through this region. From the agricultural areas of Central Norway along the coastal strip and mountain plains - north to Finnmark. And then, from the northernmost point of Europe, we will move to Spitsbergen - an archipelago located even further north, in the Arctic Ocean.

It will be a journey full of diversity, reflecting the conditions in which people live. From long summer days, when plants and trees grow around the clock, to harsh polar nights with snow and bitter frost. We travel from the ancient Vikings to modern Norwegians, and from traditional occupations to today's industrial wonders.

And all this because the Green Arctic is a country of contrasts, as one would expect from a region that stretches for more than 1,800 km, and at its narrowest point is only 6 km. The edges where the mountains rise almost 1500 m directly from the surface of the fjords, and the width of the coastal strip varies over time.

Today, September 25, the international environmental change “Planet Ocean” begins at the international children's center “Artek” (Republic of Crimea). Green Arctic”, which will last until October 15.

385 boys and girls from 11 to 16 years old from different countries world who have come together to contribute to the future of our planet. The participants included 200 young researchers from the circumpolar region - the Republics of Komi and Sakha (Yakutia), Arkhangelsk, Murmansk and Tyumen regions, Nenets, Chukotka and Yamalo-Nenets autonomous districts, Krasnoyarsk Territory, as well as from Moscow.

Yamalo-Nenets autonomous region At the international session, children from Gubkinsky, Labytnangi, Muravlenko, Novy Urengoy, Noyabrsk and Salekhard, as well as from Krasnoselkupsky, Nadymsky, Priuralsky and Shuryshkarsky districts, are representing. These are schoolchildren who have particularly distinguished themselves in the environmental field, prize-winners and winners of various competitions, authors of research projects, participants subject olympiads and environmental conferences.

Note that the selection of Yamal candidates was carried out working group, which included employees of the district departments of education, youth policy and tourism, international and foreign economic relations and the interregional public eco-sociological organization “Green Arctic”.

Work on the shift “Planet Ocean. Green Arctic" is dedicated to discussing the scientific, technological and environmentally friendly development of Russia, the role of the aquatic environment and land in the Arctic region of Russia and on the planet as a whole, human development of marine spaces and adjacent continental and island Arctic territories. The shift program includes a variety of activities: from acquiring sea knot tying skills to scientific laboratory research.

As part of the shift, young ecologists will also learn about the Arctic Volunteers project, within which a group of volunteers first went on an environmental expedition in 2012 to Bely Island. Over the five years of environmental activities on the island, more than 52 hectares of land have been cleared, about 1,200 tons of scrap metal and other garbage have been collected, and 19 dilapidated buildings unsuitable for use have been dismantled. Over the entire period of the project’s implementation, 150 volunteers from 17 regions of Russia and 7 countries near and far abroad (Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Israel, China, Ukraine and Chile) took part in it.

In 2017, Arctic Volunteers began cleaning up Vilkitsky Island, where more than 800 tons of scrap metal had accumulated.

Another significant topic of the shift will be another “Green Arctic” project - the regional patriotic project “Kara Expeditions”. It is based on the story of the tragedy of the BD-5 convoy off the coast of the Kara Sea near Bely Island on August 12, 1944. In 2014, the implementation of the Kara Expeditions project began in Yamal. The corresponding order was signed by the Governor of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug Dmitry Kobylkin. At the end of July 2015, a few meters from the shore of the Kara Sea in the north-west of Bely Island, a search party discovered a burial with the remains of 13 people. A small one was installed on the island memorial Complex in memory of the tragedy and the memorial belfry “Bells of Memory”. Also, memorial plaques in memory of the victims were installed in Salekhard and Voronezh. Today, the Kara Expeditions project is known not only at the regional, but also at the federal and international levels.

In addition, one of the key events of the international shift “Planet Ocean. Green Arctic" will be a competition of environmental and technological projects. Among the objectives of the competition are to attract the attention of schoolchildren to science and technology, help in forming an informed choice of a future profession, and involve them in the active process of direct participation in the scientific, technological and environmentally friendly development of Russia in various spheres of life.

The international session is held with the support of the interregional public eco-sociological organization “Green Arctic”, the Department of International and Foreign Economic Relations of Yamalo-Nenets and the non-profit organization “Yamal Cooperation Foundation”.

Let us also recall that in April of this year, an agreement on the development of international and interregional cooperation was signed between the Department of International and Foreign Economic Relations of Yamal and the Artek International Children's Center support fund.

With the advent of the new year 2017, which has been declared the Year of Ecology in Russia, we want to share with you a scientific and educational project implemented by the team of the Roads of Discovery Foundation together with the tour operator of children's recreation Fairvater on the basis of the Artek International Children's Center.

In the fall of 2016, we became official partners of the Artek International Children's Center and held the autumn environmental session “Planet Ocean” at the most important camp in our country. The environmental and technological program “Planet Ocean” was based on the idea of ​​​​creating a network of marine camps that would function not only as health and sports recreation camps, but could also become real marine research centers and technical bases for children and youth. One of these projects has been carried out on the Black Sea coast for decades.

When developing and writing the program, we set ourselves the following tasks: to educate the younger generation to be responsible for their actions towards society and nature; provide continuous environmental education and early career guidance for children; popularization modern science, unedifying prevention of bad habits.

The Planet Ocean program included a wide variety of activities that complement each other, from learning how to tie sea knots to scientific laboratory research.

The winners of the competition took part in the program environmental projects « We are building a city in the Ocean - on water and under water» from different regions of Russia: Moscow region, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Buryatia, Karelia, Republic of Crimea. From April to August 2016, students of secondary schools and gymnasiums sent their projects for the construction of underwater cities. The competition included works not only in the field of natural sciences, but also visual arts, literature, music. The most powerful works became prize-winners, and their authors received a free trip to the Artek International Children's Center for an environmental shift.

The program course included compulsory and specialized subjects. Compulsory subjects are related to various aspects of the study of the sea. No matter how different they are from each other in names and content, they have one thing in common: common goal– to prepare children physically and morally for a different perception of the nature of their region, the main part of which is the forest, sea, mountains, to educate not consumers, but creators and defenders. These courses include:
- history of the region as a basis for understanding ecology;
- basics of classical ecology with elements of biogeography;
- basics of safety, first aid and water rescue;
- basics of survival in field conditions and in extreme situations;
- general physical training and acquisition of the necessary skills of a researcher and traveler.

Specialized courses are
- maritime professions: scuba diver, motor mechanic, yachtsman;
- marine biology, geography, geology, astronomy, archeology, history;
- underwater and surface photo and video filming;
- archery;
- a foreign language as a means of communication with foreign colleagues on an expedition.

All these disciplines made the program interesting, varied, rich and allowed the children to acquire important practical skills and enrich life experience.

According to the author and coordinator of the “Planet Ocean” program - Doctor of Biological Sciences, leading researcher at M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University - such programs increase schoolchildren’s interest in science and enable them to turn from dreamers into real scientists, gaining practical experience, approach your choice of profession more consciously.

The children studied samples of coastal zones, soil and wastewater under a microscope. Young explorers mastered the underwater world in diving classes with professional diver instructors from the FARWATER diving and travel club, and practiced archery, developing endurance and character, with an honored coach of Russia. Marine painters showed their creative talents in the plein air, and experts foreign languages had the opportunity to take the international Cambridge exam under the guidance of Natalia Nikolaevna Shvindina, coordinator of the program. The result of the change was the protection scientific projects, the best of which are published in scientific journals, and a naval ball, during which each squad performed a historical ballroom dance.

In three weeks, Artek residents touched underwater world from different sides in a team of 18 professional specialists in the field of science and pedagogy. The guys learned a lot of new things and took their first steps in the Year of Ecology.

The next competition of environmental projects for 2017 has already started - “Planet Ocean. Green Arctic" and each of you will be able to take part in research activities, and the winners will spend an unforgettable shift at the Artek International Children's Center. The competition rules can be found here: Download file: (downloads: 301)
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