Abstracts Statements Story

Major Marchenko's choice. Roerichs: the difficult path home Nicholas Roerich and Joseph Stalin


In the 21st century, debates about whether esotericism is a science or whether it is a deception on a global scale are still raging... Esoteric knowledge appeared in ancient times, they accumulated and were passed on from generation to generation. But in modern living conditions common man, this knowledge has become absolutely useless and unnecessary, there is simply no time to study it! The daily bustle and constant running around 24 hours a day does not allow people to stop and think... why all this? Why or who am I doing this for? A person is more than just a person! Behind every person there is a whole world hidden, the owner of which does not see or know. It’s as if a blind person lives inside himself, programmed for the same type of life scenario. Esotericism can help not only to know, but also to find oneself through knowledge of the world. Every person is the architect of his own happiness. Those who understand this strive for the best. To transform yourself. From the inside. Starting with thoughts. And thoughts are what happens to us. Esoteric teachings they say that a person himself can change his destiny and influence certain events. Within the framework of esoteric teachings, people learn to change the state of consciousness, work with energy, learn to control their consciousness, direct the energy of the Universe for their own benefit. Esoteric practices help to feel the surrounding space. By meditating, studying breathing techniques, comprehending other practices and traveling, a person frees himself from what enslaves him and does not allow him to manifest himself in certain moments of life. What should happen in the end is enlightenment, complete liberation, going beyond all conceivable boundaries of human consciousness.


(based on the novel by I.
A. Goncharova “Oblomov”)

The controversy surrounding the figure of Ilya Ilyich continues
Oblomov, which began at the moment of appearance
works in 1859. Some have seen and see
in him a sage and a contemplator, a man with
kind “dove” heart. Others before
in total N.A. Dobrolyubov, noted “laziness and
apathy” of Oblomov, his public
uselessness and worthlessness. With a light hand
criticism the concept of “Oblomovism” has become
common noun.

the author was not satisfied with both positions. He was
upset that no one linked the images
works into “one whole”, no one could
read the novel “between the lines.”
Goncharov was waiting for a reader capable
understand all the pros and cons,
say something weighty, but calm and
an impartial word about the hero.

In the young
for years Oblomov wanted to lead the life of artists and
poets. His motto was the saying: “All
life is thought and work.” However this
desire, like many others, “incomprehensible
somehow went out”: Oblomov plunged into the “swamp”,
sank to the “bottom” of the thoughtless
existence. “Oblomovshchina” - such
Stolz diagnoses his friend, and
according to him, Ilya Ilyich is not capable
throw off the “robe” from your shoulders, especially with
mind and soul.

All this is true.
And yet, Oblomov’s spiritual biography
cannot be represented only as a process
gradual and steady decay
personality, loss of inner core.
Oblomov is, in his own way, an integral nature, which
precisely in its integrity and lack of relevance to “others”
opposes both Stolz and the masses
businessmen, careerists, opportunists, “tormentors”,
dissatisfied, constantly fussing,
annoying with importunity and unjustified

In the novel
Goncharov has a noticeably Gogolian beginning. Ilya
Ilyich is most similar to Manilov: dreams,
dreams, elementary desires. But there is one thing
an important difference that does not allow
identify characters: in Oblomov
there is no complacency at all -
a sure and main sign of vulgarity. Certainly,
Oblomov once prepared himself for the role of a creator.
He did not become a creator, but he did not become
a weak-willed executor of someone else's thoughts.

According to
Ilya Ilyich, in society there are no “interests of the mind,
hearts, there is no universal sympathy.” May be,
unconsciously the hero said
a word that gives the key to understanding it
life position. IN modern language"sympathy"
- synonymous with the concepts of “sympathy”, “attraction”,
"empathy". However, in Tolkovoy
Dictionary” by V.I. Dahl in the explanation are given
epithets: “unaccountable love”, “causeless
attraction to another." Not love is passion, not
love, rationally explainable, but something
higher, coming from the inner
unaccountable heartfelt impulses, not
mind-controlled feeling lies in
the basis of the character's worldview. Characteristic
example: discussing with one of my friends
former colleagues. “He’s a good guy!” -
Oblomov speaks about one of them and immediately
adds: “Very kind...” And further
definitions are selected in increasing order: “Wonderful
man!.. Great man!”

love others with the fullness of your goodness
hearts, Oblomov left in the hearts
of the people who came into contact with him there was no trace of anything
demanding, outwardly weak-willed, but in reality
a matter of selfless love. Significant
in this regard, the fate of Agafya Matveevna,
who became a landowner, Mrs. Oblomova.
After her husband's death she was still “alive
pendulum” in the house: she kept house, watered
tea and coffee for everyone, sheathed, looked after
laundry, children, cook, janitor,
tried to please my brother and his capricious
wife. “But why is that so?” - asks
Goncharov. What made her, independent and
in need of nothing, take over

all those
the troubles that this woman doomed
myself? There is only one answer: sacrifice came from love.
Oblomov; Now Agafya Matveevna knew
that she did not live in vain, and her existence
became meaningful. Good begets good
therefore the serf Zakhar cannot leave
the graves of his master. But Oblomov's son,
brought up in Stolz's house, it is unlikely
will preserve the feeling of universal sympathy.

Ilya Ilyich
died without pain and suffering: as if
the clock stopped and they forgot to wind it
the day before. His body, Goncharov clarifies,
rests in the nearby cemetery under
a modest urn, between the bushes, “in the quiet”,
“It seems that the angel of silence himself is guarding his sleep.”

death without suffering is unique
a reward for a soul that is pure, “like crystal.” But
after all, this is also death without repentance, without
last critical glance
for the past years, without summing up
earthly existence. “No one has seen the last
his minutes, I didn’t hear his dying groan.”

truly ambiguous situation: for Ilya
Ilyich, who lived quietly and unnoticed, “easy”
death is, of course, a blessing. But for a person
as a rational being, carrying
responsibility for the state of the world is not
a way out, not an excuse.

there is a lot of debate about the origin of the surname
character. According to the original Russian tradition
the hero received it from the family estate
Oblomovki, whose name is more
partly traced back to the word “fragment”: fragment
old way of life, patriarchal Rus'.
There is another interpretation: in folk
in fairy tales the concept is often found: “dream-oblomon”,
which enchants a person, as it were
crushes him with a gravestone, dooming him
to a slow, gradual decline.

- the dream of the active inner “I”, which can
to strike everyone who has not developed within themselves
moral and psychological antidote.

enormous power of generalization, the image of Oblomov
refers to “eternal” images not only
Russian, but also world literature.

Tomorrow, honorary citizen of Tolyatti Vladimir Kadannikov, a man who played one of the key roles in the life drama called “The History of AVTOVAZ,” will celebrate his 75th birthday. Disputes still rage over what was more with him - good (they preserved the plant in the troubled post-Soviet times) or bad (bandits walked along the assembly line, and Berezovsky sucked out as much as he wanted), but we can safely say that This is an iconic figure not only for the plant, but for the entire city.

A native of Gorky began working at the age of 15, starting as a laborer and apprentice mechanic, and receiving higher education, moved to our city, where he worked his way up from deputy head of a large stamping workshop to general director of VAZ and holder of the title of Hero of Socialist Labor. Under him, the serial production of popular models was increased, the process of corporatization of the enterprise was successfully completed, and in 1996, Vladimir Vasilyevich even managed to serve for several months as the first deputy chairman of the Russian government, however, then he returned to Tolyatti again. Under him, VAZ produced 4 million 736 thousand cars - only under Anatoly Zhitkov there was more.

– What memories do you have of Kadannikov?– our conversation with the veteran of the car plant, Yuri Tselikov, began with this question.

– I called him the leader of VAZ in an extreme period. Kadannikov’s share was not easy (the collapse of the USSR and the socialist camp alone is worth it), but he coped satisfactorily. It was possible to keep the plant afloat with the support of Viktor Polyakov, who headed the analytical group in those years. If Kadannikov had also introduced him to the board of directors, then perhaps the plant would not have become dependent on Logovaz. Berezovsky constantly circled around Polyakov, but he distanced himself, realizing who he was dealing with. And Kadannikov became friends with this oligarch in law, thereby managing to increase his personal fortune many times over. But now he lives in a villa in San Remo and, apparently, there, in Italy, he will celebrate his upcoming anniversary.

– So, you think everything is fine with him and his soul doesn’t hurt?

- What do they say there? To live with wolves is to howl like a wolf. So, he learned to make these sounds. I think he is sad, and very sad. Still, he devoted his entire adult life to the plant, but left an ambivalent impression of himself. He’s embarrassed to even come to Tolyatti now...

- So shy?

- Well, there is a conscience. After he retired, he did not comment on the situation at VAZ for a very long time. However, when the personnel reshuffle in the management began, he spoke out cautiously several times, trying not to mention the reasons for the raider attack of the civil services on VAZ. Apparently, he is afraid, and the example of Khodorkovsky is before his eyes.

– In your opinion, was it a mistake for him to join the Russian government?

“He did the right thing in refusing the post of chairman, supporting Gaidar, but he still agreed to the post of first deputy, believing that he would save the entire mechanical engineering industry. He underestimated that there are powerful forces in the government whose “Western” brain hemisphere works stronger than the “Eastern” one. In general, he did not last long there.

– Was Kadannikov close to Yeltsin? Maybe through the same Berezovsky...

– He came close enough and even served as an adviser to the first president of Russia. Don’t you remember that Kadannikov helped publish Yeltsin’s memoirs?

- No. With your own money?

- To the factory ones, of course. Kadannikov also helped the governor of St. Petersburg Sobchak and in the same 90s he met Vladimir Putin. There are rumors that once the current President of Russia even helped Kadannikov in organizing some events at the direction of Sobchak. Perhaps this was precisely the reason that, after becoming president, Vladimir Vladimirovich did not come to Tolyatti for a long time.

– Didn’t want to remember that at one time you were subordinate to someone?

– It’s possible.

– When did you meet Kadannikov?

– Once I had to build a workshop for the production of containers for the needs of VAZ in the Belozersk prison. He started working, but suddenly stopped because a huge amount of uncollected wood waste had accumulated. The difficulty was that the cars were loaded manually by prisoners and each one went through a long and tedious inspection procedure. Kadannikov then said to Zibarev: “Did Tselikov build the workshop? Let Tselikov clear up this mess!” And I figured out how to take out the waste. We locked all prisoners in the barracks for four hours and organized a “green street” so that they could leave without being searched. Kadannikov then did not believe that this could be done, and came to prison in his new “troika” - the coolest car at that time. That's when we got to know each other closely.

– Have you communicated often since then?

“He even saved me once.” It happened in the bathhouse of the sports palace, where Kadannikov was relaxing in the company of two vice-presidents. So, one of them spoke out in favor of kicking me out of the factory, and Kadannikov replied: “It will cost you more. Has he written an epigram on you yet? Remember, it does more good than harm.” From that moment on, no one bothered me for a long time.

Major Marchenko


Disputes about
reasons for the defeat of the Nazis and
our victory. Many in the West
They consider it a great miracle
inexplicable from the point of view
common sense though
the balance of forces in which
began something unprecedented in history
war. Unprecedented in quantity
armed forces participating in it
people, saturation of armies of combat
technology and mutual

However, when
Soviet soldiers did not lose all that,
in my opinion, the most important thing
qualities: humanity. Ultimately
In the end, this made them Winners.
I'll give you a short episode, but
which manifests the essence
Soviet warrior. Unfortunately, I
I found out about it after it was published
my book "In Fire and Glory"
- about the feat of arms of warriors
the famous Irkutsk division -
and therefore did not use it.
However, this episode should not
remain in the journalistic archive.

it's at the very end of summer forty
first. Our troops are forced
were leaving. Waging fierce battles,
units of the Irkutsk division also retreated,
who fought in those days in the Azov region. AND
although never before have the Nazis
were able to break through the fighting
the orders of this connection came
departure order. Somewhere else
the enemy managed to achieve
success, and the command, fearing
no matter how the division turned out to be
cut off from the main forces and
pressed to the sea, took her to
new frontiers.

In one of
such waste artillery regiment commander
division Major Marchenko with two
the last guns passed through
central estate of the state farm
"News". It was deserted
as if everyone had died out. Couple only
village dogs not used to
the roar of car engines,
jumped out of the gateway and barking
rushed next to the strained rumbling
trucks. Seeing the street
well, the major ordered
stay. Coming out of the cabin, he
looked into the back, where the shells
tired soldiers sat in the boxes. More
about two hours ago they were driving
artillery duel and forced
silence the enemy forever
battery. Of course it was possible
not easy: lost the gun, died
there is a calculation next to her. Yes, and on many of them
those who were now in the bodies
cars, white gauze
bandages. More from civilian experience
war major knew how the wounded wanted
drink. After the heat of battle and this
damn sunshine in the middle
How could I have survived the day?
Anyone even need a flask of water?!

- Fast,
guys, rinse off and refuel
water! - he ordered. - Through
We will continue moving for ten minutes.

Major himself
dropped the gymnastics and went to
well from which the driver
already pulled out the head machine

- Go ahead, Fedya!
- said the major and substituted his
sweaty body under a cool stream.

Having closed my eyes
eyes and snorting cheerfully,
rinsed off and gave way
to the next one. One of the artillerymen
carefully handed him a towel.
While drying himself, the major felt
someone else's gaze. U
I saw a small road ditch
dark-eyed dark woman. About eight years old
not more. She wasn't looking at
age seriously. And having met
with her gaze, the major felt
feeling a little awkward. He
hastily pulled on his tunic,
fairly reddened by the sun.
For some reason he winked at the girl,

- Where are you from
got it, you little girl?

- From there, - and
the girl pointed to the fence. AND
only now the major saw behind
there are several dozen children's fences
heads and many, many eyes. All
they looked at him carefully.
We watched in silence, nothing was heard
no childish squeals, no laughter. Must
maybe this made the major feel somehow

- Whose are you? —
he asked the girl dully.


Somewhere from
the depths of the yard, where one could see
outbuildings, jumped out
a young woman on the street
white blouse.

- Tanyusha! —
She addressed the girl sternly. —
Who gave you permission to go?
go out?!

- But I’m not on
road,” she objected. - I'm nearby.

eyes on the major, she hurriedly

- Uncle,
commander, don’t leave us to the fascists.

After a lot
years, remembering this story,
retired colonel Ivan
Illarionovich Marchenko, cavalier
ten military orders, said that
he then felt goosebumps
ran down my back. Without knowing that
answer and what to do,
attacked the teacher:
“Why didn’t they evacuate the orphanage?
Don't you understand that through
will be here for a few hours

It turned out,
they have been evacuated for a long time, from under
Nikolaev. Here at the state farm
temporary stop. Just yesterday
cars were supposed to arrive with them, but
That's why they still aren't there.

I remembered the charred skeletons
cars on the roads, and he realized
that the orphanages will no longer wait
your transport.

In front of him
the question arose: what to do? Give away
cars for children and take them away
from an approaching front or,
following a combat order, follow
to the line of new defense? At the end
after all, this story with his orphanage
did not touch directly. And for
a military man's order is
An order must be carried out.

Here I have to
say a little about Ivan
Illarionovich. It was a man
unusual fate. As a teenager he
participated in civil war on
Kuban. He went to a full-fledged fighter
"Red Troops". That's what he called it
this operation in his story
Dmitry Furmanov, author widely
famous novel "Chapaev". B
as part of the strike force
Marchenko then landed in the rear
to the troops of General Wrangel
Laying down. The fights were for life or
death. The paratroopers did their job
task, and Ulagai was defeated.

Right after
those busy days commissioner
airborne detachment Dmitry Furmanov
and gave Ivan a recommendation for the party,
sent to study. Graduated from Marchenko
Kremlin school named after the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, and
later artillery courses
commanders Great Patriotic War
I met him already as an artillery regiment commander
Irkutsk four times awarded the order
rifle division on the border
Prut River. About his fearlessness and
courage will write to the military
many years at the front
correspondents and more than one page in
book "Caucasian Notes"
Vitaly Zakrutkin will dedicate it to him. But
all this will happen a little later, and then...

- Then I
I was tormented, not knowing what to do, -
recalled Ivan Illarionovich. —
Somehow they came to mind
parting words from Furmanov,
which I never forgot:
"Think less about yourself, about others -
more. So go through life. Never
you can't go wrong"… So I gave it
order: "Unhitch the guns. Occupy
defense!" We loaded them onto the vehicles
orphanages and their meager belongings, and
I sent them to the nearest city
Mariupol, punishing Feda the driver:
"Immediately back, nowhere

The night has passed
restless: everyone was waiting for them to appear
"Hans". And at dawn they returned
cars and gunners soon
found themselves in the family's favor
divisions. Divisional commander Goncharov, then still
Colonel, greeted Marchenko gloomily:

- Where are you
disappeared? A regiment without a commander is
is it order?

I had to
explain what delayed the regiment commander.
Goncharov listened in silence, only
drummed his fingers on the table. Loyal
a sign that the division commander is thinking.
He also had to make his own

Dmitrievich Goncharov was old
servant. Started military service
even under the tsar, participated in the first
imperialist. In rank
The lieutenant commanded the company. After
served in the Red Army for twenty years
Army, became division commander, but
was repressed. Just before
was released during the war, and already in
battles again took over the division. Total
a little over a month ago. And that's why
he simply could not pass by
violation of discipline, whatever it is

Goncharov stopped drumming
fingers, he found a solution and stood up
from the table.

— Major
Marchenko! - the division commander said sternly. —
For late execution
I announce to you a combat order

- Eat,
rebuke! - the major responded quickly. —
May I go?

- Wait,
- Goncharov stopped him. - Behind
evacuation of the orphanage from under the nose
I bring out the enemy on behalf of your service,
Ivan Illarionovich, thanks.

He chewed
lips as if about to say
something else, but then he waved his hand and
hugged Marchenko tightly.

- Now
go, major...

I succeeded in a long search
establish: children from orphanages were taken from
Mariupol to the Saratov region.
There they lived safely until
end of the war. Colonel M.D. Goncharov
became a general, was deputy
commander of the 2nd Guards
tank army, died already on
territory of Germany, but the tankers
buried him on native land- V

And Ivan
Illarionovich survived the hardest
injury, death of the son-lieutenant,
raids behind enemy lines and courageously
reached Victory.