Abstracts Statements Story

Opportunities for distance learning in the chosen professional field. Features, opportunities and forms of distance learning

In the modern world, everything happens quickly. Often people have to manage the house, raise children, and work at the same time. In such a frantic pace, it is difficult to find free time to obtain a quality education, without which it is impossible to move up the career ladder. An excellent way out of this situation is distance education. With the help of this form of training, you can obtain the necessary knowledge without interrupting your homework and workplace.

Advantages and disadvantages of distance education

This option of obtaining a diploma has its pros and cons. The term “distance education” presupposes the organization of an educational process in which the teacher develops a special program based on independent mastery of the material. Such a learning environment involves separation of the student from the teacher in time and space. At the same time, modern forms distance learning leave a chance for a full dialogue through the use of modern technical means. Thanks to this format, it becomes possible for residents of those regions where there are no qualified teachers, high-quality training higher education, the required level of qualification.

Pages of history

IN European countries in the second half of the last century, so-called distance universities and virtual colleges began to appear. The forms of distance learning used were distinguished by a variety of pedagogical techniques and economic mechanisms.

Interactive activities between students and teacher

This term is used not only in domestic but also in foreign pedagogy. In a narrow sense, the concept of “interactive” is considered as a dialogue between the program and the user, the exchange of requests (text commands) and invitations (responses). The emergence of the opportunity to ask questions in any form and give detailed answers to them was the impetus for the emergence of universities with distance learning in large numbers. The user's activity and chances for interactivity directly depend on the technical capabilities of the program. In a broader sense, we are talking about dialogue between subjects through all available methods and means.

A priori of interactive communication is the telecommunications environment. The full-time distance learning form considers the student and the teacher as subjects communicating through real-time dialogue via email or teleconferences.

Organizational and methodological options for distance learning

Forms such as external studies are aimed at those students who, for various reasons, cannot study in the traditional (classroom) form. In 1836, the main task of which was to organize exams and issue degrees and certificates to students who were not studying in regular educational institutions. And at present, the relevance of this type of education has not been lost.

There are also forms of distance learning that involve studying at a specific university. This is about the whole system education for students who prefer distance learning, organized using modern information technologies, including computer telecommunications (off-campus). Many of the world's leading universities have developed programs to issue certificates in various areas of study. At the Australian University (South Wales), the distance learning form has been chosen by 5 thousand students. Considering that there are only 3 thousand full-time students, the scale of remote work is impressive.

Some educational institutions enter into cooperation agreements. In this case, the use of distance learning helps improve the quality of education.

Organization of distance learning

In modern Russia, there are special educational institutions that are created for talented and gifted children. Among the major centers, we would like to highlight the Open University of London, on the basis of which various courses for schoolchildren have recently been organized. At the technological university, engineers are trained using distance learning.

Autonomous educational systems involve acquiring knowledge using radio or television programs, special printed manuals and methodological recommendations. This form is mainly used for adult audiences who were unable to complete the task in a timely manner. school education. Under development special programs, focused on improving computer literacy, health training.

Distance learning models

A single model involves the use of one information channel or a single one. For example, educational process carried out via television transmission, by correspondence. This model considers printed materials as the main means of obtaining knowledge. There is no two-way communication here - traditional distance learning is assumed.

Multimedia is associated with the use of various educational means: printed manuals, computer programs on removable media, video and audio recordings. The leading position belongs to the one-way transmission of information. If necessary, additional consultations, face-to-face meetings, exams, and training seminars are conducted.

Hypermedia is considered the next generation of distance learning. The model involves the use of the latest information technologies, where the leading role is given to computer telecommunications. The simplest option is to use email and conferences.

Highlights of remote learning at the educational institution

The organization of full-fledged distance learning is impossible without the use of information technology. There are two main points to highlight:

  • Distance education does not imply abandonment of the classical (traditional) version of education. No matter how advanced the technical capabilities, learning through ICT is a necessity, but not a panacea. Of course, such opportunities cannot be neglected, because with the help of technical means it is possible to improve the quality of education.
  • The main technologies used in distance learning: video conferencing, computer testing, electronic textbooks.

Working with children as part of the implementation of priority national projects

In modern Russia, not only higher education is rapidly developing in the direction of distance learning. At the initiative of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, a special project on inclusive education for schoolchildren was developed. Children with vision, musculoskeletal, and hearing problems now have the opportunity to study without leaving the walls of their home. The state has taken care of equipping such schoolchildren complete set computer equipment. The first results of the program's implementation confirm its timeliness and relevance.


The use of various methods and forms of training allows us to obtain the desired result - to educate a harmoniously developed personality. In many situations, distance learning becomes the only option for obtaining higher education. Science does not lag behind the trends that occur in modern society. Each school, secondary and higher education institution has its own Form Choice distance education remains with the student or the student’s parents (legal representatives). This type of education is the future; with its help, everyone has equal opportunities to receive the desired education.

The widespread use of information and telecommunication technologies in the education system has created the prerequisites for the active use of distance learning (DL) in the educational process. This term, which appeared in the domestic pedagogical context relatively recently, has English roots. Until the beginning of the 90s of the XX century. In the literature, the Russian “tracing paper” of the phrase “distant learning” was used. Later, a more typical form of “distance learning” for our language began to be used, i.e. distance learning.

Distance learning can be defined as a purposeful process of interactive interaction between teachers and students among themselves and with teaching aids, invariant to their location in space and time, which is implemented in a specific didactic system. DO is:

Learning at a distance, when the teacher and student are separated spatially (E.S. Polat);

A set of educational services provided to a wide range of users using a specialized information and educational environment at any distance from institutions of additional professional education (Yu.A. Pervin);

New level distance learning, which ensures the use of information technologies based on the use of personal computers, video and audio equipment (L. P. Davydov);

A synthetic, integral, humanistic form of education, based on the use of a wide range of traditional and new information technologies, their technical means, which are used to deliver educational material, independently study it, organize a dialogue exchange between the teacher and students, when the learning process is not critical to their location in space and time, as well as to a specific educational institution (A. A. Andreev).

DL retains the advantages inherent in traditional forms of education: contacts with teachers and students, control over the correct assimilation of the material. In addition, it has a number of advantages: free training schedule; independence from location; saving transportation costs; Convenient type of presentation of materials; individual pace of learning; no restrictions on age, communication skills, health.

The long-term goal of developing DL in the world is to enable a student anywhere to take a course at any college or university. In 1994, Russia adopted the Concept for the creation and development of a unified distance education system, created the Eurasian Association of Distance Learning, the Association of International Education, and developed the Concept for the creation and development of a distance learning system in the Russian Federation.

Distance learning opens up new prospects for professional and personal development for individuals who are in dire need of educational services, but do not have the opportunity to receive them in the traditional way:

Applicants preparing to enter universities;

Young people forced to combine study and work due to the limited capacity of the university system or for family reasons;

Persons who have medical restrictions to receive regular education in a stationary setting;

Military personnel, officers leaving the reserve, and members of their families; officers and conscript soldiers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and border troops;

Released specialists from conversion enterprises of the military-industrial complex;

Persons of all ages living in remote regions of the country.

The following principles for organizing distance learning can be distinguished:

flexibility, manifested in the absence of regular classes in the form of lectures, seminars and free choice of the time required to master the course; modularity, which is expressed in the fact that each individual discipline or series of disciplines that the student has mastered creates a holistic understanding of a particular subject area; parallelism due to the fact that training can be carried out in combination with the main professional activity;

long-range action, which consists in the absence of obstacles in the form of distance from the student’s location to the educational institution;

asynchrony, implying the possibility of implementing teaching and learning technologies independently in time;

mass character, meaning the non-criticality of the parameter “number of students”;

profitability, which assumes the economic efficiency of DO1;

widespread use of new information technologies. There are many organizational models of DL: on the principle of external education, university, based on autonomous learning systems, integrated learning using multimedia programs, informal, etc. A teacher in a distance learning system is called a tutor, and the process of pedagogical activity is called a tutor. The emergence of electronic tutors (intelligent training programs) in modern practice allows us to talk about the possibility of performing andragogical functions not only by a person, but also by a computer.

In distance learning, methods such as information-receptive, reproductive, problem-based, heuristic, and research are used. They cover the entire set of pedagogical acts of interaction between the teacher and students: independent cognitive activity of students with various sources of information, course educational materials; prompt and systematic interaction of students with the leading teacher and course curator; group work using various methods of working on the relevant modules of the course being studied; joint projects of students with out-of-town and foreign partners.

Of interest is the organization of computer laboratory workshops, where the student is asked to interactively “assemble” the corresponding laboratory installation on the monitor screen. The process of correct joining of elements is controlled automatically. An experiment is performed on a virtual laboratory setup created in this way. In this case, the real physical process is reproduced on the monitor screen using mathematical modeling methods. Such visualization of real physical processes is especially important during professional training. In the preschool system, electronic simulators are also used to improve the professional qualities of adults. By honing his skills on them, the participant in the virtual training prepares to achieve maximum efficiency in real activities, which minimizes the possibility of human errors.

The distance learning system widely uses a variety of means: printed and electronic publications; computer training systems in conventional and multimedia versions; educational audio and video materials; computer networks. Printed publications, which are traditional textbooks, teaching aids, are widely used in CE systems, where the technical level of equipment in the educational process is high. As a rule, printed publications for the distance learning system have a block-modular structure and are equipped with instructions for studying the material and organizing independent work; obligatory elements in them are control tasks, self-test questions with answers, training tasks, and explanatory dictionaries.

Electronic publications are an electronic version of printed educational materials, but are compactly stored in computer memory or on an external magnetic medium, with the ability to quickly make changes and transmit over long distances by e-mail; If you have a printer, they can easily be converted into a hard copy.

Computer educational systems (software and methodological complexes, educational software, monitoring and training programs) declared themselves as a means of education in the early 70s, when personal computers appeared. These systems concentrate tools that reflect a certain subject area, implement the technology of its study to one degree or another, and provide conditions for the implementation of various types of educational activities. Computer training systems allow:

Individualize and differentiate the learning process;

Carry out control with error diagnosis and feedback;

Carry out self-monitoring and self-correction of educational activities;

Free up study time by using a computer to perform labor-intensive routine computing work;

Visualize educational information;

Model and imitate the processes or phenomena being studied;

Conduct laboratory works in conditions of simulating a real experience or experiment on a computer;

Develop the ability to make optimal decisions in various situations;

Develop a certain type of thinking (for example, visual-figurative, theoretical);

Strengthen learning motivation (for example, through the visual aids of the program or the inclusion of game situations);

To create a culture of cognitive activity, etc. Computer teaching systems at the present stage

include electronic (computerized) textbooks; controlling computer programs; reference books and databases for educational purposes; collections of problems and generators of examples (situations); domain-specific environments; computer illustrations to support a variety of activities.

An electronic textbook, which is a computer application of a paper textbook, can be considered a type of computer teaching system. The electronic textbook accumulates all the basic didactic, methodological, scientific and information and reference materials necessary for teachers to prepare and conduct all types and forms of classes, as well as for students to independently study educational topics or prepare for classes conducted under the guidance of a teacher, and receive additional information and reference information on the academic discipline. In addition, it provides the opportunity for students to qualitatively solve the problems of self-monitoring of mastering materials in an academic discipline, and for teachers to objectively carry out current and final monitoring of the progress of students and cadets.

The electronic textbook allows you to solve the following problems:

Receive information about curriculum and the thematic plan of the academic discipline, the sequence of classes and the logic of studying topics;

Individually view, study or repeat educational, methodological and information and reference material;

Visually present on the computer display all didactic material and visual aids (diagrams, drawings, tables, graphs, text, etc.);

Carry out self-monitoring (with automated grading) of mastering the content of educational topics and the entire discipline as a whole, as well as receive recommendations for additional study of insufficiently mastered educational topics; receive information about recommended educational, scientific and methodological literature;

Print out sample lesson plans and methodological developments on all topics;

Reproduce handouts (plans, tables, assignments, etc.) necessary for conducting classes with students and cadets;

Have access to a database of legislative acts and governing documents regulating information activities in the country and in the Armed Forces, as well as the educational process in universities of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation;

Learn information about some technologies used in information activities.

Didactic audio and video educational materials are currently mainly recorded on magnetic media, audio and video cassettes and can be presented to the student using a tape recorder or video recorder. Educational audio materials are used to record lectures and instructions for a training course that does not require graphic illustrations, as well as to record training lessons foreign languages, which is the most common. Lectures, instructional sessions, illustrative material for printed publications, and educational situational tasks can be presented in video form.

Computer networks are a specific teaching tool that includes various types of information and a collection of computers connected by communication channels. Computer networks are used in distance learning in the mode of remote databases, including the Internet, e-mail and electronic conference.

In Russia, distance learning is most widely used in training centers at universities. The Moscow State Aviation Technological University (MATI) conducts distance training for applicants for admission to this educational institution from among schoolchildren living in remote areas of Russia. At the Astrakhan State Technical University (ASTU), there is a distance learning center for graduate students, military personnel, disabled people and anyone who wants to improve their level of knowledge and prepare for admission to higher education institutions without having to attend preparatory courses. At the Moscow State Industrial University, distance learning is used to train employees of the penal system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and convicts in correctional colonies.

Among the universities that have actively operating distance learning centers, the Moscow State University of Electronics and Mathematics (MIEM), which has many branches throughout the country, Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow State Aviation Institute (MAI), Moscow State University of Economics, Informatics and Statistics (MESI), Penza State University, Petrozavodsk State University, Ryazan State Pedagogical University, Chelyabinsk State Technical University, Samara State Aviation University, St. -Petersburg State Technical University, St. Petersburg Institute of Precision Mechanics and Optics, Tambov State Technical University, Tomsk State Academy of Control Systems and Radioelectronics, Tomsk Polytechnic University, Ural State Technical University, Ukhta Industrial Institute, etc.

The activities of distance learning university centers are characterized by the following areas:

Improvement of information and telecommunication technologies (ITT);

Application of the latest ITT in distance learning;

Development of forms of cultural exchange and business cooperation with all interested Russian and foreign organizations;

Corporate (company) distance learning, carried out on the basis and in the interests of training personnel for a specific company (corporation).

FE is developing not only within educational systems, but also by individual commercial companies with a primary focus on training in business.

The trend in the development of corporate (branded) distance learning is noted in banking systems, systems of RAO Gazprom, the Central Bank, the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service, etc. In their technical and didactic capabilities, these systems are superior to the distance learning systems of universities.

For example, distance learning in the interests of Gazprom provides initial training for people hired for the first time; annual advanced training for managers, specialists, technicians and highly qualified workers in current areas of professional activity; training of persons preparing to master a second profession or move in a position.

Distance learning in the interests of Gazprom provides:

Primary training for persons hired for the first time at enterprises and organizations of RAO Gazprom;

Annual advanced training in current areas of professional activity of managers, specialists, technicians and highly qualified workers;

Periodic training under special educational programs to maintain the qualifications of the entire contingent of managers and specialists at a level sufficient for the effective performance of official duties;

Training of persons preparing for job transfers;

Training for persons preparing to master a second profession or move to work in another profession.

Self-control task

Prepare an essay on one of the topics:

1. Experience of foreign corporations in organizing distance learning for the population.

2. Distance education for adults in various regions of Russia: problems and prospects.

3. Models of distance learning for teachers.

4. Distance learning centers for adults at the present stage.

5. Didactic features of electronic educational tools.

Andreev A. A. Introduction to distance learning: Educational method, manual. - M., 1997.

Bogdanova A.I., Derenzhi N.D., Stefanova V.S. Information and education in the 21st century. // Open education. - 2001. - No. 1.

Glazer G. D. New Russia: General education and the emerging society // Pedagogy. - 2000. - No. 6.

Internet in humanities education / Ed. E. S. Polat. - M 2000.

Clarin M.V. Interactive learning - a tool for mastering new experience // Pedagogy. - 2000. - No. 7.

The concept of creation and development of a distance education system in Russia. - M., 1995.

Moiseeva M.V. Coordinator as a key figure in the distance learning process // Open Education. - 2001. - No. 1.

Polat E. S. Distance learning. - M., 1998.

Concepts and Principles of Distance Pedagogy // School 2000: Concepts, Methods, Experiment: Collection of Scientific Works / Edited by Yu.I.Dik, A.V. Khutorskoy. - M., 1999.

Reiman L. D. Formation of educational space based on the interconnected network of connections in Russia // Open Education. - 2001 - No. 1.

Slutsky L. E. Open education in the system of training personnel for small businesses // Open education. - 2001. - No. 1.

Suvorinov A.V., Osin A.V. Multimedia education environment in the era of global computer technologies // Problems of informatization high school. - 1998. - № 1 -2; (11 -12).

Turishcheva M. S., Kuryshev A. S. Using distance technologies to prepare applicants for entrance examinations // Open Education. - 2001. - No. 1.

Feigenberg I.M., Rovinsky R.E. Information model of the future | as a development program // Questions of Philosophy. - 2000. - No. 5. | Khutorskoy A.V. Distance forms of creativity // Computer science and education. - 1998. - No. 6.

Khutorskoy A. B. Fundamentals of distance learning: Special course program for pedagogical students educational institutions. - M., 1999.

With the development of Internet technologies, every person of any age and type of activity has received hundreds of ways for self-development. Graduate from a foreign university without leaving the country, prepare for an exam, listen to a professor’s lecture without leaving home - the possibilities of distance education seem limitless. Education has figured out who is best suited for remote learning and what can be learned online.

Distance education appeared long before the Internet virus entered homes and offices. Its early variations existed back in the 19th century and helped in practicing certain skills and subjects. For example, shorthand teacher Isaac Pitman taught his students speed writing techniques, communicating with them exclusively through mail.

With the introduction of the computer, work tools and methods of delivering information have improved significantly. And in 1999, the official term “ e-learning" In the following decades, virtual academic environments became a new educational trend.

Online education for everyone

Abroad, this sector is developing with giant strides. Entire network universities have been created, lessons in which are updated daily, and access is provided to any user who knows how to use the Internet. The completed material can be easily confirmed with a paid or free diploma.

In addition to the well-known Coursera and KhanAcademy, there are also edX, University of the People, TED and hundreds of educational channels on YouTube. Microlectures or full-fledged modules on these resources, as a rule, require knowledge English language, but are sometimes accompanied by Russian subtitles.


Almost every major university in the UK, Canada, the States and Europe has its own distance learning department. Online programs are designed for undergraduate, graduate and advanced training courses in various fields of knowledge.

Admission to such faculties and the requirements for documents are no different from full-time options and depend only on the country where the university is located. Some institutions offer a “test period” service, after which you can get a refund for your studies if, for objective reasons, they are not suitable for the student.

At the English university Essex University, which is famous for its scientific research, you can study remotely in programs lasting from 8 to 48 months. The curator remains in touch 24 hours, and students receive access to the electronic library and a 21-day trial period. Student assessment occurs through written work and activity in discussions and forums. The diploma does not mention what form the classes took.


Most often, master's programs are chosen to study remotely. The most popular majors are economics, management, sociology and business. The online MBA, or Master of Business Administration, degree combines theory with practical business management and opens up new career paths.

When searching for a suitable program in this segment, you should pay attention to the accreditation of the institution, the content and schedule of activities, and the report on the employment of graduates.

Schools with the Best Online MBA Programs(according to CEO Magazine, 2017)

  1. EU Business School, Spain, Germany, Switzerland
  2. SBS Swiss Business School, Switzerland
  3. IE Business School, Spain
  4. University of Otago Business School, New Zealand
  5. University of Utah: Eccles, USA
  6. Nebrija Business School, Spain
  7. Temple University: Fox, USA
  8. The Open University, UK
  9. Rochester Institute of Technology: Saunders, USA
  10. MIP Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Remote business education is moving towards specifying the specialty and obtaining more specific knowledge. In addition to the MBA General, many universities already offer programs tailored to a specific industry or functionality, for example, “MBA in financial services”, “MBA in industry”, “MBA - marketing and sales management”. Their curricula provide more additional material to cover specific aspects of a particular sector.

Aberdeen Business School, based at the British Robert Gordon University, is accredited by the international organization AMBA and is considered one of the best in the energy sector. The MBA degree “Oil and Gas Business Management” (Online) will provide an understanding of the processes of development and operation of oil and gas fields, typical problems in the implementation of large projects and will help in developing management competencies to solve them.

Education abroad

Online education for schoolchildren and applicants

In addition to short-term and long-term programs, in modern realities there is a demand for preparation services for international exams: IELTS, TOEFL, SAT, ACT, GMAT and others. Schoolchildren, in parallel with classes in the Russian high school can also study virtually at institutions in other countries. This option allows you to obtain a foreign certificate and prepare for admission to a foreign university without leaving your hometown.

For example, the American Franklin Virtual High School operates according to this scheme, where an individual syllabus. Enrollment takes place without entrance examinations, only on the basis of previously completed subjects.

The program consists of modules, the speed of which is controlled by the student himself. The final cost also depends on this, since payment is made monthly. In any case, it turns out to be several times less than with a full-time presence in American school. Franklin Virtual High School final exam results are recognized by universities in England, America and Canada.

Pros and cons of distance education

The Internet is full of positive information and successful examples from life. Let's take a closer look at the obvious and hidden advantages of virtual classes.

Flexible schedule and comfortable environment

Online learning offers more flexible learning options than traditional university and college-based programs. There is no need to go to the other end of the city at 9 am. You can exercise at any time and choose the place that motivates you the most: your own bedroom, a cafe, your desk, or even a treadmill. Access to personal account, teacher email and student forums are provided 24/7. This is especially true if you already have a main job with which you need to create a combination schedule.

Cost reduction

Financial difficulties associated with attending a university or school are the most common obstacle to obtaining a first or additional education. Online courses are more accessible in this regard; even when studying at a Canadian or American university for a fee, the student does not incur the costs of housing, student fees, transportation and textbooks.

Wide coverage of courses

The question “where to study?” will sound one of the first, and it significantly limits the freedom of choice. When studying remotely, you don’t have to worry about the location of your classrooms and choose from a variety of online offers exactly what suits you best.

Variety of materials used

Instead of conventional lectures and seminars, there is a variety of high-quality content, from multimedia simulators and digital guides to discussion forums, infographics and webinars. In addition, the material is always available for repeated viewing or listening if it is not understood the first time.

Despite the potential pitfalls, most people are happy with their online training and the benefits it comes with. However, it is important to know the negative sides in order to make an informed decision and choose the best option.

Self-discipline skills needed

In the traditional and familiar form of education for most people, there is a set of rules and principles that everyone must follow. This important point, because it gives a sense of discipline and purpose. In the remote version the situation is slightly different. The student is free in his schedule, but at the same time is limited by deadlines for completing assignments and passing tests. If he does not know how to competently manage his time, distributing it between studies and other activities, and puts everything off for later, then this leads to problems with academic performance. Improved self-control skills are a must here.

Lack of direct contact with the teacher and fellow students

Live communication with the teacher and like-minded people stimulates interest in the subject and helps to establish social and business connections. This creates an environment that encourages you to achieve your educational goal and will be useful in your future career. Feel free to join groups of interests and find classmates on social networks, this compensates for the need for communication and develops networking skills.

Heavy workload

Institutions offering online programs realize that they cannot effectively monitor the daily activities of their students. This is a serious problem that affects the quality of education received. To solve it and be sure that the student has mastered the entire volume of material, they ultimately give more tasks and daily load. Each course provides information on expected weekly occupancy. Study it in detail and don't expect to get through it any faster. Quite the contrary.

Possible cases of fraud

There are so many online courses that it can be difficult to keep track of which ones are actually accredited and offer training, diplomas and certificates that are valuable. Use only a trusted institution or consult with an education professional before committing to and paying for your studies.

With clear motivation and following simple safety rules, the Internet space turns not only into entertainment and a place to get stuck, but also an effective platform for “upgrading” almost any skill. And with modern resources, using this source is convenient, accessible and inexpensive.

The material was prepared by Nadezhda Ozonyuk together with specially for the site.

Let's first figure it out, what is distance education? Currently, the term distance education refers to an impressive variety of training courses, programs and lectures, and its popularity for this type of training is growing.

Distance learning is, first of all, the interaction of students and teachers with each other at a distance (remotely), while such additional education reflects almost all components inherent in the educational process (methods, goals, organizational forms, content, and often teaching aids) and implemented by specific means of telecommunication technologies that provide training.

It is also worth noting that distance learning is basically an independent form of learning, the main means of which is information technology.

How did distance learning come about?

Towards the early eighties of the twentieth century, advances in communications made it possible to use new methods of data transmission and satellite communications to provide training to undergraduates, graduate students or staff (in the case of corporate training) at a completely new, hitherto unprecedented level - now it didn’t matter where the person was, all that was important was the presence of a network for communication with students.

In our time Internet technologies have made it possible for most people to study remotely, forming a huge network with an unprecedented amount of information and engaged students and teachers. Just 50 years ago this would have been unimaginable, but now it is a reality that claims a leading role in education. This is how distance learning appeared, declared itself and continues to confidently occupy its share of the planet. Today, in order to succeed in any business, you need to constantly develop, learn and acquire new knowledge and information, raising your professional bar - all this makes distance education possible.

The concept of distance learning covers both standard advanced training programs and full-fledged higher education courses, during which methods of close contact between students and teachers and fellow students are implemented, almost according to a similar scheme used during full-time education. However, during distance learning educational institutions can involve and use a much wider range of tools: computer programs specially selected and optimized for students, conference calls, email, online messengers, and if we talk about the material base, personal computers, smartphones and even ( VR).

With the beginning of the 21st century, this type of education is gaining popularity both in our country and in the world! The main advantage of DL is that it is a very convenient and flexible form of training. Judge for yourself, because distance learning allows you to provide:

  • saving time (no need to waste time traveling to the place of study);
  • reduction in training costs (no costs for renting premises);
  • possibility of simultaneous training large quantity students;
  • improving the quality of education through the use of modern tools and technologies;
  • instant access to volumetric electronic libraries and knowledge bases;
  • creation of unified or industry-specific educational environments and methods.

The benefits and savings of this approach speak for themselves.

Characteristics of distance education

A full-fledged distance education course not only provides educational materials for students, but also organizes the learning process in such a way that it is accessible and interesting for students. Only by ensuring interest in subjects, passion and thirst for knowledge can students achieve good performance. Therefore, a good distance education program is aimed specifically at the full involvement and immersion of students in the educational process and further self-education.

Contrary to popular belief, distance course education should not instill in its students a feeling of disunity, loneliness or isolation, on the contrary, the best program is one that finds methods and techniques for creating an atmosphere of presence, cooperation and cooperation, such as that currently provided by multi-user Online Games(MMO).

Advice to applicants: if you decide to choose a distance education program right now, ask existing students how their training is going, how the material is presented, how they receive additional advice and help from teachers.

You must be firmly confident that you will be provided with full online support, provided with any information assistance and given comprehensive advice on any issue of the curriculum that interests you.

Forms of distance education

Remember, we already said that a good distance education program should have a huge range of delivery methods educational information to a student? DOs are already armed with audio/video conferences, Internet chats, e-mail, telephones/fax, and so on.

  • Chat session— educational events that are conducted synchronously, that is, all participants have simultaneous access to the chat, both teachers and students. Many distance learning institutions have so-called chat schools and chat rooms.
  • Web lesson- lessons, laboratory work, seminars, conferences, business games, workshops and other forms of distance learning using the Internet. Both synchronous and asynchronous interaction between students and teachers is possible.
  • Teleconference- carried out using email newsletters. Educational teleconferences are characterized by the achievement of educational objectives. This type of distance learning is very popular in Europe for obtaining additional (second) education for EU residents. Students, by regularly completing practical “homework”, gain skills by combining theoretical knowledge with practical exercises.
  • Telepresence- one of the experimental methods of distance learning based on the formation of an atmosphere of presence. That is, students who are outside the classroom create a feeling of personal presence inside the classroom.

We also note that programs can be one-time/synchronous - when a joint, simultaneous connection between students and their teachers is necessary to interact in real time (for example, a survey for a seminar, conference, etc.). In such cases, videoconferencing and interactive television methods are used.

Also, programs can be “non-simultaneous”, that is, asynchronous - in this case, the student has the opportunity to find a convenient time for himself to work through the material of the training program. This approach is more flexible, and interaction is carried out using Internet resources and sending materials personally to the teacher via email.

Essay: “Distance learning technologies”

The development of distance learning helps solve a number of problems:

Increasing the level of education of society and the quality of education;

Realization of the population's needs for educational services;

Increasing the social and professional mobility of the population, its social activity, level of self-awareness, broadening its horizons;

Preservation and enhancement of knowledge;

Development of a unified educational space within Russia, the CIS, and the entire world community, implying the provision of the opportunity to receive education anywhere in the educational space.

Today there is a large selection of technical tools that help solve these problems. The most popular are: email, blog, video and voice communication.

Using email in distance learning.

Possibility of using email:

Using e-mail, the teacher can immediately distribute answers to the most frequently asked questions, not only to those who asked, but also to everyone else;

e-mail allows you to remove barriers that prevent the student from asking questions related to problems outside the discipline being studied;

e-mail can qualitatively change the management of the educational process, making it possible to disseminate certification results, orders and other administrative information in advance;

using e-mail, students can explain the reasons for their absence from classes, send notifications of illness, current reports on practice taking place in remote places, etc.;

the ability to integrate access to e-mail into training programs so that the student has the opportunity, if not to get advice, then at least to ask his teacher a question if difficulties arise.

Possibilities of Skype in distance learning.

Skype is an opportunity to study remotely in any discipline and gain valuable skills.

There is the possibility of video and voice communication with the student, which is as close as possible to face-to-face communication and is mostly individual. Possibility to study at any convenient time. U teachers have the opportunity to create an individual program for each student, based on their level of knowledge, tasks and goals.

Using this program implies increased requirements for an Internet connection.

Information and educational environment vacad.ru

The main goal of IES is to ensure the transition of education to a new quality: to a state corresponding to the information society.

Distance learning is organized using a specialized information and educational environment (IES), which is a systematically organized set of data transmission means, information resources, interaction protocols, hardware, software and organizational and methodological support,

focused on meeting educational needs


Information and educational environment vacad.ru is e long information resource, allowing you to organize distance learning.

Educational and methodological materials and practical tasks for independent work are located on the Center’s server and are available for

work. The use of network technologies allows not only to present to students educational material in various forms and types, but also to organize a controlled educational process, carried out under the guidance of a teacher.

A teacher can post the following materials on his blog:

Student curriculum,

The program of the academic subject (discipline),

Tutorial on academic subject(discipline)

Workshop or practical guide,

Test materials to control the quality of material assimilation,

Educational didactic aids and problem books - allowing for the development and implementation of the educational program.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Organization and pedagogical possibilities of distance learning during students’ research activities

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