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Is the person brave? Are you a brave person? (Interesting tests)

My result: Deliberate Courage: Doing What You Must Do.

For you, this is a matter of principle: courage is to take action after reflection. Even if you are scared, even if it is not easy and can add to your troubles: “I have to do it and that’s why I’m doing it.” You see no valor or strength of character in this. After all, both criminals and swindlers can be brave! It all depends on what this courage serves. It is important for you, first of all, to resist injustice (take the side of the weak), fulfill your duty (keep your obligations), behave respectfully towards others (be sincere and, if possible, not offend). Love for truth is more important to you than spiritual comfort. You vigilantly defend it and for this reason you decide to say unpleasant things. Courage was not given to you by birth, but you have turned it into your life rule and try to follow it. This does not negate caution: you do not shy away from problems, but you prefer to choose when and how to solve them. Nothing to do with arrogance and blind courage!…

It just so happens that courage is most often attributed to people who risk their lives. These could be soldiers, firefighters, rescue workers or doctors saving the lives of other people. They are awarded medals and praised. These people are unconditionally considered daredevils - few can challenge this. But this is far from the only manifestation of courage.

A brave person does not necessarily have to be distinguished by great deeds. Even a minor achievement for some people is a great feat. A timid young man who first proposed dating a girl feels like a hero inside. A plump girl, despite all her complexes, who wears a chic dress to the prom, is no less a hero. But can such people be called brave?

What is courage?

Ozhegov’s dictionary states that courage is determination, that is, the absence of fear in implementing one’s decisions. Decisive people are people who strive for their goals, no matter what. However, this is not entirely accurate, since achieving what you want may not always be associated with fear.

Mark Twain was able to express himself more accurately. According to him, brave people are not those who lack fear, but those who can resist and control it. If a person can subjugate his phobias and make an adequate decision, and most importantly, then implement it, then he can without a doubt be called brave.

What do the hero who pulled people out of a burning car and the man who speaks to the public, despite his fear, have in common? In both cases, there is an internal struggle. The first person knows that he may die, but still goes towards danger. The second one experiences unprecedented stress, but goes on stage step by step. Of course, the significance of the first event is much greater, but courage is present in both cases.

Traits of a Brave Man

Courage is characterized by the following character traits:

- persistence;
- vitality;
- integrity;

Courage should not be confused with recklessness. Unfortunately, this also happens quite often. There are cases when rulers, wanting to glorify their name, sent a huge army to fight against an obviously strong enemy and were brutally defeated. Or soldiers going alone into an enemy camp to prove their courage were captured or killed outright.

Courage is the golden mean between cowardice and recklessness. A fine line that distinguishes a person with great spiritual strength.

This test will help you determine whether you are decisive.

Select one from the proposed answer options.


1. What, in your opinion, motivates a person in life above all?

A - curiosity; B - desires; B - necessity.

2. Why do you think people move from one job to another?

G - they are fired; D - they leave because of the big salary; E - they prefer another job.

3. When you get into trouble, what do you do?

A - you put off solving the problem until the last minute; B - you have a need to analyze how guilty you are; B - you don’t even want to think about what happened.

4. You did not have time to do some work on time. What then?

E - you declare your failure even before it becomes known; D - you are afraid to be asked about the results; D - you are thoroughly preparing for the explanation.

5. When you achieve a goal, how do you greet the news?

B - with a feeling of relief; B - with strong positive emotions; A - in different ways, depending on the goal, but not so violently.

D - avoid situations requiring risk; E - get rid of this by turning to the help of a psychologist; D - meet people of a different type who do not suffer from shyness.

7. What will you do in a conflict situation?

B - I’ll talk to the person with whom I came into conflict; A - I’ll write a letter; B - I will try to resolve the conflict through a mediator.

8. What kind of fear do you have when you make a mistake?

D - fear that a mistake may change the order to which you are accustomed; G - fear of punishment; E - fear of losing prestige.

9. When you talk to someone, how do you look?

A - look away from time to time; B - look directly into the eyes of your interlocutor; G - look away, even when addressed to you.

10. What is your manner of speech during a conversation?

E - the tone of the conversation usually remains calm; D - you keep inserting meaningless words; D - you repeat yourself, worry, your voice begins to let you down.

Processing the results

If almost all answers consist of options A and D

You are not a particularly decisive person, but you are not indecisive either. You don’t always act actively and quickly enough, but only because you think it’s not worth it. You like brave people. But often you justify those who are indecisive, believing that their actions are the result not of fear, but of prudence. When you read books or watch films about brave, desperate people, you often would like to be in their place.

If options B and E are mainly selected

You are definitely a determined person. You too often neglect things that you consider small and insignificant. But despite this, you are valued as an independent and interesting person. If you also have a sense of responsibility, then you are often assigned difficult tasks, but in this case there should be other types of people in your group who would balance out your too much activity... Don't you still need to think through better decisions that do you accept?

If most answers refer to C and D

You are afraid not only to make decisions, but even to think about them, fearing approaching events... Your psychological state cannot be called stable or prosperous. Often you are more likely to expect criticism of your actions than praise... Do you have other answers? If not, then you have problems not only with yourself, but also with those around you.

Do not think that if you know the feeling of fear, you are a coward. But something else is important - do you know how to overcome your fear, how decisive and confident are you in difficult situations? Want to test yourself? Answer the questions on the proposed test and see the result.

Test questions:

1. If a black cat crosses your path, a woman with empty buckets meets you, or any other similar trouble happens, you

a) boldly go to meet her, because you don’t believe in omens;
b) you will furtively spit over your shoulder and, having made a figurine in your pocket, you will also resolutely walk forward;
c) you will not spit over your shoulder, but simply turn into the nearest alley.

2. You are standing in a crowded place, several men are swearing loudly next to you. You:

a) tell them your opinion about such behavior;
b) you will, without actually addressing anyone, make remarks like: “What a boor!”, “You should be ashamed!”;
c) move to another place so as not to hear the swearing.

3. On the street you met a handsome young man whom you would like to meet. You:

a) come up and introduce yourself as an actress, singer or tiger tamer;
b) just introduce yourself;
c) ask “What time is it?” and smile tenderly;
d) you will pass by and think: “It’s not fate...”.

4. Walking along a deserted street, you see five hooligans harassing a girl. You:

a) rush headlong to help, without thinking about the consequences;
b) screaming loudly, looking for the nearest telephone;
c) thinking: “It’s my own fault!”, hurry back.

5. You are standing in line at a store, and suddenly a person whom you have never seen here before squeezes through to the seller. In this case you:

a) looking into his face, say what you think about him;
b) trying to pin him to the counter with murderous looks;
c) you think: “Okay, one more, one less - it doesn’t matter.”

6. You look pretty good and have every right to be proud of your hair, when suddenly your best friend advises you to change your hairstyle. You:

a) immediately go to the hairdresser;
b) go around and call all your friends and, in the end, with a heavy heart you go to get a haircut;
c) having found consolation in the proverb: “They do not seek good from good,” you leave everything as it is.

7. You come to a company of complete strangers with whom you are forced to spend the evening. You:

a) you immediately attract attention with a word or a joke and feel completely at ease;
b) sit next to someone and start a conversation with him;
c) perched on the edge of a chair, silently waiting for someone to pay attention to you.

8. You are in love. Having introduced your chosen one to your friends, you hear an opinion that is not similar to yours. You:

a) tell yourself: “I know him better” and stay with him;
b) you decide to stay with him, but take a closer look;
c) after listening to the advice of friends, you think: “There is no smoke without fire, and you must be so wrong,” you cut off the acquaintance.

Test results:

Add yourself for each answer: a - 0 points; b - 5 points; c - 3 points; g - 1 point.

40 points. You are a brave man! Having cast aside all timidity and indecisiveness, you rush towards any danger. You like to take risks, put everything on the line. Be smarter in your decisions!

25-40 points Your character is the golden mean. You don’t get into trouble and try not to hide from surprises and troubles. You have a good character and can be relied upon, but do you feel that your life is too monotonous? Sometimes you can throw caution to the wind and do something decisive and surprise

up to 25 points. You need to change your character quickly! You are too indecisive, timid, sometimes even cowardly. You always try to be in the shadows and therefore pass by life. But you can end up alone! Try not to be afraid, not to think about what others will say about you, and everything will be fine

Do not think that if you know the feeling of fear, you are a coward. But something else is important - do you know how to overcome your fear, how decisive and self-confident are you in difficult situations? Want to test yourself? Answer the questions on the proposed test and see the result.

Test questions:

1. If a black cat crosses your path, a woman with empty buckets meets you, or any other similar trouble happens, you

a) boldly go to meet her, because you don’t believe in omens;
b) you will furtively spit over your shoulder and, having made a figurine in your pocket, you will also resolutely walk forward;
c) you will not spit over your shoulder, but simply turn into the nearest alley.

2. You are standing in a crowded place, several men are swearing loudly next to you. You:

a) tell them your opinion about such behavior;
b) you will, without actually addressing anyone, make remarks like: “What a boor!”, “You should be ashamed!”;
c) move to another place so as not to hear the swearing.

3. On the street you met a handsome young man whom you would like to meet. You:

a) come up and introduce yourself as an actress, singer or tiger tamer;
b) just introduce yourself;
c) ask “What time is it?” and smile tenderly;
d) you will pass by and think: “It’s not fate...”.

4. Walking along a deserted street, you see five hooligans harassing a girl. You:

a) rush headlong to help, without thinking about the consequences;
b) screaming loudly, looking for the nearest telephone;
c) thinking: “It’s my own fault!”, hurry back.

5. You are standing in line at a store, and suddenly a person whom you have never seen here before squeezes through to the seller. In this case you:

a) looking into his face, say what you think about him;
b) trying to pin him to the counter with murderous looks;
c) you think: “Okay, one more, one less - it doesn’t matter.”

6. You look pretty good and have every right to be proud of your hair, when suddenly your best friend advises you to change your hairstyle. You:

a) immediately go to the hairdresser;
b) go around and call all your friends and, in the end, with a heavy heart you go to get a haircut;
c) having found consolation in the proverb: “They do not seek good from good,” you leave everything as it is.

7. You come to a company of complete strangers with whom you are forced to spend the evening. You:

a) you immediately attract attention with a word or a joke and feel completely at ease;
b) sit next to someone and start a conversation with him;
c) perched on the edge of a chair, silently waiting for someone to pay attention to you.

8. You are in love. Having introduced your chosen one to your friends, you hear an opinion that is not similar to yours. You:

a) tell yourself: “I know him better” and stay with him;
b) you decide to stay with him, but take a closer look;
c) after listening to the advice of friends, you think: “There is no smoke without fire, and you must be so wrong,” you cut off the acquaintance.

Test results :

Add yourself for each answer: a - 0 points; b - 5 points; c - 3 points; g - 1 point.

40 points. You are a brave man! Having cast aside all timidity and indecisiveness, you rush towards any danger. You like to take risks, put everything on the line. Be smarter in your decisions!

25-40 points Your character is the golden mean. You don’t get into trouble and try not to hide from surprises and troubles. You have a good character and can be relied upon, but do you feel that your life is too monotonous? Sometimes you can throw caution to the wind and do something decisive and surprise

up to 25 points. You need to change your character quickly! You are too indecisive, timid, sometimes even cowardly. You always try to be in the shadows and therefore pass by life. But you can end up alone! Try not to be afraid, not to think about what others will say about you, and everything will be fine