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School of the future theses. Essay “My school of the future

Today, the plots of science fiction films of yesteryear no longer seem so unreal. Every day, technology is developing more and more and is being used everywhere. We can no longer imagine life without modern scientific achievements. In the future, I think progress will not stand still, and school is no exception.

It's interesting to think about what school will be like in the future. I can’t say that I don’t like the modern one at all. And yet it seems to me that one day, after many decades or even centuries, schooling will change beyond recognition. It is difficult to imagine what our future will be like in general. Therefore, I want to dream about what school will be like when a person discovers the secrets of science unknown today.

The school of the future is an institution that meets the goals of advanced development. The school will provide study not only of the achievements of the past, but also of technologies that will be useful in the future. The guys will be involved in research projects and creative activities to learn to invent, understand and master new things, express their own thoughts, make decisions and help each other, formulate interests and recognize opportunities.

The new school is a school for everyone. Any school will ensure the successful socialization of children with disabilities health, disabled children, children without parental care and in difficult life situations. The age, physical, psychological, and physiological characteristics of schoolchildren will be taken into account, and education at various levels of education will be organized in a new way.

However, I would not like the school to change completely. High level automation should not affect a person’s love for art, so attention will continue to be paid to drawing, music, and manual labor. I think that just like today, the classrooms will be decorated with flowers and portraits outstanding people. During breaks, students will not stop communicating with each other, switching to tablets and iPhones. And the most important thing, without which it is impossible to imagine the school of the future, is, of course, teachers.

Newteachers are teachers who are open to everything new, who understand child psychology and the developmental characteristics of schoolchildren, and who know their subject well. The teacher’s task is to help children find themselves in the future, become independent, creative and self-confident people. Sensitive, attentive and receptive to the interests of schoolchildren, open to everything new.

No computer, even the most advanced one, can replace a creative, intelligent, professional team of teachers. No android will give students live communication and understanding, sympathetic attention to the life of the children's team. In such a school, it seems to me that anyone would want to study, so every student will be successful and responsible in their studies.

The grading system in the school of the future will be abolished. Students will be encouraged not to simply memorize material, but to achieve. Schoolchildren will be given scientific research and creative assignments.Students will be paid good scholarships for their successful studies at school. The criteria for successful study are quite complex; they mainly depend on the number of inventions, innovation proposals introduced, books published, records set in sports and victories in tournaments.

And yet, in the school of the future it will be possible to choose your own direction of study from the fifth grade. If you are good at languages ​​and literature, then you go in the humanities direction, you understand mathematics and physics - in mathematics, and so on. This will help schoolchildren find out their inclinations and choose a suitable future profession.

I think there will be no grades in the school of the future. Because schoolchildren will not just memorize the material and solve the same problems, but also perform scientific and creative tasks, and then share the results with others at special conferences. Teachers will help them with this, there will be a lot of individual lessons.

ShThe stake of the future is a center for interaction with parents, cultural institutions, healthcare, sports, leisure, and other social organizations. Schools as leisure centers will be open on weekdays and Sundays, and school holidays, concerts, performances, and sporting events will be places for family recreation.

The 20th century destroyed the traditional family, destroyed entire classes in our country - the nobility, merchants, and even the peasantry. But we can save our face without copying the West only by restoring and collecting bit by bit our Russian traditions. This is what both family and school should do. Education is a continuous process, so you cannot blame the upbringing of your child on school alone. The family must be directly involved in this process. Dear grandparents, dear mothers and fathers, let’s start today, now, with the basics, with the foundation. Let's read traditional Russian fairy tales and legends to the baby before bed. A Russian schoolchild should be familiar with the names of Slavic and Russian epic and historical heroes, and not dream of becoming like Batman or Spider-Man, should know the worldview of his blood ancestors, should comprehend the greatness of his native people, native land, native language, and not litter the speech with incomprehensible foreign jargon. Only in the “school-parents” community can we raise a citizen, a patriot of our great country.

The new school has modern infrastructure. Schools will become modern buildings- schools of our dreams, with original architectural and design solutions, with high-quality and functional school architecture - a canteen with tasty and healthy food, a media library and library, high-tech educational equipment, broadband Internet, competent textbooks and interactive teaching aids, conditions for sports and creativity .

As for student furniture, it will become more comfortable and functional. Comfortable furniture will also appear in the school corridors so that students can relax and prepare for classes. In addition to gyms, each school will have swimming pools and gyms. The school of the future must certainly have workshops and laboratories where students will be able to put into practice the knowledge gained in class and get acquainted with new scientific developments. School excursions in the future, thanks to high-speed transport, will be able to take place in every corner of the globe.

The new school is a modern system for assessing the quality of education, which should provide us with reliable information about how individual educational institutions, and the education system as a whole.

Returning to the image of the school of the future, I would like to say that modern equipment should not be its main indicator. It should only be a necessary condition its existence. The atmosphere of youth, love, creativity, the value of knowledge and culture - this is the environment in which I would like to be. If society needs talented, intelligent, professional young people - yesterday's school graduates - then the school must become modern. And this concerns not only providing the school with the necessary equipment, but also providing it with talented, intelligent, professional specialists. After all, they are the ones who develop both the school and the child at school.

I think the school of the future consists of technically equipped classrooms, spacious, bright corridors decorated with flowers, a sports complex with a gym and a swimming pool, workshops and laboratories, and most importantly, a creative, intelligent team of professional teachers who love children and their work. Gaining knowledge at school should be interesting and joyful. And not everything in such a school depends on the computer, because the computer is only a tool. And one more thing: there should be a minimum of compulsory subjects (especially in high school), and the rest should be based on interests, to develop the creative abilities of children. And all the guys in the class (and there are no more than 15 - 20 people) are a friendly team in which everyone feels comfortable and everyone feels “needed” and can count on help and support. Every schoolchild probably dreams of such a class and such a school.

It's interesting to think about what school will be like in the future. I can’t say that I don’t like the modern one at all. And yet it seems to me that one day, after many decades or even centuries, schooling will change beyond recognition. It is difficult to imagine what our future will be like in general. Therefore, I want to dream about what school will be like when a person discovers the secrets of science unknown today.

In the future, students will spend little time in classrooms learning information from books. And it will be like this: they will study biology outdoors in forests and fields. Each type of plant or animal can be seen live, and at the same time it will be explained theoretical material about them.

Foreign languages ​​will be studied in countries where they are spoken. Schoolchildren with a teacher will be taken, for example, to England for six months, and in the process of communicating with the English they will quickly master the language. It would be great if geography was studied in the same way! If you imagine that high-speed transport has already been invented, then even in one lesson you could visit a couple of continents.

And yet, in the school of the future it will be possible to choose your own direction of study from the fifth grade. If you are good at languages ​​and literature, then you go in the humanities direction, you understand mathematics and physics - in mathematics, and so on. This will help schoolchildren find out their inclinations and choose a suitable future profession.

I think there will be no grades in the school of the future. Because schoolchildren will not just memorize the material and solve the same problems, but will carry out scientific and creative tasks, and then share the results with others at special conferences. Teachers will help them with this, there will be a lot of individual lessons.

I think everyone will like this school. It will be interesting to study there; no one will have to be forced to come. None of the students will want to miss classes. I hope that the real school of the future will be even better than I imagine.

“I begin my journey to the Beautiful Far Away”

School is where the child spends most of his time. This is a world in which he lives and receives not only knowledge and communicates, but also learns to listen and hear others, solve any problems, while independently making important decisions.

The school prepares students to independently obtain information, think critically and strive for development and self-improvement.

A school is not just a school of knowledge, but a school of personal development, life and cooperation, ready for lifelong education, equipped with the latest educational and technical means, using information and communication technologies. After all, it is the use of modern information technologies V educational process provides an opportunity for the development of the student’s intellectual and creative abilities, which are necessary for him to live in modern information society.

How do I see the school of the future? Of course, this is complete computerization.

Unfortunately, well-equipped classrooms with a multimedia projector, large screen, and Internet access are not available in every school.

The school of the future will not have the usual chalk boards. There are interactive screens and boards with feedback, with the help of which the teacher conducts a lesson through a computer; desks equipped with the latest laptop computers, headphones, etc.; free access to the Internet. But where it exists, enormous opportunities open up for teachers and students. You can use materials from mass media (video, radio, television, Internet, press), you can conduct distance learning, teleconferences, and interactive conferences.

In the school of the future, students use multimedia books along with regular textbooks. teaching aids and specialized databases. Constant high-quality Internet connection allows you to communicate, teach and learn material differently. For example, conduct real-time teleconferences with scientists, museums, look into the most distant corners of the globe...

Cool magazines will also become obsolete in the future; computers and the Internet will replace paper documents.

But despite all this, the school of the future must still preserve its system, i.e. Students and teachers need to meet directly in class. Another thing is textbooks and technology, with the help of which some will learn new things, while others will help them learn this new thing and as much as possible.

The teaching profession has always been worthy of respect and honor. And I believe that in the school of the future, teaching technology will not replace live contact with the teacher. No robot, not even the most perfect one, will achieve mutual understanding with a student. He will remain only an accumulator of information, unable to teach sensitivity, responsiveness, and compassion.

As Friedrich Adolf Wilhelm Diesterweg said: “The most important phenomenon in school, the most instructive subject, the most living example for the student is the teacher himself.”

I imagine my school in the future to be a large, beautiful building. Perhaps it will be a slightly different shape than it is now - round, for example. There will be pictures or animals on the walls of the building. All windows will be mirrored, reflecting sunlight. I like it when trees grow near the school, and in the future, I think this will be the case. Flower beds, fruit trees and various bushes will surround the school building, giving coolness and comfort on a summer day.

I imagine many pictures inside the school. On the ground floor there is a large TV broadcasting entertainment programs so that you can mentally relax during the break. All classrooms of the future school are equipped computer equipment. Textbooks will be on electronic media so that it is not so difficult to carry them in your backpack.

At the future school, all students wear uniforms, as do the teachers. Each school has its own uniform so that you can immediately understand who is studying where. In the school cafeteria, everything can be obtained from vending machines, this will avoid creating queues. In addition, I think that the school of the future will have a spacious gym with everything necessary for classes various types sports It will be possible to open sports sections there, allowing you to play sports after school. The school will also have a spacious swimming pool, providing the opportunity to practice swimming or water sports.

I imagine my school in the future to be a large, beautiful building. Perhaps it will be a slightly different shape than it is now - round, for example. There will be pictures or animals on the walls of the building. All windows will be mirrored, reflecting sunlight. I like it when trees grow near the school, and in the future, I think this will be the case. Flower beds, fruit trees and various bushes will surround the school building, giving coolness and comfort on a summer day.

I imagine many pictures inside the school. On the ground floor there is a large TV broadcasting entertainment programs so that you can mentally relax during the break. All classes of the future school are equipped with computer equipment. Textbooks will be on electronic media so that it is not so difficult to carry them in your backpack.

At the future school, all students wear uniforms, as do the teachers. Each school has its own uniform so that you can immediately understand who is studying where. In the school cafeteria, everything can be obtained from vending machines, this will avoid creating queues. In addition, I think that the school of the future will have a spacious gym with everything necessary for practicing various sports. It will be possible to open sports sections there, allowing you to play sports after school. The school will also have a spacious swimming pool, providing the opportunity to practice swimming or water sports.

And most importantly, the school of the future will have the kindest and most responsive teachers, and obedient students striving for knowledge. This is how I imagine school in the future.

Essay "School of the Future"

5th grade

The school of the future - what is it like?

It seems to me that school in the future will not be much different from modern school. Yes, perhaps there will be new technologies, perhaps it will be virtual, perhaps students will have less contact with their teachers, if they are not replaced by robots at all. The school will change its outer shell. But the educational principles will remain unchanged: completed the topic, learned the lessons, passed the exam. Another question is where and in what form the lessons will be held, and whether they will take place at all, how and to whom to take the exam.

And it still seems to me that the school of the future is a virtual school. Online classes on remote communication, checking assignments via Email, and an exam in the form of a timed test. Thus, the school as such will not exist in physical form. After all, training via the Internet on specialized platforms or via Skype is already gaining momentum. This form of education reduces training costs and provides access to almost anyone who wants to receive an education without leaving home.

The school of the future will be dominated by subjects related to technology, as well as humanities. Such disciplines as mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology will also remain unshakable. Perhaps there will be one language for all of humanity, such a universal way of communication, and the national language will be presented as an additional subject, like culture.

The mood at school will be neutral. Since interpersonal communication will fade into the background, and communication via the Internet in specialized groups does not reflect the entire gamut of a person’s feelings in the same way as his face and timbre of voice reflect. Therefore, the mood in the school of the future will be calm, working, and basically students will be directly engaged in their studies.