Abstracts Statements Story

The brightest and most colorful houses in the world. Why are the colored houses of Burano in Italy dangerous?

Good old Vienna is famous for its imperial palaces, wide boulevards, and luxurious gardens. The complete opposite of classic luxury is a multi-colored building located in the very center of the capital. Painted in bright colors and oddly shaped, the residential building looks more like a haven for fairy-tale characters.

The author of this amazing structure is the outrageous architect Friedrich Hundertwasser. The cheerful artist traveled a lot around the world. He was inspired by the rich colors of exotic plants. He adored nature and believed that people should be surrounded by green spaces in an urban environment. Hunderstwasser hated everything gray and monotonous. He was sure that a standard, colorless home makes a person unhappy and leads to depression.

Continuing disputes with representatives of the Vienna city authorities led to the fact that the architect received an order to build a residential building. The sight of the new unusual building amazed the residents of the respectable capital. The multi-colored dwelling did not have a single window similar to each other. Small balconies were decorated with flowers. Trees grew through the house. The roof resembled a garden, and flowering ivy climbed down the walls. The walls are decorated with shiny mosaic shards. And inside, new surprises awaited residents. The house did not have a single straight line or angle. The floors were uneven and the walls bore marks left by the builders. Paths were laid out in the apartments from multi-colored mosaics. There is a fountain built in the courtyard, there is a parking lot and a medical office. Everything is done in the fantastic style of the resilient Hundertwasser.

The people of Vienna were delighted. Apartments in the building immediately sold out. But not everyone likes the crowds of curious tourists who admire the Hundertwasser house around the clock. The authorities of Vienna were also pleased with the work of the architect. But he refused payment for the work done. The artist explained that the best reward for him is the absence of dullness on the streets of Vienna. He was tasked with building a shopping center and showroom. The artist coped with the task. The new buildings were completed with his characteristic extravagance. Opposite the legendary house, an entire Hundertwasser village, created by the architect, grew up.

The Hundertwasser House is one of the most popular places in Vienna. Tourists from all over the world come to see the unusual residential building, which leaves no one indifferent.

Terrible things are happening in Tatarstan... Very strange. The local president, Rustam Minnikhanov, took on the architecture...

“The trouble is, if the shoemaker starts baking pies,
And the boots are made by the cake maker,
And things won't go well.
Yes, and it’s been noticed a hundred times,
Why does anyone like to take on someone else's craft?
He is always more stubborn and contentious than others:
He'd rather ruin everything
And I’m glad soon
Become the laughing stock of the world,
Than honest and knowledgeable people
Ask or listen to reasonable advice."

So, Mr. Minnikhanov decided to take up architecture... “We are building new houses as if it were some kind of collective farm,” he recently said at one of the meetings. Here I fully support him... But it gets worse...
“Even working a little with the color scheme is completely different. The doors are kind of brown there. The color scheme in the entrances is somewhat incomprehensible. Look a little, the design institute must also meet the standard. A silicate house was normal 20 years ago. Here is a normal house, beautiful, nice. If these color schemes and balconies weren’t there, then it would also be somehow gloomy and uninteresting. Beautiful house!"

As I understand it, Minnikhanov liked these ugly houses with blue accents.

“Domkor, please, added a color scheme - and it looks completely different.”

Deputy Head of the Naberezhnye Chelny Architecture Department Almas Idrisov also spoke out:

"Where are we? Probably in an industrial zone, you say. But no, not in an industrial zone, but in a residential environment... among the houses of the city of Naberezhnye Chelny, in a residential neighborhood! It is sad. This is a problem. This is not the way to solve architecture, design and appearance buildings. Neither industrial facilities, nor residential buildings, nor cowsheds can be designed, built or reconstructed this way. Because in such a “gray” environment, labor productivity will drop sharply at industrial facilities, the birth rate in a residential environment, and milk yield in cowsheds.”

With these words, the people of Los Angeles




And other cities became very tense... They immediately started looking at their birth rates and labor productivity. I am sure that now the Europeans and Americans are already gathering all their architects and builders to send them to Kazan and Naberezhnye Chelny to learn how to build and paint houses. And there is a lot to learn there:

For some reason, officials think that if a poor panel house is painted with bright colors, it will immediately become beautiful. If you make colored fences in your yards, the yard will be transformed, and life in the area will become joyful and carefree. If you make a children's playground, it must be colored. Well, children love everything bright, everyone knows that! This is how we get colored houses, colored fences with borders, colorful playgrounds. Fun, optimistic and beautiful.

Let's now come to the country residences of our officials. Surely they also live behind colored fences and in multi-colored motley houses. But no…

This photo was taken by Navalny. Here are the palaces of senior Russian officials. More precisely, their wives and children;). But what’s important to us now is that no one paints their country palaces in clown-colored motley colors.

Let's just look at the expensive cottage community, maybe everything here is colorful and colorful?

Also no! What's the matter?

The fact is that color in architecture is a very dangerous technique. It can, of course, be used, but it must be used very carefully! It's like bright makeup on a woman. One awkward move - and the insidious seductress turns into a station whore.

If you don’t know how to put on makeup, don’t put on makeup, don’t make people laugh.

But makeup is temporary, you can wash it off. But with architecture this will not work. One awkward move - and that’s it, we get bad taste for many years.

Many people here underestimate the importance of architecture. Architecture is probably the most dangerous art form. You don't have to listen to bad music; moreover, bad music quickly disappears. It’s even easier to isolate yourself from bad painting - just don’t go to the vernissage in Gorky Park. You don't have to read bad books. But you can’t escape bad architecture. She enters your life for a long time and thoroughly. Imagine that every time you arrive at a train station in Moscow you are forced to listen to Gazmanov’s “Moscow - the bells are ringing”... Oh, bad example. Ok, imagine that some Grisha Leps or Vaenga will be forcibly set as an alarm clock for all residents of Russia. And everyone will listen to him every day. Will you tolerate this? No. But everyone tolerates bad architecture.

There is no hiding from bad architecture. Bad architecture shapes people's taste and influences their behavior. It is no coincidence that Stalin and other tyrants paid a lot of attention to architecture - it was one of the tools of control over society.

The building can be bright, it can be defiantly bright and colorful. But this is the case when it claims to be a dominant, bright spot in the city. And again, when this is done by a good architect who can work not only with form, but also with color. Form can be without color, but color cannot exist without good form. Bad architecture cannot be saved with color. Panel chicken coops, no matter what color you paint them, will still remain panel chicken coops.

There are very few examples of the successful use of color as the main expressive device in architecture. If they do this, it's in buildings that you don't come into contact with every day. For example, you can make a stadium or some building in an industrial zone bright.

This place usually brings to mind bright Scandinavian architecture... Ok, let's look at it. Firstly, this is a special story altogether. Starting from the fact that color is used locally and very carefully, and ending with the flowers themselves. The way they choose colors is just incredible. But the slightest change in the shade of color - and everything will collapse.

Here's Denmark:

At the same time, no one in the city will want to make the entire residential area colorful. Here are the new areas in Copenhagen:

In Northern Europe, color has been used as a basic element of architecture for many centuries. They know how to work with him and do it excellently. They can make a black church and it will be beautiful:

This is a different story. Some peoples eat rotten meat. They manage to prepare it so that the product becomes tasty and safe. But if you thoughtlessly try to make a steak from rotten meat, you will most likely get poisoned. It's the same with color. Don't get off topic.

When our collective farmers try to work with color, the result is almost guaranteed to be shit.

The list goes on and on... There are plenty of such examples in any city. Just remember that if you paint shit, it's just painted shit. It won't turn into candy.

There are several misconceptions.

— Color makes the building “more cheerful”
- Not really. A colored building doesn't make it any more fun. A well-built building becomes more enjoyable. A quality road becomes more fun. Good landscaping is also more fun than bad. Color has nothing to do with it.

— Color hides architectural flaws
- Not really. Color almost always destroys architecture. It begins to compete with the form and attracts too much attention. Color does not save bad architecture; on the contrary, it draws more attention to the shortcomings.

— Color makes buildings more interesting
— In fact, the illiterate use of color makes the building “cheaper.” This rule applies to everything. Imagine a bright yellow executive car. Or a bright suit on the president. Again, there can be exceptions in any case, but they are exceptions!

In our country, most often they try to disguise mediocrity with color.

This, by the way, is clearly seen in the example of children's rooms and playgrounds. For some reason we think that children like everything bright. The main thing is to make variegated colors, and the child will like it. He's a child!

So we get these children's rooms...

Which break the taste and psyche of the child.

In fact, you can make a cool nursery in adult colors

It's a similar story with playgrounds... A playground can be good without clown flowers. And bright color will not save a bad site.

Here are some good examples:

Thank you dmitriy_sivak for the selection.

Good architecture (and great architecture, and interiors) can be completely independent without color doping.

But the real trouble begins when an official asks to make the building more cheerful... It is clear that he is not the one to live there. It’s not for him to receive aesthetic trauma every day. It’s not his children who will grow up with forever broken taste, surrounded by ugly buildings.

Unfortunately, in almost all cities architecture is treated extremely carelessly and frivolously. Nobody listens to experts. Moreover, there are no specialists. The architectural school has been destroyed, Russian architectural education is extremely weak. Almost everywhere, architects are relegated to the background and sit under the construction complex. And officials are meddling in completely non-core areas with their own ideas about beauty.

The officials will leave, and we will be left with mediocre architecture and people with spoiled taste.

Poems for preschool children.

On a green street


I was born on a green street
In a quiet wooden town.
And a chicken was walking along the street,
And a goat was grazing not far away.

There, outside the windows, it was dark in autumn
There are ruts from cart wheels,
And in winter with creaking runners
My street was singing.

I look at the steaming horses,
On the trembling arc -
Mittens in hands, feet in felt boots,
And I run to the door and into the street.

Past the covered front gardens
It's fun to run behind the sleigh,
And the driver, a bearded man,
Maybe he'll let me hold the reins.

I was little

I was little
Although for a long time.
I remember how with my mother
Went to the cinema
Like in the yard
We played hide and seek
How I drew horses
In a notebook.
I remember the fire
On the next corner
I remember how the janitor
I was looking for a broom.

But how I roared
Coming to the doctor
I do not remember.
And I don’t want to remember.

My brother Misha

Oh, how red he is,
My new brother Misha!

And the hair is red,
And the eyelashes are red,
I wake up and it’s immediately fun,
When I see him.

Over naughty Misha
The whole family is busy.
But my brother is red
He does everything as I do:

I jump - he jumps
I eat porridge - eat porridge,
I ate the plate instantly -
And he does it in one sitting.

I won’t offend Misha
And if he pinches me, I will endure it:
He is small, my red one,
And I love him.

Colorful houses

I'll draw a green house
Under the spruce roof -
How many cones do you want?
The squirrel will be a red one.

And then, and then
I'll draw a blue house
There are many long rooms -
Everything for the octopus.

I'll draw a white house
With thick ice glass:
Rejoice, neighbors -
Hares and bears!

A black house without windows,
Locked doors.
Get some sleep during the day, night owls.
And nocturnal animals.

Finally - the red house,
Painted glass.
Let the nesting doll live in it,
Red as a beet.

My dog

— My dog ​​can sing.
Don't believe me? The top is singing!
- Well, you are an inventor, however.
- He sings and recognizes songs!

- I would like to listen...
- Yes, that’s the thing,
He doesn't make a sound in front of strangers,
He and I are the only ones who sing,
When we're alone.

Just once someone would hear
How we sing alone!
Let them put us on a record,
And all the people will believe me.


Lame-legged piano.
The pedal broke off
The moth sat down
In B-flat,
F sharp
He disappeared into the dust.
You broke it!
But there was
Beat with hammers
Everything sparkled on the outside.
It's gathering dust because of you,
Urgent re-re-re-repair
Need a tool!

My relatives

Mom and dad are my relatives.
I have no relatives more dear to me.

And sister relatives, and brother,
And the flop-eared puppy Tishka.

I love my family very much.
I'll buy gifts for everyone soon.

Dad will have a motor boat,
A magic brush for mom in the kitchen,

A real hammer for my brother,
Ball for sister, candy for Tishka.

And I also have a friend,
Friend Seryozhka is also related to me.

I run to him in the morning,
Without him, the game is not a game for me.

I tell him all the secrets
I will give him everything in the world.


The apple is ripe, red, sweet,
The apple is crunchy, with a smooth skin.
I'll break the apple in half
I'll share an apple with my friend.


Mother! I love you so much,
That I don’t really know!
I'm a big ship
I'll give it the name "MOM".

Who will I be

I want to become a doctor. Dental.
And smile at all the sick.
- Don’t move, my dear,
Here's your baby tooth!

And I want to be a salesman
But behind the counter, don't be rude.
- Come forward, grandma,
And this boy will wait.

I want to be a hairdresser:
I'll cut off the girls' braids
And I'll give them a haircut
Under a teddy bear!

I also want to become a dog,
To crawl under the bed,
And look for slippers in the dark,
And bring it to dad in his teeth!

About Vova and the cow

- I am Burenushka, a cow,
I give you milk!
- Well, I’m Vova Kosynkin,
I'll milk you, cow,
I’ll milk it instantly...

There's just no milk
The bucket doesn't ring yet.
Barely, drip-drip-drip,
We need more milk!

- Don’t rush, Vova Kosynkin, -
The cow tells him,
You'd better, man
He took off his new jacket:
Milk runs down the sleeve,
Here comes the drip-drip-drip!


Who's holding
Your candy
In the fist
To eat her
Secretly from everyone
In the corner

Who, going out into the yard,
None of the neighbors
Will not give
Take a ride
On ve-

Who chalked
Rubber band,
Any trifle
In class
With no one
Won't share -

The name of that
Suitable given,
Not even a name
And the nickname:

I mean nothing
I'm not asking.
I'm visiting
I won't invite you.

Will not come out of greed
Good friend
Even a friend
You can't name him.

That's why -
Honestly, guys, I’ll say -
With the greedy
I never
I'm not friends!

What do the doors say?


Believe me.

My owner
Kicked me
With your foot.

He walked again
Apparently, a deuce
Carried from school.
You see
How many
Because of these

"Here I am
I scold the guys -
Another, -
They will run -
Where to come from! —
But laziness
Shut me down.

I'm chilled all over
In the wind,
I thought so -
I'll die."

"What about me
Almost threw it out
From loops -
In the morning,
Just on horseback
He took a ride
On me.
For this
He’s a master!”

And they decided

"If there are
Let's stop


Scented soap, white, soapy,
Soap looks at the dirty girl with a grin:
You dirty bastard should remember about soap -
Soap would finally wash you off!


Have you heard?
At the entrance
The postman walked
With the unusual
By letter.

And on it
By line
It is clearly written:

To the first floor
Letter carrier
Came in.
I saw how Vova
They planted
At the table.

With a fairy tale
The broth was poured in.
— Letter to the Unable to Know! —
The postman said.

For a spoon
And mom replied:
- There is no such thing!

In the apartment
Above them
Once upon a time there lived a boy
All over the room
He scattered

Having heard about the address,
- Don't think, uncle,
That I am a Clumsy!

I, uncle,
Not graduated yet
I'll line it up
House -
And I'll clean everything up.

To the apartment to the right,
Where did you just wake up?

Little sister to him
I put it on
And Slava was bored
And looked
To the ceiling.

The postman said:
- Not a bad family!
Doesn't he live here?

But Slava
An offensive word
Stocking pulled
And he exclaimed:
- Yes you!

I dress myself
Whenever I want,
And this -
Well just
I'm teaching my sister!

The letter carrier is coming
To another
Apartment -
And he sees
In the kitchen
This picture:

And piled up
And mother and daughter

The postman said
- Trouble!
Me again
I ended up in the wrong place.

went down
Into the yard
Letter carrier
And soon
Almost fell
For a three year old
Boryu -

He watered
From small
Watering cans.

And here
Have not found

Sat down
And again
Hit the road
I'm not smart enough to look for it.

Looking for a recipient
Around the world
But what's in the letter?
Tell me a secret?

Two words
In an envelope
Registered letters:
Two offensive words.

And I ask you,
May this letter
Not found

Man in the house

Dad at the airport
He told me: - Four days
Will you be the man in the house?
Stay with me.

The plane rolled
Dad taxied for takeoff.

I ran into our apartment,
He ordered the light to be turned on in the kitchen,
He sat his family down at the table,
He made a speech like this.

“Grandma,” I said sternly, “
You run across the road.
Every pedestrian knows:
There is an underground passage!

An order to everyone: there are clouds in the sky,
So, beware of the rain.
For umbrellas, just in case,
I hammer two nails.

You grin inappropriately, -
I shook my finger at Katya. —
That's it, big sister.
Wash the dishes, please.

Mom, well, but you... not so much,
Don't be sad and don't be bored.
And you’re leaving, by the way,
Turn off the gas in the kitchen!

Who will who?

- Grandma, grandma, whose daughter am I?
- You are Fedya’s daughter, my son.
- My dad is big, but not a son at all!
- Son. Brother of my four daughters.
Do you remember when we visited the eldest, Avdotya?
- Did we really visit our daughter? My aunt has!
- I rocked your aunt in the cradle...
- Grandma, stop, explain first,
Who are Natasha and her two brothers to me?
- Okay, let's try to figure it out:
Their mother, husband's nieces, sister,
Oh, she was a nimble little girl!
And you get to them... Tricky business...
- Grandma, something is burnt!
- Ugh, while I was thinking,
All the milk has escaped from the pan!


I'm sick. There's a bubbling in my chest.
It's hot, like near a fire.
- What's wrong with you?.. What does he want?
- I want a horse! Horse!..

“Horse...” I mutter again. —
Grandma, lead, lead... -
Suddenly the father came in:
- Ready.
Horse under the windows. Look!

Rawhide, with a notch,
From a smelly belt
He handed me the bridle,
Apparently taken from a horse.

I pressed my ear to the bridle,
I forgot everything - chills and fever,
Smelled the new strap
And again he pressed it to his cheek.

The bank of a cool river
It's like I'm riding a horse...
I didn’t take my eyes off the bridle,
It became easier for me.

Treated everyone!

Vasya was escorted to the zoo in the morning,
Grandmother and mother equipped him:
“An apple and a bun for lunch,
Money for entrance and tram ticket.”

It was cramped and hot on the tram.
The carriage was empty at the gates of the zoo.
There's a crowd of people around the cash register,
Vasya takes the ticket from the cashier.

From a distance Vasya saw a monkey,
The monkey was jumping after her.
- Hello! - Vasya nodded to the monkeys
And he handed them the red apple.

Nearby is a short horse, a pony.
Gray pony in a green blanket.
Vasya visited that horse
And he treated her to her mother’s bun.

Elephants trampled about in the spacious enclosure.
Elephants were brought from a distant country.
The elephants poured water on each other...
Well, how can you not throw a hump at a baby elephant!

The pelican father strides importantly,
Two beaked sons wander on the sides.
Vasya approached the pond and from the palm of his hand
Blown bread crumbs to the pelicans.

How I ended up at Vasya’s feet
This cheerful shaggy puppy?
- What, puppy, will I feed you?
Wait a minute, I’ll buy a pie at the stall!

Without money, where can you go on a tram...
But Vasya is not the least bit discouraged:
The animals that Vasya is familiar with are
They don’t drive either, they walk!


Hello, Vaska the goat!
If you came to visit,
Help yourself to the grass
Yes, be careful not to slurp!


Everyone knows the puffed up turkey,
But they are hardly friends with him.
Don't pretend to be a turkey
They didn't call you!

Little Mike

Mike came out
On the porch
At first clear
Spring day.
Looks -
Older girl
He plays ball against the wall.

Clap your hands -
And she caught it.
Spun around -
And she caught it.
Through the leg -
And she caught it.

The ball bounces against the wall,
Everyone around is surprised.

- You know, -
Mike said,
I'll give up
And you catch it.
I can do it
I am not lying.
Well, accept me
In Game!

But the older girl
She was unkind.
The girl said importantly:
- Where are you going, little one!

Little Mike
She sobbed once
And, forgetting about the ball,
I went to play in the sand.

Pour into a spoon -
It will knock over.
On the palm of your hand -
It will knock over.
Grab a handful -
It will knock over.

Well, saiki, well, pancakes!
Everyone around is surprised.

But here it comes
To Mike
Girl with a ball
And says:
- Come on
We'll bake a pretzel. —
It's worth it
At the box
With a helpful face:
- I will be the buyer,
You will be a salesman.

But little Mikey -
Even though it’s small -
To the girl who's a nerd
She gave this answer:

- No, for our sand
You must be great!


The garden has been fenced,
So that the hares don't walk,
So that the chickens don't peck
What the children planted.

I'm writing you a letter

...And the piece of paper in the envelope is clean,
There are no letters or lines on it
A leaf smells like autumn -
A fallen leaf from a tree.

Just your address and name
I'll write on the envelope,
I'll find the blue box
I'll put down my piece of paper.

You will receive my letter
And suddenly you will be happy:
Life in the world is much better,
If a friend remembers a friend.

Write me an answer right away!
And the ink is running out -
Just put a feather in
What did the tit drop?


The friend has gone far away.
It's not easy for me without a friend.

The day has passed
Then a week.
Three weeks
We flew by.
Summer rain,
In winter there is a blizzard.
I'm very bored
Without a friend.
Soon a year will pass...

I won't sit any longer.
I can't live without a friend.
I'll put a brush and soap
And I'll run to the station.

On the field
Yes, through the forest
By morning
By train.

Express train:
"Knock Knock,
Where are you, where are you,
Friend friend?"

Slowly creeps -
I'll change seats
On the plane.

I'm flying,
I'm screaming
I sing on the fly:
"Fast Tu,
Strong Tu,
Gain altitude!

We sat down.
(The word is very long!)
I run through the hall
I jump into the car.

Red light.
No patience!
Let me
Green light!

Stop, car.
Here it is, home
With a blue window.
I'll look through the window,
I'll catch my breath a little.

I'll wipe my feet
On the threshold
I'll knock loudly on the door.
- Open it quickly! - I shout.

A friend came out.
And I am silent.

I hurried to him on foot,
I ran towards him,
Rocked on the train
I was racing in a car,
Even flew across the sky -
I wanted to tell him
I wanted to say so much...

I forgot everything!

About the donkey

On a Moscow street
The hooves clicked.
Surprised everywhere
Laughing faces:

Donkey! Donkey!
Look, donkey!

But I'm with this donkey
Not the first year we have known each other,
He carries it on a cart
Cans of milk.

Donkey? Donkey.
Well, of course, donkey.

Him, to great joy
Moscow children,
Sent for kindergarteners
From hot Bukhara.

Donkey! Donkey!
A real donkey!

And here he is at the crossroads,
Without looking at the ban,
Stubborn and thoughtful
Walking through a red light.

Donkey! Donkey!
What a stubborn donkey!


We're on a fast train,
The train is rushing at full speed.
I went to visit my neighbors,
I say:
- Hello, Egor!

Yesterday we are with Egor
They fought over a brand
And then they sang in chorus,
And today we hugged.

Egorka told me,
How he got into the cave
And about the fact that Fox Hill
In their village it is called a forest.

We started along the corridor
Wander from window to window.
But they are already shouting to Yegor:
- Where are you? We must go out!

On a shabby suitcase
A hand squeezed my hand.
“Well,” I said, “goodbye!”
“Well,” said Yegor, “bye!”

It will soon get dark outside,
Trains fly by.
Am I really Egor?
Will I never see you?


I'm only seven
Or maybe six.
And I have a friend -
We live window to window.
What a friend, he was a friend,
But I stuttered - I have no strength,
And it was funny to me.

I'm in the yard
Hundred times a day
I meet him -
And I tease.
I started stuttering myself!
And the friend blushes and is silent,
Then, frowning, he grumbles:
- L-listen, l-stop it!

I left the town
I remembered a friend
But many years have passed until
I found out about him.

He died in battle. Near Moscow.
And I came back from the war alive.

...I’m looking somewhere in the past
And I don't tell anyone
What's there, in the lake side,
I see a friend's yard,
And I feel ashamed
Although life has passed since then.

My faithful siskin

The sun comes out from behind the roofs -
And on my bed
Siskin sits down
My faithful siskin:
- Chiv-chiv,
Why, why are you sleeping?
Chiv-chiv, it's time to get up,
Chiv-chiv! —
And I'm not sleeping anymore
I make the bed,
I feed the siskin -
I sprinkle hemp into the feeder.

And he bites
He sings his own
Doesn't let me chill:
- Chiv-chiv,
Drink tea,
Chiv-chiv, it's time
Where's the backpack?
- Behind the back! —
Run up the stairs!
My siskin is flying after me.

I'm crossing the street.
“Take your time,” I whisper. —
Well, let's fly
Green light! —
The guys shout to us:
- Hello! —
One more minute until the bell rings.
I say chizhu:
- Bye!
Let's fly home.

He makes a farewell circle
My faithful siskin,
My dear friend,
My brave friend.

I think about him often
And he must be sad.
During the big break, during the day,
I know it will arrive.

- Hello, chiv-chiv,
I'm here, I'm alive
I've been looking for you for a long time! —
And I answered him: “Chiv-chiv!” —
I'll whistle quietly.

And on the shoulder
Let me sit down
I'll ask:
- Why are you silent?

I'm glad,
What are you in the world,
My friend,
My faithful little siskin!


Do you want to take a look at the summer?
You are allowed into the forest without a ticket.
Mushrooms and berries
So much -
Can't collect it in a year!

And by the river, and by the river
Little men with fishing rods.
Got it!
Look - pike!
I’ll drag the pike ashore...

Okay, tired of the heat,
Jump through the dew at night,
Cook porridge on the fire,
Talk until morning...


Bridge over the sky
Where are the shores?

The word "friend"

When no one else
Didn't know a word -
Not a "hello"
Neither "sun"
Neither "cow" -
To the neighbors
Ancient man got used to
Show fist
Or tongue
And make faces
(Which is the same thing).

But it became a word
Guttural sharp sound
More meaningful face
Smarter hands
And man
The word FRIEND,
I started waiting for my friend
And grieve in separation.

Thanks to him
For my friends.
How would I live?
What would you do without them?

Friends -
The people I love are
I never
I won't insult you.
Not for that
Our ancestor walked through the darkness,
So that when you meet a friend,
I shouted: “Fool!”
Sticking out his tongue
Or a fist
And made faces
(Which is the same thing).

And an evil word
I'll save it -
Let it
The enemy will get it!

I'm having fun!

I'm having fun
I'm having fun
I'm riding a horse!

I'm flying like a whirlwind,
I'm flying like a whirlwind,
Wherever I want!

My horse is tired
My horse is tired
And he stopped jumping.

Where's the watering hole?
Where is the watering hole?
With spring water?

My horse and me
Drank from the stream
He's in a hurry
My song.

Jumping cheerfully
My song!

Colored lights

On holidays on the streets
In the hands of a child
They burn and shimmer

Different, different,

They love the balls very much
Guys these days,
Everyone has a button
They are tied.

Different, different,

Here above our city
They fly, they are light,
It's like there's a light in the sky
Colored lights.

Different, different,
Colored lights!

Ivan and the drum

Along the elegant streets,
Along the May pavement
Walked in the ceremonial line
Wind orchestra.

To meet him - knock-knock-knock! —
Little Ivan was walking.
And suddenly in Ivan’s eyes
Got a drum.

The drum was huge:
Rolled like thunder:

He said, plucking up courage,
Little Ivan:
- I'll knock and you'll be safe.
There will be a drum.

But the drummer is important:
He won’t say a word in vain,
Everything boom-boom-boom!

He beats the drum
On the leather chest,
And he says to Ivan:
- You're in the way, come on in!

- What is your first name and patronymic? —
Ivan asked him. —
I want to drum
Well, I just don’t have the strength!

The important one turned around
He looked from under his eyelids,
He winked at the trumpet:
- The man is asking!

...Swimming in parade formation
Huge drum
And with the drum next to it
Little Ivan.

Hand above the top of the head -
Barely enough -
Soft beater
The drum is beating.

And the drum is huge:
Sounds like cheerful thunder:

The crowd is seething all around,
The drum is rumbling,
Laughs with joy
Little Ivan.

may Day

Noisy warm winds
Spring has been brought to the fields.
Earrings fluff on the willow tree,
Furry, like bumblebees.

Breaking river dams,
The spring wave is lashing...
Long live the First of May!
Long live Labor and Spring!

May Peace triumph in the world
And the peoples of the Earth are friends,
And also in the sun children
Ships are being launched in the spring!

our planet

There is one garden planet
In this cold space.
Only here the forests are noisy,
Calling migratory birds,

It's the only one they bloom on
Lilies of the valley in the green grass,
And dragonflies are only here
They look into the river in surprise...

Take care of your planet -
After all, there is no other one like it!

old elm

First snow

Morning cat
Brought on his paws
First snow!
First snow!

He has
Taste and smell
First snow!
First snow!

He's spinning
Over the guys' heads

He managed
Down scarf
On the pavement

He turns white
Along the fence
Took a nap
On the lantern -

Very soon
Will fly
From the hills.
Can be
Build a fortress
In the courtyard!

old elm

I made it for a long time
And equipped for flight -
Sawing plywood with a jigsaw
And I cooked special glue,
So that he soars like a bird,
My fast helicopter.

No one knew
Until then,
And this day has come -
I took the helicopter out into the yard,
I called my friends.

I squeezed the reel,
And by the lace
I pulled as hard as I could -
My helicopter
Like the breeze
Soared above our heads.

The yard has become not a yard -
- Hooray! Hooray! - I shout.
And in the helicopter
Above the yard
It's like I'm flying.

Suddenly a helicopter
Darted down
Hanging on a tree branch.

And the tree is a hundred-year-old elm
In front of my porch,
More than once my grandfather
Lying in the shadows underneath him.

The boys are chattering:
- Wait a minute,
We'll get it
Just give me a lift!

But the old branches creak
They won't be able to stand the guys.

- Let's sit you down! Get in! —
Friends are in a hurry.
“No,” I think, “they will break the elm.”
“No,” I say, “you can’t.”

...And at night soft snow fell
And the helicopter covered.
And now he, as a person,
Was under the blanket.

I'm standing at the window in the morning
And I think: spring will come,
And a warm wave of wind
The trees will shake -
The old elm will shake off the snowflakes,
He saved my friend and saved me,
He will give it to me carefully
My fast helicopter.


What an immemorial century it was,
What year was it?
When, looking at the heavens, a man
I saw a star for the first time...

Since then, humanity has been drawn to the stars,
A mysterious light beckoned them,
The engine and wing were breaking through to him,
Rocket, team of rockets.

A line of earthly ships is hurrying
To Venus and the lunar mountains,
And the path from your October star
Will reach out to the starry worlds.

Someday you will remember, gliding in the skies,
Its own village, a school in the garden
And a snowy field where the hare is
He looks at the star with his eyes.

In the forest

Blizzards, blizzards on the ground
They soared and spun.
Snow, snow in February
There are snowstorms!

The cold forest is empty,
Measurement little by little:
Who is in the hole and who climbed in?
Into the winter den.

Young bears dream about
Honey, fragrant, fresh.
I became emaciated without food
The whole family is bearish!

The beast is bored in the cold.
The snowstorm blows until night.
Even the squirrel is out of the nest
He doesn't want to get out.

But look at that hillock!
Slightly touching the ground
Rushing here at full speed
Fleet-footed hare.

I made a stand under a bush
And he glances sideways at the forest:
Won't it wag its tail somewhere?
Red fox?

The bunny moved his white mustache,
Makes ears stricter...
He's not a coward, guys.
Just be careful.


Where did the ear grow from?
From one grain.

Where did the boy come from?
He walked out the door.

Where did the finger come from?
From my mitten.

My horse

Me today
As a gift
They brought the horse -
Mane curls
All the way to the ground.

All day long I
From a horse
Didn't leave
Walk on wheels

They say it's too dark
They say we need to sleep.
Without a horse
I don't go to bed
In bed.

Mother said:
- Son,
You forgot in your haste:
After all, horses
They sleep on their feet!

I'm becoming
With your favorite horse.
Maybe we both
Shall we fall asleep?

The horse must be
I'll guard him
Only myself
Take a nap
I can not.

I then
For the bridle
Tied the horse
And, getting into bed,
- Good night,


The wind blows outside the window
Tree without leaves
A sparrow sits on it
Cleaned the feathers.

I'll look at the sparrow -
Swinging fun!
We understand, he and I,
That winter is ending.

Ice drift

Flood, ice drift,
The hut is floating along the river.

On Sunday it spilled
Our river is formidable -
Got loose and ran away
Collective farm mill.

Chodko the mill floats,
A rooster is crowing on the porch.

Rides along the shore in the saddle
The miller is behind the fugitive.
Caught in another village
Only on Monday!

Song from the window

Dad is tired after work
And so I took out the violin.
We love one old song,
Because it's about spring.

And the earth under the grass is warm.”

Here comes mom with a guitar,
Let her play and sing
How vocal my mother is,
I could listen to her all day!

I take the harmonica
I will wipe off the dust with a soft cloth,
I play this harmonica a little
And I won’t even lie about the motive.

The younger brother hurried after me,
I laid out the ringing forks.
I see a black head and the teeth of forks.
Oh, hush, I'm completely deafened!

Look, the crowd at the window -
Apparently, our music is heard,
People stay with her and don’t part with her,
They also need a song:

“Ah, spring, don’t play hide and seek with us!
We know that everything is alright
That the green grass has already grown
And the earth under the grass is warm.”

Little squirrel

At the accordion player Vanya's
The tame squirrel lived.
He was jumping on the sofa
He was friends with kittens.

Running around the room
Jumped like a top
And looked askance from the ceiling
On a bowl of milk.

Vanya came home from work -
Its tenant has disappeared.
I looked in the closet, in the closet -
The little squirrel ran off into the forest.

Ivan looks out the window:
Separation is not easy.
I took out my harmonica
And stretched the furs.

But somehow he breathes hoarsely
Singing accordion,
And suddenly there’s a redhead from there
The fire is rising!

Little squirrel! What a comedian!
He gnawed a hollow in the furs,
Having decided that this is a house,
Where it is quiet and warm.


I came
To a warm village house.
The snow crunches
Frost is vigorous
Outside the window.

Just sat down
Drink some tea -
I suddenly hear
A tit is knocking on the glass:

I'm a feeder
I make from planks,
I'm sprinkling crumbs
“Have lunch,” I say.

And the tit
Doesn't look like tits
Doesn't fight
Treats other birds.

Sparrows and bullfinches -
And the tit avoids:
- Here, take it!

I had a good life!
In the morning I got up
And your girlfriend
I found out.

Even in winter for birds
He'll peck the crumbs -
And he looks out the window towards me.

It ended quickly
My short vacation.
Said goodbye
With a warm home -
And home.

The city is crowded
Cars, chatter...
How do you live there?
Without me?

Gardener's Song

For the grains to germinate,
So that the trees bloom,
Water it,
Water it
All space

Do not snooze -
The hour is short!
Keep up -
The day is short!
The year is short, the century is short -
Hurry up!..

There will be a new spring
Let's throw the seeds into the ground.
There are seeds in the field.

Do not snooze -
The hour is short!
Keep up -
The day is short!
The year is short, the century is short -
Hurry up!..


Cloud by cloud
It was chasing across the sky -
Behind the cloud-boat

The elk walks briskly,
Doesn't want to fall behind
But horns the boat
Can't reach it.

And the wind drives, drives,
Hurries the clouds
Then he’ll touch you on the fly,
It will move slightly.

The boat has become smaller
The elk stretched out.
And a cloud from the moose
Suddenly it came off.

Where is the jumping elk?
Forget about him!
The cloud turned around
A galloping horse.

And behind him is a child -
White foal.
This is what cavalry is like
Now he's chasing the boat!

And the wind is stronger, stronger
Got up
And grew up by the boat

Catch up, trotters,
The boat is spinning...

I'm lying by the river
I look from under my hand,
And they run above me
There are clouds in the sky.

Boy and gardener

-Where are you running, boy?
- I'm going to have dinner.
What are you doing, uncle?
— I'm working in the garden.

- How many pears and cherries do you have!..
- Yes, a rich garden.
- Can I come and visit you?
- Well, I’ll be glad,

We invite you to visit both -
Me and my Trezor.
Just, mind you, go to the gate,
Not over the fence!

Fur coat

We bought the fur coat in the summer.
Mom says:
- Try it on.
Will you be dressed for winter?
Like a furry forest animal!

I'm trying it on for a T-shirt
Hot heap of fur -
And it’s like I’m diving
Head straight into the stove.

“Yes,” my mother sighed sadly, “
Not matured yet.
I have a feeling -
The fur coat is too big for my son.

“No,” said the saleswoman, “
There's still a long time until winter,
Let's go to first grade to study,
We will have time to grow up!

And, not believing my eyes,
I approach the mirrors:
I see a big beast there,
But I can’t find myself.

On a skiff

On a tiny boat, on a yawl,
With one broken oar
My friend Borka and I, two little ones,
We went to the lake secretly.

A cherished, enviable dream -
Sail away to where the fishermen are
To the village, barely visible from here,
With the wonderful name “Bulls”.

And the wind rocked the boat,
And the bunny sparkled on the water,
And the nimble skiff turned
Where I wanted, where I wanted...

It's been a long day. And only in the evening
The longboat turned black in the fog,
And the fishermen are broad-shouldered,
Exhausted, they picked us up.

And Borka kept squinting from the sun,
Even though it was quiet and dark.
And in the distance, on our street,
Mom's window was shining.

One log at a time

Across the river
Two logs.
And the river -
The bottom is not visible.

Well, the bridge
Bad luck!
I'm in a hurry to visit
To the village.

I whisper to myself:
“Don’t be a coward!”
But it doesn't matter

Okay, I think
On the ground
It lies there.

Lying in the grass
Waiting for someone
He will run.

I thought,
And when
I realized
I found myself on the other side.


What was
Without paints and brushes
The artist escaped
From guests.

He walked
Along the forest road.

Looks -
A flower nearby
And a drop on a flower.

The artist sighed:
House paints,
And the canvas
And two bundles of tassels...
Are they really guests?
Until morning
Won't they get out of the yard?

The sun was setting
Below, below...
He lay down in the grass
The green forest is his bed.
It's a pity there are no colors -


You don't walk quickly:
From the gate to me
You'll crawl for four days.


Pike will go in the fall
One hundred and fourteenth year.
We won't catch you for lunch -
He will live another hundred years.


Night, probably.
The glass in the window turned black.
Back to school soon
And I still don't sleep,
As luck would have it.

I toss and turn from side to side,
I'm not happy with life.
- Count the elephants, -
My brother advises me.

Wait, I know -
For a sound sleep

For the rough ear
I'm taking him out.
I'm shopping cart
To the elephant's back
I'll tie it.
Basket bottom
I'll make the
Soft grass
I'll climb
And I'll bury myself in the grass
With your head.

The elephant has gone.
In silence
There are footsteps
Elephant foot.

Hiding the daylight,
The jungle stood like a wall,
And a basket
Together with me.

We've gone far.
I'm floating high.
I won't return home.
I won’t wake up... I won’t wake up...
Until morning.


Only the shepherd sang his horn,
I went out to the bank.
Caught a fish!

Silently sat by the reeds
And he threw it in slowly.
Caught a fish!

I sit for an hour, then sit for two.
Where is the perch? Where is the roach?
Caught a fish!

Finally! Gotcha, friend!
He pulls the fishing rod out of his hands.
Caught a fish!

The perch flashed in the air,
Slap! He dived... and slipped away.
Walk, fish!


Like a white plane
A fish swims in the blue.

Red float ball
I couldn’t waylay the fish.

In half-asleep silence
Ice floes are melting on the wave.

Only this is not a river,
This is the sky, the clouds.

This is a white plane
Swims like a fish in the blue.

The scarlet ball soared up,
Hanging with a red float.

Those are not ice floes - clouds
They melt near the float.

...I'm lying in the thick grass,
I look into the blue sky.

I turned the sky upside down
Almost drowned in the sky.


The hedgehog puffs and winces:
- What am I to you, a cleaning lady?
I can’t sweep the forest,
Keep clean!


The raccoon has no use for summer
He bares his teeth in the sun.
It's hard on a hot day,
Who doesn't take off their fur coats?

Mushroom forest

I’m calling you to the mushroom forest
Quiet autumn morning.
Do you see foliage under your feet?
They threw trees at us.

Summer came and went
Songful, sultry.
And now it’s light in the forest,
Stricter and calmer.

Only the squirrel is in sight -
I crawled all the corners,
Vitamin food
Stocking up for the winter.

Under the trunks of two oaks
Let's be silent for a while.
Let's bring home mushrooms
A complete basket.

Windy day

You see how the wind plays with the leaves,
How does he choose trees in a grove?
The birch tree on the slope seems noticeable,
And the wind bypasses her.

Or maybe this is an obstinate tree
Don't want to play with the annoying wind?
Birch does not trust secrets to everyone,
She chooses her own friends and girlfriends.


A yellow leaf is spinning,
Gets tangled in branches.
A patch of blue sky
Lost in the clouds.

Late gray dawn
In the field above the barn
Will be worried no no
The cry of a crane.


Rain, rain
All day
Drumming on the glass.
The whole earth
The whole earth
Got wet from the water.

Howls, howls
Outside the window
Displeased wind.
He wants to tear down the doors
From creaky hinges.

Wind, wind, don't knock
In the locked hallway;
Let them burn in our oven
Hot logs.

Hands reach out for warmth
The glass fogged up.
On the wall
And on the floor
The shadows danced.

Gather at my place
Listen to a fairy tale
By the fire!

Where do you go, autumn?

Rainy autumn
I'm just sleeping and I see:
According to the crispy snow
Downhill, on skis!

And in the fierce winter,
In the evening, in the cold,
I remember the spring yard,
Birch leaves.

By the April puddle
I can't wait -
Roll on summer,
I'll splash into the river!

“Where do you go, autumn?” —
I'll ask in August
Because I'm going to school
I'm in a hurry to see my friends.

Song in the forest. Fairy tales

Song in the forest

A girl was walking in the forest
Early in the morning on a fine day.
Knocked off the dew with a twig
In a berry meadow,

Weaved fragrant wreaths
Yes, I ate strawberries...
A girl was walking in the forest
And slowly she sang:

“Shine for us, sunshine, shine!
It's easy to live with you.
And even a song along the way
It sings itself.

Behind the clouds from us
Don't go, don't -
And the forest, and the field, and the river
The warmth and sun are welcome.

Listen to my song:
Shine from morning to night!
And I’ll still sing for you,
I’ll sing whenever you want..."

Aquatic finch from the nest
He immediately hung his head.
Who is who, and where are the finches?
Song hunters!

The singer listened to the end,
Shaked himself fussily
And it poured, and it poured
With high overflow:

- Hey, listen, everyone in the forest,
I bring a new song!

“Shine for us, sunshine, shine,
You and I get up early.
High, song, fly up
Above the forest, above the clearing.

In the morning I guard the sun -
I can’t sing in the dark.”

The prickly hedgehog asked him:
-What song are you singing?
So joyful and loud?
Perhaps your song
Let me go and sing now
To the hedgehog nephew.

Look, with a friend, like two balls,
Know they are tumbling off the stump.
Here Uncle Hedgehog began to sniffle
And he sang this song:

“Shine for us, sunshine, shine,
Don't go behind the clouds.
In the bright sun, hedgehogs
The thorns grow faster.”

Both kids are with their uncle,
Breathing through black noses,
We sang the song again.

The song is knocking just before dawn
To the houses of forest neighbors,
Following the hedgehog's song
The bear roared:

“Shine upon us, sunshine.
I love,
When you shine a lot.
It's easy under the sun I catch
There is a fish in transparent water.

Wake us up early in the morning -
Let's go get some fresh fish,
Otherwise he’ll oversleep, look at that
My family is bearish!”

And towards evening - a beaver
Beavers with a soft paw
He wiped his sleepy eyes.
-Where to so early, dad?

- Today I want a finch by the pond
Sang a song on a branch.
Oh, let me remember... That's the trouble,
I've become forgetful, kids!

“Shine for us, sunshine, shine
High above the river.
Pour tree bark
Sticky sweet juice.

Let us not like the heat,
Coolness is dearer to us,
But what do you do in winter without bark?
Will the beavers be fed?..”

And indeed, without bark
Beavers will not survive the winter.

And nearby, in a muddy pond,
Staring at each other
In sight of the old heron
The frogs croaked:

“The rumor was spread in vain,
That the sun disturbs us.
The frog occasionally - croak, croak -
The frog occasionally - croak, croak -
He also likes to bask!”

Dew falls on the grass.
It's quiet in the evening forest.
Chu, to your little crane
The crane is cooing:

“Shine for us, sunshine, shine,
Waking up early in the morning.
While you're here, we won't fly away
To the south, to foreign countries.

Cranes are sad in winter
And they can't wait for summer -
Rather from a foreign land
Return to the green forest..."

A moon peeked over the forest
And he floated out little by little.
I fell asleep to my mother's song
My son is long-legged.

...Night imperceptibly approached.
The fogs are descending.
The dew has fallen cool
To dark glades.

The cranes are sleeping in the swamp,
The hedgehogs calmed down.
Only a loud hoot in the distance
The night robber is an eagle owl.

The flower cups have closed.
The trees are sleeping and so are the birds.
But the sun will rise - and I’m ready
The whole forest shakes off the dew from the bushes,
Come alive and bloom.

...A girl was walking in the forest
On a fine morning early,
Knocked off the dew with a twig
In a berry meadow,

Weaved fragrant wreaths
Yes, I ate strawberries...
A girl was walking in the forest
And she sang all the way.

Looks like she's wandered far away
Yes, and a little tired.
It's time. And the girl left.
But the song remained.

Foliage and a ringing stream,
What falls on the stone
They sing it in their own way
With forest breezes.

And there are herbs and flowers
They will hear and respond...
I would like the song
And there will be voices.

Happens on a sunny day
You will go into the forest in a quieter place -
Sit down and try it on a stump,
Do not rush. Listen.

...The leaves rustle. The grass rustles.
The birds don't stop talking.
The spring barely gurgles in the grass,
Hurrying to break into the light.

It's like everything around you is singing
About the sun in the sky...
Listen, my little friend,
Isn't this the same song?

little fox

Born in the spring under an old pine tree
In a hole between the hummocks there is a red lump.
This Little Fox is born!

Mom Fox and his father, Fox,
They took up raising their son.
Dad turned to him:

“Stick your nose out of the hole - everyone is cunning, oh cunning!
Everything is deception and self-interest: to bite from someone else’s.
Cunning is the first thing in the forest.”

“But we foxes are the smartest of all animals.
Be my fox from day one,
Listen to Mama Fox!”

...The little fox grew up and stuck his nose out.
Lo and behold, there is a mountain of needles in front of the hole.
The little fox became wary:

“Hey, listen, mountain, you must be cunning,
You're on your own, looking for a fur coat for winter...
Otherwise I would have become friends with you!”

“Am I the mountain? Am I being cunning?
Fur coat! Say it too! Who am I? Pzhik!!
Good morning, Little Fox!

“So you’re not a mountain? So you're not cunning?
I’ll move away from the hole, that’s where everyone is cunning.
I couldn’t make it out in my sleep.”

Little fox - hop-hop! From hot to cold.
“Who’s being cunning there, blowing my fur?” —
“What are you, stupid,” answered Dubok. —

It's a hot day, I'm calling you to the shade.
Am I being cunning? I give you the breeze,
I’ll hide it in the rain so you don’t get wet,”

“And you are not cunning, green tent.
I’m looking for cunning people, and I’ll visit you.” —
“Wait, wait, wait!” - they shouted high.

“Hey, who's squealing, cracking in your ear?
I’m not a mistake myself, I won’t let the cunning ones get away with it!” —
“Don’t make any noise, it’s me, Magpie.

“Apparently you’re not being cunning, since you don’t tell me to go...
Of course, I’m afraid, I’ll only achieve the truth!
I’ll go to him anyway.”

And again - hop-hop...
There is a stream ahead.
“Look, what a cunning one, he pretended to be a river,
He won’t let me in, look!”

“I’m not deep at all,” the Brook purred, “
I'll give you a drink, if you want, I'll sing a song,
Rest with me, wait.”

“Little stream, I’m in a hurry, be a friend, please...
So as not to go astray, let me pass!”
Brook became shallow: “Come in!”

...In the thicket, deaf
Dry under the aspen
The wolf sat
I looked with a boring eye,
He opened his mouth greedily,
Howled to himself.

Suddenly a little fox appeared in the bushes.

“Yes, no way, there’s a fox here!..
Where did you come from?
He came on his own, didn’t oversleep,
I got it for breakfast.
But first we sang,
Tongue broomed -
More resourceful than a fox
I’ve never met a creep!”

The little fox stopped.

I hiccupped in fright,
Sniffed his nose
The tail is fluffed,
Come what may, I decided.
And he shouted to the whole forest:

“Ah, the evil Wolf,
Choke on resin!
Here you are at last
A real trickster!
You are not my friend, you are my enemy,
I'm not afraid of you, fool!
The Wolf got angry
What a click of teeth!
“I’m teaching you!
R-I’ll tear it apart, I’ll swallow it!” —
Jumped into the bushes after Little Fox.

And there was no trace of him.

In a forest clearing,
Under the old pine tree
In a hole between hummocks
The little fox laughs
Doesn't want to listen to parents.
“The Hedgehog greeted me,
The oak greeted me with coolness,
Soroka helped on time,
Cheered Brook.
Friendship is the first thing in the forest!
Don’t play around with the strong,
Don't praise the Bad Wolf
And with a friend - to be friends
And live without cunning.
You can live in the world without cunning,
You can live!”

Girl and lion

What happened in the city?
Where have the children gone?

They don't make noise
They don't sing
Glass ball
They don't hit.

Children forgot
About everything in the world.


In the circus, above the cash register,
There is an advertisement:

Just one thing
With your tricks
unthinkable things
conquered the arenas of the world
African lion

So we have to hurry
The queue is crowding at the cash register -
Three hundred
Three hands
squeezed tightly

All of a sudden
The door creaked.
Maybe a beast will come out?
I wonder which one?

The door opens -
This is not a beast at all.

On tiptoe
It turns out

- Children, don't make noise!
Please stop!
The fact is that the lion
I had a headache.
Ah, unbearable
Leo swallowed smoke.
How many times have I said
So that the watchman does not smoke...

I'm worried, sorry
Don't ring your coppers.
I beg you, don't be angry,
Slowly disperse.

The show is cancelled.
The cash register is closing.

What to do -
Queue at the cash register.
Girls and boys
We remembered about the balls,
On the asphalt in the yards
The “classes” were outlined.

Stayed near the circus
The girl is alone.
Girl recently
She herself was sick.

Standing there, so red,
Jump rope in hand.
It stands and does not go away:
She feels sorry for Leo.

Girl with red bangs
She stuck a crack through the door,
The heavy door pulled -
And she slipped inside.

And the circus is empty and dark,
And there is silence in the circus.
There is a window under the dome
Turns yellow like the moon.

And suddenly over her head
Such a deafening howl
That my veins are shaking
And sawdust flies up from the floor.

Huge lion
rushes around the cage,
Roars in pain
And there is no cure.

The lion has a towel
Around the head...
Very fierce
Lions are sick!

The girl covered her ears:
“Can’t you be quieter, Kiryusha?”

At the bars
Got up,
I took it out of my pocket
And to the lion
To the forehead
Cool nickel.

She pressed her palm tighter
And the furry ear whispers:

- Leo, lion, lefty,
yellow head,
Calm down,
Don't be afraid of me
Let's not go to the doctor
I'll fly myself.

The lion calmed down.
Usami led the way, subdued.

Looks - a red little head,
But not quite like a lion cub.

a lion
And he licked the girl’s hand.

…Through the hall
Someone is running
Running, in a hurry,
The floor is shaking.

The lion trembled
And the girl whispers to him:
- Just look,
No one!..

Warm nickel
In the fist
Pinched -
And she ran away.

The tamer came rushing,
There are two doctors with him.
- Quickly take a look,
Heal faster!

And the doctors:
- Sorry,
Your lion is completely healthy,
Almost healthy!

The trainer gallops
Laughs, almost cries,
Kisses doctors:

- My lion is healthy!
Kirill is healthy!
Completely, completely healthy!

Put up the sign again
What a performance there will be!

The circus is bubbling. The lights are on.
There are a lot of children.
What are clowns doing?
Funny as hell!

But all at once everything became quiet, barely
The director announced:

The orchestra banged its trumpets.
The children jumped up from their seats.
Nobody eats popsicles.

A lion comes out.
He's not angry
He squints from the light
And he looks with pleasure
At the show it is -
On heads from the darkness
And on gaping mouths.

And in front of him is a paper circle,
The paper circle is tight.
And a little further away there is also a circle,
Tense, different.
Even further away is the third circle.

And someone with a torch
Out of hand
One, two and third circle
Set it on fire
set fire,
set fire...

Leo tensed up.
And suddenly
The orchestra fell silent.

Through three flaming rings!
The children's hearts skipped a beat...

The lion has landed. Metering
And the circus

There, behind the pillar, out of sight,
In the far side row
The little head flashed
Looks like a lion cub.

He approached the barrier.
He found a girl
Among other children!

a lion
stretched out in a smile,
Winked with a green eye
And he bowed to her.

They say that if a person looks at monotonous and gray architecture, then he stops forming new ideas and thoughts, his mood drops, and that’s it. emotional condition is more in the negative zone. Maybe that’s why, or maybe just to be remembered and to stand out from the rest of the surrounding landscape, some European streets are more reminiscent of a cheerful and colorful fair than ancient cities Europe.

No one knows for certain where such a wonderful tradition of painting house facades in all the colors of the rainbow began, but one thing can be said for sure that this phenomenon has spread very, very widely and not only throughout Europe. If you walk along the embankment in Copenhagen or Bristol, or maybe look into Innsbruck, Austria, you will definitely see cheerful buildings that lift your spirits regardless of the weather or time of year.

The most interesting thing is that not only modern buildings are painted, but also ancient buildings that are classified as architectural monuments. They say that such a tradition could have started when streets were not yet given names, and each owner wanted to somehow distinguish his house. However, now even the streets have names, but still modern European architecture gravitates towards the historical past, which can already be called fashion, because everything new is well-forgotten old, or rather, skillfully transformed and applied.

City of Bruges in Belgium

City of Nuremberg in Germany

Aveiro in Portugal

Fischmarkt in Germany

Notthing Hill in London

City of Bristol in England

City of Innsbruck in Austria

Venice city in Italy

Copenhagen - the capital of Denmark