Abstracts Statements Story

Russian noble culture of the 19th century presentation. Russian culture in the 19th century

1) At the end of the 18th and first half of the 19th century. in Russia
a closed
class education system.
2) The task of reorganizing and expanding the network
educational institutions
3) Higher education has achieved great
successes, the network of higher educational institutions has expanded
4) Opening of universities.
5) Primary and secondary education expanded

In the first half of the 19th century. Russian society strongly
demanded fundamental changes in the field of folk
enlightenment. During the reign of Alexander I there was
an education system was created that included, at primary
levels of parish one-grade schools and
two-year district schools, followed by
four-year gymnasiums and, finally, the basis of higher education
education was based on studying at universities and
few technical educational institutions.

Educational establishments
The central links of this system were
Russian universities (Moscow,
Petersburg, Kazan, Dorpat, etc.).
Along with them there were also class
noble educational institutions - lyceums,
the most famous of which was
Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. Military
children of nobles received education in
cadet corps.

The science

The struggle between materialistic and
idealistic views

Major events
1826- Lobachevsky discovered
"non-Euclidean geometry"
1834- Jacobi designed the first
electric motor
1834- The Cherepanovs created a railway train
steam traction
1803-1806- Krusernshtern and Lisyansky
committed the first Russian

Lobachevsky Nikolai Ivanovich

(1792-1856, Kazan),
Russian mathematician,
creator of geometry

Jacobi Boris Semenovich

(1801- 1874) -
Russian physicist,
Academy of Sciences

Cherepanov brothers

Efim Alekseevich (1774-
1842) and Myron
Efimovich (1803-1849)
Cherepanovs, Russians
inventors and
engineers, father and son.
They were from serfs
Demidov - famous
family of owners
factories. Creators of railway
steam-powered trains

First half of the 19th century appearance
creators who have overcome the old
cultural gap between the top and
the bottom of society. This time will later be called
The golden age of Russian culture.

Prominent writers

A.S. Pushkin (1799-1837)
M.Yu Lermontov (1814-1841)
N.V. Gogol (1809-1852)

check yourself

1. What period is called “golden”
century" of Russian culture?
a) the first half of the 18th century
b) 60-90s of the XIX century
c) the first third of the 19th century
2. What famous Russian writer
was ambassador to Iran in the first half
XIX century?
a) A.A.Ivanov;
b) A.S. Griboyedov;
c) M.Yu. Lermontov


In its position classicism with its
close attention to architecture and sculpture
maintained attention to antiquity
heritage as a norm and ideal image.
In architecture, its pinnacle was the style
Empire style, which was expressed in massive
forms with sculptures,
complementing the architectural design

Famous architects:

A.N. Voronikhin (1759-1814)
O. Montferrand (1786-1858)
O.I. Bove (1784-1834)

O. Montferrand

Among the most
outstanding monuments
architecture of the first
half of the 19th century
relates huge
St. Isaac's Cathedral in
Petersburg, located in
1818 to 1858 according to the project
O. Montferrand.


In 1814 he completed the construction of the Kazan
cathedral by the famous architect A.N.Voronikha. On
squares in front of the Kazan Cathedral are installed
statues of Kutuzov and Barclay de Tolly.

check yourself

1. Who is an architect
St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg?
a) K.I. Rossi;
b) I.E. Starov;
c) O. Montferrand
8.Which building was the author of?
Petersburg is an architect
A.N. Voronikhin?
a) Kazan Cathedral;
b) St. Isaac's Cathedral;
c) Admiralty.


1. Features of the development stage;
2. Prominent figures;
3. Largest works;
4. Test questions;

Features of the stages of development of painting

In Russian painting of the first half of the 19th century
the universal style of classicism gives way
romantic attitude.

Prominent figures

K. P. Bryullov (1799 – 1852);
The most famous work -
painting "The Last Day"
Pompey", written in
Italy. Also in his work
there is a so-called
Italian genre, bright
examples of which are
paintings "Italian Morning" and
"Italian Afternoon"
K. P. Bryullov, self-portrait

check yourself

1. Name the famous portrait artist of the first half of the 19th century
a) I.N. Kramskoy;
b) A.A.Ivanov;
c) V.A. Tropinin.
2. What is the name of the painting by A.A. Ivanov,
which he wrote all his life?
a) “The Appearance of Christ to the People”
b) “Unequal marriage”
c) “The Last Day of Pompeii”

check yourself

3. Which Russian artist depicted on
Peasant life in your paintings?
a) A.A.Ivanov;
b) A.G. Venetsianov;
c) S.F. Shchedrin
4. Which artist’s brushes belongs to
painting "The Last Day of Pompeii"?
a) I.N. Kramskoy;
b) K.P. Bryullov;
c) A.A. Ivanova.

beginning of the 19th century in Russia - dominance
works by foreign authors
in the 1830s large
musical works in which
domestic composers

Prominent figures:

M.I. Glinka (1799-1862)
A.N Verstovsky (1799-1862)
A.S. Dargomyzhsky (1813-1869)
A.A Alyabyev (1787-1851)
A.E Varlamov (1801-1848)
A.L. Gurilev (1803-1858)

M.I. Glinka (1799-1862)

Generally recognized
ancestor of Russian
classical music. Two
his operas (“Life for
Tsar" and "Ruslan and
Lyudmila") put
the beginning of two directions
in the development of Russian opera folk music
drama and opera-fairy tale,
epic opera.

check yourself

1. Name the composer, author of the opera
"Ruslan and Ludmila" ?
a) M.I. Glinka;
b) A.S. Dargomyzhsky;
c) A.E. Varlamov.
2. Which Russian composer wrote the opera?
"Life for the Tsar"?
a) M.I. Glinka;
b) A.S. Dargomyzhsky;
c) A.L. Gurilev.

Russian culture of the first half of the 19th century. Presentation for a Russian history lesson in 10th grade. Prepared by Vera Vladimirovna Esaulova, a history teacher in the city of Novomoskovsk, Tula region

Plan. Features of cultural development. The main directions of Russian culture in the first half of the 19th century. Enlightenment and education: - education systems; - the nature and characteristics of education. Science and technology: - scientists and inventors; - major discoveries and achievements.

Plan. Literature: - main genres and directions; - poets, writers and their works. Theater: - types of theaters; - the largest Russian theaters; - outstanding actors and reformers of the Russian theater.

Plan. Painting: - main genres; - outstanding artists and their work. Architecture and sculpture: - main styles and directions; - character traits; - largest architectural structures. Music - features of musical development in the first half of the 19th century; - leading composers and their work.

Features of cultural development. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Quick change of directions and styles. The rise after the Patriotic War of 1812. Increased interest in performances, musical evenings, collecting books and paintings. Identity and departure from European influence. Close relationship between literature, painting, music, architecture.

Sentimentalism Sentimental idealization of reality; Sensitivity; Attention to a person’s personality, his inner world, and emotional experiences. Classicism The idea of ​​serving the sovereign and the Fatherland; Appeal to the images of ancient literature and art; Interest in Russian chronicle history Romanticism contrasting the romantic, ideal image of real life Interest in national identity, traditions of Russian history; Interest in establishing a strong, liberated personality Realism A truthful reflection of the real life of various social strata; True, not ostentatious nationality; Broad formulation of social and moral problems;

Enlightenment and education A closed class system of enlightenment and education has taken shape in Russia. Schooling was not provided for serfs. Parochial schools (1 year) were provided for state peasants. The Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum became an exemplary institution. (Pushkin, Pushchin, Delvig)

Education systems. The home education system was widespread. There was no female education, only a few closed institutes. Government policy was dominated by conservative tendencies regarding primary and secondary education. However, new universities were opened (in St. Petersburg, Kharkov, Kazan). But universities had no autonomy and had high fees. Universities became the main centers that propagated modern scientific achievements and shaped national identity. A layer of Russian intelligentsia was taking shape. (poet Koltsov, publicist Polevoy.)

Science and technology. Scientists and inventors. Mathematician N. I. Lobachevsky created the theory of “non-Euclidean geometry”. Physicist B. S. Jacobi designed electric motors in 1834. Academician V.V. Petrov laid the foundation for the practical use of electricity. Father and son Cherepanovs built a steam engine and the first steam-powered railway in the Urals. Surgeon N.I. Pirogov achieved great success in medicine: he began to perform operations under ether anesthesia for the first time.

Science and technology. The humanities became a special branch and developed successfully. In 1818, the first 8 volumes of N. M. Karamzin’s “History of the Russian State” were published. At the end of the 40s. The historian S. M. Solovyov began his research, creating the 29-volume “History of Russia since Ancient Times.” A number of scientific societies were founded - the Russian Geographical Society, the Society of Lovers of Russian Literature, etc. The navigators I. F. Kruzenshtern and Yu. F. Lisyansky made the first Russian trip around the world (1803 - 1806), and F. F. Bellingshausen and M. P. Lazarev discovered Antarctica in 1819.

Literature It was the flourishing of literature that made it possible to define the first half of the 19th century. as the "Golden Age" of Russian culture. The dissemination of knowledge was facilitated by the publication of books, magazines, and newspapers. The first Russian socio-political magazine was Vestnik Evropy, founded by N. M. Karamzin. In 1814, the first public library appeared in St. Petersburg.

Main genres and directions. At the beginning of the 19th century. classicism gave way to sentimentalism, which was characterized by an interest in the inner world of man. The main representative of Russian sentimentalism was the writer and historian N. M. Karamzin. Sentimentalism did not last long. The heroic events of the War of 1812 contributed to the emergence of romanticism, in which there were two directions. In the work of V. A. Zhukovsky, “salon” romanticism manifested itself: the recreation of the world of beliefs and knightly legends. Another movement was represented by the Decembrist poets K. F. Ryleev, V. K. Kuchelbecker, and earlier the work of A. S. Pushkin and M. Yu. Lermontov. They called for the fight for freedom and service to the Motherland. In the second quarter of the 19th century. Russian literature affirms realism - the desire to truthfully reflect reality. The founder of realism was A. S. Pushkin (novel "Eugene Onegin"). In the works of M. Yu. Lermontov, N. V. Gogol, N. A. Nekrasov, I. S. Turgenev, the features of realism were clearly evident.


Theater Types of theaters: - serfs; -state; -private; - ballet. The largest Russian theaters in the first half of the 19th century: In St. Petersburg - the palace theater in the Hermitage, the Bolshoi, Maly Alexandrinsky and Mikhailovsky theaters. The Maly Theater opened in Moscow in 1806, and in 1825 the construction of the Bolshoi Theater was completed

A prominent representative of the acting path was the outstanding actor Mikhail Shchepkin. Each of his new roles was an event in the life of Moscow.

Painting Main genres Since the beginning of the 19th century. In Russian fine art, a direction such as sentimentalism is developing. The features of sentimentalism were most fully embodied in the works of the remarkable artist A.G. Venetsianov, who lovingly painted Central Russian village landscapes and portraits of peasants.

Painting Main genres The romantic direction of painting was embodied in the work of K. P. Bryullov, perhaps the most famous Russian artist of the first half of the 19th century.

Painting Main genres 30-40s of the 19th century. became the time of the birth of a new direction in Russian painting - realism. One of its founders was P. A. Fedotov. The characters of P. A. Fedotov were not heroes of antiquity, but ordinary people. He became the first artist to raise the theme of the “little man,” which later became traditional in Russian art.

Fedotov's paintings revealed the life and way of life of the Russian people. In his paintings, he aptly reveals major social problems.

Painting Main genres A significant phenomenon in the artistic life of Russia in the first half of the 19th century. became the work of A. A. Ivanov, the outstanding marine painter I. K. Aivazovsky. A. A. Ivanov devoted many years to working on the gigantic canvas “The Appearance of Christ to the People,” investing in it deep philosophical and ethical content.

Architecture and sculpture First half of the 19th century. in architecture became the heyday of classicism. A characteristic feature is the creation of large ensembles.

The architecture was dominated by the AMPIRE style, which means imperial. Its prominent representative was the architect Andrei Zakharov, the author of the Admiralty in St. Petersburg.

The symbol of the era in music was the outstanding composer Mikhail Glinka. His work “Life for the Tsar” (Ivan Susanin) became a manifestation of the courage, perseverance and greatness of the Russian people.

Music Composers did not strive to borrow from the German, French and Italian schools. Centuries-old folk art created the basis for the development of a national music school. The combination of folk motifs with romanticism led to the emergence of a special genre - Russian romance (A. A. Alyabyev, A. E. Varlamov, A. Gurilev). A major representative of realism was A. S. Dargomyzhsky (operas “Rusalka”, “The Stone Guest”).

Results The first half went down in Russian history as the beginning of the “Golden Age” of artistic culture. She was distinguished by a change in styles and directions. Identity and departure from European influence. Close relationship between literature, painting, music, architecture.

“Russian culture of the 18th century” - A. Voronikhin; b). Mining Institute. Sculpture. Architecture. "Catherine Palace". Kazan Cathedral. V. L. Borovikovsky. Russian culture of the 18th century. Features of culture. I. E. Starov. "Winter Palace". Falcone. I.P.Martos. I. P. Argunov. Peter's reforms. I. P. Martos. Catherine's Golden Age. A.P. Struyskoy. 3. The culture of the 18th century was characterized by the style... a).

“Culture of Russia in the 18th century” - Pages of the book “Theatrum machinarum”. Novelty of development: XVIII – beginning. XIX centuries). Contents of development. Expected results from implementation: Section 1. Transformations of Peter I in the field of culture (first quarter of the 18th century). "Russian culture of the 18th century." Purpose of the program: Author's program of the special course. Drawing by A.K. Nartov for the construction of the building.

“Life of Russians in the 18th century” - Housing. Gallery of the palace in Arkhangelskoye. Leisure. Cloth. Life of Russians in the 18th century. Changes in daily life. The nobles took part in endless balls and attended theaters. Women's head. Skiing from the mountains Nutrition.

“Fashion of the 18th century” - F. Rokotov I. Argunov Portrait of Markina L.A. Portrait of Sheremeteva V.P. A lace robe made of silver threads was worn over the shoulders. A. Vishnyakov Portrait of Sarah Eleanor Fermor. Changes in women's costume were fixed by decrees and immediately reflected in painting. Fashion under Catherine II (1762-1796). Changes in women's fashion under Peter I (1682-1725).

“Culture of Russia in the first quarter of the 18th century” - The publication of “Arithmetic” in 1703 was of outstanding importance. The science. Changes in culture and life in the first quarter of the 18th century. Plan. In 1703, the peasant Shilov discovered a copper ore deposit in the Urals. Education. Changes in everyday life. Music. An architectural genre new to Russia. Target. Introduction. An honest mirror of youth.

“Education of the 18th century in Russia” - Education and enlightenment. Features of state policy in the field of education. The era of enlightenment in Russia, XVIII century. Changes in the higher education system. Graduate School. Old Church Slavonic Cyrillic. Training of nobles. School for teaching foreign languages. State policy in the field of education in the Catherine era.

  • Development of science
  • Seal
  • Development of education
  • Literature
  • Architecture
  • Painting and sculpture
  • Theater
  • Music

  • N.M. Karamzin “History of the Russian State” - the first scientifically systematic review of the history of Russia from ancient times to the beginning of the 17th century

V.V. Petrov - study of the thermal and light effects of electric current

N.I. Lobachevsky - non-Euclidean geometry

B.S. Jacobi – a new direction in technology - galvanoplasty

A.G. Stoletov – discoveries in the field of electricity and magnetism

N.M. Sechenov – founder of Russian physiology

N.I. Mechnikov – created a bacteriological station

K.A. Timeryazev- explored

photosynthesis process

DI. Mendeleev– discovered the law of periodic elements and compiled the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements on its basis

N. I. Zinin – developed new types of dyes

Butlerov A. M. – created the theory of the chemical structure of matter

Travelers and discoverers

1803-1806 the first Russian round-the-world expedition I.F. Krusenstern and Yu.F. Lisyansky

P.P. Semenov – Tian-Shansky– expedition to the Tien Shan

1856 – 1857

N.M. Przhevalsky

research of the Ussuri region

  • N.N. Miklukho Maclay– description of the customs, culture, life of the tribes of New Guinea



2. Print

A.F. Smirdin- famous Russian bookseller, publisher

Domestic notes

Russian Herald

  • Universities were opened in Odessa and Tomsk, a higher technical school in Moscow, and polytechnic institutes in Riga, Kyiv, and Warsaw.
  • The Bestuzhev courses and the Medical Institute, higher women's courses of V.I. were opened. Guerrier.

Despite the expansion of the education system in Russia, the literacy rate at the beginning was XX century - 20% of the country's population

(39% men and 17% women). Literate people were mainly people of noble origin.

5. Literature P poets and writers of the first half of the 19th century

Poets and writers of the second half 19th century

Russian-Byzantine style

7. Painting. Sculpture

K.P. Bryulov “The Last Day of Pompeii”

8. Theater

V.A. Karatygin

P.S. Mochalov

M.S. Shchepkin

A.N. Ostrovsky

Russian realism in

musical art.

Opera "Rusalka".

  • "Eugene Onegin"
  • "Swan Lake"
  • "Sleeping Beauty"
  • "Nutcracker"

  • Read the textbook Artemov V.V. § 62. answer questions

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Russian culture of the 19th century

I. Features of the development of culture in the 19th century of the 19th century. became a period of unprecedented growth for Russian culture. The Patriotic War of 1812, having shaken up the entire life of Russian society, accelerated the formation of national identity. On the one hand, it once again brought Russia closer to the West, and on the other hand, it accelerated the formation of Russian culture as one of the European cultures, closely connected with Western European currents of social thought. The cultural development of Russia in the first half of the century was determined by the country's active participation in European politics; the emergence of oppositional and revolutionary currents of social thought; weakening of such a centuries-old foundation of Russian life as serfdom.

Western philosophical and political teachings were assimilated by Russian society in relation to Russian reality. The memory of the French Revolution was still fresh. Revolutionary romanticism, brought to Russian soil, aroused close attention to the problems of state and social structure, the issue of serfdom, etc. Key role in ideological disputes of the 19th century. played the question of the historical path of Russia and its relationship with Europe and Western European culture.

Westerners perceived Russia as part of European society and advocated the development of the country along the European path, and for carrying out liberal reforms in the social and political structure. Slavophiles emphasized the original path of development of Russia, different from the Western one, pointed out the national character of culture, and fought against an uncritical attitude towards foreign influences

All these phenomena in the social thought of the country largely determined the development of the artistic culture of Russia in the 19th century, and above all, its close attention to social problems and journalism. The common people with their traditions, morals, values ​​and demands become the central theme in culture and art. And the 19th century is rightly called the “golden age”, an era when Russian culture and literature not only acquired originality, but, in turn, had a serious influence on world culture.

II. Education and enlightenment. The level of education of a society is one of the indicators of the cultural state of the country. In Russia at the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th century, it was extremely low. The government of Alexander I creates a system of state non-estate education: a one-year parish school, three-year district schools and seven-year gymnasiums. Nicholas I established a closed class character of education: parish schools for peasants, district schools for the children of merchants and artisans, gymnasiums, cadet corps for the children of nobles and officials. Only a gymnasium education or graduation from special noble educational institutions gave the right to enter universities.

Since 1811, the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum has become an exemplary educational institution, the program of which corresponded to the university one. Writers A.S. Pushkin, M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, A. Delvig were educated at the lyceum; diplomats A. Gorchakov and N. Girs; Minister of Education D. Tolstoy and others. The system of home education was widespread, where the main attention was paid to the study of foreign languages, literature, music, painting, and rules of behavior in society. In the first half of the 19th century, there was no system of female education in Russia.

Many statesmen were aware of the growing need for educated people, but at the same time they were afraid of widespread education of the people, since it was among educated people that freethinking and the desire for reform spread. “We should not be in too much of a hurry with enlightenment, so that the people do not become, in terms of their concepts, on a level with the monarchs and then encroach on the weakening of their power,” explained A. Benckendorf. The 19th century was a time of rapid development of Russian socio-political periodicals. Leading magazines, on the pages of which there was debate between supporters of various directions of social thought, assessed the most important events and phenomena in the life of the state and society, published works and essays by the largest domestic thinkers, writers, poets, critics - “Bulletin of Europe”, “Sovremennik”, “ Domestic notes". Periodicals and literature contributed to the education of society, the growth of political culture and legal awareness of the country's residents.

III. Literature. It was the flourishing of literature that made it possible to define the 19th century as the “golden age” of Russian culture. In the literature of the first half of the 19th century, the fundamental principles that determined its further development were formed: * nationality; * high humanistic ideals; * citizenship; * sense of national identity; * patriotism; * search for social justice

At the turn of the 18th – 19th centuries, classicism gave way to sentimentalism. The heroic events of 1812 contributed to the emergence of romanticism. In the second quarter of the 19th century, realism began to take hold in European literature. In Russia, the founder of realism was A.S. Pushkin. After “Eugene Onegin” this artistic method became dominant.

IV. Theater. Theater, like fiction, in the 19th century. begins to play an increasingly important role in the public life of the country, partially taking on the role of a public platform. Since 1803, imperial theaters have dominated the Russian stage.

In theaters at the beginning of the 19th century, classicism and sentimentalism dominated, and later romantic plays appeared. Romanticism on the Russian stage is associated with the name of P.S. Mochalov, known for his performance in Schiller's dramas, who created the image of a romantic hero. Pavel Stepanovich Mochalov In the 30-40s of the 19th century, under the influence of Russian literature, realistic traditions were established. A major event in the cultural life of Russia was the production of N. Gogol’s play “The Inspector General” in 1836. The formation of a realistic school of acting in Russia is associated with the name of M.S. Shchepkin (the roles of Famusov and Gorodnichy at the Maly Theater) Mikhail Semenovich Shchepkin

The end of the 19th century witnessed the “theatrical revolution” of K.S. Stanislavsky and V.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko, who created the Moscow Art Academic Theater in 1898. The essence of the “revolution” was the rejection of the formal manner of acting, false pathos, declamation, and staging conventions. The Moscow Art Theater organically combined the best traditions of Russian theater of the 19th century and new ideas that involved the creation of an acting ensemble and increased demands for insight into the psychology of characters. The development of Russian theater in the mid-second half of the 19th century is inextricably linked with the name of A.N. Ostrovsky, whose plays have not left the stage of the Maly Theater to this day. Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky Konstantin Sergeevich Stanislavsky and Vladimir Ivanovich Nemirovich - Danchenko

V. Music. In the first half of the 19th century, a national music school was born, which is associated with the name of M.I. Glinka, the founder of all the main genres of classical music: opera, romance, symphony, etudes, choirs, string quartets. He combined the classical canons of European musical culture with Russian folk melodies. Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka The work of The Mighty Handful established the genre of musical drama. "Boris Godunov" by Mussorgsky, "Prince Igor" by Borodin, "The Snow Maiden" by Rimsky-Korsakov are the pride of Russian and world art.

P.I. occupies a special place in Russian music. Tchaikovsky, who embodied in his works the inner drama and attention to the inner world of man, characteristic of Russian literature of the 19th century, to which the composer often turned (the operas “Eugene Onegin”, “The Queen of Spades”, “Mazeppa”). Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky

A change in styles and directions occurred at the beginning of the 19th century in painting. Classicism, which was dominated by religious and mythological themes, is being replaced by romanticism, manifested in the paintings of O.A. Kiprensky, V.A. Tropinina, K.P. Bryullov, and then realism, which received special development in the second half of the century. VI. Painting. Orest Adamovich Kiprensky Vasily Andreevich Tropinin Karl Pavlovich Bryullov

The most significant phenomenon in painting of the 19th century was the “Association of Traveling Art Exhibitions,” which included such Itinerant artists as I. Kramskoy, N. Ge, V. Surikov, V. Perov, A. Savrasov, I. Shishkin, I. Repin, I. Levitan, V. Makovsky. The storyline, which was based on the Russian people, their life, way of life, traditions, the history of Russia, the problems of modern reality, as well as the manner of depiction, the deep drama and psychologism of the paintings make the works of these masters masterpieces of world culture. Repin Kramskoy Surikov Levitan Shishkin Perov

Repin “We Didn’t Expect”, 1884 Surikov “Morning of the Streltsy Execution”, 1881 Shishkin “Morning in a Pine Forest”, 1889 Levitan “Golden Autumn”, 1895

VII. Architecture. The architecture of the 19th century is, first of all, a solution to large urban planning problems, where late classicism dominates. In St. Petersburg, the layout of the main squares of the capital: Dvortsovaya and Senate squares is being completed. The best ensembles of the city are created, designed to symbolize the greatness and prosperity of the Russian Empire. St. Petersburg is becoming a true masterpiece of world architecture.

After the fire of 1812, Moscow was intensively rebuilt. New types of buildings are appearing, in the construction of which architects strive for antique stylization, which results in the emergence of the so-called “neo-Russian” style. These are the buildings of the Historical Museum, Upper Trading Rows (GUM), Moscow City Duma, etc. At the end of the 19th century. Elements of the Art Nouveau style begin to penetrate into architecture.

The greatest achievements of Russian culture of the 19th century were caused by the growth of national self-awareness of Russian society, education, and scientific and technological progress. The world fund will forever include the works of many Russian writers, artists, sculptors, architects, and composers. The process of the formation of the Russian literary language and, in general, the formation of a national culture has been completed. The 19th century became a time of unprecedented rise and prosperity for Russia. If in the 18th century Russia loudly declared its existence to the whole world, then in the 19th century it literally burst into world culture, occupying one of the highest and most honorable places there.