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Legal forms in English. Examples of beautiful company names in various fields

According to para. 1 clause 3 art. 1473 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, in addition to the main one in Russian, a legal entity may provide a foreign name - in one of the languages ​​of the peoples of Russia or foreign languages. This name is indicated in the charter of the LLC and is entered into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

The main company name cannot be written in Latin or other alphabets, only in Cyrillic. It is allowed to take a foreign word as a name, but transcribe it in Russian letters (clause 3 of Article 1473 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Additional LLC name in English in the charter It is usually written in the form of a translation or transliteration.

The rules for transferring Cyrillic text to Latin are defined by GOST 7.79-2000
(ISO 9-95), introduced on 07/01/2002.

According to para. 2 p. 3 art. 1473 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the company name of an LLC cannot contain an abbreviation of foreign organizational and legal forms if it:

  • in Russian;
  • language of the people of Russia.

For all other languages, in particular English, there is no such requirement. When translating a name from Russian, it is recommended to check the resulting word/phrase: are they subject to legal protection in the Russian Federation as objects of intellectual property?

Translate your name to English language LLC is not obliged, this is done only at will. However, for the convenience of conducting international correspondence or making payments, companies still provide translations of their names.

What does the abbreviation OOO sound like in English?

Verbatim limited liability company in English sounds like Limited Liability Company, or LLC for short. This translation option is used in the USA.

For Great Britain, Limited Trade Development, i.e. Ltd., is relevant.

Foreign companies, unlike Russian ones, put an abbreviation indicating their legal form after the name of the company.

Thus, in the additional name of the company in English, the abbreviation LLC can be transliterated as LLC or translated as LLC or Ltd. In practice, the second option occurs.

For whom is the title in English required?

The need to add an English/transliterated name to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or (as an option) to translate the existing Russian name (LLC is permissible only in the form of a transliteration) appears for credit institutions operating in the SWIFT system (letter of the Bank of Russia dated April 20, 2005 No. 64-T). The fact is that the corresponding name is a mandatory part of the details specified when registering in this system.

Thus, the translation of the name into foreign languages, in particular English, is permissible only in relation to conditionally additional names of LLC.

There are more restrictions for the main brand name. All of them are listed in Art. 1473 Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Working with various kinds of documentation, translators often wonder how to translate abbreviations of legal forms of various Russian and foreign enterprises. For example, how to translate LLC or PLC into Russian or LLC, OJSC, etc. into foreign languages. As an example, let’s take the name of the organization Pilot LLC. The following options are possible:

  • LLC Pilot
  • OOO Pilot
  • Pilot LLC
  • Pilot, OOO

That is, three questions arise at once:

    Should LLC be written as an abbreviation for Limited Liability Company, or OOO, since in Russian we usually preserve foreign abbreviations and abbreviations of legal forms, simply transliterating them: GmbH, Ltd., Plc., SA, etc.?

    Should we put an abbreviation before the name, as in Russian, or after the name of the organization, as is customary in most European and American countries?

  1. Should the abbreviation be separated from the name by a comma?

In our work we used systematic approach to achieve clear logic and maximum uniformity of application practice. Using, for example, LLC as a translation of LLC, in our opinion, introduces some confusion. First, when you see “Pilot, LLC,” you might mistakenly think that it is a foreign company. Secondly, LLC does not legally correspond to LLCs; they are not complete analogues. Therefore, in our opinion, it is better to use transliteration. For example:

  • JSC – AO (Joint Stock Company)
  • PJSC – PAO (Public Joint Stock Company)
  • LLC – OOO (Limited Liability Company)
  • OJSC – OAO (Public Joint Stock Company)
  • CJSC – ZAO (Private Joint Stock Company) (not used since September 1, 2014)
  • ODO (Supplementary Liability Company) (not used since September 1, 2014)
  • etc.

We do the same when translating foreign organizational and legal forms into Russian. For example:

  • GmbH – GmbH
  • Ltd. – Ltd.
  • LLC - LLC
  • plc. – plc.
  • LP - LP
  • SA - SA
  • S.p.A. – S.p.A.
  • etc.

To translate “IP” it is better to use the expression Sole proprietorship or Individual Entrepreneur. There is no established abbreviation or abbreviation in English for this form.

As for the place of writing, since the most common practice abroad is to write the legal form after the name, our version in English is: Pilot OOO. The use of commas is left to the discretion of the editors.

Translation examples full names foreign legal entities:

    New Century Technology Public Limited Company – Open (public) limited liability company “New Century Technology”;

    FreeTravel Limited Liability Company – FreeTravel Limited Liability Company;

    NewLite Corporation – NewLite Corporation.

In conclusion, one may ask, what about OJSC (Open Joint Stock Company), CJSC (Closed Joint Stock Company) or simply JSC (Joint Stock Company)? Moreover, 15 years ago, almost only these abbreviations were used in translations. Okay, let’s say we accept this translation, but how then can we distinguish between the outdated legal forms of AOOT/JSC and modern OJSC/ZAO? Quite problematic. Therefore, in this case, transliteration is a universal solution. And if clarification is needed somewhere, then it can already be indicated that “ZAO means a closed joint stock company.”

It is pertinent to note that the terms “Open Joint Stock Company” and “Closed Joint Stock Company” are also likely to require clarification, since they are common types organizations, the content of which varies greatly in different countries.

For example, there is the following definition: “Closed Joint Stock Company - A closed joint stock company is a company or corporation where there is a limited number of shareholders that can have stock in the company or corporation.” In these companies and corporations, investors receive stocks or shares in the company or corporation, but they can be transferred and also can elect a board of directors, but since these are joint, they are held accountable for all the company or corporation's debts and obligations. In the United States, joint stock companies and corporations cannot hold real property titles. In the United Kingdom, the liability of the owners is limited to the value of the stocks or shares they hold."

Another example: “There are two types of joint stock company in Oman: a closed joint stock company (SAOC) and a general joint stock company (SAOG). Only a general (or public) joint stock company may offer its shares to the public and trade those shares on the Muscat Securities Market.”

A beautiful company name can attract attention and stand out among competitors. Especially on initial stage entering the market. Therefore, businessmen pay great attention to the name of their brainchild. After all, it is known: whatever you name the yacht, that’s how it will sail.

Although there are now many companies offering naming and branding services, I still think that it is quite possible to come up with spectacular and bright names yourself. It’s enough to turn on your imagination and connect your immediate environment. Many names of famous brands originated in this unprosaic way.

For example, the legendary name Apple is not the work of highly paid brand makers, but the result of the “threat” of Steve Jobs. He threatened that if by a certain time he was not given an acceptable name, then he would call the company Apple (Apple). And so it happened.

Brevity is the sister of talent, and this statement applies when choosing a company name. The shorter the better, and this can be seen in the example of IKEA IK are the initials of the company’s founder, EA is the abbreviated name of the Elmtarid farm in the village of Agunnarid, where Ingvar Kamprad was born and raised.

Using your own name in a brand hometown is also a fairly common method. For example: Nokia is the name Finnish village where the company was founded.

There are many examples of successful names, but I would like to suggest creating your own top list of the most beautiful company names. Perhaps this will be useful to someone and give them an idea when choosing a name for their company.

I made a selection of the top 30 company names in Russian and English for various fields of activity, focusing on my taste.


  • Commerce Pro
  • TradeTorg
  • goodzone
  • Hobia
  • MedSnab
  • AlkoSbyt
  • Region-Trading
  • TradeStandard
  • EconomyMarket
  • RollbackOffice


  • StandardIndustry
  • MonolithTechno
  • MasterArchitect
  • Prorabych
  • SnabMonolith
  • BrickTechnique
  • Extrastroy
  • STIMStroy
  • Supply Brigade
  • Swift Repair


  • ProfVoyage
  • ZagranExtreme
  • Souvenir tur
  • Zagranka
  • StandardTravel
  • EcoTransit
  • VoyageEverything
  • Travel package
  • LuxVoyage
  • TourDeMir (similar to tour de france)

What is the most beautiful name for a company that you can suggest? What should you consider and what should you pay attention to when choosing a name?

Reviews and statements

Well, it seems to me. The most important thing is that the name of the company is memorable, there is less text, there is no need for long names with complex words, so that a person remembers the company for a long time and the first time. Just like, a window installation company, I came across it on the Internet when I was doing assignments, the company is called OKONIKA, easy to remember, cute name.

It seems to me that the most beautiful company name in English is Google, few people know, but it is a number, one and 100 zeros. Perhaps Google predicted the successful existence of the company with this name; soon there will be Google searches on Google all over the world :) In general I like it English names more than Russians.

I agree, it’s a cool name, it’s somehow parallel to me, whether it’s a Russian or an English name, the main thing is that it carries meaning and is easy to remember. Here are some not bad names for asphalt plants, DorLider, and Basalt.

This is a fun name for the company. What kind of counter is this :)?

Varan said about Google, but I think the most beautiful company name, both Russian and English, is Yandex, I think it sounds beautiful and impressive, and the meaning is also there.

Alex, inspired by the news that the Kalashnikov plant is ready to pay 40 million rubles for the creation of a website. A large amount that is difficult to get out of your head. But in my head it’s like “rollback”, “rollback”...hence the name for the company “OtkatKontora” :) It’s a logical process, however.

I think when choosing a name for a company, you need to somehow indicate the field of activity in which this company operates.
I really liked the name "BrocCo" (brokerage company)

The name is beautiful, but in my opinion it is suitable not for a brokerage company, but for some kind of dessert :)

Name your company by your first or last name. This will be the best, as your clients will immediately remember you and the attitude will be respectful. Just as there used to be companies like Smirnoff or Ivanov and Sons.

Maybe a middle name? Nikolaich 🙂
the surname is somehow very traditional: Morgan Stanley, JP Morgan, Meryl Lynch, Berrings, Barclays - the “s” at the end of the word is plural
but the names with the name of the country sound more global: “Bank of America”, “Credit Suisse”, “Royal Bank of Scotland”, “People’s Bank of China”

I really like it when the name feels lexical originality. When I used to live in another area, there was a dental office called “Dentist and Me.” I always paid attention and looked at this sign. I also like the name of the YouTube service (the name plays on the slang boob tube “telly”, “box”, and you indicates the degree of personal factor).

Shorten it to the point of euphony or take a couple of letters out of the name, like Poroshenko’s. For a long time I didn’t even know that the candies were named after his last name, I thought it was some kind of French company. There’s nothing wrong with my last name, I got it from my husband and it’s a beautiful one. I named my company “Swan”

It always infuriates me more, and this very often manifests itself in the names of stores, especially grocery stores, when they take names. It’s as if people’s imagination doesn’t work at all, and they came up with the name in the first two minutes. I have a very positive attitude towards short names that carry a lot of meaning, this is a truly professional approach.

There was also a case, by the way, I saw a kiosk with diminutive suffixes (beer, hot dogs, etc.), also a fun and interesting idea. Those. use a comic component to attract customers.

I can’t help but agree with Helen, the traditions of old merchant houses were and still are... . The proposed list contains just a selection of the ugliest names. The owners want, first of all, to reflect what their company specifically does. But I like more mediated titles. where originality is combined with purpose. For example, Firefox.

When I dreamed of my own cafe, and a children’s cafe at that, I wanted to call it Peter Pan. Now I’m thinking about the name of the pizzeria, I decided to name it Pizza-Vera in honor of my sister, it turned out it was already taken.

Well, this is just your opinion, in my opinion, several of the company names presented in the first post are beautiful and memorable. And I don’t think that a company should have the most beautiful name, it should be original and memorable, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s in Russian or English.

For example, “Prorabych”, it may not be the most beautiful for the company, but it is sonorous, original and memorable. It will immediately stick in your head and be remembered. When choosing names for a company, first of all you need to think not about beauty, but about simplicity, this is, of course, just my opinion. And if you just pay attention to beauty, then I like English brands more.

Yes. Alex, there is also Mobilych. And so on... But why attack English names so much? But here you are also right... Not everyone speaks English. And for them these words mean nothing. Regarding Google, I think we need to ask the exact meaning of this word. I haven't been interested in this yet.


    A business form

    Selecting a business form involves decisions about tax treatment and liability for business debts. - The choice of organizational and legal form includes decisions regarding tax relations and liability for the debts of the enterprise.

    2 Organizational and legal form

    3 organizational and legal form

    4 organizational and legal form

    form of entity, form of incorporation

See also in other dictionaries:

    Organizational and legal form- an economic entity, a form of an economic entity recognized by the legislation of a particular country, which fixes the method of securing and using property by an economic entity and its consequences. legal status and goals... ... Wikipedia

    Organizational and legal form- The legal form in which the registration and activities of a legal entity are carried out. Examples of organizational and legal forms are Open Joint Stock Company, Closed Joint Stock Company, Limited Partnership, Limited Company...

    ORGANIZATIONAL AND LEGAL FORM OF OWNERSHIP- Organizational form of ownership of the means of production, enshrined in national legislation. Dictionary of business terms. Akademik.ru. 2001... Dictionary of business terms

    Legal form of activity- organizational and managerial form of activity of authorized entities. Its legal essence is that it is based on the requirements of the law and always entails certain legal consequences. Unlike the actual... ... Theory of state and law in schemes and definitions

    FORM OF OWNERSHIP, ORGANIZATIONAL AND LEGAL - organizational form ownership of the means of production enshrined in national legislation... Large economic dictionary

    Legal system- This article or section needs to be revised. Please improve the article in accordance with the rules for writing articles... Wikipedia

    Joint stock companies- The organizational and legal form of an enterprise, which, for its obligations to creditors, is liable only for the property that belongs to it. Shareholders do not bear any responsibility to creditors; they only risk... Librarian's terminological dictionary on socio-economic topics

    General partnership- Organizational and legal form of a commercial organization. A general partnership is recognized as a partnership whose participants (general partners), in accordance with the agreement concluded between them, are engaged in entrepreneurial activities on behalf of the partnership and... ... Vocabulary: accounting, taxes, business law

    MEETING OF THE FEDERATION COUNCIL- organizational and legal form of consideration by the upper house of the Federal Assembly of issues assigned by the Constitution of the Russian Federation to its jurisdiction. The rules of the Federation Council stipulate that the chamber holds meetings from September 16 of the current to September 15... ... encyclopedic Dictionary"Constitutional Law of Russia"

    JOINT-STOCK COMPANY- organizational and legal form of the entrepreneurial organization; is created on the basis of a voluntary agreement of legal entities and individuals pooling their funds by issuing shares. A.o. may be limited (shareholders are responsible only... ...

    AUTHORIZED CAPITAL- organizational legal form of capital, balance, use, property, economic entity, account... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Economics and Law


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Having successfully completed the registration procedure with the Federal Tax Service and received the necessary certificates and licenses from other structures, the business owner will have to spend time establishing business relationships and attracting clients within the country. However, the more successful the start is and the more intelligently the entrepreneur can manage the company, the sooner he will begin to think about entering the international market. This is where the title question arises: how is the term “LLC” translated into English?

But one answer is not enough. Having coped with the translation, fortunately it is no more difficult than, the entrepreneur will discover that the use of foreign abbreviations and terms is not appropriate in all cases. How “limited liability company” is correctly translated into English and when the translation is inappropriate - see below.

How is LLC translated into English?

In accordance with international legal practice, used in Russian Federation the term "limited liability company" can be translated into English as Limited Liability Company, or LLC. Here Company is a “society” and Limited Liability is “limited liability” in a business sense.

Important: this term is most often used by North American companies and organizations focused on the relevant market. For domestic entrepreneurs, the abbreviation Ltd. is more familiar, always used with a period at the end. It is derived from the word Limited and simply means “limited.”

You need to understand that the above terms are all acceptable translation options in business communication; no others, invented by the entrepreneur himself or found on the Internet, should be used, even if they seem more harmonious or logically justified. Moreover, the abbreviations CJSC or OJSC should not be used - they are intended for joint-stock companies and public joint-stock companies, respectively.