Abstracts Statements Story

Regulations on school self-government. Regulations on student self-government

Director educational organization № ___

_______________ /FULL NAME/
"___" __________ 20___


1. General provisions

1.1. The school council (parliament, government, Duma, etc.; hereinafter referred to as the school council) is an elected body student government educational.
1.2. The school council acts on the basis of current legislation, the school charter (link to paragraph) and these Regulations.

2. The purpose and objectives of the school council

2.1. The purpose of the school council is to participate in the management of an educational organization.
2.2. The objectives of the school council are:
1. Representing the interests of students in an educational organization.
2. Support and development of student initiatives in school and public life.
3. Protecting the rights of students.
4. Involving students in city school government programs.
5. Gaining experience in public and public administration.

3. Functions of the school council

School board:
3.1. Involves students in solving issues in the life of the educational organization: studies and formulates the opinions of schoolchildren on issues school life, represents the position of students in the governing bodies of the educational organization, develops proposals for improving the educational process.
3.2. Informs students about its activities and changes occurring in the educational organization.
3.3. Promotes the implementation of student initiatives in extracurricular activities: studies the interests and needs of schoolchildren in the field of extracurricular activities, creates conditions for their implementation.
3.4. Promotes the resolution of conflict issues: participates in resolving school problems, coordinating the interests of students, teachers and parents, organizing work to protect the rights of students, strengthening discipline and order.
3.5. Informs students about the activities of the district, district and city school self-government system, promotes the organization of programs and projects of district, district and city student government on the territory of the educational organization.

4. Rights of the school council

The school council has the right:

4.1. Hold meetings, including closed ones, and other events on school grounds at least 2 times a month.
4.2. Post information on the territory and website of the educational organization in designated places and in school media, receive time for speeches by its representatives at classroom hours, parent meetings, meetings of the governing council.
4.3. Send written requests and proposals to the administration of the educational organization and receive official responses to them.
4.4. Get acquainted with the regulatory documents of the educational organization and their projects and make suggestions to them.
4.5. Represent the interests of students in the Governing Council of an educational organization, at pedagogical councils, and meetings dedicated to resolving issues in the life of an educational organization.
4.6. Hold meetings with the director of the educational organization and other representatives of the administration at least once a month.
4.7. Conduct surveys and referendums among students.
4.8. Take the initiative to conduct a disciplinary investigation against school employees, participate in a disciplinary investigation against teachers for violations of student rights.
4.9. Send their representatives to work in the collegial governing bodies of the educational organization.
4.10. Organize the work of public receptions of the school council, collect student proposals, hold open hearings, raise the issue of solving problems raised by schoolchildren with the administration and the governing council of the educational organization.
4.11. Use the organizational support of officials of the educational organization responsible for educational work, subject teachers in the preparation and conduct of school council events.
4.12. Make proposals to the administration of the educational organization to improve the educational process of the school; about rewarding and punishing students.
4.13. Create press organs.
4.14. Participate in resolving issues regarding the appointment of teachers to positions class teacher and dismissal from this position.
4.15. Establish relationships and organize joint activities with student councils of other educational organizations.
4.16. Participate in resolving conflict issues between students, teachers and parents. Send representatives of the school council to meetings of governing bodies of the educational organization that consider issues of disciplinary offenses by students.
4.17. Use office equipment, communications equipment and other school property in agreement with the administration.
4.18. Make proposals to the plan of educational work of the educational organization.
4.19. Represent the interests of students in bodies and organizations outside the educational organization.
4.20. Participate in the formation of school delegations to socially significant events at the district, district and city levels.
4.21. Exercise other powers in accordance with the law and the school Charter.

5. Responsibilities of the School Council

5.1. Hold meetings regularly and monitor their attendance by board members.
5.2. Take into account and represent the interests of all students, without infringing on the rights of other participants in the educational process.
5.3. Document your activities (keep minutes of meetings and other meetings).
5.4. Regularly inform students, teachers and parents about your activities.
5.5. Create conditions for the achievement of high educational results by members of the student council.
5.6. Contribute to the development of classroom student self-government.
5.7. Monitor compliance with the rights of participants in the pedagogical process, moral and ethical standards, as well as traditions educational institution when carrying out its activities.

6. The procedure for the formation and structure of the school council

6.1. The school council is formed on an elective basis for a period of one year.
6.2. Students in grades 5-11 (or 8-11) elect one representative per class to the school council.

Other options for Article 6.2.:
6.2. The composition of the school council is formed by students in grades 5-11 (or 8-11) through direct elections from among nominated candidates. The elections are organized by an election commission formed from representatives of grades 8-11 (or 10-11).
6.2. The composition of the school council is elected by the school conference.

6.3. The school council independently determines its structure and elects the Chairman of the school council from among its members.
6.4. The school council relies on the work of class self-government councils.
6. Final provisions
6.1. This provision comes into force from the moment of approval.
6.2. Changes to this regulation are made by the responsible teacher (supervisor of student government) at the proposal of the school council and approved by the director of the educational organization.

Reviewed and approved Approved:

at a meeting with the director of the Municipal Educational Institution

class teachers "Storozhevskaya secondary

comprehensive school"

"___" ____________ 2006 ______________Zakharenko A.M.

Regulations on student self-government.
1. General Provisions.

    1. Student self-government operates on the basis of the municipal educational institution “Storozhevskaya Secondary School”.

    2. Student self-government carries out its activities in accordance with the School Charter.

    3. Student government is a public, amateur, self-governing, non-profit, voluntary association of students.

    4. The activities of student self-government are controlled directly by the deputy director for educational work, the teacher-organizer, and class teachers.

  1. Goals and objectives of student government.
Basic purpose student self-government in a school setting is:

2.1. Ensuring management of the school staff - teachers and students on the basis of their mutual trust and exactingness, respect and responsibility, creative cooperation. Self-government at school automatically implies self-government in classroom groups.

2.2. Formation and development of students' skills in managing small and medium-sized teams and creating an atmosphere in the children's environment that ensures the inclusion of students in solving intra-school problems.

2.3. Teaching children the basics of democratic relations in society.

2.4. Creating conditions for children and adolescents to realize their interests and needs.

2.5. Development of socially significant projects.

2.6. Development of interaction with various youth associations and organizations of the region and the republic.

Tasks self-government:

2.7. Creating conditions for self-expression, self-affirmation and realization of each individual through the provision of various directions and types of activities.

2.8. Development of creativity, initiative, formation of an active transformative civic position of schoolchildren.

2.9. Involving the largest number of students in the process of managing and organizing school life.

3. The structure of school self-government.

Self-government is formed from three levels:

1) School Council (student staff of the school).

The school council is headed by the Head of the school and is subordinate to the ministers (from grades 7 to 10): education, press, sports, safety, leisure, ecology and labor, social protection.

2) Deputies of all ministers (students from grades 5-7). Subordinate to them are junior deputies (students from grades 2-4).

3) Class Council.

The class council is headed by the Chief Advisor and has under its authority the responsible departments of education, press, sports, safety, leisure, ecology and labor, and social protection.
4. Participants.

Participants in student self-government are school students elected at a general class meeting (for the second and third levels) and at a meeting of the school council (for the first level).

5. Activities of student government.

The procedure for the management and work of the School Council.

The activities of student self-government are based on the following principles:

Expediency - the activities of student government bodies should be aimed at realizing the interests and needs of students.

Humanity - actions must be based on moral principles.

Voluntariness, equality of all members of self-government, legality and transparency.

Priority of the interests of children and adolescents, universal human values.

Openness to all students - members of self-government and to cooperation with other youth groups that share its goals and objectives.

Respect for the interests, dignity and opinion of each member of self-government.

Mutual and personal responsibility for the implementation of decisions made.

Freedom of discussion, transparency of the work of self-government.

Respect for minority and majority opinions.

Regulations on the School Council.

The school council is a self-government body for students in grades 1-11. The school council is the elected governing body of student government. Students in grades 7–10 become members of the council.

Activities of the School Council:

Participates in the planning and organization of extracurricular and extracurricular activities of students;

Approves the plan for conducting student activities;

Corrects students’ self-care, their duty, maintains discipline and order in the school;

Makes proposals to the school administration;

Observes the participation of classes in school affairs, organizes key activities, gives evaluation;

Hears reports from class groups about their work (at the end of the year);

Conducts raids to check duty stations, textbooks and notebooks, the canteen, etc.

Conducts self-analysis of work.

The school council represents the interests of the school's students and protects them.

Each member of the Council has the right to express his point of view, as well as the opinion of the entire council at the level of the general meeting of students, administration, and teachers' council.

At the end of the school year, all members of the School Council: the head of the school and ministers report on the work done and make their proposals for the next year.

Each member of the Council has the right to resign at the end of the year, and due to unsatisfactory performance, each member of the Council may be dismissed from their position at a general meeting.

The head of the school heads the School Council and is elected at the school-wide level by secret ballot for a term of 2 years.

Each class has the right to nominate a candidate for the post of head of the school.

The school council meets every Monday at the first big break (discussing the week's affairs); 2 times a quarter (discussion, analysis and planning of cases) and as necessary. The School Council transmits its decisions to the school administration through the deputy director for educational work and the organizing teacher.

The school council maintains a work log.
Rights and obligations.

Representatives of student government have the right:

Elect local government representatives and be elected;

Work on the organization extracurricular activities schools;

Meet for meetings outside of the schedule, if necessary;

Hold open meetings, invite representatives of the school administration and village council;

Make suggestions, openly express your opinion;

Influence the educational process of the school without violating the school Charter, the student’s Code of Honor, without infringing on the rights of other members of the school staff;

Organize environmental and public actions that do not contradict the Constitution Russian Federation, School Charter.
Job responsibilities.

Head of the school:

Reports directly to the school director, deputy director for educational work, teacher-organizer;

Maintains reporting documentation for the School Council, which includes:

A) list of the school council; second level list (deputy ministers and junior deputies);

B) reports on activities carried out;

C) minutes of meetings of the School Council.

Provides regular and emergency meetings of the Council, monitors and conducts their progress;

Coordinates the activities of the school council and class councils.

The head of the school has the right to represent the interests of student self-government in the school administration and on the pedagogical council; appoint those responsible for various activities from the student government. The head is obliged to organize the work of the Student Government Council and monitor the implementation of this provision.

School Council Ministers report to the Head of the school. They have the right to be elected, have the right to one vote at a meeting of the School Council, and to consider their issue at the meeting. Ministers are required to participate in council meetings. If they are absent from a meeting three times without a valid reason, they will be reprimanded.

The term of office of the School Council is 2 years. Loss of membership occurs in the event of student government liquidation.

The ministers on the School Council plan and organize activities in a specific area and evaluate the results.

The Minister of Education is responsible for collecting information about the educational process, designing the stand “Study is our main work” (results of the quarter, half a year, for the year), working with underachievers, conducting raids “Our diaries and notebooks.”

The Minister of Press is responsible for shaping the image of the school, issuing school wall newspapers, announcements and posters.

The Minister of Sports is responsible for the preparation and conduct of sports competitions, participation in regional sports events, and collection of information about the sports achievements of school students.

The Minister of Security is responsible for being on duty at the school, for maintaining school property, security and order at school evenings, and familiarizing school students with the rules safe behavior, monitoring compliance with the requirements of internal regulations, for conducting a raid “How we are on duty”, “Dining room”.

The Minister of Leisure is responsible for preparing and holding various events: recreational evenings, holidays, intellectual games, exhibitions, competitions, and various theatrical productions.

The Minister of Ecology and Labor is responsible for cleaning the school premises at the end of the term, holding clean-up days, and for the safety and care of living areas around the school.

The Minister of Social Protection is responsible for providing all possible assistance to veterans, former school employees and veterans of the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic War(as of 2006, 12 people remained alive).


general meeting of school students Director of GBOU Secondary School No. 000

protocol dated 01/01/2001 “Scarlet Sails”

meeting secretary


Regulations on school student self-government

GBOU Secondary School No. 000 “Scarlet Sails”

I. General provisions

1. This provision has been developed in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation dated December 12, 1993 (as amended and supplemented), the Law of the Russian Federation dated July 10, 1992 No. 000-1 “On Education,” as amended and supplemented), “ Standard provision about educational institution", School Charter.

2. The activities of the school’s student self-government are based on the universal principles of democracy, humanity, transparency, and openness. It provides the optimal combination of unity of command and participation in the management of the student community, collegial decision-making and responsibility for their implementation and results.

3. The scope of activity of school student self-government bodies is the classroom and extracurricular life of students: maintaining order and discipline in school, organizing the educational process, organizing extracurricular and extracurricular activities of students.

4. The highest body of school student self-government is the “Student Council”.

II. Goals and objectives of student government

1. The goals of student self-government are:

1.1. Creating conditions for the progressive development of all subjects educational process, which involves the disclosure and development of the spiritual, social, and cognitive potential of students.

1.2. Ensuring the management of school affairs by teachers and students on the basis of their mutual trust and exactingness, respect and responsibility, and creative cooperation.

2. The tasks of student self-government are:

2.1. Representing the interests of students in the school management process.

2.2. Support and development of student initiatives in school life.

2.3. Protecting the rights of students.

III. Functions of the student council

School student council of self-government:

1. Acts on behalf of students when resolving issues of school life: studies and formulates the opinion of schoolchildren on issues of school life, represents the position of students in the Governing Council of the school, develops proposals for improving the educational process.

2. Plans and organizes his daily work; forms permanent or temporary working bodies (divisions, etc.) in various areas of activity; gives public assignments, assignments to classes, groups or individual students, listens to reports on the implementation of assignments; organizes patronage of senior classes over junior ones.

3. Promotes the implementation of students’ initiatives in extracurricular activities: studies the interests and needs of schoolchildren in the field of extracurricular activities, creates conditions for their implementation.

4. Participates in solving school problems, in coordinating the interests of students, teachers and parents.

5. The decisions of the Student Government Council are advisory and advisory in nature. They become mandatory after the director’s order is issued based on these decisions.

6. Representatives of school student self-government as part of the Governing Council have an advisory vote.

IV. Student council rights

The school student council of self-government has the right:

1. Hold meetings and other events as necessary, but at least once a month. The decision of the council is considered valid if at least 2/3 of the council is present at its meeting and if at least 2/3 of those present vote for it.

2. Post information at school in designated places and in school media, receive time for representatives to speak at class hours and parent-teacher meetings;

3. Send written requests and proposals to the school administration and receive official responses to them.

4. In agreement with the school administration, get acquainted with the school’s regulatory documents and their projects and make proposals to them.

5. Receive information from the school administration on school life issues.

6. Represent the interests of students in the school administration, at pedagogical councils, and meetings devoted to resolving issues in the life of the school.

7. Conduct meetings, as agreed, with the school director and other representatives of the administration.

8. Conduct surveys, surveys and referendums among students.

9. Send your representatives to work in the collegial governing bodies of the school.

10. Organize the collection of student proposals, hold open hearings, and raise the issue of solving problems raised by students with the school administration, other bodies and organizations.

11. Use the organizational support of school officials supervising the work of student government in the preparation and conduct of student council events.

12. Make proposals to the school administration to improve the educational process of the school.

13. Establish relationships and organize joint activities with student councils of others educational institutions, as well as with the district parliament of schoolchildren of S. Moscow.

14. Use office equipment, communications equipment and other school property in agreement with the administration.

15. Make proposals to the educational work plan of the school.

16. Exercise other powers in accordance with the law and the School Charter.

V.Responsibilities of members of the student council.

1. Comply with the requirements of the Rules of Conduct for Students. Set an example in study and work, take care of school property, observe academic and labor discipline, comply with the school Charter, administration orders, decisions of student government bodies that do not contradict the school Charter and current legislation. Rules of conduct for students.

VIII. Final provisions

8.1. This provision comes into force from the moment of approval;

8.2. Changes to this regulation are made by the school student council based on voting results.


Director of the Municipal Budget

educational institution

Secondary school No. 20

E.P. Lyakisheva

"___" _____________ year 2014


about school (student) self-government

MBOU secondary school No. 20

1. General provisions.

1.1. School (student) self-government in MBOU Secondary School No. 20 is a public, amateur, self-governing, non-profit and voluntary association of school students.

1.2. School (student) self-government in MBOU Secondary School No. 20 carries out its activities in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, on the basis Federal Law"About public organizations", Regulations on school (student) self-government in the Krasnodar region and these Regulations.

1.3. Amendments to the Regulations on school (student) self-government in MBOU Secondary School No. 20 are carried out student council MBOU Secondary School No. 20. consisting of Class Leaders.

2. Goals and objectives of school government

2.1. Basic goals development of school self-government in the Krasnodar region:

Ensuring the implementation of Law of the Russian Federation No. 273 - Federal Law of December 21, 2012 “On Education in the Russian Federation”;

Ensuring the implementation of the Law of the Krasnodar Territory of March 4, 1998 No. 123 - KZ “On state youth policy in the Krasnodar Territory”;

Increasing the level of self-organization of students in Kuban and developing the readiness of children to participate in the management of society.

2.2. Main tasks school (student) self-government are:

Ø identification and support of students with an active life position;

Ø creating conditions for the realization of the creative potential of school students;

Ø participation in the implementation of regional programs related to solving student problems;

Ø development of the ability of participants in school (student) self-government bodies to defend their opinions in a reasoned manner on the basis of tolerant communication;

Ø development of interschool interaction;

Ø updating students’ interest in the development of a democratic system, parliamentarism, suffrage and the electoral process;

Ø attracting students to participate in the socio-political life of the region, gaining experience in management and organizational activities

3. Members of school (student) self-government have their rights and responsibilities.

3.1. School (student) self-government includes students in grades 5-11.

3.2. Members of school (student) self-government share the goals and objectives of school (student) self-government and fulfill the requirements of these Regulations.

3.3. Members of school (student) self-government participate in creative, intellectual, cognitive, and organizational activities.

3.4. Only students in grades 9-11 are elected to the governing bodies of school (student) self-government.

3.5. Honorary membership is awarded at a meeting of the Student Council to individuals for outstanding services to school (student) self-government, with unconditional recognition of their right to make deliberative decisions.

Members of school (student) self-government have the right:

3.6. Receive information about the activities of school (student) self-government.

3.7. Participate in the activities of other public associations, the activities of which do not contradict the Constitution of the Russian Federation. and does not interfere with the fulfillment of the goals and objectives of school (student) self-government.

3.8. Make proposals to the governing bodies of school (student) self-government to improve self-government in achieving its goals.

A member of school (student) self-government may be expelled from self-government in the following cases:

3.9. Caused material damage to school (student) self-government.

4. Members of school (student) self-government are obliged.

4.1. Comply with the requirements of these Regulations.

4.2. Fulfill assumed obligations in relation to school (student) self-government.

4.3. Improve your knowledge and skills in creative, intellectual, cognitive and organizational activities.

4.4. Take an active part in the work of school (student) self-government.

5. Structure school (student) self-government

5.1. The highest body of school (student) self-government is School-wide student conference students in grades 5-11, which meets as needed, but at least once a year. An extraordinary general meeting is convened by decision of the Council of Leaders or at the request of at least 1/3 of the members of the association.

5.2. The general meeting of students in grades 5-11 is legal:

Ø Determine the main directions of activity of school (student) self-government;

Ø Hear and approve the report of the Student Council;

Ø Elect from among its members the Leader of school (student) self-government for a period of one year;

5.3. Student Council elected to one academic year in accordance with the Regulations on elections to the Student Council and is an executive and administrative body that carries out day-to-day management of the activities of school (student) self-government;

Ø In case of early resignation of a representative of the Student Council, a new representative of this class is elected by the class collective within 15 days;

5.4. The activities of the Student Council are led by School Leader, who is elected for one academic year in accordance with the Regulations on the election of the School Leader.

Ø The school leader leads the meeting of the Student Council, manages the preparation of the work plan of the Student Council, and controls its implementation.

Ø The school leader has the right to appoint up to three deputies from among the Student Council (one from each parallel of 9th, 10th, 11th grades);

Ø The school leader signs the resolutions of the Student Council, school laws, and controls the work of sectors;

5.5. The composition of the School (student) self-government includes Sectors:

Ø Labor sector;

Ø Media sector;

Ø Care sector;

Ø Sports activity sector;

Ø Leisure sector.

Each sector is headed by a leader who is elected from among the members of the school’s Student Council by open voting on a voluntary basis.

5.6 The activities of the school (student) self-government are ensured by the curator of the school (student) self-government, the senior counselor.

5.7. The curator of school (student) self-government is a member of the Council of Leaders of school (student) self-government, has the right to a decisive vote and performs the function of secretary of the Council of Leaders of school (student) self-government.

6. Termination of activities.

6.1. Termination of the activities of school (student) self-government may take place in the form of reorganization or liquidation;

6.2. Reorganization can be carried out by decision of the School-wide Student Conference adopted by a two-thirds majority vote of those present at the General Meeting

6.3. In cases of reorganization, the property, rights and obligations of school (student) self-government are transferred to the association - the legal successor in accordance with Art. 58 and 59 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

6.4. Liquidation can be carried out by decision of the General Meeting, adopted by a two-thirds majority of the number of present members of the school (student) self-government.

Municipal educational institution

Secondary school No. 9

School Council

protocol No. ______

from "___"______ ____20__

I approve______________

Director of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 9 //

" " 20


about student self-government of school No. 9

1. General provisions.

1.1. Student self-government at school, the executive body of which is the School Student Council, is called upon to actively promote the formation of a cohesive team as an effective means of educating students, developing in each of them a conscious and responsible attitude towards their rights and responsibilities.

1.3. The highest body of the school’s student body is the general meeting or student conference.

1.4. The student council consists of students in grades 1-11, representatives of student government bodies in grades 1-4 "Detstvograd", grades 5-8 "Commonwealth", the Council of high school students in grades 9-11 "Intel-Grad"

1.5. The student council is headed by a president, elected by students in grades 5-11 by popular vote.

1.6. The student council consists of clubs headed by department heads.

1.7. Primary school students (grades 1-4) become familiar with the activities of the school's Student Council through their participation in various school and extracurricular activities.

1.8. Middle school students (grades 5-8) take part in organizing and conducting various events.

2. The purpose and objectives of school self-government.

2.1. The goal of student self-government is the formation of a highly moral, creative, active personality based on familiarization with the values ​​of universal national culture and the community of teachers and students of different ages.

2.1.1. The purpose of the student council is to realize the right of students to participate in the management of an educational institution.

2.2. The tasks of school self-government are:

The formation of the educational system through the formation of a single school-wide team;

Introducing the individual to universal human values, assimilation by the individual social norms through participation in the public life of the school;

Creating conditions for self-expression, self-affirmation and realization of each individual through providing a wide choice of directions and types of activities.;

Development of creativity, initiative, formation of an active civic position of schoolchildren;

Creating conditions for the development of relationships of care for each other, for younger ones, mutual respect between children and adults.

2.3. The school’s student council takes an active part in organizing labor education and career guidance, extracurricular educational work, developing self-service, developing a caring attitude towards public property among students, instilling conscious discipline and a culture of behavior in schoolchildren, promoting compliance by all students with the internal rules of the school and uniform pedagogical requirements . The Council organizes mutual assistance in learning, helps in organizing and conducting Olympiads, competitions, evenings academic subjects, is also the initiator of CTD, creates councils for their implementation.

2.4. The student council of the school participates in the creation of labor associations of schoolchildren and contributes in every possible way to the organization of their effective activities.

2.5. The student council of the school organizes self-service at the school: cleaning classrooms, offices and other premises, landscaping the school grounds, and contributes to the safety of classroom and classroom equipment.

3. Functions of the Student Council

Student Council :

3.1. Acts on behalf of students when resolving issues of school life: studies and formulates the opinion of schoolchildren on issues of school life, represents the position of students in school management bodies, develops proposals for improving the educational process.

3.2. Promotes the implementation of student initiatives in extracurricular activities: studies the interests and needs of schoolchildren in the field of extracurricular activities, creates conditions for their implementation.

3.3. Promotes the resolution of conflict issues: participates in solving school problems, coordinating the interests of students, teachers and parents, and organizes work to protect the rights of students.

4. Rights and obligations.

4.1. Student government bodies have real rights and bear real responsibility for their work.

4.2. Any school student, as well as school student government bodies, has the right:

To respect your honor and dignity, appeal in case of conflict situation V higher authorities school student government.

Express and defend personal interests and the interests of their classes.

To choose their student government bodies;

To participate in the management of school affairs;

Openly and correctly express your opinion, criticize the actions of school government bodies, express your proposals for consideration in the future.

Unite in any creative groups, committees, clubs, etc., which do not contradict their activities with the goals and objectives of school self-government and the school Charter.

Hold meetings on school grounds, including closed ones and other events, at least once a week.

Place information on school grounds in designated places (at the student council stand) and in school media, and receive time for their representatives to speak at class hours and parent-teacher meetings.

Send written requests and proposals to the school administration and receive official responses to them.

Get acquainted with the school's regulatory documents and their projects and make suggestions to them.

Receive information from the school administration on school life issues.

Conduct surveys and referendums among students.

Use the organizational support of school officials responsible for educational work in the preparation and conduct of student council events.

Make proposals to the school administration to improve the educational process at school.

Create press organs.

Establish relationships and organize joint activities with student councils of other educational institutions.

Use office equipment, communications equipment and other school property in agreement with the administration.

Make proposals to the educational work plan of the school.

Represent the interests of students in bodies and organizations outside the school.

Participate in the formation of school delegations at events at the city level and above.

Exercise other powers in accordance with the law and the school Charter.

4.3. Students who are members of student government bodies are required to:

Set an example in study and work, take care of school property, observe academic and work discipline, and standards of behavior;

Inform classes about your activities.

5. The procedure for the formation and structure of the Student Council.

5.1. The school government system has 2 levels:

The first (basic) level is classroom self-government;

The second is school self-government.

5.2. The student council is formed on an elective basis for a period of one year.

5.3. The Student Council consists of students in grades 1–11, delegated by class groups.

5.4. The student council independently determines its structure and elects the Chairman of the student council from among its members.

5.5. In accordance with the main content of the educational activities of the school, the Council forms clubs:


Law and order and discipline;

Culture and leisure;

Health and sports;

Press center;

Chef assistance;

Ecology and labor.

5.7. Each club is headed by a leader, elected by students in grades 1-11 by popular vote.

5. 8. General functions of departments:

Development and decision making;

Communicating the decision made to the classes;

Organization of implementation of the decision made;

Creating conditions for the implementation of the decision;

Obtaining information on the progress of the decision, its analysis, accounting, performance assessment, control.

5.8. Meetings of the Council are held at least once a month (if necessary, they can be held more often).

5.9.The Council interacts with self-government bodies of teachers and parents. The president (members) of the school council takes part in the work of the pedagogical council, meetings with the school director, at which issues of the life of the student body, the preparation and conduct of school-wide events, and the interaction of the school with other educational institutions are discussed.

6. Principles of construction and development of school self-government.

6.1. Election of all school self-government bodies of teachers, students, and parents.

6.2. Ensuring the development of children's self-government by pedagogical leadership.

6.3. Wide publicity and openness in the activities of school self-government bodies.

6.4. Freedom of criticism and exchange of opinions on any issues of school life and the activities of school government bodies.

6.5. Systematic turnover of members of school self-government, renewal of activities.

6.6. Humanity towards each individual, priority of the interests of students.

7 . Relationship with other student government bodies.

7.1. The connection between the council and class groups is carried out through the elders elected by class meetings.

7.2. The class meeting - the collective body of student self-government in the class - is held at least once a month.

7.3. The class meeting makes decisions on issues of the activities of the class team, hears information about the decisions of the School Council, and outlines specific measures to implement these decisions.

These types of activities are:

Cognitive activity – subject weeks, meetings, Mind games, debates, conferences, consultations (mutual assistance of students in their studies);

Sports and recreational activities - organizing the work of sports sections, sports days, competitions, health days;

Artistic and aesthetic activities - concerts, holidays, competitions, meetings;

Patronage activities - helping the younger ones, caring for the older ones;

Information activities - written information about the life of classes and school centers.

Students take an active part in preparing and organizing activities.

9. The main criteria for the effective activities of student self-government at school are:

9.1. Involvement of students in the organization of educational activities and its management.

9.2. Students’ ability to organize team activities.

9.3. Awareness of responsibility for achieving joint goals.

9.4. Ability to analyze and determine a program for the future.

10. Conditions for exclusion from the Council.

A Student Council member may be excluded from the Council by a majority vote if:

Failure to comply with the fundamental rights and obligations prescribed in this provision;

Violations school rules and disciplines;

Failure to attend Council meetings more than 3 times without good reason;

Inaction and lack of initiative of Council members.

11.Final provisions.

11.1 This provision comes into force from the moment of approval;

11.2. Changes to this regulation are made by the School Council at the proposal of the student council (school student conference).