Abstracts Statements Story

Sharp sword prayer. A sharp sword that strikes down sorcerers who harm the Mind, let him resort to the Lord... having drawn the spiritual sword

  2. 2. UDC 297 BBK 86.38 B20 Translated from Arabic by Kurman Ismailov Editor Ekaterina Sorokoumova (Umm Iklil) Bali, Wahid Abd-as-Salam B20 A sharp sword that defeats harmful sorcerers. - M.: Umma, 2010. - 240 p. - Part of the text is parallel. Russian, Ar. ISBN 978-5-94824-102-9 Sheikh Wahid Abd al-Salam Bali is an outstanding scientist, hafiz, author of several dozen books. Among these books, not the least important is “A Sharp Sword That Slays Harmful Sorcerers.” This work is written based on personal experience Sheikh, who for many years not only studied various types of witchcraft and ways to get rid of them with the help of Koranic verses, but also treated people from the serious consequences of witchcraft and the evil eye. In addition to describing the mechanism of action of witchcraft and methods of protection against it, the book contains statements by authoritative Muslim scientists about witchcraft, as well as cases from the author’s practice. The book was published many times in Arab countries. Published in Russian for the first time. UDC 297 BBK 86.38 © Publisher Ezhaev, 2008ISBN 978-5-94824-102-9
  3. 3. Section one DEFINITION OF WITCHCRAFT The meaning of the word “sihr” (“witchcraft”) in Arabic “Sihr” as a Sharia term Definition of witchcraft Some methods that sorcerers use to obtain the help of the devils
  4. 4. The meaning of the word “sihr” (“witchcraft”) in Arabic Al-Lays said that witchcraft is an action that allows you to get closer to the shaitan and use his help. And according to al-Azhari, the basis of witchcraft is changing the nature of a thing1. Ibn Manzur said that when a sorcerer tries to make something false appear true, he thereby changes the nature of the thing. Shamir reports from Ibn “Aisha that the Arabs called witchcraft witchcraft because it eliminates health and replaces it with illness. 3 And Ibn Faris said: “Witchcraft is the presentation of lies in the form of truth.” In the dictionary “Al-mu”jam al-wasit” It is said: “Witchcraft is everything that is fundamentally hidden and subtle and that is not easy to detect”4. And the dictionary “Mukhit al-muhit” says: “Witchcraft is the presentation of a thing in its best form, ultimately leading to temptation and seduction”5. 1 Tahzib al-luga. T. 4. P. 290. 2 Lisan al-Arab. T. 4. P. 348. 3 The same. 4 Al-wasit. T. 1. P. 419. 5 Mukhit al-mukhit. P. 399.
  5. 5. “Sihr” as a Sharia term According to the definition of Fakhruddin al-Razi: “Witchcraft in the traditional understanding of Sharia is everything that has a hidden cause and is presented in a form that does not correspond to its true nature. In essence, this phenomenon is similar to embellishment and deception.”6 Ibn Qudama al-Maqdisi said: “Witchcraft can be a knot, a spell, a conspiracy, oral or written, or some action that has an indirect effect on the body, heart or mind of the bewitched. Witchcraft is a reality, it can kill, bring illness, keep a man from fulfilling marital duties, separate a husband from his wife, make them hate or love each other.”7 And here is what Ibn al-Qayyim said about this: “Witchcraft is a combination of the actions of evil spirits and the reactions of natural forces to them”8. Definition of witchcraft Witchcraft is an agreement between the sorcerer and the shaitan: the sorcerer undertakes to commit certain sinful acts or some pagan actions and rituals in exchange for the help of the shaitan and his fulfillment of the sorcerer’s demands. 6 Al-misbah al-munir. P. 267. 7 Al-mughni. T. 10. P. 104. 8 Back al-ma "ad. T. 4. P. 126.
  6. 6. Some methods that sorcerers use to obtain the help of the devils Among the sorcerers there are those who, putting Koranic sheets on their feet, enter the toilet, and those who write Koranic verses with the help of various impurities. Some write Surah Fatihah backwards, while others pray in a state of defilement without purification. Others sacrifice to the shaitan without uttering the name of Allah when slaughtering the animal, and then throw the sacrifice in the place pointed to by the shaitan. Among them there are those who turn to the stars and bow to them besides Allah. It happens that a sorcerer commits adultery with his own mother or daughter. And some write talismanic phrases in an incomprehensible language, containing blasphemy and unbelief (kufr). From this it is clear that the genie never serves the sorcerer selflessly. The more the sorcerer plunges into unbelief, the more zealously the genie serves him and the sooner he carries out his instructions. If the sorcerer begins to show negligence in what the shaitan demands of him from acts of unbelief, then the shaitan will stop serving him. Therefore, the sorcerer and the shaitan are partners, helping each other in what is disobedience to Allah. If you look at the sorcerer's face, it is easy to notice what was said above: the darkness of unbelief covers him. And as we get to know him better, we will certainly see that he is unhappy, and the harmful effects of his activities extend to his family. He cannot sleep peacefully, his conscience torments him, and he often wakes up at night in horror...
  7. 7. The Almighty has spoken the truth: Whoever turns away from My Reminder will have a hard life, and on the Day of Resurrection We will raise him blind (20:124). Section two WITCHCRAFT IN THE LIGHT OF THE QURAN AND SUNNAH Evidence of the existence of jinn and shaitans from the Koran and Sunnah Evidence of the existence of witchcraft from the Koran and Sunnah Evidence of the existence of jinn and shaitans from the Koran and Sunnah There is a strong connection between jinn and witchcraft. Moreover, it is the jinn and the devil who are the main active factor in witchcraft. However, there are people who deny the existence of jinn and witchcraft. Therefore, I will provide here some evidence of their existence. Evidence from the Quran Allah Almighty said: “We have sent several jinn to you so that they listen to the Quran” (46:29).
  8. 8. Allah Almighty said: “O host of jinn and people! Did not messengers come to you from among you, who read My verses to you and warned you about this day of yours?” (6:130). Allah Almighty said: O host of jinn and people! If you can penetrate beyond heaven and earth, then penetrate. But you will not penetrate without having authority (55:33). Allah Almighty said: Say: “It was revealed to me that several jinn listened to the recitation of the Qur’an and said: “Indeed, we have heard an amazing Qur’an!”” (72:1). Allah Almighty said: Men from among the people sought the protection of men from among the jinn, but they only increased their fear (72:6). Allah Almighty said: Indeed, Satan, with the help of intoxicating drinks and gambling, wants to sow enmity and hatred among you and turn you away from remembrance
  9. 9. Allah and prayers. Won't you stop? (5:91). Allah Almighty said: “O you who believe! Don't follow in the footsteps of Satan. And whoever follows in the footsteps of the shaitan, then he calls for abomination and reprehensible” (24:21). The evidence for the existence of jinn and shaitans in the Qur'an is numerous and well known. Suffice it to say that in the Koran there is a whole sura about jinn, and the word “jinn” in the Koran is mentioned twenty-two times, and the word “jinn” - seven times, the word “shaitan” - sixty-eight times, and the word “shaitan” - seventeen times . Evidence from the Sunnah Ibn Mas'ud reports: “We were together with the Messenger of Allah one night, and suddenly he disappeared somewhere. We began to look for him in the valleys and gorges and thought that perhaps someone had kidnapped him or even killed. We spent a terrible night. And when we woke up, we saw that he was heading towards us from the direction of Hir. We said: “O Messenger of Allah! We lost you, we looked for you and didn’t find you. We spent the most terrible night that ever happens!" He said: "A messenger came to me from the jinn, and I went with him and read the Koran to the jinn." He led us, and we saw their footprints and the traces of their fire. They They asked him about their food, and he told them: “You are allowed any bone on which the name of Allah is mentioned. Once in your hands, it will again be abundantly overgrown with meat. And for your animals, any dung or dung is allowed as food." Then the Messenger of Allah said: "Do not wipe yourself
  10. 10. with them [after relieving themselves], because this is food for your brothers."9 Abu Sa'id al-Khudri reports that the Messenger of Allah told him: “I see you love sheep and the desert. And if you are with your sheep in the desert and begin to pronounce the adhan, then pronounce it in a loud voice, truly those jinn and people who heard the voice of the muazzin will testify in his favor on the Day of Judgment.”10 Ibn Abbas narrates: “Once the Messenger of Allah went with a group of his companions to the Uqqaz market. At this time, a barrier appeared between the devils and the news from heaven, and they began to throw stars (meteors) at them. The devils returned to their fellow tribesmen, and they asked them: “What happened?” They answered: “A barrier appeared between us and the news from heaven, and they began to throw stars (meteors) at us.” They said: “If there is a barrier between you and the news from heaven, then something has happened. Go throughout the whole earth and see what could have become a barrier between you and the news from heaven.” And a group of them went towards Tihama, to the Messenger of Allah, who, together with his companions, intended to visit the Uqqaz market. They found him next to a palm tree. The Prophet was performing morning prayer with his companions. Having heard the Koran, the devils listened for a while and said: “We swear by Allah, this is what has become a barrier between us and the news from heaven!” Returning to their fellow tribesmen, the devils told them: “O our people, truly we have heard the amazing Koran! He guides on the straight path, 9 An-Nawawi. Sharh Sahih Muslim. T. 4. P. 170. Al-muwatta. T. 1. P 68; Fath al-Bari. T. 6. P. 343; An-Nasai. T. 2. P. 12; Ibn Majah. T. 1. P. 239
  11. 11. and we believed in him, and we will not associate partners with our Lord." Then Allah sent down to His Prophet: "Say: “It was revealed to me that several jinn listened...” The words of the jinn were revealed to him in Revelation11 "Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reports that the Messenger of Allah said: “Angels were created from light, jinn were created from flame mixed with smoke, and Adam was created from what was told to you.”12. Safiya bint Huyayy (may Allah be pleased with her) reports that the Prophet said: “Verily, the devil flows in the son of Adam along with the flow of blood.”13 “Abdullah ibn Umar reported that the Messenger of Allah said: “If one of you eats, let him eat with his right hand, and if he drinks, let him drink with his right hand, for, verily, the Shaitan eats and drinks with his left hand.”14 Abu Hurayrah reported that the Messenger of Allah said: “There is not a single newborn who is not pricked by the shaitan, after which he begins to scream from his prick, with the exception of the son of Maryam and his mother.”15 “Abdullah ibn Mas”ud reports that the Messenger of Allah mentioned a man who slept all night until dawn [without getting up to pray], and he said: “It was the Shaitan who urinated in his ears (or: in the ear)”16. Abu Qatada reports that the Messenger of Allah said: “A good dream is from Allah, and a bad dream is from the Shaytaan. 11 Fath al-Bari. T. 2. P. 253; An-Nawawi. Sharh Sahih Muslim. T. 18. P. 123. 12 Ahmad. T. 6. P. 153,168; An-Nawawi. Sharh Sahih Muslim. T. 18. P. 123. 13 Fath al-Bari. T. 4. P. 282; An-Nawawi. Sharh Sahih Muslim. T. 14. P. 155. 14 An-Nawawi. Sharh Sahih Muslim. T. 13. P. 191. 15 Fath al-Bari. T. 8. P. 212; An-Nawawi. Sharh Sahih Muslim. T. 15. P. 121. 16 Fath al-Bari. T. 3. P. 28; An-Nawawi. Sharh Sahih Muslim. T. 6. P. 64.
  12. 12. Anyone who sees something unpleasant for himself, let him spit over his left shoulder and ask Allah for protection from the Shaitan, and he will not harm him in any way.”17 Abu Sa'id al-Khudri reports that the Messenger of Allah said: “If one of you begins to yawn, let him cover his mouth with his hand so that the Shaitan does not enter.”18 There are many hadiths on this topic, but the ones given above are enough for a person seeking to know the truth. The above verses and hadiths undeniably prove that jinn and shaitans exist, and no one will deny this except an arrogant, stubborn person who follows only his own whims and does not accept the guidance of Allah. 19. Evidence of the existence of witchcraft from the Koran and Sunnah Evidence from Of the Qur'an, Allah Almighty said: They followed what the devils read in the kingdom of Suleiman. Suleiman was not an unbeliever. The devils were unbelievers, and they taught people witchcraft, as well as what was revealed to two angels in Babylon - Harut and Marut. But they (angels) did not teach anyone, not 17 Fath al-Bari, vol. 12, p. 283; Muslim, vol. 15, p. 16. 18 An-Nawawi, Sharh Sahih Muslim, vol. 18, p. 122; Hell -Darimi, vol. 1, p. 123. 19 See also the author’s book “Wikayat al-insan mn al-jinn wa ash-shayatyn”.
  13. 13. saying: “Verily, we are a temptation, so do not become an unbeliever!” They learned from them how to separate a husband from his wife, but they could not harm anyone without the permission of Allah. They learned things that brought them harm and did not benefit them. They knew that whoever bought it had no share in Last life. It’s bad what they exchanged their souls for! If only they knew! (2:102). Allah Almighty said: Musa said: “Is it possible that when the truth has come to you, you say: “Is this not witchcraft?” Verily, sorcerers will not succeed!” (10:77). Allah Almighty said: When they threw, Musa said: “You showed witchcraft. Indeed, Allah will make it futile. Allah does not correct the actions of those who spread wickedness. Allah will establish the truth with His Words, even if it is hateful to sinners” (10:81-82).
  14. 14. Allah Almighty said: Then Musa felt fear in his soul. We said: “Don't be afraid! You will prevail. Throw what you hold in your right hand, and it will swallow what they have done. Indeed, what they have done is the machinations of a sorcerer, and the sorcerer will not succeed wherever he comes” (20:68-69). Allah Almighty said: We inspired Musa: “Throw away your staff!” And so she (the snake) began to swallow what they had invented. The truth was established, and what they did was in vain. They were defeated and returned humiliated. The sorcerers fell on their faces and said:
  15. 15. “We have believed in the Lord of the worlds, the Lord Musa and Harun!” (7:117-122). Allah Almighty said: Say: “I seek the protection of the Lord of the dawn from the evil of what He has created, from the evil of darkness when it comes, from the evil of [witches] who spit on knots, and from the evil of the envious when he envyes” (113 :1-5). Al-Qurtubi said: “This refers to the witches who spit on the knots on the threads while reciting their spells.” 20 And Ibn Kathir said: “According to 20 At-Tabari. At-tafsir. T. 20. P. 257.
  16. 16. According to Mujahid, “Ik rimam, al-Hasan, Qatada and al-Dahhak, here they mean witches.”21 Ibn Jarir at-Tabari said: “That is, witches who spit on knots on threads when they recite their spells. This is the opinion of al-Qasimi and other scholars."22 There are many verses that mention witchcraft and sorcerers, and they are well known to those who have an understanding of Islam. Evidence from the Sunnah "Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reports: "The Messenger Allah was bewitched by a man named Labid ibn al-A" himself, from the Banu Zuraik tribe. It seemed to him that he had done something, although in fact he did not do it... And one day (or night) when he was with me, he began to cry out to Allah. Then he said: “Aisha! Do you feel that Allah has answered my prayer? Two people came to me, one of them sat down at my head, the other at my feet. And one of them asked another: “What’s wrong with him?” “He’s bewitched.” “Who bewitched him?” “Labid ibn al-A” himself. - How? - Through a comb, hair that falls when combing the head and beard, as well as palm inflorescences. -Where is all this hidden? - In the well of Zarvan." 21 Ibn Kathir. At-tafsir. T. 4. P. 573. 22 Al-Qasimi. At-tafsir. T. 10. P. 302.
  17. 17. The Messenger of Allah went there with a group of companions, and when he returned, he said: “Aisha! The well water is like an infusion of henna. And the top of the palm tree is like the heads of snakes." I asked: "O Messenger of Allah, did you not remove them?" He replied: "Allah has already healed me, and I do not want this to harm people in any way" - and ordered to bury the objects witchcraft."23 The Jews conspired with Labid ibn al-A" himself, the most experienced sorcerer, so that he would bewitch the Messenger of Allah for three dinars. And this unfortunate man managed to bewitch him using some of his hair. It is said that he received them from a little girl who entered the house of the Prophet. Having spoken to them, he placed them in the well of Zarvan. Various versions of the hadith indicate that this was a type of witchcraft that prevented a man from fulfilling his marital duties. It seemed to the Prophet that he could have sexual intercourse with his wife, but when he approached her, he could not do it. Such witchcraft does not affect the intellect and behavior of a person, and only affects what we have said. Scholars disagree as to how long the Prophet was under the influence of this witchcraft. Someone said: forty days, someone said something else, but Allah knows better about it... Then the Prophet turned to his Lord with an ardent prayer, and He answered his prayer and sent two angels. One of them sat at the head of the Prophet, the other at his feet. One of them asked: “What’s wrong with him?”, the second answered: “He’s bewitched.” Then the first 23 Fath al-Bari. T. 10. P. 222; An-Nawawi. Sharh Sahih Muslim. T. 14. P. 174.
  18. 18. asked: “Who bewitched him?” The second replied: “Labid ibn al-A" himself, a Jew.” Then Allah through them revealed to him that he used a comb and some hairs that fell while combing from the head and beard of the Prophet, and placed them in the inflorescences of a palm tree (in order to perform witchcraft was more effective), and he put all this under a stone in the well of Zarvan. After the angels left, the Prophet ordered to remove these objects and bury them (some versions say that he ordered them to be burned). From all versions of this hadith it is clear that the Jews used one of the most dangerous types of witchcraft and that their goal was to kill the Prophet. It is known that among the types of witchcraft there is one that kills, but Allah protected it from their wiles and replaced this type of witchcraft with the easiest one. Doubt and the answer to it Al-Maziri said : "This hadith was rejected by the supporters of innovation on the grounds that it is not befitting for the Prophet to be bewitched, and this creates doubts around him, and by recognizing such an event, we question the Shariah. They say, in those days, the Prophet might have seemed to have come to him Jibril, but in fact he did not come. Or, for example, that a Revelation was sent down, but it was not... In fact, everything that supporters of innovation say is, of course, wrong. After all, the sign of a messenger mission, which is a miracle, is evident in this case. And he, on the contrary, testifies to the truthfulness of the Prophet in what he conveyed from Allah Almighty, and about His protection and patronage
  19. 19. to him. You can’t allow something when the evidence suggests otherwise.”24 Abu al-Jukni al-Yusufi said: “As for the illness of the Prophet, the cause of which was witchcraft, it cannot detract from the significance of the prophetic mission. After all, the illnesses of the prophets, which cause physical suffering in this world, elevate their degrees in the eternal world. An illness caused by witchcraft, which made him think that he had done something when in fact he had not done it, and which completely disappeared when Allah showed him the location of the objects of witchcraft and they were removed from there and buried , did not cause him much harm, since it is no different from other diseases that do not affect the intellect. This disease affects the body externally, such as on the eyesight, when it sometimes seemed to him that he was with one of his wives, which in reality was not the case. Such things do not cause harm during illness. I am surprised by people who believe that this disease caused by witchcraft casts doubt on the messenger mission of the Prophet, whereas in the Koran, in the story of Musa and the sorcerers of Pharaoh, it is clearly stated that it began to seem to Musa that the sorcerers’ staves were moving, but in this moment Allah strengthened him. Allah Almighty said: We said: “Do not be afraid! You will prevail. 24 Zad al-Muslim. T. 4. P. 221.
  20. 20. Throw away what you hold in your right hand, and it will swallow what they have done. Truly, what they have done is the machinations of a sorcerer, and the sorcerer will not succeed wherever he goes?” The sorcerers fell on their faces and said: “We have believed in the Lord Harun and Musa” (20:68-70). No one with knowledge or simply an intelligent person said that if Musa imagined the movement of the sorcerers’ staffs, then this casts a shadow on Musa himself and casts doubt on his messenger mission. On the contrary, such incidents with the prophets increase faith in them, since Allah grants them victory over their enemies, supporting them with amazing miracles, leaves sorcerers and unbelievers without support and resolves the matter in favor of the pious, as explained in clear Quranic verses25. Abu Hurayra reports that the Prophet said: “Avoid the seven destructive sins!” People asked: “O Messenger of Allah, what are these sins?” He replied: “Associating partners with Allah (shirk), witchcraft, killing of the soul, which Allah has forbidden except by right, usury, appropriation of the property of an orphan, fleeing on the day of attack and accusing chaste believing women of adultery who do not even think about such things.”26 . 25 Zad al-Muslim. T. 4. P. 22. 26 Fath al-Bari. T. 5. P. 393; An-Nawawi. Sharh Sahih Muslim. T. 2. P. 83.
  21. 21. In this hadith, the Prophet told us to avoid witchcraft, and explained that it is one of the great, destructive sins, and this proves that witchcraft is the truth, and it really exists, and is not a superstition or prejudice. Ibn “Abbas reports that the Messenger of Allah said: “Whoever has acquired knowledge in astrology has learned one of the types of witchcraft, and the more, the more.”27 In this hadith, the Prophet pointed to one of the paths leading to learning witchcraft, in order to warn them against this, and this action in itself is proof that witchcraft is a knowledge that can be learned. This is also evidenced by the Words of the Most High: “They learned from them how to separate husband from wife.” So, ", witchcraft is knowledge. It is like other knowledge and has a basis on which it is built. The verse and hadith indicate that the teaching of witchcraft is prohibited. "Imran ibn Hussein reported that the Messenger of Allah said: “He is not among us who believes in bad omens, or is informed of bad omens at their request, 28 who predicts or turns to a fortuneteller, who casts a spell or turns to a sorcerer. Anyone who turns to a fortuneteller or soothsayer and believes what he says has fallen into disbelief, and he does not believe in what was revealed to Muhammad.” 27 Abu Daoud. Hadith No. 3905; Ibn Majah. Hadith No. 3726. Al-Albani called it good. 28 Arabs in the pre-Islamic era, before setting out on a journey, would release a bird, and if it flew to the right, they set off, and if it flew to the left, it was considered a bad omen, and they returned home.
  22. 22. In this hadith, the Prophet prohibited witchcraft and turning to sorcerers. And the Prophet did not prohibit anything except what really exists. Abu Musa al-Ash'ari reports that the Messenger of Allah said: “The one who constantly drinks alcohol, and the one who believes in witchcraft, and the one who breaks family ties will not enter Paradise.”29 The meaning of the hadith is that , that three would be able to enter Heaven only after spending some time in Hellfire, serving punishment for their sins: First: the one who constantly drank alcohol Second: the one who believed in witchcraft, that is, believed that witchcraft worked by itself, and not by the will of Allah and His predestination. Third: the one who left his relatives without communicating with them or visiting them. In this hadith, the Messenger of Allah forbade people to believe that witchcraft can have an effect on its own. Believers must be convinced that witchcraft, like everything else, has an effect only by the will of Allah Almighty and His predestination: “... but they could not harm anyone without the permission of Allah.” Ibn Mas'ud said: “The one who came to a fortune teller, sorcerer or soothsayer and believed him, he fell into disbelief, and he does not believe in what was revealed to Muhammad”30. 29 Ibn Hibban. Al-Albani pointed out the existence of a hadith with a similar meaning and called this hadith good. 30 Al-Munziri said in “At-Targyb”: “Recorded by al-Bazzar and Abu Ya'la. Hadith-maukuf with a good isnad.”
  23. 23. Opinion of scientists Al-Khattabi said: “Some people from among the supporters of natural science deny witchcraft and believe that it does not exist. In fact, witchcraft exists, and there is evidence of this. Peoples such as Arabs, Persians, Indians and Byzantines have always believed in its existence, and they are considered the best representatives of humanity, the most educated and wise part of it. Allah Almighty said: "...they taught people witchcraft." And He told them to ask Him for protection from witchcraft, saying: “...and from the evil of sorceresses who spit on knots.” Many sayings of the Messenger of Allah about witchcraft have reached us. No one can deny this, except for those who decide to deny the obvious and known to everyone. Fuqaha scholars have determined the punishment for the sorcerer. What does not exist and is not substantiated cannot be so known. Denying witchcraft is ignorance, and arguing with such people is a waste of time." Al-Qurtubi said: “The adherents of the Sunnah believe that witchcraft exists, and this is a confirmed and proven fact. At the same time, the majority of the Mu'tazilites and Abu Ishaq al-Istarabadi from the followers of al-Shafi believe that witchcraft does not exist in reality. In their minds, witchcraft is an obsession, an optical illusion and suggestion that allows one to imagine something in an unnatural form. That is, in their opinion, witchcraft is something like magic. The Almighty said: “And it seemed
  24. 24. to him because of their witchcraft that they move." The Almighty did not say that because of witchcraft the objects thrown by the sorcerers began to move, He said: "And it seemed to him...." He also said: ". ..bewitched (or deceived) the eyes of people...” These words are not an argument for us, since we do not deny that glamor and deception of vision are types of witchcraft. However, besides this, there are also types of witchcraft, which are discussed in The Quran and the Sunnah and which do not contradict reason. For example, there are verses that mention witchcraft and that it is taught. If witchcraft were not a reality, it would not be possible to teach it, and the Almighty would not have reported that they taught people witchcraft... All this suggests that witchcraft actually exists. There are the words of the Almighty in the story about the sorcerers of Pharaoh: “They showed great witchcraft,” and the sura “Dawn”, regarding which all interpreters of the Koran are unanimous in their opinion, that the reason for its sending down was the story associated with the witchcraft of Lyabid ibn al-A"sama. This hadith is quoted by al-Bukhari, Muslim and others from “Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her), who began her story like this: “The Messenger of Allah was bewitched by one of the Jews of the Banu Zuraik tribe named Lyabid ibn al-A” himself... ". In this hadith, the Prophet said when the spell was broken: “Verily, Allah has healed me,” and healing occurs only when the cause of the illness disappears and the disease goes away, and this indicates that witchcraft exists. The existence of witchcraft has been proven because the Almighty Himself and His Messenger said that it exists and that it is the truth. Moreover, there is a consensus
  25. 25. Muslim scholars (ijma) on this matter. As for the contradiction of the Mu'tazilites, after the ijma of the scholars who are adherents of the truth, it does not matter... Witchcraft was known and widespread in the past, and people talked about it, and nothing indicates that the companions and the generation that found them, denied it." Al-Maziri said: “Witchcraft is a proven fact and, like other things, it has a basis in reality. It has an impact and leaves its mark on the person who has been bewitched. These are arguments against those who claim the opposite and believe that it does not exist, and what they talk about are just false visions that have no basis in reality. In fact, their statements are false. After all, Allah Almighty said about witchcraft in His Holy Book that one can learn it and because of it they fall into disbelief, and with its help they separate husband and wife. The hadith that the Prophet was bewitched refers to objects of witchcraft that were first placed in a certain place and then removed from there, which cannot be done with objects that do not exist. And how can you learn something that doesn’t exist?” He said: “On the other hand, it is reasonable to assume that Allah Almighty changes the laws of existence that are familiar to us when a sorcerer casts a spell or composes some objects in a certain way, known only to him. This can also be observed in the material world: there are substances that kill, for example, poisons, there are those that cause illness, such as some medicines containing harmful substances, there are those who, on the contrary, help the patient recover. And you can
  26. 26. to assume that the sorcerer knows forces capable of killing, or a destructive spell, or a spell leading to a break in relationships”31. An-Nawawi said: “Witchcraft exists. This is recognized by the vast majority of scholars, and this is indicated by the Quran and the reliable, widely known Sunnah.” Ibn Qudama said: “Witchcraft is a reality, and some of its types kill, some cause illness, some interfere with the performance of marital duties, and some separate a husband from his wife... A type of witchcraft is known among people that prevents a man from fulfilling his marital duties. For example, a man gets married, but cannot begin a marital relationship with his wife, and after the damage is removed, this problem disappears. There are many similar cases, and they are so well known that it is impossible to deny the existence of this type of witchcraft.” He also said: “So many stories are told about witches and witchcraft that it is simply impossible to believe that so many people could conspire to mislead people.”32 He said in Al-Kafi: “Witchcraft is spells, amulets and knots that affect the heart and body. They cause illness, death, or separate husband and wife. The Almighty said: “They learned from them how to separate a husband from his wife.” And Allah said: "...and from the evil of witches who spit on knots." If witchcraft did not exist, Allah would not have commanded to seek protection from Him from witchcraft spells.”33 31 Zad al-Muslim. T. 4. P. 225. 32 Al-mughni. T. 10. P 106. 33 Fath al-Majid. P. 314.
  27. 27. The eminent scholar Ibn al-Qayyim said 34: “The words of the Almighty: “...and from the evil of witches who spit on knots” and the hadith “Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) indicate that witchcraft has an effect on a person and that it is real.”35 Abu al-Izz al-Hanafi said: “Scholars disagreed regarding the essence of witchcraft and its types. Most of them say that it is capable of killing or causing illness in the bewitched person for no apparent external reason.”36 34 Badai" al-fawaid. 35 Fath al-Majid. P. 315. 36 Sharh al-"aqidat at-tahawiyya. P. 505.
  28. 28. Section three TYPES OF WITCHCRAFT Types of witchcraft according to ar-Razi Types of witchcraft according to ar-Raghib Explanation of types of witchcraft Types of witchcraft according to ar-Razi Abu “Abdullah ar-Razi believed that there are eight types of witchcraft: 1. Witchcraft of the Kaldanites and Kashdanites (those to whom the prophet Ibrahim was sent who worshiped the seven planets and believed that they rule the world and bring good and evil.) 2. Witchcraft of hypnotists and strong personalities. Suggestion influences a person. As evidence, he cited the fact that a person is able to easily walk along a log lying on the ground, and is unable to do the same when it is thrown over a river or a precipice.And doctors who forbid someone who suffers from nosebleeds to look at red things, and a patient with epilepsy to things that shine or spin do this only because a person is easily suggestible 3. Seeking help from earthly spirits (genies), which are divided into believers and non-believers.
  29. 29. Experienced people know that contacting them is easy. This happens through spells37 and certain rituals. 4. The witchcraft of illusionists, magicians and charlatans, who built their art on the deceptiveness of human visual perception of things: while looking at one thing, he may not see another at the same time. When a skilled illusionist performs his trick, he focuses the attention of the audience on one thing, and at the same time he very quickly does something else that the audience does not expect, and when he does it and calls the attention of the audience to it, people are surprised. and are delighted. And if he had been silent during his trick and had not said anything that distracted people’s thoughts from his actions, then the audience would have guessed his every movement and every subsequent step. 5. Amazing mechanisms created by engineering. Like, for example, a rider on a horse with a horn in his hands, blowing this horn every hour without any outside help. Or a watch. Although, in fact, this type cannot be attributed to witchcraft, since the physical laws in accordance with which these mechanisms work are known, and those who study them will be able to create something similar. I (the author) say: “These things have become familiar to us due to scientific progress, which has led to the invention of many amazing things.” 6. Use of specific features of drugs (or food). He said: “Know that 37 However, they necessarily contain unbelief (kufr), paganism (shirk) and bring obvious loss to the soul.
  30. 30. It is impossible to deny the specific properties of things, and magnetism is visible to the naked eye.” 7. Emotional dependence. The sorcerer declares that he knows the greatest name of Allah and that the jinn are subject to him and controlled by him, and if the person who hears such a statement from the sorcerer is narrow-minded, and he is not able to distinguish truth from lies, he believes the sorcerer. As a result, awe takes root in his soul, and he becomes dependent on the sorcerer. After this, the sorcerer can do whatever he wants with it. 8. Spreading gossip between people in order to quarrel between them. This type of witchcraft is very common among people38. Ibn Katheer said: “Al-Razi classified many of the things mentioned as witchcraft because of the invisibility of the mechanism of their action, because witchcraft, according to its definition in Arabic, includes everything that is basically hidden, inconspicuous and subtle.”39 Types of witchcraft according to ar-Raghib And according to ar-Raghib al-Isfahani, the following things are called witchcraft: 1. That which is basically hidden and subtle. They say: “He charmed the child,” that is, he deceived him and attracted him to his side. Everything that you have won over to your side, you have charmed and bewitched all of it. Hence the expression of the poets: “Charming eyes,” from their 38 Ibn Kathir. At-tafsir. T. 1. P. 148. 39 Ibn Kathir. At-tafsir. T. 1. P. 147.
  31. 31. the ability to incline and win over the souls of people. Or the expression of doctors: “Nature is a sorceress.” Hence the words of Allah Almighty: “However, we are a bewitched people,” that is, deprived of the ability to know. This is also stated in the hadith: “Truly, eloquence is magic.” 2. What happens as a result of deception and suggestion and does not exist in reality. This is what scammers do, using sleight of hand and distracting people's eyes from what they want to hide. 3. What happens with the help of the devils after the rituals of approaching them. The Almighty pointed to this type in His words when He said: “The devils were the disbelievers, and they taught people witchcraft.” 4. What, according to sorcerers, happens when they turn to the stars and evoke their “spiritual essences”40. Explanation of the types of witchcraft If you look at what ar-Razi, ar-Raghib and other scholars write about witchcraft, it is not difficult to notice that much of what actually has nothing to do with it is classified as witchcraft. The reason is that they relied on the definition of witchcraft in Arabic, that is, they considered witchcraft everything that is basically hidden, inconspicuous and subtle. Therefore, they attributed to witchcraft engineering inventions, and what is done through sleight of hand, and even gossip, Fath al-Bari. T. 10. P. 222.
  32. 32. distributed among people, and many other things that are basically hidden and subtle. All this does not interest us in our research, because our task is to study real witchcraft, when the sorcerer uses the help of jinn and shaitans. It is also necessary to explain the type of witchcraft mentioned by al-Razi and al-Raghib, which consists of turning the sorcerers to the stars and invoking their “spiritual essences”. In fact, the stars and planets are the creations of Allah; they obey the orders of the Creator and serve Him. They do not possess “spiritual essences” and do not in any way influence the destinies of creations. If someone says that he witnessed how some sorcerers pronounced names and claimed that these were the names of the stars or names symbolizing them, after which they spoke to them, and in front of the witnesses the witchcraft took place, then we will answer him as follows. If this actually took place, then the reason for this is not the influence of the stars, but the actions of the devils and their temptation to mislead the sorcerers. This is similar to the stories of unbelievers who spoke to dumb stone idols, and the devils answered them loudly from inside the idols, after which people mistook them for gods, which they really were not. There are many ways to mislead people. May Allah protect us from the evil of the devils from among the jinn and people!
  33. 33. Section Four HOW DOES A SORCERER CALL A JINN Agreement between a sorcerer and shaitan Methods of calling jinn Signs by which a sorcerer can be recognized Agreement between a sorcerer and shaitan Most often, there is an agreement between a sorcerer and shaitan, according to which the former performs some pagan rituals or actions , related to obvious unbelief, secretly or openly, and the second undertakes to help him or deliver to him one of the jinn who will serve him. The agreement is basically between the sorcerer and the shaitan, the leader of the tribe of jinn and shaitans. This leader gives orders to one of his foolish fellow tribesmen to serve the sorcerer and obey him, tell him about various events, separate people or, conversely, bewitch them, and also do other things that we, if it is the will of Allah Almighty, will tell more details below41. Next, the sorcerer uses the genie for his evil deeds. If the genie disobeys him, he will turn to the leader of the genie tribe through spells containing his exaltation and appeal to him for help 41 See the sixth section of this book.
  34. 34. besides Allah Almighty. Then the leader will punish the genie and order him to obey the pagan sorcerer or replace him with another. So, we see that the relationship between the sorcerer and the genie serving him is built on hostility and oppression. Because of this, the genie often causes trouble for the sorcerer's family members and his property, and sometimes even for the sorcerer himself, who does not even know about it. It gives the sorcerer a constant headache or chronic insomnia, or frightens him in his sleep, and so on. Moreover, sorcerers usually have no offspring, because the genie kills his child in the womb, before the completion of his creation. Sorcerers know this, and some of them even stop witchcraft in the hope of having offspring. I remember how I had to treat a sick woman. Her illness was caused by witchcraft. When I read the Koran to her, the genie, who was entrusted with the task of performing witchcraft, spoke through her lips. He said: “I can’t get out of it.” - Why? - I'm afraid that the sorcerer will kill me. - We moved from this area to another, unknown to him. - He will send a genie for me, who will lead me to him. - If you accepted Islam and sincerely, sincerely, for the sake of the Almighty, repented, then, with the help of Allah, I would teach you some verses from the Koran that protect you from the evil of unbelieving jinn and protect you from them.
  35. 35. - I will remain a Christian and will never convert to Islam. - There is no compulsion in religion, but it is necessary that you leave this woman. - I'll never go out. “Then, with the help of Allah, I will read you verses from the Koran until you burn.” Then I hit him hard, he cried and said: “Okay, I’ll come out, I’ll come out!” And he really came out, praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, and all mercy belongs to Him! It is known that the more the sorcerer falls into disbelief and commits abominations, the more obedient the genie is to him and the sooner he carries out his instructions, and vice versa. How does a sorcerer summon a genie? There are many ways to invoke the jinn, all of which involve explicit shirk or disbelief. I will tell here, if it is the will of the Almighty, only about eight, briefly indicating the type of shirk or kufr in each method. I am talking about this here only because some Muslims are unable to distinguish between Quranic treatment and witchcraft treatment. The first method comes from Allah, and the second - from Satan. It is difficult for unenlightened people to notice the difference, because some sorcerers pronounce their kaafir spell silently, and the Koranic verses out loud. This is done so that the patient thinks that he is being treated through the Koran, and then does what the sorcerer tells him. And in explaining these methods, I pursued a single goal: to warn Muslims from the paths of evil and error.
  36. 36. Methods of summoning genies Method one: spell The sorcerer enters a dark room, then lights a fire and throws special incense into it, and incense with an unpleasant odor is used to separate people and spread enmity and hostility between them, and incense with a pleasant odor is used for a love spell or removing witchcraft spells. Then he begins to recite a pagan spell: he conjures the genie with his master to do something and asks him to do something for the sake of his leader. The spell contains many more manifestations of paganism: exalting the leaders of the genies, turning to them for help, and much more. Besides a necessary condition This ritual involves dressing the sorcerer (may he be cursed by Allah) in clothes stained with uncleanness, or the sorcerer himself being in a state of ritual defilement (junub). After reading the spell, a vision appears before him in the form of a dog or in another form. Sometimes he sees nothing, but hears a voice. And sometimes he does not see or hear anything, but simply makes a knot on the things of the person whom he has chosen as the object of his witchcraft. Such things include his hair or clothes that smell of sweat. He then commands the genie whatever he wishes. The study of this method allows us to draw the following conclusions: - Jinns prefer dark rooms. - Jinns feed on the smells of incense, over which the name of Allah was not mentioned.
  37. - The obvious shirk here is to turn to the genie asking for help for the sake of his leader. - The jinn prefer impurities, and the devils strive for the defiled. Method two: sacrifice At the request of the genie, the sorcerer prepares a bird, animal, chicken, pigeon or something else with certain characteristics. Most often, a black animal is required, since this is the favorite color of the jinn 42 . Sometimes he stains the sick animal with the blood, then throws the victim (without mentioning the name of Allah) into a dilapidated, non-residential building or into an abandoned well, where genies mostly live, and returns home in order to, having read a pagan spell, call the genie and order him what he pleases. Studying this method allows us to see two manifestations of shirk: 1. Making a sacrifice to the genie, which is prohibited by Muslim scholars of all times. It is forbidden for a Muslim to eat the meat of an animal slaughtered for someone other than Allah, and even more so it is forbidden to sacrifice an animal for anyone other than Allah. But at the same time, ignoramuses everywhere and at all times commit this vile act. Here, for example, are the words of Yahya ibn Yahya: “Wahb told me that one of the caliphs discovered a spring and, fearing that the water would go back into the ground, he made a sacrifice to the jinn and fed him with the meat of a sacrificial animal 42 In the Sahih of Muslim there is a message from the Prophet about that the black dog is Satan. Some jinn also reported this to me.
  38. 38. people. This reached Shihab az-Zuhri, and he said: “He slaughtered in a way that was not lawful for him, and fed people with something that was not lawful for them. The Messenger of Allah forbade eating what was slaughtered for the jinn.” 43. Imam Muslim narrates from the words of “Ali ibn Abu Talib that the Messenger of Allah said: “Allah cursed the one who slaughtered not for Him.” 2. A pagan spell used to summon a genie, which contains obvious shirk in its words and the amulets used, as it speaks of this is Sheikh-ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah in many places in his books. Method three: base This method is known among sorcerers as base. Supporters of this method of witchcraft have the largest number of assistants from among the shaitans, serving them and carrying out their commands. All this is because that they surpassed all other sorcerers in the degree of their unbelief and godlessness. This method of witchcraft is as follows: The sorcerer (may the curse of Allah befall him), puts the Koran on his feet in the form of shoes, and enters the toilet, where in this form he reads pagan spells . Then he goes into a dark room and tells the genies what he wishes. As a rule, the jinn rush to obey him and carry out his orders. This happens only because the sorcerer renounced the Great Allah (became a kaafir) and became one of the members of the Shaitan brotherhood. He is one of those who suffered a clear loss, and may the curse of the Lord of the worlds be upon him! Akam al-marjan. P. 78.
  39. 39. The condition for a vile sorcerer is to commit several great sins, in addition to those we have already mentioned, such as having sexual intercourse with close relatives, homosexuality, adultery, and defamation of religions. All this is done in order to achieve the satisfaction of Satan and his help. Method four: using impurities and filth The cursed sorcerer writes one of the suras of the Holy Quran with menstrual blood or uses something else from impurities for this. He then casts pagan spells, causing a genie to come and tell him to do whatever he wishes. Obviously, this method contains obvious unbelief. If ridicule of a surah or even one of the verses of the Holy Quran is kufr, then what about writing about impurity? We resort to the protection of Allah from such a state, when the Almighty leaves a person, depriving him of His mercy! And we ask Him, Glorified is He, to strengthen our hearts in faith, to rest us as Muslims and to resurrect us along with the best of creation. Method five: writing verses in reverse Using this method, the sorcerer, may he be cursed by Allah, rewrites one of the surahs of the Koran in reverse, that is, from end to beginning in separate letters. He then recites a pagan spell, after which a genie appears, to whom he gives orders.
  40. 40. This method includes disbelief and shirk. It is also prohibited to use it. Method six: astrology It is also called “rasd” (observation). The sorcerer watches the rise of a certain star, which he then turns to when reciting witchcraft spells. Then he recites a spell containing so much disbelief and shirk that only Allah knows about it, and makes certain movements. According to him, these movements contribute to the descent of the star spirit to earth. In fact, they are a ritual of worship of this star besides Allah. Sometimes the sorcerer is unaware of this, but this is worship and exaltation not of Allah, but of His creation. After this, the devils begin to serve the cursed sorcerer, who thinks that this star is helping him. However, this is slander against a star who knows nothing about it. Sorcerers claim that this type of witchcraft is removed only when the star appears another time 44. This is despite the fact that there are stars that appear only once a year! They wait for her appearance in order for the witchcraft to be effective, and they cast spells, turning to this star for help. Obviously, this method involves exalting someone other than Allah and seeking help from someone other than Allah. And all this is shirk, in addition to this there are enough (to prohibit it) spells containing disbelief. 44 This is among sorcerers, but those who cure witchcraft through the Koran eliminate such witchcraft immediately, by the mercy of Allah.
  41. 41. Method seven: using the palm The sorcerer uses a small boy who has not reached puberty, provided he does not have ritual ablution (voodoo). He takes his left palm and draws a quadrangle on it, around which, on four sides, he writes witchcraft spells, naturally containing shirk. He then places oil and a blue flower or oil and blue ink in the center of this quadrangle. Then he writes a spell in separate letters on a rectangular piece of paper, which he then places on the boy’s face, covering it. In order to secure the leaf, a hat is put on the boy’s head. In addition, he is completely covered with thick clothing. At this time he should look at his palm, which he naturally cannot see due to the darkness. Then the damned sorcerer begins to recite a strong kaafir spell, after which the boy suddenly sees light that dispels the darkness, and sees moving images in his palm. Then the sorcerer asks the boy: “What do you see?” He answers: “I see in front of me an image of a man.” The sorcerer says: - Order him... - and names some task. And the image begins to move in accordance with the order. Most often this method is used to search for missing items. Obviously, this method contains shirk, disbelief and incomprehensible spells.
  42. 42. Method eight: using a person’s personal belongings The sorcerer asks the patient to bring him some of his personal belongings: a handkerchief, a hat, a shirt or any other thing with the smell of his sweat. He then ties the handkerchief at one end, measures a distance equal to the size of four fingers, and holds the handkerchief tightly. Then he reads Surah “Multiplying” or any other short Surah in a loud voice, followed by a pagan spell to himself. Then he turns to the genie and says: “If the genie is the cause of his illness, then cut him short. And if he has an evil eye, then lengthen it, and if he just has an illness, then leave him as is. Then he measures the distance a second time, and if it is longer than four fingers, he says: you have an evil eye. If it has become shorter, then he says: the cause of your illness is the genie, and if the distance has not changed, remains equal to four fingers, he will say: you have nothing, go to the doctor. Notes on this method − Misleading the patient: the sorcerer reads the Koran loudly so that the patient thinks that he is healing with the help of the Koran. However, this is not so, it’s all about the spell, which he reads secretly, to himself. − Seeking help from the jinn and invoking them with prayer is associating partners with Allah Almighty. − Jinns tend to lie a lot, so where is the guarantee that the genie is telling the truth? We had the opportunity to check the words of many sorcerers: sometimes they told the truth, but in most cases they lied. One patient came to us and said: “The sorcerer said that I have the evil eye,” when we read it to him
  43. 43. The Koran, the genie began to speak through his lips. And he didn’t have any evil eye. And there were many such cases... Perhaps there are other methods of witchcraft, but I am not aware of them. Signs by which you can recognize a sorcerer If at least one of the following signs is present, you can say with complete confidence that this is a sorcerer. These signs are: He asks the patient about his name and the name of his mother. He asks for some of the patient’s personal belongings (clothes, hat, scarf, T-shirt, etc.). Sometimes he demands an animal with certain characteristics in order to slaughter it without mentioning the name of Allah, or to smear blood on a sore spot, or to leave the animal’s carcass in an abandoned place. He writes talismans. He reads incomprehensible spells or spells. He gives the patient an amulet containing quadrangles with letters or numbers inside. He orders the patient to retire for a certain period of time in a room that does not receive sunlight. In common people it is called “zaquta” (hijba). Sometimes he requires the patient not to touch water for a certain time, most often for forty days. This sign indicates that
  44. 44. The genie serving the sorcerer is a Christian. He gives the patient certain things and asks him to bury them in the ground. He gives the patient sheets of paper so that he burns them and fumigates himself with their smoke. He says incomprehensible words. Sometimes the sorcerer himself tells the patient his name, where he comes from and talks about the problem that brought him to him. He writes individual letters for the patient - on paper, as for an amulet, or on a white clay dish, then tells the patient to wash them off and drink this water. If you find out that a person is a sorcerer, then under no circumstances should you contact him, otherwise you will become one of those about whom the Prophet said: “Whoever came to a fortuneteller and believed him, has already renounced what was revealed.” Muhammad."
  45. 45. Section Five WHAT THE ISLAMIC SHARIA SAYS ABOUT WITCHCRAFT The attitude of the Islamic Sharia towards sorcerers The attitude of the Islamic Sharia towards a sorcerer from the People of the Book Is it permissible to remove witchcraft spells with other witchcraft Is it permissible to teach witchcraft The difference between witchcraft (sihr), miracles of the righteous (karamat) and miracles of the prophets ( mu"jiza) The attitude of Islamic Sharia towards sorcerers Imam Malik said: “A sorcerer is one who casts a spell and does what other people are not able to do. He is similar to the one about whom the Almighty said in His Book: “They knew that the one who acquired this has no share in the Hereafter." I believe that a sorcerer should be executed if he cast a spell himself." Affan, Ibn "Umar, Hafsa, Junduba ibn "Abdullah, Junduba ibn Ka"ba, Qais ibn Sa"da, "Umar ibn "Abdul-"Aziz, and this is the opinion of Abu Hanifa and Malik." 45 Al-muwatta.
  46. 46. ​​Al-Qurtubi said: “The jurists disagreed about how to deal with a Muslim sorcerer and a sorcerer from the People of the Book (dhimmiyah) 46 . Malik believes that if a Muslim cast spells himself, using spells containing unbelief, he will be executed without requiring repentance from him. His repentance is not accepted because he, like a hypocrite and adulterer, can hide behind it, and because Allah Almighty called witchcraft unbelief. He said: “But they (the angels) did not teach anyone without saying: Verily, we are a temptation, so do not become an unbeliever).” Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Abu Saur, Ishaq, Al-Shafi'i and Abu Hanifa also think so. Ibn al-Mundhir said: “If a person admits that he has committed witchcraft using a spell containing words of disbelief, he should be executed if only he will not repent. The same is true in the case when it is established that he used a witchcraft spell containing unbelief. If his spell did not contain unbelief, he cannot be executed. If his witchcraft caused harm to a person requiring retribution (qysas), it must be carried out retribution [if the harm was caused to him intentionally]. If the harm does not require retribution, compensation (diya) is collected from him."47 Ibn Kathir said: “Those who consider the sorcerer to be an unbeliever rely on the words of the Almighty: “If they believed in Allah and were God-fearing..." This opinion is transmitted from Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal and a group of scholars from among the righteous 46 Zimmiy is a man of the Book, living in the territory of Muslims and under their protection. 47 Al-Qurtubi. At-tafsir T 2. p. 48.

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    Sheikh Wahid ‘Abd al-Salam Bali is an outstanding scientist, hafiz, and author of several dozen books. Among these books, not the least important is “A Sharp Sword That Slays Harmful Sorcerers.” This work was written based on the personal experience of the sheikh, who for many years not only studied various types of witchcraft and ways to get rid of them with the help of Koranic verses, but also treated people from the serious consequences of witchcraft and the evil eye. In addition to describing the mechanism of action of witchcraft and methods of protection against it, the book contains statements by authoritative Muslim scientists about witchcraft, as well as cases from the author’s practice.

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    Prayer is omnipotent because of the omnipotent God at work in it. She is the spiritual sword, which is the word of God.

    Sell ​​your clothes and buy a sword

    And he said to them: When I sent you without bag and without scrip and without sandals, did you lack anything? They answered: nothing. Then He said to them: but now, whoever has a bag, take it, and also the scrip, and whoever doesn’t have it, sell your clothes and buy a sword. , For I tell you that this which is written must also be fulfilled in Me: “I am numbered with the evildoers.” For what is about Me comes to an end (Luke 22:35-37).

    Take the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God

    Finally, my brothers, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, so that you can stand against the wiles of the devil, because our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against the spirits of wickedness in the heavenly places. For this purpose, take on the whole armor of God, so that you may be able to withstand on the evil day and, having done everything, to stand. Stand therefore, having girded your loins with the truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace, and above all, take the shield of faith, with which you will be able to quench all the flaming arrows of the evil one, and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. . Pray with every prayer and petition at all times in the Spirit, and strive for this very thing with all constancy and supplication for all the saints and for me, so that the word may be given to me - with my lips openly and boldly proclaim the mystery of the gospel, for which I am fulfilling the mission in prison, that I may preach boldly as I ought (Eph. 6:10-20).

    The Christian faces twofold warfare, namely: internal and external.

    Whoever wants to truly please God and has truly hated the opposite side of evil must wage war in exploits and struggles of two kinds, namely: in the visible affairs of this world, move away from earthly amusements, from love for worldly connections and from sinful passions, and in hidden affairs to fight with the very spirits of evil, about which the Apostle said: “Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places” (Eph. 6:12).

    A person, having transgressed the commandment and being expelled from paradise, is bound in two ways and by two kinds of bonds: in this world - by worldly affairs, by love of the world, that is, by carnal pleasures and passions, by wealth and glory, by property, by wife , to children, to relatives, to the fatherland, to place and clothing, in a word, to everything visible, from which the word of God commands to renounce of one’s own free will (because everyone is attached to everything visible of their own free will), so that, having renounced and freed himself from all this, he could become a perfect fulfiller of the commandment; secretly the spirits of evil entangle, entrench, ossify and bind the soul with the shackles of darkness; why, he cannot love the Lord as much as he wants, nor can he believe as much as he wants, nor can he pray as much as he wants, because since the time of the crime of the first man, rebellion, both openly and secretly, has taken possession of us in everything.

    And whoever has truly renounced the world, struggles, cast off earthly burdens, freed himself from vain desires, from carnal pleasures, from glory, leadership and human honors, and with all his heart moves away from this, he - when the Lord helps in this obvious feat secretly to him, as the will renounces the world, and when he himself is completely, i.e. established in body and soul and constantly abides in the service of the Lord - he finds in himself resistance, secret passions, invisible bonds, hidden warfare, secret struggle and secret feat. And thus, having asked the Lord, having received from heaven spiritual weapons, which the blessed Apostle numbered: the armor of righteousness, the helmet of salvation, the shield of faith and the sword of the Spirit (Eph. 6:14-17), and armed with them, he will be able to resist the secret machinations of the devil in the deceits he creates; having acquired these weapons for himself through prayer, patience, petition, fasting, and even more so through faith, he will be able to struggle in battle with the principalities, authorities and rulers of the world, and thus, having defeated the opposing forces with the assistance of the Spirit and with his own diligence in all virtues, he will become worthy of eternal life, glorifying the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. To him be glory and power forever! Amen.

    The soul will receive a spiritual sword through faith and virtuous citizenship

    We also need to take the sword of the Spirit

    We need to take not just a shield and a helmet, but also a spiritual sword, in order not only to protect ourselves from the arrows thrown at us by the devil, but to defeat him himself. Indeed, wielding this sword, the soul, while still protected from flaming arrows, can stand against the enemy with complete courage and not fear for its success; She will be able, having torn the enemy’s armor, kill the dragon and cut off his head. And Paul himself, with the same sword, scattered and captured the devices of the devil. Here he calls the word of God the commandment, or teaching, which Jesus Christ bequeathed to the Apostles and which they preached everywhere, performing miracles in His name. Let us observe one thing: how to preserve the commandments of God in everything. For their fulfillment will lead us to the fact that in this way we will overthrow and kill the devil - this cunning serpent.

    Let the mind run to the Lord... drawing the sword of the Spirit

    There are transfers and successions among demons, when one of them is exhausted in battle, but manages to set his beloved passion in motion. Having made an observation about this, I found the following: when thoughts of some passion rarely come to us for a long time, and then it suddenly unexpectedly sets in motion and begins to burn, while we have not given any reason for this by any negligence, then know , that the most evil demon of the past took over us and, taking the place of the one who had departed, carried out his evil. Seeing this, let the mind resort to the Lord, and having perceived helmet of salvation, putting on the breastplate of righteousness, drawing the sword of the Spirit, lifting up the shield of faith (Eph. 6:14 – 17) and looking up to heaven with tears, let him say: Lord Jesus Christ, the power of my salvation (Psalm 139:8). Close Your ear to me, hasten to take me away: make me God the Protector and the house of refuge to save me (Psalm 30:3). Especially through fasting and vigils let him make his sword shine. After this, although he will suffer for some more time, fought and showered with the kindled arrows of the evil one, yet, finally, this demon will little by little become the same as his predecessor was, and will subside until another evil one arrives to replace him.

    Abba Isaiah

    They found the sword of the Spirit and cut off the lusts of the flesh

    These are the works of the new and the old man! He who loves his soul, in order not to destroy it, does the deeds characteristic of a new man. Whoever, in this short course of life, seeks peace, does what is characteristic of the old man; but thereby he destroys his soul. Our Lord Jesus Christ, revealing a new man in His body, said: “If you love your soul, you will destroy it, and those who destroy their souls, for my sake, acquires Yu" (John 12:25; Matt. 10:39). He is the Lord of the world, and by Him “the middle wall of the fence was destroyed” (Eph. 2:14). But at the same time He says: “I did not come to bring peace to the earth, but a sword” (Matthew 30:34). And further: “Fire came and burned on the earth, and whatever I wanted, even if it was already on fire” (Luke 12:49). This is the fire of His Divinity that kindled in the souls that followed His holy teaching. Then they received the sword of the Spirit and cut off all the lusts of the flesh. After this He gave them joy, saying: “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you” (John 14:27). Thus, those who strived to save their souls cut off their desires and became His sheep, sanctified as a sacrifice. When Jesus Christ appears in the glory of His Divinity, He will call them to His right hand, saying: “Come, you blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.” and so on. (Matt. 25:34). This is how those who have lost their souls in this short-lived life will not only find them in times of need, but will also receive rewards, and, moreover, incomparably greater ones than they expected. On the contrary, those who, fulfilling their lusts, apparently guard their souls in this age enslaved to sin, and hoping for their vain wealth, neglect the commandments of God, thinking to live forever in this world, but on the day of judgment they will know shame and blindness my; and like damned goats they will hear the terrible sentence of the Judge: “Depart from Me, cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels,” and so on. (Matt. 25:41, 42). Then their lips will be blocked, and they will not find anything to answer, remembering their unmercifulness. For although they will say: “Lord, when I saw you hungry, I did not serve you” (Matt. 25:44), but in response it will be said to them: He who did good to one of these who believed in Me, did it to Me (Matthew 25:45).

    The sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God

    In the above, Paul armed us so that our enemies would not harm us, but now he gives us weapons with which we ourselves can cause great harm to our enemies. So, the sword of the Spirit allegorically refers to either the Spirit itself, or the spiritual life with which the head of the dragon is crushed. This spiritual sword is the word of God, that is, a commandment. For if we keep His commandments, we will kill the evil serpent, as Isaiah says (Is. 27:1). Or is the word of God an expression: in the name of Jesus Christ rise and walk (Acts 3:6) and the like. Or he simply calls spiritual wisdom the sword of the Spirit. For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any sword (Hebrews 4:12) and he who has the gift of this spiritual sword and speaks divine things is irresistible, as Paul himself was.

    Prayer is the spiritual sword

    Beloved brother! do not reject the yoke of some boredom and some compulsion, initially getting accustomed to monastic cell activities, especially to the cell prayer rule. Stock up in good time with an all-powerful weapon - prayer, and learn to use it in good time. Prayer is omnipotent because of the omnipotent God at work in it. She is the spiritual sword, which is the word of God. Prayer, in its quality, is a person’s presence with God and the union of a person with God; in its action it is the reconciliation of man with God, the mother and daughter of tears, the bridge over which they pass through temptations, the wall that protects from sorrows, the contrition of battles, endless work, the source of virtues, the cause of spiritual gifts, invisible prosperity, food for the soul, enlightenment of the mind , cutting off despair, indicating hope, resolving sadness, wealth of monks. First one must be compelled to pray; soon she will begin to provide consolation, and with this consolation to ease the compulsion, to encourage herself to compel herself. But prayer requires compulsion throughout life, and rare ascetics have freed themselves, due to the most abundant grace-filled consolation, from forcing themselves: prayer has a deadly effect on our old man; As long as he is alive in us, he resists prayer as if he were tasting death. Fallen spirits, knowing the power of prayer and its beneficial effect, try in every possible way to distract the ascetic from it, teaching him to use the time designated for prayer on other matters; or they try to destroy and defile it with vain and sinful absent-mindedness, bringing in countless worldly and sinful thoughts and dreams during its execution.


    Above all, having accepted the shield of faith, in it you will be able to extinguish all the kindled arrows of the evil one.

    Should new row spiritual weapons - shield of faith, helmet of salvation, sword of the Spirit. And judging by the turn of phrase, they should be interpreted so that the concepts they present are in correspondence (there are also coordinates) with each other. And not only this, but also in a certain relationship with the three previous ones. It can be assumed that the shield of faith has a relationship with the boots of the feet in the said readiness, the helmet of salvation - with putting on the armor of truth, the sword of the Spirit - the word of God - with the girding of truth. They go in ascending order. If the first row of weapons all indicates what should be from us, then the second will indicate what is from God and the order of salvation established by Him. This is how we will conduct the interpretation.

    And the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

    The Apostle himself explains what the spiritual sword is, saying that it is the word of God, that is, the revealed word of God. How one can defeat an enemy with this word, the Lord Himself showed when, tempted in the desert, he cut through all the intricacies of the devil with the sword of the words of God. To receive such a sword means to know the Divine sayings by heart and, at appropriate times, to wear them out of the heart, in defiance of the devil’s suggestions. The condition for the effectiveness of such a weapon is not only faith and love for the word of God, but also the disposition of life according to it. Since such a state is brought about by the grace of God, then the one who utters the beloved and deeded word wears out the grace-filled power that scorches the enemy. Experienced fighters against the devil - ascetics - say that if in the hour of temptation you begin to read psalms, and especially those that say something related to temptation, then it will immediately disappear, just as smoke disappears from a blow of the wind. Others say: collect and keep ready in your memory the sayings of Scripture against any passion, and when you happen to be tempted, remember and read aloud, if possible, these sayings, and the temptation will go away.

    Saint Chrysostom says to this: “We need to take not just a shield and a helmet, but also a spiritual sword, in order not only to protect ourselves from the arrows thrown at us by the devil, but to defeat him himself. Indeed, wielding this sword, the soul, while still protected from flaming arrows, can stand against the enemy with complete courage and not fear for its success; She will be able, having torn the enemy’s armor, kill the dragon and cut off his head. And Paul himself, with the same sword, scattered and captured the devices of the devil. Here he calls the word of God the commandment, or teaching, which Jesus Christ bequeathed to the Apostles and which they preached everywhere, performing miracles in His name. Let us observe one thing: how to preserve the commandments of God in everything. For their fulfillment will lead us to the fact that in this way we will overthrow and kill the devil - this cunning serpent.”

    In this understanding, the sword of the Spirit, the word of God, will stand in accordance with the girdle of truth, providing an abundant source from which to draw the truth. So these new three weapons became parallel with the previous ones, that is, union with the Lord in the Church, which is the same as belonging to the Orthodox Church - the acceptance of the sacraments and the word of God. Everyone has all this at hand and can use the power of it all to overcome the enemy’s downfalls.

    We cannot ignore the special understanding of the spiritual sword expressed by Blessed Theodoret. He says that " sword of the Spirit(τοθ πνευματος - Spirit) The Apostle named the effectiveness of the Spirit, by which a spiritual person rebukes the devil and puts him to flight. “The thought is that a spiritual person, in whom the grace of the Spirit has begun to clearly act, after the purification of the passions, receives special power against demons. Why does he say to them: in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I command you - go out and let no one come in,- and the demons flee. - This is the effectiveness of the Spirit. The fire of the Spirit burns them. Perfect Christians have always possessed and still possess such power.” “Isn’t that what the Apostle meant?” This idea, by the way, is also cited by Ekumenius and Theophylact.

    Our life is a spiritual war

    Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, and against the authorities, and against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against the spiritual wickedness in high places (Eph. 6:12); likewise, the weapons of our army are not carnal, but spiritual, capable of destroying the strongholds of the enemy (2 Cor. 10:4), about which St. Apostle: For this reason take the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to resist in the day of cruelty (Eph. 6:13). He orders gird yourself with the truth, put on the armor of righteousness, put on your nose the clothing of the gospel of peace, take on the shield of faith, in which it is possible to quench all the flaming arrows of the evil one, and take on the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God (Eph. 6:14-17) . Armed with these weapons, it is necessary to begin the battle with much humility, and not with arrogance, and that this battle is necessary for those who want to be saved, then the wise Sirach arouses: child! If you have begun the work of the Lord God, prepare your soul for temptation (Sir. 2:1). You see that those who want to be saved inevitably face spiritual warfare with the enemies of our souls, who fight and defeat us through our own passions, which I also see in your dispensation, which you described.

    We all have to fight the invisible spirits of evil. What the holy apostles Peter and Paul write quite clearly in their Epistles. First: Stay awake, stand still, your adversary the devil, like a roaring lion, walks around, looking for someone to devour; resist him firmly in the faith (1 Pet. 5:8-9). And second: Our battle is against flesh and blood. (Eph. 6:12). And both of them teach us to arm ourselves against him by faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. These weapons also require humility. For the Savior Himself taught us this, saying: Learn from Me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls (Matthew 11:29).

    You mentioned in your writing that God does not require more from a person than to fulfill the duties of the title in which he was born, which, according to your understanding, you try to fulfill without reproach of conscience. Since this point is important, it is necessary to think about it better. This duty consists of fulfilling the commandments of God, according to the vow we made in baptism, no matter what rank someone may be in, but in fulfilling them we are faced with resistance from the enemy of the human race, the devil, as the holy Apostles write about. You see what kind of invisible war we have: he always tries to fight the Christian race by actions contrary to the commandments of God, through our passions; To this end, his main weapons of passion serve: love of fame, voluptuousness and love of money. Having been defeated by these, or by one of them, we give other passions free entry to act in our hearts. From your understanding it is clear that you have an imperfect understanding of this battle or resistance and not so much caution, but only your effort, without reproach of conscience, to fulfill your duty, but you have not penetrated into this, as you should, what it consists of. If you fulfilled all your duty without a reproach of conscience, or better yet, without humility, then there would be no benefit.

    Therefore, no matter what way of life we ​​go through, spiritual warfare is always before us from the spirits of malice, disturbing our passions and forcing us to sinful actions, which is how our will and love for God is tested in our struggle. And if we do not have this struggle, then we will not learn art, and we will not recognize our weakness, and we will not acquire humility, but it is so great that even without works it can save us, as St. Isaac in Word 46.

    Our life is a spiritual war with invisible spirits of evil. They outrage us with our pledged passions and encourage us to obey the commandments of God. When we delve into it and look carefully, we will find that for every passion there is a commandment for healing, the opposite of it, and therefore the enemies are trying to prevent us from receiving this saving medicine. In your letter you mention the moments of difficult battle with the hater of our salvation. Exactly, it is difficult without God’s help and when we rely on our own intelligence and strength or indulge in negligence, but even the very falls of all kinds are condoned for exaltation. St. John Climacus writes: “where there is a fall, pride preceded it.” So, we must try in every possible way to acquire humility, because we have a battle with proud demons, and humility against them is an easy victory. How can we acquire this treasure of humility? We must learn from the writings of the holy fathers about this virtue and have self-reproach in everything, and see our neighbors as better than ourselves; Do not reproach or condemn them for anything, but accept reproaches from them as sent from God to heal our mental illnesses.

    A Christian who leads his life according to God’s commandments must be tested by various temptations: 1) because the enemy, jealous of our salvation, tries with all sorts of intrigues to hinder us from fulfilling the will of God; and 2) because virtue cannot be firm and true unless it is tested by an obstacle contrary to it and remains unshakable. Why is there always spiritual warfare in our lives?

    Warfare is so necessary for us that without it we cannot be saved.

    It is impossible to be saved without being attacked by the enemy; he has it with us without rest, according to the word of Elder Onuphrius of Moldova, and fights us with our own passions, but there is no need to be horrified by this, but to stand firm, trusting in God’s help and the prayers of the mother. When someone has no fight against his enemies, then this is dangerous, for how can he recognize the passions hidden in him? How will he come to the knowledge of his weakness? And how to reconcile? He will only feed the inner Pharisee with his imaginary corrections and will reach the disastrous state of delusion.

    He, through His holy word and through the teaching of our spiritual fathers, excites us to the flow and confrontation of the enemy’s battles and strengthens us with His grace, and even if one has received every day and a thousand plagues, one should not abandon the feat, in which St. John Climacus very comfortingly encourages in the 26th Sermon on Reasoning: “An unslothful soul raises up demons to fight against itself; As the battles multiply, the crowns also multiply. He who is not vulnerable to adversaries will not receive any crown. And whoever does not lose heart from the occasional falls will be praised by the Angel as a brave warrior.” So, do not lose heart, but stay awake, stand firm and be entrenched in the stronghold of humility, inaccessible to any thieves, according to the word of St. John of the Climacus, and you will find peace after the storm and waves that rise against you both without and within.

    The fight against passions is necessary: ​​for the darkness and darkness of passions darkens our spiritual eyes, so as not to see the Sun of Truth, Jesus.

    Know that, living in a monastery, you are in the field of battle, like a spiritual warrior, and you accept wounds and are awarded crowns, but when you retire from this field, you no longer have battle and imagine having peace of mind, but it is false, for it can soon turn in a fierce storm.

    Be grateful to the Lord that He carefully called you to serve Himself and to fight against invisible enemies. There [in the world] you would not have had any abuse, and all your vices would have left you, except for one, who could complement all the others [i.e. e. pride].

    Our spiritual warfare is to resist passions

    The point [of salvation] is not just to go to church and sit down at the hoop, but to look after your heart and destroy passions: pride, self-love, vanity, anger, rage, malice, gluttony, lust of the flesh, etc.; This is precisely our spiritual struggle: to resist passions, to destroy them with the help of God.

    Sheikh Wahid Abd al-Salam Bali is an outstanding scientist, hafiz, author of several dozen books. Among these books, not the least important is “A Sharp Sword That Slays Harmful Sorcerers.” This work was written based on the personal experience of the sheikh, who for many years not only studied various types of witchcraft and ways to get rid of them with the help of Koranic verses, but also treated people from the serious consequences of witchcraft and the evil eye. In addition to describing the mechanism of action of witchcraft and methods of protection against it, the book contains statements by authoritative Muslim scientists about witchcraft, as well as cases from the author’s practice.
    The book was published many times in Arab countries. Published in Russian for the first time.

    Book " A sharp sword that destroys harmful sorcerers» by Wahid Abd-as-Salam Bali was rated by Book Guide visitors, and its reader rating was 6.62 out of 10.

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