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Methods of teaching reading by syllables. One of the most effective methods of teaching children to read

Teaching a child to put letters into words, and words into sentences, is not an easy task. On this difficult path, parents will need patience, accuracy and consistency. Today we will answer the main questions: how to teach a child to read syllables without the help of teachers, and what exercises for teaching reading at home are most effective.

Learning to read: is your child ready to learn to read?

According to psychologists, the best age for learning to read is from 4.5 to 6 years. In practice, a child strives to learn to read at the age of 5 years. It is worth remembering that each child is individual in his development, and if you do not meet the generally accepted deadlines, this only means that the learning process should be postponed a little.

Exists whole line factors that indicate whether a child is currently ready to master the reading process. Here are the most important of them:

  • No pronunciation problems– the child has the correct tempo and rhythm of speech, all sounds are delivered;
  • No hearing problems– the child does not ask again many times, does not distort words that are easy to pronounce;
  • Sufficient speech proficiency- rich lexicon, the ability to construct phrases and express your thoughts clearly for others;
  • Developed phonemic hearing– the child can freely distinguish speech sounds, reproduce heard sounds, name the first/last sound in a word;
  • Free orientation in space– the child clearly knows the concepts of right/left and top/bottom.

By carefully observing your child, you will notice the moment when he becomes interested in putting letters into words. The child will show familiar symbols on store signs to mom and dad, and one day he will try to read them in full. Of course, in his first attempts, the baby will probably read the word incorrectly, but this is not scary - it indicates that his brain is ripe for learning a new skill.

Known methods for teaching children to read

Methodology How it works
Training using the Doman method Global reading – this phrase can describe Doman’s technique. It involves learning to read whole words and is based on the peculiarities of the baby’s brain. The idea is to surround the child with words written on bright cards/posters (“table”, “chair”, “wardrobe”, etc.). Mechanical memory allows the child to remember and retain the accumulating volume simple words. You can start following the method as early as 5-6 months.
Syllable reading method A traditional method, which from year to year remains the most popular among parents who want to teach their child to read at home. The child first puts letters into syllables, and then into words. In children over 4.5-5 years old, this method brings quick results. The material is easily reinforced in game tasks. This method of teaching is used in kindergartens and schools, which is a definite plus.
Warehouse reading method In this technique, the word is not divided into syllables, but sounds are combined into warehouses. For example, the word “cup” will not be read “cup-ka”, but “cha-sh-ka”. The warehouse can consist of one letter, a consonant and a vowel, or a consonant and a hard/soft sign. Despite the fact that the technique is very common, there is a possibility that the child will have to relearn it at school - after all, they use the method of reading by syllables. The habit of splitting words into words can take root, which will subsequently make it difficult to perceive the text and slow down reading.
Zaitsev cubes The technique helps to master the basics of reading through the perception of syllables. A variety of tables, colorful cubes of different colors with fillers take an active part in visually teaching how to connect letters into syllables. Lessons with the help of Zaitsev's cubes are highly effective during group interaction (in kindergartens, child development centers, etc.). The technique under consideration helps to obtain maximum results in minimal time for those children who find it difficult to sit in one place.

Moms and dads who are trying to teach their child to read as quickly as possible should be very sensitive in their approach to this important issue. To ensure that your child does not lose interest in reading from the first lessons, we invite you to get acquainted with current tips. They will help instill in your child a love of books during the learning process.

Alphabet from an early age

Let the child, from infancy, “absorb” into himself, like a sponge, the names of letters in the form of songs and games. Short, memorable poems about letters will be imprinted in the child’s memory, and by the age of two, the child will be able to quite consciously recite them. From time to time, include various songs and mini-cartoons about the alphabet, especially since in this presentation the letters are memorized effortlessly.

Unobtrusive training

For a preschooler, play is the main process through which he learns the world, including when mastering skills. Boring classes and cramming will not bring the desired result; moreover, the child may completely stop loving reading. Present information in a warm environment, patiently, and the child will learn necessary knowledge at a pace that suits him specifically.

Exercise every day

If you started to take the first steps in reading syllables, and they were unsuccessful, it’s too early to give up. You can take a break of 1-2 days and then try again. Did your child manage to read a couple of syllables made of vowels? Great, that means initial reading skills have been acquired and need to be developed. Exercise regularly, and the results will not be long in coming.

Get interested in reading

Often, learning difficulties arise with those children who were practically not read to in childhood, and their relatives did not set their own example of reading books. It can be fixed. Stories, fairy tales, a children's room should appear in your home fiction, interesting to your child. Make it a family tradition to read a short work before bed. The baby will not refuse parental attention, but interesting story will stimulate his interest in the book.

From simple to complex

It happens that a child knows the names of letters, but does not know the sounds. A child will not be able to master reading until he has learned the pronunciation of sounds well. In this case, deal with it step by step:

  1. study sounds;
  2. move on to reading syllables;
  3. teach your child how to merge syllables.

Only after completing these three stages can you begin to learn to read full words.

Detailed video with tips from a teacher - learning to read:

First steps to reading: getting to know the letters

To teach a child to read, it is necessary to maintain an interest in books and letters from an early age. As a rule, at 2-3 years old children begin to show attention to the alphabet. It is very important for parents to provide the right developmental space at this moment.


A child will remember the letters quite quickly if a bright poster with the Russian alphabet is in his field of vision. The baby points to the letter - say the corresponding sound. You may have to return to “A” and “B” more than once and repeat them, but this is how your baby will remember them faster. For busy parents, an interactive panel with letters will be a good help - it itself sounds the letter that the child clicks on.


To memorize the letters of the alphabet, it is important for a child to use his sense of touch. To develop your child's abstract thinking, invite him to get acquainted with letters molded from plasticine or cut out of cardboard. Pay attention to the similarity of objects and letters - the horizontal bar looks like a “P”, and the donut is the spitting image of the letter “O”.

Tea party by letters

The process of learning letters will be very fun and tasty if you offer your child an edible alphabet. Using curly pasta, you can cook Abvgdeyka soup, and for dessert, bake your own homemade alphabet cookies.

Magnetic entertainment

With the help of a magnetic alphabet, you can turn the process of learning letters into a fun and memorable game. For example, 1-2 year old children can be lured by simply attaching a letter to the surface of the refrigerator and saying it. “Give me the letter! What do we have? This is the letter A! If your child is already 3 years old, he will enjoy playing “magnetic fishing.” You need all the magnetic letters in a container, and make an impromptu fishing rod from a stick and string with a magnet. Having caught a “fish”, pronounce its name, drawing an analogy with the word. “This is a fish! Look how much she looks like a beetle!”

By keys

Children love to imitate the actions of adults. Let your child press buttons in an open text editor to his heart's content - he will be interested in the letters appearing on the screen. Show me how to type the simplest word “mother”. You can print out the first letter and give it to your child. Even if there is a completely unthinkable combination, this will be a kind of impetus for memorizing the alphabet. Also, to master letters, you can give your child an old computer keyboard to “tear to pieces.”

Mastering the principle of reading syllables

Children usually pronounce each sound separately, and this is understandable - it takes them time to remember what the next letter is called. The parents' task is to help the child overcome this natural difficulty.

You need to start the exercises with words consisting only of vowels. For example, AU, IA and UA. For these simple words, you need to draw/choose illustrations - for example, a girl lost in the forest (“AU!”), a baby lying in a cradle (“UA!”), and a cute donkey chewing grass (“EA!”). Ask your child not to read the inscription, but simply to sing it. You can sing slowly, “draw out” the syllable, but don’t stop: AAAAUU, IIIIAAA, UUUAAA.

On a note! Be sure to teach your child to recognize exclamatory and interrogative sentences. Use your voice to highlight the moment of exclamation; the baby should distinguish “Huh?” and “Ah!”

Don’t be afraid to return to what you have covered; continue to teach your child to read the simplest syllables. When the first sound of a syllable is a consonant, it is more difficult for a child to read it. But, nevertheless, you also need to learn to read it, without this you can’t do it at school. Let the child “pull” NNN and then put A, O, or U. The boy gives the girl candy - NNN (“NA!”). The kid is swinging on a horse - NNNO (“BUT!”). The girl took her mother’s hand - MMMA (“MA!”). Please note that the child may “pull” the first sound long enough to remember the next one.

Important! Do not rush your child if he thinks while reading a syllable that is difficult for him - when he gets a feel for the principle of adding syllables, the process of mastering the skill will go much faster.

If the child fails to read the word, then the parent should read it himself, then try to read it again with the child. Then move on to the next syllable. Regardless of success, encourage and praise your little student.

Most primers for children 6-7 years old suggest learning using syllabic tables. They are a list of various syllables that do not have a semantic meaning, but are based on visualized memorization. Example: for the letter “N” the sounds are “NA-NO-NU-NY-NI”, for “M” - “MA-MO-MU-WE-MI”, for “T” - “TA-TO-TU-YOU” -TI”, etc. Of course, such tables have a right to life, but they are not at all interesting to children. It is absolutely not necessary to force a child to read various “VU” and “VA”; it is quite possible to cope without such outdated methodological material.

Advice! A child should not get tired of reading. In the first month, read syllables no more than 3-4 times a week. Let the lessons go not in a row, but every other day. From the second or third month you can teach your child to read daily.

Games to help your child learn to read

Reading skill requires diligence and regular practice. To make learning easier, look at pictures in books, discuss the situations depicted in these pictures, and make up stories based on them. Communicate and talk more with your child - this will help him develop thinking and coherent speech.

To discover the wonderful, interesting and vast world of books, we offer you games for learning syllables, their correct pronunciation and memorization. Exercises in these games are suitable for children from 3 to 7 years old.

Letter learning games Games for the ability to add syllables Games to develop reading skills
Together with your child, create images of letters that he can play with. They should be bright and memorable. You can make cards yourself with letters and animals/objects depicted on them (A – STORK, B – DRUM, etc.).Simple and at the same time interesting game- “Make a word.” It is based on circles with written syllables and pictures that tell the child what word to form. For example, a picture of a river. The child must choose two circles. On the first circle the syllable is RE, on the second - KA. A picture of porridge: choose circles with the syllables KA and SHA.Game "Make a word". The child needs to make a word from mixed up syllables and letters. For example: we create a game situation - granddaughter Masha decided to give her grandmother gifts and wrote them down so as not to forget. Suddenly a strong wind blew in and mixed everything up. Let's help Mashenka remember what she wanted to give to her grandmother by making up the correct words from the mixed up syllables and letters.
To memorize letters and sounds, recite short association poems, for example:

A-ist A-zbu-ku-became,

On A-bus-bus o-poz-dal.

The Cat is looking at Kar-tin-ku,

On Kar-tin-ke, the Whale floats.

O-slick sees O-bla-ka,

O-fucks them re-ka.

Game “Find the hidden word”. You need to lay out a path in front of your child. different words. The reader's task is to choose what you wished for. For example, among the words: “cat, swing, chair, carrot,” find a “living” word - animal, vegetable, piece of furniture, children's entertainment.Game exercise “Read quickly.” The child should pronounce the words as quickly as possible:

– soap, soap, soap, milk, soap;

– cheese, cheese, cheese, peace, cheese;

- saw, saw, saw, linden, saw;

– salt, salt, salt, sel, salt;

– river, river, hand, river, hand.

With your child, construct letters from available materials - pencils, matches, counting sticks or salt dough.The game “Word in Word” is very interesting for children aged 5-6 years. You need to find a smaller word in a larger word, for example E-LEK-TRO-STAN-CI-YA: CAT, NOSE, THRONE, etc.Game "Name What You See". The point of the game is that the child must name everything that he sees around him with a certain letter. You can also name animals (CAT, RAT, RABBIT), toys (BALL, CAR), or the names of cartoon characters (CARLSON, KROSH) by a certain letter.
Create a coloring book where a specific letter will live on each page. For letters, you can draw a house, or decorate the letter with a design starting with it (A-ASTRA, B-BEREG, etc.).Game “Make a syllable from halves.” To play, you need to write different syllables on cardboard cards, cut them in half horizontally, then mix them. The child's task is to collect the cards and read the syllables written on them.Game exercise “Guess what is wrong.” The child is asked to look at a picture with a misspelled word underneath it. The task is to read the word syllable by syllable, find the error and replace it with the correct letter (for example, KO-RO-VA and KO-RO-NA)
To study letters, you can use board games - dominoes, alphabet lotto. A parent can make a lotto with letters on their own. To make it, you will need 8 cardboard cards with written letters, as well as small pictures with letters that the child will name to search on the cards.Walking games are a good way to help you understand the principle of reading syllables. You can purchase such games or make them yourself, using ready-made walking games as a basis. You need to write various syllables in the empty cells. You need to move the chip along them. During the game, the child throws a dice. The baby must read the syllables that come his way. The process can result in audio tracks consisting of 4-6 syllables. The winner of the game is the one who reads all the syllables faster and gets to the finish line.Game exercise “What’s in the plate.” Before eating, ask your child to say syllable by syllable which food is in front of him. Help pronounce words with a large number of syllables, while setting the pace of pronunciation (KA-SHA, MO-LO-KO, PU-RE, OV-SYAN-KA).

One of the interesting variants of this game could be the game of “cook”. The child’s task is to create a menu for lunch using words starting with the chosen letter, for example “M”. If there are not enough words for one letter, then you can offer to find products in the refrigerator that begin with 2 letters, etc.

Note! How to quickly teach a child to read so that he does not get tired of the learning process and does not lose interest? You need to work with him regularly, but at the same time not for long. For the first lessons, 5-7 minutes will be enough. Gradually this time can be increased to 15-20 minutes. If you conduct classes in a playful way, it will be easy and not boring for your child to learn the skill of reading.

Exercises with words: strengthening the skill

As soon as the child learns to merge letters into syllables, parents can be congratulated for being halfway through the journey. Now the most important thing is to consolidate the acquired skill. In this case, fun and interesting tasks will be used.

What to play What to do
Who eats what?Write the names of the animals in the column: CAT, KO-RO-VA, SO-BA-KA, BEL-KA, RABBIT, MOUSE. And to the right and left of the words, draw pictures: fish, grass, bone, nut, carrot, cheese. The child’s task is to read the word and “feed” each pet with the right food using the arrows.
Who's the odd one out?Write a few words in a column: GRU-SHA, YAB-LO-KO, A-NA-US, PO-MI-DOR. Ask your child to cross out the extra word, and be sure to explain his choice. This way you can play with the names of vegetables, clothes/shoes, flowers, trees, birds, etc.
Big and smallWrite the words DE-RE-VO, GO-RA, GRU-ZO-VIK, ZHI-RAF, I-GO-DA, DROP-LA, BU-SI-NA at the top of the sheet. Below, draw two pictures - a house (big) and a chicken
(small). Let the child read the words, determine which ones are big and small, and connect them with lines to the matching pictures (a berry, a drop and a bead for a chicken, the rest of the words for a house). In a similar way, words can be divided into sweet and sour, heavy and light, etc.
Who lives where?Write down the names of wild and domestic animals mixed together: WOLF, ELK, LI-SA, KA-BAN, KO-RO-VA, KO-ZA, CAT, SO-BA-KA, HEDGEHOG. Under the words, draw a forest on one side, and a village hut with a fence on the other. Let the child read the words and use arrows to depict where each of the animals lives.

Forming the habit of reading books from infancy

At the beginning of this part, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the experience of your mother. How to teach a child to read syllables (video):

Personal example

“A child learns from what he sees in his home.” The well-known expression comes in handy when developing a child’s understanding of the importance of reading. If the baby often sees his parents and relatives with a book, then reading will become a part of his life. Let your child know from an early age that reading is interesting, and good book may well replace computer game or watching a cartoon.

Vivid illustrations

When choosing a book to start reading, do not forget that pictures are important for children. Thanks to expressive, bright drawings, following the plot will be easier and more interesting for the child.

Regular reading

A love for books does not develop overnight. If an adult regularly reads aloud to a child small tales, after a month or two, the baby himself will show more interest in the works. The first words you read are often those on the cover of your favorite book.

Possibility of choice

The child should be interested in what you plan to read with him. Already at 4 years old, a little reader is able to determine how interesting a particular book is to him. At this age, it’s time for the first trip to the library - let your child choose a book according to his own desires.

TV viewing restrictions

Reading, of course, requires certain intellectual efforts from the child. The same cannot be said about television - it literally takes away the opportunity to dream up, providing ready-made images. You shouldn’t completely deprive yourself of watching cartoons, but it makes sense to limit the time you spend behind the screen and strictly select the permitted TV programs.

  • Does your baby absolutely not want to look at the letters in the alphabet?
  • Is your child about to start first grade, but can he be forced to read only under pain of being “excommunicated” from the computer?
  • Don’t know how to organize classes with a preschooler in such a way as to save your nerves and not completely discourage his interest in reading?

These and other problems in teaching preschoolers to read can be solved by organizing classes in a playful way. For children preschool age play is the leading form of activity. Therefore, engaging with a preschooler by playing different games is the easiest and most effective method teach him to read.

Before we talk about what games are best to play with your child when learning to read, we will give some general tips on organizing classes.

  1. Exercise regularly! Let the classes be short (5-10 minutes), but daily. This is much more effective for preschoolers than 45-minute lessons once a week.
  2. Exercise everywhere. To learn to read, you don't necessarily have to sit your child at a table with books. You can learn letters in the park while taking a walk, drawing them with chalk on the asphalt or looking at signs, helping mom make cookies in the shape of letters, or studying license plates of cars in the parking lot, etc.
  3. Exercise when your child feels well: he has slept, is active and is ready for new games and activities.
  4. Constantly create situations of success for your child, praise him more often, focus his attention on what he has accomplished, and do not dwell on failures. Classes should be a joy for the child!

And one more thing you definitely need to know when starting to learn to read is in the article on.

What games can be played at different stages of teaching preschoolers to read?

1. Studying letters.

If a child has trouble remembering letters, The best way to learn them is to “revive” them, to create a vivid association with each letter. You and your child can come up with what this or that letter looks like, or use a variety of materials from the Internet and modern alphabet books.

For example, bright, memorable images of letters for children can be found in Elena Bakhtina’s primer (this book contains not only colorful pictures and recommendations on how to tell a child about each letter, but also colorful templates - letters from this primer can be cut out and played with) .

On the Internet, you can find a lot of coloring pages for children with letters similar to this or that object.

It is also useful in the process of learning letters to repeat short verses that help you remember each letter:

Do you see the tail at the end?
So this is the letter C.

The letter B is like a hippopotamus –
She has a big belly!

G looks like a goose -
The entire letter was bent.

D - a tall house with a roof!
This is the house we live in.

And the poor letter Y
He walks with a cane, alas!

In my work, I use various “reminders” that children associate with one or another letter. You can actively use them in home lessons or come up with your own.

It is very useful to have a special notebook or album in which the letter you have learned will “live” on each page. In this album you can also teach your child to write, paste pictures with words on the desired letter, add poems and coloring pages, creating a selection of materials for each letter. Children are very fascinated by the process of joint creativity, so actively involve them in creating such an album.

Another option is to make a letter house. Choose any size: it can be very small, made from a couple of cardboard sheets, or huge, as tall as a child. The main thing about it is the special pocket windows for letters. In each “apartment” of the letter house, place a letter with your child. To do this, you will need cardboard letters slightly smaller than each window. Mark in any way which apartments already have “residents” and which ones are still empty.

Attach the already learned letters to the outside of the windows (using paper clips) and invite the child to arrange pictures with words into the studied letters in the windows. For example, “treat” the letters: give the child images of products that he must distribute to the desired “apartments”: put a watermelon/apricot in the window with the letter A, a loaf, an eggplant - in the window with the letter B, waffles / grapes - with the letter B and etc.

Similarly, you can visit letters with fairy-tale characters (Pinocchio - to the letter B, Thumbelina - to the letter D, Mowgli - to the letter M, etc.), “dress” the letters (take the T-shirt to the letter F, jeans to the letter D, pants - letter Ш, etc.).

The main goal of this game is to teach the child to identify the first letter in a word and easily recognize letters already completed.

Various lotto and domino games are also great for learning letters. It is better to use lotto without picture prompts, this way learning will be much more effective. You can easily make such a lotto yourself. To do this, prepare sheets with 6-8 pictures on each and cardboard cards with in the right letters. Let the child draw cards, read the letters and show which player has the picture for the dropped letter.

2. Add the syllables.

Teaching your child to form syllables may take a little longer than learning letters. The child will have to repeat various syllables many, many times before he masters this skill. So that learning is not a burden for him, but a joy, we continue to play with him. Only now we are playing games with syllables. The main task of this stage is to teach the child to pronounce two letters together.

In addition to syllable lotto, which can be made using the same principle as letter lotto, you can use other homemade games for children to teach them how to add syllables.

— Adventure games (“tracks”).

Adventure games have been and remain one of the most exciting games for children. To make such a game with syllables, take the playing field from any board game. Write various syllables in the empty cells/circles (write in more of those that are difficult for the child). Then play according to the usual rules: roll the dice and go through the squares, reading what is written on them. This way, the child will be able to read fairly long passages with syllables that he would “overcome” in a regular primer with great difficulty.

By analogy with adventure games, you can make various tracks with syllables, on which various vehicles will compete: who will pass the track without mistakes and as quickly as possible. To do this, you will need cardboard / whatman paper on which a route with syllables will be drawn, and toy cars / trucks / trains / airplanes. Remember that it is very easy to captivate children by adding a competitive aspect to the lessons.

— Games “Shop” and “Mail”.

Prepare coins - circles with written syllables, as well as goods - pictures with products / things that begin with these syllables. You play first as a seller: invite your child to buy something from you on the condition that he will offer the correct coin for the selected product (for example, he can buy cabbage for a coin with the syllable KA, kiwi for a coin with the syllable KI, corn for a coin with the syllable KU, etc.).

Then you can switch roles: you are the buyer, the child is the seller. He must carefully monitor whether you are giving the correct coins for the selected product. Sometimes make a mistake, let your child correct you. The buyer can also be any toy; invite your child to teach her how to correctly name coins with syllables.

A very similar game is “Mail”, only instead of coins you prepare envelopes with syllables, and instead of goods - pictures with animals or fairy-tale characters. The child will be a postman, he must guess from the first syllable written on the envelope who the letter needs to be delivered to. In this game, it is best to read syllables that begin with the same consonant, so that the child does not guess the addressee by the first letter.

— Houses with syllables.

Draw several houses, write one syllable on each. Place the houses in front of the child. After that, take several figures of people and, calling the name of each of them, invite the child to guess who lives in which house (Vasya needs to be placed in the house with the syllable VA, Natasha - with the syllable NA, Lisa - with the syllable LI, etc.) .

Another option for this task: let the child come up with names for the little men, place them in houses and write the first syllable of the name on each of them.

Prepare cardboard cards with syllables, cut them into two equal halves horizontally. The child must put these “puzzles” together and name the resulting syllables.

Take several cards with two-syllable words (for example, FEATHER, VASE, CLOCK, FISH). To the left of the picture, place the first syllable of the word. You need to read it clearly and the child needs to choose correctly last syllable. 3-4 possible endings are laid out in front of the child.

More games for learning to read by syllables are in the article on.

3. Read words and sentences.

Learning to read words (and then sentences) presupposes that preschoolers are already actively working with books, but this does not mean that we stop playing in class. On the contrary, “dilute” learning with games as often as possible, switch from one type of activity to another so that the child gets less tired and learning goes more efficiently. Remember: it is not enough to teach a child to read, it is important to instill in him a love of reading.
What games can be offered to parents of preschoolers at this stage of learning to read?

Lay out a trail of words in front of your child. Invite him to choose only “edible” words (or what is green / what is round in shape / only “live” words, etc.). If the track is long, you can take turns reading the words with your child.

Place cut out traces with words around the room (you can use ordinary sheets). Invite your child to walk from one end of the room to the other following these tracks: you can move further only by reading the word you are standing on. The child walks on them himself or with his favorite toy.

- Game "Airport" or "Parking".

In this game we train the attentiveness of preschoolers. Prepare several cards with very similar words so that the child does not guess the words, but carefully reads them to the end (for example, MOUTH, HORN, GROWTH, HORNS, ROSE, MOUTH, DEW). Place the cards around the room. These will be different airports/parking spaces. The child picks up an airplane (if you play airports) or a car (if you have a parking lot), after which you loudly and clearly call out exactly where he needs to land/park.

— Chains of words in which only one letter changes.

Prepare sheets of paper or an easel. Start writing a chain of words one at a time - change only one letter for each subsequent word, this will train your child to attentive, “tenacious” reading.

Examples of such chains:


Games with a ball, with your favorite toys, to school, hospital or kindergarten- include all this in the process of learning to read. Actively come up with games yourself. Consider what your child is interested in and use that when you sit down to read with your child. Does your daughter love princesses? Ride a carriage along paths with letters/syllables/words. Does your son love superheroes? Make a training track for his favorite character. Invite your child to play school and teach his teddy bear to form two letters into a syllable.

Change the games, carefully monitor what your child likes and what he gets tired of quickly, and then learning will be a joy for you and him! Remember that it is not at all difficult to interest preschoolers; they love to play and will be happy to help you come up with new games during the learning process.

Philologist, teacher of Russian language and literature, teacher preschool education
Svetlana Zyryanova

It is generally accepted that each new generation of children is smarter than their parents. Indeed, modern children begin to walk and talk earlier; from the age of one year, or even earlier, they attend developmental studios, where they actively train their memory, learn to communicate, read, draw, and count. Young parents have to keep up with their children, mastering more and more new methods of teaching reading and other principles of early development.

Preparatory stage

A few decades ago, it was considered quite normal if a child entered the first grade of school without knowing how to write, read or count. But this time has passed, and now, in order to keep up with peers, you need to seriously prepare for the start of school. According to some teachers, it is necessary to start learning to read from 5-6 months. Others suggest ways to teach reading to 5-year-olds. Whether to listen to them or not is a personal matter for parents, but there are several tips that will significantly simplify learning and make it an enjoyable pastime for mother and baby.

How to prepare your baby for reading:

  1. Develop your speech skills. From the first days of a baby’s life, you need to talk to him. Just a few months after birth, the child will delight his parents with the long-awaited “Aha!” This will be the first step to communication. Then the baby will begin to try to repeat sounds similar to adults talking, then these sounds will form into simple syllables, words, and by the age of 2-2.5 years into small sentences. Reading will be an excellent assistant in this process. Of course, not yet independent reading, but reading children's books by adults.
  2. Develop a strong interest in reading in your child. Among all the toys and aids for early development, parents need to give a special place to books. Bright, colorful, baby books with interesting drawings will arouse genuine interest in the child. The more often you read to him, with expression, clearly, emotionally, the faster the baby will learn to think figuratively and associatively, which will facilitate further learning.
  3. Show positive example. Reading fairy tales to your child, introducing children's rhymes, nursery rhymes and jokes is, of course, good. But not enough. Only a child who sees books and magazines in their parents’ hands every day can develop a true love of reading. Indeed, in this case, the baby will perceive it as a common hobby for the whole family, bringing joy and comfort.

How to understand that your child is ready to learn to read:

  • The little one speaks well, his speech is clear and coherent;
  • the baby has a large vocabulary, he has developed imaginative and logical thinking;
  • the child can speak in sentences;
  • have the ability to retell what they heard from adults;
  • the child orients himself in space and time, distinguishes between cardinal directions;
  • there are no diction defects (an individual approach is important, consultation with a speech therapist is necessary).

If you have thoroughly prepared for reading and, by all indications, your child is ready for new knowledge and skills, it is important to decide on a method for teaching a preschooler to read at home.

Traditional phonetic method

Today, this technique is the most widespread, it is used in schools and kindergartens, and the last few generations have learned to read using its same principles. The technique is based on teaching sounds (phonetics), which then gradually form into syllables, words, sentences and entire texts in the child’s mind.

This technique is popular because, due to its consistency and clarity, it gives one hundred percent results. According to its principles, learning to read can be done in several stages.

Learning letters and sounds

If you decide to teach your child using the traditional method, you need to start by learning the letters. It is important to remember their spelling, learn to distinguish them from each other, and only then proceed to reading. One of the most important recommendations is that when naming a letter, you should pronounce the sound that it represents. This is done so that the child does not get confused, and over time he does not have to explain why “Es O Ka” is read as “SOK”.

Transition to reading syllables

At this stage, children most often experience certain difficulties. To help the child understand the connection between individual sounds, the syllable is presented as a single whole. The adult conducting the lesson clearly and correctly pronounces the syllable, after which the child repeats after him. To overcome this stage as quickly as possible, it is recommended to use tips from Nadezhda Zhukova’s methodology, which will be discussed later.

Reading words, sentences and text

When moving on to reading whole words, it is important that the child understands the meaning of the word read. Therefore, at this stage it is important to dwell on each word and check with the baby whether everything is clear to him.

When the child has mastered reading words, you can move on to the last stage of the traditional method of teaching reading to preschool children - reading texts. At this stage, parents should be patient, as children who can easily read and understand individual words may encounter difficulties in perceiving the text.

Problems with reading texts:

  • the child may not understand the meaning of a sentence or paragraph, completely concentrating on a complex word;
  • sometimes children try not to read a word, but to guess its meaning by analogy with words with similar spellings;
  • some children replace letters in words, again based on images of other constructions.

Preschoolers cannot be forced to read or be forced to re-read the same text. This may cause a negative attitude towards reading in general and will not bring the desired result. Also, don’t expect fluent reading too early - children 4-5 years old are most often not ready for this yet.

Author's methods

Having understood the main stages of learning to read, which are fundamental in any method, you can choose one of the many methods offered by domestic and foreign teachers that is suitable for your child.

Nikolai Zaitsev's cubes

This method is suitable for those parents who want their children to learn to read as early as possible. Learning with Zaitsev's cubes takes place in the form of a fun game: children can move freely around the room, stand or even lie down.

The essence of the method lies in the fact that on cubes of different colors and sizes, warehouses are written - combinations of vowels and consonants, consonants and a hard or soft sign, single letters. Children, playing with cubes, create various combinations from them and learn to form words. Another feature of these cubes is that an object capable of making sounds is placed inside each of them: in cubes with dull sounds there are wooden sticks, if a vowel letter is written - a bell, and so on. Thus, the child develops not only the ability to read, but also an ear for music, intelligence, and a sense of rhythm.

Glen Doman, Pavel Tyulenev, Masaru Ibuki

All these teachers have one thing in common - they adhere to the point of view that the sooner you start teaching a child to read, the better.

According to Glen Doman's method, from the age of 3-6 months the baby is shown cards on which entire words are written, without dividing into sounds and syllables. The method is designed so that a child who regularly observes the same combinations of letters remembers them and learns to read over time. It should be noted that this method works if you start training at the specified age. Children older than 1 year, although they remember the words shown, in the future they try not to read them, but to guess, which makes the method ineffective.

Masaru Ibuki is famous for his motto: “After three years it’s too late.” According to his theory, up to 3 years is precisely the age when a child is most receptive to new knowledge and skills, because this is the time of the most active development of the brain.

Method of Nadezhda Zhukova

Having many years of experience as a speech therapist, Nadezhda Zhukova developed her own training system based on traditional methods, and even published her Primer. In Zhukova’s method, the emphasis is on reading syllables, since it is easier for a child to identify the syllable in a word, rather than the sound.

The teacher suggests learning not the entire alphabet in order, but individual sounds: first vowels, then consonants. Moreover, after becoming familiar with vowels, you can immediately put them into syllables (AO, УО, UA), and only then move on to consonants.

In Nadezhda Zhukova's Primer, parents will find detailed guidelines on the application of the method.

Rebus method by Lev Sternberg

A relatively new method of teaching reading deserves special attention - the rebus method of Lev Sternberg. This teaching approach works as follows. The process begins with a vocabulary game, during which the child is asked to “chop off” the words: the adult says “cow”, the child must say “to...”, “castle” - “for...”, etc.

When the skill is mastered, the teacher’s words are replaced with cue cards on which words are depicted using pictures. For example, a card shows a melon and a crayfish. The child “chops off” these words, he gets the syllables “dy...” and “ra...”, and if they are added together, we get a new word “hole”. With each lesson, the pictures become more complex, the number of drawings increases, and the baby learns to compose longer words.

Maria Montessori Method

The peculiarity of this method is that learning to read begins not with learning letters or sounds, but with writing them. Special tables help kids with this: letters cut out of rough paper and glued onto cardboard cards. Repeating the sound after the adult, the child “draws” it - traces the letter on the sign with his finger. After this, the children learn to put sounds into syllables, words, and sentences.

The Montessori method is recognized by teachers around the world as very effective.. Unfortunately, it is intended for use in educational institutions professional teachers, since it is designed for group classes, and it will be quite problematic to prepare the necessary didactic material at home.

Teaching reading according to Olga Soboleva

The main goal of Olga Soboleva's method is to instill in children a love of reading, to minimize the mechanical learning of words without interest and pleasure. This learning system is built on associative thinking. When learning a new letter, the baby does not memorize it mechanically, but associates it with some similar image or even the hero of a favorite fairy tale. The whole process is built in the form of a game, information is presented for all types of perception: visually, auditorily and kinesthetically, that is, children in one lesson hear, see and can physically feel new information.

This technique is not suitable for parents who want everything to be clear and step-by-step. Creative individuals are more likely to appreciate this type of fit.

Chaplygin cubes

These wooden cubes are radically different from Zaitsev’s cardboard cubes. The set includes 10 cubes and 10 blocks, each of which consists of two cubes rotating around its own axis. All the cubes have letters on each side that can be used to form words. The child learns to read in a playful way: he holds the cubes in his hands, turns them over, rotates them, puts words together, pronounces them, and remembers them.

Modern pedagogy includes dozens of different methods of teaching reading at home. According to Olga Teplyakova, it is much easier for children to start learning with familiar words that “live” around them than with unfamiliar letters and syllables. Recently, the so-called “Method 66” has become popular, promising that the child will begin to read fluently in 66 days.

Whichever of the existing methods you choose, remember that your child is individual. You should not make excessive demands on him, take into account the age and abilities of the baby, and the result will not take long to arrive.

Don't expect school to teach your child everything. Just as a mother teaches a baby the first steps, the basics of reading should be laid in the first years of life. You can’t start learning the alphabet from scratch - instill a craving for literature in your child in advance, before he goes to first grade.

Start with speech development

Before learning to read, a child must learn to speak. And the correctness of speech development directly depends on their environment. The more intelligent the parents, the more attention they pay to the younger generation, the easier it is for the child to develop.

Starting the first communications with adults through hooting, the baby gradually tries to imitate the speech sounds that he hears every day. And if at first these are just individual syllables, then since 2 years normal development the child can operate with simple sentences.

Further - more, the baby moves on to word forms. And the more actively the parents communicate with the child, the more talkative he will be (in in a good way). The main help in the development of a child’s speech will be reading, i.e. books that adults will read aloud to their children.

Develop your baby's interest in reading

Naturally, a small child cannot read on his own. But you can accustom him to communicate with literature from the first years of his life. It is children's books that form the correct speech development baby. The more often a child sees a book in the hands of his parents, the more confidence he develops in it, and the faster over time the desire to learn appears. independent reading.

Reading should be turned into a kind of ritual - fairy tales, nursery rhymes, lullabies are best perceived before bed. The clearer and more correct the adult’s pronunciation during reading, with emotional connotation, the more memorable the phrases the child will hear will be.

And the clearer the baby’s visual images will appear. And this will further help in learning to read. After all, the better a child thinks in images, the faster and easier he learns.

About the benefits of family reading

And in the future, even magazines and books standing on shelves (and not in the hands of parents) will be associated with positive emotions and attract the child’s attention. In other words, reading books to your child instills a love of literature for life, giving impetus to the fastest learning of independent reading.

In addition, reading to children promotes their spiritual unity with their parents, bringing joy to everyone. And the child develops a feeling of family comfort, which he associates with books. In a family where there is a cult of books, children quickly develop a desire to read.

Read with your children

The best way to prepare your child for independent reading is to read a book while sitting next to your baby. He should see the pages of the book on which the text is written. This will first allow you to visually get used to the letters that involve you in the world of the sacraments.

It’s not for nothing that the first children’s books are rich in colorful illustrations. With their help, you can perceive what you hear in images drawn in the pictures. And when the child goes to first grade and begins to put letters into words, familiar phrases will already be perceived figuratively, which will make it faster and easier to learn to read.

While reading a fairy tale or nursery rhyme, try to move your child’s finger over the letters so that the baby can see which word you are reading. Visual memory will help with proper learning in the future.

How to properly teach a child to read?

The sooner a child is ready to perceive, the better - when he goes to 1st grade, he should master the basics of reading. Even if the baby goes to kindergarten, where he is taught using a special method, parents should also set aside time for joint activities.

How to approach the process itself correctly so that learning is easy? You cannot teach children by force - everything should happen in a playful way. When choosing a technique, you should also take into account the age at which training began.

But in any case, you shouldn’t learn just letters - you should start with phonetic sounds. It will be easier for the child to associate the written symbol with the sound that he is accustomed to hearing.

Learning is easier if each lesson learned is repeated many times. From the moment you learn sounds to reading syllables, monitor your baby’s clear pronunciation of speech.

Stages of training

- then comes the turn of dull sounds;

- leave the sizzling ones for last.

  • Repeat each sound you learn before starting to learn the next one. “Repetition is the mother of learning” - this phrase should become the guiding thread of the entire learning process.
  • In parallel with studying sounds, begin to form syllables (and the very first one can be “ma”, which will be close and sincere to the child). Read the syllable together with your baby, as if singing it. The child should have the feeling that the consonant sound seems to be striving for a vowel. This will help you pronounce sounds in pairs.
  • Do not try to immediately form the learned syllables into words. Let the child first understand the principle of combining vowels and consonants in pairs. Consolidate your knowledge on simple syllables, gradually moving on to difficult to pronounce ones.
  • Having taught your child to form syllables where the consonant sound comes first, proceed to a more complex structure where the vowel comes first (“om”, “ab”, etc.).
  • Having become comfortable with individual syllables, transfer children to reading simple words. Start with those that consist of 2 syllables, then 3-syllables. But the first words that a child reads should be familiar to him and associated with understandable images.

Correct pronunciation is the key to quick learning

Do you know how to teach a child to read quickly? Let him sing every sound and syllable he learns, but do it clearly. When you move on to pronouncing words, at first the syllables should be sung separately, with each subsequent time shortening the gaps between them. And ultimately, the entire word must be sung in one breath.

But so that reading in children is not associated only with singing, the consolidation of the material should take place in normal pronunciation, with clear pronunciation of sounds. At the same time, when you move on to reading sentences, teach your child to take the correct pauses before punctuation marks.

When is the best time to start training?

At what age should children be able to read is a question many parents ask. This, first of all, depends on how psychologically prepared the child is for learning. But it should definitely be said that school should not begin immediately before school, when children are going to 1st grade.

Children can begin to be taught at the age of 3 years, if the child himself expresses a desire to do so. But you shouldn’t force them to sit down with books - this may discourage them from further learning.

The most optimal receptive age at which to prepare for 1st grade is 5 years. And in parallel with reading, children should be taught writing (for now only in printed letters), which will help them consolidate their reading skills.

How do you know when your child is ready?

To understand how to teach a child to read, you must first decide whether the child is ready for such learning. To do this, first test the degree of development of the child.

Training using the Nikitin method

Classics of Russian education, the Nikitins' spouses completely moved away from traditional teaching principles, putting forward their own instead. They believe that children should be given complete creative freedom in the classroom. Only then will they become interested in learning.

There is no need to limit the independence of children - they must do all the work themselves. The third rule is a combination of mental exercises and physical exercises (i.e., learning in a playful way).

Involve your child in joint activities - for example, you can prepare study guides together. And then the baby will perceive the material easier and faster. But the main incentive for successful learning is praise for even the most insignificant victory. And you should never focus on mistakes.

Here are the basic principles by which the Nikitins taught their children (and they can be applied to children 3 years old, 5, and 7):

  • You cannot impose a certain educational program on a child - he himself chooses which form of game is more interesting to him.
  • There is no need to explain the course of the game to your child. Make your studies seem like a fairy tale, where each participant has their own role.
  • In the first stages of play-learning, adults are active participants. In the future, when the child gets used to it, he will be able to continue classes on his own.
  • A learning child should always be unobtrusively given tasks that will become more difficult at each new stage.
  • Don’t dare tell your child – teach him to think for himself.
  • If it is difficult for your child to cope with a new task, do not force him - take a step back and repeat what you have learned.
  • If you notice that your child has lost interest in the game, or has reached the limit of his capabilities (temporary), stop training for a while. Get back to studying when your baby asks. And he will definitely do this, because... all children love to play.

Nikolay Zaitsev – teaching innovator

Traditional teaching based on the “phonemic-verbal” principle enslaves the freedom of speech of the child being taught and forms complexes in him, inhibiting his development - this is what teacher Nikolai Zaitsev believes.

He developed his own unique technique, more like a game than a lesson. Children move freely around the classroom (room). At the same time, they can jump, run, etc. Master educational material You can do it in any position – in motion or sitting, lying down. And this should start earlier - from about 3 years old.

All manuals are posted on walls, boards, cabinets, and tables. Usually this is a set of cardboard cubes. They are of different sizes and different colors. Some faces depict single letters, others – syllables (both simple and complex), and still others – consonants with a soft or hard sign.

Previously, the cubes can be in the form of blanks, which the teacher glues together with the children. In this case, special fillers should be placed inside:

  • It is better to put sticks (wooden and plastic) into cubes with dull sounds;
  • For sonorous sounds metal bottle caps are suitable;
  • Bells will be hidden inside the cubes with vowel sounds.

The cubes should differ in size (both single and double). For soft warehouses - small, for hard ones - large. Color solutions also play a certain role here - each warehouse has its own shade.

In addition to cubes, tables are also used as aids, where all known warehouses are collected. This allows the child to see the entire volume that is to be studied. And this makes the teacher’s job much easier.

Another point that makes it quite easy to master reading is writing. It must run parallel. Before voicing the sounds being studied (not letters), the child himself must learn to translate them into signs. You can do this different ways: move along a sheet of paper with a pencil, across a table with a pointer or laying out cubes.

Various teaching methods

There are constant debates among teachers about how to properly teach a child to read and what methodology to use. And there are quite a lot of them, and each has both its fans and opponents.

For example, Masaru Ibuki’s motto in education is the phrase known to most: “After 3 years it’s too late.” The Japanese teacher bases his methodology on the belief that children under the age of 3 are the most susceptible to learning, during the period of formation of brain cells.

The method of Pavel Tyulenev, who created his “Mir” system, is also similar. Its main idea is to have time to reveal the child’s potential. The teacher believes that one should start from the first minutes of birth. In his opinion, children can learn to read and write before they can walk.

But no matter what methods of teaching a child have been developed (according to Montessori, Froebel, Lupan, etc.), all teachers agree on one thing - learning should take the form of play and be based on love for children. Knowing how to teach your child to read quickly, you will succeed.

Often, younger schoolchildren's studies are not going well because they read very slowly. The low speed of obtaining information affects the speed of completion of all work as a whole. As a result, the child sits for a long time over the textbook, and his academic performance is at the “satisfactory” mark.

How to teach a child to read quickly and at the same time comprehend what he read (more details in the article:)? Is it possible to ensure that reading becomes a cognitive process that gives a lot of new information and won’t it become “stupid” to read letters and syllables? We will tell you how to teach a student to speed read without losing the true meaning of the lesson. We read quickly, but efficiently and thoughtfully.

It is extremely important to teach a child not just to read, but also to comprehend what he has read.

Where to start learning speed reading?

Speaking about the classic technique of speed reading, we emphasize that its basis is a complete rejection of internal pronunciation. This technique is not suitable for younger students. It should start no earlier than 10-12 years. Until this age, children better assimilate information that is read at the same speed as when speaking.

Parents and teachers can still learn a number of useful principles and techniques that are included in this technique. A child’s brain at the age of 5-7 years has every opportunity for full development and improvement - many teachers of venerable schools say this: Zaitseva, Montessori and Glen Doman. All of these schools begin teaching children to read at this age (about 6 years), only one world-famous Waldorf school begins the process a little later.

All teachers agree on one fact: learning to read is a voluntary process. You cannot force a child to read against his will. Parents can help their child find the inner strength to master a new skill by using games.

Preparing preschoolers to read

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Today on store shelves there is a huge assortment of reading aids. Moms and dads, of course, begin this process by studying letters, for which alphabets are bought in the most different types: talking books and posters, cubes, puzzles and much more.

The ABC comes to the aid of the youngest children

The goal of all parents is extremely important, but you should remember that you need to teach right away so that you don’t have to re-teach later. Often, without knowing it, adults teach using the wrong methods, which ultimately creates confusion in the child’s head, which leads to mistakes.

The most common mistakes parents make

  • Pronouncing letters, not sounds. It is a mistake to name the alphabetical variants of the letters: PE, ER, KA. Correct learning requires a brief pronunciation of them: P, R, K. An incorrect beginning will lead to the fact that later, when composing words, the child will have a problem in forming syllables. So, for example, he will not be able to identify the word: PEAPEA. Thus, the baby cannot see the miracle of reading and understanding, which means that the process itself will become absolutely uninteresting for him.
  • Erroneous learning to connect letters into syllables and read words. The following approach will be incorrect:
    • we say: P and A will be PA;
    • spelling: B, A, B, A;
    • analyzing a word only with a glance and reproducing it without taking into account the text.

Learn to read correctly

The baby should be taught to draw out the first sound before pronouncing the second - for example, MMMO-RRRE, LLLUUUK, VVVO-DDDA. By teaching your child this way, you will see positive changes in learning much faster.

Reading skill is closely related to the correct pronunciation of sounds

Very often, reading and writing disorders take their basis in the child’s pronunciation base. The baby pronounces sounds incorrectly, which subsequently affects reading. We advise you to start visiting a speech therapist starting at the age of 5 and not wait for speech to develop on your own.

First grade classes

Famous professor I.P. Fedorenko has developed his own method of teaching reading, the main principle of which is that it is not how much time you spend on a book that matters, but how often and regularly you study.

You can learn to do something at the level of automaticity even without grueling long sessions. All exercises should be short-term, but carried out with regular frequency.

Many parents, unwittingly, put a spoke in the wheels of their child’s desire to learn to read. In many families, the situation is the same: “Sit down at the table, here’s a book for you, read the first fairy tale and don’t leave the table until you finish.” The reading speed of a child studying in the first grade is very low and therefore it will take him at least an hour to read one short story. During this time, he will become very tired from mental toil. Parents with this approach kill the child’s desire to read. A more gentle and effective way to work through the same text is to work on it in portions, for 5-10 minutes. Then these attempts are repeated two more times during the day.

Children who are forced to read usually lose interest in literature completely.

When a child sits down to a book without pleasure, it is important to use a gentle reading mode in this case. With this method, the baby gets a short break between reading one or two lines.

For comparison, you can imagine viewing slides from a filmstrip. In the first frame, the child reads 2 lines, then studies the picture and rests. Then we switch to the next slide and repeat the work.

Extensive teaching experience allowed teachers to use various effective methods for teaching reading, which can be used at home. Below are examples of some of them.


Syllable speed reading table

This set contains a list of syllables that are repeated many times in one reading session. This method of practicing syllables trains the articulatory apparatus. First, children read one line of the table slowly (in unison), then at a slightly faster pace, and the last time - as a tongue twister. During one lesson, from one to three lines are practiced.

The use of syllabic tablets helps the child to quickly remember combinations of sounds

By studying such syllable tables, children begin to understand the principle by which they are built, it is easier for them to navigate and find the required syllable. Over time, children understand how to quickly find a syllable at the intersection of vertical and horizontal lines. The combination of vowels and consonants becomes clear to them from the point of view of the sound-letter system, and in the future it becomes easier to perceive words as a single whole.

Open syllables need to be read both horizontally and vertically (more details in the article:). The principle of reading in the table is twofold. Horizontal lines represent the same consonant sound with different vowel variations. The consonant is read drawn out with a smooth transition into a vowel sound. In vertical lines, the vowel remains the same, but the consonant sounds change.

Choral recitation of the text

They train the articulatory apparatus at the beginning of the lesson, and relieve excessive fatigue in the middle. On the sheet that is given to each student, a number of tongue twisters are proposed. First graders can choose to practice a tongue twister they like or that is related to the topic of the lesson. Pronouncing tongue twisters in a whisper is also excellent training for the articulation apparatus.

Performing articulation exercises improves speech clarity and helps speed reading

Comprehensive reading program

  • repeated repetition of what has been written;
  • reading tongue twisters at a fast pace;
  • Continue reading an unfamiliar text with expression.

Joint implementation of all points of the program, pronouncing in a not very loud voice. Everyone has their own pace. The schedule is as follows:

The read and conscious content of the first part of the fairy tale/story continues with a choral reading in a low voice of the next part. The task lasts 1 minute, after which each student makes a mark to what point he has read. Then the task is repeated with the same passage, the new word is also marked and the results are compared. In most cases, the second time shows that the number of words read has increased. Increasing this number creates a positive attitude in children and they want to achieve more and more success. We advise you to change the pace of reading and read it as a tongue twister, which will develop the articulatory apparatus.

The third part of the exercise is as follows: a familiar text is read at a slow pace with expression. When children reach an unfamiliar part, the pace of reading increases. You will need to read one or two lines. Over time, the number of lines needs to be increased. You will notice that after a few weeks of systematic training, the child will show clear progress.

Consistency and ease of exercises for a child are very important in learning.

Exercise options

  1. Task "Throw-notch". When performing the exercise, students' palms are on their knees. It begins with the words of the teacher: “Throw!” Having heard this command, children begin to read the text from the book. Then the teacher says: “Notice!” It's time to relax. Children close their eyes, but their hands remain on their knees all the time. Having heard the “Throw” command again, students look for the line where they stopped and continue reading. The duration of the exercise is about 5 minutes. Thanks to this training, children learn to visually navigate text.
  2. Task "Tug". The purpose of this exercise is to control the ability to change the pace of reading. First graders read the text together with the teacher. The teacher chooses a pace that is comfortable for the students, and the students should try to keep up. Then the teacher proceeds to read “to himself,” which the children also repeat. After a short period of time, the teacher begins reading aloud again, and the children, if they catch the pace correctly, should read the same thing with him. You can improve your reading level by doing this exercise in pairs. The better reading student reads “to himself” and at the same time runs his finger along the lines. The neighbor reads aloud, focusing on the partner’s finger. The task of the second student is to keep up with the reading of the stronger partner, which should in the future increase the reading speed.
  3. Find the other half. The students’ task will be to search the table for the second half of the word:

Program for children over 8 years old

  1. Search for words in the text. In the allotted time, students must find words starting with a specific letter. A more difficult option when teaching speed reading techniques is to search for a specific line in the text. This activity helps improve vertical visual search. The teacher begins to read the line, and the children must find it in the text and read the continuation.
  2. Inserting missing letters. The proposed text is missing some letters. How much? Depends on the children's readiness level. There may be dots or spaces instead of letters. This exercise helps speed up reading and also helps to combine letters into words. The child matches the initial and final letters, analyzes them and composes a whole word. Children learn to read the text a little ahead in order to correctly select the right word, and this skill is usually formed in children who read well. A simpler version of the exercise for children over 8 years of age is a text with missing endings. For example: Veche... came... to the city.... We moved... along the paths... between the garage... and notice... a small... kitten... etc.
  3. Game "Hide and Seek". The teacher begins to randomly read some line from the text. Students must quickly find their bearings, find this place and continue reading together.
  4. Exercise “Word with a mistake.” While reading, the teacher makes a mistake in a word. Children are always interested in correcting inaccuracies, because this increases their authority, as well as their confidence in their abilities.
  5. Self-measurements of reading speed. On average, children should read about 120 words per minute or more. Achieving this goal will be easier and more interesting if they start self-measuring their reading speed once a week. The child himself counts the number of words read and writes the results in a table. This task is relevant in grades 3-4 and allows you to improve your reading technique. You can find other examples of speed reading exercises and videos on the Internet.

Reading speed is an important indicator of progress and should be monitored regularly

We stimulate with results

Assessing positive dynamics is very important. The child will receive a good incentive for further work if he sees that he has already achieved some success. You can hang a table or graph above your workplace that would display the progress in learning speed reading and improving the reading technique itself.

It is especially important to improve reading by the end of third grade. At this age, a child should read at least 120 words per minute. Speed ​​reading for children is an excellent option to teach your child to speed up the pace of reading and at the same time understand what they read by reading “to themselves.”