Abstracts Statements Story

Cool hour, who am I? Class hour on the topic "Who am I? What am I?" (7th grade)

Summary of the open class hour "Who am I? What am I?"

Form: hour of communication.



  • Create conditions for the formation of ideas about the individual characteristics of each person;
  • contribute to the formation of initial ideas about “I” - the concept as a psychological category.


  • To promote the development of skills to explore the qualities of one’s personality;
  • create conditions for the formation of student independence.

Educational goals:

  • To create conditions for the manifestation of individuality and creative abilities of students, to contribute to the formation in children of the need for self-realization based on the knowledge acquired.
  • Colored ribbons for emotional mood (28 pieces according to the number of children)
  • Children's names cut out on a board;
  • Heart divided into segments (28 pcs.)
  • Sheet of white paper (A4 format - 28 pcs.)
  • A bunch of bright ribbons for reflection;
  • Sets of cards with negative and positive qualities of a person;
  • Sets of cards for making a cluster;
  • Colour pencils.
Methods used:
  • verbal - logical;
  • stimulating administration;
  • reflection;
  • associations;
  • game;
  • practical;
  • feedback.
Pedagogical technologies used:(elements)
  • Technology for the development of critical thinking (cluster)
  • Health-saving technology;
  • Technology for the development of creative imagination (G. Rodari)
The class hour was prepared and conducted by:

Dannik Ivetta Vladimirovna

SSH No. 31 Grodno

Progress of the lesson:

1. Emotional mood. Colored paths.

Please grasp the ends of the colored ribbons. Our warmth and positivity are right there
passed on to each of you.
Hello those who are cheerful today!
Hello those who are sad?
Hello those who communicate with joy!
Hello those who are silent!
Look at each other, smile. I really hope that we won't have any sad faces today. And we will not remain silent. After all, we have gathered for an hour of communication. To me
Everyone's opinion is very important, don't be afraid to express it. Please us with your smart thoughts.

2. Game "Associations"
- There are a lot of objects in the world, in the world around us: necessary and not so necessary; alive
and inanimate, large and small. Name an object with which you associate yourself.
And take your seats.
I - _________ , __________ , ___________ , _____________ , __________ , ____________

3. Report the topic of the lesson.

When I ask each of you the question “Who are you?”, then first of all you say:
- I am human!
Today we will talk and think about a person. Even ancient people spoke
They believed that Man is the most mysterious Sphinx on earth. Man is the simplest thing
and the most difficult thing. What is this small but such a capacious word?
I? By the end of the lesson we will try to answer 2 main questions:
Who am I
What am I?
Man is a bundle of secrets. Today we will try to unravel this tangle, to reveal
human secrets. With each revealed secret we will recognize ourselves more and more.
Having revealed the secret, we paint 1 puzzle (any) heart with our favorite color.

Secret 1. Person's name.

Where does a person get a name? (our parents give it to us)
The people who gave us life, mom and dad, give us a name as a gift. These are a few syllables that have become familiar to us.
Why does a person need a name?
Find your name with your eyes. There are 28 beautiful names in our class. Getting ready to communicate
today, you have learned a lot about your name. Share with us!

There are 2 Alexandras in our class:
To be Alexandra - and not know peace,
To be Alexandra there is no rest.

With a caring, generous hand
Swaddle hearts and souls in happiness.
Give hope, help and joy.
And therefore - to be a protector.
And if necessary, be nearby.
Forgive your enemy and love your neighbor.

There are 2 Tatyanas in our class:
What do I hear in the name Tatyana?
Gorgeous. Princess Nesmeyana.

What is behind a beautiful name?
She is brave, smart and fair.

There are two Julias in our class:
We can’t help but compare Yulia with a yula,
She really likes to be groovy!
In perpetual motion, like a waterfall,
Could it suddenly flow back?

And our Yulia strives to be on time
Experience everything, participate, delve into...
It’s hard for us to get used to this pace!
But we are proud that Julia is among us:
She will be the first to help in difficult times.

There is also a boy in our class named Ivan:
Ivan is a gift from God. The name is expensive.
Always wear it with dignity.
It is much more common than the other
Found everywhere in Rus'.
Since they named you Ivan,
What does God's mercy mean?
Luck will flow like a fountain
Which one has never even been dreamed of?

Games with names. Guess the name!

Now let's see how you know each other's names.

  • Translated from Celtic, this male name means mighty bear (Arthur)
  • Translated from Iranian, this male name is translated as a lion - Ruslan.
  • We have two boys, whose name from Latin translates as great, mighty (Max)
There are a lot of Greek names in our class:
  • Polina is a blessing.
  • Galina is quiet and calm.
  • Arina - peace.
  • Sofia is wise.
And this name translated from Greek literally means “everything will be fine” - Nadia.

Guess the name of an already grown-up girl, whose name translated from French means “violet” (Yvette) Do you like your names?
Did you manage to solve the first mystery? Color in the puzzle.

Secret 2. I am ME!

Practical work:

There is a sheet of paper in front of you. Bend it in half. Tear off the top right corner. Then the lower left corner. Then a piece in the middle along the fold line. Expand

your sheets. Compare each other's sheets. Does anyone have something exactly similar? No.

Conclusion: In nature, nothing is absolutely the same. The same can be said about

person. Each person is unique and unrepeatable. You have the right to say to yourself:

I'm the only one!

How do people differ from each other?

What does every person have in common? (living being, has intelligence, experiences feelings)

Did you manage to solve the second mystery? Color in the puzzle.

Secret 3. I am a lot.

We have already talked about the fact that every person is unique. Our uniqueness also lies in the fact that we constantly have to perform different responsibilities.

Life requires us to play many roles at the same time, to be at the same time, to change the image of our self.

at school I am a student

in the store I am the buyer

on the road I'm a pedestrian

in transport I am a passenger

in the library I am a reader

in the theater I am a spectator

for friends I am a friend

in the family I am a son, daughter, grandson, brother, sister

in my home country I am a citizen

Listen to another poem about the roles we play every day:

I am a child, son and daughter,
We wouldn't mind having grandchildren.
Musician, artist, friend...
Look around you.
Bullies, brave men,
Both dancers and singers.
Laughter and chatterboxes,
mischief-makers and bogeymen...
Many - many different me -
You know and I know.
Can we say that for all of you there is one main role? No. One thing is important for everyone. We must combine these roles, fulfill them all.
Have you solved this mystery? Color in the third puzzle.

Physical education minute. "Perpetual motion machine"

From this song you will also learn a lot about yourself.
Perpetual motion machine - who is this? _________, _________, __________,
Is this good or not?
I really love it when your thoughts are in perpetual motion.

Secret 4. The secret of oneself.

Let's meet an interesting character. He lives among us. Ideal child. An excellent student. A wonderful son. But sometimes miracles happen to him. Let's listen to him and try to help him.

I'm always diligent at school
I am polite and not careless.
All the teachers praise
They say I'm the best.
I only come home
What happens to me?
And clothes, and notebooks -
Everyone is playing hide and seek with me.
Everything is upside down on the table,
Everything is scattered around.
I can jump on the sofa
And don’t listen to mom at all...
I can be rude to dad
How can this be?
My family says
That it wasn't me who came home,
Not a diligent student -
Rude and mischievous...
Help me, friends,
Where am I really?

Let's reassure our hero, because this happens quite often, especially with
children. Why does this happen? (in our Self there are both positive and negative
sides, as in the picture - one side I with +, and one side with -)
Sometimes our negative qualities just come out.

Ind. Job: Everyone has words on their desks that denote qualities of character. We must find their place. Which color represents +, which minus.
Are there people without negative traits? (everyone has them)
-- neg. you must try to hide (cover) traits - control yourself
+ must be educated, developed, nurtured
What negative traits do you have? Now you know how to deal with them!
Color in the puzzle.

Secret 5. The secret of growth.

Now it remains to figure out what happens to our self over time. Do we have any
yesterday Today Tomorrow
If we compare ourselves today with ourselves yesterday, has something changed in us?
What have we become?
What should we strive for tomorrow?
I - I - I...why...?
Human growth and development must occur without stopping. There is no limit to perfection.

The self of humanity consists of many selves. Maybe this is me, yours, this is yours, etc.
Can we change the big, shared self all at once? Why?
Conclusion: If each of us changes for the better, the whole earth will become better.

Color in the last puzzle.
Raise your hearts. What can you say about them?
My heart (what?) - …..
I am glad that you see yourself and your life in bright colors. About paints - color carousel.

Do feelings have any color,
When do they boil and ripen in our souls?
I don't know if this is funny or not
But often it seems to me that they do.

When they laugh in the shower sometimes
Trills, like nightingales in spring,
From a friendly meeting, smiles, phrases,
Those feelings are probably burning in us
Heavenly color: blue-blue.

And if suddenly stupidity narrows its gaze
Or anger will scorch with a stormy dawn,
Those feelings are probably burning inside us
The color of the fire is red.

When suddenly sadness overwhelms you,
So much so that it’s impossible to even breathe,
This melancholy will be bitter, like smoke,
And the color is dark, like soot.

If the heart is good - good,
Happiness, what is it, what is it?
It seems to me that happiness is like a ray. It
Hot, sunny and golden!
I simply can’t even begin to name it
All of them - from joy to bitter shocks.
Probably, there are so many feelings in the world,
So many flowers and colors on earth...

I really want to be on the bright side of life.

Lesson summary: What did you learn about yourself today?

Reflection: Please come to me. Close your eyes and stretch out your palms!

Everyone has a pea in their palm. What does she look like? (to planet Earth). This is exactly the pea she appears from outer space. Your little world is still just as small,
your Self. Small, fragile, but so beautiful. What this world will become in the future now depends only on you. All in your hands!

I wish you success! Thank you!

Computer, projector, booklets
"Self-Esteem", Success Diaries,
Children sit on their
Goal: opening the path to your own “I”.

promote education
moral qualities through knowledge
learn to identify your personal
 develop the ability to evaluate correctly
yourself and others;
 encourage students to self-knowledge and
Good afternoon guys! Look today
lucky day. The sun is shining (despite
gray sky), spring has already come, and we
I'm going to get to know you and talk to you.
- Hello, Julia! Hello, Pasha!
Greet our guests, and each other.
Do you want to know why I said hello to
each of you by the hand?
Let's watch a movie!
Now you understand what our means
handshake. I also came to you today with
with an open hand and an open heart.
Today we will not just communicate, but
Let's start creating your success diary.
Its layout is already in front of you.
So, let's continue our acquaintance, look at
Here is my palm))) and here are your palms... I
O.M. Shipunova
Now enter information about yourself, your name,
your last name and age. But two fields
(ring finger and little finger) leave for now
We did it. Fine! Now I'll ask
each of you think about how you would say

Listen to the guys and bring them to
topic, and then to the purpose of the lesson!
in one word about one of your comrades?
Is it easy to say what he is like? What am I??
Accent on board
Children's answers
Of course, our conversation today is unusual:
“What am I?”
How can you find out what kind of person I am? Which each of
That's right.
They say that man is a mystery, and not only to
others, but also for yourself.
Today we will try to reveal this secret, and
This means that the purpose of our communication is:
find out for each of us, what am I?!
To truly describe any person,
you need to know what they are
moral characteristics.
Attention to the screen.
With the help of the guys, comment on everything and
indicate which of them are positive, and
what negative ones.
With + and - stickers directly on the board on the slide.
Look, we found out what they are
moral characteristics of a person. A
Now select from the suggested ones those that
in your opinion, your classmate has.
Exchange success diaries and complete
ring finger on your palm
neighbor Write down what you think he is like.
Now return the diaries to each other and
look what yours thinks about you
classmate. You saw the assessment from the outside and,
maybe it doesn't match what you think
about yourself.
Someone wants to voice your opinion
Children's answers (_______).
: you're right guys

There are no perfect people.
classmate about yourself?

Every person has positive and
negative qualities.
Find a human figurine in your Diary.
You have to evaluate yourself.
If you have positive qualities,
put a red star on the figure (or
point), if negative - black.
Guys, did your little people turn out well?
plain or colored?
Look at the screen, my little man too
So Maxim Gorky said: ...
I think our Little People turned out to be colorful,
this means that we were able to see in ourselves not
only the good, but also its shortcomings.
How can we make sure that our little people
had more red dots, because red comes from
words beautiful?
Guys, do you think this is easy to do? –
(2 minutes)
guys put points
Children's answers (1 min).

You're right

what you have to do

It's really difficult because
What do you think it means to practice
Children's answers (1 min).

I agree with you, but before you educate
yourself, you need to find out, what am I?
But before we find out, I suggest
you to rest. (music sounds - just a minute

Stand up and put your hands on each other's shoulders,
or on the belt, whichever is more convenient.

Well done, you did well.
Sit down._________________________________________
You see the columns with the letters "I", let's
Shall we play?
Next to each letter we write the answer to
the question “Who am I?”, “What am I?”
You can tell about yourself, about your
appearance, character, about your hobbies.
Now let's listen to each other. Who
will it turn out to be the most interesting story? Who
wants to introduce himself to the whole class?
And I will share with you...
Look who I am? What am I?
Quiet music turns on. Children
work (3-4 min).
then take turns talking about
to yourself.
Conclusion: compiled
story about yourself, opinion about yourself
You see how different we all are! But know
yourself is not enough, you need to have the right one
So today we will practice

evaluate yourself.
Let's get through this
test and find out what each one has
Children celebrate I (1 min)
There are 8 circles on your success diaries,

Now I ask you to stand up.
Saying goodbye, we wave to each other,
Hoping to meet you soon!
Wave to our guests and to each other.
I wish you good luck. Thanks for communication!
Come to me, I will give you booklets on

Class hour "My qualities"

for students in grades 7-8

Target: teach children to convey their own feelings, develop interaction skills, achieve a positive sense of self, the ability to express positive emotions, develop the ability to understand the feelings of other people; expand participants' knowledge about feelings and emotions; create conditions for developing the ability to non-judgmentally accept another person.

Equipment: computer, projector, signs with rules of general conversation, phrases, tips, signs for the presenter, photographs with different faces of people.

Class teacher: Hello, guys! Today I want to invite you to think about a person and his qualities. “Every person has three characters: the one that is attributed to him; the one he attributes to himself; and, finally, the one that really exists” V. Hugo

(Slide No. 1) Many philosophers and psychologists believe that it is the qualities of a person that make him unique and unlike other people. (Slide No. 2) It is thanks to human feelings, emotions, qualities that different people act differently in the same conditions. Some of them laugh where others are sad, others are angry where others smile. Today we will try to understand what human feelings and qualities are, what they depend on in each person, how and when they manifest themselves in people. It will be more convenient for us to work if in each of the groups (5-6 people) you and I choose one student who will voice everything that the group will talk about. In addition, each group needs to elect a person who will lead the discussion. And to make communication more convenient, I invite each group to come up with its own name.

Children come up with a name for their group, a creative motto, and choose a speaker and chairman.

Classroom teacher: Today we will discuss many issues. I want to remind you of some rules of general conversation: (Slide No. 3)

Listen carefully, don't interrupt!

We don’t force you to speak, but we don’t forbid you either!

Don't repeat yourself in your speeches!

When criticizing, do not offend!

Speak precisely and only to the point!

If you criticize, suggest!

Talk about good things first, and then criticize!

(These rules are designed in the form of signs and posted in a visible place. The children are also offered hint phrases that will help them formulate thoughts: “I propose...”, “It seems to me that it’s better...”, “It would be interesting, because ...”, “What if...” For the class teacher, unique signs (possibly in the form of road signs) will be “helpful”, which allow or prohibit doing something: “We are discussing”, “Talking”, “Listen”. Then he will not you will have to call for silence all the time or repeat the task - just show it on the signs.)

Classroom teacher: We have agreed on the rules of discussion. So let's start with the game "Say hi to your friend".(Slide No. 4)(The children all clap their knees together, then their hands, the leader puts his right thumb forward and says his name, then the left thumb and the name of the one to whom he sends greetings. He, in turn, raises the palm of his right hand, says the name, then the left finger and the name of the person to whom he sends greetings. And so on - until all hands are raised.)

Classroom teacher: And now I will ask those guys who have certain characteristics to stand up (first in their appearance, and then in their personal qualities). At the same time, try to remember the qualities of the participants in this game “Stand up those who” in order to name them later.

Stand up those who:

Today I wore black shoes;

Put on jewelry;

Who has blue eyes;

Who has brothers and sisters;

Who is never late;

Who considers himself a kind person;

Who considers himself a brave person;

Who considers himself a hardworking person;

Who loves sweets;

Who loves animals;

Who likes to draw, etc.

Classroom teacher: Now we have learned a little more about each other, learned about our qualities. Since we are talking about human qualities today, I propose to write down everything that we learn about them on these trees of knowledge. Why are there 5 of them? Scientists believe that all human qualities can be divided into 5 groups-categories: attitudes towards people, towards work, towards things, characteristics of honesty and strong-willed qualities. (Slide No. 5) On each tree we will look for leaves with certain qualities.

Guys, now look at the emoticons that represent different facial expressions. (Slide No. 6) They all express different feelings and qualities. One laughs, the other is sad... Name the feelings that are depicted using these emoticons.

(Students name feelings of pain, joy, surprise, pleasure, etc.)

We can tell a lot even about a stranger if we look at him carefully. What do your faces express? Your eyes?

I suggest you try to express different feelings and emotions of a person with facial expressions and gaze. To do this, divide into pairs. One of you will make a feeling, write it down on a piece of paper and try to express it in some way in front of your partner. And the partner will try to guess what feeling his friend is showing. Then you will switch places.

Classroom teacher: Now let's play one well-known children's game. I will throw the ball to you, and you will catch it only when I call what you think is good quality. Having caught the ball, you have to explain why this quality is good for the person and others. (The named qualities are written down on pieces of paper and attached to trees.)

Classroom teacher: And now I want you to remember your childhood. You know a lot of fairy tales. Here is one of them (reads an excerpt from the fairy tale “Cinderella”). (Slide No. 7) Let's remember what qualities the heroes of this and other fairy tales display.

Each group receives pictures with drawings of fairy tale heroes (Baba Yaga, Ivan Tsarevich, Winnie the Pooh, Kolobok, Pinocchio, etc.) and a set of cards with human qualities. They must select those qualities that are inherent in their heroes and justify the choice of these qualities, proving them with examples from fairy tales. (Slides No. 8-9)(Leaves with these qualities are attached to trees.)

Classroom teacher: Now let's try to play another game. Each of you will get a small role. You have to select the qualities characteristic of this role (the presenter hands out cards on which various opposing social roles are written: good son - bad son, good teacher - bad teacher, good passenger - bad passenger, good friend - bad friend, good citizen - bad citizen). (Slide No. 10)

Classroom teacher: The next task is even more difficult. Before this we talked about others. Now let's try to talk about each other. Look. I have a magic chair. Each of you will take turns sitting on it, and everyone else will name its qualities. Let's start with the good ones - because our chair is magical. (Slide No. 11)

(The game “Magic Chair” is played. In this case, the guys use the qualities that are presented on the trees.)

Classroom teacher: What does "confident" mean? (Those who wish speak up.) In psychology, “self-confident” means: “I believe in my strengths and capabilities.” Think about the new opportunities that will come your way if you are more confident. For example: If I were more confident, I would be able to answer better on the board.” (Slides No. 12-13)

Write down sentences that are relevant to you.

I want my friends to cheer me up.

I'm worried about my future.

Many people hate me.

I'm afraid to look stupid.

Others' appearance is much better than mine.

I'm afraid to give a speech in front of strangers.

My life is useless.

Many have the wrong opinion about me.

People are not particularly interested in my achievements.

I'm embarassing.

I don't feel safe.

I feel constrained.

I often worry unnecessarily.

I worry about how people treat me.

Most people seem to be more confident than I am.

I avoid asking questions for fear of appearing stupid.

Choose one of the sentences written down, write it down on a small piece of paper, fold it and put it in the general “indecision basket”. Now I will take all the notes out of the basket one by one and read them out loud one by one: “Some people ...” (Groups express their ideas that could help cope with this situation.)

Classroom teacher: A person should strive to change himself for the better, to live in peace with himself. The only real mistake is not correcting your mistakes. (Staging a fairy tale by high school students) (Slide No. 14)

A Tale of Happiness

There lived one king in the world,

Rich and powerful.

He was always sad. And sometimes

It was darker than a cloud.

He walked, slept, had dinner,

But he didn’t know happiness!

But always whine and grieve

The poor guy has had enough.

The king cried out: “You can’t live like this!”

And he jumped off the throne boldly.

Yes, instantly destroy your lot

Not in royal power?

And so the king got into the carriage -

And he went for happiness.

The king looks out the window,

The carriage rolls briskly.

Wait a minute, who's on the way?

A girl in a tattered dress.

Oh my almighty king,

Please give me at least a penny.

Hey beggar, let me pass

Hurry up my carriage.

Get off the path immediately

After all, I’m going for happiness! -

The king said and drove off.

And the month was freezing in the blue sky...

The carriage rushes at random

God knows in which direction.

Suddenly a soldier stands in the way,

Wounded, ragged.

Oh my king, cried the soldier,

I'm very glad to see you!

I humbly ask: arrange

You are at my service,

I stood up for you,

I really fought like a hero,

I won the battle.

Come on, servant, let me pass

Hurry up my carriage.

Get off the path immediately

After all, I’m going for happiness! -

The king said and drove off,

And the month was freezing in the blue sky...

The carriage rushes at full speed,

The horse gallops as fast as he can.

Suddenly she came out onto the road from the mountains

Stooped old woman.

Forgive me, my dear king,

Lonely old woman.

My house is over there, you see, behind the mountain,

I've gone far in the morning.

I carry firewood from the forest -

Hard work.

I look around, barely alive:

What if someone helps...

Come on, old woman, let me pass

Hurry up my carriage.

Get off the path immediately

After all, I’m going for happiness! -

The king said and drove off,

And the month was freezing in the blue sky...

Summer is over. Heat

Gives way to bad weather.

The king hurries:

It's time to hit the road

A little more - and hurray!

I will find my happiness!

And it would all end in disaster -

There is no doubt about it.

Yes, an old man with a white beard

He stopped the carriage.

Having crossed himself, slowly,

Solemnly and strictly

Said: "Lost soul,

King, fear God!

Are you looking for happiness for yourself?

You are traveling around the world.

But, only loving your neighbor,

You will find this happiness.

Quickly listen to me:

Turn your horse back around

Warm and feed the child,

Hire a soldier as a watchman,

Do it all, but first

You can help the old lady:

You will bring firewood home.

You’ll cut it and lay it down...” -

Then the full moon came out.

And she illuminated the way.

It's not an easy journey, the way back.

The path to happiness is not just anywhere.

The king is still in the palace

Helps all people.

And happiness on his face

It shines like a clear day!

Classroom teacher: And now we must fill out three cards: 3 blue and 3 white. On the white ones, please write your good qualities, and on the blue ones - the negative ones that you would like to get rid of.

Now let’s think about whether it’s possible to somehow get rid of bad qualities. (The guys make suggestions). And while you're thinking, I want to tell you one more story.

Once upon a time, magical birds flew to earth (points to the board, transforms trees and leaves into birds). They brought human desires and thoughts like magical seeds that were sown throughout the world. And flowers grew from them - human souls. Some of them were beautiful - after all, from good desires beautiful qualities grow, but from some only weeds and nettles grew. After all, only evil thoughts give birth to evil thoughts. (The class teacher distributes seeds to the children.) What flowers will grow from your seeds?

(The class teacher suggests that everyone together make a large applique of flowers, where each participant in the game in the form of a flower must display their dreams, ideals and desires, their qualities and main characteristics.) (Slides No. 15-19)

Positive traits

Negative qualities

Attitude to work

Conscientious, diligent, hardworking, hardworking

Sloth, slacker, lazy

Attitude towards people

Selfless, cordial, sincere, attentive, kind-hearted, kind, sensitive, devoted, benevolent, generous, delicate, sympathetic, merciful, tactful, supportive

Cold, unkind, cruel, spiteful, fierce, merciless, selfish, callous, inhuman, heartless

Attitude to things

Thrifty, thrifty, careful

Stingy, insatiable, stingy, greedy, greedy

Strong-willed qualities

Brave, undaunted, courageous, fearless, courageous, truthful, self-possessed, steadfast, reliable

Fierce, fearful, merciless, timid, cowardly

Characteristics of Honesty

Loyal, sincere, unfeigned, noble, just, honest, truthful

Mean, two-faced, insincere, deceitful

Classroom teacher: So, guys, our class hour is coming to an end. I hope that each of you understood that it is the qualities of a person that make him unique and different from other people. It is thanks to human feelings, emotions, qualities that different people act differently in the same conditions. (Slide No. 20)

Class notes for junior schoolchildren of 1st grade “Who am I?”

Goals and objectives

— teach children to recognize themselves as individuals, to see positive and negative character traits in themselves and others.


Black box, mirror, petals with words for the creative task “Chamomile”, pencils, sheets of paper.

Progress of the class hour

Teacher's opening speech


In the black box, friends,

Look for me.

I will help you right away

Tell us about yourself.

Try to guess what item I have prepared for you.

And it shines and shines,

It doesn't flatter anyone.

And he will tell anyone the truth,

Everything will be shown to him as it is. (Mirror)

Of course, a mirror. Remember the fairy tale words:

My light, mirror, tell me

Tell me the whole truth?

What can a magic mirror tell us? Let's politely ask for a mirror.

Children(in unison).

Our light, mirror, tell me

Tell me the whole truth.

Teacher. Take the mirror in your hands. Take a closer look at yourself. What can you tell us about yourself? What are your hair, eyes, ears, nose like? What do you like about yourself?

Children's answers.

Now smile to yourself. Do you enjoy looking at yourself smiling? Do you think people like to look at a smiling person?

The song “Smile” is playing.

Training “Give a smile”

Children stand in two circles: large and small - facing each other. At the signal of the tambourine, the children in a small circle take a step to the right and join their palms with the palms of their comrades. At the same time, they give each other a smile. Then another transition occurs and the game continues. The game ends when the children complete the entire circle.

Teacher. Who liked the exercise? How? How did you feel when your classmates smiled at you?

“Vodyanoy’s Song” sounds.

Teacher. Why is Vodyanoy sad? How do you feel when there is no one to play with?

Reading and discussion of E. Permyak’s story “The Worst”

Vova grew up as a strong and strong boy. Everyone was afraid of him. He beat his comrades. He offended girls. He stepped on the dog's tail, Cannon. He pulled the cat's whiskers. I drove the prickly hedgehog under the closet. He was even rude to my grandmother. Vova was not afraid of anyone. And I was very proud of this. I was proud, but not for long. The day came when the boys did not want to play with him. Everyone left him. He ran to the girls. But the girls also turned away from him. Then Vova rushed to Pushka, and he ran away into the street. Vova wanted to play with the cat, but the cat climbed onto the closet. Vova decided to lure the hedgehog out from under the closet. Where there! The hedgehog moved to another house to live a long time ago. Vova approached his grandmother. The offended grandmother did not even look up at her grandson. The worst thing that ever happened in the world happened: Vova was left alone.

Issues for discussion:

- Why was Vova left alone?

-What actions should he not have done?

- What should you be like so as not to remain lonely, so that you have many friends?

Creative task “Chamomile”

Teacher. Glue a daisy, choose the petals on which it is written what a person should be like in order for him to have many friends.

Children collect chamomile, on the petals of which different words are written: kind, interesting, affectionate, sympathetic, cheerful, smart, attentive to people. Each child comments on their choice.

Game “What are we?”


Get ready, kids:

The game begins.

Answer in unison “yes” if you agree with the answer, and “no” if you disagree.

Are you brave?

Are you skilled?

You are beautiful?

Are you lazy?

You are cute?

Are you loud?

Are you happy?

Are you pugnacious?

Are you obedient?

Are you indifferent?

Collective creative activity “How good it is to have friends”


1. Use a red pencil to connect your portrait with the portrait of your friend.

2. Use a blue pencil to connect your portrait with the portrait of the person with whom you are sitting at the same desk.

3. Use a green pencil to connect your portrait with the portrait of someone you would like to be friends with.


Teacher. How nice it is to have friends! After all, life is more fun with friends. But you also need to be a good friend yourself.

The teacher draws a conclusion about the role of friendship and kind attitude towards others. The lesson ends with the singing of the song “It’s Fun to Walk Together.” The song is accompanied by various movements