Abstracts Statements Story

Kazan National Research Technical University named after. A.N

The Kazan Aviation Institute was formed on the basis of the aerodynamic department of the Kazan state university by the decision of the Main Directorate of Aviation Industry of the People's Commissariat of Heavy Industry on March 5, 1932.

At the beginning, the institute consisted of two departments: aerodynamics and aircraft engineering, on the basis of which the aircraft engineering faculty was officially opened in 1934 (the first dean was K.A. Arkhipov).

From the first days of the institute's existence, intensive research work was carried out. It was headed by Nikolai Guryevich Chetaev, who created a scientific school of general mechanics within the walls of the institute. In 1940 N.G. Chetaev was transferred to work in Moscow to the position of deputy. director (since 1944 - director) of the Institute of Mechanics of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In 1943 he was elected corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Since 1933, the institute was one of the first among the country's aviation universities to begin publishing collections scientific articles, called "Proceedings of KAI", regularly published and becoming an authoritative scientific publication. In 1933, the defense of candidate's theses by the institute's teachers began, G.V. was the first to defend himself. Kamenkov, who later became the rector of KAI, has been vice-rector and rector of MAI since 1949. In 1937, the first defenses of G.V.’s doctoral dissertations took place. Kamenkov, Kh.M. Mushtari, I.G. Malkin. Along with theoretical research, design developments were also successfully carried out at the institute. In 1933-1939, the KAI Design Bureau created a series of single- and twin-engine aircraft, which implemented new ideas and design solutions for that time (hovering ailerons, retractable landing gear, elastic wings, etc.). A number of official records were set on these aircraft.

In 1939, an engine-building faculty was opened at KAI (the first dean was A.A. Chuslyaev). The head of the aircraft engines department was S.V. Rumyantsev, later rector of KAI, then deputy. minister higher education USSR, rector of the Peoples' Friendship University named after Patrice Lumumba.

During the Great Patriotic War A number of divisions and laboratories of the Institute of Physics of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute (TsAGI), the Flight Research Institute (LII), the Research Institute of the Civil Air Fleet (GVF), as well as the entire staff of the Kharkov Aviation Institute worked on the premises of the institute. In the period from 1941 to 1943, leading aerodynamic scientists A.A. worked within the walls of KAI. Dorodnitsin, S.A. Khristianovich, V.V. Struminsky, led by the future President of the USSR Academy of Sciences M.V. Keldysh.

In 1945, the first department of jet engines in the country's universities was organized at the institute, and the future academician V.P. Glushko, the founder of the domestic rocket engine industry, was invited to head it. Among its first teachers were S.P. Korolev, later the chief designer of the country's rocket and space systems, Professor G.S. Zhiritsky, after whom one of the craters of the Moon is named.

In 1951, a new faculty of aviation instrument engineering was opened at the institute (the first dean was V.V. Maksimov). In 1952, the Faculty of Aviation Radio Engineering was created, which soon became the largest in the institute (the first dean was V.I. Popovkin).

In the mid-1950s, scientific schools gained full strength and won all-Union fame: motion stability, strength of aircraft structures, optimal processes, aircraft engine building, progressive technological processes, etc. Evidence of the recognition of their authority was the fact that in 1956 the KAI was founded Council for awarding the academic degree of Doctor of Science.

In 1958, a decision was made to publish in the country a new scientific series of journals "Izvestia of Higher educational institutions", the publication of one of the series - "Aviation Technology" was entrusted to the institute. This magazine is still distributed in 30 countries around the world (Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Canada, Japan, etc.), and is also fully translated into English language and is published in the USA under the name Soviet Aeronautic. In 1967, for great services in the training of engineering personnel and development scientific research The institute was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

In 1972, the Faculty of Computing and Control Systems was opened (the first dean was Yu.V. Kozhevnikov). In 1973, the institute was named after the outstanding Soviet aircraft designer A.N. Tupolev. In March 1982, in honor of its 50th anniversary, the institute was awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples.

In 1987, for the first time in the city's universities, elections for the rector of the institute were held on an alternative basis. It was Professor G.L. Degtyarev. In 1991, a new faculty of management, economics, finance and entrepreneurship was founded at the institute (the first dean was T.K. Sirazetdinov).

In 1992, the Kazan Aviation Institute was transformed into the Kazan State Technical University (KSTU). Having become a technical university, KAI has significantly expanded the range of areas and specialties of higher education.

In 1995, the university created a humanities faculty (the first dean was D.K. Sabirova), in 2000 - a faculty of physics and mathematics (the first dean was K.G. Garayev), in 2003 - a faculty economic theory and Law (Dean A.Sh. Khasanova) and the Faculty of Psychology and Business Administration (Dean R.V. Gabdreev). In 1999, the Institute of Aviation, Ground Transport and Energy (IANTE) was founded on the basis of the faculties of aircraft and aircraft engines. The first director is A.F. Dregalin. In 2003, on the basis of the Faculty of Radio Engineering, the Institute of Radio Electronics and Telecommunications (IRET) was formed, director G.I. Shcherbakov.

In 1992, the Center for Continuing Education (CNE, first director - A.K. Vatolin) was created. The structure of the CNO includes the Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Teaching Personnel (established in 1994, the first director is D.K. Sabirova), the Faculty of Pre-University Training (established in 1989, the first director is M.Yu. Odinokov), 25 centers and 4 training groups. Advanced training is carried out in 63 programs, obtaining a second higher education - in 9 programs.

International relations of KNRTU-KAI began in 1937, when a group of teachers and employees of the KAI Design Bureau traveled to France to familiarize themselves with the production at the RENAULT aircraft factories. From 1947 to 1955, foreign students and graduate students from Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary, China, North Korea, Poland, Romania, and Czechoslovakia studied at KAI.

After a forty-year break, since 1996, KSTU has resumed training foreign students and graduate students. To date, students from Turkey, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Korea, India, Pakistan, China, Palestine, Libya, Germany, and the USA have studied here under various programs. Scientific and educational ties with universities in Brazil, Germany, Spain, China, Libya, the USA, France and other countries are actively developing. Coordination of interaction with international scientific and educational centers is carried out by the Department of International Relations.

In 2009, the university won the competitive selection among universities of the Russian Federation under the project "National Research University" among the thirty best universities in Russia and changed its name to Kazan National Research Technical University. A.N. Tupolev (KNRTU-KAI).

On September 2, 2014, a unique German-Russian Institute of New Technologies (GRINT), which has no analogues in Russia, opened within the structure of KNRTU-KAI. In a consortium with German partner universities, GRINT is implementing joint educational programs of double diplomas at the master’s level and research activities with the wide involvement of leading Russian and foreign scientists, teachers and practitioners; joint postgraduate studies are planned in the future. Education at GRINT is based on high German standards of engineering education, adapted for joint implementation at a Russian university. The first German partner universities of GRINT were the Technical University of Ilmenau (TU Ilmenau) and the Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg (OFGU). In 2015, the Technical University of Kaiserslautern joined a long-term cooperation with GRINT. The project was also supported by the leadership of the Republic of Tatarstan and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

One of the priority tasks of the university’s research team is personnel and technological support innovative development industrial sector. The solution to this problem is ensured by the work of large scientific and industrial research units created on the basis of KNRTU-KAI.

Through the joint efforts of the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan, an infrastructure for collective use was created on the basis of the university, which accumulated expensive and unique equipment, the services of which can be used by a wide range of users. The most significant of them are: the scientific and educational center of nanotechnology and nanomaterials, the engineering center for innovative laser technologies in mechanical engineering "KAI-Laser", the engineering center "KAI-Composite", the Kazan quantum center "KAI-Kvant", consisting of a photonics and fiber laboratory quantum optics and Quantum Communications Laboratories, a testing laboratory for the strength and reliability of aircraft.

Today KNRTU-KAI is a modern educational and research complex recognized in Russia and abroad, which trains highly qualified personnel for knowledge-intensive industries. Over its 85-year history, KNRTU-KAI has developed traditions that allow the university to occupy high positions among technical universities in Russia. The material and technical base is being modernized, the educational process is being improved, ties with production are being strengthened, and international cooperation is developing. KNRTU-KAI becomes a center of attraction - a university that corresponds to the best world standards.

The scientific potential of the university consists of: 7 research institutes, 1 faculty, 45 departments, 11 research and educational centers, 2 colleges, 1 business incubator, 48 research laboratories. More than 3,000 teachers, scientists and engineers work here, including over 120 doctors of science and professors, among them 17 academicians and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Academy of Sciences of Tatarstan and International Academy sciences high school, more than 700 doctors and candidates of science.

  • 1. Choose the direction of training
  • 2. Submit documents
  • 3. Pass the entrance tests
  • 4. Track the rating in personal account
  • 5. Make sure you are admitted and come
    for enrollment

Before admission, it is important to familiarize yourself with the admission rules and regulatory documents of KNRTU-KAI.

If you want to submit documents personally or through a proxy, you must:

1. Prepare all documents:

Original and photocopy of a document proving his identity and citizenship;
- original or photocopy of a state document on education;
- Documents confirming the applicant’s special rights upon admission to higher educational institutions, established by the legislation of the Russian Federation (if available);
- Documents confirming the individual achievements of applicants in accordance with the regulations (if available);
- If you submit documents through a proxy, you must fill out a power of attorney.

2. Come to the address Kazan, st. B. Krasnaya, 55, 7th educational building of KNRTU-KAI.

3. Fill out and sign the application for admission. Statement filled in by operators in the selection committee on the basis of the documents from paragraph 1.

If you want to submit documents to electronic form:

You need to use the service for online submission of documents to Personal account ().
Entrance in your personal account is possible only after .

Submitting documents by email:

Submitting an application for admission by email is NOT ALLOWED.

By email, you can only submit an application for consent to enrollment and change direction within the established time limits.​

1. Fill out the change of direction/application of consent to enrollment form using the sample.

2. Print it out and sign it.

3. Send a scanned copy or photo in good quality to your email address [email protected](in the subject line of the letter, be sure to indicate: “Change of direction” or “Statement of consent to enrollment”).

4. The fact of violation of the established deadlines for changing direction/submitting an application for consent to enrollment is determined by the time of the incoming letter.

On a note

Frequently asked question from applicants when filling out an application: “If I chose a budget and a paid form immediately when submitting documents, does this mean that I will no longer be considered for the budget?”. Believe me, first all applicants are considered for admission to the budget, and then, at the request of the applicant, we can indicate a paid specialty as part of your application. The deadlines for admission are completely different.

Admission to undergraduate and specialist programs at KNRTU-KAI is carried out on the basis of the results of the Unified State Exam (hereinafter referred to as the Unified State Examination), which are recognized as the results of entrance tests. Additional tests for those who passed the Unified State Exam - NOT PROVIDED.
Certain categories of applicants can take general education entrance tests conducted by KNRTU-KAI independently:

  • - disabled children, people with disabilities;
  • - Foreign citizens;
  • - citizens Russian Federation who received a document about the average general education in foreign educational organizations within one year before the end of the acceptance of documents and entrance examinations, inclusive, and did not pass the Unified State Examination within the specified period;
  • - persons entering on the basis of secondary vocational education or higher education.

For graduates and their parents, it's time to choose future profession and entering a higher education institution is a truly exciting and incredibly responsible moment. For those who, one way or another, have decided to connect their lives with aviation, KNITU-KAI named after A.N. Tupolev provides the greatest opportunities to realize your dreams. In this article we will talk about the admission rules, university specialties and share other useful information.

ABOUT KNITU-KAI im. A.N. Tupolev

Today, this university is considered one of the best in both Kazan and the whole of Tatarstan. Its history begins in 1932. It was then that the Main Directorate of the Aviation Industry decided to create an aviation institute based on the aerodynamics department of KSU.

The university provides training in three main higher education programs: specialist, bachelor's and master's degrees. In addition, within the walls of KNRTU-KAI you can get another higher education, and simultaneously with the first. The university also has the opportunity to provide secondary and additional professional education. For those who wish to continue their studies at the university after completing their master's degree, there is a postgraduate course. The presence of a military department at a university is also important. Forms of training are standard: full-time, part-time and combined (full-time and part-time). The Kazan Aviation Institute is accredited and has a license to carry out its activities.

The education received at KNRTU-KAI is valued not only in our country, but also far beyond its borders. That is why the university has gained particular popularity among other educational institutions technical direction. To become a KAI student and get into a budget place, you need to try hard and show your knowledge at top level. The minimum passing score for admission to this university increases every year.


KNITU-KAI named after. A.N. Tupolev offers a wide selection of the most promising and in-demand areas of not only technical, but also economic, as well as humanitarian specialties. Today, the university cooperates with aviation and medical institutions, the telecommunications sector, enterprises servicing household appliances, and some areas National economy. The main technical specialties (there are more than 21 in total) of KNRTU-KAI named after. A.N. Tupolev are:

  • Aircraft manufacturing.
  • Internal combustion engines.
  • Innovation.
  • Technosphere safety.
  • Nanoengineering.
  • Information Security.
  • Laser technology and laser technology.
  • Instrumentation.
  • Design of aircraft engines and power plants.
  • Technical operation of aircraft and radio equipment.
  • Aircraft and helicopter manufacturing.
  • Optical communication systems, etc.

Admission rules

In order to start studying at KNITU-KAI named after. A.N. Tupolev, a certain list of documents should be prepared:

  • original and photocopy of the applicant’s passport or identity card;
  • a certificate of education or a photocopy of it (when enrolling in budget-funded places, priority is given to applicants who have submitted the original certificate of education);
  • original and copies of documents confirming the special rights of the applicant and his individual achievements in the process of pre-university education.

For non-resident and foreign applicants

KNITU-KAI named after. A.N. Tupolev is pleased to welcome not only graduates of Russian schools, but also foreign citizens. There are courses specifically for them for preliminary preparation before admission. Moreover, KNRTU-KAI is equipped with seven dormitory buildings located as close as possible to the academic buildings. By the way, non-resident students of our country are also provided with a place to stay in the hostel. To check in, you will need a certificate of enrollment in a university or student ID, three photographs in 3*4 format, a medical certificate containing information about vaccinations, fluorography and the absence of diseases. The check-in process itself begins on August 27-28.

apart from styding

Everyone knows that student time is one of the most fun and memorable times of life. Because it is at this age that you can realize all your potential thanks to incredible potential and irrepressible energy. And in order to direct this energy in the right direction, to KNITU-KAI named after. A.N. Tupolev has its own huge sports complex. It includes an indoor swimming pool (which is one of the best in Europe), a football stadium for one and a half thousand people and a universal gym with an area of ​​more than 4,000 square meters. Over the past few years, the university has formed its own teams in football, handball, basketball and ice hockey. All this allows us to say with confidence that the students of this educational institution are the most athletic, and therefore the healthiest.

When will the passing scores for 2020 be known?

This question is one of the most popular questions asked by applicants to university admissions committees. However, it is impossible to answer it accurately until the end of the 2020 admissions campaign. This means that it is possible to find out the passing score for the current year only in August, when all exams have been passed and everyone has submitted documents for admission. That is, the passing score for 2020, in theory, should have appeared on our website only approximately in September 2020. But this is not entirely true!!!

We will tell you a little secret!!!

In order to always be aware of your admission rating and see the current passing scores for 2019, we have developed for you Personal Area. Service Applicant rating in your personal account, which will be available to you after submitting an application at KAI, reflects your current position in the competitive list when entering our university and changes online.
So last year's passing scores are just reference Information, which we do not recommend that you rely 100% upon admission.

Dear friend! Remember 3 main points, and you will definitely join us!

1. Don’t be afraid to submit documents to KAI in your specialty, even if you don’t have many points!

2. Choose 3 specialties at KAI from this list that you just like, submit an application and original education document!

3. Monitor your rating in your personal account, if necessary, change the specialty in the application before the closing date for accepting documents (everyone still studies at KAI for the first 1.5 years according to the same curriculum, then you can transfer)!!!

Alexey Sozinov is still ahead of Ilshat Gafurov, the Ministry of Education is purging lawyers and philologists, and the former IEUP has broken into the top three

The reduction of “humanitarian” budget places did not affect the mindset of yesterday’s schoolchildren: they continue to storm the philological and law faculties. There were 300 fewer graduates in the Republic of Tatarstan than there were free places in institutes. The local Ministry of Education assures that only a few hundred will go abroad to study, and that they will be replaced by applicants from other regions and countries. Where will free admissions be reduced in 2017 and where will applicants be expected? with open arms— in the BUSINESS Online review.

According to the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Tatarstan, 15,479 graduates graduated from the republic’s schools, while 15,806 budget places in institutes were allocated to Tatarstan Photo: BUSINESS Online


On June 20, the admissions campaign to all Russian universities started. An interesting detail: according to the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Tatarstan, 15,479 graduates graduated from the republic’s schools, while 15,806 budget places in institutes were allocated to Tatarstan. It turns out that the republican alma mater does not have enough local applicants to fill even the free quota. Moreover, some graduates either will not enroll or will go to study in Moscow, St. Petersburg, or even abroad.

However, the First Deputy Minister of Education of the Republic of Tatarstan Andrey Pominov assures that few people leave the republic in pursuit of knowledge. “Based on the results of the admissions campaign, we request information from municipalities and receive more or less clear statistics from municipalities, which, based on school surveys, understand how many of their graduates have left somewhere. We cannot obtain such statistics from foreign and federal universities, but we roughly imagine that only a few hundred people are leaving. There is a problem of how to keep our guys who have the highest results in various Olympiads, in the Unified State Exam and who enter leading Moscow or St. Petersburg universities. We use and apply various measures in this direction,” he told a BUSINESS Online correspondent.

At the same time, as Pominov assures, there is a reverse migration of applicants: they will come to study in Tatarstan from other regions and countries. “The general flow goes to the republic. I can say that we have several thousand applicants from abroad ( in 2016approx. ed.). There are a huge number of applicants from other regions of the Russian Federation,” the official said.

Photo: BUSINESS Online

Where exactly do former schoolchildren want to go? To understand the trends in the current admissions campaign, BUSINESS Online analyzed last year’s data, since the 2017 passing scores and competition will not be known until August. Let’s say right away: the statistics we collected include only indicators of the largest universities in the republic, and there is no information about those universities that were not included in our previous analytical reviews (for example, because they ignored BUSINESS Online requests).

Top universities by average passing grade and competition for a place in 2016
UniversityAverage Unified State Exam score (2016)Average Unified State Exam score (2015)Average competition for a place (2016)Average competition for a place (2015)
1. KSMU79 85.2 10.5 12.6
2. KFU78.5 76.4 15.5 13
3. KSASU73.8 72.8 27.2 15.5
4. KAI71 68.6 10 no data
5. KazGIK70 no data9 no data
6. PGAFXIT70 no data2 no data
7. TISBY68.3 61.7 15 27
8. KSPEU66.9 64.6 16 4.5
9. IEUP66 66 19 no data
10. KNRTU-KHTI62.5 62.1 10 no data
11. KGAVM60.6 50.3 4 4
12. KSAU60.3 60.3 no data7.7

*data provided by universities of the Republic of Tatarstan

Let us add that in the institute environment there are opposing points of view regarding the extent to which such ratings correspond to reality. It’s not very correct to compare average passing scores and the competition, he believes David Kordonchik, Vice-Rector of the Kazan University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (KGASU). From his point of view, since an applicant has the right to apply to five different universities in three areas, many applications for admission turn out to be dummies and only add to the excitement around the university. Rector of Kazan State medical university(KSMU) Alexey Sozinov believes otherwise: competition and passing grades are integral components in assessing the quality of education: “These factors, of course, characterize both the level of the university and the specialties in demand. Naturally, they are far from the only ones and they cannot be fetishized, but nevertheless these are important factors.”

The results of last year’s campaign demonstrate that the leaders of the Top 10 largest educational institutions in terms of average passing grades and the number of applicants per place maintain their positions. The most “high-quality” school graduates - that is, those who scored the highest scores on the Unified State Exam, as in 2015 - continue to choose KSMU, and the greatest competition remains in KSASU. The Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University (KFU) breathes behind the Kazan honey in terms of the quality of applicants. At the same time, Kazan Innovation University (KIU, former IUEP) unexpectedly made it into the Top 3 of the competition.

Photo: BUSINESS Online


So, KSMU remains first in terms of the level of applicants, although its GPA dropped by six points, and the competition by two. Could some of the “quality” students migrate to the KFU Institute of Fundamental Medicine, which opened two years ago? After all, the feuds between the two leading universities of the republic have continued since the moment when the rector of KFU Ilshat Gafurov announced the creation of a medical cluster at the university.

Sozinov is sure that it is premature to talk about any changes in applicants entering Kazan honey, and the passing scores and competition fluctuate around the average long-term data. “A little more, a little less - these changes can be significant in small faculties, for example, social work, which has 10 budget places. Of course, there will be variation. And at the medical faculty, fluctuations are only within 2 - 3 percent. It turned out a little less, I agree. But if this is a trend, it will be visible in this year’s admissions campaign,” the rector of KSMU is convinced. “We are in the same segment, and it is clear that there are changes that are associated with the presence of the closest competitor.”

Nevertheless, the total number of points on the Unified State Exam in three main school subjects in KSMU still exceeds the indicators of KFU. Thus, the highest passing score of an applicant in medical school was 275 in the field of general medicine, while at KFU this figure is 246 points for the same profile. “We have good graduates. There may be fewer of them, but KSMU is among the Top 25 universities in Russia in terms of the quality of applicants,” Sozinov noted. — It makes no sense to talk about the time when there was no Unified State Exam and there was a different system for taking university exams. The volume of tasks related to the demonstration by school graduates of competencies that go beyond the limits of factual knowledge is increasing. And it seems to me that this should be taken for granted and the technological nature of the Unified State Exam should be realized.”

Click on the table to download in full

Source: KSMU website

The highest competition at KSMU, as before, remained in the direction of “medical biochemistry” (28.8 people per place) and “dentistry” (15.8), the least popular direction was “ social work“(3), despite the fact that the highest passing score is in the “General Medicine” direction.

Photo: BUSINESS Online


KFU is not far behind its main rival. And this is understandable: the number of budget places at the university’s undergraduate level is decreasing, and the cost of training is growing every year. In 2016, the average tuition price at Volga University increased by 6.3%. And this year, as the first vice-rector of KFU said Riyaz Minzaripov, applicants will have to pay at least 102 thousand rubles when studying in the humanities. Something to think about!

Top 10 most popular KFU directions by passing score (2016)
Directionpassing score
Teacher education (English and second foreign language)279
Oriental and African studies (languages ​​and literatures of Asian and African countries; economics of Asian and African countries; history of Asian and African countries)267
Advertising and Public Relations263
Software engineering (information systems development technologies)260
Teacher Education ( French) 259
Pedagogical education (Russian language and English language)259
Philology (foreign philology: English language and literature, translation studies; Spanish and literature, translation studies)251
General Medicine246
Business Informatics246

Click on the table to download in full

* data taken from the KFU website

At the same time, the university predicts an increase in competition and passing score— the executive secretary of the KFU admissions committee told BUSINESS Online about this Oleg Bodrov. This is a paradoxical statement at first glance, but there is a material basis behind it. “In a number of specialties, there has been a reduction in the number of budget places. This is a unique element of quality selection. As you understand, this will lead to an increase in the USE passing scores of applicants,” notes Bodrov. However, despite its high reputation among applicants, KFU does not disdain PR and continues to conduct active career guidance, our interlocutor said. For this purpose, KFU specialists traveled to cities and districts of the republic, regions of Russia and the CIS countries, actively participating in exhibitions and advertising campaigns.

“The most popular areas are traditionally medicine, economics, international relations, especially their linguistic direction. The Faculty of Law, as well as the Institute of Geology and Oil and Gas Technologies, is in great demand,” Bodrov emphasized. However, there is no sensation in this. From year to year, the announced directions are popular among applicants with high scores, while the admission control figures (ATC) are reduced where the number of budget places is small. Let’s say, the direction “Oriental and African Studies” will be able to admit 13 people for free this year, “Advertising and Public Relations” - 6 applicants, Teacher Education the profile “French language” received 9 places. The greatest blow to KFU came from philology, which lost 23 budget positions in 2017, retaining only 7, and jurisprudence, where 31 budget positions were sequestered with 29 remaining.

Top 10 least popular KFU directions by passing score (2016)
DirectionPassing score
Hydrometeorology (meteorology)180
Teacher Education (Chemistry)180
Information security (mathematical and software tools for information protection)180
Technical Physics180
Quality control180
Quality management (managing robotic production systems)180
Environmental management and water use182
Soil science (soil quality management and biotechnology)182
Geology (geology and geochemistry of fossil fuels)190
Geology (geology)191
Mathematics (general profile)191
Cartography and geoinformatics (geographic information technologies in economics and management)192
Geology (geophysics)192

Click on the table to download in full

Source: KFU website

But there will not be fewer state employees in the most unpopular areas among KFU applicants, and, for example, the slow-moving “cartography and geoinformatics” received an additional 5 free places, making the total number 25.


Judging by the competition of 27 people per place, the Kazan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (KGASU) remains the most popular higher education institution in Tatarstan. Most likely, he will retain his leadership this summer. “In 2017, we expect an increase in competition and average scores due to a reduction in the number of budget places, mainly in the areas of bachelor’s training in the specialties “construction” and “architecture,” say the university’s admissions committee. This year, the alma mater of future architects has greatly reduced the number of budget places - to 613, which is 136 less than last year’s quota. Now the university plans to recruit students through extra-budgetary recruitment. “Applicants understand that by studying at KSASU, they will receive professions that are actually in demand and will be guaranteed employment. Therefore, we believe that the number of people wishing to enroll will not be lower than last year,” the university hopes.

Traditionally, the most popular areas here are “architecture,” “design,” “construction,” “construction of unique buildings and structures,” and “management,” which will be significantly reduced this year. The least popular specialties are “technology of transport processes”, “ground transport and technological complexes”, “technosphere safety”, “design of the architectural environment” and “urban planning”.

The average score of those entering KSASU in 2016 decreased slightly, but the university does not consider it the main indicator, but only the average temperature in the hospital. “You should always want the best. But what schools give us is what we work with. You need to be able to adapt, says the rector of KSASU Rashit Nizamov. — The Unified State Exam still objectively reflects reality and the level of preparation. There’s just no need to recruit people with low Unified State Exam scores, no need to “vacuum clean” everyone.”

Photo: BUSINESS Online


Kazan National Research Technical University named after. Tupolev (KNRTU-KAI), according to the average passing score, as a year earlier, was in fourth place. In 2016, it was 71, which is 2.4 points better than the results of the previous year. “This allowed KNRTU-KAI to take 134th place in the ranking of universities with a CCP of more than 300, compared to 151 place in 2015,” noted the executive secretary of the KAI admissions committee Roman Moiseev. According to him, as a rule, the average Unified State Exam score among schoolchildren is growing from year to year, so the university expects the indicator to increase. “Interest in engineering specialties and areas of training continues to grow. This year we expect an increase in the number of applicants compared to 2016,” he added.

Click on the table to download in full

Source: KNRTU-KAI website

The areas with the greatest competition are “aircraft engines”, “standardization and metrology”, “thermal power engineering and thermal engineering”, “nanoengineering”, “mechanical engineering”. “We expect this trend to continue in 2017,” Moiseev hopes. At the same time, he says, demand for specialties usually develops in a sinusoidal manner, that is, interest in areas of training for which there was relatively low competition in the previous year often increases in the next year. “This is due to the fact that the guys want to play it safe and increase their chances of admission,” explained the executive secretary.

Click on the table to download in full

Source: KNRTU-KAI website

Judging by the dynamics of budget places, KAI has no reasons for the increase in competition. Of the most popular areas, “software engineering” was reduced by 5 places (to 25) and, surprisingly, specialized “aircraft engineering” was reduced by 7 places, where 44 places remained. It seems that today the country does not really need new Tupolevs.

The number of budget places at the Volga Region State Academy of Physical Education, Sports and Tourism is increasing from year to year - compared to last year there are 23 more of them Photo: BUSINESS Online


The fifth-sixth positions in terms of the quality of applicants are shared by Kazansky state institute culture (KazGIK) and Volga region state academy physical education, sports and tourism (PGAFKSiT). But if the first has a very high competition, 9 people per place, then the second makes efforts to scrape together two for one “vacancy”.

However, the Volga Region Academy of Sports plans that the flow of applicants this year will increase significantly, especially since the university’s admission centers have increased to 618. According to the rector of the academy Yusupa Yakubov, 90% of the university’s students are trained at the expense of the state budget, and now 2,450 students are absorbing knowledge and skills within its walls. As the State Academy of Physical Culture and Culture suggests, by 2020 4 thousand students will study here. According to these plans, the number of budget places is increasing from year to year - there are 23 more compared to last year, and in 2018 the academy plans to increase the team of state employees to 778 - 10% more than this year. Against the backdrop of so many free places, such low competition becomes a completely understandable phenomenon. At the same time, the overall popularity of the 9 directions existing at the university is approximately at the same level.

To attract as many students as possible, PGAFKSiT is actively developing programs distance learning. After all, professional athletes spend most of their time at training camps and competitions, and it happens that in the morning a student listens to a lecture remotely or takes an exam, and in the evening he goes to the start line. At the same time, the demand from professionals is the same as from other students. “We cannot turn a blind eye to a student’s poor performance, even if he is an athlete,” says Yakubov. “We have requirements from the Ministry of Sports that if a student shows poor academic performance throughout the year, then I, as the rector, must sign an expulsion order.”

The most popular destinations in KazGIK, according to its rector Rivkata Yusupova, are “film and television directing”, “design”, “acting” and “tourism”. Well, the fashion for these professions has not gone away for several decades. The least popular fields in the cultural student community are “musical and instrumental art,” “library and information activities,” and “sound engineering of audiovisual arts.” The university did not predict how the passing scores would change this year, but noted that potential migrants to the capital’s VGIK or Moscow Art Theater are attracted by such new areas as “painting,” “monumental and decorative art,” and “animation and computer graphics director.”


At the Kazan State Energy University, according to the results of last year, the competition for budget places increased almost fourfold, and with it the average Unified State Examination score increased by 2.5 points. This trend at the university is explained by an increase in career guidance activities. “I must say, this work is bearing fruit - every year we note an increase in the average passing score by an average of one point,” noted the university press service. In three fundamental subjects (Russian language, mathematics and physics), the average score in Russia grows every year by an average of 10%, the energy university emphasizes, and at KSPEU the “quality” of graduates is growing more intensively than the national average. “We didn’t even have anyone to expel after the first session last year,” boasts the vice-rector for educational work KSPEU Alexander Leontyev.

“We do not have budget-funded humanities areas, but all technical areas are in great demand,” the university emphasizes. — The first priority is “electric power,” followed by “thermal power.” Typically, 1,500 people apply for more than 300 electricity jobs. In 2016, the direction “applied computer science” appeared and immediately became one of the leaders. Distinctive feature The advantage of preparing students in this area is that with us they gain knowledge in the field of electrical power engineering, and after graduation they do not have to explain the basics of the specifics of the activities of an energy enterprise.” According to our interlocutors, the greatest competition in 2016 was observed in such areas of training at KSPEU as “automation of technological processes and production”, “electric power and electrical engineering”, “applied computer science” and “applied mathematics”.

“Kazan Energy University is interested in smart guys staying in Tatarstan,” says the head of the KGEU press center Nikolai von Essen. “That’s why we increase scholarships for students for participating in olympiads or for a high number of points received on the Unified State Exam.” In the first semester, this scholarship can reach 15 thousand rubles, in the next - about 10 thousand rubles.

Photo: BUSINESS Online


Another technical university, KNRTU-KKhTI, somehow got lost in the general mass of commercial and state universities. If the average competition here is approximately at the level of KAI, then the Unified State Examination indicator increased by only 0.4 and stopped at 62.5 points. Perhaps this is due to the large reputational losses of the university against the backdrop of corruption scandals associated with the previous leadership. We would like to remind you that shortly after the guilty verdict, the ex-vice rector of Kazakh Chemical Technology Institute Ildar Abdullin dashed off a good dozen statements describing the technical university as a real whirlpool of corruption and exposing the ex-rector German Dyakonov, a number of vice-rectors, professors and heads of departments. According to the former vice-rector, the university management allegedly gave kickbacks to Gazprom, federal ministries and even stole student scholarships.

The new rector will have to work to restore the reputation of one of the leading technical universities in Kazan. “When another top person comes, of course, something changes,” said the rector of KKhTI Sergey Yushko BUSINESS Online correspondent. — Probably, in all universities there are some manifestations. But now such close attention is paid to our university that, of course, there is no corruption and there never will be. But this should not be a one-time event; there must be constant monitoring. Everything has already been found and neutralized. Life at the university is set on normal lines. You can calmly study and gain knowledge.”

Photo: BUSINESS Online

This year the university plans to actively compete for applicants with the highest grades on the Unified State Exam. “The quality of applicants is growing every year. Those who are now entering their first year are better prepared than students of previous years. Of course, there are certain difficulties, but the technological university will fight for 100-point students,” the new rector assured.

This year, applicants will continue to fight for budget places in the areas of “oil and gas engineering” and “chemical technology” - this is where the university has the highest passing score. The competition among future oil workers, for example, last summer amounted to 17 people per place: there were more only in the areas of “thermal power engineering and heating engineering” and “electric power engineering and electrical engineering” - 47 and 55 applications per place, respectively. And the lowest “turnout” occurred in 2016 for “design of light industrial products” and “food products of animal origin.” “But for them, for one budget place, 2.5 and 3 applications were submitted, respectively, which, in my opinion, is a very good indicator,” says the executive secretary of the admission committee of KNRTU-KKhTI Marat Valeev. In general, the average competition for the university exceeded 10 people per place. Let's hope that this year, after the change of rector, this figure will increase even more.

Kazan Innovation University named after. Timiryasova, which has several budget places in its arsenal, received a worthy place in the ranking of educational institutions of the Republic of Tatarstan Photo: BUSINESS Online


Meanwhile, the two main commercial universities of the republic - Kazan Innovation University named after. Timiryasova (KIU) and the TISBI University of Management, which also have several budget places in their arsenal, received decent results in the ranking of educational institutions of Tatarstan at the end of 2016. Average Unified State Examination of the applicant TISBY increased by 7 points, although the competition decreased by 12 people. This year, taking into account the increased number of budget places (+11 this year), the university’s admissions committee expects an even greater influx of applicants. “Judging by the number of calls already coming into admissions committee our university, the number of applications this year will not be less than last year,” they say in the KIU press service. In terms of average competition for a budget place, a commercial university can already compete with KSASU - 19 people per place, although the average score still remains at the same level.

Traditionally greatest number Those wishing to study came to study in the fields of economics, law, and management, they say in many universities. “We noticed that in the last two years the interest of applicants in the areas of tourism and linguistics has increased significantly. This is primarily the result of attracting native speakers to teach language disciplines foreign languages. It is obvious that in 2017 the competition among applicants for these areas will be quite serious,” noted the Kazan Innovation University. Timiryasova.

As before, two universities that are very important for the economy cannot boast of achievements - Kazan State agricultural university(KSAU) and Kazan Academy of Veterinary Medicine (KGAVM). Rector of KSAU Jaudat Faizrakhmanov reported that the average score of its applicants did not change last year and amounted to 60.3. The head of KSAU noted that the university’s classrooms are filled mainly by yesterday’s schoolchildren from rural areas, so the university does not plan to increase tuition prices this year. At KSAVM, the applicant's passing score increased from 50.6 to 60.6, but the competition did not increase - four people per place.

In conclusion, we would like to remind you that many of the university employees surveyed by BUSINESS Online noted once again the increased training of school graduates. Everything suggests that the trend recent years will remain, which means passing scores and competition among applicants will increase. Let’s hope that at the same time the quality of training of university graduates will improve.