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Holidays in quarters. When does spring begin, when is summer, when is autumn, and when is winter? When is the summer holidays

The most anticipated period in 2017 for all schoolchildren is summer holidays. However, not only children, but also adults are waiting for them: we all dream of getting away somewhere in the warm month, relaxing, and changing the environment. For the younger generation, changes of this kind also couldn’t come at a better time. Modern pressures at school do not allow us to experience the lightness and freedom characteristic of childhood throughout the year. That’s why the kids are looking forward to the summer so they can have fun, swim and sleep during the remaining nine months of school.

Summer holidays 2017 - schedule

When will summer holidays begin for schoolchildren in 2017 in Russia? In this article you will learn about the terms and schedule of holidays in the Russian Federation during the specified period.

It should be noted that summer holidays begin from the last Friday in May - from the last bell at school. In 2017, the last school Friday falls on May 26th. Therefore, the summer holidays will begin from the very next day. Thus, the timing of summer holidays in the Russian Federation is from May 27 to September 1, 2017 .

Who sets the dates for summer holidays in 2017

Each educational institution in Russia reserves the right to change the start and end dates of the academic year depending on own characteristics. Traditionally, the academic year begins on September 1, and this is the date that most educational institutions adhere to, not only in our country, but also in many other countries. It is noteworthy that September 1 in 2017 falls on the last working day of the week – Friday. Few schools, lyceums and gymnasiums will decide to start classes on this date. Therefore, the summer holidays will most likely be extended by as much as three days, and classes will begin no earlier than September 4 - Monday.

Recreation for schoolchildren during the summer holidays 2017

According to established Russian legislation According to the rules, in the summer, schoolchildren must rest for at least 90 calendar days.

Why was such a long period of time chosen specifically for the summer period, and not, say, winter, when it is especially cold, or spring, during which most diseases worsen? The answer lies in antiquity, when decisions were only made about the construction of training time. In the days of church schools, children initially studied all year round. But later it was noticed that in the summer, children attend school less often, because they spend a lot of time helping adults (previously, every person who could help with everyday life or working in the field was worth his weight in gold). Therefore, in order for children to be less distracted from the school process, during periods of particularly active sowing, as well as during the period of caring for and harvesting the harvest, children were allowed not to attend classes at school. Later, this period was called summer vacation and introduced to the level of the state norm, with which we are all familiar from childhood.

Children and parents are interested in the question of when the summer holidays at school will begin in 2018, from what date. The guys are pretty tired from classes and are looking forward to this moment. Of course, you can devote three whole months to rest and do whatever you want.

Summer holidays last from June 1 to August 31. Children junior classes They will start enjoying the moment earlier. They will be sent home on May 25, immediately after the last bell. No changes were reported in 2018. This means everything is going according to the usual schedule. But dates may vary slightly. Educational institutions have the right to dismiss students a little earlier, or, conversely, later than in the country as a whole. It all depends on the curriculum adopted.

The school administration may make changes to the schedule, but in general, the summer holiday period in schools, gymnasiums and lyceums is the same. This makes it easier to plan holiday events, exams and competitions.

In what cases can the start and end dates of holidays be changed?

Due to unscheduled holidays resulting from force majeure, natural Disasters or technical breakdowns (pipe break, urgent roof repair, etc.), the administration has the right to adjust the deadlines.

As a result of such situations, the educational process is disrupted. Students are sent home, and then they have to catch up with the program. Similar measures apply to strikes and epidemics. Of course, children rejoice at any opportunity not to go to school, but they must understand that missed classes, one way or another, will have to be made up.

Fortunately, this happens extremely rarely. The management is doing everything possible so as not to deprive the children of proper rest. In case of unforeseen circumstances, the school program is expanded through additional hours, or on Saturdays.

Why are such long holidays needed?

Children often experience stress during their studies. Especially at the moment tests and exams. To restore strength and nervous system, it takes time. Three months of rest from classes and homework is enough to take a breath and bring emotional condition back to normal. And at the same time, thoroughly prepare for the new academic year.

While the children are relaxing, work is in full swing at school. Teachers are preparing plans for the next school year. Necessary renovations are being carried out in the offices. A fun time begins for children, which cannot be said about parents. They need to plan their child’s leisure time, think about where to send him to relax for the summer. Some are unable to take vacation during this time. Due to the fact, information about when the summer holidays at school 2018 will begin, and from what date, worries them no less than the children.

Vacations under the supervision of teachers

It is understandable that adults are concerned about what their child will do all day while they are at work. In fact, there is a way out of the situation. Now the following is being introduced everywhere in the Russian Federation: in May, teachers draw up lists of children for school camps for June and July. In most cases they are paid, but the prices are quite reasonable. A day's stay for a child costs approximately 50-100 rubles.

Summer holidays are the most favorite for any schoolchild. A long three-month vacation, warm weather, games and walks in the fresh air, as well as trips to children's camps or to visit relatives - these are approximately the associations that arise when any Russian resident remembers the summer holidays. When do summer holidays begin for Russian schoolchildren in 2018 - from what date do children go on summer holidays, what features exist for determining the start date of the holidays.

When will the 2018 summer holidays begin for Russian schoolchildren?

As a rule, the formal scope of vacations turns out to be somewhat wider. Thus, rare schoolchildren are forced to study until May 31, and school does not always begin on September 1, and not later. The scope of the holidays depends, among other things, on which days of the week in a particular year the days of the formal end of one academic year and the beginning of the next fall.

In 2018, September 1st falls on a Saturday, so the next school year will actually not begin until Monday, September 3rd.

As for the end of the current school year, for most schoolchildren it has already ended. Thus, primary school students mostly finished their studies on May 23, and senior school students – on May 26.

The only people studying until May 31 are children in schools using a modular system with trimesters rather than the usual quarters. In such schools, the academic year is scheduled more strictly, and each school week on a special account.

Of course, we shouldn’t forget about graduate students. For them, the most important time is just beginning. However, this does not mean that they will be deprived of vacations in principle.

By the way, for Russian schoolchildren In the summer, 50% Russian Railways operate.

When do summer holidays start for 9th grade graduates?

Main delivery period OGE exams for ninth graders began on May 25. Because of this, even the last bell for 9th grade students was postponed to the 23rd-24th. The main wave of the OGE ends on June 9 with a social studies exam.

Accordingly, for those ninth-graders who have the opportunity to pass all exams on time (and they are the majority), the most difficult part ends no later than June 9. And for many even earlier - it all depends on what subjects a particular student chose as elective exams and when exactly these exams take place according to OGE schedule 2018.

Reserve dates for the OGE in 2018 are from June 20 to June 29. The results of the main wave become known from June 6 to June 21, the additional period - from June 26 to July 5. Accordingly, already in the first half of July, one way or another, most ninth-graders will decide on their further studies. Some will apply to colleges, technical schools and other educational institutions, others to their own or another school to continue their education in the tenth grade.

One way or another, by mid-July at the latest, most ninth-graders will begin their summer vacation, albeit shorter than they are used to.

When do summer holidays start for 11th grade graduates?

As for eleventh-graders, the main wave of the Unified State Exam for them starts on May 28 and ends only on June 20. The additional exam period will take place from June 22 to July 2.

The results of the Unified State Examination of the main wave will come from June 15 to July 5, the additional period - from July 5 to July 17.

Then eleventh grade graduates will need to submit documents to the universities of their choice, wait for the results of their consideration and worry. However, in essence, the holidays, albeit quite nervous, will also begin for most no later than the first half of July.

For the most part, sales in Moscow begin in the first ten days of July. The first discounts are small - 5-10%, but usually buyers begin to update their wardrobe at this time, while the season is still in full swing and the range of goods is quite large, there is plenty to choose from. By the end of the sales season, which ends in late July - mid-August, discounts can reach 70%, but the required sizes may no longer be available.

When you go hunting for new fashionable things, remember that this process does not tolerate haste and fuss. Take a close look at the price tags - sometimes on the counter with the “-50%” sign there may be things that have a much smaller discount or no discount at all. In some stores, this technique is often used by sellers to sell as much product as possible. It will be a shame if your purchase turns out to be not as profitable as it seemed at first glance.

Sales time is hot not only for buyers, but also for sellers. They are trying in every way to get buyers to fork out money. If there is an announcement on the store window that discounts of 10-20% will last until a certain date, there is confidence that after this period there will be further discounts, and the discounts will be increased.

In order to force the buyer to buy something, a promotion is also carried out, when for two purchased items they offer you a third. Often the result of participation in such events is a bunch of useless and unnecessary things. Try to control yourself and not succumb to these provocations.

Many stores warn customers that items purchased at significant discounts will not be returned. Please be aware that any item purchased on sale may be returned to the store or exchanged in accordance with consumer protection laws.

Sales addresses indicating the start and end dates and the amount of discounts can always be found on the Internet. Don't miss this opportunity to buy fashionable shoes at half price.

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Just 15 years ago, buyers perceived sales as an attempt to sell defective goods. However, over time, similar experience of foreign companies has taken root in our country. Today, many buyers are looking forward to sales in their favorite stores in order to purchase their favorite product at an attractive price.


Before you sell an item, you need to:
- identify its goals for yourself;
- prepare the outlet for the sale;
- think about announcing it.

First, decide what the goals of the sale are:
1. A regular seasonal sale, which is held to clear the retail space from the remnants of an unsold seasonal collection, in order to make room for a new collection, the arrival of which is planned for the near future.
2. In order to sell a certain group of goods, the demand for which has fallen for some reason.
3. To increase the decreased customer flow.
4. If you decide to stop cooperating with a certain supplier, then you can sell this collection at prices that are favorable to the buyer.
5. Carrying out a sale on the eve of the holidays, which will allow you to make a huge profit due to the increased demand several times.

Next, prepare the retail space for the sale. You can choose a convenient option for presenting a group of products for sale on the sales floor:
1. prepare a separate shelf/rack/stand for this product category, highlighting it with POS materials;
2. arrange products in the general mass, highlighting advantageous offers with price tags. (At the same time, different price tags may correspond to different discounts: for example, red guarantees a discount of 50%, 30%, and green - 15%.)

Guerrilla methods should not be underestimated. A few students, for a modest fee, will create a stir in the store, rummaging through the stands and racks with items on sale, which will draw potential buyers there like a magnet. The sight of students trying on clothes in the sales area should mentally say to those passing by and doubting: “The offer is excellent, I wish I had time, but the fitting rooms are all occupied.”

To summarize what has been said, you can organize a sale by defining your goals - preparing the premises - carrying out the announcement in the ways available to you.


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Discount cards have long been firmly established in our lives. Upon receipt, the buyer fills out a form in which he indicates his contact information. Almost all stores notify holders of discount and club cards when sales begin with messages on mobile phone or send letters to e-mail.

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How not to succumb to the magic of crossed out price tags and buy only those things that will definitely fit into your wardrobe and will be worn for years. A short guide to making successful sale purchases.

Twice a year there is a great opportunity to fill your wardrobe with things at half the price, but usually we spend a significant amount on clothes, which then end up as dead weight in the closet. Marketers know their stuff. It is more profitable for a store to sell a product at a 70% discount than not to sell it at all. Not to mention the fact that the cost of the item does not exceed 10% of the original price.

In order not to fall under the hypnosis of crossed out price tags twice a year, use the following rules: 1. Disassemble the closet and make a list of necessary things. Once a season, before the sales start, go through your closet. Get rid of knitted blouses that have lost their former shape and color. Sell ​​items in good condition if you are not comfortable wearing them. Don't forget your shoes. For example, at some point I realized that high-heeled shoes were lying in the closet like a dead weight, since it suddenly became uncomfortable for me to walk in them, now I’m selling my shoe collection. Combine the remaining things with each other, see what goes well with what. Most likely, you will find beautiful and not at all universal wardrobe items that have nothing to wear with them. Now it’s time to buy what you need on sale. For example, a sequined skirt that you bought before going to the club the year before last and expensive leather culottes will be saved by a simple white loose-fitting shirt. Perhaps, on the contrary, you have a solid basic wardrobe and need accent shoes to make your looks more interesting. Based on the results of the audit, we make a list of what you need, and write next to each item the maximum amount you are willing to pay for it. In stores we try to follow the list.

2. Come to the store in clothes with which you intend to combine your new purchases. It is better to look at the kit with a critical eye before purchasing. If you were unable to prepare in advance, do not cut off the tags immediately upon arriving home. First, put on the kit and take a photo of yourself. The photograph shows better fit problems or controversial combinations. If the item does not fit at least in some respect, feel free to return it to the store. Wear underwear that you plan to wear under your new clothes. Already in the fitting room you can see that the bra is see-through and the fabric should be thicker.

3. Avoid the hype. The first point should already set you up for conscious consumption, but the magic of multi-colored price tags can lead you astray. Pay attention to the quality of the fabric, crooked seams and other common defects in mass-market stores. Sometimes it's better to go have a coffee and think. If in the process of thinking they buy something they like, it means it is not needed, otherwise you would not go for coffee. When buying shoes, walk at least 300 meters around the store in new shoes, otherwise it is impossible to understand in which places the rubbing will occur. As long as you walk around in shoes, no one is guaranteed to buy them.

4. Try to buy basic items on sale, ignore micro-trends. A simple shirt or well-fitting skinny trousers are, of course, subject to the flow of fashion, but the count goes on for 5-7 years. And trendy trends that have already been on sale will next season look exactly like “a trend from last season, bought at a discount.” If you don’t follow the issues of Vogue magazine, then avoid exaggerated designs: too wide shoulders, cutouts in unusual places, strange combinations of colors - all this most likely has already walked down the catwalk, been sewn by the hardworking Chinese and had its day at the beginning of the season.

5. Buy things from the mass market on the Internet. By the middle of the sales season, relatively inexpensive stores turn into a branch of the now defunct Cherkizovsky market of the mid-90s. Interesting things remain in the same size, shirts have traces of foundation and lipstick, thin knitwear already has holes. There are too many people, there are kilometer-long queues at the fitting rooms. To avoid extreme shopping, before the sales season starts, try on the items you like in the store and buy them on the website on the first day of discounts. Firstly, no one tried on the item, which means it is definitely in good condition, and secondly, you will avoid wasted time in queues.

6. Take a closer look at a different price category. The sales season is an opportunity to buy something that you cannot afford at the original price. Items made from expensive materials, premium brands or the “middle” category, there are discounts on everything. 7. Buy things for which fashion does not change at the speed of light. It’s definitely worth buying lingerie, sportswear, home clothes, and little things like gloves, hats and scarves at the sales. The cut of pajamas is approximately the same throughout the years, as is that of underwear (except that push-ups are sadly disappearing into oblivion). Trends in sportswear also change very slowly, except that every year the fabrics become more technologically advanced.

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Summer holidays are a period that every schoolchild expects almost from September 1st. At this time, children get three whole months to take a break from lessons, gain strength and improve their health.

The children are recovering from the stress caused by exams and tests, and are also preparing for the new academic year. Thanks to long holidays, summer is always associated with the opportunity to relax and unwind.

Schools also need such a break, because in the summer they renovate classrooms, teachers draw up new curricula and go on vacation. For parents, the summer holidays are a difficult period, because they need to think about their child’s leisure time and plan their pastime, which can be difficult, because most adults work at any time of the year.

Taking this into account, information about when summer will begin and end will be of interest to both children and their parents.

Dates of summer holidays

The start and end date of summer holidays has remained unchanged for many years - from June 1 to August 31. The coming 2018 will be no exception, and schoolchildren will go on vacation in accordance with the usual schedule.

Can these dates change? Theoretically, yes: in some educational institutions, vacations may begin a little earlier or later than in the country as a whole. This is due to the fact that each school has the right to independently determine the timing of the holidays, based on their adopted curriculum.

As a rule, vacation periods in all schools, lyceums and gymnasiums coincide, to make it easier to plan exams, olympiads and holidays. But if necessary, the school administration can change this.

The school management may set other dates for the start and end of the holidays, for example, due to natural disasters or technical troubles (water pipe break, destruction of the school roof, etc.).

Such force majeure events disrupt the educational process, and the school has to cancel classes and let students go on unscheduled holidays. To such measures the administration educational institution forced to resort in case of epidemics or strikes.

As a result, children do not have time to complete all the necessary material, and they have to make up the missed time. This is what may affect the timing of the holidays.

But this happens infrequently, because the school management understands the importance of summer holidays for children and the outrage that a reduction in “legal” rest will cause. Therefore, in case of unplanned days off syllabus They usually catch up with lessons on Saturday in order to finish their studies before the start of the holidays.

How to organize rest for your child during the summer holidays?

With the beginning of summer, parents are faced with the difficult task of planning a vacation for their child. If children could easily spend short winter holidays at home in the company of friends and parents, then long summer holidays require a more serious approach. It is especially difficult for adults whose children are still small and whose vacation is too short or non-existent.

But there are several options for organizing children’s summer leisure, which we will now consider.

To the village to grandma's

Sending a child to his grandparents is an “ageless classic” that parents resort to at all times. It is especially good if the grandmother lives in the village - this way the child will spend more time in the fresh air, gain strength and become healthier.

Usually this option suits everyone: grandparents get the opportunity to communicate with their grandchildren, whom they miss, children get a little break from parental control, and parents forget for a while about the role of controllers and also relax. Another plus is that mom and dad don’t have to worry about the conditions in which their child lives, what he eats and who he goes out with, because they know that they will look after him.

Summer camps

Enrolling your child in a health camp is a great idea. In such an institution, children not only improve their health, but also find many friends, learn new things, gain interesting knowledge and valuable experience. A trip to the camp always brings a lot of impressions and leaves behind indelible impressions.

Today there are many different camps that specialize in various types recreation. So, a child can be sent to a scientific, creative, dance, or sports camp. Such institutions offer a very rich program, with which children will not get bored and will spend their time with maximum benefit.

The only difficulty for parents is to choose a suitable camp. The selection of a child’s vacation spot must be approached very seriously, because it is important that the establishment employs professional educators, there were comfortable and safe living conditions, healthy nutrition and a well-thought-out leisure program. It is also worth considering that places in good camps are sold out very quickly, so it is recommended to buy a ticket in advance.

Joint holiday

If it is not possible to send your child to camp or to grandma’s, you need to think about how you can have fun and useful time at home. For example, you can make a plan for interesting joint activities for the weekend.

So, parents and their child can go hiking, go to the river or sea, walk in the park, or go to the movies. Of course, this will require adults to spend time and money, but all the efforts will certainly pay off.

So that your child has something to do on weekdays and does not spend all his time on the Internet, he can be enrolled in sections that interest him. For example, a child can be sent to swimming, drawing, martial arts, football or dancing. The main thing is that the child likes it and enjoys the activity. This way he will make good use of his summer holidays.

Summer is a long-awaited time for all children, when they can feel freedom and forget about school everyday life. At the same time, the holidays can be made interesting and useful.