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Hypothesis: are we all inside a giant space Ark? A dome over the Earth and the manifestation of new energies. Different colors of the sky on the border of the spheres of reality We live under the dome rocket 117 km

Recently we had the honor to witness such an interesting phenomenon

A brief review of the session showed that we are talking about the awakening energies of the Earth, thus emerging into the reality of a new space and manifesting themselves in different ways in its spheres.

In the depths of the planet, on different continents and in different places, there are deposits of the blue energy of Life. Also now opal energies of different shades have begun to appear - pink, silver, blue, etc. These are the energies of new space, most often they have a bluish-white-crystal tint and now they are growing through the planetary crust, the Earth is becoming a little larger, as if it in such a beautiful bubble, and she herself is saturated with this energy, rocks, water, places of power, crystals, they begin to glow more and more. This energy was hidden deep, most often under mountain ranges, so that it would not be reached, so it concentrates in certain places and now comes to the surface, expressed in such interesting effects.

By the way, Crimea is one of the places where this energy is concentrated, just like the island of Phangan and its surroundings shown in the clip above.
Both places, like many others on the planet, bear traces of plasma exposure carried out during various cleanups, but we’ll talk about this separately.

Above the entire Earth we have different or spheres of reality; they are located both above the planet itself and its individual countries, geographical zones and each individual settlement. Moving from one dome to another, perception, well-being, the picture of the sky may change, various physical anomalies and disagreements arise, which supporters of the flat Earth theory usually use for “evidence”, forgetting or not understanding that the usual physical properties of space and matter change with distance from the surface of the planet, space and its quantum properties are refracted, just as light rays are refracted in water.

Domes over different zones of the planet are also the remains of experimental space-time greenhouses:

Spatio-temporal greenhouses (SPG)

From the very beginning of the Earth experiment, each stellar primordial civilization had here (and has now, but less tangible for us) its own sphere of influence on a geographical, or rather spatiotemporal basis. Each crop (civilization of the Earth) was assigned not just its own geographical zones, but its own laboratories of reality or space-time greenhouses (hereinafter referred to as STP), in which the physical laws known to us could differ significantly, depending on the assigned evolutionary tasks. Separation and protection were also carried out, for example, from predators and particularly violent aborigines.

For example, Atlantis was responsible for technical and material progress, and Lemuria (Mu) for spirituality and energies of a more subtle plane. The Atlanteans had denser bodies and mature consciousness, while the Lemurians (to some extent) can be compared to children at play. To some extent, in terms of body density, Atlanteans can be compared with fish, and Lemurians with jellyfish. Their habitats varied in relatively the same way that land and water differ today. Having completely different Their DNA, size and appearance were also different

Each pre-civilization was allocated a certain area for creation on Earth, which previously did not have a single density, a single flow of time and other uniform vibration parameters. The Earth was and remains a multidimensional laboratory.

As the experiment progressed, these parameters were “averaged,” and the experimental HTPs merged into a single planetary energy-information field, in which we live together (or not quite) today. Various races of people (physical bodies and souls), animals, and plants were imported from different star systems, which after this “averaging” began to settle across the common playing field. By our era, HTPs have been synchronized with each other into a single environment - assembled into a common puzzle, in which all the conditions of the surrounding reality have become almost identical, regardless of the geographical zone, and each person can now move from one zone to another without physical restrictions (but bureaucratic increased), but sometimes visible failures occur, shown in the clip above.

Domes are most often highlighted with a rainbow:

Domes are also clearly visible as an invisible ceiling over volcanoes during eruptions:

From comments on the topic:

1. I dreamed of a dome that was erected so that no one could fly from space. People turned other people into red birds, and they were supposed to act as guards against those who wanted to go to Earth through the dome. They wanted to turn me too, but I refused. I wanted to see what was behind the dome, but the local chief told me that it was dangerous, that he prohibited it, etc. It still flew by. And there was just a ceiling and some men were looking at me... It seems to me that the theme of domes, whatever they are, manifests itself in dreams in different ways, it is not necessarily a dome. I often came across many membranes instead of the sky, sometimes paper, sometimes concrete or rubber, but layer by layer, you can’t get through. Once such a border looked like a huge rusty workshop spread out over the Earth and from which many chains or rails slid down, along which rusty carts sometimes fell with a clang. She found a hole and slowly climbed towards it. Terrible thoughts came into my head, as if I was violating something terrible, now they would punish me so much that I would not wake up (it was a wasp). Still, I crawled, I was already sticking my head out, when something banged behind me. I thought I was going to die for nothing, but I came back to reality in such a way that it really hurt. It turned out that in reality the door in the room was slammed. Well, I think many people are familiar with clotheslines in dreams and their friends - wires. I don’t know about others, but I can only fly through the enormous power of positivity without getting confused. Although maybe the wires are something else. I saw “Empty” Persians in a dream, but the controlling creatures were blue.

D_A: There are different domes, on different planes and densities, so everyone sees them in their own way. about wires or “clotheslines”: as my experience shows, they usually duplicate those in physics (run parallel to them), but there are more of them.

2. This topic has been coming to me for several days from different sources, so it made me look at it all from above.

There is such a mechanism (exaggerated) - there are, as it were, 2 shells - domes: day and night. They are not always clearly synchronized. As a result, when day and night change, they sometimes creep on top of each other, which forms a gap in the opposite part and then we see 2 suns at the same time, or the flow-connections of the traffic police with the outside world become physically visible, which in the normal state the dome simply cuts.

Yes, this mechanism has been getting more and more glitchy lately, which is why people are increasingly seeing these gaps

Have you ever seen anything like this? What do you think about what is happening?)

Unfolded parts

The question of the influence of the dome on the Earth and life on it concerns not only the past. God promises to restore the Flat Earth in the future to a paradisiacal environment similar to that experienced by Adam and Eve (Psalm 37:29; Proverbs 2:21, 22; Matthew 5:5). It is logical that in the future earthly paradise the dome will also be restored, because, as was said, it was specially created by God in order to make the Flat Earth even better suited for life. This means that the influence the dome had on the earth concerns not only the past, but also the future of people. What influence did he have?

Because the transparent dome was “above space,” i.e., in the upper atmosphere, it apparently did not experience any contact with the Flat Earth biosphere, including the lower atmosphere where life exists. Therefore, its physical impact on the biosphere can mainly include only an increase in atmospheric pressure and the absorption of certain types of radiation. Let's take a closer look at these factors.

Atmospheric pressure. As discussed above, the dome could increase atmospheric pressure by anywhere from 0.75 to 1.7 atmospheres.

It must be said that a person, rather, feels not the increased or decreased air pressure itself, but its sharp change. If the pressure changes gradually, a person adapts to it and can feel completely natural (of course, as long as this pressure lies within suitable limits for life).

Of greater interest is not the change in atmospheric pressure as such, but the resulting change in the partial pressure of the constituents of the atmosphere, mainly oxygen.

Visible radiation from the Sun (as well as stars). For visible light rays, the dome is completely transparent (it has only a very small absorption band of red light). This means that for an observer on earth, the sky looked generally the same as we see it now - both day and night. T

Infrared (thermal) radiation. The Flat Earth atmosphere, surrounded by a dome of mass, undoubtedly created a completely different climate on Earth. This is primarily due to the fact that water vapor is a greenhouse gas.

A greenhouse gas is a gas that absorbs infrared radiation and converts it into heat. The remaining (non-greenhouse) gases are transparent to infrared radiation. Greenhouse gases can also emit energy in the infrared wavelength range. Therefore, greenhouse gases, on the one hand, trap heat and increase the temperature on earth, and, on the other hand, play a role in removing energy from the atmosphere itself into space, preventing the planet from overheating. The balance of these processes determines the temperature regime of the Flat Earth.

The dome, thus, acted as a thermal layer that prevented excessive heating of the surface of the Flat Earth during the day, reflecting a significant part of the infrared radiation of the Sun, but at the same time preventing it from excessive cooling at night, reflecting the Earth's own radiation back to its surface. (It is possible that it was for this reason that Adam and Eve could live in the Garden of Eden without clothes and still not freeze even at night, at least at these latitudes of the globe.)

The presence of such a thermal layer also affected the difference in average temperatures between the equator and the poles - it might not have been so hot at the equator, and not so cold at the poles, and also, possibly, between summer and winter - there would not have been such scorching heat in summer and severe frosts in winter. In general, the climate throughout the flat planet was more even.

It should be noted that water vapor does not absorb all infrared radiation: for some frequencies of the infrared spectrum (8–12 μm) it is transparent. This means that before the Flood the sun was hot, but apparently not as hot as it is today. (By the way, since Genesis 3:8 speaks of a “cool time of day,” it is logical to assume that there were hotter times of day already; another verse, Genesis 8:22, reports that before the Flood, at least in some parts the lands were “cold and hot.”)

SO, from the above it is clear that the dome performs an important climatic function (increasing atmospheric pressure and creating a different temperature regime), for which, most likely, it was created by God.


In addition to visible and infrared radiation, other types of radiation fall on the Earth, most of which are frankly destructive to life. Let's consider whether the dome over the flat Earth played any role in their absorption and whether it changed the intensity of such types of radiation at the Earth's surface compared to modern values.

Ultraviolet radiation. Ultraviolet radiation includes electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength from 10 to 400 nm.

Video about the dome over the Earth:

10–200 nm. Water vapor absorbs ultraviolet light with a wavelength of 200 nm and shorter. However, rays with these wavelengths are also well absorbed by oxygen: such short-wave radiation today is absorbed by oxygen molecules already at an altitude of 100 km and does not reach the surface of the earth, despite the absence of a steam-water dome.

200–280 nm. Ultraviolet with a wavelength of 200–280 nm is not absorbed by water vapor, no matter how thick its layer. In today's atmosphere, such rays are absorbed by the only gas - ozone (with the exception of a small part of the spectrum near 200 nm, in which oxygen still absorbs). The range under consideration also includes the most life-threatening ultraviolet rays - radiation with wavelengths from 255 to 266 nm. The ozone layer completely absorbs the entire range of 200–280 nm, including its most dangerous part. In view of this, ozone is an irreplaceable gas of the atmosphere, without which life on earth is impossible, and its presence is not compensated by a steam-water dome or anything else. Therefore, ozone undoubtedly existed in the atmosphere before the Flood.

280–320 nm. Steam does not absorb waves in this range either. These waves are also absorbed only by ozone, however, unlike the previous range, they are no longer 100%. Some of it reaches the ground. It is these rays that first become more intense at the surface of the earth when the ozone layer is destroyed. In small doses, this radiation is useful and even necessary for humans (it is the main source of skin tanning), but in case of overdose it can cause damage to the skin and eyes.

320–400 nm. Ultraviolet with wavelengths of 320–400 nm does not absorb water vapor, ozone, or any other atmospheric gases. This radiation reaches the earth's surface almost without loss. It also tans the skin and is not harmful to eyesight.

Once again about the role of ozone. It should be noted that ozone is spontaneously formed from oxygen under the influence of short-wave radiation from the Sun, without which it gradually disintegrates. Today, ozone is found in the middle layers of the atmosphere (at altitudes from 10–15 to 50 km, the highest concentration is at an altitude of 20–25 km, but before the Flood it could be in some small quantities above the steam-water dome. Under the influence of hard solar radiation, water molecules in The uppermost layers of the dome undoubtedly dissociated (disintegrated into hydrogen and oxygen atoms), while hydrogen could evaporate into space or form ions with other water molecules, and oxygen atoms at certain altitudes could form ozone.

Be that as it may, let us make a reservation once again that ozone is necessary for life on earth and cannot be replaced by any amount of water vapor.

In simple terms, the dome did not directly affect the background ultraviolet radiation at the surface of the Flat Earth. Those parts of the ultraviolet spectrum that are absorbed by water vapor are perfectly absorbed by other components of the atmosphere and do not reach the ground, regardless of whether there is a steam-water dome around it or not.

If the transparent dome hypothesis is correct, this means that those who live in the future earthly paradise will still have to take precautions to avoid getting sunburned while relaxing on the beach or working in the garden. So the principle of “the prudent sees the evil and takes refuge” from Proverbs 22:3 both now and in the future paradise will mean “hiding” from the sun into the shade at lunchtime!

X-ray and gamma radiation. Electromagnetic waves even shorter than ultraviolet (from 50 to 0.001 nm) correspond to X-rays, and even shorter than X-rays correspond to gamma radiation. Steam (like water) absorbs both x-rays and gamma radiation. However, these types of radiation are also absorbed by other gases, so today they also do not reach the ground, disappearing in the upper layers of the atmosphere, despite the presence of the dome. Therefore, the dome, in fact, did not play any special role in protecting the Earth from these types of radiation.

Cosmic rays. Cosmic rays (or cosmic radiation) are the stream of atomic nuclei accelerated in outer space to enormous speeds directed towards the Earth. It mainly consists of protons (i.e. hydrogen nuclei) and alpha particles (i.e. helium nuclei); a small part of it consists of the nuclei of heavier elements. However, it is not these particles themselves that reach the surface of the earth, but the products of their decay in the upper layers of the atmosphere.

The flow of particles arriving from space (it is called primary radiation) has a low penetrating ability and is absorbed by the upper layers of the atmosphere. However, as a result of its absorption, so-called secondary radiation is produced - streams of particles with lower energy, which can be again absorbed by the air and again form particles with even lower energy (this can be repeated several times). Some of these particles reach the ground. In the modern atmosphere near the surface of the earth, this radiation consists of a hard component (special particles - muons) and a soft component (electrons and photons). The muon particle is practically not absorbed by the substance, but causes its ionization, which determines its harmful effect on living organisms. It exists for a very short time - about two microseconds, after which it decays, but the time of its existence, taking into account relativistic corrections, is enough to fly to the ground from a height of 10–20 km (at which muons are formed due to the processes described above) and even dive several kilometers under land

In simple terms, the transparent dome either had no effect at all on the level of cosmic radiation at the surface of the earth, or this effect was insignificant. Harmful radiation from space near the surface of the earth was apparently still present to some extent.

Is cosmic radiation a threat? Most likely, you have heard about such a thing as natural background radiation - radioactive radiation present on the Flat Earth from natural sources, in the conditions in which a person is constantly located. This concept does not include radiation from man-made sources. From natural sources, cosmic radiation today accounts for only 17%. We get another 17% from external earthly sources, and the remaining 66% from sources within ourselves (3/4 of this figure comes from radon, a naturally occurring radioactive gas, as well as its decay products that we inhale with the air). With all this, the natural background radiation is so low that even its multiple increase, according to modern data, does not pose a threat to health. In view of this, we can say that even if (although this is impossible) the dome absorbed 100% of secondary cosmic rays, the natural radiation background on the Earth’s surface would change quite insignificantly, and this would not have a noticeable effect on health and life expectancy.

To confirm this, we can say that today the background radiation varies somewhat in different places on the planet, and in some places it is several times higher than the average, but this does not have a noticeable effect on the health of the people living there.

SO, with regard to the absorption of dangerous types of radiation from space, the dome did not create a noticeable difference in the intensity of any of the known types of such radiation at the surface of the Flat Earth compared to modern values.

This can be compared to how a certain city was protected from enemies by a reliable wall. Then a second one was built around this first wall. Now the enemies were held back by a new wall, since they no longer reached the first one. However, nothing changed inside the city: enemies could not enter it either before or after the construction of the second wall. Later this second wall was removed, but everything was the same in the city again, since it was again reliably protected by the first wall. So it is with the dome: although previously it could indeed absorb almost all types of radiation, now the modern atmosphere does this perfectly instead, so that nothing changes on the surface of the earth.

Therefore, the purpose of creating the dome was not to shield the Earth from harmful radiation from space.


In various circles, particularly among some creationists, there are theories that claim that the dome absorbed dangerous types of cosmic radiation. This supposedly reduced the harmful effects of cosmic radiation on living organisms, which is why life expectancy before the Flood was higher. It is tempting to believe in such theories because, on the surface, they explain why people before the Flood, according to the Bible, lived over 900 years. However, no matter how attractive such theories about the absorption of harmful radiation by the dome are, they, as we see from the previous subtitle, are a myth. A theory does not become true just because it explains something that we really want to believe.

However, according to the Bible, the life expectancy of people before the Flood actually exceeded 900 years, while it remained practically unchanged. After the Flood, it quickly dropped to a level of about 240 years (Peleg - 244 years) and then changed quite smoothly.

Today, life expectancy no longer changes as dramatically as it did immediately after the Flood. In the years preceding the rapid development of medicine, it gradually declined.

How to explain such a sharp decrease in life expectancy after the Flood? This can be done by analyzing its dynamics. It occurred over a period of approximately 110 years (if you count from the Flood to the birth of Peleg) or more, after which the rate of decline in life expectancy became more and more reduced and stabilized.

1. Life expectancy did not fall sharply, but decreased gradually over a number of generations.

2. Many generations lived after the Flood on earth at the same time, that is, in the same conditions (when Terah was born, all his ancestors were still alive, starting from Noah, including Peleg). However, their life expectancy fell from generation to generation, and not all at the same time.

3. The rate of decline in life expectancy slowed down more and more.

In view of these reasons, we can say that if, as a result of the Flood, any factors had abruptly arisen that influenced changes in life expectancy, and these factors would continue to exist today (say, some dangerous cosmic radiation would begin to reach the earth and this would continue until still), life expectancy would continue to decline at the same rapid pace - in other words, we would have died out long ago. The processes that took place after the Flood suggest a completely different idea. After the Flood, some factor unfavorable to life arose, which then gradually weakened over time, over several decades (or centuries), and eventually disappeared. While it was in effect, it caused not only premature aging of the inhabitants of that time, but also a significant acceleration in the accumulation of mutations in genes passed on from generation to generation. As a result, although this factor disappeared, the mutations accumulated in the human gene pool no longer allowed people to live as long as before. Later, this process of accumulation of mutations occurred at a natural speed (perhaps the same as now), due to which life expectancy decreased smoothly.

What could be such an unfavorable factor for life that existed only for a limited time? It could be any phenomenon that causes mutations. It is possible that it was associated with the destruction of the old ozone layer due to the loss of water from the upper layers of the atmosphere and even a change in the structure of the atmosphere itself, or the release of any ozone-depleting gases into it. After this, it could take time for a new ozone layer to form. Another option is the leaching of any radioactive elements from rocks caused by the Flood, which then either decayed or settled to the bottom of the ocean, into sedimentary rocks, etc. Maybe it was some other phenomenon - this cannot be said for sure for now it is forbidden. Either way, biblical chronology, when viewed through the lens of scientific evidence, does not seem to support the idea that this factor, having originated with the Flood, continues to exist today. On the contrary, in accordance with the above, several decades after the Flood, it disappeared.

Another fact speaks in favor of this explanation. Scientists, having determined the current rate of accumulation of mutations in genes and considering this rate constant, and also counting the number of mutations accumulated in the human gene pool, calculate the age of the human race to be many tens and hundreds of thousands of years. This clear excess compared to the biblical figure (approximately 6000 years) is precisely explained by the fact that after the Flood there was a period when mutations accumulated tens, if not hundreds or thousands of times faster than today, but then this period ended . On the other hand, if the rate of accumulation of mutations after the Flood had increased and remained the same until now, the age of the human race would still be determined by scientists to be 6000 years or even less.

Pay attention at what altitude meteorites explode, the same thing happens when a space rocket takes off at the same altitude, in my opinion, it turns out that if the rocket does not guess to hit the cell and hits the partition, then it explodes, and there is no use guessing what the reason is, only time lose, but they will look if they don’t know about this dome, it also turns out that the stars, sun and moon are actually real objects, they cannot be a hologram on the dome since the height of the dome is small, otherwise how to explain what astronomers see, there are real objects, otherwise I feel sad that we live in some kind of “barrel”.

The same thing with the Tunguska meteorite, from sources that on the eve of the explosion there was a glow in the sky, which means that the power of the force field on the dome was pumped up so as not to miss the object, who looked when a jet plane rises above 13 km, the sky turns black and blue from below, this is exactly the boundary of the passage through the dome, someone will say, how come then the plane does not crash into the partition, apparently the dome itself can change the vibration structure, in case of danger it changes to the required density and filters everything out, then in the event of a threat of nuclear war, if the “controllers” against it, then all the missiles will simply explode upon takeoff.

In Tractate Pesachim 94b, the Gemara says:
“The Jewish sages said that during the day the sun passes under the sky, and at night the sun passes over the sky. And the non-Jewish sages said that during the day the sun passes under the sky, and at night the sun passes under the earth.”

Rabbeinu Hananel explains the world of the sages as follows (see commentary on the said gemara):
“At night, the sun passes over the sky from west to east. And when it reaches the hole through which it shines inward, dawn comes as the sun breaks through the thickness of the sky. When it breaks through and comes out to the side from which people can see it, it immediately rises above the earth and illuminates it, and all day long it goes from east to west... the same thing at sunset - the sun breaks through the thickness of the sky, and as soon as it breaks through, how the stars immediately become visible.”

“He goes to the south and turns to the north” (Ecclesiastes 1:6)

“And at night half of the west and the entire north passes over the dome”
(Rashi to Tractate Rosh Hashanah 24a)

So, before us is a picture of the world according to the ideas of the sages: the Earth is a flat disk, like a small plate, and the dome of the sky “sits” on it. This dome is a hemisphere, the firmament of which is the firmament. The firmament has a real thickness that is different from zero (as we will see later). During the day, the Sun is on a path that runs under this dome (“during the day the sun passes under the firmament”), and at night its path lies above the firmament (!). In other words, instead of walking in a circle, the Sun moves back and forth: now above the dome, now under the dome.

For day to turn into night (and vice versa), the sun, of course, needs to pass through the sky. This happens twice a day, morning and evening. Each such transition continues for some time.

The time it takes the Sun to overcome the thickness of the sky passes in the morning between dawn and sunrise, and in the evening between sunset and the appearance of stars in the sky. Pesachim 94a says:
“Rabbi Yehuda said that the total (travel time) of the thickness of the firmament is one tenth of a day. The calculation is as follows. How much does the average person walk per day? - Ten parsa. Between dawn and sunrise there are four miles, and between sunset and the appearance of the stars another four miles; in total, it turns out that the total thickness of the sky is one tenth of a day” (1 parsa = 4 miles - approx.).

There is controversy over whether "mile time" is 18, 22.5, or 24 minutes. But even if we take the shortest miles, it turns out that the Sun needs at least 72 minutes to travel through the thickness of the sky (18 minutes multiplied by four miles) - the time from “sunset” to “appearance of the stars.” According to this definition, Rabbi Tam (12th century CE) decreed that the Sabbath ends 72 minutes after sunset. The only thing that confused him was the gemara in Tractate Shabbat 4b: “What is the duration of twilight? Rav Yehuda said in the name of Shmuel: three-quarters of a mile” (i.e., the duration of twilight is equivalent to the time of traveling three-quarters of a mile, not four miles). Rabbi Tam eventually explained that twilight begins when the sun has already disappeared from view in the thickness of the heavenly dome. This answer of Tosafot is given in the commentary to Tractate Pesachim 94a: “It would be correct to say that the following was meant: from the beginning of sunset - that is, from the moment the sun just begins to set in the thickness of the sky, and four miles pass before nightfall; and there we were talking about the time from the end of sunset.”

"We have made the sky a strong shelter over them" (Qur'an, 21:32)

"...The earth is motionless - the vaults of the sky,
Creator, supported by you,
Let them not fall on dry land and water
And they won’t suppress us with themselves..." A.S. Pushkin

In the Historical Museum of the Southern Urals, an inexplicable incident occurred with the Chelyabinsk meteorite - a dome spontaneously opened above it, which was controlled by a remote control, which was at that moment in a special storage facility under video surveillance.

As museum employee Aivar Valeev said on his Facebook page, the incident occurred on December 14. The display case itself rose 10 cm, after which the alarm went off and a security guard came running. Then an electrician was invited to bring the dome to its original position.

“A technical failure is possible, although this is the first time such a case has occurred in our museum. We don't believe in mysticism. But we remember that recently the twin brother of the Chelyabinsk meteorite flew near the Earth. We laugh: the brother of the Chelyabinsk meteorite conveyed some greetings to ours, and he decided to answer and exhaled,” Valeev explained.

The head of the information and analytical center for ensuring the safety of space activities in near-Earth space of the head scientific institute of Roscosmos, Igor Bakaras, reported that in 2043 a 15-meter meteorite similar to the one that fell in Chelyabinsk in 2013 could fall to Earth.

According to the scientist, the greatest danger is posed by asteroids larger than 50 meters. Such giants collide with the Earth once every 300 years, 15-meter ones - once every 30 years. The latest example of such a phenomenon is the fall of the Chelyabinsk meteorite.

According to the scientist, 65 million years ago, dinosaurs died precisely because of such an asteroid or comet fall.

As evidence, the 300-kilometer Chicxulub crater remained on Earth at the bottom of the sea off the coast of southern Mexico. Bakaras noted that even small asteroids with a diameter of one kilometer can lead to a global tragedy. Such cases, according to him, occur once every million years.

Even more often, once every three thousand years, regional destruction may occur if an asteroid with a diameter of about 100 meters falls.

Last month, Russian astronomers discovered a new asteroid the size of the Chelyabinsk meteorite approaching Earth. The discovery was made during planned monitoring work in the geostationary region, Roscosmos reports.

Astronomers noticed the asteroid while working with the optical-electronic complex EOP-2-1, which is part of the Complex of specialized optical-electronic means of the Automated Warning System for Dangerous Situations in Near-Earth Space (ASPOS OKP) in the area of ​​the village of Peredovoe, Amur Region.

After analyzing the celestial body, specialists from the Astronomical Research Center (ASC) JSC found that the asteroid is approaching the Earth and is in a heliocentric orbit with an orbital period of 2.89 years.

Researchers detected the asteroid on November 6 in the interval of closest approach to the Earth, while the minimum distance between the center of the Earth was 139 thousand 410 km.

It is estimated that the discovered asteroid has a transverse size of 10-15 meters, which is comparable to the meteorite that fell in the Chelyabinsk region.

After checking the database of the International Astronomical Union's Minor Planet Center, the researchers determined that the discovered object had not been observed before - it was a new asteroid periodically approaching the Earth.

Astronomers from the USA and Great Britain confirmed the discovery.

“A new asteroid was discovered on November 6 at 17:43 Moscow time by the optical-electronic complex of the Astronomical Research Center in the village of Peredovoe, Amur Region. It approached the Earth at a distance of just over 139 thousand kilometers,” said Roscosmos executive director for advanced programs and science Alexander Bloshenko.

He clarified that the celestial object is in a heliocentric orbit with an orbital period of 1055 days.

“Such an object has not been observed before and periodically approaches the Earth, which determines our attention to its tracking and trajectory analysis,” Bloshenko noted.

Last year, a bright fireball comparable in power to the explosion of the Chelyabinsk meteorite exploded and went undetected off the Russian coast. This became known thanks to the American military.

Information about the entry of a large cosmic body into the Earth's atmosphere was published by the Center for the Study of Near-Earth Objects, using data from American missile attack warning satellites, which detect such events in the infrared range from Earth orbit.

A powerful explosion was recorded by military satellites over the Bering Sea at a point approximately 350 kilometers off the coast of Kamchatka. It was established that the destruction of the body occurred at an altitude of 26 kilometers.

Compared to other frequently recorded fireballs, the power of this explosion is impressive - 173 kilotons, which is about 10 times more powerful than the explosion of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. Thus, this fireball became the largest after the explosion of the Chelyabinsk meteorite with a capacity of 440 kilotons of TNT.

The experiment of reproductive hypnosis, carried out by supporters of the Flat Earth theory, at one time shocked the whole world! Hundreds of thousands of people intuitively believed in the hypothesis that our planet is not spherical, but is covered with a dome, beyond which unknown expanses await us. This suggests that the government program is a deliberate deception of humanity. Former employees are beginning to confirm the NASA conspiracy. Interest in the research of the Flat Earth Association is growing sharply. Scientific justifications and facts are called into question. What is the secret of the experiment, and who are these girls who visited the dome of the flat Earth? Considering the fact that today even many stars are beginning to invest money in the development of the hypothesis, we need to go back to 1991 and start all over again...

What's behind the dome of the flat Earth?

After falling into a trance, several girls who found themselves behind the dome of the Earth in the world of images (subconscious) began to share impressions that even a brilliant screenwriter could not come up with. Oddly enough, they talk about the existence of a certain connection between a lower form of life and a higher one. The following participants complement the story by discussing certain creators of an alien race. It follows that man is not the final link in the food chain, and people were created by UFOs. Within the framework of the same experiment, they talk about the ability to communicate, about the ether. We have already heard this term from outstanding scientists and modern inventors. For a long time, various discoverers have pointed out that clues come from space. Mendeleev dreamed of a table of chemical elements, Einstein found a connection with the ether after an injury, the ancient Egyptians created one of the wonders of the World. How does it all work, and who closed our connection with the creators?

Girls beyond the objective world

Based on the experiment, we can conclude that there really is a dome, and the theory is that the spherical planet was created for the purpose of preventing us from learning the truth about our origin and the meaning of life. Apparently, this is not the idea of ​​UFOs, but precisely of people who know more than mere mortals. With the help of hypnosis, the girls who visited the dome were able to reach the ether and found out that the creator of this communication was not people. That is, they are trying to contact us, but only a select few manage to do this. Those who do not believe in the scientific facts that are offered to them. Let us remember that Mendeleev got a bad mark in chemistry, and Einstein was considered narrow-minded. Surprisingly, a negative attitude towards special people is also the very barrier that prevents society from getting to the truth. Those who have been behind the dome manage to turn the world upside down. Should we continue to believe that you and I are your form of existence, or should we pay more attention to the knowledge that is not imposed on us, passing off as scientific facts?