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Know all the moves and exits. Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary

To know everything WAYS AND EXITS. Razg. Express Very good, in all the details (to know how to act, to act under a certain set of circumstances, in a complex matter). Ilya Fedotich was the main force, like an old businessman who knew all the ins and outs of a complex mining industry(Mamin-Sibiryak. Gold).

"Know all the moves and exits" in books

Integral moves

From the book My Husband - Osip Mandelstam author

Integral moves

From the book Memories author Mandelstam Nadezhda Yakovlevna

Integral moves The third time they didn’t come and they didn’t take us away. We indulged in the usual activity of those whose loved ones had been taken away: we fussed. After a day of running around the city, we returned home exhausted and, instead of lunch, opened a ruble jar of corn kernels. So

Lesson 3 Knowing at least something about your client is as important as knowing everything about your product

From the book How to Survive Sharks by McKay Harvey

Lesson 3 Knowing at least something about your client is as important as knowing everything about your product. Let's take, for example, political figures. Any politician will support your proposal only as long as it is politically popular or promises

Strong moves

From the book Iconic Brands author Soloviev Alexander

Powerful moves During the First World War, Eugene Schueller was conscripted and the company was run by his wife. Returning from the front in 1918, he conducted business on an even greater scale. The 1920s were a time of numerous industrial experiments that brought Schueller connections,

Calculate your moves

From the book Turbo Strategy. 21 ways to improve business efficiency by Tracy Brian

Calculate Your Moves Experienced managers, when playing on the business chessboard, think through their actions several steps ahead and try to predict the moves that may be made against them. They stock up on cash reserves, alternative strategies,

Low budget moves

From the book Infobusiness at full capacity [Doubling sales] author Parabellum Andrey Alekseevich

Low-Budget Moves People often ask how to plan strategic business development on a limited budget. For example, 5000 rubles per month. In fact, large investments in information business are not required, especially in initial stage. The indicated amount is quite enough. You


From the book Mitkovo Dances author Shinkarev Vladimir Nikolaevich

moves 3. RUSSIAN STROKE WITH FORWARD LEG THROW Start: half-squat. 1st quarter: On the first eighth, a sliding step forward with the right foot; on the second eighth, the same step with the left foot. 2nd quarter: On the first eighth, again step with the right foot; on the second eighth, throw it forward and up

1. The internal state of Rome. - Class of citizens. - Police Corporation. - City nobility. - Patrician nobility. - Provincial nobility. - Weakening of the power of the Roman landgraves. - Oligarchy consules romanorum. - Strengthening the class of citizens. - Establishment of a city community. - High feudal nobility

From the book History of the City of Rome in the Middle Ages author Gregorovius Ferdinand

1. The internal state of Rome. - Class of citizens. - Police Corporation. - City nobility. - Patrician nobility. - Provincial nobility. - Weakening of the power of the Roman landgraves. - Oligarchy consules romanorum. - Strengthening the class of citizens. - Establishment of a city community. -

Know all the moves and exits To know everything WAYS AND EXITS. Razg. Express Very good, in all the details (to know how to act, to act under a certain set of circumstances, in a complex matter). Ilya Fedotich was the main force, like an old businessman who knew all the ins and outs of a complex mining industry(Mamin-Sibiryak. Gold).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008.

See what “Know all the moves and exits” is in other dictionaries:

    Know all the moves and exits- EXIT, a, m. Dictionary Ozhegova. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Know all the moves and exits- Know all the passages and exits (foreign language) be able to arrange things by familiarizing yourself with the details of the case in general, as well as familiarity with the internal structure of the room. Wed. Prepotensky, who knew well all the passages and passages of the postmaster’s premises...… … Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    know all the moves and exits- (foreign language) to be able to arrange matters by becoming familiar with the details of the matter in general, as well as familiarity with the internal structure of the premises Wed. Prepotensky, knowing well all the passages and passages of the postmaster's premises... rushed along the corridor to the office and... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    know all the moves and exits- It’s good to know what…, skillfully, deftly navigate what… Dictionary of many expressions

    Know all the moves and exits- Razg. It’s good to navigate where; show resourcefulness in different situations. BTS, 187; Glukhov 1988, 33; POS 6, 93 ... Big dictionary Russian sayings

    know all the moves and exits- a shot animal, an old wolf, seasoned, a lot of experience behind him, a seasoned, shot sparrow, has eaten bread from more than one oven, wise by experience, seasoned, he holds the cards in his hands, experienced, an old sparrow, has been in trouble, an old beast, teeth ate...... Synonym dictionary

    know- 1) I know, you know; prib. present knowing; nesov., pereh. 1. also about someone or with an additional clause. Have information about whom, than l. Know the enemy's intentions. Know about someone's illness. □ From the roadside he knew that Captain Minsky was traveling from... ... Small academic dictionary Synonym dictionary


(Czech, vychod) - east wind in the Czech Republic.

Reference Commercial Dictionary (1926)


the number of products obtained from a certain amount of raw materials.

Dictionary of hunting terms and expressions


a trail of an animal coming from the location of the animal examined by the keeper.

Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron


1) oils - see Butter making; 2) swarm- see Roy.

Dictionary of antonyms of the Russian language




Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary


1. Syn: withdrawal, release, departure, disappearance

2. Syn: production, production size, quantity of production

3. Syn: appearance

Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language


Give(or find and so on.) exit- give the opportunity to manifest

Know all the moves and exits- to know something well, to be knowledgeable about something

At the exit And at the exits- on weekend roles (about an actor playing a role without words)

Architectural Dictionary


1. A dry cellar in front of the house is a small log house, one-third or half buried in the ground, covered on two slopes and insulated from the outside with earth.

2. Balcony or gallery (1) connected to the attic of the hut or choir.

(Terms of Russian architectural heritage. Pluzhnikov V.I., 1995)

Card terminology and jargon of the 19th century. Dictionary



A, m. A card move made by a player.

◘ Having done the main thing, i.e., having defined the game philosophically, the author no longer considers it necessary to bore the sympathetic reader with the definition of its other parts and thereby darken his memory, a memory so necessary for counting trump cards, bribes, exits and for further consideration. P.Remizov. Truths about the game of preference, 1843.

◘ After each exit players take cards from the deck to replenish their own. M. Shevlyakovsky. Commercial Games, 1896.

Efremova's Dictionary


  1. m.
    1. Action by value verb: go out (1,3).
    2. :
      1. The place through which they exit.
      2. An opening through which something is removed.
    3. :
      1. trans. decomposition Possibility of application, application, implementation of smth.
      2. Results, results of such application, application, implementation.
    4. trans. A way to get rid of difficulties.
    5. :
      1. Number of products produced.
      2. The ratio of the amount of actual product obtained to the maximum possible.
    6. :
      1. The moment a character appears on stage.
      2. The opening aria with which the hero appears on stage in the opera.
    7. Exposure of rocks and layers.
    8. see also exits.

Ushakov's Dictionary


exit, exit, husband.

2. The appearance of a character on stage. Yours in.!(reminder to the actor behind the stage).

3. The place where they go out, and also the place where things happen. comes out, is released, flows out. Stand at the exit. Spare in. B. diamondiferous pipe.

4. A way to resolve a difficulty, to get out of a difficulty. V. from the position.

5. Quantity of product produced (special). Output rate. High in. wool from sheep.

Give a way outwhy speak out or what another way to detect feelings that have reached the point of tension. Give vent to anger and irritation.

Know all the moves and exits(colloquial) know all the ways to act to achieve something.

At the exit(special) about information, data: arriving after processing.

On exitsWho about the actor in the weekend roles.

| adj. day off, aya, oh (to 2, 3 and 5 meanings). Exit aria (in opera: first aria of the main performer). Output (information placed on the last page of the book or on the back of it title page about the circulation, format, volume of the book, etc.; specialist.). Output role (minor, perhaps without words, role of the actor). B. product.

Phraseological Dictionary (Volkova)


Go out

Give a way out why(some kind of feeling; book) - defuse the tension of a feeling by expressing it outwardly.

Release your anger.

Know all the moves and exits Where (decomposition fam.) - it’s good to know all the details of the internal life of someone. institutions, public organization and so on.

He knew all the ins and outs of his business.

On exits, in value. predicate(theater, argot) - in weekend roles, roles with minor lines in terms of volume and content.

He's on our way out.

Get out of your head, out of your memory, out of your mind (decomposition) - slip from memory, be forgotten.

I keep getting it out of my head that I owe him five rubles.

Don't get out of your head, out of your mind (decomposition) - to be constantly in thoughts, constantly present in consciousness.

I can't get this terrible incident out of my head..

Lose one's temper- lose self-control, become very, excessively irritated.

It was difficult to contain myself and not lose my temper.

Exit and provisions- find a way to get rid of difficulties.

He managed to find a way out of a very difficult situation.

Go out in public- to achieve a strong or high position in life.

Go out in public. Your daddy, the deceased, was my benefactor, brought me into the people. A. Ostrovsky.

Go into circulation (iron.) - trans. fall out of use, cease (to cease) to enjoy attention, recognition, become (become) obsolete.

The generals who have not yet emerged as a tyrant are mostly in composition of some. strong central institutions. Leskov.

Output role (theater.) - a role with replicas that are insignificant in volume and content.

Actor on weekend roles.

Out of the ordinary- very different from others, outstanding.

An extraordinary phenomenon.

Sentences containing "exit"

The output is not a skeleton that requires serious literary processing, but a text.

But turning to high literature and drama helps to look for a way out, and not just state the fact that we are in a hopeless situation.

And we really have no other choice, we cannot rely only on oil and gas, these are exhaustible resources, their production will only fall.

The emergency exits were locked, but high school students were breaking down the doors.

Moreover, neither the reform nor the tax administrators provide much incentive for businesses to go public.

After reaching the second group tournament of the League, the players and administrative staff of the team received additional bonuses totaling 800 thousand US dollars.

There is already a cheerful crowd, the dishes are rattling, on which there is a merciless reprisal after the magnificent exit of the waiters with trays, they are already commenting on the kisses of the newlyweds from the sidelines and coming up from the far tables to hug them.

Chapter eight, in which we try to find a way out of a difficult situation

For example, if transformations require a serious reduction of workers in a particular industry, then it is necessary to conduct an analysis age groups and provide people of pre-retirement age with a decent exit to a well-deserved rest.

Dashura went for food before I woke up, my mother’s evening outings took place late, when I was already asleep.