Abstracts Statements Story

The importance of moral positions in the formation of anti-terrorist behavior. Formation of moral positions and personal qualities of a teenager

A person’s moral positions characterize his internal spiritual qualities and are based on the moral values ​​that guide him in life.

The moral development of a person occurs in the process of his life in society and is expressed in the ability to evaluate and consciously build an attitude towards himself, other people, and the state. To the Fatherland on the basis of norms, laws and rules of conduct accepted in the state and society.

Terrorists love to use teenagers and young people for their purposes. They are well aware that some teenagers view war as a game where they kill everyone, but not themselves. Terrorists willingly influence the psyche of teenagers, convincing them that they are fighting the security forces for the most noble goals. Everything that terrorists say is at best a half-truth, with the help of which they disguise a crude, cynical lie. They can provide assistance to low-income families, and then demand payment for this assistance in the form of complicity in their criminal plans.

Even the most innocuous situations, which outwardly have nothing to do with illegal activity, can turn out to be associated with aiding terrorists. Teenagers arouse less suspicion and attract almost no attention to themselves. A teenager may be offered, for example, for a small fee to go into an apartment and check if someone is at home and say hello to him. In fact, this may be a check to see if there is an ambush in the house, set up by special forces of the security forces.

Teenagers are willingly used as postmen: they transmit the necessary information to various places where militants are hiding.

A teenager may sometimes not even suspect that he is being used, and may not understand that he is carrying out instructions for terrorists.

You need to be especially vigilant and not get dirty with connections with bandits. In order to resist the ideas of terrorists and their possible attempts to involve you in terrorist activities, every high school student needs to develop a moral position.

Following such traditional national values ​​as:

  • love for Russia and your people, for your small homeland;
  • service to the Fatherland;
  • personal and national freedom;
  • trust in state institutions(including to law enforcement agencies);
  • law and order;
  • diversity of cultures, freedom of conscience and religion;
  • justice, mercy, honor, dignity.

These and other moral values ​​developed by the multinational people of Russia can become a solid basis for your social behavior and an honest path in life.

A person’s moral positions determine the path to a prosperous, long and happy life.

The formation of moral positions depends on the people around you, temperament, and habits.

In order to resist the ideology of terrorism, one must understand that man was created for a full life, useful for society, which under no circumstances can be compatible with terrorist activity, since it is inhumane, criminal and destructive for its terrorist participants themselves.

Moral health also means taking care of the physical health of not only your own, but also those of others.

Achievement high level individual health is ensured by developing the necessary habits that contribute to the preservation and strengthening of health. This is, first of all, a conscious desire to comply with norms healthy image life, constant improvement of one’s physical and spiritual qualities, caring attitude towards the natural environment and its preservation to the best of one’s ability, cultivating the conviction that the health of each person depends on his ability to live in a given society, consciously comply with the norms and rules accepted in it behavior and laws in force in the state, as well as be able to resist the temptation to take alcohol and drugs and involve oneself in terrorist activities. In order to maintain moral and physical health in the complex, often dangerous environment that develops in real life, each person’s own efforts are needed, constant and significant.

It should be noted that creating an individual healthy lifestyle system involves following certain moral guidelines.

To form moral positions, each person needs to develop a number of qualities that are significant for rejecting terrorist views and actions.

Let's pay attention to the main ones:

  • the ability to live in harmony with oneself;
  • ability to build relationships with adults;
  • ability to build relationships with peers.

To live in harmony with yourself, a number of conditions are required:

  • determining the purpose of one’s own life and having psychological stability in various life situations;
  • development of forms of behavior that contribute to the preservation and strengthening of health;
  • the desire to be the master of your life, the understanding that the right lifestyle will give positive results;
  • developing the right attitude towards life, the desire to receive at least small joys from every day you live;
  • developing a sense of self-esteem, realizing that you are not living in vain, that you are able to solve all the tasks facing you and know how to do it;
  • constant adherence to physical activity;
  • compliance with hygiene and nutritional rules;
  • compliance with the work and rest regime;
  • feeling of optimism;
  • negative attitude towards the use of alcohol, drugs and any type of extremist and terrorist activity.

Learn to build relationships with adults

Adolescence refers to the so-called critical periods of a person’s life (periods of age crisis). The causes, nature and significance of the teenage crisis are understood differently. The meaning of the teenage crisis is that through it, through the struggle for independence and liberation from adult care, which occurs in relatively safe conditions and does not take extreme forms, a person satisfies his needs for self-knowledge and self-affirmation, he not only develops a sense of self-confidence and the ability to rely on oneself, but also forms ways of behavior that allow one to continue to cope with life’s difficulties. The strength of the spirit is formed in overcoming difficulties, just as the strength of muscles is in overcoming hardships; the process of social maturation is underway.

It should be noted that family and communication with parents are of particular importance for social maturation. Family conditions, including social status, occupation, financial level and level of education of parents, largely determine your life path. The family provides preparation for social and work activities, for running a family household and planning a family budget, for a culture of communication and organizing leisure time, for the ability to raise children in a family.

In your relationship with your parents, conditions must be created that exclude conflict situation to a critical state (rudeness, running away from home, etc.). To do this, you must constantly cultivate in yourself such qualities as the ability to analyze actions and relationships between people, critically evaluate your actions and behavior, cultivate a respectful attitude towards parents and elders, and learn to understand them. In order to understand your interlocutor well, you must first learn to listen, and in order to find the right way out of a conflict situation with your parents, you need to have good feelings for them, respect them and take care of them.

Learn to build relationships with peers

Communication with peers, group games, and the like develop the necessary skills of social interaction, the ability to submit to collective discipline and at the same time defend one’s rights, and correlate personal interests with public ones. Outside a society of peers, where relationships are built fundamentally on an equal basis and your position among peers must be earned and able to be maintained, you will not be able to develop the necessary qualities characteristic of an adult.

By focusing on your comrades and imitating them, you cultivate in yourself those qualities that are especially valued by your peers.

Peer influence increases with age as time spent among peers increases compared to time spent with parents.


  1. Human moral positions are based on traditional moral values ​​developed by the multinational people of Russia.
  2. The basis of the moral position regarding terrorism is the conviction that terrorist activity in all its manifestations is inhumane and criminal, and participation in terrorist activity under no circumstances can provide you with a full, useful for society, prosperous life.
  3. It is important to learn how to build relationships with adults and peers without creating conflicts and conflict situations.


  1. What is the importance of human moral behavior in countering the influence of the ideology of terrorism and extremism?
  2. What factors contribute to the formation of rejection of terrorist views and actions?
  3. What moral guidelines contribute to the rejection of terrorist views and actions?


Write a verbal portrait-characteristic of your peer who has a moral position in life and does not accept terrorism. Discuss this topic in class with your teachers and classmates.

Municipal budget educational institution Astrakhan

"Secondary school No. 51"

Teacher-organizer of life safety Anatoly Ivanovich Degtyarev,

teacher highest category, veteran of labour


You are at a wonderful age when every day brings something new and unexpected. You discover new ones interesting books and films. You begin to see things in a new way. The world and people reveal themselves to you in unexpected ways. You begin to make joyful discoveries both in your studies and in your personal life. Based on traditional norms, you begin to build an attitude towards yourself, other people, and the country in which you live. Concepts likeFatherland, small homeland, motherland, native language, family, home , begin to be filled with specific content and meaning for you.

Not only do you gain a sense of self-confidence and the ability to rely on yourself, but you also develop behavioral patterns that will allow you to cope with life's challenges in the future. Strength of spirit is formed in overcoming difficulties, just as strength of muscles is formed in overcoming heavy loads.

At this age, interest in the opposite sex arises, and the time comes for the first time to fall in love. For the first time, you begin to think about choosing a life path, about your future profession.

Your peers achieve results in big-time sports in adult competitions and often receive the titles of masters of sports and international masters of sports.

And you, too, may want to become adults right away, one day.

And we must not forget that during this period there is a real danger of falling under the influence of the ideology of violence and extremist thinking and being involved in terrorist activities.

Involvement in terrorist activities is often facilitated by propaganda of the imaginary attractiveness of this step, which is based on the formation of certain false ideas about terrorism. Among them the following are possible:

    the strength and power of terrorists, the wide popularity of their deeds. But all their forces are aimed at the death of innocent people and the destruction of the life of society, and their activities bear the stigma of crime;

    a sense of camaraderie and reliable self-sufficiency in a group of terrorists. But terrorists turn teenagers into suicide bombers and drug them;

    joyful excitement from accepting a new role and a new life: you are already an adult, they trust you and you can do anything. But the bandits, diligently playing the role of older, wise comrades, send teenagers on deadly dangerous operations, in which life can end at any moment and they may never become adults.

Therefore, it is impossible to become a completely adult one day by deciding to engage in terrorist activities. Anyone who decides to become a terrorist forever deprives himself of many important and valuable things. You live in a family, have the opportunity to communicate normally with others, and you form connections with friends and acquaintances. A terrorist, as a rule, breaks ties with his family; he is not allowed to appear at home due to the constant threat of arrest. He has no friends, he only has accomplices.

You need to remember that adulthood comes to a person gradually, in the process of his social development, the formation of his life experience, on the basis of certain moral positions, qualities and beliefs, including:

    the desire to understand the world around us and ourselves in it;

    love for one's Fatherland;

    respectful attitude towards the history, culture, traditions of one’s people;

    formation of abilities to work and self-discipline;

    the desire to be honest, fair and responsive, tolerant of the opinions and lifestyle of others;

    learn to live in harmony with yourself and others;

The individual’s need for knowledge and skills to adequately respond to dangers arising in the process increases. Everyday life, and in ensuring the protection of the vital interests of the individual, society and the state. It is generally accepted that:

    the interests of the individual are in the implementation of constitutional rights and freedoms, in ensuring personal safety, in improving the quality and standard of living, in the physical, spiritual and intellectual development of man and citizen;

    the interests of society are to strengthen democracy, to create legal, social state, in achieving and maintaining public harmony, in the spiritual renewal of Russia;

    The interests of the state lie in the inviolability of the constitutional system, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Russia, in political, economic and social stability, in the unconditional provision of legality and maintenance of law and order, in the development of equal and mutually beneficial international cooperation.

Since the Russian Federation is the homeland of many nationalities, it is important to love culture, value originality, and respect the customs of other peoples of Russia as if they were our own. On September 1, 2009, in his address to schoolchildren, the President of the Russian Federation D. A. Medvedev said:

« Modern man- educated, respectful and interested in the views and beliefs of other people. But, in addition to the necessary personal qualities, the most important condition for success is peace and order in our common home - Russia. There are more than 140 million of us. We are very different... We... all together form a single multinational people.”

Terrorists and separatists of all stripes, with their criminal activities, want to split the unity of the peoples of Russia, which has developed over centuries. As the President of the Russian Federation emphasizes: “There are those who seek to quarrel between nations in order to achieve their own, their own selfish interests. But they will not be able to achieve their goals. We are stronger. Because friendship and good neighborliness are stronger than evil and stronger than hatred.”

Moral position in the formation of anti-terrorism behavior

Terrorists try to involve in their activities primarily those teenagers who are easy to manipulate. And it is easiest to manipulate people who do not have convictions and a moral position.

Man was created for a prosperous, happy and long life, which under no circumstances can be compatible with terrorist activities, since they are inhumane and criminal, and, therefore, immoral. Preventing involvement in terrorist activities and developing anti-terrorist behavior as an individual are closely related to your morality. In the Dictionary of S. I. Ozhegovmoral is interpreted as the rules that determine human behavior in society, as well as the implementation of these rules. Each of you needs to develop such rules that determine your behavior in society.

Developing rules of behavior involves following certain life guidelines . These include:

    a clearly formulated goal of life and the possession of psychological stability in various life situations;

    the desire to be the master of your life;

    the desire to receive at least small joys from every day lived;

    developing a sense of self-esteem;

    regular sports in the section or in the yard;

    feeling of optimism;

    negative attitudes towards drug use and antisocial behavior;

    formation of anti-terrorist behavior.

You, of course, know and follow many of the listed guidelines. It is necessary that this always be the case.

Since at the present stage of the country’s development the threats of terrorism and drug trafficking are constantly increasing, then, consequently, the external factors risk to human life and health. The negative impact of the human factor on the security of the individual, society and state is increasing.

In this regard, the need of the individual, society and state to ensure the protection of their vital interests from external and internal threats, including from the consequences of terrorist activities, illegal drug trafficking and the negative influence of the human factor.

Thus, everyone needs to develop a moral position by which you can successfully resist involvement in terrorist activities.

Let us note the main qualities that make a person more protected from the influence of the ideology of violence and extremist thinking:

    responsibility, i.e. you are responsible for your brothers, sisters, your friends;

    diligence, i.e. you are able to fulfill everything you promised to your parents and friends;

    willpower, which manifests itself in the conviction that no one will persuade you to do something that is prohibited by law.

Anti-terrorism behavior depends on the individual characteristics of the individual and presupposes constant self-education and self-education aimed at developing moral principles and beliefs, life values ​​and norms of behavior in accordance with legal guidelines.

Such principles and norms of behavior include:

    a firm conviction that terrorist activity in all its forms is inhumane and criminal; and participation in terrorist activities under no circumstances can provide you with a prosperous life, therefore, it is meaningless; any participant in terrorist activities will be found and will receive a well-deserved punishment;

    knowledge of the rules of safe behavior in the event of the threat of a terrorist act to reduce the likelihood of becoming a victim and minimize its negative consequences, as well as reduce the feeling of hopelessness, inevitability, and fear of terrorists.

    formation of a modern level of life safety culture.

If you want to live a good life, your moral stance must necessarily include a negative attitude towards drug use.

Nature has endowed humans with unique opportunities for prosperous life. His organs and systems can experience stress and withstand stress approximately 10 times greater than those that a person has to deal with in everyday life.

The realization of the potential inherent in a person depends on his lifestyle, everyday behavior, habits acquired by him, and the ability to wisely manage potential health opportunities for the benefit of himself, his family and the state.

Unfortunately, it often happens that a person is still in school years acquiresbad habits - addiction to smoking, alcoholic beverages and even drugs.

Currently, according to health experts, addiction to smoking and drinking alcohol is considered a type of drug addiction, since the mechanisms of addiction and the consequences of use are similar to the mechanisms and consequences of drug use. Moreover, it is noted that alcohol and smoking act as catalysts (accelerators) in the formation of drug addiction.

Drug addiction - This is an irresistible human need to take a drug.

As a result of drug use, the body, as it were, adjusts to their intake and includes them in its biochemical processes. Gradually, a number of body functions, which before taking drugs were provided by substances produced by the body itself, begin to be performed by drugs, which leads to the formation of dependence on the drug, the need for continuous use.

Let us emphasize once again that habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol and beer are a type of drug addiction, and drug addiction is an incurable disease that a person acquires voluntarily when he starts using drugs. The fight against illegal drug use is ongoing throughout the world. In our country, in 1998, the Federal Law “On Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances” was adopted, which established a ban on taking drugs without a doctor’s prescription. But all these measures will be ineffective if a drug-free culture of life is not created among adolescents and young people.

To counter drug addiction throughout our society, and especially the younger generation, it is necessary, first of all, to accept as a basis a number of provisions as truth beyond doubt.

Drug addiction is a difficult-to-treat disease that a person acquires voluntarily when he starts using drugs.

Drug addiction as a disease begins to develop, as a rule, after the first use of a narcotic substance.

The person who offers you a drug is the enemy of your health, because for the sake of his own profit, he takes away your health for your money.

Drug addiction prevention - this is the prevention of the first drug try and the four rules “No!” drugs.

Rule one. Constantly develop a firm “No!” any narcotic substances in any dose, no matter how small, in any setting, in any company.

Rule two. Look for sources of joy in daily tasks and activities, not in drugs. Always say "No!" bad mood.

Rule three. Know how to choose your friends and comrades among your peers. Develop a firm attitude: “No!” for those peers and that company where taking drugs is commonplace.

Rule four. Say firmly “No!” their shyness and instability when offered to try a drug. Remember: life is more valuable, and the law is on your side.

Prevention of terrorist activities

To prevent terrorist activity, it is necessary to firmly form a number of beliefs:

    terrorism in all its forms and manifestations represents one of the most serious threats to Russia's national security;

    any terrorist activity is inhumane and criminal and unjustifiable, regardless of motivation;

    terrorist activities will inevitably be exposed, and its participants will suffer deserved punishment;

    any terrorist activity is destructive for its participants themselves (terrorists and their accomplices), since it puts them outside the law and prevents them from living a normal human life.

The formation of a system of anti-terrorism behavior should be based on conscious compliance with the norms and rules of behavior in our society in accordance with Federal laws and other normative legal acts Russian Federation in the field of life safety. The formation of a modern level of life safety culture is a reliable protection against the harmful influence of various extremists who preach the ideology of violence.

To live a full and happy life, you need your own efforts, constant and considerable. To do this, it is important to learn to foresee events, predict the development of various dangerous situations and behave safely. Have a clearly formulated goal in life and strive to achieve it, resist various temptations of imaginary values ​​and criminal ideals of terrorism.

How anti-terrorism behavior is formed

In the modern world, dangerous and emergency situations have become an objective reality in the life of every person. They pose a threat to his life and health, causing enormous damage to the environment, society and the state.

It should be noted that absolutely safe human life does not exist, and currently there is a tendency for increasing dangers of a natural, man-made and social nature. Tension arises in society due to the threat of terrorism and illegal drug trafficking, and the level of protection of the vital interests of the individual, society and state decreases. At the same time, an analysis of the tragic consequences of various dangerous and emergency situations, including the consequences of terrorist acts, shows that in more than 80% of cases the cause of death is human factor. Tragedy most often occurs when a person fails to comply with established safety measures in everyday life and in various dangerous and emergency situations, which indicates a discrepancy between the level of life safety culture of the country’s population real conditions life activity of the individual, society and state.

Life safety culture is a system of human views and social values ​​that ensure safe behavior individuals and protection of society from threats and dangers in all areas.

Life safety culture contains moral and ethical values, intellectual experience in solving life safety problems, and experience in safe communication among people living together.

To develop anti-terrorism behavior, each of you needs to develop certain knowledge. Let us note the main ones:

- know the organizational foundations of countering terrorism in the Russian Federation;

- know about government measures to counter terrorism in the Russian Federation.

(The section “Appendix” contains extracts from the Federal Law “On Countering Terrorism” dated March 6, 2006 No. 35-FZ.)

In addition, it is important to develop personal spiritual and physical qualities that help reduce the likelihood of involvement in terrorist activities and the formation of an individual system of a healthy lifestyle. These qualities will contribute to the formation of your social maturity.

Social maturity a person’s life is determined by: completed education, acquisition of a stable profession, economic independence, political and civil adulthood, and the ability to create a strong family. All these conditions, which require a high level of self-awareness and responsibility for one’s decisions and actions, begin to form at the age of 12-13 and develop in the process of everyday life when communicating with parents, with adults, primarily with teachers in the learning process, with peers, and also in relation to society.

Family and communication with parents are of particular importance for social maturation. Family conditions, including social status, occupation, financial level and level of education of parents, largely determine your life path. The family provides you with preparation for social and work activities, for running a family household and planning a family budget, instills in you a culture of communication, organizing leisure time, and serves as an example of raising children in the family.

Your relationships with parents and adults should make you want to test your capabilities, find out your strengths and weaknesses, learn to achieve success and pay attention to the real manifestations of adulthood (cultivating responsibility, defining your responsibilities, the ability to build relationships with others).

Learn to build relationships with your peers. Communication with peers, group games, etc. develop in you the necessary skills of social interaction, the ability to submit to collective discipline and at the same time defend your rights, correlate personal interests with public ones.

By focusing on your comrades and imitating them, you cultivate in yourself those qualities that are especially valued by your peers. The growth of peer influence with age is manifested primarily in the fact that the time you spend among your peers increases compared to the time you spend with your parents.

IN adolescence not only does the volume of knowledge increase, but also the mental horizon of a person expands. There is a need to understand life not as isolated events, but as an integral process that has a certain meaning and direction. Therefore, at this age, legal knowledge is necessary that defines the boundaries of what is permitted in the relationship between a person and society. This knowledge will allow everyone to avoid offenses that are committed accidentally, for the “company”, and not become a criminal.

This is one of the important components of a culture of life safety: learning to live in a given society, at a given time, observing the norms and rules of behavior accepted in it. This direction is realized by developing a deep conviction in a negative attitude towards antisocial behavior. This is very relevant today.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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The idea of ​​terrorism Moral position in the formation of anti-terrorist behavior. Prevention of terrorist activities 4. Conclusion MBOU Bogorodskaya Gymnasium in Noginsk Life Safety TEACHER FINYAK ELENA BORISOVNA

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Involvement in terrorist activities is often facilitated by the propaganda of the imaginary attractiveness of this step, which is based on the formation of some false ideas about terrorism: The strength and power of terrorists, the wide popularity of their acts. But all their forces are aimed at the death of innocent people and the destruction of the life of society, and their activities bear the stigma of crime; A sense of camaraderie and reliable self-sufficiency in a group of terrorists. But terrorists turn teenagers into suicide bombers and drug them; Joyful excitement from accepting a new role in a new life: you are already an adult, they trust you and you can do anything.

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But the bandits, diligently playing the role of older, wise comrades, send the teenager on deadly operations, in which life can end at any moment and he may never become an adult. Therefore, it is impossible to become a completely adult one day by deciding to engage in terrorist activities. Anyone who decides to become a terrorist forever deprives himself of many important and valuable things. A terrorist, as a rule, breaks ties with his family; he is not allowed to appear at home due to the constant threat of arrest. He has no friends, only accomplices.

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It should be remembered that adulthood comes to a person gradually, in the process of his social development, the formation of his life experience, on the basis of certain moral positions, qualities and beliefs, including: the desire to understand the world around him and himself in it; love for one's Fatherland; respectful attitude towards the history, culture, traditions of one’s people; formation of abilities to work and self-discipline; the desire to be honest, fair and responsive, tolerant of the opinions and lifestyle of others; learn to live in harmony with yourself;

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The individual’s need for knowledge and skills to adequately respond to dangers arising in the course of everyday life and to ensure the protection of the vital interests of the individual, society and state is increasing. At the same time, it is generally accepted that: the interests of the individual are to ensure personal safety, to improve the quality and standard of living, to the physical, spiritual and intellectual development of man and citizen; the interests of society lie in strengthening democracy, in creating a legal, social state, in achieving and maintaining public harmony, in the spiritual renewal of Russia; the interests of the state lie in the inviolability of the constitutional system, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Russia, in political, economic and social stability.

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Since Russia is the homeland of many nationalities, it is important to love culture and value originality. Respect the customs of other peoples of Russia as if they were your own. Terrorists and separatists of all stripes, with their criminal activities, want to split the unity of the peoples of Russia, which has developed over centuries. As the President of Russia emphasizes: “There are those who seek to set nations at odds with each other in order to achieve their own selfish interests. But they will not be able to achieve their goals. We are stronger. Therefore, friendship and good neighborliness are stronger than evil and hatred.” In his address to schoolchildren, President of Russia V. Putin said: “A modern person is educated, with respect and interest in the views and beliefs of other people. But in addition to the necessary personal qualities, the most important condition for success is peace and order in our common home - Russia. There are more than 140 million of us. We are very different... We... all together form a single multinational people"

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Terrorists try to involve in their activities primarily those teenagers who are easy to manipulate. Prevention of involvement in terrorist activities and the formation of anti-terrorist behavior of the individual is closely related to your morality. In S.I. Ozhegov’s dictionary: “Morality is the rules of human behavior in society, as well as the implementation of these rules”

Slide 9

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LIFE GUIDELINES: a clearly formulated goal in life and the possession of psychological stability in various life situations; the desire to be the master of your life; the desire to get at least small joys from every day you live; developing a sense of self-esteem; regular sports in the section or in the yard; feeling of optimism; negative attitudes towards drug use and antisocial behavior; formation of anti-terrorist behavior;

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The main qualities that make a person more protected from the influence of the ideology of violence and extremist thinking: responsibility, i.e. you are responsible for your brothers, sisters, your friends; performance, i.e. you are able to fulfill everything you promised to your parents and friends; willpower, which manifests itself in the conviction that no one will persuade you to do something that is prohibited by law. The principles and norms of behavior include: a firm conviction that terrorist activity in all its forms is inhumane and criminal; participation in terrorist activities under no circumstances can provide you with a prosperous life, therefore, it is meaningless; any participant in terrorist activity will be found and will suffer a well-deserved punishment; knowledge of the rules of safe behavior in the event of a threat of a terrorist act.

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Nature has endowed humans with unique opportunities for prosperous life. His organs and systems can experience stress and withstand stress approximately 10 times greater than those that a person has to deal with in everyday life. The realization of the potential inherent in a person depends on his lifestyle, everyday behavior, habits, and acquired skills to wisely manage health opportunities for the benefit of himself and his family. It often happens that a person, even during his school years, acquires bad habits - addiction to smoking, alcoholic beverages, even drugs. drug addiction is a difficult-to-treat disease that a person acquires voluntarily when he starts using drugs; drug addiction as a disease begins to develop, usually after the first use of a narcotic substance; the person offering you a drug is the enemy of your health.

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To prevent terrorist activity, it is necessary to firmly form a number of beliefs: terrorism in all its forms and manifestations represents one of the most serious threats to Russia's national security; any terrorist activity is inhumane and criminal and unjustifiable, regardless of motivation; terrorist activities will inevitably be exposed, and its participants will suffer deserved punishment; any terrorist activity is destructive for its participants (terrorists and their accomplices), because puts them outside the law and prevents them from living a normal human life.

Slide 13

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To develop anti-terrorist behavior, each of you needs to develop certain knowledge. The main ones are: know the organizational foundations of countering terrorism in the Russian Federation; know about government measures to counter terrorism in the Russian Federation; A person’s social maturity is determined by completed education, acquisition of a stable profession, economic independence, political and civic adulthood, and the ability to create a strong family.

Slide 14

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The meaning of a terrorist act is the impossibility by legal means of forcing society and the state to take into account the needs of certain individuals or groups of individuals (terrorist organizations). And attempts to radically change existing orders or turn back the course of social history, even with the best intentions, lie through anarchy, chaos, and terror. It is enough to recall the means of struggle proposed by the founders of modern terrorism: “destruction”, “poison, knife and rope”, “creating maximum chaos through poison gas, missiles, as well as the search for new means of destruction”, “knife, rifle and dynamite”. Terrorism has quite a few varieties, but in any form it is the most dangerous social and legal problem of the 21st century in terms of its scale, unpredictability and consequences. Homework§ 6.2 pp. 155-167

Topic: The role of a teenager’s moral positions and personal qualities in the formation of anti-terrorism behavior, grade 7
Purpose of the lesson: to consider the importance of moral positions and personal qualities in the formation of anti-terrorist behavior. Lesson progress: 1. Class organization. Greetings. Checking the class roster. 2. Updating knowledge. 3. Introductory speech from the teacher. You are at a wonderful age when every day brings something new and unexpected. You discover new interesting books and films. You begin to see things in a new way. The world around you and people reveal themselves to you from an unexpected side. You begin to make joyful discoveries both in your studies and in your personal life. Based on traditional norms, you begin to build an attitude towards yourself, other people, and the country in which you live. Concepts such as Fatherland, small homeland, native land, native language, family, home begin to be filled with specific content and meaning for you. You not only develop a sense of self-confidence and the ability to rely on yourself, but also develop ways of behavior that allow cope with life's difficulties in the future. Strength of spirit is formed in overcoming difficulties, just as strength of muscles is in overcoming hardships. At this age, interest in the opposite sex arises, and the time comes for the first time to fall in love. For the first time, you begin to think about choosing a path in life, about your future profession. Your peers achieve results in big-time sports in adult competitions and often receive the titles of masters of sports and international masters of sports. And you, too, may want to become adults right away, one day. And we must not forget that during this period there is a real danger of falling under the influence of the ideology of violence and extremist thinking and being involved in terrorist activities.
4. New material Involvement in terrorist activities is often facilitated by propaganda of the imaginary attractiveness of this step, which is based on the formation of some false ideas about terrorism. Among them the following are possible:
the strength and power of terrorists, the wide popularity of their deeds. But all their forces are aimed at the death of innocent people and the destruction of the life of society, and their activities bear the stigma of crime;
a sense of camaraderie and reliable self-sufficiency in a group of terrorists. But terrorists turn teenagers into suicide bombers and drug them;
joyful excitement from accepting a new role and a new life: you are already an adult, they trust you and you can do anything. But the bandits, diligently playing the role of older, wise comrades, send teenagers on deadly operations in which life can end at any moment and one may never become an adult. Therefore, one cannot become a completely adult in one day, having decided to engage in terrorist activities. Anyone who decides to become a terrorist forever deprives himself of many important and valuable things. You live in a family, have the opportunity to communicate normally with others, and you form connections with friends and acquaintances. A terrorist, as a rule, breaks ties with his family; he is not allowed to appear at home due to the constant threat of arrest. He has no friends, he only has accomplices. You need to remember that adulthood comes to a person gradually, in the process of his social development, the formation of his life experience, on the basis of certain moral positions, qualities and beliefs, including:
the desire to understand the world around us and ourselves in it;
love for one's Fatherland;
respectful attitude towards the history, culture, traditions of one’s people;
formation of abilities to work and self-discipline;
the desire to be honest, fair and responsive, tolerant of the opinions and lifestyle of others;
learn to live in harmony with yourself and others;
formation of a modern level of life safety culture. The individual’s need for knowledge and skills to adequately respond to dangers arising in the process of everyday life and to ensure the protection of the vital interests of the individual, society and state is increasing. It is generally accepted that:
the interests of the individual are in the implementation of constitutional rights and freedoms, in ensuring personal safety, in improving the quality and standard of living, in the physical, spiritual and intellectual development of man and citizen;
the interests of society lie in strengthening democracy, in creating a legal, social state, in achieving and maintaining public harmony, in the spiritual renewal of Russia;
The interests of the state lie in the inviolability of the constitutional system, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Russia, in political, economic and social stability, in the unconditional provision of legality and maintenance of law and order, in the development of equal and mutually beneficial international cooperation. Moral position in the formation of anti-terrorist behavior Terrorists try to involve in their activities primarily those teenagers who are easy to manipulate. And it is easiest to manipulate people who do not have convictions and a moral position. Man is created for a prosperous, happy and long life, which under no circumstances can be compatible with terrorist activity, since it is inhumane and criminal, and, therefore, immoral. Each of you needs to develop rules that determine your behavior in society. Developing rules of behavior involves following certain life guidelines. These include:
a clearly formulated goal of life and the possession of psychological stability in various life situations;
the desire to be the master of your life;
the desire to receive at least small joys from every day lived;
developing a sense of self-esteem;
regular sports in the section or in the yard;
feeling of optimism;
negative attitudes towards drug use and antisocial behavior;
formation of anti-terrorist behavior.
Prevention of bad habits
If you want to live a good life, your moral stance must necessarily include a negative attitude towards drug use.
Nature has endowed humans with unique opportunities for prosperous life. His organs and systems can experience stress and withstand stress approximately 10 times greater than those that a person has to deal with in everyday life. Unfortunately, it often happens that a person acquires bad habits even during his school years - addiction to smoking, alcoholic beverages and even drugs. Currently, according to health experts, addiction to smoking and drinking alcohol is considered a type of drug addiction, since the mechanisms of addiction and the consequences of use are similar to the mechanisms and consequences of drug use. Moreover, it is noted that alcohol and smoking act as catalysts (accelerators) in the formation of drug addiction. Drug addiction is a person’s irresistible need to take a drug. As a result of drug use, the body, as it were, tunes in to taking them and includes them in its biochemical processes. Gradually, a number of body functions, which before taking drugs were provided by substances produced by the body itself, begin to be performed by drugs, which leads to the formation of dependence on the drug, the need for continuous use.
Drug addiction is a difficult-to-treat disease that a person acquires voluntarily when he starts using drugs.
Drug addiction as a disease begins to develop, as a rule, after the first use of a narcotic substance.
The person who offers you a drug is the enemy of your health, because for the sake of his own profit, he takes away your health for your money.
Prevention of terrorist activities
To prevent terrorist activity, it is necessary to firmly form a number of beliefs:
terrorism in all its forms and manifestations represents one of the most serious threats to Russia's national security;
any terrorist activity is inhumane and criminal and unjustifiable, regardless of motivation;
terrorist activities will inevitably be exposed, and its participants will suffer deserved punishment;
any terrorist activity is destructive for its participants themselves (terrorists and their accomplices), since it puts them outside the law and prevents them from living a normal human life.
The formation of a system of anti-terrorism behavior should be based on conscious compliance with the norms and rules of behavior in our society in accordance with Federal laws and other regulations of the Russian Federation in the field of life safety. The formation of a modern level of life safety culture is a reliable protection against the harmful influence of various extremists who preach the ideology of violence.
To live a full and happy life, you need your own efforts, constant and considerable. To do this, it is important to learn to anticipate events, predict the development of various dangerous situations and behave safely. Have a clearly formulated goal in life and strive to achieve it, resist various temptations of imaginary values ​​and criminal ideals of terrorism.
How anti-terrorism behavior is formed
In the modern world, dangerous and emergency situations have become an objective reality in the life of every person. They pose a threat to his life and health, causing enormous damage to the environment, society and the state.
It should be noted that absolutely safe human life does not exist, and currently there is a tendency for increasing dangers of a natural, man-made and social nature. Tension arises in society due to the threat of terrorism and illegal drug trafficking, and the level of protection of the vital interests of the individual, society and state decreases. At the same time, an analysis of the tragic consequences of various dangerous and emergency situations, including the consequences of terrorist acts, shows that in more than 80% of cases the cause of death is the human factor. A tragedy most often occurs when a person fails to comply with established safety measures in everyday life and in various dangerous and emergency situations, which indicates a discrepancy between the level of life safety culture of the country's population and the real living conditions of the individual, society and state. Life safety culture is a system of human views and social values ​​that ensure safe individual behavior and protection of society from threats and dangers in all areas. This is one of the important components of a culture of life safety: learning to live in a given society, at a given time, observing the norms and rules of behavior accepted in it. This direction is realized by developing a deep conviction in oneself in a negative attitude towards antisocial behavior. Check yourself. What life positions can be considered moral? Justify your answer with examples. What areas of self-education and self-training can be considered more effective for the formation of anti-terrorist behavior?
6. Lesson summary. House. task p 6.2, workshop
Find in Tools mass media and the Internet (for example, on the website of the National Anti-Terrorism Committee at www.nak.fsb.ru) examples of the work of anti-terrorism agencies and counter-terrorism operations. Prepare a short message.