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Repetition lesson with game elements. My own game

You have probably noticed that during lessons with a tutor there comes a time when your methods and techniques, no matter how hard you try, no longer motivate and inspire the student; during the lesson he is sleepy and does not want to do anything. I suggest you slightly diversify the activities in the lessons, namely, use outdoor games.

How to do this correctly if your students are teenagers? Very simple! Combine the gaming moment with the educational one - two birds with one stone!

The use of outdoor games in biology lessons

In my practice, I worked more with teenagers who, as you understand, do not really like all kinds of games (computer games do not count). They believe that they are too old for such entertainment, especially with a teacher.

Agree, just playing ball won’t work for older schoolchildren, and they pay you for theoretical lessons, not for playing. I will show you with examples how you can get a student interested in doing the exercises, and also learn the subject at the same time.

Games in biology lessons worked especially well: topics about animals and plants, human anatomy always arouse keen interest among the children.

Such techniques work very well for kinesthetic learners; they like to move, and at the same time remember the material better this way.

In my lessons I often used such methods, even in individual lessons. If the child is not very easy-going, you can get by with cards. All the same, the game switches attention from one type of activity to another, so it’s easier to present the same material in a more interesting form.

The value of outdoor games

Let's look at the meaning of such exercises for schoolchildren during lessons with a tutor:

  • Physical activity

Sitting in one place for an hour and a half straight and listening to a boring story from a teacher? - no, it’s better to play and move!

  • Variety of activities

The monotony of activities always reduces attention and desire to work. Use outdoor games and you will see how your students' performance will improve.

  • Individual approach

Each student can prove himself in such activities, even if he is not the smartest, but he can be the most dexterous and fastest.

  • Comprehensive development

Isn’t the diversified development of a student the key to a successful lesson? In such games, the child reveals his hidden talents and develops emotional intelligence and communication skills.

  • Implementation of knowledge into practice

With the use of such games, any, even the most complex terms and concepts immediately seem elementary. Of course, they are an element of the game!

  • Increasing interest in classes

Outdoor games are an emotional activity, so they are of great value in additional activities with children. This lesson will be remembered by all participants for a long time.

  • WIN situation

In any game there will be winners, and this is very motivating. Give students the opportunity to win, let there be several nominations (“Fastest,” “Erudite,” “Mr. Savvy”). The competitive moment is the key to a successful game.

Techniques for outdoor games

"Step forward!"

Invite the student to take several steps (5-7) around the room; for each step you need to name certain terms or their sequence.

For example, it is very easy to memorize the sequence of taxa in the classification of animals (Kingdom-Type-Class-Order-Family-Genus-Species), where the words must be named clearly in order. Then you can complicate it and add to the taxa an example for a specific animal.

"I know five..."

A similar principle of working with the ball.

For example, a student, while hitting a ball, says: “I know five trees of a mixed forest: oak - one, pine - two, birch - three, maple - four, linden - five. I know five flowers of a mixed forest: lily of the valley - one, snowdrop - two, snowdrop - three; violet - four; corydalis - five.” The session is suitable for both group and individual work.

“In the footsteps of... (you can name the topic of the lesson)”

Place cards with terms on the floor (or on chairs in a row). Cards can be made in the form of traces, arrows, or in the shape of leaves, animals, insects (show your imagination, connect this with the topic of the lesson). Have the student pick up the cards and name the definition or characteristics of the object on the card.

The session is also suitable for group and individual work.


The algorithm for this technique can be briefly described as follows: word - sentence - question - answer.

The teacher throws the ball to the student and says: “Word.” He says a word that relates to the topic of the lesson. For example: "Medusa". A student throws a ball to another student and says: “Sentence.” Another student, having received the ball, makes a sentence with this word.

For example: “Jellyfish are coelenterate animals that live in warm seas.” Having said the sentences, the student throws the ball to any of the students, who must make up questions for this sentence. For example: “What are the characteristic features of a jellyfish?” When asking, he throws the ball to the fourth student, who must answer the question: “The jellyfish has a number of characteristic features: a dome-shaped body, tentacles on the underside, transparent, invertebrate.”

If there are more than four students, you can add more questions so that each one asks different ones. Then the circle shifts, and the student asks another question.

"Ping pong"

Two students come to the board and take turns asking each other questions about their homework. In this game you can use a small bright ball. The student says questions and throws the ball to his opponent. The teacher evaluates their answers.

One of the students prepared simple questions for homework. The answers to them should be one-part. He goes to the board, throws the ball to any of the students in the class and at the same time asks him questions. The answer sounds and the ball returns to the first student. The teacher evaluates the quality and originality of the questions and the correctness of the answers.


Classic "Crocodile", only words and expressions related to your subject. Prepare task cards in advance. Invite a student or group of students to depict a concept or a literary character with pantomime (options by subject - animal, plant, natural phenomenon, historical figure, scientist), the rest of the students should recognize him.

To complicate things, take not only words, but also expressions, fragments of poems, proverbs and phrases related to your subject.

Then sum up who guessed how many words. A very fun game, the kids just can't stop it.

"Black White"

This game is aimed at distinguishing concepts and their classification. First, try playing this game with colored cards, let the children understand the principle of the game, then you can move on to more active games. The red card is the name of the animal, the green card is the name of the plant. Over time, you can increase the number of word options and card colors accordingly.

Movable option: if the named word refers to animals, then the players must sit down, and if it refers to plants, raise their hands up. The students, having mixed up the concepts, take a step forward each time. Those who make fewer mistakes win.

If the number of children allows (there are 6-8 people or more), you can arrange a team competition. The meaning is the same, only now when naming an animal, one team raises its hands up, and the other squats. The team with the fewest penalty points wins.

The game can be complicated: for example, distinguish between types of animals (worms, arthropods, chordates), divisions, classes and families of plants (Angiosperms, Algae, Ferns). You can also define not only two actions for two options, but more, for example, adding hands to a belt or raising a leg for certain concepts.

The presentation was prepared for a biology game in grades 5-6. Any educational complex.

Target: Expanding students' horizons about early flowering plants.

Tasks: promote the development of cognitive activity of students; develop intellectual abilities and logical thinking; introduce students to primroses using riddles as an example.

The presentation contains riddles, answers to them and illustrations about early flowering plants. Changing slides and objects on them is done by clicking. First, the text of the riddle comes out, then the name of the plant and an illustration. For each correct answer - 1 point.

The extracurricular event “You’ll be healthy, you’ll get everything” takes place in the form intellectual game.

The goal of the intellectual game through game moments of the program is to set students up for a healthy lifestyle, develop healthy lifestyle habits, and introduce them to new information.

  • identify how well students have information about what health and a healthy lifestyle are
  • promote the formation of healthy lifestyle skills among students

Equipment: the office is decorated with posters with statements by writers, scientists, sayings about healthy way life, multimedia projector, presentation.

This game is intended for children in grade 5. Suitable for biology week. The number of participating teams may vary, but not more than 5.

The game consists of two rounds. In Round I, you must select the category and cost of the issue. When you press the clock hand, the time given for discussing the issue will begin to count down. By clicking on the piece of paper in the lower right corner, you can return to the slide with a selection of questions. In Round 2, teams take turns eliminating the category whose question they do not want to answer. When there is one question left, you need to click on the piece of paper and the question will be highlighted. You can choose the time to discuss this issue yourself.

Target audience: for 5th grade

What is life? Why am I living? What is my purpose?

In a form that is unobtrusive for teenagers, the author suggests finding answers and understanding the meaning of life: family, friends, sports, learning, travel. And, most importantly, it gives confidence that the future depends on ourselves, that life is a priceless gift that should be treasured.
The presentation is set up automatically. Additionally equipped with a sound file by M. Bernes “I love you, life” (backing track), which must be listened to quietly.

Target audience: for 10th grade

Presentation virtual tour “Records in flora» was created to conduct an extracurricular activity in biology in the 6th grade.

This resource contains interesting facts about unusual plants of our planet using photo and video materials.

The presentation can also be used on class hour, in extracurricular activities, or at an extracurricular event by primary school teachers.

Target audience: for 6th grade

The resource consists of two information and game blocks:
"Riddles about mushrooms"
Interactive test “Assemble the puzzles”
This resource can be used in biology lessons in grades 5-6 when studying the kingdom of mushrooms, in extracurricular activities of the teacher, during a week of natural science subjects.
The game can be played as a team or as an individual competition.
The presentation was created in Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2013. The main font is Calibri, 24 point.
Technological techniques were used: “apple on a plate”, “animated puzzles”. Control buttons, triggers, and hyperlinks are used.

Target audience: for 6th grade

This quiz was conducted in an after-school group on Earth Day with middle school students. This material can also be used in their work. class teachers, ecology, biology teacher for extracurricular activities. The quiz expands knowledge about birds, animals, insects, amphibians, fish and marine animals. It instills in children a humane attitude towards nature and a sense of responsibility for all life on earth.

Target audience: for 5th grade

The presentation was prepared for an extracurricular activity in biology. Can also be used in a biology lesson. This event is aimed at developing logical thinking and interest in the subject of biology. The game is accompanied by musical backgrounds. Sound accompaniment is provided automatically. During the game, questions appear sequentially on the slides, then answers. Thanks to the configured triggers for the figures, the amount that the player receives as a result of the correct answer is displayed in the right corner of the slide. At the same time, the color of the correct answer figure changes and the rectangles with incorrect answers disappear. In some slides, when you click the correct answer, the question disappears and a picture of the correct answer appears. During the game, the points are summed up and the presenter shows them on a slide. Under question on each slide there are two fields and one “Player” button. The presenter enters the points in the first field and presses the button. As a result, the earned point appears on the second field. On the next slide, the presenter enters the points from the previous game in the first field and clicks on the “Player” button. Next, the earned point is entered into the first field, and the points are automatically summed up by pressing the button. A summary of the event is attached to the presentation.

Biology lesson game. 5th grade

"Entertaining biology" ( extracurricular activities in biology)


Technologies: game, problem-dialogical

During the classes

Teacher. Today we will take a fascinating journey through different corners of nature.

Your journey will be unusual in that we will immediately organize a competition between three teams. To find out who will be on which team, we’ll do the “pine cones, acorns, nuts” counting. So, the “Pine Cones” team takes a place at 1 table, the “acorns” - at 2, and the “nuts” - at 3.

Our journey will take place along two routes: the “Green Friend” route and the “Kingdom of Animals and Birds” route. We start with a warm-up.


Look at the pictures of trees. Name them. What groups can they be divided into? ( Coniferous and deciduous)


Team "Shishki": Which plants' leaves turn red? ( Rowan, aspen, maple)

Team "Acorns": What berries can be picked from under the snow in spring? Do they grow here? ( Lingonberry, cranberry)

To the "Nuts" team: How do coniferous trees differ from deciduous trees? ( Coniferous trees have leaves in the form of needles, they are called needles. Unlike deciduous trees, coniferous trees do not shed their needles in the fall. The needles are also leaves.)

Team "Shishki": Which forest is darker: spruce or pine? ( It is darker in a spruce forest than in a pine forest. The spruce tree has many branches and thick needles. The branches hardly let through sun rays. It's lighter in the pine forest. The crown of pine trees is sparse and located high.)

Team "Acorns": Where does larch grow, and how is it different from other coniferous trees? ( Larch grows in the Siberian taiga. Larch is a coniferous tree, but not evergreen, unlike spruce and pine. Every autumn the larch sheds its leaves-needles, and in the spring it blooms new ones.)

To the "Nuts" team: In which natural area do these plants grow: cloudberries, blueberries, lingonberries? ( Cloudberries, blueberries, and lingonberries grow in the tundra. All these plants are berries.)

What do you do when you come across a beautiful flowering plant?

Listen to the poem. Flower. A. Viktorov.

I picked a flower in the meadow while running. I tore it off, but I can’t explain why. It stood in the glass for a day and withered. How long would he stand in the meadow?

The life of a picked plant is short. Many plants are disappearing from the face of the earth. And if everyone thinks like this: “Okay, if I pick just one flower, nothing will happen,” then soon some rare and beautiful flowers will disappear altogether.


A forest is not only trees and grass, but also the various animals and birds that inhabit it.

1. Listen and tell me what animals we are talking about?

In appearance, these animals are very similar. They have a small muzzle long ears and hind legs, short tail. The body is covered with fur. They feed their young with milk. But the living conditions of these animals are different. One lives in the forest, the other at home. They feed on grass and young twigs. But one of them more often gets carrots, hay, and boiled potatoes. ( Hare and rabbit). 2. Relay race "Who is faster?"

In 1 minute, teams must write the names: 1st team of domestic animals, 2nd team - wild animals, 3rd team - birds.

3. Musical break "We sang a song"

Drawings that depict natural objects will appear on the screen. You must quickly remember the song on the theme of the drawing ( grasshopper, Christmas tree, sun, bear, birch, clouds).

4. Guess "Bird Sounds"

Each team will take turns listening to 3 bird sounds; the task is to guess their name.

1 team - owl (eagle owl), sparrow, crow

Team 2 - goose, woodpecker, cuckoo

Team 3 - seagull, rooster, pigeon

5. Captains competition

To the 1st captain: Label the parts of the plants. To the 2nd captain: Name the properties of snow and ice. 3rd captain: Name objects of nature: wardrobe, sun, glass, shoes, air, cheese, birch, hare, car, rain.

Teacher: Having walked along the paths of Nature in science lessons and today in class, you learned a lot of interesting things. What can you guys do to protect our native nature? First of all, follow the rules of behavior in the forest, meadow, and river. Let's remember the rules of behavior.

Each team is given sheets of paper and markers; in 1 minute, write down the rules of behavior in the forest.

These rules must not only be known, but also followed. In the forest, a person is a guest. And therefore, when visiting, you should behave like a well-mannered person.

6.Blitz tournament "we've all been through this" What is the name of the device for measuring air temperature?

    What animals sleep in winter?

    Name two deciduous trees.

    Where should an outdoor thermometer be attached?

    What grows upside down?

    What plants are named after people?

    Name two indoor plants.

    A man guarding the forest.

    Baby goat.

    Droplets of moisture on the grass.

    Name 2 inanimate objects.

    The hare does not make any reserves. Why?

    Name 2 edible mushrooms.

    What are the birds that return in the spring called?

    Does a bear go into its den skinny or fat?



    1 line - a noun (who?, what?) related to the topic of the lesson

    2 line - 2 adjectives (what?, what?, what?), reflecting your mood in the lesson

    3 line - 3 verbs (what did(s)?, what did(?))

    4 line - a phrase expressing your attitude to the lesson as a whole, or a wish to the participants

    5 line - noun (who?, what?), or adverb (how?, where?, where?, when?, why?, for what purpose?, to what extent?)

Thank you for your creative and fruitful work at

summary of presentations


Slides: 30 Words: 1109 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

All about crosswords. History of crosswords. Crossword. The history of the crossword puzzle. The first Russian crosswords. Electronic crossword friends. About the health benefits of crossword puzzles. Crossword theory. Classification of crosswords. Classification of crosswords. Types of crosswords. Stages of crossword development. Drawing up conditions for a crossword puzzle. From work experience. Organization of the study. Making crosswords. Rules for creating a crossword puzzle. Crossword forms. System of criteria and indicators. Knowledge assessment scale. Efficiency practical application. Asteroids. Land. Air clothing of the Earth. - Crossword.ppt

Games lessons

Slides: 38 Words: 1268 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Game teaching methods in biology lessons. Lessons are competitions. Lessons - press conferences. Lessons like KVN. Theater lessons. Lessons with group forms of work. Peer learning lessons. Lessons taught by students. Lessons - tests. Binary lessons. Lessons are generalizations. Lessons - lectures. Lessons - conferences. Lessons - seminars. Lessons - excursions. Lessons - games. I will give several examples of the use of gaming techniques in lessons and on extracurricular activities. LOTTO: option 1. LOTTO: option 2. 1. Rebus “Coniferous plants” What is the significance of coniferous plants in nature? - Games lessons.ppt

Biology game

Slides: 90 Words: 2134 Sounds: 0 Effects: 30

“SUCH DIFFERENT BIOLOGY” (game for students in grades 9-11). Rules of the game. Three teams play. The rules are similar to the rules of the TV show “Own Game”. The right to move first is drawn by lot. The correct answer is assessed by the amount of points assigned to the question. If the answer is incorrect, the right to move is transferred to the opponents. Additions to the game. “All-in” - the question is interrupted only by all-in. Final round. The team bets on a certain number of points. The question is read out, and the team members write down the answer on sheets of paper. At the end of the time (1 minute), the answers are read aloud. The team with the most points wins. - Biology game.ppt

Biology game

Slides: 25 Words: 1095 Sounds: 0 Effects: 36

Games and game situations in biology lessons. About the game in general and educational games in particular. The word “game” is interpreted in different ways: Features of an educational game. Didactic possibilities of educational games. Orientation. Preparation for the event. Carrying out the game. Summarizing. Discussion of the progress and results of the game. Classification of educational games (according to T. P. Voitenko). Role-playing games. Competition games. Simulation and modeling games. The game is a guided discussion. The game is a creative discussion. 6th grade. "The Trial of Chlorophyll." The class is divided into three teams (rows). The board offers rubrics and points for correct answers. - Biology game.ppt

"Own game" in biology

Slides: 27 Words: 583 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

My own game. The structure of the kidneys. What two layers are distinguished in each kidney? Blood purification. Vessels. Microscopic capsule. Ringworm disease. How can a person become infected with scabies? Which of these diseases is skin? A man invented a vaccine against rabies. What layers of skin are distinguished? Outside surface. What types of leather are there? Outer layer. Nerve endings. Binary Latin name of the species. List the main functions of the skin. Plaster casts. Functions of the spinal cord. Brain. Explain the structure and functions of the cortex cerebral hemispheres. Hypovitaminosis. Products containing vitamin C. - “Own game” in biology.pptm

Biology lesson game

Slides: 27 Words: 469 Sounds: 0 Effects: 81

In the world. Plants. The wood of which plant is used in shipbuilding. Flowerbed. Cellulose. Bamboo. Needles. Mammoth. Whale. Chameleon. Flounder. Antelope. Bones. Scoliosis. Blood. Where is the organ of taste located in humans? Hormones. "Water horse" is a hippopotamus. China is the only country where blue roses grow. Pheasant is the same chicken. Centipedes and tarantulas are poisonous insects. Penguins can't jump, they just waddle. Cell. Karyotype. Biotechnology. Photosynthesis. What crossbreeding is used to determine the genotype of individuals. - Biology lesson-game.ppt

“Biology game” 6th grade

Slides: 29 Words: 637 Sounds: 0 Effects: 18

Biology game. 1. Basket. Golden mean. All in the spring in the high forest. Little white dress. Blizzard. Weed. Petals. What's superfluous. Earthworm. “Biology game” 6th grade. Find the mistake. Wood grouse. Catch the bird. Y. Walk in the forest. Spring is coming. Crossword. P. Insect. Ch. Freeze frame. Living letter. Team. Guess the rebus. Linden. Beet. Well done everyone. - “Biology game” 6th grade.ppt

Interactive biology games

Slides: 53 Words: 803 Sounds: 0 Effects: 162

Biological game. Cultivate children's curiosity. Qualifying round. Arrange the planets in order of distance from the Sun. Mercury. A game. 16,000. 100 points. The celestial body closest to Earth. Moon. 200 points. Redwoods. Giant trees. 300 points. The structure of plants. Ecology. 500 points. Galileo. Schleiden. 1000 points. Name of the plant. Double name of the plant. 2000 points. Beluga. Shark. 4000 points. Grasshoppers. Grasshoppers belong to the order. 8000 points. What birds saved Rome. Swans. 16,000 points. What class of animals do turtles belong to? Fish. 32,000 points. Frogs. - Interactive games on biology.ppt

Biology riddles

Slides: 18 Words: 300 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Fun biology. Quiz about our little brothers. "Erudite tour". "Poems of Znayka and Dunno." A thick-skinned hippopotamus takes hay with its trunk. "Confusion". - Biology riddles.ppt

Biology questions

Slides: 28 Words: 630 Sounds: 2 Effects: 32

Interesting biology. The green “lungs” of the planet. Symbol of our Motherland. Can a penguin call itself a bird? How to distinguish insects from representatives of other classes of arthropods. What kind of animal builds a nest on the grass and bushes. What is the Red Book. The tallest cereal. What kind of bird can crawl up a tree trunk upside down? Not an animal, not a bird, a sock like a knitting needle. Which animal has more cervical vertebrae? How does a nature reserve differ from a nature reserve? How to tell how old it is by looking at the stump of a felled tree. Name the largest bird living in Russia. Why are insects called “children of the Sun?” - Questions on biology.ppt

Biology competition

Slides: 23 Words: 1587 Sounds: 0 Effects: 142

Biology competition. Warm up. M i o r d. Teams. The science of preserving and strengthening human health. The science of the structure and form of the body and its organs. Fixed connection of bones. Competition for captains. Term. Blood and circulation. Erythrocyte. Find the mistake. Nasal cavity. Brush. Right atrium. 1. Capillary 2. Arterial 3. Venous. Erudite competition. Pope Innocent. Field of Dreams. Part of the brain. English scientist. The science. Biology competition. - Biology competition.pptx

Biology Quiz

Slides: 15 Words: 654 Sounds: 1 Effects: 1

Good afternoon, young biology experts! The most famous student of our school, “Pochemuchkin,” welcomes you. Today, two teams are participating in the biological shootout: “Roots” and “Tops”. Hour entertaining biology. Team presentation. Each team shows a “business card” - the name of the team, the emblem - for 2 minutes. Defense in the form of a song, poetry, skit of your choice. Warm up. Warm-up for “Tops” 1. The branch in clusters is dressed in purple. “Secrets of the Black Box” Hint No. 1. Unpretentious. In the heat they dry out and seem lifeless. They live up to 50-100 years. Hint #2 Symbiosis. Lichen + Mushroom. - Biology Quiz.ppt

Nature Quiz

Slides: 23 Words: 1210 Sounds: 0 Effects: 87

The earth is our common home. Human impact. Guess the riddle. Earth's birthday. Dear home. In the animal world. Rare and endangered species. Steller's cow. Green friends. Medicinal plants. Birds. Friends of the garden and vegetable garden. Cheerful boy. Night-bird. Herbs and clays. Flycatcher. Tit. Water. Forest mysteries. Excellent vision. Sedentary animal. Panda. Apple. - Quiz about nature.ppt

Biology Quiz Questions

Slides: 45 Words: 879 Sounds: 1 Effects: 106

Bioworld. The questions are divided into three groups. Biology. Anatomy. Zoology. Botany. Topics of questions. Alien bodies. Arteries. Hypertension. Alveoli. Trap. Two questions. Scientist. Outer layer of skin. Division of the brain. Pupil. Central braking. Outgrowth of a nerve cell. 2. Bird. A collection of animals. Trap. Question. Animal behavior. Pallas. Chloroplasts. Organism. Properties of organisms. Parts of the body. Formozov. Warm-blooded animals. 3. Cytology. Rudimentary shoot. Tree. Plants. Sunflower. Symbionts. Bark of tree. Juicy single-seeded fruit. Trap. -