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Modern speakers. Outstanding speakers of the 20th century The best speakers

One of the most mysterious. And one of the most impressive too. Indeed, eloquence is a great, unstoppable force. It is not entirely clear what kind of gift the greatest speakers have, and yet everyone simply listens to them. And they control and lead the crowd, skillfully using their eloquence.

History remembers cases when a successful speech helped to seize power. And a correctly pronounced call to action can awaken the crowd and incite it to revolt. And just as the consequences of the speeches delivered by history's greatest speakers will be forever preserved in the archives, so too will the names of those who stood behind them be recorded. Let's consider them.

Great Speakers of the World: List

Below are the names of those who most influenced us, achieved mastery in it and, improving themselves, left a mark on history. Naturally, these are not all the greatest speakers: it is simply impossible to fit them all into this short article. But these are significant personalities about whom it is worth knowing more than just their names.


Ancient Greece was not stingy with talent. The world remembers its artists. Demosthenes became famous for his eloquence; many great orators of antiquity took their example from him. What was the path of this brilliant man? The Greek knew from childhood what he wanted, and from an early age he understood how much he would have to overcome for this: after all, the boy suffered from tongue-tiedness, his voice was weak, and his breathing was too short. Severe training corrected all these shortcomings: the future master of political speech put pebbles in his mouth and took the elements as his assistant - he learned to recite on the seashore and while climbing high hills. The first method is still recommended for the development of diction and is considered very effective - there are strong arguments and numerous confirmations of this. As you can see, it is not for nothing that Demosthenes is the first to be mentioned when talking about those who are called “the greatest orators.”

Cicero Marcus Tullius

An outstanding speaker from Ancient Rome, whose skill reached such heights that his name became a household name in this type of activity. Unfortunately, out of more than one hundred different judicial and political speeches of Cicero, only fifty-eight have survived to this day. His achievements also include the development of the theory of rhetoric.

Abraham Lincoln

The trend is that many of the greatest speakers have achieved success by practicing on their own. They turned art into their life’s work, without stopping their development and continuing to improve. The same applies to Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth President of the United States of America, whose family's financial situation allowed him to sit in school for only a year. Nevertheless, the boy took on his own education and eventually became one of the most outstanding speakers the world remembers.

Winston Churchill

The great orators of the 20th century cannot be mentioned without the name of whose merits were sufficient both in the political sphere of activity and in the literary sphere (for the latter he was awarded the Nobel Prize). The path of the British Prime Minister in oratory is somewhat similar to the road to the skill and glory of the aforementioned Demosthenes: after all, just like his ancient Greek colleague, Churchill had speech impediments, but, having pulled himself together and calling on his remarkable willpower to help, managed to overcome this obstacle, which earned him a place on this list.

Thomas Woodrow Wilson

The twenty-eighth president of the United States of America was a highly educated head of the country. He mastered it perfectly English and had a Ph.D. One of his most outstanding speeches contained the president's talking points about the war and became the draft peace treaty that ended the First World War.

Adolf Hitler

A significant person who influenced her in a significant way is usually remembered as the greatest tyrant. But it is difficult to argue with the fact that Adolf Hitler had numerous talents, otherwise he would not have reached such heights. Eloquence, the ability to speak beautifully and convincingly, was also fully inherent in him. Hitler is called the most hated and at the same time the most adored man of the 20th century. Even his most ardent opponents recognized this figure’s ability to make speeches.

Vladimir Putin

The second and fourth presidents of Russia are rightfully included in the list of the greatest speakers. Thus, Vladimir Putin has more than fifteen years of experience. His rhetoric has several features: often the art of oratory is emphasized by brightness and shockingness, but the speech of the President of Russia is always balanced, constructive, calm and reasonable. And this has its impact: after all, Vladimir Putin is a significant player in the political arena of the world.

Steve Jobs

A speaker of our time, whose skills will be assessed by future generations through YouTube videos, he reflects the spirit of the twenty-first, digital, century. Seeing the pace at which this man has promoted the company with his Apple products, it is difficult to doubt his mastery of oratory. Unlike the above examples, Steve Jobs, however, directed his eloquence not into the political sphere of activity, but into marketing. This brought its well-deserved results. Mr. Steven Jobs' magnetic, charismatic and memorable way of speaking deserves to be mentioned in this list.

But before and now there were not only talented people who were fluent in the art of oratory, but also those who were not good at it at all. Here's a good example.

Viktor Stepanovich Chernomyrdin(Appendix 7) is our contemporary, an active politician who has enriched the idiom of the Russian language with numerous phrases. Viktor Stepanovich has always been distinguished by the peculiarities of his eloquence. Having heard Chernomyrdin speak, you will not confuse his manner of presentation with anyone else’s. His expressions have become aphorisms, each of us often quotes them in everyday life.

But, despite his peculiar and unique manner, he was very popular in society. He was entrusted to be ambassador to Ukraine, despite the fact that Russia has rather tense relations with this country.

Without possessing the generally recognized art of oratory, he still conveys his feelings, emotions and thoughts to a wide mass of people, and just yesterday he was a prominent figure in the political arena.

I would like to quote some of his phrases that we often use and hear.

“We cannot do anything to anyone’s detriment.”

"...we wanted the best, but it turned out as always"

“Mamai walked around the country without me”

“This has never happened before, and here it is again!”

“The government is not a body where you can use your language at random”

“It’s better to be the head of a fly than the ass of an elephant” and there’s nothing worse than vodka.”

“You have to think what to understand”

“If your hands are itchy, scratch them somewhere else!”

"You there there..."

“I’m generally far from thinking.”

“We are not allowed to join. As soon as we start to join, we will definitely step on something.”

"We have completed all points: from. A to. B"

"Principles that were principled were unprincipled"

"This is not the place for you"

“We have a country - stop skipping and jumping”

“I won’t say much, otherwise I’ll say something again.”

In addition to the manner of speaking, the presentation of oneself as a speaker also plays a very important role. Many personalities became great men of words precisely thanks to charisma and temperament. In order for a speech to touch and interest the audience, the authority of the speaker or his special psychological mood is important. To induce listeners to take some action, the speaker first of all makes an effort himself, which requires special effort of will. This effort is felt in the speaker’s speech and is transmitted to his listeners, prompting them to action. One of the most prominent representatives modern political world is Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky ( Appendix 8).

Zhirinovsky's political activity is characterized by extremely vivid and often provocative scandalous populist statements. It is believed that Zhirinovsky voiced the plans of the Russian government several times and often these forecasts came true. A number of public scandals and brawls (especially in 1994-1995) were associated with the name of Zhirinovsky, which increased his popularity among voters. There is no censorship inherent in it. Vladimir Volfovich does not select correct and ethically verified phrases for his statements. He speaks directly, to the point, and calls all things by their proper names. Without notes. His manner of conveying information to the public does not fit into the standard framework oratory, but despite this, crowds of people listened to him. It was his manner of presenting himself that made people pay attention to him. And the most important thing is to listen to him.

Here are some of his quotes:

“There was a good journalist, John Reed, who made a report, died, and was buried.”

"If McDonald's is a good place, why are our people dying at 57?"

“We will explain to our people what the Russian people are. This is completely savage!”

"We will be told..."

“The Germans sent us Bolsheviks in a sealed carriage. We now need to send a sealed carriage with Chechens to Europe.”

“Today he will speak, and tomorrow he will be hanged.”

"What are the cows going crazy about? British democracy."

"Pushkin was unfortunate. It would have been better if he had not existed at all."

“So is Jacques Chirac. Let him come here and sit in the ward between IVs and see how Russian doctors know how to treat. We cure all diseases.”

“The planet cries only to Russian songs.”

"I have clean hands, but they will be bleeding if I become president."

Having examined the outstanding personalities of the past and modern times, I want to bring you to a man who is held up as an example to many political figures, who has absorbed the best qualities of a modern orator. Being our contemporary, he represents the classical school of oratory. Most politicians are inclined to give the palm to him!

Hugo Rafael Chavez Frias(Appendix 9) - President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. A clear example of the ability to hold an audience.

On May 23, 1999, the program “Hello, President” was broadcast on television with the participation of the president of the country himself. Chavez explained his desire to try himself as a TV presenter by saying that he wants to convey the truth about what is happening in the country and around it to every Venezuelan. On air, Chavez asks questions to his ministers, communicates with local residents, conducts teleconferences with other regions, explains government policies, makes historical excursions, blows kisses and jokes. Since February 15, 2007, President Hugo Chavez began communicating with his people every weekday for an hour and a half from 20.00 to 21.30. But he didn't stop there. In August, Chavez set a record by communicating with the Venezuelan people for 7 hours and 43 minutes. During the broadcast from the presidential palace, Chavez did not take a single break and only occasionally drank a cup of coffee. And during the September television program, Hugo Chavez set a new record for its duration. Without interruption, in thirty-degree heat, he broadcast a popular program in the country for 8 hours and 06 minutes. He is the standard of oratorical skill. All norms were observed in his speech.

Dialogue requires the speaker to have extensive knowledge of philosophy, history, law and literature so that he can move the discussion of any issue to a more high spheres, and not be limited to narrow legal problems. How skillfully and effectively we can communicate with people determines how others perceive us and how successful we will be in life. People who communicate better than others are usually more successful and achieve more in both their personal and business lives. The ability to communicate is the art of listening and hearing, the art of seeing and feeling, the ability to understand the interlocutor and convey your thoughts to him. Many great people have said wonderful things about public speaking.

Communication itself is inexhaustible and exciting - the more you do, the more real results you get - the more you want to continue. It’s incredibly interesting and exciting to understand human relationships, restructure communication, and notice what other people don’t notice. When small details become visible, a completely different picture begins to emerge, much deeper and more meaningful than anything that was noticeable before.

Alexandrov Petr Akimovich (1838-1893)

After graduating from the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg University, from 1860, for 15 years, he held various positions in the Ministry of Justice. Solid knowledge, great abilities and talent ensured his rapid advancement through the ranks: comrade prosecutor of the St. Petersburg District Court, prosecutor of the Pskov District Court, comrade prosecutor of the St. Petersburg Judicial Chamber and, finally, comrade chief prosecutor of the cassation department Governing Senate. In 1876, Alexandrov, after an official conflict caused by his superiors’ disapproval of his conclusion in court in one of the cases, where he spoke in defense of freedom of the press, retired and entered the legal profession in the same year.

As a defender, Alexandrov attracted attention with his performance in the famous political trial of the “193s”. The case was heard in 1878 in the St. Petersburg District Court behind closed doors. The best forces of the St. Petersburg Bar took part as defenders.

Speaking in this trial, Aleksandrov, little known as a lawyer, first attracted the attention of the public with a thoughtful speech and convincing polemics with the prosecutor.

Soon after this case, the St. Petersburg District Court heard a case charging Vera Zasulich with the attempted murder of the St. Petersburg mayor Trepov. The speech Alexandrov delivered in defense of Vera Zasulich brought him wide fame not only in Russia, but also abroad. His speech was reproduced in full on foreign languages. It should be directly noted that Aleksandrov’s speech had a great influence on the formation of the jury’s decision in the case. This speech revealed the great talent of a gifted, courageous judicial orator.

Respecting his profession, P. A. Alexandrov was always restrained in his speeches. His speeches are distinguished by the thoroughness of his main provisions and the internal consistency of all their parts. He pronounced them quietly, convincingly, with great inner strength. Being a brilliant orator, he never relied solely on his oratory skills, giving great value pre-trial preparation for the case and judicial investigation. He always thought through his speeches carefully.

Andreevsky Sergei Arkadievich (1847-1918)

A very talented pre-revolutionary lawyer. After graduating from the Faculty of Law of Kharkov University in 1869, he was a candidate for a judicial position under the prosecutor of the Kharkov Court Chamber, a judicial investigator in the city of Karachev, and a comrade of the prosecutor of the Kazan District Court, where he proved himself to be a talented prosecutor. In 1873, with the direct participation of A.F. Koni, with whom he was close in joint work, S.A. Andreevsky was transferred as a fellow prosecutor of the St. Petersburg District Court.

In 1878, the tsarist justice was preparing for hearing a case accusing Vera Zasulich of attempted murder of the St. Petersburg mayor Trepov. The Ministry of Justice carefully processed issues related to the consideration of this case. Much attention was paid to the composition of the court and the role of the prosecutor in the process. The Ministry of Justice invited S.A. to act as a prosecutor in this case. Andreevsky and V.I. Zhukovsky. However, both of them refused to participate in the process.

Already the first trial in which Andreevsky spoke (speech in defense of the accused in the murder of Zaitsev), created his reputation as a strong lawyer in criminal cases.

Unlike Aleksandrov, he did not care about a deep, comprehensive analysis of the case materials, and did not pay enough attention to the conclusions of the preliminary investigation. They focused on the personality of the defendant, analysis of the environment in which he lived, and the conditions in which the defendant committed the crime. Andrievsky always gave a psychological analysis of the defendant’s actions deeply, vividly, vividly and convincingly. Without exaggeration, he can be called a master of psychological defense. The images he reveals always create an irresistible impression.

In cases where not only consistency and infallible logic were required, but also strict legal thinking and research of legislative material, he, as a lawyer, was not up to par, and success failed him. As a judicial speaker S.A. Andreevsky was original and independent.

Its main feature is the widespread introduction of literary and artistic techniques into defense speech. Considering advocacy as an art, he called the defender a “talking writer.” In his work “On Criminal Defense,” noting the role of psychological disclosure inner world defendant, Andreevsky wrote: “...fiction, with its great revelation of the human soul, should have become the main teacher of criminal lawyers” S. A. Andreevsky, Dramas of Life, Petrograd, 1916. Noting the need to introduce techniques into criminal defense fiction, he believed that “...techniques of fiction should be introduced into criminal defense completely, boldly and frankly, without any hesitation” Ibid..

He not only expressed these views on defense in the press, but also practically implemented them in court. Andrievsky always carefully crafted his speeches. They contain many vivid figurative comparisons, apt words, and truthful reproductions of the events of the crime. True, his speeches are not without a certain pathos, a desire for excessive eloquence.

His contemporaries said that Andreevsky's style is simple, clear, although somewhat pompous. His speeches are harmonious, smooth, carefully planned, full of bright, memorable images and colors, but his passion for psychological analysis often prevented him from giving a deep analysis of the evidence, which in some cases greatly weakened his speech.

S.A. Andreevsky was engaged and literary activity. He wrote many poems and poems on lyrical themes. Since the beginning of the 80s, he has been published in the “Bulletin of Europe”; a number of his works and critical articles about Bartynsky, Nekrasov, Turgenev, Dostoevsky and Garshin have been published in the book “Literary Reading”. A collection of his poems was published in 1886.

Andreevsky's court speeches were published as a separate book.

Zhukovsky Vladimir Ivanovich (1836-1901)

Graduated from the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg University with the rank of candidate. In 1861 he entered the post of judicial investigator in the Orenburg province. Subsequently he worked in various judicial positions. In 1870, he was appointed associate prosecutor of the St. Petersburg District Court. Successfully acted as a prosecutor. With his speech on the sensational criminal case of the arson of a mill by the merchant Ovsyannikov, Zhukovsky established himself as a talented speaker.

In 1878, for the same reasons as S.A. Andreevsky Zhukovsky was forced to leave the prosecutor's office and entered the bar. He has successfully acted in many class action cases as defense counsel and a civil plaintiff. He was widely known both in St. Petersburg and on the periphery. His speeches in court were always simple and intelligible, easily understood by listeners. He especially established himself as a representative of a civil plaintiff. Zhukovsky delivered his speeches quietly and naturally. Comic situations did not escape his observant gaze. He was brilliant at irony, and skillfully used it in court.

Zhukovsky carefully crafted his speeches, paying a lot of attention to ensuring that they were accessible and well received by listeners. In his speeches, he always found a place for a caustic joke, doing it like a great master. He skillfully polemicized with the prosecutor, but did not always pay attention to a deep and detailed analysis of the evidence. Contemporaries of Zhukovsky noted that shorthand recordings of his speeches do not fully convey the character of individual details of speech, which acquire special significance in tone, facial expressions and gestures, which V.I. brilliantly mastered. Zhukovsky.

Karabchevsky Nikolai Platonovich (1851-1925).

In 1869 he entered the natural sciences department of St. Petersburg University. Fascinated by the lectures of famous pre-revolutionary lawyers - professors P. G. Redkin, N. S. Tagantsev, A. D. Gradovsky, he transferred to the Faculty of Law, which he successfully graduated from in 1874 with a candidate’s degree, and in the same year he entered the bar. For five years he was an assistant to a sworn attorney, and since 1879 he was a sworn attorney at the St. Petersburg Court Chamber. He quickly gained popularity as one of the most capable criminal defense attorneys. Repeatedly made defensive speeches in political processes.

As a young lawyer, he successfully acted in the “193” trial, defending Breshkovskaya, Rogacheva and Andreeva. He proved himself well, speaking in the large trial “On commissariat abuses during Russian-Turkish war", considered by the military district court. In this large, labor-intensive case, Karabchevsky proved himself to be a serious lawyer, able to give a complete, detailed analysis of numerous evidence in complex, complicated cases.

Among his most famous speeches in criminal cases is a speech in defense of Olga Palem, accused of the premeditated murder of student Dovnar, in defense of the Skitsky brothers, in defense of the Multan Votyaks, in whose fate V. G. Korolenko took part. His speech on the case of the sinking of the steamship Vladimir was very famous. His speeches on political matters, in defense of Gershuni, Sazonov, and Beilis, are widely known.

In addition to his advocacy, Karabchevsky was involved in literary work. He is responsible for a number of literary works- prose and poetry, published in the collection “The Lifted Veil”. Memoirs and articles on legal issues were published in his book “About Justice”. He is also known as the editor of the “Lawyer” magazine that was published at one time. Died abroad in exile.

Plevako Fedor Nikiforovich (1842-1908)

Graduated from Moscow University. He was a sworn attorney at the Moscow Judicial Chamber. He worked as a lawyer for more than 40 years. Gifted judicial speaker. Gradually, from trial to trial, he won wide recognition with his speeches. He carefully prepared for the case, deeply knew all its circumstances, knew how to analyze evidence and show the court the inner meaning of certain phenomena. His speeches were distinguished by great psychological depth, worldly wisdom, simplicity and clarity. He illuminated complex human relationships and everyday combinations that were sometimes insoluble in a penetrating manner, in a form accessible to listeners.

Speaking in many major trials, he showed himself to be a sharp and resourceful polemicist.

Spasovich Vladimir Danilovich (1829-1906)

In 1849 he graduated from the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg University. Upon graduation, he worked as an official in a criminal court chamber. At the age of 22, he defended his master's thesis in the Department of International Law. He was engaged in teaching work. Translated Polish writers into Russian. He was close to the scholar-historian K.D. Kavelin, on whose recommendation he took the department of criminal law at St. Petersburg University. A gifted criminologist known for his theoretical work in the field of criminal procedure, Spasovich was the author of one of the best textbooks on Russian criminal law of his time. Spasovich was very popular among students. His lectures attracted large number students. Spasovich had anti-routine views in the science of criminal law and procedure, which caused dissatisfaction with the university authorities.

In 1861, together with a group of leading scientists, he left St. Petersburg University due to student unrest. At the bar since 1866. He acted as a defense attorney in a number of political cases.

Khartulari Konstantin Fedorovich (1841-1897)

After graduating from the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg University, he initially served in the Ministry of Justice, and from 1868 - as a sworn attorney at the St. Petersburg Court Chamber. He is known as an exceptionally balanced lawyer, far from any attempts to saturate his speech with excessive eloquence.

His appearances in court are distinguished by his thorough and in-depth analysis of evidence, his ability to find the main points in a case and give them the correct coverage. Feature His speeches are carefully finished, their parts are proportionate, and the material is deeply thought out. His best speech is his speech on the sensational criminal case on charges of murder of Margarita Jujan. True, this speech is devoid of bright colors, acute situations and deep psychological images, which he did not know how to draw. The speech on the case of Margarita Jujan is an example of a business-like, in-depth analysis of evidence, strict consistency and logic, which makes it intelligible and convincing. The lawyer did not leave a single piece of evidence without thorough analysis and careful comparison with other evidence. In this speech, all the evidence confirming the innocence of Margarita Jujan is skillfully grouped and sequentially presented. This largely ensured the acquittal verdict.

On a completely different level, a speech was made in defense of Maria Levenshtein and Raznotovsky, accused of attempted murder. Here Khartulari showed himself to be a good psychologist, a great observer, and a vivid describer of everyday life.

Kholev Nikolai Iosifovich (1858-1899)

In 1881, he graduated from the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg University and immediately became an assistant attorney at the St. Petersburg Court Chamber, where his advocacy began. He did not gain fame immediately. Only five or six years later he had the opportunity to speak in a major trial, where he showed his oratorical abilities to the fullest extent. His speeches, like those of K.F. Khartulari, are characterized by efficiency and confidence in the word. Kholev’s best speech is his speech in defense of Maksimenko and his speech on the case of the wreck of the steamer “Vladimir”.

His speeches, however, are rather dry, they lack brilliance, sharp humor, combative polemical fervor, and he is not capable of deep psychological excursions. Kholev’s success was due to his ability to conscientiously collect evidence and correctly present it to the court. For example, his speech in defense of Maksimenko is persistent, painstaking work. Every piece of evidence he uses has been carefully verified. In analyzing the evidence, he is strictly consistent. The logic of his speech is difficult to dispute. His polemics with medical expertise make a great impression. Kholev’s speeches are an example of an extremely conscientious attitude towards the duties of a lawyer. Kholev was not in the first rank of pre-revolutionary Russian speakers, but he was one of the famous ones, spoke in major trials, where he achieved success with great work and diligence.

The foundations of correct, interesting, audience-captivating speech have been formed since ancient times. Oratory is by no means a new-fangled trend, so to develop your own abilities and speech culture, you can and should use the experience of thousands of years.

Each era gave birth to its own great speakers who led the masses. It’s difficult to list them all, and it’s not necessary. It is more important to talk about those speakers who managed to change the world and revolutionize the idea of ​​the possibilities of the art of speech in principle.

Ancient orators of Greeceand Rome

The cradle of the art of orators is ancient Greece, and then the Roman Empire took the baton. Among the dozens of names of bright speakers, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Lysias, Demosthenes and Cicero stand out.

Socrates and Plato: The most famous speakers Ancient Greece discovered “true eloquence” and contrasted it with the popular trend of sophists. In their opinion, the main speech is knowledge of the truth about its subject, and the speaker’s speech itself is structured according to the following scheme: introduction, presentation, evidence, plausible conclusions.

Aristotle: He was the first to systematize the rules and experience of orators in Ancient Greece in the three-volume book “Rhetoric”, and identified three types of speeches: deliberative, judicial, epideictic. Aristotle especially emphasized the importance of emotional impact on the audience and demanded, first of all, clarity from the speaker’s speech.

Lisiy: A professional in judicial speeches who has brought accusatory and exculpatory rhetoric to perfection. He was the first to draw attention to the importance of humor and irony in a speaker’s speech.

Demosthenes: The great orator of Greece, who initially had a weak voice and breathing, proved that a master of words does not have to be born - one can become one despite physical obstacles, lack of abilities, etc.

Cicero: One of the few ancient speakers, a huge part of whose speeches have reached us in their original, written form. There are 58 pieces available for study - mostly of a political and judicial nature. It was Cicero who began to widely use rhetorical embellishments, devote time to the rhythm of the text, and highlight certain parts intonationally. Further, in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, Cicero's approach was used by new orators to form the foundations of spiritual, aesthetic, and political rhetoric.

Great SpeakersXXcentury

The 1900s were rich in bright names and innovations in the art of oratory, although many of the great orators of the 20th century are controversial, tragic and even demonic figures.

Anatoly Koni: A Russian lawyer and public figure at the beginning of the 20th century began to skillfully combine facts and emotional assessments in his speeches. It was the interweaving of arguments from logic, rationality and feelings that became the new standard for judicial and political speakers of the time.

Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin): A speaker who moved away from traditional rhetoric and began to conduct a dialogue not even with the audience, but with the crowd. His know-how is extremely laconic and simple phrases, easily parsed into quotes. The aphorisms of a great speaker go “to the people”, enhance and continue the effect of the speech.

Hitler: Chopped, short, often fragmentary and unfinished phrases, exaggerated gestures, long pauses, frequent changes in tempo and timbre of the voice, the general “theatricality” of speech - these are the innovations that this most terrible person introduced into oratory. And to this day, many speakers, recognizing the tragic role of this man in history, use his techniques.

Winston Churchill: One of the first great orators and statesmen modern history, who widely used humor in his purely political speeches. In addition, Churchill is known for the most serious preparation for a speech, the perfection of every word, the rehearsal of every gesture. Since his inception, such thoroughness has ceased to be considered a sign of an inexperienced or poor speaker. Moreover, as a child, Churchill had a noticeable lisp, but managed to get rid of this defect, which instilled confidence in many aspiring speakers.

Martin Luther King: A great orator who changed the fortunes of an entire race with his speeches alone. Even a person far from politics and US history knows the words “I have a dream...”. Martin Luther King clearly demonstrated how you can win, inspire, and persuade millions of hearts simply by speaking from your heart.

Great speakers: names of contemporaries

The century of the triumph of technology and the acceleration of the pace of life has brought innovations to oratory.

Steve Jobs: The man who “reinvented the telephone” was not only an innovator in the IT field. His speeches are considered modern standards of effective rhetoric, despite the fact that he did not persuade, but suggested, did not deal with the audience, but simply talked. His main strong point is laconicism and simplicity, expressed even in clothes. Distinctive features of the great speaker Jobs: a joke or witticism said at the very beginning and, like a hook, catches the listener, vivid imagery and many visual comparisons.

Anthony (Tony) Robbins: Celebrity life coach and motivational speaker. He is known for his “many faces” - he can portray in front of an audience anyone from a shirtless guy to a guru, from a fool to a professor. Such a frequent change of images emotionally shakes the listeners and forces them to give exactly the reactions that the speaker needs.

Lessons from great speakers from Greece to the present day

As you can see, not all famous and even undeniably great speakers were initially talented. Some had to overcome embarrassment, stiffness, and speech impediments. For some, it’s a matter of painstakingly fashioning themselves into speakers without much natural talent. And for some, go against traditions and turn their disadvantages into advantages. There are no objective obstacles to becoming an effective speaker. Act, learn, come to a professional public speaking course in training center IFAM and see how mastery of words and audience can change your life.

Oratory and speech art, rhetoric exercises, video lessons in this discipline - all this, at first glance, may seem to you something unnecessary or even outdated.

It seems that parents and school taught me to express my thoughts in childhood, there are no problems in communicating with people around me - that’s great.

But speech is a very deep and interesting thing, which in skillful lips can work wonders.

Not just miracles, but very large-scale phenomena. For example, to change the world, to create, as well as to destroy.

You don't have to look far for examples: the great orators of the 20th century, including Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin and Winston Churchill, proved that the spoken word has tremendous power.

Life Reactor will tell you the secret of public speaking and how it can serve you in all areas of your life.

Origin of oratory

Majority modern historians They agree that the birthplace of the art of eloquence is Ancient Greece.

Although the ancient Romans also claimed their rights as discoverers and, to tell the truth, had quite good reasons for this.

The spirit of cultural competition that has always reigned between Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, especially became aggravated on this issue.

The Hellenes succeeded a little more, because it was from their people that Demosthenes emerged - the most skillful and famous orator, whose skill was greatly revered by his contemporaries.

His speech was stunningly simple and beautiful.

Demosthenes voiced some thesis that was understandable to all his listeners, and then led the crowd along winding paths of elegant and precise metaphors, not forgetting to use logical conclusions.

Each speech of the famous Greek speaker attracted thousands of onlookers who greedily caught every word, admiringshowing unprecedented eloquence.

It is worth noting that the ancient era gave the world a whole galaxy of outstanding masters of eloquence.

Particularly notable among them are:

  1. Pericles (490-429 BC)
  2. Socrates (469–399 BC)
  3. Plato (427–347 BC)
  4. Marcus Tullius Cicero ( 106–43 BC)

The attitude of the ancient Greeks and Romans towards people who perfectly mastered the art of speech was so high that their abilities were attributed to magical and sometimes even divine origin.

Not everyone could master the most complex science of oratory. This required a lot of patience and a special attunement of consciousness.

It is not surprising that training the necessary skills took so much time that only those who had plenty of time could do them.

And also those who were ready to rely on oratory and abandon other activities for a long time.

It is noteworthy that in the pagan pantheon of the ancient Greeks there was a place for the whole goddess of eloquence - Peito, whose name literally means" belief " .

It was the ability to convey one’s thoughts to listeners, to put a certain intention into their hearts and minds, that was considered the height of skill.

“The Death of Socrates” (French: La Mort de Socrate) - historical painting by Jacques-Louis David (1787) from the collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, USA)

And if the speaker accompanied his speech with skillful artistic expressions and logic, then the epithet was often attached to his name"divine" - so great was the veneration of the adherents of the science of oratory.

It is noteworthy that in ancient Rome A person’s intellectual background and even his character traits were assessed based on his rhetorical abilities. These things were inextricably linked.

So the expression that competent and structured speech is the first sign general culture human, has ancient roots.

Centuries have absolutely not deprived it of its relevance, as anyone can see by simply going outside.

Great orators of our time

Despite the fact that the ancient era is considered the most generous in speakers, the 20th century also gave the world outstanding masters of this art.

Most of them were involved in politics and were leaders of their countries during a terrible time for humanity of bloody revolutions and world wars.

Gestures in the ability to speak are no less important than words. The photo shows the hands of Demosthenes, an ancient Greek statue

The great speakers of the 20th and early 21st centuries are considered:

  1. Anatoly Koni
  2. Vladimir Ulyanov-Lenin
  3. Joseph Stalin
  4. Leon Trotsky
  5. Adolf Hitler
  6. Joseph Goebbels
  7. Winston Churchill
  8. Sergey Shipunov
  9. Vladimir Putin
  10. Vladimir Zhirinovsky
  11. James Humes

Life Reactor will briefly talk about the greatest masters from the list above, as they are absolutely worthy not only of your attention, but also of the highest praise as outstanding speakers.

Anatoly Fedorovich Koni - the only person on the list who had no relation to politics.

An outstanding lawyer of the 20th century, Anatoly Koni gained fame as an unsurpassed master of persuasion with words.

His speeches in court were not monotonous, but were lively, dynamic and full of meaning. This alone set him apart from the boring lawyers and government prosecutors of that time.

Anatoly Koni brilliantly used facts, not forgetting about facts.

He always knew how to find golden mean: in his speeches there was no place for either excessive dryness, or eccentric shouts and overly poetic turns of phrase.

The skill of the brilliant Russian lawyer was based on a personal conviction: court speakers had to tell the truth, and for this it was necessary to be able to open human hearts.

Vladimir Ulyanov-Lenin - is not only the main ideologist, but also the voice of the Russian revolution, especially in its first years.

He earned people's love thanks to his simplicity and clarity of speech, as well as his ability to captivate people with ideas.

Contemporaries of the main Russian revolutionary noted that he had very strong energy.

Another important distinctive feature Lenin's oratorical skill was that he often entered into dialogue with his listeners.

Communication took place two-way, and this can leave few people indifferent.

Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin adopted many rhetorical techniques from his predecessor and mentor.

But unlike Lenin, who preferred to express himself extremely briefly,

Stalin was partial to long and complex lexical structures, which, however, did not negate his success with his listeners.

Vladimir Ulyanov-Lenin

Experts in the field of oratory call Joseph Vissarionovich one of the most bright figures 20th century.

Trotsky was very educated person, thanks to which he easily discussed any topic, delivering speeches without the slightest hesitation.

Ideological opponents feared him, and the people listened to every word.

Adolf Hitler - This is one of the most outstanding speakers of the 20th century. His speeches were distinguished by excessive emotional coloring, hypnotizing energy and liveliness.

The leader of the German people knew how to keep a crowd of thousands in suspense from the beginning to the end of the performance.

To do this, he used long pauses, acceleration of speech, shouting, and so on.

The rhythm that he set in his speeches did not allow you to get bored for a second. In addition, Adolf Hitler actively used gestures - another important technique of oratory.

Outstanding orator Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill - an example of a careful and thoughtful approach to public speaking.

Each text of the speech was polished to a dazzling shine. All ideas were thought out in advance, brought to perfection, inspiring the speaker, and only then the audience.

It is noteworthy that even taking into account the long preliminary preparation, Churchill held himself very well, joked a lot and used metaphors, which attracted the attention of his listeners.

How can I master the art of speaking and why do I need it?

Today, rhetoric is as necessary for a business person as it was centuries ago.

Despite the significant change in communication methods, among which the omnipotent Internet has taken a leading position, nothing can replace live speech.

Only with direct contact between the speaker and the audience can a real relationship occur and the magic of persuasion be created.

A speaker does not have to speak only to a large crowd.

You can use the art of rhetoric at work, during meetings with friends, as an auxiliary tool to achieve goals, or make it your hobby.

Possession of eloquence will definitely come in handy, so you should not neglect the opportunities that the global network provides.

Today there are three main ways to study rhetoric:

  1. Online courses
  2. Specialized literature
  3. Master classes

The first option is the most accessible. The Internet offers courses for every taste, and among them you can easily find lectures and video lessons on public speaking.

If you don't know where to start, turn to online courses

A nice bonus is that they are mostly free and at the same time quite high quality. Youyou will find everything you need.

Specialized literature has also become available.Consider the work of Dale Carnegie or James Humes.

Thanks to their work, you will certainly learn how to compose a good speech and prove your points.

Master classes on rhetoric are quite rare, so if you have the opportunity to attend a speech by a specialist in this field, do not miss it!

Watching a master speak with explanations is the best experience for a novice speaker, which is no less important than the theoretical basis.