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The meaning of the fairy tale 12 months of Marshak. Review of the fairy tale by S.Ya. Marshak “Twelve Months”

In the winter forest, a wolf talks with a raven, squirrels play burner with a hare. They are seen by the Stepdaughter, who came to the forest for brushwood and firewood (sent by her cruel Stepmother). The stepdaughter meets the Soldier in the forest and tells him about the game of animals. He explains that under New Year all sorts of miracles happen, and he helps the girl collect the bundle. And the Soldier himself came to the forest to get a Christmas tree for the Queen. When he leaves, the twelve months gather in the forest to build a fire.

The fourteen-year-old Queen, the same age as her Stepdaughter, is an orphan. The gray-bearded Professor teaches the wayward girl penmanship and mathematics, but not very successfully, because the Queen does not like to be contradicted. She wishes April to come tomorrow, and issues an order: she promises a big reward to the one who brings a basket of snowdrops to the palace. The heralds announce the beginning of spring and the royal order.

The stepmother and her daughter dream of a reward. As soon as the Stepdaughter returns with brushwood, she is immediately sent back to the forest - for snowdrops.

The frozen Stepdaughter wanders through the forest. He comes out into a clearing where a fire is burning, and twelve brothers-months are warming themselves around it. The girl tells them her story. April asks the brothers to give him an hour to help his Stepdaughter. They agree. Snowdrops are blooming all around, the girl is collecting them. April gives her her ring: if trouble happens, you need to throw the ring, say the magic words - and all the months will come to the rescue. The brothers punish the Stepdaughter not to tell anyone about meeting them.

Stepdaughter brings snowdrops home. Stepmother's Daughter steals the ring given by April from the sleeping Stepdaughter. She immediately guesses about this and begs for the ring to be returned to her, but the old woman and her evil Daughter don’t even want to listen. They go with the snowdrops to the royal palace, leaving the Stepdaughter at home.

Gala reception at the royal palace. The Queen announces that the New Year will not begin until a basket full of snowdrops is brought. Gardeners appear with greenhouse flowers, but there are no snowdrops among them. Only when the Stepmother and Daughter bring Snowdrops does the Queen admit that the New Year has come. She orders “two persons” to tell where they found the flowers. They weave a tale about a wonderful place where flowers, mushrooms, and berries grow in winter. The Queen decides to send them for nuts and berries, but then she has the idea of ​​going there herself along with the courtiers. Then the Stepmother and Daughter say that the wonderful place is already covered with snow. The Queen threatens them with execution for deception, and the liars admit that it was the Stepdaughter who picked the flowers. The Queen goes to the forest, ordering “two persons” to accompany her along with her Stepdaughter.

In the forest, soldiers are clearing the way for the Queen. They are hot, but the courtiers are cold. The Queen orders everyone to work and takes the broom herself. Stepmother, Daughter and Stepdaughter appear. The Queen orders that the Stepdaughter be given a fur coat. The stepdaughter complains that her ring was taken away. The Queen orders her stepmother to return the ring to her Daughter, and she obeys. The Queen then demands that the Stepdaughter tell her where she found the snowdrops. The girl refuses, and then the angry Queen orders her fur coat to be taken off, threatens her with execution and throws her ring into the hole. The stepdaughter finally says the magic words and disappears somewhere. Spring comes immediately. Then summer. A bear appears next to the Queen. Everyone runs away, only the Professor and the old Soldier protect her. The bear leaves. Autumn is coming. Hurricane, rain. The courtiers, having left the Queen, run back to the palace. The Queen remains with the Professor, the old Soldier, the Stepmother and her Daughter. Winter is returning, severe cold. There are sleighs, but you can’t go: the courtiers rode off on horses. The Queen is freezing. How to get out of the forest? An old man in a white fur coat appears and invites everyone to make one wish. The Queen wants to go home, the Professor wants the seasons to return to their places, the Soldier wants to warm up by the fire, the Stepmother and Daughter want fur coats, even dog ones. The old man gives them fur coats, they scold each other for not asking for sables. And then they turn into dogs. They are harnessed to a sleigh.

Twelve months and Stepdaughter are sitting by the fire. The months give the girl a chest with new clothes and a wonderful sleigh drawn by two horses. The royal sleigh in a dog sled appears. Months allow everyone to warm themselves by the fire. Of course, you can't get far with dogs. We should ask the Stepdaughter for a ride, but the arrogant Queen does not want to ask and does not know how. The soldier explains to her how it is done. The Queen finally kindly asks her Stepdaughter, who puts everyone in a sleigh and gives everyone a fur coat. And in three years she will lead the dogs to the New Year's bonfire, and if they reform, they will be turned into people again.

Everyone is leaving. Months remain around the New Year's fire.

We hope you enjoyed it summary fairy tales Twelve months. We will be glad if you manage to read the entire tale of Samuil Marshak.

The fairy tale “The Twelve Months” by Marshak was written in 1943 specifically for the Moscow Art Theater. The work, in which fairy-tale motifs and real life harmoniously intertwined, was destined to become one of the best New Year's stories for children.

Main characters

Stepdaughter- an orphan, kind, sympathetic, hardworking girl.

Stepmother- an evil, greedy woman who forced her Stepdaughter to do all the dirty work.

Daughter- Stepmother’s own daughter, a spoiled, rude and lazy girl.

Queen- a young ruler, an orphan, a capricious, arrogant, eccentric girl.

Other characters

Soldier- a kind, fair, honest man.

Professor- the Queen’s teacher, who not only taught, but also raised her.

Months– twelve months that helped the Stepdaughter.

Act one

Scene one

On a sunny winter day, the hare invited the squirrels to play burners - “call out the sun, invite spring.” The Stepdaughter, whom the evil Stepmother sent into the forest for brushwood and firewood, began to watch their games. Soon a Soldier with a sleigh entered the clearing. The stepdaughter told him about the pranks of the squirrels and the hare, but he was not at all surprised - “On New Year’s Eve, such things don’t happen!” He told how his grandfather once had the opportunity to “meet all twelve months” on New Year’s Eve.

The soldier said that he had to bring a Christmas tree “for the queen herself,” who was the same age as her Stepdaughter and, after the death of her parents, was left an orphan.

Scene two

The Professor was teaching a lesson in a luxurious classroom. The Queen is only fourteen years old, but she is terribly spoiled and capricious. The penmanship lesson was interrupted by the Chancellor, who urgently needed to sign papers. It was necessary to choose - to execute or pardon a person, and the Queen wrote ““execute” - that’s shorter.” The wise Professor began to reproach the girl for deciding “the fate of a person without even thinking about it.”

The capricious Queen got it into her head that April would come and there would be snowdrops at the New Year's banquet. She issued a decree in which she announced the beginning of spring and promised to generously reward the one who brought snowdrops to the palace.

Scene three

In a small house on the outskirts of the city, the Stepmother and Daughter discussed the Queen's order. They really wanted to receive the promised reward, but where can you find snowdrops in winter? They decided to send their Stepdaughter to the forest to bring them spring flowers.

The stepdaughter began to beg her Stepmother to take pity on her - it was dark outside, a blizzard was howling, “what kind of snowdrops are there now - it’s Winter after all...”. But the greedy old woman didn’t want to hear anything - giving a larger basket, she slammed the door behind her Stepdaughter.

Act two

Scene one

The frozen girl was very scared in the dark forest. Suddenly, in the distance, she thought she saw a “golden light,” “and it seemed like she smelled warm smoke.” She was happy and went towards the light, which turned out to be a large blazing fire. All twelve month-old brothers sat and warmed themselves around him: “three old, three elderly, three young, and the last three were still quite young.”

Plucking up courage, the girl approached them and told them that the evil Stepmother forced her to go into the forest and collect snowdrops. To help her, the brothers decided to give way to April for an hour.

“In the forest and in the clearing” everything changed: the snow melted, green grass appeared, snowdrops blossomed. The girl began to collect flowers, and soon they filled a large basket with them. Young April really liked her, and he gave her his ring. If trouble happens, you need to throw the ring, say the magic words and all twelve months will come to the rescue.

Scene two

The stepdaughter brought the snowdrops home and immediately fell into a deep sleep. The daughter, suspecting something was wrong, found a magic ring from her and took it for herself while the girl was sleeping. Waking up, the stepdaughter began to beg to return the ring to her, but the Stepmother and Daughter did not want to hear anything. Taking the basket of snowdrops, they hurried to the royal palace.

Act three

There was a magnificently decorated New Year tree in the royal palace, and elegant guests walked around the hall. But the upcoming celebration did not please the capricious Queen at all. She declared that “December will not end until they bring me a basket full of snowdrops.”

The Queen changed her anger to mercy when the Stepmother and Daughter brought snowdrops. They could not clearly answer where they got the flowers, and admitted that it was the Stepdaughter who did it. The queen immediately decided to go with her retinue to this magical place.

Act four

Scene one

The Queen ordered to give a fur coat to her Stepdaughter, who was completely chilled in the cold forest. Emboldened, the girl asked the Queen to return the ring that her stepmother, Daughter, had taken from her. In return, the Queen demanded to show the place where the girl picked snowdrops, but she refused.

The angry Queen ordered the stubborn man's fur coat to be taken off and threw the ring into the hole. The stepdaughter managed to say the magic words. A strong wind immediately rose and the girl disappeared. All seasons followed each other: winter, spring, summer and autumn.

When the winter cold returned, the courtiers hastened to return to the palace, abandoning their Queen in the forest. Old man January came out into the clearing and invited everyone to make a wish. The Queen wished to be in the palace as soon as possible, the Professor - “so that everything would be in its place and in its time again: winter in winter, summer in summer”, the Soldier - to warm up by the fire, and the Stepmother and Daughter - fur coats, “even with dog fur” . Having put on fur coats, the greedy women immediately turned into dogs. They were harnessed to a sleigh, but you couldn't get far on dogs.

Scene two

The stepdaughter, warming herself by the fire with twelve months, thanked each of them. Months said that now she would be a full-fledged mistress of the house. They promised to return the Stepmother and her Daughter to human form, but only after three years, when “they become more humble.”

Months gave the girl a large chest, which contained “fur coats, dresses embroidered with silver, silver shoes and a whole heap of bright, lush outfits,” and a wonderful sleigh.

The Soldier joined the fire. Seeing the Stepdaughter's sleigh, harnessed by fast horses, he suggested that the Queen ask the girl to take them out of the forest. For the first time in her life, she uttered the word “please,” and the Stepdaughter happily took everyone to the palace.

Thus ended the story of twelve months.


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The tale "The Twelve Months" by Samuil Marshak is one of his most famous works, and now we will make brief analysis fairy tales "The Twelve Months", including a summary of the plot.

The author describes to us a girl “stepdaughter” who evokes sympathy from the very beginning of the story. This girl is kind and friendly, she is ready to help others and does not seem to notice that some take advantage of her kindness. So, this is a positive heroine of a fairy tale, but there are also negative characters. We see a stepmother and her daughter who, in essence, oppose and fight against good. When analyzing the fairy tale “The Twelve Months” by Marshak, one can clearly trace the characteristic literary fairy tale a peculiarity when, after a difficult struggle between evil and good, it is good that emerges victorious. Describing the stepdaughter, we note that her hard work and honesty encouraged her to carry out any instructions given by her stepmother.

It is impossible to imagine an analysis of the tale without a brief summary of “The Twelve Months.” Let's consider the plot. Once upon a time, a young queen, also an orphan, wanted to get snowdrops in the winter. But as you know, at this time of year there are simply no flowers, so it was not possible to get them. In order for those who would conduct the search to try harder, the queen issued a decree according to which, if the task was successfully completed, the person was to receive gold as a reward. And not just a piece, but a basket filled to the top. It’s not hard to guess what thought came to the evil stepmother’s mind despite the severe forest frosts - she quickly sent her stepdaughter to get flowers.

Further, continuing the summary of “Twelve Months,” we will see what happened to the poor stepdaughter. The girl was honest - we have already noted this, and the idea of ​​resorting to deception and not going into the cold forest could not have occurred to her. Having gone on a search, the main character lost her way and was expected to die from the cold, but a miracle happened. Having met twelve months who were brothers in a forest clearing, she was saved. The brothers not only warmed her up, but also gave her a precious gift - a basket of snowdrops. However, there was one condition - the girl had to promise that she would remain silent about this miracle and not tell about the existence of the month brothers.

When analyzing the fairy tale “The Twelve Months,” pay attention to the queen’s reaction. Her surprise knew no bounds, and she demanded to know where the flowers came from. But the stepdaughter did not reveal the secret, after which the queen gave an order to drown the rebellious girl.

Concluding the brief summary of the fairy tale “The Twelve Months,” let’s say that in the end both the young queen and the stepmother and her daughter met the brothers-months. This meeting greatly influenced the queen, and she changed, and her attitude towards others also changed.

Conclusions in the analysis of the tale

It is immediately noticeable that Marshak in his work contrasted evil with good - two forces that are constantly fighting. Negative characters, mainly the stepmother, tried to break the kindness of the stepdaughter. However, the power and influence of twelve months put everything in its place. Evil was punished and good was rewarded. One of the most amazing characters in this fairy tale is the queen. Her anger and selfishness, which we see at the beginning, were replaced by kindness and tenderness. Using the example of the queen, we clearly see how good triumphs over evil. This is an important detail in the analysis of the fairy tale "The Twelve Months".

What can you say about the stepmother and her daughter? They were turned into dogs by the moon brothers, but they were given the chance to be human if they came to their senses.

After reading this fairy tale, you involuntarily think about what can be considered evil and what is good, and why the victory of good is so important and one must always hope for it.

We are glad if you liked the summary of the tale “The Twelve Months” by Samuil Marshak and the analysis of the work. You can read the story in more detail.

The main character of the fairy tale “Twelve Months” is a girl living in the same house with her stepmother and stepsister. The stepmother had an unkind character, she loved and spoiled her own daughter very much, and mercilessly forced her stepdaughter to work. In winter, summer, spring and autumn, the girl carried out various tasks for her stepmother. And one day, when it was the month of January, the stepmother entrusted the girl with a completely impossible task - to go into the forest and pick a basket of snowdrops for her beloved daughter’s name day. The stepdaughter did not dare to disobey the evil woman and went into the forest.

It was snowy and cold in the forest. The girl was afraid to return home and she decided that it was better to freeze in the forest from the cold than to appear in front of her formidable stepmother with an empty basket.

Luckily for her, the girl noticed a light in the forest and went towards it. Soon she came to a huge fire, around which sat twelve people of different ages, from gray-haired elders to young men. The girl told them why she came to the forest and why she couldn’t return home.

And then an extraordinary surprise awaited her. It turned out that people sit around the fire all twelve months, from January to December. They consulted for months and decided to help the girl, whom they knew well and often saw at work. The month of January gave way to February, and February, in turn, gave way to March. A huge number of snowdrops appeared in the clearing. The girl picked up a full basket of flowers and returned home.

Stunned by this turn of events, her stepmother began asking her where the flowers came from. The girl told everything without hiding. Then her stepsister began to reprimand the girl for not asking the months for any additional gifts. Then the mother decided to send her beloved daughter to the forest. She boldly went into the snow-covered forest and soon managed to find a fire, where they warmed themselves for twelve months. The stepmother's daughter began to demand various gifts from them, but for months they did not know her at all, and the angry January launched a blizzard on her.

Concerned about the disappearance of her daughter, the stepmother also went into the forest. No one saw her again. And the main character of the fairy tale has since begun to live independently. And when she grew up, she started a family. A wonderful garden grew near her house, in which all the fruits ripened earlier than other people. They even said that all twelve months were visiting her at the same time.

This is the summary of the tale.

The main idea of ​​the fairy tale “The Twelve Months” is that the laws of nature should be taken seriously and not try to break them. Stepmother main character and her daughter decided to flout these laws, and were severely punished. The fairy tale teaches hard work and patience. The main character of the fairy tale liked the twelve months so much for her hard work that they decided to help her and, as an exception, organized spring in January, which they had never done for anyone before.

In the fairy tale, I liked the month of March. He persuaded January and February to give up their place in order to arrange an unscheduled spring for the main character of the fairy tale.

What proverbs fit the fairy tale?

Greed is the beginning of all grief.
There is a year when there are seven weathers a day.
If you love work, you love life.

Year of writing: 1943

Genre of the work: fairy tale

Main characters: Stepdaughter- young girl, Queen- the same age as her stepdaughter, Stepmother And daughter, Twelve months.


The stepdaughter went to the forest for brushwood and firewood. The forest at this time is full of miracles. Soon twelve months arrive there. Queen, an orphan of fourteen already wants spring. Issues a decree that whoever brings a basket of snowdrops will receive a great reward. After arriving, the stepdaughter was sent to get these flowers. The month of April helped me out of trouble by miraculously creating a lawn of snowdrops. He gave the girl a ring, throwing it and saying magic words, the brother months will come to her aid. The stepmother steals the ring and does not give it back. Then she goes with her daughter to the queen with a basket of flowers. She announces the New Year and asks where they got the snowdrops. The queen revealed the deception and ordered everyone to go to that place with their stepdaughter. Not wanting to give it back, they threw the ring into the hole. After magic words The stepdaughter goes missing and the seasons change dramatically. Stepmother and daughter turned into dogs. The stepdaughter leaves on a sleigh, with her the queen, who kindly asked to go along.

Conclusion (my opinion)

As in any fairy tale, good triumphs over evil. The stepdaughter received a fair reward for her suffering. And the stepmother and daughter reaped bitter fruits for their actions.