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How much does tuition cost in May? MAI faculties

Admission of students is carried out on a competitive budget and paid-contractual basis.

The Unified State Examination is generally held from May 27 to June 20.
Unified State Examination results are assessed on a 100-point scale. The certificate is valid until December 31, 2023. The minimum threshold for the subject will be known within 6-8 days after the Unified State Examination on the main dates. Without exceeding the minimum threshold of points in one of the compulsory subjects (Russian language and mathematics), the graduate has the right to retake it this year on additional days provided for in the schedule.
If a graduate does not achieve the minimum threshold of points in two compulsory subjects at once, he can take the Unified State Exam no earlier than next year.

The deadline for accepting documents has also been determined.


July 10 – deadline for accepting documents for those taking internal exams (don’t forget to bring 2 photos with you)

July 28 – completion of accepting applications for consent to enrollment from applicants without entrance examinations, according to quotas (if these persons have submitted documents to two or more higher education organizations)

August 1 – completion of accepting applications for consent to enrollment from applicants wishing to be enrolled at the 1st stage of admission to the main competitive places

August 6 – completion of accepting applications for consent to enrollment from applicants wishing to be enrolled at the 2nd stage of admission to the main competitive places


In July 2020, the Admissions Committee will accept certificates of the Unified State Examination (USE) obtained in 2016 and 2017 academic years, in the following subjects:

Towards "Informatics and Computer Science": mathematics (major), Russian language, physics.

Towards "Management": mathematics (specialized), Russian language, social studies.

Applicants to the master's program take one interdisciplinary exam according to the approved program.

Documents submitted to the admissions committee:

  1. Certificate of completion high school or a diploma of completion of secondary vocational education educational institution(original).
  2. Photos – 12 pcs. (3x4 – 6 pcs. and 4x6 cm – 6 pcs.).
  3. Certificate of registration or military ID (to be presented) + photocopy of the 1st page of the registration certificate.
  4. Passport (presented) + photocopy of 1.2 pages.
  5. Unified State Examination results.
  6. SNILS.

Military department

The training of students at the military department is carried out on a competitive basis according to the training programs for reserve lieutenants.

Studying at the military department allows you to:

- in addition to the main civilian specialty, obtain a military specialty;

Trained at the military department at military service are not conscripted, but can be conscripted at personal request.


MAI preparatory courses prepare 11th grade students for passing the Unified State Exam and entrance tests in technical and liberal arts universities Russia.

Purpose of the preparatory courses– to provide the future student with fundamental training in competitive subjects: physics, mathematics, Russian language, history and social studies. Classes in the courses will help systematize the knowledge acquired at school, raise the level of training to the requirements for a future engineer, and provide an opportunity to acquire solid skills of independent and creative solution the most difficult tasks. The solid knowledge gained from us will serve as a good basis for making a meaningful choice of your life path.

Studying at MAI preparatory courses means:

  • classes with qualified teachers;
  • training on methods of passing the Unified State Exam;
  • execution analysis tests and individual recommendations to students and their parents;
  • textbooks for applicants;
  • adaptation to studying at a university.

Classes at the preparatory courses are taught by teachers from the Moscow Aviation Institute and the branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences named after. Peter the Great, having extensive teaching experience, academic degrees and titles, as well as the best teachers and methodologists of the city schools, recommended by the city education committee: Bespalova L.N. , Andrianova N.V., Taranina O.V., Martynov A.A., Yashin A.V.

Duration of training in preparatory courses is:

  • 8 months – in groups of one-year training;

At the request of the applicant, he can be enrolled in a study group that studies on days convenient for him.

Classes are held:

  • Two days a week (on weekdays) for 4 academic hours a day (from 16 to 19 hours).

Preparation is carried out in the following subjects:

  • mathematics (128 hours);
  • physics (128 hours);
  • computer science (128 hours);
  • social studies (128 hours);
  • Russian language (128 hours).

Training is paid.

Address: Serpukhov, st. Oktyabrskaya, 21, room No. 118.

Directions: by buses No. 4, No. 106, stop “Children's sanatorium” (gps:

The Moscow Aviation Institute is rightfully considered one of the best technical universities in the country and the entire post-Soviet space. This is confirmed both by the rich history of the educational institution and the number of famous graduates, as well as by its high places in the rankings. It is extremely difficult to enroll here on a budget, because you need to pass the State Examination with 185 points or higher, the competition for budget places is very high, and their number decreases every year. Therefore, many students choose a paid form of education.

Let's consider what the cost of training at MAI will be for applicants for a contract in the 2017-2018 academic year:


Most directions at MAI are presented for future bachelors. The most affordable by capital standards, only 144,410 rubles, will be studies in the following specialties:

  • Business Informatics;
  • GMU - State and municipality control;
  • Management;
  • Org. youth work;
  • Applied mathematics/+computer science;
  • Service;
  • UP – Personnel Management;
  • Foundation. computer science and inf. technologies;
  • Economy.

For training in the largest number of specialties at the MAI bachelor's degree, the cost is 150,230 rubles for the first academic year. The list of these areas includes:

  • Automation of technology processes and production;
  • Biotech. systems and technologies;
  • Innovation;
  • Inf. systems and technologies;
  • Inf. safety;
  • Laser equipment and technologies;
  • Materials science and materials technology;
  • Metallurgy;
  • Instrumentation;
  • Applied Informatics;
  • Applied Mechanics;
  • Software Engineering;
  • Radio engineering;
  • Syst. analysis and management;
  • Standardization and metrology;
  • Technosphere safety;
  • Ex. quality;
  • Ex. in tech. systems;
  • Physics;
  • Ecology and environmental management;
  • Electrical power engineering and technology.

For 25 thousand more, for 175,970 you can study for two semesters at the Moscow Aviation Institute in “Advertising and Public Relations” or “Linguistics”.

Most at great cost The amount set for undergraduate studies at the Moscow Aviation Institute was 201,720 rubles, for which you can study in the following specialties:

  • Aircraft manufacturing;
  • Ballistics and hydroaerodynamics;
  • Aircraft (aircraft) engines;
  • Nanotechnology and microsystem engineering;
  • Missile systems and astronautics;
  • Control systems movement and navigation.

Part-time form

Applicants who plan to earn a living and get an education at the same time, as a rule, enroll in full-time and part-time study. At MAI there is the opportunity to study on a part-time basis, and the price of such training will depend on the chosen specialty:

Price for 1st course,Direction
59 210 Electrical design and technology. funds
Applied Informatics
Radio engineering
79 800 Aircraft industry
Aircraft engines
81 600 Business Informatics
123 760 Advertising and public relations


Completely absentee, that is almost distance learning at the Moscow Aviation Institute is also possible, but the choice of areas for obtaining such an education is extremely small - there are only nine of them. Four of them are trained for 59,210 rubles per year:

  1. Computer science and calculations. technology;
  2. Electrical design and technology funds;
  3. Applied Informatics;
  4. Radio engineering;

... and the remaining five - for 68 thousand rubles:

  1. Business Informatics;
  2. Management;
  3. Service;
  4. Economics.

MAI specialty: available directions and prices


If previously training in almost all areas of training at MAI lasted 5-6 years, now only the most complex programs remain in the specialty, syllabus which could not be reduced to fit the 4-year duration of a bachelor's degree. Thus, you can complete the first year of training to become a specialist for 150,230 rubles in only three areas:

  1. Inf. telecommunications security systems;
  2. Radio-electronic systems and complexes;
  3. Special org.-technical systems.

Training in the remaining six available specialties will cost freshmen and their parents 50 thousand more – 201,720 rubles. The list of such areas is as follows:

  • Design, production and operation of rockets and rocket-space complexes;
  • Aviation design and rocket engines;
  • Aircraft testing;
  • Integrated aircraft systems;
  • Control systems LA;

Part-time form

You can also study part-time or part-time in the specialty of the Aviation Institute, but upon admission you will have to choose from only three directions, the first year of study for which will cost 79,800 rubles:

  1. Project, production and operation of rockets and rocket-space complexes;
  2. Integrated aircraft systems;
  3. Aircraft and helicopter manufacturing.

Opportunity distance learning MAI is completely absent from the specialty.

Master's degree at MAI: prices for studies


After graduating from the Mayovsky bachelor’s degree, newly minted bachelors most often go back to apply for admission to the MAI, since without a master’s degree technical education in many cases cannot be considered complete. The most affordable master's programs will be “Applied Mathematics”, “Applied Mathematics and Informatics”, as well as “Fundamental Informatics and Informatics”. technologies”, which will cost 154,570 rubles:

It will cost less than 4 thousand more (158,410 rubles) to study Economics or Management.

However, a large number specialties were assigned a price of 165,670 rubles. WITH full list These areas can be found below:

  • Infocommunication technologies and communication systems;
  • Computer science will calculate. technique;
  • Electrical design and technology. funds;
  • Metallurgy;
  • Materials Science and Engineering materials;
  • Software Engineering;
  • Instrumentation;
  • Applied mechanics;
  • System analysis and management;
  • Standardization and metrology;
  • Radio engineering;
  • Technosphere safety;
  • Ex. in tech. systems;
  • Ex. quality;
  • Physics.

The price for some master's degrees is much higher than the most common one and amounts to 210,620 rubles for the 1st year. It is installed for:

  • Aircraft manufacturing;
  • Ballistics and hydroaerodynamics;
  • Missile systems and astronautics;
  • Aircraft engines.

Part-time and part-time forms

In addition to full-time study, MAI also accepts part-time and part-time courses, but the choice here is not as great as in the full-time department. Thus, to enroll in a part-time master's program, applicants will have to choose between three available areas. The most inexpensive of them is “Applied Mathematics and Computer Science”. For first-year studies in this specialty they will ask only 60,950 rubles. The average-priced “glasses-and-glasses” course is “Aircraft Engineering” for 83,360 rubles for 1 year. And for the first two semesters of study in the most expensive direction, “Management,” you will have to pay 95,050 rubles.

Those wishing to study at MAI in absentia can choose between the cheaper “Informatics and Computing”. technology" for 65,380 rubles or one of the more expensive areas - "Economics" and "Management", the first course of study of which will cost 79,210 rubles.

Find out more about the university itself and the benefits of studying at MAI in different specialties by watching the video at the university:

Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) is an educational complex that provides training in the field of aviation, rocket, space and energy systems.
MAI provides professional training in three main areas: Engineering; Development and reliability of machines; Design of a remote intelligent system.

Students are given the opportunity to participate in international conferences, foreign internships, and continue their education in graduate school under the guidance of famous experts - professors of science. The MAI Institute does not ignore the health of students. Within the walls of the institution there is a choice between traditional classes at the Department of Physical Education and classes in various sections of interests.

Training at MAI is carried out taking into account the individual inclinations of students under the guidance of department teachers and practicing specialists. MAI graduates should be able to independently analyze, calculate, design and develop design and technical documentation based on high computer technologies. The depth of knowledge acquired and the versatility of training of modern graduates allows them to work in a wide variety of government and commercial structures. Tuition fees at MAI in 2017-2018. for programs day department starts from 144 thousand rubles.

On average, passing scores at MAI are not very high - in 2017 they ranged from 137 to 278 (depending on the chosen form of study and direction).

MAI faculties:

✔ Aviation technology

✔ Aircraft engines

✔ Control systems, computer science and power engineering

✔ Radio electronics of aircraft

✔ Aerospace

✔ Robotic and intelligent systems

✔ Applied mathematics and physics

✔ Applied mechanics

✔ Social engineering

Foreign languages

✔ Radiovtuz MAI

✔ Pre-university preparation

Passing scores at the Moscow Aviation Institute, rules and deadlines for accepting documents in 2019 are freely available online. The university trains specialists in the field of creating rocket, aviation, and space technology products. The higher education institution is gaining popularity every year and happily welcomes young and ambitious freshmen.

MAI is the only institute that trains specialists in the field of creating rocket, aviation, and space technology products. Low passing scores in 2019 may allow you to enroll on a budget basis even with average Unified State Exam results. For all applicants, this is an excellent opportunity to save hundreds of thousands of rubles a year and get an education at a prestigious university.

Passing scores at the Moscow Aviation Institute, in 2019:

  • aircraft manufacturing - from 172 points for a budget (146 places), from 129 for a contract (129 places), tuition fee: 83 thousand rubles. in year;
  • ballistics and aerohydrodynamics - from 192 points for a budget (55 places), from 129 for a contract (20 places), tuition fee: 249 thousand rubles. in year;
  • innovation - from 208 points for a budget (16 places), from 144 for a contract (24 places), tuition fee: 193 thousand rubles. in year;
  • Informatics and computer technology - from 202 points for a budget (175 places), from 129 for a contract (100 places), tuition fee: 61 thousand rubles;
  • testing of aircraft - from 193 points for a budget (118 places), from 129 for a contract (22 places), training cost: 249 thousand rubles. in year;
  • laser equipment and laser technologies - from 188 points for a budget (20 places), from 129 for a contract (10 places), training cost: 194 thousand rubles. in year;
  • materials technology - from 170 points for a budget (45 places), from 129 for a contract (15 places), training cost: 194 thousand rubles. in year;
  • metallurgy - from 165 points for a budget (45 places), from 129 for a contract (15 places), tuition fee: 194 thousand rubles. in year;
  • applied mechanics - from 178 points for a budget (25 places), from 129 for a contract (15 places), tuition fee: 194 thousand rubles. in year;
  • traffic control systems and aviation - from 180 points for a budget (64 places), from 129 for a contract (16 places), training cost: 249 thousand rubles. in year.

Why you should enroll in MAI in 2019

The Moscow Aviation Institute is becoming more and more popular every year. The university does not stand still and is constantly developing: modern equipment, real spacecraft, control systems, radio systems and much more. All this allows us to prepare highly qualified specialists and true professionals in their field.

No matter how hard it is, students join the learning process and enjoy it. Teachers with many years of experience present it in an interesting and accessible way. educational material, help in difficult situations and go to the meeting. The knowledge gained will have to be constantly used during internship and at work.

An active student life will not give you time to get bored and sad. Many sports sections, student associations, creative groups and clubs, as well as additional courses will give positive memories for a lifetime.

MAI graduates are in great demand among employers. After graduating from the institute, they successfully begin to work in prestigious Russian and foreign companies.