Abstracts Statements Story

Self-analysis of the open lesson “Journey through Russian folk tales. Self-analysis lesson Self-analysis on the topic visiting a know-it-all

Introspection open class"Journey through the Russians" folk tales»

Analysis classes on the topic: « A journey through Russian folk tales»

Class corresponded to the training program.

The topic is taken from the long-term plan.

Type classes: generalizing

The presented summary is built in accordance with didactic and general pedagogical principles:

Continuity principle ( class was built on the basis of previous classes and joint actions of the teacher and children)

Activity principle (maintained motivation and interest)

Accessibility principle (corresponding to the individual characteristics of children)

The principle of psychological comfort (confidence, calmness, goodwill)

During classes the following have been resolved tasks:

Didactic: summarize ideas about fairy tales, its features and types: magical, everyday, fairy tales about animals;

improve the ability to recognize fairy tale based on illustration, according to the excerpt (i.e. according to characteristic features and the actions of the heroes).

Correctional: correction of visual perception “Look, find, lay out”.

Educational: raise the emotional mood of children by meeting heroes fairy tales and gaming activities. Cultivate interest and love for oral folk art.

During the preparation of this classes preliminary work was carried out with children:

1. Reading Russian folk tales(enrichment of children's vocabulary)

2. Examination of illustrations for Russian folk tales.

3. Coloring pictures based on Russian folk tales

4. Acting out fairy tales"Kolobok", "Turnip" using a tabletop theater.

5. Watching cartoons « Russian folk tales» .

6. Conducting didactic games: "Find out fairy tale from pictures» , “Whose headdress?”, "From what fairy tale hero» etc.

At the organizational stage, a positive attitude was created among students to include them in educational activities. Carrying out reflection "Mood" emotionally colored class and allowed me to identify the mood of the children before starting classes.

Thus, temporary ideas were consolidated.

To add interest to the correctional exercise, I included a surprise moment with the appearance of a fox.

During development corrective exercise took visual perception as a basis, since it is through this analyzer that the bulk of information arrives. She applied a differentiated approach, which made it possible to take into account the individual characteristics of each person and thereby contributed to their maximum inclusion in work behavior.

At the next stage classes through artistic expression, she introduced children to the topic, stimulating interest in it. The boys were asked to go to a journey through Russian folk tales, they accepted the game plot with interest and tuned in to joint activities (using relaxation to develop the ability to relax and imagine, which is very difficult for our children).

The main task of the main stage classes– generalize children’s knowledge about Russian folk tales, about the main characters of these fairy tales.

To the structure classes includes tasks for the development of children's cognitive activity and creative abilities.

The main reason for participating in came to class:

Show slides combined with explanations and questions;

Health-saving technologies: gymnastics for the eyes smoothly turning into physical education combined with the theme; physical education minute « Fairy tale» was aimed at developing the ability to coordinate speech with movement.

The appearance of Baba Yaga contributed to maintaining the emotional mood for the children’s future activities.

Playing a game with Baba Yaga "Guess a riddle", contributed to consolidating children’s knowledge about Russian folk tales, about the main characters fairy tales;

Playing out fairy tales"The wolf and the seven Young goats"- contributed to the development of initiative in children and independence, relieving tightness and stiffness. Thus, children are actively involved in the show fairy tales expressed the character’s state using facial expressions, voice, intonation in the image characteristic features heroes. Actively participated in the preparation fairy tales.

On final stage children were asked to remember in which fairy tales they visited, What the most important thing in Russian folk tales what was interesting and memorable to them the most. The participation of each child was noted with praise and positive evaluation. At the end classes children received coloring books with characters as a gift Russian folk tales.

Bottom line classes Reflection was held for the children in a playful way, for themselves, to reveal the children’s mood at the end classes.

Target classes achieved, children enriched their knowledge about Russian folk tales, their main characters

The use of the above techniques contributed to the classes in a comfortable, emotionally charged environment. Throughout children were active in classes, interested.

Duration classes meets the standards.

Conclusion: the assigned tasks, in my opinion, were completed.

Municipal preschool educational institution

Child Development Center – kindergarten"Ship"

Samoa analysis

classes on familiarization with fiction

and speech development

Senior group


Mazepa Svetlana Alexandrovna


Characteristics of the group.

There are 23 people in my group, of which 13 are girls and 10 are boys. 10 children attended the lesson, according to the terms of the competition.

The degree of learning ability of children in this subgroup is quite high, and the skills necessary for successful work in the classroom are formed as follows:

High level of training: 100% – 4 people

Average level of training: 89% – 3 people

78% – 3 people

Low level: no

Subgroups of children are not constant, they change.

Characteristics of the project.

This block lesson is the first introduction to the Russian folk tale “Geese and Swans”. I included reading the fairy tale in the preliminary work, since the volume of the fairy tale is large in content, thereby saving time for the children’s creative task.

Purpose of the lesson: to continue acquaintance with the Russian folk tale “Geese and Swans”. Strengthen children's ability to answer questions about the content of a fairy tale. Develop imagination; inventing new episodes of a fairy tale. Development of the ability to indicate one’s attitude towards the characters of a fairy tale using symbolic means.

I introduced into my lesson: game motivation - the arrival of the Storyteller, a problematic situation at the end of the lesson - “What would the geese be like if they lived not with Baba Yaga, but with Masha and Vanya?” The lesson ended with poetic lines, allowing children to more clearly comprehend the content, because Poems make it easier to remember the material, and also activate the attention of children, who perfectly absorb information by ear.

Brief structural summary of the lesson: for better assimilation of the program material, I thought about planting the children, inviting them to an impromptu meadow of flowers, and also used technical means: musical works of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky “Snowdrop” (modern arrangement using bird voices).

The structure of the lesson included several blocks of tasks, namely:

entering a fairy tale,

creative task for children,

result of the lesson.

The following methods were used in the lesson:

Verbalmethods(this is the perceptual aspect) were used repeatedly:

when creating game motivation “Visiting the Storyteller”,

inventing new episodes of a fairy tale,

analysis of completed work.

Visual methods were used in the next moment. Showing an illustration from a fairy tale (book-theater “Geese and Swans”)

This method was aimed at children who perceive information more visually.

Practical methods(perceptual aspect). Completing a creative task - creating rugs for Baba Yaga's hut, and for Masha and Vanya's house.

To relieve the children’s fatigue, I conducted a short physical education session: a plastic sketch of “Butterflies.”

Control methods. Since the lesson was conducted with a subgroup of children, and their number was small, it was appropriate and possible to conduct a frontal assessment of the children’s knowledge and skills. Individual assistance was provided only to children in need. Stimulation methods were also used during the lesson; the results were summed up after each part of the lesson in the form of approval and praise.

The duration of the lesson is 24 minutes, which corresponds to San Ping standards.

Analyzing the lesson, we can say that the assigned tasks

were successfully completed.

I believe that the lesson is structured logically, and the stages of the lesson are interconnected.

The logical structure of the lesson made it possible to conduct it without going beyond the time allotted for completing the task.

I think that the game motivation aroused the interest of the children and the activity was quite high. However, two children worked at their own pace, and completed the creative task a little later due to slowness, due to their individual capabilities. Although this does not indicate that they have less skills and knowledge.

The children pleased me that the kindness of the child’s soul was reflected in their own writings. Every character was positive.

However, the children surprised me in that the creative stories were less meaningful than they could have been. A survey of children after the lesson revealed that the children liked the lesson and would like to continue it.

Dear Colleagues!

Your attention was given to a joint activity on the topic: “Journey to a Fairy Tale” in the middle group.

Joint activities were carried out in accordance with the outline, which was compiled independently, in accordance with the tasks of the main general education program, taking into account the age characteristics of children.

Bearing in mind that age adequacy is one of the main criteria for teachers choosing forms educational work, the entire activity was structured in the form of a story game.
In order to immerse children in a fairy-tale atmosphere, the group room is decorated in accordance with the plot of the game, in compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements.

The joint activities of children and adults are structured taking into account the recommendations of the Federal State educational standard preschool education, the following areas were touched upon: social and communicative development, physical development, artistic and aesthetic development, speech development, cognition, use of teaching materials.

This activity was preceded by conversations about winter, reading fiction, looking at illustrations, collecting waste and natural material, memorizing logorhythmic warm-ups.

Target: Development of creativity of a preschooler through non-traditional forms of visual activity.

To achieve this, the following tasks were set:
1.Development of the ability to overcome difficulties and achieve the intended goal; take an unconventional and creative approach to solving a wide variety of problem situations. When implementing a task used creative, playful techniques that have an extremely attractive power for kids, and therefore problem solving was effective. The children believed and followed me. Effortlessly overcoming difficulties, making our way to the intended goal. I was very pleased... That he took the initiative and went first, but...I was pleased that I had completed the cave at all, because it was very shy and reserved.

2.Taught unconventional techniques using waste material. Problem situation “How to create sound?” The children actively participated in this type of activity proposed by me.

3.Developed image through metaphor, a fairy-tale image is the appearance of B. Yaga.

4.Developed creative thinking through the use of substitute objects when making animals. When working with waste material, samples were shown and a step-by-step explanation of the work was used. Techniques were used: praise, encouragement, encouragement, instilling confidence children's self-confidence, providing a feeling of joy from joint productive activities.

5. Vaccinated children the importance of friendships. Throughout the lesson contributed emotional rapprochement between children, the emergence of a feeling of joy and pleasure from joint activities - receiving a gift.

I would like to note that the choice and combination of verbal and practical techniques for working with children contributed to the mental, speech and creative activity of children.
Throughout the lesson used: artistic expression, musical accompaniment, and a playful image. This helped to make the children emotional throughout the session.
(What difficulties were there)……

When analyzing joint activities I asked the children: “What did they like? where we were?"
I, as a teacher, am satisfied with today’s lesson, because I believe that the goal has been achieved and the assigned tasks have been achieved.
In the future, I plan to use non-standard and creative approaches in working with children.

Title: Self-analysis of joint activities in the middle group

Moskovkina Galina Vladimirovna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: NRMDOBU "KINDERGARTEN "BURATINO"
Locality: s..p. Karkateevs
Name of material: Methodological development
Subject: Self-analysis of the lesson in younger group with elements of theatricalization based on the fairy tale "Teremok"
Publication date: 28.12.2015
Chapter: preschool education

Self-analysis of a lesson in a younger group with elements of theatricalization based on the fairy tale “Teremok”
Teacher of the NRM preschool educational institution "Kindergarten "Buratino"

Moskovkina Galina Vladimirovna


: Integrated
Speech development through theatrical games.

: - Learn to pronounce words clearly and distinctly at different speeds and voice strength (loud, quiet, whispering). -
- Develop gaming skills in theatrical games. - Increase children’s cognitive activity through playful moments. - To develop interest in Russian folk tales

Strengthen children's knowledge of fairy tales, fairy-tale heroes.
- Educational:
- Cultivate a love for the book, empathize with the characters and help.
a book with illustrations, a basket with “pies”, a box, animal masks, soft modules. Treats for children.
Preliminary work:
Examination of illustrations based on Russian folk tales. Learning words for the fairy tale “Teremok”, physical exercise “The Jolly Old Man”. Creative week “Visiting a fairy tale” Examination of drawings “My fairy-tale hero” The structure of the lesson is methodically followed: the introductory part, the main part, the final part is increased by 5 minutes, which is allowed by the regulations. All parts are interconnected and smoothly transition into one another. This activity relates to the educational field - speech development. The lesson lasts 15 minutes. The duration (was 20 minutes), the structure was maintained, the types of activities were alternated. The activities corresponded to the interests, temperament, and level of preparedness of the children. The organization of children's activities is adequate to teaching, developmental and educational tasks. The formation of children's knowledge throughout the activity was facilitated by preliminary work, accessibility, and the creation of play situations. The transition from one type of activity to another made it possible to involve each child in an active process. Based on the children’s knowledge, I asked problematic issues: - Who is this? Which? What does he like? All children were given the opportunity to put forward their own assumptions and complement the statements of other children. To move on to the next type of activity, it provided play motivation (The children walked, walked...) The children showed an increased interest in the fabulous objects they found. When finding the object, I used the reproductive method - question - answer, the children successfully answered the questions with a simple sentence. During the play activities, a friendly atmosphere was observed, the children were interested, and no fatigue was observed. Children recognized and named fairy-tale characters and chose words corresponding to each character: good, evil, scary, furry, who loves to eat. Theatrical elements helped to increase play motivation; children transformed into the heroes of the fairy tale “Teremok”, imitated their gait, and imitated the heroes’ voice. The material corresponds to the age and design - the chain reflects not only structural, but also semantic connectivity. Thus, the goal and objectives set at the creative workshop were achieved. The level of activity of the children was at a sufficient level, interest was maintained throughout the entire process, 2 children were partially involved in the activity (due to a violation of the lesson regulations).
Children's speech is one-word, which corresponds to the age characteristics of children. The lesson started on time, according to the schedule.

Direct educational activities were carried out with children of the middle group, age from 4 to 5 years. There are 11 children. Duration 20 minutes, which complies with SanPin standards

Organization of NOD.

1 .Integration: GCD is built taking into account the integrative approach, which involves the implementation of tasks educational areas“Cognition”, “Communication”, “Health” “Safety”, “Artistic creativity”.

While developing this summary educational activities, I first of all took into account: the age, mental and individual characteristics of children in the middle group. Taking all this into account, I determined: goals, objectives, content, form of educational activities, methods, techniques and means necessary for positive results.

I was assigned the following tasks:

Develop children's cognitive abilities: the ability to independently find answers to problematic questions. Strengthen skills on previously covered material: practice naming geometric shapes, consolidate knowledge of color, practice comparing the size of objects that differ in height, continue to use the words: “highest”, “lower”, “even lower”, “lower than”, “lowest”; continue to teach counting and counting objects by touch.

Practice determining the direction of objects from yourself (in front, behind, left, right).

Continue to teach children to establish relationships between three objects in length and arrange them in ascending order of length, focusing on the sample; activate words and expressions in children’s speech: “short”, “longer”, “longest”. Develop your eye.

Teach children to listen to tasks to the end.
Develop visual and effective thinking by teaching methods of mental action (comparison, analysis, etc.).
Develop memory and attention. Cultivate an interest in mathematics.

To develop the ability to accept a game task; perform actions in a certain sequence, act according to a pattern in accordance with the game task; to develop the ability to comply with certain norms and rules of behavior in the process of direct educational activities. Promote subgroup work skills.

Develop free communication with adults and peers; cultivate a desire to work in a team.

Watch your posture when working at a desk (do not hunch, do not bend low).

Musical accompaniment of educational and artistic activities.

"Artistic creativity"
Develop skills: press the pencil with equal force, apply strokes
close to each other, without interruption, without going beyond the contour line.

Develop the ability to cook and clean the workplace.


1.Enrich lexicon children.
(short, long; highest, lowest)
Monitor children’s speech and provide assistance in answering questions. Keep the score within 5 with Alina.

reminder, instructions, questions, individual answers from children,
encouragement, lesson analysis;
visual: examination of stripes, geometric shapes, numbers;
gaming: didactic games, m.p. game, use of surprise moments.
Performing game actions.
practical - independent activities of children


Surprise and playful moments.
Creating a problematic situation.
Showing and viewing illustrations.
Artistic word

2. Organization of NOD.
Prepared the premises in accordance with sanitary and hygienic requirements, thought over the location of demonstration and visual material for the GCD.
2.Equipment. Board, fairy-tale characters, geometric shapes, bags of pebbles, sheets of green and white cardboard, strips of different lengths, green balls, colored pencils.
3.Preliminary work:
1Printed board games “Figures”.
Role-playing game "Bus".
Outdoor game “Find the owl’s house.” (geometric shapes).
Didactic games “Who will bring more”, “What has changed?”
Learning mathematical physical exercises, counting rhymes, finger exercises
work in math notebooks.

3.GCD structure.
GCD consists of 8 stages.
Stage 1 - . Introductory part (3m.)
Children welcome guests. Surprise moment.
2. Stage - II. Main part (12m)
They laid out the fairy-tale characters in order, starting with the highest and ending with the lowest;
3. Stage – counted to five, repeated colors;
4. Stage - played with fairy “peas”;
M.p.ball game “Tricky questions”.
6.Stage – dynamic pause, gymnastics for the eyes.
7. Stage - lay out the strips from the shortest to the longest;
8 Stage - III. Total(5m)

We painted geometric shapes. Reflection - an exhibition of drawings.

All stages are interconnected, built in one storyline, the transitions from one stage to another are clear and consistent.
The duration of the GCD is 20 minutes.

4 Methods and techniques of teaching.
Traveling with Masha brought play motivation into educational activities. Training was structured as an exciting, playful activity.

Completing various game tasks created a positive, emotional background for the learning process, increased children’s speech activity and maintained interest throughout the entire educational activity.

I used the following methods in my work:
Verbal - was used throughout all educational activities (when creating game motivation, when solving a problem situation)
Practical - when performing a problem situation (shading geometric shapes)
The method of control and stimulation is in the form of approval and praise.

The methods used correspond to the material being studied and the ways of organizing children's activities in accordance with the level of the group.

The proposed tasks were given to children in a playful way, which contributed to the solution of the assigned development tasks: memory, speech, imagination, attention, artistic and aesthetic perception.

Throughout the entire activity, the children were responsive, friendly and completed all tasks with great pleasure.

The type of educational activity is integrated, which contributes to the solution of assigned tasks in a complex. All stages were interconnected, subordinated to a given topic and goals of educational activity. Changing the type of activity at each stage made it possible to prevent fatigue and satiety with one type of activity. Children dynamically switched from word games to games with objects and drawing.

She paid attention to the children’s posture while working at tables, skillfully and with knowledge of the methodology organized a dynamic pause and a smooth transition from one position to another (sitting at tables, standing at an easel, constant movement from one task to another), etc.

There was systematic work and a lot of preliminary preparation.

Analyzing the children’s activities, I would like to note that they showed cognitive activity, reacted emotionally, and used existing knowledge and skills. They were interested, attentive, organized. Encouraged indecisive and shy children to speak out.

Analyzing the educational activities carried out, we can say that the assigned tasks were successfully completed. I believe that the activities are structured logically, and the stages are interconnected.

I think that the game motivation aroused the interest of the children and the activity was quite high. However, several children worked at their own pace and completed the creative task a little later, not because of slowness, but because of their individual capabilities. Although this does not indicate that they have less skills and knowledge.

The children pleased me that the kindness of the child’s soul, their curiosity was felt throughout the entire educational activity.

Nomination: Kindergarten › Certification teaching staff DOW / Self-analysis, middle group
Title: Self-analysis of the kindergarten teacher of the open educational educational activity “Cognition: FEMP” for children 4-5 years old “Magic Journey”

Position: teacher
Place of work: MBDOU kindergarten No. 11 “Mashenka”
Location: Surgut