Abstracts Statements Story

Prophecies of Mother Mary at Fatima. Prophecies of Fatima Saint Fatima

On October 13, 1917, miraculous events took place near the Portuguese village of Fatima. About 70 thousand people saw the appearance of the Virgin Mary. This inconspicuous place has become the world's largest religious center. The appearance of the Virgin Mary was observed later, namely, during the pilgrimages to Fatima on May 13, 1918 and 1924, and in 1924 it was photographed: the picture shows petals of light falling from the sky.

From the book “The Virgin Mary’s Warning about Wars and Disasters.” From "Tsentrpoligraf", 2012

" This is how a reporter for the newspaper “O Dia” describes the appearance of the Virgin Mary in Fatima: “Already two days before the 13th, the roads were so crowded with people, carts and donkeys that it was difficult to get through them. Those who arrived earlier, out of a desire to retain their best places, settled down to sleep on the bare ground, although the dull and cold autumn rain drizzled all the time. Lisbon newspapers sent their best reporters.

On the 13th, at half past twelve in the afternoon, over fifty thousand people gathered on the field of Cova da Iria could be counted; and, according to some estimates, their number even exceeded seventy thousand. The rain did not stop falling, and the people, most of whom had come here a long time ago, were wet to the bone.

Lucia, Jacinta and Francisco made their way with difficulty to the oak tree, from which only a stripped trunk remained: all the branches and all the leaves were dismantled by people as a precious memory.

Parents walked with their children. Lucia's father held her hand. The crush and jostling was so great that Jacinta became very frightened and began to cry, begging him not to push her. Then Lucia and Francisco walked on either side, leading the girl in the middle, between them.

Their parents dressed them festively. The girls wore blue dresses and white capes. Some pious woman had pinned thin garlands of artificial flowers into their scarves. Someone gave them bouquets. Others laid wreaths on their heads... In honor of the Lady...

The sky is completely covered with gray autumn clouds. The rain doesn't stop. People stand with open umbrellas. Parents Santos and Marto are excited: everyone is waiting for a miracle. This is what they came for. What if it doesn't happen? What will happen then?

“If Lucia has to die, then we will die with her,” the Santos couple courageously declared. But she is calm: no one will do any harm to them. At Lucia's invitation, everyone began to pray. They dropped to their knees. They read prayers using the rosary...

Suddenly Lucia ordered to close the umbrellas...

The crowd is excited. At exactly noon, Lucia shudders and exclaims: “Lightning!” Then she turned her gaze to the sky and said: “Here She is!” Here she is!"

“Take a good look, baby, so you don’t make a mistake!” her mother told her, asking herself with fear: how will this whole thing end?

Lucia did not listen, completely absorbed in what she saw. Her face turned pink and became inspiringly beautiful. At the same time, Jacinta and Francisco also saw the Lady in the place where she usually appeared. While they contemplated the appearance of the Most Pure One. People standing around saw how the entire group of children was enveloped in a white cloud similar to incense smoke. It enveloped, then rose in the air to a height of five to six meters and dissipated... The phenomenon was repeated three times in a row.

“Who are you, Mistress, and what do you want from me?” asks Lucia.

“I am Our Lady of the Holy Rosary and I want a church to be built in this place in My Name.”

She again asked to pray the rosary daily - to read the Rosary and added that the war would soon end, so that the soldiers would return home in the near future. “It is necessary for people to correct themselves and ask for forgiveness of their sins.”

And then, completely imbued with deep sadness, She said in a pleading voice: “Let them stop insulting the Lord. He has already suffered too many insults.”

Before hiding from the children, She spread her arms again, and Her hands were reflected in the sun, as if She wanted to attract the children’s eyes there. And at the very moment when the Mother of God spread her hands, Lucia cried out:

"Look at the sun!"

Sun dance.

Suddenly the rain stopped and the clouds, impenetrable since the morning, suddenly cleared. The sun shone above our heads, like a silver circle, which we could look at without pain, without squinting. This disk was surrounded by a sparkling corona, so bright that the disk itself seemed darkened, as happens during a solar eclipse. And suddenly the sun trembled and spun like a fiery wheel, throwing sheaves of bright light in all directions, which alternately took on different colors. The sky, earth, trees, rocks, children, a huge crowd of people - all of this was alternately painted in all the colors of the rainbow, becoming yellow, green, red, blue, purple.

The celestial body stopped and after a few moments resumed its dance of light. Another stop, and again the heavenly fireworks shone with unimaginable power. And suddenly all the people contemplating this heavenly sign saw, as one person, that the sun seemed to separate from the sky and rushed towards them in zigzag leaps, emitting intense heat.

"Miracle! Miracle!" - some shouted.

“I believe in God,” others said.

“Virgin Mother of God, rejoice!” others exclaimed prayerfully.

“God have mercy on me!” - many cried, and soon this cry began to dominate.

Meanwhile, the sun, suddenly stopping during its dizzying fall, rose zigzag into the sky and, little by little, began to shine with its usual light among clear skies. The crowd rose from its knees and, as one person, sang “I Believe.” The sun dance lasted only ten minutes. Everyone saw it: believers and non-believers, peasants and townspeople, people of science and the ignorant, simple-minded witnesses and professional journalists, lovers of God and obvious atheists...

An investigation carried out later by church authorities established that the unprecedented movement of the sun was observed five or more kilometers from Cova da Iria.

Another amazing fact was also established: people who were wet to the skin noticed that immediately after the cessation of the phenomenon their clothes turned out to be completely dry. And so it was with everyone.

After the Virgin Mary disappeared into the distant horizon, we saw St. Joseph with the Child Christ and the Virgin Mary dressed in white with a blue cloak near the sun. It seemed that Joseph and the Infant Christ were blessing the World with a cross-shaped movement of their hands. Soon after this the vision disappeared. Then we saw the Lord and the Mother of God. I got the impression that it was Our Lady of Sufferings. It seemed that the Lord also blessed the World, just as Joseph did. The apparition disappeared, and it seems to me that I still saw the Mother of God of Carmel.”

Over the course of three months, the Virgin Mary appeared to three small children and conveyed through them information about the near future of humanity. She warned of the upcoming revolution in Russia, which would take place in October 1917, and the beginning of World War II. The first two prophecies were published by Catholic servants of God only in 1942 after these events took place. The third prediction of the Virgin Mary is still hidden by church pastors (shepherds) from ordinary people, who are probably considered a flock of sheep.

The Heavenly Virgin warned that if Russia tries to spread its delusions throughout the world, this will lead to wars and persecution of the church. If Russia nevertheless turns to God, then peace will come.

Lucia recorded the words of the Mother of God: “The Lord wants to establish in the World a prayer to My Immaculate Heart. If you do as I tell you, many souls will be saved and peace will reign. The war will end. The Lord firmly decided to punish Russia, and its disasters will be innumerable and the suffering of the people will be terrible. But the Lord’s mercy is limitless, and all suffering has a time limit. Let everyone pray for Russia, which the Lord decided to punish with transformation. He will allow Russia to rise from ruins and ashes, about which he will warn all Russian people with miraculous signs on the holy day of the Transfiguration of the Lord. But if he is not heard, if people do not stop insulting the Lord, then during the pontificate of Pope Pius XI a new, more terrible war will begin. When you see, said the Mother of God, the night is illuminated with an extraordinary, unprecedented light. Know this: this is a great sign that the Lord is sending you to show that he will punish the world with war, famine, persecution of the Church and the Holy Father, for the crimes of the World.

To prevent this, I will come and demand the consecration of Russia to My Immaculate Heart, and redemptive communion on the first Saturdays of every month. If my wishes are heard, Russia will be converted and peace will come. Otherwise, Russia will spread its false teachings throughout the World, which will cause an even more terrible war and persecution of the Church. The righteous will receive the crown of martyrdom. Kindness will be tormented, the Holy Father will suffer much, and many nations will be destroyed. In the end, My Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will dedicate Russia to Me, which will convert, and the world will be granted some time of peace. In Portugal the dogma of faith will forever be preserved.

Afterwards, to the left of the Mother of God and slightly above, we saw an Angel with a flaming sword in his left hand. The sword glowed and emitted flames that looked like they would set the world on fire.

And we saw a bishop dressed in white. We had the feeling that this was the Holy Father. Other bishops, priests, church men and women climbed the steep slope, at the top of which stood a large Cross made of rough-hewn beams, as if from balsa wood with the bark still intact.

On the way there, the Holy Father passed through a large city, half destroyed: trembling, with unsteady steps, suffering from pain and sorrow. He prayed for the souls of the dead who came across his path. Having reached the top of the mountain, kneeling at the foot of the large Cross, he was killed by a group of soldiers who shot bullets at him. Also perished there, one after another, were other bishops, priests, church men and women, and various secular people of various occupations and positions.

Under the two sides of the Cross there were two Angels who collected the blood of the martyrs and sprinkled it on the souls going to God.

Then the Mother of God continued: The Roman Church will be destroyed. Cardinals will rise up against cardinals, and bishops against bishops. Satan will enter into them and there will be great changes in Rome. The church will be covered in darkness, and the world will tremble with fear. On the ruins of the Roman Church a spiritual church will arise that will exist until the end of the world.

But the Lord’s mercy is limitless, and all suffering has a time limit. Russia will know that the punishment is over when I send a youth to announce it by appearing in the heart of Russia. There is no need to look for him. He himself will find everyone and declare himself.

The third period will come at the end of the century, it will not be hidden by the veil of writing, but by the spirit of complete freedom. Unprecedented things will follow in all parts of the world, anxiety, pain and suffering in all countries. The time is approaching, the abyss is getting deeper, and there is no hope. Good will go away just like evil. The great will disappear with the small, the heads of the church will perish along with their flock, and the rulers along with their people. If humanity opposes me and My son, I will free My son's hand.

The time of times is coming, and everything will come to an end if humanity does not change and if everything remains as it is, or it gets even worse, the great rulers will disappear, as well as the insignificant and weak. There will be death everywhere, the result of the mistakes of those who did not feel, the result of the work of Satan's minions. But when those who survive everything that happened are still alive, they will give praise to God in all the splendor of His glory and begin to serve him, as at a time when the world was not so perverted.”

In 1947, a Russian pilgrim met Sister Lucia. She wrote down the contents of the conversation with the famous nun in her diary:

“I really want to know about the future of Russia, and she, as if guessing my thoughts, tells me that Russia will be saved thanks to her great love to the Most Pure Virgin; Russia must be dedicated to the Most Pure Heart of the Lady of the World; The Mother of God is waiting for this, and then the turmoil in the world will calm down. She talks about Russia with love, as if it were her homeland, and sometimes, when she talks about the suffering of our people, her eyes become moist... We still need to pray a lot, she says, We need to sacrifice ourselves to save the world and Russia. Say this to those Russians who can understand you... they can save Russia, and if she is saved, the world will be saved with her...”

There are currently several versions of the Third Message from Fatima. Which one to believe is unknown. This will become clear only in the future. I will give some of them.

In 1957, the Vatican received a letter from the last surviving witness of the appearance of the Virgin Mary, Sister Lucia, a nun of the monastery in Coimbra, in which she reveals the secret of the third prophecy. But it was never published. Only in 1974 did Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger let it slip that Our Lady’s third prediction concerned “the danger looming over the Earth and Christianity.”

In 1980, Pope John Paul II, speaking with German prelates, partially revealed the information contained in the third prophecy. He said: “If you read about the oceans that will drown entire continents, about the millions of people that will die, then you would understand why we are not divulging the third part of the message.” Please note that contrary to the will of the Mother of God herself, who is trying to warn humanity about the danger threatening the whole world, the servants of God diligently hide these prophecies from all humanity, as if they were servants of the Devil.

One religious fanatic, a terrorist, also tried to reveal the secret of the predictions communicated by Our Lady at Fatima. In the spring of 1981, he hijacked a British airline jet to France. The hijacking was not carried out for political reasons, but with the goal of forcing the Vatican to reveal the third prophecy, but he never succeeded in his theological blackmail.

In April 1999, Cardinal Carrado Balducci, attending a conference of Italian ufologists, in a private conversation reported part of the prophecies: “It talks about the Third World War, which should break out before the beginning of the third millennium. It will use nuclear weapons. Millions will die, and the survivors will envy the dead. But if people abandon their aggressive intentions and make peace with each other and with God, war can be avoided. In addition, the third secret predicts the crisis of the Catholic Church and the special fate of Russia. I can't tell you more."

Father Martin Malachi, who had access to the text of the 3rd message from Fatima, revealed some of the secrets of this revelation. Here is what he said: “In 1917, three children claimed to have seen the Virgin Mary, she conveyed to them certain specific messages for Christians and for the Pope, messages more than terrifying about divine punishment for humanity. They warned people of the great misfortune that would befall them if they continued to sin. There were three divine revelations, but the last one remained secret, not yet revealed to humanity, but written down on a piece of paper.

When I was with John XXIII, this piece of paper was kept in a box on the fireplace in the personal apartment in which the Pope lived. Fatima became a very important place because the Virgin Mary foreshadowed certain events that would affect the welfare of the Holy Chair and the Catholic Church. John PaulII initially showed great devotion towards Fatima and the Virgin Mary in his hypostasis of the Mother of God of Fatima. Thus, he preached her message, which was: “Repent for your sins and return to God!” But subsequently he did not change his spiritual attitude and moved away from “...” under the pretext that the secret message was too apocalyptic.

[Virgin Mary] foretells (in the 3rd secret) that there will be wars, diseases, that entire nations will disappear, that there will be 3 days of darkness, that epidemics will break out that will wipe out entire countries in one night from the face of the earth, and that huge land surfaces will be swallowed up by waters or destroyed by tornadoes and storms.”

The following message from Father Martin: “The secret from Fatima is associated with the disturbance of the forces of nature, as its response to the destruction and atrocities to which the human race has indulged. But what I told you is not the essence of the 3rd secret from Fatima. The true essence surpasses any imagination. Truly this refers to those 3 days of darkness. The entire planet will be engulfed in darkness, fire will fall from the skies and transform the oceans into steam. The last Pope will fall under the rule of Satan. The earth will be shaken. Thousands of cities and people will be destroyed by water, tornadoes and storms. There will be epidemics that will destroy the populations of entire countries in one night. There will also be 3 days of darkness (darkness and anxiety will also cover the minds of many), days in which it will be very dangerous to be on the street. And all this will not happen in 100 years, not in 50, not in 30 years. The entire planet will be affected, all religions, all races, all regions, without exception."

In 2007, Father Martin reported the following information from the message of the Virgin Mary: “There will be a great cataclysm that will break out in the heavens, in the firmament. Be careful, look at the vault of heaven...

The sign of Virgo will appear in the sky and this will happen soon, in the next 10-20 years. It will be a shock to the whole world. The sign of Virgo will show that God exists and helps those who are indecisive and waver in faith. But this will not change those who do not believe in anything. Therefore, when you see a sign in the sky on a certain spring day (like the northern lights), then everything will begin...”

On November 26, 1957, Lucia, during a conversation with Father Augustine, claimed to have received Our Lady of Fatima's prophecy about the Third World War. According to her, “China will suddenly attack Russia, which will cause a shock to the whole world. China will use atomic bombs, which will lead to the terrible death of many people. Millions of Chinese will die from their own nuclear weapons, as well as from those of their opponents. The armies of the yellow race will be destroyed and will leave captured land in all the cities and villages of the white population. The Asian republics will unite with China against Russia. Lucy further said that at the beginning of the war, unusual weather events and natural disasters will contribute to its rapid completion, so the Chinese will be very frightened and they will leave Europe. These phenomena will cause great panic and suffering, so that it will be impossible to continue the war.

Further, the message from the Mother of God becomes truly scary. The movement of the earth's crust will lead to violent volcanic eruptions, atmospheric disturbances, ash rains, hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods of rivers and lakes. An earthquake in the lower Mediterranean will cause a huge wave, leading to the flooding of island ports and cities. London, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Hamburg and Asian and Arab cities may be destroyed. Ocean waves will flood Los Angeles. California will also be destroyed. The distress will be severe for a few hours and will subside in a few weeks. They will end after the end of the war.”

Another version of the third message from Fatima: “For the whole world, an attack on Russia will be a big surprise, like a lightning strike. After the attack on Russia, terrible fighting and terrible atrocities will begin. China will imitate the Japanese - surprise, speed and terror. China's victory will scare the United States of America and the Americans will invade Siam and Cambodia. China will use air forces to drop bombs on many cities, and a nuclear war will begin. Natural disasters, as revenge for the unreasonable behavior of humanity, will begin later. The Chinese army will die from the atomic bombs that will be dropped on the world, although they will be victorious before that.

Russia will be forced to fight along its entire border. At the same time, a powerful landing force will land in its remote areas.

Germany will drag the United States into the war as an ally. American aid for the Germans will be very poor and will come too late, since the attention of countries around the world will be focused on Asia, where British and US troops will defend themselves against the Chinese invasion. Germany would commit suicide, still hoping for success, if it moved East through occupied Polish territory. Not realizing in their hatred that the sympathies of the West and the rest of the world will be on the side of Russia. The Chinese army will be destroyed protecting the people of the Asian republics, and will leave the cities and villages of the white population. On Chinese it will be called a crusade against the hegemony of the white race.”

The text of the message of the Virgin Mary, which was published on September 9, 1965 in the Italian weekly Il Borghese, and on May 15, 1975 in the magazine L'Araldo di San Antonio, perhaps most accurately reflects the essence of these predictions. The authenticity of this message has never been refuted neither the Catholic nor the Orthodox Church.

Part one.

“Our Lady showed us a sea of ​​fire that seemed to be underground. Demons and souls were immersed in this fire, appearing as transparent, black or bronze coals with the outlines of people. They trembled in the fire and clouds of smoke coming out of them. They scattered in all directions, like sparks scatter in a large flame, and all around there were such screams and groans of pain and despair, which simply made you feel uncomfortable and made you tremble with horror. Demons were recognized by their disgusting appearance. They resembled terrible and unknown animals, which were, however, transparent and black. This vision lasted only a moment. And, fortunately, our kindest Heavenly Mother promised to take us to Heaven (at the first appearance), or, I’m afraid, we would have died of horror.”

Part two.

“You have seen Hell, where the souls of unfortunate sinners go. In order to save them, God wants to establish in the world a consecration to My Immaculate Heart. If they do what I now tell you, many souls will be saved and find peace. The war will end soon ( we are talking about the First World War 1914 - 1918.), however, if people do not stop their blasphemy, then during the time of Pope Pius XI (Pope in 1939 - 1958) an even more terrible war will break out. When you see a night illuminated by an unknown light (Lucia claims that the “extraordinary” northern dawn on January 25, 1938 was a God-given sign of the beginning of the war; and indeed, on the night of March 11-12, the troops of Nazi Germany occupied Austria, which can be considered the actual beginning of World War II), know that this is a great sign from God that He is giving you to punish humanity for its crimes. And He will punish with war, famine, persecution of the Church and the Holy Father. In order to prevent this war, I ask for the consecration of Russia to My Immaculate Heart and for redemptive Communion on the first Saturdays. If people accept what I bring to them, Russia will change and there will be peace; if not, she will scatter her mistakes throughout the world, and there will be wars, and the Church will be persecuted. The good will be tortured, the Holy Father will suffer greatly, some nations will be destroyed, but My Spotless Heart will prevail. The Holy Father will dedicate Russia to Me, which will change, and then an era of peace will come in the World.”

Part three.

“Don't be afraid, my little one. I am the Mother of God, I am speaking to you and asking you to convey this Message of My to the whole World, despite the fact that great obstacles will stand in your way. Listen carefully and remember well what I am about to tell you:

People need to improve. In humble supplications they must ask for forgiveness for the sins they have committed and may commit. You want Me to give a sign so that everyone will accept My words that I speak through your mouth. You saw the miracle of the two Suns, and everyone - believers and non-believers, peasants and townspeople, scientists and journalists, secularists and priests - everyone saw it. Now declare in My name:

The great punishment will fall on the entire human race, but not today, not tomorrow, but in the second half of the twentieth century. I have already revealed this to the children of Melania and Massimino in La Salette, and today I repeat it to you, for the human race has sinned and trampled on My Gift to them. There is no order anywhere in the World, Satan reigns high level, determining the course of events. He will be able to penetrate even the top of the Church; he will be able to seduce the souls of great scientists who will create such a weapon with which it will be possible to destroy most of humanity in a few minutes. In his power will be those who will have power over the peoples, and he will push them to create more and more of these weapons. And if humanity cannot resist this, I will be forced to release the punishing hand of My Son. And then you will see that God will punish people with greater severity than during the Flood.

There will come a time of all times and the end of all ends if humanity does not change. And if everything remains as it is now, or gets even worse, then the situation will become so serious that the big and strong will die along with the small and weak. The time of greatest trials will also come for the Church. Cardinals will rise up against cardinals, and bishops against bishops. Satan will march in their ranks, and great changes will come to Rome. That which is rotten will fall, and that which falls will not rise again. The church will be darkened and the world will tremble in horror. The time will come when not a single king, emperor, cardinal or bishop will expect the coming of the One who will come anyway, but will come to punish according to the laws of the Father.

The Great War would break out in the second half of the twentieth century. Fire and smoke will fall from the sky, the ocean waters will turn to steam, and foam will rise, demolishing and flooding everything in its path. Millions and millions of people will die every hour, and those who remain alive will begin to envy the dead. Everywhere you look, there will be grief, suffering and destruction that will engulf all countries.

Do you see? This time is getting closer, and the abyss is getting wider, and there is no hope. The good will perish along with the evil, the great with the small, the heads of the Church with their flock, and the rulers with their people. Death will be everywhere due to mistakes made by madmen and followers of Satan, who will reign over the World only for this period of time. Finally, the survivors will again call on God and His Glory and begin to serve Him as they once did, when the World was not yet so perverted. Go, my daughter, and tell about this. And I will always be there to help you with this.”

During the third apparition on July 13, 1917 beautiful lady She told the children that in October she would reveal who she was, and added that then She would perform a great miracle so that people would believe in Her.

...rumors about the miracle grew, and by the time of the last appearance of the Virgin, on October 13, 1917, in addition to the children, from 50 to 70 thousand people gathered on the field. Everyone waited for the promised sign, some with mockery, some with trepidation.

Mary appeared to the children. No one but them saw her. It rained throughout the entire event. At the end of Lucia’s conversation with the Virgin, when Mary began to rise, Lucia exclaimed: “Look at the sun!” The clouds parted, revealing the sun as a huge silver disk. It sparkled with unprecedented power. Then the huge ball began to “dance.” Like a giant wheel of fire, the sun spun rapidly. Then it began to turn red around the edges and slide across the sky, spinning and spreading red sheaves of flame around itself. All this lasted about 10 minutes. Then the sun moved in a zigzag motion to the place where it began its dance, returning to its usual appearance and glow. The solar miracle was observed by many witnesses within a radius of 4 kilometers from the site of the phenomenon.

What did Virgo say?

The first secret was that Madonna showed the children back in 1917 the gates of hell with the martyrs and told them to pray and repent of their sins.

“You have seen hell, where sinners go,” she said. “If people do what I say, many souls will be saved and peace will come.” The war (1914-1918) is coming to an end. But if people do not stop insulting the Lord, then under the next pope it will begin new war, worse than this.

Madonna also said that she would take two children with her. They died soon. Their graves are located inside the Fatima Church, on the right and left sides of the altar. Lucia became a nun in 1928.

In the 1930s, the “secrets of Fatima” attracted the attention of the Vatican itself and the entire Catholic world.

All this time, Lucia kept the prophecies of the Virgin Mary secret. In 1936, she made the first recordings relating to the appearance of the Mother of God. Sister Lucia completed her notes for 1943. They were immediately sealed and became a closely guarded secret. The Vatican revealed the “Fatima secrets” gradually.

From the second secret, Lucia learned that communism would soon come to earth and bring with it many years of bloodshed. Madonna also said that Russia must return to faith. If Russia is calm, then the whole world will be calm. The girl was small and illiterate. She thought communism was a bad person.

- When you see the night illuminated by an unknown bright light, then know that this is a sign sent to you by God, meaning that war is approaching.

– To prevent this, I came to ask you for the consecration of Russia to My Heart and redemptive sacraments every first Saturday of the month. If they listen to My request and Russia is turned to God, peace will come. If they do not heed again, she will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecution of the Church... Iniquity will spread throughout the entire earth, many nations will be destroyed... However, in the end, My Immaculate Heart will triumph. Russia will be dedicated to Me, converted to faith, and a period of peace will begin, granted by the Savior’s Sacrifice.

The unprecedented light, which the Mother of God predicted as a heavenly sign that would be a harbinger of new troubles, was indeed visible on the night of January 25-26, 1938. It was a strange northern lights observed in various countries Western Europe between 9 and 11 p.m. He was seen in Bavaria, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, Norway, London, Rome, Lombardy, Greece, Poland, Belgium, Briançon, where Sister Lucia was at that time... The radiance was blood red. Lucia recognized in him the “unknown light” predicted by the Mother of God, and wrote about this to the Bishop of Leiria, to whom the parish in Fatima is subordinate, indicating that “now all this is beginning to come true.”

Having become a Catholic nun, the Lady of Fatima Lucia constantly prayed for Russia and reminded the Holy See of the need to consecrate Russia and the whole world to the Heart of the Mother of God. The special role of Russia was constantly emphasized.

In 1929, the Holy Trinity was revealed to Lucia, praying before the altar of the monastery in Tuy (Spain). At Her right hand stood Our Lady of Fatima, holding Her Immaculate Heart in the palm of her hand. She said:

- The time has come. The Lord God wants the Pope, together with all the bishops of the world, to consecrate Russia to My Immaculate Heart. He promises to save Russia at this price.

Through her confessor, Lucia conveyed the news of this revelation to the Vatican. There is no indication that Pope Pius received this message.

Time and time again (according to Bishop Paolo Hnilica, who was in communication with Mother Lucia for many years, more than 200 times) in conversations and letters, the goddess returned to the topic of Russia, insisting on the importance of its dedication. It was as if the Vatican had to constantly overcome invisible but very strong resistance. Meanwhile, the history of Russia took an increasingly tragic turn. Ignoring the will of God led to the outbreak of the Second World War, predicted by the Blessed Virgin at Fatima.

Only 25 years after the revelation, on October 31, 1942, Pope Pius XII, speaking on Portuguese radio, dedicated the world to the Immaculate Heart of the Mother of God. Russia was not mentioned. However, in 1952, the same pope dedicated the Russian people to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

In 1964, Pope Paul VI repeated Russia's dedication to the Immaculate Heart before the fathers of the Second Vatican Council. He did this alone, although in the presence of the entire Council.

What the Mother of God asked for—the conciliar consecration of Russia by all Catholic bishops headed by the Pope—still was not fulfilled.

1981 Assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II. The only thing that saved the head of the Catholic Church from death was that at the moment of the shot he turned to a girl from the crowd holding the image of Our Lady of Fatima. However, the pontiff was seriously wounded. While in the hospital, from his room, the Pope talked on the phone with Mother Lucia, corresponded with her, and during his treatment he read everything he could about Fatima. While recovering, John Paul II told his friend Paolo Hnilica: “In these three months I realized that I could solve all the world’s problems, put an end to wars, get rid of atheism and lawlessness. This is an appeal from Russia. The appeal of Russia is the main meaning of Fatima. After him will be the triumph of Mary.”

In 1982, the Pope makes a pilgrimage to Fatima, thanks the Mother of God for saving his life and begins preparations for the execution of the Fatima message. He sends letters to all Catholic bishops of the world, calling to consecrate the world and, above all, Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Alas, many bishops did not respond. However, the pope, with the participation of bishops faithful to him, as well as a number of Orthodox bishops and leaders of Protestant churches, still solemnly dedicated the world to the Mother of God, with special mention of Russia. This happened on March 25, 1984. On the same day, the tireless ascetic of the Mother of God, Monsignor Khnilitsa, while secretly in Moscow, performed the sacrament of dedication in the altar of the Church of St. Michael the Archangel in the Kremlin, and then celebrated a secret mass in the altar of the Assumption Church of the Mother of God. Pope John Paul II took the news of this as a sign. Shortly after the ceremony in the Vatican, Lucia informed the papal representative in Lisbon that the conditions for dedication to Russia have been fulfilled.
Let us note that at this time Perestroika, initiated by Mikhail Gorbachev, began in Russia.

In 1948, at the request of the Madonna, Lucia wrote down the three secrets conveyed by the Madonna and gave them to the Pope of that time. Only four people knew the contents of this letter: Lucia herself, the Pope, the Pope's personal secretary and one close monsignor. The first two secrets were already known for a long time, and the last one was strictly kept in the Vatican until recently. There was a lot of talk about him, since everyone knew that the Popes changed their faces when they first read the contents of the manuscript transmitted by Lucia.

The third secret of Fatima was discovered by the Catholic Church only in 2000.

Sister Lucia died in 2005 at the age of 97.

So, here is a complete description of the third “secret”, compiled in 1944 by Sister Lucia (in the proposed Russian translation, the features of syntax, punctuation, and the ratio of lowercase and uppercase letters of the Portuguese original are reproduced as far as possible; abbreviations are filled in in square brackets):

Jesus]. Maria]. Joseph].

I write in fulfillment of obedience to You, my God, who commanded me this through His Priesthood, the Bishop of Leiria and through Your and my Most Holy Mother.

After the two parts that I have already outlined, we saw on the left side of our Lady, slightly above, an Angel with a fiery sword in her left hand; blazing, it produced tongues of flame that seemed to already incinerate the world; but they disappeared upon contact with the radiance that Our Lady emitted from her right hand towards him: The Angel, pointing to the ground with his right hand, said in a loud voice: “Repentance, Repentance, Repentance!” And we saw the immeasurable light that is God (“something like how people appear in a mirror when they pass in front of it”). A Bishop dressed in White ("we had a feeling it was the Holy Father"), various other Bishops, Priests, monks and nuns, ascending a steep mountain, on the top of which stood a large Cross of rough-hewn logs, like the trunks of a cork oak with bark. Before reaching him, the Holy Father passed through a great city, half in ruins and half trembling with hesitant steps, oppressed by pain and sorrow, he prayed for the souls of the corpses he met on his way; having reached the top of the mountain, kneeling at the foot of the great Cross, he was killed by a group of soldiers who shot at him with various bullets and arrows, and in the same way there died one after another Bishops, Priests, monks and nuns and various secular persons, gentlemen and ladies of various classes and positions. Under both shoulders of the Cross there were two Angels, each with a crystal crypt in his hand, in which they collected the blood of the Martyrs and sprinkled it with the souls approaching God.

Cardinal Ratzinger gave a theological commentary on the third prophecy of Fatima:

“...An angel with a fiery sword, similar to the Angel from the Apocalypse, “reminds of the threat of judgment hanging over the world. Nowadays, it no longer seems like pure fantasy that the world could be consumed by fire.” But the vision also features a force that opposes the force of destruction. “Thus, the importance of human freedom is emphasized: the future is not inevitably determined, and the image seen by children is not at all a film about the future seen in advance, in which nothing can be changed. Truly, the whole point of vision is to bring freedom onto the stage and give it the right direction... This means mobilizing all the forces of change in the right direction. Therefore, we must completely reject fatalistic interpretations of the “secret”, such as, for example, the assertion that the predetermined assassination attempt on May 13, 1981 was just an instrument of the Divine plan, guided by Providence... The vision rather speaks of the dangers and how we can get rid of them."

The mountain, according to the cardinal, symbolizes the arena of human history, the creative activity of man, but also the place of destruction of the fruits of his own labor. But the Cross transforms destruction into salvation. The path of the Church appears as the Way of the Cross.

In this vision, the cardinal believes, “we can recognize the past century - the century of martyrs, the century of suffering and persecution of the Church, the century of world and many local wars...” The bishop in white, in his opinion, is a collective image of the Popes of the 20th century, each of which he joined in the suffering of the whole world.

Finally, in the final part of the vision, the healing power of God is revealed. From the suffering of the victims comes a purifying and renewing power, because their suffering is the actualization of the sacrifice of Christ Himself.

To sum up, Cardinal Ratzinger says that the events depicted in the vision belong to the past, and “those who expected exciting apocalyptic revelations about the end of the world or the future course of history are doomed to disappointment: Fatima does not satisfy this curiosity, just as the Christian faith generally cannot to be reduced to an object of curiosity..."

There are several other versions of the interpretation of the third secret of Fatima. Among them, the most common are the following:

  1. The prophecy speaks of the assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II, which took place on May 13, 1981.
  2. The prophecy speaks of the Holocaust, the death of a significant part of the Jewish population of Europe (over 6 million people, representing more than 60% of the Jewish people) during the systematic persecution and extermination of it by the Nazis and their accomplices in Germany and the territories it captured in 1933-45.
  3. The picture shown to Lucia is the revelation of the Solovetsky Golgotha, the greatest revelation of the glory of God at Solovki in Russia in the mid-20th century, when the total sin of the church was atoned for and the Woman Clothed with the Sun, the Mother of God of the third millennium, was first revealed. “The mountain crowned with a cross” is Mount Golgotha ​​on the Solovetsky island of Anzer, the place of slaughter of thousands of new martyrs. “A priest in white, wandering surrounded by bishops and righteous people” to the top of this Mountain is the patriarch of the True Orthodox Church, the head of the Council of Russian New Martyrs, Archbishop Seraphim of Solovetsky. On Solovki in the 20th century the entire Church of Christ was crucified, and the future transformation of the world was interceded by this Second Golgotha. With the blood of the Solovetsky lambs, which the angels carefully collected, the new life on the ground.

The third prophecy of Fatima may well refer to the fact that Christianity as a whole will lose its position in the future, but the sacrifices, trials and martyrdoms that many representatives of this faith endured along the way were not in vain. The future generation must take into account all the mistakes and receive help from above in their progress along the Path.

Apparitions of the Blessed Virgin
May-October 1917. Fatima (Portugal). Six appearances of the Blessed Virgin in a halo of light to three children, about seventy thousand witnesses to the great miracle. The children are told three secrets, revelations about the future of the world and about Russia. In October, at the end of the last apparition, three signs are given to the God-seeing children in the sky confirming the truth of the Appearance. Here they are Fatima prophecies or Fatima prophecy.
The first sign: the Holy Family is revealed in the sky, the Infant God blesses the new humanity that is coming open sky. Secondly, the Lord and the Mother of God are revealed in the Orthodox image. The Lord is clothed in scarlet, goes to Golgotha, next to the Mother of God of the Seven Arrows (but without the swords piercing Her Heart).
The last vision is the Virgin Mary with the Child of God in the image of the Queen of Mount Carmel (Carmel: lit. “mountain of the garden, fruitful field”). Then Mary, crowned with a radiant Crown entwined with roses, ascends to the sun and, as it were, dissolves in it. Simultaneously with the vision, contemplated only by God-seers, the multitude of people gathered at the place of revelation were given apocalyptic signs: rainbow light emanating from the sun, covering the entire space and everyone present, and then the terrifying fall of the solar, rotating disk, the so-called. "sun dance" The intense heat from the falling sun dried out the wet soil and wet clothes! Many miraculous healings took place.
The miracle was observed by everyone present, located within a radius of several kilometers. During the signs, three great secrets were revealed to the children who saw God.
From the Fatima prophecy (revelation):
“I am the Mother of God of the Rosary... My pierced Heart will be your refuge and the path that will lead you to God. In order to save sinners, the Lord wants to establish the veneration of My Immaculate Heart... It is necessary to read the rosary daily. I want to ask you to consecrate Russia to My To the Immaculate Heart.
If My requests are fulfilled, then Russia will convert and peace will come. If Russia does not turn to God, it will spread its errors throughout the world, sowing wars and persecution against the church... But in the end, the triumph of My Immaculate Heart will be accomplished. Russia will turn to God, and a millennium of peace will come."

Dedication and conversion to Russia
For the first time, the hypostasis of Mary was revealed - the Queen of the Holy Rosary (Ladder of St. Seraphim of Sarov in the Orthodox tradition).
1. Russia will be saved by turning to God;
2. Conversion will occur through consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary;
3. Dedication to the Immaculate Heart will be accomplished through the recitation of the Crown of Roses (Ladder) prayer and through this prayer the acquisition of angelic protection, the mystical entrance into the Kingdom, the world of saints. The Holy Psalter complements the Ladder as the second angelic wing of the miracle-working prayer given to the ascetics of the last days.
In the Orthodox tradition, this great “mystery of the saints” - dedication to the Immaculate Heart of the Mother of God - is revealed by many miraculous icons blessed by the Most Holy Trinity. For example, “Oranta”, “Prepared Throne”, “Heaven and the Temple of the Divine”, etc. The door of repentant, contemplative prayer, sincere surrender to the guidance and protection of the Intercessor of the Christian race, leads into the environment of the divine light and peace of Christ: into the Kingdom , the heavenly temple, the luminous Kitezh-city, revealed only to the faithful (Rev. 11:19; 21:2-3).
* * *
Through a transformed Russia, dedicated to the holy, pierced Heart of the Mother of God, and through it to the Lord; through Russia - the power of peace and heavenly love, strengthened by the power of the Life-giving Cross, shining from the Solovetsky Mountain, where the great sacrifice of the holy martyrs was made for the salvation of Holy Rus' and the whole world - the conversion of humanity to our Lord Jesus Christ will be accomplished, a great victory over the Whore of Babylon and the apocalyptic red dragon. In the world, transformed by the grace of the Cross, on the New Earth and the New Heaven, the Lord and His Sovereign Mother, the Queen of heaven and earth, will already reign with their own eyes, standing at the head of the great council of all the saints who have shone forth from time immemorial.

prophecies of Fatima:
Widely known" Fatima prophecies"According to legend, on May 13, 1917, in the vicinity of the Portuguese town of Fatima, three local shepherd girls had a vision of the Virgin Mary. The vision was then repeated every thirteenth day of the month for the next five, until something supernatural happened, reminiscent of an eclipse of the sun, which was perceived by local residents as a miracle performed by the Virgin Mary, and according to legend, healed many hopelessly ill. Only these three children could see the Virgin Mary (all the others saw only a very bright light), and only one of them, a girl named Lucia, could talk to her The Mother of God revealed to her 3 secrets, which became known as the “Secrets of Fatima". The first secret contained a prediction of peace (the First World War was underway), and secondly, a revolution was predicted and that Russia would spread its mistakes throughout the world (communism), which will lead to wars and crimes against the church.The third secret was never revealed, it is kept in the Vatican, read by every new Pope when he takes possession of the tiara, but is considered so terrible that it cannot be divulged.

Since the text of the third Fatima prophecy was kept in such secrecy, it aroused great public interest in it.
The text was officially published by the Roman Catholic Church and became available to the general public. Many researchers have noted that this prediction has clear correlations with what the Saint wrote. Malachi about the last Pope, as well as John the Theologian about the coming of the Antichrist.

Let us return again to the Fatima Prophecy of the Mother of the World. Because the picture is complete and colorful, with all the ensuing cause-and-effect relationships. Let me briefly remind you of what we are talking about in order to understand further events.

The feast of the Virgin Mary, Mother of the World, the Intercession, coincides with the last apparition of the Virgin Mary, which occurred on October 13, 1917 in the Portuguese city of Fatima. On this day, the Mother of God made predictions about Russia; a total of 3 predictions were given. About 70 thousand people saw this miracle. The Catholic Church investigated this phenomenon and officially recognized it as a miracle. These predictions of the Virgin of Fatima have a direct impact on the future of Russia - the Virgin Mary first made predictions about the world as a whole and a prediction of the events of the 20th century, then explained why this has a direct bearing on Russia.

It all started on May 13, 1917, in the suburbs of the small Portuguese town of Fatima, where three children, Francisco, Jacinta and Lucia, were herding goats in a meadow. They witnessed lightning, which turned into a glowing image of a young woman in white robes. The woman established contact with the children and called herself the Virgin Mary. She said that she would appear at this place on the 13th of every month to convey important information for humanity. Our Lady also explained that it is important to repent of sins in order to cleanse your soul and the souls of many people, as well as the planet from the energy of destruction and violence.

In July 1917, the Virgin Mary announced that she would come in October and show a miracle as proof of her heavenly power. One of the girls told about this and rumors about the miracle and appearance of the Mother of God spread throughout the town.

On the morning of October 13, 1917, 70 thousand people came to see the miracle of the Virgin Mary - local residents and from all surrounding areas. There was a heavy downpour, people stood in the rain. The children began to pray and wait for the appearance of the Mother of God. During the day, a luminous cloud appeared in the sky. The Virgin Mary began to communicate with children telepathically, only they could understand her words. She gave the children information about the future and what needs to be done in order to prevent wars. When the luminous cloud began to disappear, one of the girls told the people waiting for a miracle to look at the sun.

At this time, the sky cleared of clouds, the sun became visible, which began to fade, and eventually turned into a huge shining disk of silver color. The disk began to rotate and bright multi-colored rays of light emanated from it. Soon the disk returned to where the sun hung and again took on the appearance of the earth's star. This phenomenon was later called the sun dance. He was observed 4 kilometers from the scene of events.

Lucia recorded three prophetic messages from Our Lady, which are called the “three mysteries of Fatima.” She became a nun, and her prophecies belong to the Vatican, which revealed their contents only in 1941. The Vatican is a satanic organization of the megastate of the Roman Empire of the alchemists of Atlantis that controls the world.

The first secret contained a vision of hell: a huge sea of ​​fire, demons and human souls rushing about in suffering. In her second message, the Virgin Mary predicted the end of the First World War and the imminent beginning of the Second. “If what I tell you is done, there will be peace. The war (World War I) is coming to an end, but if people do not stop insulting God, then another, even worse one will begin...” the prophecy said. According to the Mother of God, only Russia’s return to faith can save the world from wars. “If they listen to My request and Russia is turned to God, peace will come. If they don’t listen again, she will spread her mistakes throughout the world,” said the Virgin Mary.

Someone has forgotten and is rushing to “Tomorrow”!
Some people don't want to know anything
For many, Lies are “Truth”
Pathological passion for lies!

The third and final mystery of the predictions of Our Lady of Fatima was officially published in 2000. The prophecy describes the following picture: through a dilapidated city strewn with dead bodies, believers and priests climb a steep mountain, on the top of which stands a large cross. When they reach the top, they are all killed by groups of soldiers. “There died one after another other bishops, priests and religious men and women, and various laymen of different ranks and classes,” the message says. The exact meaning of these lines has not yet been revealed, but some consider this message to be a description of the suffering of many people within the walls of the Gulag.

For the most holy officials, in the person of all the “Roman popes” who read the third part of the prophecy, the prediction seemed so inconsistent with their faith that each of them decided that great secret cannot be revealed to people. Therefore, the third prophecy was never published in its entirety, and only some fragments became public knowledge. These parts, after appropriate interpretation, were presented as if “everything that was said by the Mother of God.” I would, of course, like to know what was actually discussed in the third part of the Fatima message. At least, for example, in the part of the prediction that talked about war. What Cardinal Carrado Balducci seemed to let slip about to reassure the public: “It talks about the third world war, which should break out before the beginning of the third millennium. Nuclear weapons will be used in it. Millions will die, and the survivors will envy the dead.

But if people abandon their aggressive intentions and make peace with each other and with God, war can be avoided. In addition, the Third Secret predicts the crisis of the Catholic Church and the special fate of Russia.

So, in the third part of the Fatima revelation there was talk about the war, about the crisis of the church, and, most importantly, a special prophecy was given about Russia. Moreover, this most important message, connected (as is known from a number of events, for example, from the action of Pope John Paul II, “Dedication of Russia to the Mother of God”, etc.) with the Personality of the Mother of God Herself, who gave such a prediction, has a direct connection with fate humanity.

An important key to understanding the third part of the prophecy is the date named by Lucia. 2020 year - beginning disasters on earth.

"As for the third part of the Secret, Lucia wrote about it between 2 and 9 January 1944 in the form of a letter addressed to the Bishop of Leiria, who was at that time Monsignor José Coreira da Silva, through the mediation of the titular Bishop of Gurza, Monsignor Manuel Maria Ferreiro da Silva , her former confessor in Porto. The document, which, according to Sister Lucia, should not be published before 196024, was brought by Monseigneur João Pereira Venanzio, then suffragan bishop of Leiria, to the apostolic nonciature in Lisbon. From there, the nuncio Monseigneur Fernando Cento, the future cardinal, took it to Rome on April 16, 1957. Apparently Pius XII never met it. However, it was read by Pope John XXIII and Cardinal Ottaviani, then prefect of the Sacred Congregation for the Defense of the Faith. The document was then passed on to the secret archives of the Vatican."

"...Then I will return here for the seventh time." ...Our Lady gave Lucia numerous messages, published all over the world (in our country, for obvious reasons, this was not possible at that time, but now the Church has officially recognized the authenticity of the messages).

On October 13, 1917, the Mother of God once again appeared to three shepherdesses. On that day, She gave Lucia the following message, which was and is of the greatest importance for the future of the entire human race. In addition, it was supposed to explain the "solar miracle". The Pope intended to make it public in 1960, but this was not done. However, on October 15, 1963, the German newspaper Neus Europa announced a leak of information, as a result of which it became known that the text of the message (probably again an abbreviated part) was sent by the Vatican authorities to the governments of the United States, the Soviet Union and Great Britain.

TEXT OF THE MESSAGE - PART ONE, LET'S REPEAT IT AGAIN: Our Lady showed us the sea of ​​fire, which seemed to be underground. Demons and souls were immersed in this fire, appearing as transparent, black or bronze coals with the outlines of people. They trembled in the fire and clouds of smoke coming out of them. They scattered in all directions, like sparks scatter in a large flame, and all around there were such screams and groans of pain and despair, which simply made you feel uncomfortable and made you tremble with horror. Demons were recognized by their disgusting appearance. They resembled terrible and unknown beasts, which were however transparent and black. This vision lasted only a moment. And, fortunately, the Heavenly Mother promised to take us to Heaven (at the first appearance), or, I’m afraid, we would have died of horror.

PART TWO: Have you seen Hell, where the souls of unfortunate sinners end up. In order to save them, God wants to establish in the world a consecration to My Immaculate Heart. If they do what I now tell you, many souls will be saved and find peace. The war will end soon (we are talking about the First World War 1914 - 1918); however, if people do not stop their blasphemies, an even worse one will break out under Pope Pius XI (Pope 1939 - 1958). When you see a night illuminated by an unknown light (Lucia claims that the “extraordinary” northern dawn on January 25, 1938 was a God-given sign of the beginning of the war. And indeed, on the night of March 11-12, troops Nazi Germany occupied Austria, which can be considered the actual beginning of the Second World War), know that this is a great sign from God that He gives you to punish humanity for its crimes. And He will punish with war, famine, persecution of the Church and the Holy Father. In order to prevent this war, I ask for the consecration of Russia to My Immaculate Heart and for redemptive Communion on the first Saturdays. If people accept what I bring to them, Russia will change and there will be peace; if not, she will scatter her mistakes throughout the world, and there will be wars, and the Church will be persecuted. The good will be tortured, the Holy Father will suffer greatly, some nations will be destroyed. But my Immaculate Heart will win. The Holy Father will consecrate to Me Russia, which will change (Did this happen? Was Russia consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of the Mother of God, which should have led to her change, as requested by the Heavenly Mother? Lucia holds the opposite opinion. Therefore, we continue to suffer due to the fault of atheistic communism, which in the hands of God has become a scourge with which he punishes the world for its sins), and then an era of peace will come in the world (This promise has not yet been fulfilled, but it will certainly come true. We just don’t know when).

PART THREE: I am the Mother of God, I speak to you and ask you to convey this Message of My to the whole world, despite the fact that great obstacles will stand in your way. Listen carefully and remember well what I will tell you now: People must correct themselves. In humble supplications they must ask for forgiveness for the sins they have committed and may commit. You want Me to give a sign so that everyone will accept My words that I speak through your mouth. You saw the miracle of the two Suns, and everyone - believers and non-believers, peasants and townspeople, scientists and journalists, secularists and priests - everyone saw it. Now declare in My name: Great punishment will fall on the entire human race, but not today, not tomorrow, but in the second half of the twentieth century. I have already revealed this to the children of Melania and Massimino at La Salette, and today I repeat it to you, for the human race has sinned and trampled on My Gift to them. There is no order anywhere in the world; Satan reigns at the highest level, determining the course of events. He will be able to penetrate even the top of the Church; he will be able to seduce the souls of great scientists who will create such a weapon with which it will be possible to destroy most of humanity in a few minutes. In his power will be those who will have power over the peoples, and he will push them to create more and more of these weapons. And if humanity cannot resist this, I will be forced to release the punishing hand of My Son. And then you will see that God will punish people with greater severity than during the Flood. The time of all times and the end of all ends will come if humanity does not change. And if everything remains as it is now, or gets even worse, then the situation will become so serious that the big and strong will die along with the small and weak. The time of greatest trials will also come for the Church. Cardinals will rise up against cardinals, and bishops against bishops. Satan will march in their ranks, and great changes will come to Rome. That which is rotten will fall, and that which falls will not rise again. The church will be darkened and the world will tremble in horror. The time will come when not a single king, emperor, cardinal or bishop will expect the coming of the One who will come anyway, but will come to punish according to the laws of the Father.

Alas, the fifth race lost time to save itself. The race was too stupid, the men were on top. When the civilization of the phallus takes precedence over common sense, it all ends with the cavernous body of the fungus dumping on the table and beating this fungus against the tabletop. They lied, degraded their minds, looking at their genitals in the light. Remember, men should never be at the head of state. Should never have power. They are unable to control anything.

I don't need anyone anymore!
Neither states nor their leaders
The Great Storm is brewing
There will be no winners now!

The fifth will not go away quietly,
People must answer!
We need to leave with dignity!
There is no chance of forgiveness for people!

The planet reeks of lies!
The ocean will wash away the consequences
Not a single boundary from the past,
You can't even leave an investigation!

The world is rotten in ignorance!
There's nothing to grab onto!
There is nothing from humanity
People stopped studying!

There is only one teacher - the Creator!
There has been a change in concepts!
People-Gods are turned into ordinary people,
This is religion's main activity!

How many centuries of deception!
Stupefying people
It was all a bait
Slavery will be strengthened!

People are truly like slaves!
Scientists are resisting
Meets the criteria of Kabbalah,
This explains it all!

People are mired in mammon,
Art and power under it!
The horned one is now on the throne,
Controls people's lives!

The resistance is dead!
I'm talking about the Union!
The last manifestation of Love,
Mammon is everywhere now!

Remnants of the Empire remain!
Nothing can glue them together!
People retreat because it is excessive
It seems that the Horned One is eternal!

The fragments of the Empire will not help,
Particles of the Spirit - just right!
The particles will be able to connect,
At this difficult hour!

The Empire will be reborn again!
But not in the form of a Union!
Equality is Its basis:
The truth is not window dressing!

The most valuable thing is a person!
He is the bearer of ideology,
He will step into the New Century!
His psychology will change!

A person will finally understand
That the Whole is made up of particles!
Look at yourself carefully
He will form the White Brotherhood!

The basis of the Sixth is Russia!
Of course, not all, but particles!
They will decide on their Mission,
They will understand that this is the basis of the Matrix!

The foundation has already been laid
The creator tracked everyone
It was made up of particles
Equality among them is important!

Now everything depends on the Fifth!
More precisely, from the time of Her departure,
“The ninth wave is coming,”
There is no other way for God!

But, “Tomorrow” is already ready!
There is no point in rushing things!
First there will be a flood wave,
Then the Sixth Race arrives!

The Great War would break out in the second half of the twentieth century. Fire and smoke will fall from the sky, the ocean waters will turn to steam, and foam will rise, demolishing and flooding everything in its path. Millions and millions of people will die every hour, and those who remain alive will begin to envy the dead. Everywhere you look, there will be grief, suffering and destruction that will engulf all countries. Do you see? This time is getting closer, and the abyss is getting wider, and there is no hope. The good will perish along with the evil, the great with the little, the heads of the Church with their flock, and the rulers with their people.

Death will be everywhere due to mistakes made by madmen and followers of Satan, who then and only then will reign over the world. Finally, the survivors will once again call on God and His Glory and begin to serve Him as they once did, when the world was not yet so perverted. Go, my daughter, and tell about this. And I will always be there to help you with this >>. THINK... THINK... When this message was received in 1917, no one had yet thought about atomic bomb, about the consequences of its use and about all those types of energy with the help of which “IN A FEW MINUTES IT WILL BE POSSIBLE TO DESTROY THE MOST PART OF HUMANITY.” The fact that all this was created confirms the truth of the message and should make us think about everything else that Our Lady told us and advised us. She is our Mother, and like any mother, she tries to protect us from any suffering - spiritual, moral or physical.

“Predictions that “The Mother of God will come to Russia and, like a simple woman, will walk unrecognized among people, saving and comforting those few who have preserved the purity of the faith. She will defeat the Antichrist and crush his power,” spread at the beginning of the twentieth century, when Russia was shaken by a revolution, as a result of which atheistic rule was established in the country.

Shortly before this, from May 13 to October 13, 1917, the Secret of the future Appearance on the planet of the Mother of the World was revealed to three little Portuguese children. But this Message, addressed to all humanity, was criminally hidden. But because The appearance of the “Lady in the Cloud of Light” was accompanied by supernatural phenomena, witnessed by tens of thousands of residents of Portugal, the Vatican was forced to recognize the Truth of the Message.

But the truth that the Mother of the World told shocked and frightened the churchmen so much that it was decided to hide it from humanity forever. IN official version The Vatican divided the Message into “three secrets,” which were supposedly unrelated and concerned different moments in history.

It looked like this: “The first secret concerned Russia: its future fate as a stronghold of atheism and false teachings of the twentieth century, “which will have a detrimental effect on the fate of the world.” The second secret concerned the imminent end of the First World War and the future Second." The first and second secrets of Fatima were made public with the permission of Pope Pius in 1942. “The third secret remained undisclosed for a long time, and it was discovered only on May 13, 2000. According to the Vatican, the “third secret” concerned events that had already passed: the attempt on the life of Pope John Paul II on May 13, 1981.” It should be noted that many commentators, including Catholics, immediately expressed doubts about the pope’s sincerity for a number of reasons.

Firstly, the assassination attempt took place on May 13, 1981, and it is unclear why it was necessary to wait almost two decades to make the “third secret” public if it related to this assassination attempt. Secondly, it is known that the only surviving girl who accepted the Revelation of the Virgin Mary, Lucia dos Santos, when she was dangerously ill in the monastery in 1943, at the insistence of the hierarchy, wrote down the text of the “third secret”, and in 1944 it was accepted Pope Pius XII, to whom she gave the letter. The nun insisted that the secret be revealed no earlier than 1960. But in 1959 it was reported that the next pope, John XXIII, having read the text of the Prophecy, made a decision: it should remain a secret. It is therefore clear that the third Prophecy was about 1960, not 1981, when the assassination attempt on John Paul II occurred. But, nevertheless, the assassination attempt is related to the Fatima Epiphany. The assassination attempt took place in May 1981 on the 13th - the day of the first Appearance of the Lady of Heaven, exactly 64 years later (the full Avestan cycle). And this was a Sign-Warning from Above that one could no longer keep silent about the secret of the coming Appearance of the Messiah. It is known that while still in the hospital, John Paul II demanded that Fatima’s case be transferred to him. Apparently, he realized that this was a formidable Warning from Above for refusing to make public the Message of the Mother of the World. But even after this, the Vatican did not dare to publish the “Third Prophecy,” although the pope publicly dropped the phrase that God has a Female Face.
And the child will see CC Mother - the Beauty of the Matter System. SiS-Darkness. SYSTEM. We live IN THE WHITE WORLD! Everyone knows this, but they don’t understand it! On Milk! Light in the Shadow - In the DARKNESS. SiS-Theme - Game of Light and Shadow.
iGRA Graphics - iG RA-FI-KA. Edge of Ether. Everything is simple and accessible.
Our World is a GAME! And the universe of the whole One has a female face! God is a woman! Jesus is a woman. God's name is El and Jesus' name is Emmanuel. And they are omnipotent!

The Fatima Revelation of the Mother of the World was not only the most significant Epiphany on the eve of the Apocalypse, but it also exposed the ossification and unbelief of official religious structures. Until 1931, the Catholic Church was hostile to the miracle of Fatima; there were even attempts to ban the “new cult,” but the annual pilgrimage ordinary people and the light of spiritual revival, miracles of healing and conversion of non-believers to God gradually broke the ice of mistrust of the clergy. On May 3, 1922, the local bishop began an official investigation into all the events that took place in Fatima. A special commission was appointed, its work ended in 1930. It was only on May 13, 1931 that the Portuguese bishops officially visited Fatima for the first time. There were three hundred thousand pilgrims! But even after the forced recognition, the Divine Message was cynically hidden by the Vatican in order to implement its own political and ideological plans. However, this has been a long-established tradition. At the same time, the Revelation of the Mother of Light, transmitted to Lucia, remained completely prohibited. The life of Lucia dos Santos herself was completely taken under control by the Vatican. Soon after the events, in 1921, Lucia was hidden in the monastery boarding house of the sisters of St. Dorothea, in the city of Oporto.

The Vatican decided to publish the main details of the predictions 15 years ago. In 2006, during the reign of Pope John Paul II, an expanded edition was published. Several chapters appeared in it devoted to predictions about the universal significance of Russia. They say that Russia will be saved by turning to God, and that through the transformed Russia - the power of peace and heavenly love, established by the power of the Life-giving Cross, shining from the Solovetsky Mountain, a great victory will be achieved over the Babylonian harlot and the red dragon described in Apocalypse.

So, the Mother of the World gave humanity instructions for the future and warned about future events. Only, as always, no one understood anything. And she talked about disasters. According to the soothsayer Vanga, the United States will disappear from the face of the earth. Sergei Kostornoy, a journalist and relative of Vanga, voiced the prediction that the clairvoyant gave in a narrow circle of relatives and friends. But it was ordered not to release information to the masses until a certain point. Back in the 70s, she said that America does not exist, that she does not see it. The most interesting thing is that the United States does not see many thinking people now. USA as a virtual state??? And the United States is not located where it is depicted to us.

Cards will be introduced in Moscow, and then there will be famine.
There will be a big earthquake in Moscow. Six hills in Moscow will turn into one.
No one needs to move from their places: where you live, stay there.
Don’t go to the monastery in Diveevo now: the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov are not there.
In Russia, the communists will still come to power... And they are already loudly declaring themselves by building the USSR-2.
Japan and America will go under water together. Australia will also be flooded. America will be flooded by the ocean all the way to Alaska.
There will be such a war in Russia: from the west - the Germans, and from the east - the Chinese!
The southern half of China will be flooded by the Indian Ocean. And then the Chinese will reach Chelyabinsk. Russia will unite with the Mongols and drive them back. When China comes at us, then there will be war.
The war between Russia and Germany will begin again through Serbia.
Belarus will suffer greatly. Only then will Belarus unite with Russia... But Ukraine will not unite with us then; and then there will be a lot of crying!
The Turks will again fight the Greeks. Russia will help the Greeks.
Afghanistan is waiting endless war. There will be war here, and there will be war, and there will be war! .. And only then the warring countries will decide to choose one common ruler. You cannot participate in this! After all, this single ruler is the Antichrist.

Cayce's prophecy predicted a devastating natural disaster that would occur in the second half of 2019. The words of the prophet made the people shudder. Attached to the notes was a map where the fortuneteller depicted the areas of land that would be swallowed up by the coming flood. If researchers presented Edgar Cayce's map to the world community, it would plunge into chaos and expectations of the end of the world would drive people crazy. So, what did the prophet write in his notebooks regarding the flooding of the territories of Russia and the USA. How global did he see the impending catastrophe? Here is an excerpt from his premonitions and forecasts:

The beginning of the 21st century will be marked terrible disaster. The natural disaster that has occurred will wipe out half of humanity from the face of the Earth. There will be a lot of water. Those who did not have time to take refuge will die in the depths of the sea. A few days after this recording, the oracle created a flood map, where he accurately indicated all the countries and regions where the flood would engulf the entire surface of the land.

The catastrophe is expected to be very serious. You can be sure that all of Europe will disappear under water, and the glorious city of Moscow will be washed into the sea by a giant wave. There will be very few areas of land left and only those people who live in the highlands of the planet will survive.

Without change there will be no Consciousness,
human transformation,
Humanity will never forget
Great flood before the end of the century!

This has happened more than once in History!
In memory of the past flood,
It was a large-scale water area,
But then the human race was saved!

The climate is changing again!
From stage to another stage,
The animal world is changing
Moving on to a new stamp!

Only a person does not change!
He always starts from scratch
He wanders in Space,
Tugging at your consciousness!

No understanding of evolution
The main evolution is inside!
Man is leaning toward revolution
To divide the space “into three”!

It seems to him that he will change everything outside,
Without affecting your essence,
A person will surround himself with comforts,
Although he understands that all this is dregs!

A person understands that he is from Heaven!
But he can’t get up there,
Turns his life into fiction,
Although his Conscience is gnawing at him!

Worthlessness is the main role!
Meaninglessness is the purpose of life!
The shell was eaten by a moth,
The planet has become without life!

There is humanity, but without its Spirit there is no!
Humanity is destroying the Planet!
No one will get a pass ticket,
The planet has declared a vendetta on people!

The cataclysm cannot be stopped without God!
More precisely, without the person himself,
People will be able to rise to the Threshold,
Once - for millennia and centuries!

Today people are given one chance!
The structure of the state is out of action!
The prelude of Collapse begins,
A wrong step will lead to consequences!

A giant wave will be born as a consequence of the disappearance magnetic field Earth and stopping the rotation of the planet. The magnetic field will disappear and a huge tsunami will rush across the globe due to the centrifugal force of rotation. The wave will sweep across the continents several times and wash away everything in its path. Not many will survive. If an authoritative mystic says that our planet’s magnetic field will disappear and the Earth’s rotation will stop, then it is difficult to think about the survival of humanity after such natural disaster. Casey writes that the tsunami will be so powerful that it will circle the Earth several times, sweeping away cities, towns and villages on its way. Probably not a single country in the world will be able to maintain its sovereignty and the inviolability of its borders. Looking at the map, one can assume that in Russia only the territories of the Urals, Siberia and Far East.

Some are waiting, some are not!
An earthquake doesn't scare anyone
They don’t understand that hello to the New Era,
The oceans are already cleaning the land!

Whoever betrays has forgotten about Duality!
A man betrays for centuries to come,
Today the question is very relevant,
The first to leave is the one who betrays!

Today it is dangerous to lie!
We are talking about a New Civilization,
Even the past cannot be “grinded”,
In “Tomorrow” there are no past associations!

As we understand, the megastate of Rome and Satan the Pope have long known the scenario of the virtual game, what awaits them and how the events of the 3D game will unfold. The Pope is a hybrid reptilian, pedophile and pederast.

The Great Source is in slavery!
Don't deserve better?
Slavery in the Spirit comes from the Papacy,
From the shadow service!

And they are already ready for something that cannot be changed. Knowing that half the world would go under water, and Siberia and the Far East would remain untouched by the flood, they made a plan for themselves: to move to Russian territory.

Great People - Great Destiny!
There is no slavery in Greatness!
Today the country is faceless,
Subordinated to the world “papacy”!

Lost the cold war
There is a redistribution of territory,
The traitors signed the introductory note,
What will remain of the water area!

It turns out - a tenth!
Ninety - will go to the West,
Isn't it time to let me know?
That their dividends are falling!

But they don’t need the Russian people. That is why they want to destroy the Russians, but with the hands of their clones - numerous Chinese robots. Clear territories and enter Siberia, Primorye and the Urals by 2020. Where there will be no flooding. Moreover, they control these robots using nanorobot chips that are dropped from airplanes with chemical trails. Small nanoparticles are introduced into golem cells and they all turn into one radio-controlled network. They carry out orders clearly, without doubting their correctness. after all, robots do not have their own consciousness.

In the video: Where the nobles fornicated with the devil A. Tyunyaev provides evidence of the crossing of golems with humans. The Hermitage is filled with portraits of hybrids. Irrefutable historical facts mixing clay golems with living people. These hybrids are already dead. They do not have an evolutionary number. But, if such a mixture was allowed by the Father, then this is necessary for training. The God-man must train his channels of clairvoyance on these phantoms. Everything that happens in this reality is not accidental. Training the channels of clairvoyance and distinguishing between good and evil is a necessary process in the evolution of consciousness. Without such models, it is impossible to gain strength. Phantoms with Asian facial features: Tatars, Uzbeks, Tajiks - originated from Chinese golems.

The entire yellow race are the same Chinese, the same robots. It was not by chance that they were brought to Russia. Everything is prepared for reprisals against the Russians. By order from outside, this entire mass of controlled robots will begin to slaughter the population. You should know about this. You must now find ways to burn the programs of these clay golems, burn out their neural connections. How to do it? Think now. The Russians have no weapons or ammunition; they are deprived by the Satanists of even the most basic thing: to defend their lives. But, there are magical ways to turn off robots from power. Or not magical, but technological. Your task is to find these tools as soon as possible! Otherwise, you're finished.

The black priests of Atlantis crucified Jesus - Emmanuel. And it was a woman! They have established their satanic male matrix of death and bring sacrifices of your lives to their Devil God of Hell Amon. Men have always been such sadists because they themselves are the death of the Spirit, vicious and perverted, slowly sliding into a lower, animal form of existence in holographic realities. Lying is as natural as breathing for men.

These are the men, the servants of Satan, who flooded the whole world with their lies. The world drowned in their filth and depravity. The fifth race is dying in vain! They killed and crucified all the knowing mothers and reigned over the world with their stupid and greedy power. It was the sadistic psychopathic men who gave birth to golems and filled up reality with stupid, brainless, eternally multiplying fools. They stole and hid Knowledge from the living and destroyed the ecology and harmony of the planet!

Man can no longer do anything!
The Right of Creation is rejected,
His conscience doesn’t gnaw at him either,
Became a slave to my surprise!

Became an outcast for millennia!
No ideas of your own!
The potential of the Creator is at rest,
There are no changes in Consciousness!

Humanity destroyed the Fifth,
Scientific progress has given nothing!
Nothing is clear to people
Man has stopped looking for himself!

The fifth leaves pointlessly,
Potential was not used!
People did not understand the meaning of life,
They are bewitched by religions!

For the most holy officials, in the person of all the “Roman popes” who read the third part of the prophecy, the prediction seemed so inconsistent with their faith that each of them decided that the great secret should not be revealed to people.

Therefore, the third prophecy was never published in its entirety, and only some fragments became public knowledge. These parts, after appropriate interpretation, were presented as if “everything that was said by the Mother of God.”

I would, of course, like to know what was actually discussed in the third part of the Fatima message. At least, for example, in the part of the prediction that talked about war. What Cardinal Carrado Balducci seemed to let slip about to reassure the public: “It talks about a third world war, which should break out before the beginning of the third millennium. Nuclear weapons will be used in it. Millions will die, and the survivors will envy the dead. But if people abandon their aggressive intentions and reconcile with each other and with God, war can be avoided. In addition, the Third Secret predicts a crisis in the Catholic Church and a special fate for Russia. I can’t tell you more."

So, in the third part of the Fatima revelation there was talk about the war, about the crisis of the church, and, most importantly, a special prophecy was given about Russia. Moreover, this most important message, connected (as is known from a number of events, for example, from the action of Pope John Paul II, “Dedication of Russia to the Mother of God”, etc.) with the Personality of the Mother of God Herself, who gave such a prediction, has a direct connection with fate humanity.

An important key to understanding the third part of the prophecy is the date named by Lucia. Because before the promise was fulfilled, the secret could not be revealed.

"As for the third part of the Secret (see note 11), the clairvoyant wrote about it between 2 and 9 January 1944 in the form of a letter addressed to the Bishop of Leiria, who was at that time Monsignor José Correira da Silva, through the mediation of the titular Bishop Gurza Monsignor Manuel Maria Ferreiro da Silva, her former confessor in Porto, a document which, according to Sister Lucia, must not have been published before 1960 24, was brought by Monsignor Joao Pereira Venanzio, at that time suffragan bishop of Leiria, to the apostolic noncyature in Lisbon. From there, the nuncio Monsignor Fernando Cento, the future cardinal, took him to Rome on April 16, 1957. Apparently Pius XII never met him.

However, it was read by Pope John XXIII and Cardinal Ottaviani, at that time prefect of the sacred congregation for the defense of the faith. The document then went into the secret archives of the Vatican."

"...Then I will return here for the seventh time."

Our Lady gave Lucia numerous messages, published all over the world (in our country then, for obvious reasons, this could not be done, but now the Church has officially recognized the authenticity of the messages).

On October 13, 1917, the Mother of God once again appeared to three shepherdesses. On that day, She gave Lucia the following message, which was and is of the greatest importance for the future of the entire human race. In addition, it was supposed to explain the "solar miracle". This message consisted of three parts.

The message was brought to the Vatican, but the Catholic Church decided to hide the third part of it. The Pope intended to make it public in 1960, but this was not done.

However, on October 15, 1963, the German newspaper Neus Europa announced a leak of information, as a result of which it became known that the text of the message (probably again an abbreviated part) was sent by the Vatican authorities to the governments of the United States, the Soviet Union and Great Britain. According to the newspaper, the pope considered this necessary to conclude a convention banning certain species nuclear tests.


Our Lady showed us a sea of ​​fire that seemed to be underground. Demons and souls were immersed in this fire, appearing as transparent, black or bronze coals with the outlines of people. They trembled in the fire and clouds of smoke coming out of them. They scattered in all directions, like sparks scatter in a large flame, and all around there were such screams and groans of pain and despair, which simply made you feel uncomfortable and made you tremble with horror. Demons were recognized by their disgusting appearance. They resembled terrible and unknown beasts, which were however transparent and black. This vision lasted only a moment. And, fortunately, our kindest Mother of Heaven promised to take us to Heaven (at the first appearance), or, I'm afraid, we would have died of horror.

You have seen Hell, where the souls of unfortunate sinners end up. In order to save them, God wants to establish in the world a consecration to My Immaculate Heart. If they do what I now tell you, many souls will be saved and find peace. The war will end soon (we are talking about the First World War 1914 - 1918); however, if people do not stop their blasphemies, an even worse one will break out under Pope Pius XI (Pope 1939 - 1958). When you see a night illuminated by an unknown light (Lucia claims that the “extraordinary” northern dawn on January 25, 1938 was a God-given sign of the beginning of the war. And indeed, on the night of March 11-12, the troops of Nazi Germany occupied Austria, which can be considered the actual beginning of World War II), know that this is a great sign from God that He is giving to you to punish humanity for its crimes. And He will punish with war, famine, persecution of the Church and the Holy Father. To prevent this war, I ask for the consecration of Russia to My Immaculate Heart and redemptive Communion on the first Saturdays. If people accept what I bring to them, Russia will change and there will be peace; if not, she will scatter her mistakes throughout the world, and there will be wars, and the Church will be persecuted. The good will be tortured, the Holy Father will suffer greatly, some nations will be destroyed. But my Immaculate Heart will win. The Holy Father will consecrate to Me Russia, which will change (Did this happen? Was Russia consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of the Mother of God, which should have led to her change, as requested by the Heavenly Mother? Lucia holds the opposite opinion. Therefore, we continue to suffer due to the fault of atheistic communism, which in the hands of God has become a scourge with which he punishes the world for its sins), and then an era of peace will come in the world (This promise has not yet been fulfilled, but it will certainly come true. We just don’t know when).


People need to improve. In humble supplications they must ask for forgiveness for the sins they have committed and may commit. You want Me to give a sign so that everyone will accept My words that I speak through your mouth. You saw the miracle of the two Suns, and everyone - believers and non-believers, peasants and townspeople, scientists and journalists, secularists and priests - everyone saw it. Now declare in My name:

The great punishment will fall on the entire human race, but not today, not tomorrow, but in the second half of the twentieth century. I have already revealed this to the children of Melania and Massimino at La Salette, and today I repeat it to you, for the human race has sinned and trampled on My Gift to them. There is no order anywhere in the world; Satan reigns at the highest level, determining the course of events. He will be able to penetrate even the top of the Church; he will be able to seduce the souls of great scientists who will create such a weapon with which it will be possible to destroy most of humanity in a few minutes. In his power will be those who will have power over the peoples, and he will push them to create more and more of these weapons. And if humanity cannot resist this, I will be forced to release the punishing hand of My Son. And then you will see that God will punish people with greater severity than during the Flood.

The time of all times and the end of all ends will come if humanity does not change. And if everything remains as it is now, or gets even worse, then the situation will become so serious that the big and strong will die along with the small and weak. The time of greatest trials will also come for the Church. Cardinals will rise up against cardinals, and bishops against bishops. Satan will march in their ranks, and great changes will come to Rome. That which is rotten will fall, and that which falls will not rise again. The church will be darkened and the world will tremble in horror. The time will come when not a single king, emperor, cardinal or bishop will expect the coming of the One who will come anyway, but will come to punish according to the laws of the Father.

The Great War would break out in the second half of the twentieth century. Fire and smoke will fall from the sky, the ocean waters will turn to steam, and foam will rise, demolishing and flooding everything in its path. Millions and millions of people will die every hour, and those who remain alive will begin to envy the dead. Everywhere you look, there will be grief, suffering and destruction that will engulf all countries.

Do you see? This time is getting closer, and the abyss is getting wider, and there is no hope. The good will perish along with the evil, the great with the little, the heads of the Church with their flock, and the rulers with their people. Death will be everywhere due to mistakes made by madmen and followers of Satan, who then and only then will reign over the world. Finally, the survivors will once again call on God and His Glory and begin to serve Him as they once did, when the world was not yet so perverted.

Go, my daughter, and tell about this. And I will always be there to help you with this >>.


When this message was received in 1917, no one had yet thought about the atomic bomb, about the consequences of its use and about all those types of energy with the help of which “IN A FEW MINUTES IT WOULD BE POSSIBLE TO KILL THE MOST PART OF HUMANITY.”
The fact that all this was created confirms the truth of the message and should make us think about everything else that Our Lady told us and advised us. She is our Mother, and like any mother, she tries to protect us from any suffering - spiritual, moral or physical.

From the article:

"Predictions that “The Mother of God will come to Russia and, like a simple woman, will walk unrecognized among people, saving and comforting those few who have preserved the purity of their faith. He will defeat the Antichrist and crush his power.", spread at the beginning of the twentieth century, when Russia was shaken by a revolution, as a result of which atheistic rule was established in the country.

Shortly before this, from May 13 to October 13, 1917, the Secret of the future Appearance on the planet of the Mother of Light was revealed to three little Portuguese children. But this Message, addressed to all humanity, was criminally hidden. But because Phenomenon "Ladies in the Cloud of Light" accompanied by supernatural phenomena, witnessed by tens of thousands of residents of Portugal, the Vatican was forced to recognize the Truth of the Message. But the truth that the Mother of the World told shocked and frightened the churchmen so much that it was decided to hide it from humanity forever.

In the official version by the Vatican, the Message was divided into “three secrets,” which were supposedly unrelated and concerned different moments in history. It looked like this:

“The first secret concerned Russia: its future fate as a stronghold of atheism and false teachings of the twentieth century, “which will have a detrimental effect on the fate of the world.”.

The second secret concerned the imminent end of the First World War and the future of the Second.".

The first and second secrets of Fatima were made public with the permission of Pope Pius in 1942.

« The third secret remained undisclosed for a long time, and it was discovered only on May 13, 2000. According to the Vatican, the “third secret” concerned events that had already passed: the attempt on the life of Pope John Paul II on May 13, 1981.”

It should be noted that many commentators, including Catholics, immediately expressed doubts about the pope’s sincerity for a number of reasons. Firstly, the assassination attempt took place may 13 1981, and it is unclear why it was necessary to wait almost two decades to make the “third secret” public if it concerned this assassination attempt. Secondly, it is known that the only surviving girl who accepted the Revelation of the Virgin Mary, Lucia dos Santos, when she was dangerously ill in the monastery in 1943, at the insistence of the hierarchy, wrote down the text of the “third secret”, and in 1944 it was accepted Pope Pius XII, to whom she gave the letter. The nun insisted that the secret be revealed no earlier than 1960. But in 1959 it was reported that the next pope, John XXIII, having read the text of the Prophecy, made a decision: it should remain a secret. It is therefore clear that the third Prophecy was about 1960, not 1981, when the assassination attempt on John Paul II occurred.

But, nevertheless, the assassination attempt is related to the Fatima Epiphany. The assassination attempt took place in May 1981. 13th- on the day of the first Apparition Lady of Heaven, exactly 64 years later (full Avestan cycle). And this was a Sign-Warning from Above that one could no longer keep silent about the secret of the coming Appearance of the Messiah. It is known that while still in the hospital, John Paul II demanded that Fatima’s case be transferred to him. Apparently, he realized that this was a formidable Warning from Above for refusing to make public the Message of the Mother of the World. But even after this, the Vatican did not dare to publish the “Third Prophecy,” although the pope publicly dropped the phrase that God has a Female Face.

Why is this date significant? 1960? This - Year of the Nativity of the Mother of the World Maria DEVI CHRISTOS. Thus, we can be convinced that not only the place - Ancient Kievan Rus, but also the year of the Birth of the Messiah was predicted in advance. And if you turn “6” the other way around, you get the year of the Appearance of the Mother of the World - 1990!

Fatima, Portugal, 1917.

Fatima Revelation Mothers of the World became not only the most significant Epiphany on the eve of the Apocalypse, but it also exposed the ossification and unbelief of official religious structures. Until 1931, the Catholic Church was hostile to the miracle of Fatima; there were even attempts to ban "new cult", but the annual pilgrimage of ordinary people and the light of spiritual revival, miracles of healing and conversion of non-believers to God gradually broke the ice of mistrust of the clergy. On May 3, 1922, the local bishop began an official investigation into all the events that took place in Fatima. A special commission was appointed, its work ended in 1930. It was only on May 13, 1931 that the Portuguese bishops officially visited Fatima for the first time. There were pilgrims three hundred thousand Human! But even after the forced recognition, the Divine Message was cynically hidden by the Vatican in order to implement its own political and ideological plans. However, this has been a long-established tradition.

At the same time, the Revelation of the Mother of Light, transmitted to Lucia, remained completely prohibited. The life of Lucia dos Santos herself was completely taken under control by the Vatican. Soon after the events, in 1921, Lucia was hidden in the monastery boarding house of the sisters of St. Dorothea, in the city of Oporto.

“Before leaving, the bishop called her:
- You won't tell anyone where you're going.
- Okay, Vladyka.
- At the boarding house you will not tell anyone who you are.
- Okay, Vladyka.
- You will never talk to anyone about the apparitions in Fatima.
- Okay, Vladyko.”

This silence lasted for fifteen years, and only in 1935 did the bishop allow Lucia, who by that time had been tonsured a nun, to say who she was. It was not difficult to convince a little girl who was brought up in a strict “pious” family that all these “big guys in robes” are “representatives of God on Earth” who must be obeyed unquestioningly, even more than God!

Is it surprising why the Fatima Revelation caused such rejection by the Vatican? Is it not because the Appearance Itself Queens of Light undermined all church dogmas, starting from "the depravity of women" and ending with ideas about God as an exclusively Masculine Principle? Most of all, the fear of the Catholic hierarchs resembles the fear of the Jewish Sanhedrin, which became aware of the Coming of the Messiah - Jesus Christ. This is the fear of inevitable retribution for all sins against the Mother of All That Is."

The Pope hid
prophecies about Russia

Details of the most sensational prediction about the fate of Russia, given by the Virgin Mary in the Portuguese town of Fatima, will be hidden from humanity for another six years. The Vatican has banned access to the diary of the nun Lucia, who witnessed this miracle as a child, at least until 2014, reports the Christian Megaportal invictory.org with reference to MIGnews.

The secret archives relating to the reign of Pope Pius XII, which also contains the message of Fatima, will remain lying on the dusty shelves of the Vatican chancellery. That's how it is decision of the head of the Catholic Church, Pope Benedict XVI.

“The work of cataloging and reviewing 16 million documents takes time, and we simply do not have enough specially trained people for this,” explained Vatican press secretary Father Frederico Lombardi. “Therefore, opening archives dating from 1939 to 1958 is impossible.” .

It is known that some parts of the records left to the world by nun Lucia, the only witness to the prophetic appearances of the Virgin Mary to three children in Fatima, Portugal, who lived to adulthood, still remain classified. In 1917, Lucia and two other children, her shepherd friends, saw the Virgin Mary on a certain day every month.

The boys amazed first their parents, then their village, and later the whole world with their prophetic stories. From the lips of the Mother of God they learned about the coming changes. So, for example, through her young envoys, the Mother of God announced that there would be a revolution in Russia, that a state would arise that would destroy the church, and that the Second World War would begin.

Lucia grew up, became a nun and donated her notes to the Vatican archives. Fatima's prophecies came true with amazing accuracy. The revolution broke out, Soviet Union, destroying temples and priests, a new world war began.

The Vatican decided to publish the main details of the predictions 15 years ago. In 2006, during the reign of Pope John Paul II, an expanded edition was published. Several chapters appeared in it devoted to predictions about the universal significance of Russia. They say that Russia will be saved by turning to God, and that through the transformed Russia - the power of peace and heavenly love, established by the power of the Life-giving Cross, shining from the Solovetsky Mountain, a great victory will be achieved over the Babylonian harlot and the red dragon described in Apocalypse.

But several chapters of Lucia's diaries about the prophecies of the Virgin Mary remained closed. They say that they contain tales about the future of Russia, prophecies about an assassination attempt on the Pope, about the financial crisis... .
But it is still unknown when the new Pope Benedict XVI will allow the archives to be opened.

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