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Project for the 70th anniversary of the victory. Report “70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War as a powerful factor in the development of patriotism in preschool children

Time moves inexorably forward, leaving behind great events in the lives of nations. I can’t help but remember the words from the song: “And the years fly, our years fly, and we have no time to look back.” But there are events that you constantly remember, you constantly return to them in order to celebrate them with dignity. One of these great events is Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War, which turns 70 years old in May 2015. This is an event of world historical significance. And no matter how many centuries, millennia pass, this event will remain forever in the memory of peoples. The greatness of the victory in the war of 1941-1945 is recognized by many peoples of the world, since this is the day of liberation of peoples from enslavement and destruction. Ukrainian nationalists call the Great Patriotic War the Second World War. These are two different concepts, although the Great Patriotic War is included in the concept of the Second World War, being its most important and decisive component.

The Second World War is an imperialist war; it was generated by the capitalist economic system. It arose in conditions of the general crisis of capitalism. This is the struggle of capitalist monopolies for the redivision of the world, for sources of raw materials, markets for products and spheres of investment of capital. The Great Patriotic War is a war of the Soviet people against the Nazi invaders, for the liberation of enslaved peoples. This is a great war in terms of its scale, the number of participation of military units, military equipment, and the use of material resources. The zigzag front line was 6 thousand kilometers, from the White to the Black Seas. I didn’t know this before. More than 10 million soldiers and officers from one side and the other took part in the battles. The Great Patriotic War is great in its goals and objectives. The main goal is not only the complete expulsion of the invaders from the socialist Motherland, but also the liberation of the enslaved peoples of Europe. This is the international duty of the Soviet people. The Soviet people and their armed forces in this fierce struggle against the Nazi invaders demonstrated humanism and humanity towards the liberated peoples of Europe, deep respect for them, and careful attitude towards their material and cultural values.

Soviet troops liberated 11 European states from German occupation, including Poland, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, and Austria.

The entire socialist Fatherland, all the peoples of the union republics, all the youth participated in this cruel bloody war. And that’s why this war is called the Patriotic War.

The unprecedented battle of the Soviet people and their armed forces with Nazi Germany lasted 1418 days and nights.

Against Soviet Union Not only Nazi Germany fought, but also almost all European countries enslaved by Germany, their economic and military resources were used. From just 6 occupied European countries, the weapons of 180 divisions were taken out, including 4,930 tanks and armored personnel carriers, 2,000 aircraft, and huge reserves of metal, strategic raw materials, metallurgical and military factories were captured. Together with German troops, formations and units of Romanian, Hungarian, Spanish, Dutch, Italian, Czechoslovak, Finnish, Norwegian and other European countries fought against Soviet soldiers. Hitler called the participation of European countries in the war against the USSR a real European crusade.

The first two years of the war were unfavorable for the Soviet troops: mainly defensive operations were carried out, there were failures in battles, losses of military units, and they retreated in battle.

These failures and losses of Soviet troops are explained by the following factors. Firstly, at the time of the attack on the Soviet Union, German troops had three years of war experience and mobilized armed forces. Secondly, by the beginning of the war, Germany had an advantage in technically equipping its troops with new weapons (tanks, aircraft, artillery, small arms). The Soviet Union has just begun producing new types of weapons. New models of tanks, aircraft, artillery and small arms were developed and put into production. Thirdly, the absence of a second front in Europe allowed the German command to concentrate its main military forces against the Soviet Union. Fourthly, there were miscalculations in assessing the possible time of Nazi Germany’s attack on the USSR and associated omissions in preparations for repelling German troops in the first days of the war. All these shortcomings in the first years of the war led to the fact that the Soviet troops, finding themselves in unequal conditions, heroically fighting a strong enemy, retreated. Victories in the main battles of Moscow and Stalingrad were major defeats for Nazi Germany. As a result, a radical turn in the course of the war was achieved, and then, after the historic victory at Kursk, a radical turning point was achieved. The victory at Kursk demonstrated the increased power of the Soviet country and its armed forces.

The victory over Nazi Germany and its allies was achieved through the joint efforts of the states of the anti-Hitler coalition. But the Soviet Union played a decisive role in the defeat of Nazi Germany. British Prime Minister W. Churchill noted that “it was the Red Army that let the guts out of the German war machine.” And the American General D. Marshall wrote: “Without the successful actions of the Red Army, American troops would have been unable to resist the aggressor, and the war would have been transferred to the American continent.”

The victory of the Soviet people and their armed forces over Nazi Germany came at a high price - 27 million Soviet people gave their lives for the freedom and independence of their homeland, including almost 10 million on the war fronts. The victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War is quite natural. It convincingly showed the great advantages of the socialist system, state ownership of the means of production over capitalism, the capitalist economic system based on private property and a market economy. Thanks to the social state system, it was possible to attract labor and material resources to fight the German invaders. But the main factor of victory during the war years was the enormous spiritual power of the Soviet people, based on the socialist system of education, on the created socialist living conditions. Starting from kindergarten, children were raised in the spirit of friendship, love, mutual assistance to each other, respect for older comrades, and love for the Motherland. First an October boy, a pioneer, then a Komsomol member, a communist. This is an ideological system for educating young people. She instilled in young people an ideological, moral spirit of devotion to the Soviet Motherland, friendship, mutual assistance, internationalism, and high morality.

Therefore, it is no coincidence that many glorious heroic deeds during the war years were performed by pioneers, Komsomol members and communists, which is a striking example of Soviet patriotism and selfless loyalty of young people to the socialist Motherland. By the end of the war, every fourth soldier was a communist. The communists themselves performed feats and led their comrades to heroic achievements. During the Great Patriotic War mass heroism of youth at the front was a constant event. Thousands of glorious Soviet soldiers performed remarkable feats in the name of the Motherland, in the name of victory over the enemy. More than 300 times during the war, the immortal feat of the infantrymen A.K. Pankratov, V.V. Vasilkovsky, A.M. Matrosov was repeated, who covered the enemy’s scribbling machine guns with their chests. Following the example of Captain Gastello, the pilots repeated the fire ground ram more than 500 times. More than 600 aerial rams and many other unnamed heroic deeds were completed.

German Field Marshal Ewald von Kleist praised the Red Army: “These people were first-class fighters from the very beginning... Having gained experience, they became first-class soldiers. They fought fiercely, had incredible endurance, and could get by without many things that soldiers of other armies would consider essential." The military victory of the Soviet Union was achieved by the valiant armed forces with their high organization and military art.

Marshal of the Soviet Union A. M. Vasilevsky noted: “The victory over Hitler’s army marked the superiority Soviet science, military art over bourgeois military science and the art of war."

The Red Army, being the army of a socialist state, has strong ties to its people and relied on an advanced socialist economy. The Red Army consisted of the sons of the working people. She defended the freedom and independence of her Fatherland, fought for the liberation of the territories occupied by the German invaders.

In the Great Patriotic War, the Soviet military art, which was possessed by military personnel, which included remarkable commanders and prominent military leaders, was victorious: G.K. Zhukov, A.M. Vasilevsky, K.K. Rokossovsky, I.S. Konev, R.Ya. Malinovsky, F.I. Tolbukhin, K.A. Meretskov, L.A. Govorov, N.F. Vatutin, S.K. Timoshenko, I.D. Chernyakhovsky, I.Kh. Bagramyan, N.G. Kuznetsov, B.M. Shaposhnikov, A.I. Antonov, A.I. Eremenko, I.E. Petrov, A.G. Kravchenko and many others. Throughout the war, the Soviet fronts were firmly and skillfully led by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the USSR I.V. Stalin.

The movement of partisans and underground fighters in the occupied territory was important in achieving victory over the Nazi invaders. In terms of its scale, political and military results, the partisan and underground struggle, as well as the mass resistance of the population to all the activities of the German occupiers in their rear, acquired strategic importance and turned into one of the most important factors in defeating the enemy invasion. During the war, Soviet partisans and underground fighters inflicted enormous losses on the fascist army in manpower. They destroyed, wounded and captured over 1.6 million Wehrmacht soldiers and officers, military construction organizations, German occupation administration officials, and military railway workers. For valor and courage in the fight against the fascist invaders, 234 partisans and underground fighters were awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Home front workers made a great contribution to the great victory over the enemy. In the face of mortal danger, socialist society rallied together; there were no internal dividing boundaries - political, social, national, religious. In the rear there was an intense and selfless struggle for metal, military equipment, and bread. “Everything for the front, everything for victory!” - this was the motto of the home front workers.

Through the efforts of the Soviet people, the eastern regions of the country were turned into the main military-economic base of the country, where already in July 1942 76% of all military products were produced. At the machines there were not only regular workers, but also boys and girls, yesterday's housewives - everyone made their contribution to the cause of victory. The fiery Soviet patriotism and heroism of home front workers gave rise to such powerful incentives as socialist competition.

It was a means of developing social activity and consciousness, initiative and creativity of workers. It contributed to the development of high moral qualities - initiative, integrity, courage, exactingness, hard work, frugality. The competition created patriotic movements of front-line Komsomol youth brigades, which increased labor productivity and exceeded plans with fewer workers. Scientists and designers made a great contribution to the victory. They improved and modernized aircraft, aircraft engines, tanks, artillery and small arms, ammunition, and created new military equipment and weapons, participated in the development and implementation of new methods of military production technology.

In conditions of extreme tension, a proper system of organization, management and ideological support was required. The core of this system was the Communist Party, which, according to its convictions, considered it a matter of duty and honor to be at the forefront in solving the problems of collectives and the country as a whole. This was the most important guarantee of victory in the Great Patriotic War. If it were not for the victory of the Soviet people and their armed forces in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, then there would not have been not only Ukraine as a conciliar independent state, but also the Ukrainian nation as an ethnohistorical community. Thanks to the great victory, it became possible to liberate the Western Ukrainian lands from Polish, Austro-Hungarian and other enslavers and unite them into a single conciliar state of Ukraine.

Therefore, when today nationalists of various stripes make statements not about the liberation of Ukraine from German enslavement, but about Soviet occupation, this is blasphemy, cynicism, and nationalist nonsense. And an ardent defender of Banderaism, ex-President V. Yushchenko, went even further - he organized a museum of “Soviet occupation”. It must be recalled that during the liberation of Ukraine from the Nazi occupiers in Soviet troops There were 70% Ukrainians along with other nationalities. During the liberation of Ukraine, armies, divisions, and regiments were led by such outstanding Ukrainian military leaders as I. Chernyakhovsky, M. Kirponos, S. Rybalko, A. Kravchenko, K. Moskalenko, I. Kozhedub, G. Beregovoy, P. Pokryshkin, P. Zhmachenko, A. Fedorov, S. Kovpak, V. Petrov and many others. How can one talk about some kind of Soviet occupation of Ukraine? Distortion historical truth, denigration of the Soviet past, the fascistization of Ukraine is in full swing - the actions of the Communist Party are prohibited, Victory Day is declared not as a holiday of the victorious people, but as a day of mourning, monuments to V.I. Lenin, the liberating soldiers, use provocations, blackmail, information blockade, seizure and destruction of the premises of the Communist Party, carry out pogroms of those protesting against the actions of accomplices of fascism, glorify Bandera and Shukhevych, who faithfully served fascist Germany.

Nationalism is intolerance, hatred and physical violence towards other nations. Some “doctors of historical sciences” also follow this path, who distort the truth of history, cast a black light on the Soviet past, and vulgarize the commanders of the Soviet Army. Among these “historians,” S. Kulchitsky and Y. Shapoval take an active part. The latter, in his article in the newspaper Zerkalo Nedeli, more than halved the losses of Nazi Germany in the war and significantly increased the losses of the Soviet Union... In reality, the Soviet Union suffered large losses - 27 million people, Germany in absolute numbers - 13.6 million people, but in relative terms these losses are 14% and 20%, respectively, i.e. Germany relatively suffered significantly greater losses than the USSR. In addition, Germany was completely destroyed by bomber aircraft. Based on the absolute losses of the Soviet Union, ardent nationalists and some “activists” conclude that there was no victory - many people died. But the defense of the Fatherland is the sacred duty of a Soviet citizen, and no loss of life can overshadow the victory won as a result of the struggle for the freedom and independence of the Fatherland. But in the name of what did Nazi Germany suffer great losses in people? “Doctors of historical sciences” do not talk about this. But it would be necessary. Nazi Germany waged a war of conquest and enslavement.

Therefore, its main leaders, according to the international Nuremberg court, were executed. A generally accepted methodological requirement for historical science is its truthfulness and objectivity, and not subordination to the subjective interests of this or that policy and ideology.

Journalist S. Lozunko rightly called these “doctors of historical sciences” “history hackers.” They are trying to recode the consciousness of peoples through the introduction of “historical viruses” - distortion of facts, false theories, far-fetched interpretations. Counterfeiters of all stripes are trying to “rethink”, discount and make meaningless the great victory of 1945. A. Pushkin wrote that “respect for the past is the feature that distinguishes education from savagery. It’s not only possible, but also necessary to be proud of the glory of your ancestors.” The interests of caring for the great victory, for the memory of those who gave their lives in the name of getting rid of fascism, are incompatible with the facts of falsification of the history of the war, with the facts of desecration of monuments to liberating soldiers, with facts when discord is artificially instilled among the peoples who fought together against Hitlerism .

Monuments to soldiers-liberators were erected not only on the territory of the Soviet Union, but also in countries liberated by the Soviet Army from German fascism (Austria, Bulgaria, Hungary, Norway, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia). In Berlin, on May 8, 1949, in commemoration of the heroic feat of Soviet soldiers-liberators, a memorial hall is located on the top of an embankment hill, above which rises a 13-meter bronze figure of a soldier-liberator: a Soviet soldier presses a rescued child to himself with his left hand, and holds a sword in his right, the tip resting on a chopped fascist swastika. This monument is sacredly honored and protected by the German people, liberated from fascism. In Germany, fascism as a political movement and ideology is prohibited at the state level.

The most important result of the Great Patriotic War as the main component of the Second World War is the defeat of fascist Germany and militaristic Japan and the liberation of the peoples of the Soviet Union, Europe and Asia from enslavement by these aggressive countries. The defeat of the fascist coalition raised the national liberation struggle of the enslaved peoples (in India, Burma, Ceylon, the Philippines, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam and other countries) to a new level. The collapse of the colonial system began. Opportunities for achieving independence opened up for the oppressed peoples. The consequences of the great victory in the war of 1941-1945 are enormous in scale and historical significance, they sped up social development, made significant changes to the world system of social relations.

May 9 is the day of the great victory of the Soviet people over fascism. This is a great holiday that the peoples of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine celebrated and today celebrate the greatness and pride of this victory, which gave the peoples peace and the opportunity to work calmly for the good of their Fatherland. And no matter how much time passes, these peoples will always celebrate this day of the great victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 as a historical memory, as the dignity of peoples.

The project of the Moscow Department of Education, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory - the video book “Sashka” based on the story of the same name by Vyacheslav Kondratiev - will allow you to remember the history great war. Students, teachers, and veterans took part in the recording of the video book.

Information resource “I carried the gunpowder-smelling lines from under fire in my arms...”

The City Methodological Center of the Moscow Department of Education presents a new educational information resource for students and teachers “I carried the gunpowder-smelling lines from under fire in my arms...”. The creation of the resource is timed to celebrate the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.
The resource is a collection of stylized archival cards containing brief biographical information about front-line writers and poets. The information concerns only pages of the military past, talks about military awards, and also contains links to works of art dedicated to the Great Patriotic War. By following the interactive links, you can familiarize yourself with the texts of the works.
At school, only a small list of works about the war is studied, and only selected names of poets and writers are heard in lessons. The resource “I carried the gunpowder-smelling lines from under fire in my arms...” is intended to offer an expanded list of names, to show modern schoolchildren “lieutenant prose” and front-line poetry as unique phenomenon in Russian culture, which laid the foundation for a special literary tradition - to present the “trench truth” in an artistic rethinking. The electronic format, simplicity and ease of use of the resource make it accessible to a wide audience.

70 years of the Great Victory... in the name of life on Earth

May 9, 2015 marks the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945. This date is one of the most significant in the history of our country: it put an end to the difficult period of war, which claimed the lives of millions of people and crippled the fate of several generations... The contribution of Soviet citizens to the conquest of the Great Victory was truly decisive and invaluable!

Methodists of the City Methodological Center have prepared an anniversary lesson dedicated to this significant date. It is a meaningful educational and information resource that reveals the famous pages of the history of the Great Patriotic War.

Moscow in the years of fire

The Battle of Moscow is one of the largest in World War II. The whole country came out to defend the capital: Red Army troops, militia units, partisans and local residents. Those who did not directly take part in the battles worked selflessly in factories and factories.

In the fields of the Moscow region German army The first major defeat in World War II was inflicted, and the myth of its invincibility was dispelled. Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated May 8, 1965: “For outstanding services to the Motherland, mass heroism, courage and fortitude shown by the working people of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics of the city of Moscow in the fight against the Nazi invaders and in commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War war 1941–1945 award the city of Moscow the honorary title “Hero City” with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal.

70 years since the feat of D.M. Karbysheva

Dmitry Mikhailovich Karbyshev was born on October 26, 1880 in Omsk, into a family of a hereditary military man, and his career was predetermined. He graduated from the cadet corps, military engineering school and, with the rank of second lieutenant, was sent to the eastern borders, to Manchuria, where the Russian-Japanese War found him, for his participation in which he was awarded five military orders and three medals, which is confirmation of personal courage.

On August 8, 1941, Lieutenant General Karbyshev was seriously shell-shocked in a battle near the Dnieper River and was captured unconscious. From that moment until 1945, a short phrase would appear in his personal file: “Missing in action.” On February 18, General Karbyshev died tragically, and his last words were addressed to those who shared his terrible fate: “Cheer up, comrades! Think about the Motherland, and courage will not leave you!”

Athletes' contribution to the Victory

During the tragic events of the Great Patriotic War, sports traditions in the Soviet Union did not fade away. During the war years, sporting events and competitions continued to be held not only in Moscow and Leningrad, but also in other cities of the USSR. During the war, 180 all-Union records were set. This was very important for people - after all, sports victories raised the spirit of the people and strengthened people’s faith in victory over fascism. Our athletes took part in international competitions, winning such important and significant victories. A separate motorized rifle brigade for special purposes, OMSBON, was formed from volunteer athletes. Well-trained and physically prepared athletes became members of reconnaissance detachments and joined the ranks of the Red Army and Navy. And the most famous masters of sports - Dynamo - became the initiators of the patriotic movement of “thousanders”, pledging to train a thousand fighters each. You can find out all the details about the history of sports and the athletes-heroes of difficult wartime by reading our new anniversary lesson.

  • Collection and primary processing of materials for the video project “70 years of the Great Victory”
  • Features of the economic development of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War
  • File and Windows file system. Equipment of the Great Patriotic War

The City Competition of Research Multimedia Projects “The History of My Family in the History of Russia,” which was held for the sixth time in 2015, was attended by 510 schoolchildren out of 136 educational organizations. Students presented many interesting projects who received diplomas of prize-winners and winners.
Another event, City competition of youth projects in arts and crafts technical creativity"Victory Salute" also attracted a lot of attention. “Victory Salute” is dedicated to the celebration of the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. The competition is aimed at forming an active civil-patriotic position of young people, developing constructive thinking skills, studying and introducing new educational technologies; studying the history and reconstruction of military operations on the battlefields of the Great Patriotic War. About 90 models made up a diorama of the military actions of the Second World War against the fascist invaders. 216 schoolchildren took part in the competition, 157 of whom received winner’s diplomas, the rest of the participants became prize-winners of the Competition.

The holiday of May 9 is a holiday of the Great Victory, which will remain forever in the memory of any Russian person! The Great Patriotic War was the most difficult test for the people of our country. It left an indelible imprint in the memory of the people who experienced it. Not a single family in our country terrible war did not pass by, every family honors the memory of those who did not spare their lives for the sake of peace, who fought bravely at the front, who supported life in the rear.

It is in our power to ensure that the exploits of our great-grandfathers are remembered and honored by future generations.

Relevance .

The Great Patriotic War is a serious test for our country, an important major event of the twentieth century. Our country lost about 27 million soldiers and civilians in this bloody battle. The Nazis completely destroyed hundreds of Soviet cities, towns, villages, industrial enterprises, railways, looted and devastated Agriculture. Despite this, many feats were accomplished by ordinary Russian soldiers, who, despite difficult trials, were able to resist the enemy and win.

The project is based on a system of work to acquire knowledge and familiarize schoolchildren with the history of Russia.

Patriotic education– one of the most important areas in working with schoolchildren today. At all times, love for the Motherland and patriotism in our country have been a feature of the national character. Unfortunately, recently the traditions of patriotic consciousness have been lost in society, so the relevance of the problem today is obvious. The patriotic orientation of the Project ensures the education in children of patriotic feelings, love for the Motherland, pride in its achievements, and confidence that Russia is a great multinational country with a heroic past and a happy future.

Moral orientationThe project ensures the education of respect for traditional values: love and respect for elders, caring attitude towards children and the elderly; instilling in children the desire to follow a positive example in their actions.

This year Russia celebrates the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. This is a good opportunity to tell children, to fill their lack of information about the events of bygone days, and to instill love for the Motherland. Pride in our compatriots who gave their lives on the battlefield for peace on Earth.


Younger schoolchildren have very little knowledge about the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. We teachers should not miss out, but should help preschoolers to instill in them a sense of duty, a sense of respect for heroic defenders our Motherland, a sense of pride in our great people, who gave us happy life. Therefore, we decided to develop and implement the project “Our Victory is 70 years old!” The implementation of this project will make it possible to use different kinds children's activities.


During the implementation of the project, children will form initial ideas about the anniversary holiday “Our Victory is 70 years old!”, about soldiers who defended their Motherland, about home front workers, about children and animals during the war, about Hero cities, about military equipment, O literary works, By

Objective of the project:

Fostering patriotism and a sense of pride in the heroic feat of our people in the Great Patriotic War.

Project objectives:

1. Give an idea of ​​the significance of the Victory of our people in the Great Patriotic War; introduce historical facts war years; enrich preschoolers’ ideas about courage, bravery, and heroism of the people.

2. Enrich and develop children’s vocabulary through songs, poems, monologues, and dialogues about war.

3. Introduce works fiction war years; create conditions for independent cognitive activity.

4. Promote the expression of acquired knowledge through productive activities.

5. Teach to observe rituals at monuments and obelisks, cultivate respect for memorable places.

6. Foster a sense of pride and respect for family and friends who took part in the battles for the Motherland.

7. Involve parents in joint activities

Project participants:teachers of GBOU school No. 465, students of grades 1-4 and their parents.

Expected Result:

1. Children’s understanding of the exploits of our people, the military events of the Second World War, awards, the life of the people in wartime, and the work of the home front will expand;

2. The vocabulary will be expanded, children will learn works of fiction on military topics and songs of the war years.

3. Younger schoolchildren will develop a respectful attitude towards WWII veterans and a desire to take care of them.

4. There will be feelings of pride for the resilience and dedication of our people during the Great Patriotic War.

The project is aimed at creative, moral and patriotic education of children of primary school age.

The project was based onthe following principles:

1. The principle of historicism: preservation chronological order, described phenomena and information.

2. The principle of humanism: orientation towards the highest universal concepts - love for loved ones, for hometown, to the Fatherland.

3. The principle of differentiation: creating optimal conditions for the self-realization of each student in the process of mastering knowledge about the Great Patriotic War, taking into account the age, gender of the child, his experience, characteristics, emotional and cognitive spheres.

4. The principle of integration: cooperation with the family, with the library, a combination of different types of activities.

5. The principle of visibility: production of a number of manuals, multimedia presentations based on historical material. Compliance with presentation culture requirements.

Techniques and methods

1. Create conditions for motivation to arise: get children interested new information about the Great Patriotic War, about the exploits of the defenders of the Motherland.

2. Encourage children's desire to use various sources of knowledge.

3. Use a partner position in joint activities with children: actively and emotionally participate in discussions, in creating problem-play situations.

Project location - GBOU school No. 465.

The project includes eventsin three directions:

Joint activities with children;

Joint activities with teachers;

Interaction with parents and society.

Stage 1 – organizational and preparatory– collecting information, working with methodological literature, creation of a developing subject-spatial environment, drawing up a work plan for the project


Presentation of the project for teachers. Discussion of the organization of the stage 1 event;

A selection of visual and didactic material on the theme of the Second World War and soldiers’ everyday life.

Selection works of art to familiarize schoolchildren with the Second World War;

Development of presentations on the topic;

Parent survey “Heroes in our family.”

A selection of various materials for children's productive activities

Stage 2 – main- direct implementation of the project in educational areas


Conversations with children, viewing presentations, reading works of fiction about the Second World War;

- “Chronicle of the war years” (using ICT);

- “Children and animals of war” (using ICT);

- “Home front during the war” (using ICT);

- “Heroes and exploits”;

Decoration of the “Wall of Glory” on the third floor;

Decoration on the first floor of the “Walk of Fame”;

Making gifts for veterans;

Meeting with WWII veterans;

Military song review;

Joint work of parents and children “A Hero is Next to Us” (selection of material and compilation of stories by parents together with children about relatives, neighbors, acquaintances who fought during the Second World War);

Reading fiction dedicated to the Second World War

Stage 3 – final- summarizing the results, presentation of the work on the project.


Participation in the rally dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory;

Participation in the “Immortal Regiment” procession through the village;

Exhibition of works on the 3rd floor

Supposed project result:

1. Awakening in children interest and respect for the history of Russia.

2. Involving parents in joint work.

3. Knowledge about the Great Patriotic War has been expanded and systematized.

4. The algorithm for creating a project has been mastered: setting a goal, searching for various means of achieving the goal, analyzing the results obtained.

5. A respectful attitude towards war participants and home front workers has been formed; careful handling of family photographs and relics (medals, certificates, etc.).

6. Understanding the importance of the holiday - Victory Day in the life of a Russian person.

7. Exhibition design children's creativity for Victory Day.

Qualitative results:

Solving the tasks of the project program will contribute to the formation of the following personal qualities pupils (according to targets Federal State Educational Standard DO) :

  • the ability to master basic cultural methods of activity, to show initiative and independence in different types activities - play, communication, cognitive and research activities, design, etc.; able to choose his own occupation, participants in joint activities;
  • the ability to have a positive attitude towards the world, towards different types of work, other people and oneself, with self-esteem;
  • actively interact with peers and adults;
  • the ability to negotiate, take into account the interests and feelings of others, empathize with failures and rejoice in the successes of others, adequately express one’s feelings, including a sense of self-confidence;
  • good enough to speak orally who is able to express his thoughts and desires, who can use speech to express his thoughts, feelings and desires, construct a speech utterance in a communication situation, can highlight sounds in words, the child develops the prerequisites for literacy;
  • ability to volitional efforts, can follow social norms behavior and rules in various activities, in relationships with adults and peers;
  • show curiosity, asks questions to adults and peers, is interested in cause-and-effect relationships, tries to independently come up with explanations for people’s actions; inclined to observe, experiment;
  • has basic knowledge about himself, about the social world in which he lives; has elementary understanding of history.

Methods for assessing effectiveness

1. Conversations, surveys

2. Examination of family photographs and documents

3. Search activity

4. Analysis

5. Reading books

Expected results upon completion of the project:


The level of awareness of younger schoolchildren and their parents about the history of Russia during the Great Patriotic War will increase.

The patriotic corner will be replenished with material about the Second World War.

Children will have an idea about military professions, about the branches of the Russian army, about history memorable places, about military equipment.

They will become familiar with the works of poets, writers and artists on military topics.

Your vocabulary will expand.

In the process of implementing the project, younger schoolchildren will develop feelings of affection, loyalty, self-esteem, and pride in their homeland.


Active and interested project participants are focused on developing the child’s need for cognition, communication with adults and peers, through joint research project activities.


Carries out innovative activities.

Increases professional level.

The methodological collection is being replenished (Photos, video materials, developments and other material will be offered for the exchange of experience with other groups).

Methodological support.

1. Demonstration and didactic material.

2. Methodological literature

3. Summary of holidays, entertainment, activities.

4. Logistics: multimedia projector, presentations, sets for artistic activities, sets for creativity.

Prospects for further development

Implementation of materials from this project within the framework of other topics (Russian Independence Day, Day of Harmony and Reconciliation, Defender of the Fatherland Day) in order to develop in children a sense of citizenship and patriotism through familiarization with the history of Russia. Continued collection of materials to enable more families to participate.

Expected end results.

During the implementation of the project it is planned to achieve the following results:

1. Achieving the goal - to awaken the interest of the younger generation in the heroes and events of the Great Patriotic War;

2. The development and formation of patriotic self-awareness of students will be the main goal of the patriotic education of modern children;

3. Consolidating information about the heroes in the memory of students, with the help of essays-letters that students address to their heroes;

4. Increasing literacy levels among students;

5. Students acquire the skills to independently collect information from various sources;

6. Development of the personality of students by instilling feelings of gratitude and empathy for their heroic peers

Thus, the main result of the project will be the achievement of the goal set in advance, which was to help the new generation receive and preserve the priceless heritage of their heroic people. Every person living in this great country should remember those who gave them this beautiful, sunny and peaceful day. Those who gave their lives that had not yet begun for a great cause - the fight against world evil in the face of fascism. The exploits of the heroes are rightfully close and not indifferent to the younger generation; they will serve as an example for us of perseverance, courage, a sense of great duty to one’s people, an example of a real Man.

At the end of the project, an exhibition of military equipment was organized (class 1 and class 3), a panorama of the Hero Cities (class 2), an “old” model aircraft was restored (class 3), and a festive fireworks display was painted (class 4).

Zhanna Sukhonosenko
Report “70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War as a powerful factor in the development of patriotism in preschool children”

70th anniversary Victories in the Great Patriotic War.

This is true great day when we are experiencing "joy with tears in the eyes"! Let's think about these words of the famous song "Day Victory» (music by D. Tukhmanov, lyrics by V. Kharitonov). How deeply and accurately they convey the depth and inconsistency of this day: sincere joy of the holiday and a feeling of happiness. And the bitterness of tears that tear the soul, rise to the throat and well up in the eyes despite our desire... Why is this happening?

The feeling of joy and happiness gives us the PEACE that has brought a great victory.

PEACE is happiness, fun, peace, joy, creation in all spheres of a person’s life and his soul.

WORLD is great value which must be protected and preserved.

The bitterness of tears causes WAR, which fell upon the people and swept millions of people into its deadly whirlpool.

WAR is anxiety, fear, tears, grief, despair, hunger, constant mental anguish and death.

WAR is a terrible disaster which is incompatible with life!

There should always be a place in our memory for those terrible, bitter and proud events.

70 years of peaceful skies above your head! More than one happy, peaceful generation has already grown up. But next to us there are those for whom war has become a part of their lives who know about war firsthand. Veterans are ours living memory O war and victory! We must appreciate every moment of their lives! While they are still nearby... And learn to pass on to subsequent generations the whole gamut of emotions, feelings, knowledge associated with such complex concepts as "world" And « war» .

Intensive processes of formation of the children's psyche and their worldview show that in preschool age, it is important not to overload the child with complex, emotionally difficult information related to the concept « war» . It is necessary to formulate these concepts correctly and humanely.

From year to year, every kindergarten holds a solemn holiday dedicated to the Day of Victory, the general festive atmosphere of these days, decorated streets, parades, concerts and fireworks fill children with a feeling of universal joy.

Of course, our kids don’t fully understand why we congratulate these particular people – veterans – these days. I remember the moment when a child presented a flower to a veteran, and he began to cry and thank: "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you.". The kid was confused, and a little later asked mom: - Why should I "Thank you"? “For your attention, son! And for the memory!”- answered the mother. How right she is! Such moments remain in the memory, and their awareness and understanding will certainly come.

So, we manage to convey to children that the Day Victory has special significance in the life of our people. But why are we so happy about this date? We – adults – understand that this event was preceded by terrible days wars. And the more we feel the bitterness of those war years, the stronger our joy and pride that our grandfathers and great-grandfathers were able to defend peace for us.

Teachers working in preschool educational institutions, fortunately, do not know what war. But this does not mean that we cannot feel the bitterness and pain of this concept. We must feel it! Wars are not started by children, but by adults. Therefore, the formation of complex concepts in young children "world" And « war» goes indirectly by: through the soul of an adult into the soul of a child.

Subject The Great Patriotic War is a powerful factor in the patriotic education of children. It is important that the child is already in preschool aged felt personal responsibility for native land and her future, it is at this age that the foundations are laid moral qualities child, value attitude towards the world around him.

In preparation for the celebration great date - the 7th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, education of patriotism in children it takes on special significance. After all, this war is the most striking example of the manifestation of the heroism of the Russian people.

In the approximate general education program preschool education"From birth to school" edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva is given Special attention development the child’s personality and education of such quality as patriotism. These goals are realized in the process of various types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, labor, cognitive - research, reading,

productive, musical and artistic.

The main tasks of the work on patriotic event-based education The Great Patriotic War are:

– formation in children of initial ideas about the heroic past of our Motherland, familiarization with the main events and memorable dates in the history of the country during Great Patriotic War;

-development of patriotic feelings in children,the desire to defend one’s homeland, to be proud of its achievements;

Fostering conscious respect for the memory of fallen heroes, veterans, and holidays Victory as a result of the heroic feat of the Russian people in Great Patriotic War.

Certainly, patriotic feelings cannot arise after several sessions, even very successful ones. This is the result of long-term, systematic and targeted influence on the child. Carrying out work on patriotic education, the teacher should be guided by the following principles:

-"positive centrism"- selection of knowledge that is relevant for a child of this age;

Continuity and continuity of the pedagogical process;

A differentiated approach to each child, taking it into account psychological characteristics, opportunities and interests;

Rational combination of different types

activities, age-appropriate balance

intellectual, emotional stress;

Activity approach;

-developmental nature of training, based on children's activity.

Events Great Patriotic War are of great importance for the formation patriotic feelings in children preschool age . How to tell your child about war:

Organized educational activity:

"Cities are heroes"

Target: Introduce children to geographical location hero cities on the map of Russia, to introduce children to the heroic deeds of the inhabitants and defenders of these cities, to form an understanding of the significance patriotic feat of all citizens of the country.

"Children are heroes wars»

Target: Introduce children to heroes wars who have accomplished feats for the sake of the lives of other people, to cultivate a respectful and grateful attitude towards heroic warriors.

"Countrymen - front-line soldiers".

Target: To introduce children to WWII veterans who lived and are living in our city, to cultivate a sense of compassion and respect for older people.

"Symbols Victory - orders, medals and banners"

Target: Introduce children to the military awards that were awarded to soldiers during Great Patriotic War, with a banner Victory, which was hoisted over the Reichstag; to cultivate respect for the military exploits of fighters and commanders, pride in one’s people, and love for the Motherland.

Productive activity


"Monuments military glory our city"

"Holiday fireworks"

"Portrait of a Hero"

« We will tell the war: "No!"".


"Spring bouquet for veterans"

"George Ribbon"

"Moscow Kremlin"








Thematic exhibition: « 70th anniversary of Victory» ;

Competition of children's drawings on asphalt;

Physical development

Military sports a game:"Zarnichka

Organization of children's run through the territory of the preschool educational institution “We remember - we are proud!”

Physical education and holidays;

Carrying out a musical holiday matinee “Be worthy of the memory of the fallen”, concerts.

Conversations about Great Patriotic War:

"The History of the St. George's Ribbon"

Target: Introduce children to the new symbol of the Day Victory, tell about the history of the St. George’s ribbon, cultivate interest and respect for the historical past of their homeland.

"Veterans Great Patriotic War»

Target: reveal the meaning of a word "veteran", cultivate respect for veterans war and labor.

« Great Battles»

"Music wars» , "Songs with which we won»

V. Agapkin "Farewell of the Slav",

A. Arensky "Day Victory» ,

A. Filippenko "Eternal flame",

A. Alexandrov “Sacred war, etc..

Reading works about Great Patriotic War:

A. Mityaev "Stories about Great Patriotic War» , "In the dugout", “Why the Army is dear”

V. Davydov "Watch",

T. A. Shorygina "Conversations about child heroes Great Patriotic War» ,

O. Vysotskaya “My brother went to the border”,

S. P. Alekseev "Brest Fortress",

E. Blaginina "Peace to the world", "Overcoat

A. G. Tvardovsky "Tankman's Tale",

V. P. Kataev "IN intelligence» and etc.

Examination of paintings, illustrations, orders and medals

I. M. Toidze “Motherland is calling!”

A. Laktionov “Letter from the front;

Watching TV shows on military topics;

Poetry reading evening dedicated to the Day Victory

Target: Prepare children for the holiday "Day Victory» , cultivate respect for the heroes of the Second World War, a sense of pride in the people, defeated the enemy

Play activity

Role-playing games:

"Border Guards", "Military Sailors",

Didactic games:

"Orders wars» , "Branch of troops and military equipment"“Memorable places of our city”, educational a game: "Before and Now" Movable games:

"Crossing the Bridge", « Scouts» .

Excursion to local history museum, mini-museums in preschool educational institutions, patriotic corner in the group

Target: consolidate children’s ideas about Great Patriotic War; continue acquaintance with heroic warriors, a story about the exploits of our fellow countrymen in the Dobrinsky region, among them Ivan Mikhailovich Makarenkov.

Excursion to the library - book exhibition "Children about war» ;

Meeting with veterans and children wars;

Excursion to monuments, laying flowers to heroes wars, who died in Great Patriotic War

Monument in the village of Plavitsa,

monument in the regional center of Dobrinka,

monuments of the regional city of Lipetsk, Russia.

Observations of changes in the appearance of the village, streets, kindergarten on the eve of the holiday;

Planting trees and shrubs

"Walk of Fame", "Lilac Victory» ;

Search work within the family circle - making a photo album using photos of military and post-war years from family archives;

photo albums: "Hero Cities",

"Military equipment and weapons";

It is a tradition for families to buy flowers and congratulate veterans right on the streets of a city or village;

Consultation: "How to talk about Great Patriotic War»

Project activities:

"Songs with which we won» ;

"Children are heroes wars» ;

"Parade Victory» ;

“We remember and are proud!” and etc.

Video presentations

Day There was victory, is and must remain the holiest holiday.

After all, those who paid for it with their lives gave us the opportunity to live now.

We must always remember this. Let us be worthy of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers!

Talking about parenting patriotism, first of all, we make sure that a little person becomes a Man with a capital P, so that he can distinguish bad from good, so that his aspirations and desires are aimed at creation, self-determination and development in himself those qualities and values, thanks to which we can firmly say about him that he patriot and a citizen of his homeland.

70 years have passed since the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. The importance of this historical event It only increases with each passing year. The war of 1941–1945 and our Victory in this war is precisely that “big thing” that is “seen from a distance.” Today, on the eve anniversary date, we must not only once again remember the unprecedented feat of the people, but also understand the results and role of the Victory in the context modern history humanity. This is the time to remind everyone and ourselves too – we know how to win!

Victory is a holiday that unites young people, old people, adults and very young citizens of our Motherland. In every family there is the fate and history of grandfathers and great-grandfathers who defended the freedom of not only Russia, but also Europe. We paid a high price for this Victory, and we will not allow anyone, either today or in the future, to forget about the millions of victims. The war was a tragedy, but it was it that allowed us to show all the best that is and will be in our people - perseverance and courage, unity and cohesion in the face of the enemy, hard work and dedication, the talent of engineers and commanders, military valor and love for the Motherland.

It was these qualities that made it possible to defeat the enemy. In the person of fascist Germany, we were confronted by a dangerous and powerful enemy - ideologically devoted to its leaders, highly organized and disciplined, courageous and experienced, superbly equipped with the most modern military equipment of that time. But we managed to surpass, survive and win Victory in the bloodiest war, which had no equal in scale in world history.

Victory Day is an opportunity to pay tribute to everyone who fought or worked on the home front during wartime. The generation of war veterans is now leaving. We can only keep the bright memory of the heroes of the war and home front, try to be worthy of their feat. Eternal memory to the defenders of the Motherland!

The year 2015 for ours, and many other countries, will be an anniversary year - in the Great Patriotic War. Since that memorable date Not much time has passed, but the world has changed significantly. Several generations of people have grown up, new monuments of culture and art have been created, science and technology are moving forward with confident steps, people are exploring space and penetrating into atoms. Would all this be possible without the feat accomplished by several peoples in the name of happiness, goodness and life itself?

We must not lose the memory of the significance of victory in a defunct war, because it is one of the events that changed the world. And who knows what he would have been like now if our Soviet soldiers had not stopped the destructive onslaught of evil and incomparable hatred towards peaceful people living according to their customs. Perhaps entire nations, along with their cultural heritage, would be irretrievably wiped off the face of the earth, beautiful ancient cities would lie in dust and ruins, and millions of people would not know what freedom, love for each other and happiness are. The goals that Hitler pursued are striking in their boundless cruelty and scale.

The path to overthrowing the enemy, who treacherously attacked a peaceful country, was long and difficult. According to official data, 27 million people died in this brutal, bloody war. Killed in battle, died from wounds, tortured in concentration camps, missing forever - each of them can be considered a hero, because these lives became the price for victory. Streets, schools and public organizations so that their memory does not fade with time.

But it wasn’t only at the front that people became heroes. Speaking about victory, we need to remember what contribution the home front workers made to the common cause of its approach. Tanks, planes, equipment, weapons, ammunition, clothing - all this was required in large quantities and was made in the rear. Hard work went to women and teenagers who, sparing their health and strength, worked without rest, and sometimes even from hand to mouth, since food was first sent to the soldiers at the front.

At the cost of the lives of millions of people, hard work in the rear, burned villages and destroyed cities, we got our victory. It is impossible to list by name all the heroes who died in the name of liberating the Motherland. Orphaned, burned by war, but undefeated, the country was rebuilding everything that had been lost and destroyed during these difficult years.

But the sacrifices were not in vain, because the winners not only saved their country, they accomplished a feat in the name of the future of all people on the planet. The war scorched only part of one continent, but our soldiers managed to stop the enemy, who was targeting the whole world.

The heroes left, leaving their descendants with the memory of their courage, bravery and devotion to their native country, so our duty is to preserve and honor this memory, without giving evil the slightest chance to return.

The Great Victory is not only the irrevocable past, but also the present, and even the inevitable future, because we owe every moment of our free life to it. No wonder newlyweds have a tradition of laying a bouquet of flowers to eternal flame. This custom is a fair tribute to the feat of our ancestors, a recognition that without them we would not exist. In the laughter of children, the noise of trains, the rustle of leaves, the ringing singing of birds - in any sound of bustling life there is a call to remember. The soldiers of the Great Patriotic War fought until their last breath, without hesitation, sacrificing themselves so that future generations would henceforth live happily and know the word “war” only from books.

There are fewer and fewer of those left whose courage and patriotism saved humanity from the greatest evil - fascism, and the voices of those who want to rewrite history are becoming louder. But the truth cannot be distorted in order to prevent a repetition of the past. There is another anniversary ahead, the 70th anniversary of the victory, and this is not just a holiday. Victory Day is a good reason to rethink past events, their role in the historical process common to all and in life modern people. The war became a cruel lesson, eloquently making it clear that in the face of such evil everyone is equal.

No matter how the world changes and no matter how far this significant event moves away from us, its significance cannot be diminished. It warns of what should never be allowed under any circumstances. Hitler's army was overthrown, the countries it captured were liberated, but fascism as an idea is still revealing itself. Preventing the war from happening again is the task of future generations, which is why it is so important to remember the great Victory and the greatest role it played in world history.