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Tourism benefits. Alexey Kuskovfundamentals of tourism

Books marked * can be purchased at the editorial office of the Volny Vet newspaper or ordered by mail. Prices shown include shipping costs. (tel. editorial office 8-499-199-05-63).

In other cases, purchase literature from online stores, bookstores, or publishers.

Literature on children's tourism and local history

Konstantinov Yu.S. “Children and youth tourism”*. Educational and methodological manual. 2nd ed., stereotype. − M.: FCYuTiK, 2008 − 600 p., ill.

Konstantinov Yu. S. “From the history of children's tourism in Russia.” (1918-2008)*M.: FTsDYuTiK, 2008. 312 p., ill. Ft 145 x 205 mm.

The book examines the stages of formation and development of children's tourism in Russia, its interaction with sports and health tourism. Various areas of tourism and local history activities of students are covered, historical documents on the development of children's tourism are given.

Konstantinov Yu.S., Mitrakhovich S.S. “Tourism and local history activities at school.”* Educational and methodological manual. − M.: FTsDYuTiK, ISV RAO, 2011. − 352 p., ill.

Kulikov V.M., Rotshtein L.M. « School of tourist leaders." - M.: “VLADOS” - 144 p.: ill. F. 60x90 1/16.

The book is intended for a school teacher who has decided to organize and conduct a tourist trip with students and does not have special tourist training. In the form of lessons, the teacher is given the necessary recommendations for organizing and conducting a two- or three-day trip.

Maslov A.G., Konstantinov Yu.S., Drogov I.A. " Field tourist camps: Educational and methodological manual- M.: “VLADOS”. -160 pp.: ill. F. 60x90 1/16.

This manual is addressed to everyone who is involved in organizing and conducting tourism and local history events with children in field tourist camps. The authors pay great attention to acquiring survival skills in the natural environment, including the ability to act in extreme situations.

The manual will help not only to learn about forms of active recreation for children, but also to acquire the skills of an assistant leader of a tourist trip.

Maslov A.G. Preparation and holding of competitions for students “Safety School” . - M.: “VLADOS”. −160 pp.: ill. F. 60x90 1/16.

The manual was developed based on the experience of holding similar competitions in 1995-1998, where the author was present as the chief judge.

Addressed to life safety teachers, teachers of additional education institutions, employees of government bodies conducting “Safety School” competitions with students.

Konstantinov Yu.S., Glagoleva O.L."Orienteering Lessons" Educational and methodological manual. − M.: FTsDYuTiK, 2005. − 328 p., illus.

The textbook is addressed to additional education teachers, school teachers, coaches, and parents who want to involve children in orienteering. Basic information is given about this sport, about the organizational and pedagogical conditions for training young orienteers and the principles of organizing the educational and training process.

(Price − 240 rub.) Order

Konstantinov Yu.S., Kulikov V.M. “Pedagogy of school tourism” : Educational and methodological manual.”* 2nd edition, expanded. - M.: FCYuTiK, 2006, 208 p.

In the book, based on the authors’ extensive personal experience, an attempt is made to comprehend children’s and youth tourism as a pedagogical phenomenon that simultaneously solves the most important pedagogical tasks in a complex. Recommendations are given for organizing tourism and local history activities at school.

Pavlov E.A., Belyakova I.V. “Comparative characteristics of development indicators for children and youth tourism in the system of additional education and sports tourism.” Article in scientific journal “Service in Russia and abroad”, 2016, volume 10, number 3 (64)

The article presents a comparative description of the development indicators of children's and youth tourism in the system of additional education and sports tourism for the period 1991-2014, the dynamics of the development of sports tourism as a sport, the change in the number of people involved in tourism and local history associations based on official statistical data. Read

Program for the system of additional education for children “Young cyclists”*. − M.: FTsDYuTiK, 2007. 68 p.

(Price − 150 rub.) Order

Program for the system of additional education of children “Young tourists-all-rounders”*. − M.: FTsDYuTiK, 2007. 60 p..

(Price − 150 rub.) Order

Samarina I. A. “Fundamentals of tourism and environmental activities of students”*. − M.: FCYuTiK, 2007, 276 p., ill. Ft 145 x 205 mm. Educational and methodological manual.

(Price − 245 rubles). Order

“Directory of addresses and telephone numbers of centers and stations for young tourists, tourist centers and other institutions of additional education in the Russian Federation”*. − M.: FCYUT, 2007, 60 p. Ft 190 x 145 mm.

(Price − 175 rub.) Order

"Tourist game library" /Ed. Yu.S. Konstantinov.- M.: “VLADOS”,112 p.: ill. region - 60x88 1/16.

The collection contains games and exercises that allow children to consolidate their acquired knowledge in preparation for a hiking trip. The book also includes riddles, puzzles, and comic tasks that will help children have fun and usefully spend time on a trip or at a rest stop.

The book is addressed to teachers and organizers of tourism and local history activities, teachers and parents.

“Tourism and local history: educational programs for the system of additional education for children.”* Ed. Yu.S. Konstantinova, A.G. Maslova; Federal Center for Children and Youth Tourism and Local History. − M.: “Soviet Sport”, 2005. − 324 p.

(Price − 320 rub.) Order

Educational and methodological literature

Appenyansky A. I. “Recreation: training process in active tourism.”*M.: “Soviet Sport”, 2006. 196 p., ill.

The book examines methodological issues of physical education and training in active tourism. A methodology for teaching motor skills necessary for travel is given. For university students, recreationalists, tourism trainers, teachers of educational institutions for children and youth tourism, etc.

Babich V., Fedtsov V. “Initial training of a skier: educational and practical guide”*. - M.: “Soviet Sport”, 2003. 92 s.F-t 140 x 215 mm.

The manual is recommended for tourists who want to master the technique of alpine skiing, novice alpine skiers, instructors - specialists in the field of ski business, students studying the course “Winter types of recreation”, and all fans of alpine skiing.

Babkin A. “Special types of tourism”*. − M.: “Soviet Sport”, 2008. 208 p. Tutorial.

The manual is a series of lectures on the disciplines “International Tourism” and “Special Types of Tourism Activities”, and serves as a theoretical basis for the study of such types of tourism as religious, health-improving, environmental, ski, event, extreme, and cruise tourism. For university students, employees of tourism industry enterprises, etc.

Bulashev A. Ya. “Sports tourism: textbook”*.Kharkov: KhSAFC, 2009. 332 p. Ft 145 x 205 mm.

The textbook presents systematized materials on the basics of sports tourism, the use of which will allow you to properly prepare and conduct a sports trip of any category. For students, teachers, coaches, instructors, etc.

Galperina T. “Directing cultural and leisure programs. Workbook"*.− M.: “Soviet Sport”, 2007. 132 p. Ft 145 x 205 mm.

The manual contains control questions, exercises, tasks and tests intended for students’ independent work, consolidation of theoretical knowledge, acquisition of skills in solving professional director’s problems and testing of knowledge acquired as part of the study of the discipline “Directing cultural and leisure programs”. The appendices contain fragments of scripts and samples of filling out director's documentation. For students studying tourist animation.

Zorin I.V. “Professional education and career in tourism”*. Series “Professional Tourism Education”. − M.: “Soviet Sport”, 2005. 528 p.

From the perspective of a systematic approach, the problems of forming the content of professional tourism education (VET) are analyzed. Based on a number of concepts for the development of tourism and vocational education, theoretical foundations for designing the content of VET have been developed. The methodology for forming a qualification field and a didactic complex for training tourism specialists is presented. Modern approaches to career planning in tourism are outlined. The most important functions of personnel management are revealed in detail. For undergraduates, graduate students, teachers and specialists in the field of tourism and pedagogy.

Ilyina E. “Management of transport services: air transportation in tourism”*. − M.: “Soviet Sport”, 2007. 144 p., ill. Ft 145 x 205 mm.

The textbook reflects the main types and forms of relationships between a travel company and an airline, considers types of trips and flights, tariffs and discounts, factors influencing the cost of an air ticket, the activities of small and business aviation in tourism, etc. For university students with a tourism profile.

Kuznetsov V.S. “Physical training of young men on the basics of military service in life safety, life safety programs.”− M.: MIOO, 2008. 182 p.

The methodological manual discusses the theory and methodology of physical training of students, outlines the means and methods of developing physical abilities and applied qualities, provides a large number of exercises aimed at developing skills and abilities to act in extreme conditions, reveals the techniques and methods of teaching overcoming obstacle courses, tourism, swimming, there are games and relay races of a military nature.

Handbook for teachers of the basics of life safety / Comp. B.I. Mishin.- M.: Astrel Publishing House LLC: AST Publishing House LLC, 2002. - 285 p. - per. - 60x90 1/16 .

The book contains a complete set of program and regulatory documents, information and methodological letters on teaching the “Life Safety” course. Included are materials on updating the content of education, recommendations on organizing experimental and extracurricular work with students.

The book is addressed to life safety teachers, methodological services workers, and heads of educational institutions.

Pavlov E.A. “Problems of legislative regulation of training, retraining and advanced training of personnel for the sphere of recreation and sports and health tourism.” Article in the scientific journal "Bulletin of the Association of Universities of Tourism and Service", Volume 10, 2016/ No. 1.

A diagram of the functioning of the system for training, retraining and advanced training of personnel for the sphere of recreation and sports and health tourism is presented, the mechanisms of interaction of the system with employers are shown, and measures for its improvement are proposed. Read

“Development of educational systems in a modern educational organization in the light of the implementation of the Strategy for the development of education in the Russian Federation until 2025.”, collection dedicated to the 170th anniversary of the Russian Geographical Society and the 120th anniversary of sports tourism in Russia (December 9-11, 2015) / scientifically. ed. D. V. Smirnova; comp.: V. P. Golovanov, G. N. Ishchuk, G. V. Zubkovskaya, D. V. Smirnov. - M.; St. Petersburg ; Kirov: LLC Publishing House “Raduga-PRESS”, 2016. - 291 p.

Tourism is one of the most promising and profitable industries in the modern world.

The Russian tourist market is growing faster than the country's economy as a whole.

The Pskov region is also actively promoting its tourism products to the foreign market.

At the same time, there are a number of factors that negatively affect the activities of Pskov tourism organizations. One of the main ones is the poor professional training of a significant part of the employees, manifested in their lack of competence.

For them, as well as for teachers and students of educational institutions involved in training workers in the tourism and hotel industry, the I.I. Vasilyov Historical and Local Lore Library recommends new tutorials.

Books can be used in the library reading room or taken home with a subscription.

We are waiting for you at the address: Oktyabrsky Prospekt, 19 “a”.

Phone 66-43-24

Arbuzova N. Yu. Technology and organization of hotel services: textbook. manual for university students /N. Yu. Arbuzova. – M.: Academy, 2009. – 224 p. – (Higher professional education).

The manual examines hotel enterprises as part of the service sector, classification of hotels, their organizational and production structure, material and technical base, hotel management system, organization of the work of the main, functional and auxiliary services of the hotel.

Baumgarten L.V. Strategic management in tourism: textbook. for university students. – M.: Academy, 2007. – 345 p. – (Higher professional education).

The textbook examines the features of the tourism industry and its impact on the development of other sectors of the state's economy. The theoretical foundations of strategic management are covered, including modern methods of analyzing the macroenvironment and industry analysis, the competitiveness of organizations and the goods and services they produce.

Vlasova T.I. Professional and business communication in the field of tourism: textbook. manual for university students /T. I. Vlasova, A. P. Sharukhin, M. M. Danilova. – M.: Academy, 2007. -255, p. – (Higher professional education).

The manual covers issues related to revealing the psychological mechanisms of effective professional and business communication in the field of tourism, the characteristics of human behavior in various communication situations, and showing productive ways of influencing communication partners.

Dzzandzugazova E. A. Marketing of tourist territories: textbook. manual for university students /E. A. Dzhandzugazova. – 2nd ed. erased – M.: Academy, 2008. – 221, p. – (Higher professional education).

The textbook examines the main ways and methods of forming and promoting a territorial tourism product, taking into account regional specifics. The presentation of theoretical issues is organically combined with examples from the practice of Russian and foreign enterprises in the tourism industry. It is noteworthy that this book provides a table of the twenty most aesthetically attractive (according to surveys) cities and small settlements in Russia, in which Pskov ranks 11th, while Veliky Novgorod is 5th.

Kolbovsky E. Yu. Ecological tourism and ecology of tourism: textbook. manual for students / Kolbovsky E. Yu. – 2nd ed., erased. – M.: Academy, 2008. – 253, p. – (Higher professional education).

The history of recreational and tourist activities is discussed for the first time in this textbook in connection with the formation of the cultural (recreational) landscape of Russia. The recent approaches to assessing the potential of resources and prospects for the development of domestic tourism in Russia are outlined.

Loiko O. T. Service activities: textbook. manual for universities /O. T. Loiko. – M.: Academy, 2008. – 304 p. – (Higher professional education).

The manual examines the theoretical, historical and practical aspects of the formation and development of service activities, its essence and significance for the service sector. Particular attention is paid to modern trends in service activities and prospects for its development.

Morozov M. A. Economics and entrepreneurship in social and cultural service and tourism: textbook. for university students / Morozov M. A. – 5th ed., erased. – M.: Academy, 2009. – 287 p. – (Higher professional education. Tourism).

The manual examines the main macro- and microeconomic aspects of the tourism industry, taking into account the specifics of the functioning of hotel enterprises in a market economy. The basic concepts and concepts of hospitality economics are outlined.

Morozov M. A. Information technologies in social and cultural service and tourism. Office equipment: textbook. for university students /M. A. Morozov, N. S. Morozova. – 6th ed., revised. – M.: Academy, 2008. – 238 p. – (Higher professional education).

The textbook examines and analyzes the main directions of the use of modern computer technologies in socio-cultural services and tourism. The possibilities and advantages of using global systems for booking and reserving tourist services Galileo, Amadeus, Worldspan in the context of the formation of the Russian tourism and hospitality market are outlined.

Novikov V.S. Innovations in tourism: textbook. manual for higher students Textbook institutions / V. S. Novikov. – 2nd ed., rev. and additional – M.: Academy, 2008. – 208 p.

Using the experience of domestic and foreign research, the manual reveals innovations in socio-cultural services and tourism, features of innovation processes, as well as evolutionary changes in these areas. The functions of innovation and management of innovation activities in tourism and the service sector are considered.

Osipova O. Ya. Transport services for tourists: textbook. aid for students higher textbook institutions / O. Ya. Osipova. – 4th ed., rev. and additional – M.: Academy, 2008. – 384 p.

The manual examines the legal framework regulating the transportation of tourists in international and domestic traffic.

Sapozhnikova E. N. Country studies: Theory and methods of tourist study of countries: textbook. aid for students higher textbook institutions / E. N. Sapozhnikova. – 5th ed., erased. – M.: Academy, 2008. – 240 p. – (Higher professional education).

The textbook outlines the theory and methodology of tourism regional studies, and examines the basic components of complex regional studies characteristics (geographical location, natural conditions for tourism development, demographic statistics). The appendix provides a complete tourist description of the Vologda region and a plan for studying and characterizing the artistic culture of the country.

Sokolova M.V. History of tourism: textbook. aid for students higher textbook establishments /M. V. Sokolova. – 5th ed., erased. – M.: Academy, 2008. – 352 p. – (Higher professional education).

The textbook examines the main stages of the origin and development of tourism. The origin and genesis of tourist and excursion activities in Russia, the emergence and development of international tourism, as well as the characteristic features of modern Russian and international tourism and their prospects are described.

1. Federal Law of November 24, 1996 No. 132-F3 “On the fundamentals of tourism activities in the Russian Federation” (as amended by the Federal Law of February 5, 2007 Sh2-FZ)

2. Federal Law of July 9, 1998 No. 124-FZ “On the basic guarantees of the rights of the child in the Russian Federation” (as amended by Federal Laws No. 103-F3 dated July 20, 2000, No. 122-FZ dated August 22, 2004, No. 170-FZ dated December 21, 2004)

3. Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated April 28, 1995 No. 223 “On the activation of tourism and local history activities with students and the preparation of summer holidays”;

4. “Regulations on route and qualification commissions of educational institutions of the Russian Federation” (Appendix 2 to Order No. 223);

5. Letter of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated July 13, 1992 No. 293 “On approval of regulatory documents on tourism and local history activities”;

6. Instructions for organizing and conducting tourist trips, expeditions and excursions (travels) with students, pupils and students of the Russian Federation" (Appendix 2 to Order No. 293);

7. Letter of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated January 11, 1993 No. 9/32-F “On the norms of expenses for food in tourist events”;

8. Instructive letter of the Ministry of Defense and Political Education of the Russian Federation dated June 10, 1997 No. 21-54-33/03 “Instructions on the procedure for accounting for funds and reporting on multi-day tourist trips, excursions, expeditions and tourist camps for students”;

9. Order of the Ministry of Defense and Regional Studies of the Russian Federation No. 653/19-15 dated December 7, 1998 “On the program of the tourist and local history movement “Fatherland”;

10. Letter of the Ministry of Defense and Education of the Russian Federation dated December 7, 1998 No. 654/19-15 “On the organization of educational thematic excursions and long-distance excursion trips for students of educational institutions in Russia”;

11. Order of the Ministry of Defense and Production Association of the Russian Federation dated March 23, 1998 No. 769 “On the development of a system for training personnel in children’s and youth tourism”;

12. Regulations on the instructor of children's and youth tourism (Appendix 1 to order No. 769);

13. Approximate regulations on the museum of an educational institution (school museum) (appendix to the letter of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated March 12, 2003 No. 28-51-181/16).

14. Alexandrova A.Yu. International tourism: Textbook for universities. - M.: Aspect Press, 2001.-464 p.

15. Alexandrova A.Yu. Structure of the tourist market. - M.: Press-Solo, 2002.384 p.

16. Ananyeva E.A. On the issue of financing healthcare in the context of health insurance / Health Economics, special issue. 2008.

17. Babkin A.V. Special types of tourism. - M.: Phoenix, 2008. - 251 p.

18. Barzykin Yu. The crisis will push to create effective mechanisms for the development of tourism // Tourism: practice, problems, prospects. - 2009.- No. 2.

19. Barinov N.A. Services (social and legal aspect): Monograph / Saratov: Stilo Publishing House, 2001. 245 p.

20. Baryshev A.F. Marketing in tourism and hospitality. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2007. - 158 p.

21. Baumgarten L. Strategic management in tourism. - M.: KNORUS, 2006. -196 p.

22. Birzhakov M.B. Introduction to tourism: 9th edition, revised and expanded. St. Petersburg: Gerda Publishing House, 2007. - 576 p.

23. Birzhakov M.B. Document flow of a tourist enterprise. Tutorial. // Ed. M.B. Birzhakova - St. Petersburg: GERDA Publishing House, 2009. - 240 p.

24. Birzhakov M.B. Economic security of the tourism industry. - St. Petersburg: Gerda Publishing House, 2007. - 464 p.

25. Birzhakov M.B., Kazakov N.P. Safety in tourism. St. Petersburg: “Gerda Publishing House”, 2008. - 208 p.

26. Birzhakov M.B., Nikiforov V.I. Large glossary of international tourism terms. St. Petersburg: Gerda Publishing House, 2002. - 704 p.

27. Butko I.I., Sitnikov E.A., Ushakov D.S. Tourism business: basics of organization. - M.: Phoenix, 2008. - 236 p.

28. Fun summer of childhood // Tourist business. 2009. - No. 4. - p. 65-67.

29. Vetitnev A.M. Resort business: textbook / A.M. Vetitnev, L.B. Zhuravleva, M.: KNORUS, 2009.

30. Vikhansky O.S. Strategic management: a textbook for universities. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Gardariki, 2008. 296 p.

31. Voskresensky V.Yu. International tourism. Innovative development strategies. - M.: UNITY, 2007. - 160 p.

32. Gracheva A. Children’s tourism in Russia is becoming democratic // Tourist business.-2004.- No. 2. p. 32-33.

33. Gulyaev V.G. Tourism: Economics and social development. M.: Finance and Statistics, 2003. - 304 p.

34. Children's recreation. Everyone should know about this. // Tourism: practice, problems, prospects. 2009. - No. 4. - p. 43-49.

35. Children's tourism in Russia. Essays on history 1918-1998 /Ed. Yu.S. Konstantinov. - M.: TsDYuTur Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, 1998.

36. Drogov I.A. Training of instructors for children's and youth tourism. - M., 2004.

37. Digtyar G.M. Tourism industry: Legal foundations of socio-cultural services and tourism. M.: Finance and Statistics, 2008. 416 p.

38. Durovich A.P. Organization of tourism. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2009. 318 p.

39. Jedrzejczyk I. Modern tourist business. Ecostrategies in company management: Trans. from Polish M.: Finance and Statistics, 2003. - 320 p.

40. Knowledge is power // Tourism: practice, problems, prospects. 2009.- No. 4. - p.42-46-48.

42. Kabushkin N.I., Bondarenko G.A. Management of hotels and restaurants / Textbook. allowance. - Mn.: New Knowledge LLC, 2000.

43. Kozlova Yu.V., Yaroshenko V.V. Tourist club for schoolchildren. - M., 2004

44. Konstantinov Yu.S., Kulikov V.M. Pedagogy of school tourism. - M., 2002

45. Konstantinov Yu.S. From the history of children's tourism in Russia (1918-2008). - M.: FTsDYuTiK, 2008. 312 p.

46. ​​Resort and tourist complex as an object of management / Bykov A.T., Karpova G.L., Kvetenzdze L.A., Romanov S.M., Romanova G.M., Ed. Dan. prof. G.A. Karpova. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house of St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Economics, 2000.

47. Malinin G.A., Fradkin F.A. Educational system S.T. Shatsky. - M., Prometheus, 1993. 145 p.

48. Morozov M. Analysis of the Russian children's tourism market. State, problems, prospects // Tourism: practice, problems, prospects. 2004. -No. 4.

49. Morozov M. In Russia, children’s tourism has a social status // Tourism: practice, problems, prospects. 2004. -No. 1.

50. Morozov M.A. Marketing research of the Russian children's tourism market // Marketing in Russia and abroad. 2004. - N 2. - P. 83-91

51. Organization of children's recreation. Regulations. - M: TC SPHERE, 2009.- 80 p.

52. Ostapets A.A. Pedagogy and psychology of students’ tourism and local history activities. - M., 2001

53. Persin A.I. Local history and school museums. - M., 2006.

55. Collection of official documents on children’s and youth tourism, local history, organization of recreation for children and youth. - M., 1999.

56. Sonina M.M. All the secrets of children's tourism. - M.: Travel Expert, 2008. 72 p.

57. Seven nannies // Tourism: practice, problems, prospects. 2009. - No. 4. - p.42-42-45.

58. Chernykh N.B. Travel technology and customer service organization: Textbook. - M.: Soviet sport, 2002. - 320 p.

59. Chichkina S. Children's recreation needs investment // Tourism: practice, problem, prospects. 2005.-No. 5.

60. Chichkina S. Children's recreation. Sad statistics // Tourism: practice, problem, prospects. 2005.-No. 6.

61. Chudnovsky A.D., Zhukova M.A., Senin V.S. Management of the tourism industry: Textbook. - M.: KNORUS, 2004. - 448 p.


Federal State Educational Institution

higher professional education

"St. Petersburg State University of Water Communications"

Faculty of Humanities

Department of International Business, Management and Tourism

Course work:

Sports tourism


4th year student

groups EU-42
Kuznetsova N.N.


Divina N.A

Saint Petersburg


1.1 History of sports tourism……………………………………………………...4 1.2 Types of sports tourism………………………………………………………6 1.3 Forms of sports tourism……………..……………………………...7 1.4 Types of travel in tourism……………………………………..9

2. Classification of routes………………………………………….……10

3. Rank in sports tourism……………………………………....…...10

4. Tourist and sports events……………………………...……....11




Sports tourism is an independent and socially oriented sphere, a way of life for a significant segment of society; an effective means of spiritual and physical development of the individual, fostering respect for nature, mutual understanding and mutual respect between peoples and nations; a form of “public diplomacy” based on real acquaintance with the life, history, culture, customs of peoples, the most democratic type of recreation, characterized by a specific form of folk art, free choice of the form of own activity of all socio-demographic groups of the population, from preschool children to pensioners.

Sports tourism in Russia is a national sport with long-standing traditions. It includes not only a sports component, but also a special spiritual sphere, and the lifestyle of the travel lovers themselves. The centers for the development of sports tourism are still non-profit tourist clubs (“tour clubs”), although many tourists engage in it on their own.

The sport “Sports Tourism” is included in the All-Russian Register of Sports under number 0840005411YA (2006-2009).

1.1 History of sports tourism

Sports tourism is a sport based on competitions on routes that include overcoming categorized obstacles in the natural environment (passes, peaks (in mountain tourism), rapids (in water tourism), canyons, caves, etc.), and at distances , laid in the natural environment and on artificial terrain.

Sports tourism in the USSR, as a sport, was included in the Unified All-Union Sports Classification in 1949. When assigning sports categories and the title of master of sports, the number and complexity of hikes completed, as well as the experience of independently managing them, are taken into account. Difficulty is determined by the duration and length of the routes, the number and variety of natural obstacles. Multi-day hikes (hiking, skiing, water, mountain, cycling, car, motorcycle and moped) are carried out along routes of 5 difficulty categories. Routes of increased difficulty, especially categories 4-5, require good general physical and special preparation. Hikes are carried out, as a rule, with the assistance of sports and tourist clubs, councils of sports societies, and physical education groups. As a means of year-round training for tourists, the so-called. weekend hikes and competitions in types of tourist equipment (all-Union competitions are held for some).

The procedure for the formation of tourist groups, the rights and obligations of their participants and leaders, documentation, development and preparation of routes, etc. are regulated by the “Rules for organizing and conducting amateur tourist trips and travel on the territory of the USSR” (approved by the Central Council for Tourism and Excursions of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions in 1972).

Sports tourism is the preparation and conduct of sports travel with the aim of covering an extended expanse of wild nature on skis (ski tourism), by means of rafting (water tourism) or on foot in the mountains (mountain tourism). The sports trip is carried out by an autonomous group of 6-10 people. It happens that travelers do not encounter any traces of civilization for a month. To complete the route, you must not only be strong, dexterous, courageous and persistent, but also have a wide range of special knowledge from obstacle-overcoming techniques to human physiology in extreme conditions. Unlike a regular trip, a sports trip includes a set of natural obstacles classified by difficulty. As a rule, in mountain and ski tourism such obstacles are mountain peaks and passes, and in water tourism - river rapids. The classified obstacles form the basis of the methodology for comparing travel according to their complexity. This is similar to assessing the difficulty of gymnastics or figure skating programs. The most difficult journeys, executed brilliantly, are nominated for the Moscow Championship and the Russian Championship.

The organization and conduct of sports trips are subject to the Rules, which are approved by the Tourist and Sports Union of Russia. These Rules accumulate the experience of many generations of travelers. Therefore, their implementation guarantees the level of safety achieved in sports tourism. This is controlled by a system of route qualification commissions (RQC). In particular, the ICC checks the group’s preparedness to set out on the route and whether the experience of the travel participants matches its complexity. In accordance with the Rules, sports travel can have six categories of difficulty (c.s.). If the travel of the first c.s. are feasible for beginners, then travel is the sixth class. extreme even for the strongest and most experienced travelers. Indeed, mountain “sixes” in some sections can include climbing to peaks over 7000 m high, ski “sixes” are hundreds and hundreds of kilometers of travel in forty-degree frost along endless Siberian ridges, water “sixes” are mind-blowing rafting along the crazy rivers of the Altai and Srednyaya Asia.

The sports tourism system created over decades minimally limits the initiative of travelers. Currently, a sports trip can be arranged to any point in the world, and anyone can become a group leader, as long as he has experience participating in a trip of the same category of complexity and experience leading a trip that is one category easier. The remaining team members must have experience participating in a simpler (one category) trip. In addition to this basic principle, the Rules provide exceptions to more fully take into account the actual experience of travelers (for example, mountaineering experience or experience in other types of sports tourism). The master level in sports tourism is associated with leadership in travel of the highest (5th and 6th) categories of complexity. Therefore, making two trips a year, a gifted athlete reaches this level in 5 - 6 years.

1.2 Types of sports tourism

The following forms of sports tourism can be named depending on its organization: sports tourism can be individual and mass.

Individual (custom) tours are tours formed at the request and with the direct participation of the tourist. He is offered a choice of different service options for each type of service at the intended vacation spot. The services chosen by the tourist are formed into the tour program. Typically, such orders are formed in agencies and then sent to the tour operator for implementation. The main advantage of individual trips is that they allow you to visit anywhere in the world and, even through classical Europe, find an original route. After all, such a product is created according to the requirements of each specific tourist.

Group tours involve the sale of a pre-planned standard set of services, focused on a specific type of recreation, as well as the social class of tourists and their age, and sold to tourists in one package. The peculiarities of preparing and conducting this type of tour (a single program for everyone, strictly linked to the timing and schedule of the trip) do not allow making any changes to the composition of the services offered, so the tourist can either buy it entirely or refuse to purchase it altogether. This type of comprehensive service is called package tours (from the English package tour - package tour). Ready-made package tours allow tour operators to use special rates, and their cost is usually lower than the combined retail prices for the individual services included in the package.

1.3 Forms of sports tourism

It is customary to distinguish forms of tourism depending on the origin of tourists, the length of stay, the age of travelers, and the time of year.

1. Forms of tourism depending on the origin of tourists. Depending on the origin of travelers, tourism is divided into internal (travel within the Russian Federation by persons permanently residing in the Russian Federation); and international (travel for tourism purposes outside the country of permanent residence. This is a travel system carried out on the basis of international treaties, taking into account current international customs).

2. Forms of tourism depending on the length of stay. A very important classification of forms of sports tourism is their classification depending on the length of stay. Travel duration refers to the time spent by a tourist during the trip or stay in the place or country visited.

Day trips are classified as follows: less than three hours; three - five hours; six - eight hours; nine - eleven o'clock; twelve or more hours.

Overnight trips can be classified as follows: 1-3 nights; 4-7 nights; 8-28 nights; 29-91 nights; 92 - 365 nights.

Long trips are usually complemented by short trips. One-day tourism is tours lasting during daylight hours: they do not involve overnight stops. A particularly important form of short-term tourism is short-term tourism. Short-term tourism includes business tourism and weekend trips. Regardless of whether trips are made for business or personal purposes, their average duration is 2-4 days, i.e. they include a minimum of one and a maximum of three overnight stays.

3. Forms of tourism depending on the age of travelers. When classifying forms of sports tourism, the age of travelers is also taken into account. According to the age scale, the following groups of tourists are defined: children traveling with their parents; youth (tourists aged 15-24 years); relatively young, economically active people aged 25 - 44 years; economically active people of middle age (45 - 64 years old) (travel, as a rule, without children); pensioners (65 years and older).

4. Forms of tourism depending on the time of year. Depending on the time of year, winter and summer tourism differ. Seasonal classification of forms of tourism shows fluctuations in demand for tourism services throughout the year. The time during which the maximum number of trips is made is called the tourist season, the period of decline in travel is called the off-season. Tourist seasons in different regions may not coincide.

1.4 Types of travel in tourism

1. Automobile tourism - travel of people to countries or areas other than their permanent place of residence, in which the main means of transportation is a private or rented car. Road travel is a type of tourism.

2. Hitchhiking - free movement on passing vehicles with the consent of the driver.

3. Cycling tourism (bicycle tourism) is one of the types of sports tourism, which consists of cycling routes containing general tourist and bicycle tourism-specific obstacles, as well as one of the types of active recreation.

4. Water tourism. Varieties are sailing tourism, rafting on mountain rivers, etc.;

5. Equestrian tourism – traveling on horseback is an excellent way to learn or improve horse riding skills. Accommodation on equestrian routes: in the field in summer or at camp sites in winter.

6. Ski tourism - travel is carried out on skis. Ski trips are carried out mainly in winter, that is, during periods of prevailing temperatures below 0 ° C.

7. Motorcycle tourism - traveling on a motorcycle, on which you can get to places where it is impossible to get, for example, by car, to visit the most seemingly inaccessible corners of nature. This type of transport is very mobile and light.

8. Pedestrian tourism - movement along the route is carried out mainly on foot. Mountain tourism should be considered a variety;

9. Speleotourism - the point is to travel through natural underground cavities (caves) and overcome various obstacles in them using various special equipment.

10. Combined tourism or “multi” tourism is a conventional name for a direction in which participants combine elements of different types of tourism in different ways during one trip (trip).

2. Classification of routes

Depending on the difficulty of the obstacles to be overcome, the area of ​​the hike, autonomy, novelty, length of the route and a number of other factors characteristic of different types of sports tourism, hikes are divided into: according to increasing complexity:

1. Weekend hikes;

2. Hikes of 1 - 3 degrees of difficulty - in children’s and youth tourism;

3. Category hikes. In different types of tourism, the number of complexity categories is different: in walking, mountain, water, skiing, cycling and caving tourism - six categories of complexity (c.s.); in automoto and sailing tourism - five; in equestrian - three.

3. Classes in sports tourism

The rank of a tourist-athlete allows us to judge his readiness to travel more difficult routes. To obtain a sports category in tourism, before completing a route, a group must register it and obtain permission from the Route Qualification Commission (RQC). After completing the hike, a report is submitted to the ICC, on the basis of which categories are assigned to all its participants.

According to the rank requirements for sports tourism, the following ranks can be assigned (in increasing order of sportsmanship):

“Tourist of Russia” badge - awarded to tourists who have reached the age of 12

3rd youth category;

2nd youth category;

1st youth category;

3rd category;

2nd category;

1st category;

candidate master of sports (CMS);

Master of Sports of Russia (MS);

Master of Sports of International Class (MSMK);

4. Tourist and sports competitions

Tourist-sports competition is the movement of a person alone or as part of a group in the natural environment using any technical means or without them. Conducted at the following distance classes:

I - Long distance class - “sports hikes and tours”.

II - Short distance class - “shortened sports trips and tours.”

III - Class of non-standard distances - “travels and tours”.

IV - “Rescue and extreme distances and tours.”

V - Class of technical distances - “tourist all-around”.

VI - Class of technical distances on artificial terrain (obstacles).

All distance classes are divided by type of tourism, categories of difficulty of routes and categories of difficulty of local (extended) obstacles.

According to social and age factors, competitions are divided into:

1. family;

2. children's;

3. youthful;

4. student,

5. youth;

6. adults;

7. among the elderly;

8. among veterans;

9. different ages;

10. among boys and/or girls;

11. among men and/or women;

12. among people with disabilities.


Tourism has come a long way in its development and today is one of the most successfully developing sectors of the world economy. Like any other area of ​​economic activity, the tourism industry is a very complex system, the degree of development of which depends on the degree of development of the country’s economy as a whole. Currently, industrialized countries account for over 60% of all foreign tourist arrivals and 70-75% of global travel. At the same time, EU countries account for about 40% of tourist arrivals and foreign exchange earnings.

Tourism is beautiful because everyone finds what they want in it. Some people like mountains, some like rivers, some like to relax on the beach, while others like to test their strength. Tense nerves and the desire to compete can also, oddly enough, help a person relieve fatigue. This is supported by sports and extreme tourism, which is gaining strength all over the world, and especially in Russia. More and more people are eager to see the beauty of the underwater world, ski down a mountain slope and even jump from a parachute.

Bibliography and Internet resources:

1. Birzhakov M.B. Introduction to tourism. – M.; St. Petersburg: “Nevsky Fund”, 2000. – 416 p.

2. Matveev L.P. Theory and methods of physical education. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 1991. - 215 p.

3. Fedotov Yu.N., Vostokov I.E. Sports and health tourism. – M., 2004. – 330 p.

4. Shabanov A.N. Pocket encyclopedia of tourists. – M.: “Veche”, 2000. – 153 p.

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