Abstracts Statements Story

Open English lesson "Animals in our life". Open lesson in English The best open lessons in English

Public lesson in English in 4th grade

on this topic " school supplies, academic subjects"

(consolidation and introduction of new vocabulary

using speech exercises)

Equipment: (visual aids)board, chalk, eraser, ruler, pencil, pen, paints, pencil case, colored pencils, notebook, textbook, dictionary, briefcase, magic box, cards with names school subjects: English, Russian, Reading, Art, PE, Maths, Music.

Vocabulary to reinforce: A break, a board, a cassette, CD, a classmate, a classroom, a desk, a dictionary, a goldfish, a mark, paints, a pencil sharpener, a ruler, a video, a lesson, colored pencils

a tape recorder;

To learn by heart;

To translate from...into...;

To get along with, to get a good (bad) mark;


That's easy!

New vocabulary: English, Russian, Reading, Art, PE, Maths, Music.

Goals and objectives of the lesson:By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

1) talk about what school supplies are needed in the classroom and how they can be used;

2) ask each other for the necessary item and respond to the request;

3) discuss what can be done in different lessons;

5) convert verbs into the Past Simple form.

During the classes:

1. Org. moment:

-) Good Morning. Glad to see you. Sit down please.

-) What day is today? What date is today?

-) What season is it now?

-) What is the weather like today?

Reporting the goals and objectives of the lesson: This lesson we continue to speak about school things and school subjects.

The lesson objectives are written on the board in English, and the teacher explains each problem in Russian:

By the end of the lesson you’ll be able to…

1) tell can use them;

2) ask need;

3) answer in response;

4) meet new school subjects;

5) discuss what we can do during different lessons;

6) read the text and choose the information we need;

7) use

2. Phonetic exercise:So, we will have to work a lot as usual. But as always, our faithful assistants – School things – will be with us.

Let’s remember the names of school things which we can use in our English lessons.

Repeat each word after me with the correct pronunciation and show me each school thing. And so we see if you know these words well. (listen – repeat and show): a pen, a rubber, a pencil, a pencil box, a workbook, a textbook, a dictionary, paints, colored pencils.

Well done!

3. Speech exercises:

1) Today I also have some school things. Let's look into my magic box. I will show them in chain. Say to me what school things I have got and how I can use them. (Ex.18. p.104: “you have got (a)..." / “You can... using it.”).

2) The key to good study is a good memory. Let's exercise our memory. Let's play a Memory Game:

There are some school things on the desk: a pen, a pencil,… Look at these things and remember. Then you will close your eyes and turn and I’ll hide one of them. You must guess what thing I have not got (you have not got a...).

Look! Remember! Close your eyes and turn! Turn back and open your eyes! Guess!

4. Learning the skills to ask for favors and respond to requests:

So I see that you know all these things rather well. But imagine that you have not got one of these things.

What would you do if you discovered that you do not have a pen (eraser, pencil, ruler...) that you really need? (children's assumptions). Let's find out how English schoolchildren behave in such situations:

1) Open your textbooks at p.104., Ex. 21;

2) Read and translate the task;

3) Listen to the dialogues;

4) Read the dialogues in pairs;

5) Repeat each phrase after me;

6) Imagine that you have forgotten your dictionary / paints / pen… at home. Act out the dialogues with the school thing you like. I give you 3 minutes to prepare them. (students make up dialogues based on the model, but using the names of other school supplies).

Now I am sure that during English lessons you will definitely not be left without school supplies!

5. Introduction and consolidation of new vocabulary with the help of R.O.

And all these things you can use during different lessons or subjects.

1) Tell us in which lessons you can use the following objects (paints, piano, ruler,...). The guys answer using Russian names of school subjects.

2) Now let's get acquainted with English names of these school subjects: Look at the cards with the names of school subjects.

3) Listen and repeat the words after me. Try to guess their meaning. (Translate them from English into Russian). If you need you can consult your dictionaries.

4) Work in chain and say to me what school subject you like most of all (I like...)

5) What school things can you use in your Music (English, Russian, Reading, Art, PE, Maths) lessons?

E. g.: - I can write with my pen in our Russian lessons. (children make sentences according to the model).

6) Show and say what you usually do in your Music, English, Russian, Reading, Art, PE, Maths lessons?

E. g.: We usually speak English in our English lessons.

7) During what lessons can you do exercises? (PE, English).

6. Physical education minute:

Let's have a rest and remember our poem. Stand up, please:

“Touch your head, touch your nose,

Touch your ears, touch your toes.

Jump and run.

Let's have fun!

Wash your hands, wash your face,

Clean your teeth

Stay healthy, please!”

The guys recite a poem and imitate the movements.

7 . Learning to read text and extract the necessary information:

You’ve remembered different activities we can do in English lessons. One of them is reading. Do you like to read?

So, It’s high time to read.

1) Open your textbook at p.105., Ex.23.

2) Read and translate the title of the text (“The best time for apples.”).

3) Read the text and answer the question: “Is the story funny or sad?”

4) Now let's find out how carefully you read the text: Ex.24, p.105 (Match the sentences according to the text).

5) Ex.24, p.105 - To do this task we must remember the interrogative pronouns: Where? Why? What?

Complete the questions and answer them.

8. Summing up the lesson:

We worked hard in our English lesson today and tried a lot of different activities. So, It’s time to speak about the results.

1) To do this, we will return again to the tasks of the lesson and remember what we did today.

What form of verbs do we use when talking about events that happened in the past?

How is the 2nd form formed in regular/irregular verbs?

Transform the underlined verbs into the past tense and tell us what we did today:


1) told about school things and how we could use them;

2) asked your classmate to lend you a thing you needed;

3) answered in response;

4) met new school subjects;

5) discussed what we could do during different lessons;

6) read the text and chose the information we needed;

7) used some verbs in Past Simple form.

3) Now open your diaries to write your hometask:

w/b - Ex.11, p.59; t/b - Ex.8, p.116. (Teacher explains homework)

4) Thank you for the lesson. It's over. You may be free.


Plan – summary of an open lesson in English in grade 2 on the topic “Description of an animal.”

The purpose of the lesson: systematize and consolidate the acquired lexical and grammatical skills on the topic: “Animals” and lead to a monologue on the topic: “Description of an animal.”


1. Repeat vocabulary on the topic “Animals”, intensifying the use of these LEs in speech - names of animals, flowers, adjectives to describe an animal (fairy-tale character) using a communicative approach to teaching, using outdoor games, riddles, interesting tasks - puzzles.

2.Training reading technique.

3. Intensification of the use of various grammatical forms, use of grammatical schemes.

4. Outputting a monologue into speech on the topic: “Description of an animal.”

Equipment: pictures with animals (in electronic version), cards - “torn leaves” (in electronic and printed versions), printouts of grammar tests, soft toys - animals, electronic presentation of the lesson.

During the classes:

I Organizational moment:

1. Greeting – Good morning, my friends! I am glad to see you. Sit down, please.

2. Communicating the goals and objectives of the lesson to students.

Let's begin our lesson. Today we will describe animals. Today in the lesson we will describe an animal, in order to do it correctly, we will repeat, first of all, the alphabet, the names of animals, the names of flowers, we will learn to read the vowel “Her” in an open syllable, we will sing, play, solve puzzles.

II Main part:

1. Speech exercise: To speak correctly, remember the names of the letters of the alphabet. Let’s sing the song “The ABC”

The students sing a song about the alphabet in chorus. (See Appendix 1)

2. Phonetic exercise: Today we will learn how to read the letter E in an open syllable. An open syllable is a syllable that ends with a vowel; in this syllable, the stressed vowels are usually read as they are called in the alphabet.

New words are introduced: Repeat after me: he, she, we, see, green. Students repeat the pronunciation of words after the teacher.

3. Development of reading technique: Let’s do some exercises. Let's read. The teacher suggests doing exercise 2, 4 p. 67 (reading) in the textbook.

On the slide there is a diagram showing the rule for reading the letter E. Look here, you can see the rule. Write it. The teacher suggests looking at the rule on the slide and writing it down in your notebook.

4. Let's name some animals. Look here, what animals do you see, tell me their names. To be able to describe an animal, we need to remember the names of the animals. Look at the pictures on the slide for 1-2 minutes, name the animals you saw in English. The teacher then hides the image. Children must name the animals from memory. Students name the animals.

5. Let's play. You did a good job with this task. Let's play. The game is called “Who is bigger?” The class is divided into two teams, students from each team take turns giving the names of the animals, whoever names the most earns a point, the points are summed up at the end of the lesson, and the winner is announced.

6. You know a lot of animals, but let's remember how some of these words are written. Let's play another game. Game – “Insert the letter”. (See Appendix No. 3)

The guys race to mark the missing letters in the words, and at the end they test themselves by reading the words on the slide aloud.

7. Let's guess the scanword. (See Appendix No. 4) Look at the screen, find familiar words, name them.

8. Physical education minute:

Let’s sing the song “Clap your hands together” You and I have done a lot and are already tired. Let's relax and sing our favorite song. ‘Clap your hands’. Students sing a song in chorus, performing movements from the song's text. (See Appendix No. 5)

9. Solve the crossword puzzle. (See Appendix No. 6) Students are asked to solve a crossword puzzle. Look at the screen, insert the missing letters in the cells, you will get words, in the highlighted cells - keyword, name it.

10. It's time to write a short test and check how much we know grammar so that we can correctly compose sentences when talking about an animal. Students are given copies of the test and must circle the correct answer. At the end, students check themselves by looking at the answers on the slide.

(See Appendix No. 7)

11. Let's describe your animals. Look here, you can see an example. You know a lot, now it won’t be difficult for you to describe any animal. Let's use diagrams that will help us with this. The teacher suggests using grammatical schemes, voices them, and gives a sample description of the animal.(See Appendix No. 8)

l This is a tiger.

l His name is Jack.

l He is big and slim.

l He is not fat.

l He is orange and black.

l It's not green.

l He is clever and brave.

l He can jump and run.

III Summing up.

The results are summed up.

Discussion: what new things we learned, what we learned, what we liked, what we didn’t like.

Grading for the lesson.

Homework: p. 67, ex. 3 (written)

Appendix No. 1


A, B, C, D, E, F, G,

H, J, K, L, M, N, O, P,

Q, R, S, T, U, V, W,

X, Y, Z. Oh, well you see,

Now we know the ABC

Appendix No. 2

Appendix No. 3

Appendix No. 4

Appendix No. 5

Clap Your Hands

Clap, clap, clap your hands,

Clap your hangs together.

Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet,

Stamp your feet together.

Touch, touch, touch your ears,

Touch your ears together.

Touch, touch, touch your cheeks,

Touch your cheeks together.

Shake, shake, shake your hands,

Shake your hands together

Smile, smile at your friends,

Let us smile together.

Appendix No. 6

Appendix No. 7

Appendix No. 8


Open lesson on the topic "Food" (3rd grade) with presentation (PowerPoint)

The purpose of the lesson: Repeat and consolidate the lexical and grammatical material covered on the topic “Food”.

Lesson type: Lesson to consolidate knowledge

Students in class: 5

Equipment used:board, book, workbook, cards, computer

Used DSOs: Presentation

Short description:lesson consolidation of material

The purpose of the lesson : Repeat and consolidate the lexical and grammatical material covered on the topic “Food”.

Practical component of the goal:practice students in applying the studied lexical units and lexico-grammatical structures in speech situations.

Developmental component of the goal:develop skills in reading words by transcription, skills in dialogical speech, and attention.

Educational component of the goal:the formation of sustainable motivation for learning English, the formation of food culture skills, and the ability to work in pairs.

Equipment: board, book, workbook, cards, computer.


During the classes

1. Organizational moment

Good morning, children! I"m glad to see you. I think you"re well. I hope we"ll have a wonderful time together. Let"s begin our lesson. We"ll talk about healthy food today. Healthy food means "healthy, wholesome food".

Slide number 2

2. Phonetic exercise

Before we start the lesson, let's practice our tongues Slide No. 3

Like, ice cream, rice

[?] - milk, chicken, biscuits, chips

[?]- thank you, thank you

Chuckles, Cherry, cheese

Guys, I got a note from Chuckles. Let's read it

Slide number 3 "I"m not well. Let's help me

What has happened? Let's follow Chuckles' steps.

Step 1

Slide No. 4-5 Read and guess what it is. (reading by transcription)

Meat, ice cream, pasta, cake, carrot, bread, fruit, vegetables

Step 2

Open your books to page 48. Exercise 1. Fruit, vegetables or drink? Look and say.

(P1, P2, P3, P4:)

3. Physical break

Clap your hands when you hear the name of a drink, stamp your foot when you hear the name of a fruit, twist your head when you hear the name of a vegetable.

  • a banana,
  • a carrot,
  • tea
  • milk,
  • an apple
  • an orange
  • a potato,
  • water,
  • lemonade,
  • fruit, fruit
  • cake,
  • vegetable,
  • juice.

Step 3

Slide number 6

A) What is Chuckles" favorite food? And you?

P 1- Chuckles" favorite food is chocolate. My favorite food is:.meat. And you?

P 2 - My favorite food is sausages. And you? (They work in a chain)

b) Open your workbooks to page 26. Exercise 1 (Work in pairs)

Step 4

Slide No. 7-9 Chuckles likes chocolate. He has chocolate, biscuits and Coke for breakfast.

What do you have for breakfast?

I like chocolate, but I have tea, eggs and sandwich for my breakfast.

(It's healthy food)

Step 5

Slide No. 10 You are tired. Let's have a rest. Sing along. (Ex. 2 p.48)

(They listen to the song for the first time and repeat (We worked with this song in the last lesson). Listening to the song a second time, imitate the actions)

I like apples I can crunch - (they pretend to hold an apple and bite off a large piece), etc.

Step 6

Slide number 11 Are you hungry? Let" go to the cafe. These sheets help you.

Some or any? Write and act. (Work in pairs)

A: What do you want to eat?

B: Mm, I want chocolate and::.. cake?

A: Oh, they haven't got::..chocolate.

B: Have they got::ice cream?

A: Yes! Do you want:..juice too?

B: No, thank you. Can I have:.. Coke, please?

A: Yes.

B: OK. Yummy!

A: Yuk!

Cherry says "Yuk!" Why?

Is chocolate useful for monkeys?

Is a cake useful for monkeys?

Is an ice cream useful for monkeys?

Is Coke useful for monkeys?

What food is useful for Chuckles?

P1,2,3 - Bananas are useful for Chuckles (fruit, vegetables)

4. Reflection

T - Why Chuckles is not well?

P 1, 2, 3 - Chuckles is not well, because he eats chocolate.(a cake, an ice cream, drink Coke)

Slide No. 12 Thank you, children. You help me.

I like vegetables, I like juice,

I like bananas, I like fruits

I eat good things every day.

T - I hope you"ll eat only good things every gay too.

Thank you for the lesson. Good buy.


Lesson topic: English lesson at Forest School.
The purpose of the lesson: Systematization of studied and grammatical structures on this topic.
Tasks: Practicing grammatical skills through sentence construction. Using tense constructions in the Present Simple sentence
Development of students' speech-thinking abilities.
In this English language course, each lesson is built on a plot basis, which encourages a variety of role-playing games. This lesson also has a plot, proposed to students in the form of an English lesson in a forest school.
The lesson used broad reliance on visual, auditory and motor visualization, which mobilize different types of memory, including motor memory.
The lesson combined different organizational forms of work:
A) individual (story about yourself, about animals, about your friend)
B) paired dialogues
B) collective song
These forms of work help create an atmosphere of interaction and a truly communicative atmosphere in the classroom, for example:
While reading the text, children come up with independently prepared statements.
During the lesson, a differentiated approach to mastering language material was implemented: weak students read, strong students composed dialogues, micro-monologues, and completed more difficult tasks on the board.
The activities of children in elementary school during a foreign language lesson should be varied, so the types of work during the lesson often changed, however, each element of the lesson was needed to solve the problem posed in the lesson.
Working with an interactive whiteboard made it possible to implement the principle of clarity. Performing various exercises on the Smart board is not only interesting for students, but also increases their motivation to learn.
The lesson developed 4 types of speech activities: listening, speaking, reading and writing. All students were involved in the work. A logical sequence was followed.
The set goals and objectives were achieved. The students' knowledge was assessed.

Lesson progress: 1.
Organizing time
Greetings. Conversation with the duty officer.
2. The teacher informs students about the topic of the lesson, the goals and objectives of the lesson, and what is to be done in the lesson.
3. Slide1.
Teacher: Mr Greenwood, a teacher of English in Green School sent a letter. Let's read it.
The student reads the letter.
Dear friends!
Welcome to Green School!
Let's read and write in English.
Let's run and jump in the forest.
Let's go to school together.
The teacher invites students to teach a lesson at Green School.
Teacher: Children, let's see who lives in the forest school.
Students one by one go to the interactive board and describe the animals on the slide.
She is a cat.
Her name is Mary
Teacher: Let's imagine the introduction scene. What will we tell our friends?
Students H: I am Ann. I am 9.
Teacher: Children, look at the map and tell me what the topic of the lesson is.
Children: A.V.S.
Teacher: Do we know A.V.S.?
Weak students recite the alphabet.
Teacher: Now let's sing a song.
Students sing a song.
Teacher: Children, in order to speak English, you need to know the rules of reading.
Students do the exercise.
Teacher: Now the task is more difficult.
Slide 3.
It is necessary to distribute the words according to the reading rules.
Children complete the task. Teacher: Our friends from the forest school and Mr. Greenwood ask us to answer the questions in the questionnaire.
Students answer questions, make up dialogues, and talk with each other.
What can we tell you about our friend?
Let's describe a friend without giving a name. Students make up micromonologues, describe their friends, and the rest guess who it is based on the description.
Teacher: Let's remember the rules of etiquette. How do the British behave at the table?
Slide 5.
Students make up mini-dialogues based on the model.
Teacher: The next exercise will help us understand what forest school students can do.
Students perform the exercise according to the model. What do we like to do?
Work in notebooks. Students make up sentences and write them down in their notebooks.
Teacher: What can Rex do?
Checking homework.
Reading text exercise 13.
Summing up the lesson.
Children talk about what they did in class and give their assessment.
The teacher evaluates the students and thanks them for the lesson.
Giving homework.Exercise 4 page 8. Workbook.


Development of an English lesson in 3rd grade

"Spotlight island or the land of lessons learned"


English teacher

Kiseleva Marina Gennadievna

During the classes

1. Organizational moment

Teacher: Good morning, my dear friends! I"m so happy to see you again. How are you? Take your place. Sit down.Let's start our lesson (Good afternoon, my dear friends! I am very glad to see you again! How are you doing? Take your seats. Let's start our lesson.)

Write down the date on the blackboard(Write today's date on the board)

What's the weather like today?(What is the weather today?)

What's the day of the week? (What day of the week is it today)

2. Communicate the topic and purpose of the lesson

Teacher: Guys, our next school year is coming to an end. We learned a lot of interesting things, we learned a lot of new things.

3. Goal setting stage

Teacher: I invite you today to go on a journey through the land of lessons learned and find your way to the 4th grade, going through many exciting tests.

4. Repetition of formed skills and abilities that are a support.

4.1 Teacher: Let’s start our travelling and we are at the “school island”.We ended up on the island of school items.Who wants to tell us about his or her favorite subject?Who wants to tell us about their favorite school subject?

Student: A story about your favorite school subject. (Development of a monologue statement)

Teacher: Each island has the special task for us. Look and say subjects what do children like?(Each island has a special task for us) Look and tell me what object children love?

(Sk. 3, students use the table to match the subject and the child talking about their favorite subject)

Teacher: Look here! It’s Lulu’s pencil case.What has she got there?Look. This is Lulu's pencil case. What does she have there? (DC 4. Students try to find words on the topic “school subjects”)

4.2Teacher: Let's go on! The next place we visit is a “Family island”.(Go ahead! The next place we will visit is Family Island!)

Would you like to tell us about your family?(Do you want to tell us about your family?)

Student: A story about your family. .(Development of monologue utterance)

Teacher: Well done! Thank you. But we have another difficult task. Let's finish the poems with words about the family. Read the poems all together.(Vol. 6) (Great! Thank you. But we have a new difficult test. Let's read and finish the poems with words on the topic of family.)

Student: Students read poems in chorus and select a rhyming word on the topic “family.” (Element of phonetic warm-up in class)

4.3 Teacher: Don't lose the time. Let's go to the next island. How do you think what we will speak about? Of course it is about food. That's Food Island(Let's not waste time. Let's go to the next island. What do you think we will talk about? Of course about... food! This is the island of FOOD) .

Watching the educational video Do you like (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frN3nvhIHUk )

Look here! We have a new task. Put the products into the correct shop. Look, we have a new task. Organize groceries correctly in stores.

Student: Students take turns distributing products into different stores according to categories. (DC8)

Teacher: What do I see!!! We have a very famous guest. It is the greatest Britain chef Gordon Ramsey. He is going to prepare his favorite dish A fruit salad. (Who do I see! We have a very famous guest. This is the great British chef, Chef Gordon Ramsay!) The teacher welcomes the student portraying the famous British chef.

Student: The student prepares to prepare a fruit salad and accompanies the process with his comments (Use of project technology: the student selects a recipe in advance and independently carries out the cooking technology.)

4.4 Teacher: Let's go to another island. Look at this. It is a Pet Island. A lot of families have got their own pets. Can you tell us about the pet in your family? (Let's go to the next island. Look! This is Pet Island. You can tell us about the pet in your family)

Student: The student talks about his pet. (Development of a monologue statement)

Teacher: Well done! Let's have a look at another task. Find the correct word combination for every picture. (DC 11)

Student: Students must choose the appropriate word combination for the picture.

a) long legs

b) small head

c) big ears

4.5 Teacher: The next island is The Island of the king “CAN”

Watch a training videohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tScUb08F7os

Now it is your turn to show me what can you do. (Now it’s your turn to show us what you can do) The teacher calls 2 students to the board, gives instructions to perform various actions. U1 and U2 turn their backs to each other - the one who completes the teacher’s tasks correctly wins.

Ex: I can talk, I can walk, I can crawl, etc. (Students perform actions using gestures

4.6 Teacher: It’s high time to go to the next island. It is My house Island. Is there anyone who wants to tell us about his home?It's time to go to the next island. This is the island "MY HOME" Is there anyone who wants to tell us about their home?

Student: The student talks about his house. (Development of a monologue statement)

Teacher: Ok, the next task. I have got some riddles about the rooms. Let's try to guess this riddles.(DC 13).Good! Next task! I have several riddles about the rooms. Let's try to solve them.

The teacher gives a description of the rooms. Students must guess which room they are talking about (Development of listening skills)

  1. In this room there is a table, a mirror, and beds. We sleep here. What is this?(a bedroom)
  2. 2. In this room there is a table, chairs, armchairs, a sofa, a fireplace, a television and a carpet.(a living room)

3. There is a dishwasher, a refrigerator, a cooker, a microwave, plates, cups and other things. We usually cook here.(a kitchen)

4.7 Teacher: Good work! Hurry up. We have to go to the next island. Look at this. It is my day island.

As I know our girls have prepared the project about their working day. Let's see.Good job! Let's hurry! We need to go through the next island. Look! This is the island "My Day"

Students present the project “My Working Day”, compiled using collage technology.

Thank you very much, girls! Now we learn about Mary's favorite day. But some words are missing. Let's find ittogether.Thanks a lot! Now we learn about Mary's favorite day. But some words are missing. Let's find them together.

Students complete a lexical and grammatical task to select the required unit.

Teacher: Just look what is it? These are our friends Larry,Lulu and Chuckles. They are greeting us and invite to the new school Year. (Just look! These are our friends Larry, Lulul and Chuckles. They welcome us and invite us to the new academic year)

The teacher shows a picture with the heroes of the textbook and says that they are waiting for him next year.

5.Reflection: What island was the most interesting for you? Let's think what new words we have learned.Which island did you like best? Let's remember what new words and expressions we learned?

6. Final stage of the training session:

It was a very good work. Thank you very much. I would like you to give the certificate of Achievement. See you inautumn. Good buy.It was a great job. Thank you very much! I would like to present you with a certificate of successful completion school year. See you again!

The teacher gives the children certificates for completing the school year and thanks them for the lesson.

Technological lesson map

FULL NAME: Kiseleva Marina Gennadievna

Place of work: MKOU "Vrachovskaya" Primary School- kindergarten"

Job title : English teacher

Academic subject: English language

Class: 3

Lesson topic: Spotlight island or land of lessons learned

UMK: Spotlight -3

Lesson type: repeating-generalizing / competency-oriented (updating knowledge, assimilation of new knowledge, initial testing of understanding)

Technologies: Health saving, gaming, communication-oriented learning, information and communication, system-based learning, ICT.

Teaching methods:

according to information perception:verbal, visual, practical;

stimulating: educational games, creating a situation of fun and success;

systematizing: generalization and systematization of knowledge;

The purpose of the lesson

1. Educational – Improving phonetic, lexical and grammatical skills.

Generalization of knowledge and skills on the topics being studied.

Formation of strong speaking and listening skills on the topic being studied.

Generalization of grammatical material.

2. Educational– fostering mutual respect, understanding, responsibility, discipline, and independence.

Increase interest in the subject being studied.

3. Developmental – development of cognitive processes, memory, attention, speech observation, linguistic guesswork,

Formation of monologue and dialogic speech skills.

Sociocultural development.

Basic Concepts

School, house, pets, food, routine day

Organization of space

Interdisciplinary connections

Forms of work


Physical education, the environment, literature.

System for assessing the achievement of planned results

Frontal, pair, group, individual.


Textbook "English in Focus" 3rd grade authors N. I. Bykova, J. Dooley, M. D. Pospelova, V. Evans, Moscow "Enlightenment" 2012.

Computer presentation;

Internet resources:

Basic - used

Increased – PU


Conduct and maintain a basic monologue; PU

Listen to the teacher's speech; PU

Perceive audio text by ear with a full understanding of the content; PU

Perform lexical and grammatical exercises; BOO

Use lexical units in speech in a communication situation on the topic “My home, my pet, school, this day” in accordance with the communicative task PU

formation of learning motivation, communicative competence in communication and cooperation with peers

Be able to choose language and speech means to solve a basic language problem;

Interact with others, follow the rules of the game, working in pairs;

Be able to act according to a model when performing exercises and composing your own statement;

Development of cognitive, emotional spheres

Regulatory UUD:the ability to independently set educational goals and objectives; adequately assess your capabilities and independently control your time.Communication UUD:

  • organizing and planning educational collaboration with peers;
  • the ability to recognize and use in speech the basic meanings of the studied lexical units (words and phrases); express your opinion, justify it within the limits of the studied topic and acquired lexical and grammatical material;
  • the ability to interact with others, jointly agree on the rules of behavior and communication in pairs.

Cognitive... UUD:

  • the ability to navigate one’s knowledge system, distinguish what is new from what is already known, acquire knowledge, find answers to questions using a textbook and information received in class.

1.Welcomes students.

2. Helps students engage in speech activities with the help of questions

What’s the date today? What's the weather like today?

Greetings from the teachers. Use available lexical units to greet the teacher and answer questions. BOO

Be able to choose the lexical units necessary for communication in a given situation.

Interact with the teacher during greetings and questioning, carried out frontally.

Use speech means to solve communicative problems. Feel successful in a communication situation.

Make sure your answers and those of your classmates are correct.

Independently monitor the correctness of the PE used. Mutual control in a communication situation

Stage 2. Determining the topic and objectives of the lesson.

1. At the beginning of the lesson, clearly and specifically explains the purpose of the lesson. Organizes work. 2. Offers to determine the topic of the lesson.

Get to know the topic of the lesson

Identify essential information from the material studied. Independently identify and formulate the topic of the lesson. Put forward a hypothesis and justify it.

They work from the front. Discuss the best topic names. They pronounce words.

Listen to your interlocutor. Be able to justify the choice of point of view. Be respectful of the opinions of others.

Be able to listen in accordance with the target setting. Accept and maintain the learning goal and task.

Stage 3. Updating knowledge and localizing individual difficulties

Stage 3.1 Practice in using the studied grammatical and lexical units in monologue and dialogic speech

1. Organizes the game “Travel through the country of lessons learned in order to consolidate the topics covered and complete a test assignment on each topic.

Offers to guess what is shown on the screen (repetition of school subjects).

2. Organizes work in pairs to practice RO and various structures Do you like? It has got. There is/there are etc.

Regulates work in pairs, helps in completing the task as necessary.

Apply learned lexical structures and LO BOO

They participate in a monologue, ask a question, and answer the interlocutor’s question. PU

Consciously and voluntarily construct a speech utterance in oral form

Interact with other students. Asks a question about the picture, other students answer.

They ask a question in accordance with the communicative task, listen to the interlocutor’s answers.

Listen to the teacher's questions.

Construct a statement that is understandable to the interlocutor.

Monitor the correctness of students' answers.

Carry out mutual control of the process of completing the task.

Identify deviations from the standard. Carry out mutual control.

Stage 3.2 Listening Practice

Organizes listening for the purpose of understanding speech by ear and updating lexical material

They listen carefully to the sentence and guess what room they are talking about. PU

Be able to structure knowledge, highlight the necessary information in accordance with the purpose of listening.

When called, teachers announce the correct answers.

During listening, self-monitoring and mutual monitoring of the task are carried out.

Detect deviations and differences from the standard

Stage 3.3 Dynamic pause.

Organizes viewing of the educational video “I can” accompanied by movements, in order to use the studied lexical units (activities) in the speech of students..

perform movements in accordance with the content of the task. BOO

Be able to correlate words and actions. Consciously construct a speech utterance in oral form.

They listen to the commands of their classmates and perform them themselves.

Understand the content of commands by ear. Listen to each other.

Self-control and mutual control during the task.

Detect deviations and differences from the standard.

Stage 3.4 Practice in monologue speech.

1 Organizes the student’s work to compose a monologue using vocabulary.

2. Evaluates based on the results of a monologue statement.

Students compose a monologue on the topic Home, Pet, Family, Daily routine. VU

Consciously construct a speech statement in oral and written form.

Listen to classmates.

Listen to your classmates' answers.

During the hearing, the correctness and completeness of the monologue statement is monitored.

Accept and maintain the learning goal and task. Detect deviations from the standard. Accept the teacher's assessment adequately.

Stage 4. Reflection.

1. Organizes a summary of the lesson.

2. Evaluates the results of students’ work.

3 Presentation of certificates for successful completion of the 3rd grade course

Discuss what they learned in class. BOO

Justify your opinion.

Interact with the teacher, listen to the students’ answers.

Be able to formulate your own opinion.

Analyze, supplement, correct as necessary, and evaluate the success of their activities.

Accept and maintain the learning goal and task.


Development of an extra-curricular open event within the framework of extracurricular activities in the general cultural direction “Ethics – The ABC of Good!”

Prepared and conducted:

English teacher

MKOU "Vrachovskaya primary school - kindergarten"

Kiseleva Marina Gennadievna

Form of conduct: travel game.

Target. Teach children to determine in what cases a person can be called good;

learn to analyze life situations and draw conclusions from them;

help students understand the importance of goodness as a life choice;

form moral principles: integrity, sense of mercy;

teach children to correctly evaluate their actions and the actions of their comrades, to promote the development of motivation in students to do good deeds.

Develop tactile and kinesthetic sensitivity; creativity, coherent speech;

the ability to think, to identify true and false goals in life; perceive people as they are.

To cultivate positive character traits, a desire to do good, and an attitude towards people with understanding and empathy. Cultivate humanity, kindness, and decency.

Equipment: statements about kindness, a multimedia board, a magnetic board, a computer, a disk with a recording of the cartoon “Just Like That,” a recording of “Waltz” by E. Doga, an illustration of the Wise Owl, envelopes with a task for working in groups (proverbs cut into parts according to words).

Progress of the event

1. Org. moment.

2. A minute of psychological mood.

Teacher. Children, create a circle. Close your eyes. Now hold hands and hold for a while. Let everyone focus on the palms of the neighbor on the right and left that you touch. Try to determine which palm is warm and which is colder. Which one makes you feel better? That's right, from the one from which the heat comes.

3.Introductory conversation.

Teacher. The same thing happens when they say, “it’s warm in the soul, it’s good.” And when does your soul feel good? (When a person hears a kind word, when a good deed is done for him, when he himself does good to others.)

Indeed, children. IN human life There are things that seem to have no significance, invisible and impossible to measure. But without them our life becomes poorer, gray and colorless everyday life. Among all human virtues, kindness occupies a special place.

Think about it: what do we want when we say hello?

Good afternoon, which means good.

What do we ask God to bestow on someone?

Okay, good health.

How do we go about asking for help?

Kind people.

What is good? (Children answer). Who in our class can be called good, kind? Why do you think we are talking about kindness today?

Today, more than ever, we must not only talk about kindness, but also do good. There are many people who are called volunteers, they do a lot of good deeds for other people.

4. Creating an associative bush.

- Together with you, I want to collect everything that we talked about into one miraculous flower. And what kind of flower this is, you will understand after listening to the story “If I had a flying carpet.” (read by teacher)

Far, far across the sea, among the high mountains, a wonderful flower grows. It blooms in early spring and blooms all summer until late autumn. This flower has an extraordinary property: it purifies the air. Whoever breathes the air of this flower never gets sick.

If I had a magic carpet, I would fly overseas, land in the mountains, and find an amazing flower. I would collect its seeds and bring it home. I would distribute a seed to all people, so that everyone would grow a miraculous flower, so that there would not be a single sick person.

- So I want this flower to bloom here too. And this will happen when you and I play a game called “I want.”

The teacher explains the conditions of the game.

- I'm starting this game. I want there to be good on earth. (Draws a petal to a flower on the multimedia board). Children take turns and finish drawing one petal at a time, saying:

- I want there to be joy;

- I want there to be mercy;

- I want there to be happiness;

- I want there to be peace;

- I want there to be friendship;

- I want there to be humanity.

5. Setting a social hour.

-Children, I would like to live in a country where people would refrain from bad deeds and evil intentions, but would be good and charitable.

-What is charity?


The word charity comes from the combination “to do good.”

- It's a good habit to take care of other people. People appreciate sympathy when it is sincere. Someone else's grief should not leave us indifferent. There is even a proverb: “There is no such thing as someone else’s grief.”

6. Report the topic of the lesson. Motivation.

So today we will go to the Land of Kindness, in which we will learn to be kind, merciful, and benevolent. But the stops in this country where we will stop are not easy, but with different tasks. To move forward in the country, we must solve them. (On a magnetic board - a map of the Country of Kindness)

7. Journey to the Land of Good.

-We have arrived at the Vokzalnaya stop. We change to a city bus and move on.

a) Stop “City of Good Deeds”.

(“Brainstorming”: discussing life situations).

-What would you do if next...

- Someone is crying.

- The elder insults the younger.

- A small kitten sits high on a tree and screams.

- Little brother is sad.

- The flower in the pot dropped its leaves.

- My sister’s favorite book was torn.

- Mom came home tired from work.

b) Stop “Knizhnaya”.

Group work: reading and discussing stories

c) Stop “Sportivnaya”. (Physical education minute)

d) Stop “Illustrative”.

The teacher shows illustrations depicting various situations. Children tell which actions are bad and which are good.

e) Stop “Cartoon Street”.

Watching and discussing the cartoon “Just Like That.”

-Are there any children in our class or school who demand a reward for something?

f) Stop "Lesnaya".

Introducing students to the Wise Owl, who brought tasks for children: in envelopes there are cut proverbs about kindness and they need to be folded and read.

(Work in groups).

1 group

- A kind word / will warm you in the cold.

- Everyone is capable of spite, / but only a real person can do good.

- A good word builds a house, / but a bad word destroys it.

2nd group

- You can’t appreciate good things / until you do good things yourself.

- A kind word / and the ice will melt.

- The first step to good / not to do evil.

- A kind word to a man / like rain in a drought.

(Children read out educated proverbs.)

The teacher hangs the “Rules of Charity” on the magnetic board and reads it out.

Charity rules

- The first step towards good is do not do evil.

- Whoever wishes good to a person receives it himself.

- Live, do good, and don’t demand rewards for it.

- Help the weak, the little, the sick, the old, those who are in trouble.

- Feel sorry for others, not yourself.

- The greatest joy for a person is to live for people.

- Do not be greedy.

- Forgive the mistakes of others.

8. Summary of the lesson.

-This is the end of our journey through the Land of Good. But I know that some children prepared poems for our lesson.

To the sounds of “Waltz” by E. Doga, children read poetry.

Teacher. According to legend, when a person is born, God lights a new star in the sky and sends a Guardian Angel to the child. In a dream, an angel kisses a child three times:

- On the forehead - so that she grows up smart;

- In the face - to be beautiful;

- In the chest - so that health, love and goodness will infuse his body, heart, soul.

May your star of kindness never go out. If we all do good, our planet will turn into Magic world. So let there be more goodness on earth, happiness and those who are in a hurry to create it. (On the multimedia board there is an image of an Angel)

9. Photo report


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in the form of KVN for 3rd grade students

Nikolaeva Ekaterina Alekseevna,

English teacher

GBOU Secondary School No. 89 of St. Petersburg

Explanatory note.

An open lesson in English in the form of KVN for 3 grades is aimed at systematizing verbal communication skills, helping to maintain students' interest in learning English, and promoting moral relations in the children's team.
This lesson can be taught at the end of the school year in grade 3 according to M.Z. Biboletova "Enjoy English".

Lesson type: Repeating and generalizing lesson.

UMK: M.Z. Biboletova, O.A. Denisenko, N.N. Trubaneva (English language. English with pleasure Enjoy English. Textbook for 3rd grade educational institutions. Publishing house Title, 2012.)

C e whether: summarizing the material studied in the section “Speaking about a new friend”, activating spelling and speaking skills, training phonetic and grammatical skills.


1.Develop language skills and abilities;

2.Form a tolerant attitude of children towards each other, develop activity and a sense of responsibility;

3. Develop interest in the language being studied.

Equipment: Cards with tasks, A3 sheets and colored markers.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

Good morning, boys and girls! (Good morning, Ekaterina Alekseevna!)

Today we have a very interesting lesson. We will play different games and remember everything we have learned this year.

Divide into 4 groups, please.

So, guys, today we will play KVN.

(Students are divided into 4 teams of 3 people, come up with names for them in English and choose captains.)

Our game consists of three stages: phonetics, vocabulary and grammar.

II. Carrying out the game.

Competition "Warm-up".

Teams are given task cards. We need to find an extra word.

1.horse, sheep, elephant, cow

2.duck, parrot, cockerel, crocodile

3.cabbage, meat, tomato, potato

4.juice, milk, tea, fish, coffee

5.apple, cake, orange, banana

6.mum, brother, sister, girl, dad

8.postman, envelope, stamp, puzzle

(Correct answers: elephant, crocodile, meat, fish, cake, girl, September, puzzle.)

The captain of the winning team reads the correct answers and gives reasons for them.

Stage 1. Phonetics.

Competition "Magic words".

Each team is given a task card. You need to read 12 words and understand how they are pronounced. Words contain letters or letter combinations in bold. You need to find the corresponding transcription icon, unravel the encrypted message by composing a phrase from letters, and write it down in the table. (Correct answer: HappyJfamily.)

[w] = h [I] = a [k] =f


Y [x] = p [A] = l

The team that completed the task first receives 4 points. The remaining teams receive 3, 2 and 1 points respectively. A team that fails to complete the task receives 0 points.

Captains competition.

After counting the points in the "Magic words" competition, the team captains are returned cards with tasks. The teacher asks you to determine what they have in common " magic words". The team whose captain is the first to determine that among the words there are antonyms receives 1 additional point.

Then the team captains must connect words with opposite meanings with arrows.

Right answers:

The team captain who completes the task the fastest receives 4 points. The remaining teams receive 3, 2 and 1 points respectively.

Stage II. Grammar.

Competition "Magic stories".

Each team receives a task card. You need to insert the missing words into the sentences and create a word from the letters corresponding to the correct answer.

ExerciseNo. 1. My family.

1.I ............................ in St. Petersburg.

2.I ............................. a big family.

3.My mum ........................... very beautiful.

4.We ............................together.

5.We ............................ happy.

6.We like to walk .................................Sunday.

(Correct answer: school)

ExerciseNo. 2. A story about myself.

1.I ..................................... a pupil.

2.I am in the ................................... form.

3.I ..................................... to school every day.

4.At school we have got .................................... lessons.

5.I would like to be .........................

6.I clean my ................................... every day.

7.I wash ........................ hands and face.

8.I go to bed ...........................9 o"clock.

(Correct answer: children)

Teams that complete both tasks receive 8 points. If a team completes only one task, it receives 4 points. A team that fails to complete the task receives 0 points.

The team that completed the task the fastest receives 2 extra points. The captain of this team reads the text and says the encrypted word.

Stage III. Vocabulary.

Competition "Magic animals".

Teams are given cards with different tasks, A3 sheets and colored markers. You need to read the description of the “magical animal” and draw it.

Task No. 1.

It is a magic animal. The animal is brown. It is fat. It has got four small ears, two long noses and six green eyes. It hasn't got any hair. It"s got three short legs and a black tail. It likes to eat ice-cream. It is strong!


It is a magic animal. The animal is yellow. It is big. It has got short green hair, one blue eye, three long noses, a little mouth and seven purple ears. It hasn't got any neck. It's got four legs and a small red tail. It can play football. It's funny!


It is a magic animal. The animal is grey. It has got a small head and a big body. It has got one long ear, four red eyes and twenty big teeth. It"s got six big feet with long toes. It hasn"t got any tail. It can fly. It's bad!

Task No. 4.

It is a magic animal. The animal is red. It is very slim. It has got a big head and a very long neck. It has got one black eye and three brown ears. It hasn't got any nose. It"s got five legs and three small tails. It likes to read books. It is sad!

The team that completed the task first receives 4 points. The remaining teams receive 3, 2 and 1 points respectively. The team that most accurately reflects the description of the animal receives 2 additional points.

III. Summing up the work.

The teacher counts all the points earned by the teams and determines the winner.

Thank you for your work. I hope you like our lesson. All the teams were good. But the team......... is the winner. Let's clap to them.

Our game is over. Good bye, my dear friends!

The lesson is compiled in accordance with the calendar and thematic planning of lessons in the 6th grade.

The basis is taken from the teaching and learning complex edited by Biboletova M.Z. 2011, publishing house “Titul”, recommended by the Minister of Education of the Russian Federation.

The lesson was developed by English teacher N.O. Petrova.

English lesson in 6th grade on the topic “What do you know about the capital of Britain?”

What Do You Know About the Capital of Britain?

Purpose of the lesson: to familiarize students with the sights of London.

Lesson objectives:

  1. deepening and expanding knowledge on the topic " Great Britain»;
  2. improving the skills and abilities of practical knowledge of the English language on this topic in all types of speech activity: listening, speaking, reading and writing;
  3. increasing interest in learning a foreign language.

Lesson equipment: M.Z. Biboletov’s educational complex for 6th grade, computer, screen, tape recorder, pictures with London sights, cards with statements for each student, 3-4 cards with dialogues.

Lesson Plan

  1. Organizing time.
  2. Phonetic warm-up.
  3. Speech warm-up. Conversation about travel “Travelling”.
  4. Working with the textbook. Reading and completing assignments.
  5. Physical exercise.
  6. Development of listening skills.
  7. Development of dialogical speech skills.
  8. Summarizing.

During the classes.

1. Organizationalmoment.

Teacher: Good morning, children! I`m glad to see you.

Pupils: Good morning, teacher! We are glad to see you too.

Teacher: Thank you, sit down. Who is on duty today?

Pupil 1: I`m on duty today.

Teacher: What date is it today?

Pupil 1: Today is...

Teacher: What day of a week is it today?

Pupil 1: Today is...

Teacher: Who is absent?

Pupil 1: Nobody is absent.

2. Phoneticwarm-up.

Teacher: Now Russian tourists come to London, the capital of the UK, every year. Some pupils from Russia have their English practice there. What places could be of great interest for Russian pupils? Look, listen and repeat.

Presentation “Places of interest”. Speech material: a gallery, an abbey, a parliament, a cathedral, a palace, a fortress, a masterpiece, a sculpture, armory, an exhibition, a treasure, arms, a residence, a cast master, to found, to transform into , to restore, to design, to treasure, to decorate, to crown, to house, to contain, rare, ancient, unique, precious, a stone, a painting, the British Museum, the National Gallery, Westminster Abbey, the Houses of Parliament, St Paul's Cathedral, Buckingham Palace.

3. Speech warm-up.Conversation about travel. ”Travelling”.

Do you like to travel?

How do you like to travel?

Whom do you like to travel with?

When do you prefer to travel?

When did you travel last?

Where did you go?

What did you see there?

Have you ever been to England?

Would you like to go there?

4 . Working with the textbook.

A) Reading the text.

B) Monologue statement based on what has been read.

What did you learn about the history of the places and special events connected with them?

Pupil 1: London was founded by the Romans more than 2000 years ago. They started it as a fortress. Later they transformed it into a town.

Pupil 2: Westminster Abbey is one of the London`s places of interest. It is a church near the Houses of Parliament. British monarchs are crowned in Westminster Abbey.

Pupil 3: St Paul's Cathedral is the main church of London. It is big. Many famous people are buried there, Lord Nelson for example.

Pupil 4: Buckingham Palace is the residence of the British monarchs. It is wonderful. Best British designers decorated it.

Pupils 5: The British Museum and the National Gallery house world treasures. Their exhibitions contain real masterpieces: rare paintings, ancient sculptures, unique books, works of cast masters, arms and armor.

5. Fizminutka

I can show you my face
(circle your finger several times around your face)

Where everything is on it's place
With my nose I can smell
(sniff with nose)

Many objects very well.
(point to objects around us)

With my eyes I look around,
(put your palm to your forehead with a visor and peer into the distance)

Watch my feet and stamp the ground.
(we watch our feet stomp)

With my ear I can hear
(put your palm to your ear and listen to what our neighbor is doing)

What my friend is doing near.
With my mouth I can eat
(movement as if eating soup with a spoon)

Everything that's very sweet.
(we smile contentedly and stroke our belly with our hand, as if we had eaten something tasty)

6. Developmentskillslistening.

Teacher: Listen to the text and put the pictures in the correct order. While listening to the text you must find out which sentences are true or false.

Places to visit.

London is the capital of England. It is its political and business center. City is the oldest part of London. There are many banks and offices there. You can visit some interesting places in the city. One of them is the Tower of London. The Tower of London was a fortress, a palace, a prison. Now it is the museum. One of the greatest English churches, St. Paul's Cathedral, is not far from the Tower of London. The famous English architect, Sir Christopher Wren, built it in the 17th century. It is a beautiful building with many columns and towers. The center of London is Trafalgar Square. It is the most beautiful place in London. In the middle of the square stands a tall column. It is a monument to Admiral Nelson. There are two beautiful fountains in the square. Every day many tourists visit Trafalgar Square.

The text is read once, then students place the pictures in the correct order on the board. After completing the work, students identify true and false statements (each student receives a card with statements).

Statements True/False
1 London is the capital of England.
2 Many people live in the City.
3 St. Paul's Cathedral is very far from the Tower.
4 Tower isn`t a museum.
5 Tower of London Was a fortress and a prison.
6 The famous English architect Sir Christopher Wren built the Cathedral in the 17th century.
7 Trafalgar Square is not in the center of London.
8 In the middle of the square stands a tall column of Admiral Nelson.

7. Development of dialogic speech skills.

Students are divided into groups. The teacher distributes dialogues on cards to the children. Students must put the dialogues back into the correct order and act them out. Some students are residents of London, other students are tourists.

Teacher: Let`s work in groups. I`ll give you some dialogues, you must act these dialogues.

  1. Mike: Hello. Could you give us some information about London`s most famous sights?

Alexander: We haven`t seen anything yet. We have only just come.

Information Officer: What have you already seen in London?

Alexander: Let`s start with a London sightseeing tour on a double-decker bus.

Information Officer: Have a look at the leaflets over there and take what you like.

Mike: OK, fine. Let`s go to Trafalgar Square. The tour starts from there.

  1. Mike: Good morning, John.

Alexander: A week ago.

John: Hello Mike.

John: Hello, Sasha. Nice to meet you. When did you come to England?

Mike: John, this is Sasha. He is from Moscow.

John: Was it interesting?

Mike: We were at the Modern Art Museum.

John: What have you already seen in London?

Alexander: Yes, it was great.

8. Summing upresults.

Teacher: You have done that very well. At home you must learn all the new words by heart .. Today you have got some marks for your answers. The lesson is over. Thank you. Good-bye.


  1. Textbook “Enjoy English” for 6th grade, M.Z. Biboletova and others, publishing house “Titul”, 2011.
  2. Book for teachers for 6th grade, M.Z. Biboletova. "Title" 2011
  3. Non-standard English lessons, S.Yu.Busova, Volgograd, “Corypheus”, 2006

0 Open English lesson


“What color is your cat?”


Color is a mysterious phenomenon. Even in a dream and with our eyes closed, we do not stop seeing colors; color is the source of many paradoxes of thinking. Since the origins of culture, man has strived master the ability of color to influence the state of mind and used color to create a comfortable living environment and artificially recreate reality in images.

Goals :

Practical :

· Automate the use of previously introduced vocabulary on a topic

" Animals " (using pictures)

· Repeat verbs Have, Has.

General education

· Develop listening skills, dialogic and monologue speech, writing

· Develop logical thinking, memory, imagination


· Increase interest in learning English

· Develop the ability to work in a team, in pairs and independently


· Develop the ability to involuntary attention, to distribute attention, train the ability to concentrate while watching a presentation, develop visual and auditory memory.

Lesson equipment

· Colored illustrated pictures of animals,

· Additional tasks on the topic Colors

· Signal cards

· Colored pencils for children

Forms of work in the lesson:

steam room

· individual

· group

During the classes:

1. Organizational moment

Teacher : -Good morning, boys and girls! Glad to see you! How are you? Today we shall speak about colors and revise the verbs have, has.

Children : Good morning, we are very glad to see you too.

2. Phonetic exercise

Teacher: Now, guys, let's repeat the sounds. Repeat after me. Repeat after me : [ǽ], [u], , [e], , , , .And now row 1 repeats, row 2. Now Masha, Katya. Well done. Guys, tell me why we repeated these particular sounds?

Children: Because they are found in words denoting color.

3. Introduction of new material


Teacher Children, now we’ll listen to a rhyme about colors

What color is this?

Teacher: Open your books at page 151, ex. 3

What color is this? It's red. It's red

What color is this? It's green. It's green

What color is this? It's black. It's black.

What color is this? It's purple. It's purple.

What color is this? It's white. It's white.

What colors are they? They are red and green

And black and white and purple.

What color is this? It's pink, It's pink.

What color is this? It's blue, It's blue.

What color is this? It's yellow, It's yellow

What color is this? It's gray, It's gray

What color is this? It's brown, it's brown

What colors are they?

They are pink and blue and yellow and gray and brown

Maintaining Fraz

Teacher: Let's do the ex.3 p152.

Teacher. Children, have you guessed how to ask what color an object is in English?

Childrenwhat color is ? What colors are?

Teacher: You are right . If we want to tell what color several objects are, we use the phrase What colors are ,? , and if about one, then

what color is!

Letter .

Teacher : let's do the following tasks ( Annex 1)

Now let's check if you remember how to write the names of flowers.

4. Repetition of previously covered grammatical material.

Teacher : -Lets revise our grammar material!

How we translate verbs have, has?

Children: Have

Teacher: Sasha, please tell us with which

The verb is used by pronouns Have

Student I. We. You, They

Teacher: You are right! Good answer, Sit Down please

Teacher: Masha, and when we use the verb, N as?

Student: used with pronouns

3 persons units h (He, She, It),

Teacher: Good. You are right!

Reading :

Teacher: O'K let's read the text (Children take the text that everyone has on the table, read in turn one after another, inserting verbs Have, Has)

1 I (have/has) a blue star. Jane has a white cat. 2 My mother (has/have) a black car. 3 You (have/has) two purple pens and he has a green crocodile. 4 They (have/has) a gray bike. 5. Jane (has/have) five yellow books. 6. An old Tom (has/have) a pink pig. 7. I (have/has) a big orange fox. 8. My father (has/have) a brown boots. 9. You (have/has) an old red clock.


Teacher:Now let's remember our animals and call them

what color are they (teacher shows a picture of an animal)

T-p1:What is it? P1- It is an elephant.

T-p1:What color is an elephant? P1- It is grey.

T-p2:What is it? P2- It is a crocodile

T-p2: What color is a crocodile? P2- It is green and etc.

Teacher: Do you understand?

Students Yes, we understand!

5. Pinning a new topic

Teacher and now we will consolidate all the colors that we learned today in the lesson, I will now read a poem to you, and when you hear the name of the color in Russian, quickly name it in English

Revision: “What is the color?

“What is the color?”

I've been looking for paints for a long time.

All. Found it. I like to draw.

Here is the brown one - T-P1; -P1-brown.

This is the yellow one - T-P2; -P2- yellow.

Let's do things together.

Let's draw together.

Well, let's get started!

I'm drawing your portrait.

The mouth will be red T - P 3; P 3-red.

The eyes are blue. T - P 4; P 4-blue.

I love this paint.

No, let's just go alone

Let's make it green - T - P 5, P 5 - green.

Cheeks smeared in sauce -

They became pink - T 6; P 6- pink

Draw your eyebrows quickly

Gray pencil – T - P 7; P 7- gray

Let's get dressed,

In white trousers - T – P 8; P 8 - white

We'll fix it like this:

The forelock will be black - T - P 13, P 13 - black

Nice man.

6 . Checking homework

Teacher:Children, please give me your homework for checking ( Children, please hand in your home task (ex . 7,8 page 146)

7 . The final stage.

1. Grading

Teacher : You worked hard today and your marks are ...

2. Homework. Teacher : At home please do ex.8.pag

English lesson on the topic "Travelling"

Lesson type: integrated application of knowledge and methods of activity.

The purpose of the lesson: create meaningful and organizational conditions for students to independently apply a set of knowledge and methods of activity.

Educational: promote the development of oral speech skills.

Educational: promote the formation of communication skills and the development of activity in the lesson.

Developmental: promote the development of speech activity, memory, imaginative thinking, cognitive interest, reflection of activity.


    practice vocabulary on the topics “Travel”, “Transport”, “Action verbs”;

    consolidate the use of the verb tense form “Present Simple”;

    practice speaking, listening, writing skills.

Lesson equipment:


    projector and screen;

    visual materials:

    • slides (countries/attractions, transport);

      things for the trip (bag, passport, money, tickets, clothes, first aid kit)

      physical minute text;


    • forms of lexical tasks;

      envelopes for group work;


The logical diagram of the lesson is built in accordance with the technology of learning in collaboration and consists of 4 stages:

I. stage – Arouse interest:

    Organizing time;

    introduction to the topic;

    setting the goals and objectives of the lesson.

II. stage – Stimulate discussion:

    activation of LE: countries, luggage, transport (slides, collecting a travel bag, assignment forms);

    drawing up a travel plan (slides, teamwork).

III. stage - Organize for discussion:

    group work (envelopes with illustrations, supporting diagrams);

    individual work.

IV. Reflective-evaluative stage

    reflection of activity;


    end of the lesson.

During the classes:


1. Organizational moment.

T: Hello, my dear friends! Nice to see you again! Sit down, please! How are you today? : I am glad you are fine! Let's start our English lesson

2. Introduction to the topic.

T: People usually travel in summer. So, today we are going to speak about travelling. Please, look at the board and read the saying. (The world is the book. And those who do not travel read only one page) What do you think about it?

P1: P2: P3:(students express their opinion about the proposed quote).

3. Setting a goal for the lesson

T: So, today we are going to make a plan of travel. What points should we mention to make a plan?P1: P2: P3:(based on the students’ statements, we compose a “spider” with the main aspects of the trip: where? on what? what to take? what to do?)

T: Well done!


4.Activation of LE:


T: Let's start with the countries. What countries do you know?

P1: P2: P3:(students name countries known to them)

T: Great, you know so many countries. Look at the board, please. Where can you see and visit these things? ( Working with slides )

P1: P2: P3:(students look at the slides and pronounce phrases)

T: Now I want you to watch video. Listen to the video and tell me please why do people travel

(Watch the video then students answer the question why people travel)

T: So write down the new words:

Go to the beach to go restaurants sky diving parasailing

To sunbathe to go shopping bungee jumping to learn languages

Things for the road

T: Fine. And what things should we take? Work in groups of four. There are a lot of different things on the desks, choose only those you need and call them.

P1: P2: P3:(students in groups approach tables on which various items are laid out; their task is to select the things necessary for the trip, put them in travel bags and comment on their choice)

T: Well done! Take your seats.


T: And how can we travel?

P1: P2: P3: (students name different types of transport).

T: That's great. You have sheets of paper on your desks, please, take them. You’ll listen to the sounds of transport means and match the picture and the word. Is the task clear for you? Picture 1

P1: P2: P3: (students work with assignment forms: after listening to the sounds different types transport, match the illustration and the word, then check at the board and pronounce the grammatical structure)

Picture 1

Verbs- actions

T: Thanks a lot. Look at the board, please. Pronounce the verbs. Let's sing a song and show the activities.

P1: P2: P3: (students pronounce the verbs on the slide, sing a song with these verbs and perform the indicated actions as a physical exercise)

Stage III

    Group work

T: Let's work in groups. Each group has an envelop. You can see a plan of traveling, a list of basic words and some pictures (a flag and sightseeing) there. Complete your plan. Figure.2

P1: P2: P3: (students work in groups, in the envelope of each group there is a flag of a certain country and 2-3 attractions, the task of each group is to supplement the travel description plan with the necessary vocabulary, members of other groups should not see illustrations)

T: Are you ready? Let's check then. Read out your plans but don’t name the countries, other groups should guess them.

P1: P2: P3: (representatives of each group read out their descriptions without saying the names of the countries; members of other groups must guess from the description which countries they are talking about)

Next task - text for reading you should read and finish the funny story.

Figure 2

    Individual work

T: Great! Now you are ready to make the plan of traveling yourself. Choose any country you like and write down the plan. You can use the list of basic words. Figure.3

P1: P2: P3: (students work individually, write a travel plan to a specific country as desired, using supporting diagrams if necessary)

T: Well done, my friends! At home you can draw up your plans. Be creative!

Figure 3

IV. Reflective-evaluative stage

    reflection of activity

T: You worked well. Take the sheets of paper on your desks and fill in the table.Figure.4

P1: P2: P3: (students evaluate the level of their knowledge and skills)

Figure 4

    end of lesson

T: That's all for now. Good-bye!