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Unusual hobbies of people from different countries of the world. Your hobbies and interests in your resume What are your hobbies?


A hobby is a passion on which one spends one's free time. And there are a lot of such pastimes. Maybe interesting hobbies, it relieves stress or gives you the opportunity to step away from reality, at least for a short time. But the fact that it gives pleasure is a fact. Fishing, hunting, stamps, coins can be classified as common hobbies. However, collecting coins in dollars or, at worst, in rubles, the same activity is not entirely ordinary, you will agree. But in this scenario, we will look at hobbies of a slightly different nature. This is the Top 10 The most unusual hobbies interesting hobbies.

No. 10. This hobby was called good

Many people who have extra money do charity work. Not bad at all. But then one “comrade” appeared who turned this good deed into a hobby. His name is Reed Sandridge. After he was fired from his job, he decided to give money to everyone who needed it. Reed gives ten dollars a day to those in need. And then he writes in his notebook about this good deed. Original, right? Not a single good deed should be left unaccounted for. I wonder how long it will last.

No. 9. This is an interesting hobby - dog grooming.

After a haircut, it can be very interesting to look at your handiwork. What the dogs themselves would do if they could appreciate the creativity of some groomers. There are a huge number of different competitions in which our cute four-legged friends participate. And everything in them should be perfect, as Chekhov himself said (though not in this regard): physical training, training, etc. But an original haircut, or, as they say now, “glamorous”, should also be present. Owners can allow their pets to look “stunning.” Nowadays this type of hobby is very common. And it is considered very unusual.

No. 8. This is an interesting hobby - cards

Cards and related games are not a very good hobby. Disastrous, one might say. But, there are options. Architecture, wealth and fame. What do the cards have to do with it? One man from Los Angeles proved that by combining all this into one whole, you can live happily ever after. He's just building houses of cards.

No. 7. Train license plates

There are people who like to take notes and write things down. Some do it professionally. What if it's a hobby? For example: the number of a train that left a certain station and its route. Unusual? However, these people are becoming more and more numerous. And so all over the world. It should be noted that such a hobby has its advantages, since it requires concentration and attentiveness.

No. 6. Extreme ironing

There are extreme sports, recreation in the same sense is present, and it is becoming more and more popular every day. But ironing clothes on some rock? You also need to drag the ironing board and some underwear in there. Insurance, i.e. a safety rope, a hundred meters above sea level and calmly smooth out the accumulated things in a suspended state. How do you like this? interesting hobby? The most interesting thing is that he is passionate about this hobby a large number of of people.

No. 5. Polishing the dirt

Another unusual hobby. In a country where the seasons change exactly on schedule, i.e. sunbathing in summer and playing snowballs in winter, it’s not difficult to come up with a suitable activity. What if they only see winter in movies and don’t know where to start building a snowman? And here you can come up with something interesting if you approach this issue creatively. Dirt, of course, is everywhere. Rolling a ball from this “product” is very simple, but this process is done manually. But the fate of the ball does not end there. They begin to polish him. And they bring it to perfect condition. Some "mud" balls become works of art that are sold and, most interestingly, bought.

#4: Collecting Milk Bottles

There lives a guy on earth whose name is Pavel. It seems like nothing supernatural. But he really loves milk. “What a miracle,” our near ancestors would say. Many people love this product for its properties. Only Pavel also collects milk bottles. And there are already more than 10,000 of them. And this collection of bottles is considered the largest. Pavel himself wants to open a museum where he will display all this wealth.

No. 3. Cutting figures from soap

One sculptor answered the question: how does he create such masterpieces? — I answered: I just take a stone and remove everything unnecessary. The same can be said about those who make something from wood or metal. How do you like soap carving? The most interesting thing is that the resulting figures are very unusual. True, how to “wash them away” later, because the beauty will go away.

No. 2. Pictures from cassette tape

Anyone else remember audio cassettes? It may be objected that this is already ancient history, no one wants. But no! Especially if he is a talented person whose imagination is great. It turns out that you can make a picture from this tape. Since the material is elastic, there is plenty of room for imagination. Similar works often appear on the Internet, from which we can conclude that not so few people are passionate about this hobby. Second place Top 10 Unusual hobbies interesting hobbies .

No. 1. This hobby is very unusual, but...

There is a resident in Norway whose name is Kari. She doesn't have her usual hobby: she cleans up trash. What's surprising? There is even such a profession - garbage collector. Yes, but not so. She collects what the sea waves throw ashore. She has been doing this for 20 years. And one day Kari found a piece of jewelry that was 2,500 years old. Well, what is it called?

Not used to being like everyone else and doing what others do? Find an extraordinary hobby for yourself that arouses the interest and delight of others.

We never tire of repeating that the world of women’s hobbies has no boundaries, along with traditional types of needlework and usual ladies’ activities, new and unusual hobbies peacefully exist that not only attract attention, but also surprise sophisticated people. Do you want to stand out from the crowd and be among extraordinary people? Choose a hobby that is different from the mass ones and familiar to the majority. And we will be happy to help you with this!

A fresh look at creativity

Considering the most unusual hobbies and interests of creative people, one cannot help but pay attention to the carving of a chicken egg shell. The finished works look like crafts made by jewelry craftsmen, but only a real jeweler with patience, talent and accuracy can create such beauty.

On vegetables is one of the things that attracts not only women, but also the male half of humanity. Having mastered this unusual skill, you will learn how to create masterpieces from common products: melon, pumpkin, cucumbers, carrots.

British artist Ian Berry has come up with a new unusual hobby - creating paintings from denim. In his paintings you can only see shades of blue, but the result evokes delight and admiration.

Creative people who do not like to spend a lot of money on their hobbies, take waste materials as a basis, thereby saving environment from garbage. To create masterpieces, they use plastic bottles, toilet paper, burnt, old tires. Crafts made from rags for washing the floor and cleaning, nylon socks and outdated jeans evoke genuine delight.

If you like coffee, then find yourself an unusual hobby in this direction. The drawings on the surface of milk foam have their own name - latte art and unite hundreds of thousands of fans around the world.

Kirigami has a lot in common with, but in this type of creativity scissors are used, which results in very beautiful three-dimensional paper crafts in which it is difficult to recognize the source material.

Kinusaiga is another old hobby that has received new life. This handicraft originated in Japan - Japanese women never threw away old kimonos, but made patchwork pictures out of them, filling the slots in the wooden bases with pieces of fabric. Nowadays, any fabrics are used for these purposes, as well as scraps from old thin things, for example, summer dresses, silk blouses, scarves.

New facets of painting

Not everyone is gifted with painting with a brush and paints, but you still won’t see anyone doing this activity. - an unusual hobby of people who are passionate about drawing on water. At first glance, this seems like a miracle - the artist paints a picture on a water surface, and then instantly transfers it to a sheet of paper. In fact, there is nothing complicated here, so everyone can master the skill.

Very unusual drawings can be obtained using leaves - this type of painting does not require the artist’s natural gift. The leaves are covered with paints and then applied to paper. The result is an interesting process and a very beautiful result.

- another unusual type of drawing in which wax is used as ink, and a heated iron plays the role of a brush. It would seem - what might come out of it? And the result is masterpieces that can easily qualify for exhibits at an exhibition of avant-garde artists.

Freezelight - very interesting view art in which images are obtained using a flashlight, which acts as a light brush, and a digital camera. The movements of the flashlight are photographed in night mode with maximum shutter speed. The most effective designs can be obtained using multi-colored lanterns. You need to do light graphics in twilight, and direct the light towards the lens.

If you can handle a hammer, try creating nail art. Briton Marcus Levin has been doing this for a long time, and exhibitions with his work attract crowds of people wanting to look at the result of an unusual hobby.

Street art is another unusual painting that uses nails, but here the nails are connected together with threads, creating a very impressive panel. With the help of multi-colored threads it is easy to create a cheerful picture for a great mood.

Available paper is used for different types creativity, but not everyone is familiar with a rather unusual hobby; these are drawings with paper bends. To practice, you just need a blank sheet of paper and an unlimited flight of imagination. Try it, in the worst case, you will only ruin a piece of paper.

The same technology is used to create paintings from fabric, making folds and fixing them in the desired position using an iron.

Extraordinary hobbies for needlewomen

Needlewomen also do not want to remain at the achieved level. Of course, hobbies such as crocheting and cross stitch will remain forever, but craftswomen do not stand still and come up with more and more exciting activities.

Lovers of embroidery are no longer content with floral motifs, but create photographic portraits using thread and needle, using photographs as a basis. Today, embroiderers are not limited to fabrics; they create masterpieces on very unusual bases. A striking example extraordinary hobby– embroidery on eggshells. They embroider on empty eggs with ribbons, beads, cross stitch and satin stitch.

Fashionable knitters do not knit socks and scarves, but go out onto the city streets and tie trees, sculptures, fences, benches, bridges, cars, bicycles, trash cans. This movement is called street graffiti.

Zardozi, the oldest Indian handicraft, today can be considered an unusual hobby for women. Initially, paintings using this technique were created from gold jewelry and precious stones, but today it is acceptable to use artificial stones and jewelry as a basis.

– is not yet a very popular hobby that is gaining momentum. In fact, it originated in the Middle Ages, but was undeservedly forgotten. Having mastered this art, you will learn how to create very beautiful crafts from tracing paper, reminiscent of elegant airy lace.

Limitless possibilities for extreme sports enthusiasts

Our review ends with the most unusual hobbies for extreme people who always need a new dose of adrenaline. It is important to understand that all extreme hobbies require lengthy preparation and pose a danger to health and life.

Flying in a wind tunnel allows you to experience the sensations of free fall relatively safely. The human body is held on the surface due to a powerful air flow. This amazing attraction gives you the opportunity to feel like a bird and remember your childhood dreams, during which you could fly above the ground.

Rafting is another one extreme view a sport during which participants raft on special rafts along fast mountain rivers, receiving the maximum portion of unforgettable pleasure.

Jailoo tourism is an interesting and unusual hobby in the world, the essence of which is the complete isolation of a person from civilization. Living in primitive conditions without technology and fashionable entertainment, you can completely reconsider your lifestyle, improve your health on natural products and experience all the difficulties and delights of ancient man.

This activity cannot be called rest, because survival will require considerable effort and hard physical labor. For unprepared people, short-term tourist excursions into the past are organized for informational purposes.

Among hundreds of interesting activities, it is difficult to single out the most unusual hobbies in the world, because everyone looks at their own and other people’s hobbies differently, and what seems familiar to one, is seen as a miracle by another. Take a look at ours to find a hobby you like. Visit our website often and join us in in social networks, because the list is constantly updated with new interesting activities!

How to brighten up everyday life at home, weekends and evenings? This selection of hobbies will help you choose an interesting hobby for your home.

To do something exciting, you don’t have to spend a lot of money or have a lot of free time. There are hundreds of activities that don't require any special talent and go perfectly with watching TV. Please note that all the hobbies given as examples are described in detail on our website; just click on the name to go to a more detailed introduction and training master classes.

Simple handicraft techniques for beginners

When choosing what to do at home, women first of all consider hobbies related to needlework. Don’t think that handicrafts are knitting and sewing. Today, hundreds of old techniques have been revived and many new techniques have been invented that are interesting to women of all ages.

Home decor and DIY gifts

There are many types of hobbies for women, and if you become friends with them, you can create beautiful home decor and delightful gifts for friends and family.

It’s not difficult to master, and buying materials won’t be difficult either. As a result, you will learn how to make original candles from wax, paraffin, and gel. By using various decorating techniques, you will begin to create unique designer candles that are worthy of admiration.

is a simple but effective hobby that you can do at home in the kitchen. The result will be fragrant pieces of homemade soap that are a pity to use for their intended purpose. They are so beautiful!

Creating with your own hands to decorate your home is a hobby for those who are not particularly persevering and patient. Traditionally, topiary is based on a ball, which is decorated with artificial flowers and fruits, sisal balls, pine cones, and coffee beans.

– a beautiful hobby for lovers of unusual kitchen decoration. These canned goods can't eat, since they contain a high concentration of preservatives. Artistically designed jars are not afraid of heat and can withstand a hot kitchen for several years.

Paperwork - exciting hobbies with paper

If, of all types of handicrafts using paper, you only know origami and appliqué, then do not rush to draw conclusions. Creative people have come up with many interesting techniques that are suitable for home creativity.

  • – twisting strips of paper into rolls and making paintings, postcards and other decor based on them.
  • - openwork needlework, which results in masterpieces that are difficult to describe in simple words. This is a must see!
  • - a complex at first glance, but easy to implement technique.
  • – the process is not easy, but the result is impressive.

And of course - where paper is turned into modeling material, from which beautiful vases, boxes, and masks are created.

Hobby with minimal time investment

What hobby can a girl who has very little time for creativity take up at home? This question often worries young mothers - due to circumstances, they cannot afford many hours of classes. Leaving unfinished work is also problematic if there is no separate room.

They look very nice. An hour is enough to make dogs, bows and flowers. At the same time, you don’t have to lay out a mountain of tools and materials on the table.

- another hobby to practice at home that does not require a lot of money and time. It’s easy to create flowers, soft toys, decorative baskets, boxes and much more from multi-colored sheets of felt. For inspiration, see a selection of master classes on this creativity.

– modeling toy food from plasticine, thermoplastic, salt dough. It’s very addictive, and if you also involve children, it will be a useful time spent together.

You can also start collecting something. does not necessarily come with high costs. Inexpensive but original little things can be made into collection items.

Creativity with ready-made kits

Manufacturers are trying to diversify the lives of needlewomen and creative people. There are ready-made kits for sale for creativity at home, which include everything you need to learn a new hobby.

  • – a set that includes canvas (or paper in cheap versions) with printed contours. All areas are marked by numbers corresponding to the numbering of paints, which are also included in the composition. The task is to choose the right colors and paint the picture.
  • – embroidery without a needle. The set includes acrylic rhinestones in different colors and a base with an adhesive top. You need to focus on the drawing and glue the rhinestones, choosing the color intended by the artist of the painting.
  • Kits for making candles. The kit contains everything you need to make your own candle of the proposed design.
  • Crafts for felting. Wool and accessories are placed here so that a novice needlewoman can felt a toy with minimal effort.

There are also kits for embroidering pictures and icons with cross stitch, beads, satin stitch, kits for sewing, sculpting, sand painting and a bunch of other interesting things. For one craft it is more profitable to buy such a kit, but for active needlework it is cheaper to buy the materials yourself.

Floriculture with an unconventional approach

Growing indoor plants- a traditional women's hobby, but for the home you can choose not only flowers, but also more healthy greens.

A decorative or glassed balcony will provide the family with fresh parsley, aromatic mint and tomatoes for decorating salads. Ornamental vegetables and herbs can be combined with flower crops.

– an ideal choice for small apartments and those who do not have time to care for a large number of potted plants. Choose succulents that don't require frequent watering.

Find even more home hobby ideas for girls in ours. There are activities for the active and curious, dancing and photography! And in ours you will find a sea of ​​lessons with step-by-step photos.

Try new things, experiment and have fun. Life is boring if you don’t dilute it with something new and interesting.

When meeting new people, you can often hear the following questions: “What is your hobby?”, “What do you like to do?”, “What are your hobbies?”

When applying for a job, during an interview, a question about your hobby is also required. After all, this information allows you to draw conclusions about what interests you, as well as some nuances associated with the applicant.

However, as sad as it may be, today many young people fall into a stupor after a similar question:

- Hobby? Yes, I like to sit at the computer... And so... I don’t even know...

This short article pursues simple, but such important goals: to awaken dormant forces in the reader’s brain, to motivate and give a new impetus for.

Your hobby

If you can answer the question about what your hobby is without any problems, you don’t need to read further.

First you need to figure out: what is a hobby?

Hobby (from the English hobby - passion, favorite thing) - type human activity, a kind of activity that is done at leisure and for pleasure.

A hobby is something that a person loves and is happy to do in his free time. Hobby is in a good way combating stress, anger and other negative manifestations. In addition, hobbies often help develop your horizons.

If a person does not have any hobbies, then he has a serious reason to think about whether he is developing correctly at all. And the point here is not at all about not blushing in front of your friends.

It’s just that our brain is designed in such a way that if we don’t use it for a long time, it gradually atrophies, and a physically strong person aged 50+ begins to inexorably degrade, ending his life with full-blown senile dementia.

The picture is certainly sad. But we deliberately show extremes so that the reader can understand the seriousness of the situation of those who have no hobby.

By the way, if you try to list 100 of any outstanding people(origin and field of activity are unimportant), then you will not find anyone who does not have some kind of hobby. Of course, this is not an accident.

Types of hobbies

The division of hobbies into male and female is a rather arbitrary thing. After all, there are often cases when men are quite seriously interested in cooking and generally love to cook food in their leisure time; and women enthusiastically drive cars or go mountain climbing.

Therefore, we will not categorize hobbies by gender, but will simply provide a list of popular hobbies that are relevant today.

Interests and hobbies

Despite the fact that we consider it inappropriate to divide hobbies into male and female, there is still a certain classification here. These are active and passive (or indoor) types of hobbies.

Active hobbies

  • Tourism
  • Hunting
  • Fishing
  • Dancing
  • Any sports - tennis, cycling, martial arts and fencing, volleyball and basketball, etc.
  • Bird watching – amateur ornithology, observing and studying birds with the naked eye or with the help of binoculars.
  • Paintball is a team game using markers (air gun) that shoot paint balls (gelatin shell with food coloring), which break when they hit an obstacle and paint it.
  • Airsoft (from the English strike - blow, ball - ball) is a non-profit, team, military sports game.
  • Geocaching (English geocaching from the Greek γεο - Earth + English cache - cache) is a tourist game using satellite navigation systems, which consists of finding caches hidden by other participants in the game.
  • Historical reconstruction is the process of recreating the material or spiritual culture of a certain historical era and region (for example, creating a sample of the armor of an ancient warrior) or reproducing historical event(For example, ).
  • Role-playing games– modeling of events occurring in a certain world at a certain time.

Home hobbies

  • Collecting puzzles
  • Floriculture
  • Gardening
  • Amateur photography
  • Amateur painting
  • Cooking
  • Playing in an amateur theater
  • Singing, karaoke
  • Playing a musical instrument
  • Board games (dominoes, backgammon, mahjong, chess, etc.)
  • Intellectual games (crosswords, chess, puzzles, etc.)
  • Needlework. The list here can be quite large, so we will list only the most popular hobbies from this section:
    • Origami ( ancient art folding paper figures)
    • Sewing
    • Embroidery
    • Knitting
    • Scrapbooking (design of photo albums)
    • Burnout
    • Artistic carving
    • Modeling (shaping a plastic material using hands and auxiliary tools)
    • Weaving (a method of making more rigid structures and materials from less durable materials: threads, plant stems, fibers, etc.)
    • Painting (art painting of any objects)
    • Felting (a special handicraft technique in which wool for felting is used to create a pattern on fabric or felt, three-dimensional toys, etc.).
  • Collecting is an activity that is based on collecting a collection, that is, the systematic collection and study of any objects.
  • Calligraphy is the art of beautiful writing.
  • Modeling is a type of hobby, the production of reduced models and mock-ups of various equipment and architectural structures.

If we missed something from popular hobbies, write about it in the comments. But here one detail should be noted.

When preparing this article, we noticed that many sites classify “lounging on the couch,” “watching television,” etc. as hobbies.

So these types of “activities” have nothing to do with hobbies. After all, we have established that a hobby is a type of activity that involves certain actions, and not inaction.

What is your hobby? And do you consider this issue important for modern society?

If you like it, subscribe to our website. The editors wish the reader all the best!

Good day, dear students and parents!

After surfing the Internet, I found interesting articles about the hobbies of different people, to which they devote their free time from work, and sometimes their whole lives. Sometimes a found favorite activity absorbs a person so much that it becomes the main activity in which the craftsman achieves the highest mastery.

I have selected the top ten, which includes unusual hobbies of people in different countries ah, which seemed to me the most interesting and causing delight and surprise.

Lesson plan:

Wood sculptures

Many people are passionate about the ancient Chinese craft, but the Chinese master Zheng Chonghui was able to build the longest sculpture in the world from solid wood - more than 12 meters. The work, about 3 meters high, was made in the form of a wooden copy of the Chinese painting “Along the River During the Qingming Time,” created more than a thousand years ago.

The author worked for four years, carving rivers, people, animals, forests, boats and even entire villages on wood canvas. As a result, more than 550 human figures settled on the sculpture. For his work, Zheng Chonghui received a certificate from the Guinness Book of Records.

Sculptures on pencil

American artist and sculptor Dalton Getty has an unusual hobby. For 25 years he has been interested in carving... It's hard to believe - pencil lead!

He has achieved such skill that he makes masterpieces of miniature size from fragile material. Moreover, while working, he does not use magnifying glasses. His working arsenal includes only a blade, sewing needles and a knife.

The most painstaking work to which he devoted two and a half years was a miniature of a pencil with a chain.

Few people believe that it is made from one lead without gluing. How he does it? As Dalton himself says, he never sells his wonderful creations, but gives them to his friends.

Paintings with nails

Each of us imagines how to hammer an ordinary nail, but the British Marcus Levin can not only hammer it into a wall, but knows how to approach this process creatively, creating artistic masterpieces from building material. At least fifteen thousand nails and one hammer are all that the master needs so that in three days – at most a month – the next work of art will be born.

Marcus “paints” his iron paintings by hand, like any other artist, without preliminary sketches. The pioneer of such an artistic movement called “Nail sculpture” began to enthusiastically pursue his hobby in 2005. Today, his favorite activity brings the artist a good income - his paintings are successfully sold, and at a price of about $40,000.

Sand drawings

American surfer Jim Denevan has a unique hobby, which, alas, is short-lived - he paints his amazing paintings on the beach sand.

During his 18 years of creativity, he used rakes and wooden sticks to decorate more than a hundred beaches around the world. The creative process begins immediately after low tide, so that by the time the sea water returns back, the drawing is ready.

When creating sand paintings, Jim does not resort to any measuring instruments, nor to mathematical calculations of distances, doing everything “by eye”, as the heart tells you. Would you feel sorry for a job that is swallowed by a sea wave at high tide? But the artist has a philosophical attitude towards the process of nature’s destruction of his works, calling it an integral part of creativity.

You can see works of sand art only during their creation or already in photographs.


There are craftsmen in Russia too. Thus, the modern Tula “Lefty” Nikolai Aldunin is interested in creating tiny metal miniatures.

Being a mechanic by training, he achieved such skill that he was able to make a rifle the size of a grain of rice, shod a flea with gold shoes under a microscope, placed a golden saddle on it, placed camels in the eye of a needle and placed a T-34 tank on the longitudinal sections of an apple seed. and the Ostankino tower with a height of 6.3 mm.

Metal embroidery

Many girls know how to cross-stitch, stitch by stitch, laying out the details of a fabric picture. But the Lithuanian craftswoman Severija Insirauskaitė is interested in metal embroidery.

To do this, she takes a man's tool - a drill, makes holes, and then cross-stitches the patterns. Her creative collection includes beautifully decorated buckets and shovels, car hoods and doors.

Card pieces

Playing cards is not a very useful activity, but the playing pictures themselves can be very useful if you engage in construction.

American Bert McLane became a famous architect thanks to playing cards, from which he built a five-story house at the age of 5. If you have enough patience, you can try your hand at building at least a three-story building. But the talented Bert honed his skills by building pyramids and copies of American skyscrapers from maps. His hobby led him to world fame.

Government Saudi Arabia gave the order to Bert to build a card copy of the royal high-rise complex. In a month and a half and a fee of 1.5 million dollars, the card builder built an object 15.3 meters long and 3.5 meters high, using 4,351 decks of cards.


This is the art of growing plants and trees of a certain shape in order to create natural sculptures from them.

This hobby can be boasted by the spouses Peter Cook and Becky Northey, who began their work by growing a wooden chair, directing the growth of trees in a given trajectory. For their work, sculptors use garden plum and bird cherry.

They do not tell their secret of painstaking intervention in nature, creating intricate images year after year.

Star fever

Who has any hobby, but the British Paul Yarrow will spend his day in vain if he doesn’t flash in the background during television filming.

His bald head and corpulent body, invariably dressed in a beige sweater, have become so familiar to viewers of famous TV channels Sky News, BBC, Channel 4, ITV and others that reporting without the usual “behind the scenes” worker is already losing its appeal. Paul's unusual passion for always being on camera made him a TV star.

Riding on attractions

American old man Vic Clement, aged about 80, prolongs his youth with his hobby. Do you think so?

He gets an emotional ride on a roller coaster, flying at breakneck speed at least 20 times during each visit to the amusement park. The extreme sports enthusiast counted about 4,000 flights high into the air, confirming his records with saved receipts. Vic set an absolute record on the wooden Jack Rabbit attraction, riding as many as 90 times in one sitting.

These are the most unusual hobbies of people from different countries. By the way, this interesting information can be used to develop unusual school project. Do you agree?

What do you do in your free time from studying? Tell us in the comments and maybe someone will tell you about you in theirs. research project.

Good luck in your studies!

Evgenia Klimkovich.