Abstracts Statements Story

Medical class. Work program on biology of everyday life for


in biology

for the 2015-2016 academic year

5a, b class


Kiseleva Lyubov Evstafievna,

biology teacher

first qualification category


  1. Regulatory grounds

Working programm in biology is compiled on the basis of the “Introduction to Biology” program in the 5th grade of the basic general education(Course program "Biology" grades 5-9. Line "Rakurs", author-compiler N.I. Romanova), M.: LLC " Russian word- textbook”, 2012 in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education. In accordance with the curriculum, 1 hour per week (34 hours per year) is allocated for studying biology in the 5th grade.

  1. Psychological and pedagogical foundations

4-6 grades, that is, 10-12 years of age, borderline between childhood and adolescence. In connection with the onset of puberty, significant changes occur in the cognitive sphere of a younger teenager: the pace of his activity slows down, and the student now needs more time to complete certain work. Children are more often distracted, react inadequately to comments, sometimes behave defiantly, are irritated, capricious, and their mood often changes. The feeling of adulthood, not yet supported by real responsibility, is a special form of self-awareness that arises during the transition period and determines the basic relationship of younger adolescents with the world. The desire to experiment, using their capabilities, is perhaps the most striking characteristic of younger teenagers. The main task of the teacher is to identify those changes in the child’s life that need to be mitigated, made smoother, to ensure a health-saving transition period. It is necessary to ensure continuity in the development of general educational abilities, skills and methods of activity, to analyze the developed skills and determine the necessary ways of correction. When working with students in grades 4 - 6, it is necessary to preserve and develop the basic methods and forms of organizing the educational process primary school; organize a search for new forms of organizing the educational process and interaction that allow solving the problems of student development, taking into account their critical age stage.


Purpose of the work program: create conditions for the formation of subject, meta-subject and personal results of students as part of the study of biology in the 5th grade.

“Introduction to Biology” continues the natural science component of the subject “ The world» primary school and is propaedeutic for systematic courses in physics, chemistry, biology, physical geography and life safety in primary school.

The course material is divided into two chapters. They are preceded by an Introduction, which introduces students to the diversity of biological sciences and methods of studying nature. The first chapter, “The World of Biology,” forms students’ initial understanding of the features of the structure and functioning of the main objects of biology study: bacteria, plants, fungi and animals. In the second chapter, “Organism and Habitat,” students become familiar with the characteristics and diversity of organisms in different habitats.

The course program is related to the formation skills project activity as a special form academic work, promoting independence, initiative, responsibility, increasing motivation and effectiveness of educational activities of schoolchildren.

In this regard, modules have been formed - a project-based form of educational activity in several classes, target which to master a system of methods of action within the stages of project activities.

At the basis of each thematic module, a comprehensive didactic goal has been developed, planned subject, meta-subject and personal educational results have been developed.

Due to the particular importance for this subject of such methods and techniques of schoolchildren’s educational activities as observation, carrying out simple experiments, measurements, the program has a section “Practical work”.


Introduction (2h)

What sciences are considered natural, what methods are used by scientists to study nature.

Basic Concepts: natural sciences (astronomy, physics, chemistry, geography, biology), methods of studying nature (observation, experiment, measurement).

Personalities: Jean Henri Fabre.

Chapter 1. The world of biology (20h)

History of the development of biology as a science; modern wildlife system; cellular structure of organisms; features of the structure, life activity and significance in nature of organisms of various kingdoms; the importance of biological knowledge for protecting nature and maintaining health.

Basic Concepts: biology; biosphere; cell: membrane, nucleus, cytoplasm; classification units: species, genus, family, order (order), class, type (division), kingdom; sex cells: egg, sperm; fertilization; heredity; producer organisms; consumer organisms; destructive organisms; protected areas: nature reserves, national parks; poisonous animals and plants.

Personalities: Aristotle, William Harvey, Robert Hooke, Carl Linnaeus, Gregor Mendel, Charles Darwin, Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky.

Chapter 2. Organism and habitat (11+1 hours)

How do organisms adapt to living in different environments? what factors are called environmental; what organisms are part of natural communities and what is the nature of their relationships with each other and the environment; what plants and animals live on the continents of our planet and who inhabits the waters of the World Ocean.

Basic Concepts: habitat: aquatic, ground-air, soil and organismal; environmental factors: abiotic, biotic and anthropogenic; circulation of substances.

Ways (methods) of assessing achieved results

Assessment methods (methods) subject results

Assessment of the achievement of subject results is carried out both during the current and intermediate assessment, and during the completion of final tests for each of the large sections. When assessing subject results, the main value is not the mastery of the system of supporting knowledge and the ability to reproduce it in standard educational situations, but the ability to use this knowledge in solving educational, cognitive and educational and practical problems.

Methods (methods) for assessing meta-subject results.

The current assessment of the development of schoolchildren’s project competencies can take place: 1) in the process of lesson-by-lesson reflection on the meta-subject action the lesson was aimed at developing, 2) in the process of implementation practical work, 3) in the process of implementing interdisciplinary project modules and protecting the resulting project product. For this purpose, a model of students’ achievements at each level of certain areas of students’ design competence is used.

Ways (methods) of assessing personal results.

Assessment of personal results educational activities carried out in the course of external non-personalized monitoring studies. During the current assessment, a limited assessment of the formation of individual personal results (value-semantic attitude to the acquired knowledge and mastered methods of activity) will be carried out, fully consistent with the ethical principles of protecting and protecting the interests of the child and confidentiality, in a form that does not pose a threat to the individual, psychological safety and emotional student status.

Educational and methodological support of the educational process

Subject results

As a result of studying biology, the student must

learn to:

  • Characterize the methods scientific knowledge and their role in the study of nature;
  • Conduct observations of living organisms, perform simple biological experiments and explain their results, describe biological objects and processes;
  • Use the components of research and project activities for the study of living organisms (provide evidence, classify, compare, identify relationships);
  • To navigate the system of cognitive values: evaluate information about living organisms received from various sources; consequences of human activity in nature.
  • Work with various types of reference publications, create collections, prepare messages and presentations;
  • Conduct observations and descriptions of natural objects;
  • Draw up a plan for a simple study;
  • ​ Independently analyze the conditions for achieving the goal based on taking into account the action guidelines identified by the teacher in the new educational material;
  • ​ Independently control and manage your time.
  • ​ Formulate your own opinion and position, give reasons for it and coordinate it with the positions of partners in cooperation when developing general solution in joint activities;
  • ​ Exercise mutual control and provide the necessary mutual assistance in cooperation;
  • ​Adequately use speech means to solve various communicative tasks; mastery of oral and written language; construct a monologue contextual statement;
  • ​Work in a group – establish working relationships, collaborate effectively and efficiently; integrate into a peer group and build productive interactions with peers and adults;

Get the opportunity to learn:

  • Follow the rules for working in the biology classroom, with biological instruments and instruments;
  • Use first aid techniques for poisoning with poisonous mushrooms, poisonous plants, animal bites; working with plant identification guides; cultivation and propagation of cultivated plants and domestic animals;
  • Consciously observe the basic principles and rules of attitude towards living nature;
  • To navigate the system of moral norms and values ​​in relation to objects of living nature (recognition of the high value of life in all its manifestations, environmental awareness, emotional and value-based attitude towards objects of living nature);
  • Find information about plants and animals in popular scientific literature, biological dictionaries and reference books, evaluate it and translate it from one form to another;
  • Choose purposeful and meaningful attitudes in your actions and actions in relation to living nature.
  • Identify alternative ways to achieve a goal and choose the most effective one;
  • ​Consciously manage your behavior and activities aimed at achieving your goals;
  • ​Adequately assess your ability to achieve a goal of a certain complexity in various fields independent activity.
  • take into account and coordinate the different positions of other people in cooperation; take into account different opinions and interests and be able to justify one’s own position, understand the relativity of opinions and approaches to solving a problem;
  • enter into dialogue and participate in collective discussion of problems;
  • follow the moral, ethical and psychological principles of communication and cooperation based on respect for partners and attention to the personality of the other.

Material and technical support of the educational process

“Structural Features of Organisms”

1 40. Fossil Animals Model Set 1 41. “Biological microlaboratory”. A set of instruments, utensils and accessories for microscopy 15 42. Set of paleontological finds "Origins of Man" 1 43. Set of vertebrate skeletons 1 44. Set of dummies “Result of artificial selection using the example of cultivated plants” 1 45. A set of tables on biology grades 6 – 9. 1 46. Set of tables “Cell Chemistry” 1 47. Set of tables “Structure of the human body” 1 48. Set of tables “Plant substances. Cellular structure" 1 49. Set of tables “A plant is a living organism” 1 50. Screen 1 51. Collection "Minerals" 5 52 Set of tables “Plants, mushrooms, lichens” 1 53 Set of tables “Animals” 1

Calendar and thematic planning


Program section (number of hours) Lesson number date Subject Planned results Adjusting lesson dates
Subject Metasubject

(including design stages)


(2 hours)

1.1 3.09. Natural Sciences Input Diagnostics -Determine the place of the subject of biology among other sciences.

— Give examples of connections between the living world and inanimate nature;

Describe the basic sciences of nature.

-Develop uniform requirements for teamwork in groups, “rules of cooperation” with the teacher and peers.

With the help of a teacher, determine the goals of your learning, set and formulate new goals for yourself in learning and cognitive activity.

Formulate the rules of cooperation and individual safe life when conducting practical work in biology.

-Express your attitude to the world of living and inanimate nature, to the need to study it.

— Demonstrate your attitude to the developed rules of cooperation and the rules of individual safe life when carrying out practical work.

1.2 10.09. Methods for studying nature -Describe the main methods of studying nature (observation, experience, measurement).

Learn how to carry out simple observations, experiments and measurements.

Formulate, with the help of the teacher, the goals of lessons and practical work.

Analyze the conditions for achieving the goal based on taking into account the action guidelines identified by the teacher in the new educational material;

Determine algorithms of actions during practical work;

Determine the rules for preparing practical work.

Apply the developed rules for individual safe life and cooperation when carrying out practical work.

— Express your attitude to the significance of biological discoveries and modern research.
“The World of Biology” (20 hours) 2.1 17.09. What does he study?


Knowledge of the diversity of biological sciences, as well as the processes, phenomena and objects they study Cognitive UUD: the ability to structure educational material and highlight the main thing in it.

Personal UUD: the ability to maintain discipline in the classroom, treat the teacher and classmates with respect.

Regulatory UUD: the ability to organize the implementation of teacher tasks and draw conclusions based on the results of the work.

Communication UUD: ability to perceive information by ear

Awareness of the importance of biological sciences in the development of human ideas about nature in all its diversity
2.2 24.09. From the history of biology Knowledge and assessment of the contribution of biologists to the development of science Cognitive UUD: the ability to highlight the main points in the text, correctly formulate questions, work with various sources of information, prepare messages and presentations and present the results of the work.

Personal UUD: awareness of the possibility of every person participating in scientific research.

Regulatory UUD: the ability to organize the implementation of teacher tasks and draw conclusions based on the results of the work.

Communication UUD:

Understanding the role of research and discoveries of scientists -

biologists in the development of ideas about living nature

2.3 1.10. Excursion into the world of cells Cognitive UUD: mastering the ability to evaluate information and highlight the main thing in it. Acquiring basic skills in working with instruments.

Personal UUD:

Regulatory UUD: the ability to organize the implementation of teacher assignments. Development of self-assessment and self-analysis skills.

Communication UUD: ability to work in groups, exchange information with classmates

Knowledge and differentiation on tables of the main parts of cells (nucleus, membrane, cytoplasm). Mastering the basic rules of working with a microscope
2.4 8.10. How are organisms classified? Knowledge of the basic systematic units in the classification of living organisms. Understanding the principles of modern classification of organisms Cognitive UUD: the ability to define concepts and classify objects.

Personal UUD:

Regulatory UUD:

Communication UUD: ability to perceive information by ear, answer teacher’s questions

Understanding the scientific significance of classifying living organisms
2.5 15.10. Living kingdoms. Bacteria -Name the main kingdoms of living nature.

Give examples of a variety of unicellular and multicellular organisms, fungi, plants, invertebrates and vertebrates.

Identify samples of wildlife representatives presented in herbaria, collections and wet preparations.

Find out the most common plants and animals in your area (including rare and protected species).

Cognitive UUD: ability to work with various sources of information, transform it from one form to another, highlight the main thing in the text, structure educational material

Personal UUD: the need for fair assessment of one's own work and the work of classmates

Regulatory UUD:


An idea of ​​the positive and negative roles of bacteria in nature and human life and the ability to protect one’s body from negative influence pathogenic bacteria
2.6 22.10. Living kingdoms. Mushrooms -Identify the essential features of the representatives of the kingdom.

Distinguish between poisonous and edible cap mushrooms

Describe the importance of mushrooms in nature and human life

Describe the rules of first aid for poisoning with poisonous mushrooms

Cognitive UUD:

Regulatory UUD: ability to organize tasks. Development of self-assessment and self-analysis skills

Personal UUD: the ability to assess the level of danger of a situation to health, understanding the importance of maintaining health

Communication UUD: ability to work as part of a creative team

Understanding the role of representatives of the kingdom Mushrooms in nature and human life. Awareness of the need to provide emergency assistance in case of poisoning with poisonous mushrooms
2.7 29.10. Living kingdoms. Plants.

Identify the organs of a flowering plant in pictures and natural objects

Describe the functions of plant organs

Describe the importance of plants in nature and human life

Cognitive UUD: ability to highlight the main points in the text, structure educational material, correctly formulate questions, work with various sources of information, prepare messages and presentations, present the results of work to the class

Personal UUD: the need for fair assessment of one’s own work and the work of classmates. Aesthetic perception of nature.

Regulatory UUD: ability to organize tasks. Development of self-assessment and self-analysis skills

Communication UUD: the ability to build effective interaction with classmates

Awareness of the importance of plants in nature and in human life.
2.8 12.11. Living kingdoms. Animals. -Identify the essential features of representatives of the kingdom

Distinguish between protozoa and multicellular animals

Name the main systematic units of the kingdom

Describe the importance of animals in nature and human life

Cognitive UUD: ability to highlight the main points in the text, structure educational material, correctly formulate questions, work with various sources of information, prepare messages and presentations, present the results of work to the class

Personal UUD: the ability to maintain discipline in the classroom and treat the teacher and classmates with respect. Aesthetic perception of nature

Regulatory UUD: the ability to organize the implementation of teacher tasks in accordance with the established rules of work in the office. Development of self-assessment and self-analysis skills

Communication UUD: ability to work as part of creative teams

Awareness of the importance of animals in nature and in human life
2.9 Thematic diagnostics Know cell organelles,

signs of living organisms and kingdoms of living nature.

Cognitive UUD:

The ability to characterize the kingdoms of living nature, signs that characterize representatives of different kingdoms.

Identify plants, animals, fungi, bacteria using information resources.

Describe the role of representatives of different kingdoms in the biosphere.

Name the types of animals and plant divisions. Give examples of representatives of different departments and types. Compare representatives of different groups of plants and animals

Personal UUD:

the need for fair assessment of one's work

Regulatory UUD: ability to organize the implementation of teacher assignments. Development of self-assessment and self-analysis skills.

Communication UUD: ability to behave during self-work

Awareness of the importance of the work performed
2.10 26.11. Life begins Knowledge of the structural features of germ cells.

The ability to highlight significant similarities between vertebrate embryos in tables and figures

Cognitive UUD: ability to compare and analyze

information, draw conclusions, the ability to define concepts, work with various sources of information, independently prepare lesson notes in a notebook

Personal UUD: knowledge of the main components of a healthy lifestyle.

Regulatory UUD: developing the ability to plan your work when completing teacher assignments.

Communication UUD: ability to listen to classmates and teachers, express one’s opinion

Understanding the role of germ cells in the reproduction of living organisms

An idea of ​​the kinship of living organisms inhabiting our planet. Developing ideas about the need to lead a healthy lifestyle

2.11 3.12. 2015 Life goes on Knowledge of the basic methods of reproduction of living organisms Cognitive UUD: mastering basic research skills.

Personal UUD: the ability to maintain discipline in the classroom, treat the teacher and classmates with respect.

Regulatory UUD: the ability to organize the implementation of teacher tasks, evaluate the quality of work.

Communication UUD: ability to work in groups, exchange information with classmates

The idea of ​​reproduction as the main property of living things, ensuring continuation of the species
2.12 10.12. Why do children look like their parents? Knowledge of the meaning of a gene and its location in the cell Cognitive UUD: the ability to define concepts, work and highlight the main thing in it, establish cause-and-effect relationships, work with various sources of information, transform it from one form to another, prepare messages and presentations,

present your work to the class

Personal UUD: the need for fair assessment of one’s own work and the work of classmates.

Regulatory UUD:

development the ability to plan your work when completing teacher assignments.

Communication UUD: ability to build effective interaction with classmates

Understanding the role of genes in the storage and transmission of hereditary information from parents to offspring
2.13 17.12. We need everything in the world. Knowledge of the role of bacteria, plants, fungi, animals in the cycle of substances Cognitive UUD: the ability to highlight the main points in the text, structure educational material, correctly formulate questions, work with various sources of information, prepare messages and presentations, present the results of work to the class.

Personal UUD: the ability to maintain discipline in the classroom, treat the teacher and classmates with respect.

Regulatory UUD: the ability to plan one’s work when completing teacher’s assignments, and draw conclusions based on the results of the work.

Communication UUD: ability to listen to the teacher, express your opinion

Awareness of the interconnectedness of all components of living nature
2.14 24.12. How do animals communicate with each other? Knowing that there are different ways of communication between animals Cognitive UUD: the ability to highlight the main points in the text, structure educational material, correctly formulate questions, work with various sources of information, prepare messages and presentations, present the results of work to the class.

Personal UUD:

the ability to see beauty in nature.

Regulatory UUD:

Development of self-assessment and self-analysis skills.

Communication UUD:

The idea of ​​animals as complexly organized creatures with

ability to communicate. Cognitive interest in natural sciences

2.15 14.01. Biology and practice. Knowledge of the existence of different animal breeds and plant varieties

Elementary ideas about medicinal plants. Explanation of the role of biology in practical human activities

1-3 design stages

— Pre-project research (diagnosis of the situation).

-Problematization (identification of the project problem and the reasons leading to its occurrence).

-Goal setting (defining the goals and objectives of the project).

Awareness of the degree of human influence on nature and the need to protect it. Acceptance of rules of behavior in wildlife
2.16 21.01. Biologists protect nature Providing evidence of the need to protect the environment. Knowledge of the basic rules of behavior in nature Stage 4 of design.

Conceptualization is the creation of a concept for a design object or a predictive model representation.

Stage 5 of design.

Design - obtaining a product with properties corresponding to the range of its application

2.17 28.01. Plants and animals of the Red Book Nizhny Novgorod region region Knowledge of the Red Book of the Nizhny Novgorod region Stage 6 of design.

Presentation of the resulting project

Assess the quality of the activity result.

Formulate your own opinion and position, give reasons for it and coordinate it with the positions of partners in cooperation when developing a common solution in joint activities.

7th stage of design.

The reflective phase of the project, which involves assessing the quality of the project product and reflecting on the creators’ own actions in the project.

Working with the values ​​and meanings of the mastered content.

2.18 4.02. Biology and health. Providing evidence of the dependence of human health on his lifestyle and environment

Knowledge of basic first aid rules for bleeding, fractures, bruises and sprains

Cognitive UUD:

The ability to highlight the main points in the text, structure educational material, correctly formulate questions, work with various sources of information, prepare messages and presentations, present the results of work to the class.

Personal UUD. Regulatory UUD. Communicative UUD. ability to work as part of creative teams

Adoption of healthy lifestyle rules.

Understanding the need for emergency care for victims of bleeding, fractures, bruises and sprains

2.19 11.02. Living organisms and our safety Knowledge of poisonous mushrooms and plants, dangerous animals. Mastering the techniques of providing first aid to victims of poisoning, bleeding, animal bites Cognitive UUD. Personal UUD. the ability to apply knowledge gained in class in practice, understanding the importance of maintaining health. Regulatory UUD. the ability to organize the implementation of teacher tasks according to the established rules of work in the office. Development of self-assessment and self-analysis skills.

Communicative UUD. ability to work as part of creative teams

The idea of ​​the existence of living organisms that are dangerous to human health and life. Understanding the need to provide emergency first aid for poisoning by poisonous plants and mushrooms, and for bites from poisonous animals
2.20 18.02. World of biology. Generalization of knowledge. Identification of essential characteristics of representatives of the kingdoms of living nature

Knowledge of the role of living organisms in the cycle of substances. Understanding the Basics

patterns in living nature. An idea of ​​the rules of a healthy lifestyle. Knowledge of basic rules of providing first aid to victims. Understanding the role of biological knowledge in human economic activity

Cognitive learning skills: the ability to work with text, highlight the main thing in it, structure educational material,

Personal UUD: the ability to maintain discipline in the classroom, treat the teacher and classmates with respect.

Regulatory UUD: the ability to organize the implementation of teacher tasks according to the established rules of work in the office.

Communication UUD: ability to listen to the teacher and answer questions, work in groups, discuss issues with peers

Organism and habitat

(11 o'clock)

3.1 25.02. Aquatic life Knowledge of the components of nature. An idea of ​​the diversity of inhabitants of the aquatic environment. Identification of adaptations of organisms to living in an aquatic environment Cognitive UUD: the ability to work with various sources of information and convert from one form to another, to define concepts. Development of basic skills in establishing cause-and-effect relationships.

Personal UUD: skill draw up a plan for a simple study. The need for fair assessment of one's own work and the work of classmates.

Regulatory UUD: the ability to organize the implementation of teacher tasks according to the established rules of work in the office. Development of self-assessment and self-analysis skills.

Communication UUD: the ability to listen to the teacher and classmates, to argue your point of view.

Understanding the need for organisms to adapt to the conditions of the environment in which they live. Aesthetic perception of nature.
3.2 3.03. Between heaven and earth. An idea of ​​the diversity of inhabitants of the ground-air habitat and the diversity of their adaptations Cognitive UUD: the ability to highlight the main points in the text, structure educational material, correctly formulate questions, prepare messages and presentations. Personal UUD: skill draw up a plan for a simple study. The need for fair assessment of one's own work and the work of classmates. Aesthetic perception of nature.

Regulatory UUD:

Communication UUD: ability to work as part of creative teams

3.3 10.03. Who lives in the soil An idea of ​​the diversity of inhabitants of the soil environment. Identification of adaptations of organisms to soil habitats Cognitive UUD: the ability to highlight the main points in the text, structure educational material, and correctly formulate questions.

Personal UUD: skill draw up a plan for a simple study.

The need for fair assessment of one's own work and the work of classmates.

Regulatory UUD: the ability to determine the purpose of the work, plan its implementation, and present the results of the work to the class.

Communication UUD: ability to work as part of creative teams

Understanding the necessity and compliance of organisms’ adaptations to the conditions of the environment in which they live
3.4 17.03. Who lives in other people's bodies Identification of organisms’ adaptations to the organism’s environment. Knowledge of the reasons for the primitiveness of parasites and their differences from symbionts. Knowledge of basic rules to avoid parasite infection Cognitive UUD: the ability to highlight the main points in the text, structure educational material, and correctly formulate questions.

Personal UUD: skill draw up a plan for a simple study, apply the knowledge gained in class in practice, understand the importance of maintaining health.

Regulatory UUD: the ability to determine the purpose of the work, plan its implementation, and present the results of the work to the class.

Communication UUD: ability to work as part of creative teams

Understanding the necessity and compliance of organisms’ adaptations to the conditions of the environment in which they live. Awareness of the need to follow rules to avoid infection
3.5 24.03. Environmental factors Knowledge of the classification of environmental factors. Understanding the significance of each abiotic factor for living organisms Cognitive UUD: ability to work with various sources of information, prepare messages and presentations, highlight the main points in the text, structure educational material, and correctly formulate questions.

Personal UUD: the ability to apply knowledge acquired in class in practice.

Regulatory UUD: the ability to determine the purpose of the work, plan its implementation, and present the results of the work to the class.

Communication UUD: mastering the skills of speaking in front of an audience

Awareness of the influence of environmental factors on living organisms
3.6 7.04. Natural communities Distinguishing between natural and artificial communities. Knowledge of the importance of food connections in communities for the circulation of substances. Ability to construct elementary food chains. Cognitive UUD:

The ability to define concepts, the development of basic skills in establishing cause-and-effect relationships. The ability to compare and draw conclusions based on comparison.

Personal UUD: aesthetic perception of nature

Regulatory UUD: the ability to organize the implementation of teacher tasks in accordance with established rules of work in the office, the development of self-assessment and self-analysis skills. Communication UUD: the ability to listen to teachers and classmates, argue one’s point of view, master the skills of speaking in front of an audience

The idea of ​​the diversity of natural communities as a consequence of diversity natural conditions on the surface of the planet.

Understanding the importance of food connections for the circulation of substances

3.7 Life in the World Ocean Knowledge of the role of the World Ocean in shaping the climate on the planet. Distinguishing in drawings and tables of organisms living in the upper layers of water, in its thickness and living at the bottom Cognitive UUD: the ability to work with text, highlight in it The main thing is to structure the educational material, define concepts, and classify objects. Ability to compare and draw conclusions based on comparisons, prepare messages and presentations.

Personal UUD: the ability to maintain discipline in the classroom and treat the teacher and classmates with respect. Aesthetic perception of nature

Regulatory UUD: the ability to organize the implementation of teacher tasks according to the established rules of work in the office.

Communication UUD: the ability to listen to the teacher and answer questions, work in groups, discuss issues with classmates.

3.8 21.04. Travel across continents. Knowledge of the southern continents of the planet and their basic natural conditions. Ability to find continents on a map. A general idea of ​​the flora and fauna of each continent Cognitive UUD:

the ability to work with various sources of information and convert from one form to another, to define concepts. Development of basic skills in establishing cause-and-effect relationships.

Personal UUD: the ability to maintain discipline in the classroom, treat the teacher and classmates with respect. Aesthetic perception

Regulatory UUD: development of assessment and self-analysis skills.

Communication UUD: the ability to listen to the teacher and classmates, to argue your point of view. Mastering the skills of speaking in front of an audience

Understanding the necessity and compliance of organisms’ adaptations to the conditions of the environment in which they live
3.9 28.04. Travel across continents Knowledge of the northern continents of the planet and their basic natural conditions. Ability to find continents on a map. A general idea of ​​the flora and fauna of each continent Cognitive UUD:

ability to work with various sources of information and convert from one form to another, define concepts, prepare messages and presentations.

Personal UUD: the ability to choose goals and meaning in one’s actions and actions

Regulatory UUD: the ability to determine the purpose of the work, plan its implementation, and present the results of the work to the class.

Communication UUD: Ability to work as part of creative teams.

Understanding the necessity and compliance of organisms’ adaptations to the conditions of the environment in which they live
3.10 Organism and habitat. Generalization of knowledge. Knowledge of habitats and their characteristics, groups of environmental factors, the degree of their nature and

influence on living organisms. Knowledge of natural communities and the ability to distinguish between natural and artificial communities. Knowledge of the role of the World Ocean on the planet. The ability to distinguish organisms from different habitats in drawings and tables. Knowledge of the adaptations of different organisms to living in different environments. The ability to show continents on a map and give a brief description of their flora and fauna. Knowledge of and compliance with the rules of behavior in the biology classroom

Cognitive UUD:

ability to work with text and highlight it The main thing is to structure the educational material, define concepts, and classify objects.

Personal UUD: the ability to maintain discipline in the classroom, treat the teacher and classmates with respect.

Regulatory UUD: the ability to organize the implementation of teacher tasks according to the established rules of work in the office.

Communication UUD: ability to listen to the teacher and answer questions, work as part of creative groups, discuss issues with peers

Cognitive interest in natural sciences
3.11 12.05. Lesson-conference

Final diagnostics

allocation distinctive features of living organisms; cells and organisms of plants, animals, fungi and bacteria, determination of belonging biological objects to a specific systematic group. Explanation the role of biology in the practical activities of people.

Discrimination on tables of common plants and domestic animals; edible and poisonous mushrooms; plants and animals dangerous to humans; identification adaptations of organisms to their environment; types of interaction different types in the ecosystem; knowledge basic rules of behavior in nature and the foundations of a healthy lifestyle.

Cognitive UUD: ability to work with various sources of information, mastery of the components of research and design activities, including the ability to see a problem, pose questions, put forward hypotheses, define concepts, classify, observe, conduct experiments, draw conclusions and conclusions, structure material, explain, prove, defend your ideas

Personal UUD: skill draw up a plan for a simple study and

Regulatory UUD: ability to organize research

Communication UUD:

Mastering the skills of speaking in front of an audience

the formation of cognitive interests and motives aimed at studying living nature; intellectual skills (to prove, reason, analyze, compare, draw conclusions, etc.); aesthetic attitude towards living objects.
4. Reserve time 4.1 19.05.

Message topics:

  1. Traditions among different tribes and peoples about centuries-old traditions.
  2. About the great travelers: Columbus, Janszon, Cook, Lazarev, Bellingshausen.
  3. About great geographical discoveries.
  4. Reserves, sanctuaries, natural monuments, national parks.
  5. Global environmental problems.

List of references and other sources of information

Basic educational literature for students:

  1. Biology. Introduction to biology: textbook for 5th grade general educational institutions: line “Foreshortening” \A.A. Pleshakov, E.L. Vvedensky. – 2nd ed. – M.: LLC “Russian Word-Textbook”, 2013. – 128 p.: ill. _(Federal State Educational Standard. Innovative school).
  2. Workbook for the textbook by A.A. Pleshakova, E.L. Vvedensky "Biology. Introduction to biology". 5th grade: \S.N. Novikova, N.I. Romanova. – 3rd ed. – M.: LLC “Russian Word – Textbook”, 2014. – 48 p. – (Innovation school)

Additional literature for students:

  1. Akimushkin I.I. Entertaining biology. – M.: Young Guard, 1972. – 3304 p. 6 ill.;
  2. Artamonova V.I. Rare and endangered plants. (On the pages of the Red Book of the USSR) Book 1. – M.: Agropromizdat, 1989. – 383 p.: ill.;
  3. Biology. Encyclopedia for children. – M.: Avanta+, 1994. – p. 92-684;
  4. Biology: Collection of tests, problems and assignments with answers / based on materials from All-Russian and International Olympiads: A manual for students. – M.: Mnemosyne, 1998
  5. Great reference book on biology. – M.: AST Publishing House, 2000
  6. Biology. Plants, bacteria, fungi, lichens. Multimedia teaching aid. Education
  7. Plants, bacteria, fungi, lichens. 6th grade. The educational complex is designed for learning, repetition, and consolidation educational material school course in biology for 6th grade. Contains materials from the textbook edited by Professor I.N. Ponomareva. Publishing center "Ventana-Graf"
  8. Traytak D.I. "Biology: Plants, Bacteria, Fungi, Lichens." 6th grade A manual for students. Mnemosyne Publishing House
  9. Electronic supplement to the textbook Biology. Introduction to biology. 5th grade: textbook. For general education institutions / Sonin N.I., Pleshakov A.A. - M.: Bustard, 2012.
  10. "Encyclopedia for children. Biology" edited by M.D. Aksenova - 2000; – M.: Avanta +, 2001
  11. http://www.livt.net Electronic illustrated encyclopedia "Living beings"
  12. http://www.floranimal.ru/ Portal about plants and animals
  13. http://www.plant.geoman.ru/ Interesting about botany. Plant life

Basic literature for teachers:

1. Methodological recommendations for the textbook by A.A. Pleshakova, E.L. Vvedensky "Biology. Introduction to biology". 5th grade. Line "Rakurs"\aut.-state. A.V. Marina. – M.: LLC “Russian Word-Textbook”, 2013. – 120 p. – (Federal State Educational Standard. Innovative School).

  1. Biology. Bacteria, fungi, plants: 5th grade. Workbook. To the textbook by V.V. Pasechnik. Test Unified State Exam assignments: Vertical, 2012. Bustard Publishing House
  2. Biology. Plants, bacteria, fungi, lichens. Multimedia teaching aid. Education.
  3. Paldyaeva G.M. "Programs for educational institutions. Biology 5-11 grades." Collection of programs. Publishing house Drofa 2012
  4. Electronic supplement to the textbook Biology. Bacteria, fungi, plants. 5th grade: textbook. For general education institutions / V.V. Pasechnik. – M.: Bustard, 2012.- 141, (3) p.

Additional literature for teachers:

  1. Biology grades 6-9. Library of electronic visual aids.
  2. Biology 6th grade. Plants, bacteria, fungi, lichens. The educational complex is designed for studying, repeating, and consolidating the educational material of the school course in biology for the 6th grade. Contains materials from the textbook edited by Professor I.N. Ponomareva. Publishing center "Ventana-Graf"
  3. Biology at school. Functions and habitat of living organisms. Electronic lessons and tests.

4. Dmitrieva T.A., Simatikhin S.V. Biology. Plants, bacteria, fungi, lichens, animals. Grades 7-7: Questions. Tasks. Tasks. – M.: Bustard, 2002.- 128.: 6 ill. – (Didactic materials);

  1. How to design universal educational activities in elementary school: from action to thought: A manual for teachers / A.G. Asmolov, G.V. Burmenskaya, I.A. Volodarskaya and others / Ed. A.G. Asmolova. - M.: Education, 2008.
  2. Kuznetsov A.A. About the second generation standard // Biology at school. - 2009. - No. 2.
  3. Mukhina, V.V. Lesson using critical thinking technology and computer (ICT)


Municipal budgetary educational institution

Ardatovskaya secondary school No. 1

Working programm

in biology

Federal State Educational Standard

Class 5

for the 2016-2017 academic year

Developed by:

biology teacher

V.A. Polushkina

Nizhny Novgorod region, r.p. Ardatov, 2015




The program is based on the federal component of the State educational standard for basic general education.

The work program is based on fundamental core content of general education, requirements for the results of mastering the main educational program of basic general education, requirements for the structure of the main educational program of basic general education, prescribed in the Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education, as well as the Concept of spiritual and moral development and education of a citizen of Russia.

Federal basic curriculum for general education institutions Russian Federation allocates 35 teaching hours for the compulsory study of BIOLOGY in the 5th grade of basic school at the rate of 1 teaching hour per week. The course is taught according to

  • sample program of basic general education Biology. 5 – 9 grades. Concentric course. / N. I. Sonin, V. B. Zakharov. Moscow. "Bustard" 2014.
  • program of basic general education in biology in grade 5, authors A.A. Pleshakov, N.I. Sonin, Moscow, Bustard 2014;
  • textbook by A.A. Pleshakov, N.I. Sonin. Biology. Introduction to biology. 5th grade. Moscow, Bustard, 2015.
  • mastering knowledgeabout the diversity of natural objects and phenomena, about the connection between the world of living and inanimate nature, about changes in the natural environment under the influence of humans;
  • mastery of basic natural sciences skills carry out observations, measurements and experiments, describe their results, formulate conclusions;
  • development of interest to the study of nature, intellectual and creative abilities in the process of solving cognitive problems, fostering a positive attitude towards nature; application of acquired knowledge and skills to solve practical problems in Everyday life, safe behavior in nature.

The relevance of the program lies in the fact that it is aimed at the development and education of a comprehensively developed and communicative personality, and at the implementation of a system-activity approach to learning. The program is aimed at developing key competencies: students’ readiness to use acquired knowledge, skills and methods of activity in real life to solve practical problems; instilling general skills as important elements of culture.

The course “Introduction to Biology” in primary school continues the course “The World around us” in primary school and is a propaedeutic basis for the study of this natural science. It forms in students a system of comprehensive knowledge about objects of living and inanimate nature.

Studying biology in 5th grade is aimed at achieving the following goals:


Personal results teaching biology is:

Formation of a comprehensively educated, proactive and successful personality with a system of modern worldviews, value orientations, ideological, moral, cultural, humanistic and aesthetic principles and norms of behavior.

Studying biology in basic school leads to the achievement of the following results of personal development:

  1. formation and development of environmental thinking, the ability to apply it in practice;
  2. the formation of curiosity and interest in studying nature using the methods of natural sciences;
  3. formation of intellectual and creative abilities using natural science methods;
  4. formation of the foundations of environmental consciousness based on the recognition of the value of life in all its manifestations and the need for a responsible, careful attitude towards environment;
  5. understanding the need to protect the environment;
  6. formation of a responsible attitude towards nature;
  7. understanding the value of a healthy and safe lifestyle;
  8. mastering first aid skills.
  9. mastering the rules of individual and collective safe behavior in emergency situations threatening the life and health of people;
  10. developing a responsible attitude towards learning;
  11. formation of cognitive interests and motives for learning;
  12. developing skills of behavior in nature, awareness of the value of living objects;
  13. awareness of the value of a healthy and safe lifestyle;
  14. laying the foundations ecological culture.
  15. the formation of a holistic worldview that corresponds to the modern level of development of science and social practice;
  16. the ability to evaluate the acquired content in a moral and ethical aspect;
  17. the formation of tolerance as a norm of conscious and friendly attitude towards another person, his opinion, worldview, culture, faith;
  18. development of learning skills; a friendly attitude towards the opinion of another person;
  19. developing a respectful attitude towards older and younger comrades;
  20. awareness social norms and behavior skills in the classroom and at school;
  21. ability to organize cooperation, work individually and in a group; the ability to consciously use speech to express one’s thoughts and needs;
  22. mastering social norms and rules of behavior in groups and in communities specified by socialization tools according to the age status of students, as well as in adult communities;
  23. formation of the foundations of social-critical thinking; participation in school self-government and social life within the limits of age competencies;
  24. development of moral consciousness and competence in solving moral problems based on personal choice; formation of moral feelings and moral behavior, a conscious and responsible attitude towards one’s own actions;
  25. awareness of the importance of family in the life of a person and society, acceptance of values family life, respectful and caring attitude towards your family members;
  26. the formation of communicative competence in educational, socially useful, educational, research, creative and other types of activities;
  27. formation of a responsible attitude towards learning, readiness for self-development and self-education based on motivation for learning and knowledge, conscious choice taking into account cognitive interests;
  28. the ability to independently determine the goals of one’s learning, set and formulate new goals for oneself in learning and cognitive activity;
  29. formation of a cognitive and information culture, including the development of skills independent work with tutorials, books, available tools and technical means information technologies;
  30. the ability to extract information from various sources, the ability to freely use reference literature;
  31. the ability to define concepts, create generalizations, independently select grounds and criteria for classification, establish cause-and-effect relationships and draw conclusions;
  32. the ability to master the skills of independent acquisition of new knowledge, organization of educational activities, search for means of its implementation;
  33. the ability to create, apply and transform signs and symbols to solve educational and cognitive problems;
  34. ability in practice to use basic logical techniques, observation methods, modeling, explanations, problem solving, forecasting;
  35. developing the ability to pose questions, put forward a hypothesis and substantiate it, and define concepts;
  36. the ability to correlate one’s actions with the planned results, monitor one’s activities in the process of achieving results, and adjust one’s actions in accordance with the changing situation;
  37. the formation of a conscious, adequate and critical assessment in educational activities, the ability to independently evaluate one’s actions and the actions of classmates;
  38. mastery of the basics of self-control, self-esteem, decision-making and making informed choices in educational and cognitive activities;
  39. carry out simple observations, measurements, experiments;
  40. set a learning task under the guidance of a teacher;
  41. systematize and summarize different types of information;_
  42. draw up a plan for completing the learning task.
  43. carry out the simplest classification of living organisms into individual kingdoms;
  44. use additional sources of information to complete the learning task;
  45. independently prepare an oral message for 2-3 minutes.
  46. find and use cause-and-effect relationships;
  47. formulate and put forward simple hypotheses;
  48. highlight semantic parts in the text and title them, pose questions to the text.
  49. work in accordance with the assigned task;
  50. draw up a simple and complex outline of the text;
  51. participate in joint activities;
  52. work with the text of the paragraph and its components;
  53. recognize the objects being studied on tables, in nature.
  54. main signs of living nature;
  55. light microscope device;
  56. main cell organelles;
  57. the main organic and mineral substances that make up the cell;
  58. leading naturalists and their role in the study of nature.
  59. explain the importance of biological knowledge in everyday life;
  60. characterize biological research methods;
  61. work with a magnifying glass and light microscope;
  62. recognize the main cell organelles on tables and microslides;
  63. explain the role of organic and mineral substances in the cell;
  64. follow the rules of behavior and work with devices and instruments in the biology classroom.
  65. essential features of the structure and vital activity of the biological objects being studied;
  66. the main characteristics of representatives of the kingdoms of living nature.
  67. determine the belonging of biological objects to one of the kingdoms of living nature;
  68. establish similarities and differences among representatives of the main kingdoms;
  69. distinguish studied objects in nature, on tables;
  70. establish the features of adaptation of organisms to their environment;
  71. explain the role of representatives of the kingdoms of living nature in human life.
  72. main habitats of living organisms;
  73. natural areas of our planet and their inhabitants.
  74. compare different habitats;
  75. characterize living conditions in various habitats;
  76. compare living conditions in different natural areas;
  77. identify features of adaptation of living organisms to certain conditions;
  78. give examples of the inhabitants of the seas and oceans;
  79. observe living organisms.
  80. human ancestors, their characteristic features, way of life;
  81. the main environmental problems facing modern humanity;
  82. rules of human behavior in dangerous situations natural origin;
  83. the simplest methods of providing first aid for burns, frostbite, etc.
  84. explain the reasons for the negative impact of human economic activity on nature;
  85. explain the role of plants and animals in human life;
  86. justify the need to take measures to protect wildlife;
  87. observe the rules of behavior in nature;
  88. distinguish species of plants and animals that are dangerous to human life on living objects and tables;
  89. lead healthy image life and fight the bad habits of their comrades.
  90. formation of ideas about biological science, its role in human exploration of the planet, about biological knowledge as a component of the scientific picture of the world, its necessity for solving modern practical problems of humanity and one’s country, including the problem of environmental protection and rational use of natural resources;
  91. mastering basic practical skills in using instruments and tools to determine the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the components of the biological environment, including its environmental parameters;
  92. mastering the basic skills of finding, using and presenting biological information;
  93. creating the basis for the formation of interest in the further expansion and deepening of natural scientific knowledge and the choice of biology as a specialized subject at the level of secondary education, and subsequently as a field of professional activity.
  94. Living organism: structure and study (8h);
  95. Diversity of living organisms (14h);
  96. Man on Earth (6h).
  97. Reserve (2h)

Metasubject resultsmastering biology are:

Subject results mastering biology are:


In grade 5, students learn about the differences between living and inanimate nature, receive general ideas about the structure of biological science, its history and research methods, the kingdoms of living organisms, the habitats of organisms, moral standards and principles of attitude towards nature.

Students learn for the first time about the cell, tissues and organs of living organisms, deepen their knowledge of living conditions and the diversity of organisms. Particular attention is paid to knowledge about the distribution and significance of bacteria, fungi, plants and animals.

The material presented in the program corresponds to the sections of the standard of basic general education in biology and is divided into sections:

The program provides formation of special skills and abilities, aimed at working with various literary sources, observations of natural objects, conducting experiments, measurements, developing projects and models. The content of the course is aimed at the formation of universal educational activities that ensure the development of cognitive and communicative qualities of the individual. Students are included in design and research activities, the basis of which is tact learning activities , as the ability to see problems, pose questions, classify, observe, conduct experiments, draw conclusions and conclusions, explain, prove, defend your ideas, define concepts, structure material, etc.

Students are included in communicative educational activities , where such hers predominate kinds, as the ability to fully and accurately express one’s thoughts, argue one’s point of view, work in collaboration (pairs and groups), present and communicate information orally and in writing, and engage in dialogue.

Section 1. Living organism: structure and study. (8h)

Diversity of living organisms. The main properties of living organisms: cellular structure, similar chemical composition, metabolism and energy, nutrition, respiration, excretion, growth and development, irritability, movement, reproduction.

Biology is the science of living organisms. Diversity of biological sciences. Methods for studying nature: observation, experiment (experience), measurement. Equipment for scientific research: laboratory equipment, magnifying devices, measuring instruments. Magnifying devices: hand magnifying glass, light microscope.

A cell is the elementary unit of living things. Nucleated and nuclear cells.

Structure and functions of the nucleus, cytoplasm and its organelles. Chromosomes, their meaning. Differences in the structure of plant and animal cells.

Organic substances and their role in the cell.

Substances and phenomena in the surrounding world. Great naturalists

  • Introduction to equipment for scientific research.
  • Carrying out observations, experiments and measurements in order to concretize knowledge about methods of studying nature.
  • Device of a hand-held magnifying glass, light microscope*.
  • Cell structure(on finished microslides)1.
  • The structure of skin cells of onion scales*.
  • Definition physical properties proteins, fats, carbohydrates._
  • Identification (recognition) of the most common plants and animals using various sources of information (photos, identification atlases, stuffed animals, herbariums, etc.).
  • Study of the structural features of plants and animals associated with their habitat.
  • Familiarity with environmental problems of the area and available ways to solve them.
  • Measuring your height and body weight.
  • Mastering the simplest methods of providing first aid.

Section 2. Diversity of living organisms (14 hours)

Development of life on Earth: life in the ancient ocean; Carboniferous forests; the flourishing of ancient reptiles; birds and animals of the past.

Diversity of living organisms. Classification of organisms. View. Kingdoms of living nature: Bacteria, Fungi, Plants, Animals.

Essential features of representatives of the main kingdoms, their characteristics, structure, features of life, habitats, their role in nature and human life. Wildlife protection.

Section 3. Habitat of living organisms (6 hours)

Ground-air, water and soil habitats of organisms. Adaptation of organisms to their environment.

Plants and animals of different continents (acquaintance with individual representatives of the wildlife of each continent).

Natural zones of the Earth: tundra, taiga, mixed and broad-leaved forests, grassy plains - steppes and savannas, deserts, tropical rainforests.

Life in the seas and oceans. Surface and water column communities, benthic community, coral reef community, deep sea community.

Laboratory and practical work (variable part 30%)

Section 4. Man on Earth (5 hours)

Scientific ideas about the origin of man. Ancient human ancestors: Dryopithecus and Australopithecus. A skillful man.

Homo erectus. Homo sapiens (Neanderthal, Cro-Magnon, modern man).

Changes in nature caused by human activity. Acid rain, ozone hole, Greenhouse effect, radioactive waste. Biological diversity, its depletion and ways of conservation. Desertification and its causes, combating desertification.

The most important environmental problems: preserving biological diversity, combating deforestation and desertification, protecting the planet from all types of pollution.

Human health and life safety. The relationship between health and lifestyle. Bad habits and their prevention. Human habitat. Rules of human behavior in dangerous situations of natural origin. The simplest methods of first aid.


Poisonous plants and dangerous animals in their area

Laboratory and practical work (variable part 30%)

Reserve time - 2 hours.

Topics of project and research activities

1. Study of the organization of life of an anthill (bee family, paper wasp family, etc.).

2. Preparation of the exhibition “The Universe in the Views of Ancient Peoples”.

3. Creation of a map “Fauna and flora of our area.”

4. Creating a presentation “Inhabitants of different natural zones.”

5. Preparation of a collection of stories “Unusual plants of our region.”

6. Practice-oriented projects “My contribution to nature conservation”, “Plant and grow a tree”, “Take patronage of a stray animal or an animal in a zoo”,

7. Photo report on the work done “Make bird feeders” or “Clean up a forest area, river banks, park, area near a house”, etc. from debris.

8. Project “Young trainers” (with demonstration of results at an organized performance in front of the public)


Biology. Introduction to biology. 5th grade (35 hours, 1 hour per week)

Lesson number

Lesson topic



Characteristics of student activities

  1. Living organism: structure and study (9 hours);
  2. Diversity of living organisms (15h) ;
  3. Habitat of living organisms (5 hours);
  4. Man on Earth (6 hours) .

Introduction. Living organism.

They identify the essential characteristics of living organisms, name the basic properties of living organisms, compare the characteristics of living organisms and non-living bodies, define the concept of “biology”, explain the role and significance of biological knowledge in everyday life; remember the main signs of living nature

Wildlife Science

P.R.No. 1

Introduction to scientific research equipment

Explain the role of biological knowledge in human life, become familiar with basic laboratory equipment; compare, sketch equipment in notebooks, draw conclusions based on the results of the work; remember safety rules when performing laboratory and practical work

Methods for studying nature

P.R.No. 2

Carrying out observations, experiments and measurements in order to concretize knowledge about methods of studying nature

Define the basic methods of biological research; comply with the rules of conduct and work with instruments and instruments in the biology classroom; enjoy different ways measurements of length, temperature, time; remember concepts: experience, observation, hypothesis

Magnifying devices.

ETC. No. 3

Device of a hand magnifying glass, light microscope

work with a magnifying glass and a light microscope, find out the structure of a light microscope; follow the rules of working with biological devices and instruments; prepare micropreparations

recognize the main cell organelles on tables and preparations; study the structure of a living cell (main parts), the structure and functions of cell organelles,

Living cells.

L.R. No. 4

The structure of skin cells of onion scales

The structure of the main organelles of the cell is determined, they are distinguished on micropreparations and tables.

They are recognized on tables and preparations; follow the rules of working with biological devices and instruments; explain the structure and functions of cell organelles, name the structure of a light microscope

Chemical composition cells.

L.R. No. 5

Determination of the composition of wheat seeds.


Determination of the physical properties of proteins, fats, carbohydrates

Explain the role of organic and mineral substances in the cell; compare the main organic and mineral substances that make up the cell; characterize the functions of water, mineral salts, proteins, carbohydrates, fats in the cell and body

Substances and phenomena in the surrounding world

Compare the chemical composition of living and inanimate bodies.

Substances are observed in various states of aggregation; distinguish between living and inanimate bodies using appropriate signs; give examples of simple and complex substances; evaluate the characteristics of living and inanimate bodies, give definitions to the terms: atom, molecule, substance.

Great naturalists

Explain the contribution of great naturalists to the development of biology and other natural sciences

substantiate their discoveries in biology; remember the names of leading naturalists and their role in the study of nature

Test on the topic "Living organism"

formulate the meaning of biological knowledge in everyday life, its role; name the basic properties of living organisms, the signs by which living organisms differ from nonliving bodies; determine the basic methods of biological research; define the concepts: biology, method, cell, atom, molecule, substance...; explain the rules for using laboratory equipment; draw conclusions about the structure and functional features cells, give examples of simple and complex substances to explain the role of naturalists and their discoveries in biology;

How life developed on Earth

The studied objects are distinguished by tables and illustrations. They work with the text of the textbook, find additional information in popular science literature, reference books, encyclopedias and multimedia applications, use additional sources of information to complete the educational task; remember the essential features of the structure and vital functions of the biological objects being studied; Name the stages of the formation of life on Earth; hypotheses of the origin of the Earth

Diversity of living things

They provide the simplest classification of living organisms into individual kingdoms; Determine the subject of taxonomy study. Give examples of representatives of the kingdoms of nature. Determine whether biological objects belong to one of the kingdoms of living nature; establish similarities and differences among representatives of the main kingdoms; observe studied objects in nature, on tables; describe diagrams and drawings; make sketches of animals.


Identify the distinctive features of representatives of the kingdom of Bacteria, use additional sources of information to complete the educational task; distinguish studied objects on tables; make sketches of various bacteria ; find the structural features and vital functions of bacteria; explain the role of bacterial representatives in nature and human life.


Observe and describe appearance representatives of the kingdom Mushrooms, their growth, development, behavior, establish essential features of the structure and vital activity of fungi, determine the belonging of biological objects to fungi; explain the role of representatives of the fungal kingdom in nature and human life, record the results and formulate conclusions

Plants. Seaweed.

Observe and describe the appearance of algae, establish signs of organisms’ adaptability to their habitat; explain the role of algae in nature and human life ; use additional sources of information to determine whether biological objects belong to algae;


Observe and describe the appearance and determine whether the studied objects belong to mosses; compare their growth and development with representatives of the kingdom of Mushrooms, explain the role of mosses in nature and human life; establish signs of organisms’ adaptation to their environment; record the results and formulate conclusions.


Determine whether biological objects belong to ferns; establish similarities and differences among representatives of ferns; distinguish studied objects in nature, on tables; make sketches of plants; establish signs of organisms’ adaptability to their environment; explain the role of ferns in nature and human life;

Observe and describe the appearance of gymnosperms, their structure, growth, development, determine whether biological objects belong to gymnosperms; establish similarities and differences among representatives of gymnosperms; distinguish studied objects in nature, in diagrams, tables; formulate conclusions and use additional sources of information to get acquainted with the diversity of gymnosperms.


Observe and describe the appearance of natural objects, determine whether biological objects belong to angiosperms; establish similarities and differences among representatives of angiosperms; distinguish studied objects in nature, on tables; establish signs of organisms’ adaptation to their environment; explain the role of angiosperms in nature and human life; record the results and formulate conclusions

The importance of plants in nature and human life

Explain the role of plants in nature and human life. Learn growing skills indoor plants, evaluate representatives of living nature from an aesthetic point of view, compare studied objects in nature, on tables; establish signs of organisms’ adaptation to their environment; explain the role of representatives of the Plant kingdom in nature and human life

Animals. Protozoa

determine whether biological objects belong to protozoa; establish similarities and differences among representatives of protozoa; distinguish studied objects on tables; make sketches of simple animals; establish signs of organisms’ adaptation to their environment; explain the role of protozoa in nature and human life;


Observe and describe the appearance of invertebrate animals, carry out the simplest classification of invertebrates ; determine whether biological objects belong to the invertebrate type; establish similarities and differences among invertebrate representatives; establish the traits of organisms’ adaptation to their environment; explain the role of invertebrate representatives in nature and human life;


Observe and describe the appearance; give the simplest classification of vertebrates into separate classes ; establish similarities and differences among vertebrate representatives; distinguish between studied objects in nature and on tables; make sketches of animals; establish the traits of organisms’ adaptation to their environment; explain the role of representatives of the kingdoms of living nature in human life; record the results and formulate conclusions

The importance of animals in nature and human life

Explain the role of living organisms in nature and human life, distinguish between studied objects, establish the features of organisms’ adaptability to their environment; explain the role of representatives of the kingdoms of living nature in human life.

Test on the topic “Diversity of living organisms”

Name the stages of the formation of life on Earth; hypotheses of the origin of the Earth provide the simplest classification of living organisms into individual kingdoms ; determine the belonging of biological objects to one of the kingdoms of living nature; establish similarities and differences among representatives of the main kingdoms; distinguish the studied objects; establish the traits of organisms’ adaptation to their environment; explain the role of representatives of the kingdoms of living nature in human life.

Three habitats.

L.R. No. 7

Study of the structural features of plants and animals associated with their habitat

Characterize and compare the main habitats, characterize living conditions in various habitats; name the species of plants and animals that inhabit them, identify the structural features of living organisms and explain their relationship with the environment, predict the consequences of changes in the environment for living organisms. Explain the need to preserve the habitat to protect rare and endangered biological objects.

Life on different


Give examples of typical inhabitants of continents and natural areas. compare living conditions on different continents. establish the traits of organisms’ adaptation to their environment;

Natural areas.

L.R. No. 8

Identification (recognition) of the most common plants and animals using various sources of information

They name the natural zones of the Earth, characterize their main features and identify patterns of distribution of organisms in each of the natural zones; establish the features of the organisms’ adaptability to their environment;


in the seas and oceans


Characterize living conditions in various communities seas and oceans; identify features of the adaptability of living organisms to certain conditions; give examples of inhabitants of the seas and oceans; establish the traits of organisms’ adaptation to their environment; determine the names of plants and animals using an atlas-identifier

Test on the topic “Habitat of living organisms”


Compare different habitats; characterize living conditions in different habitats, in different communities and on different continents; compare living conditions in different natural zones; identify features of the adaptability of living organisms to certain conditions; give examples of inhabitants of the seas and oceans; determine the names of plants and animals using an atlas-identifier

How man appeared on Earth.


Describe the main stages of anthropogenesis, characteristics ancestral forms of Homo sapiens. Remember the stages of human origin; explain the characteristic features of human ancestors, their characteristic features, and way of life.

How man changed the Earth.

L.R. No. 9

Familiarity with environmental problems of the area and available ways to solve them


Analyze the consequences of human economic activity in nature, give examples of changes occurring in the living and inanimate nature of our planet; name extinct species of plants and animals, name and recognize rare and endangered species of plants and animals in nature, find out which rare and endangered species of plants and animals animals live in their region, explain the reasons for the disappearance of steppes, forests, swamps, and shallowing of rivers.

Life under

threat. Will the Earth become a desert?


Explain the reasons for the negative impact of human economic activity on nature, the role of plants and animals in human life; justify the need to take measures to protect wildlife; compliance with the rules of behavior in nature.

Human health and safety


ETC. No. 10

Measuring your height and body weight. P.R.No. 11

Mastering the simplest methods of providing first aid


Justify the need to comply with the rules of behavior in nature and fulfill hygienic requirements

aimed at maintaining health; justify the need to lead a healthy lifestyle and the need to wean their comrades from bad habits; give rules of human behavior in dangerous situations of natural origin; determine the simplest rules for providing first aid for burns, frostbite, etc.

Test on the topic “Man on Earth”


They establish the main stages of anthropogenesis and the characteristic features of the ancestral forms of Homo sapiens. Analyze the consequences of human economic activity in nature, justify the need to take measures to protect wildlife; compliance with the rules of behavior in nature. explain the reasons for the disappearance of steppes, forests, swamps, and shallowing of rivers. Justify the need to comply with the rules of behavior in nature and fulfill hygienic requirements aimed at maintaining health;

World of biology.




Observe living organisms; predict the consequences of human economic activity in nature; justify the need to comply with the rules of behavior in nature and fulfill hygienic requirements aimed at maintaining health;




Director of MBOU Lyceum No. 11

E.A. Orlova

"___" _____________ 201___

BY COURSE biology FOR 2015 – 2016 academic year year

(profile study)
TeacherKandalov Yuri Nikolaevich

Thematic planning


Lesson topic

Planned date

Actual date


The emergence and development of evolutionary biology.


Prerequisites for the emergence of Charles Darwin's theory



Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution


Paleontological evidence of evolution


Biogeographic evidence


Comparative anatomical evidence of evolution.


Embryological evidence of evolution.


Molecular evidence of evolution


Laboratory work No. 1. Development of evolutionary teaching. Charles Darwin's theory of evolution


Laboratory work No. 1. Development of evolutionary teaching. Charles Darwin's theory of evolution


Generalization lesson on the history of the emergence of evolutionary teachings


Generalization lesson on the topic of evolutionary theory of Charles Darwin



Test No. 1. Charles Darwin's theory of evolution


Variability of natural populations



Genetic structure of populations


Genetic structure of populations


Genetic structure of populations


Genetic structure of populations



Mutations are a source of genetic variability in populations


Random changes in allele frequencies in populations.


Genetic drift as a factor of evolution


Laboratory work No. 2. Elementary evolutionary factors and phenomena


Laboratory work No. 2. Elementary evolutionary factors and phenomena


Generalization lesson on the topic of elementary evolutionary factors



Test No. 2. Elementary evolutionary factors


Struggle for existence


Struggle for existence


Natural selection is the guiding factor of evolution


Forms of natural selection


Forms of natural selection


Forms of natural selection


Sexual selection


The emergence of adaptations as a result of natural selection


Migration as a factor of evolution


Biological species


Type criteria


Type criteria


Type criteria


Isolation and speciation


Isolation and speciation


Allopatric and sympatric speciation



Laboratory work No. 3. Microevolution


Generalization lesson on microevolution



Test No. 3. Microevolution


Mechanisms of macroevolution



Directions of macroevolution: divergence, convergence, parallelism


Biological progress. Aromorphoses and idioadaptations


Unity of life on Earth


Laboratory work No. 4. Macroevolution


Laboratory work No. 4. macroevolution


Generalization lesson on macroevolution



Test No. 4. Macroevolution.



The essence of life. Ideas about the origin of life on Earth.


Formation of biological monomers and polymers


Formation and evolution of probionts


Studying the history of the Earth. Paleontology


Development of life in the cryptozoic


Development of life in the cryptozoic


Development of life in the Phanerozoic


Development of life in the Phanerozoic


Development of life in the Phanerozoic



Laboratory work No. 5. The emergence and development of life on Earth


Generalization lesson on the origin and development of life on Earth



Test No. 5. The emergence and development of life on Earth.


The place of man in the system of the living world - morphological and physiological data


The place of man in the system of the living world - data from molecular biology and developmental biology


Human Origins. Paleontological data



The first representatives of the genus Homo


The emergence of Homo sapiens


Factors of human evolution


Factors of human evolution



Laboratory work No. 6. Anthropogenesis


Generalization lesson on the topic of anthropogenesis



Test No. 6. Anthropogenesis



Selection as a subject and as a science


Artificial selection


Artificial selection


Classical breeding methods


Classical breeding methods


Usage the latest methods biology in breeding



Laboratory work No. 7. Selection. Artificial selection



Test No. 7. Selection


Relationship between organism and environment


Fitness. Survival of adverse conditions and reproduction


Population as a natural system


Population structure


Population dynamics, its types and regulation. Life Strategies


Species as a population system


Species and its ecological niche. Life forms



Laboratory work No. 8. Autecology


Generalization lesson on autecology



Test No. 8. Ecology of the organism and environment


Communities and ecosystems



Community functional blocks. Energy connections and trophic networks.


Interspecific and interpopulation connections in communities


Spatial structure of communities


Community dynamics


How communities are formed


How communities are formed



Laboratory work No. 9. Communities and ecosystems


Community and Ecosystem Summary Lesson



Test No. 9. Communities and ecosystems


Biosphere and biomes



Living matter and biogeochemical cycles in the biosphere


Biosphere and man



Laboratory work No. 10. Biosphere


Generalization lesson on the topic biosphere



Test No. 10. Biosphere


Conservation and maintenance of biological diversity at the population-species and genetic levels


Preservation and maintenance of biological diversity at the ecosystem level


Biological monitoring and bioindication


Generalization lesson on the topic biological foundations of nature conservation



Test No. 11. Biological foundations of nature conservation


The work program is intended for studying the course " General biology" V specialized grades 10-11 secondary school and is compiled on the basis of the Federal State Standard, an approximate program of secondary (complete) general education (profile level) and a program of secondary (complete) general education in biology for grades 10 - 11 (profile level) by the authors O.V. Sablina, G.V. Dymshits, which fully reflects the content of the sample program, with additions that do not exceed the requirements for the level of training of students.

The role and place of the course in training

The course “General Biology” completes the study of biology in general educational institutions and is designed not only to systematize and generalize the biological knowledge of students, deepening it to an understanding of biological patterns, modern theories, concepts and teachings, but also to show the applied and practical significance of biology.

The “General Biology” program of specialized training ensures that students master the theoretical and applied foundations of biology. The program reflects the challenges currently facing modern biological science. Much attention is paid to conducting biological research and students’ mastering the methodology of scientific knowledge.
Objectives of studying biology at profile level training is focused not only on students’ assimilation of a certain amount of knowledge, but also on the development of the individual, his cognitive and creative abilities, as defined by the Federal Educational Standard, formulated in accordance with the Modernization Concept Russian education for the period until 2010.

A special place in the program is given to issues aimed at developing in schoolchildren a scientific worldview, a holistic scientific picture of the world, ecological culture and ecological thinking, and solving issues of preserving the environment and human health.

To improve the educational level of students and develop skills in conducting research and experiments, the program includes a variety of practical and laboratory work. Performance research work is aimed at developing skills in planning and conducting independent research, which contributes to the development of cognitive interests, intellectual and creative abilities of schoolchildren.

To deepen knowledge and broaden the horizons of schoolchildren, excursions to the main sections of the program are recommended. The program provides various demonstrations, including computer ones, that help improve the quality of teaching and its effectiveness.

This program is implemented through a combination of various forms and methods of teaching:

  • Types of training: explanatory-reproductive, problem-based, developmental, algorithmic.

  • Forms of training: group, frontal, individual.

  • Teaching methods: verbal, visual, practical and special.

  • The program provides a large series of overview lectures that allow students to more deeply understand the evolution of living nature on Earth, the need for a humane and rational attitude to our wealth

  • The work program provides lessons for general repetition, which are conducted with the aim of systematizing knowledge on topics, to achieve results of the level of training, to carry out thematic control.
These forms, methods, types of teaching are used according to the teacher’s individual technology and the focus of the class. All this allows the teacher to vary the types of lessons and methodological techniques.

  • To test knowledge, skills and abilities, the teacher uses different shapes control: current, intermediate, final; reproductive and productive.

  • Use of ICT.

The study of biology at the profile level is allocated In 11th grade, 140 hours are allocated. According to the current Basic Curriculum, the work program for grades 10-11 provides for biology training for 3 hours per week (Federal component).

An additional hour for studying the subject is allocated from the educational component of the lyceum (Lyceum component).

General educational abilities, skills and methods of activity

The work program provides for the development of general educational skills in students. In this direction, the priorities for the academic subject “Biology” at the profile level are: comparison of objects, analysis, evaluation, problem solving, independent search for information, creative activity.

The planning was compiled on the basis of the state program in biology for grades 10-11 of general education institutions of the specialized level by the team of authors: O.V. Sablina, G.M. Dymshits.


As a result of studying biology at the profile level, the student must know/understand:

main provisions biological theories (cellular theory; chromosomal theory of heredity; synthetic theory of evolution, theory of anthropogenesis); teachings (about the paths and directions of evolution; N.I. Vavilov about the centers of diversity and origin of cultivated plants; V.I. Vernadsky about the biosphere); the essence of the laws (G. Mendel; linked inheritance by T. Morgan; homological series in hereditary variability; germinal similarity; biogenetic); patterns (variability; linked inheritance; sex-linked inheritance; interaction of genes and their cytological bases); rules (dominance of G. Mendel; ecological pyramid); hypotheses (purity of gametes, essence and origin of life, origin of man);

structure of biological objects: cells (chemical composition and structure); genes, chromosomes, female and male gametes, prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells; viruses; unicellular and multicellular organisms; species and ecosystems (structure);

the essence of biological processes and phenomena: metabolism and energy conversion in the cell, photosynthesis, plastic and energy metabolism, fermentation, chemosynthesis, mitosis, meiosis, development of gametes in flowering plants and vertebrates, reproduction, fertilization in flowering plants and vertebrates, individual development of the organism (ontogenesis), interaction genes, production of heterosis, polyploids, distant hybrids, the action of artificial, driving and stabilizing selection, geographic and ecological speciation, the influence of elementary evolutionary factors on the gene pool of a population, the formation of adaptability to the environment, the cycle of substances and energy conversion in ecosystems and the biosphere, the evolution of the biosphere;

modern biological terminology and symbolism;

be able to:

explain: the role of biological theories, ideas, principles, hypotheses in the formation of the modern natural science picture of the world, the scientific worldview; the unity of living and inanimate nature, the relationship of living organisms, using biological theories, laws and rules; negative impact of alcohol, nicotine, narcotic substances on the development of the human embryo; influence of mutagens on the human body; relationships between organisms and the environment; reasons for the evolution of species, humans, the biosphere, the unity of human races, hereditary and non-hereditary changes, hereditary diseases, gene and chromosomal mutations, stability, self-regulation, self-development and change of ecosystems, the need to preserve the diversity of species;

establish relationships structure and functions of molecules in the cell; structure and functions of cell organelles; plastic and energy metabolism; light and dark reactions of photosynthesis; driving forces of evolution; paths and directions of evolution;

to solve problems of varying complexity in biology;

draw up diagrams crossings, ways of transferring substances and energy in ecosystems (food chains, food webs);

describe cells of plants and animals (under a microscope), individuals of a species according to morphological criteria, ecosystems and agroecosystems of their area; prepare and describe microslides;

identify adaptations of organisms to their environment, aromorphoses and idioadaptations in plants and animals, distinctive features of living things (in individual organisms), abiotic and biotic components of ecosystems, interactions of organisms in an ecosystem, sources of mutagens in the environment (indirectly), anthropogenic changes in the ecosystems of their region;

research biological systems on biological models (aquarium);

compare biological objects (cells of plants, animals, fungi and bacteria, ecosystems and agroecosystems), processes and phenomena (metabolism in plants and animals; plastic and energy metabolism; photosynthesis and chemosynthesis; mitosis and meiosis; asexual and sexual reproduction; fertilization in flowering plants and vertebrates;
1000 -> Regularities and principles of the educational process
1000 -> History program 6 11th grade, M.: Education, 2008. A. V. Revyakin. Program on New History. 1500-1800 M: Enlightenment, 2007
1000 -> Specifics of distance learning
1000 -> Explanatory note. Planned results of students mastering the basic educational program of primary general education

State budgetary educational institution
Lugansk People's Republic
"Mikhailovskaya secondary school"

GBOU LPR "Mikhailovskaya
comprehensive school"
_____________ Vereskun N.V.
"____" _____________ 2016
(a basic level of)
IN 10 - 11 CLASSES

Compiler of the work program:
Mironova Oksana Vladimirovna

Explanatory note
The program is designed in accordance with:
Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Lugansk People's Republic of December 26, 2014 No. 72 “On the approval and phased transition of educational institutions of the LPR to the temporary state educational standard (VGOS)”;
Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary General Education (Approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated May 17, 2012 N 413 (as amended by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1645));
Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education (Approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 17, 2010 N 1897 (as amended by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1644));
By order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the LPR dated July 4, 2016 No. 258 “On the organized start of 2016-2017 school year in educational institutions of the Lugansk People's Republic";
State sanitary rules and norms of washing, cleaning and lighting the initial foundations of the organization of the initial health and safety process of DSanPiN - http://www.dsesu.gov.ua/;
Methodological recommendations for teaching the subject “Biology” in the 2016–2017 academic year
Methodological recommendations for the development of basic educational programs of educational organizations of the Lugansk People's Republic in the 2016-2017 academic year
general characteristics academic subject
Biology course at the level of secondary (complete) general education at basic level is aimed at developing in students knowledge about living nature, its distinctive features - level organization and evolution, therefore the program includes information about general biological patterns that manifest themselves in different levels wildlife organizations. The basis for selecting content at the basic level is a culturally appropriate approach, according to which students must master knowledge and skills that are significant for the formation general culture, which determine adequate human behavior in the environment and are in demand in life and practical activity. In this regard, at the basic level, the program pays special attention to the content that underlies the formation of the modern natural science picture of the world, value orientations, and the implementation of the humanization of biological education. The basis for structuring the content of a biology course in high school at a basic level is made up of leading ideas - the distinctive features of living nature, its level organization and evolution.
The study of biology at the level of secondary (complete) general education in high school at a basic level is aimed at achieving the following goals:
mastering knowledge about biological systems(cell, organism, species, ecosystem); history of the development of modern ideas about living nature; outstanding discoveries in biological science; the role of biological science in the formation of the modern natural science picture of the world; methods of scientific knowledge;
mastering the skills to substantiate the place and role of biological knowledge in the practical activities of people, development modern technologies; conduct observations of ecosystems in order to describe them and identify natural and anthropogenic changes; find and analyze information about living objects;
development of cognitive interests, intellectual and creative abilities in the learning process outstanding achievements biology, included in universal human culture; complex and contradictory ways of developing modern scientific views, ideas, theories, concepts, various hypotheses (about the essence and origin of life, man) in the course of working with various sources of information;
instilling confidence in the possibility of knowing living nature, the need to take care of the natural environment and one’s own health; respect for the opponent’s opinion when discussing biological problems;
using acquired knowledge and skills in everyday life to assess the consequences of one’s activities in relation to the environment, the health of other people and one’s own health; justification and compliance with disease prevention measures, rules of behavior in nature.
In the course of studying the subject, we develop and develop the following competencies: educational and cognitive, informational, communicative, general cultural, social and labor.
The activity-based approach is implemented on the basis of maximum inclusion in the educational process of the practical component of educational content - laboratory and practical work, excursions.
The essence of the competency-based approach is the application of acquired knowledge in practical activities and everyday life, in the formation of universal knowledge based on practical activities.

Place of the subject in the basic curriculum.
The study of biology at the level of secondary (complete) general education in high school at a basic level is provided by the following courses:
“General Biology” - 34 hours (grade 10)
“General Biology” - 34 hours (grade 11)
General educational abilities, skills and methods of activity
The sample program provides for the development of general educational skills and abilities in students, universal methods of activity and key competencies. In this direction, the priorities for the academic subject “Biology” at the level of secondary (complete) general education at the basic level are: comparison of objects, analysis, evaluation, search for information in various sources.
The course “General Biology” is taught in grades 10 and 11 using textbooks: General Biology: Textbook for 10th grade general education students. institutions: basic level / Authors: D.K. Belyaev, P.M. Borodin / edited by D.K. Belyaeva, G.M. Dymshitsa. M.: “Enlightenment” 2016. General biology: Textbook for 11th grade students of general education. institutions: basic level / Authors: D.K. Belyaev, P.M. Borodin / edited by D.K. Belyaeva, G.M. Dymshitsa. M.: “Enlightenment” 2016.
Learning outcomes
As a result of studying biology at a basic level, the student must
basic provisions of biological theories (cellular, evolutionary theory of Charles Darwin); the doctrine of V.I. Vernadsky about the biosphere; the essence of G. Mendel's laws, patterns of variability;
structure of biological objects: cells; genes and chromosomes; species and ecosystems (structure);
the essence of biological processes: reproduction, fertilization, the action of artificial and natural selection, the formation of fitness, the formation of species, the circulation of substances and energy conversion in ecosystems and the biosphere;
the contribution of outstanding scientists to the development of biological science;
biological terminology and symbolism;
be able to
explain: the role of biology in the formation of a scientific worldview; the contribution of biological theories to the formation of the modern natural science picture of the world; the unity of living and inanimate nature, the kinship of living organisms; negative impact of alcohol, nicotine, narcotic substances on the development of the human embryo; the influence of mutagens on the human body, environmental factors on organisms; relationships between organisms and the environment; causes of evolution, variability of species, developmental disorders of organisms, hereditary diseases, mutations, stability and change of ecosystems; the need to preserve species diversity;
solve basic biological problems; draw up elementary patterns of crossing and patterns of transfer of substances and energy in ecosystems (food chains);
describe individuals of species according to morphological criteria;
identify adaptations of organisms to their environment, sources of mutagens in the environment (indirectly), anthropogenic changes in the ecosystems of their area;
compare: biological objects (chemical composition of living and inanimate bodies, embryos of humans and other mammals, natural ecosystems and agroecosystems of their area), processes (natural and artificial selection, sexual and asexual reproduction) and draw conclusions based on comparison;
analyze and evaluate various hypotheses the essence of life, the origin of life and man, global environmental problems and ways to solve them, the consequences of one’s own activities in the environment;
study changes in ecosystems using biological models;
find information about biological objects in various sources (educational texts, reference books, popular science publications, computer databases, Internet resources) and critically evaluate it;
use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life to:
compliance with measures to prevent poisoning, viral and other diseases, stress, bad habits (smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction); rules of conduct in the natural environment;
providing first aid for colds and other diseases, food poisoning;
assessment of the ethical aspects of some research in the field of biotechnology (cloning, artificial insemination).
Main content of the program

Grade: 10th grade
Subject: biology
Educational and thematic plan

hours Number of laboratory, practical work and excursions
1. Introduction. Biology as a science. Methods of scientific knowledge. 1 Section. A cell is a unit of living 15 2 Chemical composition of a cell. 4 l/r - 1
3 Cell structure and functions. 3 l/r - 2
4 Providing cells with energy. 4 k.r. - 1
5 Regulation of hereditary information. 4 p/r - 1
Section 2. Reproduction and development of the organism 6 6 Reproduction of organisms. 3 7 Individual development of organisms. 3 l/r - 1
Section 3. Basics of genetics and selection. 12 8 Heredity and variability. 9 p/r – 3
k.r - 1
9 Genetics is the theoretical basis of selection. Selection. Biotechnology. 8 p/p-1

Total: 34 hours l/r - 4, p/r - 5
k.r. - 2

Introduction. Biology as a science. Methods of scientific knowledge.
Short story development of biology. Research methods in biology. The essence of life and the properties of living things. Levels of life organization.
Chemical composition of the cell.
Cytology methods. Cell theory. Water, minerals and their role in the cell. Carbohydrates, lipids and their role in cell life. Structure and functions of proteins. Nucleic acids, ATP.
Cell structure and functions.
Cell structure. Cell membrane. Core. Cytoplasm. Cell organelles. Comparison of prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
Providing cells with energy.
Metabolism in the cell. Photosynthesis. Energy metabolism in the cell.
Implementation of hereditary information
DNA. Gene. Genetic code. Biosynthesis of proteins. Viruses.
Reproduction of organisms.
Reproduction is a property of organisms. Asexual and sexual reproduction. Cell division. Mitosis. Cell division. Meiosis. Fertilization.
Individual development of organisms
Ontogenesis is the individual development of organisms. Embryonic development of organisms. Cell differentiation. Determination of gender. Postembryonic development. Development of an adult organism. Reproductive health.
Heredity and variability.
Genetics is the science of the laws of heredity and variability. Mendel's first and second laws. Mendel's third law. Dihybrid crossing. Problem solving. Linked inheritance of genes. Sex-linked inheritance. Chromosomal theory of heredity. Hereditary and non-hereditary variability. Human genetics.
Genetics is the theoretical basis of selection. Selection. Biotechnology.
Genetics is the basis of selection. Basic selection methods. Biotechnology, its achievements and prospects.

Grade: 11th grade
Subject: biology
Educational and thematic plan

program material Quantity
hours Number of laboratory and practical work
Section 1. Evolution. 21 1 Evidence of evolution. 4 2 Population structure of the species. 8 l/r – 3
k.r - 1
3 The emergence and development of life on Earth. 5
4 Origin of man. 4
Section 2. Ecosystems. 13 5 Organisms and the environment. 6 p/r-3
6 Biosphere. 4 p/p-1
k.r - 1
7 Biological foundations of nature conservation. 3 p/p-1

Total: 34 hours l/r - 3, p/r - 5
k.r - 2

Contents of topics training course
Evidence of evolution
The emergence and development of evolutionary biology. Role evolutionary theory in the formation of a modern natural science picture of the world. Molecular evidence of evolution. Phylogenesis. Morphological and embryological evidence of evolution. Homologous organs. Paleontological and biogeographical evidence of evolution.
Population structure of the species
Type, its criteria. Hereditary variability is the starting material for evolution. Populations.
Changes in the gene pool of populations. Forms of natural selection. The emergence of adaptations as a result of natural selection. Speciation. Direct observations of the evolutionary process.
Macroevolution, its evidence. The main directions of macroevolution.
The emergence and development of life on Earth
Modern ideas about the origin of life. The main stages of life development. Development of life in the Cryptozoic and Paleozoic. Development of life in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic. Results of evolution. The diversity of species is the basis for the sustainable development of the biosphere.
Human Origins.
The position of man in the system of the living world. Hypotheses of human origin. Human ancestors. The main stages of anthropogenesis. Factors of human evolution. The evolution of modern man. Races.
Organisms and the environment.
The relationship between the organism and the environment. Environmental factors. Biological rhythms. Population in an ecosystem. Population structure and dynamics. Population waves. Intraspecific relationships. Ecological niche and interspecific relationships. Ecological communities. Ecological pyramid. Structure and dynamics of ecosystems. Biocenosis and biogeocenosis. Human influence on ecosystems.
Biosphere and biomes. The circulation of substances and energy conversion in the ecosystem. Biosphere and man. Anthropogenic impact to the biosphere.
Biological foundations of nature conservation.
Protection of species and populations. Ecosystem protection. Environmental problems and ways to solve them.
Rules of behavior in the natural environment. Biological monitoring.
Federal list of textbooks for the 2016-2017 academic year.
High school.
A basic level of
Belyaev D.K., Dymshits G.M., Kuznetsova L.N. and others/Ed.
Belyaeva D.K., Dymshitsa G.M. Biology. 10 grades
(basic level) X JSC Publishing House Prosveshcheniye
Belyaev D.K., Dymshits G.M., Borodin P.M. and others/Ed.
Belyaeva D.K., Dymshitsa G.M. Biology. 11th grade
(basic level) XI OJSC "Publishing House "Prosveshcheniye"
in biology, 10th grade
(34 hours, 1 hour per week)

according to plan
fact Introduction. Biology as a science. Methods of scientific knowledge (1 hour)
1 1 Brief history of the development of biology. Research methods in biology. The essence of life and the properties of living things. Levels of life organization. Section 1. The cell is a living unit (15 hours)
Topic 1. Chemical composition of the cell (4 hours)
2 1 Cytology methods. Cell theory. Water, minerals and their role in the cell. 3 2 Carbohydrates, lipids and their role in cell life. 4 3 Structure and functions of proteins.
L.r. No. 1
Catalytic activity of enzymes in living tissues 5 4 Nucleic acids, ATP. Topic 2. Cell structure and functions (3 hours)
6 1 Cell structure. Cell membrane. Core. Cytoplasm.
L.r. No. 2
Plasmolysis and deplasmolysis in onion skin cells. 7 2 Cell organelles. 8 3 Comparison of prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
L.r. No. 3
The structure of plant, animal, fungal and bacterial cells (on ready-made micropreparations).
Subject. Topic 3. Providing energy to cells (4 hours)
9 1 Metabolism in the cell. 10 2 Photosynthesis 11 3 Energy metabolism in the cell. 12 4 Test No. 1 Topic 4. Implementation of hereditary information (4 hours)
13 1 DNA. Gene. Genetic code. 14 2 Protein biosynthesis 15 3 P.r. No. 1
Solving elementary problems in molecular biology.
Subject. 16 4 Viruses. Section 2. Reproduction and development of the body (6 hours)
Topic 5. Reproduction of organisms (3 hours)
17 1 Reproduction is a property of organisms. Asexual and sexual reproduction. 18 2 Cell division. Mitosis 19 3 Cell division. Meiosis. Fertilization. Topic 6. Individual development of organisms (3 hours)
20 1 Ontogenesis – individual development of organisms. Embryonic development of organisms
L.r. No. 4
Revealing the similarities between human and mammalian embryos 21 2 Cell differentiation. Determination of gender. Postembryonic development 22 3 Development of an adult organism. Reproductive health.
Subject. Section 3. Basics of genetics and selection (12 hours)
Topic 7. Heredity and variability (9 hours)
23 1 Genetics is the science of the laws of heredity and variability. 24 2 Mendel's first and second laws.
Etc. No. 2
Drawing up the simplest crossing schemes" 25 3 Mendel's third law. Dihybrid cross
Etc. No. 3
Solving elementary genetic problems 26 4 Solving problems. 27 5 Linked inheritance of genes. Sex-linked inheritance. 28 6 Chromosomal theory of heredity. 29 7 Hereditary and non-hereditary variability. 30 8 Human genetics.
Etc. No. 4
Detection of mutagens in the environment (indirectly) and assessment of possible consequences
their influence on the body 31 9 Test No. 2
Subject. Topic 8. Genetics - the theoretical basis of selection. Selection. Biotechnology (3 hours)
32 1 Genetics is the basis of selection. 33 2 Basic selection methods. 34 3 Biotechnology, its achievements and prospects.
Etc. No. 5
Analysis and assessment of ethical aspects of the development of some research in biotechnology
Calendar and thematic planning
in biology, 11th grade
(34 hours, 1 hour per week)

Lesson No. Lesson Topic Date Note
according to plan
in fact Section 1. Evolution (20 hours + 1 hour)
Topic 1. Evidence of evolution (4)
1 1 The emergence and development of evolutionary biology. The role of evolutionary theory in the formation of the modern natural science picture of the world. 2 2 Molecular evidence of evolution. Phylogenesis. 3 3 Morphological and embryological evidence of evolution. Homologous organs 4 4 Paleontological and biogeographical evidence of evolution. Topic 2. Population structure of the species (8 hours).
5 1 Type, its criteria.
L.r. No. 1
Morphological characteristics of plants various types 6 2 Hereditary variability is the starting material for evolution.
L.r. No. 2
Variability of organisms 7 3 Populations.
Changes in the gene pool of populations.
Subject. 8 4 Forms of natural selection 9 5 The emergence of adaptations as a result of natural selection
L.r. No. 3
Adaptation of organisms to their environment. Aromorphoses in plants 10 6 Speciation. Direct observations of the evolutionary process. 11 7 Macroevolution, its evidence.
The main directions of macroevolution 12 8 Test No. 1. Topic 3. The emergence and development of life on Earth (5 hours)
13 1 Modern ideas about the origin of life 14 2 The main stages of the development of life 15 3 The development of life in the Cryptozoic and Paleozoic
Subject. 16 4 Development of life in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic 17 5 Results of evolution.
The diversity of species is the basis for the sustainable development of the biosphere. Topic 4. Origin of man (4 hours)
18 1 The position of man in the system of the living world 19 2 Hypotheses of the origin of man. Human ancestors. 20 3 The main stages of anthropogenesis. 21 4 Factors of human evolution. The evolution of modern man. Races.
Subject. Section 2. Ecosystems (13 hours)
Topic 5. Organisms and the environment (6 hours)
22 1 Relationship between the organism and the environment. Environmental factors. Biological rhythms.
Etc. No. 1.
Assessment of the influence of air temperature on humans 23 2 Population in an ecosystem. Population structure and dynamics. Population waves. Intraspecific relationships. 24 3 Ecological niche and interspecific relationships. 25 4 Ecological communities. Ecological pyramid.
Etc. No. 2
Drawing up diagrams of the transfer of matter and energy in the food chain 26 5 Structure and dynamics of ecosystems.
Etc. No. 3
Aquarium as a model of an ecosystem” or “Solving environmental problems” (teacher’s choice) 27 6 Biocenosis and biogeocenosis. Human influence on ecosystems.
Subject. Topic 6. Biosphere (4 hours)
28 1 Biosphere and biomes. 29 2 The circulation of substances and energy conversion in the ecosystem. 30 3 Biosphere and man. Anthropogenic impact on the biosphere.
Etc. No. 4
Comparison of natural ecosystems and agroecosystems of your area. 31 4 Test No. 2 Topic 7. Biological foundations of nature conservation (3 hours)
32 1 Protection of species and populations. Ecosystem protection. 33 2 Environmental problems and ways to solve them.
Rules of behavior in the natural environment.
Etc. No. 5
Analysis and assessment of the consequences of our own activities in the environment, global environmental problems and ways to solve them. 34 3 Biological monitoring
Protocol No. ______
from _______________
teachers' council meetings
natural - mathematical cycle AGREED
Deputy Director for HR
____________ Tsekhovskaya I.A.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

secondary school with. Dmitryashevka

Khlevensky municipal district

Lipetsk region

Considered at the meeting Approved

Pedagogical Council by order for the school

protocol No._____from "___"_______2016 No. from 2016

Director_______ S.A. Dedov

Protocol No. from

Head of the Ministry of Defense _________


by academic subject


7_b______ grade

for the 2016-2017 academic year

Developer's name: I. V. Kretinina

Position: chemistry teacher

With. Dmitryashevka


Regulatory documents:

Federal level

2) Federal state educational standard of basic general education / (approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 17, 2010 No. 1897)

3) Federal state educational standard of secondary (complete) general education (approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated May 17, 2012 No. 413)

4) Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 03/05/2004 N 1089 “On approval of the federal component of state educational standards of primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education”

5) Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated 03/09/2004 N 1312 (as amended on 02/01/2012) “On approval of the federal basic curriculum and model curricula for educational institutions of the Russian Federation implementing general education programs.”

6) Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 30, 2010 N 889 "On amendments to the federal basic curriculum and model curriculum for educational institutions of the Russian Federation implementing general education programs approved by Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated March 9, 2004 N 1312" On approval of the federal basic curriculum and model curricula for educational institutions of the Russian Federation implementing general education programs"

7) Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2012 N 69 "On amendments to the federal component of state educational standards of primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated March 5, 2004 N 1089"

8) Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 02/01/2012 N 74 "On amendments to the federal basic curriculum and model curricula for educational institutions of the Russian Federation implementing general education programs approved by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated March 9, 2004 N 1312" .

9) Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated January 24, 2012 N 39 “On introducing changes to the federal component of state educational standards of primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated March 5, 2004 N 1089.”

10) Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 14, 2009 N 729 (as amended on January 16, 2012) “On approval of the list of organizations publishing teaching aids, which are allowed for use in educational process in educational institutions that have state accreditation and implement educational programs of general education" (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on January 15, 2010 N 15987).

11) Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2010 N 189 (as amended on December 25, 2013) “On approval of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in educational institutions” (together with “SanPiN Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in general education organizations. Sanitary and epidemiological rules and standards") (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 03.03.2011 N 19993).

12) Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated 03/09/2004 N 1312 (as amended on 02/01/2012) “On approval of the federal basic curriculum and model curricula for educational institutions of the Russian Federation implementing general education programs”

13) Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 31, 2014 N 253 “On approval of the federal list of textbooks recommended for use in the implementation of state-accredited educational programs of primary general, basic general, and secondary general education”

14) Approximate basic educational program of basic general education. Approved by the decision of the federal educational and methodological association for general education (minutes of April 8, 2015 No. 1/15) http:// www.fgosreestr.ru/

Information about federal regulatory documents on the websites: http://mon.gov.ru/ (Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation); http://www.ed.gov.ru/ ( Educational portal); http://www.edu.ru/ (Unified State Exam); http://fipi.ru/ (FIPI)

Regional level

Order of the UOiN of the Lipetsk region dated April 29, 2015 No. 424 “On basic curriculum for general educational institutions of the Lipetsk region for the 2015/2016 academic year."

Letter from the Administration of Education and Science of the Lipetsk Region dated April 27, 2015 No. SK - 1350 “On the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education in educational organizations of the Lipetsk Region in the 2015-2016 academic year.”

Letter from the Department of Education and Science of the Lipetsk Region dated October 26, 2009 No. 3499 “Approximate regulations on the structure, procedure for the development and approval of work programs for educational courses, subjects, disciplines (modules) of a general education institution implementing educational programs of general education.

School level

School Charter

School Development Program

Educational program of the school for the 2016-2017 academic year.

Calendar training schedule

Curriculum for the 2016-2017 academic year.

Regulations on the structure, procedure for development and approval of work programs of educational courses, subjects, disciplines (modules) of MBOU Secondary School p. Dmitryashevka.

Cel And:

  • mastering knowledge about living nature and its inherent patterns; structure, life activity and environment-forming role of living organisms; methods of knowledge of living nature;
  • mastery of skills apply biological knowledge to explain processes and phenomena of living nature; use information about modern achievements in the field of biology and ecology; work with biological devices, tools, reference books; conduct observations of biological objects, biological experiments;
  • development of cognitive interests, intellectual and creative abilities in the process of conducting observations of living organisms, biological experiments, and working with various sources of information.


  1. Ensure that students acquire knowledge of the anatomy, morphology and taxonomy of animals in accordance with the standard of biological education through a system of 70 lessons.
  2. Continue to develop subject-specific skills and abilities in schoolchildren: the ability to work with a microscope, observe and describe biological objects, compare them, conduct biological experiments, conduct observations in nature; the ability to recognize the most common animals in your area through laboratory work, excursions and video lessons.
  3. Particular attention should be paid to the development of information competence in seventh-graders (the ability to find the necessary information in the text of a textbook and other literature, draw up a plan and summary of what they read through a system of various tasks for working with a textbook, prepare messages and abstracts, and presentations for children.
  4. Strengthen interest in studying biology through various forms of lessons.
  5. Develop students' creative abilities through a system of creative tasks.

Information about the program on the basis of which the work program was developed:

The work program is based on Sample program basic general education in biology, as well as the program of basic general education in biology for the 7th grade of general education institutions (course “Animals”, authors V.M. Konstantinov, V.S. Kuchmenko, I.N. Ponomareva).

Justification for choosing the author's program: The work program corresponds to the federal component of the state standard of general education in biology (approved by the decision of the board of the Ministry of Education of Russia and the Presidium Russian Academy Education dated December 23, 2003 No. 21/12, approved by the order of the Ministry of Education of Russia “On approval of the federal component state standards general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education" dated 03/05/2004 No. 1089).

The work program is focused on the use of the textbook: Konstantinov V.M., Babenko V.G., Kuchmenko V.S. "Biology. Animals". Moscow, “Ventana-Graf”, 2010.

Information about changes made to the author's program and their rationale:

The main changes made to the program by I.N. Ponomareva:

1. Closer and more detailed attention is paid to the diversity of individual systematic groups of animals.

2. Excursions have been introduced, including virtual ones using Internet resources

3. Emphasis is placed on the use of design and research technologies.

Determining the place and role of the training course in students’ mastery of the requirements for the level of training of graduates in accordance with federal state educational standards:

Zoology is studied during one academic year. The school zoology course is comprehensive, including the basics of various zoological sciences: morphology, anatomy, histology, embryology, physiology, taxonomy, ecology, zoogeography, paleozoology, the content of which is didactically revised and adapted to the age and life experience of students. It is a continuation of the botany course and part of a special cycle of biological disciplines about the animal world.

In the process of studying zoology, students become familiar with the diversity of the animal world and its system, reflecting the family relationships between organisms and the history of the development of the animal world.

Students should have an idea of ​​the integrity of the animal organism as a biosystem, the relationships between organs in systems and organ systems among themselves; that their coordinated activities are carried out nervous system; that animals are connected to their environment.

Students should learn that the structure, vital activity and behavior of animals have adaptive significance, which has developed over a long period of time. historical development, as a result of natural selection and survival of the fittest; that every animal is characterized by birth, growth and development, aging and death. Using specific material, students study the biogeocenotic and practical significance of animals, the need rational use and protection of wildlife.

To ensure that students understand the related relationships between organisms, the system of the animal world, reflecting the long evolution of animals, the study is carried out in evolutionary sequence as it becomes more complex from the simplest organisms to mammals.

The program is designed for 2 classes per week (70 hours per year).

Information on the number of training hours for which the work program is designed (in accordance with federal state educational standards): the program is designed for 2 classroom lessons per week (70 hours per year), includes 12 laboratory work.

Forms of organization of the educational process: To improve the educational level and gain skills in the practical use of acquired knowledge, the program provides for an active form of learning, as well as a number of laboratory works, which are carried out after detailed instructions and familiarization of students with established safety rules. A mandatory component is excursions to study wildlife objects in their natural environment; virtual excursions using materials from specialized Internet sites (for example, the sites of the Darwin Museum, the Paleontological Museum of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the National Museum of London) are also expected natural history, museum of the L. Pasteur Institute, etc.)

The program provides the opportunity to use various types of tasks for students in the classroom, developing intellectual and practical skills in schoolchildren. Such as:

1. Finding a logical connection between the terms and concepts written by the teacher on the board. Commenting on this connection.

2. The student’s answer according to the plan drawn up by him or herself or proposed by the teacher.

  1. The answer to the questions is at the end of the textbook paragraph.

4. Compose your own questions to the text for other students in the class.

  1. Answering questions asked by classmates.

6. The student’s answer according to the logical support diagram depicted on the board.

  1. Problem solving.
  2. Participation in a frontal survey-conversation conducted by the teacher.

9. Filling out a comparative or generalizing table on the board or in a notebook.

  1. Correcting "mistakes" in terms written on the board.
  2. Writing test written works.
  3. Speech based on the results of work with additional literature (report, abstract).
  4. Compiling a “biological dictionary” in a notebook using a textbook.
  5. Finding the superfluous in the totality of concepts or terms proposed by the teacher.
  6. Writing a vocabulary dictation on general biology.

16.Distribution of terms, concepts, objects into groups, that is, their classification based on some principle.

17.Formulation of hypotheses.

18.Development of a scientific experiment.

19.Practical implementation of observation and experience.

20. Discussion of the results of the research (your own and someone else’s).

Training technologies:

During the implementation of the program, preference is given to an activity-based approach to learning, extensive use of project activities is expected, and special attention is paid to the student-oriented approach. The use of ICT is mandatory.

Mechanisms for developing key competencies of students.

1. Value-semantic competence is formed through detailed acquaintance with the diversity of the animal world, independent and group research conducted in the form of practical and laboratory work. A special role is played by the study of topics devoted to endangered species.

2. General cultural competence reflecting the range of issues in relation to which the student must be well informed, have knowledge and experience, is formed through a wide range of topics in which zoology is considered in integration with social and humanitarian disciplines. General cultural content of the course "Animals" includes the basics of anatomy, physiology and taxonomy of animals in the form of concepts, laws, principles, methods, hypotheses, theories.

3. Educational and cognitive competence successfully formed through a detailed study of living nature objects, many of which live nearby and are available for direct study. In relation to the objects being studied, the student masters creative skills of productive activity: obtaining knowledge directly from reality, mastering methods of action in non-standard situations, heuristic methods of solving problems.
4. Information competence. With the help of real objects and information technologies, the ability to independently search, analyze and select the necessary information, organize, transform, save and transmit it is formed. This competence provides the student’s skills in relation to the information contained in academic subjects And educational fields, as well as in the surrounding world.
5. Communicative competence. Includes knowledge of the necessary languages, ways of interacting with surrounding and distant people and events, skills in working in a group, and mastery of various social roles in a team. The student acquires these skills during group laboratory work and lessons using project technology. In the course of studying the course, the student masters the ability to introduce himself, write a letter, questionnaire, application, ask a question, lead a discussion, etc.

7. Competence of personal self-improvement is aimed at mastering methods of physical, spiritual and intellectual self-development, emotional self-regulation and self-support. Real object The student himself acts in the sphere of this competence. The program provides that he masters ways of acting in his own interests and capabilities, which are expressed in his continuous self-knowledge, development of the necessary to modern man personal qualities, formation of psychological literacy, culture of thinking and behavior. This competence includes ideas about personal responsibility for the conservation of animal species and entire ecosystems

Types and forms of control (according to the Charter of the educational institution):

oral and written; frontal, group, individual; final and current; using a computer and other technical means; programmed and unprogrammed.

Information about the textbook used.

Textbook: Konstantinov V.M., Babenko V.G., Kuchmenko V.S. "Biology. Animals". Moscow, “Ventana-Graf”, 2010.

The planned level of student preparation at the end of the year in accordance with the requirements established by state educational standards, the School Development Program, Educational program schools.

As a result of studying biology in 7th grade, the student must:


  • signs of biological objects: living organisms; animal cells and organisms; populations; biosphere; animals;
  • the essence of biological processes: metabolism and energy transformations, nutrition, respiration, excretion, transport of substances, growth, development, reproduction, heredity and variability, regulation of the body’s vital functions, irritability, circulation of substances and energy transformations in ecosystems;

be able to

  • explain: the role of biology in the formation of the modern natural science picture of the world, in the practical activities of people and the student himself; kinship, common origin and evolution of animals (using the example of comparison of individual groups); relationships between organisms and the environment; biological diversity in preserving the biosphere; the need to protect the environment;
  • study biological objects and processes: perform biological experiments, describe and explain the results of experiments; observe the growth and development of animals, animal behavior, seasonal changes in nature; examine on finished micropreparations and describe biological objects;
  • recognize and describe: on the tables the main parts and organelles of the cell; on living objects and tables, organs and organ systems of animals, animals of individual types and classes; the most common animals in your area, domestic animals, animals dangerous to humans;
  • identify the variability of organisms, adaptations of organisms to their environment, types of interaction between different species in the ecosystem;
  • compare biological objects (cells, tissues, organs and organ systems, organisms, representatives of individual systematic groups) and draw conclusions based on comparison;
  • determine the belonging of biological objects to a certain systematic group (classification);
  • analyze and evaluate the consequences of human activity in ecosystems, the impact of one’s own actions on living organisms and ecosystems;
  • conduct an independent search for biological information: find distinctive features of the main systematic groups in the text of the textbook; in biological dictionaries and reference books the meaning of biological terms; in various sources the necessary information about living organisms (including using information technology);

use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and

everyday life for:

  • compliance with animal disease prevention measures;
  • providing first aid for animal bites.

Italics in the text indicate material that is subject to study, but is not included in the Requirements for the level of graduate training.


The role of biology in the formation of the modern natural science picture of the world, in the practical activities of people. Methods for studying living objects. Biological experiment. Observation, description and measurement of biological objects. Compliance with the rules of behavior in the environment, respect for biological objects, and their protection.


The cellular structure of organisms as proof of their relationship, the unity of living nature. Cell division is the basis for the reproduction, growth and development of organisms.. Unicellular and multicellular organisms. Tissues, organs, organ systems, their relationship as the basis for the integrity of a multicellular organism.

Signs of living organisms, their manifestation in animals. Animal behavior (reflexes, instincts, elements of rational behavior).


System of the organic world. Basic systematic categories, their subordination. Animal Kingdom. The role of animals in nature, human life and their own activities.

Animal Kingdom. The role of animals in nature, human life and their own activities. Pathogens and vectors of diseases in animals and humans. Measures to prevent diseases caused by animals.

Single-celled animals, or Protozoa.

General characteristics of protozoa. Origin of protozoa. The meaning of protozoa in nature and human life.

Type Coelenterates.

Multicellular animals. General characteristics of the type Coelenterates. Origin of coelenterates. The importance of coelenterates in nature and human life.

Types of worms.

Type Molluscs.

General characteristics of the Mollusc type. Variety of shellfish. Origin of shellfish and their significance in nature and human life.

Phylum Arthropods.

General characteristics of the phylum Arthropods. Origin of arthropods. Protection of arthropods.

Class Crustaceans. Features of the structure and vital activity of crustaceans, their significance in nature and human life.

Class Arachnida. Features of the structure and life of arachnids, their significance in nature and human life. Ticks are carriers of pathogens that cause diseases in animals and humans.

Phylum Chordata.

General characteristics of the Chordata type. Subtype Skullless. Lancelet. Subtype Cranial, or Vertebrate. General characteristics of the Pisces superclass. Peculiarities internal structure and vital processes in fish in connection with the aquatic lifestyle. Reproduction and development and migration of fish in nature. Main systematic groups of fish. The importance of fish in nature and human life. Protection of fish resources.

Class Amphibians. General characteristics of the class Amphibians Features of the external and internal structure of amphibians. Reproduction and development of amphibians. Origin of amphibians. Diversity, meaning and their protection.

Class Reptiles. General characteristics. Features of the external and internal structure of reptiles. Origin and a variety of reptiles. The importance of reptiles in nature and human life.

Bird class. General characteristics of the Bird class. Features of the external and internal structure and life activity of birds. Reproduction and development of birds. Seasonal phenomena in the life of birds. Ecological groups of birds. Origin of birds. The importance of birds in nature and human life. Bird conservation. Poultry farming.

Class Mammals. General characteristics of the class Mammals. Peculiarities external structure, skeleton and musculature of mammals. Reproduction and development of mammals. Origin of mammals. Diversity of mammals. Mammals are carriers of pathogens of dangerous diseases. Rodent control measures. Precautionary measures and first aid for animal bites. Ecological groups of mammals. Seasonal phenomena in the life of mammals. Origin and significance of mammals. Mammal conservation. The most important breeds of domestic mammals.

The doctrine of the evolution of the organic world. Charles Darwin is the founder of the doctrine of evolution. Driving forces and results of evolution. Increasing complexity of plants and animals in the process of evolution. Biological diversity as the basis for the stability of the biosphere and as a result of evolution.

Carrying out simple biological research: animal recognition different types, pets; determining the belonging of biological objects to a certain systematic group using reference books and determinants (classification).

Thematic plan 7th grade


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19. Sukhova T.S. "Biology. Tests. 6th -11th grades." Moscow, Bustard, 2000.

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