Abstracts Statements Story

False gods. Red false gods and great masters

Using this understanding to the current false gods playing their games in the field of the Earth and solar system, we have come to realize that each of them also represents an inflated body-level consciousness. On Earth this kind of consciousness has become split. There are false gods who have a positive flow of form energy; such govern the planes of reality of the light body. Such false gods are less destructive than those that originate from interspace. There are also false gods that arose as a result of pumping up the consciousness of interspace; These bring the greatest harm and damage, because they strive to expand interspace, which is their sphere of life. Further expansion of interspace leads to a decline in consciousness, since there is less and less chi available to flow along the meridians. Therefore, these false gods are the most destructive of all existing ones, tending to control the physical planes related to humanity, as well as dolphins and whales.

The real state of affairs is such that body-level consciousness cannot lead ((yurma home.

In addition, body-level consciousness came to Earth from other creations as a result of mixing the DNA of humans, as well as dolphins and whales. Not only do we have false gods from Sirius associated with Sirian DNA, but also southern gods who came to Earth with alien DNA from the Pleiades and Alpha Centauri (Greys and Reptilians), along with Llbireon. The most assertive (aggressively self-confident) of these types of consciousness originate from Albyreon and include the false gods known as Buddha, Lady Buddha (Kuan Yiy), Rama, Melchizedek, Thoth, Sananda and Solaris. Each of these is traced to the beginning of its origin as a body-level consciousness that inflated itself through the process of false ascensions in a creation that is already extinct and known as Albyreon.

False gods came to Earth a long time ago, entering human realities when Sirius selected 18 root races to Earth. 11 of them died out after the false gods expanded the interspace in their forms to such an extent that life in these bloodlines could no longer exist, since the lack of life force moving along the meridians was greatly affected. In third dimensional terms, each of these 11 root races became epidemic, became sick, and went extinct. However, from an energetic perspective, the underlying reason for everything that happened was a deficiency of chi caused by the expansion of interdimensional space, which was caused by the false gods.

There is a point at which interspace becomes so large that the supply of chi to support life is clearly insufficient. Today people with 2 chains exist on the edge of such realities - there are more interspaces than meridians. As a result, many meridians are blocked, leading to a shortened lifespan and the experience of aging, illness and disease. For what is happening to humanity today is a repetition of what once happened to the 11 other indigenous races that perished; over time, interspace increased to such a size that the chi flowing through the meridian system was simply not enough to support life; and the associated root races became extinct. In fact, humanity is on the verge of extinction at this time in history if it were not for the choice of ascension.

There are other false gods that came with the Pleiadian Anu and are the result of Pleiadian body level consciousness that has become pumped into false gods. These came to Earth and chose to embody the slaves of Anu after the latter were brought into the laboratory. These false gods are known by the names of Kuthumi, Djwal Khul, Serapis Bey, Hilarion, Paul the Venetian, Saint Germain, Lady Nada and Lord Maitreya. As the slave population grew, the body level consciousness of these false gods also increased to a point that allowed them to enter into competition with other false gods; in doing so, they came into conflict with the aforementioned false gods of Albyreon. And since the attacks came through the nations of slaves and red people, each nation fell ill and experienced a decline in consciousness. (See "The History of the Human Dream" above.)

difference between ancestors and false gods

It is necessary to thoroughly understand that there is a difference between ancestors and false gods. The ancestor named Buddha, Kuan Yin, Rama, Melchizedek, Thoth, Sananda and Solaris was human; at one time they performed a false ascension, and the body burned to ashes, leaving the consciousness of the form inflated after that. Therefore, false ascension promotes pumping up the consciousness and body level into false gods. Later, when the Pleiadian false gods acquired the keys to the Pyramids Ancient Egypt and exalted people for a similar purpose, they greatly expanded their dominion through false ascensions. Perhaps once upon a time there were people named Kuthumi or Djwal Khul and so on; but after the combustion of the form in false ascension, the pumped-up consciousness of the body level wanted to retain the name of the physical plane. The person who falsely ascended is the ancestor; the false god is the result of pumping up body level consciousness through false ascension.

Ancestry is a reliable and legitimate factor in the human species; they must clear their karma in order for all of humanity to ascend. Lyudmila and Roman revealed that they have ancestors associated with false gods, for it was their incarnations in which the false ascension took place, inflating the false god into dominance. In the process of ascension, the ancestor was embraced and karma was released; in doing so, the false god collapsed and could be pulled back into the body to perform normal body-level consciousness functions. If the consciousness of the false god came from another creation, then it was simply sent home. During their ascension, Ludmila and Roman developed this as a way to complete the experience of the false gods.

False gods occupy a certain space; they are the result of body-level consciousness. However, becoming increasingly inflated through the process of false ascension, they began to perceive themselves as a God and Goddess above the human species. Moreover, many body level consciousnesses were pumped from alien creations, which was due to the presence of alien DNA in the ascending initiate during the combustion. The consciousness of the body level that has come from another creation is familiar only with that flow of energy that is dissonant with the Earth, and therefore cannot be used here in the choice of transportation. Therefore, Lyudmila and Roman prefer to send someone else's body-level consciousness back to the creations from where it came; and encourage other initiates reading their materials to do the same.

WORD religion comes from the Latin word religare, meaning connection(reunion). In his religious life, a person connects and unites himself with God, Who is his “alpha” (“beginning”) and “omega” (“end”). For every person familiar with the New Testament, there can be no doubt that the essence of religion and the essence of the connection between man and his God is Love. When the Pharisees asked Jesus:

What is the greatest commandment in the law? - He replied:

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. The second is similar to it: love your neighbor as yourself.

What does it mean to love God with all your heart, all your soul and all your mind? I think that the Apostle John would answer this that each of us, before we could truly give our heart, soul and mind to God, would first want to know how much God Himself loves him, to know how much the eternal God thinks about him and wants to share His Divine life, joy and love with man. Christian love is a response to the boundless love of God, but there can be no response until a person realizes with his whole being that God first loved him, loved him so much that he sent His Beloved Son to save us.

This is where the key to failed love for God lies. Most of us do not realize deeply enough this paternal and even tender love of God for us. This especially applies to those people who have never known human love, have not known its life-giving influence through the sacrament of human love, and have never known God, Who Himself is love. The absence of such an experience of love is a serious damage in their life. In this case, the God of love, who wants to share His life and joy with them, will most likely seem to be only the result of an ardent imagination, devoid of any reality.

There is no such person who would not ultimately respond to love in any way, if only he is able to realize that he is loved. But if a person’s life and the reality around him are devoid of love, then the reality of Divine love is unlikely to find a response of love - a response that will come from all the heart, all the soul and all the mind.

False gods

The God that a person living such a life will find will be only a gloomy, frightening idol, demanding nothing from his worshipers except fear. Genesis tells us that God created us in His image and likeness, and it must be said that the most insidious and impoverishing temptation is man’s attempt, in turn, to create God in my own way - human - image and likeness.

Each of us has our own and unique and at the same time extremely limited idea of ​​​​God, which very often bears the imprint and distortion of our life experience. Negative emotions, such as fear, fade quite quickly. The distorted image of a vengeful God eventually becomes boring and rejected. Fear is a very weak bond for a true union and too fragile a foundation for religion.

Perhaps this is why the Lord's second commandment tells us to love one another. Selfless human love is a sacrament that introduces Divine love. A person needs to join in the human participation and self-giving of other people in order to find God, who gives Himself to man.

Those who do not reject the distorted image of a vengeful God will always limp in his dark shadow, and they are unlikely to ever be able to love with all their heart, all their soul and all their mind. Such a God will not be a God of love. There will never be a trusting surrender of oneself into the loving hands of the Father; man will never know the joy of mysterious participation in God. Those who serve out of fear, without knowing love, will always try to bargain with God. He will, of course, do something for God, trust Him a little about himself, pray a little, etc., in order to somehow earn a place in His Kingdom. Life and religion in this case will become a game of chess, and not a matter of love.

Response to God's Love

A person who is open to Divine love will certainly want to respond to it with his own love. How can he give any significant answer if God, having everything, cannot acquire anything else, if He cannot need anything? This is what the Apostle John tells us about the human response to God's love:

We know love in that Jesus
Christ laid down His life for us:
and we must lay down our souls for
brothers... Beloved! Let's love
each other, because love is from God
and everyone who loves is born of God
and knows God; he who does not love has not known
God, because God is love... God
no one has ever seen: if we love
each other, then God dwells in us
and His love is perfect in us.
1Seq. John, ch. 3, art. 16; Ch.4, cm.7-12

Meeting God in other people is the most precious moment in the dialogue between God and man.

Human nature requires contact with God in a bodily or sensory way. In the Old Testament, God came to people in a clap of thunder and a flash of lightning over Sinai. His voice came from the burning bush. In the New Testament, God's goodness to man was even more amazing: He came to us as a man, He came to the point of suffering on the cross, suffering for you and me: “This is what I meant when I said I love you.” Having become incarnate, God brought His gifts to people in the earthly vessel of humanity in order to be able to speak to us in our human language and so that we would have the opportunity to find out what He really is like.

Just as God expected people to find Him under the guise of humanity even when that humanity was distorted by suffering and stained with blood, He expects us to find Him behind the human appearance of other people. Indeed, a person’s position in life becomes extraordinarily precious when he begins to take God seriously in this way:

I was hungry - and you gave Me food;
I was thirsty and you gave Me something to drink;
I was a stranger - and you accepted Me;
I was naked and you clothed Me;
I was sick - and you visited Me;
I was in prison - and you came to Me.
Then the righteous will answer Him:
-God! When we saw you
hungry and fed? or thirsty
and gave him something to drink? when we saw you
a stranger and accepted? or naked
and dressed? when we saw you sick
and in prison they came to you?
And the King will answer them:
-Truly I say: just as you did
this to one of the least of these my brothers,
they did it to me.

Gospel of Matthew, ch. 25, art.. 35-40

The first Christians did not separate love for God from love for man and designated one and the other with the Greek word agape, which united in itself at the same time both love for God, Who Himself is love, and for the least of the brothers.

But it's all an old song - isn't it? Often, when we become so callous and lose our human freshness, the thought appears that it is not we, but the word of God that has lost its freshness. When our own generosity fades and withers, there is a desire to turn away from these problems in search of more practical, more down-to-earth problems; they are the ones that seem appropriate to us for discussion.

It must be said that the desire to avoid a direct response to the real call of the Word of God is very dangerous. Someday we will inevitably meet him, and the possibility cannot be ruled out that our hearts will be in extreme straits and confusion. Already beyond the threshold of life, God, who opens His arms to us, can ask us: “Where is yours wounds?

And following St. Augustine, who resisted for a long time until he was finally overcome by Divine grace, we will have to admit with bitterness: “Too late, Lord, too late, I loved You.”

The meaning of love

Much more could probably be said to explain what love is; however, it is clear that true love requires forgetting oneself. Since there are a great many people who use the word Love and those who pretend to understand its meaning, but at the same time do not understand its true meaning or are even hardly capable of truly loving, then the following test can be proposed: Can you really forget yourself? In the market of life we ​​are offered many counterfeits, which are sometimes called love, but these are all false names. We sometimes even call Love satisfaction of one or another of our own needs. However, we can even do something for others without experiencing true love. A kind of litmus test for love will always be the question of forgetting ourselves.

Can we really put the happiness or fullness of other people's feelings into the focus of our attention? Can we really always ask ourselves not what others can do for us, but only: what can we do for them? If we really want to love, then we must ask ourselves these questions.

We must not forget that we are capable of using other people for our own success, for the sake of satisfying our deep and reverent human needs, and at the same time we may mistakenly believe that this is true love. A young man, confessing his love to a girl, can often be mistaken, mistaking for true love the simple satisfaction of his selfish needs. The girl, seeing that her loneliness is filled with the company and attention of this young man, also easily falls into the mistake of mistaking the emotional satisfaction she experiences for love. In the same way, the father and mother, who strive with all their might to promote the success of their children, do not notice that behind this there is an unfulfilled desire for their own success, and they easily convince themselves that they are truly loving parents. The decisive question, as always, remains the question of forgetting ourselves. Do this young man and this girl, this mother and father, really forget themselves, their comforts and inconveniences, their emotional satisfaction, and seek the only happiness and fulfillment of life for those they love? These are far from theoretical questions. The fact is that for most of us our own needs are too tangible and too real, for it is difficult for a seed to fall to the ground and die to itself - but without this it cannot live a life of love.

The methods by which the star lords extracted information from the taciturn captive turned out to be truly unfamiliar to Kinkar. No questions were asked at all.
The prisoner was seated in front of one of the heaters in the large hall of the fortress and left alone, although there were always people nearby who were quietly watching him.
A few minutes later, when his suspicions subsided, the prisoner, in turn, began to openly examine the inhabitants of the fortress, and bewilderment was clearly visible on his face. He simply could not understand their actions and behavior. Wide with open eyes watched as Lord John taught his half-breed son how to wield a sword in front of an attentive and friendly audience consisting of the boy's mother and sister. The women knitted, and the younger brother looked with envy and was ready to replace the elder at any moment.
And when Lady Asghar approached Kinkar from behind and, in order to attract his attention, put her hand on his shoulder, the captive, seeing this friendly gesture, shuddered, as if expecting some terrible revenge.
“You found us something new and interesting, little brother,” said the lady. - Dillan will come soon, he doesn’t want to tear himself away from his calculations. So, do you think our guest came straight out of the saga of Garthal the Two-Sworded?
- It seems to me, lady, he looks like the “inner people” of legends.
Vorken descended from her perch high in the ceiling and grabbed the lady's cloak. Asghar smiled at her face.
- Well, Vorken, because of your impatience you want to tear me to shreds? You are a female yourself and should not tear your clothes, which are so difficult to renew. Ha! Get up, that's what you need! “She bent down, and the muzzle jumped into her hands, then grabbed her shoulder, pressed her head to her face and began to whisper something in her ear.
“You did a good job today, Vorken,” Asgar concluded, as if the mord understood every word. - Better than we expected. Be patient, winged one, we have important things to do.
But when she stopped right in front of the captive, the dwarf cowered, as if he was ready to curl up into a ball under the blows of a whip. And he didn’t raise his head, didn’t look into the lady’s eyes. His whole posture said that he expected death, and not an easy one. And this was so contrary to the courage and fortitude that he had shown earlier that Kinkar was amazed.
- So what do we have here? - Lord Dillan approached them, patting Kinkar on the back approvingly. - Is this your meat thief, boy?
“He’s not just a thief,” said the lady. - But there is one mystery here. Why is he so afraid of us?
- Yes. - Lord Dillan extended his hand and gently, but with a force that was impossible to resist, raised the dwarf’s head and looked into his eyes. The prisoner's eyes were tightly closed. - Look at us, stranger. We are not your enemies... unless you want it yourself...
It was as if he had touched a fresh wound. The captive's eyes widened, but no one was prepared for the black hatred reflected in their depths.
“Yes,” the dwarf shouted, “the “gods” are never enemies, they only wish us good. Listen to me, “gods”, I bow to you. - He slid from the saddle to the floor and bowed before the star lord. - You can kill me according to your evil customs, “gods,” but Ospik will not beg you to save his life!
The lady spoke first.
- We are not gods, Ospik, and we don’t like this title, even as a joke. Why do you call us that?
He smiled broadly and contemptuously, hatred in him struggling with the instinct of self-preservation.
- What else should I call you? After all, you yourself taught Gort that way. You are “gods” from distant stars. Although the imagination of a simple hunter cannot tell what you are doing in these ruins. What are you doing here and with them... - He pointed to Kinkar, to the family of Lord John, busy in the distance with their affairs.
- Why shouldn’t relatives be together? - the lady asked softly.
- To relatives! - Ospik repeated this word incredulously. - But the young warrior is a Gortian from the lowlands, and you are “gods”! There can be no relationship between a slave and his master. For a slave to even think about such a blood connection means death!
Lord Dillan's eyes grew colder and darker. He listened, placing his hand in a friendly manner on Kinkara’s shoulder, but his hand was squeezing more and more tightly. Only Lady Asghar continued to ask questions with a calm expression.
- You're wrong, Ospik. Everyone gathered here has a common past, at least in part. Those who seem to you to be Gortians also carry star blood. John, whom you were looking at, is teaching his eldest son, and this is his wife, daughter and youngest son - very big family. And this is Kinkar sRud. - She pointed to Kinkara. “His father was Rude, and Rude’s brother Dillan is standing in front of you.” We have neither slaves nor masters, only relatives.
- Son of Lord Rude. - Ospik looked at Kinkar, baring his teeth like an animal, as if he was ready to grab his throat with fury. - Lord Rude has a slave son! What great news! So he has disgraced himself! Great Rude broke the first law of his kind! Great news, great! But no one will believe me... - His head turned from side to side, like that of a hunted animal.
Kinkar was surprised and thought about what he understood. Lord Dillan is his close kinsman. For some reason, this thought made me feel warm, like a heater. But what are these words about Lord Rude breaking the first law? How does Ospik know his father? Asghar spoke again.
- Rude, Dillan's brother, is dead, Ospik. He died twenty warm seasons ago, when he tried to save sailors who were caught in a storm on the reefs from a wrecked ship...
Ospik looked at her, then spat.
- I'm not retarded, not yet. - And again his shoulders bent under the blow of an invisible scourge. - Lord Rude rules in U Sippar, and so it has always been in the memory of people. Not a single “god” would lift a finger to save a Gortian in a storm!
Lady Asghar's breath caught.
- What did we find? - she asked, clenching her hands until her knuckles turned white. - Which Gort are we on, Dillan?
“It looks like our worst fears have come true,” he answered gloomily. “We tried not to think about it, but we were always afraid of it.”
She gasped.
- Is the case really so cruel to us!
- Case? Do you think this is the case, Asghar? I would say that this is part of a global design that goes beyond our understanding. We tried to right the wrong done to Gort alone. But here this evil is much worse. Will we always face the results of our interventions?
Ospik looked from one to the other, looked again at Lord John, at the others busy with their affairs in the hall. He stood up and extended his hand to the two in front of him, crossing his fingers strangely.
- You are not “gods”! - he declared accusingly. -You are demons who have taken on their appearance. In the name of Laura, Loya and Lis, I conjure you to take your true form.
Kinkar answered the spell with his own.
- In the name of Laura, Loya and Lis, I tell you, Ospik, that these are star lords, although, probably, not the ones you know. Can a demon stand to hear me say this? - And he pronounced the sacred Three Names in the ancient language, as he was taught, feeling the reciprocal warmth of the talisman on his chest.
Ospik was shocked.
“I don’t understand,” he said weakly. Kinkar was ready to take up his words, but he had enough common sense to turn to Lord Dillan for an explanation.
- Ospik, we are truly of star blood. - The Star Lord spoke sincerely. - But we are not the ones you know. We came from another Gort. And in spirit we are opposite to the lords of this world..., at least that’s what I conclude from your words.
“The “Gods” have done a lot here,” answered Ospik, “but it never brought any good to Gort.” I don’t understand what strange story you are telling me...
Later, Kinkar sat in a ring of warriors, half-bloods and star lords, and listened to Lord Dillan.
- That's what it is! On this Gort, our family brought with it an evil far greater than that from which we fled. Here our family landed and took over the entire planet, turning the natives into slaves. All our wisdom was aimed at holding the planet in an iron fist. Only a few fled to the deserts. The aborigines in this area are also free, like the Ospika tribe. This is an evil Gort, just like ours could become.
“We are a handful against many,” Lord John said thoughtfully.
- Yes, a handful. And here's what I'll say. From a military point of view, it is wise not to make our presence known until we are better acquainted with the situation. - This is Lord Bardon. He is one of all the star lords who was born on the ship, before landing on Gort. And he decided to stay because he has children and grandchildren who are Gortians. On the left, among the women, sits his daughter, on the right, among the children, two boys.
Kinkar listened out of the corner of his ear, assessing the combat capabilities of their group. About fifty people passed through the gate. Twenty women and girls, ten children. Of the men, eight are star lords, from Lord Bardon to the youngest Jon. Sim, Dillan, Rodrik, Tomm, Jock and France. It is difficult to determine their age, but none of them have the appearance of a Gortian who has passed the fortieth summer. The mysterious change that happened to them during their flight in the void left its indelible imprint on them.
All twelve half-bloods are young, but they are proven fighters, and Lord John's eldest son will soon be able to join them. A good strong combat group, not everyone will dare to attack it. And the star lords have their own ways of fighting. Yes, if they were going to attack the fortress, Kinkar would not hesitate to join them.
But they do not attack the fortress, they are opposed not by the Gortians, but by the star lords, the evil vengeful star lords who used all their secret knowledge to maintain power over the planet. And this is a completely different matter. And no one will dare to begin military operations before the enemy’s forces have been established.
But they managed to enlist the support of Ospik. The Highlander was finally forced to admit the obvious. And now he was ready to facilitate the conclusion of an alliance between his people and the inhabitants of the fortress. It was difficult for him to think of the star lords as friends, but as soon as he believed that such friendship was possible, his consent was complete and sincere. He decided that he must return to his underground fortress and organize a meeting between the owner of the cave and the star lords.
Before night fell, Ospik left. But one riddle kept Kinkara silent. He was in Sim's stall, straightening out a bed of dry grass, when a beam of light from the door told him that he was not alone. Lord Dillan nodded approvingly at his efforts to make the stall more comfortable for the larng.
- Good larng. - At such a beginning there was a feeling of indecision. The Star Lord had not come to talk about the larngs, and Kinkar sensed it.
- This is Sim. - Kinkar gently ran his hands over the pointed ears of the kneeling animal, stroking the calluses where the reins touched the skin. “I found him in a paddock and he’s been mine ever since.”
Inwardly he felt the same indecision as Lord Dillan. Ever since that conversation at Wurd's deathbed, when the orderly life he had always led had ended, when his world had shattered and his security had disappeared, he had tried not to think about the truth. It turned out to be easier to accept exile from Styr, the prospect of becoming a robber, than to believe that he was not completely Gortian.
And he doesn't want to admit that his father was like Dillan, maybe a lot like him, because they are brothers. Why? Is he afraid of the star lords? Or is he indignant at the part of the blood that destroyed his prosperous life in Styra? He will never feel at ease in the company of the star lords, like Jonathal, Vult and the rest, who live with strangers from birth.
Perhaps a reluctance to admit one's mixed blood reinforced by the fact that he, the only one of all the half-breeds, looks no different from a Gortian. Others are taller than the natives, they have strange-colored eyes, hair, unusual facial features... And at such moments, when he has to admit his kinship with strangers, his very first reaction is the wariness of a person who should be hiding, but understands that he has been discovered.
Dillan put the lamp on the floor and leaned against the partition, tucking his fingers into his belt.
“Son of Ruda,” he said quietly, pronouncing the name with the same strange accent as when they first met.
- You don't see it in me! - Kinkar blurted out.
“Outwardly, no,” Dillan readily agreed, and Kinkar experienced an incomprehensible dissatisfaction. - But in other respects... Kinkar asked a question that had been in his head all day.
- Ospik said that Lord Rude rules one of the regions of the star lords. But how can this be? If Lord Rude, who was my father, has been dead for many years... Another lord? Maybe Rude's son with star blood?
Dillan shook his head.
- Don't think. We didn't expect to be faced with such a confusing case. Perhaps on this Gort there are our correspondences, we are what we would become if we walked along a different road. But this is terrible, and we really find ourselves in a nightmare!
- How can a person face himself in battle? - Kinkar brought this idea to its logical conclusion.
- This is what we must establish, junior. Let's assume that Rude, who rules here, is not the one who conceived you... he cannot be...
- Yes, Ospik made it clear that on this Gort the star lords and the aborigines do not interbreed...
- And not only this. - Dillan impatiently rejected his remark. - Rude, who with his way of life, with his temperament is satisfied with the way things are here, is not at all the Rude of our world. They have nothing in common. Rude was born on our Gort three years after our ships landed, so he is twenty warm seasons older than me. And he is the son of another mother. He had four wives: two of star blood, two Gortians. The last of these was Anora of Styr, and she outlived him by less than a year. He had two sons and a daughter of star blood, they flew away on one of our ships, and one half-breed son is you. But you didn't know about your origins. Three months ago, Wurd sent us a message in which he spoke about what fate could await you due to enmity with Jord. He kept you away from us, wanted to make you only a Gortian so that you could better serve Styr, so you have no memories that would help you get used to it. But Rude, your father, was someone who was easy to stand next to, and we are glad to have his descendant with us!
- But you also have the blood of Rude.
- Yes. But I'm not like Rude. He was a born warrior, a man of action. And in a world where action is needed, that means a lot. - Dillan smiled a little tiredly. - But I’m more of a person who does what he sees in his dreams. I wield the sword, but I willingly put it aside. Rude was like a muzzle on the hunt, he was always looking for adventure. His passion was more for the sword itself than for the stories. But it's hard to describe Rude to someone who didn't know him, even to his own son. - He sighed and raised the lamp again. - I will say that Rude, as we knew him, is worthy of loyalty and love. Always remember this if fate pits you against another Rud who rules here on Gort...
He paused at the exit of the stall.
- Now Sim is comfortable. Come with me to the hall. We have a military council, and everyone has the right to vote on it.
They all ate together, dividing with scrupulous precision the results of the hunt and the dwindling supplies. Kinkar thought that a hungry muzzle always hunts better. Nowadays no one eats enough to not wield a sword in an attack. He chewed the suard meat thoroughly, enjoying its taste.
The military council made a decision. Now they will hunt, collect supplies in the fortress, maybe trade with internal people surplus food. For now, they will not go anywhere outside the valley, guarded by a fortress. Ospik assured them that they were far from the lowlands controlled by the star lords of this Gort, where their mighty weapons kept the slaves in line. But the thought that their counterparts were using their power with such evil intentions made the lords think gloomily. And Kinkar believed that even if Lord Dillan built a new gate, opened the road to a new Gort, he would find that the other lords would not want to follow him. They feel responsible for this world and guilty for what the false gods have done.
Now there will always be sentries on the watchtowers, in the morning patrol routes around the fortress have been outlined, responsibilities have been distributed so that everyone participates in the hunt and in guard duty.
When lunch was over, Lady Asghar approached Kinkar, holding in her hands a small board with strings, such as those used by wandering storytellers.
- Kinkar, they say you remember well the saga of Gartal and his meeting with the “inner people.” Today's meeting proved that at least part of this story is true. And we want to hear the whole story about Gartal's raid on the Lok fortress.
He, embarrassed, put the board on his knee. In Stir he had to sing, but he never thought that he would sing in such a company. However, “Ghartal's Raid” is not very well known now, although it was Voord's favorite song, and Kinkar remembered its long, flowing stanzas well. And so he struck the strings and began - the tale of how Gartal set out on the road as a man deprived of his fortress, how he came to the Lok fortress, and how he was deceived and had to flee to the mountains with anger in his heart. Those sitting around Lorpor, Vult, Lord John, Jonathal drew their swords and accompanied his singing with a rhythmic ringing, striking blades against blades, their eyes sparkled in the light of the lamps, and the legend was picked up by the sweet voices of women. And never since he left Stir had Kinkar felt so strongly that he belonged here.

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Question: Kim: Jesus, I probably wouldn't have dared ask this question a few years ago because I would have considered it blasphemous. However, I have always been interested in the question of cultures in which the Gods required the sacrifice of people or animals, as well as some places in the Old Testament where God instructs the Jews to kill all members of other tribes or nations. Considering that the first commandment states, “You shall have no other gods before Me” (Exodus 20:3, Deuteronomy 5:7), then there seems to be a real possibility that people will worship false Gods. Is it possible that a false God exists, and that this false God could even influence the Old Testament?

Jesus' answer:

I kept hoping that someone would look at my teachings on this site, put some things together and ask just such a question. This question is not only logical, it is also very important.

Let me first answer that in the past you would not have dared to even consider this question. It is important for all spiritual seekers to understand one thing in order to rise to top level spiritual path. You need to rise to a level of consciousness where there are no prohibitions, where there are no questions that you dare not ask.

Why is this so important? This is important because the spiritual path is a process in which you free yourself from all the serpentine lies that have caused you to create a false sense of your identity. You must be willing to lose your life, to lose your mortal sense of identity, by giving up all kinds of serpentine lies that influence your consciousness and have become part of your sense of identity. To do this, you must question absolutely everything in this world, and then receive an answer coming from your Christ Self or from the Ascended Host through your Christ Self.

Consider the importance of the question of the existence of a false god. Let's imagine for a moment that there is a false god, and that some people on Earth have been misled into worshiping this false god. If these people consider it blasphemous to even ask such a question about the existence of a false god, then how can they be rescued from this trap? They will literally be stuck for life, and their culture can be stuck for thousands of years.

The fundamental law of this Universe is free will. We, the Ascended Host, have been tasked with saving every person on Earth. To save people, we must free them from the serpentine lies by giving them the truth that will set them free. However, in order for us to give people the truth, people must ask for it. Ask and it will be given to you (Gospel of Luke 11:9) - this is the Divine Law. If you do not ask, then you cannot receive from us, because the law of free will does not allow us to give you an answer that you have not asked for. In fact, unless you ask, you will not be open to the answer or will not be able to understand the answer.

Therefore, we will be forced to allow you to continue to live in illusion until you finally decide to throw away all inhibitions and begin to ask logical questions. Therefore, it can be said that any religion that does not allow its adherents to ask questions is under the influence of serpentine lies and forces that seek to keep people trapped in this world. There are no exceptions to this statement. Only truth can set you free, and truth can only be known by asking questions. If your religion does not allow you to ask questions, then it is influenced by the forces of this world. By this I am not saying that your religion is completely false or completely controlled by these forces. I say that your religion is influenced by these forces and that is why it has created taboo issues.

Is there a false god? In reality, there are many false gods. One of the messages I strive to convey on this site is that humans have created their own reality. Let's look at the situation in the Garden of Eden. The book of Genesis says:

22 And the Lord God said, Behold, Adam has become as one of Us, knowing good and evil; and now, lest he stretch out his hand, and also take from the tree of life, and eat, and live forever.
23 And the Lord God sent him out of the garden of Eden to till the ground from which he had been taken. (Genesis chapter 3).

As I explained in , the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil is the fruit of the knowledge of relative good and evil. Relative good and evil means: because humans are co-creators with God, they are endowed with the ability to create their own reality, that is, they can create their own definitions of good and evil. Therefore, people can create a culture and belief system on planet Earth that is completely inconsistent with the truth and reality of God.

I'm sure you can understand that when people fall into the trap of a relative belief system, they worship a false god. If in such a state of consciousness they received eternal life, they would never be freed from this illusion. Therefore, the law of God requires that when you create a relative definition of good and evil, when you create a “reality” that does not correspond to the reality of God, you are subject to the law of aging, which physicists call the second law of thermodynamics. This law states that if you are separated from God, your creation will gradually wear out and self-destruct.

As I explain on this site, people have tasted the fruit of the knowledge of relative good and evil, which in reality means that they have descended to a lower state of consciousness. In such a state of consciousness, the relative opposites of good and evil predominate. These opposites are mutually exclusive, and they are different from the original polar qualities of God, namely the expanding and contracting forces, which Mother Mary described well in her dictations.

As the Bible says, God created man in his own image and likeness. (Genesis 1:26-27). This means that God created souls with the ability to imagine, with free will and the ability to create using Divine energy. Once people fell into a lower state of consciousness, they lost their conscious connection with the reality of God. So inevitably they began to create false gods. They began to create idols, which they determined according to their relative definitions good and evil. They began to create Gods in the image and likeness of man. They began to create gods that expressed their own state of consciousness, and those gods were what people, or at least some of the people, wanted them to be.

As I try to explain on this site, everything you do, you do with Divine Energy. You are alive because there is a constant flow of spiritual energy that emanates from the spiritual Self and flows through your soul. This energy is directed by the focus of your attention. As this energy passes through your mind, it takes on qualities and colors according to the ideas, beliefs and feelings that you have in your mind. Several times I have compared this to a film projector, in which the spiritual light is represented as white lamp light, which is colored as it passes through the film of your mind.

When Divine energy passes through your mind, some of it lowers its vibration to the material range and is converted into actions. But some part of it retains its higher vibrations. There are, as I have explained elsewhere, four basic levels of vibration in the material universe. Two of these levels are the mental and emotional planes. Some of the energy that passes through a person's consciousness is converted into thoughts and feelings, which are stored at these two levels of the energy spectrum.

As the laws of physics explain, energy cannot be created or destroyed. Therefore, as soon as it acquires new qualities in the form of human thoughts and feelings, it retains this vibration until those who gave it such qualities raise the vibrations of the transformed energy to the original level of purity. You need to understand that as energy accumulates, it begins to intensify.

Next comes the next logical conclusion. Everything is created from Divine Being, so Divine energy is actually created from Divine consciousness. Therefore, the energy with which people create has consciousness within itself. As energy accumulates and its intensity increases, this consciousness awakens. Once a certain critical mass has been accumulated, the cloud of energy can acquire some rudimentary form of consciousness. In other words, this mental and emotional energy becomes aware that it exists.

As the energy increases in intensity, it can reach a sufficient level of consciousness to realize that it can only exist and grow if it receives energy from people. What is happening now is that humans, through the power of their minds, have created a conscious being that exists on the emotional and mental planes. Because humans created this entity, they are attached to it in their minds. This connection is two-way, that is, this entity has the ability to communicate with certain people who have increased sensitivity.

Add to this that human soul can never completely forget his spiritual origins. The soul understands that reality consists of more than just the material universe that the soul perceives through the senses. The soul understands, even though it cannot express it in words or even conscious thoughts, that it has a spiritual Self, and that it will not be complete and whole until it reconnects with this spiritual Self. This is the reason why , that over the course of many millennia the concept of an external God, who exists outside, separately and above people, has been generated.

So what actually happens is that when a certain group of people create an image of such an external God, they gradually create a conscious entity that exists on the emotional or mental plane (or even on both planes). This entity naturally takes on the properties represented by humans. When she gains a certain degree of consciousness, she begins to believe that she really is the being that people imagine as God. This entity literally begins to believe that it is a god or God itself.

However, this man-made god can only exist as long as he receives energy from people. And since consciousness is by nature expansive, the man-made god not only strives to survive, he also strives to grow. When he reaches a sufficient level of consciousness, he can begin to communicate with certain people and demand how he should be worshiped. He may prescribe certain forms of worship that force people to give more energy. If he was created as an aggressive god, he may require animal or human sacrifices, because when blood is shed, the energy is distorted and in this form feeds the false god. For such purposes, such a false god can incite people to start a war and mercilessly kill their enemies. Once again, bloodshed releases energy, and bloodshed through violence distorts energy, which in a distorted form is food for the man-made god.

I understand that this will be very difficult for many people to understand. But before completely rejecting this idea, I would like to remind them that if there really is a false god, then they will never be able to escape from the clutches of that false god unless they dare to question the truth of their god and their religion. I strongly recommend that anyone who finds this idea difficult to accept should be very careful in rejecting this idea. If you find it difficult to accept this idea, then there can only be one reason. Your religion is to some extent influenced by a false god who does not want you to be freed from his control. Therefore your religious culture convinced you that there are some questions that you are forbidden to ask. This is especially true for those cultures that believe that certain questions about God are blasphemy and that you will be sent to hell for even asking such a question.

I want to make it clear that the true God, the one I know and constantly perceive, wants you to come home to His Kingdom. However, you cannot return home while you are trapped in the worship of a false god. Therefore, the true God wants you to overcome these illusions, and the only way to do this is to question the serpentine lies that empower the false god. Consider that those who don't want you to ask certain questions must be hiding something, otherwise why bother asking questions? The true God has nothing to hide. God is the truth, so why would God try to stop you from discovering the truth? And if God wants you to come to the truth, why then would He forbid you to ask questions that can lead to the truth?

I say again that only the truth can set you free. Once again I say that you live in a world in which almost every aspect of life has been influenced by relative lies. I say again that God gave you free will, and He gave you the right to question absolutely everything. You have the right to ask any questions, and if you ask them with an open mind and heart, we, the Ascended Host, or your Christ Self will give you an answer that will help you free yourself from the serpentine lies. But if you don't dare to ask, we can't help you, and you will continue to be trapped until you decide to let go of your inhibitions and start asking logical questions.

I have a lot more to say on this topic, but I would like to give this knowledge in small portions so as not to give too much to people. Those who wish to know more can familiarize themselves with my teaching on. Based on this teaching, you will understand that the true God, the Supreme, is the Being who is above the world of forms. The Creator is above and beyond all that He has created. In other words, God is whole, self-sustaining and self-sufficient. God does not need anything outside of Him.

Therefore, how can the true God need human worship or sacrifice? This leads to the logical question: “How can a religion that supports the worship of an external God be completely true? How can a religion that promotes the worship of God worship the true God who does not need to be worshiped?”