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Who's who: Sergey Galitsky. Sergey Galitsky E-mail of Sergey Nikolaevich Galitsky

Soccer.ru is confident that Shalimov mocked Krasnodar enough for football history to decide to do him justice.

Background. Does the reward sometimes find “heroes”? Footballer Shalimov on November 17, 1993 was one of the initiators of the “Letter of the Fourteen” - a public slander by the players of the Russian national football team against coach Pavel Sadyrin in favor of increasing funding and the appointment of Byshovets. The letter was written against the backdrop of reaching the finals of the 1994 World Cup, but after a dismal game with Greece.

November 18, 2017 - after 24 years and 1 day, Shalimov’s Krasnodar beat Spartak 1:4. The hundredth anniversary failure of the season. And since the coach of the “bulls” was at the origins of the controversial performance of the national team players instead of disputes in the locker room and directly with the RFU, it is interesting to imagine what “Letter 14” from the Krasnodar players would look like? Just not openly - even Shalimov did not deserve to be humiliated like that by his players, but by the head of the club.

Closed letter to Sergei Nikolaevich Galitsky, founder and coach of FC Krasnodar

We, the Krasnodar players, understanding all the responsibility entrusted to us by the management and fans, consider it unacceptable to repeat the mistakes previously repeatedly made by Shalimov’s coaching staff. A terrible game with direct competitors (5 defeats in 5 matches), an anti-record for the club (5 defeats in a row), failed preparation for the Russian Cup and the match against Tom in the season when the first trophy could have been won.

We do not absolve ourselves of responsibility - we are to blame, we must note that we were tired of the unreasonable choice of the starting lineup, the rotation without reasoning. Lack of high-quality attack, lack of operational control of the flanks in defense, weak positional play, frequent failures in the supporting zone. Lack of analysis of persistent errors when completing attacks. Frequent accusations by the coach of “average football players” instead of direct answers to questions about our mistakes and a deep analysis of the situation.

All this has negatively affected the quality of our performances more than once. We know that I.M. Shalimov is a good coach for the women’s team if the goal is twelfth place at Euro-09 (out of 12 participants, 3 defeats in the group). Or if Uralan needs to win one match out of every five. But a big club is different. The main thing that worries us today is the training process and preparation methods of mentor Shalimov, which, in our opinion, do not correspond to the level of work with the main team of the city of Krasnodar.

The result we achieved - fourth place last season thanks to Rostov's defeat from Orenburg - is the inertia of the team created by its former coach O.G. Kononov and a generous gift from Rostov neighbors.

We believe:

1. Work with FC Krasnodar should be carried out by a professional coach with fresh ideas and an independent approach. We need progress and results, not tales of the “beautiful game.”

2. Shalimov can't do his job. As a coach, he discredited himself with matches with outsiders, middle peasants and favorites. He and I lost to everyone we could, and even everyone we couldn’t.

3. Sergei Nikolaevich, there is also no need to train us personally. There's no need to even try. You are not a coach. Fedun, Miller and Giner are not coaches either, and that’s okay.

4. Your brother Andrey Harutyunyan and general director Vladimir Khashig are also amateurs when it comes to fine tuning in football.

5. The lack of clear candidates to replace Shalimov is your problem, not ours. The club's managers, who staged an internal war in the summer, had to concentrate on finding a strong coach. Also strengthen the squad with 2-3 players of the level of Russian champions.

Instead, they defend Shalimov, and now we read about Kobelev’s invitation. You shouldn’t step on a familiar rake - FC Krasnodar has been waiting for a strong coach who can not only list the team’s gaming problems, but also quickly find ways to fix them.

With respect, players of the Krasnodar football club who proved that they can hit the ball: Smolov, Granqvist, Kabore, Martynovich, Pereira, Klasson, Joaozinho, Gazinsky, Wanderson, Ristic, Kritsyuk, Sinitsyn, Laborde, Mamaev.

What will it be like in real life? Will Shalimov be fired?

They will fire you, but with a colossal delay. Yes, it is not within the competence of the players, as well as journalists and even fans, to change the head coach. But there are exceptions. It is clear that Krasnodar simply does not have a coach, we cannot remain silent. “SKA-Khabarovsk” and “Tosno” beat Mamaev and Smolov. And the consultant from the stands, Galitsky, is not professional enough to outplay his direct competitors.

“Krasnodar” is too promising a club, team and football project with growing popularity in the big city to give up on it. It's time to act, because Shalimov has not changed at all. And there is no bias here. There was a coach of the women's national team and a team from the tenth league, who won a couple of matches with Krasnodar-2, and then he was entrusted with the first team.

For what merit? If Shalimov could explain what he was playing and why, and then apply theoretical knowledge in practice, he would win. If he had improved the game of the “bulls”, defended the players and been their leader, he would have been carried in the arms of those thousands of fans who come to the matches. Nowadays, I don’t care about the players, at least their salaries are high, it’s worth thinking about the fans.

Shalimov is a weak coach for a high-level club. A weak coach, who also reacts to everything from the position of “you’re all from the trash heap, I’m the only one - D’Artagnan.” The bearded joke that this is an Armenian surname does not give the coach an indulgence. Shalimov is not even Karpin, he is a boring collector of defeats. And he put himself in this way. It is extremely rare to find such unanimity on the issue of the work of an individual coach as now.

P.S. A quarter of a century after the letter, Shalimov did not admit that the vile public humiliation of Sadyrin - according to relatives, that story undermined the health of the coach, who died at 59 years old, was an unjustified and unmanly step.

Also, Shalimov never took the blame for Krasnodar’s failures. At most he says “we are to blame,” and that’s rare. After Red Star he referred to the “quality of the pitch”. Afterwards, “Tom” blamed the reservists and said that there was an underestimation on the part of his players. After Spartak he said that.

So the “bulls” not only have a mediocre coach, but also a person... A specific one. But clearly not a genius. When Jobs's head was full of ideas that his bosses did not agree with, Steve quarreled loudly and left. Shalimov never did his own thing in Krasnodar, never offered anything new, even contrary to Galitsky’s football opinion.

Most likely, such a person will not resign on principle, admitting responsibility. After all, he doesn’t believe that he’s failing, everything is going great. This means that everything depends on another Krasnodar coach - Sergei Galitsky. Maybe it’s really time for the football players to talk to him about Shalimov? They don’t listen to anyone, maybe the players will be heard. After all, they have something to say.


All comments

I don’t know how old you were in 1994, I’m 38 and you can tell tales written by Koloskov and his hangers-on to those who were walking under the table at that time. To begin with, at least publish this letter (although you can find it on the Internet if you wish). What humiliation of Sadyrin are we talking about? Three questions are posed there and two of them are criticism of the RFU. At that time, these players had already played abroad and saw how things were organized there, and when they came to the national team, they washed their uniforms themselves and fed them cutlets with buckwheat porridge. It would be fine if there was no money, but this was not the case, and they were spent mainly on the trips of Koloskov and Co. Yes, the third question was the proposal to replace the head coach of the national team Sadyrin with Byshovets. But the arguments were quite simple and reasonable. A national team coach is not a club coach, and when you gather the best players in the country, you need to build the game taking into account their characteristics, and not break them to fit your model, because it is almost impossible to retrain them in the national team. In the opinion of the players, Byshovets does this better than Sadyrin, who was a purely club coach, and Byshovets, at the head of the national team, became the champion of the Olympic Games in 1988 (the most outstanding result in the history of our football). And the story itself wouldn’t be worth a damn, how many coaches were changed, and even if they were tactful, no one would pay much attention. But 75 Koloskov, in order to cover up his bribery, made a Shakespearean tragedy out of it. And the result: the letter was signed by Shalimov, Nikiforov, Onopko, Kiryakov, Kanchelskis, Kolyvanov, Mostovoy, Karpin, Salenko and others. If a team with such a composition, led by Byshovets, went to the World Championship, it would be able to reach the semi-finals. And so traditionally they didn’t even leave the group. But this Koloskov came out unscathed, and now he’s even an honorary president of something. And you still voice nonsense and deceive people. As for Shalimov as the coach of Krasnodar, I am not defending him - the coach of a professional team must give results, you can’t go and lecture on the philosophy of football at the academy.

1984 - Zenit for the first time in the more than 60-year history of the club’s existence becomes the champion of the USSR, head coach - Pavel Sadyrin...
...1986, the players of the Zenit club, led by Zheludkov, removed Pavel Sadyrin from the post of head coach...
...1994 - letter from members of the national team....
An open letter from the players of the Russian national football team

We, the players of the Russian national football team, understanding all the responsibility entrusted to us for the team’s performance at the 1994 World Cup in the USA, consider it unacceptable to repeat the mistakes previously repeatedly made by the football federation - organizational miscalculations, financial manipulation, unsatisfactory logistics of the national team , which has negatively affected the quality of her performances more than once.

We know that Sadyrin P.F. is a good club coach, but the national team is different: the main thing that worries us today is the training process and methods of preparing the national team coach Sadyrin, which, in our opinion, do not correspond to the level of work with the main team Russia. The result achieved by the team - reaching the final part of the 1994 World Cup - is the inertia of the team created by its former coach A.F. Byshovets for the 1992 European Championship.

We believe:

1. Anatoly Fedorovich Byshovets should rightfully work with the Russian national football team and prepare it for performances in the finals of the 1994 World Cup in the USA.

2. The conditions of material rewards for reaching the finals of the World Championship must be changed.

3. The logistics of the national team must be improved immediately.

Players of the Russian national football team: Nikiforov, Karpin, Ivanov, Yuran, Shalimov, Dobrovolsky, Kolyvanov, Onopko, Khlestov, Kiryakov, Kanchelskis, Mostovoy, Salenko, Kulkov.

One thing is clear.
Letter from the series "How I spent my summer."
Well, Gorin was sucked out of his hair by a village detective while he lived with his grandmother in the summer.
But Shalimov will ruin Krasnodar.
The ruined Krasnodar will be no better than Kuban, Anzhi, it will turn into a lift team.
Is this the result that entrepreneur Galitsky created?
Is this worthy of the Kuban people, who are the first in the country to have a luxurious stadium with natural grass and the right conditions for football every season?

What does it mean IF KRASNODAR WON? The score is not 1-1, and not 1-2. Krasnodar lost disastrously. But endless passes near the penalty area and completely incompetent defense will never make a team a favorite in games with direct competitors

This is necessary! The entire world community and Moscow are mourning the fact that Krasnodar lost to Spartak! And 14 players write a letter to the owner of the team saying how did they allow them to lose? For the first time in 70 years I see Moscow worrying about some region of the Russian Federation? Yes, even here The 2018 World Cup is not being played in the region! You say, what about Sochi? But excuse me, this is the 131st district of Moscow - they are the owners there!

The sad thing is not that Krasnodar lost to Spartak, but the sad thing is that the team wilted after conceding a goal. Krasnodar's confusion was noticeable after the goal, and after the second they completely collapsed. We barely made it to the break. After the break they started playing, but again it didn’t last long. Everything is through the center, multi-pass. The tactical scheme is monotonous. The psychology of the team is at a low level. And this happens either when there is discord between the players, or there is no common language between the coach and the team. But there are performers on the team. I was waiting for a beautiful game, but Alas!

As a rule, he often agreed with Gorin. But now I don’t agree.
It’s not that Shalimov is a bad coach, but about letter 14. There was not so much dissatisfaction with Sadyrin, but with material infringement of the interests of the football players. Although the replacement of Sadyrin with Byshovets was obvious (I won’t go deeper).
Officials acted radically - they expelled 14 signatories from the national team (some apologized and continued playing in the national team). The tournament failed.
There was such a time; people today will not understand.
Remember our women's alpine skiing team. Galina Sungatova (Postnikova) took prizes at the World Cup stages, others were also near the top ten. But then they discriminated against payment and supplies, and did not allow their coach to travel abroad. Leonid Tegachev was also the head coach and president of the ROC. Athletes brought office equipment and other things (due to poverty), many later rose to become businessmen. There was also “letter 14” from the girls. Tegachev kicked everyone out. Since then, there are no women's alpine skiing in Russia, although there are no men's skis either. It was such a time.
Those. There is no point in scolding Shalimov for the letter, much less blaming Pasha Sadyrin for the death (eternal memory to him).

Yes, it’s not just about Shalimov.... Galitsky does a lot of useful things for the development of football in the region, but he seems to treat the capital with due respect for rank... I still remember how in the season where Rostov took silver (and did not become a champion due to - for strange games) Galitsky congratulated Ginner on the championship TWO ROURS before the end of the championship - when nothing had been decided yet. Somehow it jarred....

I had a hard time finishing this lampoon. The author undertook to decide the fate of “Krasnodar” without any authority. Okay, our authors often get involved in the life of clubs and advise how they should live further. But this one went even further. Branding the letter to the “fourteen”, no one denies the negative fact that happened at that time; the author himself draws up the same letter and signs on behalf of the Krasnodar players, without knowing their opinion, he decides for everyone at once. Who gave him the right to air his delusional advice and desires in the media? Who gave him the right to interfere in the private life of the same Galitsky, who himself knows what to do in his household? "Krasnodar" is in the group of leaders, showing good football, which most of our clubs are far from, not always everything works out, and what, on the advice of the author, can change everything in the club, and where is the guarantee that this will not lead to consequences, as in " Kuban"? What is this rocking of the boat for?
A new letter to the “fourteen” has already been drawn up, the author of this article, all that remains is to emotionally approve this libel, which some hastened to do and are already beating their chests. And it is possible that even then there was a “writer” like our author, who muddied the waters in that ugly story, and hot heads, without thinking through their actions, waved a letter, to some’s delight, and to others’ misfortune.

Sergey Galitsky was born on August 14, 1967 in the village of Lazarevskoye, Krasnodar Territory. As a child, he loved to play football, but at the age of 14 he objectively assessed his abilities and realized that he could not make a sports career. Then he switched to chess and even became a candidate for master of sports. Subsequently, he admitted that chess developed in him the habit of thinking logically and thinking through all his actions. Nevertheless, he abandoned this hobby and began studying. There were no C grades, but, according to Sergei, he also did not show any special abilities.

Everything changed after entering the Faculty of Economics at KubSU. At the same time, he worked as a loader to support himself, but this did not affect his knowledge.

While still in his third year, in 1993, he wrote an article “On the issue of financial liquidity” and submitted it to the magazine “Finance and Credit”. The editors were amazed by the student’s argumentation and knowledge in the field, so they published the article. In addition to the editorial office, a local bank drew the attention of Galitsky, offering him the position of deputy manager. Sergei worked there for only a year, and then quit because he did not see further ways of development in it.


In 1994, Galitsky and his friends took out a loan and opened the Transasia company, which distributed products from Johnson & Johnson, Procter & Gamble and Avon. Soon it became the only supplier of Procter&Gamble in Krasnodar. Then Galitsky divided Transasia between partners and left it, and he himself took up the affairs of the new project Thunder, which later became known as Magnit.


The Tander company began with the sale of household chemicals, and in 1998 it opened the first self-service grocery store, Magnit, in Krasnodar. Galitsky was in no hurry to get involved in a fight with large firms, so he developed business in cities with small populations.

5 facts about Sergei Galitsky:

1. Galitsky’s real name is Harutyunyan. He replaced her after his marriage.
2. The businessman ranks 18th on the Forbes list with a fortune of $6,800 million.
2. In 2014, the company’s capitalization amounted to more than 1 trillion rubles.
3. Galitsky owns 35.3% of Magnit shares.
4. A businessman owns the Krasnodar football club. For stores, he used premises of 300-400 square meters. Their distinguishing feature was the low price of their products. By the end of 2005, there were already more than 1,500 Magnets, the company’s turnover amounted to $1.6 billion, leaving even Pyaterochka behind, and Sergei himself was included in the Forbes list for the first time.

A year later, Galitsky took the company to an IPO, selling about 19% of the shares to investors. Then he took up hypermarkets - the first began operating in 2007. In 2010, the Magnit chain consisted of 40 hypermarkets and 4,000 stores. And in 2014, the company’s capitalization exceeded 1 trillion rubles. In 2015, revenue was 951 billion rubles.

Other projects

Galitsky did not become a footballer, but he did not leave the industry either. He decided to take a different approach: he bought a local football club in 2008 and built the Krasnodar stadium. Galitsky also created the Krasnodar football school for children.

Sergei also has an award - the title “Hero of Labor of Kuban”.

In 2015, Sergey became an independent member of the supervisory board of VTB Bank, as well as a member of the HR Committee, Strategy and Corporate Governance Committee.


Working 12 hours is absolute stupidity. Have you seen at least one person who can work 16 hours a day? I am sure that a person simply cannot think continuously for more than 3–4 hours. The rest of the time, of course, he can sit at the table and imitate work.

Every country has a place to make money. It’s just that risks and profitability always go together: higher risks - higher profitability, lower risks - lower profitability.

“To take a steam bath,” forgive the unparliamentary expression, is necessary when something depends on you. And when we are dealing with macro processes or global politics, we need to grab popcorn, sit on the couch and watch. If it doesn’t depend on you, look, if it depends on you, act.

Do you remember in the film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears” there was a scene when the characters are drinking in the kitchen and one of them says: “The instability in the world worries me very much?” So, in the modern world there will always be instability. Remember, quite recently there were times when planes crashed almost once a quarter? Or some kind of war, or crises. The modern world is full of negative information, you need to abstract yourself from it. And work.


In honor of the anniversary of the largest Krasnodar businessman, the portal Yuga.ru collected 50 known and unexpected facts about him.

1. Sergei Galitsky was born 50 years ago- August 14, 1967 in the village of Lazarevskoye (Sochi).

2. “The Godfather”, “Modigliani” and “Vatel”. According to Galitsky, these three films he can revise many times.

3. In December 2014, Galitsky, according to Bloomberg, lost $600 million in two days. This happened due to a sharp collapse in the ruble exchange rate.

4. The market value of the Magnit company, according to Forbes, is $15.6 billion. This eighth place in Russia. The only cooler ones are oil and gas workers and Sberbank.

5. Three main disadvantages Galitsky, in his own opinion, is impatience, intolerance and aggression towards people with not very high intelligence.

6. Title "Magnet" appeared as a result of a competition held among the company’s top managers. The name is an abbreviation of the phrase “LOW RATE STORES.”

7. From birth, the future billionaire bore the surname Harutyunyan. After the wedding, he took the surname of his wife Victoria.

8. In 2009, the Krasnodar oligarch was offered to buy for 1 euro football club "Moscow". Galitsky refused. Six months later, FC Moscow ceased to exist.

9. In May 2017, the daughter of a businessman Pauline took fifth place in the list of the richest heirs of Russian billionaires.

10. The entrepreneur invested at least 20 billion rubles in the construction of the FC Krasnodar stadium. The people called the arena Galiseum.

11. Sergei Galitsky will finance the reconstruction of the cinema "Aurora" on the terms of public-private partnership. The estimated price of the issue is 600 million rubles.

12. Galitsky graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Kuban State University with a degree in "finance and credit".

13. On September 13, 2011, by decree of the governor of the Krasnodar region, the businessman was awarded the title "Hero of Labor of Kuban".

14. 104 meter yacht Quantum Blue, worth 140 million euros, is one of the largest and most luxurious in the world. Forbes names the owner of the vessel as Sergei Galitsky.

15. One day a businessman bet on box of wine with ex-coach of CSKA and the Russian national team Leonid Slutsky. According to the terms of the bet, Sergei Nikolaevich will receive wine if 11 of the club’s own students appear on the field in one of the matches as part of Krasnodar.

16. Galitsky’s brother-in-law’s name is Sergey Nikolaevich Galitsky.

17. According to the businessman, only one book over the past 30 years has made him want to re-read it again - a biography Steve Jobs.

18. Galitsky - founder and owner FC Krasnodar. The football club was founded in 2008.

19. A few days ago it became known that “Magnit” got into top 100 innovative companies of the world according to Forbes. Even earlier, Galitsky’s company took third place in the list of intellectual companies in Russia.

20. According to the entrepreneur, at first he first company“balanced between an abyss and a small profit” and looked like “a skinny pig who always runs around looking for an apple in the forest.”

21. After the army, the future oligarch worked for a year loader in a perfume warehouse.

22. Slogan "Magnet"“Always low prices” is reminiscent of the phrase Everyday Low Prices, which is the motto of the American trading giant Wal-Mart.

23. In 2006 Vladimir Putin presented Sergei Galitsky with a personalized watch for the contribution of his enterprise to the Russian economy.

24. “75% of Russian blood, 25% of Armenian blood,” is how the businessman described his origin. Galitsky's father is Nikolai Gevorkovich Harutyunyan.

25. Galitsky once said that all football players who played 100 matches for FC Krasnodar would be awarded a commemorative watch Rolex. As a result, the watch was awarded more than 10 times.

26. Galitsky belongs to reactive plane Embraer Legacy business class. The cost of such a model starts at $25 million.

27. The Magnit retail chain is the world’s largest customer of heavy-duty vehicles MAN.

28. Galitsky has been one of the twenty richest people in the country for several years. According to Forbes, the Kuban businessman’s fortune today is $6 billion 800 million, this 18th place in Russia.

29. In 1985-1987 Sergey Harutyunyan served in the ranks of the Soviet army.

30. They say that a businessman’s favorite brand of car is Ferrari. However, in an interview, Galitsky said that this is a terribly inconvenient car, which he has been planning to sell for a long time.

31. As a child, Sergey Harutyunyan was fond of football and spent a lot of time on the field. Later, football was replaced by a hobby chess.

32. Favorite country for vacation - Italy. “Nothing supernatural. The cuisine is simple, sunny and historically an interesting country,” Galitsky admitted to a Forbes journalist.

33. Galitsky and him wife studied at the same faculty, but in different specialties - he was a financier, and she was an accountant.

34. Galitsky’s company opened the first grocery store in Krasnodar in 1998.

35. Sergei Galitsky likes the television series "Motherland" is an American political thriller about intelligence agencies, spies and love for one’s native country.

36. In November 1995, Galitsky had a daughter, who was named Polina. Rumor has it that the cheese " Oh, Polinka!, sold in Magnit stores, was named after her.

37. In my third year, I wrote an article on the topic of liquidity and sent it to the Finance and Credit magazine. After the publication, student Harutyunyan was invited to interview to one of the Krasnodar banks.

38. As a child, Galitsky supported the Moscow team "Spartacus". Favorite player: Fedor Cherenkov.

39. In the ninth grade, Sergei Galitsky became Sochi chess champion. He called Mikhail Tal and Garry Kasparov his idols.

40. The Krasnodar football club, according to Galitsky, was created in order to serve source of motivation to make money.

41. At the age of 27, an aspiring entrepreneur founded a company with his partners "Transasia", engaged in the distribution of cosmetics and perfumes.

42. " Krasnodar is my favorite city. I'm proud of him and don't want to go anywhere. I would like, of course, later, but to die here,” Galitsky once said in an interview with the Sport-Express newspaper.

43. In May 2014, Galitsky was on the cover of the anniversary issue Forbes magazine, which at that time had been published in Russia for 10 years. The editors chose him along with Arkady Volozh, the founder of the Internet company Yandex, as the two main characters of the issue.

44. The Galitsky daughter, like her parents, entered the Faculty of Economics of KubSU.

45. On August 1, 2017, the retail chain Magnit announced the opening 15 thousandth store companies. An anniversary outlet opened in Novokuznetsk.

46. ​​Sergey Galitsky loves fried potatoes, apples and coffee.

47. In order to help the family while going to school, the future billionaire collected hazelnuts and rented it out for money.


Sergey Galitsky was born on August 14, 1967 in the village of Lazarevskoye, Krasnodar Territory. Real name is Harutyunyan. About his ethnic origin, Galitsky said: “I am 75 percent ethnic Russian and 25 percent Armenian. Since I grew up in a Russian environment, unfortunately, I do not know the Armenian language, however, I am proud of my Armenian roots.”

Education and service

In 1985-1987 he served in the army. In 1989, as a second-year student, he began working in one of the commercial banks in Krasnodar. In 1993, he graduated from the Faculty of Economics and National Economic Planning of Kuban State University with a degree in finance and credit.



Galitsky will remain in the RUIE bureau

The founder of Magnit, Sergei Galitsky, who sold his stake in the company to VTB Bank, will remain in the RUIE bureau, which includes the country's largest entrepreneurs. He will still be able to participate in closed meetings with the president

Galitsky said goodbye to Magnit employees with the words “no one died”

Sergei Galitsky said goodbye to the employees of Magnit’s head office in Krasnodar on Friday. He gave a speech to hundreds of people who gathered in front of the building

Galitsky could not contain his emotions when announcing the sale of Magnit

Sergei Galitsky, who headed a chain of retail stores for 25 years, tried to contain his emotions when announcing the deal with VTB, reports an RBC correspondent who was present at the forum in Sochi.

Galitsky sold VTB a 29% stake in Magnit

The founder of the Magnit chain of stores, Sergei Galitsky, sold VTB a 29.1% stake in the company. “The impetus was that investors don’t see the future quite the same way as the founder,” he said

Galitsky will leave the Russian Football Union after selling the Magnit share

Co-owner of the Magnit retail chain and owner of the Krasnodar football club, Sergei Galitsky, intends to leave the Russian Football Union (RFU) after selling shares in the retailer. Galitsky announced this on the sidelines of the forum in Sochi, an RBC correspondent reports.

Sergei Galitsky lent Magnit 44 billion rubles

Sergey Galitsky: You can sit at home and spit seeds on the floor

The owner of Krasnodar, Sergei Galitsky, responded to football fans who were dissatisfied that tickets for the Europa League match against Schalke from resellers are several times more expensive than at the box office.

We built the stadium in the shortest possible time, the cheapest tickets for the European Cup cost only 200 rubles, and you are again unhappy, since you had to go to the box office for tickets, while the cost of a season ticket together with European Cups is 2,200 rubles,” Galitsky wrote in Twitter. - If so, there will be no online sales until the end of the year, and you can calmly sit at home in front of the TV and spit seeds on the floor. By the way, the military cadets who supported us in any weather will receive their quota for the match with Schalke for free. Keep whining.

It is worth noting that Galitsky later deleted the posts from his micro-blog.

Sergei Galitsky: Krasnodar stadium will never pay off

Krasnodar President Sergei Galitsky, on the eve of the first match at the club's new arena, said that there are no plans to host any events at the stadium other than football matches.

On Sunday, the Russian national team will host the Costa Rican team at the Krasnodar stadium as part of a friendly match.

Sergey Galitsky will engage in winemaking

The main activity of the new company is growing grapes and producing wine.

According to Spark-Interfax, Sergei Galitsky owns 51% of the authorized capital of Russian Terroir LLC. Kommersant, citing sources in the administration of the Krasnodar region, reports that the company is negotiating the acquisition of an operating vineyard with an area of ​​about 70 hectares in the Anapa region from one of Valery Loginov’s wineries (Gostagai winery). Russian Terroir also plans to launch its own wine production.

Sergei Galitsky: “You need to work not 12 hours, but with your head”

Sergey Galitsky is undoubtedly a phenomenal phenomenon in Russian business. He is the only dollar billionaire (his fortune is estimated at $7.3 billion this year) who commands sincere respect from his compatriots.

Unlike other oligarchs who clung to Kremlin power in the 90s and therefore grabbed billions of dollars in property during the collapse of the USSR, the owner of Russia’s most powerful retail chain created his Magnit store empire from scratch.

Magnit shares are constantly in price on the London Stock Exchange. Not a single Russian security is traded so briskly in London.

Forbes named the richest heirs of Russian billionaires

Forbes magazine for the first time published a ranking of the richest heirs of Russian billionaires. When compiling it, the publication took into account how much of the father’s fortune falls on one child. To do this, the billionaire's fortune was divided by the number of his children. The publication admits that the resulting list cannot formally be called a ranking of heirs, since it does not take into account other potential heirs other than children.

Magnit can pay dividends of 7.4 billion rubles. based on the results of the first half of the year

The board of directors of the largest Russian retailer Magnit recommended that shareholders pay dividends in the amount of 7.4 billion rubles based on the results of the first half of 2014. (based on RUB 78.3 per ordinary share). The company announced this on Friday. This is 38% of the company’s net profit for the first half of the year (RUB 19.46 billion). The meeting of shareholders, which must approve this decision, is scheduled for August 12.

Magnit raised its forecast for revenue growth in 2014 to 26-29%

Russia's largest retailer Magnit has raised its revenue growth expectations for 2014 following strong financial results in April-June 2014.

OppenheimerFunds increased its stake in Magnit to 5.002%

06/10/2014, Moscow 16:53:39 From June 2, the American company OppenheimerFunds increased its stake in OJSC Magnit from 4.980% (4 million 709 thousand 229 shares) to 5.002% (4 million 729 thousand 595 shares). This is stated in today's report from Magnit.

Magnit's revenue in May 2014 increased by 28.7% - to 62.2 billion rubles.

Revenue of OJSC "Magnit" in May 2014 increased by 28.7% - to 62.195 billion rubles. This was said in a statement.

Magnit shares are included in the quotation list of the St. Petersburg Stock Exchange

06/05/2014, Moscow 10:38:18 Shares of OJSC Magnit are included in the quotation list of OJSC St. Petersburg Exchange. This is stated in a message from the retailer.

Magnit will pay dividends for 2013. based on 89.15 rubles. per share

OJSC "Magnit" will pay dividends for 2013. based on 89.15 rubles. per share, the company said today.

The Investigative Committee opened a case against the retail chain Magnit

The Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Saratov Region opened a criminal case, suspecting Tander CJSC (the operating company of the Magnit retail chain) of discrimination against employees of a distribution center (DC) in the city of Engels “on the basis of belonging to public associations,” the local department of the Investigative Committee reported Russia.

Sergey Galitsky became a minority shareholder in his own Magnit

Sergey Galitsky and other managers of Magnit parted with a controlling stake in the retail company: after the SPO, about 51% of Magnit may be in free float

Magnit increased sales in September by 33%

The second-largest Russian grocery retailer Magnit by revenue announced today that it increased sales in September by 33% year-on-year to RUB 26.5 billion. At the end of nine months of 2011, revenue increased by 46% to RUB 240.1 billion, comparable sales by 14.3%, average check by 11.6%, and traffic by 2.4%. In September, the company opened 108 new stores, increasing their number at the end of last month to 4,767.

Sergey Galitsky will build everyone

The development business is becoming a fashionable entertainment for owners of retail chains. Following the founder of Pyaterochka and Karusel, Andrei Rogachev, the ex-owner of Kopeika, Alexander Samonov, and the still co-owner of Eldorado, Igor Yakovlev, the head of Magnit, Sergei Galitsky, decided to take up construction. In Krasnodar he will build not only 620 thousand sq. m. m of housing, but also a stadium for its football club.

Magnit co-owner Sergei Galitsky signed an agreement with the Krasnodar authorities on large-scale construction on 77 hectares yesterday in Cannes at the MIPIM-2010 exhibition. The businessman himself told RBC daily about this. The Invest-Stroy company, controlled by Mr. Galitsky, won an auction for the right to lease land in the Prikubansky intracity district in November 2009, added Krasnodar Mayor Vladimir Evlanov. According to him, these lands are still agricultural and belong to the All-Russian Research Institute of Oilseeds.

On the won site, Invest-Stroy plans to build 620 thousand square meters. m of housing, preschool institutions for 2.2 thousand people, schools for 2.8 thousand people, as well as a stadium and reserve training center for the Krasnodar football club. Mr. Galitsky's interest in sports infrastructure is not accidental: he owns the Krasnodar football club. The total investment in the project, according to the businessman, will be approximately 14 billion rubles. Of this, 5.2 billion rubles will need to be invested in housing construction. The newly minted developer plans to borrow money from banks in order to enter the site this year.

Sergey Galitsky magnetizes the stock exchanges

The largest retail chain in terms of number of stores, Magnit, is considering the possibility of holding an SPO this fall. As Kommersant has learned, the retailer is discussing the parameters of an additional share issue with Morgan Stanley and VTB Capital, which organized the chain’s previous placement in 2009. Magnit has planned the largest investment program in the history of retail for this year - $1.8 billion: in order not to increase the debt burden, the chain wants to place new shares on the stock exchange - at least $500 million (about 4% of shares based on the current value of the company).

The investment company Ray, Man & Gor Securities announced that Magnit may place an additional share issue in an analytical report issued following a conference call between Magnit and experts. The investment company refers to a statement by the main owner of the network, Sergei Galitsky, and calls the timing of a possible placement a “long-term prospect.”

The owner of the Magnit chain, Sergei Galitsky, shares his experience...

The owner of the Magnit chain, Sergei Galitsky, became a billionaire by opening bad stores. Now he will become a multi-billionaire, having converted them into good ones.

Sergei Galitsky knows well what can be done while the ball is on the other side of the field. When everyone thought that scoring chances only happened at the capital's gates, he quietly opened his Magnit food discounters in Kuban - and succeeded. For such tactics, Sergei Galitsky was even compared to the legendary founder of Wal-Mart Sam Walton, who opened the first store not in New York, but in Newport with a population of 7 thousand people.

“Oh, well, they’re crazy,” Galitsky waves it off. “Walton was a great man.” And I’m a “Cubanoid” - I’m sitting in Krasnodar, opening small shops.

Sitting in Krasnodar, Sergey Galitsky in 2005 brought the turnover to $1.6 billion, overtaking Pyaterochka, brought the company to IPO and was ranked 38th in the list of the richest people in Russia by Forbes magazine with a capital of $1.2 billion, becoming the wealthiest domestic retailer. True, Galitsky does not consider all this a great achievement. Because he wants more.

Owners of companies with revenues over $1 billion

Once you familiarize yourself with the list of owners of the largest companies, you will never have a question: why Oleg Deripaska is the No. 1 billionaire in Russia. He immediately controls 6 out of 108 holdings, whose sales in 2006 exceeded $1 billion. Only the Russian Federation owns a large number of companies. It is appropriate to draw a parallel here, remembering Oleg Deripaska’s latest statements that he does not separate himself from the state and is ready to give it his own assets. Perhaps this is the key to a successful businessman. Under his control are the United Company Rusal, the energy holding Eurosibenergo, Ingosstrakh, the Glavstroy corporation and the GAZ group. And in the near future, Basic Element will become, if it has not already become, the owner of Russneft. Most of Oleg Deripaska's assets have excellent potential for increasing revenue and, accordingly, moving up the list of 500 largest companies in Russia.

The beneficiaries of Alfa Group - Mikhail Fridman, German Khan and Alexey Kuzmichev - can boast of almost the same variety of assets. They indirectly own TNK-BP, VimpelCom, Megafon and Alfa Bank. But unlike Basic Element, Alfa Group does not own a controlling stake in any of the companies, although it is increasing its stake in VimpelCom’s share capital. Mikhail Fridman's group has long been expected to sell TNK-BP shares to one of the state oil and gas holdings, but shareholders so far prefer to keep the “goose that lays the golden eggs” to themselves. Alfa Group remains the owner of the blocking stake in Megafon, although at the moment when the group just bought a stake in the mobile operator, it was predicted to have big problems and a clash with the “St. Petersburg signalmen.”

Interview with Sergei Galitsky, owner of the Magnit chain

All of us - some regularly, some from time to time - find ourselves in the role of buyers. And, it seems to us, we can fully judge how the industry works. So we go into the store and see: everything is arranged there simply. However, Sergei Galitsky, owner of the Magnit retail chain, the largest in terms of the number of stores in the country, does not consider trading to be a simple matter.

"Magnit" is the brightest phenomenon of domestic entrepreneurship. Born in Krasnodar, this chain quickly surpassed not only all regional players, but also many retailers that were formed in the favorable climate of capital markets - with their high, compared to the rest of the country, effective demand. Now only X5Retail Group is in the same weight category with Magnit, and if X5 manages to periodically gain the lead in terms of turnover, it is due to acquisitions (in 2010, Magnit’s revenue amounted to 236 billion rubles, and X5’s revenue amounted to 342 billion) . The Krasnodar retailer stubbornly focuses on organic growth, investing huge amounts of money in its advantages - a successfully found “discounter at home” trading format and well-organized logistics. So, in 2010, Magnit’s investment program amounted to 1.3 billion dollars, 1.5 billion is planned for 2011. MAN trucks alone will be supplied to the network 1.5 thousand - for 150 million euros.

“Magnit” for investors

Just last year, Magnit remained a mystery to the market - there was a ban on communication with the press on the network, and calls from strangers were transferred to the Thunder security service. At the beginning of 2005, Magnit announced its trade turnover and number of stores for the first time. It turned out that the chain separated only about $100 million in revenue from its main competitor, Pyaterochka (Pyaterochka’s turnover in 2004, excluding franchise stores, was $1.1 billion). Experts linked Magnit's unexpected frankness to the IPO planned for 2006. The founder of the network, Sergei Galitsky, first promised to sell shares on the stock exchange in February at a conference in London. On the eve of the IPO, Magnit is going to issue bonds for 2 billion rubles.

In an information memorandum on the upcoming loan, Magnit for the first time disclosed the network’s shareholder structure. As of the end of October 2005, 59.97% of Tander CJSC, the parent company of the network, belongs to its founder and general director Sergei Galitsky. Another 25% is owned by Okward Invest & Trade Co, 15.03% is owned by other shareholders. ZAO Tander consolidates the group's cash flows and has the right to the Magnit brand. The property of the network is owned by ZAO Magnit. As of October 1, 2005, he owned the real estate of 212 Magnit stores (the rest are rented by the chain) with a total area of ​​about 90,000 square meters. m. By the end of this year, the memorandum says, 100% of CJSC Tander should be transferred to CJSC Magnit, in which Galitsky will own 54.99%, Universal Technology - 25%, and other shareholders - 20.01% .

Sergey Galitsky is the founder of the Magnit hypermarket chain, a famous Russian entrepreneur and businessman, billionaire, head of FC Krasnodar. In the Forbes ranking “Kings of Cash: 10 Billionaires with the Highest Income”, released on March 21, 2019, he took first place with income of $2.44 billion due to the sale of shares of Magnit to VTB.


Sergei Nikolaevich was born on August 14, 1967 in the village of Lazarevskoye, Sochi, into an Armenian family. Before marriage, he bore the surname Harutyunyan.

In his childhood he loved football and played quite a lot, but as a teenager he gave up this activity and became interested in chess.

Intellectual sports were better for the young man, and after two years of training, Sergei was awarded the rank of Master of Masters and the title of “Champion of Sochi.”

Education and military service

After school, in 1985, he joined the army. After completing his service, he entered the Kuban State University at the Faculty of Economics and National Economic Planning. In 1993, he completed his studies in finance and credit.


Labor and business activities

As a second-year student, the future billionaire got a job in one of the commercial banks in Krasnodar. Five years later, in 1994, he left him as deputy manager.

In the same year, together with his partners, he founded the Transasia company, which distributed cosmetics and perfumes from Avon, Johnson & Johnson, Procter & Gamble. In 1995, the company became the exclusive distributor of Procter & Gamble in the southern region of the country. Despite the success of Transasia, the businessman left this company to his partners and created a new one - Thunder.

In 1998, thanks to Sergei Nikolaevich, a Cash & Carry store appeared in Krasnodar. Two years later, he reformatted his stores into discounters and called them “Magnit Chain of Stores.”


A year later, there were already about 250 Magnits, and its retail network became the largest in Russia. After another five years of successful work, it surpassed the Pyaterochka chain in terms of turnover, reaching an impressive mark of $1.6 billion. In April 2006, the businessman took the company to a new level by placing shares on the RTS and MICEX exchanges. He retained 58% of the shares, his partner, Alexey Bogachev, retained 15%, another 8% was owned by the company's top managers, and the remaining 19% of the shares were bought out by various investors for a considerable $368 million.

In the same month, he headed Magnit as CEO, and his company Thunder began its existence as a management company. Using the proceeds from the placement on the stock exchange, the businessman continued to expand and develop the company, and by the beginning of 2007 there were 1,900 Magnits in the country, and the first hypermarkets of the same name were also opened. As of March 1, 2016, the number of stores increased to 12,089, while the territory of presence includes 2,363 settlements of the Russian Federation.


In addition, he had other projects, among them the largest outdoor advertising operator in Krasnodar - the Art Side agency, the popular entertainment complex Kvartal, a hotel, restaurants, food factories (including TD-Holding LLC ). At the same time, according to Sergei himself, he did not particularly participate in managing them, it was something akin to a hobby.

In 2008, he founded the Krasnodar football club, which the entrepreneur headed as president.

In 2011, the club was included in the Premier League of Russian Football Clubs.

In May 2013, the businessman took over sponsoring the construction of one of the largest sports facilities in the Southern Federal District - a stadium for the Krasnodar football club with 36,000 seats. According to media reports, about $85 million was spent on the project.

Since June 25, 2015, he has been an independent member of the supervisory board of VTB Bank, as well as a senior independent director and member of the HR and Remuneration Committee and the Strategy and Corporate Governance Committee.

On March 4, 2016, a successful businessman spoke at the Skolkovo Business School as part of a series of regular meetings between the Moscow School of Management audience and the most famous business people under the general title Speakers Night. The head of the largest retailer in Russia and one of the most profitable in the world - the Magnit chain of stores - told what it was like to own such a large-scale business, and told those present the difficulties of managing a chain of stores, the number of which is increasing every year and has already exceeded 12 thousand .

On February 16, 2018, it became known that he signed an agreement to sell a 29.1% stake in the retailer Magnit to the VTB Group for 138 billion rubles. The businessman left the post of head of the company upon completion of the transaction, retaining a 2.7% stake in Magnit.

He is currently engaged in the restaurant business. In the spring of 2018, a public park built with his funds in Krasnodar was fully operational, and in the fall he opened the first restaurant “Cafe Krasnodar” in it. There are plans to open several more restaurants in his hometown, including a restaurant with pan-Asian food.


On September 13, 2011, by decree of the governor of the Krasnodar Territory, Sergei Nikolaevich was awarded the title “Hero of Labor of Kuban”.

In 2005, the entrepreneur was for the first time included in the list of the richest businessmen in the Russian version of Forbes magazine, ending up in 64th place: the businessman’s fortune was estimated at $460 million. In 2006, he increased his fortune to $1.2 billion and took 38th place in the ranking.

His fortune peaked in 2013: in the latest Forbes ranking, published in March 2014, the businessman became 13th with a fortune of $10.3 billion. A year later, it decreased by 2 billion, in 2016 he was already 17th with a fortune of $5.7 billion.

In 2017, he rose one place, increasing his wealth by $1,100 million; in 2018, he dropped to 28th place with a mark of $4 billion.

Family status

He is officially married. The future billionaire met his wife, Victoria, at the university. He studied to be a financier, Victoria - to be an accountant.

As some publications write, the future father-in-law of the entrepreneur did not want his daughter to change her last name after marriage. However, Sergei was not at a loss and took his wife’s surname himself.

In November 1995, the couple had a daughter, Polina.