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Who should approve work programs? Structure of the work program work program on the topic

Interview with M. R. Leontyeva

A mathematician by training, she worked for more than 20 years in the USSR Ministry of Education, and worked for 10 years as editor-in-chief of Prosveshcheniye.

The word “program” is heard everywhere now, it is given different definitions...What kind of programs can there be?

The program is a capacious, multidimensional Russian word. In the education system, in the Law “On Education,” the word program is also used to characterize various documents. In the education system, there are two programs that determine the levels of education: general education and vocational.

General education programs include: preschool, primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education.

At the same time, in accordance with the Law, each level has a Basic educational program: primary educational program, basic educational program and secondary (complete) general education program. What is OOP? It is the standard that determines the structure of the main educational program.

For example, Federal State Educational Standard primary education defines the structure of the educational program as follows: an explanatory note, the planned results of students mastering the educational program, a curriculum for primary education, a program for the formation of educational learning, programs for individual academic subjects, a program for spiritual and moral development, education of students, a program for creating a culture of a healthy and safe lifestyle, a program correctional work, a system for assessing the achievement of planned results.

In other words, the main educational program educational institution– these are all areas of the school’s activities.

We will talk about programs in academic subjects.

The law stipulates that an educational institution has work programs in academic subjects. In this case it is often used beautiful name- author's program.

The law does not provide for or have any interpretation of copyrighted programs. The Law has working programm This means that a teacher at school must have his own work program. Love? No! With the approval of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary Education, the standard strictly defined the structure of programs in academic subjects.

What is a work program and why is it needed?

Why is it needed? The teacher has always worked and works according to the program. Previously, curricula for academic subjects were approved by the Ministry, last years are not approved or considered. And teachers today work according to these same proprietary programs, which have different structures and, as a rule, are more like concepts rather than programs.

The program must contain an explanatory note with the objectives of teaching the subject; general characteristics academic subject; personal, meta-subject and subject results, the achievement of which is ensured by the program, the content of the academic subject, course, as well as thematic planning with the definition of the main types educational activities and description of logistics.

In fact, the state has put in order a very important document for education - the curriculum for the academic subject. It is already known that many work programs have appeared on the educational literature market, invented and compiled arbitrarily. However, they are of little use to the teacher. The school has the right to choose its own textbooks. But in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, a work program must be drawn up, it must be included in the main educational program of the school, and the program for the academic subject must have a strictly established structure.

The difference between author's and work's is already clear. The copyright is not legalized, it is written arbitrarily by the author, and may not be in any way connected with the Standard. The work program has an established structure and is strictly connected with the sections of the Standard, especially with the requirements for the results of mastering OOP.

Sample programs for academic subjects are prepared by order of the Ministry of Education and are an integral part of the sample basic educational program and are published on the Ministry’s website. They can be used as the basis for work programs.

That is, the school director or teacher cannot add their own sections?

The program for an academic subject or course must contain certain sections, but this does not mean that you cannot add something of your own. I may have a work program for a subject, in which, along with the rest, I will also include tests or planned results that need to be achieved. It is necessary to show (and the teacher himself knows!) what personal, meta-subject and subject results need to be achieved, what content is included here and what types of educational activities will be used. That is why now the publishing house, to the best of its understanding, is beginning to create work programs to help teachers, the structure of which exactly corresponds to the Federal State Educational Standard.

If he is presenting this program, is external review necessary?

The law does not provide for this. A teacher should be careful when purchasing a work program prepared by a publisher. He must remember that the order of the minister determines what should be in this work program. And if he bought some kind of work program in which there are only three columns of thematic planning, then this cannot be passed off as a work program. That is, it is necessary to see whether the structure and content of the program corresponds to the Federal State Educational Standard or not. And if not, he will have to create his own program and add to it everything that the standard requires. Therefore, the Prosveshcheniye publishing house, with great difficulty, produces work programs that clearly meet the federal standard. It must be said that the authors are resisting, because they are already accustomed to the fact that “in my program I will tell you what a new, interesting course I have, how I acted, how I thought when I created this program...” But this is not for the teacher necessary! Actually from explanatory note Before thematic planning, this is a state document, and then the features of the course begin, which are revealed in thematic planning.

If a teacher writes a work program, is it part of the main educational program of the institution, and the institution's program receives the corresponding review, and not a separate work program?

As a rule, the main educational program of the school is agreed upon with the founder, and subject programs are reviewed by subject methodologists.

What can be reviewed in a subject syllabus? The structure is determined by the Federal State Educational Standard, personal, meta-subject and subject results - in this program there must be those that the standard dictates. And if the content is reviewed, then this is strange, since the content is a reflection fundamental core and in fact should be taken from sample syllabi for academic subjects. In general, no one can dictate the structure of the course that I have chosen. I must describe this structure in my work program, that is, it is not the program that needs to be reviewed, but the textbook. And it has already been reviewed by the Ministry, because the textbook is selected from the federal list, which is approved by the Ministry. Nobody should review thematic planning at all, because it’s my business how I create it. In general, methods, teaching techniques, distribution of material, speed of study - this is all my methodology, and no one reviews it.

You should always look at the source. First, teachers must read the Federal State Educational Standard, find out what it contains specifically for the teacher.

Absolutely right.

If I, as a teacher, am responsible for the textbook, then the choice can only be from the federal list.

This is determined by the Law.

Previously, there were results at the end of classes, but now there are stages of training!

The standard says that there are planned results in all subjects. In the approximate basic educational program, which will be legalized by the Ministry, there are planned results in all subjects, and the teacher must focus on them.

Is it right for school management to require reference to programs in printed form?

None of your business, dear administration! You can only check the program and standard items. And where do I get it - whether I create it myself or buy it - there are no limits.

Should there be forms of control in the curriculum for the subject?

The standard does not provide for this. However, the school itself, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, as we have already said, must create a school curriculum based on the assessment system. Methodological associations should discuss what kind of assessment and control system the school should have. Parents and evaluators should be aware that the school has self-assessment, bi-weekly testing, or something else.

We receive questions from teachers: do programs need to be graded?

I would reassure people that, unfortunately, they are not alone! Apparently, neither the head teacher nor the director knows that for more than five years the Ministry of Education has not certified programs; the Ministry of Education only examines textbooks. And the Law “On Education” only provides for the examination of textbooks. Therefore, a program with a stamp can only be found up to 1995.

Work program structure

The work program includes the following mandatory elements:

  1. title page;
  2. explanatory note;
  3. requirements for the level of achievement of students;
  4. educational and thematic plan;
  5. content of the training course topics;
  6. control of training level
  7. applications ( calendar-thematic plan, technological control map).

Title page must contain:

  • name of the Founder of the educational institution (according to the Charter);
  • name of the educational institution (according to the Charter);
  • name of the academic subject (course);
  • indication of the parallel on which the subject is studied;
  • information about the teacher who compiled the work program;
  • stamp for review, coordination and approval of the work program;
  • year of development of the work program The explanatory note should be concise and reflect the following main points:
  • Name curriculum(approximate or author's) indicating the name, author and year of publication on the basis of which the work program was developed;
  • the number of training hours for which the work program is designed, including the number of hours for tests, laboratory, practical work, excursions;
  • used educational and methodological kit;
  • goals and objectives of this academic subject in the field of formation of a system of knowledge and skills (objectives are formulated in accordance with the standard);
  • the novelty of this work program, its difference from the exemplary or previously valid one; justification for the changes made;
  • interdisciplinary connections: which academic subjects this subject is based on, for which subjects it is the basis; if these connections are strong, then it is advisable to note how they can be realized;
  • features of the organization of the educational process in the subject; preferred forms of organizing the educational process and their combinations;
  • forms of control of knowledge, abilities, skills (current, milestone, final) (according to the Charter and/or local act of the educational institution).

The explanatory note may provide explanations for each section of the program and brief guidelines for presentation theoretical material, performing laboratory work and practical classes, as well as explanations due to the requirements of the implementation of the regional component and the specifics of the educational institution.

The educational and thematic plan reveals the sequence of studying sections and topics of the program, shows the distribution of training hours by sections and topics based on the maximum teaching load. The educational thematic plan is drawn up for the entire period of study.

Requirements for the level of achievement of students are formulated in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard and taking into account an exemplary or original program. They reflect: the main ideas and value system formed by the subject; final knowledge system; list of skills and abilities, methods of activity; a list of problems that students must learn to solve by creatively studying a given subject. Requirements for the level of mastery must be no lower than the requirements formulated in the federal component of the state standard of general education.

The section “Content of the academic subject” is the main part of the program. It is organized into sections and topics in accordance with the educational and thematic plan of the work program. When developing, one should rely on the mandatory minimum content of the state educational standard, an approximate program taking into account the chosen author's program. All didactic units must be reflected and specified in content educational material. Generalized requirements for the knowledge and skills of students on the topic are formulated. To acquire practical skills and increase the level of knowledge, it is necessary to include practical and laboratory works provided approximate program.

Monitoring the level of training of students is recorded in the main sections and appendices to the work program: explanatory note, educational and thematic plan, technological map control, calendar and thematic planning. Control materials include a system of monitoring meters that allow assessing the level and quality of students’ learning at the entrance, current and final stages of studying the subject. Control means must be in a logical connection with the content of the educational material and meet the requirements for the level of mastery of the subject.

In the section “Literature and teaching aids” the main and additional educational literature, educational and reference manuals, educational literature, electronic learning tools, Internet resources, list of recommended learning tools. The bibliography includes publications intended for students and literature for teachers.

Calendar and thematic planning of the work program includes

The title page is compiled in tabular form and includes the following items:

continuous numbering of lessons indicating the planned and actual dates of their implementation;

Sections and topics of educational content indicating the number of hours (the names of the sections are indicated according to the wording of the work program);

the topics of the lessons are formulated in accordance with the work program, along with the topic of the lesson, the type of lesson and the form of its delivery are indicated;

content elements are revealed through the main didactic units corresponding to the Federal State Educational Standard for the academic subject. Content elements in the absence of a state educational standard for a subject (elective course, elective subject, elective, special course) are determined in accordance with the author's program. The wording of the content elements is taken from the work program without changes or additions. The same content element can be included in one or more lessons, if this is due to the systematic formation of a concept or operation;

general educational skills and methods of activity are distinguished by type of activity (cognitive, information and communication, reflective) in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard and the level of education;

requirements for the level of training of students of the corresponding year (stage) of study (formulated in activity form in accordance with the standard) must be distinguished from the general requirements defined by the standard at the end of the training period (for example, basic, high school). In this regard, it is necessary, reflecting the stage of mastering the content, to clarify the requirements, ensuring their specificity, diagnosticity, achievability of the result within a specified period of time, unambiguity in the understanding of the wording;

Type, form of control and control measuring materials must correspond to the structure of the work program (by sections, topics), be adequate to the requirements of the level of training of students (tests, assignments (questions) with short or extended answers, diagrams, drawings, tables, abstracts, etc.).

One of the priority areas is achieving the quality of modern education that meets the current needs of the individual, society and the state. To a large extent, the conditions for the effective implementation of educational policy are formed at the level of activity of an educational institution and are set out in its educational program.

The goals and objectives of the educational program, the requirements of the state standard in a particular educational field are implemented through programs in academic subjects. The program for an academic subject is the result of a lot of painstaking work by representatives of various fields of knowledge: specialists in a specific science who determine the basic range of knowledge, skills and abilities; teachers and psychologists who formulate and distribute material across years of study in accordance with the age capabilities of children; methodologists developing scientific and methodological support necessary for the effective acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities . Each program accumulates experience in studying a particular science and reflects its achievements. However, diversity educational needs people, which leads to the need to ensure variability in the content of education, often require modification of standard programs or development of work programs. The development of a work program, which is a rather complex educational and regulatory document, requires the author, compiler high level qualifications. The author's lack of readiness to develop new or modernize existing programs is the cause of serious shortcomings in them.

The most typical shortcomings in work programs:

  • the goals and objectives of the school’s educational program are not taken into account;
  • the need for their development is not sufficiently substantiated;
  • some mandatory sections are missing, for example, requirements for knowledge, skills and abilities; justification of the goals, objectives of the course and others;
  • provision of the proposed program with the necessary educational and methodological complex is not always provided;
  • the principle of continuity with other educational programs is not observed.

General provisions

The Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” (Article 9) defines the education system as a set of successive educational programs and state educational standards. A set of educational programs determines the appearance of the school and is the basis of various educational routes for students in the conditions of a particular educational institution. At different levels of education, there are possible options for educational programs in the same academic subject, which differ in their purpose:

  • basic (standard curriculum) educational program;
  • educational program for in-depth study of individual subjects;
  • educational program of an advanced level (gymnasium, lyceum, etc.).

Thus, in an educational institution it is possible to study according to several curriculum options.

There are several definitions of curriculum. Here are some of them :

1. Training program -This is a normative document that outlines the range of basic knowledge, skills and abilities to be acquired in each individual academic subject. It includes a list of topics to be studied, recommendations for the amount of time for each topic, their distribution by year of study and the time allocated for studying the entire course. The completeness of students’ assimilation of program requirements is the main criterion for the success and effectiveness of the learning process.

2. Training program -a document reflecting the goals and content of the training course in the relevant academic subject, the logic of course construction, the principles of choosing teaching technologies, and methods of monitoring the achieved level of education.

3. Training programthere is a brief systematic description of the totality of information that completely and unambiguously defines the composition of the learning process in such a way that it is carried out in accordance with the given goals and performs the functions of education, upbringing, and development.

Traditionally, the education system uses standard curricula approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, containing a generalized list of knowledge, skills and abilities. These programs also provide guidelines of the most general nature, which indicate the necessary forms and means of training. Using standard curriculums as a basis, teachers can develop original and work-based programs.Work programs- these are programs developed on the basis of exemplary educational programs, but making changes and additions to the content of the academic discipline, the sequence of studying topics, the number of hours, the use of organizational forms of training, and others.

"Working program of the training course– a document intended to implement the requirements for the minimum content and level of training of a student in a specific subject of the educational plan of an educational institution.”

Author's programs- training programs that have no analogues. They are based on the author’s concept of constructing the content of a training course on this subject. The inclusion of the author's program in the educational process of the school involves the following procedures:

1. Review. Reviews are issued both by scientific or methodological institutions, and by individual specialists in the program profile. In the practice of educational institutions, internal and external forms of examination are sometimes used. Discussion of the author's program at a meeting of the methodological council of an educational institution or at a meeting of a methodological association is a form of internal examination. Review by scientific or methodological institutions, specialists working in a given subject area, is a form of external examination. It is possible to receive multiple reviews, especially if the proposed course is an integrated one.

2. Approbation. The inclusion of the author's program in the educational process of the school must be preceded by its experimental study, that is, testing. During testing, recommendations may be made to improve the program. Based on the results of testing, the effectiveness of the program is assessed and the feasibility of its further use is determined. It is advisable to test the author's program from September to March, since it is necessary to provide for a situation when the result planned in it is not achieved. Then the teacher will have time to correct the level of learning of students.

3. Statement. Approval of programs is carried out after receiving positive expert opinions (reviews) and a positive test result. The curriculum is approved by the head of the educational institution. If the reviews contain comments or shortcomings are identified during testing of the program, then it is approved after the comments are eliminated.

Functions of the work program and requirements for it, methods of constructing the work program

Any work program, regardless of what educational field and what level of general education it belongs to, performs the following functions:

  • regulatory, that is, it is a document that is mandatory for full implementation;
  • goal setting, that is, it determines the values ​​and goals for the sake of which it was introduced into a particular educational area;
  • determining the content of education, that is, it records the composition of content elements to be mastered by students (minimum content requirements), as well as the degree of their difficulty;
  • procedural, that is, it determines the logical sequence of assimilation of content elements, organizational forms and methods, means and conditions of learning;
  • evaluative, that is, it reveals the levels of mastery of content elements, objects of control and criteria for assessing the level of students’ learning.

The functions of the program determine the following requirements for it:

1. Taking into account the main provisions of the school’s educational program (social order requirements, requirements for graduates, goals and objectives educational process, features of the school curriculum).

2. The relationship of curricula within the educational field, a reflection of the complete, holistic content of education.

3. Presence of signs of a normative document.

4. The sequence of arrangement and relationship of all elements of the course content; determination of methods, organizational forms and means of teaching, which reflects the unity of the content of education and the learning process in the construction of the program.

5. Complete disclosure of the goals and values ​​of education with the inclusion in the program of all necessary and sufficient elements of content for the implementation of the set goals (knowledge about nature, society, technology, people, methods of activity; experience of creative activity; experience of an emotional and value-based attitude to reality).

6. Specificity of presentation of elements of educational content.

Work program structure

The training course program includes the following structural elements:

1. Title page (Appendix No. 1).

2. Explanatory note.

3. Educational and thematic plan.

1. Title page

The title page contains:

1. Full name of the educational institution.

2. Statement of approval of the program (by the teaching council or methodological association of the school and the school director, indicating the date).

3. The name of the training course for which the program was written.

4. Indication of the parallel on which the program is studied.

5. Last name, first name and patronymic of the program developer (one or more)

6. Name of the city in which the program was prepared.

7. Year of compilation of the program.

Development and approval of work programs training courses and disciplines falls within the competence of educational institutions (clauses 6 and 7 of Article 32 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”). This does not exclude the possibility of providing external reviews of the curriculum. Work programs can be discussed at methodological councils of schools and district methodological associations, which have the right to recommend educational programs for use. However, this in no way replaces the need for approval of the work program by the head of the educational institution.

2. Explanatory note

The purpose of the explanatory note in the program structure is to:

Briefly and reasonably characterize the essence of this educational subject, its functions, specifics and significance for solving the general goals and objectives of education defined in the educational program of this level of schoolchildren’s education;

To give an idea of ​​the ways of developing educational material, to show in general terms the methodological system for achieving the goals that are set when studying the subject, to describe the means of achieving them.

The explanatory note indicates which educational area this subject is included in, and briefly formulates the goals of the subject for each stage of education. An explanatory note to the author's program (for example, a regional component) should contain a justification for the relevance of the developed program, a description of the concept and main ideas of the course being studied. It indicates the reasons why existing programs do not satisfy the educational needs and cognitive needs of students. The modified program clarifies the essence of the changes made to the content of the standard program. The text of the explanatory note also contains:

1. Justification for the selection of content and the general logic of the sequence of its study, including the disclosure of connections between the main and additional education on this subject (if any).

2. general characteristics educational process: methods, forms and means of teaching.

4. Logical connections of this subject with other subjects (sections) of the curriculum, resource support for the course. In addition, the explanatory note provides the system of symbols used in the text of the program.

Formulation of goals, understood as a “normative idea of ​​the result of an activity” , and the objectives of the academic subject is a very important section of the program. When setting the goals of an academic subject, the requirements of state standards, as well as the order for educational services of students and their parents, must be taken into account. The main goals of the educational subject are those that characterize the leading components of the learning content: knowledge, methods of activity, experience of value relations and creative experience. It is important that goals and objectives are understood unambiguously and are diagnosable. Therefore, when developing a work program, it is necessary to plan the creation of adequate diagnostic tools (evaluation) of the degree of achievement of goals and objectives.

The goals and objectives of training are set diagnostically if:

  • such a precise and definite description is given personal quality, which is formed as a result of studying the program, that it can be unmistakably separated from other personality qualities;
  • a method, a “tool” for unambiguously identifying the diagnosed personality quality is described;
  • it is possible to measure the development or intensity of manifestation of the assessed quality based on control data;
  • there is a quality assessment scale based on measurement results.

It is not allowed to include in the number of educational tasks those that relate to the teacher’s work process and do not indicate the results of the student’s activities (for example, “introduce ...”, “tell ...”, “report ...” and the like).

The objectives of the subject are usually grouped as ideological, methodological, theoretical, developmental, educational, and practical. They act as private, relatively independent ways of achieving goals (subgoals). In addition, the curriculum can formulate a range of typical tasks (in their general formulation) for all sections of the course, which each student must learn to solve.

When formulating goals and objectives, the requirements for the level of education and competence of students in the subject, presented after completing the course, are taken into account. These requirements typically include:

  • basic ideas and value system formed by the subject;
  • final system or body of knowledge;
  • list of skills (ways of activity);
  • a list of problems that students must learn to solve by creatively studying a given subject.

The basic knowledge, skills and abilities that the student must master after studying the course in accordance with state requirements are prescribed. The requirements for the level of mastery of the discipline are formulated in terms of “have an idea”, “know” and “possess”. They must meet the requirements of certainty of all characteristics of the final result and controllability of educational achievements. The organization of final control for this course is also reflected here.

3. Educational and thematic plan.The educational and thematic plan reflects the topics of the course, the sequence of their study, the organizational forms of training used and the number of hours allocated both for studying the entire course and for individual topics. The educational thematic plan can be presented in the form of a table (see table 1 or 2 or 3). The organizational forms of training and control given in the table are approximate. It is determined by the characteristics of the class in which the subject is taught, the specifics of the training course itself (for example, the need to conduct practical and laboratory work for natural science subjects), and the characteristics of the methods and technologies used in the learning process. So, when studying the humanities, especially in high school, you can plan seminars. In addition, excursions, conferences and other forms of classes may be included in the curriculum.

Table 1.


Name of sections and topics

Total hours

Including on:

Approximate number of hours for independent work by students


laboratory and practical work

Test papers


Table 2.

Educational and thematic planning


Name of sections and topics

Total hours

Number of hours



At the bottom of the table, the hours are summarized


Table 3.

Educational and thematic planning


Name of sections and topics

Total hours

At the bottom of the table, the hours are summarized


4. Contents of the training course topicsThe content of the training course is formed on the basis of the following principles:

When describing the content of the topics of the work program, the following sequence of presentation can be recommended:

1. Topic title.

2. The required number of hours to study it.

main issues being studied;

practical and laboratory work, creative and practical tasks, excursions and other forms of classes used in training;

requirements for knowledge and skills of students;

forms and issues of control;

possible types independent work students.

If the training course includes theoretical and practical sections, then the ratio between them in the total amount of hours can vary depending on various factors (specialization of the educational institution, preparedness of students, availability of appropriate equipment, and others). The main goal of the practical section of the program is to develop in students skills related to the use of acquired knowledge, consolidation and improvement of practical skills.

The section includes a list of laboratory and practical work, educational excursions and other forms of practical training. In descriptions of certain types of practical classes (for example, seminars), it is advisable to include a list of issues discussed during them.

Monitoring the knowledge, skills and abilities of students is the most important stage educational process and performs teaching, testing, educational and corrective functions. In the structure of the program, testing tools must be in a logical connection with the content of the educational material. The implementation of the mechanism for assessing the level of training involves systematization and generalization of knowledge, consolidation of skills and abilities; checking the level of knowledge acquisition and mastery of skills and abilities specified as planned learning outcomes. These are presented at the beginning of each course as student preparation requirements. When preparing an author's or work program, there is often a need for processing, selection, or independent development of testing materials.

This item of the work program may include a list of questions for final control in the discipline being studied. Control should be planned and recorded in the educational and thematic plan.

5. List of references.Literature on academic discipline is divided into main and additional. The list of basic literature includes publications, the content of which specifies the knowledge of students on the main issues outlined in the program. The additional list depends on the preferences of the authors of the work program. It includes publications that expand students’ knowledge on individual aspects and issues of the course.

The bibliographic list highlights publications intended for students and literature for teachers (both basic and additional). The list of references includes bibliographic descriptions of publications recommended by the author of the program, which are listed in alphabetical order indicating the author, title of the book, place and year of publication. Example of a bibliographic description:

  • book by one or more authors:

Sitarov, V.A. Didactics. / V.A. Sitarov - M.: ACADEMIA, 2002. - 365 p.

  • article from a collection or periodical:

Sintseva, G.V. Construction of methodological work on a diagnostic basis / G.V. Sintseva //Methodist. - 2003. - No. 1. - P.19-21.

  • collections of documents:

Bibliographic description of the document. General requirements and drafting rules: GOST 7.1.84. - Entered 01/01/86. - M., 1984. - 75 p. - (System of standards for information, bibliography and publishing).

Recently, the choice of programs and textbooks has expanded significantly. Alternative educational literature is available for almost all subjects of the federal component of the Basic Curriculum. Therefore, when choosing a textbook, it is necessary to take into account both content and didactic criteria. The main requirements for the textbook are:

  • its compliance with the requirements of the educational standard and curriculum, a complete and detailed display of all its main topics;
  • reflection of the logic and requirements of the program in the structure and content of the textbook;
  • completeness of fulfillment of didactic functions (informational, developmental and educational, coordinating, self-control);
  • informativeness of the main texts, optimality of the task system;
  • the appropriateness of extra-textual components, the printing quality of the textbook.

A large number of textbooks, teaching aids, workbooks and other components of the educational and methodological set must be carefully studied when drawing up a work program. The program developer determines the extent to which this kit is capable of achieving the goals and objectives set in the original or modified curriculum. The need for this is determined by the fact that even the best program, not provided with an educational and methodological set, causes difficulties for students and cannot fully contribute to the achievement of its goals. If it is impossible to use existing educational and methodological kits, the author of the curriculum faces the task of developing a kit that corresponds to the program.

To implement an author's or work program, an existing training and metodology complex can be used not completely, but partially. In this case, it is very important that the necessary textbooks and teaching aids are available in the required quantities in the fund school library. Lack of awareness among teachers about the state of the school library collection often entails unreasonable demands on students' parents to purchase the necessary textbooks and manuals. It is also unacceptable for a teacher to replace already used textbooks and manuals with new ones during the school year. Such thoughtlessness not only leads to additional material costs, but also often becomes the reason for the discrepancy between the requirements of the program and the capabilities of the textbook. Thus, the educational and methodological set, being an integral part of the educational program of the school and the curriculum in the subject, should be the object of regular monitoring by the administration of the educational institution. At the same time, its change and clarification is a completely acceptable phenomenon. However, we must not forget that all adjustments made require a careful and thoughtful procedure.

Algorithm for constructing a work program

Developing work programs and planning educational activities is undoubtedly one of the most difficult tasks facing teachers. Teachers must be able not only to analyze various facts and situations, but also to anticipate and plan their development, which presupposes that teachers have a sufficiently high level of professional skill.

As a result, especially for a novice teacher, there may be a belief that it is better to avoid such difficulties altogether and use already existing programs (standard or developed by other authors). However, such a position, which excludes the teacher’s personality from the process of course design and programming, significantly limits his opportunities for professional growth and negatively affects the quality of education. If a teacher uses already existing programs without reworking or adapting them to the peculiarities of the educational process, then he acts as an executor of someone else’s project, which mechanically reproduces ready-made provisions. As a rule, as a result of this, students, and even the teacher himself, do not form a holistic idea of ​​the course or topic being studied. As a result of the teacher’s further work, awareness of the integrity of the course, if at all, comes only after several training cycles, that is, it is formed empirically, “by trial and error.”

Below we propose an algorithm that allows the teacher to independently develop educational programs and includes several sequential and interconnected stages.

First stage

The first stage is to create a course plan for the entire period of study. Author's or working standard programs should be based on the end-to-end principle of construction, that is, provide for a certain distribution of course content elements not for one year, but progressively, from the beginning to its completion. This stage includes several substages:

1. Creating a training course program begins with formulating its goals. In this case, the requirements of state standards, as well as the order for educational services of students and their parents, must be taken into account.

2. Determination of problems, the solution of which is expected during the study of the entire course. They are divided into two groups - tasks related to the content of the subject, and tasks focused on the development of students’ methods of activity. The first group of tasks reflects the requirements for what students should know as a result of studying the course; the second group of tasks correlates with the requirements for the formation of general educational and special skills.

3. Forecasting the results that should be achieved upon completion of the course. Like tasks, the results of activities are divided into groups according to content and method of work.

4. Distribution of the content of educational material by year of study. On at this stage It is important to think through and correlate the volume of material being studied, the sequence of its presentation and the time to study it. In the process of this work, it is necessary to determine learning outcomes at the end of each academic year.

5. Determination of teaching methods or technologies that are proposed to be used during the course. It is important to take into account the age characteristics of students, as well as the provisions of the school’s educational program.

6. Development of the content and form of final and milestone control, determination of its frequency.

Second phase

At the second stage of planning, a yearly training plan is drawn up. This work is carried out on the same principles as the entire course outline. However, the subject of planning at the second stage is not the entire course, but the volume of material studied during one academic year.

Third stage

After completing the work on planning the training course for the year, it is necessary to carry out calendar and thematic planning. The following options for such planning can be proposed for use (see Table 4 or 5).

Table 4. Scheme of calendar and thematic planning of the academic subject for academic year

Class no.

Name of sections and topics

Number of hours

Calendar dates

Type of activity

Visual aids and technical aids

Student assignments


Independent learning activities

Types of control

The difficulties that arise when creating original and work programs and thematic planning for them can be overcome by changing the work of methodological associations. One of the main directions of their activity may be the development of the content of such programs, their methodological support, as well as their testing. By focusing the work of a methodological association on these goals, a result that is significant for all teachers is achieved, based on the experience of the developers, and the entire system of methodological work acquires a systematic character, focused on ensuring the quality of education.


to fill out the calendar-thematic plan

  1. The wording of the topic of the work program, calendar-thematic plan and entries in the educational journal must match and are scheduled for 1 hour of classes.
  2. Tasks and content of material for students’ independent work: reading text, textbook, primary source, additional literature; drawing up a text plan; graphic image text structure; taking notes of the text; working with dictionaries and reference books; work with regulatory documents; educational and research work; compiling tables to systematize educational material; text analysis (annotation, reviewing, abstracting, content analysis, etc.); preparation of abstracts, reports; compilation of bibliography, crossword puzzles, testing; solving variable problems and exercises; calculation and graphic works; preparation for projects; etc.
  3. Control methods: oral survey; test; control dictation; combined survey; checking students’ independent work; test survey; workshop on solving pedagogical situations; checking homework.


Municipal budget educational institution

Semyonovskaya OOsh


school pedagogical council

No.______ from ______________


school association of teachers

Pedagogy: Tutorial for students of pedagogical universities and pedagogical colleges / Ed. P.I. Faggot. M.: Russian Pedagogical Agency, 1996.

Anshshuv, O.S. Encyclopedia of management knowledge: Methodological dictionary for managers. / O.S. Anshshuv - M., 2002.

Both the current and the new law on education do not directly define the work program for an academic subject, but at the same time it establishes its place and significance in the education system. Thus, this term is included in the concept of “educational program” as an integral part of the complex of basic characteristics of education, as well as the concept of “approximate basic educational program” as a structural unit of educational and methodological documentation defining “the recommended volume and content of education at a certain level and (or) a certain directions, planned results of mastering the educational program, approximate conditions of educational activities, including approximate calculations of the standard costs of providing public services for the implementation of the educational program" (Article 2 of Chapter 1 of the Federal Law "On Education in Russian Federation»).

Concept of work program

According to the law on education, the development and approval of educational programs falls within the competence of educational organization, teaching staff which has been granted “the right to participate in the development of educational programs, including curricula, educational calendars, working educational subjects, courses, disciplines (modules), teaching materials and other components of educational programs." They are also obliged to “carry out their activities at a high professional level, ensure the full implementation of the taught academic subject, course, discipline (module) in accordance with the approved work program.”

Thus, the work program for an academic subject (hereinafter referred to as the work program) is an integral part of the educational program of a general education organization and represents, as defined by A.B. Vorontsov, a set of educational and methodological documentation, which is independently developed by an educational institution teacher on the basis of a working curriculum and sample programs of training courses, subjects, disciplines (modules) recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, proprietary programs, taking into account the goals and objectives of the main educational program school and reflects the ways of implementing the content of the academic subject.

Because The law on education does not define the requirements for the work program. The teacher can choose an independent form of recording, a text version of the work program. For example, a work program can be drawn up by analogy with the requirements for a standard curriculum, and the teacher can make adjustments to all structural elements of the program, taking into account the characteristics of the educational institution and the students of a particular class.

At the same time, as pedagogical practice shows, based on the recommendations of regional methodological services, work programs include the following content:

  • an explanatory note specifying common goals a given level of education, taking into account the specifics of the academic subject or course;
  • general characteristics of the academic subject, course;
  • description of the place of the academic subject, course in the curriculum;
  • description of value guidelines for the content of the academic subject;
  • personal, meta-subject (competency) and subject-specific results of mastering a specific academic subject or course;
  • content of an academic subject, course;
  • thematic planning with the definition of the main types of educational activities of students;
  • description of material, technical, educational, methodological and information support of the educational process.
  • technologies of teaching and testing the achievement of planned results;
  • recommended literature (for teachers and students).

Work programs may be accompanied by various documents that are necessary for the teacher to fully and effectively carry out the educational process.

Work program structure

In accordance with the specified content, the work program may have the following structure:

  • title page;
  • explanatory note;
  • planned results upon completion of the course;
  • description of educational, methodological and logistical support of the educational process;
  • content of the academic subject by year of study;
  • extracurricular activities of students in the subject;
  • control materials (tests, tests, assignments, etc.).

Possible difficulties

Creating a working program is a rather labor-intensive process. The main difficulties, especially for young specialist, are usually associated with the following problems:

  • description of the requirements for the level of training of students through operationally expressed diagnostic goals - learning outcomes;
  • the need to revise the content itself, based on an analysis of redundant and possible missing information material;
  • development of monitoring materials that allow obtaining objective information about the development of special subject and general educational skills of students.

Work program administration

The procedure and timing for reviewing the work program are established by a local act of the educational organization. They could be, for example, like this:

  • consideration of the draft work program at a meeting of the school’s methodological association (school’s scientific and methodological council);
  • The ShMO or scientific and methodological council, after the examination, gives an opinion on the approval or refinement of the work program;
  • if necessary, it is possible to obtain a review ( expert opinion) relevant specialized departments of higher education institutions vocational education, regional institute for advanced training;
  • if the decision is positive, submit the work program to the administration of the educational institution for approval;
  • the work program is analyzed by the deputy director for educational work for compliance of the program with the curriculum of the general education institution and the requirements of state educational standards, and the compliance of the textbook intended for use from the recommended list, the dates of tests, their number in the class and compliance with the requirements of SanPiN are checked, provisions of local acts of educational institutions;
  • after agreement, the work program is approved by the director of the educational institution.

The decision of the methodological association of teachers is reflected in the minutes of the meeting and on the last page of the work program (bottom left) the approval stamp is put: AGREED. Minutes of the meeting of the methodological association of teachers dated 00.00.0000 No. 00.

The approval stamp by the Deputy Director is also placed on the last page of the work program (bottom left): AGREED. Deputy director of water management (signature) Explanation of signature. Date of.

The approval stamp is placed on the title page (top right): APPROVED Director (signature) Explanation of signature. Date of.

Work programs are approved before the start of the academic year. After approval, the work program becomes a normative document implemented in a given educational institution.

Record keeping and control

One copy of the approved work programs is usually stored in the school documentation in accordance with the nomenclature of cases, the second is transferred to the teacher for the implementation of the educational process.

The administration of a general education organization monitors the implementation and implementation of work programs in accordance with the HSC plan.

Each reporting period (quarter, half-year), the calendar-thematic plan of the work program is correlated with the class journal and the teacher’s report on the completion of the program material. If there is a discrepancy, the teacher justifies and makes changes to the calendar and thematic plan, providing conditions for completing the program in full in fewer or more teaching hours.

Of course, the administration's task is not limited to control. The main thing is to help the teacher in its preparation and implementation, especially a novice teacher who has neither practice nor experience in writing such papers.

Work program for the academic subject








1. The regulations on the procedure for the development and approval of work programs in subjects and courses in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in the Municipal educational institution “basic secondary school” (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) were developed in accordance with

WITH Federal law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On education in the Russian Federation”,

With the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 2015 No. 1576 “On amendments to the federal state educational standard of primary general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 6, 2009 No. 373” (Registered with the Ministry of Justice Russia 02.02.2016 No. 40936);

With the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 2015 No. 1577 “On amendments to the federal state educational standard of basic general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 17, 2010 No. 1897” (Registered with the Ministry of Justice Russia 02.02.2016 No. 40937).

With the Charter of the Municipal Educational Institution "Rodnikovskaya Secondary School".

2. The work program of an academic subject, course (hereinafter referred to as the Work Program) is a regulatory and management document of the Municipal Educational Institution “OOOSH” (hereinafter referred to as the School), characterizing the system of organizing the educational activities of the teacher. The work program of an academic subject or course is structural component the main educational program of the School. It is designed to provide guarantees that students receive the mandatory minimum content of education in accordance with the federal state educational standard and the specifics of local conditions.

When developing Work Programs, the teacher can use sample programs for academic subjects and original programs for textbooks. Sample programs for academic subjects and courses allow all participants educational relations get an idea of ​​the goals, content, general strategy for educating students by means of an academic subject, subject course, specifies the content of subject topics of the federal state educational standard, gives an approximate distribution of teaching hours by sections of an academic subject, course and the recommended sequence of studying topics and sections of an academic subject, course with taking into account the age characteristics of students, the logic of the educational process, interdisciplinary and intradisciplinary connections.

In its structure and content, the Work Program is a document drawn up taking into account:

requirements of the federal state educational standard;

mandatory minimum content of education in an academic subject, course;

the maximum volume of educational material for students;

planned results of mastering the academic subject;

the volume of teaching hours determined by the School curriculum for the implementation of academic subjects and courses in each class;

cognitive interests of students;

goals and objectives of the school’s main educational program;

selection by the teacher of the necessary set of educational and methodological support.


The need to reflect these aspects in the Work Program determines the definition of the elements of its structure.

The structure of the Work Programs includes the following components:

    title page

    planned results of mastering the academic subject;

    content of the academic subject;

    thematic planning indicating the number of hours allocated to study each topic.

The work program determines the volume, order, and content of studying an academic subject or course.

1) Title page

The title page (Appendix 1) must contain the full name of the School in accordance with the charter; name of the academic subject, course; indications that the Work Program belongs to the level of general education; information about the developer (developers): (full name, position); year of approval of the Work Program.

2) Planned results of mastering the academic subject

This section describes:

a) achievement of personal results by students at the end of each year of study. Personal results are presented in two blocks: “The student will be formed” (“The graduate will be formed”) and “The student will have the opportunity for formation” (“The graduate will have the opportunity for formation”).

b) achievement of meta-subject results by students at the end of each year of study. The structure of meta-subject results includes the achievement by students of the planned results of three interdisciplinary programs “Program for the Formation of UUD”; "Reading. Work with text"; “Formation of ICT competence of students” at the end of each year of study. Meta-subject results are presented in two blocks: “The student will be formed” (“The graduate will be formed”) and “The student will have the opportunity for formation” (“The graduate will have the opportunity for formation”).

c) achievement of subject results by students at the end of each year of study. Subject results are presented in two blocks “The student will be formed” (“The graduate will be formed”) and “The student will have the opportunity for formation” (“The graduate will have the opportunity for formation”).

3) Content of the academic subject, course

This section includes a list of the educational material being studied by describing the main content lines.

4) Thematic planning indicating the number of hours allocated to study each topic

Thematic planning for an academic subject or course is developed for each class separately. Thematic planning consists of two mandatory blocks: “Topic (section)”; “The number of hours allocated to the study of each topic (section).”


The work program is developed for each subject and course included in the School curriculum. The process of developing the Work Program includes several stages:

Analysis of a sample program for a subject or original programs for a subject;

Program selection;

Correlation of the selected program with the number of hours in the subject according to the School curriculum;

Analysis of methodological support for all types of educational activities provided for by the program;

Studying the regulatory framework for the taught subject, methodological letters and recommendations at the federal and regional levels;

Development of the Work Program.

The development of the Work Program can be carried out by one subject teacher or a group of teachers.


Work programs are undergoing an approval procedure. Work programs are considered at a meeting Methodical association subject teachers (hereinafter – MO) before the start of the school year in August. The decision of the Ministry of Defense states: “recommend for approval work programs for extracurricular activities ..." or "recommend that work programs for extracurricular activities be finalized... within the deadline ...". The work programs considered at the meeting of the Ministry of Education are agreed upon with the Deputy Director for Educational Work. Based on the decision of the Moscow Region and agreement with the Deputy Director for Educational Work, the School Director approves by order the Work Programs by the beginning of the school year.

Annex 1

To Regulations on the procedure for developing and approving work programs

by subjects, courses

at a municipal educational institution

"Rodnikovskaya basic secondary school"



Municipal educational institution

"basic secondary school"

Considered at a meeting of the Ministry of Defense

Protocol No. from


Deputy dir. according to UVR

I approve.

Director of MOU "Rodnikovskaya secondary school"

I.I. Ivanov

Order No. dated




for ______________________ academic year

Classes: _______________

Level: _____________

Program Compiler:

__________________ ___________________

Position Full name

Clause 2.7 of Article 32 “Competencies and responsibilities of an educational institution” of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” states that the competence of an educational institution includes “the development and approval of work programs for educational courses and disciplines.”

What is a work program and what place does it occupy in the series of documents that determine the content of education?

The main documents containing the requirements for the level of training of students and the minimum content of education are:

  1. state educational standard (federal and national-regional component),
  2. the basic curriculum for schools in the Russian Federation, which contains:
  • distribution of educational content by educational fields, academic disciplines, years and weeks,
  • For each academic discipline of the basic curriculum, standard (exemplary) educational programs are developed,
  • on the basis of these documents, the educational institution draws up its educational program, curriculum,
  • Each teacher, relying on the above sources, draws up a work program based on the standard curriculum.

Thus, the work program is a local (created for a specific educational institution) and individual (developed by a teacher for his activities) document of an educational institution. It shows how, taking into account specific conditions, educational needs and developmental characteristics of students, a teacher creates an individual pedagogical model of education based on the state educational standard. A work program is an individual tool for a teacher, in which he determines the most optimal and effective content, forms, methods and techniques for organizing the educational process for a particular class in order to obtain a result that meets the requirements of the standard.

The work program of a subject can be uniform for all teachers working in a given school and mandatory for administrative control over the completeness and quality of its implementation.

The work program may include the following structural elements:

  • title page,
  • explanatory note,
  • thematic plan,
  • content of the academic subject,
  • list of mandatory laboratory, practical, control and other types of work,
  • requirements for the level of student preparation,
  • criteria and norms for assessing students’ knowledge of learning in relation to various forms of knowledge control,
  • list of literature for teachers and educators.

By decision of the pedagogical council of an educational institution, the following may be attached to the work program:

  • calendar-thematic and lesson planning,
  • sample texts and tests,
  • questions for tests,
  • topics of essays, projects, etc.

All of the above is the educational and methodological equipment of the curriculum.

Title page

Explanatory note

The purpose of the explanatory note in the program structure is to:

  • briefly and reasonably characterize the essence of this academic subject, its functions, specifics and significance for solving the general goals and objectives of education defined in the educational program of this level of schoolchildren’s education,
  • give an idea of ​​the ways of developing educational material, show in general terms the methodological system for achieving the goals that are set when studying the subject, and describe the means of achieving them.

The explanatory note usually contains the following information:

  1. The goals and objectives of studying a subject (course), the concept embedded in the content of educational material, taking into account the type of educational institution and the specific student. When setting the goals of an academic subject, the requirements of state standards, as well as the order for educational services of students and their parents, must be taken into account. The main goals of the educational subject are those that characterize the leading components of the learning content: knowledge, methods of activity, experience of value relations and creative experience. The objectives of the subject are usually grouped as ideological, methodological, theoretical, developmental, educational, and practical. When formulating goals and objectives, the requirements for the level of education and competence of students in the subject, presented after completing the course, are taken into account. It is important that goals and objectives are understood unambiguously and are diagnosable.
  2. Reflection of the expansion of the goals and objectives of studying a subject (course) in comparison with the sample program due to the introduction of a regional (national-regional) component.
  3. Logical connections of this subject with other subjects of the curriculum.
  4. Justification for the selection of content and the general logic of the sequence of its study, the distinctive features of the work program in comparison with the example program (change in the number of hours for studying individual topics, structural rearrangement of the order of study of topics, expansion of the content of educational material, disclosure of connections between basic and additional education, etc. ) and justification for the feasibility of making these changes.
  5. General characteristics of the educational process: forms, methods and means of teaching, technologies.
  6. Used forms, methods and means of checking and assessing learning outcomes for this work program.
  7. Justification for the choice of educational and methodological kit for the implementation of the work program.

Thematic plan

The thematic plan reveals the sequence of studying sections and topics of programs by year, the sequence of their study, the organizational forms of training used and the number of hours allocated both for studying the entire course and for individual topics. The thematic plan can be presented in the form of a table. The forms of control are determined by the characteristics of the class in which the subject is taught, the specifics of the training course itself (for example, the need to conduct practical and laboratory work for natural science subjects), and the characteristics of the methods and technologies used in the learning process. So, when studying the humanities, especially in high school, you can plan seminars. In addition, excursions, conferences and other forms of classes may be included in the curriculum.

Name of sections and topics

Total hours

Including on:

Approximate number of hours per

independent work of students


laboratory and practical

test papers

At the bottom of the table, the hours are summarized

The content of the training course is formed on the basis of the following principles:

  • unity of training content at its different levels,
  • reflection in the content of training of the tasks of personal development,
  • scientific and practical significance of the training content,
  • accessibility of training,
  • maintaining continuity.

When describing the content of the topics of the work program, the following sequence of presentation can be recommended:

  1. Topic title.
  2. The required number of hours to study it.
  3. Contents of the training topic:
  • main issues being studied,
  • practical and laboratory work, creative and practical tasks, excursions and other forms of classes used in teaching,
  • requirements for knowledge and skills of students,
  • forms and issues of control,
  • possible types of independent work for students.

      List of mandatory laboratory, practical, control and other types of work

A list of mandatory laboratory, practical, control and other types of work is indicated by year of study throughout the entire period of implementation of the work program.

      Requirements for the level of training of students (by year of study)

Didactic units are grouped from generalized requirements for the level of training of graduates. Basic knowledge, abilities and skills are prescribed, as well as the level of development of basic competencies that the student must master after studying the course in accordance with state standards by year of study. Requirements for the level of mastery of the discipline are formed in terms of “have an idea”, “know”, “possess”, “be able to”, etc.

      Criteria and norms for assessing students' knowledge

Compiled in relation to various forms of knowledge control (oral questioning, solving quantitative and qualitative problems, laboratory work, practical work, testing, test work, complex text analysis, expressive reading of works of art by heart, creative work (abstract, message, report, illustrative material, student-made project, etc.), test, exam).


The literature on the academic discipline is divided into basic and additional, educational and reference manuals, educational and methodological literature. The list of basic literature includes publications, the content of which specifies the knowledge of students on the main issues outlined in the program. The additional list depends on the preferences of the authors of the work program. It includes publications that expand students’ knowledge on individual aspects and issues of the course.

The bibliographic list highlights publications intended for students and literature for teachers (both basic and additional). The list of references includes bibliographic descriptions of publications recommended by the author of the program, which are listed in alphabetical order indicating the author, title of the book, place and year of publication.

The work provides examples of work programs for primary school in Russian language (Appendix 1), literary reading (