Abstracts Statements Story

Summary of reading words with the letter e. Reading words and sentences with letters e, e

    Abdullaeva L.S.

    Educational and educational complex "School of Russia"

    Subject: writing + reading

    Class 1

    Subject: Letters E, e Sound(uh)

    Planned results

Subject: continue to learn to distinguish and designate the sound (e) when writing, with the letters E.e;

characterize the sound (e), find the place for the corresponding letter;

write words and sentences with studied letters;

work with text.


    Cognitive UUD : search for the necessary information to complete educational tasks using educational literature;

construct a speech utterance orally; the basics of semantic reading of literary and educational texts, highlighting essential information from texts different types; analyze objects; establish analogies; construct a speech utterance orally.

    Regulatory UUD : accept and save the learning task; take into account the highlighted action guidelines in the new educational material; be able to draw up a work plan; evaluate the correctness of one’s and a friend’s actions.

    Communicative UUD : take into account different opinions; form your own opinion and position; construct understandable statements; adequately use speech means to effectively solve a variety of communicative tasks; exercise mutual control.

Personal : educational and cognitive interest in the main educational material; ability for self-esteem.

Lesson stage

Teacher activities

Student activities


Look at each other. Smile at each other. Let's start the lesson.

Check readiness for the lesson.

2. Setting goals and objectives.

Motivation to educational activities

Look at the screen. A letter is missing from the words. You need to insert a letter and read these words.

Are we familiar with the letter e?

What do you think our lesson will be today?

What will we do in this lesson?

(after the students have independently spoken about the topic and purpose of the lesson, an entry appears on the slide: - continue to learn to read and write words with the letter e;

Develop skills in working with text;

Practice making diagrams of words and sentences;

Work with all previously studied letters;

Continue to develop the ability to check and evaluate yourself and your friend.)

Determine that the letter e is missing.

Read the words.

They answer the questions posed and determine the topic and purpose of the lesson.

3. Warm up

1 slide on screen

Exercise “Make a new word”

Assignment: you need to create a new word by taking the first syllable from the first column, and the second syllable from the words in the second column.

2 slide

Exercise “Find the animal”.

Task: find the hidden name of the animal among the lines of the poem

Make up new words and find words in sentences

4. Work according to the text

5. Physical training

6. Individual work

Now guys, look at the leaves in front of you. They have the text printed on them that we will work with today.

I read aloud, everyone reads after me in a low voice.

The teacher asks questions about the text.

What does the text say?

How can you title this text?

Are there any unfamiliar words already explained? Read them.

What letter does the word “exotic” begin with? Underline this word with a red pencil.

Do you know what the word “expedition” means?

Underline this word with a red pencil.

Find the word “crew” in the text and underline it. Find the definition of this word in the dictionary.

Where can we find out the interpretation of a word?

What proper names have you come across?

Will the word “Earth” always be written with a capital letter?

Find the phrase “interesting pictures” and how many times it is used.

Count how many sentences are in the text.

Find the second sentence and read the pronoun in it.

In what other sentences does this pronoun appear?

Find the pronoun in plural, what sentence is it?

Find the sentence where the number is written. Read it

Which sentence talks about transport? Read it.

Helicopter, what type of transport is it?

Stand up and show how helicopter blades work.

Now sit down. Let's continue the lesson.

Find a sentence that says what dad will do after the expedition.

Now go back to the second sentence. How many words are there in this sentence?

How many words are capitalized?

Find the word - preposition.

Write this sentence down in your notebook.

Find the word that answers the question “who?”

Find the action word.

Ask a question about this word.

Emphasize it.

Outline this proposal.

And now we are working on pieces of paper.

Write down words starting with the letter "e". With these words we will carry out the following work: put emphasis, make a sound recording, make a diagram.

(weak students write down all the words, but work with only one)

As soon as you complete the work, I will distribute samples, and you will conduct a self-test with a red pencil and give yourself a grade.

When you finish your work, hand me the papers. Pay attention to the screen. Let's go back to the slide where our tasks are written down and see if we have completed all the points.

Students read the text after the teacher.

Answer questions.

Exotica, meteorologist.

Students work with an explanatory dictionary.

(eleven). A number is placed above each sentence.

Children find and read the sentences.

Stand up and repeat the movements after the teacher

One student at the blackboard.

Individual pieces of paper on which work is done.

Check your work against the sample. They rate themselves.

Read every point

Self-esteem is marked with a red pencil, and friend's with a blue pencil.

Subject: Reading words, sentences with letters Uh, uh.

Target: to form children's knowledge that a vowel letter E denotes the hardness of a consonant; continue dividing words into syllables; make sentences, teach how to work with text, promote the intellectual development of children; careful treatment of animals.

During the classes

I.Org moment. a) The bell rang for us

Everyone calmly entered the classroom.

Everyone stood up at their desks beautifully

We greeted each other politely.

(turned and said hello)

b) We will put our feet on the floor,

We will all straighten our backs,

Let's put our elbows on the table,

Let's take the house to the nose.

Left hand on the table

We put the right one on top.

Warm up. c) – smile at each other

Puff out your cheeks and let the air out slowly

Roll the caramel in your mouth

Stick out your tongue with a spatula or tube

Let's make sounds

sounds [s], [i], [a], [o], [u], [e]

What was the last sound made? [e]

What sound is this?

Target our lesson - continue working on sounds and letters; divide words into syllables, make sentences. Be able to work on the text and enrich our speech with new words; cultivate a caring attitude towards the animal world.

II.Repetition covered material.

What 2 groups are sounds divided into? (consonants and vowels)

What vowels indicate the softness of a consonant?

(I, and, e, e, yu)

Which vowels are special? Why?

(I, e, e, yu)

a) at the beginning of the word symbol. 2 sounds – Yula, Christmas tree Yulia

b) (after vowels – mine, I give, beautiful)

c) (after the soft sign – drinks, pours, howls)

What vowels indicate the hardness of a consonant?

(a, o, y, s, e)

Name one of these letters in these words?

(look and read on the board)

emu airbus (on the board)

Emma screen

Edik excavator

popsicle poet

Make a word diagram emu.

Now read the sweet word.

Who do I call a poet? (a person who writes poetry)

What poets do you know? (Chukovsky, Pushkin, Barto, Marshak, Mayakovsky)

Make sentences with words.

tell us Artyom, what did you make up?

(emu – 2 syllables, 3 letters, 3 sounds, 1 stressed syllable)

Say a poem: I'm talking about the ostrich

About Emu

I would write you a poem

But I just don't understand

Is he an emu or an emu?

Guys, what is it? echo? (echo, only part of the word sounds)

Where can you hear echo? (in the forest, on the river, in an empty room)

let's play in the echo: I say the word, and you tell me the ending (aloud)

car - tire

laughter - fur

scythe - wasp

screen - faucet

deer - laziness

And let's recite a poem:

Across the river here and there

Someone is wandering through the bushes.

- Echo, echo, is that you?

The echo answers: - You...

Guys, where in words is the letter most often written? E?

(at the beginning and middle of a word)

But the sound [e] can be invisible because it is hidden in what letter? (f).

Let's read the words with the letter E out loud so that we can hear this sound: animals, lunch, bran, bear

What does the letter indicate in them? e?

Guys, besides the named beast, what other animals do you know?

Could you give them a description of what their character is like:

(the hare is cowardly, the bear is clumsy,

wolf - evil, fox - cunning)

Read the words on the board, what is the same in these words?





What did you notice in the words?

(the common part, which is called the root)

What is this part of the word before the root called?


Guys, how do you understand the word artless?

(kind, simple)

Can i fox name artless?

This word artless is the opposite of words cunning, cunning.

Guys, we have a crossword puzzle, I will write down animals in it and post a picture of the animal.

Who is this?

1) He is in the winter under a blizzard howl

Sleeping in a snowy den (bear)

2) Who has one horn. Guess... (rhinoceros)

3) Collect the word m o z r (1)

4) He is more than anyone in the world

Very, very, kind. (elephant)

5) I hit the green stuff!

Crying bitterly!... (crocodile)

6) Naughty girls for mischief

Mom immediately hides it in her bag (kangaroo)

7) He is called the king of the forests. It has keen hearing and eyesight, and only the male has a mane, while the female does not. Who is this?

(a lion)

8) Read the word from the “tape” (I use a pointer to indicate the letters)


Read the word, what are they all called? (animals)

What are the words that answer the question called? Who? (animate)

III. Physical exercise. The best swing

Flexible vines.

This is from the cradle, the monkeys know

Who has been rocking all his life?

Yes Yes Yes!

He's not offended


IV. Working on new material.

Guys, where can you see different animals?

(at the zoo, circus)

Why are zoos created? / Yes, zoos are created so that we can look at animals, since we cannot visit Africa, Australia, and also to save them from the death of some other animals.

Now we are going to our zoo, but not alone, to find out with whom, read the words and find him.

water (on the board)






What does the word bran mean?

(feed from the remains of grain when it is broken)

So, who's going to the zoo with us? (sparrow)

What do you know about sparrows? (They are urban and rural. The urban ones are more impudent and louder. The rural ones are calmer. They are very voracious and always hungry. They ate entire fields of crops, and people chased them and shouted “Beat the thief!” That’s how this bird got its name, SPARROW. They don’t build nests, but they seize other people's nests from starlings and swallows, and it is no longer possible to drive him out.

Many poets wrote poems, songs, and stories about birds, and the sparrow was no exception.

Poet S. Yak. Marshak wrote a poem about him. What do you know about S. Marshak?

(born more than 100 years ago. Today we will celebrate the 120th anniversary of his birth. He began writing poetry and publishing in magazines early. He lived in England for a long time. He wrote and translated a lot from English. He loved children and wrote not only poems for them, but fairy tales.

Listen to the poem and say Where did the sparrow have lunch?

- Open your textbooks to page 184 and read the poem to yourself, remember where he has been.

What did he treat himself to from the animals?

When did his visit to the zoo almost end sadly?

Who usually gets asked questions? (to people)

What are such proposals called? (interrogative)

Who is the question asked in the poem?

What did he answer? (visited the zoo)

Let's read line 1 as if we met someone and want to know where he was?

Think about what his mood was like at the beginning when he was thinking about where to have lunch . (sad)

And then he began to remember and told it cheerfully and quickly.

Let's dramatize the poem (four people come out and read 2 lines in a chain)

What does this poem teach? (so that we feed the animals, especially in winter. And not to think that some of them are either scary or kind - everyone wants to live, everyone wants to live, they are all important and needed. And not all, of course, animals are hospitable and it is necessary be wary of those who might offend).

So, we read and learned how sparrows get their food, ate their fill, and became cheerful.

V. Creative work. Here are sparrow patterns.

Please decorate him, showing how well-fed, satisfied, cheerful he is (decorate).

VI. Results of the work. Hang your sparrow with the animal you consider kinder (they look at the crossword puzzle for an animal that they like).

What did you learn from today's lesson?

What discoveries did you make?

VII. Homework. Read the poem and come up with a continuation of this story.

Lesson 88. READING WORDS WITH THE LETTER E (consolidation)

03.05.2013 7765 0

Lesson88. reading words withLETTER E

Goals: consolidate students’ knowledge about the vowel letter uh; develop speech and logical thinking.

Equipment : textbook, subject pictures, magnetic board, letters and syllables.

During the classes

I. Mobilizing part of the lesson.

II. Consolidation of basic knowledge.

Game "Typesetter" (by teams).

The word is printed on the board electric locomotive

Children make up and print new words from the letters of a given word. (Ditch, cart, gaze, century, lion, call, body, summer, current etc.)

Game "Complete the word."

Unfinished words are displayed on a magnetic board. Children need to complete them by inserting a letter or syllable.

this... (floor), crane (screen), press (express), bale (crew), sport (export), coupon (standard), strada (stage), floor (hermitage).

Physical education minute

Children read the poem by S. Ya. Marshak “Where did the sparrow have lunch?”, p. 184.

1. For the first time, the poem is read in its entirety (each student reads one or two lines).

2. An analysis is carried out on the issue m:

– What question does the poem begin with?

– Who do they usually ask questions to? ( People, adults and children.)

– Who is the question asked here? ( Sparrow.)

– Tell us what you know about sparrows, what kind of birds they are, how they get their food. ( The sparrow is an active, nimble bird, always on the move, picking up crumbs, grains, and worms everywhere..)

– What did the sparrow answer to the question?

– Who shared food with him?

- What kind of food? ( Carrots, millet, bran.)

– When did his visit to the zoo almost end sadly?

3. Children reread the text and work on expressive reading.

-What was the sparrow doing near the elephant?

-What was he doing at the crane?

– Who did he fly to later?

– What did the rhinoceros treat himself to?

Game "Syllable Auction".

Unfinished words are displayed on a magnetic board. Children complete the words.

Ele... (–vator); es... (–kiz); relay race);

aero... (–drome); by… (–et); du... (–et).

Physical education minute

Reading the story “Bug”, p. 185.


-What was Bug carrying?

– What did Bug see?

– What did Bug think?

-What did she do?

- How did it all end?

The text is re-read. Children retell the content of the text.

Game “Say a word.”

Long distances

He rushes without delay;

It is written at the end two WITH,

It's called... ( express).

To distant villages, cities

Who's walking the wire?

Serene Majesty,

This… ( electricity).

All learned letters are repeated. The place of the letter is determined uh on the “ribbon of letters”, p. 185.

III. Lesson summary.

– What did they repeat in class?

– What was especially interesting?

– What tasks caused difficulties?

Municipal budget non-standard educational institution"Gymnasium No. 70" of the city of Novokuznetsk Kemerovo region

Reading words, sentences and texts with lettersUh, uh

Volozhanina I. M.,

teacher primary classes

MB NOU "Gymnasium No. 70"

The purpose of the lesson : improving reading skills.

Tasks :

    Develop the ability to correlate the sound composition of a word and its spelling, perform a syllabic-sound analysis of the word (with drawing up a diagram).

    Develop awareness and expressiveness in reading.

    To form a learning strategy: personal (emotionally “live” the text, express your emotions), regulatory (learn to work according to the plan proposed by the teacher), cognitive (find answers to questions in the text, analyze, draw conclusions), communicative (formulate your thoughts orally) .

Equipment: textbook “ABC” (part 2), a notebook for writing words in block letters and working with diagrams, colored pencils, demonstration cards in red, blue, green, indicating merging syllables and individual sounds, magnetic alphabet, Dictionary.

During the classes :

I . Organizing a class for work

II . Updating knowledge

1. Arrange the letters correctly and divide them into two groups (on the board the letters of the magnetic alphabet are located chaotically: upside down, on their sides): a, m, o, k, y, e, p, s, yu, i, e, l, t, e, v, th.

What unites the letters of each group?

A, oh, y, e, y, I, uh, yo - represent vowel sounds, m, k, r, s, l, t, v, th - consonant sounds.

Break each group of letters into two more parts. Explain your actions.

K, s, t, v designate paired sounds according to their voiced-voicelessness, m, r, l, th don't have a pair.

Name a special letter among the consonants.

Y does not have a hard pair, the remaining consonants are paired in hardness and softness.

Ah, oh, uh, uh represent one sound e, yu, i, yo can indicate two sounds at the same time (another sign is that some letters show the hardness of consonant sounds, others - softness).

2. What letter did you learn about in the last lesson?

What can you tell us about her?

Add the missing syllables to make the words: eski...(mo, mos), ele...(vator), eska...(lator), es...(kiz), du...(et), po...(et), aero...(port , core).

Let's analyze the words:escalator, duet, sketch (we determine the number of syllables, divide into syllables, find a stressed syllable, determine the number of letters and sounds, make word patterns).

In the notebooks for printing, the children work with colored pencils; at the board, the answerers use cards of red, green, blue colors, denoting merging syllables and individual sounds.

During analytical work we clarify the lexical meaning of each word (use an explanatory dictionary), draw students’ attention to the discrepancy between the pronunciation and spelling of the wordsketch . Let's name the spelling. Checking the paired consonant.

Physical education minute

III . Work on the topic of the lesson

1. Poem by S.Ya. Marshak "Where did the sparrow have dinner?" (p. 60 “ABC”).

Who is called a poet? What children's poets do you know? What works by S.Ya. Have you read Marshak?

We read the poem, talk about its content, and work to understand its meaning.

Where did the sparrow have lunch?

Who did he visit? List.

What did the sparrow eat? Find in the text the sentences you need to answer. Read it.

Which animal was not happy to have a guest?

Do you feel sorry for the sparrow? Why?

We read the poem again, observe the intonation, and try to convey to the listeners the fear and resentment of the main character.

2. Read the text at the bottom of page 60.

What fairy tale are these words from? (“The cat, the rooster and the fox”).

What happened to the rooster?

Why did this happen?

What does a fairy tale teach?

Physical education minute

3. We are working with the work of Leo Tolstoy “The Bug”. We read the text and analyze its content.

What was Bug carrying?

What did she see in the water?

What did Zhuchka do? Why?

What can you say about Zhuchka?

What is this story about?

What can greed and stupidity lead to?

We read the text again (sentence by sentence), observing punctuation marks, conveying our attitude to what is happening using intonation.

Who can recite the text?

We listen to children's stories.

IV . Lesson summary

- What did you do in class?

What new did you learn?

What have you learned?

Think about it, have you completed all the tasks? Evaluate your work in class (we use emoticons for self-evaluation).

Ekaterina Shabalina
Topic “Sound and letter e”

Target: Correct pronunciation sound E, acquaintance with letter E. Laying out, transforming, reading syllables, words and sentences from letters of the split alphabet. Printing sentences. Drawing up proposal diagrams. Reading words using cards, identifying the syllabic composition of the word and highlighting the stressed syllable. Mastering indeclinable nouns An exercise in word formation of relative adjectives. Development of fine and gross motor skills, development of observation, enrichment vocabulary and knowledge about the environment.

Equipment: subject pictures with sound E, plastic (ebony) sticks, pieces of woolen rags, pieces of paper for experimenting; letter cash registers, letters E uh, diagrams for sound analysis, flashcards, notebooks, pencils.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment. Experiment "Electricity".

Guys who want to take part in the experiment, come to the table.

Take the paper and tear it into small pieces. Now take a rag and rub the sticks hard with it. And now, attention, experiment! Touch the pieces of paper with the chopsticks. What happened?

That's right, if you rub a piece of ebonite, plastic, amber, which in Greek is called an electron, then a force appears in it that attracts small pieces of paper and strings. This force was called electricity. Electricity can heat and feed us, freeze food in the refrigerator, transfer our voice anywhere via telephone, show a movie on TV, polish the floors in our apartment, and our faithful and strong friend can do much more. But you should always remember that electricity great strength- Is it dangerous. And all experiments, for example, such as today, should be carried out only with adults.

11. Reporting the topic of the lesson

Now guys, make yourself comfortable and tell me what the sound was heard in the words: experiment, electricity, electron, ebonite? (The sound of uh.) Today we will learn to clearly pronounce words with sound e, let's get acquainted with letter e.

1. Characteristics sound e according to articulatory and acoustic characteristics

2. Getting to know letter E: showing, examining, contour.

Uppercase and lowercase are displayed letter E.

With your mouth open

And with a huge tongue.

Finding letters e in the alphabet.

3. Development of phonemic perception and auditory memory. (Clap your hands if you hear sound E) . Screen, floor, cocoa, tree, skirt, willow, woodpecker, popsicle, eureka, water, brush, this, book, elevator, excursion, electricity, sofa, era, echo.

4. Composition from letters split alphabet of syllables, words, reading their: es, et, El, ek, eh, pe, se, ke, me, ne, he, te, this, this, this, these, echo, Emma, ​​emu, poet, poets, poem, Eskimo, Eskimo.

5. Mastery of indeclinable nouns. You and I posted interesting words popsicle, echo. These words are interesting because they do not change.

Verbal experiment!

Speech therapist: We bought a lot. (popsicle). What shall we treat our friend to? Eskimo.

We ate one. (popsicle). We ate a lot of… popsicles. There are quite a few immutable words: coffee, coat, Pinocchio. And you and I will go for a walk with the echo.

6. Pantomime "Walk in the Woods".

Children pretend to walk through tall grass, windfalls and hummocks.

We went far into the forest and got lost.

We got lost in the forest, (sad) They screamed All: "Aw!" (loud)

Nobody responds (sadly)

It's an echo every time

Here's the fun.

Mimicking us.

Our echo returns to us quiet: “Ay! Ay!” E. Blaginina

We found a path and are returning home. And there recently a whole story happened with the boy Edik. Listen here.

6. Reading the story by G. Yudin "Excavator workers".

(Memorize as many words as possible from sound [uh].)


Yesterday Edik ran up to me from the fifth floor.

Throw away your labels! - shouts. - We have a real escalator in our yard!

I speak:

An excavator, probably, escalators are only in the subway.

We ran out into the yard, and there was actually an excavator standing there. The engine is running, but the excavator operator has gone somewhere. We slowly climbed into the cabin. And Edik took it and accidentally touched some hand. The excavator suddenly jerks and starts moving! And ahead is an electric pole. Excavator on this pillar - rrr! Pillar on its side - two! And all the wires broke. In our entire house the electricity immediately went out and electric irons, refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, televisions and everything that was powered by electricity stopped working.

Then the excavator operator came running, shouted and kicked us out of the cab. And in the evening dad came and... Well, I’m not at all interested in remembering this.

a) Children’s free statements on the content of the story.

b) Name the words that you remember from sound [uh].

c) Children’s reasoning about compliance with safety rules.

9. Physical exercise "Well" T. Borovik Work on the strength of the voice, the expressiveness of speech. Development of coordinated movements of hands and fingers.

Here is a large well with clean fresh water

Birds flew to him: “Give us a well to drink from!”

“Drink, dear sisters! I have plenty of water!”

These birds drink water, these grains peck,

These birds drink water, these grains peck.

The game is over, it’s time for the birds to fly away.

10. Printing letters E, syllables, words, sentences.

11. Drawing up diagrams of these proposals.

12. reading words using cards, identifying the syllable composition and highlighting the stressed syllable.

11. Word formation of relative adjectives, their agreement with nouns - finishing sentences.

I propose to continue our experiments, only now verbal. Let's look at the subjects of our experiment.

This rag is made of wool - So this is (woolen) rags.

We will rub (woolen) with a rag stick.

This stick is made of plastic - So this (plastic) wand.

We take it in our hands (plastic) sticks.

We'll touch pieces of paper (plastic) with chopsticks.

These pieces of paper - This means (paper) pieces.

We conducted an experiment with (paper) in pieces, (plastic) chopsticks and (woolen) with a rag.

I suggest you continue these experiments with your parents.

111. Summary of the lesson. What new did you learn? Pronunciation characteristic sound E. Recalling words from sound E.