Biology Story Abstracts

How to combine 2 jobs at the same time. How to combine two jobs (and why to do it)

Have you ever felt guilty because you love your job too much and give it too much time? If yes, I have a question for you. How do you know that you should feel this guilt?

Just don't say that you Always feel it every minute. Because, if it were so, you would never start working: firstly, it would be unbearably painful, and secondly, it would not bring you personally any dividends at all. And they wouldn't even save money.

Feelings of guilt come to you from time to time - when you see, coming home from work, the offended eyes of children or a mountain of unwashed dishes. When you can not get out to the child for a holiday. When a husband (or his mother) says that it is difficult to find you at home and you could pay more attention to the family.

At such moments, you remember both undercooked soups and not taken sick days, important conversations crumpled due to fatigue, broken promises, vacations spent with the phone in hand (because they there at work without you as without hands). You may even remember being a child when you sat up late on the washing machine in the hallway in tears and waited for your mother to come home from work.

It may even be that completely different memories come to you - when you had to rush to leave an important meeting due to a call from school, or missed foreign conferences because your husband would not approve of your week-long absence. And the reproachful glances of the boss when you took part of the work home, but spun with family chores and did not have time to finish anything on time.

One of the solutions that women often find in a similar situation is to try to do everything at once.

But trying to look at the children with one eye and the computer with the other quickly tires. And often you are ineffective in both roles. The soup is too salty, the report is full of typos, the nerves are overwhelmed. As a result, we get an overworked employee and a twitchy housewife in one bottle.

On two fronts

But you love your family and your job.

And in the end, for some reason, it turns out that the joy of self-realization poisons your home environment, and the joy of marriage and motherhood turns out to be an obstacle in your career.

And this, of course, is completely wrong. Because both are very important aspects of your life. And I really want to feel not guilt, but pleasure in both.

Here I would like to immediately separate two completely different types of attitude to work: a person can be in love with his work, which is called “by vocation”, or he can go there as compensation and a consolation prize. Both of them can easily become workaholics, that is, spend much more time on work than their relatives would like, but the motive here is completely different. Those people for whom work is only a way to earn money can easily change their profession if there is not enough money. But professionals who are in love with their work are not. That's the difference, it seems to me.

Actually, the idea to write on this topic, and write exactly like that, was born thanks to a question that I was asked recently on the net. How, they say, can it be when psychologists conduct trainings and teach others to build happy personal relationships, and sometimes everything in their personal life is so difficult that God forbid anyone?

Well, with psychologists, everything is more or less clear. In general, initially people go into this profession for whom everything in life is not easy. This is called "woe from wit" by the classics.

In itself, a passion for philosophy, literature, psychology is a sign that a person is looking for some answers for himself. Which means he has questions.

I decided to reflect on the topic of "a shoemaker without boots" not only in relation to psychologists, but also about other professionals too.

Take, for example, doctors, teachers, scientists, artists, etc. Professions of "service" are usually chosen by people with certain character traits. There is selflessness, and compassion, and skill, and the desire to sacrifice oneself for the salvation of others, and the nobility of lofty motives. But the main thing is that such people are usually very dedicated to the cause.

My husband has a theory (I can’t say that I fully share it, but there is some truth in it). He says that people devoted to their profession, that is, 20% of the lucky ones who are lucky to go to work with pleasure, in principle, cannot be good family men, “devoted” spouses, parents, children. Because they belong to their work. It's theirs main passion and everything else is secondary.

As a person who is lucky enough to identify himself as one of these 20% of people who are in love with their work, I would not judge so categorically. But there are many such examples.

Selfless professionals are sometimes ready to neglect the interests of the family, because it is necessary for business.

Often they are so tired at work that there is no strength, no time, no energy left for the family. What is called "they will take off their last shirt", but they will do the job. Doctors in the middle of the night can call any unfamiliar people who urgently needed an authoritative consultation. A teacher might spend hours at school overtime with underperforming students, or even bring someone their own child's favorite toy as a gift to please a neglected student. In my client practice, I had to listen more than once to offended children who grew up in such conditions. Alas.

But even if you do not work in the field of "service", but it just somehow happened that without your authoritative recommendations or competent decisions at work, the whole process gets up and, therefore, you have to keep your finger on the pulse and the phone day and night under the pillow, then the point is not built borders. And the inability to delegate responsibility.

This inability, by the way, can also have different underwater motives.

Admit to yourself honestly - after all, such a demand and irreplaceability not only tires you, but also flatters you. Sometimes you are really the only specialist in the company who can solve a particular issue. But it is possible that you yourself created this situation.

You grumble, swear, justify yourself to your relatives, scold your subordinates, but at the same time, you can easily feel like a fairy godmother or a knight in shining armor, who will never exchange this demand for anything. And even oust from the company anyone who becomes just as competent - and thereby encroach on his indispensability.

What can you do to let go of eternal guilt and overwhelm?

1. First, set your own priorities. And now I'm not talking about ultimatum measures "either family - or work." I'm talking about the fact that your time should be distributed quite clearly: how much and when you are at work (and you can only be disturbed by real force majeure), and when you definitely put everything aside and spend time with children and family. They should be guaranteed to have such time - ironically, under any circumstances!

2. Secondly, you need to understand that any claims that “you spend too little time with me” usually relate, in fact, not at all to the quantity, but to the quality of this pastime. There is a big difference between "being close" and "being together". Therefore, learn to be in one role at each moment of time and only in it. When you are at a family picnic or a children's party, do not answer work calls and do not look at your gadgets. Be where you are now. And if you spend time with your children and your husband in this way, then the deficit of your presence will be saturated much faster. Of course, it is desirable that each of the household, including the cat, has its own exclusive piece of your attention every day. But common family dinners, when you can all be together, joke or discuss something relevant, are also very important.

3. And thirdly, finally stop responding to provocations and obediently sprinkle ashes on your head every time someone wants to tell you that you are not a good enough mother or, conversely, not a very hard worker. As you know, people quickly get used to the good. And if earlier you gave your employees (students, clients, etc.) too much of your time and attention, you could not refuse those who wanted your advice, help or advice, these people began to perceive your behavior as the norm. And, of course, it is possible that now they will have grievances and claims against you. Clearly explain to them that on weekends, evenings or vacations you belong to your family, and consider this completely fair. Find someone in the office who can do some of your overtime work for you.

4. Stop noticing only your shortcomings and shortcomings (I already wrote about it here). Pay attention to what you have time for, and do not forget to praise yourself for it. Enjoy your work - competence, creative ideas, success and rewards of all kinds. But when you come home, enjoy your family. No one knows how to make your signature cake better than you, no one will comfort a crying baby so quickly, no one will find best words support and gratitude for her husband.

Do not poison your life with guilt - look at the joy of self-realization. In all areas of your life.

Most of the students I know at some point faced the question: should I start working during my studies or sit on my parents' neck for a few more years?

Oleg Bondarev

studied and worked

Those who prolong financial childhood deprive themselves of the opportunity to gain work experience even before entering the labor market. Economic freedom is also about zero, but you can devote more time to mastering the profession.

If you are one of those who are ready to put a grade book and academic performance on the altar of a golden calf, I will tell you how to do it with minimal damage.

Your main resource is time. In order not to fly out of the university, for a start it is worth at least occasionally appearing there, finding time for a session, counting retakes. In general, solve questions to the maximum so that they are allowed to take exams and not expelled. Working 5/2 with this mode immediately disappears, but there are other options.

For the most desperate

To save a large salary, you can get a full-time job, but with a 2/2 schedule. You will have to work for 12 hours, but after two days you will be able to allocate the same amount for study. Some employers allow you to schedule a month in advance: on the days of important exams and tests, you can change shifts with colleagues.

To the detriment of money, but with minimal loss in learning

The best option for a student who wants to work without compromising their studies is a part-time job at the university. With such work, you can apply for the position of a teaching assistant to a teacher: take on part of the paperwork, check the control, participate in the organization of seminars at the department.

If there are laboratories at the university, you can contact them: as a rule, they are willing to take students to work. It would be useful to establish contacts with the personnel department of the university, they also need students. Closer to fly with arms and legs tearing off selection committee- It's also a good job.

Participation in the scientific life of the university can also result in a way of earning. In the academic community, there is a chance to get a research grant: if you win, part of the grant money will go to you. Check out other countries if you're lucky.

Didn't get a job at the university? It doesn't matter, freelancing is the way out: tutoring, scientific work to order, texts for sites - there is a lot of work on the exchanges on the Internet. If you are a designer, sms manager or programmer, everything becomes even easier: the demand for your services is traditionally high.

Work especially for students

The service sector is full of vacancies designed for students: such work does not promise a high salary, but there is a flexible schedule. You can get a job as a waiter or barista in a cafe, a cashier in a fast food restaurant, a salesman in a clothing store. For such work, special qualifications are not required, everything will be taught on the spot.

You will not surprise anyone with the fact that undergraduate students combine work with full-time studies. Sometimes this choice is dictated by necessity: you need to pay for your own education or financially help the family. But more often than not, kids just want to be seen as adults and don't want to ask their parents for pocket money.

No matter the reason why you decided to start working without graduating from university, one thing is important: you must successfully cope with both work and study, and most importantly, one should not interfere with the other.

Today we will talk about what you should remember if you are going to combine study and work.

If you haven't found a job yet

I can bet that even if you have never seriously thought about finding a job, you still threw this phrase a couple of times in a conversation with classmates or friends: “I’m going to find a job”, “There is only one theory at the university, it’s time to look for a job and practice” , “I already want to work, I’m tired of this university”, “I’ll go to work, at least they pay money there” - the wording can be different, but the essence is always the same.

Perhaps you didn’t want to seriously look for a job, you just wanted to show yourself as a cool and adult person who is already thinking about professional self-realization.

But you still decided to put aside empty talk and started looking for a job in earnest. So where to start.

Do not look for a job in the category "for students"

When I look at the section "Work for students", I become more than sad. Waiters and promoters - these are the positions, according to employers, university students can apply for.

You are studying at a higher educational institution, you get a specialty that (I really want to believe in it) you like and in which you are going to continue to work and build a career. So why waste precious time on yourself by doing completely extraneous activities? Try to find a job in your specialty.

It will seem to you that you don’t know anything, you don’t know anything, you are uncompetitive, and in general it’s too early for you to aim so high. You should stifle this feeling of insecurity in yourself and your own abilities at the very root, otherwise you will live with it all your life - both in your student years and after you graduate from the university.

Dare and aim for more. Studying to be a lawyer, journalist, accountant, etc.? It's time to start learning the basics of the profession in practice. Feel free to look for vacancies in your professional field, and do not be confused by the endless number of required skills and the lines “mandatory higher specialized education” and “work experience in a similar position from one year”. About work experience - it's like in a well-known joke:

To get a job, you need to have work experience. And to get work experience, you need to work. I can't decide where to start.

As for the requirements - in most cases they are too high, so do not rush to give up before you even start. Of course, you should not lie to the employer, endowing yourself with mythical skills and abilities that you do not have, but showing yourself as a young novice specialist who is ready to learn a lot is another matter.

Don't Give Up on Job Opportunities You'll Get at University

And no, I don't mean working at a university as a laboratory assistant (although sometimes that's a very good option).

At the university, you will do an internship in enterprises starting from junior years, and if you show yourself well, then you may be invited to work. Do not rush to refuse.

Very often there are opportunities to get a job "under patronage". Sometimes the enterprises themselves send a request to the university with a request to advise talented guys, and sometimes fifth-year students are looking for one of the students for their place, as they are moving to another city or simply want to change their place of work.

Remember that this is a good chance, and missing good chances is stupid.

Get a job in the summer

The first month of work will be one of the most difficult for you. First, you need to get comfortable and fit into the team. Secondly, to delve into all your work responsibilities. In the summer you don't have classes, exams, tests and other academic affairs, so you can fully devote your time to work.

So, if possible, try to get a job in the summer. So you will save a bunch of your own nerves, which you will undoubtedly need in the fall, when the training front will also be added to the worker.

If you are already employed

First and foremost - don't complain

You will be proud of yourself. And, of course, sometimes you want to be pitied.

We love to complain, and there's nothing wrong with that. Sometimes we just need it. But in this case, when you complain that you are “tired of combining work and study, it’s insanely hard for you, you don’t have enough time for your personal life and you really want to send everything to hell”, think for a minute: you really want to be pitied ?

You want to be told something like: “Oh, poor thing, you study and work! It must be hard for you, there is no free time at all? I bet that's not what you wanted at all. You dreamed of hearing: “Listen, what a great fellow you are, you manage to do everything and successfully cope with everything! I am proud of you / I envy you with white envy, ”etc.

What you really want is not pity, but praise.

That is your true purpose. You want people to recognize your achievements, you are proud of yourself and you want others to be proud of you too.

Of course, this seems strange to us: to approach a person and say that now I will tell you what a fine fellow I am, and you praise me. But try at least once, and it will no longer seem immodest and unusual to you.

We all want others to recognize our achievements, to see what we have achieved, and there is absolutely nothing shameful in this.


I got my first job in the summer after I finished my third year. I studied well, rarely missed classes and was not going to lower the bar any further. Study has always been a priority, I never thought about it, but I always knew that if one day I had to choose between study and work, I would always choose the first.

It was my choice, although I know a dozen guys who dropped out of their senior years for work.

You must understand from the very beginning what is more important to you and what you will give up if circumstances force you to make a choice.

Plan your time

I was lucky in many ways: at my first job I had a free schedule, there was no need to be in the office every day from 9:00 to 17:00.

Work is inconsistent

Except, of course, one thing: despite the free schedule, I had to do all my work on time. I never considered myself a hyper-responsible person, but I always knew that I could not fail to complete the task on time, no matter what it is: work or study.

Very often, work and study played tug of war, and something like this came out:

And after a couple of weeks as a zombie who falls asleep at 3:30 and wakes up at 6:30, there is only one conclusion to be drawn:

What happens when you sleep for 3 hours

I am an owl, and it was not at all difficult for me to do work and study at night, but getting up in the morning was, to put it mildly, a little hard. After I slept safely several times, simply because the exhausted body flatly refused to respond to the sound of the alarm clock, I realized that something needed to be changed.

Remember that health (both physical and mental) is one of our most valuable irreplaceable resources, and if you ruin it, then you will no longer be up to work and not to study. Set yourself a deadline: after 23:30 only rest and no study or work.

At first, it will be difficult for you to have time to complete all the tasks by a certain date, but over time (it took me about two weeks to do this), you will get used to it and will win: you will get enough sleep and rest and at the same time not score on either work or school tasks.

Is it worth it to tell at work that you are a student, and at school that you are working?

Letting your employer know that you are a student is definitely worth it. Remember that while studying you have sessions, serious couples that you cannot skip, or any responsible events, that is, in any case, there will be such moments when you will need to be present at the university during working hours. Do not forget that often you do not just work in a team - you work in a team where a mistake or indifference of one can negate all the efforts and achievements of another.

But to report at school that you are working is not always worth it.

Many teachers have a negative attitude towards the secondary employment of students, believing that it will negatively affect their studies. Practitioners who work at the enterprise and teach specialized disciplines a couple of times a week often have a different opinion. You can safely ask such teachers to take time off from the couple, and then close the gaps with additional speeches, reports, etc.

You know the morals of your teachers, therefore, before publicly announcing that you are working, think about whether it will come back to you later.

About vacation

Try to take time off from a session if you feel like it's going to be bloody. Surrounded by books, notes and tablets, trying to drive a ton of information into the poor head, you will push the work not even to the second, but to some fourth plan and then you will not clear up all the blockages that have formed.

About the weekend


Someone once said that "we arrange holidays for ourselves." The same can be said about weekends.

Each of us has such moments when we understand that we are tired of everything, we do not want anything and we need to rest. Ignoring such impulses threatens with apathy and depression, so do not get too carried away with off-calendar weekends, but arrange them for yourself when you feel an urgent need for it: take a day off from work and skip school. Spend your free time the way you want: sleep, take a walk or do what you like.

After such an unscheduled day off, you will gain strength and be able to work and study more productively.

Don't be afraid to ask colleagues for help

There is nothing to be ashamed of. It's good if you work in a department, and not as an independent, sole and irreplaceable specialist. Although in any case, remember that a way out can always be found. And in secret: many people like to help others, so they feel their importance and usefulness.

Forget about studying at work, and at work - about studying

As soon as you crossed the threshold of the office, you ceased to be Ivanov from X-41 and Petrova from Y-52. You are an employee who works for a company. As soon as you were at the university, you stopped being an employee and became a student.

You should not be nervous about work at school and try to conduct business negotiations in a 10-minute break. Don't beat yourself up at work learning problems. Everything has its place and its time.

Relax at work from study, and at study - from work.

Remember you can stop at any time

You didn't sign an employment contract with blood. No one chained you to a desk at the university. This is your life, and it is in your power to give up everything that you consider unnecessary at any time.

Have you combined / do you combine work and study? Share your experience in the comments.

I would like to answer in the style of a Tinikoff magazine:

But I myself am in such a situation, so I can advise:

1) Keep a close eye on your time. I'm not a very good time manager yet, because the priorities are not very clearly set. Take a calendar / notepad / phone and draw all your free time from sleep into 3 categories: work, study, personal time. Someone said that it is ideal if sleep, work, and everything else equally account for 8 hours. I have not been able to meet such people, but a balance must be found, because otherwise it will be very difficult.

2) Don't forget to study. Do your homework, go to the control and tests without fail. If you have mandatory attendance, then even more so. Don't be fooled if you don't want to pay again for your studies.

3) Do not score on sports or at least minimal physical activity. In a frantic rhythm, it is extremely important to be cheerful and healthy. Exercise in the morning, walk up the stairs if the office/home is not very high, and drink more water. You can still write here about healthy eating, but I can’t advise, because I myself can’t sit on such a diet. Sometimes you want - AAAA, cheeseburger, my charm: 3

4) A rather personal point, but maybe this is also about you. Find someone who can listen and support. This is very important to not give up and move on.

5) Relax once a week. You don't want to die from karoshi, do you? :)

If you really want to combine work and study, then first of all, seriously think about whether you can? Will you be able to keep up with your studies and work effectively?

Many students combine work with study: sometimes such a choice is an important necessity. However, most often the guys want to earn money on their own, at least a little not to depend on their parents. There are also those who systematically realize their ambitions: already now, in addition to investing in their education, they are ready to go to work for experience, for improving their abilities.

There can be many reasons for looking for a job, but it is important to remember that you must be successful in both work and study, and most importantly, one should not interfere with the other.

For me, the main thing when looking for a job is my interest. How interesting will it be for me to go to work every day? Why would I waste my time and effort. In work, it is important to do everything with pleasure, then the approach is more serious, then the ways of combining different and numerous tasks both at work and at school are more “inventive”. In my opinion, before you "go to work", the main thing is to choose the right one. A job that you love will allow you not to regret that you are taking up precious time from yourself by doing completely unnecessary activities. You will not come up with reasons and excuses not to go once again, take time off, be late, etc. If you like work, then you will try to find ways to at least be at work at the right time, and as a maximum - to be better :). You will learn your work with great interest, improve and, interestingly: even with great efforts, you will not feel tired. Perhaps work will become an inspiration and outlet for you, where you will draw strength for the development of science and theory.

When combining work and study: it is important to make sure that your curriculum there is time for this work. That teachers are loyal to "working students", that you can sometimes turn in work ahead of schedule or with a different group, and so on.

Having decided on a job, it is important to study the logistics: how will you get to work, what transport, how long will it take to get from home, from the place of study? It is important to know how public transport runs: until what time, at what interval?

At work, it is also not superfluous to discuss your future work schedule with your supervisor: is part-time work possible, how work schedules are being coordinated, can you be released for sessions / exams. At work, it is important to behave like an "adult": despite the fact that the company has shown willingness and flexibility to the conditions of a student student. That is, ridiculous excuses about sudden exams, being late due to a call to the department, or simply "I forgot that I'm working today" - this is not something that is permissible for a student who wants to work.

My company has a lot of job offers for a student: there are also temporary - seasonal jobs as sales assistants, cashiers, logisticians, and there are positions that are called "growth" :) Now we are actively accepting responses to the Retail Arena project ", where candidates have the opportunity to undergo a six-month internship already in the position of a supervisor-intern. Both recent graduates and students can become our employees.

Dare and aim for more!

First you need to decide: what is more important to you?

If the choice fell on study, then at work do not take on a lot of responsibility, try to take a linear position or, at least, a middle position so that you are not required to rework and are not entrusted with particularly complex projects. It is worth paying attention to the clear distribution of the time of the working week. The work should not take all seven days, a 2/2 schedule is ideal.

If you want to give preference to work, then transfer to the correspondence department. You will be allocated a special paid study leave for the session. If it is possible to study only full-time, then personally talk with each teacher and try to take assignments for the upcoming semester. The main thing is not to skip modular work, reporting weeks are important for certification.

When I was in college, in my second year, I began to think about work. I trained as an advertising specialist. I didn’t have enough pocket money and I decided that I needed to look for a job. More than once I scattered ads on all kinds of sites, I was looking for absolutely any job, the main thing is that I could work after school, that is, in the evening. The responses were mainly for the position of evening secretary, call center operator and something related to sales. I went to interviews, I seemed to like everything, but when I imagined that I had to work at least until 10 pm and most often on Saturdays, interest disappeared.

One fine day, I found out that there is a wonderful job that would suit me perfectly according to all criteria - this is the job of a promoter. People in this specialty are mostly students or those who need a side job. You can work from the age of 18, somewhere even from 16. Duties are varied - from distributing leaflets, surveys, tastings, to working at exhibitions and events. There are many vacancies, you can choose a convenient work schedule from 3 hours a day, 2-3 times a week. I worked like this for about 3 years, taking project after project. Where I just haven't been.... From a warehouse in Auchan to an expensive hotel with marble floors. Impressions in general the sea. Probably the main disadvantage, and maybe for someone the plus of this work is that it is not permanent, projects last from one day to a month, and of course, they can be longer. Payment is hourly, I received a minimum of 280 and a maximum of 500 rubles per hour.

By nature, I am a very reserved and shy person, but this job really taught me not to be afraid of people and to communicate without obstacles.

After college, I continued to study at the institute, but already at correspondence department to be able to work on weekdays permanent job.


And answering a question like, for example:

1. Choose a part-time (evening) form of education.

Many people are afraid that if they study in the evening, they will not receive a quality education. Even more embarrassing for students is the negative attitude of some employers towards evening education.

But! Firstly, the quality of education depends, first of all, on the student himself and his desire and approach to learning.

Graduating from the evening department, the student has the main competitive advantage over his peers from the daytime - work experience, as well as practical knowledge and professional acquaintances. With such a set, it is much easier to find a suitable place than graduating in the 4th year from a full-time department with zero work experience.

The main thing is that by applying knowledge in practice at work, you will look at the process of obtaining it in a completely different way.

Most often, evening classes are held from 18-19 hours to 21-22, which allows you to simultaneously work full-time from 8 to 17.

Some universities are recruiting even for budget places for evening education.

  1. Choose universities with a convenient class schedule.

Ask at the bottom open doors approximate class schedule. If possible, ask graduates of the university in question about the possibility of combining study and work.

  1. Set your priorities.

My personal experience showed that a lot of time can be saved on exams and tests if you attend classes and get vending machines.

Find out how your university feels about combining work and study. In my university, for example, most teachers had extremely positive attitude to working kids.

    Inform the employer in advance about the combination of work and study, discuss the development plan, and agree on periods of absence from work due to study.

    If your study schedule is inconvenient, try looking for a job with a free schedule or the opportunity to get a part-time job.

P.s. Combining work and study is not a problem, but combining work, study and life (personal, cultural) is already a more interesting task.

Most likely you have heard about time management, in other words, you just need to paint every step of yours minute by minute. This will help you a lot.

First you need to decide on the study schedule, and then agree with the employer on a convenient work schedule.

If your credits and work coincide, then you will have to do without sleep. But where without it?

It is extremely difficult and very tiring, but nothing is impossible in the world. I'll tell you from my experience.

1) In the 2nd year at the university, I realized that the money that my parents supply me is sorely lacking, so I got a job as a laboratory assistant at the department. They paid little, but I had the opportunity to work in my free time from couples from 9 to 18. This did not interfere with my studies in any way, it even helped to some extent. I was at the university every day from morning to evening and could easily solve personal problems, incl. study during working hours. The work at the department was very easy, sometimes it all came down to the agonizing expectation of the end of the working day. It was important to be at the workplace and quickly respond to instructions from the manager. Why did I choose this option? Then I was a terrible nerd and it was completely incomprehensible to me how you can skip couples?!!! I worked at the department for 1.5 years.

2) By the middle of the 3rd year, I realized that working as a laboratory assistant was dulling me + the issue of money became aggravated again (then I was already married and my integrity did not allow me to take money from my parents on a regular basis, although they offered to quit and calmly unlearn until they help me financially. It was decided to look for a new job. The search process dragged on for a long time, in the end I quit even before I found a job, because. completely burned out, working at the department. But in the end, I found a place that suited me in every way. It was a job in my specialty (I am a merchant) in a large trading company as a trainee manager. This program was developed by the company specifically for graduates and undergraduates studying in certain areas. For me, an internship period of 17 months was calculated, after which I could either get a nomination for a manager or not. During the internship period, I was given the opportunity to choose the store where I would work, as well as the type of contract (20, 30, 40 hours per week). By agreement with the HR department and the manager-mentor, I worked 30 hours a week for 8 hours a day, i.e. an average of 3-4 days a week. Of course, I had to skip a couple. But since I made my own schedule, I could distribute my absenteeism as evenly as possible and attend those couples that I gave my preference to. To close some of the absences, I asked the teachers for additional. assignments, many entered into a position and made it possible to rehabilitate. It is worth mentioning that all teachers are divided into two types "what kind of work? You are full-time students" and "of course, I understand everything." My thesis supervisor wrote the WRC herself at work in the last days before her defense, so there were no problems with her at all.

So I worked out the entire 4th and final course. Yes, I didn't have a day off. we studied 6/1 and often had to work on Sundays in order to skip less. I completely stopped attending lectures, I tried to be active at seminars. As a result, she completed the course with honors, with the exception of 1 four and with a delay in passing the course. Looking back, I cannot understand where I had so much strength and perseverance, but I survived. The work was very interesting to me, in the same place I realized the almost complete uselessness of the knowledge gained at the university. Practical experience often helped me out at seminars, and studying at one of the leading universities in the country and the prospect of a red diploma helped to form a positive impression of me in the eyes of management. At the time of writing the diploma and passing the state exams, I took a study leave. I won’t say that it’s calm, but I managed to prepare everything and graduate from the university with honors. One place, of course, was on fire from inexorable deadlines, but everything worked out. Immediately after graduation, I was promoted to a manager (the internship ended 5 months earlier), I still work in the company, for more than 2 years.

Looking back, I do not regret the experience I gained by combining work and study. Firstly, in conditions of multitasking and constant stress, you do not think about fatigue and work for the result. Secondly, having graduated from the university, I was already building my career, while my classmates started looking for work. Of course, I would like to remember my student years as a carefree time, but all this was also: dedication, student council, registration and everything else, it just ended earlier than my peers. And I didn’t want to stretch the entertainment for 4 years, I had to think about the future.

It seems to me that such a combination is not suitable for everyone. I just really like to test the limits of my abilities, so I often put myself in circumstances far beyond my comfort zone. By the way, I never brought my diploma to work xD

How to balance work and business? Is it even worth it to stay at work while starting your own business? The question is quite philosophical, and a lot here depends on the initial situation and the business area in which you decide to go.

When you can not combine work with starting a business

Under what conditions is it permissible to quit when starting a business:

2. Choose a business that you can develop alone. In parallel with the main work, you will have absolutely no time to select employees and, moreover, control them. Business with a partner is, alas, not the best idea. Because the harsh truth of life is that a partner should also be controlled. Otherwise, you can suddenly find out that the business is no longer yours.

3. Maximum cases - on the Internet. This is the easiest way to conduct any negotiations and generally organize a business, even combined with work.

4. Automate everything you can.

The less time you spend on "turnover", the easier it is. the easiest way is that all tax affairs can be conducted through a special service of the Federal Tax Service (My tax application). There will be no problems with individual entrepreneurs either - you just need to choose a bank with accounting services. Then, instead of filling out a bunch of papers, you will only need to sign an already drawn up report and pay taxes. You can now register your business completely via the Internet.

The same is true for business processes. All reporting needs to be automated to the maximum.

In summary, the recipe is simple. To combine with work, a business must take a minimum of time with maximum return. And, of course, even if everything immediately goes uphill and you are extremely proud of yourself, try to spread less about your undertaking at work. Colleagues may support you (which is also not a fact), and the authorities may seriously strain and start looking for a replacement for you before you think about quitting.