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Game program based on fairy tales with fairy-tale characters. Fairy Tale Day (competition program)

Game program for children in grades 1-2. Topic: “Journey through fairy tales.” Scenario.

Subject:"Journey Through Fairy Tales"
- show the important role of fairy tales at all times.
1) development of speech, thinking, imagination; ability to answer questions;
2) fostering a love of fairy tales;
3) formation of reader interest.

The competition program is designed for junior schoolchildren.

Two teams take part in the competition.

Equipment: PC, speakers, synthesizer, magic bag, magic pots 2 pcs., ball, balls 16 pcs., stars (50 pieces) for prizes for children, voluminous flowers (with tasks), cut pictures of 2 carpets, puzzles, hoop, broom, chest , illustrations of fairy tales, sweets.

Progress of the lesson.

I.Org. moment.
The music “Visiting a Fairy Tale” performed by the host plays, the children sit on chairs.

Hello guys!
- From far, far away I came to visit you. I passed rivers, forests, mountains, and glades. And on the way I met Masha, who was collecting mushrooms. Masha shared mushrooms with you guys. Here they are. And on the mushrooms there is a letter. I think there is a secret meaning hidden in them. Let's gather the word and understand what we're talking about today.

2. Main part

Children collect the word “fairy tale” from mushrooms.
- Do you like fairy tales?
- The fairy tale came to us from ancient times. A long time ago, people invented and told fairy tales to each other, passing them on from mouth to mouth.
- How can this be “transferred” from mouth to mouth?
-Have you ever been to a fairy tale?

Guess the first riddle and find out which magical object will be the first to help us travel through time according to fairy tales

I look a lot like a ball
Only the ball is wool!
And any kitten loves
It's fun to play with me. (clew)

The presenter takes out from the bag a magic ball and small balls of 2 colors according to the number of children: 6 - white, 8 - red
- This is how the fairy tale plays with us, it sends a ball to everyone. Guys, take one ball at a time. The red ball rolled to the right, and the white ball to the left.
Thus, the children were divided into two teams.

The presenter takes out a large ball with the words:

Knit gloves-mittens,
But show me the path...

(to the music “Visiting a Fairy Tale” the ball rolls towards the first clearing, the leader and the children follow it).

Glade 1. “Name the heroes of fairy tales”
Everyone gathers in a flower meadow.

Look what kind of clearing we have found ourselves in. These flowers are not simple, but mysterious, they need to be solved. (On each petal there are riddles about fairy-tale characters. If one team does not guess, you can give the other team the opportunity to guess). Teams take turns tearing off a flower petal.

For each correct answer, children earn a star and put it in their magic pot.

1 petal.
Guess the fairy tale based on the illustration (there are 3 different houses in the picture)
(Answer: “The Three Little Pigs”) STAR

2 petals.
Spider, mosquito, samovar, fly
(Answer: “Fly Tsokotukha”) STAR

3 petal
Pike, buckets, stove, Emelya (Answer: “At the command of the pike”) STAR

4 petals.
Empty petal

He always lives on the roof:
He has a house on the roof.
If you lie down to chat.
Will fly to you in your dream
Lively, cheerful... (Carlson)STAR

5 petal.
Invite the children to read the riddle.

An evil blizzard has arrived,
Gerda lost a friend:
Kai rushed off to the kingdom of ice.
Gerda, Gerda, help me out!
The blizzard circles to the right, to the left
In a fairy tale………(Answer: “The Snow Queen”) STAR

1 petal.
Empty petal
- But listen to my riddle

They know the doll Malvina
And cheerful Pinocchio:
If the enemy is on all sides,
Will win in an unequal battle
A faithful friend - reliable, nice,
Brave poodle………(Artemon)

2 petals.
Guess the fairy tale from the pictures

Thermometer, pills, medicine

(Answer: “Doctor Aibolit”) STAR

3 petals.
Guess the fairy tale using the key words

Grandma, Bug, granddaughter, mouse
(Answer: “Turnip”) STAR

4 petals.
Reading by children
Girl sitting in a basket
Behind the bear's back.
He himself, without knowing it,
He carries her home.
Well, did you guess the riddle?
Then answer quickly!
The name of this fairy tale…….(Answer: “Masha and the Bear”) STAR

5 petal.
Guess the fairy tale using the key words

Kittens, house, fire, Vasily the Cat, cat.

(Answer “Cat House”) STAR

IN: Did a great job! And for this, the clearing gives us this illustration for the Russian folk tale"At the behest of the pike"

(Assembling a carpet from Puzzle)
When the picture is ready, everyone moves to the music of the flying carpet-plane to another fairy-tale meadow.

Glade 2 “Magic chest”
- Well, guys, now let's play this game. You put your hand into my magic chest, and there... We'll see what you find there.

Exercise- name the fairy tale and show how this item was used in it.
1. Golden egg. (“Chicken Ryaba”)
2. Key. ("Pinocchio")
3. Dudochka (“Fipe and the Jug”)
4. Pea. ("Princess on the Pea")
5. Apple (“The Tale of the Dead Princess”).

Well done! And they completed the tasks of this clearing. And for this, the clearing will leave us with this illustration as a keepsake.

Well, it's time for us to go to the next clearing. How should we get there? Look, the box is so painted, let's see what's in it. (The guys take out puzzles, guess them, find out that one team will have to fly on a broom, the other in a mortar).

The sounds of “Flight of Baba Yaga” are played.

Polyana 3 "Dance"
- So you and I arrived at the dance floor.

A video fragment of Baba Yaga’s dance from the film is shown: “ flying ship" Children come up with movements for Baba Yaga's dance.

Well done! Each team gets a star.
- Guys, do you know another mischievous old woman who really loved to ride without a ticket? Who is this? (Shapoklyak)
-What did she ride? (by train)
- So you and I will go to the clearing by train, only not on an ordinary one, but on a very high-speed one - a peregrine falcon. But first, let's place on our board an illustration with a fragment from a fairy tale: “The Flying Ship.”

(An illustration with a fragment from a fairy tale is exhibited: “The Flying Ship, 20th century)

To the song “The little engine is moving, the wheels are knocking...” the children move “like a little engine” to the clearing.

Glade 4. “Construction”
Glade with a constructor.

Guys, what fairy tale is the old woman Shapoklyak from? (Answer: “Cheburashka”)

Who remembers what Cheburashka built with his friends? (house of friendship)
- So maybe Shapoklyak was harmful only because she didn’t have a house.
- I suggest that each team build a house for the old woman Shapoklyak, using ready-made blanks. But hurry up, as soon as the music ends, the house needs to be rented out for living.

Don't be lazy and don't yawn,
And start work.
One two Three-
Build a house for a nasty old woman!

During children's work, cheerful music is played. The music stops and the children show their work.

What beautiful, and most importantly, good quality houses you have created. What did you use in your work? (screw, nuts)
- Who knows in which cartoon cogs and nuts help children and adults understand complex mechanisms? (fixies)

Game "Fixies"
The Gift of the Last Glade - an illustration from the 21st century cartoon “The Fixies.”

So we have finished our journey through the glades of fairy tales. Did you guys like it? Count the stars in your magic pots. Friendship won!

Let's look at the gifts that each clearing left us and create our own unusual fairy tale.

(Once upon a time there was Emelya. He was lazy, too lazy to go to school. One day his friend Pinocchio invited Emelya to school. He went, got lost and ended up with Baba Yaga. He was scared of Emelya and decided to run away. Emelya remembered his lessons at school and the Fixie students , who told him about the structure of the motor, and he made a motor for Baba Yaga’s stupa. He sat down and flew home. From then on, Emelya did not miss lessons at school.)

Well done! What unites fairy tales at all times? (belief in goodness, hard work, justice)
- Guys, are fairy tales important?

3. Conclusion.
- Guys, take your balls from under the chair and come to me. Place it on one handle, cover it with the other so that only one thread peeks out.
I take a thread from each child.

The balls unwind in the children’s hands, and everyone is left with a “Fairy Tale” candy.

Here is a gift for you to remember our meeting.
Until we meet again with Skazka.





Teacher additional education

Krupnova Tatyana Andreevna

Hello guys and dear guests of our holiday.

Today, we will talk about fairy tales; we are all children and adults (and adults are the same children, only a little older) love and remember our favorite fairy tales.

Listening or reading a fairy tale, you comprehend its unique, Magic world. Untrodden paths lead you to the ends of the earth. There rise, rising to the very blue sky, beautiful palaces made of snow. Wild swans fly over the endless sea, and pink clouds are reflected in that sea. Overcoming many dangers and adventures, the little helpless boy becomes strong and brave. Intelligence and resourcefulness help him in an unequal duel with a cruel snake. Fairy tales are often filled with various miracles. Then the evil sorcerer turns the beautiful princess into a frog. Then the swans steal their brother from their sister. Then the naughty Ivanushka, after drinking water from an enchanted hoof, becomes a little goat. Then the apple tree rewards the kind girl with golden apples. Everything is so interesting and tempting. There are many wonderful fairy tales in this world, among which everyone has the most precious ones. Today we will remember our favorite fairy tales.

The Wizard's song sounds and Dunno appears.

Long unknown to many

I became everyone's friend

I'm from an interesting fairy tale

In a bright hat and tie

It's very simple, guess what?

What's my name?

I suggest you divide into 2 teams, based on colored tokens. We’ll call our teams characters from the fairy tales “Hedgehogs” and “Bunnies”, and they will collect winning mushroom and carrot tokens.

First, you need to check whether you have read fairy tales. I will give you tasks.. For each correct answer, the team receives a carrot or mushroom token.

1. He trembled before the wolf, ran away from the bear,

but I caught the fox's teeth (KOLOBOK)

2. Iron teeth, bone leg,

All people know this (BABA YAGA).

1. My father had a strange boy

Unusual, wooden.

But dad loved his son

Naughty boy...(Pinocchio)

2. Fruit and vegetable country

It's in one of the fairy tale books

And in it there is a hero - a vegetable boy,

He is brave, fair, mischievous. (CIPPOLINO)

1. A pretty girl is walking through the forest,

But the girl doesn't know. That danger awaits.

Behind the bushes glows a pair of feisty eyes -

Who's the scary girl she'll meet now?

Who will ask the girl about her path?

Who will deceive grandma to enter the house?

Who is this girl? Who is this beast?

You can now answer the riddle…..(RED HID Hood).

2. Evening would soon approach,

And the long-awaited hour has come.

May I be in a beautiful carriage

Go to a fairytale ball.

No one in the palace will know

Where am I from, what is my name.

But as soon as midnight comes,

I will return to my attic to the ashes (CINDERELLA)

1. Who lives in the little house?

Who lives in a low place?

How many animals live in the house?


2. Grandfather planted a turnip

The turnip grew big and big

Grandfather decided to pull out the turnip

Pulls and pulls

Grandpa for the turnip

Grandma for grandfather

Granddaughter for grandmother

Bug for granddaughter

Cat for Bug


1. A spruce tree grows in front of the palace

And underneath is a crystal house

There's a tame squirrel that lives there, what a joke

Squirrel sings songs

Yes, he gnaws all the nuts

And nuts are not easy

All the shells are golden,

Pure emerald core

Servants guard the squirrel (THE TALE OF TSAR SALTANA)

2. The mirror had the property

It can speak well.

She was alone with him

Good-natured. Vesela,

I joked with him kindly

And, showing off, she spoke.

“Tell my mirror, my light,

Tell me the whole truth:

Am I the sweetest in the world,

And a mirror in response to her

“You, of course, no doubt,

You are the queen, the cutest of all

All blush and whiter


3. He always loves everyone,

Who wouldn't come to him?

Did you guess it? This is Gena

This is Gena (CROCODILE)

4. He is both cheerful and not angry,

This cute weirdo

The owner is with him, the boy Robin,

And buddy Piglet.

For him, a walk is a holiday,

And honey has a special taste,

This is a plush prankster


1. Lives in water, but is not a mermaid

He combs his braid with a comb.

This fairy maiden's name is

Kikimora, or even Tatar (SU-ANASY).

2. In a deep, dense fairytale forest.

Where are the windbreaks, darkness and silence

Found your refuge, hero

Whose fingers are sharp and long like spears (SHURALE)

Children answer questions.


Now let's play

I will ask questions, and you will all answer together: “yes” or “no.”

Will we always help out a friend? (Yes)

Will we never lie? (Yes).

Copy the answer in class? (No).

Throw a stone after the cat? (No).

Don't be timid when there's trouble? (Yes).

Do not spare labor for business? (Yes).

Eat 2 cakes without leaving a trace? (No).

Should you wash your hands after lunch? (Yes).

We say hello to the sloths? (No).

For those who always work? (Yes).

Presenter: Well done!

We have colorful balls that are also fabulous. Each ball contains a riddle that needs to be solved. But before you get to the riddle itself, you need to burst the balloon. After you guess the riddle, let's play a game - the name of which is the answer.

Game #1

I'm sitting astride - I don't know who,

If I meet an acquaintance, I’ll jump off and greet him. (A CAP)

Relay race.

Students in teams pass the hat from head to head: which team is faster?

Game No. 2

A strange beast lives in the river, walks backwards (CANCER)

Relay race.

Participants move on all fours backwards to the mark and back, which team is faster?

Game No. 3

Like Baba Yaga

There's no leg at all

But there is a wonderful one

Aircraft (STUPA.)

Relay race.

Players move to the mark and back, one foot in a bucket (mortar), one hand holding the bucket, and a broom in the other hand. Which team is faster?

Game No. 4

Lives in seas and rivers.

But it often flies across the sky.

How will she get bored of flying?

It falls to the ground again. (WATER).

Relay race.

Run to the mark with water in the spoon and who will fill the glass with water faster and who will fill the glass with water faster.

Game No. 5

If you come up, he’ll curl up in a ball,

If you move away, he will turn around.

Covered with needles

And in winter he sleeps under the snow. (HEDGEHOG).

Relay race.

Carry the ball on your back, holding it with your hands to the mark and back. Who is faster?

Game No. 6

He loved the owner

That's right, he served him,

Wore boots and

Defeated the Evil Ogre. (PUSS IN BOOTS).

Relay race.

Participants (captain) walk to the mark and back in large shoes. Who is faster?

We frolicked, played, learned a lot about fairy tales and the characters living in these fairy tales.

The appearance of the character in the fairy tale “……………………….”.

Fairy tale character (Pierrot, Pinocchio)- “Guys, hello, I heard noise and fun here, so I decided to stop by, what kind of holiday is this?” (students' answers).

I love riddles, and now I will ask riddles

1. Early in the morning he sings

Doesn't let the kids sleep

Cleans a comb with a paw

Who is this? (Cockerel!)

2. I found a ball and broke it

I saw silver and gold (Egg!)

The grandmother loved the girl very much. I gave her a red cap.

The girl forgot her name. Well, tell me her name.

Little Red Riding Hood

In a dense forest, in a swamp, you will certainly find it.

She is not a fish, not a frog, My dear friend.

Slender figure, Her name is... Snow Maiden?


I fly in a mortar, I kidnap children, I live in a hut on a chicken leg,

golden-haired beauty, And my name is... Vasilisa the Wise?

Baba Yaga

And this one was friends with Pinocchio himself. Her name, guys, is simply ....


There is water inside him, they don’t want to hang out with him,

And all his girlfriends are leeches and frogs!

Overgrown with algae Good grandfather... Frost?


Near the forest, on the edge, Three of them live in a hut.

There are three chairs and three mugs, three beds, three pillows.

Guess without a hint, who are the heroes of this fairy tale?

Three Bears

All the girls and boys managed to fall in love with him.

He is the hero of a funny book, Behind him is a propeller.

It flies high over Stockholm, but not to Mars.

And the baby recognizes him. Who is this? Cunning...


You know this girl, She is sung in an old fairy tale.

She worked, lived modestly, did not see the clear sun,

There is only dirt and ash around. And the beauty's name was...


There is also one very important gentleman in the forest.

He is all overgrown with cones, only the nose is visible on his face.

Maybe he's as shy as a bunny, but his name is... Dunno?


For breakfast he only ate an onion, But he was never a crybaby.

I learned to write with my nose and put a blot in my notebook.

Didn't listen to Malvina at all. Father's son Carlo...


It's mixed with sour cream, It's cold on the window,

Round side, ruddy side Rolled...


I don’t walk or fly, but try to catch up!

I can be golden. Come on, look into a fairy tale!

gold fish

The nose is round, with a snout, it is convenient for them to rummage in the ground,

The tail is small and crocheted, instead of shoes there are hooves.

There are three of them - and how alike the friendly Brothers are.

Guess without a hint, who are the heroes of this fairy tale?

Three piglets

He lives in the wilderness of the forest, the hero of my heart.

He rattles his bones and scares everyone in the area.

What kind of old man is this? Well, of course... Piglet?

Koschei the Deathless

He is a dancer, he is a singer, He is a cheerful talker.

He's a funny toy, and his name is...


She was a friend of the gnomes and, of course, she is familiar to you.

Snow White

My father had a strange boy, Unusual - wooden.

But the father loved his son. What a strange little wooden man

On land and under water Looking for a golden key?

He sticks his long nose everywhere. Who is this?..


Fairytale character- Well done, I see you know fairy tales well and solve riddles well. I would like to thank you all for your active participation in the event. Well done to all of you!

Presenter: Skaz pers..... is right, you guys know fairy tales well, now we will find out who won our game, and who will still get 1st place and who 2nd for participating in our wonderful event..

Musical and rhythmic composition

“Small Country” (N. Koroleva)

Our journey to the land of fairy tales has come to an end.
I believe that with a fairy tale
You children will not part
You will remain true friends with her forever!

I wish you to grow up to be good children
They were kind and handsome!

The final song of all participants and guests is played.“On the road to goodness!”

- continue introducing children to fairy tales;
- cultivate positive character traits using the example of fairy tale heroes;
- develop creative thinking in children.

- poster “In the world of fairy tales”;
- exhibition of books - fairy tales by Russian and foreign authors;
- fabulous flowers;
- music from fairy tales and cartoons.

- 2 sheets of whatman paper;
- felt-tip pens;
- 2 scarves;
- cards with the roles of fairy-tale characters;
- tokens.
1. Organizational moment.
2. Competition program:
- team warm-up;
- “Search” competition;
- competition “Cheerful Artist”;
- fan competition “Quickly answer”;
- competition “Riddles of fairy-tale heroes”;
- competition “Encrypted Fairy Tale”;
- fan competition “Attentive Reader”;
- musical competition;
- competition “Theatrical Tales”.
3. Summing up.
4. Rewarding.


Presenter: dear guys, dear guests! We are starting our entertainment program “In the World of Fairy Tales”. We will hold several competitions with you, in which not only teams (each of 5 people), but also spectators will participate. First, I would like to introduce you to our jury (presentation of the jury). So, let's start our game. I ask the teams to take their places.

(music from the movie “There on Unknown Paths” sounds)

Assignment: guess the fairy tale from its beginning.
-1- Nowhere, in the thirtieth kingdom,
In the thirtieth state,
Once upon a time there lived a glorious king Dadon,
From a young age he was formidable.
And the neighbors every now and then
Boldly inflicted insults...
(“The Tale of the Golden Cockerel” by A.S. Pushkin)
-2- Behind the mountains, behind the forests,
Across the wide seas
Not in heaven - on earth
An old man lived in a village.
The old lady has three sons:
The eldest was a smart kid,
Middle son and this way and that,
The younger one was a complete fool...
(“The Little Humpbacked Horse” by P.P. Ershev)
-3- In a certain kingdom, in a certain state he lived
merchant, eminent person. He had a lot of all kinds of wealth, expensive overseas goods, pearls, precious stones, gold and silver treasury; and that merchant had three daughters, all three were beautiful, and the youngest was the best...
(“The Scarlet Flower” by S.T. Aksakov)
-4- One girl left home for the forest. She got lost in the forest and began to look for the way home, but didn’t find it, but came to a house in the forest. The door was open: she looked at the door, saw that there was no one in the house, and entered...
(“Three Bears” by L.N. Tolstoy)

Task: find out a fairy tale using a set of keywords.
1. Snow, winter, glass, mirror, roses, friendship. ("The Snow Queen")
2. Grass, nettle, toad, shirt, birds, patience. ("Wild Swans")
3. Burrow, water, field mouse, wings, elf. ("Thumbelina")

4. Winter, stepmother, chest, Frost. ("Morozko")
5. Winter, girl, January, snowdrop. ("Twelve months")
6. Baba Yaga, swamp, arrow, frog. ("Princess Frog")

Assignment: draw a horse blindfolded in the following sequence:
1. head,
2. tail,
3. front legs,
4. hind legs,
5. hooves,
6. eyes,
7. torso.

1. What was the name of Tsar Saltan’s son? Guidon.
2. How much did a ticket to the theater cost 4 soldi.

3. How the king died in the fairy tale Boiled in
The Little Humpbacked Horse? milk
4. A tale about the benefits of collective turnip. labor?
5. Faithful page and agent of the fabulous Marquis of Karabas? Cat.
6. Thumbelina's fiance? Elf.
7. What did the fairy make for Cinderella?
karate From pumpkin.
8. Baba Yaga's thrifty friend? Koschey.
9. “Blind” scammer with a tail
and a mustache? Cat Basilio.
10. Who hired Balda as a worker? Pop.

In this competition, fairy-tale characters will ask you riddles. Imagine: a well-known fairy tale, but its plot will be retold by one of the fairy tale characters. Your task: guess the name of the fairy tale and the hero on whose behalf the story is told.

1 fairy tale.
“I decided to just travel around the world and didn’t know that everything would turn out like this. I thought everyone was as kind as
my grandmother and grandfather. But it turned out that evil, cruel, and cunning people live in this world...”
(Kolobok; “Kolobok.”)
2 fairy tale.
“What a tail this Mouse has! It cannot be compared with either Grandfather's fist or Grandmother's fist. And this Mouse had to run out at the most inopportune moment. Now everyone would admire me. I wish I was lying in the most visible place..."
(Egg; “Ryaba Hen.”)
3 fairy tale.
“It is very harmful for me to be in the water so much. Thanks to this curious and naughty boy. If it weren’t for him and the turtle, how long would I have lain at the bottom?”
(Golden Key; “Adventures”
4 fairy tale.
“I stayed alive only thanks to this little fragile Girl. She warmed me, fed me, gave me water. What a wonderful life! Enjoy the sun, wind, warmth!”
(Swallow; “Thumbelina.”)

The conditions of this competition are very simple: a phrase is given in which each word is “inverted” to its opposite meaning. You need to guess this phrase. For example: “Good morning, old people!” - this is “Good night, kids!”
1. Kikimora under a watermelon. Princess on the Pea.
2. Dog in mittens. Puss in Boots.
3. Rubik's cube. Kolobok.
4. Stupid Vasily. Vasilisa the wise.
5. Green shoe. Little Red Riding Hood.
6. Rusty lock. Golden Key.
7. Gray bush. The Scarlet Flower.
8. Deceased fat man. Koschei the Deathless.

1. Who was the son of the old tin spoon?
(Tin soldier.)
2. In which fairy tale does the hero achieve happiness with the help of dogs?

3. A daring Novgorod merchant who visited the sea king.
4. Resident of a hut on chicken legs.
(Baba Yaga.)
5. A boy with an icy heart?
6. The name of the old woman’s pet is Shapoklyak.
7. Shorty in a blue hat.
8. The crocodile’s eared friend.
9. “Airplane” by Baba Yaga.
10. Emelya’s favorite place in the house.
11. Favorite flower of Kai and Gerda.
Musical excerpts from songs from cartoons and fairy tale films are played for the teams. Team members must guess the name of the song.

The participants of each team are given cards with the roles of fairy-tale characters from the fairy tales “Kolobok” and “Turnip”. The presenter reads the text of each fairy tale, and the children perform their roles.

Presenter: This concludes our competitions. We give the floor to the jury. Summing up and rewarding.
- magazine “Read, learn, play” No. 1 2000.
- Fairy tales of Russian writers. Saransk: Mordov. Book Publishing house, 1994 .- 240 p.
- Library of Russian fairy tales, volume 1, Moscow: “Vozrozhdenie” company, 1992 .- 368 p.
- Andersen G.H. Fairy tales, Zaporozhye: JV “Interbook”, 1991 - 240 p.

Scenario game program"World of Fairy Tales"

Description: This material will be useful to teachers primary classes, teachers-organizers for organizing children's leisure time. In a playful way, children remember various fairy tales and learn to work in a team. Throughout the game, children are given tasks by the Storyteller, Vasilisa the Wise and Vasilisa the Beautiful.

- generalize students’ knowledge about fairy tales;
- develop memory, attention, logical thinking, observation;
- improvement of general speech skills, visual attention and perception, creative imagination;
- Cultivate friendship, camaraderie, and curiosity during the game.
- Foster love and respect for fairy tales.
Demo material: illustrations depicting fairy-tale objects (red cap, boot, turnip, arrow, axe, bow, shoe), songs from cartoons.
Methodical techniques: game situation, conversation - dialogue, looking at illustrations, summing up.

Progress of the event

Storyteller: Good afternoon and good hour,
I greet you all.
Adults, teenagers, young people -
Who has loved fairy tales since childhood?
Did you recognize me, kids?
What's your name? Who am I?
The children answer.
Storyteller: That's right, I'm a storyteller. Today, together with you, we will remember different fairy tales... and their heroes. First, a little warm-up. I say the beginning of the hero’s name, and you say the ending.
Baron ... (Munchausen)

Ilya Muromets)
Boy... (from a finger)
Ali - ... (Baba)
Koschei the Deathless)
Mouse... (King)
Sivka - ... (Burka)
Old man... (Hottabych)
Brownie... (Kuzya)
Dr. Aibolit)
Dad... (Carlo)
Signor... (Tomato)
Tiny... (Khavroshechka)
Crocodile Gena)
Sister... (Alyonushka)
Vasilisa... (wise)
(Vasilisa the Wise and Vasilisa the Beautiful enter the hall to the music):
Vasilisa the Wise: Hello our friends

Dear ones! The guys are wonderful!
Cheerful, funny,
Boys and girls are nice!
Vasilisa the Beautiful: Friendly, obedient,

Elegant, pleasant!
Brave, skillful!
The kindest, smartest!
Cute to look at!
All: Our deepest bow to you, pranksters.
Storyteller: We are glad to see you, Vasilisa. What did you come to us with?
Vasilisa the Wise: Me with various wisdoms
Vasilisa the Beautiful: And I with fabulous discontinuities.
Storyteller: Let's take things in order. First you, Vasilisa the Wise.
Vasilisa the Wise: Guys, come to us, in fairytale city telegrams arrived. Let me read them to you, and guess who sent them, since the heroes of your fairy tales forgot to sign their telegrams. For each correct answer, teams will receive 1 point.
I can’t come to your holiday. My trousers escaped me. ( "Moidodyr»)
Everything ended well, only my tail remained in the hole. ("Wolf and Fox")
Very upset. I accidentally broke an egg. (“Chicken Ryaba”)
Save! We were eaten by a gray wolf! ("Seven Little Goats")
It's my birthday, I just lost my tail. ("Winnie the Pooh")
Storyteller: Now let’s listen to Vasilisa the Beautiful.
Vasilisa the Beautiful: I have a chest with magical items

I just forgot who they belong to.
The task is as follows: From each team, one person comes out, take an object, determine a fairy tale, what properties it has, name it. For every
The correct answer will receive 2 points.
Storyteller: And now my task. Match the fairy tales' names. Whoever works more closely will get it done faster. For each correct answer - 1 point.
Halves of fairy tale titles are laid out on the table. One participant from the team comes to the table, takes a piece of paper and attaches it to the magnetic board. The next participant looks for a pair and attaches them nearby.
Red…. cap
Cat…. In Boots
Hen…. Ryaba
Fox... and crane
Masha and the Bear
The Little Humpbacked Horse
Geese... Swans
Stone Flower
Silver…. Kopytse
Twelve …. months
Vasilisa the Wise: Storyteller, you gave them a painfully simple task. Let them remember the fairy-tale characters and guess my crossword puzzle called “Holiday.”

1 st u p a
2 G e r d a
3 Ivanushka
4 Cinderella
5 Th e inch eel
S amo b r a n k a
7 i z b u shka
8 Pushkin
1. The device on which Baba Yaga flew.
2. What was the name of the heroine of Andersen’s fairy tale “ The Snow Queen»?
3. The name of the boy who was carried away by the geese - swans.
4. Which fairy tale heroine lost her shoe at the ball?
5. This girl was very small, the size of a walnut.
6. The second name of the tablecloth in fairy tales.
7. Baba-Yaga's dwelling.
8. Who wrote “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the 7 Heroes”, “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”.
Each team is given a crossword puzzle sheet. Vasilisa reads out the question, and the team enters the correct answer into the grid. Then the answers are checked out loud.
Vasilisa the Beautiful: What fast guys!
running after each other without looking back.
Let them try a little more
And they will meet the beautiful.
Quickly pick up pencils
And portray fairy-tale heroes.
I will name the part of the body and the object, and you will draw it. The team whose drawing is funniest will receive 5

Once upon a time there lived a bun
The ears are like this (shows how Cheburashka has them)
The nose looks like a snout
Paws - crocodile.
Always smile from ear to ear
Eyes like a cat's.
He wore a cap hat,
And red boots
Storyteller: This is how an unusual funny character turned out. You won’t understand what fairy tale he’s from. And you guys could show a fragment of any fairy tale in pantomime so that the other team could guess it. Let's try. You have 3 minutes to prepare.
Storyteller: We invite the first team.
(teams take turns showing their pantomimes).

Storyteller: Well done, artists. But our game is coming to an end.
Vasilisa the Wise, count the teams' points. ( the score is announced).
And I will ask Vasilisa the Beautiful to reward our winners. ( awards ceremony taking place)
Today we remembered many fairy tales. And how many of them still live on the planet...
Vasilisa the Wise: Fairy tales travel around the world
Harnessing the night into a carriage,
Fairy tales live in glades.
They wander around in the fogs at dawn.
Vasilisa the Beautiful: Fairy tales are with me everywhere,
I will never forget them.
Let the evil do cunning tricks,
But good still wins.

Storyteller: Now the moment has come to say goodbye,
Our speech will be short;
We say to you: “Goodbye!
See you happy next time!”

PDO MAOU DO TsDT g.o. Kumertau RB

Game program script

"In the world of fairy tales"

for children 5-7 years old

Leading: Fairy tale, fairy tale, joke!

Telling it is not a joke!

So that the fairy tale from the beginning,

Like a small river, it gurgled,

So that all the people are in the middle

Her mouth agape, so that no one - neither old nor young -

I didn't fall asleep in the end!

Good afternoon dear friends! I'm glad to see you all. The fun and favorite time of all schoolchildren has arrived - the holidays. And today you are present at the game program “In the World of Fairy Tales”. Today we will visit the world of fairy tales. Let's remember all the fairy tales that our mothers and grandmothers told us, about which we read a lot, and those that we studied at school. And now I want to check how well you know fairy tales.

“Do you know fairy tales well?”

Excerpts from fairy tales are read. You need to guess which fairy tale the excerpt is from.

1. “What are you doing, auntie? - asked the princess, who had never seen a spinning wheel in her life.

“I’m spinning yarn, my child,” the old woman answered, not even realizing that she was talking to the princess.

Ah, this is very beautiful! - said the princess, - Let me try to see if I can do it as well as you.

The princess quickly grabbed the spindle and did not have time to touch it when the fairy’s prediction came true: she pricked her finger and fell dead...” (Sleeping Beauty)

2. “The brothers can honestly earn their bread,” he said. - What will happen to me after I eat my cat and make a muff out of its skin? Just starve to death.

The cat heard these words, but did not show it, but said calmly and judiciously:

Don't be sad, master. Give me a bag and order a pair of boots to make it easier to wander through the forest, and you will see that you have not been as offended as you think now...” (Puss in Boots)

3. “They thought and thought and came up with something.

The donkey quietly placed his front legs on the windowsill, the dog climbed onto the donkey's back, the cat jumped onto the dog's back, and the rooster flew onto the cat's head.

And then they all shouted at once:

donkey - like a donkey,

dog - doggy style,

cat - like a cat,

and the rooster crowed." (The Bremen Town Musicians)

4. “ - It was a nice ride! -she said. - But you’re completely frozen - get into my bear coat!

And, putting the boy in the sleigh, she wrapped him in her fur coat. The boy seemed to have sunk into a snowdrift.

Still freezing? - she asked and kissed his forehead.

Uh! kissed her colder than ice, it pierced him right through and reached the very heart, and it was already half icy..." (The Snow Queen)

5. “Everyone was chasing the poor duckling, even his brothers and sisters angrily told him: “If only the cat would drag you away, you obnoxious freak!” And the mother added: “My eyes would not look at you!” The ducks nibbled him, the chickens pecked him, and the girl who gave the birds food pushed him away with her foot.

Finally the duckling couldn't stand it anymore. He ran across the yard and, spreading his clumsy wings, somehow fell over the fence right into the thorny bushes...” (The Ugly Duckling)

6. “The princess was laid on this bed, and there she lay all night.

In the morning they asked her how she slept.

Oh, very bad! - answered the princess. “I didn’t close my eyes almost all night.” Only God knows what got into my bed. I was lying on something hard, and now I have bruises all over my body. This is just terrible!..." (The Princess and the Pea)

Leading:Well done boys! All the fairy tales were named. And now we will find out if you know the heroes of fairy tales. To do this you will need to solve riddles.

1. My father had a strange boy,

Unusual, wooden,

But the father loved his son,

Naughty boy... (Pinocchio)

2. Fruit and vegetable garden country

She is in one of the fairy tale books,

And, in it the hero is a vegetable boy,

He is brave, fair, mischievous (Cippolino)

3. A girl appeared.

In a flower's cup,

And that girl’s name, of course, is (Thumbelina)

4. Iron teeth, bone leg,

All people know - this is Baba... (yaga)

5. Evening would soon come,

And the long-awaited hour has come,

May she be in a gilded carriage

Go to a fairytale ball

No one in the palace will know

Who is she, where does she live?

And that this girl... (Cinderella) is called

Leading:Well done. You also know the heroes of fairy tales. And now we will play “Lost and Found”. I have a bag containing things from fairy-tale characters. You will take “lost” things out of the bag and together guess their owners. - pouring apple (stepmother from “The Sleeping Princess”), - golden nuts (squirrel from “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”), - striped cap (Pinocchio from the fairy tale “The Golden Key”),

The Crystal Slipper (Cinderella from the fairy tale “Cinderella”).

Leading: What inquisitive guys you are! Everyone guessed correctly. I see that you know all the fairy tales. Let us show you our fairy tale. For this I invite 7 participants to whom we will distribute roles. I read a fairy tale, and the actors have to do and portray what I say. Ready?


In a clearing near the forest grew a large oak. Over the years it had grown so much that its branches were sticking out in different directions. On one of them sat a disheveled sparrow. He slept here all night, but now the sparrow, warmed by the spring sun, chirped loudly and flew away.

The snow in the clearing had not yet completely melted, but the first snowdrop. Nearby was the den of a brown bear and his snoring was heard throughout the forest. Having woken up, he stretched and slowly, waddled towards the large oak tree. The bear began to rub against him, kneading his resting sides.

At this time they entered the clearing prince And princess. The prince was enthusiastically telling something, waving his arms. The princess walked alongside, holding her skirt and nodding her head. ran after them puppy, hanging his tongue to the side. He sometimes stopped and began to dig through the accumulated snow with his front paws. Seeing the bear, the princess was very frightened, the puppy began to bark. The bear responded by roaring and climbing up the tree.

A sparrow flew in response to the noise; it flew around and chirped. The prince, seeing that they were not in danger, reassured the princess, scratched the puppy behind the ear and they moved on. Suddenly the princess saw a snowdrop, which was swaying slightly in the warm spring breeze. The prince came up, picked a flower and gave it to the princess. She carefully took it, smelled it and hugged it to her. The puppy happily ran around barking. A minute later they disappeared behind the trees. At this time, the bear began to slowly descend from the oak tree. The sparrow chirped as it flew around. Having descended, the bear headed towards his den and a minute later his snoring was again heard throughout the entire forest.

Leading:Well done boys! Thunderous applause to our actors! They coped with the task, the fairy tale turned out to be interesting. Our game program “In the World of Fairy Tales” has ended. I am glad that you all know our fairy tales well. Thanks to all! See you again, friends!