Abstracts Statements Story

Classification graph of a biological system according to the following description. Information models on graphs

Data structuresData used in any
information model, always
ordered in a certain way
Data on which it is based
information model, represent
is a system with all the characteristic
characteristics - elemental composition,
structure, purpose.

Verbal description

Our district consists of five villages:
Dedkino, Babkino, Repkino, Koshkino and
Highways are paved
between: Dedkino and Babkino, Dedkino and
Koshkino, Babkino and Myshkino, Babkino
and Koshkino, Koshkino and Repkino

Schematic description

This is not a map of the area. Not sustained here
directions according to the cardinal points, not observed
scale. This diagram reflects only the fact
existence of five villages and road connections
between them


(symmetrical connection)
The graph displays the elemental composition
systems and communication structure
The components of the graph are
vertices and edges.
Vertices are elements of the system
Edges are connections (relationships) between

Example 1

are the stations
metro, lines
reflect the rail
connection between
stations - ribs.
No other
information except
the graph diagram is not

Example 2

The figure shows the structure of molecules of three different
substances consisting of the same number of atoms
carbon (C) and hydrogen (H). Method accepted in chemistry
displaying the structure of a molecule is actually

Example 3. Directed graph

A loop
(unbalanced connection)
Blood groups are the vertices of the graph with the corresponding
numbers, and the arrows indicate the possibility
transfusion of one blood type into a person with another
blood type

Weighted graph

A weighted graph is a graph in which, with vertices
or additional information is connected by lines.
This information is called vertex or line weight.

Weighted graph

The figure shows a weighted graph,
presenting information about roads between
four villages. Vertex weights - names
villages, line weights are the length of roads in kilometers.
Both of them are specified by inscriptions.


A tree is a graph designed to display
such connections between objects as nesting,
subordination, inheritance, etc.
First we draw the “main” vertex, which is not
depends on no other vertex. This peak
is called the root of the tree and is the only
the top of the “1st level”.
Next we add the vertices of the “2nd level”.
At each step we add the vertices of the next
level, each of which will be connected exactly with
one vertex of the previous level and will not have
no other connections


The tree is oriented, with the arcs directed away from
upper peaks to lower ones.
The top vertex is called the ancestor for those associated with
her lower peaks
The lower vertices are descendants of the corresponding
top peak.
On any tree there is only one vertex, not
having an ancestor - a root - and there can be as many
any vertices that have no descendants are leaves.
All other vertices have exactly one ancestor and
any number of descendants

Family tree of the first Russian princes

hierarchical structure of book sections

classification graph of geometric objects

The values ​​of three variables are given: A, B, C. You should find the largest of them, assign it to the MAX variable and display it on the screen

Biological classification - 1

According to biological classification, there are 3 empires
(superkingdoms): archaeobacteria, eukaryotes and prokaryotes. TO
eukaryotic empires include the kingdoms of fungi, plants and
animals. The animal kingdom includes the types of arthropods,
mollusks, echinoderms, coelenterates, chordates, etc.
the phylum of chordates includes the classes of fish, amphibians, reptiles,
mammals, birds. The class of mammals includes
orders of whales, pinnipeds, carnivores, rodents, ungulates, etc.
The carnivorous order includes the families of bears, raccoons,
canids, viverrids, felines, etc. To the canine family
include genera of foxes, raccoon dogs, dogs, fennec foxes,
arctic foxes, etc. The genus of dogs includes species of domestic dogs,
wolves, jackals, coyotes. Domestic dog species include
Shepherd dogs, spaniels, divers, St. Bernards, Great Danes, lap dogs, etc.
Construct a classification graph. Is he a tree?

Construct a classification graph. Using the graph, determine what characteristics the following creatures will have:

1) scallop - from the bivalve class,
2) sea cucumber - from the class of holothurians,
3) grape snail - from the class of gastropods,
4) the head of the Gorgon - from the serpentine class,
5) octopus - from the class of cephalopods,
6) mussel - from the bivalve class,
7) terebra - from the class of gastropods,
8) cuttlefish - from the class of cephalopods,
9) stalked lily - from the class of sea lilies,
10) cucumaria - from the class of holothurians,
11) oyster - from the class of bivalve,
12) squid - from the class of cephalopods.


Motorized rifle battalion of the USSR Army

In the mid-70s. motorized rifle battalion Soviet army numbered 395 people and had the following structure. At the head was the battalion commander. He had control, headquarters, 3 motorized rifle companies, a communications platoon, a mortar battery, an anti-tank platoon, a maintenance department, a supply platoon and a battalion medical center under his command.

The management of the battalion included the battalion commander himself, a deputy for political affairs, a deputy for technical affairs, and a battalion technician. The staff consisted of a chief of staff, a communications chief, an instructor-dosimetrist, a clerk and an armored personnel carrier driver. The communications chief was the commander of a communications platoon (another 12 people). The mortar battery consisted of a control (10 people) and two platoons of 20 people, each with 3 120-mm mortars.

The anti-tank platoon consisted of a squad of mounted anti-tank grenade launchers (8 people, 2 SPG-9 grenade launchers) and two squads of anti-tank guided missiles (6 people each and 2 ATGMs per squad). Maintenance department: department commander, driver-car mechanic and senior mechanic. Supply platoon: platoon commander, his deputy, economic unit (3 people) and motor transport department (4 people).

Battalion medical station: the head of the station, a driver-orderly and 2 orderlies. The motorized rifle company consisted of a directorate (company commander, deputy for political affairs, company foreman), a machine gun section and 3 motorized rifle platoons. The machine gun squad consisted of a squad commander, an armored personnel carrier driver and two machine gun crews, each with a machine gunner and an assistant machine gunner.

A motorized rifle platoon had a platoon commander, a deputy commander and 3 motorized rifle squads. In each squad: a squad commander, a machine gunner, a grenade launcher, an assistant grenade launcher, a senior machine gunner, 3 machine gunners and an armored personnel carrier driver.

1. Display in the form of a graph information about the organization of motorcycle

rifle (motorized infantry) battalions of different armies
US Army Mechanized Infantry Battalion

In the mid-70s. The US Army motorized infantry battalion consisted of 888 people. and had the following organization. At the head was the battalion commander. The headquarters and 5 companies were subordinate to him: headquarters (177 people), fire support (144 people) and 3 motorized infantry (189 people each).

The headquarters company consisted of 5 platoons: a communications platoon, a repair platoon, a support platoon, a medical platoon and a battalion headquarters maintenance section. The fire support company consisted of company control, a radar section, a Red Eye anti-aircraft missile section, a reconnaissance platoon, a mortar platoon and an anti-tank platoon.

The radar section consisted of 4 radar stations: two short-range (2-4 km), two medium-range (4-8 km). The missile defense section had 5 fire crews with 6 Red-I installations each. The reconnaissance platoon was divided into a control group (6 people) and two reconnaissance sections (12 people each). The mortar platoon consisted of a control group and 4 squads (each with one 106.7 mm mortar).

The anti-tank platoon consisted of a control group and 6 squads, each of two crews of anti-tank guided missiles (ATGM) "Toy" The motorized infantry company consisted of a company command, a mortar platoon and 3 motorized infantry platoons. The mortar platoon consisted of a control group and three mortar squads, each of which had an 81 mm mortar.

The motorized infantry platoon (47 people) consisted of a control group (platoon commander, assistant commander and radio operator), a weapons section (11 people) and 3 motorized infantry squads (11 people each). The weapons squad consisted of a squad commander, two machine gun crews of 2 people each. in each, two crews of anti-tank rifles, 2 people each. each and two carriers.

The motorized infantry squad consisted of a squad commander, an armored personnel carrier driver and two groups: group “A” (group commander, grenade launcher and 2 riflemen) and group “B” (group commander, grenade launcher and 3 riflemen).

1. Display in the form of a graph information about the organization of motorcycle

rifle (motorized infantry) battalions of different armies
Motorized infantry battalion of the German Army

In the mid-70s. in the German army there were two types of motorized infantry battalions: on infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs) “Marder” and on armored personnel carriers (APCs)H.S.-30.

The BMP battalion had a strength of 764 people. At the head of the battalion was a commander, to whom the headquarters and 5 companies were subordinate: headquarters and supply, mortar and 3 motorized infantry. The headquarters and supply company consisted of control and 3 platoons: headquarters, communications and supply.

The headquarters platoon had 4 sections: headquarters, motorcyclists, transport and reconnaissance. The communications platoon had 3 radio communications sections and 2 wire communications sections. The supply platoon had 4 sections: logistics, food supply, transport and sanitary.

The mortar company consisted of a command and control unit, two forward observation sections, a support section and 6 crews of 120 mm mortars. Each motorized infantry company (163 people) consisted of 3 motorized infantry platoons of 48 people each. Each platoon consisted of a control group and 4 motorized infantry squads of 10 people each. The squad was divided into two groups: the first - the vehicle commander, the gunner-operator (the Marder BMP was equipped with a 20-mm cannon and two machine guns) and the driver; the second - squad leader, machine gunner, grenade launcher, flamethrower and 3rd rifleman.


Biological classification - 1

According to the biological classification, there are 3 empires (super-kingdoms): archaeobacteria, eukaryotes and prokaryotes. The eukaryotic empire includes the kingdoms of fungi, plants and animals. The animal kingdom includes the types of arthropods, mollusks, echinoderms, coelenterates, chordates, etc. The phylum of chordates includes the classes of fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals, and birds.

The class of mammals includes the orders of whales, pinnipeds, carnivores, rodents, ungulates, etc. The order of carnivores includes the families of bears, raccoons, canines, civets, felines, etc. The canines family includes the genera of foxes, raccoon dogs, dogs, fennecs, arctic foxes, etc. The genus of dogs includes species of domestic dogs, wolves, jackals, and coyotes. Domestic dogs include shepherds, spaniels, divers, St. Bernards, Great Danes, lapdogs, etc.

4. Construct a classification graph. Is he a tree?

Biological classification - 2

All animals such as mollusks are bilaterally symmetrical, have a shell, and their body is divided into three sections: head, torso and leg. Mollusks of the gastropod class have a shell made of one piece, spirally twisted. Mollusks of the bivalve class have bivalve shells. In molluscs of the cephalopod class, the leg is shaped like a crown of tentacles on the head, the shell is hidden under the mantle (except for the nautilus), they are all predators. All animals of the echinoderm type are radially symmetrical, have a skeleton under the skin made of calcareous plates with spines, which can protrude outward. All echinoderms of the class of crinoids have a body in the shape of a “cup”, from which 5 forked “arms” extend. All echinoderms of the starfish class have a body in the shape of a star or a regular pentagon, their skeletal plates are movably connected by ligaments and muscles, they are all predators. In echinoderms of the serpentine class, the rays are clearly separated from the disk, segmented, mobile, reminiscent of the tails of snakes. All echinoderms of the class sea ​​urchins They have a spherical or ovoid body, enclosed in a needle-lined carapace of 20 rows of fused plates. In echinoderms of the class Holothurians, the skeleton has been reduced to individual elements, due to which they can change shape; around the mouth they have a crown of 8-30 tentacles.

Using the graph, determine what characteristics the following creatures will have:

1) stalked lily - from the class of sea lilies,

2) cucumaria - from the class of holothurians,

3) oyster - from the class of bivalve,

4) squid - from the class of cephalopods.

5. Construct a classification graph. Is he a tree?

Biological classification - 3

According to the biological classification, kingdoms are divided into types, types into classes, classes into families, families into genera, genera into species.

All creatures in the animal kingdom are unable to generate their own nutrients.

All chordate-type animals have a notochord (dorsal string - the axis of the internal skeleton), a central nervous system they run along the dorsal side.

All chordates of the class of birds are bipedal, have wing-shaped forelimbs, and lay eggs.

All birds of the order Cioriformes do not have feathers between the base of the beak and the eyes.

All stork-like herons have long, sharpclaws The heron genus egrets have black and white plumage and white flight and tail feathers. In herons of the genus of shaggy herons, the back is colored in winter and summer, the legs are yellow or brown. In the heron genus Gray Herons, the flight and tail feathers are dark or gray. White herons of the small egret species have a black beak and a crest on the back of the head of 2-3 long feathers. White herons of the great egret species do not have a crest on the back of their heads. Shaggy herons of the yellow heron species have 10 white feathers with black edges on the back of their heads. Shaggy herons of the white-winged heron species have 4-6 rusty-brown feathers on the back of their heads. Gray herons of the rufous heron species have a gray back with a rufous bloom. Gray herons of the heron species have a gray back without a rufous patina.

All storks of the stork family have short, blunt claws. The stork genus has a long neck and a conical beak. Storks of the white stork species have white plumage, except for black wings. Storks of the black stork species have black plumage, but the chest and belly are white.

All birds of the order Anseriformes have a straight beak, with horny plates or denticles along the edges.

All anseriformes of the duck family have dense plumage with thick down.

In all ducks of the anseridae subfamily, the tarsus (lower joint of the leg) is covered with small plates. The anserine genus of swans have white or smoky wings. The anserine genus of geese has a dark head and reddish legs. Swans of the mute swan species have a wedge-shaped tail (the side feathers are shorter than the middle ones). Swans of the whooper swan species have a rounded tail. Cygnus swans have a small black beak with a large black spot. Swans of the American cygnus species have a black beak. Geese of the goose species have a black beak with an orange stripe. Geese of the gray goose species have a light, monochromatic beak. White-fronted geese have a large white spot on their forehead.

In all ducks of the Anatidae subfamily, the tarsus is covered in front with large scutes. Ducks of the duck genus are large in size (wing length is more than 20 cm). Ducks of the teal genus have dark wings with white edges. Duck genus goldeneyes have a wide beak. In ducks of the Shoveler species, the beak in the final part is almost twice as wide as in the main part. Pintail ducks have a long, wedge-shaped tail. Ducks of the mallard species have olive-colored beaks. Teal species of teal have whitish wing shafts. In teals of the teal species, the shafts of the flight feathers are brown. Goldeneyes of the common goldeneye species have a wing length of more than 180 mm. Goldeneyes of the small goldeneye species have a wing length of less than 180 mm. 1.

Present the specified part of the biological classification in the form of a graph.

2. Name all the characteristics of birds of the following species indicated in the text:

1) little egret, 9) mute swan,

2) great white egret,10) whooper swan,

3) yellow heron, 11) small swan,

4) white-winged heron,12) American swan,

5) red heron, 13) bean goose,

6) gray heron, 14) gray goose,

7) white stork, 15) white-fronted goose,

    black stork, 16) Shoveler,

17) pintail, 20) teal-bubble,

18) common mallard,21) common goldeneye,

6. Provide information about classification in Russian in
in the form of a graph. Is the resulting graph a tree?

Classifications in Russian.

1. Pronouns in Russian have three persons: 1st, 2nd and 3rd. In all three persons they can be unique and plural. Pronouns of the 3rd person singular also change according to gender. The 1st person singular pronoun is I, the 1st person plural pronoun is we. The 2nd person singular pronoun is you, the 2nd person plural pronoun is you. Pronouns of the 3rd person singular: masculine - he, feminine - she, neuter - it. The 3rd person plural pronoun is they.

2. Numerals in the Russian language are classified according to composition and meaning. Based on their composition, they are divided into simple, complex and compound. Example of simple numbers: four, five. Example of complex numerals: sixty, five hundred. Example of compound numerals: thirty-five, one hundred and fifty-four. Based on their meaning, numerals are divided into ordinal and quantitative. Example of ordinal numbers: second, ninth. Example of cardinal numbers: six, two.

3. Sentences in the Russian language are classified according to their composition, intonation and purpose of the statement.

Based on their composition, sentences are divided into non-widespread and widespread. Unexpanded sentences consist of only two members: subject and predicate. An example of an uncommon sentence: “The birds have flown.” Common sentences consist of a subject, a predicate and minor clauses. An example of a common sentence: “In early spring the first birds arrived.”

Based on intonation, sentences are divided into exclamatory (“Spring has come!”) and non-exclamatory (“Spring has come.”). According to the purpose of the statement, sentences are divided into narrative, interrogative and incentive. Declarative sentence: “We collected a lot of mushrooms and berries.” Interrogative sentence: “Have you collected a lot of mushrooms and berries?” Incentive sentence: “Pick mushrooms and berries!”

4. Nouns can be animate or inanimate. Animate ones answer the question “who?”, inanimate ones answer the question “what?”. Both animate and inanimate belong to one of three genders: masculine, feminine or neuter. The masculine gender includes nouns to which the words “he” and “my” can be added. The feminine gender includes nouns to which the words “she” and “my” can be added. The neuter gender includes nouns to which the words “it” and “mine” can be added. An example of animate masculine nouns: man, Ivan. An example of feminine animate nouns: girl, Maria. An example of an animate neuter noun: Miracle-Yudo. An example of inanimate masculine nouns: holiday, vegetable garden. Example of inanimate feminine nouns: street, notebook. An example of an inanimate neuter noun: lake, morning.

5. In Russian, nouns have three declensions: 1st, 2nd and 3rd. The 1st declension includes masculine and feminine nouns with endings -а/-я. The 2nd declension includes masculine nouns with an empty ending and neuter nouns with endings -о/-е. The 3rd declension includes feminine nouns with an empty ending. Example of 1st declension nouns: feminine - birch, earth; masculine - young man, uncle.

Example of nouns of the 2nd declension: masculine - student, day, tram; neuter - morning, heart. Example of 3rd declension nouns: lilac, pier.


Descendants of Vladimir Monomakh

7. Compile a family tree of the descendants of Vladimir Monomakh.

Descendants of Vladimir Monomakh

Izya-slav of Volyn (1154), Vsevolod of Novgorod (1138) and Rostislav of Smolensk (1168). Izyaslav of Volyn had a son Mstislav (1170), Mstislav had a son Roman (1205), Roman had a son Daniil Galitsky (1264). Rostislav of Smolensk had 4 sons: Roman (1180), Rurik (1215), David (1197) and Mstislav the Brave (1180). After Roman Rostislavich there was a son, Mstislav of Kiev (1224), after Mstislav the Brave - a son, Mstislav the Udaloy (1228). Yuri Dolgoruky had 3 sons: Andrei Bogolyubsky (1175), Mikhail (1177) and Vsevolod (1212). Vsevolod's sons were Constantine (1217), Yuri (1238) and Yaroslav (1246). Yaroslav Vsevolodovich had 3 sons: Alexander Nevsky (1263), Andrei Suzdal (1264) and Yaroslav Tverskoy (1272). Sons of Alexander Nevsky: Dimitry Pereyaslavsky (1294), Andrei Gorodetsky (1304) and Daniil of Moscow (1303). Andrei of Suzdal had a son, Vasily (the years of his life are unknown), Yaroslav of Tverskoy had a son, Mikhail (1318).

7. Compile a family tree of the descendants of Vladimir Monomakh.

Descendants of Vladimir Monomakh

Vladimir Monomakh died in 1125. He left 4 sons: Mstislav (year of death - 1132), Yaropolk (1139), Vyacheslav of Turov (1154) and Yuri Dolgoruky (1157). After Mstislav there were 3 sons left:

7. Compile a family tree of the descendants of Vladimir Monomakh.

Descendants of Vladimir Monomakh

Vladimir Monomakh died in 1125. He left 4 sons: Mstislav (year of death - 1132), Yaropolk (1139), Vyacheslav of Turov (1154) and Yuri Dolgoruky (1157). After Mstislav there were 3 sons left:
Izyaslav of Volyn (1154), Vsevolod of Novgorod (1138) and Rostislav of Smolensk (1168). Izyaslav of Volyn had a son Mstislav (1170), Mstislav had a son Roman (1205), Roman had a son Daniil Galitsky (1264). Rostislav of Smolensk had 4 sons: Roman (1180), Rurik (1215), David (1197) and Mstislav the Brave (1180). After Roman Rostislavich there was a son, Mstislav of Kiev (1224), after Mstislav the Brave - a son, Mstislav the Udaloy (1228). Yuri Dolgoruky had 3 sons: Andrei Bogolyubsky (1175), Mikhail (1177) and Vsevolod (1212). Vsevolod's sons were Constantine (1217), Yuri (1238) and Yaroslav (1246). Yaroslav Vsevolodovich had 3 sons: Alexander Nevsky (1263), Andrei Suzdal (1264) and Yaroslav Tverskoy (1272). Sons of Alexander Nevsky: Dimitry Pereyaslavsky (1294), Andrei Gorodetsky (1304) and Daniil of Moscow (1303). Andrei of Suzdal had a son, Vasily (the years of his life are unknown), Yaroslav of Tverskoy had a son, Mikhail (1318).

| 11th grade | Lesson plan for the academic year (according to I.G. Semakin’s textbook) 1 hour per week | System analysis (§§ 1 - 4). Practical work No. 1.1 "System models"

Lessons 1 - 3
System analysis (§§ 1 - 4)
Practical work No. 1.1 "System models"

Practical work No. 1.1. System Models


Practical work No. 1.1. System Models

Goal of the work: developing skills in system analysis, constructing structural diagrams and classification graphs.

Task 1. Complete design tasks for systems analysis
Level 2

Option 1. Using a text editor, prepare a short report on the topic “The Black Box Model.” Describe the problem of multiple variants of the “black box” model for the same system using examples of systems familiar to you: radio, car, computer, canteen, school, etc. (you can continue this list).

List the unwanted inputs and outputs. Determine how the system's shortcomings (unwanted connections with the external environment) can be eliminated. Present the description in tabular form.

Option 2. Using a text editor, prepare a short report on the topic “System Composition Model.” Draw graphically the models of the composition of the systems considered in the first version of the task. Justify your model in terms of its purpose.

Note which components of the system in this model are considered as elements and which as subsystems.

Task 2. Construct a block diagram of a complex system
Level 1

Option 1. Using graphic means, reproduce a diagram reflecting the composition and structure of a tank battalion. Count the number of tanks in the company and the total number of tanks in the battalion.

Level 2

Option 2. Construct a graph showing the composition and structure of a motorized infantry battalion (German army, model 1970) according to the following description.

The battalion on infantry fighting vehicles (infantry fighting vehicles) had a strength of 764 people. At the head of the battalion was a commander, to whom the headquarters and 5 companies were subordinate: headquarters and supply, mortar and three motorized infantry. The headquarters and supply company consisted of control and three platoons: headquarters, communications and supply. The headquarters platoon had four sections: headquarters, motorcyclists, transport and reconnaissance. The communications platoon had three radio communications sections and two wire communications sections. The supply platoon had four sections: logistics, food supply, transport and sanitary.

The mortar company consisted of a command and control unit, two forward observation sections, a support section and six 120 mm mortar crews.

Each motorized infantry company (163 people) consisted of three motorized infantry platoons of 48 people each. Each platoon consisted of a control group and four motorized infantry squads of 10 people each. The squad was divided into two groups: the first - the vehicle commander, the gunner-operator (the Marder BMP was equipped with a 20 mm cannon and two machine guns) and the driver; the second - a squad leader, a machine gunner, a grenade launcher, a flamethrower and three riflemen.

Task 3. Construction of classification graphs
Level 1

Option 1. Using graphic tools, reproduce a diagram reflecting the classification of geometric objects.

Level 2

Option 2. Construct a classification graph of a biological system according to the following description.

According to the biological classification, three empires (superkingdoms) are distinguished: archaeobacteria, eukaryotes and prokaryotes. The eukaryotic empire includes the kingdoms of fungi, plants and animals. The animal kingdom includes the types of arthropods, mollusks, echinoderms, coelenterates, chordates, etc. The phylum of chordates includes the classes of fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals, and birds. The class of mammals includes the orders of whales, pinnipeds, carnivores, rodents, ungulates, etc. The order of carnivores includes the families of bears, raccoons, canines, civets, felines, etc. The canidae family includes the genera of foxes, raccoon dogs, dogs, fennec foxes, arctic foxes and etc. The genus of dogs includes species of domestic dogs, wolves, jackals, and coyotes. The types of domestic dogs include shepherds, spaniels, divers, Saint Bernards, Great Danes, lapdogs, etc.

Option 3. Construct a classification graph in Russian according to the following description.

Sentences in the Russian language are classified according to their composition, intonation and purpose of the statement. Based on their composition, sentences are divided into non-widespread and widespread. Unexpanded sentences consist of only two members: subject and predicate. An example of an uncommon sentence: “The birds have flown.” Common sentences consist of a subject, a predicate and minor clauses. An example of a common sentence: “In early spring the first birds arrived.”

Based on intonation, sentences are divided into exclamatory (“Spring has come!”) and non-exclamatory (“Spring has come.”).

According to the purpose of the statement, sentences are divided into narrative, interrogative and incentive. Declarative sentence: “We collected a lot of mushrooms and berries.” Interrogative sentence: “Have you collected a lot of mushrooms and berries?” Incentive sentence: “Pick mushrooms and berries!”

Workshop for Chapter 1 “Information Systems”

Section 1. Systemology

Work 1.1. Models of systems (to §1.1.2)

Using a text editor, prepare a short report on the topic “System Models” by completing the following two tasks.

EXERCISE 1. Black box model

Describe the problem of multiple variants of the “black box” model for the same system using examples of systems familiar to you: radio, car, computer, canteen, school, etc. (you can continue the list). List the unwanted inputs and outputs. Determine how to eliminate system deficiencies (unwanted connections with the environment). Present the description in tabular form.

TASK 2. System composition model

Draw graphically a model of the composition of the systems considered in the first task. Justify your model in terms of its purpose. Note which components of the system in this model are considered as elements and which as subsystems.

TASK 3. Building a block diagram of a complex system

Option 1

Using graphic tools, draw a diagram reflecting the composition and structure of a tank battalion of the German Army, shown in Fig. 1.


Level 2: Self-development assignments

Option 2

Construct a graph showing the composition and structure of a motorized infantry battalion of the German Army (1970 model) according to the following description.

The battalion on infantry fighting vehicles (infantry fighting vehicles) had a strength of 764 people. At the head of the battalion was a commander, to whom the headquarters and 5 companies were subordinate: headquarters and supply, mortar and 3 motorized infantry. The headquarters and supply company consisted of control and 3 platoons: headquarters, communications and supply. The headquarters platoon had 4 sections: headquarters, motorcyclists, transport and reconnaissance. The communications platoon had 3 radio communications sections and 2 wire communications sections. The supply platoon had 4 sections: logistics, food supply, transport and sanitary. The mortar company consisted of a command and control unit, two forward observation sections, a support section and 6 crews of 120 mm mortars.

Each motorized infantry company (163 people) consisted of 3 motorized infantry platoons of 48 people each. Each platoon consisted of a control group and 4 motorized infantry squads of 10 people each. The squad was divided into two groups: the first - the vehicle commander, the gunner-operator (the Marder MBP was equipped with a 20-mm cannon and two machine guns) and the driver; the second - squad leader, machine gunner, grenade launcher, flamethrower and 3rd rifleman.

TASK 4. Construction of classification graphs

Level 1: completing the task according to the sample

Option 1.

Using graphic tools, draw a diagram reflecting the classification of geometric objects shown in Fig. 2.

Level 2: Self-development assignments

Construct a classification graph for the described system.

Option 1. Biological classification

. According to the biological classification, there are 3 empires (superkingdoms): archaeobacteria, eukaryotes and prokaryotes. The eukaryte empire includes the kingdoms of fungi, plants and animals. The animal kingdom includes the types of arthropods, mollusks, echinoderms, coelenterates, chordates, etc. The phylum of chordates includes the classes of fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals, and birds. The class of mammals includes the orders of whales, pinnipeds, carnivores, rodents, ungulates, etc. The order of carnivores includes the families of bears, raccoons, canines, civets, felines, etc. The canines family includes the genera of foxes, raccoon dogs, dogs, fennecs, arctic foxes, etc. The genus of dogs includes species of domestic dogs, wolves, jackals, and coyotes. Domestic dog types include shepherds, spaniels, divers, St. Bernards, Great Danes, lapdogs, etc.

Option 2. Classification in Russian

Sentences in the Russian language are classified according to their composition, intonation and purpose of the statement.

Based on their composition, sentences are divided into non-widespread and widespread. Unexpanded sentences consist of only two members: subject and predicate. An example of an uncommon sentence: “The birds have flown.” Common sentences consist of a subject, a predicate and minor clauses. An example of a common sentence: “In early spring the first birds arrived.”

Based on intonation, sentences are divided into exclamatory (“Spring has come!”) and non-exclamatory (“Spring has come.”).

According to the purpose of the statement, sentences are divided into narrative, interrogative and incentive. Declarative sentence: “We collected a lot of mushrooms and berries.” Interrogative sentence: “Have you collected a lot of mushrooms and berries?” Incentive sentence: “Pick mushrooms and berries!”

Work 1.2. Designing an information model (to §1.1.4)

Level 3: creative tasks

To complete an individual project, select a subject area from the list below. The list can be supplemented by the teacher or students. Conduct a system analysis of the subject area and try to build an information model.

Topics of assignments for individual design

1. Hospital (inpatient department)

2. Hospital (clinic)

3. Lesson schedule at school

4. Library (books, readers, librarians)

5. Road traffic accidents (participants, cars, circumstances of the accident)

6. Football championship (teams, game schedule, game results, players)

7. City telephone network (PBX, subscribers, payment, negotiations)

8. Air flights (planes, pilots, flights, passengers)

9. Personnel department of the enterprise (departments, employees, positions, salaries...)

10. Trade enterprise (departments, goods, sellers, ....)

Topics for abstracts in the section “Systemology”

1. Various approaches to defining a system in science

2. Systems approach and systems analysis

3. The problem of systematization in the natural sciences

4. The problem of systematization in the humanities

5. Classification of computer information systems

Section 2. Databases

LEVEL 1: completing tasks according to the sample

Job 2.1. Introduction to DBMSMSAccess

Goal of the work : mastering the simplest techniques for working with a ready-made database in a DBMS environmentMS Access:

- opening a database

- viewing the database structure in “Design” mode

- viewing the contents of the database in the “Table” and “Form” modes

- adding records via form

- quick table sort

- using a filter

: MS Access.

Note : to perform this work, a single-table database “VIDEO LIBRARY” must first be prepared, the structure and contents of which are described in the Appendix to this work, and a form for this table must also be created. In what follows, we will call the table in which information about video discs is stored, as well as the corresponding form, “Video discs.”

reference Information

There are DBMSs that are programmer-oriented and end-user-oriented. Any actions performed with the database are performed on a computer using programs. Programmer-oriented DBMSs are actually programming systems with their own specialized language, in the environment of which programmers create database processing programs. These programs are then used by end users. DBMS of this type include FoxPro, Paradox, etc.

DBMSMicrosoftAccess (MSAccess) refers to end-user-oriented systems. It allows the user, without resorting to programming, to easily perform basic operations with the database: creating, editing and manipulating data. MS Access runs in the Windows operating environment and can be used both on a standalone PC and on a local computer network. Using Access, personal databases are created and operated, as well as corporate databases with a relatively small amount of data. To create large industrial information systems MS Access is no good.

Wednesday Access (see Fig. 3) has an interface typical for Windows applications and includes the following components: a title bar with window control buttons, a main menu, a toolbar, a work field and a status bar. A window corresponding to the selected operating mode is installed on the working field. In Fig. 6, a window is open corresponding to the main mode - the mode of working with a database, the submode of working with a table. As with any application, Access has a hierarchy of modes, which will be discussed below.

Fig.3. MS Access environment with a database window on the workspace

Data, with which the DBMS works, can also be arranged in a hierarchical sequence. At the top level of this hierarchy are the main MS Access objects. These include: tables, requests, forms, reports, macros and modules.

Table is the main type of object. All other types of objects are derived from the table. The data elements that make up a table are records and fields. The properties of table elements are determined by types, field formats, and some other parameters.

Form– this is an auxiliary object, which, in principle, can be dispensed with. Forms are created to improve the user experience when viewing, entering, and editing data in tables.

Request– the result of a user accessing the DBMS to search for data, add, delete and update records. The result of the search (sampling) of data is presented in tabular form. The term “query” also refers to the commands themselves for accessing the DBMS.

Report– this is a document intended for printing, generated on the basis of information contained in tables and queries.

Macros And modules are objects of increased complexity and may not be used during initial acquaintance with MS Access.

Another special type of data is scheme– description of the structure of relationships in a multi-table database.

Operating modes Access DBMSs are diverse. Just like for other Windows applications, the hierarchy of modes is implemented through the main menu. There are general modes: working with files (menu File); working with the clipboard (menu Edit); environment setting mode (menu View); help mode (menu Reference). However, the main mode can be called the database mode. It is installed after running the command [ File –Create Database] or [ File – Open Database]. Since the database is stored in a file, in the first case the system will require you to specify the name and storage location of the file, and in the second case - to point to an existing file with the database.

After opening the database window on the screen (Fig. 3), submodes for working with the main Access objects become available: tables, queries, forms and reports, which are initiated by opening the corresponding tabs in the window. Each of these modes offers a choice of three command buttons: open, constructor, create. If the corresponding object has not yet been created, then only the command is active create. If an object in the window is selected from any of the existing objects, then the commands will also be active open And constructor. Team open allows you to view the object, and the command constructor– view or change the structure of an object.

Teams are given through the main menu, through buttons on the toolbar or in windows, through the context menu (using the right mouse button). The set of active commands, as a rule, is contextual in nature, i.e., depends on the current operating mode. The most important commands are located on the toolbar.


1. Launch MS Access.

2. Open the “VIDEO LIBRARY” database (the path and file in which the database is stored will be indicated by the teacher).

3. Set the mode for working with the table (the “Tables” tab). Open the “Cassettes” table: command Open. Examine the contents of the table.

4. Close the table. Switch to table designer mode: command Constructor.

5. Consistently moving from field to field, get acquainted with the properties of the fields: types, formats, descriptions.

6. Close the constructor.


1. Go to the mode of working with forms (the “Forms” tab).

2. Open the “Cassettes” form.

3. Use the form that opens to view the sequence of records. Go to the first and last record, to the record with the specified number.

4. Add another entry about the new cassette to the end of the table: 21, “The Barber of Siberia”, Russia, 180, melodrama, 12/25/99, issued

5. Close the form.


In this task, actions are performed to sort records in a full table.


Movie title


Country where the film was filmed

Film duration in min.


film genre

Date of purchase of the cassette


Yes - if the cassette is issued, no - if the cassette is in place

Database table



A country





Fifth Element



Caucasian captive

Nicknamed the Beast...


Disco dancer


Time Patrol


Only the strongest

Romeo and Juliet


Zita and Gita


The weather is good on Deribasovskaya..

Jurassic Park



lost World


American fight


Tango and Cash

Work 2.2. Creating a “Classroom Journal” database

Goal of the work :

- mastering techniques for working withMS Accessin the process of creating a designed database;

Software used : MS Access.

1. Open the file for the new database:

Þ File Þ Create a database Þ New database

Þ in the file window, specify the path and file name: “Cool Journal”

A window will open on the screen:

2. Create a table STUDENTS:

Þ in mode Tables team is selected Create a table in design view

Þ in the table designer window that opens, for all fields of the STUDENTS table, specify the names, types and formats of the fields:

Field name

Field type

Length (Format)








3. Assign the main key of the table:

Þ place the mouse pointer on the ACCOUNT_NUMBER field,

Þ execute the command Edit - Key Field or click on the button depicting a key on the toolbar


Field name

Field type

Length (Format)




Field name

Field type

Length (Format)







When assigning a composite key, the fields ACCOUNT_NUMBER, ITEM_NAME and DATE are simultaneously selected. Selection is made using the mouse while holding down the Shift key. Then the command is executed Edit – Key field.

7. Link the STUDENTS and GRADES tables. For this:

Þ execute the command Service- Data Schema ;

The “Add Table” window will open;

Þ select the table name “Students” and execute the command Add

Þ select the name of the table “Ratings” and execute the command Add

Þ execute the command Close.

Images of two tables will appear in the “Data Schema” window

Þ using the mouse, drag the key field STUDY NUMBER from the “Students” table image to the same field in the “Grades” table image

The Connections window will open. Sequentially activate the checkboxes " Ensure data integrity», « Cascade update of related fields" And " Cascade deletion of related records" The one-to-many relationship type will be selected automatically.

8. Link the SUBJECTS and GRADES tables, proceeding similarly to the previous step.

9. Execute command Þ Create. The scheme is ready! In the “Data Schema” window it will look like this:

10. Enter data into the STUDENTS table. For this:

Þ in the “Tables” mode, select the name of the table STUDENTS;

Þ give a command Open;

A table form will appear on the screen containing field headers and an empty line

Þ enter data:

https://pandia.ru/text/78/259/images/image014_39.jpg" width="392" height="233 src=">

12. Enter data into the RATING table


Þ enable the radio button “In one column” Þ Further

Þ select the “Standard” form style Þ Further

Þ set the name of the form: leave the name STUDENTS; enable the radio button “Open the form for viewing and entering data” Þ Ready.

https://pandia.ru/text/78/259/images/image017_32.jpg" width="569 height=291" height="291">

Request schema field– the upper part of the query designer window, where table schemas are placed, the data from which is used in the query

Request form– table at the bottom of the window. Columns refer to the fields involved in generating the request. The first line contains the names of all these fields. The second line is the name of the table from which the corresponding field is retrieved. The third line is a sorting sign. Used only for sort keys. The checkboxes in the fourth line indicate whether this field will be displayed on the screen when the request is executed. The following lines form the selection condition.


Get a list of students in a class containing the journal number, last name, and first name of each student.

Sample command on educational language requests:


1. Go to work with the query designer:

Þ select “Requests” in the list of objects

Þ select the “Create a query in design mode” mode

Þ give a command Create

2. Place the “Students” table in the query schema field:

Þ in the “Add Table” window, “Tables” tab, select the table name “Students”

Þ execute the command Add- Close

3. Fill out the request form

Þ fill in the form with the data shown in the previous figure.

4. Execute the request:

Þexecute command Request - Launch. The following table will appear on the screen:

https://pandia.ru/text/78/259/images/image019_23.jpg" width="541 height=277" height="277">

2. Execute the request. The result will be as follows:

https://pandia.ru/text/78/259/images/image021_23.jpg" width="573 height=288" height="288">

https://pandia.ru/text/78/259/images/image023_18.jpg" width="624" height="268 src=">

2. Execute the request. The result will be the following table:

https://pandia.ru/text/78/259/images/image025_20.jpg" width="623 height=268" height="268">

Pay attention to how the complex logical expression in the selection condition is implemented. Selection conditions written in one line are combined with the operation “ And" The conditions in the second line are combined with the condition in the first line using the operation " or" This implementation of the selection condition in this request is equivalent to expanding the parentheses in a logical expression in a command in a training language:

(SUBJECT_NAME=”Algebra” or SUBJECT_NAME=”History”) and RATING = 5 is identical to the expression:

SUBJECT_NAME=”Algebra” and RATING = 5 or SUBJECT_NAME=”History” and RATING = 5

2. Execute the request. The result will be the following table:


Calculate the average grades for all students in all subjects. Display the student's last name, subject name, average grade, teacher's name in this subject.

Command in the educational query language:


1. Build a query in the query designer in the form shown in the figure:

In order for the “Group operation” line to appear in the query designer, you need to issue the command through the main menu of the Access window View - Group Operations. All new line fields will be set to the word “Grouping”. The function for calculating the average Avg is selected from the list that opens after clicking on the button in this line in the cell for the RATING field.

2. Execute the request. The result will be the following table:

https://pandia.ru/text/78/259/images/image029_12.jpg" width="517" height="313 src=">

2. Execute the request. The result will be the following table:

Work 2.4. Database expansion

Goal of the work : Consolidating the skills of creating tables, mastering techniques for implementing selection queries using group operations and calculated fields..

Software used : MSAccess.


Supplement the database with data with students’ quarter grades.

1. Create a new TOTAL table in the database with the following structure:

Field name

Field type

Length (format)










2. Link this table with the STUDENTS and SUBJECTS tables through common fields. The result will be the following diagram:

https://pandia.ru/text/78/259/images/image032_11.jpg" width="518" height="341 src=">


Get a list of excellent students in individual subjects. Indicate the student's last name, first name and the subject in which he has all quarter A's.

Command in educational language:


As a result of executing the query, we get the following table:


Calculate the sum of computer science grades for all students and display a list in descending order of the sum.

In the request, in the list of fields to be displayed, you can define a new field for which a name and a formula for calculating its values ​​will be specified. Let's call this field SUM. Sampling command in training language:

.choose STUDENTS. LAST NAME, AMOUNT: [RESULTS].+ [RESULTS].[ 2_QUARTER]+ [RESULTS].+ [RESULTS]. Where ITEMS. SUBJECT_NAME= ”Informatics” sort SUM By descending

Note the colon after the calculated field name and the square brackets in the expression to calculate the sum. The field name enclosed in parentheses indicates the value of this field. As a result, we get the following table:

LEVEL 2: DIY assignments

Describes the relationships of a relational database for an information system in a specific subject area.

1) select types for attributes

2) Using the Table BuilderAccess, create appropriate tables, organize connections and build a diagram

3) Create forms to view and fill out tables

4) Fill tables with specific data

5) Using the query designer, implement the specified queries to the database

Option 1. Kitchen.

Cook ( Number, Full name, Place of work, Rank)

Products ( Cipher, Name, Price, Quantity)

Dish ( Cipher, Name, Recipe_number)

Manufacturing ( Number _cooks, Cipher _product, Cipher _dishes, Product_consumption)

Production shows which cook uses which product in what quantity to make which dish.

1) – print the name of the most expensive dish;

2) – print the names of dishes that use all the products;

3) – print the names of all the cooks who prepare all the dishes;

4) – display the names of products that are not used to prepare the specified dish;

5) – print the names of the chefs who prepare the same dishes as the specified chef;

6) – print the names of the products that are not enough for the specified cook to prepare the specified dish.

Option 2. Clinic.

Sick ( Cipher, Full name, Date of birth, Weight, Height)

Medicine ( Cipher, Name, Manufacturer)

Purpose ( Number _doctor, Cipher _sick, Cipher _medicines, Dosage)

The prescription shows which patient and which doctor prescribed which medicine in what dosage.

Implement the following queries to the database:

1) display the names of patients to whom different doctors prescribed the same medicine in different dosages;

2) display the names of doctors who did not prescribe the specified medicine;

3) display the names of medications that were prescribed to all patients;

4) display the specializations of the doctors who treated the specified patient;

5) display the full name of the highest sick specified doctor;

6) display the names of medications that are most often prescribed by the specified doctor.

Option 3. Library.

Book ( Number, Title, Publisher, Year_of_publication, Number_of_pages)

Shelf ( Cipher, Name, Location)

Arrangement ( Number _books, Number _author, Cipher _shelves, Quantity)

The arrangement shows which shelf is on which author, which book is in what number of copies.

Implement the following queries to the database:

2) display the names of the shelves on which books published in the specified year are located;

4) display the name of the city in which the author whose book has the most pages on a given shelf lives;

6) display a list of publishing houses whose books are in the library.

Option 4. Salon.

Client ( Cipher, Full name, Age, Hair type)

Master ( Cipher, Full name, Qualification)

Hairstyles ( Cipher, Name, Price, Time)

Orders ( Client code, Master's code, Hairstyle code, date Time)

Orders show which hairstyle was or will be done for which client, which hairdresser.

Implement the following queries to the database:

1) display a list of clients indicating the order amount for the specified master;

2) display a list of qualifications of craftsmen for the specified client;

3) display a list of names of hairstyles performed by the specified hairdresser for the specified client;

4) display a list of hairstyles for the specified hair type or age;

5) display the name and qualifications of the master who completed orders for the largest amount;

6) bring out a master who knows how to do all hairstyles;

7) bring out clients who had their hair done by all the hairdressers;

8) display hairstyles that were not done to the specified client;

9) display the masters who are most loaded in the specified task;

10) display the name and age of the client who spent greatest number

Option 5. Production.

Worker ( Cipher, Full name, Rank, Place of work)

Details ( Cipher, Name, Price)

Product ( Cipher, Name, Project number)

Manufacturing ( Worker code, Part code, Product code, Number of details)

Implement the following queries to the database:

1) withdraw workers who did not participate in the manufacture of the specified product;

2) display the parts that are used in all products;

3) bring out products that use all the parts;

4) withdraw workers who did not participate in the manufacture of these products;

5) display the price of the specified product;

6) display the names of products in which the specified part is used;

7) display the full names of the workers who assembled the specified product;

8) display a list of parts used to assemble the specified product;

9) display the names of the products assembled by the specified worker;

10) display a list of parts used to assemble products at the specified place of work.

Option 6. Car service station.

Master ( Cipher, full name, qualification)

Cars ( Cipher, Brand, Color, Mileage)

Services ( Cipher, Name, Price, Lead time)

Orders ( Master's code, Machine code, Service code, Date of)

Implement the following queries to the database:

1) display a list of services performed for the specified machine;

2) withdraw the craftsmen who provided all the services;

3) bring out the cars that all the technicians were repairing;

4) remove the craftsmen who did not provide the specified service to machines of a given brand;

5) remove the craftsmen who did not repair cars of any of the given brands;

6) display the amount for which the specified master provided services on the specified date;

7) display a list of services performed by craftsmen of the specified qualifications;

8) display a list of services performed for cars of the specified brand and specified mileage;

9) display the make of the car for which the maximum time or amount was spent on repairs;

10) display a list of services provided on the specified date.

Option 7. Shop.

Goods ( Cipher, Name, Cost of a unit of measurement, Type of unit of measurement)

Departments ( Cipher, Name, Floor)

Sellers ( Cipher, Full name, Age, Gender, Department code (where he works))

Sales ( Product code, Seller code, Quantity, Date)

Sales show which product, in what quantity, when and by which seller was sold.

Implement the following queries to the database:

1) remove salespeople working in the highest department;

2) display the floor where the department with the largest number of employees is located;

3) display the date with the largest number of sales;

4) remove sellers who sell all goods;

5) remove departments where salespeople who do not sell goods work;

6) withdraw goods that are not for sale;

7) withdraw goods that are not sold by specified sellers;

8) display the full name of the seller who sold the largest amount of goods during the specified time period;

9) display information about the specified product (where, when, by whom and in what quantity it was sold);

10) display information about the specified department for the specified date (list of goods, list of employees);

11) display information about sales for each day for the specified time range for the store as a whole.

Option 8. Housing exchange agency.

Apartments ( Cipher, Number of rooms, Area, District, Floor, Demand/supply indicator)

Subscribers ( Cipher, full name, apartment code)

Agents ( Cipher, full name, office number)

Exchanges ( Apartment code 1, Apartment code 2, Agent code, Date of exchange, Amount paid by the first apartment for the second (may not be positive))

The exchange shows when, by whom and what apartment, for what amount was exchanged

Implement the following queries to the database:

1) withdraw apartments that were exchanged by all agents;

2) display the exchange history of the specified apartment;

3) remove agents who did not exchange apartments;

4) display a list of subscribers whose area and number of rooms exceed the specified values;

5) display a list of exchanges made by the specified agent;

6) display a list of apartments that meet the specified requirements;

7) display a list of apartments for the specified area and the specified characteristic;

8) display a list of agents who worked with the specified subscriber.

Information on a specific subject area is provided. Create a multi-table database that meets the requirements of the third normal shape. Fill out the tables with this information. Implement the specified requests.

Option 9. Department

At the university, in the Department of Higher Mathematics there is a professor, a professor, an associate professor, and a senior lecturer. At the Department of Applied Mathematics there is a professor, an associate professor, and an assistant.

has the following teaching load: teaches the discipline “Higher Algebra”: gives lectures in group MM25, conducts practice in groups MM12 and MM13. teaches the discipline "Programming": lectures in gr. MM12, practice in gr. PM34. teaches the discipline “Mathematical modeling”: lectures in groups PM44, PM45. Gives lectures on the course “Programming” in the PM34 group. teaches the discipline “Mathematical Analysis”: gives lectures in gr. MM13. gives lectures on mathematical analysis in the MM11 group. conducts practice in the discipline “Numerical Methods” in the PM31 group. teaches the discipline “Theory of Functions”: lectures in group PM23.

Study time is distributed as follows:

Lectures on mathematical analysis – 96 hours

Lectures on programming – 32 hours

Programming practice – 64 hours

Lectures on function theory – 64 hours

Lectures and practice in higher algebra – 32 hours each

Lectures on mathematical modeling – 48 hours

Practice on numerical methods– 64 hours

Implement the following queries

1. Get a list of all teachers of the Department of Applied Mathematics, indicating their position. Sort alphabetically by last name

3. Get a list of professors giving lectures, indicating the name of the discipline, study group and number of hours. Sort by descending number of hours.

4. Receive a list of practical classes taught by teachers of the Department of Applied Mathematics, indicating the name, position, group, discipline and number of hours. Sort by ascending number of hours.

Option 10. Book Shop

Electronic store www. ***** sells books by mail (cash on delivery or with prepayment). Regular customers of the store have discounts from 1 to 5 percent. The client can order an arbitrary number of books at the same time (this will be considered as one order).

During the period from January to May 2007, the following orders were made by customers of the electronic store:








The night Watch



The sands of Time





Montezuma's daughter

Wolfhound. Source-stone

The night Watch

The sands of Time

Saint Petersburg

Nevsky Prospekt 10-18

History of the dive bomber



Wolfhound. Source-stone

Normalize the above table and create the database structure using the table designer. Enter data into tables.

Implement the following queries to the database:

1. Display information about the order date, full name and city of the client, as well as the author and title of the book for all orders made in January-February 2007 by non-Muscovite clients. Sort information by order date.

2. Display the order date, client’s full name, city of residence, discount, book price, as well as information about the cost of the order taking into account the discount (create a calculated field) for all clients, sorting the final table by date.

4. Display information about the total amount of orders for each of the dates given in the database (use the “Group operations” button and the sum group operation).

5. Display the total cost of all orders made for each individual client (use the “Group operations” button and the sum group operation).

LEVEL 3: creative tasks

The following assignment options describe the subject area for which the information system is being created and the basic requirements for the database. Build an informational data model; develop a relational database schema; fill the database with selected (invented) information; build at least seven different database queries that will use simple and complex selection conditions, sorting, group operations, and calculated fields.

Option 1. Develop a database for the distribution and accounting of available places in boarding house. The boarding house has several buildings, each of which contains a different number of beds, different types in various rooms (single, multi-bed, luxury, junior suite). Places may be vacant, occupied, or closed for renovation. The vouchers sold to the boarding house indicate such attributes as the building, type of place, date of arrival, length of stay. Short-term accommodation in a more expensive place is possible with an appropriate surcharge. The system must ensure the distribution of places in accordance with the vouchers sold, ensure the receipt of reports on given places and changes in their occupancy a month before release, and report information to the voucher sales system.

Option 2. Develop a database for the reference and accounting system hospital inpatient. A patient with a certain diagnosis (from the list) is admitted to a hospital inpatient unit and is sent to a ward. During the treatment process, he receives some procedures and undergoes examinations. The doctor makes the appropriate prescriptions. The patient can be transferred from ward to ward in accordance with his condition. The database must store all the necessary information from the patient’s admission to discharge.

Option 3.Exam Schedule. The database should contain information about exams for groups of different specialties and courses, about teachers and audiences taking exams. It is necessary to solve the problem of scheduling exams for groups by day, teacher and audience. Between exams you must pause for a certain number of days, depending on the exam. Examinations should not be held on Sundays and holidays. There should be no conflict of audiences (different groups at the same time in the same classroom) and conflict of teachers (the same teacher in different groups at the same time).

Option 4.Design a relational databaseFamily budget. The database should contain information about family expenses on clothing, furniture, food, entertainment, recreation, etc. It is necessary to keep records of replenishments and expenses of the family budget, make forecasts for the near future about replenishments and necessary expenses, order necessary products taking into account calorie content and the required variety.

Option 5.Design a relational databaseToys. The database should store information about the availability of goods in the toy store, their manufacturers, and the age of the children for whom the toys are intended. It is necessary to solve the problems of accounting for sales, processing applications for the supply of new batches of toys, expanding sales of toys that are in demand, and purchasing new promising toys.

Topics for abstracts in the section “Information systems and databases”

1. Information reference systems in human society.

2. History of the development of database technologies

3. Databases and the Internet.

4. Geographic information systems.

5. Design and programming of databases.


7. Information system "Galaktika".

8. Information system “Consultant Plus”

9. Information system "Garant Plus"

  • Direction 230400 “Information systems and technologies”, 20.25kb.
  • Discipline program "Banking information systems. Marketing of banking information systems", 291.97kb.
  • Computer science lesson “Information models”, 76.56kb.
  • Discipline program "Information systems design" Discipline index, 261.62kb.
  • Course program for direction 230200. 68 “Information systems. Database Program, 119.9kb.
  • Topics of abstracts on information technology Information systems. Classification, 8.5kb.
  • Material and information models, 27.68kb.
  • Course program “Computer and systems architecture” 2nd year, specialty: “Information systems”, 181.11kb.
  • Program 3 Information and Computing Technologies in Adoption Support Problems, 598.4kb.
  • Grade 11

    Workshop for Chapter 1 “Information Systems”

    Section 1. Systemology

    Work 1.1. Models of systems (to §1.1.2)

    Using a text editor, prepare a short report on the topic “System Models” by completing the following two tasks.

    EXERCISE 1. Black box model
    Describe the problem of multiple variants of the “black box” model for the same system using examples of systems familiar to you: radio, car, computer, canteen, school, etc. (you can continue the list). List the unwanted inputs and outputs. Determine how to eliminate system deficiencies (unwanted connections with the environment). Present the description in tabular form.
    TASK 2. System composition model
    Draw graphically a model of the composition of the systems considered in the first task. Justify your model in terms of its purpose. Note which components of the system in this model are considered as elements and which as subsystems.

    TASK 3. Building a block diagram of a complex system

    Option 1

    Using graphic tools, draw a diagram reflecting the composition and structure of a tank battalion of the German Army, shown in Fig. 1.


    Level 2: Self-development assignments

    Option 2

    Construct a graph showing the composition and structure of a motorized infantry battalion of the German Army (1970 model) according to the following description.

    The battalion on infantry fighting vehicles (infantry fighting vehicles) had a strength of 764 people. At the head of the battalion was a commander, to whom the headquarters and 5 companies were subordinate: headquarters and supply, mortar and 3 motorized infantry. The headquarters and supply company consisted of control and 3 platoons: headquarters, communications and supply. The headquarters platoon had 4 sections: headquarters, motorcyclists, transport and reconnaissance. The communications platoon had 3 radio communications sections and 2 wire communications sections. The supply platoon had 4 sections: logistics, food supply, transport and sanitary. The mortar company consisted of a command and control unit, two forward observation sections, a support section and 6 crews of 120 mm mortars.

    Each motorized infantry company (163 people) consisted of 3 motorized infantry platoons of 48 people each. Each platoon consisted of a control group and 4 motorized infantry squads of 10 people each. The squad was divided into two groups: the first - the vehicle commander, the gunner-operator (the Marder MBP was equipped with a 20-mm cannon and two machine guns) and the driver; the second - squad leader, machine gunner, grenade launcher, flamethrower and 3rd rifleman.

    TASK 4. Construction of classification graphs

    Level 1: completing the task according to the sample

    Option 1.

    Using graphic tools, draw a diagram reflecting the classification of geometric objects shown in Fig. 2.

    Level 2: Self-development assignments

    Construct a classification graph for the described system.

    Option 1. Biological classification

    . According to the biological classification, there are 3 empires (superkingdoms): archaeobacteria, eukaryotes and prokaryotes. The eukaryte empire includes the kingdoms of fungi, plants and animals. The animal kingdom includes the types of arthropods, mollusks, echinoderms, coelenterates, chordates, etc. The phylum of chordates includes the classes of fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals, and birds. The class of mammals includes the orders of whales, pinnipeds, carnivores, rodents, ungulates, etc. The order of carnivores includes the families of bears, raccoons, canines, civets, felines, etc. The canines family includes the genera of foxes, raccoon dogs, dogs, fennecs, arctic foxes, etc. The genus of dogs includes species of domestic dogs, wolves, jackals, and coyotes. Domestic dogs include shepherds, spaniels, divers, St. Bernards, Great Danes, lapdogs, etc.

    Option 2. Classification in Russian

    Sentences in the Russian language are classified according to their composition, intonation and purpose of the statement.

    Based on their composition, sentences are divided into non-widespread and widespread. Unexpanded sentences consist of only two members: subject and predicate. An example of an uncommon sentence: “The birds have flown.” Common sentences consist of a subject, a predicate and minor clauses. An example of a common sentence: “In early spring the first birds arrived.”

    Based on intonation, sentences are divided into exclamatory (“Spring has come!”) and non-exclamatory (“Spring has come.”).

    According to the purpose of the statement, sentences are divided into narrative, interrogative and incentive. Declarative sentence: “We collected a lot of mushrooms and berries.” Interrogative sentence: “Have you collected a lot of mushrooms and berries?” Incentive sentence: “Pick mushrooms and berries!”

    Work 1.2. Designing an information model (to §1.1.4)

    Level 3: creative tasks

    To complete an individual project, select a subject area from the list below. The list can be supplemented by the teacher or students. Conduct a system analysis of the subject area and try to build an information model.

    Topics of assignments for individual design

    1. Hospital (inpatient department)
    2. Hospital (clinic)
    3. School lesson schedule
    4. Library (books, readers, librarians)
    5. Road traffic accidents (participants, cars, circumstances of the accident)
    6. Football championship (teams, game schedule, game results, players)
    7. City telephone network (PBX, subscribers, payment, negotiations)
    8. Air flights (planes, pilots, flights, passengers)
    9. Human resources department of the enterprise (departments, employees, positions, salaries...)
    10. Trade enterprise (departments, goods, sellers, ....)

    Topics for abstracts in the section “Systemology”

    1. Various approaches to defining a system in science
    2. Systems approach and systems analysis
    3. The problem of systematization in the natural sciences
    4. The problem of systematization in the humanities
    5. Classification of computer information systems

    Section 2. Databases

    LEVEL 1: completing tasks according to the sample

    Work 2.1. Introduction to MS Access DBMS

    Goal of the work: mastering the simplest techniques for working with a ready-made database in the MS Access DBMS environment:

    • opening a database
    • viewing the database structure in “Design” mode
    • viewing the contents of the database in the “Table” and “Form” modes
    • adding records via form
    • quick table sort
    • using a filter

    Software used: MS Access.

    Note: to perform this work, a single-table database “VIDEO LIBRARY” must first be prepared, the structure and contents of which are described in the Appendix to this work, and a form for this table must also be created. In what follows, we will call the table in which information about video discs is stored, as well as the corresponding form, “Video discs.”

    reference Information

    There are DBMSs that are programmer-oriented and end-user-oriented. Any actions performed with the database are performed on a computer using programs. Programmer-oriented DBMSs are actually programming systems with their own specialized language, in the environment of which programmers create database processing programs. These programs are then used by end users. DBMS of this type include FoxPro, Paradox, etc.

    Microsoft Access DBMS (MS Access) is an end-user-oriented system. It allows the user, without resorting to programming, to easily perform basic operations with the database: creating, editing and manipulating data. MS Access runs in the Windows operating environment and can be used both on a standalone PC and on a local computer network. Using Access, personal databases are created and operated, as well as corporate databases with a relatively small amount of data. MS Access is not suitable for creating large industrial information systems.

    Wednesday Access (see Fig. 3) has an interface typical for Windows applications and includes the following components: a title bar with window control buttons, a main menu, a toolbar, a work field and a status bar. A window corresponding to the selected operating mode is installed on the working field. In Fig. 6, a window is open corresponding to the main mode - the mode of working with a database, the submode of working with a table. As with any application, Access has a hierarchy of modes, which will be discussed below.

    Fig.3. MS Access environment with a database window on the workspace

    Data, with which the DBMS works, can also be arranged in a hierarchical sequence. At the top level of this hierarchy are the main MS Access objects. These include: tables, requests, forms, reports, macros and modules.

    Table is the main type of object. All other types of objects are derived from the table. The data elements that make up a table are records and fields. The properties of table elements are determined by types, field formats, and some other parameters.

    Form– this is an auxiliary object, which, in principle, can be dispensed with. Forms are created to improve the user experience when viewing, entering, and editing data in tables.

    Request– the result of a user accessing the DBMS to search for data, add, delete and update records. The result of the search (sampling) of data is presented in tabular form. The term “query” also refers to the commands themselves for accessing the DBMS.

    Report– this is a document intended for printing, generated on the basis of information contained in tables and queries.

    Macros And modules are objects of increased complexity and may not be used during initial acquaintance with MS Access.

    Another special type of data is scheme– description of the structure of relationships in a multi-table database.

    Operating modes Access DBMSs are diverse. Just like for other Windows applications, the hierarchy of modes is implemented through the main menu. There are general modes: working with files (menu File); working with the clipboard (menu Edit); environment setting mode (menu View); help mode (menu Reference). However, the main mode can be called the database mode. It is installed after running the command [ File –Create Database] or [ File – Open Database]. Since the database is stored in a file, in the first case the system will require you to specify the name and storage location of the file, and in the second case - to point to an existing file with the database.

    After opening the database window on the screen (Fig. 3), submodes for working with the main Access objects become available: tables, queries, forms and reports, which are initiated by opening the corresponding tabs in the window. Each of these modes offers a choice of three command buttons: open, constructor, create. If the corresponding object has not yet been created, then only the command is active create. If an object in the window is selected from any of the existing objects, then the commands will also be active open And constructor. Team open allows you to view the object, and the command constructor– view or change the structure of an object.

    Teams are given through the main menu, through buttons on the toolbar or in windows, through the context menu (using the right mouse button). The set of active commands, as a rule, is contextual in nature, i.e. depends on the current operating mode. The most important commands are located on the toolbar.


    1. Launch MS Access.
    2. Open the “VIDEO LIBRARY” database (the path and file in which the database is stored will be indicated by the teacher).
    3. Set the mode for working with the table (the “Tables” tab). Open the “Cassettes” table: command Open. Examine the contents of the table.
    4. Close the table. Switch to table designer mode: command Constructor.
    5. Consistently moving from field to field, get acquainted with the properties of the fields: types, formats, descriptions.
    6. Close the constructor.
    TASK 2

    TASK 3

    In this task, actions are performed to sort records in a full table.

    1. Sort the table in alphabetical order of movie titles (the sort key is the “Movie” field). For this:
     highlight the “Movie” column (click on the title)
    1. Sort the table by two keys: “Country” and “Time” in descending order. For this:
     select two columns: “Country” and “Time” (click on the headings while holding down the key)

     use the context menu or button on the toolbar to sort.

    Pay attention to the result: records with the same value in the “Country” field are arranged in descending order of the “Time” field. Here "Country" is called the primary and "Time" is called the secondary sort key.

    TASK 4

    This task performs actions related to selecting records from a table using a filter.

    1. Open the “Cassettes” table.
    2. Using a filter, select all cassettes issued to clients. For this:
     give a command PostsFilterChange filter or via button

     in the template that appears, in the “Issued” field, click on the checkbox (tick)

     give a command FilterApply filter or via button

    1. Similarly to the previous one, select all unissued cassettes.
    2. Select all films made in the USA.


    Database "VIDEO LIBRARY"

    Table structure

    Field name






    Video cassette number




    Movie title

    A country



    Country where the film was filmed



    Film duration in min.




    film genre



    Date of purchase of the cassette



    Yes - if the cassette is issued, no - if the cassette is in place

    Database table



    A country






    Fifth Element














    Caucasian captive










    action movie




    Nicknamed the Beast...



    action movie







    action movie











    Disco dancer







    Time Patrol







    Only the strongest



    action movie




    Romeo and Juliet







    Zita and Gita







    The weather is good on Deribasovskaya..














    Jurassic Park










    action movie




    lost World







    American fight



    action movie











    Tango and Cash



    action movie

