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The tenth planet of the solar system is Gloria. Gloria is the Earth's twin! Does planet earth have a twin?

Gloria is the Anti-Earth behind the Sun. A mysterious celestial body that is a twin of the Earth. What is Anti-Earth and how did researchers find out about it? We have always been fascinated by the search for the unusual and unknown. The discovery of new secrets has always been one of the priorities in the development of mankind.

Earth's twin - planet Gloria

At first glance, the solar system has already been explored quite well. However, the ancient Egyptians did not think so. It was the Egyptians’ ideas about the world of “doubles” that influenced the cosmogony of Philolaus. He placed in the center of the universe not the Earth, as other thinkers had previously done, but the sun. All other planets, including the Earth, revolved around the sun. And according to Philolaus, in the Earth’s orbit at a mirror opposite point there was a body similar to it called the Anti-Earth.

Today we do not have accurate evidence of the presence of any body behind the Sun, but we cannot deny this possibility. According to some scientists, this twin planet is 2.5 times the size of the Earth and is located at a distance of 600 light years from it. For Earth, this is the closest twin planet. The average temperature on this planet is 22 degrees Celsius. Scientists have not yet figured out what it consists of - solid rock, gas or liquid. A year on Gloria is 290 days.

Astronomy suggests the possibility of accumulation of matter at libration points in the Earth's orbit, one of which is located behind the Sun, but the position of this body at this point is very unstable. But the Earth itself is located at this very libration point, and here the question of their mutual position becomes not so simple. Have you ever wondered: “Is there a large area that the Sun blocks from our view?” The answer is obvious - Yes, very large. Its diameter exceeds 600 times the diameter of the Earth.

Scientists named this hypothetical body Gloria. There are several reasons that it really exists. So... The Earth's orbit is special, since the planets of other orbits of the Earth group - Mercury, Venus, Mars - are symmetrical relative to it in a number of characteristics. A similar pattern is observed among the planets of the Jupiter group - in relation to its orbit, but it seems more natural, since Jupiter is a giant and is 3 times larger than Saturn. But the mass of Earth’s neighbor, Venus, is as much as 18% lower than ours. From this we can conclude that the Earth’s orbit cannot be special, but nevertheless it is. Second. The theory of the movement of Venus was not given to scientists for a long time. They just couldn’t understand the quirks of her movement. It either advances or lags behind the estimated time. It turns out that some unknown and invisible forces are acting on Venus. Mars behaves the same way. Moreover, when Venus is ahead of its schedule of running in orbit, Mars, on the contrary, lags behind it. All this can only be explained by the presence of some common cause.

Gloria declared its existence back in the 17th century when the director of the Paris Observatory Cassini saw an unknown object near Venus. This object was sickle-shaped. It was a celestial body, but not a star. Then he thought that he had discovered a satellite of Venus. The size of this supposed satellite was enormous, approximately 1/4 of the Moon. In 1740 the object was seen by Short, in 1759 by Mayer, and in 1761 by Rotkier. Then the body disappeared from view. The crescent shape of the object indicated a large size, but it was not a nova.
Back in the period of Ancient Egypt, it was generally accepted that each of us has our own energetic, astral double. Later they began to call him Soul. It is from there that the theory of the existence of the Anti-Earth originates. Researchers believe that our “double” is inhabited. After all, it is located at almost the same distance from the Sun as the Earth, and its speed of movement is almost the same. A team of researchers searching for twin planets said they have found 1,094 planets that are suitable twin planets for Earth. When scientists confirm the status of these candidates, the search for extraterrestrial civilizations will be more targeted. So, we will wait for new discoveries...

There is a theory that on the opposite side of the Sun in Earth's orbit there is an Earth-like body - the Anti-Earth.

In the orbit of the Earth (the Earth rotates in a third orbit), TWO planets move around the Sun: the Earth and some other planet. The Sun looks at the Earth, whose size (mass) is smaller than that of the planet behind it. The mysterious planet is located diametrically opposite to us, behind the Sun, so we don’t see it! Obviously, the Egyptians tried to perpetuate the information received from the Nefers, so it was preserved not only on the walls of the burials of the Valley of the Kings, but also in the cosmogony of the neo-Pythagorean Philolaus, who argued that in the orbit of the Earth behind the Sun, which he called Hestna (central fire), there is an Earth-like body - Anti-Earth.
Here are some interesting facts recorded by astronomers:
Early in the morning of January 25, 1672, the director of the Paris Observatory, Giovanni Domenico Cassini, discovered an unknown crescent-shaped body near Venus, which had a shadow that directly indicated that the body was a large planet and not a star. Venus was also crescent-shaped at that moment, so at first, Cassini assumed that it was its satellite that was discovered. The body size was very large. He estimated them to be a quarter of the diameter of Venus. 14 years later, on August 18, 1686, Cassini saw this planet again, which he left a note in his diary.
On October 23, 1740, shortly before sunrise, a mysterious planet was noticed by a member of the Royal Scientific Society and amateur astronomer James Short. Pointing the reflecting telescope at Venus, he saw a small “star” very close to it. Having aimed another telescope at it, magnifying the image 50-60 times and equipped with a micrometer, he determined its distance from Venus to be about 10.2°. Venus was observed extremely clearly. The air was very clear, so Short looked at this “star” at 240 times magnification and, to his great surprise, discovered that it was in the same phase as Venus. This means that Venus and the mysterious planet were illuminated by our Sun, and the crescent-shaped shadow was the same as on the visible disk of Venus. The planet's apparent diameter was about a third the diameter of Venus. Its light was not so bright or clear, but with extremely sharp and clear outlines, due to the fact that it was located much further from the Sun than Venus. The line passing through the center of Venus and the planet formed an angle of about 18-20° to the equator of Venus. Short observed the planet for an hour, but the Sun's glow increased and he lost it at about 8:15 am.
The next observation was made on May 20, 1759 by astronomer Andreas Mayer from Greifswald (Germany).
An unprecedented failure of the solar “dynamo” that occurred at the end of the 17th - beginning of the 18th centuries (also manifested itself in the Maunder minimum, when there were practically no spots on the Sun for fifty years) became the cause of the orbital instability of the Anti-Earth. 1761 was the year of her most frequent observations. For several days in a row: on February 10, 11 and 12, reports of observations of the planet (a satellite of Venus) came from Joseph Louis Lagrange (J.L. Lagrange) from Marseille, who later became director of the Berlin Academy of Sciences.
On March 3, 4, 7 and 11, she was observed by Jacques Montaigne, a member of the Limoges Association.
A month later - on March 15, 28 and 29, Montbarro from Auxerre (France) also saw a celestial body through his telescope, which he considered a “satellite of Venus.” Eight observations of this body in June, July, and August were made by Redner from Copenhagen.
In 1764, the mysterious planet was observed by Roedkier. On January 3, 1768, it was observed by Christian Horrebow from Copenhagen. The latest observation was made on August 13, 1892. American astronomer Edward Emerson Barnard noticed an unknown object of seventh magnitude near Venus (where there were no stars with which the observation could be associated). Then the planet went behind the Sun. According to various estimates, the size of the observed planet ranged from a quarter to a third the size of Venus.
If a puzzled reader has a remark about the achievements of modern astronomy and spaceships roaming the expanses of the solar system, we will immediately put everything in its place.
A very important circumstance that remains outside the field of view of non-specialists is that vehicles flying in outer space do not “look around”. In order to constantly refine and correct the orbit, the “electronic eyes” of space stations are aimed at specific space objects used for orientation purposes, for example, at the star Canopus.
The distance from the Earth to the Anti-Earth is so great, taking into account the size of the Sun and the effects it creates, that in the endless expanses of solar space a fairly large cosmic body can “get lost”, remaining invisible for a long time.

System: Earth - Sun - Anti-Earth.

The invisible portion of the Earth's orbit behind the Sun is equal to 600 times the diameter of the Earth.
The average distance from the Earth to the Sun is 149,600,000 km, respectively, the distance from the Sun to the Anti-Earth is the same, since it is in the Earth’s orbit behind the Sun. The equatorial diameter of the Sun is 1,392,000 km or 109 times the diameter of the Earth. The equatorial diameter of the Earth is 12,756 km. If we add up the distances from the Earth to the Sun and from the Sun to the Anti-Earth, taking into account the diameter of the Sun, then the total distance from the Earth to the Anti-Earth will be: 300,592,000 km. Dividing this distance by the diameter of the Earth, we get 23564.75.

Now let’s simulate the situation by imagining the Earth as an object with a diameter of 1 meter (i.e. on a scale of 1 to 12,756,000), and see how the Anti-Earth will look in comparison with the Earth in the photograph. To do this, take 2 globes with a diameter of 1 meter. If the first Earth globe is placed immediately in front of the camera lens, and the other Anti-Earth is placed in the background, observing the scale corresponding to our calculations, then the distance between the two globes will be 23 kilometers 564.75 meters. Obviously, at such a distance, the Anti-Earth globe in the resulting frame will be so small that it is simply invisible. The resolution of the camera and the size of the frame will not be sufficient for both globes to be visible on film or print at the same time, especially if a powerful light source is placed in the middle of the distance between the globes, simulating the Sun with a diameter of 109 meters! Therefore, given the distances, size and luminosity of the Sun, and the fact that the gaze of science is directed in a completely different direction, it is not surprising why the Anti-Earth remains unnoticed.
The invisible portion of space behind the Sun, taking into account the solar corona, is equal to ten diameters of the lunar orbit or 600 diameters of the Earth. Therefore, there is more than enough space for the mysterious planet to hide. The American astronauts who landed on the Moon could not see this planet; to do this, they would have had to fly 10-15 times further.
To make sure once and for all that we are not alone in the universe, and that “brothers in mind” are very close, but not where astronomers are looking for them, we should take photographs of the corresponding section of the Earth’s orbit. The SOHO space telescope, which constantly photographs the Sun, is close to the Earth, therefore, in principle, it cannot see the planet behind the Sun unless it once again changes its position as a result of powerful solar magnetic storms, as happened in the late 17th and early 17th centuries. XVIII centuries.

The position of the SOHO telescope relative to the Sun and Anti-Earth.

A series of photographs from stations located in near-Mars orbit could clarify the situation, but the angle and magnification must be sufficient, otherwise the discovery will again be postponed. The secret of the Anti-Earth is hidden not only by the abyss of outer space, the blindness and indifference of science to what historical monuments store, but also by someone’s invisible efforts.
In connection with all the above facts, it can be assumed that the disappearance of the Soviet automatic station “Phobos-1” was most likely due to the fact that it could become an untimely “witness”. Having launched on July 7, 1988 from the Baikonur Cosmodrome towards Mars and, having entered the designed orbit, in accordance with the program, the station began to photograph the Sun. 140 X-ray images of our star were transmitted to Earth, and if Phobos-1 had continued filming further, it would have received an image that would have been followed by an epoch-making discovery. But in that 1988, the discovery was not supposed to happen, so all news agencies in the world reported the loss of contact with the Phobos-1 station.
Il. 6. Planet Mars and its satellite - Phobos.
Below right is a photograph of a cigar-shaped object next to Mars' moon Phobos, taken from the Phobos 2 station. The size of the satellite is 28x20x18 km, from which it can be judged that the photographed object was of enormous size.
The fate of Phobos 2, launched on July 12, 1988, was similar, although it managed to reach the vicinity of Mars, probably because it did not take pictures of the Sun. However, on March 25, 1989, when approaching the Martian satellite Phobos, communication with the spacecraft was interrupted. The last image transmitted to Earth captured a strange, cigar-shaped object, which, apparently, rejected Phobos 2. This is not a list of all the “strange things” happening in our solar system, which official science prefers to hush up. Judge for yourself. Astrophysicist Kirill Pavlovich Butusov tells.
“The presence of a planet behind the Sun and the intelligent behavior of certain forces in connection with it are indicated by unusual comets, about which quite a lot of data has accumulated. These are comets that sometimes fly behind the Sun, but do not fly back, as if it were a spaceship. Or another very interesting example - the comet of Roland Aren in 1956, which was perceived in the radio range. Its radiation was received by radio astronomers. When comet Roland Arena appeared from behind the Sun, a transmitter was operating in its tail at a wavelength of about 30 meters. Then, in the tail of the comet, a transmitter started working at a wave of half a meter, separated from the comet and moved back behind the Sun. Another generally incredible fact is comets that flew by, as if on an inspection basis, flying around the planets of the solar system one by one.”
All this is more than curious, but let’s not be distracted from the main thing and go back to the past.
The crescent-shaped body that appeared from behind the star is the very 12th planet, which was not enough for a harmonious and stable picture of the structure of the Solar system, consistent, among other things, with ancient texts. By the way, the Sumerians claimed that it was from the twelfth planet of our solar system that the “Gods of Heaven and Earth” descended to Earth.
It should be emphasized that the location of this planet precisely behind the Sun places it in an area favorable for life, in contrast to the planet Marduk (according to Sitchin), whose orbital period is 3600 years and whose orbit goes far beyond the “belt of life” and beyond the Solar system makes the existence of life on such a planet impossible.
Agree, this turn is somewhat puzzling - but gradually everything begins to fall into place. Therefore, the first conclusion from the above, which we will put in a prominent place, is that the “Source” of ancient knowledge seemed to be of alien origin!5 This forces us to radically reconsider the attitude towards the surviving monuments of antiquity, which probably contain invaluable information about the environment around us the world, man, the actual history of the Earth and our amazing ancestors.

If any of the readers have the feeling that this is a science fiction novel, and the very possibility of the existence of deep scientific ideas among our distant ancestors is still in doubt, let's make a short digression and make sure that the worldview of the ancients, at least in its origins , was deeply scientific.
To do this, let us abstract from the image from the tomb of Ramses VI, which contains a fragment of the “Book of the Earth”. In fairness, it is worth emphasizing that the title of this fragment as translated by classical Egyptologists sounds like this: “He Who Hides the Clock. Personification of a water clock" or "Phallic figure in a water clock"!? How do you like it? Such a ridiculous translation is the result of an incredible way of thinking and incorrect translation of hieroglyphs.

The presence or absence of Anti-Earth confirms the theory about the absence of the concept of infinity.

Gloria is the Anti-Earth behind the Sun. A mysterious celestial body that is a twin of the Earth. What is Anti-Earth and how did researchers find out about it? We have always been fascinated by the search for the unusual and unknown. The discovery of new secrets has always been one of the priorities in the development of mankind.

Gloria is the Anti-Earth behind the Sun. The mysterious celestial body is a twin of the Earth. What is Anti-Earth and how did researchers find out about it? We have always been fascinated by the search for the unusual and unknown. The discovery of new secrets has always been one of the priorities in the development of mankind

At first glance, the solar system has already been explored quite well. However, the ancient Egyptians did not think so. It was the Egyptians’ ideas about the world of “doubles” that influenced the cosmogony of Philolaus. He placed in the center of the universe not the Earth, as other thinkers had previously done, but the sun. All other planets, including the Earth, revolved around the sun. And according to Philolaus, in the Earth’s orbit at a mirror opposite point there was a body similar to it called the Anti-Earth.

Today we do not have accurate evidence of the presence of any body behind the Sun, but we cannot deny this possibility. According to some scientists, this twin planet is 2.5 times the size of the Earth and is located at a distance of 600 light years from it. For Earth, this is the closest twin planet. The average temperature on this planet is 22 degrees Celsius. Scientists have not yet figured out what it consists of - solid rock, gas or liquid. A year on Gloria is 290 days

Astronomy suggests the possibility of accumulation of matter at libration points in the Earth's orbit, one of which is located behind the Sun, but the position of this body at this point is very unstable. But the Earth itself is located at this very libration point, and here the question of their mutual position becomes not so simple. Have you ever asked yourself the question: “Is there a large area blocked from our view by the Sun?” The answer is obvious - Yes, very large. Its diameter exceeds 600 diameters of the Earth

Scientists named this hypothetical body Gloria. There are several reasons that it really exists. So... The Earth's orbit is special, since the planets of other orbits of the Earth group - Mercury, Venus, Mars - are symmetrical relative to it in a number of characteristics. A similar pattern is observed among the planets of the Jupiter group - in relation to its orbit, but it seems more natural, since Jupiter is a giant and is 3 times larger than Saturn. But the mass of Earth’s neighbor, Venus, is as much as 18% lower than ours. From this we can conclude that the Earth’s orbit cannot be special, but nevertheless it is. Second. The theory of the movement of Venus was not given to scientists for a long time. They just couldn’t understand the quirks of her movement. It either advances or lags behind the estimated time. It turns out that some unknown and invisible forces are acting on Venus. Mars behaves the same way. Moreover, when Venus is ahead of its schedule of running in orbit, Mars, on the contrary, lags behind it. All this can only be explained by the presence of some common cause

Gloria declared its existence back in the 17th century when the director of the Paris Observatory Cassini saw an unknown object near Venus. This object was sickle-shaped. It was a celestial body, but not a star. Then he thought that he had discovered a satellite of Venus. The size of this supposed satellite was enormous, approximately 1/4 of the Moon. In 1740 the object was seen by Short, in 1759 by Mayer, and in 1761 by Rotkier. Then the body disappeared from view. The crescent shape of the object indicated a large size, but it was not a nova

Back in the period of Ancient Egypt, it was generally accepted that each of us has our own energetic, astral double. Later they began to call him Soul. It is from there that the theory of the existence of the Anti-Earth originates

Researchers believe that our “double” is inhabited. After all, it is located at almost the same distance from the Sun as the Earth, and its speed of movement is almost the same. A team of researchers searching for twin planets said they have found 1,094 planets that are suitable twin planets for Earth. When scientists confirm the status of these candidates, the search for extraterrestrial civilizations will be more targeted. So, we will wait for new discoveries...

Message quote

In the footsteps of the “Gods”

Where have the gods gone? Scientists suspect that our planet has a twin counterpart, the so-called planet Gloria. In the Earth's orbit directly behind the Sun there is a point called libration (libration point), explains the astronomer.

This is the only place where Gloria can be. Because the planet rotates at the same speed as the Earth, it is almost always hidden behind the Sun. Moreover, it is impossible to see it even from the Moon.

Addition from Esigora:


This is itdiscovered structural patterns and quantum effects in the structure of the Solar System under the general title “Properties of symmetry and discreteness of the Solar System” (1959-67), on the basis of which he gave the parameters of the three supposed planets beyond Pluto (1973).
He developed the “Wave Cosmogony” of the Solar System (1974-87), which took into account the role of wave processes during its formation from the primary gas and dust cloud, and also explained a number of regularities in the structure of the Solar System. Based on the solution of wave equations, he obtained the exact parameters of the orbits of all observed planets and their satellites and made a forecast of a number of then undiscovered satellites of Uranus (1985), which was later confirmed.
He discovered the phenomenon of “resonance of beat waves”, on the basis of which he formulated the “law of planetary periods”, due to which the periods of planetary revolutions form the Fibonacci and Lucas number series and proved that the “law of planetary distances” of Johann Titius is a consequence of the “resonance of beat waves” ( 1977).
At the same time, he discovered the manifestation of the “golden section” in the distribution of a number of other parameters of bodies in the Solar System (1977). In this regard, he is working to create “golden mathematics” - a new number system based on the Phidias number (1.6180339), more adequate to the problems of astronomy, biology, architecture, aesthetics, music theory, etc.

Based on the identified patterns of similarity of the planets of the Solar system, as well as the similarity of the satellite systems of the Sun and Saturn, he suggested:

  • The solar system is binary, i.e. has a second extinct star “Raja-Sun” with a mass of about 2% of the mass of the Sun and an orbital period of 36,000 years (1983);
  • The Moon was formed from the same “building material” as Mars and was its satellite, and was subsequently captured by the Earth (1985);
  • in the Earth’s orbit at the libration point behind the Sun there is another planet similar to Earth - “Gloria” (1990). ..

To record it, you need to fly 15 times further. More ancient sources indirectly testify to the existence of Gloria. For example, a wall painting in the tomb of Pharaoh Ramesses VI. On it, the golden figure of a man apparently symbolizes the Sun. There are identical planets on both sides of it. Their dotted orbit passes through the third chakra. But the third planet from the sun is Earth!

Let's go to Egypt, to the Valley of the Kings. Our path to the burial of Ramesses VI, 20th dynasty of the New Kingdom. We go down and go inside, to the upper level J, to the right wall, to its central part. Here is the image we are interested in (Ill. 3)

Fragment of the Book of the Earth, part A, scene 7 from the burial of Ramesses VI in the Valley of the Kings.
This is a fragment of “The Book of the Earth”, part A, scene 7. This image contains several layers of information, but for now we will focus on the main thing.

The figure in the center of the composition is covered with yellow paint. Sperm drips from the phallus onto the head of a small human figure. What are your associations? This happened with Egyptologists.

Everything depicted here in brilliantly concrete language explains the following:

The figure in the center is the Sun, for this reason the color of the body is golden yellow. Phallus and sperm mean - life-giving! Look - a curved line passes through the center of the figure - this is an orbit. It passes through the third chakra (solar plexus), which directly indicates the orbital number. There are TWO planets in the indicated orbit, one in front of the figure, the other behind.

This composition directly shows that in the orbit of the Earth (the Earth rotates in a third orbit) TWO planets move around the Sun: the Earth and some other planet. The Sun looks at the Earth, whose size (mass) is smaller than that of the planet behind it. The mysterious planet is located diametrically opposite to us, behind the Sun, so we don’t see it! Obviously, the Egyptians tried to perpetuate the information received from the Nefers, so it was preserved not only on the walls of the burials of the Valley of the Kings, but also in the cosmogony of the neo-Pythagorean Philolaus, who argued that in the orbit of the Earth behind the Sun, which he called Hestna (central fire), there is an Earth-like body - Anti-Earth.

Here are some interesting facts recorded by astronomers:

Early in the morning of January 25, 1672, the director of the Paris Observatory, Giovanni Domenico Cassini, discovered an unknown crescent-shaped body near Venus, which had a shadow that directly indicated that the body was a large planet and not a star. Venus was also crescent-shaped at that moment, so at first, Cassini assumed that it was its satellite that was discovered. The body size was very large. He estimated them to be a quarter of the diameter of Venus. 14 years later, on August 18, 1686, Cassini saw this planet again, which he left a note in his diary.

On October 23, 1740, shortly before sunrise, a mysterious planet was noticed by a member of the Royal Scientific Society and amateur astronomer James Short. Pointing the reflecting telescope at Venus, he saw a small “star” very close to it. Having aimed another telescope at it, magnifying the image 50-60 times and equipped with a micrometer, he determined its distance from Venus to be about 10.2°. Venus was observed extremely clearly. The air was very clear, so Short looked at this “star” at 240 times magnification and, to his great surprise, discovered that it was in the same phase as Venus. This means that Venus and the mysterious planet were illuminated by our Sun, and the crescent-shaped shadow was the same as on the visible disk of Venus. The planet's apparent diameter was about a third the diameter of Venus. Its light was not so bright or clear, but with extremely sharp and clear outlines, due to the fact that it was located much further from the Sun than Venus. The line passing through the center of Venus and the planet formed an angle of about 18-20° to the equator of Venus. Short observed the planet for an hour, but the Sun's glow increased and he lost it at about 8:15 am.

The next observation was made on May 20, 1759 by astronomer Andreas Mayer from Greifswald (Germany).

An unprecedented failure of the solar “dynamo” that occurred at the end of the 17th - beginning of the 18th centuries (also manifested itself in the Maunder minimum, when there were practically no spots on the Sun for fifty years) became the cause of the orbital instability of the Anti-Earth. 1761 was the year of her most frequent observations. For several days in a row: on February 10, 11 and 12, reports of observations of the planet (a satellite of Venus) came from Joseph Louis Lagrange (J.L. Lagrange) from Marseille, who later became director of the Berlin Academy of Sciences.

A month later - on March 15, 28 and 29, Montbarro from Auxerre (France) also saw a celestial body through his telescope, which he considered a “satellite of Venus.” Eight observations of this body in June, July, and August were made by Redner from Copenhagen.

In 1764, the mysterious planet was observed by Roedkier. On January 3, 1768, it was observed by Christian Horrebow from Copenhagen. The latest observation was made on August 13, 1892. American astronomer Edward Emerson Barnard noticed an unknown object of seventh magnitude near Venus (where there were no stars with which the observation could be associated). Then the planet went behind the Sun. According to various estimates, the size of the observed planet ranged from a quarter to a third the size of Venus.

If a puzzled reader has a remark about the achievements of modern astronomy and spaceships roaming the expanses of the solar system, we will immediately put everything in its place.

A very important circumstance that remains outside the field of view of non-specialists is that vehicles flying in outer space do not “look around”. In order to constantly refine and correct the orbit, the “electronic eyes” of space stations are aimed at specific space objects used for orientation purposes, for example, at the star Canopus.

The distance from the Earth to the Anti-Earth is so great, taking into account the size of the Sun and the effects it creates, that in the endless expanses of solar space a fairly large cosmic body can “get lost”, remaining invisible for a long time. To make sure of this, let’s consider a clear example (Ill. 4).

Il. 4 System: Earth - Sun - Anti-Earth.
The invisible portion of the Earth's orbit behind the Sun is equal to 600 times the diameter of the Earth.

The average distance from the Earth to the Sun is 149,600,000 km, respectively, the distance from the Sun to the Anti-Earth is the same, since it is in the Earth’s orbit behind the Sun. The equatorial diameter of the Sun is 1,392,000 km or 109 times the diameter of the Earth. The equatorial diameter of the Earth is 12,756 km. If we add up the distances from the Earth to the Sun and from the Sun to the Anti-Earth, taking into account the diameter of the Sun, then the total distance from the Earth to the Anti-Earth will be: 300,592,000 km. Dividing this distance by the diameter of the Earth, we get 23564.75.

Now let’s simulate the situation by imagining the Earth as an object with a diameter of 1 meter (i.e. on a scale of 1 to 12,756,000), and see how the Anti-Earth will look in comparison with the Earth in the photograph. To do this, take 2 globes with a diameter of 1 meter. If the first Earth globe is placed immediately in front of the camera lens, and the other Anti-Earth is placed in the background, observing the scale corresponding to our calculations, then the distance between the two globes will be 23 kilometers 564.75 meters. Obviously, at such a distance, the Anti-Earth globe in the resulting frame will be so small that it is simply invisible. The resolution of the camera and the size of the frame will not be sufficient for both globes to be visible on film or print at the same time, especially if a powerful light source is placed in the middle of the distance between the globes, simulating the Sun with a diameter of 109 meters! Therefore, given the distances, size and luminosity of the Sun, and the fact that the gaze of science is directed in a completely different direction, it is not surprising why the Anti-Earth remains unnoticed.

The invisible portion of space behind the Sun, taking into account the solar corona, is equal to ten diameters of the lunar orbit or 600 diameters of the Earth. Therefore, there is more than enough space for the mysterious planet to hide. The American astronauts who landed on the Moon could not see this planet; to do this, they would have had to fly 10-15 times further.

To make sure once and for all that we are not alone in the universe, and that “brothers in mind” are very close, but not where astronomers are looking for them, we should take photographs of the corresponding section of the Earth’s orbit. The SOHO space telescope, which constantly photographs the Sun, is close to the Earth, therefore, in principle, it cannot see the planet behind the Sun (Fig. 5), unless it once again changes its position as a result of powerful solar magnetic storms, as happened at the end of the 17th and beginning of the 18th centuries.

Il. 5. Position of the SOHO telescope relative to the Sun and Anti-Earth

A series of photographs from stations located in near-Mars orbit could clarify the situation, but the angle and magnification must be sufficient, otherwise the discovery will again be postponed. The secret of the Anti-Earth is hidden not only by the abyss of outer space, the blindness and indifference of science to what historical monuments store, but also by someone’s invisible efforts.

In connection with all the above facts, it can be assumed that the disappearance of the Soviet automatic station “Phobos-1” was most likely due to the fact that it could become an untimely “witness”. Having launched on July 7, 1988 from the Baikonur Cosmodrome towards Mars and, having entered the designed orbit, in accordance with the program, the station began to photograph the Sun. 140 X-ray images of our star were transmitted to Earth, and if Phobos-1 had continued filming further, it would have received an image that would have been followed by an epoch-making discovery. But in that 1988, the discovery was not supposed to happen, so all news agencies in the world reported the loss of contact with the Phobos-1 station.

Il. 6. Planet Mars and its satellite - Phobos.
Below right is a photograph of a cigar-shaped object next to Mars' moon Phobos, taken from the Phobos 2 station. The size of the satellite is 28x20x18 km, from which it can be judged that the photographed object was of enormous size.

The fate of Phobos 2, launched on July 12, 1988, was similar, although it managed to reach the vicinity of Mars, probably because it did not take pictures of the Sun. However, on March 25, 1989, when approaching the Martian satellite Phobos, communication with the spacecraft was interrupted. The last image transmitted to Earth captured a strange, cigar-shaped object (Ill. 6), which, apparently, was rejected by Phobos-2. This is not a list of all the “strange things” happening in our solar system, which official science prefers to hush up. Judge for yourself. Astrophysicist Kirill Pavlovich Butusov tells.

“The presence of a planet behind the Sun and the intelligent behavior of certain forces in connection with it are indicated by unusual comets, about which quite a lot of data has accumulated. These are comets that sometimes fly behind the Sun, but do not fly back, as if it were a spaceship. Or another very interesting example - the comet of Roland Aren in 1956, which was perceived in the radio range. Its radiation was received by radio astronomers. When comet Roland Arena appeared from behind the Sun, a transmitter was operating in its tail at a wavelength of about 30 meters. Then, in the tail of the comet, a transmitter started working at a wave of half a meter, separated from the comet and moved back behind the Sun. Another generally incredible fact is comets that flew by, as if on an inspection basis, flying around the planets of the solar system one by one.”

All this is more than curious, but let’s not be distracted from the main thing and go back to the past.

The crescent-shaped body that appeared from behind the star is the very 12th planet, which was not enough for a harmonious and stable picture of the structure of the Solar system, consistent, among other things, with ancient texts. By the way, the Sumerians claimed that it was from the twelfth planet of our solar system that the “Gods of Heaven and Earth” descended to Earth.

It should be emphasized that the location of this planet precisely behind the Sun places it in an area favorable for life, in contrast to the planet Marduk (according to Sitchin), whose orbital period is 3600 years and whose orbit goes far beyond the “belt of life” and beyond the Solar system makes the existence of life on such a planet impossible.

Agree, this turn is somewhat puzzling - but gradually everything begins to fall into place. Therefore, the first conclusion from the above, which we will put in a prominent place, is that the “Source” of ancient knowledge seemed to be of alien origin!5 This forces us to radically reconsider the attitude towards the surviving monuments of antiquity, which probably contain invaluable information about the environment around us the world, man, the actual history of the Earth and our amazing ancestors.

If any of the readers have the feeling that this is a science fiction novel, and the very possibility of the existence of deep scientific ideas among our distant ancestors is still in doubt, let's make a short digression and make sure that the worldview of the ancients, at least in its origins , was deeply scientific.

To do this, let us abstract from the image from the tomb of Ramses VI, which contains a fragment of the “Book of the Earth”. In fairness, it is worth emphasizing that the title of this fragment as translated by classical Egyptologists sounds like this: “He Who Hides the Clock. Personification of a water clock" or "Phallic figure in a water clock"!? How do you like it? Such a ridiculous translation is the result of an incredible way of thinking and incorrect translation of hieroglyphs.

Gloria is the Anti-Earth behind the Sun. A mysterious celestial body that is a twin of the Earth. What is Anti-Earth and how did researchers find out about it? We have always been fascinated by the search for the unusual and unknown. The discovery of new secrets has always been one of the priorities in the development of mankind

At first glance, the solar system has already been explored quite well. However, the ancient Egyptians did not think so. It was the Egyptians’ ideas about the world of “doubles” that influenced the cosmogony of Philolaus. He placed in the center of the universe not the Earth, as other thinkers had previously done, but the sun. All other planets, including the Earth, revolved around the sun. And according to Philolaus, in the Earth’s orbit at a mirror opposite point there was a body similar to it called the Anti-Earth.

Today we do not have accurate evidence of the presence of any body behind the Sun, but we cannot deny this possibility. According to some scientists, this twin planet is 2.5 times the size of the Earth and is located at a distance of 600 light years from it. For Earth, this is the closest twin planet. The average temperature on this planet is 22 degrees Celsius. Scientists have not yet figured out what it consists of - solid rock, gas or liquid. A year on Gloria is 290 days

Astronomy suggests the possibility of accumulation of matter at libration points in the Earth's orbit, one of which is located behind the Sun, but the position of this body at this point is very unstable. But the Earth itself is located at this very libration point, and here the question of their mutual position becomes not so simple. Have you ever asked yourself the question: “Is there a large area blocked from our view by the Sun?” The answer is obvious - Yes, very large. Its diameter exceeds 600 diameters of the Earth

Scientists named this hypothetical body Gloria. There are several reasons that it really exists. So... The Earth's orbit is special, since the planets of other orbits of the Earth group - Mercury, Venus, Mars - are symmetrical relative to it in a number of characteristics. A similar pattern is observed among the planets of the Jupiter group - in relation to its orbit, but it seems more natural, since Jupiter is a giant and is 3 times larger than Saturn. But the mass of Earth’s neighbor, Venus, is as much as 18% lower than ours. From this we can conclude that the Earth’s orbit cannot be special, but nevertheless it is. Second. The theory of the movement of Venus was not given to scientists for a long time. They just couldn’t understand the quirks of her movement. It either advances or lags behind the estimated time. It turns out that some unknown and invisible forces are acting on Venus. Mars behaves the same way. Moreover, when Venus is ahead of its schedule of running in orbit, Mars, on the contrary, lags behind it. All this can only be explained by the presence of some common cause

Gloria declared its existence back in the 17th century when the director of the Paris Observatory Cassini saw an unknown object near Venus. This object was sickle-shaped. It was a celestial body, but not a star. Then he thought that he had discovered a satellite of Venus. The size of this supposed satellite was enormous, approximately 1/4 of the Moon. In 1740 the object was seen by Short, in 1759 by Mayer, and in 1761 by Rotkier. Then the body disappeared from view. The crescent shape of the object indicated a large size, but it was not a nova

Back in the period of Ancient Egypt, it was generally accepted that each of us has our own energetic, astral double. Later they began to call him Soul. It is from there that the theory of the existence of the Anti-Earth originates

Researchers believe that our “double” is inhabited. After all, it is located at almost the same distance from the Sun as the Earth, and its speed of movement is almost the same. A team of researchers searching for twin planets said they have found 1,094 planets that are suitable twin planets for Earth. When scientists confirm the status of these candidates, the search for extraterrestrial civilizations will be more targeted. So, we will wait for new discoveries...