Abstracts Statements Story

Citing examples from the literature. Quote

How to format citations?

    The most common way is to use quotation marks.

    Highlighting using italics or using a font 1–2 points smaller than the font of the main text:

  1. Highlighting using a set of quotes with a retract. In this case, it is possible to use an underline ruler in the indentation:

How are highlights created within a quotation?

Highlights within a quotation may belong to the person quoting or the author of the quoted text. The way of designing selected text fragments depends on this.

Emphases belonging to the cited author, it is recommended to save them in the form in which they were printed in the source, and if this is impossible or contradicts the design style of the publication, then the author’s highlighting should be replaced with a highlighting of a different type. The ownership of author's selections is usually not specified. The exception is those cases when there are few author’s selections, but, on the contrary, there are many selections belonging to the citing one; in such cases, it is stipulated that some selections belong to the cited author (these selections are marked), and the rest - to the citing one. In addition, in such cases, the affiliation of the selections is specifically noted in the preface. Selection example:

Emphases belonging to the quoting person are indicated. The comment is given in parentheses, after the comment there is a dot, a dash and the initials of the commentator, for example:

What punctuation marks are used when quoting?

Between the words of the quoter and the following quotation:

a) put a colon if the quoting words preceding the quotation warn that a quotation follows:

Pasternak wrote: “There is a psychology of creativity, problems of poetics. Meanwhile, of all art, it is its origin that is experienced most directly, and there is no need to speculate about it.”

b) put a period if inside the quotation or behind it there are the words of the quotator, introducing the quotation into the text of the phrase:

Pasternak said this well. “There is a psychology of creativity, problems of poetics. Meanwhile, of all art, it is its origin that is experienced most directly, and there is no need to speculate about it,” he wrote in “Safety Certificate.”

c) do not put any marks if the quotation acts as an addition or as part subordinate clause:

Pasternak wrote that “of all art, it is its origin that is experienced most directly.”

At the end of the phrase after the quotation marks closing the quote:

a) put a period if there are no signs before the closing quotation marks. If the quotation is immediately followed by a link to the source, then the period is moved behind the link:

B. L. Pasternak emphasized: “The most clear, memorable and important thing in art is its emergence, and best works of the world, telling about the most diverse things, they are actually telling about their birth” (Pasternak 2000, 207).

Attention! The period is always placed after the closing quotation marks, but not before them. An ellipsis, a question mark and an exclamation mark are placed before the closing quotation marks.

b) put a period if the quotation is not an independent sentence, but acts as part of a subordinate clause (even if there is an ellipsis, question mark or exclamation mark before the closing quotation marks):

B. L. Pasternak emphasized that “the most clear, memorable and important thing in art is its emergence...”.

c) do not put any marks if the closing quotation marks are preceded by an ellipsis, a question mark or an exclamation mark, and the quotation enclosed in quotation marks is an independent sentence (as a rule, all quotations after a colon are like this, separating them from the words of the quoting person preceding them):

The chapter ends with the words: “Farewell philosophy, goodbye youth, goodbye Germany!”

If the phrase does not end with a quotation, then a comma is placed after the quotation (if the quotation is part of participial phrase or completes the first part complex sentence) or a dash (if the quote ends with an ellipsis, exclamation or question mark, and also if, according to the conditions of the context, it is not necessary to separate the subsequent text with a comma).

After a poetic quotation, a punctuation mark is placed at the end of the poetic line, which applies to the entire text with the quotation.

Does a quote always start with a capital letter?

The quotation begins with a capital letter in the following cases:

  • When the quotator begins a sentence with a quotation, even if the quotation has omitted initial words and it opens with an ellipsis:

    “...Of all art, it is its origin that is experienced most directly, and there is no need to speculate about it,” wrote Pasternak.
  • When the quotation comes after the words of the quotator (after a colon) and in the source begins a sentence:

    Pasternak wrote: “Meanwhile, of all art, it is its origin that is experienced most directly, and there is no need to speculate about it.”
    Pasternak wrote: “...of all art, it is its origin that is experienced most directly, and there is no need to speculate about it.” Pasternak wrote that “... there is no need to speculate about him.”

How can you create an in-text bibliographic reference when citing?

If the cited source is indicated in the bibliography or in the list of references, only the name of the author and the year of publication of the book are indicated at the end of the citation. This design method saves space. For example:

in the text:

“The dictionary of the revolutionary era (historical and cultural reference book) includes words that arose or were characteristic of the era of war and revolution” [Ozhegov 2001, 411].

in the list of references:

Ozhegov 2001- S.I. Ozhegov. Dictionary of the revolutionary era. Historical and cultural reference book (Preliminary sketches). - 1920s // Dictionary and culture of Russian speech: To the 100th anniversary of the birth of S. I. Ozhegov. M.: Indrik, 2001. - 560 p. pp. 410-412.

(Based on the book:
A. E. Milchin, L. K. Cheltsova. Publisher's and Author's Guide. M., 2003.)

Quote A quotation is a statement quoted in one’s own text from someone else’s text. When quoting, the author or source is indicated. Quoting is widely accepted in scientific speech, journalism, and business speech. A quotation is a verbatim excerpt from a text. It is important that the quoted (inserted) text is clearly identified as inserted (that is, as part of another text). In the Russian language and typography, it is customary to format quotes in quotation marks (“ ”,) or in a special font (reduced size, retracted, italic). In other languages, the way quotations are formatted and the type of quotation marks may differ.

In the Russian language, citation began to be used in 1820 and is still successfully used. We can use citation in scientific research work and essays in order to reinforce the reliability of one’s own opinion by referring to more authoritative sources, which makes the linguistic work scientifically sound and emphasizes its originality. Thanks to citation, the author has the opportunity to show the completeness and breadth of the work performed or research conducted.

Methods of citation There are three main methods of citation in Russian. 1) The quote is used as direct speech. With this method of quoting, punctuation marks should be placed in the same way as in sentences with direct speech. For example: Julius Caesar said: “It is better to die immediately than to spend your whole life waiting for death.” Or another option: “It is better to die immediately than to spend your whole life waiting for death,” as Julius Caesar said. 2) You can also introduce a quotation through indirect speech using the conjunction “what”. The quotation in such cases is also placed in quotation marks and written with a lowercase letter. For example: F. Ranevskaya said that “loneliness is a state that there is no one to tell about.”

3) To introduce a quotation into the text, special introductory words can be used: as he said, according to words, as he wrote, as he believed, or without them, introductory words are replaced by punctuation marks or quotation marks. For example: As Horace said, “Anger is a momentary madness.” Or: L. Beethoven “knew no other signs of human superiority except kindness.” 4) Quoting poems does not require auxiliary punctuation marks, in particular, quotation marks. It is enough to indicate the author and the title of the poem, which should be written on the red line.

Methods of formatting quotations A quotation can be formatted as direct speech, since it is also a literal, accurate rendering of someone else’s speech. For example: Oscar Wilde said: “To be serious is not serious!” A quotation can be framed as an independent statement. An indication of the source is given in parentheses: “Being serious is not serious!” (Oscar Wilde) The quotation may be included in the author's own text as a fragment. For this purpose, constructions of indirect speech are used: A. Akhmatova writes that “in none of the works of world poetry are the formidable questions of morality posed as sharply and complexly as in Pushkin’s “Little Tragedies” (A. Akhmatova, “Pushkin”).

Poetic quotations can be presented in three ways: a. While maintaining the division into lines, for example: Window. Table. Rugs. In the window there is a view of the river... My drafts are black, The final ones are clean. (N. Rubtsov) 2. Without dividing into lines, for example: As the hour passes, the hour passes away, Light and shadow flicker. A star over the river means night. And the sun means day. (N. Rubtsov) 3. Without dividing into lines, but indicating their boundaries: But I will forget the night of the river, / I will forget the day of the river: / The final copies tell me to sleep, / The drafts tell me to get up. (N. Rubtsov)

Basic requirements for citation 1. The quoted text must be placed in quotation marks and be identical to its original source. Lexical and grammatical form must be completely consistent with the original. 2. It is strictly forbidden to combine in one quotation passages that were taken from different cited sources. Each passage should be presented as a separate quotation. 3. If an expression is not quoted in full, but in an abbreviated or unfinished form (the quotation is taken out of context as a separate phrase), instead of missing sentences or words, ellipsis should be placed in parentheses. 4. In the Russian language, it is prohibited to enter citations that occupy more than 30% of the total volume of the text. 5. It is unacceptable to quote authors whose texts are marked with the copyright symbol - ©. This mainly applies to scientific papers and research articles. In this case, the option of modifying the text (transmitting the meaning of the fragment in your own words) with an optional link to the source is acceptable.

Description of the presentation Quotes and methods of citing Quotes Quotes from slides

In the Russian language, citation began to be used in 1820 and is still successfully used. We can use citations in research papers and essays in order to reinforce the reliability of our own opinion by referring to more authoritative sources, which makes linguistic work scientifically sound and emphasizes its originality. Thanks to citation, the author has the opportunity to show the completeness and breadth of the work performed or research conducted.

Basic requirements for citation 1. The quoted text must be placed in quotation marks and be identical to its original source. The lexical and grammatical form must fully correspond to the original. 2. It is strictly forbidden to combine in one quotation passages that were taken from different cited sources. Each passage should be presented as a separate quotation. 3. If an expression is not quoted in full, but in an abbreviated or unfinished form (the quotation is taken out of context as a separate phrase), instead of missing sentences or words, ellipsis should be placed in parentheses. 4. In the Russian language, it is prohibited to enter citations that occupy more than 30% of the total volume of the text. 5. It is unacceptable to quote authors whose texts are marked with the copyright symbol - ©. This mainly applies to scientific papers and research articles. In this case, the option of modifying the text (transmitting the meaning of the fragment in your own words) with an optional link to the source is acceptable.

How to make a quotation part of the text What is useful to know when quoting can be reflected in the diagram: 1. 2. 3. text after including the quotation text preceding the quotation quotation

So, having selected a quote that relates to the topic of the essay (or oral presentation), you need to think about how to make it part of the text. To do this, it is necessary that the text that precedes quotation (1) seems to prepare its appearance. After including quotation (2) in the text (one of the quoting methods is used), based on the quotation, we construct statement (3) so that the subsequent part contains a commentary, a response to the thoughts formulated in the quotation. In this case, partial citation may be used.

1. Quotes are enclosed in quotation marks. If the quotation is formatted as direct speech, that is, accompanied by the words of the author citing it, then the appropriate punctuation rules apply. Methods of quotation Socrates derived a formula of “intelligence” and “stupidity”, still unsurpassed: “I know that I know nothing, and others do not even know this.”

2. If the quotation is a poetic text with exact adherence to lines and stanzas, then it is not enclosed in quotation marks. When I wander around Moscow, when I admire the panorama of the Moscow Kremlin, I experience feelings that are difficult for me to express in words. . . And then one involuntarily recalls Lermontov’s wonderful lines: Moscow, Moscow! . I love you like a son, like a Russian, - strongly, passionately and tenderly! I love the sacred shine of your gray hairs And this jagged, serene Kremlin.

3. If the quotation consists of several paragraphs, then quotation marks are placed only at the beginning and at the end of the entire text. N. Roerich wrote: “Russia is not only a state... Russia is a superstate, an ocean, an element that has not yet taken shape, has not yet reached its destined shores. »

4. If the quotation is not given in full, then the omission is indicated by an ellipsis, which is placed: a) before the quotation (after the opening quotation marks), which is not syntactically related to the author’s text, to indicate that the quotation is not given from the beginning of the sentence; b) in the middle of a quotation, when part of the text inside it is missing: c) after the quotation (before the closing quotation marks) when the quoted sentence is not fully quoted. I would like to recall the words of A. Blok, as if addressed to the future reader of his works: . . . There is an answer in my disturbing poems: Their secret heat will help you live. . .

5. After a quotation ending with an ellipsis, a period is placed if the quotation is not an independent sentence. From Gogol we read: “A person is afraid of nothing more than laughter... »

6. The quotation is enclosed in quotation marks, but is written with a small letter if included in the author’s text as part of a sentence. When I look at “The Jagged, Serene Kremlin,” my soul is filled with excitement that cannot be expressed in ordinary words.

QUOTES AND PUNCTION MARKS WITH THEM 1. Quotes can appear with the words of the author (they represent direct speech - punctuation marks are the same as in sentences with direct speech) V. G. Belinsky wrote: “The Russian language is unusually rich.” 2. You can also quote part of a sentence (the quotation is highlighted in quotation marks, but is written with a lowercase letter) K. G. Paustovsky said that “for everything in the Russian language there is a great variety good words". 3. If a phrase is not quoted in full, then an ellipsis is placed in place of the missing words. M. V. Lomonosov believed: “The language that the Russian state commands over the great part of the world. . . is not inferior to any European language." 4. If a poetic text is quoted (the lines and stanzas of the original are respected), then quotation marks are not placed. L. Tatyanicheva has beautiful lines about the Motherland: And in the most ordinary attire You are sweet, Fatherland, to the point of tears. The brown strands of your invisible birch trees suit you.

TASK: REWRITE THE TEXT WITH PUNCTION MARKS. EXPLAIN THE PUNCTION MARKS. How is your health? Thank God I won’t complain, said Sobakevich. And there was definitely nothing to complain about; rather, iron could catch a cold and cough than this wonderfully formed landowner. Yes, you were always famous for your health, said the chairman, and your late father was also a strong man. Yes, there was one looking at the bear, answered Sobakevich. It seems to me, however, that the chairman said, you would also have knocked down the bear if you wanted to go against him. No, I won’t knock you down, answered Sobakevich, the dead man was stronger than me. (N. Gogol)

EXAMINATION! - How is your health? “Thank God, I won’t complain,” said Sobakevich. And of course, there was no point in complaining: Iron was more likely to catch a cold and cough than this wonderfully formed landowner. “Yes, you were always famous for your health,” said the chairman, “and your late father was also a strong man.” “Yes, I was alone with the bear,” answered Sobakevich. “It seems to me, however,” said the chairman. -You would also knock down the bear if you wanted to go against him. “No, I won’t knock you down,” answered Sobakevich, “the dead man was stronger than me.”

DICCTATION “CHECK YOURSELF”. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov argued in his letters that “brevity is the sister of talent,” that “language should be simple and elegant.” “There is no doubt,” Turgenev said at the opening of the monument to Pushkin in Moscow in 1880, “that he [Pushkin] created our poetic, our literary language and that we and our descendants can only follow the path paved by his genius.” “Starting with Pushkin, our classics created that great, beautiful language,” serve further development whom Turgenev begged Leo Tolstoy” - this is how A. M. Gorky assessed the importance of literature. Belinsky called A. S. Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin” “an encyclopedia of Russian life.”

1. Which sentence with quotation is formatted correctly? a) Leo Tolstoy wrote that “music is the highest art in the world.” b) “Music is the highest art in the world,” Leo Tolstoy believed. c) Leo Tolstoy argued: “That music is the highest art in the world.” d) Leo Tolstoy claimed - “music is the highest art in the world.”

2. In which sentence was there a punctuation error? a) A. S. Pushkin wrote: “Criticism is the science of discovering beauties and shortcomings in works of art and literature.” b) “They write wisely only about what they do not understand,” argued V. Klyuchevsky. c) M. Gorky urged not to be indifferent, “for indifference is deadly to the human soul.” d) A. S. Pushkin expressed his admiration for autumn nature in the following lines: It’s a sad time! Ouch charm! I am pleased with your farewell beauty. . .

Find the wrong way to quote. a) A. T. Tvardovsky said: “In addition to angry, sarcastic and unforgiving laughter, there is also laughter of joy, friendly goodwill, cheerful and harmless mischief.” b) A. T. Tvardovsky said that “besides angry, sarcastic and unforgiving laughter, there is also laughter of joy. . . "c) A. T. Tvardovsky said that “besides angry laughter, there is also laughter of joy.” d) A. T. Tvardovsky said that laughter can not only be “angry, sarcastic and unforgiving,” there is also laughter. . . mischief."

Important characteristic scientific texts is clear distinction between “us” and “alien”. Since science is focused on obtaining new knowledge, the author of a scientific work needs to familiarize himself with the publications of other scientists and highlight the results of his research from the array of already known information.

To do this, researchers refer to the used publications of other scientists and quote some fragments.

Citation forms:

1) Exact (direct, verbatim) quotation. With this method of quoting, punctuation marks should be placed in the same way as in sentences with direct speech.

At direct When quoting (reproducing words), the quote is formatted in quotation marks and accompanied by a link to the source with a page number (for example, where 1 is the number of an article, book, etc. in the list of references).

For example:

N. Chomsky believes : "I tongue...".

Julius Caesar said: “It is better to die at once than to spend your whole life waiting for death.” .

“It is better to die at once than to spend your whole life waiting for death,” said Julius Caesar..

Rules for formatting verbatim quotations:

Short (up to three lines) quotations should be highlighted with quotation marks (“….”);

Passages longer than three lines are shown as a separate paragraph in smaller font size or italics;

If a verbatim quotation contains another quotation within itself, then this next quotation is highlighted by simple quotation marks (‘…’);

Abbreviations directly in the quotation are possible only when the meaning of the statement is not violated. The deleted words are replaced with an ellipsis in square brackets: […].

Typos in verbatim quotations are not allowed to be corrected; they are marked as follows: or simply [!];

Your own underlining in the quotation is allowed, after them there must be an indication in square brackets: [emphasis added by the author];

2) Indirect (indirect) quotation. With indirect citation, the content of the source is conveyed in the words of the author. You can also introduce a quotation through indirect speech using the conjunction “what”. The quotation in such cases is also placed in quotation marks and written with a lowercase letter. At indirect When quoting (reproducing ideas), you only need a link to the source (page numbers are indicated if the idea is localized on one or more pages).

L.V. Shcherba showed that "g grammar..."

F. Ranevskaya said that “loneliness is a state that there is no one to tell about.”

Offers with introductory constructions . To introduce a quotation into the text, special introductory words can be used: as he said, according to words, as he wrote, as he believed, or without them, introductory words are replaced with punctuation marks or quotation marks.

According to J. Lakoff , "m metaphors...".

As Horace said, "Anger is a momentary madness» .

Words taken from everyday vocabulary acquire a special meaning in the language of science; they, according to the definition of O. D. Mitrofanova, are removed, isolated, which is due to the purpose of the language of science, the purpose of communication in this field of activity [Mitrofanova, 1990, p. 127].

Rules for formatting indirect quotes:

Indirect quotations are never surrounded by emphatic punctuation;

The beginning and end of an indirect quotation should be clear to the reader. This is achieved by introductory words and sentences, comments by the author.

In an indirect quotation, it is allowed to include (in quotation marks) words from the original, changing them in accordance with the rules of declension or conjugation and without specifying these changes.

The work [Libin, 2000, p. 154] provides data from a survey of 600 foreign experts, which showed that 99.3% of them are convinced that intelligence is associated with abstract thinking and logic.

Reproduction of both other people's words and other people's thoughts without appropriate references is called plagiarism. Plagiarism in scientific works is unacceptable (including in educational and scientific works, which include abstracts, coursework, diplomas, etc.) and is a crime (a type of theft).

General citation requirements:

1. The quotation must be inextricably linked with the text and serve as confirmation of the provisions put forward by the author.

2. The quoted text must be quoted exactly according to the quoted text.

3. The omission of words (sentences) when quoting is indicated by an ellipsis.

4. when quoting, each quotation must be accompanied by an indication of the source (bibliographic link)

Decor bibliography

Bibliographic description - a set of bibliographic information about a document, its component part or a group of documents, given according to certain rules and necessary and sufficient for general characteristics and document identification.

Umberto Eco wrote: " The norms of bibliographic description constitute, so to speak, the beauty of scientific etiquette. Their observance indicates a habit of science, and their violation reveals an upstart and ignoramus and often casts a disgraceful shadow on work that seems decent at first glance..."

1. The list must have a continuous sequential numbering of the documents included in it.

2. Information about sources is numbered in Arabic numerals and printed in paragraph indentation.

3. The most common way of grouping sources is the alphabetical method, in which descriptions of books and articles are arranged in the general alphabet of the names of the authors and the titles of the books and articles.

4. It is recommended to place official and regulatory documents at the beginning of the list ( Federal laws, Presidential Decrees, resolutions, regulations, orders, etc.). Within a group of documents of the same type, descriptions can be arranged either alphabetically or chronologically.

5.At the end of the list are descriptions of sources on foreign languages, arranging them in the Latin alphabet.

8. Information about regulatory documents and articles from periodicals is provided with the obligatory indication of the source of publication.

9.If you used an electronic document from the Internet in your work, indicate the server or database address in the publication source.

10.When creating a list to diploma work it is necessary to comply with the basic rules of bibliographic description of documents, established by GOSTs. At this point in time (since January 1, 2009) in most journals of the Russian Federation included in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission, the list of references is drawn up in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5-2008, developed by the Federal State Institution “Russian Book Chamber” of the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications . This standard "establishes General requirements and rules for compiling bibliographic references.

According to " General provisions""Bibliographic reference" (clause 4.6.), "based on their location in the document, bibliographic references are distinguished: intratextual, placed in the text of the document; interlinear, taken from the text down the page of the document (in a footnote); extra-textual, placed outside the text of the document or part of it (in a callout).”

TOPIC OF THE COMPETITIVE LESSON (MASTER CLASS) FOR 8TH GRADE: "Quote. Basic rules of citation and punctuation."

THE PURPOSE OF THE LESSON: introduce students to the concept of “quotation”, characterize the main methods of citation, and develop spelling and punctuation literacy skills.


educational: the formation of new knowledge and methods of action, repetition of previously studied material, systematization of the studied material;

educational: nurturing self-control, accuracy, aesthetic skills when making notes, independence;

developing: development of speech, group work skills, creativity, mental activity, attention.

form LESSON : combined.

Lesson type: lesson in the formation and improvement of knowledge.

EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES: collaboration technology, problem-based learning, health-saving technologies, group technologies,

METHODS USED : model method (elements role playing game), rule construction method, research method, self-assessment, reflection.

EQUIPMENT: PC, interactive whiteboard, Russian language textbook for grade 8, edited by L. A. Trostentsova.


1. Organizing time

2. Digital dictation. If the statement is true, then the number 1 is put, if not, then the number 0 is put.

1. Is it true that syntax studies the structure of phrases, sentences and text? - 1

2. Someone else’s speech, conveyed in the form of a subordinate clause, is called direct speech? - 0

3. Indirect conveys only content, but not form and intonation - 1

4. The method of joining indirect speech depends on the purpose of the statement - 1

5. Dialogue is the speech of one person - 0

Checking digital dictation.

3. Blitz class survey (front work).Goal setting.



1) Where and when we need knowledge correct design direct speech?

Essay, report, abstract, scientific work.

2) What function do sentences with direct speech perform in texts?

The characters' speech works of art or quotes.

3) What is a quotation?

Someone else's speech included verbatim in an oral presentation or written work.

4) What are quotations for?

As an argument, to confirm or refute any fact, opinion, statement.


You need to know the basic rules of citation.

4. The teacher's word.

A little about the history of the word “quote”. It comes from the Latin wordcitatum“to bring, to proclaim” In Russian it has been used since the 20sXIXcentury. IN explanatory dictionaries appeared in 1861.

5. Spelling work with the word “quote”, preparation for the State Examination Test (Letters s-and in the word after c).

Let us recall its writing when performing a vocabulary dictation according to the principle of “The third odd one”

residents, chicory, circular

eyewitnesses, narcissist, chubby

diction, signaling, tigritsyn

gypsies, cylinder, compass

peers, illustration, peppers

Test yourself using the example on the computer screen, evaluate, formulate a rule.

6. Working with the textbook.

§ 72, page 109

. Reading theoretical material, discussion.

7. Physical education

8. The teacher's word.

There are different ways to convey someone else's speech. One way is by quoting.

A quotation is someone else's words inserted verbatim into the text of someone's essay or oral message.

Remind you. In order for an excerpt from the text to be considered a quotation, it must be specially formatted and highlighted.

Quoting is the exact copying of someone's words. This is the value of any work.

Type of quotation and punctuation marks.

Quote type

Design rules



Like direct speech

Full quote

A: "C".

"C", - a.

IN AND. Dahlwrote: « The language of the people is undoubtedly our main source or mine, the treasury of our language.».

« Onegin, my good friend", says A.S. Pushkin about his hero, introducing the reader to him.

Like indirect speech

Partial citation

What (“ts”)

Gogol wrote,What « At the name of Pushkin, the thought of a Russian national poet immediately dawns on him».

Partial citation

Quote - a few words - included inoffer, written with a lowercase letter in quotation marks.


V.G. Belinsky was amazed “variety of paintings, images and feelings" in the poem "Mtsyri».

Poetic quote

Poetic quote

It is written without quotation marks in the center of the page, each line with a capital letter.




F.I. Tyutchev wrote:

Be silent, hide and hide

And your feelings and dreams -

Let it be in the depths of your soul

They get up and go in

Silently, like stars in the night, -

Admire them - and be silent.

9. Reinforcing the topic of the lesson

Pay attention to the quotes shown on the slides. Your task: unite in groups, choose a citing method and draw the quotation on whatman paper, then there will be a discussion of the illustrations.

“Dexterity and skill are salvation in trouble.” (Proverb)

“A fairy tale is a person’s dream of beauty embodied in poetic form.” (K. Paustovsky)

“To protect nature means to protect our homeland.” (M. Prishvin)

“We have been given possession of the richest, most accurate, powerful and truly magical Russian language... By the attitude of each person to his language, one can accurately judge not only his cultural level, but also his civic value. True love for one’s country is unthinkable without love for one’s language.” (K. Paustovsky)


10. Summing up the lesson . Reflection.



List the basic rules for citing.

Accuracy, relevance, necessity, minimum volume, correct punctuation.

What knowledge does a person need to correctly use and write a quotation?

Erudition, knowledge of syntax, punctuation, citation rules.

Why are citations needed in the text?

For argument's sake, an example.

What does a person need to do to be erudite and easily find the right quote?

11. Message homework

Paragraph 72, ex. 423, 430 (oral)


1. Larionova L.G. Didactic material on the Russian language. - Rostov n/a: Phoenix, 2015 - p. 178

2. Russian language. 8th grade: textbook for educational organizations edited by L.A. Trostentsova. - M.: Education, 2009. - 221 p.