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Classes on speech development using the syncwine method. Syncwine is a new technology in the development of speech in preschoolers

Psychologists and practicing teachers note that older preschoolers often have speech disorders, poor lexicon, children do not know how to compose a story from a picture, retell what they read, it is difficult for them to learn a poem by heart.

Compiling a syncwine is one way to partially solve these problems.

Sinkwine is often used by modern teachers for kindergarten classes. Already at preschool age, you can teach children to compose syncwine in the form of a game.



Psychologists and practicing teachers note that older preschoolers often have speech impairments, a poor vocabulary, children do not know how to compose a story from a picture, retell what they read, and it is difficult for them to learn a poem by heart.

Compiling a syncwine is one way to partially solve these problems.

Sinkwine is often used by modern teachers for kindergarten classes. Already at preschool age, you can teach children to compose syncwine in the form of a game.

Cinquain is a French word that means “poem of five lines.”

The cinquain form was developed by the American poet Adelaide Crapsey.

A cinquain is not an ordinary poem, but a poem written in accordance with certain rules.

Relatively recently, teachers began to use syncwine to enhance cognitive activity and began to use it as a method of speech development.

To compose a syncwine, you need to learn to find the main elements in the text, in the material, draw conclusions and conclusions, express your opinion, analyze, generalize, isolate, combine and briefly present.

We can say that this is a flight of thought, free mini-creativity, subject to certain rules.

Currently, there are the following types of syncwine:


A form of poetry consisting of five lines and based on counting the syllables in each line. Its structure looks like this: 2-4-6-8-2. That is, the first line should contain a word or phrase of two syllables, the second - of four, the third - of six, and so on. Traditional cinquain can be either rhymed or not.


Five-line form with only reverse sequence of verses. That is, in the first line there is a word or phrase of two syllables, in the second - of eight, the third - of six, etc. The structure is: 2-8-6-4-2.


A poetic form of two five-line stanzas, where the first stanza is the traditional syncwine, and the second is the reverse.

Cinquain butterfly

A form of poem consisting of nine lines with a syllabic structure


Crown of cinquains

A completed poem consisting of five traditional syncwines

Garland of cinquains

The most beautiful variation, in our opinion. It consists of a crown of syncwine with the addition of a sixth syncwine, the first line of which is taken from the first, the second from the second, the third from the third syncwine, etc.


Unlike previous types, in this five-line form the text is not based on syllabic dependence, but on the semantic and syntactic specification for each line.

The first line of a syncwine is a title, a topic, consisting of one word (usually a noun meaning the object or action in question).

The second line is two words. Adjectives. This is a description of the characteristics of an object or its properties, revealing the theme of syncwine.

The third line usually consists of three verbs or gerunds describing the actions of an object.

The fourth line is a phrase or sentence consisting of several words that reflect the personal attitude of the author of the syncwine to what is said in the text.

The fifth line is the last. One word is a noun to express one’s feelings, associations associated with the subject discussed in the syncwine, that is, it is the author’s personal expression on the topic or a repetition of the essence, a synonym.

1. Watermelon

2. Round, delicious

3. Rolls, grows, matures

4. Watermelon is a large berry.

5. Summer

Cinquain is one of the effective methods speech development of preschoolers

What is its effectiveness and significance?

Firstly, its simplicity. Anyone can make a cinquain.

Secondly, in composing a syncwine, every child can realize his creative and intellectual capabilities.

Sinkwine is a gaming technique.

Compiling a syncwine is used as the final task for the material covered.

Sinkwine can be used to consolidate the studied lexical topic,

to reinforce concepts learned in pre-literacy classes.

In classes on the development of coherent speech: from the words of syncwine, children can compose a story


Didactic syncwine.

In this five-line form, the text is based not on syllabic dependence, but on the semantic and syntactic specification for each line.

First line of syncwine– title, topic, consisting of one word (usually a noun meaning the object or action in question).

Second line - two words. Adjectives. This is a description of the characteristics of an object or its properties, revealing the theme of syncwine.

Third line usually consists of three verbs or gerunds that describe the actions of the subject.

Fourth line– This is a phrase or sentence consisting of several words that reflect the personal attitude of the author of the syncwine to what is said in the text.

Fifth line – the last one. One word is a noun to express one’s feelings, associations associated with the subject discussed in the syncwine, that is, it is the author’s personal expression on the topic or a repetition of the essence, a synonym.

Warm, cold.
It comes, revives, inspires.
A wonderful time of love.

Brown, white.
Sleeps, growls, runs.
Large dangerous predator.

“Speech development of children preschool age

method of didactic syncwine"

(consultation for educators)

Organization: MBDOU kindergarten No. 52 of the city of Belovo

Locality: Kemerovo region, city of Belovo


  1. Didactic syncwine as a teaching method……………......4

  2. Rules for compiling a syncwine…………………………………5

  3. Examples of syncwines……………………………………………..7




In the age of modern technology, adults pay very little attention to their children in terms of communication. Children have forgotten how to speak the “rich and powerful” Russian language. Every family today has computers, televisions, tablets, cell phones and other equipment that replace communication between an adult and a child. Parents cannot understand why, when talking with their child, they cannot replace computer games or watching cartoons, even if they are educational in nature. Children do not know how to talk because they are not given due attention at home - parents do not have time for this. Today, figurative speech, rich in synonyms, additions and descriptions, in preschool children is a very rare phenomenon. There are many problems in children's speech: poor vocabulary, inability to compose a story based on a picture, retell what they read, it is difficult for them to learn a poem by heart, and also to use not only simple, but also complex grammatical structures in speech. Therefore, the problem of child speech development is more relevant today than ever. And pedagogical influence on the development of speech of preschoolers is painstaking, daily, necessary work.

Goal: development of coherent speech in preschoolers by compiling syncwine using models.

Objectives: 1. Reinforce the concepts: object, sign of an object, action of an object. 2. Teach to use noun, adjective and verb models when composing sentences. 3. Train independent work on compiling a syncwine based on an algorithm model.

  1. Didactic syncwine as a teaching method
Speaking about the forms, methods and techniques of teaching children, one cannot fail to mention serious changes in the system preschool education, which affected both the organizational and content side of education. The adoption of the Federal State Educational Standard requires the teacher to think more deeply about the methods and techniques for organizing educational activities, since the role of the educator is guiding, developing. Finding approaches to improve efficiency educational process makes it necessary to pay great attention to the use of innovative pedagogical technologies and methods.

In older preschool age, you can use such a modern, interesting method in teaching children to tell stories as syncwine.

Sinkwine(from French - template) - a five-line poetic form that arose in Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century under the influence of Japanese poetry. Later it began to be used (since 1997 in Russia) for didactic purposes as an effective method for developing figurative speech, which allows you to quickly get results. The procedure for compiling a didactic syncwine allows you to harmoniously combine elements of all three educational systems: informational, activity-based and student-oriented. This method can easily be integrated with others educational areas educational program, and the simplicity of constructing a syncwine allows you to quickly get results. Didactic syncwine can be used in working with preschoolers starting from the second half of the year senior group, when children have already mastered the concepts of “word-object”, “word-action”, “word-attribute”, “sentence”. The richer the child’s vocabulary, the easier it will be for him to construct not only a syncwine, but also to retell the text and express his thoughts.

It is appropriate to compose a didactic syncwine at the end of each lexical topic, when children already have sufficient vocabulary on this topic. At first, when compiling a syncwine, it is planned to work with children in pairs, in small groups, and only then – individually. It is necessary to encourage syncwines that contain the most accurate characteristics of various aspects of a topic or subject.

When composing a didactic syncwine, the number of syllables in each line no longer matters. In didactic syncwine, the most important thing is the semantic content and part of speech that is used in each line. We can say that this is free mini-creativity, subject to certain rules. The syncwine method can be used not only by group teachers, but also in speech therapist classes, artistic and creative activities, and music.

2.Rules for compiling syncwine

1 line– one keyword– the title of the poem, title, theme, usually a noun defining the content (name of the subject, work, name of the hero, etc.);

2nd line- two words (adjectives or participles). This is a description of the characteristics of an object or its properties, revealing the theme of syncwine; words can be connected by conjunctions or prepositions.

3rd line– three words (verbs). Actions related to the topic.

4 line– four words – a sentence. A phrase that shows the author's attitude to the topic.

5 line– one word – a summary word, an association, a synonym that characterizes the essence of the topic, a philosophical generalization, expresses the author’s personal expression and emotion towards the topic in the first line, an ordinary noun.

Strict adherence to the rules for writing syncwine is not necessary. To improve the text, you can use three or five words in the fourth line, and two words in the fifth line. It is possible to use other parts of speech.

Composing a syncwine is like a game, because composing is fun, useful and easy! Interest in the surrounding world, speech, thinking, memory develops.

One of the goals of compiling a syncwine is to achieve the ability to highlight main idea text, as well as briefly express your thoughts.

What is the effectiveness and significance of syncwine? Firstly, its simplicity. Sinkwine can be anything. Secondly, in composing a syncwine, every child can realize his creative and intellectual capabilities. Sinkwine is a gaming technique. Compiling a syncwine is used as a final task on the material covered, as well as for reflection, analysis and synthesis of the information received.

  1. Examples of syncwines

  1. Who? Dog

  2. Which? Hairy, big

  3. What is he doing? Sleeps, plays, barks.

  4. Offer. I like to play with the dog

  5. Association. Friend

  1. Sly, fluffy, red

  2. Sneaks, catches, jumps

  3. I don’t like it - he cheats and cheats

  4. Ate a bun
The work of teaching storytelling is built on the basis of syncwine.

An example of writing a story using syncwine:

White, fluffy.

Afraid, frightened, runs away.

I feel sorry for the hare.

Wild animal.

Story: “The hare is white, fluffy. Lives in the forest. The hare is afraid of the wolf and the fox, he gets scared and runs away from them. I feel sorry for the hare. Life is difficult for wild animals in winter.”


Sinkwine helps improve your vocabulary.

Cinquain teaches brief retelling.

Sinkwine helps develop speech and thinking.

Writing a syncwine is a creative process. This fun activity helps children express themselves through writing their own unrhymed poems.

Sinkwine teaches you to find and highlight the main idea in a large volume of information.

Sinkwine facilitates the process of mastering concepts and their content.

Sinkwine is also a way of control and self-control (where children can compare syncwines and evaluate them).

The outstanding Soviet linguist A. N. Gvozdev wrote: “The construction of grammatically formatted sentences is the culminating process of speech formation in children.” This statement allows us to emphasize the importance and necessity of working with children using the syncwine method.


  1. N.D. Dushka Sinkwine in her work on the development of speech in preschoolers. Journal "Speech therapist", No. 5 (2005).

  2. AND ABOUT. Zagneev, S.I. Zaire-Bek Critical thinking: technology of development. Publishing house "Skifia", "Alliance-Delta". St. Petersburg 2003

  3. AND ABOUT. Zagneev, S.I. Zaire-Bek, I.V. Mushtavinskaya We teach children to think critically. – St. Petersburg: Alliance-Delta Publishing House, 2003.

  4. Writing syncwines and working with them. Elements innovative technologies Med Bio (Department of Medical Biology and Genetics KSMU).

  5. SPO: log: Russian Academy Education, 2013, No. 7.



Lexical topics that older children learn serve as the topics of syncwines. Children of the older group draw up their work (syncwines) in the form of graphic drawings. The word watermelon

Graphic diagrams help children more specifically sense the boundaries of words and their separate writing. In this work I use various pictures and objects.

The use of syncwine allows the teacher to harmoniously combine in their work the elements of three main educational systems: informational, activity-based and personality-oriented, which is especially important when working with children.

Tatyana Salmina

MADO "Kindergarten No. 7" "Fairy tale"

Modern forms and methods of work on speech development preschoolers.



teacher Salmina T.S.

Kurchatov - 2016

As L. S. Vygotsky said “Without speech there is neither consciousness nor self-awareness”. Today, figurative speech, rich in synonyms and descriptions, in children is a very rare phenomenon. What's the problem? But there are many problems - a poor vocabulary, the inability to compose a story from a picture, or retell what has been read. And if children have speech impairments, then the speech of such children is characterized by laconicism, dryness, lack of imagery, brightness, and difficulty in isolating the main idea.

And one of the effective methods in developing children’s speech is to work on creating an unrhymed poem - syncwine, which allows you to activate cognitive activity and promotes speech development.

The innovation of this technique lies in the fact that the unnecessary is excluded, and the main thing is highlighted. This technology is universal, it does not require special conditions of use and fits organically into the work on the development of lexical and grammatical categories, helps enrich the vocabulary, allows teachers to assess the child’s level of mastery of the material covered, and develops mental functions (memory, attention, thinking) and allows the child to be an active creative participant in the educational process.

When used creatively syncwine in class it is perceived preschoolers as an exciting game, as an opportunity to express your opinion, agree or disagree with the opinions of others, and come to an agreement. And the most important thing is that syncwine it turns out for everyone and when compiling syncwine Children develop the ability to analyze, which is useful for the development of children's speech.

Sinkwine- this is not a way to test children’s knowledge, it is a way to check, at any stage of a lesson in studying a topic, what students have at the level of associations.

Use of didactic syncwine in work allows you to harmoniously combine elements of the three main educational systems

Conclusion: If you apply the technique syncwine in correctional and developmental work with children of the compensatory group, then the children’s vocabulary increases, their speech becomes richer, which in turn will contribute to the development of coherent speech. Children will show interest in educational activities, throughout the lesson, independently reason, classify, make generalizations and conclusions. As a result, children will develop a critical attitude towards speech, its grammatical design, and speech self-control.

Federal state standard preschool education defines target guidelines - social and psychological characteristics child's personality at the completion stage preschool education, among which speech occupies one of the central places as an independently formed function, and exactly: to completion preschool the child is quite proficient in education orally, can express their thoughts and desires. Speech is also included as an important component, as a means of communication, cognition, creativity in the following target landmarks:

Actively interacts with peers and adults, constructs a speech statement in a communication situation;

Able to negotiate, take into account the interests and feelings of others, empathize with failures and rejoice in the successes of others, try to resolve conflicts;

The child’s creative abilities are manifested in inventing fairy tales; he can fantasize out loud, play with sounds and words;

Can identify sounds in words, the child develops the prerequisites for literacy;

Shows curiosity, asks questions, is interested in cause-and-effect relationships (how? why? why, tries to independently come up with explanations for natural phenomena and people’s actions;

Capable of making his own decisions.

In fact, none of targets preschool Education cannot be achieved without mastering speech culture.

To achieve targets, systematic correction of speech disorders in children is necessary using the most appropriate and effective methods and techniques for correcting speech deficiencies.

In speech therapy practice, a sufficient number of techniques have been accumulated, scientific works, articles on the correction of speech disorders in preschoolers.

Today is characterized by the active growth of new developing technologies, many of which can be successfully used in correctional work. When working with children, it is necessary to make maximum use of all techniques and methods known in special pedagogy, including modern methods who contributed would: improvement of thinking and cognitive abilities, development of lexical and grammatical structure and coherent speech preschoolers. This means relying on person-oriented, system-activity, integrated and differentiated approaches, which meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education and the demands of modern society.

One of the effective interesting techniques that allows you to activate cognitive activity and promotes speech development is to work on creating an unrhymed poem, a didactic syncwine.

Sinkwine(French word) translated means an unrhymed poem of five lines. Homeland syncwine can be considered the USA at the beginning of the 20th century. It's amazing that syncwine appeared thanks to Japanese poetry. At the beginning of the 20th century, American poet Adelaide Crapsey developed this form.

Sinkwine which is used for didactic purposes is called didactic.

There are certain rules for writing syncwine. It consists of 5 lines. Its shape resembles herringbone.

1st line (top "Christmas trees") - one word;

2nd line – two words;

3rd line – three words;

4th line – four words;

5th line (base "Christmas trees") - one word.

What is written on each line?

First line syncwine - header, topic, consisting of one word (usually a noun meaning the thing or action being discussed).

The second line is two words. Adjectives. This is a description of the characteristics of an object or its properties that reveal the topic syncwine.

The third line usually consists of three verbs or gerunds describing the actions of the subject.

The fourth line is a phrase or sentence consisting of several words that reflect the author’s personal attitude syncwine to that what is said in the text.

The fifth line is the last. One word - a noun to express your feelings, associations associated with the subject discussed in the syncwine, that is, this is the author’s personal expression on the topic or repetition of the essence, a synonym.

Training work preschoolers compiling a syncwine is carried out in stages:

Stage I – preparatory (September – December of the first year of study).

In order to correctly, fully, and competently express his thoughts, a child must have a sufficient vocabulary. Therefore, work must begin with clarifying, expanding and improving the dictionary.

Purpose of the stage: acquaintance and enrichment of vocabulary preschoolers with words and concepts: "word-object", "definition word", "word-action", "word-association", "offer", introducing the symbols of these words.

Introducing children to the concept of “a word denoting an object (living, nonliving) And “a word denoting the action of an object”, we thereby prepare a platform for subsequent work on an uncommon proposal and its diagram. Graphic diagrams help children more specifically sense the boundaries of words and their separate spellings. By introducing children to a word denoting a feature of an object, we teach preschoolers make a common proposal. The work ends with the formation of the ability to construct common and common sentences of different structures, based on plot pictures, questions, diagrams, etc. We introduce children to association words related in meaning to the subject being described. (sometimes this word is a synonym).

Through what forms of educational activities preschoolers The vocabulary is enriched and activated.

Forms of educational organization process:

1. GCD (frontal, subgroup, individual) .

2. Word games and exercises ( "Who is this? What is this?", "Guess the riddles", "Find out by description", “Tell me which one? which? which? which?", "Pick up the signs", "Who's doing what?" and others). Word games are easy to use because they do not require special training, so you can play them even in your free time.

3. Educational games "Find a Pair", "Who's doing what?", "Words with opposite meanings" etc. I used desktop printed materials from the workbook “30 lessons in speech development”.

4. Speech trainings (a file of speech material for speech trainings has been collected).

5. Games of low mobility ( "At Malanya's, at the old lady's", “We won’t say what we are doing”, "Living Words" and others) .

6. Multimedia presentations (materials from the site "Planet of Childhood", as well as author's presentations).

The work at the preparatory stage ends with children becoming familiar with the symbols - notation: "words-objects", "definition words", "words-actions", "association words", proposal scheme. This is what the symbols of words look like, which at stage II will make up the didactic algorithm syncwine.

Stage II - main (January - May of the first year of study).

Target: introduction to the compilation algorithm syncwine, formation of the initial ability to compose syncwine(with the help of a teacher).

There is an algorithm syncwine for preschool children who do not yet know how to read. Supposed to be with children preschool age strict, strict adherence to the rules of drafting syncwine optional. So in the fourth line syncwine a sentence may consist not of four words, but of three. You can also remember the proverb with children, popular expression or an aphorism on a given topic. And in the fifth line, one word is also optional, maybe two or three.

Stage III practical (until the end of the second year of study).

Target: Formation of skills and improvement of the skill of composing didactic syncwine on lexical topics.

What can you write about? syncwine?

About nature;

About the picture and the literary hero;

About mom and dad;

About the mood;

On all lexical topics.

Simplicity syncwine makes it possible for each child to compile it. This is a fun activity that encourages children to express themselves. This is a form of free creativity, which is aimed at developing the ability to find the most important and significant signs in a large flow of information, analyze, draw conclusions, and briefly formulate one’s statements.

On the slide you see an example of a child’s syncwine about autumn: "Autumn. Cheerful, colorful. Decorates, delights, dances. It's a beautiful time of year. Gorgeous!" Compilation syncwine looks like a game, because writing is fun, useful and easy!

At what stage of speech therapy OD can you use the technique of compiling syncwine? Compilation syncwine used as a final task on the material covered, for reflection, analysis and synthesis of the information received. Non-rhyming poems created by children often become "highlight" speech therapy educational activities.

Thus, syncwine is one of the effective methods of speech development preschoolers. What is its effectiveness and significance?

Sinkwine is a simple gaming technique. Anyone can make a cinquain.

Develops children's creative abilities, promotes expression of feelings, manifestation of individuality and initiative of children

Compilation syncwine used as a final assignment on the material covered.

Activates cognitive activity children: teaches to analyze, draw conclusions, find the most important and significant signs in a large flow of information, promotes the development of critical thinking, which is important in connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.


Sinkwine helps to expand your vocabulary. Sinkwine teaches short retelling.

Sinkwine teaches you to find and highlight the main idea in a large volume of information.

Composition syncwine- the process is creative. This fun activity helps children express themselves through writing their own unrhymed poems.

Sinkwine helps develop speech and thinking.

Sinkwine- it is also a way of control and self-control (children can compare syncwines and evaluate them) .

Sinkwine allows you to harmoniously combine in your work the elements of the three main educational systems: informational, activity-based and personality-oriented, which is especially important when working with children with special educational needs.

Examples syncwine:


Akimenko V. M. Developmental technologies in speech therapy. – Rostov N/A; ed. Phoenix, 2011.

Dushka N.D. Sinkwine in speech development work preschoolers. Magazine "Speech therapist" № 5 (2005) .

Konovalenko V.V. Related words. Lexico - grammar exercises and vocabulary for children 6 - 8 years old. – GNOM and D – Moscow, 2009.

Ushakova O. S., Strunina E. M. Methods for developing children's speech preschool age. – Vlados – Moscow, 2010.

Ushakova O. S. “Development of speech and creativity preschoolers» . – T. Ts. Sfera, 2005.

Ushakova O. S. "Come up with a word". – T. Ts. Sfera, 2010.

Elvina Azatovna
Using Cinquain technology in speech development for preschoolers

Modern life dictates its laws: people’s speech becomes business-like, even in everyday settings, laconic, dry, devoid of imagery and brightness. Good command of words is an art that needs to be studied for more than one year. Depends on this social status person and professional career.

Development cognitive and speech abilities in children is one of the main tasks preschool education. Today - figurative speech in children, rich in synonyms, additions and descriptions preschool age is a very rare phenomenon. IN speeches there are many children problems: poor vocabulary, inability to compose a story based on a picture, retell what they read, it is difficult for them to learn a poem by heart. Therefore, the pedagogical impact when development and speech of preschoolers - painstaking, daily, necessary Job.

Speaking about the forms, methods and techniques of teaching children, one cannot fail to mention serious changes in the system preschool education, which affected both the organizational and content side of education. The adoption of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education requires the teacher to think more deeply about the methods and techniques for organizing educational activities, since the role of the teacher is guiding, developing. The search for approaches to improving the efficiency of the educational process necessitates paying great attention to the use of innovative pedagogical technologies and methods.

For myself, I noted that one of the effective interesting methods that allows you to intensify cognitive activity and promotes speech development, is Job over the creation of an unrhymed poem, syncwine.

The innovation of this technique lies in the fact that conditions are created for personality development, capable of thinking critically, i.e., eliminating the superfluous and highlighting the main thing, generalizing, classifying.

Sinkwine is used as a method for developing figurative speech allowing you to quickly get results. Is not contradicts educational and correctional programs of preschool educational institutions.

Relevance and feasibility the use of syncwine is explained by the fact that what before Total:

New creative intellectual possibilities open up;

Fits harmoniously into work on the development of forestry complex;

Contributes to the enrichment and updating of the dictionary;

Is a diagnostic tool;

Has the nature of a complex impact (develops speech, memory, attention, thinking)

-used to consolidate the topic studied;

I am a gaming device;

With creative using syncwine in class it is perceived preschoolers like a fun game. But you need to remember that you need to draw up syncwine only on topics well known to children and be sure to show an example.

Children must have sufficient vocabulary, generalization, concepts: word-object, word-action, word-attribute.

Match words in a sentence

Compilation syncwine is used for reflection, analysis and synthesis of the information received.

The most important thing that I really like about this method, this is what Sinkwine - everyone can do it!

This method can be easily integrated with all educational areas, and the ease of construction syncwine allows you to quickly get results.

When should you start getting acquainted with this technique? With older children

Dear colleagues, I would like to introduce you to this technique.

Word syncwine(eng. Cinquain) comes from the French word "five", which means "five line poem", which are written according to certain rules.

Traditional (classical) cinquain as a genre of poetry, based on counting the syllables in each verse, was invented at the beginning of the 20th century by the American poet Adelaide Crapsey, influenced by the Japanese poetry popular at that time.

Didactic rule for compiling syncwine was developed much later. For pedagogical and educational purposes, as an effective method speech development, intellectual and analytical abilities, syncwine is used in many countries of the world, since the late 90s and in Russia.

To the basic rules of compilation syncwine include the following:

1 line – one keyword – title, heading, topic, usually a noun defining the content (name of the item, work, name of the hero, etc.);

Line 2 – two words (adjectives that describe the characteristics of an object or its properties.

words can be connected by conjunctions and prepositions.

Line 3 – three words (Verbs). Actions of the subject related to the topic.

Line 4 – four words – a sentence. A phrase that shows the author's attitude to the topic.

Line 5 – one word – a summary word, an association, a synonym that characterizes the essence of the topic, a philosophical generalization, expresses the author’s personal expression and emotion towards the topic in the first line, usually a noun.

Strict adherence to writing rules syncwine is not necessary. To improve the text in the fourth line, you can use three or five words, and in the fifth line there are two words. Possible options use of other parts of speech.

Algorithm cinquain for children who cannot read, looks like a Christmas tree. Parts speeches can be highlighted in different colors.

Item (subject)– one word-noun.

Two adjectives on the topic.

Three verbs on the topic.

Topic proposal.

Association on the topic: one word-subject.

Also in his At work, I use a syncwine composition scheme depicted on Slad 11. Slad 11.


words-objects (nouns)

words-signs (adjectives)

action words (Verbs)

words-objects (nouns)

Today, dozens of domestic authors indicate great help syncwine in establishing correctness and meaningfulness speeches for preschool children.

Is it possible to teach composition? syncwines for children who can't read yet?

Of course you can. Compose Everyone gets syncwine. Compilation syncwine looks like a game, because writing is fun, useful and easy! The main thing is to start writing and everything will definitely work out. Children who cannot read orally compose syncwine with question words. About who about what? Which, which, which? What did you do, what did you do? With the help of leading questions, children learn to highlight the main idea, answer questions and, according to a certain algorithm, create their own oral non-rhyming poems.

For example,

Who? Doll

Which? Beautiful, Beloved

What is he doing? Standing, Sitting, Smiling

Offer. My doll is the most beautiful

Association. Toy

In order to express his thoughts most correctly, completely and accurately, a child must have a sufficient vocabulary. That's why Job begins with clarifying, expanding and self-improving the vocabulary.

Introducing concepts to children "a word denoting an object", And “a word denoting the action of an object”, we are thereby preparing a platform for subsequent work on the proposal. Giving concept “a word denoting a feature of an object”, we are accumulating material for distributing the proposal with definitions. Children realize that a sentence has main words, without which it cannot be constructed. If compilation syncwine causes difficulty, you can help with leading questions.

You need to start with simple concepts, familiar topics.

What does a flower do - grow, bloom, smell, sway, dry up, wither.

A girl and a boy can perform several actions - looking, crying, smiling, screaming, jumping, running, sitting, playing.

What is shown in the picture: The cat is lying down, the kettle is boiling.

Several signs for one item - yellow, sour, juicy, aromatic (lemon).

Children master concepts "living and nonliving" subject, they learn to correctly pose questions to words denoting objects, actions and signs of objects, to depict them graphically, as well as with the help of association pictures or objects. Graphic diagrams help children more specifically sense the boundaries of words and their separate spellings.

Sinkwine- this is not a way to test children’s knowledge, it is a way to check at any stage of studying a topic what students have at the level of associations.

Method syncwine can be used in working with preschoolers starting from the second half of the year in the senior group, when children have already mastered the concept "word-object", "word-action", "sign word", "offer". The richer the child’s vocabulary, the easier it will be for him to build not only syncwine, but also retell the text and express your thoughts.

Didactic syncwine It is appropriate to compose at the end of each lexical topic, when children already have sufficient vocabulary on this topic. At first, it is planned when drawing up syncwine work with children in pairs, in small groups and only then individually. Needs to be encouraged syncwines, which contain the most accurate description of various aspects of a topic or subject.

Compilation tasks for children syncwine can be various:

To one word-subject on a lexical topic

To different words-objects related to each other by lexical theme.

Compiling a short story using a ready-made didactic syncwine using words and phrases, included in this syncwine.

Correction and improvement of finished syncwine

Analysis of incomplete syncwine to determine the missing part (for example, given syncwine without specifying the topic - without the first line, it is necessary to determine it based on existing ones).

The higher the level of speech child development, the more interesting it turns out syncwines. The apparent simplicity of the form of this technique hides a powerful, multifaceted tool for reflection. After all, assessing information, expressing thoughts, feelings and ideas in a few words, in fact, is not so easy even for an adult. It is complex and fruitful Job, but poems created by children often become "highlight" direct educational activities.

You can give work to the home for joint activities of the child and parents: draw an object and compose syncwine, which does not require much time, you can play this game even on the way to kindergarten. And as a result, when compiling it, almost all the child’s personal abilities are realized (intellectual, creative, imaginative). Parents can make a piggy bank with their child syncwines. Based on poems, cartoons, read stories and fairy tales, situations from life...

Sinkwine for preschoolers is:

A means of creative self-expression for a child;

A gaming way to enrich vocabulary;

Preparing for a brief retelling;

mastery of concepts: word-object (living-inanimate, word-action, word-attribute;

The ability to highlight the main idea, formulate an idea, select synonyms, correctly understand and ask questions, coordinate words in a sentence;

A fun activity that will make everyone preschooler can feel like a creative genius.