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Questions to think about. Unusual questions that make you think

As we approach a new day, week, month or year, most of us take a little time to reflect on our lives, look into the past and think about the future. We begin to reflect on the successes, failures and outstanding events that gradually formed our lives. This process of self-exploration reflects where we have been and where we intend to go. Such reflections lead to an understanding of our goals, dreams and requirements.

If you want to make the most of this reflection, here are some questions for you. We recommend reading them and re-reading them regularly whenever you have some quiet time to think about everything. After all, self-inquiry is the key to self-improvement.

Remember that there are no right or wrong answers to these questions. After all, the answers to them will be useful for you.

Here are 25 questions to think about:

  1. How old would you give yourself if you didn't know your real age?
  2. If you had the opportunity to convey information to a large number of people, what content would it have?
  3. Is it possible to deceive without saying a word?
  4. If not now, then when?
  5. What would you do differently if you knew no one would judge you?
  6. Are you holding onto something that you need to let go of?
  7. Have you done anything recently that is worth remembering?
  8. Do you love someone? What were your last actions that expressed this love?
  9. When is the time to stop calculating risks and start doing what you think is right?
  10. Do you think tears are a sign of weakness or strength?
  11. Would you break the law to save someone you love?
  12. When you are old, what will be most important to you?
  13. Are you interested in various issues? Or is what you already know enough?
  14. Are you happy with the things you have?
  15. When much is said and done, will you have more words or deeds?
  16. When was the last time you tried something new?
  17. What makes you forget everything?
  18. If you could relive your life, would you change anything?
  19. What is the difference between the concepts of “live” and “exist”?
  20. If you had a friend and he communicated with you in the same way that you can only afford to do, how long would this person remain your friend?
  21. If you had to teach, what would you teach?
  22. Time or money?
  23. Are you aware that someone's life is worse than yours?
  24. What makes you smile?
  25. What do you regret in your life and what would you rather not do?

Based on materials:

Each of us comes into this life to learn. Learn from events, meetings, even suffering. But we often refuse to see what exactly they want to convey to us, we become fixated on one lesson for a long time - and waste years when we could have spent several months on it.

If we more often asked ourselves questions that make us think about life, perhaps we would learn much faster.

Children's philosophy

As children's book author Bernadette Russell says, children should ask their parents philosophical questions that will shape their worldview and help them grow up. And, of course, children's fairy tales and cartoons will help them formulate these questions. The mistake of many parents is that they do not decipher for their children the meaning of the cartoons they watched and the fairy tales they read. What questions do the tales of Saltykov, Pushkin and others make you think about? famous personalities? Saltykov in his fairy tales condemns the government and comically shows the intelligentsia, so such fairy tales, with a deeper reading, can be interesting even to adults.

Philosophical questions for children

Here are a few questions that make little fidgets think and that parents must answer.

1. How to treat animals?

Any living creature needs care and love, especially our little pets. Fostering love for smaller friends will help children learn kindness, fearless expression of love, and care.

2. How much do the best things in life cost?

We get all the best absolutely free - love for life and people, laughter, communication with friends, sleep, hugs. They are not bought, not because they are free, but because they are priceless.

3. What's good in life?

All life is good, no matter what troubles it brings us! In everyone, even the most dark day, there is a place sun rays- green traffic light on the way home, ice cream bought for dessert, warm weather. Teach your children to feel life and, of course, to believe in magic.

4.Can one person change the world?

We won't change the whole world, but we can change ourselves - and then the world around us will change for us. Our little personal world will become exactly the way we want it to be, because a person receives what he himself emits.

The most unusual questions

Below is a list of the most extraordinary questions that will make you think, but will initially leave you stumped. Probably, each of us will find our own answer to all of them.

1. Is it possible to lie to your interlocutor by remaining silent?

It all depends on how exactly the question was posed and what exactly it concerns. Usually silence cannot be called a lie, but there are cases when it can be regarded as such.

2. What would you choose: wealth and a wheelchair or health and poverty?

This question makes us think about the fact that the things we are chasing so hard, ruining our health and pushing aside our moral principles, are not at all worth the effort. After all, none of us will take money with us to the grave.

3. What advice would you give to a newborn for the future?

Each of us would probably answer this question differently. But, you must admit, it is the charming childish spontaneity that adults lack so much! And perhaps this is exactly what you should wish for - always and under any circumstances to remain yourself.

4. If you could change your future, would you change it?

Changing the future leads to changes in the present. In the past, which is preserved in your memory and heart, there were necessary lessons that you successfully completed. And if you renounce them, your future will no longer be securely girded by past experiences.

5. Knowing that tomorrow will be the last day of your life, what actions would you decide to take?

How much time we spend doubting and fearing. Knowing that life is so short, we consciously sacrifice our desires, aspirations, and dreams just because we are plagued by doubts. And then we regret it, because in practice, a seemingly long life turns out to be incredibly short.

Eternal questions about life in books

How many books have been written on philosophical topics! What big philosophical questions do these books make you think about? Not every person grows spiritually and intellectually into such books, but if you pick up one of them, you can be sure that you will take away something valuable from it. Almost all such texts carry a message to the reader that makes them think about their life and their worldview.

List of books with deep meaning

A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess is a novel that unvarnishes the cruelty of the world around us. The metamorphoses that occur with the hero, who at first himself showed unprecedented cruelty, until he experienced it himself in prison, raise questions in readers that are worth thinking about - about how our society works, why there is so much cruelty in it. And the motto of the book says that life must be accepted as it is. Invaluable advice, isn't it?

"April Witching" by Ray Bradbury - short story about unhappy female love, which every girl once experienced. Do we need such life experiences? Can we overcome suffering? Pain lives inside every person, like a poisonous flower, and only we decide what to do with this flower - water it or pick it and throw it away.

What question does the book “A Happy Death” by Albert Camus make you think about? Each of us once asked ourselves: why was I born into this world, is happiness waiting for me? Albert Camus is looking for answers to these questions together with his hero. After all, the main meaning of life may not be in achievements or pleasures, but in feeling this happiness.

Have you ever thought about how dear your family and friends really are? What important role does family play in our lives? Marquez in his book “One Hundred Years of Solitude” talks about people who are happy to have guests, but are indifferent to each other.

How long have you been torn by your own conscience? Conscience is an individual choice for everyone, as the author of the novel “The French Lieutenant’s Mistress” claims. This book has two endings.

“We are responsible for those we have tamed”

What questions did Exupery’s “The Little Prince” make those who read this work think about? The work is easily divided into many quotes filled with childish wisdom. And although this story is perceived as a fairy tale, in fact, “The Little Prince” is recommended for adults to read. As you read, you will find many questions on a philosophical topic, the answers to which are also in the work. What is friendship really? Do we see beauty around us? Do we know how to be happy or do we lose this quality as we grow older?


Life is complex, multifaceted, and somewhat cruel. But she asks us questions that make us think. Love for her, sincere and not clouded by problems, makes us truly happy people. This should be the task of each of us - to understand that happiness does not depend on external factors, but from the internal content.

IN school years almost all the girls had profiles. Such a thick beautiful notebook. Her owner gave questionnaires to other girls, and even boys. The first page contained all sorts of questions, from general to provocative. It was proposed to answer them as fully as possible. I also had such a notebook, but I still liked answering questions more than asking them. I wish I could read my essays now!

The other day Olya omega_luna seduced me into a flash mob. It just brought back memories of school questionnaires. I received several questions about the relay race and answered them. Well, dear diary, let's go!

How old do you remember yourself? Tell me about your earliest memory.

I began to remember myself well from the age of five, but very bright spots from the age of three remained. First flight, green curtains on the window, a pot-bellied gas water heater with an oval mouth in which a blue fire burned. Ride the cable car. This all happened in Kaliningrad.

When I was four years old, I went to kindergarten at my grandmother’s house. She didn't last long there. It felt like I was in a juvenile detention center. The teachers did not give the red horse on wheels, standing among the common toys. The children banged their spoons on the table while waiting for food. I went there for three days. Two years later, on the territory of this kindergarten, I found a wallet full of coins.

Speaking of finds. Picking up something useful and cute and bringing it into the house was my passion. At home we even have a special box for treasures. Most often I found clothespins, black rubber bands and erasers. One day I found a knife when the whole family was out mushroom hunting. He still serves his grandmother.

IN kindergarten, which I went to six months before school, I had two fans at once. Sasha Markin and Sasha Danilkin. There was a break at school with fans until university (-:

What are your short-term goals? What about long-term ones?

Here I can only talk about my approach to goal setting. The most important thing is that I never think much ahead. Life is richer than our imagination, as I have been convinced of more than once. Therefore, I won’t even undertake to write an essay on the topic “Dasha in a year.” I also don’t share my plans. Again, why make the Lord laugh, and publicity usually doesn’t help matters.

The most favorite plans are for the day. First of all, live it with dignity. Secondly, do everything planned and make sure that tomorrow you don’t return to the issue or roll back. In short, my daily efforts are my contribution to the future. Moreover, such daily responsibility is easier than responsibility for a year, for five, for a lifetime.

What qualities do you value most in a person?

It depends on what this person and I are going to do together. That is, I expect more punctuality from a courier than from a friend. From family members - understanding. What I appreciate in the readers of my blog is their respectful attitude towards each other and the ability to be restrained. In general, I really appreciate the strong and positively charged core and sincerity in people.

What would you do if your daughter behaved the same way as you during adolescence? Or was everything calm for you?

I added gray hair to my mother, although it was no longer adolescence, but an adult. But I am always her daughter, her little daughter. Even at "almost 30". Now it is very difficult to say how I will react. I really hope to raise the next generation with head and faith. This helps me a lot in steering and swimming out at the sharpest turns.

How does your Sunday morning usually go?

It's rare that you can stay home on the weekends. I often see Sunday mornings at the dacha or while traveling. Outside the city there are always things to do in the fresh air. And if I stay at home, I do housework. For example, I like to iron in the morning. In the first half of the day there is such bright light in the apartment. I put the board next to the window and carefully smooth it. I don’t know how to relax lying on the sofa.

Would you change any turning points in your life if possible?

No way! There’s not even anything to comment on here.

What would your home be like if you had unlimited possibilities?

A dream house is definitely not a home. This is an apartment. Definitely in a Stalinist house and with a view of the sunset. I'm consistently unlucky with the last point, hehe. Can I expand on the idea of ​​unlimited possibilities? I would love to start arranging model courtyards and other public areas. I would smoke the “municipal” spirit.

At the dacha, I would improve the area around the pond and plant an alley on the access road, so that it would be like in the Kaliningrad region.

I would buy old buildings “for demolition” and restore them. I would do any kind of social work for the benefit of the people. I understand well that this is the highest degree of egoism (-:

What is given to you with great difficulty and reluctance?

It’s hard for me to remember what was difficult for me (-: Fear has big eyes, but your hands do it anyway. Once upon a time, writing a thesis seemed simply impossible to me. Now I judge that if there is common sense in the matter, then it quite doable.

What are your favorites on LJ?

I read very few magazines. Favorites, perhaps. With Tatiana


1. Can love last forever?

A team of scientists recently discovered that romantic love is linked to... chemical changes, occurring in the brain, which last 12-18 months. After this, you and your partner look at each other differently. Relationships require care and attention. Visit a nursing home where you can get evidence of lasting love.

2. Why do married people become similar to each other?

Look at any two people who enjoy talking to each other and you will see how they mirror each other. If one smiles, then the other too, if one nods his head and raises his eyebrows, his interlocutor does the same. Faces become similar when two people have a subconscious desire to synchronize their actions. In the case of marriage, multiply these desires by several decades lived together and you will get the answer to the question!

3. Can a marriage survive betrayal?

Yes. Of course, this will take a lot of time and work, but experts are fairly unanimous in their answer to this question. It is estimated that about 60 percent of husbands and 40 percent of wives have something on the side at some point in their marriage. However, this is good news for couples hoping to recover from the devastating effects of a loss of trust.

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The offended partner must make a choice in order to forgive and learn to live with it, since it cannot be erased from memory. Adultery is never forgotten, but it is gradually erased from memory against the backdrop of a strong and mature marriage.

4. Why does time fly in summer and drag on in winter?

Because context determines the essence. As Albert Einstein said: “When you are courting a beautiful girl, an hour flies by like a second, but when you are sitting on hot ashes, a second seems like an hour.”

5. Do Animals Really Have a Sixth Sense?

Or seventh or eighth! A box jellyfish has 24 eyes, an earthworm's entire body is covered in taste buds, a cockroach can detect the movement of the tiniest particle, and your dog can smell up to 100,000 times better than you (some dogs have even been known to smell human cancer cells). It is safe to say that animals live in a world completely different from ours.

6. Why is the lane you're driving in always the slowest?

Because you are late for your child’s concert and complain that you are constantly unlucky, while at the same time envying those who rush past you. Conversely, when you are in a line that is moving quickly, you are usually free from stress and any worries and do not even notice the poor souls who are standing in the “slow” lane. Luck rarely comes at the first call.

7. At what age should we decide what we want from life?

Any moment. Previously, this was the question most often asked by young people. There are many explanations and points of view on this matter, but the oldest wisdom of all times says: “There is nothing to do with life except live it.” As has been noted, "almost everything you do with life is insignificant, but it is very important that you do it."

8. Why are there always traffic jams on the roads?

Scientists are working hard to study this issue and computer models of the physics of traffic jams, and are also trying to invent new algorithms for the operation of traffic lights. Some researchers suggest that the rhythms of vehicle movement are influenced by the same force as the cyclic movement of waves in the ocean.

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Others explain this phenomenon more simply: there are simply too many people wanting to do the same thing at the same time (imagine the toilet of some government agency, which all employees decided to go to at the same time).

9. When you have no future?

When you stop dreaming, so don't stop!

10. Should you love your job?

No. Love your children, your spouse and your country. Love your parents, your neighbors and your dog. The feeling of love is very important emotional state, which helps a person to live, while love is too important to connect it with how you make a living. But, nevertheless, it is quite natural to strive to satisfy your needs.

According to a recent survey, 59 percent of Americans rate their job satisfaction as high or average, while 33 percent feel dispirited, saying they feel like their career has stalled. If you are among the latter and are already thinking about changing jobs, then take into account the fact that employees of small firms feel and see the result of their work more clearly than those who work in large companies.

11. Can a man and a woman be just friends?

For a short period of time they can. But after the serious relationship that you had, this is, to say the least, unpleasant.

12. When will you pick up the car keys from your grandfather?

Currently, 22 countries in the world require ongoing testing of older drivers. The American Medical Association and many non-governmental organizations say that driving safety is more a function of functional ability rather than age. It is true that older people are more at risk of decreased vision and hearing, but nevertheless, it all depends on the person.

13. Do brothers and sisters who constantly fight love each other?

All experts will tell you that fighting between siblings is normal. The main thing in this matter is how parents feel about it.

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Rule #1: never take sides or try to find out who started it first in order to make what you think is a fairer verdict.

14. How do you know when a friendship is over?

As soon as such thoughts come to you. This means that it never started at all.

15. Why do we eventually turn into our parents, although we swear that we will not do as they did?

Because really, when all is said and done, we just admire them.

16. Can a “half empty” person become “half full”?

One of modern theories says that a person has “many emotional points.” Some people simply manage to be happier than others. Pessimists will see this as bad news, believing that nothing they do matters because they won't end up happy anyway. But any optimist will understand that there is hope! Happiness depends to a greater extent on how you personally perceive certain life situations, and not on the actual events themselves.

17. When do children become adults?

Biologically this happens earlier, emotionally - later. Currently, puberty in women occurs at the age of 8-14 years, in men – 9-15 years. Some time ago, when a person turned 18, he set out on his own and did not depend on his parents. Nowadays, often children, having graduated from university, return to their parents, hoping in their person for the services of laundry, dining room and other duties that impose on a person adult life. For a while, it seems cute, but the older the child gets, the less cute it seems.

18. Can a mother be friends with her teenage daughter?

No. Most teenagers are not ready for mature friendships. According to the latest modern research, the brain continues to develop when a person crosses the 20-year mark. Mothers very often want to be friends with their daughters, and fathers with their sons. But this does not serve anyone's interests. Teenagers need to form their own perception of life, which in any case will be different from their parents, since each person has their own. This means that teenagers should have their own personal lives and even secrets from their parents - this is a completely normal thing. As a rule, it is easier for a teenage girl to become friends with her mother's friend, but for the mother it is best to leave things as they are.

19. Can money buy happiness?

No, because happiness is not for sale. Many people get confused, trying to get rich, but at the same time falling into a bottomless pit full of boredom. But it turns out that joy and sorrow are not so far apart when it comes to a big wad of money. Consider the case of one Kentucky couple who won $34 million in 2000.

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Excited that they could finally get rid of their boring jobs, they squandered all their luck on luxury cars, mansions, and in the process, lost everything that matters in human relations. They divorced, he died of alcohol-related illnesses, and she died alone in her new home just five years after cashing in the winning ticket.

When it comes to happiness, only the people you love and who love you can give it to you. If you have enough money to buy yourself a yacht, but no friends to ride it with, you will go down.

20. Can someone who loves to spend and someone who constantly saves get along together?

Of course they can, if they always discuss these issues. Disagreements over money are a leading cause of divorce, so experts advise constantly discussing this issue if, from a financial point of view, your partner is your opposite. Tip: always say “our” instead of “mine” and “yours”, it actually works. Divide your responsibilities: let the saver be responsible for the family budget, and the spender be responsible for vacations, holidays and ordering extra sauces for pizza.

21. Is money the root of all evil?

No, greed. "When you share money, only then does it have value."

22. Why is it so difficult to say “you’re wrong”?

Because it also most often implies the phrase “Sorry,” which is even more difficult to say. Throughout history, it has been easier for people to stop communicating with each other altogether, to slander each other, to shoot, to bomb, but not to apologize. Tip: Next time just try saying "Oops" and see what happens.

23. In what situations can you reveal a secret that you should not tell anyone?

It's a matter of self-control. Is the person who asked you to keep something secret in danger or is he or others under threat? If yes, then intervene.

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Otherwise, there is no need to say anything unnecessary.

30 deep and interesting quotes that provide food for thought:

  1. Your mind is being programmed. And if you don't program it yourself, then someone will do it for you. © Jeremy Hammond
  2. Having a low opinion of yourself is not modesty. This is self-destruction. © Bobby Sommer
  3. The same word sounds differently for different writers. One has his insides dragging behind his words. The other takes it out of his coat pocket. © Charles Peguy
  4. Minimalism is not about the absence of something. It's just the perfect amount of something. © Nicholas Burrows
  5. Some tourists think that Amsterdam is a city of sin, but in fact it is a city of freedom. It’s just that in conditions of freedom, the majority choose sin. © John Green
  6. If you think you've already achieved enlightenment, try just spending a week with your family. © Baba Ram Dass
  7. The mind adapts quite quickly to everything except melancholy. © Emily Dickinson
  8. The color of truth is grey. © André Gide
  9. Television will never be an art form because it panders to the audience's expectations. © Michael Haneke
  10. I noticed that even people who claim that everything is predetermined and that we cannot change anything always look both ways when crossing the road. © Stephen Hawking
  11. Life is not what you get. This is what you do with what you get. © Stephanie Perkins
  12. It is impossible to become educated if we read only what we like. © Joseph Joubert
  13. Sometimes, if I really want to eat a cookie, but I can’t, I think about it. What pleases God more? To make me happy? Or should I eat only what I should? ...And I eat a cookie. © Dalai Lama
  14. Something was holding us back all the time and making us weaker. It turned out that it was ourselves. © Robert Frost
  15. If you want to do something great one day, remember: that one day is today. © George Lucas
  16. I write as if I am saving someone's life. Perhaps my own. © Clarice Lispector
  17. Books have the same enemies as people: fire, dampness, animals, weather and their own contents.. © Paul Valéry
  18. Culture is your operating system. © Terence McKenna
  19. Practice kindness all day long for everyone around you and you will know you are already in heaven. © Jack Kerouac
  20. All art is autobiographical. Pearls - the autobiography of an oyster. © Federico Fellini
  21. Real teachers use themselves as a bridge over which they invite their students to walk. And then, having taken the student to the other side, they joyfully destroy these bridges, encouraging them to create their own. © Nikos Kazantzakis
  22. The soldier is the last link in the evolution of the animal world. © John Steinbeck
  23. Travel only with those you love. © Ernest Hemingway
  24. The lighthouse is not running all over the coast looking for a boat to save. He just stands in one place and shines. © Anne Lamott
  25. If the only prayer, which you say in your life is “thank you”, that is already enough. © Meister Eckhart
  26. Only the weak are sent on a safe journey. © Hermann Hesse
  27. The planet doesn't need large number « successful people" The planet is in desperate need of peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers and lovers of all kinds. She needs people who are good to live with. The planet needs people with morals who are willing to join the fight to make the world a vibrant and humane place. And these qualities have little to do with “success” as it is defined in our society. © Dalai Lama
  28. At the age of five I learned to read. Nothing more important has ever happened in my life. © Mario Vargas Llosa
  29. Everything that needs to be said has already been said. But since no one listened, everything must be repeated again. © André Gide
  30. I committed the worst sin of all possible sins. I wasn't happy. © Borges