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Military conflict in Donbass: key dates and facts. Fighting in eastern Ukraine Why is Poroshenko doing this? Did he even know about this operation?

“War in Donbass” Fell into a trap: Ukrainian military encircles occupied Gorlovka

“War in Donbass” Militants attacked from three sides: the Ukrainian Armed Forces held the village of Yuzhny

Over the past 24 hours, militants opened fire on the positions of the forces of the Joint Forces Operation in Donbass 53 times; as a result of the shelling, nine Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers were wounded and two more were killed.

“War in Donbass” Militants attacked from three sides: the Ukrainian Armed Forces held the village of Yuzhny

The press center of the Joint Forces Operation reported this on its Facebook page.

“Over the past 24 hours, the Russian occupation forces violated the ceasefire 53 times, of which 30 times they used 122 mm artillery, 120 and 82 mm mortars.

Units of the Joint Forces gave an adequate response, not allowing the invaders to oust our units from advantageous defensive positions,” the report says.

In the Luhansk direction, militants became more active in the area of ​​the Troitskoye settlement.

As noted, in the Donetsk direction, the active defense of Ukrainian units continued in the areas of the settlements of Zaitsevo, Luganskoye, Novoluganskoye, Mayorsk, Shumy, Zheleznoye, Yuzhnoye, Novgorodskoye, Avdeevka, Maryinka and Novohnatovka.

Fighting continues in the Mariupol direction in the areas of the settlements of Chermalyk, Vodyanoye and Shirokino.

“During the day yesterday, the enemy, with active offensive actions, tried to dislodge our soldiers from the liberated South, who attacked from three directions.

At the same time, he sowed panic among civilians and fired directly at the city of Toretskoye,” the headquarters emphasized.

At the same time, counter-sniper measures were used near Avdeevka and Maryinka, after which the shelling of the positions of Ukrainian defenders stopped.

According to Ukrainian intelligence, 15 militants were killed and 13 wounded.

“War in Donbass” Fell into a trap: Ukrainian military encircles occupied Gorlovka

The forces of the Joint Forces Operation took Gorlovka, occupied by the DPR terrorists, into a semicircle. Ukrainian military expert Alexey Arestovich reported this on his Facebook page. Transmits

“War in Donbass” Fell into a trap: Ukrainian military encircles occupied Gorlovka

According to him, the main supply routes for the occupiers in this area fall under the fire control of the Armed Forces. Because of this, it is becoming increasingly difficult for militants to deliver goods to populated areas.

Arestovich writes that the militants are trying to get out of the encirclement, but the Ukrainian military is stopping these attempts.

“The Russians fell into the right situational trap and now their actions are dictated by our decisions, the losses are great, and the situation for them is significantly worsening,” he writes.

The military expert notes that occupied Gorlovka is “the key to the entire front”, since it divides the so-called “DPR” and “LPR” in half.

Let us remind you that earlier a sabotage and reconnaissance group of militants attacked the positions of the Ukrainian military in the area of ​​the village of Yuzhnoye, near Gorlovka.

As a result of the clash, two Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers were killed and four were injured.

Girkin reported the defeat of the “DPR” near Gorlovka - the militants may lose control of Debaltseve. "War in Donbass"

Girkin reported the defeat of the “DPR” near Gorlovka - the militants may lose control of Debaltseve. "War in Donbass"

​One of the Russian ex-militant leaders, Igor Girkin, confirmed the failure of the “DPR” near Gorlovka, where units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were not only able to liberate two settlements in the “gray zone” at once, but also carried out an operation going behind terrorist lines and capturing those recruited by Russia mercenaries. Writes " "

He stated this to one of the separatist resources - a fragment and video of the statement were published on the Internet.

Girkin states that over the past 4 years the Ukrainian army has been able to sharply increase its power, which it is beginning to use on the front line, displacing militants from their positions.

Moreover, the defeat of the “DPR” near Gorlovka looks even more serious for the militants against the backdrop of the collapse of a bridge on the territory of the “LPR”: the bridge connected Lugansk and Krasny Luch. After the destruction of the bridge, the railway running underneath was also partially blocked.

Its collapse sharply reduces the opportunity for militants to maneuver and conduct an effective defense of Debaltsevo, which was occupied by militants and could be liberated by Ukrainian Armed Forces units soon.

The counterattack of the Armed Forces of Ukraine covered the positions of the “DPR” on the Svetlodar Bulge - the militants’ stronghold was completely destroyed

​The artillery unit of the Ukrainian Armed Forces on the Svetlodar Bulge launched a heavy fire strike on the DPR positions in response to the shelling, completely destroying the DPR stronghold on the front line.

Volunteer Yuri Mysyagin reported this information on his own page on the social network.

According to his data, the militants opened artillery fire in the vicinity of the village of Troitskoye, forcing military units from the 54th brigade to react instantly. Almost immediately, the military launched a drone into the air to detect militant positions, after which the DPR stronghold was completely destroyed by the forces of the K-2 group’s combat unit.

“The support burned out and collapsed,” the volunteer wrote.

Mysyagin reports significant damage that was inflicted on the terrorists after the fire strike, publishing several photographs of burning positions.

The counterattack of the Armed Forces of Ukraine covered the positions of the "DPR" on the Svetlodar Bulge - the militants' stronghold was completely destroyed. The counterattack of the Armed Forces of Ukraine covered the positions of the "DPR" on the Svetlodarskaya Bulge - the counterattack of the militants was completely destroyed. DPR" on the Svetlodar Bulge - the militants' stronghold was completely destroyed

Journalists report that over the past few weeks there has been a systematic increase in military activity in Donbass.

“It’s damn nice to watch how an unknown “third force” destroys the enemy’s advanced fortifications. It's no longer a secret. “The “third force” has grown well, become more powerful, and this is now happening along the entire front,” the volunteer wrote.

What's really happening in Donbass?

The same thing is happening as recently: there is no intense war, but attempts to break through the defenses and test their strength are quite significant. The ATO ended, so to speak, and the military operation began.

What does “no war” mean? What do you think is war?

War is when the front line moves, large, serious battles take place, as a result of which certain settlements are abandoned by one side and, accordingly, taken by the other.

And the Armed Forces of Ukraine constantly report on the recaptured villages, villages in the so-called “gray zone”.

Yes, according to reports from the Armed Forces of Ukraine, in recent years they have regularly reported that they took another 50 meters, another 100 meters, another 2 kilometers. If this were so in reality, then there would be nothing left of the Donetsk and Lugansk people's republics. In reality, of course, this is not the case. It’s just that the front line is quite flexible, sometimes there really are “gray zones” that the Wehrmacht officers are trying to take over. Recently, this movement has become more intense, which is often tied to the World Cup. They say that Russia is now in an uncomfortable position for itself; the most important thing for it is to hold the championship, so it will not react in any way if suddenly the Armed Forces of Ukraine achieve significant military successes, break through the defenses of the corps and rush into a real offensive.

And what does Russia have to do with it, which is not participating in the military confrontation?

It seems like he really doesn’t participate, but they claim the opposite. And at the same time, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are suffering really serious losses. In particular, near Gorlovka they received very well, thoroughly, I would say.

What are the mood in Donbass? Do they want peace, are they afraid of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and possible purges?

In my opinion, our “opponents,” let’s call them that, consider Russia a direct enemy and are waging war against it. This is such a paradox. They called the country an aggressor, and at the same time they bargain with us, they come to us very actively. Look how many citizens of Ukraine, how many cars with Ukrainian license plates are on the streets of Moscow! And this is “they are at war” with Russia?

Where are they from, from Donetsk or?..

Both Donetsk and Lugansk have their own numbers, their own passports. These are visitors from Ukraine, who at the same time loudly claim that they are waging war on us. This is an absolutely crazy situation. But if they think that if genocide of the residents of Donbass happened, Russia would remain on the sidelines, as an expert I can say: they are very mistaken. You can't get away with this. But I am confident that the corps will be able to hold back any current attacks that the Ukrainian Armed Forces are capable of.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine are large in number, they, of course, have superiority in relation to the corps in weapons. But at the same time, one must understand that the degree of decomposition of the Ukrainian army is very high, the unwillingness to fight is high, the psychological mood is decadent, and therefore it is a great strain for them to assemble units, parts of units that are ready to make at least some attempt at an offensive. It’s very difficult, because the masses that stupidly sit in the trenches, even sometimes stupidly die in these trenches, are quite large. But to go on the offensive, slightly different moral and psychological qualities are required, and there are actually very few such people on the Ukrainian side.

In Ukraine, the genocide of the Ukrainian people occurred during this time. Let me remind you that the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic at the time it declared itself “independence” had a population of 52.5 million. They had an excellent economy and army, because they got the Western districts, the most combat-ready, directed against the West, in fact. Everything was amazing. Today the population of Ukraine, according to their own minister of labor, the real population, without Donbass and without Crimea, is barely 30 million people. This is genocide, “silent genocide.”

You visit Donbass, what, in your opinion, is the economic condition and situation of the people?

We are talking about the territories of the people's republics, right? Because their territories do not coincide with the territories of the regions. So, in the territories of the people’s republics, the economic situation as a whole is, of course, difficult and quite difficult, but people endure. Because they are waiting for their fate to be determined. They initially did not think about independent republics: people were not in that mood. The declaration of independence is a forced step, it is half a step towards Russia. People are waiting for the next half of the step towards Russia to be taken, and this step will already be final. That is, they will become part of Russia as the same region as any other Russian one.

Is this your opinion as an expert or a reflection of people’s mood?

This is my opinion as an expert about the mood of the majority of people in the Donetsk and Lugansk republics. They want to go to Russia, but there is an awareness of the tragedy in such a desire. They understand that the Russian people support them, but at the same time, for political reasons, Russia is still unable to accept them.

What reasons? What prevents you from doing this? Let's say this happened to Crimea?

The reasons are primarily of a foreign policy nature. Yes, I also mean the Crimean option, but, unfortunately, this did not happen in Lugansk and Donetsk. The authorities, first of all, care about the welfare and security of all of Russia, and not just about Lugansk and Donetsk. Therefore, due to foreign policy reasons, it is forced to sacrifice the interests of the Russian people, no matter who they are by blood - Russians, Little Russians, Great Russians, Greeks, Serbs, Germans.

Nevertheless, do you consider the entry of the DPR and LPR into the Russian Federation a real prospect?

Yes, this is a real perspective, it is part of a historical process that must be completed. Time will pass, and the historical process will reach its point, because we will inevitably face such a process as the collapse of Ukraine as a whole, the remaining Kyiv Ukraine. And in this process, in this vacuum of a legal nature, steps will be possible, they will be necessary, thanks to which, I am sure, Donbass, and perhaps other regions of the so-called Ukraine, will return with all historical rights to Russia. Moreover, by the way, they were never really Ukraine. Even if we take the history of this state, the legal successor of which the current Kiev government for some reason considers itself to be, then Donbass was not included in the territory of the UPR, the legal successor of which, after the laws on decommunization, is the current official Kyiv. The Donetsk-Krivoy Rog Republic was not included in this composition. Including Odessa, and many of the current western territories of the so-called Ukraine.

Are the Minsk agreements a reality, or is it necessary to recalibrate the situation? How do you see the process of negotiations, if any, with the Ukrainian side?

The negotiation process does not at all mean that the declared goals coincide with the real ones. This applies to both our side and the side of our opponents - adversaries, mediators. The negotiations themselves had a certain political and very important meaning. The fact that the Minsk agreements are not feasible as they are written, and have never even come close to the threshold of feasibility, is a fact. But this does not mean that negotiations in themselves are meaningless. They simply have different goals and objectives - those that are absolutely not declared to the general public. And in this sense, the Minsk agreements have already played a certain role. Will they be there, are there goals and any other tasks... The war was largely frozen, this is one of the indirect consequences, in my opinion, not the main goal. It's not over.

At the beginning of our conversation, you said that “there is no war”?

There is no war because there is no intense war, there is confrontation. But of course there will be a war, because most likely there will be no other outcome from this situation. The war will be more intense than it is now.

What position will Russia take if a major active phase of war begins?

This is a question for statesmen of the Russian Federation, but I think that Russia’s position will be correct. Even this tragicomic, I would say, hilariously comic case with Babchenko is another demonstration of the same madness. This is uncontrollable madness on the Ukrainian side. This is a real mistake by the Ukrainian special services, simply monstrous.

Why is Poroshenko doing this? Did he even know about this operation?

Poroshenko and everyone in general knew about this “special operation.” Every Ukrainian deputy of the Verkhovna Rada, it turns out, knew about the operation and somehow participated in it. In general, everyone knew about everything, but for some reason they decided to create a fake. This is absolute idiocy and defies any logic.

Ukraine is now openly provoking us, taking provocative steps over and over again, hoping that we will not respond at all, since we are hosting the World Cup, or that we are in principle incapable of responding at all... Kiev is interested in war, especially Mr. Poroshenko. His rating is below par. He understands that with free and democratic, even very conditionally free and very conditionally democratic elections in Ukraine, he will lose. Therefore, the only thing that can get him out of this situation, and preserving his business is very important for him, is power over Kyiv Ukraine. This, in fact, is his business, which consists of the theft of foreign loans and other money, handouts thrown by the West, and the intensive sale of land in Ukraine. By any means, it is important for him to save this business. He needs something that will allow him to declare a state of emergency, martial law, or, in extreme cases, cancel the elections. If there is no war, then, in any case, he will lose the presidency in the 2019 elections.

What if the Americans bet on it?

Will they still pump out billions to help him? So he will “cut them down” right there. Why is it believed that for Americans the most important problem in their foreign policy is the problem of Ukraine? They only need Ukraine as a springboard against Russia. Russia is one of the serious problems for Americans now. But at the same time, we are a problem for America, frankly speaking, a fake one. Because they need us, excuse me, as an image of an enemy, thanks to which the entire Western world, which is in political and economic contradictions, very fragmented, can unite. And thanks to this image of the enemy, they can at least somehow establish a common line of political, military-political, and economic behavior. At the same time, we are an enemy that actually seems not scary to them, because we are such an enemy, a little formal. Here we have a huge territory, “big, scary Russia”, that there are nuclear warheads... Oh-oh-oh, I’m afraid, I’m afraid. In fact, Americans, first of all, consider money as its weight in the global economy. And our GDP is 1.7! Therefore, they do not see us as a promising, truly serious adversary; they see us as an adversary, first of all, a formal one, for the sake of which we can, so to speak, always adjust the political and economic lines of behavior within.

What are the prospects for what is happening? Is an escalation of hostilities possible after or during the World Cup? Because Poroshenko announced an inspection of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in terms of aviation and the suppression of resistance. Could these threats affect the geopolitical situation in Russia?

Yes, their planes fly intensively over Donetsk and Lugansk. They provoke us, hoping that we will be able to use some effective air defense weapon against some airplane. After that, they will start yelling that the Boeing story is being confirmed, because now it is not confirmed by anything objective. They are ready to sacrifice a plane, even two, so to speak, three of their own, just to provoke us into doing something like this. They are provoking Russia for a possible political swing; they need a political swing.

I expect that there will also be provocations on the ground. In particular, the village of Zhelobok is problematic for me. I won’t reveal all the other cards, but I think it’s more or less obvious that they will try to do something. Another thing is that, most likely, these will be local attempts, and only in the event of some great success. Unfortunately, this is possible because there are not enough people, the line of contact is large. But I think that after they pass the front line of defense, there are reserves... Maybe a cauldron. I sincerely hope so. At the same time, I want to say that I do not expect a grandiose offensive attempt on their part during this period. I think this attempt will definitely follow, but much later - when Poroshenko puts pressure on the elections.

Now they will try again in several places, most likely the defense line. Now it’s 2018, just the time of the championship. In the summer of 2018, with normal, proper resistance, attempts will be of a local nature. But as for a big war, I’m afraid that it is completely inevitable. In principle, it has long been inevitable, but they will begin an intensive offensive when they are completely at a loss, precisely from a political point of view. First of all, Poroshenko himself.

The Crimean Bridge will not fuel Kyiv's military ambitions?

This is not Ukrainian, but Russian territory. The Crimean Bridge is standing, but for the Kyiv authorities it is a monstrous slap in the face. I have been to Kyiv more than once over the past decade, they cannot build a normal bridge across the Dnieper in their own capital.

The Crimean Bridge is set up in such a way that, if desired, any ships can sail in the waters of the Azov and Black Seas. Under any flag. Well, if Ukrainian ships don’t want to sail under the Crimean Bridge, because for them every time it will be, so to speak, a spit on the crown of their head or right in the face, then what can you do.

Illustration copyright Reuters Image caption During the three years of conflict in eastern Ukraine, about 10 thousand people became victims.

April 14, 2017 marks three years since the signing of the acting. President of Ukraine Alexander Turchinov issued a decree on the start of an anti-terrorist operation (ATO) in the eastern regions of the country. This is the name given to the set of measures approved by a secret decision of the Security Council of Ukraine after the shelling of a convoy of Ukrainian security forces near Slavyansk.

From the first days of the operation, all law enforcement agencies of Ukraine were actively involved in it - the Armed Forces, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the newly created National Guard, the Security Service (SBU) - as well as semi-spontaneously formed volunteer battalions.

Initially, three Ukrainian regions at once were declared an “ATO zone” - Donetsk, Lugansk and Kharkov - but in September 2014 its borders were limited to only the first two regions.

Today, after several attempts to proclaim a “comprehensive truce” in eastern Ukraine, the “contact line” with “certain areas of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions” - as the Donbass territories not controlled by Kiev are officially called - is restless.

Despite the relative stabilization of the front line, shelling of the positions of the opposing sides is recorded from time to time along almost its entire length. Kyiv and representatives of the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk “people’s republics” accuse each other of violating the “regime of silence” and periodically announce their opponents’ plans to launch a large-scale offensive.

On the third anniversary of the start of hostilities in Donbass, the BBC Russian Service recalls the key dates of the conflict in eastern Ukraine.

Beginning of April 2014

In the cities of eastern Ukraine, rallies are taking place against the new government established in Kyiv after the removal of President Viktor Yanukovych. Some activists come out with pro-Russian slogans, in particular, calling for the annexation of the eastern regions to Russia according to the “Crimean scenario.”

On April 6, rally participants seized the buildings of the Donetsk and Kharkov regional state administrations, as well as the building of the Luhansk department of the Security Service of Ukraine.

The next day, in Donetsk and Kharkov, activists proclaim the creation of “people’s republics”.. Within a matter of hours, the building of the Kharkov administration, Ukrainian special forces, in Donetsk and Lugansk, representatives of the Kyiv authorities initiate negotiations with the protesters.

Illustration copyright Artem Getman Image caption Pro-Russian separatists seized administrative buildings and proclaimed the establishment of "people's power"

On April 12, several dozen people under the command of Russian citizen Igor Girkin (Strelkov) seized administrative buildings in Slavyansk, Donetsk region.

Kyiv believes that the events of early April 2014 were initiated and coordinated by Russian intelligence services. Russia denies these accusations.

April 13-14, 2014

Armed supporters of the self-proclaimed “Donetsk People’s Republic” fire at soldiers of the SBU anti-terrorist unit sent to Slavyansk. SBU captain Gennady Bilichenko dies in the clash - he is considered the first Ukrainian security officer to die in the conflict in Donbass.

In the evening of the same day, the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine (NSDC) makes a decision “On urgent measures to overcome the terrorist threat and preserve the territorial integrity of Ukraine,” which is still classified as “secret.”

Total combat losses of Ukrainian security forces:

people, of which:

    2 242 - Armed Forces of Ukraine;

    180 - National Guard;

    127 - Ministry of Internal Affairs and police.

    9,558 military personnel were injured.

General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The next day it is put into effect by his decree. President Alexander Turchinov. An “anti-terrorist operation” officially begins on the territory of the Donetsk, Lugansk and Kharkov regions with the participation of all law enforcement agencies of Ukraine and, in particular, the combat aviation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

June-July 2014

After Petro Poroshenko took office as President of Ukraine, Kyiv launched a large-scale counter-offensive. Slavyansk, Kramatorsk, Mariupol, Severodonetsk, Lisichansk come under the control of the ATO forces.

At the beginning of July, Petro Poroshenko announced that “soon” the Ukrainian security forces will take Donetsk and Lugansk.

Illustration copyright UNIAN Image caption During the counteroffensive, the Ukrainian military regained control over a number of Donbass cities and was preparing to enter Donetsk and Lugansk

In July, a Malaysia Airlines passenger airliner crashed near Snizhne, Donetsk region, on flight MH17 from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur. All 298 people on board were killed.

An international investigation team concluded that the plane was shot down by a Buk missile. Russia categorically denies involvement in the tragedy.

August 2014

The offensive of the ATO forces was interrupted by their severe defeat near Ilovaisk. According to the Ukrainian military prosecutor's office, 366 soldiers died during the escape from the encirclement, and more than 150 went missing.

The leadership of the Ukrainian Armed Forces stated that the course of the military operation was turned around by units of the regular troops of the Russian Federation, who crossed the border and took part in the hostilities. Moscow denies these accusations.

Illustration copyright Getty Images Image caption The defeat near Ilovaisk put an end to the series of successes of the ATO forces

At the same time, the self-proclaimed “people's republics” took control of Novoazovsk on the border with Russia and came close to Mariupol, but were unable to take control of this city.

September 2014

Representatives of Ukraine and Russia, through the mediation of the OSCE, sign the “first Minsk agreement”, which provides for a bilateral ceasefire, an amnesty for participants in the conflict, granting certain areas of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions a special status and holding local elections there.

Since 2014

died in Donbass

people, of which:

    about 2 thousand are civilians.

    23,455 people were injured.

UN Human Rights Mission

However, soon the parties to the conflict accused their opponents of disrupting the peace agreements, and in the winter, fighting in the Donbass flared up with renewed vigor. The hottest spots on the front were Donetsk airport and the major transport hub of Debaltsevo.

February 2015

As a result of many hours of negotiations with the participation of the leaders of Ukraine, Russia, Germany and France, the “second Minsk agreements” are signed, detailing the previously signed document and tying the implementation of its points to specific time targets.

Illustration copyright EPA Image caption Observers assess the effectiveness of the Minsk agreements ambiguously, but all of their signatories declare their commitment to these agreements

However, their implementation also stalled. For example, the transition of Debaltsevo to the control of the DPR occurred after, in accordance with the Minsk agreements, a complete and unconditional ceasefire should have been established. Kyiv claims that Debaltsevo came under the control of the separatists thanks to the participation of Russian army personnel in the fighting. Moscow denies this.


The battles for Debaltsevo were the last large-scale military operation of the conflict in Donbass, however, even after that, relatively small clashes were constantly recorded on the demarcation line.

In June of the same year, both sides of the conflict blamed each other for a failed attack attempt in the Marinka area near Donetsk.

Illustration copyright UNIAN Image caption At the beginning of 2017, Avdeevka became the hottest spot on the Donbass front

In February 2016, fighting intensified in the Avdeevka area: Kyiv and the self-proclaimed republics again accused their opponents of provocation.

At the end of 2016, the epicenter of the conflict became the “Svetodar Bulge” - a defense line formed after the withdrawal of ATO forces from Debaltseve.

Finally, at the beginning of 2017, hostilities took place near Avdiivka: observers even spoke of a humanitarian crisis unfolding in the city.

Internally displaced

persons from Donbass registered

    808 thousand - pensioners;

    about 240 thousand are children.

Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine

The Contact Group, which regularly meets in Minsk, from time to time announces the achievement of new agreements on the establishment of a truce. The last of these ceasefires was scheduled to begin at 10 a.m. on April 13.

However, both Ukraine and the self-proclaimed “republics” state that hostilities continue. And they blame each other for breaking the agreements.

The situation in Donbass remains tense. The Kyiv authorities do not want to accept the loss of the region, but they also do not want to fulfill the requirements of the Minsk agreements aimed at resolving the armed conflict. What events have happened there recently? You can get acquainted with the news about the economic, political, cultural life of the region and, of course, find out the latest reports from the theater of operations on our website. Promptly, in real time, we also publish reviews of international events dedicated to the problems of the self-proclaimed republics and the Ukrainian state.

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