Abstracts Statements Story

Classroom topics for medical college students. Educational and methodological complexes for vocational education teachers

Smoking is allowed only in strictly designated areas.

So, you are in the College building

Remove immediately hats !!!

Anything – from fur hats to baseball caps!!!

  • It is customary to hand over outerwear to the wardrobe - try to follow this rule. Under any circumstances, it is unacceptable to enter the premises of all administrative structures of the Technical College in outerwear (director’s reception, educational department, etc.), as well as to undress directly in the classroom.

  • Before starting class, be sure to turn off all mobile communications! This applies to both students and teachers and extends not only to training sessions, but also to all official meetings, meetings, meetings, performances, concerts, etc.


  • You have been warned

  • good reason

  • If you are still late, then the sequence of your actions should be as follows: knock on the door, apologize and ask permission to enter. Most likely, you will receive this permission. After that, quickly, making as little noise as possible and attracting as little attention as possible, sit down in the nearest free seat and get to work. If you are not allowed to enter, quietly close the door and enter the classroom during recess.

  • Yawning in front of others is indecent. Especially in class! If you do yawn, try not to make any sounds or open your mouth, or at least cover it with your hand, preferably the back of your hand. It is indecent to cough and sneeze in public, but if this happens, you must turn away from your interlocutor and be sure to cover your mouth (nose) with a handkerchief or hand.

  • In our College you will never go hungry. You should eat and drink in the dining room - this is a categorical requirement of etiquette. Students do not have the right to bring food and drink with them to classes, including soft drinks, or chew gum: firstly, this interferes with work; secondly, there is no point in spreading dirt.

  • buns cups cans bottles

  • Remember that you cannot enter the dining room in outer or dirty clothes. You must wash your hands before entering the dining room. Everyone cleans up their own dishes!
  • You can only remove food debris stuck in your teeth with a toothpick, and then not in front of everyone. Napkins are used to wipe your mouth and hands after eating. A paper napkin is placed on a plate after consumption.

And again about the smell

You should not smell of anything - neither food, nor drink, nor tobacco, nor, if you'll excuse the detail, then. Therefore, the following must be observed rules :

  • strictly monitor personal hygiene and cleanliness of clothing; shower daily;
  • when going to the College or any other public place, refrain from consuming foods and drinks that contribute to the formation of unpleasant odors (alcohol, onions, garlic, radishes, hot sauces, canned fish, etc.);
  • Always carry breath fresheners with you.

  • Her dubious majesty deserves special attention Chewing gum. It is not recommended to get carried away with it within the walls of the Technical College, or in any public places.
  • Another delicacy that lovers can enjoy at home for their own pleasure, and which under no circumstances should be brought into the walls of the Technical School - seeds.

  • not everything that you can afford when communicating with peers is appropriate in a conversation with teachers

  • Demonstration of intimate relationships (hugs, long kisses, sitting on each other's laps, etc.) in public is a blatant disrespect not only for others, but also for each other, which is especially outrageous.
  • We also do not accept fights, including playful brawls, and in general any fuss during which you are not able to control where you are moving, what and who you can run into, etc.

It is prohibited within the walls of our Technical College gambling !

  • All corridors of our College, as well as most classrooms, are beautifully and informatively decorated. All this is the image of our College, which we all must protect. And drawing mustaches on portraits, making additions to inscriptions, scratching something on walls, tables and desks - entertainment worthy of a Pithecanthropus, and not a homo sapiens, and even one who claims to be educated.

Dear students!!!

A technical school is a house in which you will live for almost three or even four years. And the house is decorated not only by the walls, but also – first of all – by the people. The impression that guests get about the College, whether they are casual visitors or heads of cultural and educational institutions, largely depends on you. Ultimately, your own future depends on you. Be worthy of both your College and the path you have chosen.

teacher special disciplines

GBOU SPO "Gorodetsky Provincial College"

Open class summary

for students of pedagogical colleges

Topic: "The Most Excellent Job Under the Sun"

“The teacher has been given an excellent position,

higher than which nothing under the sun can be."

Jan Amos Comenius

    Video about teachers

    Poem (read by Alekseeva M.)

If there were no teacher,
It probably wouldn’t have happened
Neither poet nor thinker,
Neither Shakespeare nor Copernicus.
And to this day, probably,
If there were no teacher,
Undiscovered Americas
Remained unopened.
And we wouldn’t be Icari,
We would never have soared into the sky,
If only through his efforts we
The wings were not grown.
Without him there would be a good heart
The world was not so amazing.
Because it is very dear to us
Our teacher's name!


Among the many professions, there is one special, difficult and very responsible one - Teacher! No matter how many centuries fly over the Earth, how many are still to come, there will always be Students and Teachers, for only by passing on experience and knowledge to new generations can a person reach the heights of civilization. And today, thousands of teachers who give their hearts to children are paving the way for the future, because it is given to us to teach and educate those who will live after us.

It is rightly said that a writer lives in his works, a good artist lives in his paintings, a sculptor lives in the sculptures he creates. And a good teacher is in the thoughts and actions of people. That is why every person remembers his home school and his spiritual mentors - teachers with a feeling of deep gratitude.

    Excursion into history

(Report with a presentation about Amonashvili Sh.A.) Komrakova A.

A gardener leaves behind blooming gardens, a scientist - his discoveries, a composer - music... And the teacher? He forever remains in the grateful memory of his students, to whom he gives not only knowledge, but also soul and heart.

    Essay “MY first teacher”

(Students are given a task in advance: to write an essay “My first teacher”)

Teacher. He is an artist, but his listeners and spectators do not applaud. He is a sculptor, but no one sees his work. He is a doctor, but his patients rarely thank him for treatment and do not always want it. Where can you get the strength for everyday inspiration? Only in himself, only in the consciousness of the greatness of his work.

We conducted correspondence interviews with teachers primary classes MBOU Secondary School No. 2. Listen to what they told us.

    Video interview

Please tell us about your profession and give advice to our students.

How does one choose this important and complex profession?

Let's get a look.


Characters: dad, mom and daughter.

The girl is sitting, doing her homework, dad is reading the newspaper.

Daughter (thinking to himself):

Load more and more of us

For some reason they did.

In our school 3rd grade

Like an institute.

They gave us a task to write an essay.

Who do I want to become in life?

This is punishment!

It would be nice to become a singer

And with ……….. I should sing.

No, it doesn't suit me -

A bear fell on my ear

Or maybe become a doctor?

It is important to cure everyone

I don't care about all the diseases, it's just scary.

Maybe I should choose something

Without anything in the world

No one gets by -

Adults and children?

If I think like this, this is what happens:

Each of us has a life

School starts.


You've already had an hour

Blank page.

Maybe some advice for you

Dad will come in handy

And what is the whole day about?

Are you thinking, little one?


Our mother is a teacher.

This is very bad?


I answer the question,

Dear baby:

Mom is often not at home,

This is very bad.

If you spend nights checking your notebooks,

And for his best lesson he expects commissions,

And the student suddenly banged a cracker over his ear,

That’s not very good, but perhaps not too bad.

And I’ll also answer this way:

Listen to me:

Our mother is a teacher.

That's a special case.

She graduated from the institute with honors -

This is very good, we all understand this.

Gives knowledge to children - Masha, Mityam, Petya -

This is very good, the best in the world.

And wherever they take you

All roads in life

I'll say this: most important,

Daughter, teachers.

May she not sleep at night, may her work be difficult.

Even at home, school worries are on my mind.

We'll take pity on her and prepare dinner.

Remember! At school, children really need a teacher.

They hold the country together, children grow up,

And the teacher is responsible for each of them.

They teach humanity and goodness. You know, baby

This is very good, but not bad at all.

My mother teaches. Badly?


No! Great!

Every year students

People come to her with flowers.

Songs, tender poems

They give it to our mother.

You're right - he's getting tired

Very our mother.


There's always a lot to do.

Here we will help ourselves

We'll clean everything in the apartment,

We’ll wash it – that’s it.

Same for you later

My husband will help with my daughter.

Mom comes in.


My dears,

What are you making noise here?

Am I late again?

I am your teacher.

I was at the meeting

Took the class to the theater

Everything is business, business, business.

I forgot to buy bread.


Sit down and rest.


We are preparing dinner.


Dad and I decided:

Your work is greatly needed.

I decided that when

I'll grow a little

Not a model, not a doctor,

I will be a teacher.

This is how dynasties of teachers appear.

    Myths about teachers

This profession has existed in the world for more than a millennium, and myths about it have been formed depending on the era. The common thing in this mythology was that until recently the teacher was considered almost “first after God” and accumulated all the knowledge, science and wisdom of the world. Today the situation has changed somewhat. Let's try to debunk some of the most “established” modern myths about the teaching profession.

Myth 1. Teacher is a female profession

The myth is partly true. Yes, indeed, the majority of teaching staff in educational institutions predominantly female. But a male teacher is not such a rarity, although, of course, I wish there were more of them. In vocational schools, for example, where predominantly male professions are studied (auto mechanic, builder, etc.), there are enough teachers and vocational training masters belonging to the stronger sex. The same can be said about higher education institutions. In secondary schools the situation is diametrically opposite.

Why don’t our men want to teach, although, if we recall history, then until the end of the 19th century, when the feminist movement began to actively develop, teachers were mainly men? And even in Soviet times, representatives of the stronger sex did not disdain this profession. The answer should be sought on the material plane: nowadays it is very difficult to feed yourself on a teacher’s salary, not to mention your family. A normal man will feel very uncomfortable, knowing that he is not able to provide for his children and household.

Myth 2. All teachers are dictators

Having gotten used to being in charge at school, they transfer their manner of communication to the family and to those around them.

In fact, there is no need to generalize. Although, in general, we can agree that the work of a teacher leaves some “professional” imprint, just like any other. Many teachers are accustomed to being listened to without interruption, expressing their opinions to others (even if they are quite adults) in a strict, categorical tone; they always know everything and are ready to defend their opinion to the last.

However, this does not necessarily indicate any dictatorial habits of this particular individual. Have you ever tried to go out in front of a class where thirty smart teenagers are sitting to talk, for example, about the work of Pushkin. Moreover, tell about it in such a way that at least half of the children (this is at best) will perceive the information and want to read the works of the great poet. But we still need to have time to interview the children and give grades.

But first, the class needs to be seated and set to work. All this, firstly, takes a lot of emotional resources, and secondly, it requires a certain strength of character and the ability to influence people. A good teacher is not only one who loves children and knows his subject perfectly, he must be able to manage this “motley” and diverse mass. Of course, the daily need to organize, teach, educate, and sometimes punish someone leaves its mark on the character of the teacher.

Myth 3. A teacher must first of all know his subject thoroughly and be able to present it in an interesting way.

After all, his main responsibility is teaching, all other functions are secondary.

In fact

It would, in principle, not be so difficult to work as a teacher if his duties included only teaching the subject. He came, reported the allotted hours and with a calm soul went home to prepare for the next lessons.

Everything is not so simple, since a teacher at school is also a teacher, a class teacher. He is responsible for student attendance in classes, level of academic performance, conducts educational hours, organizes visits to theaters, cinema, exhibitions, museums, etc. And also, if necessary, carries out “explanatory” work with parents.

On paper, the above doesn't seem all that difficult. However, believe me: it is far from easy to look into the soul of every child, to understand what motivates them, why, for example, despite good abilities, they study poorly, why Dima walks around depressed all the time, and Marina, on the contrary, is unnaturally cheerful. Moreover, sometimes the most basic “secular” outing to the theater can be a test for the teacher’s nerves, since children, no matter how much they want, are unable to sit still for a long time.

The teacher not only teaches the subject, he is entirely responsible for the life and health of the children in the lesson and extracurricular activities. And the teacher must develop children morally and spiritually, this, believe me, is much more difficult.

Myth 4. The teacher teaches the same thing year after year.

After all learning programs change insignificantly.

In fact

The programs, of course, undergo some changes, but even if from year to year you had to read the same thing, letter for letter, the educational process cannot become uninteresting. After all, children are always different. Sometimes students ask such questions that, even knowing the lesson material by heart, having read additional literature and thinking that it is impossible to know more about the subject, they are amazed and cannot immediately find what to answer. Working at school is always difficult, but believe me, it is never boring.

Myth 5. Today, the teaching profession is poorly paid and not prestigious.

The high status of the educator has been lost. The profession has no benefits or bonuses at all.

In fact

Indeed, if you look at it objectively, the profession today has lost some weight. Teachers' remuneration, alas, does not correspond to modern realities, so young people do not want to become teachers. Naturally, this significantly affects the prestige of the profession.

But! The degree of respect for a particular teacher primarily depends on himself. As for benefits and bonuses, they exist. For example, vacation of 56 days (this is provided only to those working in emergency conditions), an additional day off (methodological).

    Drawing up a life and professional code for a teacher

The consonants and vowels of the Russian alphabet (except E, Y, Ъ, ь, И, У, Шch) are divided among students. The task is to form several life and professional rules that are significant for them personally and for the world as a whole, which would begin with those letters of the alphabet , which they got.After completing the work, it is proposed to read out in alphabetical order the life and professional code of the teacher.

“B” - always be attentive and sensitive to the problems of other people.

Many people think that the most important thing for a teacher is love for children. We can partly agree with this. But you can endlessly love children and not know how to work with them, form them inner world, bring up. A teacher must not only love children, know his subject perfectly, and be a good educator, he must also have subtle psychological intuition and observation. This is acquired only in the process of work, with experience. And sometimes it is laid down with mother's milk.

    Poem ( read by Anna Korytova)

Because, you know, I still believe

What if the Earth remains alive,

The highest dignity of humanity

Someday they will become teachers!

Not in words, but in things of tradition,

Which matches tomorrow's life,

You must first be born as a teacher.

And only after that – become!

There will be wisdom in him, talented - daring

He will carry the sun on his wing

A teacher is a long-range profession,

Perhaps the most important one on Earth!

I think that today we were able to prove that despite the difficulties of the teacher’s work, “they have been awarded an excellent position, higher than which nothing under the sun can be.”

The purpose of this class is to expand students' understanding of self-knowledge, self-development, self-determination; the formation of a positive moral assessment of such qualities as determination, will, perseverance, desire to work on oneself; formation adequate self-esteem; an incentive to analyze one’s actions, thoughts, feelings, to self-observation, self-knowledge, and self-improvement.



Class hour: "Meet yourself"


Expand students’ understanding of self-knowledge, self-development, self-determination;

Form a positive moral assessment of such qualities as determination, will, perseverance, desire to work on oneself;

Promote the formation of adequate self-esteem;

Encourage children to analyze their actions, thoughts, feelings, to self-observation, self-knowledge, and self-improvement.

Progress of the class hour

I. Opening remarks "Do we know ourselves?"

Students know many formulas, theorems, rules, laws, they can solve difficult problems and evaluate literary characters, but not everyone can answer simple questions: who am I? what am I? what do I want to be? What do others think of me? Today we will learn to answer these questions.

II. Interactive conversation on the topic “Why is self-esteem needed?”

The great German poet I.V. Goethe argued: “An intelligent person is not one who knows a lot, but one who knows himself.” Can you consider yourself smart people? (Students' answers)

What can you find out about yourself?

Sample answers from children:

  1. Your physical capabilities, health status.
  2. Your talents, abilities (mental, creative).
  3. Your character, temperament, will.
  4. Your tastes, habits.
  5. Your strengths and weaknesses.

You need to get to know yourself in order to objectively assess your abilities and capabilities. What will this give? Why do we need proper self-esteem at all?

Sample answers from children:

  1. Find out your calling.
  2. Avoid mistakes and disappointments.
  3. Behave correctly with others.
  4. Don't take on impossible tasks.
  5. Correctly determine your goal in life.

Indeed, a person who objectively assesses his abilities and capabilities will be able to accurately choose his calling and determine his goal in life. It is easier for such a person to avoid the collapse of life plans, disappointments, and mistakes. And if troubles arise, he will look for the cause not in others, but in himself.

III. Work in groups on the topic “Determining the level of self-esteem”

How can you recognize a person with correct self-esteem? On the board I made a table of characteristics of people with different self-esteem. But the signs are mixed up. How to correctly place words in columns? I suggest discussing this issue in groups (in rows, you can unite in 2 pairs). You need to collect 4 signs of people with different self-esteem. The first group - with overestimated, the second - with underestimated and the third - with objective self-esteem. You must write down the selected characteristics on pieces of paper. We will attach the correct answers to the table. Additional condition- justify your choice.

(Students work for 3-5 minutes)

Time is up, let's listen to the groups' opinions.

(They answer and justify their choice. The correct answers are attached with tape to the corresponding columns of the table.)

Notes on sheets of paper

Overstated: arrogance, self-confidence, impudence, hot temper.

Low: passivity, touchiness, suggestibility, cowardice.

Objective: poise, self-confidence, modesty, self-esteem.

What can you advise a person with high self-esteem? (Be more self-critical, learn to see your weaknesses, not consider yourself superior to others, etc.)

What can you advise a person with low self-esteem? (Get involved in sports, overcome your cowardice, learn to say “no”, etc.)

What can you advise a person with objective self-esteem? (Do not lose confidence in yourself, continue to work on your shortcomings, do not brag about your strengths, etc.)

IV. Problem situation “How to evaluate yourself?”

From the outside it is easy to determine what kind of self-esteem a person has, but it is more difficult to evaluate oneself. Listen to a story about the problems of one student. The family (father, mother) believe that Vanya is the strongest and most successful college student. But all the teachers constantly find fault with him and give him C grades, just like his friends, whom Vanya considers much stupider than himself. The boys, however, don’t think so, and even told Vanya that he thinks too highly of himself. Vanya’s ex-girlfriend, with whom he had a fight, said the same thing. Vanya doesn’t talk to all of them now. He thinks that everyone is just jealous of him. But when she becomes a world-famous athlete, then she will prove to everyone that they are no match for him!

Did Vanya evaluate himself correctly? What mistakes did he make in assessing himself?

Sample answers:

I judged myself according to my parents.

He attributed his academic failures to teachers’ nagging.

He compared himself not with stronger people, but with weaker ones. He was demanding of others and condescending to himself.

He didn’t listen to criticism; three people told him the same thing, but he didn’t draw any conclusions.

He had a fight with friends who talked about his shortcomings.

I set unrealistic goals for myself.

How to properly evaluate yourself?

  1. Judge yourself by your actions.
  2. Compare yourself to those who are better than you.
  3. The one who criticizes you is your friend.
  4. One criticizes - think about it.
    There are two criticisms - analyze your behavior.
    There are three critics - remake yourself.
  5. Be strict with yourself and gentle with others.

V. Working with concepts: goals, principles, ideals


Many cannot define their goals, principles, ideals. I think they just don't have a good idea of ​​what it is. Let's understand these concepts. Life goals - what are they? (This is a dream. What a person strives for.)

Why do you need to set goals for yourself? (To strive for something, to have meaning in life.)

How many goals can a person have?

What are the goals in life? (There may be short-term, long-term goals.)

Sample answers:

Wealth, fame, power.

Become a master of your craft so that everyone respects you.

Be simple a good man, love people.

Create a good family, build a house, plant a tree, raise children.

Live for yourself: study, develop, travel.

To benefit people, to live for people.

Find your love.

Live for pleasure, enjoyment.

Commit scientific discovery, find a cure for an incurable disease.

Scientists say that a life goal gives a person strength, he begins to do something to achieve this goal, and in the end his dreams come true. But life goals are different. Some give strength for a lifetime, while others only for a short period. What goals do you think could become lifelong goals? (Students answer.)

They say that achieving a goal is not at all difficult: you just need to take at least one step towards this goal every day. Otherwise, this goal will remain a dream.


But even the most beautiful goal can be rejected by a person if principles must be sacrificed. Life principles are beliefs, a view of things, life rules. What are the principles?

There are people who are guided by principles, for example: “Man is a wolf to man” (law of the jungle), “Don’t believe, don’t be afraid, don’t ask” (prison law), “Take everything from life!”, “After us, even a flood!” etc. What other principles do you know? (Students' statements)

Why are principles needed? Can a person change his principles during his life? Are there people without principles? (Give answers).

There are many examples in history when people deliberately went to their death for their principles, if the price of life was betrayal - of faith, Motherland or friends, because to change your principles meant to lose yourself as a person, to lose self-respect. Can you give examples? (Students' statements)


An ideal is the perfect embodiment of something that constitutes the highest goal of activity and aspirations. I will read the qualities ideal people. Imagine that you need to arrange them in descending order. What qualities would you put first? (write down on sheets, rank)

Ideal man: attractiveness, loyalty, masculinity, delicacy, understanding.

Ideal woman: charm, loyalty, femininity, thriftiness, compliance, understanding.

The ideal citizen:collectivism, patriotism, national honor and dignity, conscience, courage, responsibility.

Ideal employee:professional competence, high efficiency, organization and efficiency, business cooperation and self-discipline, demands on oneself and others, work culture and frugality, the need for self-education and self-improvement.


VI. Drawing up a self-characteristic

Now that we have analyzed what self-esteem is and how it is formed, we have analyzed what goals, principles and ideals are and have decided what is closer to everyone, I will ask you to draw up self-characteristics. To do this, I ask you to answer the questions in the questionnaire.

(The psychologist reads the questionnaire questions, explains their meaning, and the students give answers.)

Questionnaire "Self-characteristics"

1. Yours appearance. (Are you satisfied with your appearance?

2. Beliefs and ideals. (Do you have principles? What do you strive for in life?)

3.Abilities and interests. (What interests you most, what do you do better, what books do you read?)

4. Attitude to work. (What kind of work do you do with pleasure, and what kind of work do you do reluctantly? Do you have work responsibilities in the family?)

5. Moral and volitional qualities. (Which human qualities do you consider the most valuable; which are the most disgusting? Who is your favorite hero? Who and in what ways would you like to imitate?

Anyone who wants can leave the questionnaire with them. I hope it helps you with your self-esteem.

(Those who wish to submit forms.)

VII. Game "Mask, I know you!"

With the permission of some guys, I will now read their creations to you. And you try to guess who is the author of this characteristic.

VIII. Final word

As you know, all people are unique, but many cannot or do not want to realize this uniqueness. And for this you just need to know yourself, give yourself an objective assessment. It turns out that this is not at all easy. And few even manage to create an objective description while in the 3rd year. Everyone has their own, individual, unique process of self-discovery. It will last a lifetime. Knowing yourself begins with knowing other people, knowing the world, and knowing the meaning of life.

IX. Summing up (reflection)


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Slide captions:

“Towards myself” Teacher-psychologist P.E. Golovina

“A smart person is not one who knows a lot, but one who knows himself.” J.W. Goethe

You can find out about yourself: Your physical capabilities, health status; Your talents, abilities (mental, creative); Your character, temperament, will; Your tastes, habits; Your strengths and weaknesses.

You need to know yourself in order to: Find out your calling; Avoid mistakes and disappointments; Behave correctly with others; Do not take on impossible tasks; Correctly determine your goal in life.

Self-esteem Overestimated Understated Objective arrogance self-confidence impudence hot temper passivity touchiness suggestibility cowardice poise self-confidence modesty self-esteem

Problem situation “How to evaluate yourself?”

How to properly evaluate yourself? Judge yourself by your actions; Compare yourself with those who are better than you; The one who criticizes you is your friend; One criticizes - think about it; There are two criticisms - analyze your behavior; There are three criticisms - remake yourself; Be strict with yourself and gentle with others.

Goals, principles, ideals

Questionnaire "Self-characteristics" Your appearance. (Are you satisfied with your appearance? Beliefs and ideals. (Do you have principles? What do you strive for in life?) Abilities and interests. (What interests you most, what do you do better, what books do you read?) Attitude to work. (What work do you do with pleasure, and what do you do reluctantly? Do you have work responsibilities in the family?) Moral and volitional qualities. (Which human qualities do you consider the most valuable; which are the most disgusting? Who is your favorite hero? To whom and what would you like to emulate?

Methodological development of a class hour for 1st year students on the topic “From session to session...”
Developed by Natalya Vasilievna Luponosova, teacher at the College of Technology and Design.
Topic: "From session to session..."

1. Introduce students to the history of the emergence of students
2. Team building.
3. Develop the ability to communicate in small groups and defend your point of view.
4. Develop abilities for creativity, improvisation, organizational and communication skills.

Form of implementation: game “Understand Me”

Classroom equipment:
Phones, headphones, task cards, team logos, fan posters, audience decorations
Venue: auditorium No. 16 A
Participants of the event: students of the group KTs-10, SDKH-10
Progress of the class hour:
1. Introductory speech by the teacher
2. Announcement of the rules of the game
3. Game
4. Summing up
5. Closing remarks from the teacher
introduction class teacher about the history of the emergence of students

Until the 17th century in Russia there were schools at monasteries and bishops' courts. In 1632, the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery Academy was founded at the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery, and in 1687 the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy in Moscow. For a long time they became centers for training highly qualified personnel for the needs of the Russian Orthodox Church. Over time, the first secular schools opened under them.
But the time of Peter I and his innovations came, a sharp need appeared in specialists in technical and natural fields. Peter sent abroad for higher secular education, and schools preparing students were opened in Russia.
The schools and then the Academy were taught mainly by foreigners. The children of soldiers, townsfolk, and artisans studied at the gymnasium; the children of nobles were not attracted to the difficult path to science. Subjects were taught at German, there was no one to complain to.
Over the several decades of its existence, the St. Petersburg Gymnasium at the Academy of Sciences did not prepare a single student for its university, creating the impression of a complete inability of Russians for the sciences. Only after returning to Russia M.V. Lomonosov's case began to slowly move forward.
Lomonosov is developing a project for Moscow University. It proposes to open three faculties: philosophy, medicine and law.
The scientist proposed that his project be carried out by Ivan Ivanovich Shuvalov, the favorite of Empress Elizabeth.
In 1754, the Senate approved this project. Shuvalov submitted the decree on the founding of the Imperial Moscow University to Empress Elizaveta Petrovna for signature on January 12 (25), 1755. This was no accident. Ivan Ivanovich wanted to give a gift not only to his native Moscow, but also to his dear mother Tatyana Petrovna Shuvalova on her name day.

Lines of the medieval thinker, poet and scientist of the East Omar Khayyam:

From disbelief to faith of parting -
One breath
From doubt and searching to knowledge -
One breath.
Spend this precious time having fun
A moment
For our flourishing and our fading -
Day one.

Basic rules of the game

1) The game involves 2 teams of 5 players

2) The game takes place in three rounds

3) At the beginning of the 1st round there is a draw

4) The team with the most points in the 1st round begins the 2nd round

5) Round 3 starts with the team that scores the most points based on the results of rounds 1 and 2

6) During the game, participants can use words, facial expressions, and gestures. But at the same time you can’t pronounce words with the same root

Stages of the game:

1st round:
The first player on the team receives the task: Explains the meaning of a word without naming it or saying words of the same root. All other participants listen to music.
The explanation takes place in turns, but from the first to the last player. For a team guessing a word correctly, the player receives 1 point. Then the players are rearranged and a new word is solved in the same way. At the end of the 1st round, both teams calculate their points.

Round 2:
The players are being reshuffled. This tour is carried out similarly to the 1st tour. But the task becomes more difficult.
The player, after listening to the explanation of the word, does not name it, but writes it down silently on a piece of paper. For each correctly guessed word - 1 point.
At the end of the 2nd round, points are calculated.

Round 3:
The players are being rearranged.
1 player receives the task:
Express all your associations with the resulting phrase. The rest of the players listen to music.
Then, in turn, each subsequent player names his associations with the resulting phrase.
The team whose players name the most matches wins.
Experts monitor the progress of the game.





1. Torgashov V.N. On-air news (Holidays. Competitions. Fun. Quizzes. Travel. Tips. Games). Pedagogical Society of Russia. M. 2000
2. Women's site http://www.magiclady.net
3. Based on materials from the book Holiday all year round
Gilyarovsky V.A. "Moscow and Muscovites":
Methodological development of a class hour for 1st year students on the topic “From session to session...”
Developed by Natalya Vasilievna Luponosova, teacher at the College of Technology and Design.

Class hour on the topic

"I choose health"

Classroom goals:

    Developing an attentive attitude to your health;

    Increasing motivation for a healthy lifestyle;

    Development of creative abilities, expansion of horizons.

Class plan:


    Health diagram.

    Our achievements. Performances by the boys.

    Discussion of the issue.



Preliminary preparation for class.

Publishing a newspaper about the sporting achievements of the children in the class, about their hobbies, about families where they cultivate a healthy lifestyle. Prepare phrases in advance on colored cards (see point 2 of the class hour - health diagram), print on colored paper sayings and sayings about health and a healthy lifestyle, such as: “Everything is great for a healthy person!”, “There is no price for health”, “A healthy person is the most precious work of nature,” “Wealth for a month, health for a lifetime.”

1. Introduction

Teacher's introduction.

Hello guys! Today is our Classroom hour dedicated to our health. Let's start with the game "Dream Island"

Imagine that we are on an island where dreams come true. Each of you can choose only one dream from the list: Love, Friendship, Health, Wealth, Fame, Family. The choice is yours! (the guys take turns saying what they choose). A summary of what and how many the guys chose is summed up.

Most of you did not choose Health. And without health there can be no fame, no love, no wealth.

The most valuable thing a person has is life, and the most valuable thing in life is health. The dictionary gives the following concept of health: Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease.

If we walk along the streets of our village, we can meet many people who shuffle their soles on the asphalt, breathe with difficulty, are obese, with dull eyes. They tremble in fear of illness and death. For most diseases, it is not nature or society that is to blame, but only the person himself. Most often he gets sick from laziness and greed, but sometimes also from unreasonableness.

Don't rely on medicine. It cures many diseases quite well, but cannot make a person healthy. So far, she cannot even teach a person how to become healthy.

To become healthy, you need your own efforts, constant and significant. A person is so perfect that he can restore health from almost any point of his decline.

Unfortunately, health, how important goal, confronts a person when death becomes a close reality. However, even death cannot frighten a weak person for long.

Four conditions are equally necessary for health: physical activity, dietary restrictions, hardening, time and the ability to rest. And the fifth one - happy life!

They say that health is happiness in itself. This is not true: it is so easy to get used to health and stop noticing it. However, it helps to achieve happiness in family and work. Helps, but doesn't define. True, illness is certainly a misfortune, especially if it’s severe.

2. Components of health

Prepare in advance multi-colored cards with phrases: active lifestyle; binge eating; proper nutrition; nocturnal lifestyle; bad habits; rejection of bad habits; daily regime; leisure; good sleep; food at night; snacks; hardening; personal hygiene; positive emotions; stressful situations; a highly moral attitude towards people around, society, nature,

Attach these cards to the board. The teacher suggests reading and leaving on the board only those cards whose statements we can associate with a healthy lifestyle. Children read and offer to keep some of them. The remaining cards are removed from the board (discussions are possible at this stage).

A diagram is being drawn up healthy image life:

    active lifestyle

    proper nutrition

    rejection of bad habits

    daily regime

    active rest, good sleep


    personal hygiene

    positive emotions

    highly moral attitude towards people around, society, nature.

3. Performances by the guys. Our achievements


Today we will talk mainly about an active lifestyle, and more precisely about sports, physical activity, and the place of sports in our lives.

Movement is the most important need of our body. Over thousands of years of human history, people have strived to develop qualities such as endurance, agility, strength, and speed. This was dictated mainly by the harsh living conditions: the daily struggle for existence and the harsh natural conditions. And now? The question may arise: does a person need physical activity now? There are fewer and fewer professions that require physical labor. (Discussion of the problem)

Now our children will tell us about their extracurricular activities. They will try to answer our question: what do hobby classes give them? (Children's performances, viewing of the presentation.).

From the children’s stories, we saw that almost any activity is accompanied by some kind of physical exercise. You choose activities that help you both maintain health and enjoy the activities, i.e. self-realization.

4. Discussion of the issue


I have a question. Is it possible to put an equal sign between the concepts of sport and health? (Discussion)

Teacher: When they talk about sports, health, hardening, and a healthy lifestyle are always somewhere nearby in our minds. Indeed, when we play sports for the soul, for health, for ourselves, not for the sake of victories and awards, then sport helps to maintain health. But in big sport there are ups and downs, injuries and awards.

The story of a figure skating couple - Elena Berezhnaya and Anton Sikharulidze - is very unusual. Perhaps someday this story will serve as the plot for a Hollywood film. Elena Berezhnaya performed with Oleg Shlyakhov for Latvia. During one of the training sessions, a terrible incident happened: during a synchronized pair rotation, the partner touched Elena’s head with the tooth of her skate. The girl received a severe head injury. After the operation, doctors forbade her to even think about sports. But Lena herself secretly dreamed and believed in her recovery and return to figure skating. Everyone helped her: her coach Tamara Moskvina, her parents, friends and her loved one, figure skater Anton Sikharulidze. He brought his beloved books to the hospital and read a lot out loud to help his speech recover faster. Three months after the operation, he brought Lena to the skating rink, and a year later they returned to the national team and created their own pair: Berezhnaya and Sikharulidze. A year later they took part in the World Championship and became prize-winners of the European and World Championships.

The achievements of modern athletes are extremely high. And in order to achieve success, you have to devote all your thoughts, strength and even health to the sport. In addition, serious work requires remarkable physical data, abilities, and a certain character. At the same time, it is no secret that excessive physical activity in professional sports often leads to very undesirable consequences. Physical education brings excellent health, a great mood, self-confidence, without which in the present time it is impossible to be a good professional or have a successful career. But I also ask you to draw your attention to the fact that, despite the traumatic nature of some sports, our athletes, after suffering injuries, dream of one thing: to return to sports. This means that there is something enchanting, bewitching that does not let a person go when he has tasted the joy of victory. It is not without reason that many champions say that they cannot even describe the feeling of pride, excitement, happiness that they experience when an athlete stands on the pedestal, and at this time the anthem of our country sounds.

Teacher. Scientists, considering all the factors influencing health, have found that human health depends on the following factors:

    from the external environment - by 20-25%

    from genetic predisposition – by 15-20%

    from healthcare – by 8-10%

    from lifestyle - by 50-55%.

Harmful living conditions, environment can be compensated or eliminated with the right lifestyle. People, for the most part, lead an incorrect lifestyle. The most important thing for health is physical activity and mobility. According to scientists, even children school age receive only 60% of the movement norm in the presence of physical education lessons. And adults – even less. Many adults and children lead a sedentary lifestyle and do not exercise. Even when we are given the opportunity to demonstrate our physical activity, due to our habits we do not take advantage of the opportunity provided.

For example, in the morning, when we are rushing to school, we try to jump into dad's car, instead of leaving the house 40 minutes early and spending this time walking quickly to school, i.e. for recovery. We are accustomed to various imported products and semi-finished products, in which no biologically active substances remain after processing. Remember the recipes of your mothers and grandmothers, they are much tastier and healthier. Therefore, I believe that the most important thing for health is the right lifestyle.

5. Questionnaire

Teacher. Now let’s conduct a survey of our class and get some recommendations on what needs to be done to get closer to the ideal of a healthy lifestyle.

Questionnaire “Are you physically healthy?”

For each question you need to choose one answer option.

    How often do you exercise?
    a) four times a week
    b) two to three times a week
    c) once a week
    d) sometimes

    How far do you walk on foot in one day?
    a) 4 km
    b) about 4 km
    c) less than 1.5 km
    d) 500 meters

    When going to school or to a section, you:
    a) walk
    b) partly - you walk, partly - using transport
    c) always use transport

    If you have a choice between taking the stairs or using the elevator, you
    a) always go up the stairs
    b) climb the stairs if there is no load
    c) sometimes use the stairs
    d) always use the elevator

    On weekends you
    a) you work around the house or in the garden for several hours
    b) on the move all day, but without physical labor
    c) take several short walks
    d) read and watch TV

For the answer “a” you get 4 points, “b” - 3 points, “c” - 2, “d” - 1


If you scored 8-13 points, then you are lazy and need to exercise;

If you scored 14-17 points, then your physical activity is at an average level;

If you score 18 points or more, then your physical activity is normal.

At the end of the class hour, I would like to wish all participants good health. And remember that nature is very generous to us. After all, it’s enough to spend only 20-30 minutes a day on physical exercise, but enough to make you sweat and double your heart rate, in order to reduce the risk of heart disease by 2-3 times. Move more.

And we will end our class hour with a poem by David Tukhmanov.

The student reads.

We were born to live in this world for a long time:
Sad and sing, laugh and love,
But so that all dreams become possible,
We must all maintain our health.
Ask yourself: are you ready to work -
Move actively and eat and drink in moderation?
Throw away the cigarette? Trample the drug?
And this is the only way to preserve your health?
Look around: beautiful Nature
She calls us to live in peace with her.
Give me your hand, friend! Let's help you
Keep the entire planet healthy!