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Degrees of comparison of adjectives Die Komparationsstufen der Adjektive. Exercise on degrees of comparison of adjectives Comparative degree in German

In the German language, there are three degrees (degrees) of comparison of adjectives (adj.) - positive (Positiv), comparative (comparative) (Komparativ) and excellent (excellent) (Superlativ).

Positive step. adj., as in the Russian language, is a derivative from which the rest of the steps are formed. comparisons.

Adj. in comparison step. (Komparativ) are formed using the suffix –er. For example:

Die erste Stunde ist sehr wichtig - The first lesson is very important. - Die letzte Stunde ist noch wichtiger - The last lesson is even more important.

Adj. V excellent step are formed using the definite article, the suffix –(e)st and the ending –e.

Es ist der wichtigste Tag in meinem Leben.

There is another form for adj. in excellent step.:

am adj. -(e)sten.

In this form adj. stands at the end of a sentence and in some cases takes on the character of an adverb. For example:

Heute ist es am kältesten. - Today is the coldest.

Most monosyllabic adjs. with the vowels a, o, u at the root of the word in compare. and excellent step. the umlaut will arrive. For example:

Adj. do not receive umlaut in comparison. and excellent step., if:

1) At the root of the word there is a diphthong au:

laut (louder) – lauter (louder) – der lauteste (loudest)

2) Adj. end with suffixes –ig, -bar, -er, -et:

teuer (expensive) – teurer (more expensive) – der teurste (the most expensive)

fleissig (diligent) – fleissiger (more diligent) – der fleissigste (most diligent)

dankbar (grateful) – dankbarer (more grateful) –der dankbarste (most grateful)

3) Monosyllabic adj. are an exception:

froh (joyful)–froher (more joyful)–der frohste (the most joyful)

klar (understandable) – klarer (clearer) – der klarste (most understandable)

voll (full) – voller (fuller) – der vollste (most complete)

There are a number of adj., which in comparison. and excellent step. are formed according to their own rules, different from the general ones. They can serve as both adjectives and adverbs, and their form of formation is comparable. and excellent step. should be remembered.

Comp. step. adj. used in a sentence most often with the conjunction als (than). For example:

Dieses Maedchen ist juenger als seine Freundinnen. – This girl is younger than her friends.

However adj. in comparison step. can also be used as a definition. In this case, before adj. the article is put.

Ich brauche eine genauere Bescreibung dieses Mannes. - I need more detailed description this man.

Adj. in excellent step. most often used as a definition.

Dieses Kleid ist das beste im Geschaeft.

Du siehst heute am besten aus.

You should pay attention to the use of adj. in excellent step. in the phrase “one of (the most)…”.

In this case, the following construction is used: einer (eine, eines) + Genitiv Plural.

Sie ist eine der schönsten Sängerinnen in der Welt. – She is one of the most beautiful singers in the world.

Das ist eines der besondersten Bücher, die ich gelesen habe. – This is one of the most unusual books I have read.

Declension adj. in comparison and excellent step. is carried out in the same way as the declension of adj. to a positive extent. There are also strong and weak endings here.

Degrees of comparison of adjectives in German are represented by several forms: positive (Positiv), comparative (Komparativ), superlative (Superlativ) and absolutely superlative (Elativ).

Table 1 “Degrees of comparison of adjectives in German.”

Name Grade Example
Positive Grundstufe Same degree groß, gering
Comparative Hochststufe Higher level größer, geringer
Superlativ Hochststufe Higher level größte, geringste
Elativ absoluter Superlativ Very high level größte, geringste

Thanks to the table, you can understand that degrees of comparison of adjectives in German online can be divided according to the following criteria:

  • The basic (positive) form (der Positiv), is characterized by a neutral definition without a pronounced attribute or quality. For example, a high level - ein hohes Niveau - this level is simply high, and not the highest or unsurpassed height.
  • Comparative degree - the quality of an object or phenomenon is superior to similar properties or qualities of the object with which the comparison is being made, they may also be inferior to them. For example, a higher level - das höhere Niveau - this level, when compared, is higher than the original one.
  • Superlative degree (der Superlativ) - the properties of an object or phenomenon are unsurpassed, that is, there are no analogues. Used to compare three or more objects or phenomena.

Comparative degree of adjectives in German

Comparative degree of adjectives in German language is formed with the suffix -er, which is added to the positive form. We suggest that you familiarize yourself in tabular form with the basic rules for the formation of a comparative degree.

Table 2 " Comparative degree of adjectives in German».

Features of formation Example
Suffix -er + form der Positiv klein (small) – klein (small), schnell (fast) – schneller (faster), weit (far) – weiter (further)
Monosyllabic adjectives with root vowels a, o, u take comparative umlaut groß (large) - größer (more, larger), lang (long) - länger (longer, longer), kurz (short) - kürzer (shorter, shorter)
Comparative degree of adjectives in German translated into Russian as a nominal part of the predicate Dieses Bild ist schöner – This picture is more beautiful (more beautiful). Jenes Gebäude ist kleiner – That building is smaller
When comparing objects, the conjunction als is used Dieses Buch ist interessanter als jenes – This book is more interesting than that one. Blei ist schwerer als Eisen – Lead is heavier than iron.
The comparative degree is strengthened with the help of such adverbs immer (here: everything), noch (yet), viel (much, much), bedeutend (significantly) Die Tage wurden immer kürzer – The days were getting shorter. Dieser Sportler ist jetzt noch stärker – This athlete is now even stronger. Gestern war es bedeutend wärmer – Yesterday it was much warmer
If an adjective comes before a noun, it is declined like an adjective in the positive degree Der kleinere Tisch steht dort – A smaller table stands there. Dort scheint eine hellere Lampe – There is a brighter light bulb shining there.

Superlative degree of adjectives in German

The superlative degree is formed by adding the suffix (e)st to the positive degree. Let's take a closer look at the superlative degree of the adjective.

Table 3 "Excellent" degree of comparison of German adjectives».

Features of formation Example
Adjectives that have taken umlaut to the comparative degree retain it to the superlative degree. Formed using the particle am and the suffix -sten Klein – am kleinsten (smallest, least of all). Schön – am schönsten (the most beautiful, the most beautiful of all). Groß – am größten (biggest, most)
The adjective agrees with the noun it modifies in case, number and gender. Der kleinste Tisch, die hellste Lampe, das größte Fenster – des kleinsten Tisches, der hellste Lampe, des größten Fensters
The adjective in Russian is translated into superlatives. Formed with the pronoun “most”, the suffix -eysh- or the prefix most- In diesem Klassenzimmer stehen die kleinsten Tische – In this class there are the smallest (smallest) tables
As in Russian, the qualified noun can be omitted Mein Freund ist der stärkste in der Klasse – My friend is the strongest in the class

Degrees of comparison of adjectives in German: exceptions

Degrees of comparison of adjectives in German have such exceptions that do not obey the above rules. It is necessary to memorize such degrees of comparison.

Table 4 "Exceptions in degree adjective in German».

Positive Comparative Superlativ
gut besser am besten
groß größer am größten
hoch höher am hochsten
nah naher am nächsten

Exercises for degree of comparison of adjectives in German

To consolidate the material covered, we suggest testing your knowledge. Degrees of comparison of adjectives in German exercises

1.Degrees of comparison of German adjectives: general rules



4. Exceptions

1. Degrees of comparison of German adjectives: general rules.

Degrees of comparison of German adjectives just as in the Russian language, they are divided into positive, comparative and superlative.

Positive degree adjective is the adjective itself in dictionary form.

comparative is formed by adding the suffix “-er” to the adjective stem. And in a sentence the comparative degree is used with the conjunction als (than):

Gestern trainierte er langer, als heute. (Yesterday he trained longer than today.)

Schneller, höher, stärker! (Faster, higher, stronger!)

Superlative The particle “am” is placed before the adjective, and the suffix “-st” + ending “en” is added to the base of the adjective:

Gestern waren die Anweisungen von seinem Trainer am klarsten.(Yesterday the coach’s instructions were clearest)

In the superlative degree, the particle “am” is placed before the adjective, and the suffix “-st” + ending “en” is added to the base of the adjective:

2. Features of the superlative degree of comparison of German adjectives

The superlative degree of an adjective with the particle “am” is invariable and in sentences with the correct word order it comes after the subject and predicate or, most often, at the end of the sentence:

Sein Training war gestern am schwersten. (His training yesterday was the hardest.)

The superlative degree of an adjective with a definite article is found in a sentence before a noun and is declined in different cases, like a regular adjective:

der schwerste Training - the hardest workout

3. Degrees of comparison of German adjectives with root vowels - a, -o, - u

However, there are adjectives that form degrees of comparison with their own characteristics.

In monosyllabic adjectives (that is, with only one root and no suffix), having vowels “a”, “o”, “u” as roots, comparative and superlative degrees of comparison of German adjectives lead to the replacement of these vowels, respectively, with “ä” [a-umlaut], “ö” [o-umlaut], “ü” [u-umlaut]. (except: bunt, falsch, klar, froh, satt, schlank, stolz, voll, zart):

warm (warm) - wärmer (warmer) - am wärmsten (warmest)

rot (red) - röter (redder) - am rötesten ( the reddest)

klug (smart) - klüger (smarter) - am klügsten (smarter than most)

bunt – bunter – am buntesten

falsch – falscher – am falschesten

klar – klarer – am klarsten

froh – froher – am frohsten

satt – satter – am sattesten

schlank – schlanker – am schlanksten

stolz - stolzer - am stolzesten

voll – voller – am vollsten

zart – zarter – am zartesten

4. Exceptions

Adjectives that form degrees of comparison in a special way:

hoch - höher - am höchsten (high - higher - highest (highest))

nah - näher - am nächsten (close - closer - closest, closest)

viel - mehr - am meisten (a lot - more - most of all)

gut - besser - am besten (good - better - the best)

gern - lieber - am liebsten (willingly – most willingly – most willingly)

wenig – minder – am mindesten (little – less – least of all),

bald – eher – am ehesten (soon – most likely – most likely).

5. Exercises to reinforce the topic

1. Put the adjective in the comparative degree.

1. Der Herbst ist (kalt) als der Sommer. 2. Mein Vater ist (alt) als meine Mutter. 3. Ich stehe (früh) als meine Schwester. 4. Berlin ist (groß) als Bonn. 5. Die Wolga ist (lang) als die Oka. 6. Der Löwe ist (stark) als der Hase. 7. Die Jacke ist (billig) als der Pelzmantel.

2. Insert the correct endings of adjectives in the comparative or superlative degree And.

1. Das Wetter ist heute (schön) als gestern.

2. Er ist in der Klasse am (fleißig).

3. Läufst du (schnell) als deine Freundin?

4. Dieser Text ist am (schwer).

5. Wann ist der (lang) Tag des Jahres?

6.Ich gehe ins Kino (gern) als ins Theater.

3. Insert the correct form of the adjective or adverb in the positive, comparative or superlative degree.

Von allen Jungen in seiner Klasse ist er (klein)_____ .

Deine alte Frisur gefiel mir (gut)______ als die neue.

Mein Stein flog genauso (weit)________ wie deiner.

Nachts ist es hier im Wald noch (dunkel) ______ als jetzt.

Das ist der (lustig) ______ Film aller Zeiten.

Wir hatten in diesem Urlaub (schlecht) _______ Wetter als im letzten.

4. Selectcorrectoption:

1.Der Fluss Wolga in Russland ist … als die Elbe inDeutschland.

a) länger b) langer c) am längsten

2. Werner hat Schokolade gern, aber … ißt er Torte.

a) am schönsten b) am besten c) am liebsten

3.Ich sehe heute nicht gern fern, ich lese…ein Buch.

a) gerner b) lieber c) schöner

4. Der Fernsehturm in Berlin ist hoch, aber derFernsehturm in Moskau ist …

a) hocher b) hoher c) hoher

5.Der Spatz ist klein, aber der Kolibri ist….

a) am kleiner b) die kleinste c) am kleinsten

6. Auf dem Tisch liegen zwei Buntstifte. Der Buntstift links ist… als der Buntstift rechts.

a) kurzer b) der kurzeste c) kürzer

7. In Antarktis ist das Klima… als in der Arktis.

a) kalter b) kälter c) am kaltestem

8. Die Hausaufgabe in Mathematik war schwer, aber …Schüler haben alles richtig gerechnet.

a) die meisten b) die vielsten c) am meisten

In German, as in Russian, there are three degrees of comparison of adjectives: positive, comparative And excellent.


Maria Lauft so schnell wie Susanne. Friederike lauft schneller als Maria. Friederike lauft am schnellsten . Sie ist die schnellste Lauferin.

Positive degree of comparison

Positive degree of comparison- This is the basic form of the adjective. It is used to compare two persons or objects using the construction so...wie (the same/same as). Before wie no comma is used.

For example: Maria lauft so Schnell wie Susanne. Maria runs as fast as Suzanne.

The positive degree is also used with other phrases with the conjunction wie. Please note that in Russian the comparative degree can be used in similar cases.

  • genauso...wie exactly the same as...
  • nothing so...wie not like...
  • fast so...wie almost the same as...
  • doppelt so...wie twice as much as...
  • halb so...wie half as much as...

Comparative degree of comparison

comparative used with conjunction als(than) and is formed using the suffix er. In German before the conjunction als no comma is used.

For example: Friederike läuft schnell er als Maria. Friederike runs faster than Maria.

Superlative comparison

Superlative comparison adjectives are used with a definite article and are formed using the ending ste. Adverbs form superlatives with prepositions am and ending sten.

For example: Friederike ist die schnellste Läuferin. Friederike is the fastest runner. Sie lauft am schnellsten. She runs the fastest.

Features of the formation of degrees of comparison

General features of education

  • Adjectives ending in d/t or s/ß/x/z, superlatives receive the suffix est. For example: lau t– lauter – am laut est en loud - louder - loudest hei ß – heißer – am heiß est en hot - hot - hottest of all
  • In monosyllabic adjectives, the vowel often changes to umlaut. For example: j u ng–j ü nger – am j ü ngsten young - younger - younger than everyone
  • If the root of an adjective ends in el, the vowel e in is comparatively dropped, so that only l.
    For example: dunk el– dunk l er dark - darker
  • The table shows adjectives that form irregular degrees of comparison. For example: gut – besser – am besten good - better - best

Formation of degrees of comparison of adjectives in variable form

  • For adjectives used in the attributive function, all degrees of comparison are declined. In this case, the degree of comparison is first formed, and then added to it case ending. The superlative degree of these adjectives is formed using the definite article. For example: der klein e Junge/der Klein here Junge/der Klein ste Junge little boy - smaller boy - the smallest boy ein klein er Junge/ein klein Erer Junge/der Klein ste Junge

Formation of degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs in an unchangeable form

  • Adverbs always form superlatives with prepositions am and suffix sten. For example: wichtig – wichtig eram wichtig sten
  • Adjectives in the predicative function can form superlatives not only with am, but also with definite article. After the definite article they receive a suffix ste. For example: Diese Aufgabe ist am wichtig sten. This task is most important. Diese Aufgabe ist die wichtig ste. This task is the most important.

Adjectives and adverbs have three degrees of comparison:

positive comparative excellent
adjective schön - beautiful schöner - more beautiful am schönsten / der schönste - most beautiful
schnell - fast schneller - faster am s chnellen / der schnellste - the fastest
adverb schön - Wonderful schön er - more beautiful am schönsten - most beautiful
schnell - fast Schnell er - faster am schnellsten - fastest

For example:

  • Dieser Zug ist schnell. Jener Zug ist schneller. - This train is fast. That train is faster.
  • Der Intercity-Express ist am schnellsten. - Intercity Express is the fastest.
  • Dieser Sportler läuft schnell. Jener Sportler läuft schneller. Welcher Sportler läuft am schnellsten? - This athlete runs fast. That athlete runs faster. Which athlete runs the fastest/fastest?

So, adjectives and adverbs form degrees of comparison as follows:

Suffix -est used if the adjective ends in -s, -ß, -st, -t, -tz, -z, -x, For example:

  • heiß - am heißesten ( hot - the hottest; hot - hottest of all)
  • nett - am nettesten ( cute - the cutest; cute - cutest of all)

In other cases, when forming a superlative degree, the suffix is ​​used -st.

Adjectives ending in -en, -el, -er- for example, trocken - dry, dunkel - dark, munter - cheerful, - are comparatively lost -e before -n, -l, -r:

  • dunkel-dunkler

In monosyllabic adjectives with root vowels a, o, u- for example, alt - old, oft - frequent, kurz- short- vowels receive an umlaut:

  • alt - älter - am ältesten
  • oft - öfter - am öftesten
  • kurz - kürzer - am kürzesten

The following adjectives form degrees of comparison using this type:

  • alt - old
  • arm - poor
  • hart - strong, tough, difficult, harsh
  • kalt- cold
  • krank - sick
  • lang - long
  • scharf - spicy
  • schwach - weak
  • schwarz - black
  • stark- strong
  • warm - warm
  • grave- rude
  • groß - big
  • dumm - silly
  • jung- young
  • klug - smart
  • kurz- short, brief

But there are also monosyllabic adjectives without umlaut in the comparative and superlative degrees - for example, klar - clear, false - wrong, incorrect, stolz - proud, rund - round. Wed:

  • klar - klarer - am klarsten
  • stolz - stolzer - am stolzesten

In addition, adjectives that have a diphthong at the root do not have an umlaut (for example, laut - loud, noisy, faul - lazy), as well as disyllabic and polysyllabic adjectives (for example, langsam - slow, dunkel - dark).

A number of adjectives allow forms with and without umlaut - for example, rot - red:

  • rot - röter / roter - am rötesten / am rotesten

The adjectives blass belong to the same type - pale,glatt- smooth, karg- stingy,nass- wet, schmal- narrow, fromm - pious.

Some adjectives and adverbs have irregular shapes degrees of comparison.

  • gut - besser - am besten (good - better - the best; good - better - best)
  • viel - mehr - am meisten (a lot - more - most of all)
  • germ(e) - lieber - am liebsten (willingly - most willingly - most willingly)
  • bald - eher - am ehesten (soon (about time) - most likely - most likely)
  • nah - näher - am nächsten (close - closer - nearest; close - closest - closest)
  • hoch - höher - am höchsten (high - higher - the highest; high - above - above all)

Adjectives hoch - high And niedrig - short act in pairs when we are talking about objects - buildings, trees, prices, etc. If you need to indicate a person’s height, they say:

  • Er ist hoch von Wuchs. - He is tall.
  • Er ist groß. - He is tall.
  • Er ist klein. - He is small.

Remember also: adjective nächster(-e, -es) means next(cf. English next). For example:

  • Nächster Halt ist Stralsund. - The next train stop is Stralsund.

If an adjective in the comparative or superlative degree acts as a modifier, then it is declined as an adjective in the positive degree (that is, in its original form):

  • Fahren wir mit einem schnelleren Zug! - Let's take a faster train!

In this case, superlative adjectives are used with the definite article:

  • Die besten Studenten fahren nach Deutschland. - The best students go to Germany.

A comparative and superlative adjective can also be part of a compound nominal predicate:

  • Dieser Haus ist hoch, unser Haus ist höher, aber Ihr Haus ist am höchsten. - This house is tall, our house is taller, but your house is the tallest.

When comparing the same qualities of persons or objects, an adjective is used in the positive degree (that is, in its original form) and conjunctions so... wie, ebenso... wie, genauso... wie. The choice of a specific union depends on how much you want to emphasize the degree of similarity:

  • Christa ist so alt wie ich. - Krista is the same age as you.
  • Heute sind die Preise ebenso hoch wie gestern. - Today prices are as high as yesterday.
  • Du machst alles genauso gut wie er. - You do everything just as (literally: exactly the same) well as he does.

When comparing unequal qualities of persons or objects, use a comparative adjective + conjunction als:

  • Dieser Film ist interessanter als jener. - This movie is more interesting than that one.
  • Dieses Buch ist weniger interessant als jenes. - This book is less interesting than that one.
  • Heute sind die Preise niedriger als gestern. - Today prices are lower than yesterday.

How to say: “The more the merrier”? Very simple: there is a design for this je...desto:

  • Je mehr, desto besser. - The bigger, the better.
  • Desto besser! - All the better!

Adjective alt - old appears in stable constructions denoting age:

  • Wie alt bist du? - How old are you?
  • Ich bin... Jahre alt. - I'm... years old.(about numerals, see the part “Arithmetic in German”).
  • Sie ist älter als ihr Bruder. - She is older than her brother.

Pay attention to the following gradations:

  • ein junger Mann - young man (approximately 15-30 years old)
  • ein jüngerer Mann - middle-aged person (approximately 30-45 years old)
  • ein älterer Mann - an elderly person, an elderly person (approximately 50-65 years old)
  • ein alter Mann - old person, a person of advanced age (from about 70 years old)

Der kürzeste Beamtenwitz: Geht ein Beamter zur Arbeit. - The shortest joke about officials: an official goes to work.

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