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System approach and its development. Basic concepts of a systems approach An indispensable condition for a systems approach is

Systems approach represents a direction of methodology scientific knowledge and social practice, which is based on the consideration of objects as systems.

The essence of the joint ventureconsists, firstly, in understanding the object of research as a system and, secondly, in understanding the process of studying the object as systemic in its logic and the means used.

Like any methodology, systems approach implies the presence of certain principles and ways of organizing activities, in this case activities related to the analysis and synthesis of systems.

The systems approach is based on the principles of purpose, duality, integrity, complexity, plurality and historicism. Let us consider in more detail the content of the listed principles.

Principle of purpose focuses on the fact that when studying an object it is necessary first of all identify the purpose of its functioning.

We should be primarily interested not in how the system is built, but why it exists, what is the goal of it, what caused it, what are the means of achieving the goal?

The goal principle is constructive if two conditions are met:

The goal must be formulated in such a way that the degree of its achievement can be assessed (set) quantitatively;

The system must have a mechanism to assess the degree to which a given goal has been achieved.

2. The principle of duality follows from the principle of purpose and means that the system should be considered as part of a higher-level system and at the same time as an independent part, acting as a single whole in interaction with the environment. In turn, each element of the system has its own structure and can also be considered as a system.

The relationship with the principle of purpose is that the purpose of the operation of the object should be subordinated to solving the problems of the functioning of the system more high level. Goal is a category external to the system. It is given to her by a system of a higher level, of which this system is included as an element.

3.Principle of integrity requires considering an object as something isolated from a set of other objects, acting as a whole in relation to the environment, having its own specific functions and developing according to its own laws. At the same time, the need to study individual aspects is not denied.

4.The principle of complexity indicates the need to study an object as a complex formation and, if the complexity is very high, it is necessary to consistently simplify the representation of the object in such a way as to preserve all its essential properties.

5.The principle of plurality requires the researcher to present a description of the object at multiple levels: morphological, functional, informational.

Morphological level gives an idea of ​​the structure of the system. The morphological description cannot be exhaustive. The depth of the description, the level of detail, that is, the choice of elements into which the description does not penetrate, is determined by the purpose of the system. The morphological description is hierarchical.

The specification of morphology is given at as many levels as are required to create an idea of ​​the basic properties of the system.

Functional Description associated with the transformation of energy and information. Every object is interesting primarily for the result of its existence, the place it occupies among other objects in the surrounding world.

Information Description gives an idea of ​​the organization of the system, i.e. about information relationships between system elements. It complements the functional and morphological descriptions.

Each level of description has its own specific laws. All levels are closely interconnected. When making changes at one level, it is necessary to analyze possible changes at other levels.

6. The principle of historicism obliges the researcher to reveal the past of the system and identify trends and patterns of its development in the future.

Predicting the behavior of a system in the future is a necessary condition that the decisions made to improve the existing system or create a new one ensure the effective functioning of the system for a given time.


System analysis represents a set of scientific methods and practical techniques for solving various problems based on a systematic approach.

The basis of the methodology system analysis There are three concepts: problem, solution and system.

Problem- is a discrepancy or difference between the existing and required state of affairs in any system.

The required position can be necessary or desired. The necessary state is dictated by objective conditions, and the desired state is determined by subjective prerequisites, which are based on the objective conditions of the functioning of the system.

Problems existing in one system are usually not equivalent. To compare problems and determine their priority, attributes are used: importance, scale, generality, relevance, etc.

Identifying the problem carried out by identification symptoms that determine the system’s inadequacy for its purpose or its insufficient efficiency. Symptoms that appear systematically form a trend.

Symptom identification is carried out by measuring and analyzing various indicators of the system, the normal values ​​of which are known. A deviation from the norm is a symptom.

Solution consists in eliminating the differences between the existing and required state of the system. Elimination of differences can be done either by improving the system or by replacing it with a new one.

The decision to improve or replace is made taking into account the following provisions. If the direction of improvement provides a significant increase in the life cycle of the system and the costs are incomparably small in relation to the cost of developing the system, then the decision to improve is justified. Otherwise, you should consider replacing it with a new one.

A system is created to solve the problem.

Main systems analysis components are:

1. The purpose of system analysis.

2. The goal that the system must achieve in the process of: functioning.

3. Alternatives or options for building or improving the system, through which it is possible to solve the problem.

4. Resources necessary to analyze and improve the existing system or create a new one.

5. Criteria or indicators that allow you to compare different alternatives and select the most preferable ones.

7. A model that links together the goal, alternatives, resources and criteria.

Methodology for conducting system analysis

1.System Description:

a) determining the purpose of system analysis;

b) determining the goals, purpose and functions of the system (external and internal);

c) determining the role and place in the higher-level system;

d) functional description (input, output, process, feedback, restrictions);

e) structural description (discovery of relationships, stratification and decomposition of the system);

e) information description;

g) description of the life cycle of the system (creation, operation, including improvement, destruction);

2.Identifying and describing the problem:

a) determining the composition of performance indicators and methods for calculating them;

b) Selection of functionality for assessing the effectiveness of the system and setting requirements for it (determining the necessary (desired) state of affairs);

b) determining the actual state of affairs (calculating the efficiency of the existing system using the selected functionality);

c) establishing a discrepancy between the necessary (desired) and actual state of affairs and its assessment;

d) history of the occurrence of nonconformity and analysis of the causes of its occurrence (symptoms and trends);

e) formulation of the problem;

f) identifying connections between the problem and other problems;

g) forecasting the development of the problem;

h) assessment of the consequences of the problem and conclusion about its relevance.

3. Selection and implementation of directions for solving the problem:

a) structuring the problem (identifying subproblems)

b) identifying bottlenecks in the system;

c) research into the alternative “improving the system - creating a new system”;

d) determining directions for solving the problem (selection of alternatives);

e) assessment of the feasibility of directions for solving the problem;

f) comparison of alternatives and selection of an effective direction;

g) coordination and approval of the chosen direction for solving the problem;

h) highlighting the stages of solving the problem;

i) implementation of the chosen direction;

j) checking its effectiveness.

A systems approach in management research can be represented by a set of principles that must be followed and which reflect both the content and features of the systems approach (Fig. 2.16).

Rice. 2.16.

1. The principle of integrity is to highlight the object of research as a holistic entity, i.e. in distinguishing it from other phenomena, from the environment. This can only be done by identifying and evaluating the distinctive properties of a phenomenon and comparing these properties with the properties of its elements. In this case, the object of research does not necessarily have to bear the name of the system (management system, personnel management system, etc.). It may be called a mechanism, process, solution, goal, problem, situation, etc. Let us recall that the systems approach is a focus on studying, it is a set of principles and research methods.

Integrity is not an absolute characteristic; it can be expressed to a certain extent. A systematic approach involves establishing this measure. In this it differs from the aspectual, multidimensional, complex, reproductionist, conceptual approaches, within the framework of which integrity acts not as a real and objective property, and therefore a characteristic of an object, but as a certain condition for its study. Here integrity is conditional.

2. The principle of compatibility of elements of the whole. A system can only exist as a whole when its constituent elements are compatible with each other. It is their compatibility that determines the possibility and presence of connections, their existence or functioning within the framework of the whole. A systematic approach requires evaluating all elements of the whole from these positions. In this case, compatibility should be understood not simply as a property of an element as such, but as its property in accordance with its position and functional status in this whole, its relationship to system-forming elements.

The system-forming element for the socio-economic system is man. His relationships with other people for a variety of reasons (technique, technology, information, social affiliation, psychology, cost, money, etc.) characterize both the connections in the socio-economic system and its integrity. Management, as well as production, society, company, etc., i.e. a certain community of people united by one of their needs is a socio-economic system. In the study of this system, both aspect and system approaches can be used.

3. The principle of the functional-structural structure of the whole is that when studying control systems it is necessary to analyze and determine the functional structure of the system, i.e. see not only the elements and connections between them, but also the functional content of each element. In two identical systems with the same set of elements and their identical structure, the content of the functioning of these elements and their connections according to certain functions may be different. This often has an impact on management efficiency. For example, the functions of social regulation, forecasting and planning, and public relations may be undeveloped in the management system.

A feature of the use of this principle is the factor of development of functions and the degree of their isolation, which to a certain extent characterizes the professionalism of its implementation.

The study of the functional content of the management system must necessarily include the identification of dysfunctions, i.e. the presence of functions that do not correspond to the functions of the whole and thereby can disrupt the stability of the control system and the necessary stability of its functioning. Dysfunctions are, as it were, superfluous functions that sometimes have lost their relevance, but due to inertia still exist.

  • 4. Development principle. All characteristics of any management system are determined by the characteristics of the level and stage of its development. And this cannot be ignored when conducting research. It is necessary to conduct a comparative analysis of the past state of the system, its present and possible future. Of course, information problems arise here - the availability, sufficiency and value of information. But these difficulties can be reduced with a systematic study of the management system, which allows one to accumulate the necessary information, determine development trends and extrapolate them into the future.
  • 5. The principle of lability (mobility, instability) of functions. When assessing the development of a management system, one cannot exclude the possibility of a change in its general functions, its acquisition of new integrity functions with relative stability of internal ones, i.e. their composition and structure. This phenomenon characterizes the concept of lability of control system functions. In reality, one often observes the lability of control functions. It has certain limits, but in many cases it can reflect both positive and negative phenomena. Of course, this should be in the field of view of the researcher.
  • 6. The principle of multifunctionality. The control system may have multifunctional functions. These are functions connected according to a certain characteristic to obtain a special effect. It can also be called the principle of interoperability. But the compatibility of functions is determined not only by the content of the function, as is often believed, but also by the goals of management and the compatibility of performers. After all, a function is not just a type of activity, but also its practical implementation by a person, depending on his understanding of the content of this function. Often functions that seem to be incompatible in their content turn out to be compatible in the activities of a certain specialist. And vice versa. When studying multifunctionality, we must not forget about human factor management.
  • 7. The principle of iteration. Any research is a process that involves a certain sequence of operations, the use of various methods, and the assessment of preliminary, intermediate and final results. This characterizes the iterative structure of the research process. Its success depends on how we choose these iterations and how we combine them.
  • 8. The principle of probabilistic assessments. During the research process, it is not always possible to accurately trace and evaluate all cause-and-effect relationships, in other words, to present the object of research in a deterministic form. Many connections and relationships are objectively probabilistic in nature, many phenomena can only be assessed probabilistically, if we take into account the current level and possibilities of studying socio-economic and socio-psychological phenomena. Therefore, management research should be oriented towards probabilistic assessments. This means the widespread use of statistical analysis methods, probability calculation techniques, normative assessments, flexible modeling, etc.
  • 9. The principle of variation follows from the principle of probability. The combination of probabilities gives different options for reflecting and understanding reality. Each of these options can and should be the focus of research. Any research can be focused either on obtaining a single result or on determining possible options reflection of the real state of affairs followed by analysis of these options. Variability of research is manifested in the development of not a single, but several working hypotheses or various concepts at the first stage of research, in the choice of aspects and methods of research, in various ways, say, modeling phenomena.

But these systematic principles can only be useful and effective, reflecting a truly systematic approach, when they themselves are taken into account and used systematically, i.e. in interdependence and in connection with each other. The following paradox is possible: the principles of the systems approach do not provide consistency in research, because they are used sporadically, without taking into account their connection, subordination, and complexity. Systematic principles must also be used systematically.

The connection between the principles of the systems approach is shown in Fig. 2.16. This is one of the possible options for representing function connections. In general, their use reflects not only scientific approach to research, but also the art of the researcher. One way or another, we must strive to understand the connections between principles and implement this understanding in specific research work.

The need to use a systematic approach to management has become more acute due to the need to manage objects that are large in space and time in conditions of dynamic changes in the external environment.

As economic and social relations In various organizations, problems are increasingly arising that cannot be solved without using an integrated systems approach.

The desire to highlight the hidden relationships between various scientific disciplines was the reason for the development of general systems theory. Moreover, local decisions without taking into account an insufficient number of factors, local optimization at the level of individual elements, as a rule, lead to a decrease in the efficiency of the organization’s activities, and sometimes to a result that is dangerous in terms of consequences.

Interest in the systems approach is explained by the fact that with its help it is possible to solve problems that are difficult to solve using traditional methods. The formulation of the problem is important here, since it opens up the possibility of using existing or newly created research methods.

The systems approach is a universal research method based on the perception of the object under study as something whole, consisting of interconnected parts and being at the same time part of a more complex system. high order. It allows you to build multifactor models characteristic of the socio-economic systems to which organizations belong. The purpose of the systems approach is that it forms the systems thinking necessary for organizational leaders and increases the effectiveness of decisions made.

The systems approach is usually understood as part of dialectics (the science of development), which studies objects as systems, that is, as a whole. Therefore in general view it can be thought of as a way of thinking about organization and management.

When considering the systems approach as a method of researching organizations, one should take into account the fact that the object of research is always multifaceted and requires a comprehensive, integrated approach, therefore specialists of various profiles should be involved in the research. Comprehensiveness in an integrated approach expresses a particular requirement, and in a systemic approach it represents one of the methodological principles.

Thus, an integrated approach develops strategy and tactics, and a systematic approach develops methodology and methods. In this case, there is a mutual enrichment of integrated and systemic approaches. The systematic approach is characterized by formal rigor, which the integrated approach does not have. The systems approach considers the organizations under study as systems consisting of structured and functionally organized subsystems (or elements). An integrated approach is used not so much for considering objects from the standpoint of integrity, but for a comprehensive consideration of the object under study. The features and properties of these approaches are discussed in detail by V.V. Isaev and A.M. Nemchin and are given in table. 2.3.

Comparison of integrated and systemic approaches

Table 2.3



A complex approach

Systems approach

Installation implementation mechanism

The desire for synthesis on the basis of various disciplines (with subsequent summation of the results)

The desire for synthesis within one scientific discipline at the level of new knowledge of a system-forming nature

Object of study

Any phenomena, processes, states, additive (summative systems)

Only system objects, i.e. integral systems consisting of naturally structured elements

Interdisciplinary - takes into account two or more indicators that affect efficiency

A systematic approach in space and time takes into account all indicators that affect efficiency


Basic version, standards, examination, summation, relations for determining the criterion

Development trend, elements, connections, interaction, emergence, integrity, external environment, synergy



Systematicity, hierarchy, feedback, homeostasis

Theory and practice

There is no theory and practice is ineffective

Systemology - systems theory, systems engineering - practice, systems analysis - methodology

general characteristics

Organizational and methodological (external), approximate, versatile, interconnected, interdependent, forerunner of a systematic approach

Methodological (internal), closer to the nature of the object, purposefulness, orderliness, organization, as the development of an integrated approach on the way to the theory and methodology of the object of study


Breadth of problem coverage with deterministic requirements

Breadth of the problem, but in conditions of risk and uncertainty


Within the framework of existing knowledge of many sciences, acting separately

Within the framework of one science (systemology) at the level of new knowledge of a system-forming nature


Economic effect

Systemic (emergent, synergistic) effect

Renowned specialist in the field of operations research R.L. Ackoff, in defining a system, emphasizes that it is any community that consists of interconnected parts.

In this case, the parts can also represent a lower level system, which are called subsystems. For example, the economic system is part (subsystem) of the system of social relations, and the production system is part (subsystem) of the economic system.

The division of the system into parts (elements) can be performed in various ways and an unlimited number of times. Important factors here are the researcher's goal and the language used to describe the system under study.

Systematicity lies in the desire to explore an object from different sides and in connection with the external environment.

The systematic approach is based on principles, among which the most prominent are:

  • 1) the requirement to consider the system as a part (subsystem) of some more common system, located in the external environment;
  • 2) dividing this system into parts, subsystems;
  • 3) the system’s possession of special properties that individual elements may not have;
  • 4) manifestation of the value function of the system, which consists in the desire to maximize the efficiency of the system itself;
  • 5) the requirement to consider the totality of elements of the system as one whole, in which the principle of unity is actually manifested (considering systems both as a whole and as a collection of parts).

At the same time, consistency is determined by the following principles:

  • development (changeability of the system as information received from the external environment accumulates);
  • target orientation (the resulting target vector of the system is not always a set of optimal goals of its subsystems);
  • functionality (the structure of the system follows its functions and corresponds to them);
  • decentralization (as a combination of centralization and decentralization);
  • hierarchy (subordination and ranking of systems);
  • uncertainty (probabilistic occurrence of events);
  • organization (degree of implementation of decisions).

The essence of the systems approach as interpreted by Academician V. G. Afanasyev looks like a combination of such descriptions as:

  • morphological (what parts the system consists of);
  • functional (what functions the system performs);
  • informational (transfer of information between parts of the system, method of interaction based on connections between parts);
  • communication (the interconnection of the system with other systems both vertically and horizontally);
  • integration (change of the system in time and space);
  • description of the history of the system (emergence, development and liquidation of the system).

IN social system Three types of connections can be distinguished: internal connections of the person himself, connections between individuals and connections between people in society as a whole. There is no effective management without well-established connections. Communication unites the organization into a single whole.

Schematically, the systematic approach looks like a sequence of certain procedures:

  • 1) determination of the characteristics of the system (integrity and multiple divisions into elements);
  • 2) study of the properties, relationships and connections of the system;
  • 3) establishing the structure of the system and its hierarchical structure;
  • 4) fixation of the relationship between the system and the external environment;
  • 5) description of the system behavior;
  • 6) description of the goals of the system;
  • 7) determination of the information necessary to manage the system.

For example, in medicine, a systems approach is manifested in the fact that some nerve cells perceive signals about the emerging needs of the body; others search in memory for how this need was satisfied in the past; still others orient the body in the environment; fourth - they form a program for subsequent actions, etc. This is how the organism functions as a whole, and this model can be used in the analysis of organizational systems.

Articles by L. von Bertalanffy on the systems approach to organic systems in the early 1960s. were noticed by the Americans, who began to use systemic ideas, first in military affairs, and then in economics - to develop national economic programs.

1970s have been marked by widespread use of the systems approach throughout the world. It was used in all spheres of human existence. However, practice has shown that in systems with high entropy (uncertainty), which is largely due to “non-system factors” (human influence), a systematic approach may not give the expected effect. The last remark indicates that “the world is not as systemic” as the founders of the systems approach imagined it.

Professor Prigozhin A.I. defines the limitations of the systems approach as follows:

"1. Consistency means certainty. But the world is uncertain. Uncertainty is inherently present in reality human relations, goals, information, in situations. It cannot be completely overcome, and sometimes it fundamentally dominates certainty. The market environment is very mobile, unstable and only to some extent modelable, knowable and controllable. The same is true for the behavior of organizations and employees.

  • 2. Systematicity means consistency, but, say, value orientations in an organization and even in one of its participants are sometimes contradictory to the point of incompatibility and do not form any system. Of course, various motivations introduce some consistency into work behavior, but always only partly. We often find this in the totality of management decisions, and even in management groups and teams.
  • 3. Systematicity means integrity, but, say, the client base of wholesale, retail firms, banks, etc. does not form any integrity, since it cannot always be integrated and each client has several suppliers and can change them endlessly. Information flows in the organization also lack integrity. Isn’t that the case with the organization’s resources?” .

Nevertheless, a systematic approach allows you to streamline thinking in the life of an organization at all stages of its development - and this is the main thing.

In our time, there is an unprecedented progress of knowledge, which, on the one hand, has led to the invention and accumulation of much new information and factors from various areas of life, and thereby confronted humanity with the need to systematize them, to find the general in the particular, the unchangeable in the changing. There is no unambiguous concept of a system. In its most general form, a system is understood as a set of interconnected parts that form a certain integrity, a certain unity.

A systems approach is a methodology for considering various kinds of complexes, allowing a deeper and better understanding of their essence (structure, organization and other features) and finding optimal ways and methods of influencing the development of such complexes and their management system.

A systematic approach is a necessary condition for the use of mathematical methods, but its significance goes beyond this framework. The systems approach is a comprehensive, integrated approach. It implies a multilateral consideration of the specific features of the corresponding object that determine its structure, and, consequently, organization.

Each system has its own inherent features. One’s own reaction to management, one’s own ability to respond to various kinds of influences, one’s own forms of possible deviation from the program.

Production facilities are complex hierarchical systems consisting of a set of interconnected and interdependent subsystems: an enterprise, a workshop, a production area, a “man-machine” area.

Work on organizing and managing production consists of designing and ensuring the functioning of systems. These include:

  • 1) Establishing the nature of the relationship between system elements (subsystems) and the channels through which communications are carried out within the system;
  • 2) Creation of conditions for the coordinated development of elements of the system and the achievement of the goals for which it is intended;
  • 3) Creation of a mechanism to ensure this coordination;
  • 4) Organizational construction of management bodies, development of methods and techniques for managing the system.

The systematic approach to production (organization) management is most widespread in the USA and is used in almost all countries. It involves considering the company as a complex system consisting of various subsystems and functions. This determines the classification of subsystems that make up either the organizational structure of the company or the production structure.

The concept of “system” assumes that all subsystems included in it are closely interconnected and have diverse connections with the external environment. A company is viewed as an organization that is a complex of interrelated elements. At the same time, the internal structure of the organizational system allows for the relative autonomy of subsystems that form a hierarchy of subsystems.

The systems approach assumes the presence of a special unity of the system with the environment; it is defined as a set of external elements that influence the interaction of the elements of the system.

To express the essence of the system, various means are used: graphical, mathematical, matrix, “decision tree”, etc. Each of these means cannot fully reflect the essence of the system, which consists in the interconnection of its elements. managerial pension Chelyabinsk

A comprehensive study of the interrelations of elements (subsystems) is necessary to build a model of a management object - a company or enterprise. Experiments with the model make it possible to improve management decisions, that is, to find the most effective ways to achieve goals.

Studying the connections of elements (subsystems) is necessary to represent the model of the control object. This makes it possible to improve management decisions and find more effective ways to achieve goals.

A systematic approach to production management is based on the fact that the development of plans for diversified and decentralized production is subject to the interests of the interaction of production units that make up the production (operating) system. This approach was developed through the use computer equipment and the creation of centralized information systems.

The use of computer technology based on a systems approach makes it possible to improve the methods and structure of production management.

Systematic approach as a whole methodological principle used in various branches of science and human activity. The epistemological basis (epistemology is a branch of philosophy that studies the forms and methods of scientific knowledge) is the general theory of systems, which was started by the Australian biologist L. Bertalanffy. He saw the purpose of this science in the search for structural similarity of laws established in various disciplines, from which system-wide patterns can be derived.

In this regard, the systems approach represents one of the forms of methodological knowledge associated with the research and creation of objects as systems, and relates only to systems (the first feature of the systems approach).

The second feature of the systems approach is the hierarchy of cognition, which requires a multi-level study of the subject: study of the subject itself; "own" level; the study of the same subject as an element of a broader system - a “higher” level and, finally, the study of this subject in relation to the elements that make up this subject - a lower level.

The next feature of the systems approach is the study of the integrative properties and patterns of systems and complexes of systems, the disclosure of the basic mechanisms of integration of the whole. And, finally, an important feature of the systems approach is its focus on obtaining quantitative characteristics and creating methods that narrow the ambiguity of concepts, definitions, and assessments. In other words, a systematic approach requires considering the problem not in isolation, but in the unity of connections with the environment, comprehending the essence of each connection and individual element, and making associations between general and specific goals. All this forms a special method of thinking that allows you to react flexibly to changes in the situation and make informed decisions.

Taking into account the above, we will define the concept of a systems approach.

A systems approach is an approach to the study of an object (problem, phenomenon, process) as a system in which the elements, internal and external connections that most significantly influence the studied results of its functioning are identified, and the goals of each element are determined based on the general purpose of the object .

In practice, to implement a systematic approach, it is necessary to provide for the following sequence of actions:

formulation of the research problem;

identifying the object of study as a system of environment;

establishing the internal structure of the system and identifying external connections;

determining (or setting) goals for elements based on the manifested (or expected) result of the entire system as a whole;

developing a system model and conducting research on it.

Currently, many works are devoted to systems research. What they have in common is that they are all devoted to solving system problems in which the object of research is represented as a system.

formulating goals and clarifying their hierarchy before starting any activity related to management, especially decision-making;

achieving set goals at minimal cost through a comparative analysis of alternative ways and methods of achieving goals and making appropriate choices;

quantitative assessment (quantification) of goals, methods and means of achieving them, based not on partial criteria, but on a broad and comprehensive assessment of all possible and planned results of activity.

The broadest interpretation of the methodology of the systems approach belongs to Professor Ludwig Bertalanffy, who put forward the idea of ​​a “general theory of systems” back in 1937.

Bertalanffy defines the subject of “general systems theory” as the formation and fixation of general principles that are valid for systems in general. "As a consequence of the presence general properties systems, he wrote, is the manifestation of structural similarities, or isomorphisms, in various areas. This correspondence is caused by the fact that these unities can in some respects be considered as “systems”, those complexes of elements that interact. In fact, similar concepts, models and laws have often been discovered in very distant areas, independently and on the basis of completely different facts.”

System tasks can be of two types: system analysis or system synthesis.

The task of analysis involves determining the properties of a system based on its known structure, and the task of synthesis involves determining the structure of a system based on its properties.

The task of synthesis is to create a new structure that should have the desired properties, and the task of analysis is to study the properties of an already existing formation.

System analysis and synthesis involves the study of large systems and complex problems. N.N. Moiseev notes: “System analysis... requires the analysis of complex information of various physical natures.” Based on this, F.I. Peregudov defines that “...system analysis is the theory and practice of improving intervention in problem situations.” Let us consider the features of the implementation of the systems approach. Any study is preceded by its formulation, from which it should be clear what needs to be done and on what basis it should be done.

In formulating the research problem, one must try to distinguish between general and specific plans. The general plan determines the type of task - analysis or synthesis. A particular task plan reflects the functional purpose of the system and describes the characteristics to be studied.

For example:

  • 1) develop (general plan - synthesis task) a space system designed for operational observation of the earth's surface (particular plan);
  • 2) determine (general plan - analysis task) efficiency, observation of the earth's surface using a space system (particular plan).

The specificity of the problem formulation largely depends on the knowledge of the researcher and the available information. The idea of ​​the system changes and this leads to the fact that there are almost always differences between the task posed and the problem being solved. In order for them to be insignificant, the formulation of the problem must be adjusted in the process of solving it. The changes will mainly concern the particular plan of the formulated task.

The peculiarity of isolating an object as a system from the environment is that it is necessary to select such elements of it, the activities or properties of which are manifested in the area of ​​study of this object.

The need to identify (or create) a particular connection is determined by the degree of its impact on the characteristics under study: those that have an important impact should be retained. In cases where the connections are unclear, it is necessary to consolidate the structure of the system to known levels and conduct research in order to subsequently deepen the detail to the required level. Elements that have no connections with others should not be introduced into the structure of the system.

With this approach, any system or object is considered as a set of interconnected and interacting elements, having an input, connections with the external environment, output, goal and feedback.

When conducting a study of a management system, a systems approach involves considering organizations as an open multi-purpose system that has a certain framework that interacts with each other, internal and external environments, external and internal goals, subgoals of each subsystem, strategies for achieving goals, etc.

Moreover, a change in one of the elements of any system causes a change in other elements and subsystems, which is based on a dialectical approach and the interconnection and interdependence of all phenomena in nature and society.

The systems approach involves studying the entire set of parameters and indicators of the functioning of the system in dynamics, which requires the study of intra-organizational processes of adaptation, self-regulation, self-actualization, forecasting, planning, coordination, decision-making, etc.

The systems approach considers the study of a particular object as a system of an integral complex of interconnected and interacting elements in unity with the environment in which it is located. One of the most important areas that make up the methodological basis of research for relatively complex control systems is system analysis. Its application is relevant for such tasks as analysis and improvement of the management system during the restructuring of organizations, diversification of production, technical re-equipment and other tasks that constantly arise in market conditions, and therefore the dynamics of the external environment. A feature of system analysis is its combination of various methods of analysis with general theory systems, operations research, hardware and software controls.

Operations research as a scientific direction uses mathematical modeling of processes and phenomena. The use of operations research methods within the framework of a systems approach is especially appropriate when studying organizational systems to make optimal decisions. From the above, the conclusion follows: establishing an internal structure is not an operation only initial stage research, it will be clarified and changed as research is carried out. This process distinguishes complex systems from simple ones, in which the elements and connections between them are not just an operation at the initial stage of research; it will be refined and changed as research is carried out. This process distinguishes complex systems from simple ones, in which the elements and connections between them do not change throughout the entire research cycle.

In any system, each element of its structure functions based on some purpose. When identifying (or setting) it should be guided by the requirement of subordination common goal systems. It should be noted here that sometimes the particular goals of the elements are not always consistent with ultimate goals the system itself.

Complex systems are usually studied using models. The purpose of modeling is to determine the system's reactions to influences, the boundaries of the system's functioning, and the effectiveness of control algorithms. The model must allow for the possibility of variations in the number of elements and connections between them in order to study various options for constructing the system. The process of studying complex systems is iterative. And the number of possible approximations depends on a priori knowledge about the system and the stringency of the requirements for the accuracy of the results obtained.

Based on the research conducted, recommendations are developed:

by the nature of the interaction between the system and the environment;

the structure of the system, types of organization and types of connections between elements;

system control law.

The main practical task of the systems approach in the study of control systems is to, having discovered and described complexity, also prove additional physically realizable connections that, when superimposed on a complex control system, would make it controllable within the required limits, while maintaining such areas of independence , which contribute to increasing the efficiency of the system.

The included new feedbacks should increase favorable and weaken unfavorable tendencies in the behavior of the control system, maintaining and strengthening its focus, but at the same time orienting it towards the interests of the supersystem.

2. Varieties of systems approach 7

3. Basic principles of the systems approach 13

4. The importance of a systems approach in the management activities of an organization 18


The development and improvement of an enterprise is based on a thorough and deep knowledge of the organization’s activities, which requires a study of management systems.

Research is carried out in accordance with the chosen purpose and in a certain sequence. Research is an integral part of an organization's management and is aimed at improving the basic characteristics of the management process. When conducting research on control systems, the object of study is the control system itself, which is characterized by certain characteristics and is subject to a number of requirements.

Consideration of management as a system is one of the achievements modern science. This is determined, first of all, as a necessary requirement to take into account the multifactorial manifestations of management as an activity located in a complex structure of relations formed both within the management system itself and in relations with the outside world, with external systems and supersystems.

Currently, the following areas of systems research have clearly emerged: general systems theory, systems approach and systems analysis.

The systems approach covers the development of a specialized methodology for studying systems. Its task is to express the principles and concepts of systems research at the level of a unified general scientific methodology.

Interdisciplinary systems methodology is an essential component of modern systems research. The systems approach provides such an integration of knowledge through which special sciences retain their independence and at the same time are integrated around systemic research methods.

1. Contents and characteristics of the systems approach

From about the mid-1950s. The systems approach penetrates into a variety of research areas, both natural sciences and social sciences. By this period, there are already various approaches and concepts in management, the “classical” period or “classical school” of management, the “school of human relations”, “scientific management”, psychological approaches in management theory, theories of motivation and a number of others are already clearly designated. In other words, along with the natural sciences, the humanitarian ideal of scientificity, with its characteristic anti-naturalistic, subjectivist philosophical and methodological tendencies, penetrates into management.

The history of the development of systemic ideas in management can be divided into three stages, differing from the point of view of the underlying philosophical and methodological principles:

1st stage. The formation and development of a rigid systems approach (mid-1950s to mid-1970s);

2nd stage. Formation and development of the soft systems approach (mid-1970s - present);

3rd stage. Complementarism in management (second half of the 1980s - present).

Having more than half a century of existence as a recognized discipline, the systems approach has shown its versatility as a tool for solving practical problems and demonstrated powerful philosophical, methodological and ideological potential. However, this development was contradictory, non-cumulative in nature, which makes the history of the formation and development of systemic ideas in management especially valuable as empirical material for methodological research in the field of management.

The systems approach developed by solving a triune task: accumulation in general scientific concepts and concepts of the latest results of social, natural and technical sciences relating to the systemic organization of objects of reality and ways of knowing them; integration of the principles and experience of the development of philosophy, primarily the results of the development of the philosophical principle of systematicity and related categories; application of the conceptual apparatus and modeling tools developed on this basis to solve current complex problems.

The systems approach is a methodological direction in science, the main task of which is to develop methods for research and design of complex objects - systems different types and classes. The systems approach represents a certain stage in the development of methods of cognition, methods of research and design activities, methods of describing and explaining the nature of analyzed or artificially created objects.

Currently, the systems approach is increasingly being used in management, and experience is accumulating in constructing system descriptions of research objects. The need for a systems approach is due to the enlargement and complexity of the systems being studied, the need to manage large systems and integrate knowledge.

"System " - the Greek word (systema) literally means a whole made up of parts; a set of elements that are in relationships and connections with each other and form a certain integrity, unity.

From the word “system” you can form other words: “systemic”, “systematize”, “systematic”. In a narrow sense, a systems approach will be understood as the use of systems methods to study real physical, biological, social and other systems.

The systems approach in a broad sense also includes the use of system methods to solve problems of systematics, planning and organizing a complex and systematic experiment.

The essence of the systems approach has been formulated by many authors. In its expanded form, it was formulated by V. G. Afanasyev, who identified a number of interrelated aspects that, taken together and unified, constitute a systematic approach:

System-element, answering the question of what (what components) the system is formed from;

System-structural, revealing the internal organization of the system, the way of interaction of its components;

System-functional, showing what functions the system and its constituent components perform;

System-communication, revealing the relationship of a given system with others, both horizontally and vertically;

System-integrative, showing mechanisms, factors for maintaining, improving and developing the system;

Systemic-historical, answering the question of how, in what way the system arose, what stages it went through in its development, what are its historical prospects.

The term " systems approach "covers a group of methods by which a real object is described as a set of interacting components. These methods are developed within the framework of individual scientific disciplines, interdisciplinary syntheses and general scientific concepts.

The general objectives of systems research are analysis and synthesis of systems. In the process of analysis, the system is isolated from the environment, its composition is determined,
structures, functions, integral characteristics (properties), as well as
system-forming factors and relationships with the environment.

In the process of synthesis, a model of a real system is created, the level of abstract description of the system is increased, the completeness of its composition and structures, description bases, patterns of dynamics and behavior are determined.

The systems approach is applied to sets of objects, individual objects and their components, as well as to the properties and integral characteristics of objects. A systems approach is not an end in itself. In each specific case, its use should give a real, quite tangible effect. A systematic approach allows us to identify gaps in knowledge about a given object, detect their incompleteness, and identify tasks scientific research, in some cases - by interpolation and extrapolation - predict the properties of the missing parts of the description.

The most important tasks of the systems approach include:

1) development of means of representing researched and constructed objects as systems;

2) construction of generalized models of the system, models of different classes and specific properties of systems;

3) study of the structure of systems theories and various system concepts and developments.

In systems research, the analyzed object is considered as a certain set of elements, the interconnection of which determines the integral properties of this set. The main emphasis is on identifying the variety of connections and relationships that take place both within the object under study and in its relationships with the external environment. Significant importance in the systems approach is given to identifying the probabilistic nature of the behavior of the objects under study. An important feature of the systems approach is that not only the object, but also the research process itself acts as a complex system, the task of which, in particular, is to combine various models of the object into a single whole.

2. Varieties of systems approach

A complex approach involves taking into account both the internal and external environment of the organization when analyzing. This means that it is necessary to take into account not only internal, but also external factors- economic, geopolitical, social, demographic, environmental, etc. Factors are important aspects when analyzing organizations and, unfortunately, are not always taken into account.

For example, social issues are often not taken into account or postponed when designing new organizations. When introducing new technology, ergonomic indicators are not always taken into account, which leads to increased fatigue of workers and, ultimately, to a decrease in labor productivity. When forming new work teams, socio-psychological aspects, in particular, problems of labor motivation, are not properly taken into account. Summarizing what has been said, it can be argued that an integrated approach is a necessary condition when solving the problem of analyzing an organization.

To study the functional connections of information support for control systems, it is used integration approach, the essence of which is that research is carried out both vertically (between individual elements of the management system) and horizontally (at all stages of the product life cycle).

Integration is understood as the unification of management subjects to strengthen the interaction of all elements of the management system of a particular organization. With this approach, stronger connections appear between individual subsystems of the organization and more specific tasks.

For example, the management system sets the services and divisions of the organization with specific indicators of their activities in terms of quality, quantity, resource costs, deadlines, etc. Based on the implementation of these indicators, the set goals are achieved.

Integration across product life cycle stages by horizontal requires the formation of a unified and clear information management system, which should include, first of all, indicators of quality and quantity of costs at the stages of research, design and technological preparation of production, as well as indicators of the actual production, implementation, operation and removal of the product from production.

Such consistency of indicators across the stages of the product life cycle makes it possible to create a management structure that ensures efficiency and flexibility of management.

Integration vertically is an association of legally independent organizations for the best achievement of their goals. This is ensured, firstly, by combining the efforts of people, i.e. a synergistic effect, secondly, the creation of new scientific and experimental bases, the introduction of new technologies and new equipment. This, in turn, creates conditions for improving vertical ties between federal and municipal government bodies and individual organizations, especially in the production and social spheres of activity.

Such integration provides the best control and regulation in the process of implementing new decrees, regulations and other regulatory documentation. Integration gives organizations additional opportunities to increase their competitiveness through increased cooperation. There is greater scope for the development and implementation of new ideas, the production of higher quality products, and efficiency in the implementation of decisions made.

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