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Russian folk tale “Magic water. Read the fairy tale magic water online for free Fairy tale put water in your mouth

Magic water

Once upon a time there lived a husband and wife. When they were young, they lived well, amicably, and never quarreled. But then old age came, and they began to argue with each other more and more often. The old man will say a word to the old woman, and she will say two to him, he will say two to her, and she will say five to him, he will say five, and she will say ten. And such a quarrel begins between them that you might as well run away from the hut.

And they will start to figure it out - no one is to blame.

What is it about you and me, old woman, huh? - the old man will say.

Yes, it's you, old man, you're everything!

I? Isn't it you? With your long tongue?

Not me, but you!

You, not me!

And the quarrel begins again.

So the old woman began to think what to do? What should I do? How to live with the old man further? She went to her neighbor and told her about her trouble. The neighbor tells her:

I can help your grief. I have some magic water. When the old man starts screaming, take some of this water into your mouth. But, be careful, don’t swallow it, but keep it in your mouth until he calms down... And everything will be fine.

And she gave the old woman water in a bottle. The old woman thanked her and went home.

As soon as she entered the house, the old man immediately began shouting:

Where have you been? What did you do? It’s high time to put on the samovar and drink tea, but you’re not here!

The old woman wanted to answer him, but she remembered the advice, took water from the bottle into her mouth and did not swallow it, but began to hold it in her mouth.

But the old man saw that the old woman was not answering, and he fell silent.

The old woman rejoiced: “Apparently, this water is really magical!”

She hid the bottle of magic water and began to set up the samovar.

What are you doing there? - the old man shouted. - You don’t know how to put on a samovar!

And the old woman wanted to answer him, but she remembered her neighbor’s advice and again took some water into her mouth.

The old man saw that the old woman did not answer him a word, he was surprised and... fell silent.

And from then on they stopped quarreling and began to live as in their youth. And all because as soon as the old man starts screaming, the old woman is ready for the magic water.

Look, what power she has!

Russian folk tales - Magic water read

» » Magic water

Once upon a time there lived a husband and wife. When they were young, they lived well, amicably, and never quarreled. But then old age came, and they began to argue with each other more and more often. The old man will say a word to the old woman, and she will give him two, he will tell her two, and she will give him five, he will give him five, and she will give him ten. And such a quarrel begins between them that you might as well run away from the hut.
And they will start to figure it out - no one is to blame.
- What are we doing, old woman, huh? - the old man will say.
- Yes, it’s you, old man, you’re everything!
- I? Isn't it you? With your long tongue?
- Not me, but you!
- You, not me!
And the quarrel begins again.

So the old woman began to think what to do? What should I do? How to live with the old man further? She went to her neighbor and told her about her trouble. The neighbor tells her:
- I can help your grief. I have some magic water. When the old man starts screaming, take some of this water into your mouth. But, be careful, don’t swallow it, but keep it in your mouth until he calms down... And everything will be fine.
And she gave the old woman water in a bottle. The old woman thanked her and went home.
As soon as she entered the house, the old man immediately began shouting:
- Where have you been? What did you do? It’s high time to put on the samovar and drink tea, but you’re not here!
The old woman wanted to answer him, but she remembered the advice, took water from the bottle into her mouth and did not swallow it, but began to hold it in her mouth.
But the old man saw that the old woman was not answering, and he fell silent.
The old woman was delighted: “Apparently, this water is really magical!”
She hid the bottle of magic water and began to set up the samovar.
-What are you making noise there? - the old man shouted. - You don’t know how to put on a samovar!
And the old woman wanted to answer him, but she remembered her neighbor’s advice and again took some water into her mouth.
The old man saw that the old woman did not answer him a word, he was surprised and... fell silent.
And from then on they stopped quarreling and began to live as in their youth. And all because as soon as the old man starts screaming, the old woman is ready for the magic water.
Look, what power she has!

Read your childhood fairy tale “The Magic Water” to your child. She will teach human wisdom, teach how not to conflict with friends, adults and other people.

Once upon a time there lived a husband and wife. When they were young, they lived well, amicably, and never quarreled. But then old age came, and they began to argue with each other more and more often. The old man will say a word to the old woman, and she will give him two, he will tell her two, and she will give him five, he will give him five, and she will give him ten. And such a quarrel begins between them that you might as well run away from the hut.
And they will start to figure it out - no one is to blame.
- What are we doing, old woman, huh? - the old man will say.
- Yes, it’s you, old man, you’re everything!
- I? Isn't it you? With your long tongue?
- Not me, but you!
- You, not me!
And the quarrel begins again.
So the old woman began to think what to do? What should I do? How to live with the old man further? She went to her neighbor and told her about her trouble. The neighbor tells her:
- I can help your grief. I have some magic water. When the old man starts screaming, take some of this water into your mouth. But, be careful, don’t swallow it, but keep it in your mouth until he calms down... And everything will be fine.
And she gave the old woman water in a bottle. The old woman thanked her and went home.
As soon as she entered the house, the old man immediately began shouting:
- Where have you been? What did you do? It’s high time to put on the samovar and drink tea, but you’re not here!
The old woman wanted to answer him, but she remembered the advice, took water from the bottle into her mouth and did not swallow it, but began to hold it in her mouth.
But the old man saw that the old woman was not answering, and he fell silent.
The old woman was delighted: “Apparently, this water is really magical!”
She hid the bottle of magic water and began to set up the samovar.
-What are you making noise there? - the old man shouted. - You don’t know how to put on a samovar!
And the old woman wanted to answer him, but she remembered her neighbor’s advice and again took some water into her mouth.
The old man saw that the old woman did not answer him a word, he was surprised and... fell silent.
And from then on they stopped quarreling and began to live as in their youth. And all because as soon as the old man starts screaming, the old woman is ready for the magic water.
Look, what power she has! That's the end of the fairy tale Magic Water, and whoever listened - well done!

Once upon a time there lived a husband and wife. When they were young, they lived well, amicably, and never quarreled. But then old age came, and they began to argue with each other more and more often. The old man will say a word to the old woman, and she will give him two, he will give her two, and she will give him five, he will give him five, and she will give him ten. And such a quarrel begins between them that you might as well run away from the hut.

And they will start to figure it out - no one is to blame.

- What are we doing, old woman, huh? - the old man will say.
- Yes, it’s you, old man, you’re everything!
- I? Isn't it you? With your long tongue?
- Not me, but you!
- You, not me!

And the quarrel begins again.

So the old woman began to think what to do? What should I do? How to live with the old man further? She went to her neighbor and told her about her trouble. The neighbor tells her:

- I can help your grief. I have some magic water. When the old man starts screaming, take some of this water into your mouth. But, be careful, don’t swallow it, but keep it in your mouth until he calms down...

And all will be well. And she gave the old woman water in a bottle. The old woman thanked her and went home. As soon as she entered the house, the old man immediately began shouting:

- Where have you been? What did you do? It’s high time to put on the samovar and drink tea, but you’re not here!

The old woman wanted to answer him, but she remembered the advice, took water from the bottle into her mouth and did not swallow it, but began to hold it in her mouth. But the old man saw that the old woman was not answering, and he fell silent.

The old woman was delighted: “Apparently, this water is really magical!” She hid the bottle of magic water and began to set up the samovar.

-What are you making noise there? - the old man shouted. - You don’t know how to put on a samovar!

And the old woman wanted to answer him, but she remembered her neighbor’s advice and again took some water into her mouth. The old man saw that the old woman did not answer him a word, he was surprised and... fell silent.

And from then on they stopped quarreling and began to live as in their youth. And all because as soon as the old man starts screaming, the old woman is ready for the magic water.

Look, what power she has!

1. List the main characters of the fairy tale.

The main characters of the fairy tale "Magic Water": husband, wife, neighbor.

2. Write out one sentence from the text that you liked. Write it down in your reading diary.

But the old man saw that the old woman was not answering, and he fell silent.

3. Who helped the old woman? Write down the answer.

The old woman was helped by a neighbor who gave her magic water.

4. Come up with and write down three questions about the content of the fairy tale in your reader’s diary.

1. How did the life of the old man and the old woman change with the advent of old age?

2. How did the neighbor help the old woman?

3. How did the magic water change the life of the old man and the old woman?

5. How many times did the old woman take the advice? Mark the correct answer in your reader's diary.

The old woman from the fairy tale “The Magic Water” took her neighbor’s advice twice.

6. Fill in the missing words in the sentence. Underline the words with the letter combination chk. Write down 5 more words for this rule.

Missing words that need to be written into the sentence in reader's diary: old woman, advice, mouth of water, bottle, mouth.

Words to emphasize: bottles.

Words that can be written on this rule: girl, habit, stove, shirt, match.

7. What is the power of magic water? Write down your answer.

The power of the magic water is that it makes the old woman silent.

Therefore, when a quarrel flares up, it fades away.

8. How many words did the old woman speak during a quarrel? Write down the missing numbers.

Old man - 1 word, old woman - 2;

Old man – 2 words, old woman – 5;

Old man - 5 words, old woman - 10.

9. What did the old man accuse the old woman of? Mark the correct answer.

Correct answer: The old woman has a long tongue.

10. Read. Write down words next to each other that have opposite meanings.

Quarrel - make peace, be friends, get along;

scream - be silent, whisper;

enter - leave, do not fit;

remember - forget, forget;

start – finish, finish.

11. Did you like the fairy tale “Magic Water”? How? Why? Write your answer in your reader's journal.

The fairy tale "Magic Water" is very entertaining and instructive.

It makes you smile and teaches you important moral values ​​at the same time.

12. Draw an illustration for a fairy tale. Draw a picture of your favorite character or episode.

Children's drawing - illustration based on the Russian folk tale "Magic Water" Irina Klyukhina (Federal State Educational Standards School of Russia)