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The story of who I will be. Essay on the topic “My future profession

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The first essay on the topic of who I want to become

I have not yet decided what I will do when I become an adult. Choosing a vocation is not an easy task, because there are a lot of interesting professions in the world.

Perhaps I will become a doctor and be able to overcome the most insidious diseases. Or, having pierced outer space, I will visit other worlds. Or maybe I’ll explore the mysterious corners of our planet, or start growing bread. Or maybe I’ll become a scientist and find a new source of energy, or simply invent a kitchen robot that will cook dinner and wash dishes instead of my mother.

I'm just a fifth grader and it's hard for me to say who I'll be. But I understand perfectly well that the knowledge gained at school will definitely help me in the future, when I begin to work for the benefit of society.

My future profession is an essay for girls

Probably, many people in childhood want to become an astronaut or a ballerina, and some people like several professions at once. As we grow older, childhood dreams are replaced by serious thoughts about choosing a vocation, and I, too, have often thought about this question.

I am a very inquisitive and sociable person, I like to learn and talk about current events, I am always interested in people's opinions about any problems. Constant communication, both with peers and with adults, is very important to me. In addition, I love writing stories, composing short notes, and have already published several works. Therefore, the answer to the question “What do I want to work as?” It was found for me a long time ago: I want to do journalism, and I consider it my calling, but I haven’t yet decided where I’ll go - on television, in a magazine or in a newspaper.

I like the profession of a journalist for many reasons. Firstly, this is a very interesting activity, devoid of uniformity and monotony, because the topics on which journalists write can be very different. This work cannot be called boring, because a journalist must be prepared for any surprises, for example, receiving an urgent assignment and going to the ends of the world. I am also very attracted by the opportunity to often travel to different cities and countries, communicate with interesting people.

Secondly, journalists can help achieve justice if a conflict has occurred, as well as provide assistance to a person in a difficult situation, drawing attention to his problem large quantity of people.

Thirdly, if I become a journalist, it will help me fulfill my dream: I really want to publish my own print publication or TV show for a youth audience. There you will be able to discuss a variety of issues: fashion, travel, music, as well as talk about relationships, psychology, studies and many other topics.

Being a journalist is a great responsibility; you need to be an honest and principled person, because how people will react to the event depends on how the news is presented. In addition, the profession requires curiosity, sociability, and most importantly, concern for people’s problems.

Essay on choosing a profession

There are many professions in the world. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, its own requirements and characteristics. A teacher, a builder, a doctor, a manager, a driver and others - each is interesting in its own way. To find your calling, first of all you need to understand what you want to do most, what activity can bring the most benefit to both yourself and society. After this, you need to evaluate your physical capabilities, whether they will allow you to achieve your goals.

Like many boys, I had a childhood dream - I wanted to become an astronaut. But when I grew up a little, I learned that a future cosmonaut’s health must be ideal; he cannot have any, even minor, diseases. Indeed, in extreme conditions, even a slight illness can lead to tragic consequences. And I realized that the road to space was closed for me, because I couldn’t boast of good health.

After that, I decided to become a teacher, this is also an important and interesting profession. But one day an event happened that changed my plans. They gave me a dog, or rather a small puppy. I was very happy, as this had been my long-time dream. I came up with the menacing name Rex for the little shaggy ball, and he became my best friend.

One day my dog ​​got sick. I didn’t understand what was happening to him, I only knew that he felt very bad, he whined and looked at me pitifully. Mom called a veterinarian, he examined Rex and helped him. For a long time after that, I followed all the treatment recommendations and took care of my dog, and finally he recovered!

That's when I realized who I really wanted to be. I will become a veterinarian and will treat our smaller brothers, save them from death, which they often do for their owners. When my baby Rex was sick, I simply did as the doctor advised. And now I am trying to learn as much as possible about the treatment of animals, and I can already help my pet if necessary.

Most of my neighbors have pets, and the guys I know often turn to me for help or advice. I can assess the condition of the animal and advise what food to feed them, whether they need vitamins and which ones are best.

I never refuse to help because I already know a lot about treating animals, I know the signs of many diseases, and I can provide first aid for various symptoms. I am absolutely confident in the correct choice of my future profession; saving the health and lives of animals is my calling.

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Essays on the topic “What I want to become” are written in every school. And this is right, because such work helps children not only develop syllables and learn to control words, but, perhaps, also decide on their future profession.


Of course, before we talk about what essays on the topic “Who I want to become” should look like from an artistic point of view, it is necessary to tell what they will be like in their structure.

Like any other work, it must contain a title, an epigraph and consist of three parts: introduction, main part and conclusion. Each of the above must be designed in accordance with generally accepted requirements.

Title and epigraph

So the title is what poses the problem. It all starts with him. The student must analyze the topic throughout the work. This is the main principle. It seems simple. But in reality this is not entirely true. It is important to first think carefully about the topic and provide strong arguments that will help the reader understand what the author means. In this case, the arguments must explain why the student who wrote this essay wants to choose this particular profession.

Next comes the epigraph, it reveals the intent of the entire essay. By the way, this part is optional. However, if you design it correctly, you will be able to stylistically decorate the work, which is never superfluous. In general, an epigraph is something that characterizes the author of a work as a well-read person who knows a lot. After getting acquainted with this part, it becomes clear what to expect when reading the text.

Essays on the topic “What I want to become” are quite specific. It is worth noting that any work in which the author must talk about something that directly concerns him is special. And here we are also talking about school essays. What do I want to become in the future? Many children begin to worry about this issue from the very beginning. early childhood. What bothers you is always the hardest thing to write about. Because you want to express your thoughts the way you feel, and so that they are understandable to others. Not all adults succeed in this, and it will be even more difficult for schoolchildren. However, nothing is possible.

How to correctly express an idea?

So, before you start writing an essay, you must first gather your thoughts. It’s worth thinking: “Really, what do I want to become when I grow up?” Of course, it is difficult to do this at an early age, since the child himself has no idea what difficulties this or that profession entails. But then it makes sense to learn more about certain areas of activity in order to at least roughly understand their essence.

To make essays of this nature interesting, you need to write from the heart. Most children And so many of them think: “Who do I want to become to make the world a better place?” It is not surprising that the majority write that they would like to be doctors, veterinarians, and teachers. Few people think about whether this or that profession is in demand, and how much these workers earn. These are concerns for graduating students, who must already decide on their future. But children think more about what they could do to improve our world. And this is worth writing about.


If you have absolutely no ideas about what you can write on such important topic, you shouldn't worry. Then you just need to start reasoning on paper. However, we should not forget about structure either. You can start with the following phrase: “I haven’t decided yet in the future, because choosing a vocation is a very difficult question. There are a lot in the world and each of them is special and interesting in its own way.” This would be a good introduction to an essay. And after that, you can proceed directly to the design of the main part. List several professions in which there is a certain interest, tell what determines the desire to try yourself in these areas of activity. We must remember that in any work, arguments and arguments are important. This is what distinguishes ordinary reasoning from a structured thematic essay.

And finally, a conclusion. Usually this part of the work summarizes all of the above. It should be the same as the introduction: clear, short, and as succinct as possible. But only if in the preface it is necessary to write about what topic will be considered in the work, then in the conclusion it is necessary to draw a conclusion. For example, you can complete essays on the topic “Who do I want to become” in this way: “Based on everything written above, I can confidently say that the profession of a journalist is very interesting, exciting and responsible. And I would like to try myself in this because I love communicate with people, learn something new and convey it to others, educate them and keep them informed of all events."

Such a conclusion clearly shows the author’s personal opinion and his attitude towards what he talked about in his work. So this will be a proper ending.

Essay on the topic: What do I want to become in the future?

You should always think about your future. To do this, you need to study well, because it is during study that the right thoughts come about what you want to become. Without hard work, dreams will never come true, so you need to learn something new and gain knowledge every day. My parents help me in this difficult task; they always say that work should bring pleasure and benefit people. The main thing is to make the right choice and path for life.

There are so many interesting professions in the world, it is very difficult to choose yours. I have not yet decided exactly what I will become in the future, but now I really like the work of a doctor or veterinarian. Perhaps I will become one of them and save seriously ill people or animals. I also want to be a traveler in order to explore the most hidden corners of the world. Now I am only a fifth grade student, but I know for sure that all the knowledge that I receive at school will be needed in choosing a profession for the benefit of society.

A year ago, on my birthday, my dream came true - I was given a puppy. He became my best friend, I nicknamed him Jack. One day something bad happened, my pet got sick and no one could do anything to help him. He asked me for help, whined pitifully, I did not understand what was happening to him and this broke my heart. Of course, we turned to a doctor for help, he helped the dog and wrote out treatment recommendations, which I followed for almost a month. My friend survived, and I received great pleasure from caring for him and the result obtained.

After this incident, I realized that perhaps this is my calling - to treat our smaller brothers, because I adore and appreciate all animals. Now I am often interested in the animal world, especially dog ​​breeds. All neighbors and acquaintances already know this and often come to me for help. They ask me what to feed their pets, what vitamins they should be given, how to care for the sick, and so on. Therefore, I am sure that saving health and life is mine, I hope my views will not change in the future.

Firstly, choosing a profession depends on whether you like what you do. Secondly, it must bring in money, because you have to somehow earn a living. Another important issue nowadays is the availability of jobs, because after studying you may not get a job in your specialty.

I believe that in order to become a doctor, in addition to knowledge, I also need to be kind, polite, friendly, honest, responsible, attentive to people, because this is such a noble profession. I will do my best to learn and instill in myself such character traits.

There are many different professions in the world that can determine a child’s life path in the future. The school takes a big part in such a serious choice, so already in the elementary grades, students are asked to write an essay on the topic “Who do I want to become and why.” This helps not only the children themselves get acquainted with professions and choose the one that is most interesting to them, but also parents and teachers will be able to choose a direction for each child, which will allow them to prepare for adult life.

“Once at school I was asked to write an essay

on the topic of what I want to become when I grow up.

I wrote: “Happy man.”

I was told that I did not understand the task,

and I replied that they did not understand life.”

John Lennon

General rules for writing an argumentative essay

Each essay should have a certain structure to organize information and make it easier to understand. Of course, depending on the topic and purpose of each literary text, the essay plan may change. How best to organize your thoughts when you write about who I want to become and why:

Introduction. In this part, you invite a conversation, set the main topic of the future essay in order to smoothly move on to the argument itself. Here's what the beginning might look like:

Choosing a vocation is not an easy task, because there are a lot of professions in the world. For me, like for every person, it is important to understand as early as possible what I want to become and why, in order to direct all my efforts towards achieving my goal.

Probably, many children want to become a ballerina or an astronaut, and some even a super hero. However, as you grow older, dreams are replaced by serious thoughts about choosing a future profession. I also often wonder what I want to become and why.

There are so many different professions in the world, and each is interesting in its own way. To find my true acceptance, I first need to understand what I want to become, and then seriously think about whether my physical and moral qualities allow me to succeed in this field and contribute to society.

Main part. Here you go directly to the choice of professions. Of course, this is very difficult, and for this you will have to read about different callings in order to choose for yourself what will serve your life path. Write about your best qualities, which will be the best explanation of your choice. Here are some interesting and very useful professions that you can write about in an essay if you haven’t decided yet:

I am a very inquisitive person and always strive to master new information. This gave me the idea of ​​what I want to become and why. I want to be a scientist. Of course, now it’s difficult for me to choose a specific direction in which I would like to work, but the subjects that we study at school help me a lot, because they develop me comprehensively. I think very soon I will find exactly the one scientific activity, where in the future I will make many useful discoveries for the whole society.

Journalism has always attracted me precisely because this profession allows me to meet new people and communicate with interesting interlocutors. I am very sociable and express my thoughts well, so in this profession I can achieve great success and delight others with my creativity.

Who I want to become and why was greatly influenced by the addition of a dog to our home. We became very good friends, and I always look after her. Unfortunately, it happens that she gets sick, and then the parents invite a veterinarian in a white coat to come to us (the link is why doctors wear white coats). I carefully watched all his actions and realized that helping animals is what I want to dedicate my life to.

Arguments. This part of the essay is optional, but it will bring greater meaning to your work. Try to remember examples of people who can safely be called heroes of their cause. You can find it in textbooks or on the Internet interesting personalities who once chose the same profession as their vocation:

I would really like to become a great scientist like Albert Einstein. Now he is internationally recognized, but he did not do very well at school. He achieved everything with his perseverance, hard work and developed thinking. These qualities allowed him to become the greatest physicist of all time.

I consider the famous television journalist Vladimir Pozner to be a true specialist in his field. His passion for educating people became my starting point for figuring out who I wanted to become and why. For many years he has been conducting not just popular, but also very useful and educational programs. I would like to devote myself to such serious journalism.

It seems that veterinarians are not a very prestigious profession. However, Igor Aleksandrovich Domsky proves the opposite. He is the director of the main scientific center for animals in Russia and received the Russian Presidential Award for his developments in the field of disease prevention. His love for animals is truly limitless, and this has earned him not only my respect, but also that of millions of people around the world.

Conclusion. In this part of the essay it is necessary to draw a conclusion. Can you briefly formulate evidence that you did not choose this profession by chance, and that you are ready for it:

Let before joining adult life I still have a lot of time, but I’ve started preparing for this now. For a profession to become a real calling, you need to understand its importance and significance for yourself already in childhood. I have no doubt about who I want to become and why, and I will pursue my goal despite obstacles and difficulties.

Journalism is not just a profession, it is a skill that needs to be developed and improved throughout one’s life. In order to be ready to learn my future profession by the time I graduate from school, I need to start training now. I will work hard and then I will succeed.

Being a veterinarian is a big responsibility. After all, the health and life of animals is in your hands. I think I’m ready for this, because the main thing is that I have a great love for animals and a desire to help them.

Using the plan and examples, you can easily write a good essay on the topic “Who do I want to become and why.” The main thing is to comprehend everything that appears on the page, because this will be useful not only for getting a grade, but also for understanding your future life path.

Two years have passed since I decided on my future profession. Now I'm fifteen and I know for sure that I want to become a tattoo artist. This is a currently fashionable profession that gives you the opportunity to show your imagination and make people beautiful and happy. Since I am a creative person by nature and at the same time I like to communicate with different people, my choice is to work as a tattoo artist.

When I told my mother about my desire and plans for future employment, she was hostile to what she heard. Mom is typical soviet man with conservative views, therefore, everything informal that does not correspond to her traditional thinking patterns is considered hostile and harmful. In her understanding, tattoos are associated with the criminal world, which is why they cause extreme rejection. I explained to my mother that I planned not only to do tattoos, but also to apply permanent makeup to women’s eyes, lips, and eyebrows. But she still said that I did not live up to her expectations. In my mother’s opinion, I should become a doctor, lawyer or accountant... I tried to convince the person closest to me that the profession of a tattoo artist, like a doctor, is designed to help people. In addition, she brings beauty into the world and gives a feeling of harmony with her body. This job will allow me to unleash my creative potential and provide me with a decent income. It is not necessary to work in salons; I can receive clients at home.

When I exhausted all my arguments, I simply told my mother that this was my life and it was up to me to decide how to manage it. If I decided to become a tattoo artist, then so be it. Mom asked me to wait until the end of eleventh grade and then make a choice. My aunt, my mother’s sister, intervened in our dialogue. She said that I could complete a tattoo course at summer holidays, after reaching the age of sixteen. I agreed. Mom and aunt hope that my hobby is not serious, and by then I will change my mind. But they are wrong - I am firmly confident in my choice of future profession.

I am fourteen years old. Unlike many of my peers, I have not yet decided on my future profession. I have always been a keen person with varied interests. Apparently, this is why it is difficult for me to choose one specialty.

Mom taught me to sew, and even in primary school I had fun making clothes for my dolls. I still love sewing, but lately I’ve been knitting more often.

A year ago I learned how to do different haircuts - men's and women's, everyday and holiday. Who taught me? I looked at training master classes on the Internet and adopted the skills necessary for work. Now our family members and relatives don’t have to spend money on visiting a hairdresser - I cut everyone’s hair. I recently did my neighbor's hair for her graduation and she was very pleased. Her sister said that beauty salons would not have done any better, and they would have had to pay a lot. In addition, I know how to apply makeup (everyday, business, evening), as well as do manicure and pedicure. So, we can say that I have mastered the profession of a makeup artist and hairdresser. Unless there is no document - a diploma or certificate.

I also really like to cook. It seems to me that the ability to cook is inherent in a woman on an intuitive level, and it manifests itself in childhood. I never studied this specifically, but I can cook almost any dish so that, as they say, you will lick your fingers. Thanks to the Internet, the secrets of the chef's profession have been revealed, because all the culinary subtleties are described in detail on specialized websites and forums. The key to success in this business (or in any other business) is practice and the desire to constantly improve.

When I was in elementary school, I wanted to become a teacher in the future. Now I understand that this is a very stressful job, which, moreover, is unfairly low paid. Later I thought about becoming a doctor. But one day I witnessed a terrible incident: a young man was hit by a tram. He survived, but was seriously injured and became disabled. I saw how the arriving doctors provided first aid to the unfortunate man, after which they loaded him onto a stretcher and took him to the hospital. This sight came as a very strong shock to me. My hands were shaking, I couldn’t look at what was happening and I realized that the medical profession was not for me.

Now I'm in eighth grade. So far I have managed to maintain high academic performance. I hope I can graduate from school with a gold medal and go to university. But I don’t know which one yet... Thinking about this topic, I composed a poem that I called “Who to be?”:

I decided to write poetry:
To be a poet in the future
And after school to enroll
To the institution it is.

Not many years have passed since then,
But my answer has changed.

Then I dreamed of being a seamstress,
Sew suits and three-piece suits.
Then I wanted to be a nurse,
Sit near the bed.

I dreamed that I was a circus performer
I deftly toss the ball.
I dreamed of becoming a journalist,
To publish the newspaper itself...

From early childhood until now
I haven't resolved this dispute.
I still don’t know who to be
While there is time, I dream.

I hope that I will soon decide on my future profession. The main thing is that this choice is final and correct, so that there are no disappointments and regrets later.

A person’s profession largely determines his entire future life. The realization of natural abilities and the degree of satisfaction with life in the future depend on it. Psychologists have proven that people who do what they love are much more likely to feel happy. Therefore, choosing a profession is a very important and responsible, if not fateful, step. Eh, I shouldn’t be mistaken...