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Registration point for graduates of past years of the Unified State Examination. When and where should graduates of previous years apply to take the Unified State Exam? What to do if the application deadline is missed

Every year, the most discussed issues among schoolchildren are those related to future changes in the rules for organizing the unified state exam and its retake.

This tendency is quite natural, because it is the most important stage in the life of every graduate, largely determining his prospects for the next few years. Everyone who cares about their future begins to prepare for the Unified State Exam in advance, trying to find out all the details of the upcoming event.

Adding to the uncertainty is the fact that the Ministry of Education adjusts the exam procedure almost every year and makes constant changes to its program. The coming 2019 was also no exception.

Schoolchildren upon graduation curriculum There are some innovations awaiting, approved by a special government commission, which you need to familiarize yourself with in advance.

Thus, anyone who wants to be well prepared for the future test will face the additional task of studying the new initiatives of education officials.

The importance of the Unified State Exam for a graduate

The state exam is not just a condition for a graduate to receive a certificate of completion high school, but also a kind of ticket to a successful adult life.

The main confirmation of this is the conditions for admission to higher education. educational institution, according to which, the applicant must have satisfactory Unified State Exam results in several specialized subjects at once.

The points earned by a graduate during the state exam reflect the level of his knowledge and preparation. The better the Unified State Examination result, the higher the applicant rises in the competition for best place at the university.

This point is especially important for those graduates who plan to obtain a specialty on a budgetary basis, receiving a stipend for their work. Such students begin preparing for the final test from the beginning of the tenth grade.

They attend not only scheduled lessons, but also take additional courses, work with tutors and study some subjects in depth. Parents of such children devote all their efforts and resources to find the best specialists who can improve the level of knowledge of their children.

Sometimes even the titanic efforts of mothers and fathers to obtain a satisfactory result are not enough and the child fails. The reasons for this can be different: nerves, superficial knowledge or simple bad luck.

In this case, the only way out for everyone is retake the Unified State Exam. This is a lifeboat for those who were unable to board a ship heading to the ocean. independent life.

How will the retake take place?

Government innovations could not ignore such important point, like retaking the unified state exam. Although these innovations can be considered more likely to be positive factors that can significantly simplify the task of a “failed” graduate.

According to the rules established by the Ministry of Education, schoolchildren will have access to a retake not only, but also all others according to which the exam will be held. You will be able to take advantage of the second attempt in only one discipline.

Graduates of previous years, as well as anyone who has been convicted of violations, are not allowed to retake. If a student missed the examination time, but can prove a valid reason for his absence, then he can count on two additional attempts: during the autumn session and on a reserve day.

It is also possible to begin acquiring a profession already in the 2019-2010 season at faculties that have a serious shortage and are ready to accept a “belated” student.

Features of work evaluation

Carrying out exam assignments, the student strives to score the maximum number of points, which in the future are converted into the final result, based on a certain scale. It is not yet known whether officials will make changes to this table.

Most likely, the already familiar point system will remain, by which the future prospects of graduates will be determined.

The minimum score is a limiting result that entitles the student to receive an official document on graduation from a general education institution.

Fulfilling this condition will not be difficult: to do this, you just need to have basic knowledge of the subjects. As a rule, the vast majority of students score this number of points the first time.

A passing score is the threshold result for admission to a certain higher education institution.

Before the start of state exams, each university posts information on the official page about the number of points that an applicant must have to begin the procedure for submitting documents to their faculties.

As practice has shown recent years, to successfully pass the Unified State Exam, simple knowledge of the subject is not enough. An excellent result can only be obtained by having extensive practice in solving problems of the same type, as well as significant experience in working with standard Unified State Examination tickets.

Only solid knowledge and the minimum necessary skill will help you gain self-confidence and pass this difficult test.

Video news

The article was written specifically for the website “2019 Year of the Pig”: https://site/

Registration of Unified State Exam participants can be carried out either by the department (ministry) of education of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, or by the department of education of a city (district), depending on the scheme for conducting the Unified State Exam in a particular region. We advise you to check which body is responsible for registering Unified State Exam participants where you live.

So, there are two waves of passing the Unified State Exam: the main one (in May-June) and the additional one (in July).

Main wave:
To take the Unified State Exam in the main wave, you must submit an application no later than March 1 with a list of subjects in which you plan to take the Unified State Exam.
If you are a graduate of the current year, then you submit an application to the educational institution where you are studying.
If you have already graduated, go to the Department of Education.

After submitting your application, you have until May 10 to receive your pass. Graduates of the current year receive it from the administration of their educational institution, graduates of previous years - from the department of education.
The pass must indicate:

* Unified State Exam subjects taken;
* address of the exam point;
* exam start dates and times;
*codes of the educational institution and examination location.

Also, along with the pass, you should be given the “Rules for Unified State Examination Participants”, “Rules for Filling out Unified State Exam Forms”, as well as information on the procedure for arriving at the exam point.

Please read these documents carefully so that you do not have any problems during the exam process!

Additional wave.

Graduates of previous years, as well as graduates, have the right to take part in the additional wave of passing the Unified State Exam. educational institutions primary and secondary vocational education who did not have the opportunity to participate in the main wave.
To do this, you must submit an application between June 20 and July 4. The application is submitted directly to the secondary specialized educational institution (secondary educational institution) or university (higher educational institution) in which you are going to enroll or to the department of education.
You can receive a pass for the Unified State Exam where you submitted your application between June 20 and July 5. As a rule, you will be issued a pass immediately after submitting your application.
Important! Before taking the Unified State Exam, you must familiarize yourself with the “Rules for Unified State Exam participants” and the “Rules for filling out Unified State Exam forms,” which are published on the website of the department (ministry) of education of the subject. These documents are not required to be issued at the place of registration.

Applications for early passing the Unified State Exam in 2017, admissions were accepted until February 1 (inclusive), and schoolchildren and graduates of previous years passed the first exam on March 23. This is two months earlier than the main stage. In order not to be late for next year, the site talks about the deadlines, required documents and ways to obtain USE results.

Why before others?

Most often, graduates of previous years take the Unified State Exam early. They need an exam to enter a university. Currently, all Russian higher education institutions, when enrolling, are asked to provide Unified State Examination results, which are considered valid for four years following the year of passing the exam. In order to become one of those lucky ones who take exams earlier than others and enjoy the results a couple of months earlier, it is enough not to miss the application deadlines and collect all the necessary documents. But first things first.

I want to be one of the first! Can?

In order for everyone to take the exam, it was divided into three stages: early, main and additional.

Early delivery is designed mainly for graduates of previous years - those who want to improve their Unified State Exam results or those who graduated from school before the introduction of the Unified State Exam. This year's graduates can also take the exams ahead of schedule, but to do this, the school's pedagogical council must grant permission. You can get it if you have no academic debt and complete completion of the curriculum.

During the additional examination period from September 5 to 16, graduates who failed to score the minimum required points, that is, cross the threshold, in May - June can take the Unified State Exam in mathematics (basic level) or Russian language.

The main requirement that must not be forgotten is that the exam is taken once a year. The exception is graduates of the current year who have not passed the Unified State Examination in Russian language and mathematics (basic level). If you do not achieve the minimum scores in one of these subjects, you can retake it in an additional period. In other subjects, if you fail, you will be able to try your hand only next year.

The main thing is not to forget your passport

To pass early, schoolchildren submit an application to participate in the Unified State Exam to their school. Graduates of previous years must submit an application to participate in the Unified State Exam at the offices of the Moscow Regional Information Processing Center (RTSC). Documents you will need are a passport and an original education document.

The application must list the subjects in which you plan to take exams. For current year graduates, exams in Russian language and mathematics (at any of the two levels) are mandatory, the rest can be chosen independently (most often depending on the profile of the university).

A passport will be needed not only when submitting an application, but also for admission to the exam itself - the data will be checked against the list of participants, which is printed from the regional information system.

Regardless of when you take the exam, the application deadline is the same. This year early Unified State Examination began on March 23 and will end on April 14. Applications had to be submitted before February 1, 2017 inclusive. After this date, only applications from those with valid reasons, such as illness, were considered. Applications close two weeks before the start of exams.

The Unified State Exam is available to everyone

People with disabilities health (OVZ) can take part in the exam, including early. To create special conditions when taking the Unified State Exam, you must provide a copy of the recommendation of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission.

We talked in detail about... However, it is quite understandable that most questions arise about passing the Unified State Exam among those who have already graduated from school - graduates from previous years who want to enroll in universities in 2019 and who need fresh Unified State Exam results for this. How is registration for the 2019 Unified State Exam carried out for graduates of previous years, how and where to apply to sign up for the exams.

Do all graduates from previous years need to take the Unified State Exam again?

Not everyone. The results of the final certification are valid for four years, so if you took the Unified State Exam in 2015-2018, and also took exams in the subjects that you need in 2019 for admission, and also if you are satisfied with the scores you received as a result of the exam, take the Unified State Exam you don't need to. Universities in your case are obliged to accept the results of exams from previous years.

But this, of course, is an ideal situation. In practice, there are quite a lot of school graduates from previous years entering universities who either took the Unified State Exam much earlier or did not take such exams at all, since in their time the Unified State Exam had not yet appeared in principle. Someone took exams in completely different subjects than he needs now in order to consciously enter a particular educational institution. Finally, someone could take the Unified State Exam in a core subject last year or the year before, but did not score well for admission and took a break for better preparation.

In all such cases, you will have to take the unified state exams again.

How to register for the Unified State Exam 2019 for a graduate of previous years - how and where to apply

In order to register for the Unified State Exam 2019, you must submit an application to the education authorities before February 1 inclusive. In each specific Russian city, it is worth specifically checking the addresses of places of registration for the Unified State Exam; to do this, you need to call the local departments of education and any other similar organizations, which in different cases may have different names. So, in Moscow you can register for the 2019 Unified State Exam at five addresses:

  • Teterinsky lane, house 2A, building 1;
  • Zelenograd, building 1128;
  • Semenovskaya Square, building 4;
  • Moskovsky, microdistrict 1, building 47;
  • Aerodromnaya street, house 9.

All indicated Moscow registration places are open from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 18:00 with a break from 12:00 to 12:30.

In exceptional cases, you can submit an application to take the Unified State Exam after February 1, but no later than two weeks before the start of the exams. But for this there must be significant, valid reasons: illness and other circumstances that you can confirm with documents.

What documents are needed for registration for the Unified State Exam 2019 for a graduate of previous years?

In order to register for the 2019 Unified State Exam, a graduate of previous years will need to provide:

  1. Passport or another document that proves his identity;
  2. SNILS(if any);
  3. Original education document(if such a document was received in a foreign country, a certified translation into Russian will be required).

For people with disabilities, you will also need certificate of disability or its certified copy. If you have access to a university recommendation, which was issued by the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission, you also need to attach a copy of it.

In addition to the fact that you will need to provide the specified documents, you will be asked to fill out an application for taking the Unified State Exam, where, in particular, you will need to indicate the subjects that you want to take. Also, in accordance with Russian laws, you will need to sign consent to the processing of your personal data.

Is it possible not to sign consent to the processing of personal data when applying for the Unified State Exam?

You have the right not to sign such consent if you do not want to. Just inform the educational authorities about this immediately - they will tell you how to correctly fill out an application for taking the Unified State Exam, indicating in the application your reluctance to process your personal data.

If you are interested in what rules will be used to take your exams in Moscow in this case, you can familiarize yourself with the relevant commission for taking exams. In other regions of Russia there should also be similar documents with similar rules.

Unified State Exam 2019 schedule for graduates of previous years - when to take this or that exam

Graduates of previous years take the Unified State Exam during the early stage. It takes place in March-April, so there is not much time left for preparation!

The schedule for the early wave of the Unified State Exam for 2019 looks like this:

Date Items
March 20 (Wednesday) geography, literature
March 22 (Friday) Russian language
March 25 (Monday) history, chemistry
March 27 (Wednesday) foreign languages(oral part)
March 29 (Friday) mathematics Base, Profile
April 1 (Monday) foreign languages ​​(written part), biology, physics
April 3 (Wednesday) social studies, computer science and ICT
April 5 (Friday) reserve: geography, chemistry, computer science and ICT, foreign languages ​​(oral part), history
April 8 (Monday) reserve: foreign languages ​​(written part), literature, physics, social studies, biology
April 10 (Wednesday) reserve: Russian language, mathematics Base, Profile


    Theoretically it is possible. But in practice, this is a very labor-intensive process. In order to make appropriate changes to the unified database of Unified State Examination participants, it is necessary to obtain a document decision from the state certification commission. There must be a good reason for this, confirmed by the relevant document. For example, a serviceman who was in the army until February 1 can provide a document on demobilization. Please note that in this case, you can apply for participation in the Unified State Exam no later than 2 weeks before the exam.

    What to do if it is not possible to submit an application in person?

    Parents or legal representatives can apply to participate in the Unified State Exam upon presentation of a certified power of attorney and the above documents.

    Which subjects are required and which are optional?

    To obtain a certificate of secondary school education, you must pass two compulsory subjects - Russian language and mathematics. In this case, mathematics can be basic and profile level. You can take either one or both. Why is this necessary? The fact is that to obtain a certificate it is enough to pass basic mathematics, and for admission to universities where mathematics is required as an entrance test, the results will be required specialized mathematics. Thus, if you are going to continue your studies, for example, in the humanities or medicine, take basic mathematics. Although, if you are confident in your abilities and want something more difficult, then you can take the specialized one - if successful completion you will still receive the certificate. Many graduates prefer to play it safe and apply for two levels at once. We have already prepared a special material about what better math choose, and described situations when it is better to take both at once. With it you can.

    All other Unified State Exam subjects are optional and required for admission to universities. These are: physics, chemistry, history, social studies, computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT), biology, geography, foreign languages ​​(English, German, French and spanish languages), literature.

    How to choose electives?

    In order to enter a university in your chosen specialty and get your dream profession, you need to correctly determine the subjects for passing the Unified State Exam. You can make your cherished choice quite quickly and accurately using the services of the Postupi.Online portal. About how exactly.

    Also on the portal Postupi.Online there is an excellent service - “Search by Unified State Exam subjects”, which allows you to search for a profession, specialty, university and even a specific university program in the subjects that the applicant takes in the exams. Our special material shows how to do this.