Abstracts Statements Story

Once you know yourself, you know the universe. Having known yourself, you will know the Universe. Who are you, living ocean?

Andrey Pilipovich – Knowledge of the Universe (IOM theory)

The theory of multi-level organization of matter (hereinafter referred to as MOM) is a worldview theory in the spirit of the philosophy of Russian cosmism. Its main postulate is that humanity and nature are parts of a single Whole. An attempt has been made to comprehend this Whole as some kind of Macro-Being still unknown to us. The MOM theory offers absolutely A New Look on the essence of not only our planet, but the entire Universe. The theory is based on evidence from various fields of science. Within its framework, a unique theoretical explanation is given for such phenomena as telepathy, clairvoyance, extraterrestrial life, and cosmic intelligence.


Amazing fact science provides us with. It turns out that a person is not just a separate living organism, but is an entire community of living organisms. These microorganisms are called cells, and there are over a hundred trillion of them in the human body. Each cell is a completely independent creation. She eats, drinks, excretes, breathes and performs some function inside a person. In a word, she lives, and her life is somewhat reminiscent of the life of a plant or animal, or even the life of a person himself.

Who or what is a person for a cell? If for him a cell is a kind of cog in his body, then for a cell a person appears as a whole world. For a cell, the body of any animal or plant is the environment from which it draws water, food, oxygen, and into which it throws waste. In this world, a single-celled creature comes into contact with other similar microscopic creatures. The cell lives in friendly neighborhood with its relatives, exchanging the products of existence. Sometimes one cell can eat another or be eaten itself. Sometimes entire wars begin between communities of these creatures, such as the war between an army of antibodies and a virus. There are also pleasant moments in the life of cells: for example, division can be called the birth of a new creature or even two. And birth is always a joy. I wonder if the cell is experiencing it? Why not? Having lived the period of life allotted by fate, the small organism dies.

Each cell is busy with something of its own, living its own individual life. The activity of trillions of such micro-creatures fills the vast world with life. And this majestic world, in which there is happiness and sorrow, wars and prosperity, birth and death - this is man!


We rarely think about the life of our body, except when some kind of trouble happens: a stomach ache or a fever due to illness. We don’t think about cell life at all. A person’s attention is almost entirely directed to the outside world, and if the world of the cell is the human body, then the world of himself is the surface of our planet, its living part - the biosphere. Here the person himself appears in the role of a small cell, a grain of sand among the endless living ocean, woven from similar grains of sand.

The phrase “living ocean” does not quite accurately reflect the essence of the biosphere; it would be more accurate to say a living organism. After all, the ocean is a spontaneous, chaotic phenomenon, while the biosphere is an ordered, harmonious formation, very reminiscent of a living organism. In the biosphere, each of its elements is assigned a corresponding place, and all its parts are intertwined with a network of complex relationships.

There are very interesting similarities between the human body and the biosphere:

First of all, they both consist of a huge number of smaller living elements: humans are made up of cells, and the biosphere is made up of plants and animals.

Both are the outer world to their smaller elements.

The inhabitants of each world are completely dependent on him and cannot live without him. Thus, a cell born in the human body does not travel from one person to another (with the exception of bacteria), but is forever associated with its owner. The same applies to animals and plants that are not able to live in outer space or on another planet, and simply cannot leave the Earth. On

Only a person is capable of this, but this is an exception to the rule. Yes, and a person also completely depends on environment, since she gives him everything necessary for life: food, air, water, not to mention such things as communication, self-realization.

A very important function of the human body is metabolism. The biosphere also has this function, and is called the circulation of substances in nature. Thanks to him, all plants, animals, people are connected together, and we all depend on each other, although not everyone is able to realize this dependence.

The human body functions in complex ways biological laws. The living shell of the Earth lives according to the same laws, plus the laws of ecology.

The biosphere is a single, integral, indivisible organism. It cannot be divided into two or more parts, just as you cannot cut a person in half without causing damage to his life.

From all of the above, an interesting conclusion arises that the world in which we live is itself a kind of living being, like an animal or a human. Who is this Creature? Does He have a mind, and what is the meaning of His life? Can we answer these questions? Comparing a person and a cell, let’s think: will a cell be able to understand the essence of the world in which it lives, to realize such a phenomenon as a person? After all, a person in relation to the Biosphere stands at the same level as a cell in relation to a person. We are just single-celled creatures in the huge body of the Biosphere. Completeness human life, the perfection of his consciousness is inaccessible to individual cells. Probably, the Biosphere is just as inaccessible to us. We are just particles in Her, and we do not even realize all of Her greatness.


Let us move closer to the theory of multi-level organization of matter. It is based on the following fundamental chain:




star cluster

star system

Planet, star



Flock, forest, society

Animal, plant, human



Elementary particle

The main elements of the sequence are underlined and in large font. All reflections will be built on the basis of a sequence of basic elements.

This chain has been known for a long time. It shows us how the Universe works from its smallest particles to the largest. But, subjecting it to logical analysis, you can come to surprising conclusions. Let's consider a number of patterns that permeate the entire chain.

1 (first principle). The principle of unification. It consists in the fact that homogeneous elements are combined and create the next element in the chain.

Quarks are the smallest particles known to science today. These are the original building blocks from which the entire Universe is built. Quarks combine with each other to form an elementary particle. Groups of elementary particles are already an atom. And the atom can also be called the building block of the Universe; all matter consists of atoms. Atoms bond according to the principle of unification, and a molecule is obtained. You can mold anything from a molecule, including life at its most primitive level. We will get ribosomes, vacuoles, viruses, chromosomes. Each of them could hardly exist independently. They are always gathered together, and the product of their union is a cell. And a cell is a brick from which all living matter known to us consists. In accordance with their functions, cells are combined into organs. Any living creature belonging to the biosphere, that is, a plant, animal, human or mushroom, consists of sets of organs.

The threads that connect plants, animals, and people are not visible to the naked eye. But very complex relationships that exist between all living beings on our planet have been scientifically established. Similar individuals are grouped, and a forest, a flock, a family, a society are formed. All forests, meadows, herds, and human societies in a particular region constitute a biocenosis. Consists of many biocenoses

biosphere. Inside the biosphere there is a special component - the noosphere, that is, the sphere of human activity. The noosphere, or otherwise humanity, is divided into states. The state consists of social groups, and they, in turn, are made up of people. We see how multiple relationships permeate the entire biosphere, organizing it into a single whole.

The biosphere covers the surface of the globe with a thin layer. Among the lithosphere, atmosphere, and hydrosphere, the biosphere is the smallest in volume, but the largest in importance for the planet. Several planets and a star are bound together by gravitational forces. Star clusters grow into a galaxy, galaxies into metagalaxies, the latter forming the Universe.

2 (second principle). A qualitative transition between the whole and its parts. Whole more perfect than any from its parts, since it not only summarizes the qualities inherent in the parts, but also acquires new ones.

Having observed how elementary particles emerge from quarks, then atoms, molecules, cells, etc., you notice that nature improves its creations from a smaller element to a larger one. An atom is more perfect than a quark. The molecule is even more complex and is capable of performing more features than an atom. What is the difference in perfection between a molecule and a cell? A cell cannot be viewed simply as a jumble of molecules. The quality inherent in a cell cannot be reduced to a simple sum of the qualities of its constituent parts - molecules. Finally, having collected from human cells, nature brings perfection, as it seems to us, to the highest limit. But is this really the limit?

The chain continues further, and a person turns out to be a brick of a larger organism - the Biosphere. According to the principle of qualitative transition between the whole and its parts, the Biosphere must be more perfect than any of its parts, be it a bacterium or a person. And again the question arises, what kind of entity is the Biosphere? A living Being, stretched with a thin film over a huge ball. What is It? What is the meaning of His life? Does It have feelings, and can It think? This is worth thinking about.


If it turns out that the Biosphere has intelligence, doubts about its superiority over humans will immediately be dispelled. The search for the mind could turn out to be very difficult if not for one important criterion - the mind must have a material carrier - the brain. It is thanks to him that a person is a person, and not a piece of meat. Consciousness and intelligence are located in the brain, and that is what we need to look for.

Taking a closer look at the human brain, we notice that it consists of billions of nerve cells that are intertwined into a complex nervous system. Each nerve cell is a living creature belonging to the human microcosm. She

designed to receive and transmit information, process it and remember it. The fact that this micro-being processes information means that it thinks, albeit at a primitive level. These cells communicate with each other in a language of nerve impulses that only they themselves understand. Together they manage all the other inhabitants and resources of the microworld. It turns out that nerve cells have the ability for primitive thinking and communication with their own kind. It is thanks to this structure of the brain that a person gains consciousness.

Let's consider the Biosphere. Will we be able to find similar creatures in it, capable of thinking and purposefully exchanging information? All animals are capable of this to one degree or another. But which of them has achieved the greatest results in handling the information flow and consciously jointly managing the world? Naturally, these are people. Therefore, humanity may well be the bearer of the consciousness and intelligence of the Planet.

But we will not understand this as long as we consider man as something special, a certain being separated from the rest of the Biosphere. The truth is that man is just a component of the Biosphere and is intended to perform a certain function within a single Organism. Nature has endowed humans with the ability to think, and this ability is realized by nerve cells. In the same way, nature initially laid down the thinking ability in the Biosphere, and are called upon to implement it People.

Humanity is very similar to the brain in the following ways:

Consists of the smallest living creatures.

Represents a community. Nerve cells are collected in a community called the brain. By analogy, people live within a single human Society. It is the Society that is such a global planetary brain. The existence of collective consciousness is no longer news to us. The fact that people can achieve power only through joint efforts has been noticed since ancient times.

Society thinks. Note that the thoughts that come into the minds of people (particularly scientists and inventors) correspond to the needs of society in this place, in this historical period. Each person, as a thinking particle of Humanity, gives Him his own answer to the questions posed. A person dies, and the Society takes his thoughts and, on their basis, sets new tasks for its next members. And so, over the centuries, the brain of the Planet has been gaining wisdom.

Society is capable of knowledge and has memory. Humanity skillfully collects and processes information. Despite the constant change of generations, the Society preserves the information accumulated earlier. It is thanks to the presence of the memory of Humanity that It has reached such heights of knowledge of the surrounding world.

Man is a mechanism for realizing the goals of Society. We say that a man flew into space. But this is not an achievement of an individual, this is an achievement of Humanity. It is It, as a result of centuries-old efforts, that sent its messenger into Space, again, so that he would bring Him new knowledge, new opportunities. According to the instructions of the Society, a person is ready to go even to death. In case of war, he gives his life not for his own good, but for the good of his friends, family and friends. That is, for the good of his Society. The importance of Society is undeniable, a person without It turns into an animal, this is well known from the example of the “Mowgli phenomenon”.


This eternal question finds a fairly simple explanation within the framework of the MOM theory. Chance is only an unknown pattern. Science has recently moved more and more away from the idea of ​​the random occurrence of life on Earth and its further evolution. And if we look at the Biosphere as a living Organism, then evolution acts as a process of development of this Organism.

Any living organism undergoes development in order to reach maturity. A person grows from a fertilized egg. It begins to divide, from some cells others are formed. This is how cells of varying complexity (from skin cells to brain cells) and various organs appear. Isn't the same thing happening with the Biosphere? According to the theory of evolution, life on Earth developed from the simplest forms; any complex organism comes from a simpler one. Ultimately, we all have a common ancestor - a kind of primitive single-celled organism. That is, the Biosphere, just like any other biological organism, originates from a single-celled being and grows by increasing “cells” (i.e., animals and plants) and their qualitative transformation. Life was programmed in advance for such a global reversal, but we have not yet found the carrier of the program (a certain “planetary gene”).

Why not now assume that if the Biosphere develops as a living being, then it arises in the same way as all living things, that is, through reproduction. Human life begins the moment a sperm fertilizes an egg. The life of the Biosphere, theoretically, began when a comet fell on Earth. A lifeless planet can be compared to an egg. And the comet’s resemblance to a sperm is simply amazing, and scientists are increasingly pointing to it as a cosmic carrier of life.


Everything indicates that the Biosphere is not just a world in which plants, animals and humans live. The biosphere is an intelligent living Being endowed with a physical body, consciousness,

mind. But let us ask the question: can it be that such a highly developed Being lives in the world completely alone?

Let us once again refer to the logical chain given above. Two new principles will help to understand whether the Biosphere is lonely or not.

3 (third principle). The principle of many similar. Any MOM element is located among many similar ones. For example, an atom rotates in the world of atoms. A cell lives among cells like itself. A tree grows in a forest made up of trees. A person lives in society with people. A star sparkles among

many stars, and the galaxy has myriads of neighbors similar to itself. Besides the Earth, there are many more planets, but all of them are considered to be lifeless balls rotating in a lifeless Universe. Due to the lack of information about life on other planets, it is believed that there is only one Biosphere.

But, according to the IOM theory, such a living Being as our planet should live among others like it. Creatures And this means that life must also exist on other planets, and there must be intelligence as a necessary component of any Creature of this level. It is not necessary that biological life exist everywhere. Life forms can be diverse.

4 (fourth principle). The principle of implementing laws. Laws not only exist, they are implemented at every point in the universe and organize matter into ordered structures.

Astronomy has discovered that countless numbers of stars, galaxies, nebulae and other cosmic formations are scattered throughout the Universe. Since they exist in the farthest corners of the Universe, it means that the same laws of physics and chemistry apply everywhere. Therefore, any law of Nature that exists anywhere in the vast world, including on Earth, must be valid for the entire Universe. This applies to biological, economic, and social laws, and the law of the emergence and development of planetary life. If the origin of life and its evolution is a law, then it must operate throughout the Universe.

Physico-chemical laws not only exist, they are implemented at every point of the universe and organize matter into ordered structures, i.e. stars, planets, etc. This means that other laws must also be implemented, in particular, the law of the origin and evolution of life must create life on the surface of any planet. Life does not have to take exclusively biological forms. It will be realized in the form for which the conditions on this particular planet will be most favorable. We don’t yet know other forms of life, so let’s not deny what we don’t know.

The above reflections suggest that each planet is

a living Being. But if the Universe is teeming with life, then why don’t we know anything about other Creatures similar to our living Planet? If we are the mind of the Planet, and the mind should be responsible for communicating with relatives, then why don’t we know anything about life on other planets and civilizations on them? For example, the attention of the brain of an individual person is directed not only to regulating the internal life of the organism. For the most part, the brain is designed to support life in the outside world and communicate with other people. By analogy, humanity, being the brain of the planet, must have contacts with the civilizations of other planets. But, alas, we have no extraterrestrial connections. Why?


Every living being has a beginning and an end. The period between the beginning and the end is called life. Life, in turn, is divided into periods, including intrauterine development, childhood, maturity, and old age. Who is our biosphere - a young man, an old man or a baby? To answer this question, let us characterize the different periods of life.

Old age - your whole life is behind you, a lot of impressions remain in your memory, this period of life is characterized by wisdom, accumulated life experience, on the other hand - rigidity of consciousness and loss of strength.

Maturity is the flowering of strength, the world seems to be already sufficiently explored, but not yet fully known; active life, fruitful work and rest, involvement in the life of one’s society - these are the characteristics of this period of life.

Childhood - life is just beginning, the world appears bright and colorful, but alien and incomprehensible, but there are elders in it who care for and raise the child; the first life experience, the first friends and enemies appear; This period is characterized by the desire for knowledge, to master one’s own strengths and find one’s place in life.

Prenatal development - pitch darkness and complete uncertainty, attention is directed to inner world, the baby is not even aware of the existence of the external world, just as he is not aware of his integrity, his self; consciousness is just beginning to awaken, but until birth it does not understand its essence; the senses are asleep.

Based on these characteristics, we can assume that the Planet is now living in the period of its “intrauterine development”, and here’s why:

1. The absence of interplanetary contacts indicates that the Earth is somehow limited from the outside world. For Beings like our Planet, interplanetary contacts are something like interpersonal communication. And communication always leaves an imprint in the memory of those who communicate. Humanity does not know interplanetary contacts, and this means that they simply have not happened yet, which is quite consistent

characteristics of the intrauterine period. The few meetings with aliens that occur from time to time cannot be considered full-fledged communication. This can be compared to when a mother strokes her belly with her son inside, while the child, of course, feels the action of some outside force, but is not aware of who is exerting this influence.

2. At the stage of intrauterine development, the first nerve cells appear. But by the time of birth, the brain is already almost completely formed. This means that during this period the brain is being formed “from scratch” to the stage necessary for a full life after birth. Now let's take the brain of the Planet - Humanity and look at its development. The first people appeared several thousand or millions of years ago, which is not important. It is more important to note that since then a steady increase in population began with a simultaneous qualitative transformation of the Society. According to scientists, during the entire period of the existence of human Society known to us, man himself physiologically did not change at all, only Society changed. From wild, primitive peoples we have come to a modern, highly developed civilization. Society has left the herd half-human, half-animal and grew to become a powerful planetary force. And It continues to grow and improve, and it is difficult to imagine what it will become in the future.

3. An already born creature is characterized by the presence of sensory organs, with the help of which the study of the external world and communication with its own kind is carried out. Where are they on our Planet? They probably exist, but they simply sleep for the time being or are in an undeveloped state. Their sleeping state is another sign of the “prenatal period” in which our Planet is located.

4. The biosphere is a closed, single Organism. This means that human Society in it must be united. Perhaps the unity of Humanity can be called a necessary criterion for entry into cosmic life. From a mass of disparate tribes and city-states, Society has now evolved to several large states, and this is not the end, we are striving for unity. This tendency is clearly expressed in the political; economic, cultural and other spheres of human life. No matter what the pessimists say, the future still lies in the unity of human Society.

Yes, Society is developing, but has not yet reached the level of development necessary for full-fledged cosmic existence. It is imperfection that prevents Humanity from communicating with the Cosmos. For, in order to enter the Great Cosmic Game on equal terms, Humanity must have a certain potential, a certain strength, power (not military, of course, but, most likely, spiritual). Otherwise, It simply will not withstand the conditions of Cosmic Existence and will perish

like an underdeveloped child. Therefore, now we are left to ourselves and to solve our internal problems. And we have enough of them: economic-political, environmental, moral and ethical. Moreover, humanity has not yet represents a complete organism and has not realized yourself as a single Entity. In a word, the immature Being continues the period of its maturation, fenced off from the influence of outside forces.


In this regard, what awaits Humanity in the future? Sooner or later, any creature must leave the womb of its mother and join a larger life. If there is a “birth” ahead of the Earth, and after it there is Cosmic Life. One can only guess what awaits the Planet in this Life.

Let's take the fate of a person. Each of us has our own at the threshold of birth. Someone will become a child in a rich family and receive a good education, and the single mother will immediately give the other newborn to the shelter. Being born into a family of kings ensures a girl's future as a princess, while the son of a slave will have to work under the yoke of a whip all his life. Once born, you can live a long and interesting life, but you can die right there from some kind of illness.

The world beyond the threshold of birth is so saturated that intrauterine existence even ceases to be considered a part of life. People begin counting their life years from the moment of birth. What can an unborn creature know about such realities of life as happiness, love or fear, betrayal? How to explain to him what sex, drugs, pain are? Only by plunging headlong into life can one understand its essence.

Now let’s imagine all these feelings and realities on a cosmic scale and think about the life of a planetary Being. What awaits the Planet and Humanity with It in the vastness of the Universe? An unbridled, majestic Life is seething here, where it is difficult to consider an individual person, for Space is the World of Civilizations. It has its own Truth and Untruth, Happiness and Sorrow, Love and Hate, Friendship and Betrayal. There are Rich and Poor, Smart and Stupid, Supergods and Crowds. Stars and Planets are just ordinary inhabitants of this World.


And the hour is approaching when the Cosmos will give birth to a new living Being. At the end of the extra-long sleep, It will open its eyes for the first time towards the outside World. Think about it, after all, the opened sense organs will be able to perceive information coming from all ends of the Cosmos, and the recipient of this information will be the brain of the Biosphere, that is, Humanity. What will we see in the vastness of the Universe?

The first object that traditionally appears in a newborn's field of vision is his mother. And it is natural to assume that Creatures are waiting for the Earth,

conceived life on the Planet, the Cosmic Parents of the Earth are Planets with biological life, similar to ours, and an intelligent Civilization, consisting of people the same or almost the same as us.

Imagine the moment when the meeting of Civilizations begins. The parent Planets will, of course, play an active role here. They will give us our first lesson in cosmic communication. They will address us in the language spoken by the entire cosmic World, and even if the first “words” seem incomprehensible to us, over time the earthlings will master the language of the Cosmos.

How will space communication take place? The Meeting of Civilizations involves the simultaneous communication of a huge number of people with the same number of alien entities. It is unlikely that face-to-face contact between people and aliens would be appropriate here. Rather, the connection will be spatial in nature when the contactees are far from each other. The information coming to the Planet will mainly be of a mass nature. Only the receiver of this information will be completely different, capable of transmitting not only image and sound, but also taste, smell, and even feelings and thoughts. It is appropriate to assume that the body of the person himself will be a cosmic receiver. Here it is appropriate to recall such phenomena as telepathy, clairvoyance, prayer, hypnosis. These glimpses of cosmic communication will become widespread and occupy an important place in the life of our Civilization.

The cosmic word is a massive stream of information, like a TV movie, that will be received by many people at the same time. It will take a long time before earthlings learn to reproduce such information and send it to other civilizations. Even more time will pass when Humanity will acquire the ability to clearly express the thoughts of the entire Planet.

Space will make the Earth a full member of its Society. The Earth will accept the cosmic language, the cosmic culture, and will learn the cosmic way of life. She will meet millions of Beings like her and take her place among Them. Billions of cosmic Inhabitants are gathered together in the World, which also has its own History, its own development. We call this World the Milky Way. Our Galaxy is united not only by gravity. Interstellar and interplanetary communications establish strong connections between its individual Members. Stellar economics, politics, psychology, culture, religion - all this is reality here. Thanks to such connections, the Galaxy is not just a World of stars and planets, but something more. It represents a single Organism, possessing consciousness, intelligence and a host of other qualities inaccessible to our understanding. The Galaxy is a living Being standing at an even higher level. Individual planets and stars for the Galaxy are like cells in Its huge body.

The Universe contains billions of Galaxies, which are involved in an even more complex Intergalactic Game. The universe has a beginning, development, life, and experiences death. She is not just the World, the Universe is a Being of the next level beyond the Galaxy. Galaxies, stars, planets, people, the entire mass of living and inanimate objects, all of this is Her huge Body. Is it possible to imagine the life of a Being of this level?

Mo and the Universe are not alone. Myriads of Universes form Something that is difficult to even talk about. Where is the limit then? It’s difficult to say, but it’s probably worth mastering the concept of infinity.


It is worth noting that a being of any level is structured according to the principle of a pyramid, that is, it consists of higher and lower elements. Thus, a biological organism consists of cells. In this case, the lowest of them are the cells of the liver, muscles, skin, etc., and the highest are the nerve cells. The lower ones fill the body with life, while the higher ones provide it with a certain higher property - mental activity. If we take the Biosphere as an example, then animals and plants will be lower, and people will be higher. The structure of the Galaxy also has such a structure. But who in the Galaxy will be the highest beings? Most likely, these are the Stars.

The possibility of life on the Stars is perceived by many as science fiction. But we cannot deny this possibility are right, since we have no arguments on this matter. If there is a possibility of life on the Planets, then why is it impossible on the Stars? It is the Stars that are the main inhabitants of Space, even at first glance. At the same time, the possibility of plasma life is very likely. Plasma is a fairly active substance, which is important for the organization of life.

Stars emit radiation in all directions, which can serve as an ideal carrier of information, which is extremely important in interstellar communications. In addition, thanks to the possibility of converting matter into energy, it becomes possible for the inhabitants of the stars to move in interstellar spaces at the speed of light. For example, an inhabitant of one star on its surface transforms his body, consisting of matter, into an energy body, immediately flies out with a directed beam of radiation at the speed of light in the direction of another star and, having reached it, again transforms the energy into a material body. But this is only possible on the stars. These and other possibilities of plasma life unknown to us apparently make the Luminaries an order of magnitude higher than their cosmic relatives - the Planets.

We often say that the Stars control our destinies. But how can They do this, being lifeless creatures? The intelligence inherent in the Luminaries is

that mysterious Cosmic Mind about which there has been so much talk lately

Based on the existence of stellar life, one can easily interpret such a phenomenon as a UFO. Imagine, you are a resident of the Sun and want to visit the Earth. For you, a plasma creature, the temperature of the Planet is deadly cold. Therefore, the shell in which you descend must maintain a temperature inside of thousands of degrees, which is why it will naturally glow brightly. The spherical shape is needed for minimal energy consumption.

It has been noticed that solar activity affects the psyche of people. Moreover, such influence is widespread. Thus, all major events in the life of states, such as wars, revolutions, changes in the political system, occur during periods of greatest solar activity. Doesn't this mean that the Sun, by methods available to Him, interferes in the life of the Earth, directing history in the direction He needs? And this is natural, because the Sun is the master of the Planets of its star system and has the same power over Them as a person has over domestic animals and cultivated plants.


The MOM theory makes a person look at things completely differently. The picture of the world is becoming wider. So much wider that even such a phenomenon as God finds justification within the framework of the IOM theory.

To emphasize the greatness of God, we say that He created the universe. But according to the logic of the IOM theory, man is also capable of creating the universe. What is a person like if even frogs and dandelions not only can, but even do it - they create thousands, millions of universes. A man sometimes doesn’t even know that a couple of minutes ago he gave birth to a new universe. When a woman’s belly grows, in the language of the IOM theory it sounds like this: one universe within itself creates another.

Universes vary in size and complexity. But in the process of their creation, one thing remains unchanged: the creation is an exact copy of the creator. In other words, the one who created the universe is himself the universe. The conclusion suggests itself: God the creator represents a Universe similar to ours. It is not for nothing that people believe that the creator lives in heaven.

Do you want to see God? No, you don’t need to equip a space expedition and fly to the edge of the Universe. It is enough to follow the wise advice of Eastern philosophy, which teaches us to see God in everything: in huge rocks and tiny specks of dust, in a fragrant flower and stinking dung, in the sparkle of the Stars and the dampness of a basement, in a worm and an elephant, in a cow or a person. God is here, He permeates the whole World and every part of It, - the Eastern sage will say. And indeed, if one Universe, which we call God, created another Universe similar to itself, then the latter too

must be God. In other words, God the Father and God the Son, just like in the Christian Trinity.


Everything in the world is relative. Moreover, such a phenomenon as God has many interpretations. For example, the dog does not know any Jesus crucified on the cross. For a dog, man is God; in him he sees higher intelligence And higher power. Sometimes a religious leader declares himself to be a god, and thousands of people follow him, firmly believing in his divinity. This means that God is considered to be a being who is an order of magnitude higher than his admirers.

A microscopic single-celled creature living in the human body needs protection from above. His life, as well as the lives of trillions of his fellows, depends entirely on the will of the owner, who, of course, is man. The death of a person will entail the death of the entire universe, the pain experienced by him will cause millions of tiny creatures to suffer. If the cell could realize the essence of man, it would be seized with awe of greatness, and it would, without a doubt, recognize in man its God.

But the cell is simply not capable of such awareness; this requires intelligence. But a person has it. A person is able to understand that a living organism can be so tiny that the naked eye cannot see it, or so huge that the eye cannot fully comprehend it. We already know that on Earth, in addition to countless creatures that are microscopic in comparison with the planet, there lives O the bottom, comparable in size to It.

And here is the question I have for you, reader: what do you feel when you think about the Being that permeates the entire Biosphere, including you? All your life you constantly see Him. You can even say that besides Him you see nothing else, and only the Sun, Moon and stars are an exception to this. This Being is the greatest treasure that you personally have. For if someone takes away the Biosphere from you, what will you do without It? The biosphere gives you the opportunity to live. Everything you have belongs to Her, even you are Her property.

The biosphere has the strongest, almost absolute power over any living creature on Its surface. And over a person she has two types of power: physical and mental.

Physical is the power of Nature, which lies in the fact that it is impossible to live if you do not feed on the fruits of the life activity of the Biosphere. Without water, air, the earth under our feet and the rest of the surrounding world, a person is unthinkable. Nature endows a person with a number of abilities, but also imposes limits. So. A person is able to walk, work, think, but cannot fly. A person sees, but only in a certain spectrum. He lives, but only in a certain society, with its own culture. It is Nature that dictates what each individual person should be: tall or short, smart or stupid, etc. And the Biosphere has the same power over any other animal or plant.

Another type of power - psychic - extends only to people. This power can be called the Collective Mind or otherwise - the power of Society over a person. To understand this, follow the logic of thinking.


I am a man. It is the totality of all other people, that is, Humanity. Let's consider my relationship with Him.

Where did I come from? Humanity made me. More precisely, dad and mom, who have been His members for a long time, gave birth to me. It is important to realize that I did not appear on my own, but with the help of other people.

I speak Russian and not any other language, because it is the language of my Society. It was It that predetermined what language I should speak.

I know that objects are made of atoms, and that beyond the Earth there is vast outer space. But I have never examined atoms in a microscope or carried out astronomical research, so where did I get all this knowledge? Society has acquired knowledge and is now giving it to me.

How do I know that Peter I, Lenin, Napoleon lived, and there was a second World War, and millions of people died in it, because I wasn’t there yet in those days? Me . then there was no, but Humanity was. It saw Peter I and Napoleon and experienced all the hardships of war on its own skin. Society remembers everything, and it is through His memory that I gain access to knowledge.

“Our country is the best” - that’s what my Society used to tell me, and I had no reason not to believe it. Now It holds a different point of view, and I again agree with It. I trust the Society, although It has deceived me before, and there is no guarantee that it is not deceiving me now. It’s just that, if not Him, then who to believe, I myself will not be able to know everything from my own experience.

I live in a house that was built by Humanity, dressed in clothes sewn by Him, on my table there is food produced by Him. Society provides me with everything I need. I go to work and do things there that are completely unnecessary for me. But Humanity needs them, that’s why I make them.

Society imposes its culture on me. Although it is correct to say that it does not impose, but gives, since a person does not have his own culture. Culture can only be the property of a group of people. Actually, it is only needed to regulate life in the group. Society forbids me to do this, tells me to do that, and I do as It wants.

Am I the master of my destiny? Do I decide when to be born, where, in what family?

What language to speak, what God to believe in, what culture to follow? If I drive a car, it is only because the Society provides me with such an opportunity. For a medieval man, his Society did not provide the opportunity to use a car. If hardworking American vacations in Hawaii, it is only because his Society gives him the opportunity to earn money and relax. My Society cannot provide such an opportunity to ordinary workers.

Humanity largely determines my destiny. It finds out what I am capable of and what contribution I can make to the common cause, and in accordance with this determines my place in life. If I behave badly, Society will put me behind bars or even take my life. If the Society likes me in any way, it will put me on a pedestal and will worship.

For me, as for any person, Society is more valuable than one’s own life. For in case of war, I will go to the front and, if necessary, I will give my life not for the sake of my well-being, but for the sake of the well-being of friends, relatives and friends, that is, my Society.

Humanity is a parent, a teacher, a mentor, a master, and the highest value in one person. Many-faced, many-armed, all-knowing, absolute. In our language there is a name for the Being who has such many characteristics, and that name is God. Or more correctly, it is the rational part of God, His consciousness.


All of the above looks pretty fantastic. But any qualitatively new knowledge seems fantastic.

Wasn't it the same with the discovery that the Earth is round? When it seemed obvious to everyone that the Earth was flat, the statement that it was round only caused a smile and was not taken seriously.

Once upon a time, people believed that the Universe was a globe and a sphere above it with luminaries nailed to it - the Sun, Moon and stars. But then scientists learned that the world is billions of billions of times larger. Previously, it was believed that social life is chaotic and cannot be described by any laws. But sociologists discovered these laws, proving the orderliness and regularity of the existence of human Society. Over time, our understanding of the world expands, the surrounding reality appears to us more and more complex.

Only the inertia of our thinking does not allow us to open our eyes to new knowledge. It is difficult to part with the remnants of past beliefs. But those who can expand the boundaries of their worldview will bow before the greatness of the universe.

From the author Dear reader! I would really like to know your opinion about the things described above. The MOM theory was created over more than two years, and work on it continues to this day. To further develop the theory and publish the book, I want to form a creative group. Therefore, I invite those who want to continue the work they have started and sponsors.


The biosphere is not just the living shell of the Earth. The biosphere is the body of a living Being, and man is a cell inside this Body. Man and nature are parts of a single Whole, which is a full-fledged living Being.

A similar thought has occurred to many people. In my head, it formed into a holistic picture of the universe, which I called the theory of the Multi-Level Organization of Matter (or simply the theory of MOM). To say that the Biosphere is a living Being is the same as saying nothing. The consequences of such a conclusion are striking. They overturn the modern understanding of the world and place it on a completely different basis.

The essence of not only our planet, but the entire Universe is perceived in a new way. Such phenomena as telepathy, clairvoyance, extraterrestrial life, and cosmic intelligence find a unique theoretical explanation. But perhaps the most surprising thing is that with the help of the IOM theory, an attempt was made to substantiate the essence of God himself as a scientifically provable phenomenon.

The world within us and the world around us

Science provides us with an amazing fact. It turns out that a person is not just a separate living organism, but is an entire community of living organisms. These microorganisms are called cells, and there are over a hundred trillion of them in the human body. Each cell is a completely independent creation. She eats, drinks, excretes, breathes and performs some function inside a person. In a word, she lives, and her life is somewhat reminiscent of the life of a plant or animal, or even the life of a person himself.

Who or what is a person for a cell? If for him a cell is a kind of cog in his body, then for a cell a person appears as a whole world. For a cell, the body of any animal or plant is the environment from which it draws water, food, oxygen, and into which it throws waste. In this world, a single-celled creature comes into contact with other similar microscopic creatures.

The cell lives in friendly neighborhood with its relatives, exchanging the products of existence. Sometimes one cell can eat another, or be eaten itself. Sometimes entire wars begin between communities of these creatures, such as the war between an army of antibodies and a virus.

There are also pleasant moments in the life of cells, so division can be called the birth of a new creature or even two. And birth is always joy, I wonder if the cell experiences it? Why not. Having lived the period of life allotted by fate, the small organism dies.

Each cell is busy with something of its own, living its own individual life. The activity of trillions of such micro-creatures fills the vast world with life. And this majestic world, in which there is happiness and sorrow, wars and prosperity, birth and death - this is man!

Who are you, living ocean?

We rarely think about the life of our body, except when some kind of trouble happens: a stomach ache or a fever due to illness. We don’t think about cell life at all. A person's attention is almost entirely directed to the outside world. And if the world of the cell is the human body, then the world of himself is the surface of our planet, its living part - the biosphere. Here the person himself appears in the role of a tiny cell, a grain of sand among the endless living ocean, woven from similar grains of sand.

The phrase “living ocean” does not quite accurately reflect the essence of the biosphere; it would be more accurate to say a living organism. After all, the ocean is a spontaneous, chaotic phenomenon, while the biosphere is an ordered, harmonious formation, very reminiscent of a living organism. In the biosphere, each of its elements is assigned a corresponding place, and all its parts are intertwined with a network of complex relationships.

There are very interesting similarities between the human body and the biosphere:

First of all, they both consist of a huge number of smaller living elements: humans are made up of cells, and the biosphere is made up of plants and animals.
Both are the outer world to their smaller elements.
The inhabitants of each world are completely dependent on him and cannot live without him. Thus, a cell born in the human body does not travel from one person to another (with the exception of bacteria), but is forever connected with its owner. The same applies to animals and plants that are not able to live in outer space or on another planet, and simply cannot leave the Earth. Only a person is capable of this, but this is an exception to the rule. Yes, and a person is also completely dependent on the environment, since it gives him everything necessary for life - food, air, water, not to mention such things as communication and self-realization.
A very important function of the human body is metabolism. The biosphere also has this same function and is called the circulation of substances in nature. Thanks to him, all plants, animals, people are connected together, and we all depend on each other, although not everyone is able to realize this dependence.
The human body functions according to complex biological laws. The living shell of the Earth lives according to the same laws, plus the laws of ecology.
The biosphere is a single, integral, indivisible organism. It cannot be divided into two or more parts, just as you cannot cut a person in half without causing damage to his life.

From all of the above, an interesting conclusion arises that the world in which we live is itself a kind of living being, like an animal or a human. Who is this Creature? Does He have a mind, and what is the meaning of His life? Can we answer these questions? Comparing a person and a cell, let’s think: will a cell be able to understand the essence of the world in which it lives, to realize such a phenomenon as a person?

After all, a person in relation to the Biosphere stands at the same level as a cell in relation to a person. We are just single-celled creatures in the huge body of the Biosphere. The fullness of human life, the perfection of his consciousness are not accessible to individual cells. Probably, the Biosphere is just as inaccessible to us. We are just particles in Her and do not even realize all of Her greatness.

From quark to the Universe

Let us move closer to the theory of multi-level organization of matter. It is based on the following fundamental chain:

Galaxy cluster
star cluster
Star system
Planet, star
Flock, forest, society
Animal, plant, human
Elementary particle

This chain has been known for a long time. It shows us how the Universe works from its smallest particles to the largest. But, subjecting it to subtle logical analysis, you can come to surprising conclusions. The highlighted elements are key, the rest are intermediate between them. Let's consider a number of patterns that permeate the entire chain:

1 (first principle). The principle of unification. Elements of one level are combined to create the next element of the next level.

Quarks are the smallest particles known to science today. These are the original building blocks from which the entire Universe is built. Quarks combine with each other to form an elementary particle. A group of elementary particles is already an atom. And the atom can also be called the building block of the Universe; all matter consists of atoms.

Atoms bond according to the principle of unification, and a molecule is obtained. You can mold anything from molecules, including life at its most primitive level. We will get ribosomes, vacuoles, viruses, chromosomes. Each of them could hardly exist independently. They are always collected together, and the product of their union is a cell.

And a cell is a brick from which all living matter known to us consists. In accordance with their functions, cells are combined into organs. Any living creature belonging to the biosphere, that is, a plant, animal, human or mushroom, consists of a set of organs.

The threads that connect plants, animals, and people are not visible to the naked eye. But very complex relationships that exist between all living beings on our planet have been scientifically established. Similar individuals are grouped, and a forest, a flock, a family, a society is formed. All forests, meadows, herds, and human societies in a particular region constitute a biocenosis.

The biosphere consists of many biocenoses. Inside the biosphere there is a special component - the noosphere, that is, the sphere of human activity. The noosphere, or otherwise, humanity is divided into states. The state consists of social groups, and they, in turn, are made up of people. We see how multiple relationships permeate the entire biosphere, organizing it into a single whole.

The biosphere covers the surface of the globe with a thin layer. Among the lithosphere, atmosphere, and hydrosphere, the biosphere is the smallest in volume, but the largest in importance for the planet. Several planets and a star are bound together by gravitational forces. Star clusters grow into a galaxy, galaxies gather in clusters, the latter form the Universe.

2 (second principle). A qualitative transition between the whole and its parts. The whole is more perfect than any of its parts, since it not only summarizes the qualities inherent in the parts, but also acquires new ones.

Having observed how elementary particles emerge from quarks, then atoms, molecules, cells, etc., you notice that nature improves its creations from a smaller element to a larger one. An atom is more perfect than a quark. The molecule is even more complex and capable of performing more functions than an atom.

What is the difference in perfection between a molecule and a cell? A cell cannot be viewed simply as a jumble of molecules. The qualities inherent in a cell are not reduced to a simple sum of the qualities of its constituent parts - molecules. Finally, having collected from human cells, nature brings perfection, as it seems to us, to the highest limit. But is this really the limit?

The chain continues further and a person turns out to be a brick of a larger organism - the Biosphere. According to the principle of qualitative transition between the whole and its parts, the Biosphere must be more perfect than any of its parts, be it a bacterium or a person. And again the question arises: what kind of entity is the Biosphere? A living Being, stretched with a thin film over a huge ball. What is It? What is the meaning of His life? Does It have feelings, and can It think? This is worth thinking about.

Is the Biosphere intelligent?

If it turns out that the Biosphere has intelligence, doubts about Its superiority over humans will immediately be dispelled. The search for the mind could turn out to be fortune-telling, if not for one important criterion - the mind must have a material carrier - the brain. It is thanks to him that a person is a person, and not a piece of meat. Consciousness and intelligence reside in the brain. Let's try to find it near the Biosphere.

Taking a closer look at the human brain, we notice that it consists of billions of nerve cells that are intertwined into a complex nervous system. Each nerve cell is a living creature belonging to the human microcosm. It is designed to receive and transmit information, process it and remember it. The fact that this micro-being processes information means that it thinks, albeit at a primitive level. These cells communicate with each other in a language of nerve impulses that only they themselves understand. Together they manage all the other inhabitants and resources of the microworld. It turns out that nerve cells have the ability for primitive thinking and communication with their own kind. It is thanks to this structure of the brain that a person gains consciousness.

Let's consider the Biosphere. Will we be able to find similar creatures in it, capable of thinking and purposefully exchanging information? All animals are capable of this to one degree or another. But which of them has achieved the greatest results in handling the information flow and consciously jointly managing the world? Naturally, these are people. Therefore, humanity may well be the bearer of the consciousness and intelligence of such a Being as the Planet.

But we will not understand this as long as we consider man as something special, a certain creature separated from the rest of the Biosphere. The truth is that man is just a component of the Biosphere and is intended to perform a certain function within a single Organism. Nature has endowed humans with the ability to think, and this ability is realized by nerve cells. Likewise, nature initially laid down the thinking ability in the Biosphere, and people are called upon to realize it.

Humanity is very similar to the brain in the following ways:

Consists of smaller living beings.
Represents a community. Nerve cells are collected in a community called the brain. By analogy, people live within a single human Society. It is the Society that is such a global planetary brain. The existence of collective consciousness is no longer news to us. The fact that people can achieve power only through joint efforts has been noticed since ancient times.
Society thinks. Society always poses a number of tasks to an individual and requires their solution. The person transfers the results of solving these problems into the hands of the Society, and on their basis, it sets new tasks for its other members. So step by step using abilities different people Society is capable of solving complex problems that are beyond the capabilities of an individual. Using the example of the work of any organization of people, one can trace how the Society thinks.
Society is capable of knowledge and has memory. Humanity skillfully collects and processes information. Despite the constant change of generations, the Society preserves the information accumulated earlier. It is thanks to the presence of the memory of Humanity that It has reached such heights of knowledge of the surrounding world.
Man is a mechanism for realizing the goals of Society. We say that a man flew into space. But this is not an achievement of an individual, this is an achievement of Humanity. It was It, as a result of centuries-old efforts, that sent its messenger into Space, again, so that he would bring Him new knowledge, new opportunities. According to the instructions of the Society, each of us is ready to go even to death. In the event of war, a person gives his life not for his own good, but for the good of friends, family and friends, that is, for the good of his Society. The importance of Society is undeniable, a person without It turns into an animal, this is well known from the example of the “Mowgli phenomenon”.

Where did life on Earth come from?

This age-old question finds a fairly simple explanation within the framework of the IOM theory. Chance is only an unknown pattern. Science has recently moved more and more away from the idea of ​​the random occurrence of life on Earth and its further evolution. And if we look at the Biosphere as a living Organism, then evolution acts as a process of development of this Organism.

Any living organism undergoes development to reach maturity. A person grows from a fertilized egg. It begins to divide, from some cells others are formed. This is how cells of varying complexity (from skin cells to brain cells) and various organs appear. Isn't the same thing happening with the Biosphere? According to the theory of evolution, life on Earth developed from the simplest forms; any complex organism comes from a simpler one. Ultimately, we all have a common ancestor - a kind of primitive single-celled organism.

That is, the Biosphere, just like any other biological organism, originates from a single-celled creature and grows by increasing “cells” (i.e. animals and plants) and their qualitative transformation. Life was programmed in advance for such a global turn, but we have not yet found the carrier of the program (a certain “planetary gene”).

Why not now assume that if the Biosphere develops as a living being, then it arises in the same way as all living things, that is, through reproduction. Human life begins the moment a sperm fertilizes an egg. The life of the Biosphere could well have begun when a comet fell to Earth. A lifeless planet can be compared to an egg. And the comet’s resemblance to a sperm is simply amazing, and scientists are increasingly pointing to it as a cosmic carrier of life.

About life on other planets

Everything indicates that the Biosphere is not just a world in which plants, animals and humans live. The biosphere is an intelligent living Being, endowed with a physical body, consciousness, and intelligence. But let us ask the question: can it be that such a highly developed Being lives in the world completely alone?

Let us once again refer to the logical chain given above. Two new principles will help to understand whether the Biosphere is lonely or not:

3 (third principle). The principle of many similar. Any MOM element is located among many similar ones.

For example, an atom rotates in the world of atoms. A cell lives among cells like itself. A tree grows in a forest made up of trees. A person lives in a society with people. A star sparkles among many stars, and the galaxy has myriads of neighbors similar to itself. In addition to the Earth, there are many more planets, but all of them are considered to be lifeless balls rotating in a lifeless Universe. Due to the lack of information about life on other planets, it is believed that there is only one Biosphere.

But according to the IOM theory, such a living Being as our planet should live among Beings similar to it. And this means that life must also exist on other planets, and there must be intelligence, as a necessary component of any Being of this level. It is not necessary that biological life exist everywhere. Life forms can be very diverse.

4 (fourth principle). The principle of implementing laws. Laws not only exist, they are implemented at every point in the universe and organize matter into ordered structures.

Astronomy has discovered that countless numbers of stars, galaxies, nebulae and other cosmic formations are scattered throughout the Universe. Since they exist in the farthest corners of the Universe, it means that the same laws of physics and chemistry apply everywhere. Therefore, any law of Nature that exists anywhere in the vast world, including on Earth, must be valid for the entire Universe. This applies to biological, environmental, and social laws, and the law of the emergence and development of planetary life. If the origin of life and its evolution is a law, then it must apply throughout the Universe.

Physicochemical laws not only exist, they are implemented at every point in the universe and organize matter into ordered structures, i.e. stars, planets, etc. This means that the remaining laws must also be implemented, in particular, the law of the origin and evolution of life must create life on the surface of any planet. Life does not have to take exclusively biological forms. It will be realized in the form for which the conditions on this particular planet will be most favorable. We don’t yet know other forms of life, so let’s not deny what we don’t know.

The above reflections suggest that every planet is a living Being. But if the Universe is teeming with life, then why don’t we know anything about other Creatures similar to our living Planet? If we are the mind of the Planet, and the mind should be responsible for communicating with relatives, then why don’t we know anything about life on other planets and civilizations on them.

For example, the attention of the brain of an individual person is directed not only to regulating the internal life of the organism. For the most part, the brain is designed to support life in the outside world and communicate with other people. By analogy, Humanity, being the brain of the Planet, must have contacts with the civilizations of other planets. But, alas, we have no extraterrestrial connections. Why?


Every living being has a beginning and an end. The period between the beginning and the end is called life. Life, in turn, is divided into periods, including intrauterine development, childhood, maturity, and old age. Who is our Biosphere - a young man, an old man or a baby? To answer this question, let us characterize the different periods of life:

Old age - your whole life is behind you, a lot of impressions remain in your memory, this period of life is characterized by wisdom, accumulated life experience, on the other hand, ossification of consciousness and loss of strength.
Maturity is the flowering of strength, the world seems to be already sufficiently explored, but not yet fully known; active life, fruitful work and rest, involvement in the life of one’s society - these are the characteristics of this period of life.
Childhood - life is just beginning, the world appears bright and colorful, but alien and incomprehensible; but there are elders in it who care for and raise the child; the first life experience, the first friends and enemies appear; This period is characterized by the desire for knowledge, to master one’s own strengths and find one’s place in life.
Intrauterine development is pitch darkness and complete uncertainty, attention is directed to the inner world, the baby is not even aware of the existence of the external world, just as he is not aware of his integrity, his self; consciousness is just beginning to awaken, but until birth it does not understand its essence; the senses are asleep.

Based on these characteristics, we can assume that the Planet is now living in the period of its “intrauterine development”, and here’s why:

1. The absence of interplanetary contacts indicates that the Earth is somehow limited from the outside world. For Beings like our Planet, interplanetary contacts are something like interpersonal communication. And communication always leaves an imprint in the memory of those who communicate. In the memory of Humanity there are no memories of communication with other Worlds, and this means that they simply did not exist yet, which fully corresponds to the characteristics of the prenatal period. The few meetings with aliens that occur from time to time cannot be considered full-fledged communication. This can be compared to when a mother strokes her belly with her son inside, while the child, of course, feels the action of some outside force, but is not aware of who is exerting this influence.

2. At the stage of intrauterine development, the first nerve cells appear. But by the time of birth, the brain is already almost completely formed. This means that during this period the brain develops “from scratch” to the stage necessary for a full life after birth. Now let's take the brain of the Planet - Humanity and look at its development. The first people appeared several thousand or millions of years ago, which is not important. It is more important to note that since then a steady increase in population began with a simultaneous qualitative transformation of the Society.

According to scientists, during the entire period of the existence of human Society known to us, man himself physiologically did not change at all, only Society changed. From wild, primitive peoples we have reached a modern, highly developed civilization. Society emerged from the herd of half-humans, half-animals and grew to become a powerful planetary force. And It continues to grow and improve, and it is difficult to even imagine what it will become in the future.

3. An already born being is characterized by the presence of sensory organs, with the help of which the study of the external world and communication with its own kind is carried out. Where are they on our Planet? They probably exist, but they simply sleep for the time being or are in an undeveloped state. Their sleeping state is another sign of the “prenatal period” in which our Planet is located.

4. The biosphere is a closed, single Organism. This means that human Society in it must be united. Perhaps unity can be called a criterion of humanity’s readiness to enter cosmic life. From a mass of scattered tribes and city-states, Society has now evolved to several large states, and this is not the end, we are striving for unity. This trend is clearly expressed in the political, economic, cultural and other spheres of human life.

No matter what pessimists say, the future still lies in the unity of human Society. Yes, the Society is developing, but has not yet reached the level of development necessary for a full-fledged cosmic existence. It is imperfection that prevents Humanity from communicating with the Cosmos. For, in order to enter the Great Cosmic Game on equal terms, Humanity must have a certain potential, a certain strength, power (not military, of course, but, most likely, spiritual).

Otherwise, It simply will not withstand the conditions of Cosmic Existence and will die like an underdeveloped child. Therefore, now we are left to ourselves and to solve our internal problems. And we have enough of them: economic-political, environmental, moral and ethical. In addition, Humanity is not yet an integral organism and has not realized itself as a single Essence. In a word, the immature Being continues the period of its maturation, fenced off from the influence of outside forces.


In this regard, what awaits Humanity in the future? Sooner or later, any creature must leave the womb of its mother and join a larger life. If, ahead of the Earth is “birth”, and after it is Cosmic Life. One can only guess what awaits the Planet in this Life.

Let's take the fate of a person. Each of us has our own at the threshold of birth. Someone will become a child in a rich family, receive a good education, and another newborn will be immediately sent to an orphanage by a single mother. Being born into a family of kings ensures a girl's future as a princess, while the son of a slave will have to work under the yoke of a whip all his life. Once born, you can live a long and interesting life, or you can immediately die from some kind of illness.

The world beyond the threshold of birth is so saturated that intrauterine existence even ceases to be considered part of life. People begin counting the years they have lived from the moment of birth. What can an unborn creature know about such realities of life as happiness, love or fear, betrayal? How to explain to him what sex, drugs, pain are. Only by plunging into life headlong can you understand its essence.

Now let’s imagine all these feelings and realities on a cosmic scale, and think about the life of a planetary Being. What awaits the Planet and Humanity with It in the vastness of the Universe? An unbridled, majestic Life is seething here, where it is difficult to consider an individual person, for Cosmos is the World of Civilizations. It has its own Truth and Untruth, Happiness and Sorrow, Love and Hate, Friendship and Betrayal. There are Rich and Poor, Smart and Stupid, Supergods and Crowds. Stars and Planets are just ordinary inhabitants of this World.

Meeting of Civilizations

And the hour is approaching when the Cosmos will give birth to a new living Being. At the end of the extra-long sleep, It will open its eyes for the first time towards the outside World. Think about it, after all, the opened sense organs will be able to perceive information coming from all ends of the Cosmos, and the recipient of this information will be the brain of the Biosphere, that is, Humanity. What will we see in the vastness of the Universe?

The first object that traditionally appears in a newborn's field of vision is his mother. And it is natural to assume that the Creatures who conceived life on the Planet are waiting for the Earth. The Cosmic Parents of the Earth are Planets with biological life similar to ours, and an intelligent Civilization, consisting of people the same or almost the same as us.

Imagine the moment when the meeting of Civilizations begins. The parent Planets will, of course, play an active role here. They will give us our first lesson in cosmic communication. They will address us in the language spoken by the entire cosmic World, and even if the first “words” seem incomprehensible to us, over time the earthlings will master the language of the Cosmos.

How will space communication take place? The Meeting of Civilizations involves the simultaneous communication of a huge number of people with the same number of alien entities. It is unlikely that face-to-face contact between people and aliens would be appropriate here. Rather, the connection will be spatial in nature, when contactees are far from each other. The information coming to the Planet will mainly be of a mass nature.

The receiver of this information will be able to transmit not only image and sound, but also taste, smell, and even feelings and thoughts. It is appropriate to assume that the body of the person himself will be a cosmic receiver. And this is confirmed by such phenomena as telepathy, clairvoyance, prayer, hypnosis. These glimpses of cosmic communication will become widespread and occupy an important place in the life of our Civilization.

The cosmic word is a massive stream of information, like a TV movie, that will be received by many people at the same time. It will take a lot of time before earthlings learn to understand and reproduce such information, as well as send it to other Civilizations. Even more time will pass when Humanity will acquire the ability to clearly express the thoughts of the entire Planet.

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Knowing yourself means knowing the Universe.

Let's consider the Biosphere.

Will we be able to find similar creatures in it, capable of thinking and purposefully exchanging information? All animals are capable of this to one degree or another. But which of them has achieved the greatest results in handling the information flow and consciously jointly managing the world? Naturally, these are people. Therefore, humanity may well be the bearer of the consciousness and intelligence of such a Being as the Planet.

But we will not understand this as long as we consider man as something special, a certain creature separated from the rest of the Biosphere. The truth is that man is just a component of the Biosphere and is intended to perform a certain function within a single Organism. Nature has endowed humans with the ability to think, and this ability is realized by nerve cells. Likewise, nature initially laid down the thinking ability in the Biosphere, and people are called upon to realize it.

Humanity is very similar to the brain in the following ways:

  • Consists of smaller living beings.
  • Represents a community. Nerve cells are collected in a community called the brain. By analogy, people live within a single human Society. It is the Society that is such a global planetary brain. The existence of collective consciousness is no longer news to us. The fact that people can achieve power only through joint efforts has been noticed since ancient times.
  • Society thinks. Society always poses a number of tasks to an individual and requires their solution. The person transfers the results of solving these problems into the hands of the Society, and on their basis, it sets new tasks for its other members. So, step by step, using the abilities of different people, Society is able to solve complex problems that are beyond the capabilities of an individual. Using the example of the work of any organization of people, one can trace how the Society thinks.
  • Society is capable of knowledge and has memory. Humanity skillfully collects and processes information. Despite the constant change of generations, the Society preserves the information accumulated earlier. It is thanks to the presence of the memory of Humanity that It has reached such heights of knowledge of the surrounding world.
  • Man is a mechanism for realizing the goals of Society. We say that a man flew into space. But this is not an achievement of an individual, this is an achievement of Humanity. It was It, as a result of centuries-old efforts, that sent its messenger into Space, again, so that he would bring Him new knowledge, new opportunities. According to the instructions of the Society, each of us is ready to go even to death. In the event of war, a person gives his life not for his own good, but for the good of friends, family and friends, that is, for the good of his Society. The importance of Society is undeniable, a person without It turns into an animal, this is well known from the example of the “Mowgli phenomenon”.

Where did life on Earth come from?

This age-old question finds a fairly simple explanation within the framework of the IOM theory. Chance is only an unknown pattern. Science has recently moved more and more away from the idea of ​​the random occurrence of life on Earth and its further evolution. And if we look at the Biosphere as a living Organism, then evolution acts as a process of development of this Organism.

Any living organism undergoes development to reach maturity. A person grows from a fertilized egg. It begins to divide, from some cells others are formed. This is how cells of varying complexity (from skin cells to brain cells) and various organs appear. Isn't the same thing happening with the Biosphere? According to the theory of evolution, life on Earth developed from the simplest forms; any complex organism comes from a simpler one. Ultimately, we all have a common ancestor - a kind of primitive single-celled organism.

That is, the Biosphere, just like any other biological organism, originates from a single-celled creature and grows by increasing “cells” (i.e. animals and plants) and their qualitative transformation. Life was programmed in advance for such a global turn, but we have not yet found the carrier of the program (a certain “planetary gene”).

Why not now assume that if the Biosphere develops as a living being, then it arises in the same way as all living things, that is, through reproduction. Human life begins the moment a sperm fertilizes an egg. The life of the Biosphere could well have begun when a comet fell to Earth. A lifeless planet can be compared to an egg. And the comet’s resemblance to a sperm is simply amazing, and scientists are increasingly pointing to it as a cosmic carrier of life.

About life on other planets

Everything indicates that the Biosphere is not just a world in which plants, animals and humans live. The biosphere is an intelligent living Being, endowed with a physical body, consciousness, and intelligence. But let us ask the question: can it be that such a highly developed Being lives in the world completely alone?

Let us once again refer to the logical chain given above. Two new principles will help to understand whether the Biosphere is lonely or not:

3 (third principle). The principle of many similar. Any MOM element is located among many similar ones.

For example, an atom rotates in the world of atoms. A cell lives among cells like itself. A tree grows in a forest made up of trees. A person lives in a society with people. A star sparkles among many stars, and the galaxy has myriads of neighbors similar to itself. In addition to the Earth, there are many more planets, but all of them are considered to be lifeless balls rotating in a lifeless Universe. Due to the lack of information about life on other planets, it is believed that there is only one Biosphere.

But according to the IOM theory, such a living Being as our planet should live among Beings similar to it. And this means that life must also exist on other planets, and there must be intelligence, as a necessary component of any Being of this level. It is not necessary that biological life exist everywhere. Life forms can be very diverse.

4 (fourth principle). The principle of implementing laws. Laws not only exist, they are implemented at every point in the universe and organize matter into ordered structures.

She discovered that countless numbers of stars, galaxies, nebulae and other cosmic formations are scattered throughout the Universe. Since they exist in the farthest corners of the Universe, it means that the same laws of physics and chemistry apply everywhere. Therefore, any law of Nature that exists anywhere in the vast world, including on Earth, must be valid for the entire Universe. This applies to biological, environmental, and social laws, and the law of the emergence and development of planetary life. If the origin of life and its evolution is a law, then it must apply throughout the Universe.

Physicochemical laws not only exist, they are implemented at every point in the universe and organize matter into ordered structures, i.e. stars, planets, etc. This means that the remaining laws must also be implemented, in particular, the law of the origin and evolution of life must create life on the surface of any planet. Life does not have to take exclusively biological forms. It will be realized in the form for which the conditions on this particular planet will be most favorable. We don’t yet know other forms of life, so let’s not deny what we don’t know.

The above reflections suggest that every planet is a living Being. But if the Universe is teeming with life, then why don’t we know anything about other Creatures similar to our living Planet? If we are the mind of the Planet, and the mind should be responsible for communicating with relatives, then why don’t we know anything about life on other planets and civilizations on them.

For example, the attention of the brain of an individual person is directed not only to regulating the internal life of the organism. For the most part, the brain is designed to support life in the outside world and communicate with other people. By analogy, Humanity, being the brain of the Planet, must have contacts with the civilizations of other planets. But, alas, we have no extraterrestrial connections. Why?


Every living being has a beginning and an end. The segment between the beginning and the end is called. Life, in turn, is divided into periods, including fertilization, intrauterine development, childhood, maturity, old age, and transition. Who is our Biosphere - a young man, an old man or a baby? To answer this question, let us characterize the different periods of life:

  • Old age - your whole life is behind you, a lot of impressions remain in your memory, this period of life is characterized by wisdom, accumulated life experience, on the other hand, ossification of consciousness and loss of strength.
  • Maturity is the flowering of strength, the world seems to be already sufficiently explored, but not yet fully known; active life, fruitful work and rest, involvement in the life of one’s society - these are the characteristics of this period of life.
  • Childhood - life is just beginning, the world appears bright and colorful, but alien and incomprehensible; but there are elders in it who care for and raise the child; the first life experience, the first friends and enemies appear; This period is characterized by the desire for knowledge, to master one’s own strengths and find one’s place in life.
  • Intrauterine development is pitch darkness and complete uncertainty, attention is directed to the inner world, the baby is not even aware of the existence of the external world, just as he is not aware of his integrity, his self; consciousness is just beginning to awaken, but until birth it does not understand its essence; the senses are asleep.

Based on these characteristics, we can assume that the Planet is now living in the period of its “intrauterine development”, and here’s why:

1. The absence of interplanetary contacts indicates that the Earth is somehow limited from the outside world. For Beings like our Planet, interplanetary contacts are something like interpersonal communication. And communication always leaves an imprint in the memory of those who communicate. In the memory of Humanity there are no memories of communication with other Worlds, and this means that they simply did not exist yet, which fully corresponds to the characteristics of the prenatal period. The few meetings with aliens that occur from time to time cannot be considered full-fledged communication. This can be compared to when a mother strokes her belly with her son inside, while the child, of course, feels the action of some outside force, but is not aware of who is exerting this influence.

2. At the stage of intrauterine development, the first nerve cells appear. But by the time of birth, the brain is already almost completely formed. This means that during this period the brain develops “from scratch” to the stage necessary for a full life after birth. Now let’s take the brain of the Planet—Humanity—and look at its development. The first people appeared several thousand or millions of years ago, which is not important. It is more important to note that since then a steady increase in population began with a simultaneous qualitative transformation of the Society.

According to scientists, during the entire period of the existence of human Society known to us, man himself physiologically did not change at all, only Society changed. From wild, primitive peoples we have reached a modern, highly developed civilization. Society emerged from the herd of half-humans, half-animals and grew to become a powerful planetary force. And It continues to grow and improve, and it is difficult to even imagine what it will become in the future.

3. An already born being is characterized by the presence of sensory organs, with the help of which the study of the external world and communication with its own kind is carried out. Where are they on our Planet? They probably exist, but they simply sleep for the time being or are in an undeveloped state. Their sleeping state is another sign of the “prenatal period” in which our Planet is located.

4. The biosphere is a closed, single Organism. This means that human Society in it must be united. Perhaps unity can be called a criterion of humanity’s readiness to enter cosmic life. From a mass of scattered tribes and city-states, Society has now evolved to several large states, and this is not the end, we are striving for unity. This trend is clearly expressed in the political, economic, cultural and other spheres of human life.

No matter what pessimists say, the future still lies in the unity of human Society. Yes, the Society is developing, but has not yet reached the level of development necessary for a full-fledged cosmic existence. It is imperfection that prevents Humanity from communicating with the Cosmos. For, in order to enter the Great Cosmic Game on equal terms, Humanity must have a certain potential, a certain strength, power (not military, of course, but, most likely, spiritual).

Otherwise, It simply will not withstand the conditions of Cosmic Existence and will die like an underdeveloped child. Therefore, now we are left to ourselves and to solve our internal problems. And we have enough of them: economic-political, environmental, moral and ethical. In addition, Humanity is not yet an integral organism and has not realized itself as a single Essence. In a word, the immature Being continues the period of its maturation, fenced off from the influence of outside forces.


In this regard, what awaits Humanity in the future? Sooner or later, any creature must leave the womb of its mother and join a larger life. If, ahead of the Earth is “birth”, and after it is Cosmic Life. One can only guess what awaits the Planet in this Life.

Let's take the fate of a person. Each of us has our own at the threshold of birth. Someone will become a child in a rich family, receive a good education, and another newborn will be immediately sent to an orphanage by a single mother. Being born into a family of kings ensures a girl's future as a princess, while the son of a slave will have to work under the yoke of a whip all his life. Once born, you can live a long and interesting life, or you can immediately die from some kind of illness.

The world beyond the threshold of birth is so saturated that intrauterine existence even ceases to be considered part of life. People begin counting the years they have lived from the moment of birth. What can an unborn creature know about such realities of life as happiness, love or fear, betrayal? How to explain to him what sex, drugs, pain are. Only by plunging into life headlong can you understand its essence.

Now let’s imagine all these feelings and realities on a cosmic scale, and think about the life of a planetary Being. What awaits the Planet and Humanity with It in the vastness of the Universe? An unbridled, majestic Life is seething here, where it is difficult to consider an individual person, for Cosmos is the World of Civilizations. It has its own Truth and Untruth, Happiness and Sorrow, Love and Hate, Friendship and Betrayal. There are Rich and Poor, Smart and Stupid, Supergods and Crowds. Stars and Planets are just ordinary inhabitants of this World.

Meeting of Civilizations

And the hour is approaching when the Cosmos will give birth to a new living Being. At the end of the extra-long sleep, It will open its eyes for the first time towards the outside World. Think about it, after all, the opened sense organs will be able to perceive information coming from all ends of the Cosmos, and the recipient of this information will be the brain of the Biosphere, that is, Humanity. What will we see in the vastness of the Universe?

The first object that traditionally appears in a newborn's field of vision is his mother. And it is natural to assume that the Creatures who conceived life on the Planet are waiting for the Earth. The Cosmic Parents of the Earth are Planets with biological life similar to ours, and an intelligent Civilization, consisting of people the same or almost the same as us.

Imagine the moment when the meeting of Civilizations begins. The parent Planets will, of course, play an active role here. They will give us our first lesson in cosmic communication. They will address us in the language spoken by the entire cosmic World, and even if the first “words” seem incomprehensible to us, over time the earthlings will master the language of the Cosmos.

How will space communication take place? The Meeting of Civilizations involves the simultaneous communication of a huge number of people with the same number of alien entities. It is unlikely that face-to-face contact between people and aliens would be appropriate here. Rather, the connection will be spatial in nature, when contactees are far from each other. The information coming to the Planet will mainly be of a mass nature.

The receiver of this information will be able to transmit not only image and sound, but also taste, smell, and even feelings and thoughts. It is appropriate to assume that the body of the person himself will be a cosmic receiver. And this is confirmed by such phenomena as telepathy, clairvoyance, prayer, hypnosis. These glimpses of cosmic communication will become widespread and occupy an important place in the life of our Civilization.

The cosmic word is a massive stream of information, like a TV movie, that will be received by many people at the same time. It will take a lot of time before earthlings learn to understand and reproduce such information, as well as send it to other Civilizations. Even more time will pass when Humanity will acquire the ability to clearly express the thoughts of the entire Planet.

Galaxy, Universe and so on...

Space will make the Earth a full member of its Society. The Earth will accept the cosmic language, the cosmic culture, and will learn the cosmic way of life. She will become acquainted with millions of Beings similar to Her, and will take her place among Them. Billions of cosmic Inhabitants are gathered together in the World, which also has its own History, its own Development. We call this World the Milky Way.

Our Galaxy is united not only by gravity. Interstellar and interplanetary communications establish strong connections between its individual Members. Stellar Economy, Politics, Psychology, Culture, Religion - all this is reality here. Thanks to such connections, the Galaxy is not just a World of Stars and Planets, but something more. It represents a single Organism, possessing consciousness, intelligence and a host of other qualities inaccessible to our understanding. The Galaxy is a living Being standing at an even higher level. Individual Planets and Stars for the Galaxy are like cells in Its huge Body.

The Universe contains billions of Galaxies, which are involved in an even more complex Intergalactic Game. The universe has a beginning, development, life, and experiences death. She is not just the World, the Universe is a Being of the next level beyond the Galaxy. Galaxies, Stars, Planets, people, the whole mass of living and inanimate objects, all this is Her huge Body. Is it possible to imagine the life of a Being of this level?

Star life

It is worth noting that the internal structure of a being of any level is such that it consists of higher and lower elements. So a biological organism consists of cells. The lowest of them are the cells of the liver, muscles, skin, etc., and the highest are the nerve cells. The lower ones fill the body with life, while the higher ones provide it with a certain higher property - mental activity. If we take the Biosphere as an example, then animals and plants will be lower, and people will be higher. The structure of the Galaxy also has such a structure. But who in the Galaxy will be the highest Beings? Most likely, these are the Stars.

The possibility of life on the stars is perceived by many as science fiction. But we have no right to deny this possibility, since we have no arguments in this regard. If there is a possibility of life on the Planets, then why is it not possible on the Stars? It is the Stars that are the main inhabitants of the Cosmos, even at first glance. Life is not limited to its biological version. Plasma on luminaries is similar to water on Earth; it is an active substance, which is important for the organization of life.

Stars emit radiation in all directions, which can serve as an ideal carrier of information. People speak with the help of sound, and the Stars also speak, only with the help of radiation. Humans have an advantage over animals due to their developed speech. Likewise, Stars have an advantage over Planets, since they have greater emissivity.

In addition, thanks to the possibility of converting matter into energy, it becomes possible for the inhabitants of the stars to move in interstellar spaces at the speed of light. For example, an inhabitant of one Star on Its surface transforms his body, consisting of matter, into an energy body, immediately flies out with a directed beam of radiation at the speed of light in the direction of another Star and, having reached It, again transforms the energy into a material body. But this is only possible on the Stars. These and other possibilities of plasma life unknown to us apparently make the Luminaries an order of magnitude higher than their cosmic relatives - the Planets.

We often say that the Stars control our destinies. But how can They do this, being lifeless creatures? The intelligence inherent in the Luminaries is that mysterious Cosmic Intelligence about which there has been so much talk lately.

Based on the existence of stellar life, one can easily interpret such a phenomenon as a UFO. Imagine you are a resident of the Sun and want to visit Earth. For you, a plasma creature, the temperature of the Planet is deadly cold. Therefore, the shell in which you descend must maintain a temperature inside of thousands of degrees, which is why it will naturally glow brightly. The spherical shape is needed for minimal energy consumption.

It has been noticed that solar activity affects the psyche of people. Moreover, such influence is widespread. Thus, all major events in the life of states, such as wars, revolutions, changes in the political system, occur during periods of greatest solar activity. Doesn't this mean that the Sun, by methods available to Him, interferes in the life of the Earth, directing history in the direction He needs? And this is natural, because the Sun is the master of the Planets of its star system and has the same power over Them as a person has over domestic animals and cultivated plants.


The MOM theory makes a person look at things completely differently. The picture of the world is becoming wider. So much wider that even such a phenomenon as God finds scientific justification within the framework of the IOM theory.

To emphasize the greatness of God, we say that He created the universe. But according to the logic of the IOM theory, man is also capable of creating the universe. What are people like if even frogs and dandelions not only can, but even do it - they create thousands, millions of worlds. A man sometimes doesn’t even know that a couple of minutes ago he gave birth to a new universe. When a woman’s belly grows, in the language of the MOM theory it sounds like this: one universe within itself creates another.

Universes vary in size and complexity. But in the process of their creation, one thing remains unchanged: the creation is an exact copy of the creator. In other words, the one who created the universe is himself the universe. The conclusion suggests itself: God the creator represents a Universe similar to ours.

Do you want to see God? No, you don’t need to equip a space expedition and fly to the edge of the Universe. It is enough to follow the wise advice of Eastern philosophy, which teaches us to see God in everything: in huge rocks and tiny specks of dust, in a fragrant flower and stinking dung, in the sparkle of the Stars and the dampness of a basement, in a worm and an elephant, in a cow and a man.

God is here, He permeates the whole World and every part of It, says the Eastern sage. And indeed, if one Universe, which we call God, created another Universe similar to itself, then the latter must also be God. In other words, God the father and God the son, just like in the Christian trinity.

Whose body do we live in?

Everything in the world is relative. Moreover, such a phenomenon as God has many interpretations. For example, the dog does not know any Jesus crucified on the cross. For a dog, man is a god; in him he sees a higher mind and a higher power. Sometimes a religious leader declares himself to be a god, and thousands of people follow him, firmly believing in his divinity. This means that God is considered to be a being who is an order of magnitude higher than his admirers.

A microscopic single-celled creature living in the human body needs protection from above. His life, as well as the lives of trillions of his fellows, depends entirely on the will of the owner, who, of course, is man. The death of a person will entail the death of the entire universe, the pain experienced by him will cause millions of tiny creatures to suffer. If the cell could realize the essence of man, it would be overwhelmed by the awe of greatness, and it would, without a doubt, recognize its God in man.

But the cell is simply not capable of such awareness; this requires intelligence. But a person has it. A person is able to understand that a living organism can be so tiny that naked eye will not see it, or is so huge that the gaze will not be able to fully embrace it. We already know that on Earth, in addition to the countless number of creatures microscopic in comparison with the Planet, there lives One, comparable in size to It.

And here is the question I have for you, reader: What do you feel when you think about the Being that permeates the entire Biosphere, including you? All your life you constantly see Him. You can even say that besides Him you see nothing else, and only the Sun, Moon and Stars are an exception to this. This Being is the greatest treasure that you personally have. For if someone takes away the Biosphere from you, what will you do without It? The biosphere gives you the very opportunity to live. Everything you have belongs to Her, even you are Her property.

The biosphere has the strongest, absolutely absolute power over any living creature on Its surface. And over a person she has two types of power: physical and mental.

Physical is the power of Nature, which lies in the fact that it is impossible to live if you do not feed on the fruits of the life activity of the Biosphere. The fact is that without water, air, the earth under our feet and the rest of the surrounding world, a person is unthinkable. Nature endows a person with a number of abilities, but also imposes limits. So a person is able to walk, work, think, but cannot fly. A person sees, but only in a certain spectrum.

It is Nature that dictates what each individual person should be: tall or short, smart or stupid, etc. And the Biosphere has the same power over any other animal or plant.

Another type of power - psychic - applies only to people. This power can be called the Collective Mind or otherwise the power of Society over a person. To understand this, follow the logic of thinking.

Me and It

I am a person, It is the totality of all other people, that is, Humanity. Let's consider my relationship with Him.

Where did I come from? Humanity made me. More precisely, dad and mom, who have been His parts for a long time, gave birth to me. It is important to realize that I did not appear by myself, but with the help of other people, that is, Humanity.

I speak Russian, and not any other, because it is the language of my Society. It was It that predetermined what language I should speak.

I know that objects are made of atoms, and that beyond the Earth there is vast outer space. But I have never looked at atoms in a microscope or conducted astronomical research, so where did I get all this knowledge? Society has acquired knowledge and is now giving it to me.

How do I know that Peter I, Lenin, Napoleon lived, there was the Second World War, and millions of people died in it, because I was not there yet in those days? I wasn’t there then, but Humanity was. It saw Peter I and Napoleon and experienced all the hardships of war on its own skin. Society remembers everything, and it is through His memory that I gain access to knowledge.

“Our country is the best” - that’s what my Society used to tell me, and I had no reason not to believe it. Now It holds a different point of view, and I again agree with It. I trust the Society, although It has deceived me before, and there is no guarantee that it is not deceiving me now. It’s just that, if not Him, then who to trust, I myself cannot know everything from my own experience.

I live in a house that was built by Humanity, dressed in clothes sewn by Him, on my table there is food produced by Him. Society provides me with everything I need. I go to work and do things there that are completely unnecessary for me. But Humanity needs them, that’s why I make them. In case of illness or any other misfortune, I turn to the Society for help. And It heals me, helps me in everything, takes care of me.

Society imposes its culture on me. Although it is correct to say that it does not impose, but gives, since a person does not have his own culture. Culture can only be the property of a group of people. In fact, it is only needed to regulate life in the group. Society forbids me to do this, tells me to do that, and I do it as It wants.

Am I the master of my destiny? Do I decide when to be born, where, in what family, what language to speak, what God to believe in, what culture to follow? If I drive a car, it is only because the Society provides me with such an opportunity. For a medieval man, his Society did not provide the opportunity to use a car. If a hardworking American vacations in Hawaii, it is only because his Society gives him the opportunity to earn money and relax. My Society cannot provide such an opportunity to ordinary workers.

Humanity largely determines my destiny. It finds out what I am capable of and what contribution I can make to the common cause, and accordingly determines my place in life. If I behave badly, the Society will put me behind bars or even take my life. If the Society likes me in any way, It will put me on a pedestal and worship me.

For me, as for any person, Society is more valuable than one’s own life. For in case of war, I will go to the front and, if necessary, I will give my life, not for the sake of my well-being, but for the sake of the well-being of friends, relatives and friends, that is, my Society.

Humanity is a parent, a teacher, a mentor, a master, and the highest value in one person. Many-faced, many-armed, all-knowing, absolute. In our language there is a name for the Being who has such many characteristics, and that name is God. Or more correctly, it is the rational part of God, His consciousness.

Fiction or reality

All of the above looks pretty fantastic. But any qualitatively new knowledge seems fantastic. Wasn't it the same with the discovery that the Earth is round? When it seemed obvious to everyone that the Earth was flat, the statement that it was round only caused a smile and was not taken seriously.

Once upon a time, people believed that the Universe was a globe and a sphere above it with luminaries nailed to it - the Sun, Moon and stars. But then scientists learned that the world is billions of billions of times larger. Previously, it was believed that social life is chaotic and cannot be described by any laws. But sociologists discovered these laws, proving the orderliness and regularity of the existence of human Society. Over time, our understanding of the world expands, the surrounding reality appears to us more and more complexly structured.

Only the inertia of our thinking does not allow us to open our eyes to new knowledge. It is difficult to part with the remnants of past beliefs. But those who can expand the boundaries of their worldview will bow before the greatness of the universe.

Facing the abyss

But, alas, not everything is so smooth in our World. Lately, the word ecology has been sounding more and more alarming, and for good reason. Scientists who have realized the complexity of the current situation are sounding the alarm. Seeing the abyss into which our world is sliding, they are at a loss. A way to prevent the impending threat has not yet been found.

Ecology. How do we feel when we see this word? We begin to think about environmental pollution, dirty air and water, and radiation. We think about how bad it is to live in a world where water flows in rivers that cannot be drunk, where car exhaust gases enter the lungs, where people suffer from strange diseases caused by environmental pollution. We begin to blame everything on the government, scientific and technological progress, communists and capitalists, factories and factories, nuclear power plants and much, much more. But if you think about it, who is to blame? For whom were all these factories, plants, power plants built, who drives cars, who enjoys all the benefits of scientific and technological progress?

Human! And not the abstract word “person”, but all of us: me, you, he. Each of us is a consumer of the benefits brought to us by modern civilization. Plants and factories work in order to clothe and shoe us, give us housing and everything necessary for happy life. Power plants work so that each of us can freely turn on a light bulb, iron, or TV in our apartment. Scientific and technological progress is trying its best to improve our lives, to make the life of each of us as rich as possible in material terms. And in this pursuit of our own comfortable life, none of us thinks at whose expense we live so well.

What is ecology? Let's get to the bottom of this. After all, pollution is not ecology. Ecology is the science of harmony in Nature, of the interconnection of life of all living things on our Planet. The biosphere is a closed Organism in which many interconnected creatures live. This huge cosmic Being is a living Being! All animals, plants, as well as humans live inside Him and are parts of Him. And everything inside this Being is interconnected and harmoniously arranged, just as harmonious as the entire Universe.

To better understand the essence of the problem, we will once again use the formula: “By knowing yourself, you come to know the Universe.” Looking at the human body, we discover a very complex and harmonious structure. Myriads of living beings called cells coexist in a single world common to all. To ensure the normal existence of their world, cells are woven into a complex system of relationships, the laws of which thousands of scientists are still struggling to understand.

But the problem is that the reproduction of these creatures is not amenable to the regulatory function of the micro-universe.

And soon whole hordes of greedy microbes flood the body. They devour energy products and secrete poison in return. They disrupt the course of metabolic processes. Inside the body, they gather in clusters of thousands, millions, absorbing everything underneath them, poisoning and turning living matter into pus. Not knowing the limits of reproduction and not seeing the results of its activities, the disease brings the body to an extreme degree of exhaustion and poisoning, followed by death...

Health of the Cosmic Being

“What does ecology have to do with it?” - you ask. However, the mind allows us not only to penetrate into the depths of the microcosm, but also to take in the entire Planet, or rather Its living shell, to know the laws of Its existence, to be a witness of enormous life from the inside. The biosphere is a living Being. Her body is a closed system consisting of a myriad of living grains. The relationships in Her are so harmonious that Her life has been going on for more than 4.5 billion years.

But science knows of several short periods during which life on Earth suddenly abruptly disappeared by almost 70-95%... What are the reasons for this extinction? Why did such an accurate system fail? Maybe it was a huge meteorite, like a bullet, piercing the harmony of life? Or maybe a cosmic plague that destroys everything in its path? One thing is clear - the health of the Planet can be very vulnerable. And it is especially important for us to know Her health, because our lives depend on it too.

How to find out the health of the Planet? I’ll answer the question with a question: how is your own health? To find out, each of us can go to the clinic and get tested. If they are normal, this is evidence of health. If the tests are unsatisfactory, then we understand that a disease has settled in our body.

Over the past decades, environmental scientists have regularly monitored the state of the Biosphere. Analyzes of water, air, soil, flora and fauna give us bad results. Toxic substances accumulate inside the living shell, the concentration of which reaches life-threatening proportions. And this is direct evidence of illness. In addition, forests, the “energy lungs of the planet,” began to rapidly disappear, thousands of animal species and flora. In just one or two centuries, the ecological situation on the Planet has undergone severe negative changes... Analyzes are constantly deteriorating over time, which indicates a progressive disease.

The question arises: is it correct to use the word “disease” here? After all, it's about results. human activity. Can human activity be called a disease? If you look from a human perspective, then, of course, no. But let's look at the problem from the Planet's point of view. How does a living Being feel when health-destroying substances are released inside His body? When do microscopic creatures begin to multiply at an unprecedented speed, destroying the harmony that has been established for centuries? When is the conversation not just about disrupted harmony, but about the possible death of the entire Biosphere from such activities?

What are we doing?

No species on Earth produces as much waste as humans. The rate of waste production and accumulation is directly proportional to population size and standard of living. The higher the standard of living of people, the more things surround each of them. But the life of a thing is not eternal, and soon it ends in a landfill. The 20th century can be called the century of landfills, since never in the entire history of Mankind has Nature been littered with so much garbage. The volume of a city landfill near New York is 25 times larger than the Cheops pyramid! Landfills near major cities of Ukraine annually grow by approximately 1,500 hectares of land; garbage rots, releasing toxic substances and contaminating the environment.

The problem of industrial waste is even more acute, because the production of any thing is always accompanied by the production of waste. Many of them are highly toxic, so much so that industrialized countries spend hundreds of millions of dollars dumping waste in poor countries. But for the Biosphere it makes no difference where the poison is thrown out; thanks to the cycle of substances in Nature, it will soon become the property of the entire living World.

Taking Her riches from Nature, we return them in the form of waste, as if trying to turn all of Her beauty into a heap of garbage. But we don’t care much about this; the main thing for us is that we managed to benefit from it.

At the dawn of the human era, Prometheus gave people fire; he did not even imagine that man would begin to burn everything, turning the air element into a gas chamber. We burn wood, coal, gas, oil, even garbage. As a result, so much is released into the atmosphere harmful substances that some people are already thinking about getting a gas mask. But if we have not yet reached the widespread use of air filters, water filtration has already become an urgent necessity. We don’t want to drink water that we ourselves pollute by pouring everything into rivers and seas. And what should it be like for the inhabitants of reservoirs, because this is their habitat, the home given to them by God himself. Imagine if someone regularly dumped their waste into your home, would it be nice?

Just look at the Dnieper, which has recently accumulated so much garbage that its waters have simply begun to rot, dead fish and crayfish are scattered everywhere along the bottom, sometimes even the smell near the water is stinking. The most interesting thing is that everyone is happy with this situation. In Novaya Kakhovka, clean water still flows from the tap. However, try the water in Kherson or any other big city, there it is necessarily cleaned and chlorinated, but still has an unpleasant taste and smell.

If we are so negligent about even those disasters that are visible to the naked eye, then how can we realize the problems that do not lie on the surface, the identification of which requires subtle scientific analysis. And there are many more of them, and, taken on a global scale, they emerge as a terrifying picture.

The biosphere is a very tenacious organism; it is capable of adapting to any living conditions. But one of the important conditions for survivability is the species diversity of flora and fauna. By cutting down forests, plowing fields, building cities, people are increasingly taking away their natural habitat from the inhabitants of wild Nature. There is simply no room left for them on the Planet, as a result of which the world is losing 100-150 species of animals and plants every day. The reality of the 21st century is that almost all wild animals may soon become extinct.

Soil is one of the most important components of the living environment. Plants grow on it that convert solar energy into organic matter and thereby providing all living things with energy. Thanks to microorganisms living in the soil, it becomes an important link in the cycle of substances in Nature. Therefore, the soil cannot be viewed simply as a surface intended for movement. It would be correct to consider it as a living organism, whose life is not similar to ours, but is understandable to the mind.

All plants growing on the earth and animals running on it feed the soil with vital substances and continue its life. Only people cause irreparable damage to her. By building roads, we cut off living soil from the outside world, thereby killing microorganisms in it. By destroying field grasses and sowing fields with monocultures, we are depleting the soil.

We are poisoning it by introducing agricultural pesticides and arranging landfills on its surface. When extracting minerals, we mix a thin living layer with deep-seated rocks that do not represent much value for life. As a result, there are fewer and fewer fertile soils, and a desert is literally approaching us. So over the past 50 years, the area of ​​the Sahara Desert has increased by 650 thousand km. In general, 44 hectares of land are lost every minute in the world, turning into barren surface!

Death called man

The life and death of the inhabitants of Nature is made by man dependent on his own needs. Against the background of a constant decrease in the number of animals and plants, the extinction of entire species of flora and fauna, the number of people is growing rapidly. An ever-increasing population requires new areas for the construction of settlements. And where can you get them if not once again to take them from the wild, while destroying its inhabitants.

In order for farmland to produce maximum yield, people try to destroy all wild grasses and all wild animals and insects on its surface. But the entire Planet is already covered with solid settlements and agricultural land, which is why man’s terror of Nature is spreading almost throughout the entire Globe.

We have no place for wild animals either. We have already knocked out almost all of them. And we want to finish what we started and flood the planet with only people, cats and dogs. We will turn other domestic animals such as chickens, cows, pigs into stuffing for factories producing chicken legs, eggs, milk, and meat. The same applies to plants, the life or death of which is decided depending on whether a person needs them or not.

Surprisingly, but true, people are bothered by Nature, and they have invented a lot of sophisticated ways to destroy Its inhabitants. Here they are: a gun, a trap, a mousetrap, a fishing rod, nets, a fly swatter, an axe, a hoe, a plow, a scythe, a lawnmower. But all these inventions pale in comparison to the latest achievements chemical industry aimed at the mass extermination of all living things.

This is not to say that we do not love Nature. We adore Her and Her inhabitants. We love a dog if it obeys the command and sits on a leash. We love a cow if it gives milk and then swims in pieces in the soup. We love fresh frozen lobster. And how pleasing to the eye is the fox, whose skin gently falls from the woman’s shoulders. How pleasant is the smell of freshly cut wood. They say that natural wooden furniture has healing properties. It's always nice when we give flowers, we call them alive, although in fact they are dead. This is our love for Nature. We love Her not as our own mother, not as our beloved girlfriend, and not as a little child. We love Her like sausage, like clothes for one day, like a prostitute. Our love is based on the principle - took it, used it and threw it away.

We treat the same Nature, which does not benefit us, with hatred, cultivated since childhood. So the reaction of a boy who sees a beetle on the asphalt is to trample it. A person engaged in agriculture he simply cannot stand the sight of field herbs in his garden, his reaction is unambiguous - pull it out, it would be better if the soil was bare. Fields that are not sown with food crops are still plowed so that field grass does not grow on them and wild animals do not settle. And now, in the vastness of thousands of miles, instead of lush living Nature, the crying wind of death whistles.

Add here the chemical pollution from which the entire Living Shell suffers. And now answer the question, what name should we call Humanity? Can a population that threatens death both to the inhabitants of the Biosphere and to Itself be called the brain, the mind of the Planet? No! The name of Humanity is Disease! Disease with a capital S, because It is capable of infecting a Being of cosmic proportions.

Space Virus

There is a legend that in ancient times our Planet was visited by aliens from outer space. They were one of the few who were lucky enough to escape from their home Planet, life on which became impossible due to severe pollution. The fugitives set off on a dangerous journey in search of new, habitable Worlds. And in the depths of Space they found a virgin Planet, on which life flourished. This is where they settled.

The aliens organically fit into the Biosphere of the new Planet and began to call it theirs, but they called themselves people. Nature was generous to people, and they could take from Her whatever they wanted. And soon the human race populated the surface of almost the entire Planet and began to wage fierce wars for the possession of Its riches.

And although people considered themselves intelligent beings, they, alas, did not understand the most important thing. The planet on whose surface they lived was a living Being on a cosmic scale. Her life was not understandable to people, just as human life is not understandable to ciliates. In pursuit of their own well-being, people did not notice or simply did not want to notice the Pain that the Planet experienced when forests were cut down, animals were destroyed, tons of toxic waste were thrown into the water and air, mountains of garbage were scattered throughout the Planet. As a result, irreversible changes began in the Biosphere, which became the beginning of the death of the cosmic Being.

Meanwhile, the “owners” of the Planet learned how huge the Cosmos is and began to dream of conquering other Worlds. Only precise mathematical calculations showed that, alas, it would not be possible to move a multi-billion-dollar population into outer space. The most you can hope for is to send only a couple of hundred people on the trip. The fate of the rest remains completely dependent on the fate of the great Being, whose life people so cruelly abused.

The Earth is approximately 4.5 billion years old, but humanity has existed for only a few thousand years. If the entire age of the planet is compressed to 45 years ( average age man himself), it turns out that Humanity has been living on its surface for only the last few hours. Truly the Disease is lightning fast! In these few hours, we managed to bring the Planet to such a miserable state when Its life simply hangs by a thread. And we still dream of settling throughout space. Do cosmic Beings want the same?

Death of the Planet - possible variant the end of the story with the cosmic Virus. But the Earth is a member of the cosmic Society, which will make every effort to prevent the death of one of its members. For any disease there is always an appropriate medicine. Perhaps the cosmic Medicine is already being used against people. To detect it, we define two necessary criteria. Firstly, the Medicine must effectively destroy the carriers of the Disease, in this case people. Secondly, it must be completely harmless to the organism of the Biosphere, that is, it must not affect animals and plants.

And what’s interesting is that something very similar to the above Medicine appeared in our World under the name AIDS. What do we see? He appeared unexpectedly, at least for us. It affects people exclusively, without affecting the surrounding Nature. We were unable to resist its spread, and the epidemic is gaining momentum. It is worth realizing that the results of AIDS may be fatal for Humanity, but at the same time they will save the Planet from destruction.

On the verge of two beginnings

Initially, a person consists of two principles. Good and evil are intertwined within each of us and are constantly fighting for supremacy over the human soul. Without this struggle, life is impossible, because struggle is life itself, unique, inimitable, full of ups and downs.

Likewise, Humanity, being a living Being, is confined between the poles of Good and Evil. In the arena of the history of Civilization, Good and Evil take on much larger forms of manifestation than in the life of an individual. Their struggle is the meaning of human life. To extricate ourselves from the machinations of ignorance, to learn to think on the scale of the entire Planet, to direct the forces of Civilization not only to our own comfort, but also to the prosperity of the entire Biosphere - these are the tasks of our era. Let's cope with them - it will open before us Space World If we fail, we will find ourselves facing death.

© Irina Vladimirovna Kostrova, 2016

© Igor Viktorovich Tarabanov, cover design, 2016

ISBN 978-5-4483-1888-7

Created in the intellectual publishing system Ridero

Lord, You love the sincere in heart and reveal to them the secrets of wisdom.

Psalm 50 of King David

From the author

All people are always concerned with the questions: “Who are we, where did we come from, where are we going?...”

The enormity of the Universe, its harmony and beauty amazes and delights. The complexity of life never ceases to amaze and encourages us to search for new knowledge about it.

A person learns about God and the World from God and as much as He wishes to reveal.

This book presents records of information received by the author in the form of revelations from the Patrons sent by the Almighty by His great Grace. Lectures and notes came in the period 1993-1994. Without daring to change either the form or the content of the accepted texts, I present them to the readers.

Essentially, what is presented in this book is the “second round” of Knowledge of the Universe, but far from the last. Only certain ideas and Laws of Life appeared on this circle, but even for this it is worth bowing low to God, for man receives everything not according to his own merits, but more according to the Goodness of the Creator. And if in early books and articles more attention was paid to the Unity of the World and its Diversity, then further the author’s attention was directed by the Patrons to the Complexity of the World, its Hierarchy, the Laws of Existence and Development.

Thank God for everything!

Chapter 1. About Man and the new science - bioenergy

1.1. The life of matter in various forms of its existence. Man as a form of existence of matter

People know the material world and the spiritual world (not material). Many similarities and differences were found in these Worlds. But actually The world is one. And what we call “spiritual” today is very conditional. With each stage of development of human thought and worldview, Man more and more expands in his understanding the area of ​​material life, realizing that what remains in his imagination as “spiritual” is area of ​​the unknown.

Since Life is the great Creation of God, the number of forms of its existence is unlimited in the Universe: the human mind always has room for daring. Today, in your long-suffering Russia, you are struggling to unravel the secrets of Nature, despite the difficulties of a material and social nature, the crisis of ecological and moral Existence.

Human thought must live and dare. And, oddly enough, her impulse is always spurred on by the incredibly difficult conditions of material Existence, as in the search for a way out of the “tenacious hands” of the crisis into which all of Humanity, including your Russia, has driven itself.

Turning specifically to the problems that concern you, I will repeat that all physical Laws of the Existence of Matter(in all forms of its existence) lie as if in three-dimensional space, marked coordinate axes: space, time, energy. In different combinations of the values ​​of these coordinates hidden explicit and implicit (invisible on the day of the event) modern research) forms of existence of matter.

Let's talk about the “material” form of matter. Where are the varieties of forms of its existence hidden, where is the area of ​​their Existence? Obviously, it must be sought within the framework available to Man for measuring the coordinate values ​​of space, time and energy. Moreover, the obvious dependence (incomprehensible for a limited, traditional idea of ​​\u200b\u200bexistence) of the forms of existence on the ratio of the values ​​of these coordinates is obvious.

The less energy (the thinner it is) the longer it (entity)lives (God was, is and will be) in time and even more (!) she takes up space (God is Omnipresent everywhere). Thus, it can be noted that such a form of existence of matter as “human thought” is in some way similar to God: firstly, the energy is small and the time of existence is unlimited (thought does not disappear, although it can be forgotten by humanity, i.e. be reproduced or not claimed); secondly, the space of existence of thought is also unlimited.

Creating Life on Earth and creating Man as the highest form of existence of Matter, The Creator hoped that his Creation - A person will not stop on the path of self-improvement. This complex system (the form of existence of Matter) is endowed with a psyche, consciousness - an instrument of survival, i.e. preservation of Life on Earth and in Space. This is the Creator's Hope and the Purpose of Life(existence) Man and Humanity. We will help you, just dare, strive for the Light of knowledge and may God help you!

1.2. The world as we experience it

Ways to Understand the World in all its diversity a bunch of: reading books, analyzing laws, constructing hypotheses based on observations of certain natural and social phenomena, etc. The method can be considered the most productive continuous and direct contact with the Cosmos through the consciousness of Man (more precisely, its most sensitive part is the “subconscious”). Sensitively capturing information from the Cosmos, Man becomes stronger, smarter, and is imbued with an understanding of everything that exists. He is capable of making discoveries different levels both in relation to the existence of one’s own personality and of all humanity.

The mechanism of this communication is extremely simple, although for various reasons it is still unknowable (and not known) by Man on the basis of the knowledge that humanity has already acquired during its history. centuries-old history, and those techniques of “location” of the Universe that are available to him in accordance with the level of development of technical means created on the basis of modern achievements of science and technology.

So what is this mechanism and why has it not yet been discovered?

Obviously,"resisting" on open laws in certain areas of knowledge(physics, chemistry, biology, psychology, information theory, mathematics, etc.), and even having some experience and discovering patterns based on the laws of Genesis, reflected by “ at the junction” (in pairs) of these sciences, it is impossible to explain the phenomenon of interaction between Man and the Cosmos. This is especially obvious when it comes to continuous and consistent transformation of energy of one type into another in an unlimited space, but in a short time(i.e. with enormous, sometimes superluminal speed). Moreover, it is incomprehensible to Man how, in such a process, the information carried by this energy is not lost, why doesn’t it “slow down” and transform along the way? We covered some aspects of the problem of information transfer in systems: Man-Space, Space-Man in preliminary conversations (more about the second type of system: Space-Man, see the book “Universe”).

Now closer to the point: to the physical nature of energy transformation during information exchange and material sources of storage of transmitted information.

Of course, regarding material sources of storage, we can talk about the macro- and micro-Cosmos as a single whole. The true source - storage base for all information, accumulated by the Universe during its Existence, is the Universe itself, filled, in addition to stars, planets, systems, galaxies and other large formations, with many small particles and gas and dust formations,"easy to climb" having low mass(practically not amenable to immediate and difficult to indirectly measurements), magnetically independent(neutral), low energy(having little or, as they say, low energy).

All quality these particles they say that they can perfectly pass through any environment, maintaining their qualities and changing only in relation to the nature of the energy that “carries” them. Since the particles’ own energy is small (for example, “neutrino” is one of the forms of matter that carries information), they are forced “adjust” to carriers of more powerful energies. Thus, for the entities of the Solar Galaxy (Helios), the most convenient and powerful energy capable of transferring information is light energy. However, its direct use by the Higher Hierarchs (Cosmic Mind) is difficult due to the possibility of imbalance of energy in the systems of Life themselves (forms of existence of Matter, living entities), including in Man.

Then the Cosmic Mind made a decision use light only partially, taking the spectrum of the highest frequency (beyond the ultraviolet section) to carry out the “transit” of particles from one place in space to another. Further use of this energy, beyond the boundaries of the physical existence of the system (for example, inside the Human aura), is unsafe for the existence of the system itself. Therefore the way its penetration deeper changes further(within boundaries), using other types of energy.

What is it picture of the impact on a person ? It can be described as follows: the energy of the light flux is converted into mechanical energy, then it is replaced (transformed) by chemical, electrical (bioelectric), then again by chemical, then physical (mechanical), or again by electrical (biocurrent). Next, if there is a process of information exchange, again to the light.

If the process of influence is one-sided, then there can be many further transformations. Thus, during treatment, “operators” (people who receive and transmit this energy: Guides, healers, psychics, etc.) can influence both the imaginary image (phantom) of the patient and directly on him. Depending on the type of impact and its nature (direct or indirect), “ The most varied chains of transformations of energy types are possible.

Affects the process of transformation of energy types (more precisely, manages this process) directly that information, which contained in the structure of small particles, carried by light energy.

Let us not rush to discover the nature of information exchange in the Cosmos-Man system. Yes, they “described” (represented partly in words) the flow of light information: previously figuratively and now more “scientifically” – as a flow of particles. But this concerned only “neutrinos”.

There are other small particles and each has its own role. They help us and store information no worse, and even more compactly, than “neutrinos”. Particles of the “neutrino” type are for “rough work”: conversations, gossip, transmission of texts. The remaining data must be decrypted by “reading” it from even more fine particles(for example, π-mesons: π + and π - ). We hint, and you continue to think for yourself, how and what We store, but you cannot find.

A question from a series of paradoxes: “Are the biggest secrets of the Cosmos stored in the smallest particles?” Yes, it's a paradox, but it's a fact. Paradoxes for orthodox science turn into discoveries based on irrational and unconventional approaches to the disclosure of the essence and patterns of many processes in the Universe at all levels (micro-, macro-, mega-worlds, in your opinion) and for various kinds of its subsystems (including: in the consciousness of Man, his organs, in the surrounding bio - and noospheres, etc.).

You need to work harder and not think about anything else, not waste your energy. Where you cannot influence, there is no need to worry. Better tune in for the opening specific method transfer of information, exchange withData Bank of the Universe . Let them know that this is not just a “computer” with a constant (even infinite) amount of data. It is constantly replenished,self-improvement-oriented « Organism " There are no limits to perfection, but the end of the life of an individual galaxy may come due to a strong imbalance of energies within her: the explosion leads to a change of phases, to the beginning of a new life, but at a qualitatively new level. Such matters do not depend on an individual or even a large group of people. Even God “can’t do everything” here, since God is a qualitatively new “set of Ideas” developed at a given moment in time by all viable systems of the Universe. (Conductor's Note: aimed at improving harmony, i.e. a step towards perfection).

You can help yourself with spiritual, physical, moral self-improvement, which means become equal with God in the sense that you will be (together) own new Secrets of the Universe and, learning from Her, become smarter and kinder with each generation. You should never stop and sit with your hands folded. There is no better tale than “the goldfish”; She, like God, “fell silent”, “did not answer anything” and left the harmful old woman with a broken trough. Don’t wait for something ready, dare yourself, and may God help you!