Abstracts Statements Story

Useful aloe flower This guy is a good-natured guy, the shark has a giant mouth, They started arguing once they grow it in pots on Because he is fat. The teeth are sharp

Useful aloe flower This guy is kind, The shark has a giant mouth, We started arguing one day

grown in pots on Because he's fat. The teeth are sharp like knives. Climber and diver:

window sills and call them They are afraid to fall into this mouth Who is more comfortable to climb

"centenarian". Crocodiles, dolphins, On an underwater rock

walruses. T.A.Kulikovskaya


Mila was looking for a pin. Pavel ate not much, the squirrel baked pancakes, there is a back,

The pin fell under the bench. no less: And she served it to the baby squirrels. And it never lies.

Climb under the bench, Strawberries and bread, The squirrel's pancakes were gone. There are four legs

I'm too lazy - Half a glass of milk, The plates were empty in an instant. And not even three go.

I was looking for a pin all day, a bun and an onion, ^TA. Kulikovskaya You always stand by yourself

Lemon and raspberries, and orders everyone to sit.

Chowder, broth Mystery

And half a pancake.


NOT. Egorova

Our Jackdaw loves it very much. The squirrel was looking for an oak tree. Who sat down on a thick branch. Today I am alone with my mother.

Collect violets in the forest. with a hollow. And knocks: “Knock, knock, we’re going to the store.”

A squirrel's hollow is a home. knock Knock"? big let's go.

Mystery We need to buy home:

A bottle of lemonade.

^ K.P. Nefedova

Every person has an eye. Dad put on a tie. Here is a flamingo in front of us.

Two beautiful lakes. organ of vision. I didn't help him. With very long legs.

There is a mountain between them.

Name them, kids!


Apples... Sveklau Thekla They are not sown, they are not planted, Schoolboy, schoolboy,

The apples smell, They are wet and dry, They grow on their own. You are strong.

Like honey! Dry and wet. Mystery You are carrying the globe

Ripe apples Until they fade. like a ball.

They ask to be put into the mouth.

Flounder bought a robe, Spinning, spinning, the Tsar sat on the throne, New Year's days!

The flounder's robe is too small. And I’m not lazy. He held the Rod in his hand. The snow is frosty, stinging,

The flounder didn’t think long, even twirl, the lights came on

And I gave the robe to the little ones. all day. On a fluffy Christmas tree.


NOT. Egorova The painted ball swayed,

The beads rang

Smells like forest freshness

From resinous spruce.
They grew up in the flowerbed From the very first Alyonushka, niece! Mila the clown surprised:

flowers of childhood Let's go to the garden! He led the elephant by the tail.

A bicycle of unprecedented beauty serves me. The strawberries are blushing there El.Alifanova,

And he is calling you and me. NOT. Egorova

^TA. Shorygina

Blue bell The bell is poured out, Round side, The lady was going to the ball,

Bowed to you and me. forged bell, Yellow side, Cavalier met her.

Bells-flowers But not in the bell-like way. Escaped from my grandfather... Lady with a gentleman in the hall

Very polite. And you? Need a bell Mystery Polka with waltz

to ring the bells and danced.

Yes, re-beat it.

My fingers like this - Lisa washed the Mila doll, The crocodile has legs like a yellow house,

They can hide in a fist. And then she dried it. A little short. There are many rooms in the house.

But the teeth are long, in every room -
The teeth are not short. corn,

^TA. Kulikovskaya It is full of ripeness.

The sun lives in a lamp, We change the letter “L” to “R”, It’s hard to swim on the wave In the palm of my hand

The lamp shines a wonderful light. We get the word “Cancer”. Only on one log. Yellow ear of barley.
^ K.P. Nefedova To make it easier to swim,

We need to build a boat.

K.P. Nefedova

The maple leaves have turned yellow, the foxes have braided. In the forest there is a fox under a pine tree. I love directness.

The birds flew away to the south. Red pigtails, Made the bed for the little fox. I'm straight myself.

The rain is not too lazy to make a bed out of leaves Make a new line

And all night and all day. They scattered in a flock for their son. I help everyone.

EL.Alifanoea, Along the forest meadow. And the leaves were laid from the aspen tree. Mystery

NOT. Egorova Mushrooms call you and me: TA, Kulikovskaya

“Look, we’re here!”

TL. Shorygina

If a boy loves a book, There are green onions in the garden bed, In the morning the sun grows up -

He points his finger at the book, I see a hatch on the road. glad - I grew my tail,

They say about this: People are in a hurry on business. She wore a dark dress.

"He is a good boy". Has grown up -

^ V.V. Mayakovsky Became green

I swapped the tail for oars.

I have workers, Reindeer and doe Vanka-Vstanka, Red beads hanging,

Hunters will help with everything. They are walking in the clearing. Sit down. They are looking at us from the bushes.

They live just around the corner - How naughty you are! Love these beads very much

And day and night with me. We can't handle you! Children, birds and bears.

A whole dozen ^ Riddle

Faithful guys!


Our vacuum cleaner has both arrogance and boastfulness. Yesterday it was a cold day. Sit on palm trees

Unusual, Because the tail is beautiful. I decided to buy a coat. monkey,

strange taste: He admires it himself. They eat coconuts and bananas.

He devours it with appetite and shows it to us.

Dust from the carpet ^ Riddle

and debris from the floor.

K.P. Nefedova

High in the blue distance What a sea behind the village They will come to the rescue Electric oven

Cranes are flying above the ground. The breeze excites us!.. for us, It can fry, it can bake.

There are waves in it When the ocean is raging, She is in charge in the kitchen,

They fly, purr, and collect, When there is an earthquake, As if we need air.

They are calling us to follow them. Place in a bag. Typhoon or flood. ^ K.P. Nefedova

TL. Shorygina Mystery Risking my life

they will save us -

This is what they have

dangerous work.

TL. Shorygina

Iron Bird He skillfully drives the car - Tolya played with a saber, Rails, rails,

It's spinning in the sky, He's been driving for years! He fought with his enemies. Sleepers, sleepers...

At a signal from the pilot, the tight ones rustle slightly. A belated train is coming.

He sits down on the ground. tires,

^ K.P. Nefedova He takes us around the city.

The mystery of TL. Shorygin

I carry the fields with berries on my head, Believe me, all the military men have gone to weed the fields.

She stuck around. But this is not land at all. They wear a long overcoat. sorrel in the field.

They are treating us, children, ^ Riddle

And they give us strength.

TL. Shorygina Riddle

The cow is born in water, Sable is a beast Look at the plums -

Nice calf, but afraid of water. in a fluffy fur coat, Blue and white

He's hornless Mystery Oh, his teeth are sharp! With a pale pink tint,

and very funny. Very, very ripe!

He stood up on his feet ^TL. Shorygina

straight from the cradle, he finds it himself

way home.

We'll smear our nose with Vaseline, Cornflowers are looking at the sky, It's surprising I'm running home from school,

So that he doesn't freeze in the cold. Blue eyes. Diligent seal: I turn on our TV.

The ears of corn are turning golden, the seal lies all day long, football is already going on there,

The rye comes in waves. And he is not too lazy to lie down. Our goal is scored!

^ TL. Shorygina B. Zakhoder K.P. Nefedova

What a house: For bread We can’t go anywhere without bread, It became quiet, quiet, quiet,

and winged tenants - You need to buy a bread box. If there is bread at home, the elephant nods its head -

thousand? In it, like in a house, you will always be full. He bows to the elephant.

Mystery bread lives K.P. Nefedova

Does not become stale, does not rot.

K.P. Nefedova

A boy plays basketball and gave Lena plasticine. With Mila we are the album Who is fast in the snow

He throws the ball into the basket. Lena makes an orange. bought rushes,

She made an orange - and gave it to Alyosha. Aren't you afraid to fail?

She treated the dolls. ^ Riddle

TA. Kulikovskaya
There are no legs, but I walk, Saucers sparkle across the sky above us with purity. Setting off

There is no mouth, but I will say, The cloud was flying. As if laughing merrily on a long journey,

When to sleep Cloud face Because they always Don’t forget about the tickets!

When to get up. Changed it as I wanted. I really like the water.

Mystery It was a shark K.P.Nefedova


Bulldog, woodpecker

and a penguin.


NOT. Egorova

Two legs conspired There was a white house, Yellow lumps, The heron scooped it up with a cup

Make arcs and circles. Wonderful home, Lungs like cotton wool, Healing tea

Mystery And something knocked inside him. They run after the quotation. from chamomile.

And he crashed, and from there Who is it? ...Heron has a whole vat of tea.

A miracle ran out alive. Mystery Heron doctor

Mystery meets patients.

TA. Kulikovskaya

We'll pour water into the flask, We went to the garden - Christmas tree, Christmas tree, Christmas tree - He's the only one in the sea -

We'll take it with us on a hike. We grow beans there. A prickly needle. Smart, affectionate dolphin.

Under New Year I will never get tired of rakes helping people, bully football players

he came to the house to fly up and down on them. Makes hard work easier. Played out in the field

So ruddy But they don’t rob, but row. clean,

fat man ^ K.P. Nefedova A.V. Soboleva

But every day I lost

And finally he disappeared completely.

S.Ya.. Marshak


From the pan there has been for a long time Large, fractionally often, In the depths of the sea The brushes are heated

Uncultured and funny. And the whole earth was wet. dwells and burns with fire

^ K.P. Nefedova A.V. Soboleva They call it squid. Hot viburnum

On a gloomy gray day.

TL. Shorygina

Mila and Valya are playing: Cranberries are blazing in the swamps, Tail is in the yard, A parrot lives in a cage,

They push dolls in strollers. A scattering of crimson lights. The nose is in the kennel. He speaks, but does not sing.

And is already preparing to fly away. Whoever turns his tail,

A flock of silver cranes. He will enter the house.

^ TL. Shorygina Riddle

A goat wanders through the meadow, With the appearance of the wheel, the girl Lena rolled off the porch

Next to her - Miracles happen! My knee hurt. Golden ring.

white little goat, as before -
Although small, here is a question -

but brave, Did people live without wheels?
Naughty, mischievous, ^ K.P. Nefedova

Nibbles the grass under the vine,

Arguing with mother goat. TL. Shorygina

We flew high, Little blue skirt, Cloud made of iron, The sun shone

We were flying low. Ribbon in a braid. And the cloud has a handle. Pale firmament,

We flew far, Who doesn’t know Lyubochka? This cloud is in order White-winged Swan

We flew close. Everyone knows Lyuba. I watered the bed behind the bed. Slowly swims.

^ A.L. Barto A.V. Soboleva TL. Shorygina

Yellow, round, You saw snowstorms swirling on the water, How many smells does summer have?

he's sour. Snow-white flowers. Frost crackles at night, Sweet is linden-colored,

It's called... These inhabitants of the river On top of the lush Gorky spruce - leaves

Mystery The petals are hidden at night. She peels a bright poplar cone,

crossbill. Subtle, barely perceptible -

^TL. Shorygina The smell of ripening raspberries.

TL. Shorygina

On a warm sunny day there is an awl in front, a fox walked through the forest, white polka dots

A breeze came to us. Behind the wheel. The fox screamed with a voice, on a green leg.

He began to play like a wave, the fox tore the stripes, Mystery

Rock our boat. The fox was weaving bast shoes.

I love my horse, Ipat went, I was digging the ground - Long-tailed horse

I'll comb her fur. I'll buy shovels. Not at all tired. She brought us porridge

smooth. Bought by Ipat And whoever dug with me, sweetie.

With a comb I will smooth Five shovels. He's tired. The horse is waiting at the gate -

the tail walked across the pond, Mystery Open your mouth wider!

And I’ll go on horseback to visit. Got caught on a rod. ^ Riddle

A.L. Barto Ipat fell into the pond,

Five shovels were missing.

Golden bulb Two new maple bulbs In a puddle in the middle of the grove Barrel by barrel

Round, cast! The soles are two meters long: Toads have their own living space. Pulled from the bag.

TL.Shorygina I put two feet on them. Another tenant lives here - Mystery.

And run through the big snow! Water swimming beetle.
Mom didn’t spare soap, these are the kids Yulia, Yulenka, Yula! There is a full moon in the sky.

Mom washed Mila with soap. Have fun from the heart! Yulka was lively. Wave follows wave.

Mila didn’t like soap, Yulka had to sit still, catching up in the moonlight

She didn't love her, but she didn't whine. I couldn't for a minute. The wave cannot catch up with the wave.

^ T.L. Kulikovskaya

The high mountain was sleeping, Klava was boiling milk. Take the top-top-top from the white-bearded man, the kid ran.

And suddenly she woke up, came to life. Boiling milk is not easy. Man, stomp, stomp, the mouse ran.

The giant in her woke up, Klava carefully, Half a glass of sour, Top-top-top, the baby fell.

And his name is Vulcan. looks like milk. Top-top-top, the mouse ran away.

When the milk boils. Counting book

^ El.Alifanova, N.E. Egorova

The wind is rustling the branches, Valya was playing badminton. Be with a fork. Motorcycle -

Our hedgehog is in a hurry to get home, and she lost her shuttlecock. be careful, iron horse,

And a wolf meets him. It’s not difficult for her to get hurt. There is fire in his belly.

On a hedgehog with its teeth - a click. Table knife -

The hedgehog showed the needles, brother to the fork,

The wolf ran away in fear. He is always happy to help her.

^ K.P. Nefedova

Planes are flying, The saw is ringing, the saw is singing, In this narrow box, What does Galochka have?

Pilots sit in them. She scurries here and there. You will find pencils, a thread on a stick,

^ K.P. Nefedova Pens, feathers, paper clips, stick in hand,

buttons, And the thread is in the river.
Anything for the soul. Mystery

The ladle helps mom: Mila helped mom - White sawdust is flying, Maya has a new dress.

He pours soup into plates. I swept the floor with a broom. They fly from under the saw. He is wearing a gold brooch.

This is a carpenter making a dress suddenly torn

Windows and floors. Mayan.

I'll patch her dress.

It was summer. A snake crawled into the yard. There was a full moon in the sky. Vera stood at the board,

The moose ate the cutlet. Black and long. Wave follows wave. I couldn't solve the example.

He stomped for a long time, then watered the snow, While catching up under the moon, she looked at the ceiling

And he spat under a bush: At work she yawned. The wave cannot catch up with the wave. And she was twirling chalk in her hands.

“I don’t need a cutlet, I’ve worked for a day - ^TL. Kulikovskaya I see that things are bad

I don't need candy! There is an ice skating rink in the yard. And he wanted to help her...

In the meadow, forest and field Riddle M. Plyatskovsky
I’ll eat plenty of hay.”
^ El.Alifanova,
NOT. Egorova

Four pillars Under the roof - Separately, I’m not so tasty, He easily lifted the barbell,

they stand under one roof, four legs, but in food- He kept her for the longest time,

with one sash And on the roof - everyone needs it. ^ Riddle

belted. soup and spoons. They keep me on the sidelines

Mystery Mystery They keep me in a salt shaker.



Automation of sound in a word, phrase, poem, riddle, tongue twister
Game 1. A picture of a Christmas tree is placed in front of the child. Next to them are pictures (at the discretion of the speech therapist) depicting objects with which the Christmas tree should be decorated (9 - according to the number of cones). The child is asked to carefully examine the object, name it correctly and “hang” the toy on the Christmas tree.
Game 2. The child is asked to come up with a sentence with two given words (pictures*). Types of offers:

A) with homogeneous subjects (nouns) (squirrel and elk live in the forest);

b) with homogeneous predicates (verbs) (the wolf hunts, prowls);

c) with homogeneous definitions (adjectives) (strawberries are sweet, tasty);

G) complex sentences with the conjunction “a” (wolf- a wild animal, and a horse is a domestic animal).

* In subsequent lessons, the pictures are replaced with others.
Game 3. The child is asked to repeat after the speech therapist, and then learn and recite a poem (a nursery rhyme, a riddle, a tongue twister, a tongue twister) about the picture (see the back of the card).
Development of attention, memory, thinking
Game 4. The tree is decorated, then the pictures are removed, and the child must remember what toys he decorated it with.
Game 5. The child is asked to decorate the Christmas tree with items from only one lexical group (“Wild animals”, “Pets”, “Clothes”, “Fruits”, etc.).
^ Development of phonemic hearing,

ability to isolate sounds from the beginning, middle and end of a word
Game 6. On the table in front of the child are images of two Christmas trees, small pictures mixed together. The child should decorate one Christmas tree only with those pictures whose names contain the sound L, and the other with those pictures whose names contain the sound L.
Differentiation of sounds L-L
A game 7. “Now I’ll show you a picture, and you’ll look at it and name it correctly. You must decorate the Christmas tree only with those pictures whose name begins with the sound L (L) (ends with the sound L (L); where the sound L (L) is in the middle of the word).”

In the widely branched water system of the Amazon, arapaima grows to gigantic sizes. This ancient giant seems clumsy and sluggish. But, once hooked, he shows his temperament to the fullest.
My first encounter with this mystical fish occurred six years ago. I stood in front of a huge aquarium at the Natural History Museum of the Amazon in Manaus, Brazil, with my nose pressed against the thick glass: three giant fish, three arapaima weighing 50 kg each, hovered in the clear water. I watched their slow movements with fascination. Their eyes on a small, shell-covered head, in turn, carefully examined me. Who is actually considering whom? For a whole hour I stood hypnotized in front of the aquarium. Then I could not even think that I would ever be able to catch such a prehistoric giant. It was only seven years later that I had the opportunity to travel to Brazil again to fulfill this dream. But the extremely low water level dashed my hopes. The story of this trip is short: I didn’t catch anything. Only a year later I was able to catch my first arapaima, but not in Brazil, but in Thailand. This ancient fish is bred there in many lakes and ponds. But this did not create the atmosphere of real fishing. And yet I felt some semblance of what I would have experienced in the homeland of the Arapaima.

On the second try

Last year I had the opportunity to hunt the freshwater giants of the Amazon for the second time. I went to Brazil with Michel Dekker, the organizer of fishing in the Amazon. Our destination was the island of Mexicona in the Amazon delta. There should still be arapaima there in fairly large quantities. Despite the long journey, on the very first morning we went to a promising fishing spot. We drove along an intricate system of canals with bays and flooded fields. Once we scared a huge fish in shallow water, which took flight with a loud noise. Half an hour later we were almost at our goal. The noisy outboard motor has been replaced with an electric one. Later they walked only by oars. The two other boats that were sailing with us fell behind. There was calm. Soon a dull splash was heard - it was an arapaima that had swallowed air, and no one else. Several more fish made their presence known in the same way. Then we saw in the distance an arapaima jump out of the water. Our companion Gerard, a traveler from France, a few moments later hooked the first giant. We haven’t had time to mount the gear yet, but we watched from the side what obviously still lies ahead.

Arapaima jumps like crazy.


But soon our floats were already swinging on the water of the Amazon. The bait was small armored catfish. A large arapaima surfaced right in front of the floats. Our hearts began to beat faster. I heard a scream - it was Michel who spotted a giant fish, which immediately dragged the tackle into the thick algae. Luckily, we were able to free the line. And the fishing began... Again and again the giant fish jumped out of the water. She shook her head wildly, then ran away. Finally, the first arapaima weighing 20 kg lies in our boat. A size 7/0 circle hook holds well in the corner of a fish's mouth.
Meanwhile, many large fish revealed themselves with loud splashes. I was counting on the fact that at some point my float would dive. But it happened again with Michel's float. This time, after just a few seconds, the fight ended in tears. The braided line with a breaking load of 32.5 kg broke like sewing thread. I looked at Michel’s surprised face, but out of the corner of my eye I saw my float disappear under the water. The line tightened, I began to wait for the fish to hook itself with a circle hook. Arapaima quickly ran away. Suddenly the line sagged and the fish left. Almost at the same time, the same thing happened to Michel. But that is not all. Within seconds we lost the next three fish. Each time the hook jumped out of the arapaima's mouth. We caught one fish, lost five - a bad result. But we will still have a chance - at least we hope so.

Once again the giant fish escapes.

Lost again

At noon, apparently, we were not the only ones who had a pause. And there was no activity observed in the water. Only after lunch everything started again, hunting arapaima were visible everywhere. Not much time passed, and the float dived. And again on Michel’s rod. The fish did not emerge from the water, but made a swift dash. This must be a real giant. Suddenly the arapaima changed direction and quickly turned back. A powerful whirlpool formed right in front of the boat, and again the hook jumped out of the fish’s mouth. So I changed the circle hook to a #10/0 Owner hook in hopes that it would work better. Soon I pulled out two arapaima one after another. One of them turned out to be a magnificent red male weighing 30 kg. My first wild arapaima. Not a monster, like in Thailand, but a free-living arapaima from the Amazon. The first fishing day ended, we can consider it, successfully, even if together we lost more fish than we caught.

Read the continuation in the next article by Arnut Terluv.

To the question What kind of fish swallowed and did not chew Jonah? given by the author Cyrus the best answer is Keith (Jon. 2:1, Matt. 12:40). The Hebrew names tannin and another - leviathan do not express the concept of a whale in the sense that it is understood in zoology, but generally mean an unusually large, monstrous sea animal. By the word whale that swallowed Jonah, many naturalists mean a shark, a large predatory fish often found in the waters of the Mediterranean Sea - to confirm which they provide the following evidence: a) sharks usually follow ships during storms, while whales, as peaceful animals and cowardly ones, at the sight of danger, hide in the depths of the sea; b) the larynx and stomach of sharks are capable of great expansion and they often swallow whole people alive, while the whale, mainly found in the northern seas, has completely opposite properties: its throat and stomach are very tight, and it is generally content with small sea animals. And the very Greek word Kytos, with which LXX interpreters translated the Hebrew word, in ancient times served as a general name for large sea fish and animals. However, nothing is impossible for the omnipotence of God. Etc. By the will of God, Jonah could miraculously be swallowed up by a whale, just as miraculously Jonah could have stayed in the belly of the whale for three days and three nights, and then miraculously been thrown out of its womb alive and damaged in the image of the three-day burial and resurrection of Christ the Savior. The Holy Church has been testifying to this for more than 1,500 years, calling this creature that swallowed Jonah a “beast of the water.” So, for example, in the irmos of the 6th canon of the Friday canon at Matins, tone 8, it says: “a water beast in the womb, the hand of Jonah outstretched in the shape of a cross, foreshadowing the saving passion in reality.” In the 6th canon of the morning canon, on Tuesday, tone 5, it is said: “As thou hast delivered the prophet from the beast, O Lord, and raise me up from the depths of uncontrollable passions, I pray.” Science tells us that there are different breeds of whales. For example, there is a genus of whales that have 44 teeth in the lower jaw and reach 60-65 feet in length. But they have a very small throat. This probably gave rise to the claim that Jonah could not have been swallowed up by a whale. There is another type of whale called the "bottle-nosed" or "beaked" whale. This is a small whale, up to 30 feet long. Although he is small, he has a rather large throat and could easily swallow a person, but the prophet could not be swallowed up by him because he chews food and has teeth. There are whales that do not have teeth, but are equipped with “whalebone”. Among this type of whale, there are whales called "Fin-Buck". These whales can be up to 88 feet long. The stomach of such a whale has from 4 to 6 chambers or compartments, and a small group of people could easily fit in any of them. Whales of this genus breathe air and have an air reserve chamber in their head, which is an extension of the nasal cavities. Before swallowing an object that is too large, the Fin-Buck whale pushes it into this chamber. If an object is too large in the head of this whale, it swims to the nearest land, lies down in shallow waters and throws away the burden. Scientist Dr. Ranson Harvey testifies that his friend, weighing 200 pounds, crawled from the mouth of a dead whale into this air chamber. The same scientist points out that a dog that fell overboard a whaling vessel was found alive in the whale’s head 6 days later. From what has been said, it is clear that Jonah could have stayed in the “belly,” that is, in the air chamber of such a whale for 3 days and 3 nights and remained alive. The space in this chamber is 686 cubic feet. So from scientific data we can see that Jonah could have been swallowed up by a whale. But the biblical word "dag" refers to "big fish." From this we can conclude that Jonah was indeed swallowed up by a sea creature - a large fish. In this case, you should point out the fish called "whale shark" or "bone shark".

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: What kind of fish swallowed and did not chew Jonah?

Answer from self-preservation[guru]
It was a miracle Yudo-fish-whale! By the way, just the other day I heard on TV that modern scientists have fully confirmed the authenticity of this case! A whale does not chew, it can swallow a person, but it is a large object and does not fall into the stomach, but into some kind of air cushion inside the whale, and a person can live there as long as he has enough oxygen - about a week! And then the whale can reflexively regurgitate it.

Answer from Neta[guru]
Science tells us that there are different breeds of whales. For example, there is a genus of whales that have 44 teeth in the lower jaw and reach 60-65 feet in length. But they have a very small throat. This probably gave rise to the claim that Jonah could not have been swallowed up by a whale.
There is another type of whale called the "bottle-nosed" or "beaked" whale. This is a small whale, up to 30 feet long. Although he is small, he has a rather large throat and could easily swallow a person, but the prophet could not be swallowed up by him because he chews food and has teeth.
There are whales that do not have teeth, but are equipped with “whalebone”. Among this type of whale, there are whales called "Fin-Buck". These whales can be up to 88 feet long. The stomach of such a whale has from 4 to 6 chambers or compartments, and a small group of people could easily fit in any of them. Whales of this genus breathe air and have an air reserve chamber in their head, which is an extension of the nasal cavities. Before swallowing an object that is too large, the Fin-Buck whale pushes it into this chamber. If an object is too large in the head of this whale, it swims to the nearest land, lies down in shallow waters and throws away the burden.
Scientist Dr. Ranson Harvey testifies that his 200-pound buddy crawled from the mouth of a dead whale into this air chamber. The same scientist points out that a dog that fell overboard a whaling vessel was found alive in the whale’s head 6 days later. From what has been said, it is clear that Jonah could have stayed in the “belly,” that is, in the air chamber of such a whale for 3 days and 3 nights and remained alive. The space in this chamber is 686 cubic feet. So from scientific data we can see that Jonah could have been swallowed up by a whale.
Frank Bullen, the famous author of the work: “The Voyage of the Sperm Whale,” found that the sperm whale (one of the whale species) often, when it dies, vomits the contents of its stomach.
But the biblical word "dag" refers to "big fish." From this we can conclude that Jonah was indeed swallowed up by a sea creature - a large fish. In this case, you should point out the fish called "whale shark" or "bone shark".
The "whale shark" gets its name from the fact that it has no teeth. The whale shark reaches 70 feet in length and filters food through large plates (baleen) in its mouth. This shark has a stomach large enough to fit a human.
Then it is not without interest to recall the report in the Literary Digest that a sailor was swallowed up by a whale shark. After 48 hours (i.e., after two days), the shark was killed. When the shark whale was opened, what was the surprise of all those present when they found a sailor, swallowed up by this beast, alive, but only in an unconscious state. Moreover, the sailor did not have any consequences of his stay in the belly of the whale shark, except for the loss of hair and several blisters on the skin. Then the sailor said that only fear did not give him peace, living in the belly of a whale. As soon as he regained consciousness and realized where he was, he immediately lost consciousness again.
Recently, writes Fr. I.S., -in the Hawaiian Islands, Japanese fishermen killed a great white shark. A complete human skeleton was found in her stomach. It turned out that he was a soldier, included in the list of deserters, wearing clothes of the Sev type. -Am. Army.
So, we see that Jonah could have been swallowed up by a large fish even without violating the natural laws of nature. All “absurdities” and “contradictions” disappear. The Word of God is true and immutable; it can never be in conflict with true science. This was established by the father of Russian science, Lomonosov.
The brilliant scientist Pascal said: “The last step of reason is to recognize the existence of many such things that go beyond the limits of our knowledge, and if reason does not come to this knowledge, then it is a very weak reason.”

Answer from I-beam[guru]
I wonder if whales live in the Red and Mediterranean seas. Otherwise, how did the author know about such a miracle “fish” in the first century?

Answer from Poke your head in[expert]
Sperm whale.

Answer from ALDIBEKOV Kanat (V miru - Abbat)[guru]
Oh, these fantastic stories of the authors who created the “holy scripture”. And there are unusually naive people who not only blindly believe that the WHALE swallowed Jonah, but those who would certainly believe that Jonah swallowed the whale if only the “sacred dove” had decided to whisper such words to one of the prophets... :)))

Answer from Vitaly Bezverkhy[guru]
Most likely a sperm whale (at that time this species was not discovered or named). This was given by God to admonish the prophet, since he did not want to go to the Ninevites. The three-day stay of Jonah in the belly of the whale (sperm whale) prophesied about the three-day stay of Christ in the tomb before the Resurrection.

Answer from Dunno[guru]
There were such whales, scientifically proven.

Answer from StepanFilatoff[guru]
Whales do not chew, but filter plankton.

Seas and oceans occupy more than half the area of ​​our planet, but they are still shrouded in mysteries for humanity. We strive to conquer space and are looking for extraterrestrial civilizations, but at the same time, only 5% of the world's oceans have been explored by people. But this data is enough to be horrified by what creatures live deep underwater, where sunlight does not penetrate.

1. Common chauliod (Chauliodus sloani)

The Chauliod family includes 6 species of deep-sea fish, but the most common of them is the common hauliod. These fish live in almost all waters of the world's oceans, with the only exceptions being the cold waters of the northern seas and the Arctic Ocean.

Chauliodas got their name from the Greek words “chaulios” - open mouth, and “odous” - tooth. Indeed, these relatively small fish (about 30 cm in length) have teeth that can grow up to 5 centimeters, which is why their mouth never closes, creating a creepy grin. Sometimes these fish are called sea vipers.

Howliods live at depths from 100 to 4000 meters. At night they prefer to rise closer to the surface of the water, and during the day they descend into the very abyss of the ocean. Thus, during the day, fish make huge migrations of several kilometers. With the help of special photophores located on the hauliod's body, they can communicate with each other in the dark.

On the dorsal fin of the viper fish there is one large photophore, with which it lures its prey directly to its mouth. After which, with a sharp bite of needle-sharp teeth, the hauliods paralyze the prey, leaving it no chance of salvation. The diet mainly includes small fish and crustaceans. According to unreliable data, some individuals of hauliods can live up to 30 years or more.

2. Long-horned sabertooth (Anoplogaster cornuta)

The longhorned sabertooth is another fearsome deep-sea predatory fish that lives in all four oceans. Although the saber tooth looks like a monster, it grows to a very modest size (about 15 centimeters in length). The head of the fish with a large mouth occupies almost half the length of the body.

The long-horned sabertooth got its name due to its long and sharp lower fangs, which are the largest in relation to body length among all fish known to science. The terrifying appearance of the sabertooth has earned it the unofficial name “monster fish.”

Adults can vary in color from dark brown to black. The younger representatives look completely different. They are light gray in color and have long spines on their heads. The sabertooth is one of the deepest-sea fish in the world; in rare cases, they descend to depths of 5 kilometers or more. The pressure at these depths is enormous, and the water temperature is about zero. There is catastrophically little food here, so these predators hunt for the first thing that gets in their way.

3. Dragonfish (Grammatostomias flagellibarba)

The size of the deep-sea dragon fish absolutely does not fit with its ferocity. These predators, which reach a length of no more than 15 centimeters, can eat prey two or even three times its size. Dragon fish live in tropical zones of the World Ocean at depths of up to 2000 meters. The fish has a large head and a mouth equipped with many sharp teeth. Like the Howlyod, the dragonfish has its own bait for prey, which is a long whisker with a photophore at the end, located on the fish's chin. The hunting principle is the same as for all deep-sea individuals. Using a photophore, the predator lures the victim to the closest possible distance, and then with a sharp movement inflicts a fatal bite.

4. Deep sea anglerfish (Lophius piscatorius)

The deep-sea anglerfish is rightfully the ugliest fish in existence. There are about 200 species of anglerfish, some of which can grow up to 1.5 meters and weigh 30 kilograms. Because of its creepy appearance and bad character, this fish was nicknamed the monkfish. Deep-sea anglerfish live everywhere at depths from 500 to 3000 meters. The fish has a dark brown color, a large flat head with many spines. The devil's huge mouth is studded with sharp and long teeth curved inward.

Deep-sea anglerfish have pronounced sexual dimorphism. Females are tens of times larger than males and are predators. Females have a rod with a fluorescent appendage at the end to attract fish. Anglerfish spend most of their time on the seabed, burrowing into sand and silt. Due to its huge mouth, this fish can completely swallow prey that is twice its size. That is, hypothetically, a large individual anglerfish could eat a person; Fortunately, there have never been such cases in history.

5. Bagworm (Saccopharyngiformes)

Probably the strangest inhabitant of the deep sea can be called the bagmouth or, as it is also called, the pelican-shaped largemouth. Due to its abnormally huge mouth with a bag and a tiny skull in relation to the length of the body, the bagmouth is more like some kind of alien creature. Some individuals can reach two meters in length.

In fact, bagmouths belong to the class of ray-finned fish, but these monsters do not have too many similarities with the cute fish that live in warm sea backwaters. Scientists believe that appearance These creatures changed many thousands of years ago due to their deep-sea lifestyle. Bagmouths have no gill rays, ribs, scales or fins, and the body is oblong with a luminous appendage on the tail. If it were not for the large mouth, the bagmouth could easily be confused with an eel.

Bagworms live at depths from 2000 to 5000 meters in three world oceans, except the Arctic Ocean. Since there is very little food at such depths, bagmouths have adapted to long breaks in eating, which can last more than one month. These fish feed on crustaceans and other deep-sea brethren, mainly swallowing their prey whole.

6. Giant squid (Architeuthis dux)

The elusive giant squid, known to science as Architeuthis dux, is the world's largest mollusc and is thought to reach a length of 18 meters and weigh half a ton. To date, a live giant squid has never been captured by humans. Until 2004, there were no documented sightings of live giant squid at all, and general idea These mysterious creatures were known only from the remains washed ashore or caught in fishermen’s nets. Architeuthis live at depths of up to 1 kilometer in all oceans. In addition to their gigantic size, these creatures have the largest eyes among living creatures (up to 30 centimeters in diameter).

So in 1887, the largest specimen in history, 17.4 meters long, washed up on the shores of New Zealand. In the next century, only two large dead representatives of the giant squid were discovered - 9.2 and 8.6 meters. In 2006, Japanese scientist Tsunami Kubodera managed to capture on camera a living female 7 meters long in her natural habitat at a depth of 600 meters. The squid was lured to the surface by a small bait squid, but an attempt to bring a live specimen on board the vessel was unsuccessful - the squid died from multiple injuries.

Giant squids are dangerous predators, and their only natural enemy is adult sperm whales. There are at least two described cases of fight between squid and sperm whale. In the first, the sperm whale won, but soon died, suffocated by the giant tentacles of the mollusk. The second fight took place off the coast of South Africa, then a giant squid fought with a baby sperm whale, and after an hour and a half fight, it still killed the whale.

7. Giant isopod (Bathynomus giganteus)

The giant isopod, known to science as Bathynomus giganteus, is the largest species of crustacean. The average size of a deep-sea isopod ranges from 30 centimeters, but the largest recorded specimen weighed 2 kilograms and was 75 centimeters long. In appearance, giant isopods are similar to woodlice, and like the giant squid, they are a consequence of deep-sea gigantism. These crayfish live at a depth of 200 to 2500 meters, preferring to bury themselves in silt.

The body of these creepy creatures is covered with hard plates that act as a shell. In case of danger, crayfish can curl into a ball and become inaccessible to predators. By the way, isopods are also predators and can feast on a few small deep-sea fish and sea cucumbers. Powerful jaws and durable armor make the isopod a dangerous opponent. Although giant crayfish love to feast on live food, they often have to eat the remains of shark prey that fall from the upper layers of the ocean.

8. Latimeria chalumnae

The coelacanth, or coelacanth, is a large deep-sea fish whose discovery in 1938 became one of the most important zoological discoveries of the 20th century. Despite its unattractive appearance, this fish is notable for the fact that for 400 million years it has not changed its appearance and body structure. In fact, this unique relict fish is one of the oldest living creatures on planet Earth, which existed long before the appearance of dinosaurs.

Coelacanth lives at a depth of up to 700 meters in the waters of the Indian Ocean. The length of the fish can reach 1.8 meters and weigh more than 100 kilograms, and the body has a beautiful blue tint. Since coelacanth is very slow, it prefers to hunt at great depths, where there is no competition with faster predators. These fish can swim backwards or belly up. Despite the fact that the meat of the coelcanth is inedible, it is often the target of poaching among local residents. Currently, the ancient fish is in danger of extinction.

9. Goblin shark (Mitsukurina owstoni)

The deep sea goblin shark, or goblin shark as it is also called, is the most poorly studied shark to date. This species lives in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans at depths of up to 1300 meters. The largest specimen was 3.8 meters long and weighed about 200 kilograms.

The goblin shark got its name due to its eerie appearance. Mitsekurina has movable jaws that move outward when bitten. The goblin shark was first accidentally caught by fishermen in 1898, and since then 40 more specimens of this fish have been caught.

10. Hell Vampire (Vampyroteuthis infernalis)

Another relict representative of the sea abyss is a one-of-a-kind cephalopod-detritus feeder, which has an external resemblance to both a squid and an octopus. The hellish vampire received its unusual name thanks to its red body and eyes, which, however, depending on the lighting, can be blue color. Despite their terrifying appearance, these strange creatures grow to only 30 centimeters and, unlike other cephalopods, eat exclusively plankton.

The body of the hellish vampire is covered with luminous photophores, which create bright flashes of light that scare away enemies. In case of exceptional danger, these small mollusks turn their tentacles along the body, becoming like a ball with spikes. Hellish vampires live at depths of up to 900 meters, and can thrive in water with an oxygen level of 3% or lower, critical for other animals.