Abstracts Statements Story

Work plan for a young teacher in a preschool. Long-term plan for the work of a mentor-educator with a young specialist material on the topic

State budget preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 19 combined type of Pushkin district

St. Petersburg


teacher with young specialist

for the 2015 -2016 academic year. year

Prepared by: N.V. Ukolova

Pushkin, 2015

Purpose of work: development of professional skills and abilities young specialist.


Rendering methodological assistance to a young specialist in raising the level of educational organization educational activities;

Study of regulatory documents;

Assistance in maintaining teacher documentation (prospective and calendar plan educational work, self-education plan, monitoring, etc.);

Application of forms and methods in working with children of the older group;

Organization of educational activities, assistance in setting goals and objectives;

The use of health-saving technologies during non-criminal activities and other sensitive moments;

The mechanism for using didactic and visual material;

In-depth study of innovative technologies;

General issues of organizing work with parents.

Form of conduct


Help with learning federal law“On Education”, Federal State Educational Standards, sanitary and epidemiological rules and standards for preschool educational institutions

Preparation of group documentation

Monitoring child development.

Consultations and answers to questions of interest.

Selection of diagnostic material.


Providing assistance in organizing high-quality work with documentation: studying the institution’s program, the participation of a young teacher in drawing up long-term and calendar plans, and a plan for self-education. Parent meeting

Consultation, assistance. Familiarity with the main documents regulating the activities of preschool educational institutions. Assist in organizing and conducting meetings, discussing the meeting.


Studying the methodology for conducting GCD, joint development of GCD notes, effective use of didactic material in work.

A visit by a young specialist to GCD and routine moments with a mentor.


Reviewing notes and conducting organized educational activities by a young specialist. Psychological and pedagogical foundations for establishing contacts with the family of pupils.

Preparing for New Year's events.

Visits to educational activities and regime moments of a young teacher. Discussion. Drawing up a plan for preliminary work with children and parents.


Analysis of pedagogical situations, styles of pedagogical communication with children. In-depth acquaintance with local documents, orders of preschool educational institutions.

Discussion on the topic: “A difficult situation in working with children and your way out of it.” Familiarity with the main documents regulating the activities of preschool educational institutions.


Main problems in pedagogical activity young specialist. Usage modern technologies in the educational process. Use in projects. Project “Defenders of the Fatherland”, “Dear Mother”

Consultation, planning, exchange of experience, mentor assistance.

Consultation and answers to questions of interest.


Non-traditional forms of interaction with parents, the participation of a young teacher in preparing material for parents.

Consultation with a mentor, participation of a young teacher in the development of materials for parents.


Independent organization and management of children's creative games. The role of play in the development of preschool children.

Causes conflict situations and their settlement in the process of pedagogical activity.

Consultation with a mentor, observation of the work of a young specialist (joint gaming activities). Discussion and consultation of a young teacher on this topic.


Acquaintance with monitoring, studying methods of conducting and examining students. Preparation for the summer health period.

Carrying out work results.

Consultation and answers to questions of interest, assistance. Self-analysis of a young specialist.


Goal: increasing the professional competence of a young teacher

Systematize the knowledge of young specialists in the field of using various forms and methods of working with children preschool age during various routine moments;

Help you adapt to the team;

To promote the active development of ways to interact with the families of pupils;

Introduce opportunities and ways to improve professional competence.


Organization of the work of the School for Young Teachers

Organization of mentoring for young teachers who have problems in practical teaching activities.

Identification of teachers-mentors for young professionals


Deputy Head of Internal Affairs

1. Interview with young preschool teachers


Determining areas of work

Identification of difficulties in theoretical and practical pedagogical activities

Memo to educators: “Rules of behavior in preschool educational institutions with children and parents”


Deputy Head of Internal Affairs

Educational psychologist

1. Consultation: “Teacher documentation”

Consultation: “Structure and content of educational educational institution”

Consultation: “Federal State Educational Standards: directions of development and targets in preschool education"

2. Planning and organization of work on self-education

Familiarization with the structure and content of the program “From birth to school”; regulatory documents on the organization of the educational process (FSES, SanPin)

Orient teachers to constantly update their knowledge, master advanced methods and techniques in working with children, and prepare the necessary documents.

Deputy Head of Internal Affairs

Deputy Head of Internal Affairs

Deputy Head of Internal Affairs

1. Consultation: “Forms and methods used in organizing security moments”

2. Consultation: “Organization of a walk”

Systematize knowledge about the peculiarities of organizing routine moments with preschool children.

Systematize skills of interaction with children during a walk (during work, play, individual activities)

Vakulina N.I. (re-


Deputy Head of Internal Affairs

1. Workshop:

“Forms of working with parents”

2. Consultation: “Kindergarten and family”

Developing skills to interact with parents.

Memo: “Tips for Conducting Parent-Teacher Conferences”

Reveal the essence of interaction with parents through non-traditional forms of work

Deputy Head of Internal Affairs

Khoroshilova T.E. (educator)


“Game and personality development of a preschooler”

2. Consultation: “Psychological development of a preschooler”

Systematize the skills of organizing and directing children's creative games.

Familiarize yourself with the form of organizing independent play (in the afternoon)

Orient teachers to the features of conducting didactic games.

Inform educators about the creation of conditions for security nervous system child from stress and overload.

Rakova V.I. (educator)

Educational psychologist

1. Consultation: “Cooperation between a teacher and a music director”

Memo: “The center of music in the group”

2. Workshop: “Developing the creative abilities of preschoolers”

Reveal the essence of interaction between specialists to achieve the best results in the development of children.

Organization of cooperation in conducting integrated classes

Khaneeva S.Yu. (music director)

Lemke E.Yu.

1. Seminar: “Methods and techniques used in organizing educational activities”

2. Practical activities: View open classes with analysis and introspection.

Systematize knowledge about the use of game, verbal, visual methods in organizing educational activities.

Ensuring professional growth of teachers.

Deputy Head of Internal Affairs


1.Planning educational work in the summer.

2.questionnaire to determine prospects for the next academic year.

Inform about the features of the child’s development environment during the summer.

Determining prospects for the next academic year.


torus in physics cult.

Ispaniyat Khanakaeva
Work plan for a mentor with a young specialist in a kindergarten

Target: development of professional skills and abilities young specialist


Continue studying regulatory documentation.

Provide assistance in maintaining teacher documentation (prospective work plan, calendar plan and accounting for educational work, children's attendance report card kindergarten, information about children, self-education plan, diagnostics)

Forms and methods work early childhood teacher

Mechanism for using didactic and visual materials

Development and writing a calendar-thematic program-based planning.

Assistance in setting goals and objectives for educational activities directly.

The use of health-saving technologies during direct educational activities

General organization issues working with parents(planning for working with parents, holding parent meetings, etc.)


1. Familiarity with the normative legal framework of the institution.

Studying documents:

Education Act

Convention on the Rights of the Child

State Standard.

Studying the goals and objectives of the annual plan;

Structure of the perspective-calendar planning;

Structure of a complex thematic planning.

2. Monitoring children's development Study of types of monitoring, forms of its implementation, selection of diagnostic material.

3. Help with planning educational – educational process V kindergarten

Study of all types planning(prospective, daily, calendar, selection of pedagogical literature)


1. Preparation and maintenance of documentation in the group. Check documentation, discuss, give recommendations on documentation.

2. Conducting a parent meeting Discussion of possible topics for a parent meeting at the beginning of the school year.

3. Types and organization of regime moments in kindergarten. View young specialist of regime moments, answers on questions young specialist.

4. Visit mentor classes in order to identify professional difficulties and jointly determine ways to eliminate them.


1. Methodology for holding holidays in kindergarten"Hello, autumn!" Participation in preparations for the autumn holiday, viewing the event, discussing the holiday.

2. Self-education of the teacher. Choice methodological topic, writing plan self-education for the next academic year.

3. Attending classes of colleagues to exchange experience in senior group. Rassadina E. Yu.


1. Organization of educational activities. View young specialist organized activities, discussion of tasks, technologies and performance.

2. Forms of interaction with the family (consultations « Healthy image family life" « Moral education preschooler". Consultation, selection of literature for study, joint planning work with parents.

3. Organization of children’s preparation for the holiday and pedagogical position during the holiday « New Year» kindergarten

1. Visit mentor classes to identify professional difficulties. During the academic year Consultation, viewing, discussion.

2. The use of various technologies in the educational activities of children. Consultations, advice on the appropriateness of their use.

1. Main problems in teaching activities young specialist. Consultation and answers to questions of interest.

2. Developmental environment for preschoolers in the second younger group kindergarten. Discussion (principles of construction, presence of play areas, their equipment, change of material.

1. Informing parents about their children’s lives in kindergarten. Consultation on the rules for designing parent corners, movement folders, availability of material, forms of their design

2. Organization of children’s preparation for the holiday and pedagogical position during the holiday "Holiday of our mothers" Familiarize yourself with the various instructions in kindergarten, help to understand the seriousness of their implementation.

1. Observation young specialist during his communication with the parents of the pupils. Conversation.

2. Attending classes. Discussion.

3. Assistance in maintaining a portfolio.

General issues of portfolio management.

1. Compilation analytical report mentor with a young specialist for the 2014 – 2015 academic year. Making a presentation, discussing the results and plans for the next academic year.

2. Final monitoring by educational fields. Study of monitoring results and their discussion.

Publications on the topic:

The family is the primary source and model for the formation of a child’s interpersonal relationships, and dad and mom are role models. There is no other.

“How to properly prepare a child for kindergarten.” Advice for young parents“I want to go to kindergarten” How to prepare a child for kindergarten “All children cry, it will pass,” parents and teachers used to say, without giving it away.

Organization of a weekend club in a kindergarten State budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 104 of the Frunzensky district of St. Petersburg Article “Organization.

Month Week Contents of work Forms of work December 1 Diagnosis of teacher problems Questionnaire 2 Study of the methodology for conducting organized.

Long-term plan for a mentor’s work with a young specialist Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution, combined kindergarten No. 36, Oktyabrsky municipal district, Yeisk district. Perspective.

Self-education plan “Chess in kindergarten” Start date of work on the topic - 09/01/2015 expected completion date - May 2016 Topic: “Development of intellectual abilities.

Galina Gerasimenko
Work plan with a young specialist

Work plan with a young specialist for the 2016-2017 academic year

Target work:

development of professional skills and abilities young teacher.


*providing methodological assistance young teacher in increasing the level of organization of educational activities;

* creating conditions for the formation of an individual style of creative activity young teacher;

* study of the regulatory framework;

* organization of the educational process in preschool educational institutions;

* records management preschool;

* forms and methods of organizing joint activities of pupils with the teacher;

* mechanism for using didactic, visual and other materials;

* structure of direct educational activities, tasks and goals

* use of health-saving technologies both during GCD and at any time of the day;

* general issues of organizational methodology working with parents

Predicted result:

*skill to plan educational activities based on creative search through self-education.

*becoming young teacher as a professional educator.

*increasing the methodological and intellectual culture of the teacher.

*ability to design an educational system, work with children based on studying the child’s personality, conduct individual work.

Forms work:

*individual consultations;

*visit to GCD;



Main activities:

*organization of assistance in mastering pedagogical skills through studying the experience of the best kindergarten teachers;

*visit to GCD young specialist;

*organization development by a young specialist didactic material, electronic educational materials and etc.

Main directions work:

*maintenance of documentation (drawing up a calendar-thematic planning; working with group timesheets);

*organization of educational process;

*general questions of organizational methodology working with parents;

*mechanism for using didactic, visual and other materials.

My work I lined up at three stage:

Stage 1 – adaptation. The mentor determines the range of responsibilities and powers young specialist, and also identifies shortcomings in his skills so that develop an adaptation program.

Stage 2 – main (design). The mentor develops and implements an adaptation program, adjusts professional skills young teacher, helps him build his own self-improvement program.

Stage 3 – control and evaluation. The mentor checks the level of professional competence young teacher, determines the degree of his readiness to perform his functional duties.

Month Topic Issues covered

September 1. Introduction to young teacher.

2. Study of the regulatory framework. Maintaining documentation Studying the "Law on Education", documents of the Ministry of Education, local acts of educational institutions, Drawing up a calendar-thematic planning. Diagnostics of skills and abilities young specialist. Filling out the sheet information card young teacher

October 1. Diagnosis of teacher problems.

2. Preparation of documentation preschool teacher in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

3. Planning educational process within the framework of a comprehensive thematic planning in the context of the introduction of Federal State Educational Standards for Pre-Diagnosis of Skills and Abilities young specialist. Filling out the information card young teacher

Consultation and answers to questions of interest.

Checking documentation.

November 1. Emotional stress resistance young teacher.

2. Function of communication in class Discussion on topic: “A difficult situation in class and your way out of it.” Analysis of pedagogical situations. Analysis of different styles of pedagogical communication (authoritarian, liberal-permissive, democratic). Advantages of a democratic communication style. Structure of pedagogical influences (organizing, evaluating, disciplining).

December 1. Study of the methodology for conducting continuous educational activities in fine arts in the senior group.

2. Conversation “How to conduct an effective lesson”. The teacher-mentor shares his experience, we are talking about general issues of the methodology for conducting ECD, the mentor together with young teacher preparing lesson plans, each stage and element of the classes is spoken out, then the teacher conducts it in the presence of the teacher-mentor, after the classes there is a detailed elaboration of what has been achieved, implemented, emerging problems, interesting solutions, building lines of behavior for the future

January 1. Organization of individual working with children.

2. The role of play in the development of preschool children

3. Study method. literature on speech development and awareness fiction in the senior group Help in compiling plan for individual work with children. Mentor consultations, supervision the work of a young specialist- joint gaming activities.

Help in selection methodological literature on speech development and familiarization with fiction in the senior group

February A collection of interesting activities. Development or a description of interesting activities yourself young specialist

March 1. Reviewing notes and conducting organized educational activities young specialist.

2. Use in ICT work. Discussion.

Consultation, use of presentations in work with children and parents

April 1. Causes of conflict situations and their resolution in the process of teaching activities

2. Assistance in studying and implementing health-saving technologies in the senior group.

3. Enrichment of the development environment groups: replenishment of the traffic center with non-standard equipment Discussion and consultation young teacher on this topic.

Giving help. Control.

May Methodological exhibition of achievements young teacher. Level of professionalism young teacher - systematization developments professional activity

Teacher achievement folder

Publications on the topic:

I often hear from parents: we don’t know what to do with our child at home. It's a strange thing to buy household appliances before you start using them.

“How to properly prepare a child for kindergarten.” Advice for young parents “I want to go to kindergarten” How to prepare a child for kindergarten “All children cry, it will pass,” parents and teachers used to say, without giving it away.

Month Week Contents of work Forms of work December 1 Diagnosis of teacher problems Questionnaire 2 Study of the methodology for conducting organized.

Long-term plan for a mentor’s work with a young specialist Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution, combined kindergarten No. 36, Oktyabrsky municipal district, Yeisk district. Perspective.