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What did Roerich Yuri Nikolaevich die from? Yuri Nikolaevich Roerich

Russian orientalist, linguist, art critic, ethnographer, traveler, specialist in the language and culture of Tibet

Yuri Roerich

short biography

Yuri Nikolaevich Roerich(August 16, 1902, Okulovka, Novgorod province - May 21, 1960, Moscow) - Russian orientalist, linguist, art historian, ethnographer, traveler, specialist in the language and culture of Tibet, author of works on dialectology of the Tibetan language, compiler of a multi-volume Tibetan dictionary. Doctor of Philology, Professor, Director of the Urusvati Institute of Himalayan Studies, Head of the Sector of Philosophy and History of Religion of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The eldest son of Nicholas Konstantinovich Roerich and Elena Ivanovna Roerich.

From 1914 to 1917 he studied in St. Petersburg, at the private gymnasium of K. I. May.

From 1917 to 1919 he lived with his parents in Finland.

In 1919-1920 he studied at the School of Oriental Languages ​​at the University of London (Indo-Iranian department), and graduated from the second year of the School. He transferred to Harvard University (USA), from which he graduated in 1922 with a bachelor's degree in Indian philology.

Together with V. Pertsov and V. Dixon, Yu. Roerich was a member of the Cambridge circle for the study of Living Ethics (Agni Yoga). This circle was esoteric in orientation and engaged in occult practices. Young people studied relevant literature, got together in the evenings and discussed what they had read; they made notes using the “table-turning” method, that is, they believed that they were calling the spirits of Teachers and adepts of the past and other “otherworldly spirits.” It was believed that their Teacher was Allal Ming Sri Ishwara (Mahatma Morya), who dictated spiritual messages composed in blank verse, which were “a symbolic representation of the path of ascension.” Later, the records of the circle were used in preparing the publication of Agni Yoga, in particular, its volumes “Call” and “Illumination”.

"Pines on the Shore." 1917
Yu. N. Roerich

In 1922-1923 he worked at the University of Paris in the Central Asian, Indian and Mongol-Tibetan departments, studied in the military, legal and economic departments, took a course in Chinese and Persian languages. Received a master's degree in Indian philology.

From 1924 to 1925 he led research work in India, Sikkim and Kashmir, studied the Tibetan language and Sanskrit.

In 1925-1928 he participated in the Central Asian expedition of N. Roerich (Ladak, Xinjiang, Mongolia, China and Tibet). Despite his young years, Yuri Nikolaevich Roerich was responsible for the safety of the expedition, and his excellent knowledge of Tibetan, Mongolian and Hindi (it is believed that in total Yuri Nikolaevich Roerich spoke more than 30 European and Asian languages ​​and dialects) allowed him to communicate without difficulty with the local population. As a result of the expedition, the following works appeared: "Tibetan painting"(1925), "The Arhats' Domain"(1929), "Modern Tibetan Phonetics"(1928), “Animal style among ancient nomads”(1930), "Catalogue of the Tibetan collection"(1930), "Journey to the hidden Asia"(1931), "On the paths of Central Asia"(1933).

From 1930 to 1942, he was the director of the Urusvati Institute of Himalayan Studies, founded by his father, in Naggar (India) and at the same time the editor of the Urusvati magazine.

In 1931-1932 he conducted Scientific research in Western Tibet, and in 1934-1935, together with the expedition of N.K. Roerich, he was engaged in research in Japan, Manchuria, Inner Mongolia and China.

In 1941, during the outbreak of the war, he telegraphed the Soviet ambassador in London with a request to enlist him as a volunteer in the ranks of the Red Army.

Since 1949, he directed the Indo-Tibetan Seminary and headed the Chinese and Tibetan language courses in Kalimpong (Eastern Himalayas). He was a member of the Royal Asiatic Society in London and the Asiatic Society in Bengal.

In 1957 he returned to the USSR.

Activities at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences

On September 19, 1957, he joined the staff of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences as a senior researcher in the history and philosophy sector in the India and Pakistan department. On March 17, 1958, the academic council of the Institute of Oriental Studies awarded him the degree of Doctor of Philology without defending a dissertation, based on the totality of published works (24 votes for, one against). The decision was approved by the Supreme Attestation Commission on October 11, 1958.

During 1958, he was included in the academic council of the Institute and its philological section, as well as the academic council of the Institute of Chinese Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences. On November 5, 1958, he was appointed head of the sector of philosophy and history of religion. On April 17, 1959, he was introduced to the Academic Scientific Council.

Thanks to the efforts of Yu. N. Roerich, publications of the “Bibliotheca Buddhica” series, interrupted during the years of repression in 1938, were resumed in the USSR. In particular, in 1960 he was the editor of the Russian translation of the Dhammapada (Aphorisms of the Buddha) - the most important text of southern Buddhism (it was translated from Pali by V. N. Toporov). Since 1960, in the renewed series, along with the Dhammapada, Milindapanha - “Questions of King Menander” (1989) and a number of other important texts of both Theravada and Mahayana were published.

In 1983-1993, Yu. N. Roerich’s “Tibetan-Russian-English Dictionary” with Sanskrit parallels (issues 1-11) was published, highly appreciated by experts.

The grave of Yu. N. Roerich at the Novodevichy cemetery in Moscow

Yu. N. Roerich died of a heart attack on May 21, 1960 in Moscow. He was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery.


The main works of Yu. N. Roerich

  • Roerich Yu. N. Tibetan language. - M.: Editorial URSS, 2001. - 136 p.
  • Tibetan-Russian-English dictionary with Sanskrit parallels. - Issue 1 - 11 / Ed. Y. Parfinovich and V. Dylykova. - M.: Science, 1983-1993. - (AS USSR. Institute of Oriental Studies).
  • Selected works/ USSR Academy of Sciences. Institute of Asian Peoples. - M.: Nauka, 1967. (Text in English)
  • Roerich Yu. N. Tibetan painting / Translated from English. A. L. Barkova. - M.: MCR; Master Bank. - 2001.
  • Roerich Yu. N. History Central Asia: In 3 volumes - Vol.1. - M.: MCR; Charitable Foundation named after. E. I. Roerich; Master Bank, 2004.
  • Roerich Yu. N. History of Central Asia: In 3 volumes - Vol.2. / ed. I. I. Neich. - M.: MCR, 2007.
  • Roerich Yu. N. To the study of Kalachakra; Paralokasiddhi. 1967
  • Roerich Yu. N. Along the paths of Central Asia / - Samara: Agni Publishing House, 1994.
  • Roerich Yu. N. Amazing biography of Chag Lotsawa, compiled by Juba Choidar (translation from Tibetan)
  • Roerich Yu. N. Alan squads in the era of the Mongols. From the magazine “Ossetia”, Paris, 1933, April - May - June.
  • Roerich Yu. N. Buddhism and the cultural unity of Asia - M.: MCR; Master Bank, 2002. (Collection of articles published on the centenary of the scientist’s birth)
  • Roerich Yu. N. Letters: In 2 volumes - T.1: 1919-1935 / Comp. N. G. Mikhailova, preface, approx. and decree T. O. Knizhnik, N. G. Mikhailova, trans. from English L. G. Lorkina, I. V. Orlovskaya and others - M.: MCR; Master Bank, 2002.
  • Roerich Yu. N. Letters: In 2 volumes - Vol.2: 1936-1960 / Comp. N. G. Mikhailova, preface, approx. and decree T. O. Knizhnik, N. G. Mikhailova, trans. from English L. G. Lorkina, I. V. Orlovskaya and others - M.: MCR; Master Bank, 2002.
  • Roerich Yu. N. Tibet and Central Asia: Articles. Lectures. Translations. - Samara, 1999.
  • Roerich Yu. N. Animal style among the nomads of Northern Tibet. - M.: MCR, 1992. - (Small Roerich Library). Scan copy of the first edition
  • Catalog of the Tibetan collection. 1930.
  • Journey to hidden Asia. 1931.
  • Roerich Yu. N. Possessions of the Arhats. 1929.
  • Roerich Yu. N. Modern Tibetan phonetics
  • Roerich G. N. Trails to Inmost Asia. Five Years of Exploration with the Roerichs" Central Asian Expedition. New Haven - London, 1931.
  • Roerich G. N. The Blue Annal. Calcutta, 1949,1953. Part I-II.
  • Roerich G. N. Le parler de l'Amdo. Etude d'un dialecte archaique du Tibet. Rome, 1958.

Publications about Yu. N. Roerich

  • 100 years since the birth of Yu. N. Roerich: Materials of the International Scientific and Public Conference. 2002. - M.: MCR; Master Bank, 2003.
  • Belikov P.F.. In blessed memory of Yuri Nikolaevich Roerich // Continuous ascent: To the 90th anniversary of the birth of Pavel Fedorovich Belikov. - M.: MCR, 2001. - T. 1. - P. 482-497.
  • Bira Sh. Memories of the Teacher Yu. N. Roerich // 100 years since the birth of Yu. N. Roerich: materials of the international. scientific society conf. 2002 / ICR. M., 2003. P. 43-50.
  • Bongard-Levin G. M. Buddha is silent... // Science and religion. 1989. No. 7. P. 38−42.
  • Bongard-Levin G. M. He passed through my whole life... // 100 years since the birth of Yu. N. Roerich: materials of the International. scientific-social conf. 2002 / ICR. M., 2003. P. 51-54.
  • Memories of Yu. N. Roerich. - M.: MCR; Master Bank, 2002.
  • Memories of Yu. N. Roerich: Collection. Based on materials from the conference in Novosibirsk dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth of Yuri Nikolaevich Roerich. - Novosibirsk: Siberian Roerich Society, 1994. - 152 p.
  • Gumilyov L. N. Yu. N. Roerich as a historian of Central Asia // Creative heritage of the Roerich family in the dialogue of cultures: philosophy. aspects of comprehension: collection. scientific tr. / Belarusian. state univ. Minsk, 2005. pp. 668-674.
  • Elizarenkova T. Ya. Man and scientist // Yu. N. Roerich: materials of the anniversary. conf.: Sat. Art. / MCR. M., 1994. pp. 14-19.
  • Elizarenkova T. Ya.“It’s a pity that this only lasted three years!” // Memories of Yu. N. Roerich: collection. - Novosibirsk, 2002.
  • Zelinsky A. N. In memory of Yu. N. Roerich // News of the All-Union Geographical Society. - 1963. - T. 95. - 3. - P. 213-221.
  • Zelinsky A. N. Knight of Culture: [to the 90th anniversary of the birth of Yu. N. Roerich] // Roerich Yu. N. Animal style among the nomads of Northern Tibet. M.: MCR, 1992. P. 3−20. − (Small Roerich Library).
  • Larichev V. E. A word about Yuri Nikolaevich Roerich // Roerich Yu. N. Along the paths of Central Asia. Khabarovsk, 1982. P.11−28.
  • Larichev V. E. Yuri Nikolaevich Roerich - researcher of the history, cultures and language of the peoples of East Asia: (on the 100th anniversary of his birth) // History and culture of East Asia: materials of the international. scientific conf. (Novosibirsk, December 9-11, 2002). - Novosibirsk, 2002. T.1. P. 40−46: ill.
  • Larichev V. E. Yu. N. Roerich - traveler, orientalist researcher, citizen // Roerich readings: [collection. preprints]. Novosibirsk, 1983.
  • Pyatigorsky A. M. Speech at a ceremonial meeting dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Yu. N. Roerich
  • Revyakin D. Yu. Dying heritage: Moscow apartment of Yu. N. Roerich: Catalog. Photo chronicle. Archival documents. - M.: International Center of the Roerichs, Master-Bank, 2010. - 500 pp., ill.
  • Roerich Yu. N.: materials of the anniversary conference. - M.: MCR, 1994. - (Small Roerich Library).
  • Rosov V. A. Yuri Roerich: Return to " New Country» // Russia and the modern world. - 2009. - No. 3 (64) - P. 229-247.
  • Rudzitis R. Meetings with Yuri Roerich / Trans. from Latvian L. R. Tsesyulevich. - Minsk: Lotats, 2002.
  • Semeka E. S. et al. Yuri Nikolaevich Roerich / Semeka E. S., Shastina N. P., Bogoslovsky V. A., Pyatigorsky A. M. // Roerich Yu. N. Selected works. M., 1967. P. 5−16.
  • Skumin V. A., Aunovskaya O. K. Lightbearers. - Novocheboksarsk: Teros, 1995. - 114 p.
  • Tamazivshvili A. O. Unknown, unwanted, necessary (to the correspondence of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences on the repatriation of Yu. N. Roerich) // Bulletin of Eurasia. 1999.
  • Yuri Nikolaevich Roerich: biobibliographic index / Comp. N.K. Vorobyova, M.S. Bukharkova, V.I. Shishkova. - M.: MCR; Master Bank, 2002.
  • Yu. N. Roerich // Soviet Oriental Studies: Collection of articles. - M., 1958. - Issue. 3. - P. 220.
  • Yuri Roerich: living heritage. Materials for the biography. Vol. I: Collection of articles and interviews. - M.: State Museum of Art, 2012.
  • Yuri Roerich: Articles. Memories. - Odessa: Astroprint, 2012. - 292 p.

Reference publications

  • Roerich Yuri Nikolaevich // Miliband S. D. Biobibliographical dictionary of Soviet orientalists. - M.: Eastern literature, 1975. - P. 471-472.
  • Mamonova M. A. Roerich Yuri Nikolaevich // Alekseev P.V. Philosophers of Russia of the XIX-XX centuries: Biographies, ideas, works. - M.: Academic project, 1999. - P. 667-668.
  • Roerich, Yuri Nikolaevich / Khlebnikov G.V. // Motherwort - Rumcherod. - M.: Great Russian Encyclopedia, 2015. - (Big Russian Encyclopedia: [in 35 volumes] / chief editor Yu. S. Osipov; 2004-2017, vol. 28).

I see a young scientist who has collected all the precepts of the Teachings of the East and said to himself: “Now I will choose the instructions of life from everywhere, throw away all the hymns and bows, forget the difference in time and the mistakes of slanderers and translators. The simplest seems the most basic. From these fragments I will put together one life here "This is the life of the East, despite its fragmentation. This life will be wise and full of actions of evolution."

Illumination, part 3, VI, paragraph 2

1902, August 16(August 3, old style) - born in the village of Okulovka, Novgorod province.

Father - Nikolai Konstantinovich Roerich, artist, scientist, academician, traveler, thinker, major cultural figure.

Mother - Elena Ivanovna Roerich, nee Shaposhnikova, Russian philosopher and writer, creator of the books of the Teaching of Living Ethics.

1912–1917 - studied at the private gymnasium of K.I. May in St. Petersburg. Shows great talent for painting, history, linguistics and military affairs.

1916 - The publishing house “Free Art” publishes “Our Magazine. Vol. 1. Our First Book” with drawings by Yurik Roerich 1912–1914: “Behind the Scenes”, “War”, “On the Street in Winter”.

1916, December- together with his parents and younger brother Svyatoslav, he moved to the city of Serdobol (since 1918 - Sortavala).

1918 - due to the closure of the border between Russia and Finland, which had separated from it, the Roerich family found itself cut off from their homeland.

1919, March- departure with his parents and brother through Sweden and Norway to England.

1919–1920 - study at the School of Oriental Languages, University of London (Indo-Iranian department).

1920 - receives a second-year diploma in the Indo-Iranian department of the School of Oriental Languages, University of London. Meets Rabindranath Tagore. Together with his parents and brother, he moves to New York (USA), enters Harvard University in the department of Indian philology.

1922 - Graduates from Harvard University with a bachelor's degree.

1922–1923 – studies at the University of Paris in the Central Asian, Indian and Mongol-Tibetan departments. He is taking a course in Chinese and Persian. At the same time, he works in the military and legal-economic departments. Receives a master's degree in Indian literature.

1923, December- the Roerich family comes to India to conduct scientific, artistic and research work. The Roerichs inspect the historical and cultural monuments of India, places connected with the history of Buddhism, and visit the independent principality of Sikkim in the Himalayas.

1924 - the beginning of the Central Asian expedition (1924–1928) under the leadership of Nicholas Roerich. Yuri, together with his parents and brother, visits the ancient monasteries of Sikkim, begins research work, and studies Sanskrit and the Tibetan language.

1925 - Yuri Roerich’s monograph “Tibetan Painting”, a unique scientific study of Buddhist iconography, which has retained its highest value to this day, is published in Paris in English.

1925-1926 – the expedition passes through the territory of Kashmir, Ladakh, and Chinese Turkestan.

1926, May 29- The Central Asian expedition crosses the border of the USSR in the area of ​​Lake Zaisan.

1926, May 28 – June 8– the expedition sails along the Irtysh River to Omsk.

1926, July 26 – August 26- The Central Asian expedition is in Altai. Yuri together with N.K. and E.I. The Roerichs make radial journeys on horseback along the Katunsky ridge, along the Terektinsky ridge, along the valleys of the Katun, Kucherla, Ak-Kem rivers.

1926, September – 1927, April 13- The Central Asian expedition is located in Ulaanbaatar (Urga), the capital of Mongolia. Nicholas Konstantinovich, Elena Ivanovna and Yuri Roerich obtain a special permit to visit Lhasa while traveling through Tibet.

1927, October 6 – 1928, March 6- The Central Asian expedition was detained by the Tibetan authorities on the high mountain plateau of Changtang and is virtually doomed to death. Yuri Roerich explores examples of the “animal style” among the nomads of Northern Tibet and studies dialects of the Tibetan language.

1928, March- Tibetan authorities allow the Central Asian expedition to move to Sikkim through unexplored areas of the Tibetan Plateau and Trans-Himalayas.

1928, May 26– completion of the Central Asian expedition in northern India (Principality of Sikkim).

1928, July 24- founding of the Urusvati Institute of Himalayan Studies. Its Honorary President was Elena Ivanovna Roerich, and its director was Yuri Nikolaevich Roerich.

1929 - the Roerich family settles in Naggar (Kullu Valley, Northern India)

1929, April - 1930- together with N.K. Roerich, Yuri travels through Paris to the USA, where he resolves issues related to the activities of the Urusvati Institute of Himalayan Studies and does a lot of work on organizing the Cabinet of Tibetology at the Nicholas Roerich Museum in New York. Gives lectures at universities in American cities; completes work on the book “On the Paths of Central Asia” (New Haven, 1931); his study “Animal Style among the Nomads of Northern Tibet” was published (Prague, 1930). Visits England and France.

1930–1939 - working on a Tibetan-Russian-English dictionary with Sanskrit parallels. He manages the Institute’s periodicals – the Urusvati yearbook and the Tibetica series.

1931–1932 - participates in an expedition to Western Tibet (Lahul); writes the most valuable studies: “Problems of Tibetan archeology”, “Towards the study of Kalachakra” (1932), “Tibetan dialect of Lahula”.

1934–1935 - together with N.K. Roerich makes an expedition to Manchuria and Inner Mongolia. Conducts comprehensive scientific research into little-studied areas of this region.

1935, April 15- in Washington, representatives of the states of North and South America signed the Roerich Pact, the first international treaty on the protection cultural values, developed on the initiative of N.K. Roerich. Yuri Roerich took an active part in promoting this treaty.

1935–1939 - creates a fundamental work “History of Central Asia”.

1939 - due to the outbreak of World War II, the work of the Urusvati Institute of Himalayan Studies is suspended.

1941, end of June- together with his brother Svyatoslav, he telegraphed to London the Soviet Ambassador to Great Britain I.M. Maisky with a request to enroll them as volunteers in the ranks of the Red Army.

1942 - working on the essay “The Tale of King Geser from the Land of Ling.”

1945–1946 - creates the works “Indology in Russia” (1945), “The Origin of the Mongolian Alphabet”, “Author of the “History of Buddhism in Mongolia”” (1946), “Tibetan Borrowings in the Mongolian Language”.

1947, December 13- Nikolai Konstantinovich Roerich, father of Yu.N. Roerich, passed away.

1948–1949 - together with his mother, Elena Ivanovna Roerich, moves to Delhi, and then to Kalimpong (Eastern Himalayas).

1949–1953 - his translation from Tibetan to English language books “Blue Debter” (“Blue Annals”) in 2 volumes.

1949–1957 - Works in Kalimpong, where he runs the Indo-Tibetan Seminary, and also runs Chinese and Tibetan language courses. He is a member of the Royal Asiatic Society of London and the Asiatic Society of Bengal.

1955, October 5– Elena Ivanovna Roerich, mother of Yu.N. Roerich, passed away.

1957 - returns to his homeland, to Moscow. Enrolled in the staff of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences as a senior researcher in the sector of the history of philosophy and religion of the department of India and Pakistan. Brings with him a significant part of the artistic and literary heritage of Nicholas Roerich. Paintings from this collection were donated to Yu.N. Roerich to the state.

Monument to Yu. N. Roerich at Novodevichy Cemetery, Moscow

1958, April 12- in Moscow, in the Exhibition Hall of the Union of Artists of the USSR, a personal exhibition of paintings by N.K. Roerich opens, the organization of which was achieved by Yu.N. Roerich.

1958 - awarded the academic degree of Doctor of Philology without defending a dissertation, based on the totality of published works. Appointed head of the sector of philosophy and history of religion. Visits Mongolia.

1959 - takes part in the organization and holding of the International Congress of Mongolian Philologists in Ulaanbaatar. Heads a group in the sector of philosophy and history of religion of the India and Pakistan department to compile a Tibetan-Russian-English dictionary with Sanskrit parallels. Resumes the publication of a series of scientific works and sources on Buddhist philosophy and culture “Bibliotheca Buddhica”.

1960, May 11- in Moscow, at the Museum fine arts them. A.S. Pushkin opens a personal exhibition of works by S.N. Roerich, in the organization of which Y.N. Roerich participated.

1960, May 21- died suddenly in Moscow. He was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery.


1. Yuri Nikolaevich Roerich. Biobibliographic index. International Center of the Roerichs, Moscow, 2002.

2. Yu.N. Roerich Letters, vols. 1, 2. M. 2002.

3. Materials from the website of the International Center of the Roerichs http://www.icr.su/rus/family/gnr/

Roerich Yuri Nikolaevich (1902 – 1960)

Yu.N. Roerich is one of the largest orientalists, linguists and encyclopedists of the twentieth century, whose name is known in many countries of the world. He was fluent in more than 30 European and Asian languages ​​and dialects, had a brilliant knowledge of the culture of the East, its religion and philosophy, and represented that synthetic direction of Oriental studies that Russia could rightfully be proud of.

Already at the age of 15, Yuri Roerich began studying Egyptology with the famous Egyptologist B.A. Turaev, as well as the Mongolian language and history of the Mongols with A.D. Rudnev.
The breadth of interests and diversity of talents of the young Roerich is evidenced by his paintings and graphic works, executed in school years and talking about Yuri’s artistic gift. After graduating from the Karl May Gymnasium, he entered the Indo-Iranian department of the School of Oriental Languages ​​at the University of London. His extraordinary ability for languages ​​was so significant that, as the best student in Sanskrit, he was introduced to the Secretary of State for Indian Affairs, who visited the university.

Yu.N. Roerich. In the castle. 1917 – 1918

In September 1920, Yuri Nikolaevich and his parents left for the USA. Here he entered Harvard University in the department of Indian philology, and then began studying the Pali language and Chinese language. His determination is amazing: at the age of 18, he is already a mature orientalist, who has his own topic and his own direction in science.

Yu.N. Roerich. Tibetan painting.
ICR publication, 2002

After graduating from Harvard University with a bachelor's and master's degree, Yuri Roerich continued his education in France, at the School of Oriental Languages ​​at the University of Paris. For a year he works at the Central Asian and Mongolian-Tibetan departments of this university and at the same time studies at the military and legal-economic departments. In 1923, Yu.N. Roerich graduated from the University of Paris and received a master's degree in Indian philology.
Already at the age of 21, Yuri Roerich began independent research work. From that moment on, all his further scientific activity will be imbued with high humanistic aspirations.
In 1923, the Roerich family came to India. Here begins the first stage of the Central Asian expedition organized by N.K. Roerich. After a short, but very intense and lengthy trip to India (December 1923), Yuri Nikolaevich and his family made small expeditions in 1924 to Sikkim - the country of snow giants and ancient monasteries - and Bhutan, in the Eastern Himalayas. The result of these travels was a brilliant monograph - “Tibetan Painting” (Paris, 1925). This treatise, completed by Yuri Roerich at the age of 23, is unique, since no other similar works were written either then or today. Decades later, a modern reissue of this study, carried out by the International Center of the Roerichs in 2002, was highly appreciated by the XIV Dalai Lama.

E.I. and Yu.N. Roerichs during
Central Asian expedition.
1927 – 1928

From 1925 to 1928 Yu.N. Roerich is a participant in the main stage of the Central Asian expedition. Yuri Nikolaevich, despite his young age, was entrusted with the responsibility for protecting the expedition. Here his knowledge of military affairs was fully useful. More than once the tactical skills and personal courage of Yuri Roerich saved the caravan. In addition, he served as a translator, having an excellent command of the Mongolian and Tibetan languages, as well as a number of Central Asian dialects. This made it possible to communicate with the local population and brought invaluable scientific benefits. It would not be an exaggeration to say that without Yuri Nikolaevich the solution to many of the tasks assigned to the Central Asian expedition would have been impossible.
The achievements of this unique expedition were reflected in the monograph by Yu.N. Roerich “On the Paths of Central Asia” (London, 1931), which immediately placed the young researcher among the pioneering scientists of Asia.
Yuri Nikolaevich described the discovery of menhirs, cromlechs and stone graves during the Central Asian expedition in Tibet in his work “Animal style among the nomads of Northern Tibet” (Prague, 1930), which was an event in world science. L.N. Gumilev wrote: “The work of Yuri Nikolaevich Roerich on the “animal style” in Tibet, which has long become a bibliographic rarity, is cited by all historians of Scythian and Sarmatian art as a work that made an era in science.”

Duck. "Animal style"
Bronze from the collection of the Roerich family

At the end of the expedition, the huge scientific material collected along the route was transferred to the Urusvati Institute of Himalayan Research, created in July 1928. As he writes in his work “Light morning star» the largest modern researcher of the life and work of the Roerich family L.V. Shaposhnikov, this material “was the first precious grain of that new science about which the Living Ethics wrote and the Teachers who stood high on the ladder of cosmic evolution spoke.” For more than 10 years, Yuri Nikolaevich Roerich was the permanent director of the Institute.
Defining the goals of the Institute, he wrote: “Comprehension of the main paths of human development is a step towards understanding one’s own personality. By turning to the past, we discover the present.<...>Hidden in the mountains is a forgotten civilization that preserves ancient wisdom and culture. It is here that science, which has reached a dead end, can find its renewal. Ancient wisdom is the key with which the archaeologist and naturalist unlock the secrets of the culture of the East.<…>The time is coming again when Eastern knowledge penetrates our lives and subjugates science.”

Yu.N. Roerich at the entrance to the institute
"Urusvati". 1930s

In 1934 – 1935 Yu.N. Roerich together with N.K. Roerich undertakes an expedition to Manchuria and Inner Mongolia, organized at the initiative of the US Department of Agriculture with the aim of collecting seeds of drought-resistant plants that prevent soil erosion and the spread of insect pests. In addition to purely scientific tasks, the expedition had a socio-cultural goal - the creation of agricultural cooperatives on the territory of Manchuria, and then Inner Mongolia, based on broad cooperation of peoples.
As an outstanding encyclopedist scientist Yu.N. Roerich was elected a member of the Royal Asiatic Society in London, the Asiatic Society of Bengal, the Paris Geographical Society, the American Archaeological and Ethnographic Society and many others.
Yuri Nikolaevich Roerich spent more than 35 years abroad and lived for a long time in India. But, despite this, he always remained a true patriot of his Motherland and never accepted foreign citizenship. When Nazi Germany attacked Soviet Union, Yuri Nikolaevich immediately sends a telegram to the Soviet embassy in London with a request to enlist him as a volunteer in the ranks of the Red Army, but is refused.

Yu.N. Roerich. History of the Middle
Asia. ICR publication, 2002.

In August 1957, Yu.N. Roerich returns from India to Moscow. This happened thanks to the personal intervention of N.S. Khrushchev, who met with Yuri Nikolaevich during his official visit to India. Only after this Yu.N. Roerich receives Soviet citizenship and permission to return to his homeland.
In Moscow, Yuri Roerich begins work at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences, heading the “Sector of Philosophy and History of Religion in India.” In less than three years spent in the Soviet Union (August 1957 - May 1960), he performs an incredibly large amount of work, comparable to a whole human life. Yuri Nikolaevich Roerich revived the scientific traditions of Russian oriental studies, created a domestic school of Tibetology, began teaching Sanskrit for the first time in the USSR, and laid the foundation for a new science - nomadistics (the study of nomadic tribes). During the short period of his activity in Moscow, Yu.N. Roerich prepared for publication a multi-volume Tibetan-Russian-English dictionary with Sanskrit parallels, a large number of articles and scientific works. On the initiative of Yuri Nikolaevich, work on the translation and publication of ancient philosophical and literary monuments of the East was resumed. He resumed the famous series “Biblioteca Buddhica”, founded by the outstanding Russian orientalist S.F. Oldenburg in 1897 and dedicated to Buddhist philosophy, religion and art, acting as the scientific editor of the book by A.I. Vostrikov “Tibetan Historical Literature” and the fundamental Buddhist treatise “Dhammapada” (a collection of sayings of the Buddha). This literary monument of ancient Indian philosophical thought was the most important stage in the study of Buddhism in our country.

Yu.N. Roerich. History of the Middle
Yu.N. Roerich. Moscow.
1958 – 1960

Of particular note is the fundamental scientific work of Yu.N., which remained in the manuscript for many years. Roerich's "History of Central Asia", which he worked on while still in India and which he planned, but did not have time to complete in his homeland. By the term “Central Asia,” Yuri Nikolaevich understood the vast space from the Caucasus to the Greater Khingan and from the Himalayas to Altai. This study represents a cultural and historical overview of the most important state and cultural entities in the vast territory of Eurasia. Currently, the International Center of the Roerichs has published 1 volume of this unique work.
Return of Yu.N. Roerich to Russia and the adoption of Soviet citizenship was a courageous and selfless step, given that for a long time the ruling circles of the USSR formed a distorted image of this outstanding family in the public consciousness.
It is to Yuri Nikolaevich Roerich that we owe the opportunity to become widely acquainted with the multifaceted creative heritage of his parents - Nikolai Konstantinovich and Elena Ivanovna Roerich. The parents' cherished dream of returning to their homeland never came true during their lifetime. This was done by the eldest son Yuri Roerich, who returned their good Name and great heritage to the Soviet Union. He brought back to his homeland part of his parents’ heritage: more than 500 of his father’s paintings, a huge library, and valuable items.
With the direct participation of Yu.N. Roerich, not only were the bans on everything connected with the names of the Roerichs lifted, but also numerous myths about their life and work were dispelled. From Yuri Nikolaevich Roerich, the people around him learned about the essence and main concept of the teaching of Living Ethics, or Agni Yoga. It was he who laid the foundation for the Roerich cultural movement in the USSR.
With the participation and help of Yuri Nikolaevich, the first exhibitions of paintings by N.K. were organized. Roerich: first in Moscow (April 1958), and then in Leningrad, Riga, Kyiv, Tbilisi and other cities.
For the first time at the government level, Yu.N. Roerich raised the question of creating a museum of N.K. in the country. Roerich. For these purposes, he donated about 350 paintings by his father to the Russian Museum, subject to their permanent exhibition; 60 paintings were donated to the Novosibirsk art gallery. However, during Yuri Nikolaevich’s lifetime, his dream was not destined to come true. The state did not create a permanent exhibition of paintings by N.K. Roerich at the Russian Museum. Most of these paintings never reached the viewer and to this day continue to gather dust in storage rooms.
And as a person, and as a scientist, and as a citizen of his country, Yuri Nikolaevich Roerich was an outstanding personality. According to Svyatoslav Nikolaevich Roerich: “Yuri Nikolaevich is an image of a true, inspired scientist-thinker, a man of the highest spiritual harmony. He understood perfectly well that the highest achievement of a person lies in the self-improvement of the individual, that only by constantly working on himself and developing in himself the qualities inherent in a person striving for a more perfect life, he could comprehensively enrich his specialty and raise it above the level of everyday life.”
Yuri Nikolaevich Roerich passed away on May 21, 1960 at the age of 58. His ashes were buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy cemetery. The author of the monument to the outstanding Russian scientist is S.N. Roerich.

Works of Yuri Roerich

Yuri Roerich was born on August 16, 1902 in the village of Okulovka, Novgorod region. Two years later the boy had a brother, Svyatoslav. Together with their younger brother, they felt like full members of the family; they were taken on trips early on, satisfying their curiosity and love of nature. The brothers began to draw early. As a child, Yuri's drawings attracted the attention of his elders and they even predicted his future as an artist. From 1912 to 1916, the guy studied in St. Petersburg, in a private gymnasium.

In 1918, sixteen-year-old Yuri went abroad with his parents. A year later he graduated from the Indo-Iranian department of the School of Oriental Languages ​​at the University of London, and in 1922 received a diploma from Harvard University in the United States of America with a bachelor's degree in Indian philology.

Further, in 1923, Roerich completed his education in Paris at the School of Oriental Languages ​​at the Sorbonne, where he received the title of Master of Indian Philology. Yuri Nikolaevich understood almost all the languages ​​of the world, and knew dozens of languages ​​perfectly. After this, the young scientist works at the Central Asian and Mongolian-Tibetan departments of the University of Paris, combining this with studies in the military and legal-economic departments.

From 1925, for three years, Yuri participated in the Central Asian expedition of Nicholas Roerich. He was responsible for the safety of the expedition, and his excellent knowledge of Tibetan, Mongolian and Hindi allowed him to easily communicate with the local population. The expedition made it possible to obtain rich material for scientific works. Soon Yuri went to India, where he stayed for almost thirty years.

Until 1942, Roerich was the director of the Institute of Himalayan Studies in Nagar. After returning to the USSR in 1957, he headed the sector of the history of religion and philosophy of the Institute of Asian Peoples of the USSR Academy. He created a number of works on the history of Tibet and Tibetan-Mongolian relations, ethnography, the material culture of the peoples of Central Asia, Tibetan historiography and linguistics, iconography, the epic about Geser Khan "Geseriad", Buddhist philosophy and religion. He translated the 15th century Tibetan historical work “The Blue Teptheir”.

Roerich is recognized by the international scientific community. He was a member of the Royal Asiatic Society in London, the Asiatic Society of Bengal, and the American Archaeological and Ethnographic Societies.

Orientalist Yuri Nikolaevich Roerich died on May 21, 1960 in Moscow. He was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery in the capital.

Works of Yuri Roerich

Roerich Yu. N. Tibetan language. - M.: Editorial URSS, 2001. - 136 p.
Tibetan-Russian-English dictionary with Sanskrit parallels. - Issue 1 - 11 / Ed. Y. Parfinovich and V. Dylykova. - M.: Science, 1983-1993. - (AS USSR. Institute of Oriental Studies).
Selected works / USSR Academy of Sciences. Institute of Asian Peoples. - M.: Nauka, 1967. (Text in English)
Roerich Yu. N. Tibetan painting / Translated from English. A. L. Barkova. - M.: MCR; Master Bank. - 2001.
Roerich Yu. N. History of Central Asia: In 3 volumes - Vol.1. - M.: MCR; Charitable Foundation named after. E. I. Roerich; Master Bank, 2004.
Roerich Yu. N. History of Central Asia: In 3 volumes - Vol.2. / ed. I. I. Neich. - M.: MCR, 2007.
Roerich Yu. N. To the study of Kalachakra; Paralokasiddhi. 1967
Roerich Yu. N. Along the paths of Central Asia / - Samara: Agni Publishing House, 1994.
Roerich Yu. N. Amazing biography of Chag Lotsawa, compiled by Juba Choidar (translation from Tibetan)
Roerich Yu. N. Alan squads in the era of the Mongols. From the magazine “Ossetia”, Paris, 1933, April - May - June.
Roerich Yu. N. Buddhism and the cultural unity of Asia - M.: MCR; Master Bank, 2002. (Collection of articles published on the centenary of the scientist’s birth)
Roerich Yu. N. Letters: In 2 volumes - T.1: 1919-1935 / Comp. N. G. Mikhailova, preface, approx. and decree T. O. Knizhnik, N. G. Mikhailova, trans. from English L. G. Lorkina, I. V. Orlovskaya and others - M.: MCR; Master Bank, 2002.
Roerich Yu. N. Letters: In 2 volumes - Vol.2: 1936-1960 / Comp. N. G. Mikhailova, preface, approx. and decree T. O. Knizhnik, N. G. Mikhailova, trans. from English L. G. Lorkina, I. V. Orlovskaya and others - M.: MCR; Master Bank, 2002.
Roerich Yu. N. Tibet and Central Asia: Articles. Lectures. Translations. - Samara, 1999.
Roerich Yu. N. Animal style among the nomads of Northern Tibet. - M.: MCR, 1992. - (Small Roerich Library). Scan copy of the first edition
Catalog of the Tibetan collection. 1930.
Journey to hidden Asia. 1931.
Roerich Yu. N. Possessions of the Arhats. 1929.
Roerich Yu. N. Modern Tibetan phonetics
Roerich G. N. Trails to Inmost Asia. Five Years of Exploration with the Roerichs" Central Asian Expedition. New Haven - London, 1931.
Roerich G. N. The Blue Annal. Calcutta, 1949,1953. Part I-II.
Roerich G. N. Le parler de l'Amdo. Etude d'un dialecte archaique du Tibet. Rome, 1958.

Works of Yuri Roerich

Yuri Roerich was born on August 16, 1902 in the village of Okulovka, Novgorod region. Two years later the boy had a brother, Svyatoslav. Together with their younger brother, they felt like full members of the family; they were taken on trips early on, satisfying their curiosity and love of nature. The brothers began to draw early. As a child, Yuri's drawings attracted the attention of his elders and they even predicted his future as an artist. From 1912 to 1916, the guy studied in St. Petersburg, in a private gymnasium.

In 1918, sixteen-year-old Yuri went abroad with his parents. A year later he graduated from the Indo-Iranian department of the School of Oriental Languages ​​at the University of London, and in 1922 received a diploma from Harvard University in the United States of America with a bachelor's degree in Indian philology.

Further, in 1923, Roerich completed his education in Paris at the School of Oriental Languages ​​at the Sorbonne, where he received the title of Master of Indian Philology. Yuri Nikolaevich understood almost all the languages ​​of the world, and knew dozens of languages ​​perfectly. After this, the young scientist works at the Central Asian and Mongolian-Tibetan departments of the University of Paris, combining this with studies in the military and legal-economic departments.

From 1925, for three years, Yuri participated in the Central Asian expedition of Nicholas Roerich. He was responsible for the safety of the expedition, and his excellent knowledge of Tibetan, Mongolian and Hindi allowed him to easily communicate with the local population. The expedition provided rich material for scientific work. Soon Yuri went to India, where he stayed for almost thirty years.

Until 1942, Roerich was the director of the Institute of Himalayan Studies in Nagar. After returning to the USSR in 1957, he headed the sector of the history of religion and philosophy of the Institute of Asian Peoples of the USSR Academy. He created a number of works on the history of Tibet and Tibetan-Mongolian relations, ethnography, the material culture of the peoples of Central Asia, Tibetan historiography and linguistics, iconography, the epic about Geser Khan "Geseriad", Buddhist philosophy and religion. He translated the 15th century Tibetan historical work “The Blue Teptheir”.

Roerich is recognized by the international scientific community. He was a member of the Royal Asiatic Society in London, the Asiatic Society of Bengal, and the American Archaeological and Ethnographic Societies.

Orientalist Yuri Nikolaevich Roerich died on May 21, 1960 in Moscow. He was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery in the capital.

Works of Yuri Roerich

Roerich Yu. N. Tibetan language. - M.: Editorial URSS, 2001. - 136 p.
Tibetan-Russian-English dictionary with Sanskrit parallels. - Issue 1 - 11 / Ed. Y. Parfinovich and V. Dylykova. - M.: Science, 1983-1993. - (AS USSR. Institute of Oriental Studies).
Selected works / USSR Academy of Sciences. Institute of Asian Peoples. - M.: Nauka, 1967. (Text in English)
Roerich Yu. N. Tibetan painting / Translated from English. A. L. Barkova. - M.: MCR; Master Bank. - 2001.
Roerich Yu. N. History of Central Asia: In 3 volumes - Vol.1. - M.: MCR; Charitable Foundation named after. E. I. Roerich; Master Bank, 2004.
Roerich Yu. N. History of Central Asia: In 3 volumes - Vol.2. / ed. I. I. Neich. - M.: MCR, 2007.
Roerich Yu. N. To the study of Kalachakra; Paralokasiddhi. 1967
Roerich Yu. N. Along the paths of Central Asia / - Samara: Agni Publishing House, 1994.
Roerich Yu. N. Amazing biography of Chag Lotsawa, compiled by Juba Choidar (translation from Tibetan)
Roerich Yu. N. Alan squads in the era of the Mongols. From the magazine “Ossetia”, Paris, 1933, April - May - June.
Roerich Yu. N. Buddhism and the cultural unity of Asia - M.: MCR; Master Bank, 2002. (Collection of articles published on the centenary of the scientist’s birth)
Roerich Yu. N. Letters: In 2 volumes - T.1: 1919-1935 / Comp. N. G. Mikhailova, preface, approx. and decree T. O. Knizhnik, N. G. Mikhailova, trans. from English L. G. Lorkina, I. V. Orlovskaya and others - M.: MCR; Master Bank, 2002.
Roerich Yu. N. Letters: In 2 volumes - Vol.2: 1936-1960 / Comp. N. G. Mikhailova, preface, approx. and decree T. O. Knizhnik, N. G. Mikhailova, trans. from English L. G. Lorkina, I. V. Orlovskaya and others - M.: MCR; Master Bank, 2002.
Roerich Yu. N. Tibet and Central Asia: Articles. Lectures. Translations. - Samara, 1999.
Roerich Yu. N. Animal style among the nomads of Northern Tibet. - M.: MCR, 1992. - (Small Roerich Library). Scan copy of the first edition
Catalog of the Tibetan collection. 1930.
Journey to hidden Asia. 1931.
Roerich Yu. N. Possessions of the Arhats. 1929.
Roerich Yu. N. Modern Tibetan phonetics
Roerich G. N. Trails to Inmost Asia. Five Years of Exploration with the Roerichs" Central Asian Expedition. New Haven - London, 1931.
Roerich G. N. The Blue Annal. Calcutta, 1949,1953. Part I-II.
Roerich G. N. Le parler de l'Amdo. Etude d'un dialecte archaique du Tibet. Rome, 1958.